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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know, y'all bag at all, suit looking back to back down, giving them more. Just like theming buck things in its y'all to be true. Good it stry listening to me together for Stu Barn Quick boy, why don't you joy? Yeah? Yeah, by joint being men say you got to turn. Hurry, don't you run? You you gotta turn to turn turn my lobby got the turn out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back, dad, Uh huh, I sure will. If your morning everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one it on. It's Steve Harvey man oh man. Got a radio show. Yeah, trying to make it work too. I'm not trying. I'm I'm I'm, I'm I'm getting it. I'm getting it done to the best of my abilities. Now. Something funny my father taught me. He says, son, when you've done all you can do, if you've done your absolute best and you look up and it didn't get the job done, take a deep breath and do some more. That used to bug me, man, when my father used to tell me, that's the son. When you've done your absolute best, and you think you kn' do no more. You've done all you can and it still don't get the job done. Take yourself a deep breath and do some more. And you know what I found that has worked every single time, every single time, because what my father knew was that what you think is your breaking point, or what you think is you're all at all? He says, son, it's just something about it. Man. If you just gather yourself, you got a little bit more. Everybody got some more. And you know, I gotta be honest with you, it has worked. It has helped me greatly. And um, you know if everybody does have some more. You know, I tell that to my sons all the time, that I did my best. Well the marriage to something else? Could you have done anything else? Could you have studied a little harder, could you have shown up a little bit earlier, could you stayed a little bit later? Yeah, well then okay that's what you should have done. Then. See, that's always a way. But if you're going to create excuses, if you're gonna make them up all the time about why you don't get it done, I have a very very sad uh statement for you, right Now you're never gonna get anything done. You're never gonna get to the top, not to the top. You can get halfway up, now, you can get a third of the way up, you can get three quarters of the way up. But if you don't have that little extra reserve in you, you're not getting to the top. The top is only reserved for those that have the wherewithal and the power to desire, the drive and the gut riching effort to get to the top. The top is reserved only for the top. It's just the top. The ain't but one top and the middle done it, ain't it? You know, the top, the top of the mountain. Everywhere it's a different view. At the top, things look different from up top. So if you want to get to the top of whatever your profession, your field, your career, whatever it is, you got to do extra. You have to do more. More is expected of you. More. But here's what's really crazy. More is required of you. Don't live your life in the lacks of daisical state. Don't wake up every day with the feeling of, well, you know, whatever happens happens now, man, have us say so in your life, you, first of all let me ask you something. Who has God named the person that? How that God has given authority over you? Named the person? Where is it in scripture? Where anywhere where? Show me anywhere where it says this person has the right over you, this person right here, this one right here. You have to do everything they say and what they say. Only show me that right there, Show me who they're talking about. Certainly, certainly I have not met that person. Now. My parents were great to me, and there was their job to offer me lead, leadership and guidance along along the way. But as I grew up, man, I had to go out here and get it on my you know, I had to go out here and get it on my own. But who is the person? Nobody has domain over you. God didn't create that person. So what you're sitting here for? Man? What are you sitting here for? Letting people who do not know direct your path? A lot of us get stopped because we were worried so much about what people think about us. Were worried too much about what people say about us. Why are you worried about all these people with what they got to say about you, and all these people with what they got to think about you when here's the news flash, they don't know either. All these people that you overly concerned about, all these people that you going to these answers for, they need answers to stop. What are you doing here? Gather yourself for a minute. Here is a solution to all of that. You have one source that will be there for you to the end of time, and that is your relationship with God. That is the one thing that's solid and for shure, he's behind the wall. He's in your jail cell. He rides with you in the police car. He's with you on your job up at to school. He's down there in the board meetings with you. He goes with you when you travel on planes. He sits with you when you're in a relationship. He helps you with your parenting skills. He helps you. He's there to assist you. He shows if you do the right things, he show you and guide you to your next job. When you lose your job and you think it's a wrap all, there's some good behind it. Man. God is always working on your behalf. To those that believe you, just gotta believe. He don't ask you for nothing else. Believe in me. That's all He asked you to do what you're tripping for. Man, and then when you make the decision to believe in him, and it comes out your mouth from time to time somewhere what you're worried about, what people say, What you're worried about, what they think for? Why who are they? They need God? To you? You? You? You're telling them you found something new that you're gonna give this a shot right here. Now. They got some yang ying yang and some yakety yact to say about that when they need God too. That's what amazes me, man about people sit up in here, man, be knocking your dream and stuff. Look, if you're an atheist, man, do your thing, do your thing. But you can't create no laws while I can't do mine. Don't make no sense, man, that makes no sense at all to me. You have the right to go be whatever you wanna be. You know if you don't, you don't like the fact that I'm in school. You got my head biled down and I'm saying a prayer for I take this test. Just don't buy your head, don't you pray? But if some kids want to get to go that that's some crazy mess. That's what happened in our schools. We took prayer out of schools. Now look at our schools, our schools. Man, you you you you you you? You send your child at school and and and someone else comes back home. That's a whole another thing right here. That that's not what I want to talk to you about. But I was just throwing it out because you know, hey, man, your relationship with God is essential to your success as a person. It's essential to your existence. It's essential to where you're trying to go and what you're trying to be. Because He made you. Why would you not talk to the person that made you to find out what he created you for. I ain't talking about your parents, who made your parents. This is God, we created in his image. Why would you not talk to your maker to see why you got made? That? That don't that don't make sense to you. If you're sitting and getting yourself in a situation, you're sitting in the jail cell somewhere, you locked up, you're doing some time, man, be a good time for you to reflect. But whatever your situation is, man, God can get you through it. He can give you the strength, the courage to wherewithal the understanding everything. You need the wisdom to get you through anything you're going through. You just got a touch base with him. I need God every single day of my life and what he's done for me. Man off the chain. But guess what, you'll do the same thing for you. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. You listened to the baddest morning showing the land. Man. It ain't a question. I ain't asking you your opinion. I just told you I stay in the fact. This the baddest morning show the world. Gonna listen to the other ones when you get through listening to him? Is it right here? Good morning Color, Good morning Steve Harvey, Happy Tuesday to the crew. Sirlett Strawberry. Hey, good morning Steve, Hello, Junior, Morning up, jarvied and Brown. You ain't gonna be over that long. You'll be back living the othermen. You ain't building alone. You'll be back over the food. Nephew, Tommy, rich, uncle in the building. Let's get it. It's too Yeah. Hey, let me just I've been, you know, working all day yesterday. So what the president do now? Ain't tweeting and eating? Yeah? Eating President, ain't he? Yeah, he's getting wider and wider. Man, he really had orange you. Oh goodness, Tommy, he is getting orange you mane you could get machine. No, that ain't Tenna machine. There's something else going on when it's an orange machine. I don't think he's getting strayed with orange. I'm gonna get some of that. Why, I don't know. I just just put it on Citrus machine. Did you look in real citrusy today? The President Citrus today? You tend to read up. Baby, you gotta drink on you just standing there. Well, that's who they want. I know. It's it's just a hard go Oh my god, just makes you miss Obama? So yeah, it really, boy, do we miss him? He's gonna Yeah. I think the Republicans missing yeah, oh yeah, yeah. At least we get ag because what they're doing right