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Y'all know what time. If y'all don't know, y'all bag at all sung looking back to back down, giving them more, just like theming buck bus things. And it's tough, y'all to be true. Good to tea the horty guy listening to me together for stupid Barley, I don't join yeah, ya join me into period with me. Honey, sat down, turn ye you you you gotta turn to turn the turn you love it got to turn out to turn water wanter go come come on your backdat uh good on, and everybody y'are listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harley got a radio show yesterday. I started up talking about my personal journey, and I want to remind you that I'm not saying this to say, hey, look at me. I think I'm more saying it to say, hey, here's what happened to me along the way of making decisions in my way, and then what happened when I made a transformation. It's not so much that I made a transformation as it was that I made a decision to start just you know, being being a little bit closer to my creator and having some conversations with him. And that's how it starts. It starts with some conversations with God. It starts with opening up to your creator and saying, hey, listen, my bad, I'm tripping. I've been doing it this way for so long, and it ain't really really got me to where I want to be. I know, to some people on the outside, I appeared to be successful, But I got news for you, man, Success ain't nothing man, when you ain't happy, and the appearances of successes is can be quite uh delusional at best. You know, Prince has a song out there says I realized in his best disguise, a pretty house don't make a home. That's one of my favorite lines in one of his songs, says, I realized, in its best disguise, at a pretty house, don't make a home. And uh, you know, I may have had the appearances of a pretty house, but what no home? Man? It ain't. It ain't where you wanted to live, And it wasn't where you wanted to pull up to and reside. It really wasn't. It was. It was some misery. So the transformation started, y'all when I made a decision and I was saying to people who have been fans of mine, has followed my career or kept up with me, or whether you knew, two thousand five began a very life changing time for me. It started a little bit before that, but I was still in in in some some misery. But in two thousand five my life began to make a drastic change. And that change occurred, like I've been saying, when I made a conscious decision to start having more conversations with God. And I'm just trying to share with everybody how basic and simple that was for me, that to talk to God a little bit more, to admit that I've wronged, that I made a couple of bad plays, and I was asking for forgiveness, and forgiveness wasn't a big a big part of it for me, because in asking God for forgiveness of my transgressions and my missteps and my sins and flaws and all of that, and asking him for forgiveness, it freed me up from the guilt of like, Okay, so now got well you know, I mean what people are gonna say now, you know, man, if you start talking to God a little bit more, how you how your close friends gonna feel? Well? I found out a lot of people wasn't close friends, and that I found out that a lot of people was around me just for the ride. I still got a few hanging on to me just like that. But you know, it is what it is, you know, um. But I found out a a lot of things, mostly about myself, that I needed these conversations with God, that I needed this relationship with him because it was calming me on the inside. It was starting to make the house feel like a home. It was starting to give me a peace of mind. And when you have peace of mind, what it allows, what it does is it opens up your creativity. It opened up your channel to be creative. And when your person, as myself, that's a creative person, that that that's that's everything. But it's no different than of a person works well with his hands. When you get free in peace of mind, you can work do even better work with your hands. If you counsel better, you become a better counsel. If you're better teacher, you become a better teacher. If you if if you're a better uh E E M E M T person, if you're a better tech person, you become a better a better driver, You become a just a better person when your mind is free. When your mind is occupied with toxic poisons, it stops you from being the best that you can be at whatever you're trying to be good at. It really really does you think about it. You can't be the best artist if your mind is twisted up. You can't be the best performer. If your mind is twisted up, you can't be the best ball player. If your mind is twisted up. When you free your mind, when you allow your mind to find out what peace really is, and that's the relationship with God, it gives you peace of mind. I told you the other yesterday, I was talking to this guy in the jim that told me he was a stone cold hut. Now we all know what that means. So I'm listening to the guy who's just real, honest with me, said Mr Harvey. Seemed like a man with some knowledge under your belt. Man, I just don't have no peace. Well, bro, come on, man, you're involved in the business that don't provide peace. You're in the destruction business of people. You may be making some money, but it's act the expense of other people. Now what you want to happen to you you reap what you sold, you know, doing to others that you would have them do unto you. If you ain't bringing no good to nobody's life, but you're making some money, well, how how much good do you think that money gonna bring to your life? You know, man, it's it's gonna happen for you if you don't get out the game. You know, man, it's it's gonna go down bad for you. I can't fix that story up for nobody because it's a it's a story that's told too many times, and it and and it has the same end results. But I told him, the only way you're gonna get a peace of mind, bro, is you gotta have relationship with God. That's all. That's all. Now, here's what happened at I started having this conversation