now, they're just trying to find a way to agree with this stuff. He do it and they know it's wrong. Yeah. Yeah, Sean Spicer just got it one day and just now I just can't go out here. I can't walk. I can't walk out here and tell another lie. It was good at it, man, I respect right guy. Man. He held company line, he would get mad though he didn't have the right temperament for the job. But that's day after day, surely going out there for thirty minutes with reporters. Know you laugh, you know everybody lasts sometimes, but every David day. But thirty minutes he had a rough job. Yeah he did, Yes, he did, and did get mad. You know, you get when you say what did I just say? What did I just say? Folks? And then they stopped airing them and you can just got the audio. You just got the audio from you know. Man all right, coming up at thirty two after the hour, we'll have something funny and it's time for Junior's truth be told of it. Oh I like it all right, and Jay's man on the street, Man on the you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Alright, something funny. Here we go, come on Junior Houston's own listen and this is absolute truth and truth about my life. Okay, listen. You know Steve started a little big shots over the weekend. Over the weekend, great show. Glad to be a part of it. Love it, hold not. But I met this young man named Tyler, six years old, put together hero packs for homeless veterans at six. At six, he gives them shaving cream, raisors, soaked water, deodorant, whole not six years old, delivers them in a cape like a hero. Yes, yes, now, truth be talk. I'm embarrassed by the children and our fans. I am told embarrassed by my nephew. I really have shape talking to this young man when he's doing We're nowhere close. My nephew told me the other day, when he grow up, he wanted to be a taco rapper. White world. What this fool said? Care? When I grow up? I want to wrap taco This is what he for a live fish. This boy is delivering packages to the homeless, and y'all ass want to be up there if rapping tacos said, that's what I want that. This tells you something right here, because here my behind is encouraging it, and he wants to be a taco rapper. You let it. You're not gonna kill his drinks. People dream about being different, though, but this boy is six delivering hero packages and I'm out here supporting the boy that want to be a taco route. You know what, that has never been a phrase. The greatest taco rapper in the world that that should be. But I'm embarrassed to know that is what he wanted to be when you grow up, not I've been a six year old who deliver a hero packages to the homeless vents. Yeah he got he got money earning potential, the little six. Ye, my nephew has money costing. I saw, I'll be taking care of this boy. I ain't never seen the salary of a taco but it came mere thing and you don't want no I'm giving them paper and stuff to let the rap store real fans. Boy, that was a second. That was good right there. Eight seconds. You're breaking your own record. Boy, this boy I he delivered, he wrote packages to the homeless fence and he up here telling I'm talking about with enthusiasm. I'm going to be a taco rap telling other people and I don't know. We here defending it now. We have to do better. And I a family and I mean that right now. All right, we move on over to Jade. Come on, man, the man on the streets. All right, man on the street, they're they're very serious. Everybody don't care what ratio, especially if you're black. We all got our own favorite white artists, and with Eminem in the in the news right now, right now, Eminem. Yeah, but like if you're going everybody in your music collection, you'll find some white artist who went over to Steve Harvey's show. I didn't talk to the people out down the street. And here's what we got. Hey, everybody, Jason Brown, Steve every Morning show. Who's your favorite white artist? Cold Play, Jessin timber Lake, j T too, Justin timberl. Alright, I'm gonna say Michael Jackson. You don't have to let the right, Katy Perry, I like Gwen Stefani. It's gotta be Stevie Wonder, Farrell Maxwell, Michael Jackson, Sam Smith, U, Stevie Ray, Von Taylor, Bonnie Ray, co play. Who is your favorite white musical artist? I like Seling, Diann the Rapper, Anthony Brown and said again, Stevie Wonder Ray, Charles, Jordan Fisher, Rihanna, like Shelton, Carrie Underwood. What white musical artists do you like? I don't not say Jessin timber Lay. All right, you find one yet, Franks bat Rayel, y'all have a good time. All right? See what I did when I went opener, I asked the black people what white artists like, and I like the white people what black artist? So you kind of mixed it up, and what's yours, sir? I like sting. I'm a fan. Yeah, hello, I'm Michael McDonald would be. That's me, my absolute all time favorite white artists. Yeah, Michael mckam mcdown. Even when he was good to Douey Brothers. Things will never be the same. What no one knows? What? No one knows? Too far? You're like, h John another song, Hey kid, listen alone. Man, it's kind of man and don I'm getting a man off it. Kind of man and a Manham. Now what he you gotta send mounted down the Mannaana? I mean, now we're gonna talk about there's no way we can forget feel copy. But I like Robbing Thick b yeah all day in Darrol King, oh Man, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No matter who you are, everybody that's a white artist, I got one for you. See Kenny Logging, Oh did you did you just crack me? Okay, all right, missus, It no mistake who you are. I got one way take you about Big bed Sarah smile's eye. I can feel you're watching in the night. You want to be all along with me and waiting the sunrise? May I have this dance? No, I have this dance, this dance? No, no one want I get up in this show. He called me Mr Coffee because that brand so fine. Oh yeah, come up next, it's the nephew. We've run that prank back. We'll hear from it. I mean him. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, we gott a welcome h Town again, second day Houston, brand new Famember Kiss FM. Thank you so much. Now coming up at the top of the hour, miss and will be here with today's national headlines. But right now it is time for the nephew and run that prank back. Come on there, I'm the only light blue camera in the parking right now you hit my car head is place? Hello, I'm trying to speak to a Delson. Do you live an apartment number seven eighth? That depends on who asking. My name is Hermann. I live in building three, Apartment one O five. Do you live an apartment number seventy eight? What you want with where I live? Look? Man, do you drive a camera toyo? The camera light blue? Yeah? All right, your next door neighbor then told me that you ran into my car. I gotta being as a black one a C two for the now, I got light blue scratches on my neighbor told you what your neighbor. Matter of fact, his name is Brian Cross, the little across the hall. What the cross? That little across the hall told you what? Man? Listen, all I know is he said he lived an apartment eight and he lived next door to you. You live in a supposedly apartment seven ages right here in court apartments. Now, all I'm saying is he told me your car is which is the light blue car hit my back into my car? And I ain't trying to create no problem, but somebody got to fix my car. And I got light blue scratches on my beds Uh. Last I checked my light blue clamming. Wasn't only light blue camera they made. Ma'am, you're the only light You're the only light blue car in the parking only light blue car parking lot. Right now, I ain't gonna say I've been the only light blue car in the damn parking lot. Man, I'm done. Look and I'm the miller watching. What can I do for you? What do you mean, what can you do for me? You didn't hit my cart? Touch your damn call. If you got some cameras out in this park lot that saw me hit your car. No, I don't have no cameras. But then I believe this conversation is over, and I don't give a damn what's across That man across the hall told you, look, let me tell you something. You didn't hit my car. Now you're gonna do whatever? Hold on? Hold on? Uh? Is you yelling at me? I'm not yelling at you, But you didn't hit my car. You don't only touch the only light blue car in the parking line, only light blue car in the parking lot. Now and as a matter of correct, my cal eat me in the parking lot. My supposed to bar my car, go to the stop. Well, is it possible that your sister is the one that hit my car? Now? Now? What? Okay? Is your sister when is she coming back? Maybe she hit my car? And then tell you she hit my car. She ain't hit your car. She can't hit your car cause she would have told me she hit your damn call. Look, Uh, I said, ain't nobody to hit your damn car? My car. Ain't got no damn scratches on it. They won't give up what kind of scratches you got on your car? But I can't do a damn thing about it. And even if you're dead, let me just be clear, I ain't got no insurance, no way, so I can't do nothing for you. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, let me tell you something. You ain't gotta tell me. You ain't gotta seeing me. Fine, and as far as I'm concerned, this conversation is over. Wait minute, let me ask you. Miss You act like I ain't got you about You had them scratches on your car all ready, and you ain't going to use me as no more an excuse to get you no new papers. I had no scratches already on my car. Yeah you had him? Oh yeah you had no I'm gonna tell him. An insurance is just if he come over here. No, because you're gonna be using your Sure it's not now read told you ain't got don't make me come over to your apartment. No. Seven, standing in the dough. I'm on my way to the dog now I'm standing in the door. Come out, Come on. Look, I got thirty five hundred dollars worth for scratches on my car that you need to pay for. You the only you're the only hundred dollars. So you're already doing better than me. What what? What? What? Look? I've already told you. I'm tired of talking to you. I'm watching TV and you ain't got still talking to me about I need to talk to you about this car. Lady. Listen, I got your call. My car ain't bumped up against your call. I ain't even talk next to No late it's a ben it's a ben C two for a break, Give a damn if it's a being seven seven and seven, I can't help you. They don't make a seven seven lady. Look, you know what? Can I say something to you? No, you can't say you know what you can say to me? You can say back. I just want to say one more thing to you, one more thing. I'm gonna give you one moment. Go ahead on all. I want to say this. Nephew Timming from the Steve Harvard Morning Show, your sister robbing out of d C. You put me off, make me you know what, I don't even have y'all show. I listened to the show on the internet. And this. Oh you wait to I talked to her. I hate Mr Dale. Listen before you go, Can you tell me what is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvard Morning Show. I'll right Thatphew, that's classic right there, that's that's yeah, yeah, that's prank collisions, right you know Colleon, Yes, sir, on my reminute, man, my kids? How you say? Oh, maybe there's a new line of noodles out. Guy named Raymond put together some nows, got his own nest. That's it. Raymond News got me through, commor got me through everybody. Yes, sir, read Buddy's sweet. They got a lot of salt in a lot of press up. I can't have none of that. What can you eat? Nothing? Because I just thought it with sugar. Honestly, I give you chips and cheese. It's all that. I could have killed you. He sorry. I went out sat in Parky like we got off the other day. JA the car shaking what what what do you mean? What he was? I had to grab him. Jay was in the truck shaking. It is something he had to take. But it sugarless. It's no sugar. Some sugar in it. Why did you have it. I didn't know it was that sweet. I had no idea I'm telling so this is a true story. Grab Jake. Oh my goodness, So you saved his life. He owed me, but he didn't. Wow. Well, I'm glad you you made it. Check. You're welcome. I think I was walking by. I started to go to the restaurant and you were like, nah, so you gotta take peals or a shot. I just take peals. I don't take the shot. Well, you don't like needles. No, Type ones are type two. It depends on what your Okay, shut up, Houston, just to let y'all know this is sick and you had h a diabeby if we call them sick and die and they go at it all the time, yeah, they doing to bring awareness, but it's it's in a crazy type one. Well we make you aware. Same. Well. You know, I sit here and I listen and I try to play the role. You know, being a leader at all, you got to allow others to explore their capacity. And that's what I'm doing. And I'm just letting you know. It's flow, it's going good, it's sounding good. I'm excited, all right, listen, coming up at the top of the hour, U MS Anne will be here with our national news. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Welcome to our Phillies and new family member Houston. All right, one oh four or five Kiss FM, straight out of Houston. Yeah, alright, Steve, here we go. The n r A opposes the bump stock bill. While the n r A may have indicated they were interested in an immediate review of federal regulations on bump stocks, the device which allows semi automatic rifles to function like fully automatic weapons, they are apparently not for congressional legislation that would ban their production. Following this month's devastating shooting in Las Vegas at a country music festival, UH in which the shooter used bump stocks that allowed him to kill fifty eight people and hurt over five hundred others, I mean, you know, God, what a horrible, horrible here's a deal. The n I, which is the largest contributor to politics, you know, one of the largest contributors to politics. They controlled the Republican Party with the Second Amendment and contributions to the Republican campaign. So when the massacre, the dreadful massacre and all Las Vegas first occurred, they came up and said, well, it wasn't really a semi automatic. Ques had a bump on it, and we're in support of banning these types of things. Well, because they were, everybody was on TV with it. Well, now the coverage of the massacre has died down and they write back to business as usual. They're against banning the sale and manufacturing of the bump stock which the guy used to kill all those innocent people in Las Vegas. So I mean, like I told you, as soon as it's over, they're going to they're going to go back to what they do because nothing matters more to them than money. Nobody's life is more important than the money they can make. Nobody they ain't raised either, it's just dollars. Well, when is it enough? Though, I don't know, is how many victims? How many people have to die for there to be some type of legislation exactly. This is the only time we really talk about it is when well I thought, like when that food went up there and shot all those uh political people playing baseball, I said, okay, not going because but I found out, No, they care more about money than them people too. So it's a shame it really is. You know, I mean, what do you do? Well, I mean, what do we do? We gotta keep fighting. But as long as they're pouring money into the Republican Party at the rate that they're pouring in, and they used the Second Amendment, but they're also using it to mask other things, other pieces of platform that they cause. Here's a funny thing, man, this whole conservative movement, which there are some really cool conservative people out there, and it's over. It's okay that to think conservatively. I'm I'm okay with the conservative viewpoint. It's just when you tell a liberal that they can't think liberal because you think conservative. That's why I have a problem. And you know, just because you're saying and see, here's the thing about conservatives that sickened me about the party. The things that they fight against immigration, we gotta stop immigration. All of them have illegal people working for them. All of them have companies that hire illegal people to save money, all of them. All of them. We are against welfare. There's more white people on welfare and black people. That's a fact. We are against gays rights and marriage. You're trying to tell me that there are no conservative gays. That's what that's what you want me to believe. That's what we're doing. So see the hypocrisy of a lot of what they're saying. It's it's troubling because they do it just to create this mask to hide the other agendas that they uh taxes and all this other stuff. It's all comes down the money and the money they get from the n I. It comes back down to that money than jentimen. She's here, our very own talented, our news anchor person that brings us the daylight of day. Thankies and gentlemen, please, thank you very much, everybody. This is answered with the news. All right, let's get it started. President Trump's pick for the drugs are for this country is the very legislator who made it harder for the fest to stop the flood of addictive opioids into communities all over the country. According to reports by both The Washington Post and Sixty Minutes of bill sponsorble last year by GOP Congressman Tom Marino of Pennsylvania and supported by the pharmaceutical industry, of course, helped drug companies pump even more pain killers into parts of the country that were already in the middle of the opioid crisis. The President was asked about his choice yesterday, as far as Tom Marino, so he was a very early supporter of mine, the great state of Pennsylvan and he's a great guy. I did see the report. We're gonna look into the report. We're gonna take it very seriously. Meanwhile, the New York Post quote one critic form of Drug Enforcement Administration official of Joseph Ronazizi as saying that the drug industry, wholesale is, distributis and chain drug stores have an influence of a Congress that has never been seen before. Meanwhile, the President went from tweeting on flattering things about GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell to standing next to him and claiming that their relationship is great. Relationship with this gentleman is outstanding, has been outstanding. And while Trump acknowledge that the Senate has so far failed to advance his agenda, he told reporters that he wants to convince former White House aide Steve Bannon to end his attacks against members of the Republican stabustion because, as he puts it, some GOP senators are great people. Well night, years after leaving his post in Afghanistan being captured by the Taliban and three and a half years after being freed in exchanged with five Taliban fighters. Army Sergeant bro Bro bo Bergdahl played guilty yesterday the charge his desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. Harvey Weinstein's brother says that their movie companies just received an infusion of cash from a private equity firm. That they're also in negotiations for the potential sale of either all or a significant part of the wine Stein studio. NFL owners meeting in New York City today to discuss the whole taking a knee situation. They no doubt be discussing the league's policy that currently suggests, but doesn't mandate, that players stand for the national anthem. A group of players is invited, but it doesn't include the man that shoulding vote include Colin Kaepernick. That's the man that should be meeting with. Finally, today's National Black Poetry Day and National Pasta Day. That's right, because you can't have it without meat Ball. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Warning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right. Steve introduced j J introduced the butcher fly. Can I tell you something today today I'm not gonna talk during his segment at all to see exactly what his segment may could be j Anthony Brown, but he likes for you to whoa do you know the butt U flop? Thank you so much. J Anthony Man. Good morning, Good one, he's sleeping. Tom he Shirtley called JR. M. Good morning. So I'm working on my personal idol of a M. You're gonna love this, the clear the Men's Cleopatra flip flop. The Cleopatra flip flop is gonna be um. It's the men's Cleopatra flip flop. You're gonna love with Junior. Anyway, it's it's it's a flip flop with the ribbons and it's the ribbons wrap around your your ankle. Yeah yeah, I called of the clear Cleopatra flip flop. It's not non glad, that's the Cleopatric flip flop. But anyway, they have studs on the ribbons. They have it's a slide here, yeah, very very slight here. You don't want to be low to the ground you wear this, But it's the Cleopatril fliphop you got. I'm getting something for everyone on the show. I would like for us. This is gonna help me in sale, definitely. Steve was a thirteen, so I've got something made just for him, and he could put his foot in there and wrap the ribbons up around. It's gonna be very very nice. You're gonna love it. It's this real manly. Does this look manly when you have these? But and you know Steven, Steve keeps his toes downe, so his foot is gonna look good. He's gonna really like it. Junior always gets manicures and pedicures, so Junior's gonna love it too. Now, Ja, you seem to have an ashet type of foot. I noticed that. I noticed you scratch. You scratch your ankles. I don't need mine with a toe in it. OK, So we're gonna have to all your feet before you put on the cliff. You're gonna have to do this. But nevertheless, this is gonna be they're gonna be going for. But you have to, um, you guys have to let me know what color ribbons you want, because I'm gonna stud up the ribbons and make it look really nice for you. Off clear Patrick flip flop and I think this would be a great, great item to put in stores. Sing it over here, better Christmas holidays? It? Did anybody get anything from this? They got? Did some flip flops from it? Anybody learned anything? Was it anything of value to the audience member? I'm making? Do you have the money to start shoe line? That's what I thought, I'm making one period of time? Why are you? Said? Why are you killing shoe dreams? Now? You're killing yesterday. I'm not fisting cry. I'm not gonna do it. I talked too my friends and he's you're not gonna You're not gonna steal my jars. You're gonna wear his damn shoes. Still, you're gonna wear them shoes. And yes, you are. You gonna take this picture? All right, butterfly, we have to cut out of here. Congratulations on your Patrick Gladiators shoes. We have to go. You're gonna get an answer behind the flip. Coming up Comedy Roulette with Jay Junior, Steve and the Nephew about thirty four after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, it's time for comedy Roulette, JA, So please set the segment up. But before we do Comedy Roulette going down tonight, jas By Comedy Club, five eighty one Westminchester Avenue, Los Angeles, California. My Girl Lou now on the will be Yours Julie j Anthony Brown and on October the thirty first Flame Hallou with blame Comedy Roulette. It's very simple. You guys test our comedy ability every damn day on this show. Give us five subject, put him on the wheel, been the wheel, wedge, stop, would do the damn thing. All right, here we go. Comedy Roulette, the topics. Number one, Your mama's show got a lot of uncles. Number too, you know why you didn't graduate. Number three, Just because I like to take a break. Don't mean I'm an alcoholic, Okay. Number four, you didn't quit. They fired your belind Okay, I didn't quit. They fired your mind. Number five, you ain't the only one going through something. Yeah, come on your mama, your mama, because she's strong. All right, Okay, it landed on. You didn't quit, they fired you. Damn you didn't quit that good age job. Don't nobody quit a job at the post off. They fired you. Saw police escort drive your ass. Don't nobody quit. What the police escort was fired from that job. What you got, junior, I'll tell you what. You know they got fired. When you hear a righteous speech, were righteous? They're gonna talk about you know that what I refused to do, my brother is I refused to work for the white man. I'm not gonna be in there now. You didn't quit. They fired you. When you show up at the job with your key card and it don't work, don't know, you just keep swiping it and swiping it. Yeah, I believe you got five. You're sitting down the Starbucks with your laptop open all damn day. You're on your fourth grand day. There's so many people that came in there, people that went to work and got off working. This you're talking about out and quit because you know, I'm trying to find myself at the Starbucks. Don't let me get something. When you use the phrase, see, I don't go over there money because they tripping over there, tripping. You know, they're tripping. They tripping over there, and they tripped on me, and then I'm tripped on the wrong person. They fired you. I'll tell you what. When you're walking the barbershop on a Wednesday, and see Curtis in there with a flip flops. You got flip flops on it on a windy dog. Dog? Why you ain't that work curtain? Why you're here? You're gonna come in here until sad dosie man, I was tripping over that I called they fired. Don't behind you when you get to work and everybody whispering and looking at you, come over there and just keep whispering there. Somebody just come back and say, man, it's gonna be all right. You didn't you didn't, you didn't got fired. You you're down after Why playing ball at all the lunchtime? Yeah? You ain't man, you ain't working man. They're racist racist dog racism has existed since we got here. It ain't just start on your job. Somebody don't like black people. Get out of here. When when you hit the phrase right here, why not check? You ain't down? You got fired? Oh manth we know big cardboard box on your desk. This is for you to pack up when you get out of here. Yes, thank you guys, Ya welcome coming up, nephew, tell me he's praying phone call. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. But first, come on with your prank phone call corporal punishment. What Yeah, we're trying to whoop these kids behind in school. Okay, it's time, it's time, it's time to take to do it again. Let's just whooping name behind school. You would get some act right on you. That's what hoping up act Right here? It is Hello, Hello him, um, trying to reach the Mr Cotton, Ms Gutkay, can you turn your radio or TV down? I can't really hear you. UM. My name is Mr Lanson. I'm actually the new principal here at middle school. And what's the name again, Mr Lanson? Mr Lanson? Okay, your your son? He attends middle school here? Am I correct? Okay? Good listen, UM, I'm the new principle here. We've just replaced the last principle and I'm actually calling around. What I've done is when I before I got here, I asked for a list of students that were you know, I'm not gonna say problem with kids, but you know that kind of get themselves in a little trouble here and there. And your son's name happens to be on the list. Yes, I got about I got about thirty five kids that are actually on this list, and your son is actually on the list. And you are Mr Cotton, correct, I am Mr Cotton. I mean are we are you show you speaking about my son though, um, yeah, I mean there's only there's only one on the list, sir, I'm it's it's it's what's been given to me. And what what I'm doing is calling around to all of the parents of the kids that are on this list and letting you guys know that I'm gonna be keeping a close eye on them as well as uh, letting you know that I'm gonna be reinstating corporal punishment here in the school. So so what's that. That's actually where if your son gets sent to the office, which is my office, then there will be paddling going on. And opposed to I don't believe in I don't believe in detention. I don't believe in suspension. I believe in, you know, if we spank these kids, we can get them back in order. So, sir, here's my thing. I really truly believe that we get back to to you know, and I don't mean, what I'm about to say to be harsh, but if we're getting back to beating, we'll get these kids back in order. I mean, but I know he had trouble in English, but I don't think that. No, no, no, this has nothing to do with great, sir. This has to do with punishment. And what I'm understanding is if your son is on my list, and if your son comes down to my office, I'm going to take care of it right then and there. If my son come to your offer, you're gonna be on my list. It's sir, I'm trying to get these kids back in order, and that's the reason why I've been brought in and I've replaced the last principle you understand. So what I need from you is to get a get a great understanding that if your child comes to my office, corporal punishment will be what he's going to deal with. Okay, I'll