with God. If you followed what was happening to me closely after two from two thousand five too. Now it's almost unexplainable. And that's why I know it's God, because usually when something happens in my life of the positive nature that goes so well for me, and and I cannot explain it, that's God. Because I can't even take credit for this. I really really can't. Once again, listen to me closely. I'm not bragging now, I'm just telling you what happened to me. That the same thing he's done for me he can do for you are the things he's done for others he will surely do for you. See, when I see people as balling, that that's doing well. And when I say balling, I mean achieving their goals and accomplishing things on a rather large scale. I don't become a hater. I become a wow. Okay, so that's that's possible to see. I look at people who who are doing well, not for hate or I wish that was me. It's that shows me the possibilities the power of God. You know, if God can do this for somebody else, man, maybe if I do this, I gotta Now. I'm not complaining why I'm at, not one bit or at all. And if you don't give me no more, please understand. I can make it like this. But I know it's more. I know it's more because God don't bring you this far to leave you. God didn't bring me this far this leave you. He won't bring you that. He hasn't gotten you to this point to leave you. He has more for you. See, this ain't about me. This is so you can see what's in it for you. God has more for you if you open yourself to him. But if you don't open yourself up to him, how you're gonna find out what that is? And if you're waking up every day, like I've said a hundred times, with the notion in your mind, that has got to be more to life than this, that's because it is. So. Now I'm asking you, why would you not take the next next step to see what that is? Why would you not get closer to God? Why would you not have a relationship with your creator? How's that working for you? Not having the relations your shoe. I'm just saying, Man, God change your life. Man, God move you in places Man, you never knew you could be moved. God cold, What you're waiting on sitting that tripping is your career? Is your life? You're just gonna plame to the left. I mean, I don't know, man, I don't know. Man, Man, I ain't like I did as soon as I heard it either. So I feel you out there. But Man, if somebody came to me and showed me a way I could turn my life around, and it wasn't going the way I wanted. I take it. That took me a long time to hear the message too, So maybe it's taking you a long time to hear that. I feel you. I'm the same with you. But Man, when I figured that out, this show got better for me. Man, and I am what I am because of God Almighty. I have no other explanation for you. If it was, I wish I could take credit for it. Man. You know the book I would write if I could take credit for myself. Man, that's probably why your arm don't reach you all the way back there when you're trying to pat yourself on the back, because you ain't supposed to. You ever thought about that? All right, you're listening with all our visitors, please saying please, you want to welcome y'all to ignorance, foolery, straight up stupidity, all at one time wrapped into one. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, You're welcome once, you're welcome twice. You're welcome to the house of foolery. And we're gonna also now welcome the players of the foolery. What these are the straight players? The straight players. Shirley Strawberry and call A Ferrell. Hey, good morning, good morning, good morning. I'm so excited today we're gonna be a TV fo good morning. There ain't going to fools everybody, right on, right on, right on. You've got to call a name fools, just stuff right only you guys decided. I'm so excited, I go watch. I don't know why come from? I'll never watched? What? Hold up? What? Why are you not gonna watch? I just I never do nervous You tell me I don't like. I don't like much if I did like, I've never seen Drumma. Yeah, you never started. I won't watch it. The movie that you were too critical of myself. It wasn't it wasn't he wasn't getting No Austin, don't do it, says the man ain't enough. I know I always come. I'm gonna be to day. Yeah. Mr Brow just shut up. I've never watched. It was kind of saying Jay like you was up there with Yeah, he said and turned his head. Never watched watch that's my fences. You don't watch about work. You didn't even recruit it was no Eddie Murphy and dream Girl. I can't I can't watch watch. I wish you, but I can't. I can't see myself. I can't watch myself. This is a TV show. We're gonna be yes show today. I mean, why did I say that? That's so crazy? That's so crazy. I will be front and center. I will be fun center. I don't know what that means about myself? What am I saying? Year? We know you watch, but then send out tweets and Instagram post did you save me? Now? I'm having a few people over for a viewing party. Get arrested and say, you know I'm gonna be on TV today. I'm gonna be on the news today. Arrogant boy coming there, come in, call us. We're doing the party together. Watch myself? Excuse me? Deavel and Sydney Potier. All right, coming up? Something funny? Junior is up with? Truth be telling? Junior. I understand you wrote a poem. I'm feeling myself about us moving to a Yeah, I'm spitting a float. You're listening to the Stry Morning Show. All right, something funny, truth be told? And then Junior is home for us? Interesting right here? Yeah? Yeah, okay, let me just say this because I'm sicking tired of people do this. You know, people were talking about what they're gonna do. What I'm gonna do, I bet not. I wish day would, but that should be truthful. You ain't gonna do this because they just brought my truck yesterday. I've been waiting since Friday and getting my trick. You should have heard all the stuff I said I was going to say when my truck get hit, dave back now I sent up his threatened people. I'm just lying to myself. I didn't do none of that. When my truck showed up, the slave I turned into my