tell you what. Let my son come home and tell me he got some corporal punishment, and the next morning me and You're gonna do some corporal punishment. Sir, Do you want your child in order or do you want to be bill in his butt out of jail at the age of eight, gonna be biling me out of jail if you put your hands on my son. Okay, are you taking care of your son punishment wise at home? You need my son, don't get trouble. Okay, here's the problem. Parents not believing that their children get in any trouble. That's the first proble. I got email, I got phone called. So the first phone call, I get this going straight. It ain't no let us at home, ain't no email s at home saying day it's a problem. I don't, I don't. I don't, sir. I you know I'm gonna come down here. I'm gonna tell you once again, I am going to have send your son to detention. I'm not gonna call you. I'm gonna take care of my job. My job is to make sure I'm gonna take care of mine when you take care of your, I'm gonna take care of mine. And that's protect my son. And you put your hands on him, and we got a problem. We're gonna have a problem because nine times I'm telling you. Right now I'm calling you and giving you the warning. Your son will be dealt with, and you're gonna be dealt with. We'll be dealt with on a regular basis. If needs to be, You're gonna get there with a regular but you're gonna get tired of seeing me. Okay, sir, do I need to actually have corporal punishment with you? I'll tell you what when you do. When you bring the corporal punishment to me, you better had the police there because they're gonna need corporal punishment. They're gonna need whatever hell they're gonna need to to you. When I get down and you put your hands on my son, I know that all I'm you know what, maybe maybe maybe the swooping needs to start with you. It has a matter of fact. What time do you go to lunch? We can do this in front of capital and let all the kids see the principle corporal punishment. Sir sir, I'm not, I'm not. I don't. I don't fear you personal because I want you to stand in and take your like man. I don't want to chase your like. No little school, sir, Sir sir. The bottom line is corporal punishment is being in stated. Your son is gonna by by. You're gonna have to accept it, or maybe maybe you need to tell you what you said, you got thirty five names on your list, it better be thirty cut man. But not being on the corporal punishment list, I know that, sir. Listen, he's not on a corporal punishment list. He's on a list of kids of kids that act up from time to time. Don't act up. My son is a model stude. He had a little trouble with English, you know, because his mom a little slow. But that's my I did that. You know what I'm saying. You know what, Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to the child right now, you're talking to a grown man. And if you put your hands on my son, you're gonna see that I'm a grown man when I come down. Man, okay, I put my hands on my then I guess it's gonna be a lot of kicking circuit. It's gonna be something kicking and you line them up a system principle. Come man, if she got something to say, you're gonna watch your tone. You understand me, and you're gonna you're gonna take what I'm telling you. Man, I don't care what you're saying. Everybody's gonna bide. I put chains on the door. I make sure I'm Mr. Lanson and these kids are gonna bide by what I want, and so are the parents, and you, Mr Cotton, you're gonna have to toughen up and let me do my job. I'll tell you what. Then, you're gonna do what you got to do today. But when I get down there, better had a police. When I get there, I tell you who else I'm gonna have here. If you do that, I'm gonna have nephew timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, because that's who I am. Your co workers, Silver, You've got me to pray, phone call you. I'm gonna tell you what. I'm gonna break, like, get laid on that down at the job kids. Man, I'm looking for my talk. Hey, listen, I got one more thing to ask you. Mr. What's that man? What's the baddest radio show in the lane? Man? They do y'all think they should put the whoopings back in the school what y'all? Yeah? I do? Definitely, Yeah. Don't you don't know they can't because well, you took proud of schools and NaN's backwards. You take pay out of schools. You can't whoop kids. I't bring them both back. So we bring the proud back. We can bring the whooping back. Well, no, you still can't ever bring back the whipping. It's just too far gone political correctness. Want to I used to get swats in school. Yeah. I don't like people whooping kids and they ain't got kids. The teachers nowadays, anyone doing that difference, be quiet, Tommy. I heard you Green. I'm with you on that. I saw some teachers I was in love with. You didn't have a teacher had a crush on you know who was? It was the gym teacher, the male gym teacher. Yeah, because the female gym t Well call you. You had a prank on the teacher. Have you had crush on the teacher? Prank on a teacher on the teacher? Crush on the teacher? Yeah? He was the vice principal. Oh you big, big chill. I wanted to management. She was. I didn't go to wear from May she was it? All right, you gotta go. Coming up next, Today's Strawberry Letter, Plus Roger Goodell's wife is a ride or died chick. Wow, wait till you hear this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's Strawberry Letter is up next in It's a good one. But first let's talk about ride or Died Chicks. Okay. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell's wife, Jane Skinner Goodell her sketchy fake Twitter account has been exposed. The Wall Street Journal reports that Jane Skinner Goodell was defending her husband from criticism over his actions as NFL commissioner via an anonymous Twitter account, and Mrs Goodell has admitted to doing it. It was a really yeah, she's admitted it. Okay, she admitted it. Yes, fake, and I admit that is fake. Alright. It was a really silly thing to do, and done out of frustration and love, she said. Mrs Goodell said to The Wall Street Journal in a written statement, that's what she wrote, okay. Not surprisingly, though, Commissioner Goodell was said to be unaware of the account. What is he aware of? Okay? Well, at least she fools someone. No. I think I think that's really slick though, to me to do I think it's really slick. Yeah, man, you know she trying to defend her man, Yeah, you know, I wish man, I thought about doing it to defend my damn talking about doing it out of frustration and love right after the page and huh account man as a dude on the internet, all for you, Steve is me. That'll be a great idea. No, you know, because you know I'll tell you what I'm gonna do though, when I retire. When I get ready retired, I'm going on social media for two days straight, I think three three days straight. I'm gonna just take the last three days off and I'm gonna just sit there and respond. Really, yeah, for three straight days. You would take time out of your life to do that. Oh yeah, yeah, Yeah, It's gonna be so therapeutic for me. I'm gonna say whatever the hell I've been wanting to say, and then I'm gonna just check out. But Steve, you always say whatever you want to say. Nah, not like this though. No, I'm talking about I'm glad that some haters, people that ain't ever met me, that's been talking about me. Oh, I got some stuff I want to say to him. And this won't be a fake account. This would be my account, and I'm closing it after the third day. Oh you're going in, uh, your nephew encouraging you. Yeah, man, I'm gonna do it. Opening line let me on the air. Really, but I can get good temperate, Yeah, okay, let me see how I can open it. Yeah, all you blanket and quiet, nephew, I don't encourage him. Yeah, it's got on in Houston. Please stay too. But they need to know though, that they're going to find out. They're going to find out. Okay, this how I'm gonna open it. The last three days on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, snap Chat and anything else they social media. The last word is gonna be now you know, okay, now, okay, but I'm gonna open it with sugar honey. The last word now all in between we can't say on it also of afternon for Steve Harvey is talking. All right, Come on, nephew, let's get to this letter. Let's bugle love a whole long time. We got it for you. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, Tommy. Subject longing for my mother. Good morning, Steve Shirley, Tommy, Carla. I'm a twenty year old student in Greensboro, North Carolina. I'm twelve weeks pregnant and I'm really feeling lonely at this time. When I found out I was pregnant and told the father of the child. He informed me that he wanted nothing to do with this baby. I was hurt and still hurting because I thought I was the only one in his life at the time, and come to find out, as Boomerang would say, I was his option. That's not even my biggest concern. I never had a good relationship with my mother, and as a child, always wanted her and my father. My mother was u and I understand that she made some mistakes, but I took this time to try and reach out to her. When I told her I was pregnant, she called me a few weeks later and said that I should get an abortion because why do I want to have a baby by someone who doesn't even like me. I continue to try to talk to her and reach out to her because I need her support, not financially but emotionally. Last night was the final straw. I called her just to tell her how I was doing, and she did it again. She threw in my face how ignorant I have been and how I am throwing my life away. Stephen Shirley, I'm not a bad child. I have attended church and I'm trying to live the life, live life the Christian way, But I've made a few mistakes. I'm in school full time and work full time, and all I really want is my mother. I didn't have her growing up, but I really want her now. My question is how can I reach out to my mother and get her to just to talk to me without being negative to me? Or should I just give up and realize that I have to do this pregnancy alone. Longing for my mother? Yeah that that this isn't really sad, Yeah, this is really um dear longing from my mother. I mean, um, I'm not going to beat you up or judge you or anything like that, because from the tone of your letter, it does sound like you understand and you've accepted your choices. You know, I believe you when you say that you're trying to live right as a Christian and you've made a few mistakes. And and to that, I say, who hasn't you know? You're human. We all make mistakes, we all fall short. Sometimes. What I will do is try to explain to you maybe what your mom is going through. You said she got pregnant young, and she's probably when she sees you pregnant, thinking about how it was when she was pregnant and young. And she had a hard time. It sounds like, um, you know, maybe nobody showed her love during that time. Maybe the same thing happened to her. And as your daughter, she doesn't want you to go through the same thing she went through, so in her own way, she's looking out for you, even though you may not see it that way. But then again, some people don't know how to show love. So, um, you know, I know you want the love of your mom right now, but maybe, you know, try reaching out to someone else in your family, like your grandmother or maybe an aunt or or an older woman you know that can help you through this time, because, um, it may take quite a while for your mother to come around. It may take it, you know, up until the time you have your own baby. If then, but reach out to someone else, maybe an older person, like I say, in your family that can help you through this so you won't have to go through it alone. If you are a member of a church or something like that, you know, uh, there are people in there that can help you through this. So you know, this is a tough situation that you're in, but you can make it through. Many have and I just want to encourage you. Steve we'll be back with his answer. Of course, I know this is a tough one you're listening to. All right, Come on, Steve with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter Longing for My Mother. Good morning, Shirley, Steve tell me. I'm a twenty year old student in Greensboro, North Carolina. I'm twelve weeks pregnant. I'm really feeling lonely at this time. When I found out I was pregnant and told the father of the child, he informed me that he wanted nothing to do with this baby. I was hurting, still hurting because I thought I was the only one in his life at the time, and come to find out, as Boomerang would say, I was his option. That's not even my biggest concern. I never had a good relationship with my mother, and as a child, always wanted her and my father. My mother was young, and I understand that she made some mistakes, but I took this time to try to reach out to her. When I told I was pregnant. She called me a few weeks later and said that I should get an abortion, because why do I want to have a baby by someone who doesn't even like me. I continued to try to talk to her and reach out to her, but because I need her support, not financially but emotionally. Last night was a final straw. I called her just to tell her how I was doing it. She did it again. She threw in my face how ignorant I've been and how I'm throwing my life away. Stephen Shirley, I'm not a bad child. I have I attend church and I'm trying to live life to Christian way. But I made a few mistakes. I'm in school full time and work full time, and all I really want is my mother. I didn't have her growing up, but I really want her now. My question is how can I reach out to my mother and get her to just talk to me without being negative to me? Or should I just give up and realized that I have to do this pregnancy a long longing for my mother. Uh, young lady, I only answer I have for you is proud. I really don't know what else to say, because I don't know how to make a parent be a parent. Uh. If you've never had a while you were growing up, but you're reaching out to it, this could be an opportunity. Um, But it looks like it's gonna take a little bit more effort on your part to get her to understand. Uh. I think you should stop talking to her over the phone, though. I think this has to be a face to face. Women have a very different relationship than boys and fathers, very very different. Uh. It's hard for me to explain it, but it's it's just very very different. And you all say things to your mothers that we could never say to our fathers on and vice versa. But I really don't know how to guide you on this, and except to say you have to pray about it, but I do think that you need a face to face with your mom um. And this is an opportunity for your mother to take to stop a cycle of pain that's been happening. Like Shirley said, it could be because she had you at a young age. She know how devastating it was in her life and the misery that has called her because obviously you all weren't close, she doesn't want you to go through the same thing, but she's going about it obviously the wrong way of trying to get you to understand that. That's why I think a face to face is necessary. Exidered down and explained to her that you've always wanted her and that you need her now, you need her understanding, her support. Uh, that's everybody needs that in their life. You know different, So um pray about it. Surely made the best suggestions. Surely can answer this letter far better than I can. I'm just gonna be real with you. As far as the boy goes, this is the only part that I know anything about. As far as the boy goes, the little trifling dog dude that you know who you told you want to pregnant, he informed you that he wanted nothing to do with this baby. Well, that statement can easily be made. But if you're having this baby, he will have something to do with the baby, whether he wants to or not. They're gonna attach this child support to him once it's proven. And then guess what he gonna have to send this check? Regardless, he better not get a job nowhere. See, that's the sad part of it, all these guys that we make these that women make these mistakes with without knowing anything about the true character of a person. I was strongly suggest to young girls before you lay down with a boy. And I do call them boys because that's just what he's acting like. Right now, before you lay down with this boy, make sure that you know exactly who he is. And the only way to know a person that you've got to go through some things with him. And if you ever been with him long enough to go through any ups and especially the downs. Uh see, it's it's it's how a person reacts in difficult times that shows you the true character and measure of a man. It is not in moments of comfort and convenience, but only in moments of turmoil and strife can you know the true measure of men. Then, and only then can you know if you have a man or not. It is when things have gone wrong, not when it's gone right. Now, something it's going wrong. And now you found out this is a boy. But please do if you decide to have a please uh take him to court, swing him in, get him some DNA done. It proves out that he's the father. Whenever he does get out of that college and gets a job. And no matter how long it takes him to get a job, you can get your money retroactive. But you're not doing this for money though, And your problem isn't the boy right now, Your problem is your mother. So I didn't just gave you maybe a lesson too late, But you're gonna meet another boy after this one and next time. You have to take all these experiences what you call the mistakes, keep living a Christian life and just know that you'll be fine. Everybody makes mistakes. You're not the first person. You're not the only single mother out there. Uh. You will make it and God will help you make it. And the kid that you're gonna have that it looks like you're gonna have it could be the next great person you don't know, and it could be just your calling to birth this person into this world. Steve, you know, we gotta get out of here. Email us or instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at my Girl Shirley, and please don't forget this Thursday, it's Facebook Live with the Strawberry Letter Live after show. Okay, one thirty pm Eastern time. Please join me. We have a lot of fun. We'll talk about today's letter and uh the fresh pick of the week, and we'll do trending topics. Okay, so join me now. No, Steve, I have a relationship question to ask you, and you know you are an expert in this field. Yes, you are all right. Here we go. When a man says to a woman, let's be friends. Now, when a man says it to a woman, because women say it to man a lot. But when a man says it to a woman, what does that mean? What? What does he really? He will sleep with you, but expect nothing else. I'm old boy, come on here, but I will keep with you today, but don't expect anything else, because I don't want anything else from you. Okay. Now, when a woman says it to a man, let's be friends, that means I'm not sleeping with you, quitter asking me please, don't make me hurt you? Really, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show. Jay is here with another one of his crazy segments. This one's called mean things you can say to kids. You nobody fit to do that. I didn't you ain't never done it. No, I can't do that. I'm fl go. I'm hosting a little big shots. Shut up. There's that because I didn't care for you. You don't want none of this. I mean, I'm not gonna y'all do it. Go ahead, I ain't got nothing to do with just you let me on this. I'm which these are mean things. He's not hurtful things. I would never hurt a child. I don't think about saying me. It's just just I'm not going to just cause physical harm to the little person. Just tough love. But if you do some of these things, just just to see that look on their face, especially if they're really small, act like they're invisible and you can't see him. You go the way I go. Hear me. Look, hey, hey, Billy, hear me, Billy, where are you hear me? Reilly? Where you go? Hear me? Stupid damn it, you'll see me. Oh, I got it so much fun. Take him to take him to the park, put him on Merry go round spin. It is fashion. I'm talking about. What is it? Just kicking and st high speed when Ney's go stop that stop really good. Everybody get in the car. We're going to McDonald We're going to have me and keep driving passing d They can sit there right. Oh we can't go to that one, right, We're going to another one down the street. We're going a little funning down the street. This this Thanksgiving. When Thanksgiving come? When you want this? By five years old and whisper in his ear. That ain't your dad. They just never told you. Right before, he said at the little table, Oh that's so fun. Don't want to eat. I'll tell you what I've done this. Tell a kid go hide in the cloth and when they get in that lean on the let out. It's not bodily harm. You would never got to go right here, right before they're going to sleep. Hey, this is what I heard. Now. I'm just telling you that so you can sleep comfortable. I just want you to be comfortable in the night. But I'm giving you this information. You gotta say it like that. The bogyman this next door, I'm sure he's coming to this all night. Sleep tight. Don't let him get you. I got a good one. Go ahead, you go home with a dog least right and the dog least you said, I bought your buddy, but he got away right away. I don't know I had him. Just as we pulled up. He jumped that time ran away. Okay, here go one. Put him on that swing said and swing them as hi scary. You know it's bad when you drew the line a little while ago. Now, boy, I got a little one is right here. Take them to the ice cream store. Let them get with it. Three scoops is always good. Yeah, jog Manila and I won't growberry And just as day walk in, bump them so and fall on the ground and see the little faith and I'm online of money. We can't go back. We can't go back, man this if I'll tell you what, Jake, if you got a six or seven, I don't even know why I got in, but I'm in them. You gotta when they have breatha makes some peking. Well, put hots off under the sirup. You won't believe the look. And they not a lot because you don't want to hurt it. But when they feel like when they pick out that serup is not sweet? Just okay, here here on de simber de simber first, huh, Sit them down and say, listen, Santa ain't coming this year because we ain't paid to be Russia. Rush. I got one to go out with it. Tell them the TV completely all and tell them hartoons ain't coming on today. They don't have them no more. We can't get TV, don't even get cartoons no more. I'm sorry. I wish we could, wish we could, something happened, but we can't get can't get number of football, said Steve. We'll be we'll be watching little big shots though. Will none of this in my hands? All right? Listen, coming up to the top of the hour, Hip hop star Gucci Main's wedding is tonight b ET. We'll talk about our weddings as well. You're listening to the Steven Show. Well. Hip hop rapper Gucci Main's big wedding to his fiance Kesha or She's Beautiful will be tonight on b ET. That's according now. According to TMZ, their wedding invitation listen like one of his old grills, and we're sure his wedding will be an over the top event. Each invite is a mirror inspired booklet adorned with Swarsky crystals inside. I love that. Wow. Wow, each were a million? What each four thousand dollars? A mere thousand dollars? What? Yeah, yeah, thousand dollars. Wow. The guests, I hope they stayed together. That's all they could afford. J The guest lists plus one round. This is an impressive guest list. Drake, Rihanna, The Weekend, Selena Gomez, Farrell Diddy, Rick Ross, Monica, Trina The Amigoes and Solange, wasn't it? Wow? Well they were all invited. That's nice. A thousand dollars atation. Well, I don't know if they are sp Pete or not, but they that's the guess, that's who they are expecting to come. Wow, Rihanna at your wedding? Oh my god. M alright, So here's a question for the crew. Was getting married? Now? It's Gucci Main rapper Gucci Main, you know him, Gucci Maine and his fiance Kisha Or It's gonna be on BT tonight, Steve. It's a big thing you have to getting married in Miami. If I'm not mistaken, what's the question? Mine? Anc So what's your question? Okay? I just wanted to ask you guys. Was there something you had to cut out of your wedding because you couldn't afford it? Well? I could have cut out one of my wives, a nice but not Lavid and with a wedding the bride. Yeah, and not the bride. I've been that. I thought you were. You're in love on your wedding day though, right know your wedding not gonna work. When your daughter says you, Dad, you ain't got to do this. We can just leave right now and go have a party. He sold. What's along have you been married? Jake? I think about seven years? Seven years all together of one all together? Did you know that? I just I'm not get your boy seven? Maybe we can help you. What is it about you've been just? Oh, it's the part where the marriage, the part where they go do you take this woman? Some like I want to leave right now, just that part, just that part. Okay, I'm nothing. I flop you who make it work? Yeah? Steve, and you second one? I'm making this one. Yeah, this is my second one. But Ja, I knew you when you were That's what I want to hear. Come on, Steve, the real what's what's wrong with them? It's nothing wrong, It's just Jay don't like it when it gets rough. That knows, the courtship, the newness. But when it turns into the work pot. You can't disappoint him. But a couple of times about your vows Jack until death do us part? That it's a hard one and that's vowels crazy. So your original question, Shirley was was there something we had to cut out our wedding? Yeah? Budget wise? Well yeah, I mean this is for us. Obviously Steve didn't have to do that, but we'll ask him anyway, just for giggles and kicks, and yeah, anything you had to cut out of your wedding, Steve budget wise added, yeah, you're talking about it in my former Yeah, yeah, and yeah and any well in this one, let's just say that in this one, Okay, you asked me the question your most recently. Was there anything you had to cut out because you couldn't afford it? Let's just say that him. I told just for giggles, kiggles kicks and giggles, Mr kiggles Kicks. Now we paid everything that would you have wanted anything more or do it differently or anything like that? That's perfect good small intimate out of the country, I mean out of town. You know, we so could nobody flying We just man, we heard you all over here. Yeah none of that. Alright, nephew, what about you? I was good. I did everything she wanted. I did everything. I ain't missing nothing. I will tell the truth that I got a vest made that didn't fit me. All my grooms and right, we all looked like we had on some little boys best la. It was true. The worst thing in the world them. We couldn't even win. What Steve? What you saying? He did have one little boy did not? Still too small? Dang, I told you to just get it with the size and not with the tea in front of them. So, Steve, let me ask you this way, if there is anything you could do differently when it comes to your wedding, what would that have been? Be quiet? All right, more of this crazy show? After this jam? Silence. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Boy Scouts of America. I don't know if you guys heard about this last week the girls uh says girls will soon be allowed to become Cub Scouts and to earn the coveted rank of Eagle Scout, the organization's highest honor. Uh. So what does this mean? Starting next year, young girls will be able to join Cub Scout units known as Den's No dent, will, however, remain single gender, all boys or all girls. I didn't quite get this. Quite frankly, they did because they have girl Scouts. I really didn't understand at all. I didn't get it. You had jeans and me I take a child down. Men know you're not gonna get me all this stuff, sprang a shirt home and throw it at man. I'm getting the shirt, I got the belt, I had to have a little sash around your neck stops, I got huge, got the little whistle the way you know that you ain't joining the service, guer going in army just the shirt. You know how embarrassed they clowned. You know everybody that the little outfits on out there with just the damn shirt and not jeans cut off because the boy scouts worth shorts and needs the same genes. I had to go swimming here. I'm sorry you had a good boy. Oh so where were you saying, Steve? You didn't understand it? No, I don't don't get it. I don't know why we have to have girls in the Cub Scouts when they have girl scouts. Are there any boys that's gonna get to sign up to be girls? I don't understand. I mean, you know we're going too far now. You got girls scouts, you got cub Scouts, that's what it is. I mean, I don't get it. What's wrong with that? Yeah? I don't understand this at all. I'm not sending my little girl down there to being no damn boy Scouts. I can promise you that, Well, the Girl Scouts aren't happy about this, and they do see it as a move to try to make money. The need for female leadership, they say, has never been clearer or more urgent than it is today, and only Girl Scouts has the expertise to give girls and young women the tools they need for success. That's what the organization said in a statement. So I think it has a lot to do Steve with Trump going to the Boy Scouts and just insulting the Boy Scouts, and this might be a way to kind of bring everybody together, maybe allowing the girls to be in it. Because man, the Girl Scouts are absolutely correct. It takes women to raise girls into women. There's too much that men don't know about being a woman. It's just too much. But who wants to put their little girl down there with all them damn boys. Got kidding? My little girl ain't going camping with no damn body. Yeah, I mean, I was a Scout and it was a wonderful experience. You know, I'll never forget it that it taught me how to do community service, give back. We sold cookies, we made friends, we camp and singing songs it was. It was st least I'd have had a dress. I wish I had brown, a dress color. I don't want to think about all right. Coming up next, the n r A opposes the bump stock bill. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Welcome to our affiliate and new family member, Houston. Alright, one oh four or five Kiss FM, straight out of Houston. Yeah, alright, Steve, here we go. The n r A opposes the bump stock bill. While the n r A may have indicated they were interested in an immediate review of federal regulations on bump stocks, the device which allows semi automatic rifles to function like fully automatic weapons, they are apparently not for congressional legislation that would ban their production. Following this month's devastating shooting in Las Vegas at a country music festival, UH in which the shooter used bump stocks that allowed him to kill fifty eight people and hurt over five hundred others. I mean, you know, God, what a horrible, horrible here's a deal. The n I, which is the largest contributor to politics, you know, one of the largest contributors to politics. They controlled the Republican Party with the Second Amendment and contributions to the Republican campaign. So when the massacre, the dreadful massacre in all Las Vegas first occurred, they came up and said, well, there wasn't really a similar automatic had a bump on it, and we're in support of banning these types of things. Well, because they were, everybody was on TV with it. Well, now the coverage of the massacre has died down and they write back to business as usual there against banning the sale and manufacturing of the bump stock which the guy used to kill all those innocent people in Las Vegas. So, I mean, like I told you, as soon as it's over, they're going to they're going to go back to what they do because nothing matters more to them than money. Nobody's life is more important than the money they can make. Nobody they ain't raised either, it's just dollars. But when is it enough? Though, I don't know, is it how many victims? How many people have to die for there to be some type of legislation. But as long as they're pouring money into the Republican Party at the rate that they're pouring it in, and they used the Second Amendment, But they're also using it to mask other things, other pieces of platform that they cause. It's a funny thing, man, this whole conservative movement, which there are some really cool conservative people out there, and it's over. It's okay that to think conservative. I'm I'm okay with the conservative viewpoint. It's just when you tell a liberal that they can't think liberal because you think conservative. That's why I have a problem. And you know, just because you're saying and see, here's the thing about conservatives that sickened me about the party. The things that they fight against. Immigration, we gotta stop immigration. All of them have illegal people working for them. All of them have companies that hire illegal people to save money, all of them. All of them. We are against welfare. There's more white people on welfare and black people. That's a fact. We are against gays rights and marriage. You're trying to tell me that there are no conservative gay that's what That's what you want me to believe. That's what we're doing. So see the hypocrisy of a lot of what they're saying. It's it's troubling because they do it just to create this mask to hide the other agendas that they got. Taxes, and all this other stuff. It's all comes down the money and the money they get from the n I. It comes back down to that money. Man, you're listening to show. All right, here we are just one more thing, our last break of the day. Uh wow, President Trump fails to honor the flag. Did you hear about that? I didn't hear about this. While President Trump had no problem criticizing the NFL players, we all know how hard he went in on them for what he says in their dishonoring of the flag by taking a knee in protest during the national anthem, apparently it's perfectly okay for him to show disrespect for the same flag. Trump is being criticized for not only standing, for not only not standing, but for talking during a military flag ceremony. The President was being interviewed by Sean Hannity one of your favorite people, Steve at the Air National Guard Hanger in Middletown, Pennsylvania, early last week. It was last week when a retreat and to the Colors were played, which are played during raising and lowering of the American flag and UH signal the end of the duty day and pays respects to the national flag, to the nation's flag. It's tradition for both service members and civilians to pay their respects to the flag during the ceremony, with military members required to stop and salute, while civilians are expected to put their hands over their heart. But Trump apparently had no idea about the tradition because not only did he stand for the flag, he kept on with his interview as the music played hypocritical huh. Yeah, but it's not a surprise though. It's the same dude didn't know he was president Virgin Islands. It's the same dude that West didn't know he was president. You know, he was president of US version. He said he met him, met the president of you and what to do? Say, Jay, fool you are the president? He did you think he was talking to He thought he met the president. He didn't. He don't know that the Virgin Islands part of the United States. But no one thinks to brief him. But they, I guess they don't know. He He did that too. He won't listen. Don't tell him, that's true. I can't tell him anything. You can't tell him nothing. Yeah, I'm sure they tried. Seventy years old and he won't. Yeah. Any rich yeah, and the White House Chief of Staff. He just said last week that he can't control. Oh my god. When you watch John Kelly in the back just putting his hand at the u N, he was like he was doing venezuela. He he got to be taking stomach medicine. And there were rumors last week that he was going to quit John Kelly, but then he held the press conference and said, no, I'm not going to quit. And as far as I know, I'm not getting fired. But he's close. Yeah, And why you need a press conference to say that all the names he's called people, the word morun is really getting to him. Yeah, that's really the president secretary of State and he hadn't said that. He challenged whatever to an i Q and he said he knew who would win, and meaning himself, we know too, Yeah, but the president meant he would win. Donald Trump would win. We're like the other day he said people are working for their furniture. He meant to say for their future. Was he reading? He was reading and didn't stop the acknowledge. He said people are working for their furniture. That's true, but you know that's true, especially if you got something from render. Come on, all the phone calls. They come. Good. Oh god, that is the most embarrassing. Come and get it. They come, and they're bringing real quick. But they come and get it. They get it faster than they bring you crazy. They call you a tear. Did you forget your payment was due? Hello? Did you forget two o'clock day? There? Four hours later he president said, you're working for this furniture. We're out. Use that as a conversion. So you're excited about tonight? Oh tonight, it's going down tonight at the Jay Spot anyone in Westminchester Avenue, Los Angeles, California. My girl, little Neils, your tickets left. She's very funny, funny. There's tooling nails. You know, there's a little now and then now what's the difference? Opening club? You'll see little Night next week yearly, and then the week after that. We got the Halloween Okay, you can say it, Jay, the Halloween party with flame on the appreciation that yours tru Okay, So all right, you're really not used. I'm not used to that. I'm thinking Steve gonna say shut up because I'm looking right at him. I don't know what I'm interesting man, And all that yaking like you're under the gun. I'm like, I'm nervous because we didn't get the trail. We didn't get the talk over the head. So okay, one more time, Jay spot tonight, Jay spot Tonight, Lull shut up, Jay, I'm used to that. Shut up Jan. This guy to get out of here. You'll have a great weekend. Who say looking forward to a ship For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.