truck showed up. Thank you so much, sir. I shall appreciate you. Man. Y'all had a good drive out here. Lord have mercy. I lied. I lied to myself say nothing. I just say none of the stuff I said I was gonna say, shade the me true. I didn't do none of that. The dude on the phone call, he said he was an hour out and he said, I will bring your truck. He said, I just want you to know, Mrs Spaces, we accept tips. Do you know I tipped him, gave him a hundred dollars. I couldnot believe the man that stuff I said, he should have heard me. My truck supposed to be here last Friday. It showed up yesterday. Yeah, and they had my truck. I don't know. I know right then, let's just stop saying what we go say. I never say. We're gonna say now, I ain't got my furnie. You should have heard what I said. When it get here, I'll be so grateful again to another runaway slave. Jay. I sit on here threatening myself. I mean, I was in the mirror practice God. I was gonna say, and you've been there when you so and so spin with it, don't take that loan to get from Georgia all the way I hit in l A. Have you been riding in my truck? What y'all was doing? I said, all that? So does? He called and showed up. I said, thank you, sir, I appreciate you. Y'all hungry? I brought the bottles of water. Talk. That's all it is. Even after they never uttered one cuss word happened. I was. I told me I went down there with bottled water for them. I said, look, I'm gonna go here to the grocer show. Y'all want something to eat? They got really good chicken wings right over here. If you just let me go in there, get tip. I should have the light, I said in the bar, well, I got a tip for you. Be on time. Use that when right in my pocket. Build off the see. Gave it right to it. I just want to know. Let's just stop saying what we gonna Yeah, let's just just stop that that's true. Be told. That's the absolutely truth. Quit talking like we big in band. Nothing you ain't gonna do ye srending people, I said, I couldn't believe me. I was in the mirror four hours down a lot of trash. We won't cut that mirror. I gave it to the mirror. Like I'm telling you, I tell you what else I did? JA tell me tell you what else? I didn't. I told three other people I was gonna say when my trunk showed up. There were three people I ain't even know, I think didn't say nothing to the touch drive. No, they didn't look a little thing. So I did. That's bad all the way back, put my own self down. No, that's just the truth. That alright, Yeah, that's good. And part two, you have you wrote a poem about your move. I did I tell you something y'all gonna start respecting me as an artists of poetry because I'm telling y'all serious about hey, hey man, I take a lot of time to put these words together and make it flo. Okay, don't and don't please on y'all. This is laugh Yeah, I'm finished biting, but don't. Don't y'all mess with me about this. I'm serious. Come on, come on, here we go. Don't tell us what to do. Truth, all right, let me get it out, yeah, let me get it up day. You need your mirror, Okay, Okay, here we go. Okay, we're not gonna laugh. So Steve is moving the show to l A. And yes, the crew is here, even Eugene, So move over all your white ass morning shows because my monkey is back on the scene. You might see us at Rosco's getting something to eat, or you might see us getting a sun tan down on Venice Beach. Now Snoop Dog lives in l A and we all might just drop by. So don't expect us at work the next day because we might be iff and hat. I'm not snapping my fingers, get you, guys. I wish we had more time back from the nephew is coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne is going to be here with today's national headlines. Then we want to talk about Black China's appearance on Good Morning America. What a day she had yesterday. But right now it is time for the nephew to step up to the mic. We run that prank back? What you got running back? Parasites? Got them something y'all got him? Parasites? Here you go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Brian. Brian, Hey, Brian, this was Dr Jacob. Are you doing today? Yeah, yeah, I'm I'm here. Okay, listen. You actually came in, uh maybe like two and a half weeks ago here to my office and got a physical for life insurance. Yeah yeah, yeah, right right yeah, everything okay, well, yeah, yeah, everything, It's gonna be pretty good. I'd like to see if I can get you to come in and I you know, everything's gonna be fine, but I got a small procedure we'd like to do. So actually, uh, you know, right now, you're not a proof for your life insurance to do until this procedure is done. So if you don't mind coming in. We we'd like to get you taken care of. When can I schedule you to come in like maybe tomorrow or the following day? Yeah? What what kind of procedure? Well, actually, I don't know if you've heard of it. This is an okayoster me? No, I got something? What does what's that? So it's something do with you? Wasn't that I'm doing my eyes? I ain't heard what's that? No? No, okayoster me has nothing to do with the eyes, No, nothing at all. We found a little bit of parasites in a particular area, and what we want to do is make sure we just remove it completely and you'll be fine. You'll get your life insurance, You're and your family will be great. So can I get you to come in tomorrow? Maybe Thursday afternoon? And wine? What? What? What area I found the parasites in? Actually one of your testicles has some parasite. So what we're gonna do with what what's called a okayoster me and okay asking me, is actually removing that testicle completely and then everything's gonna be fine. It's all confined and we'll be able to remove it. You'll be on your way you'll get your life insurance and everything will be fine. Okay, Like I said, can I get can I? Can I get you to come in tomorrow? What? What? What my testical? Well? Only one? Only one, and it's not gonna take along. It's a thirty minute procedure. But we want to get you to come in tomorrow or the next day. Can we get you to what the are you available? I didn't want it for the routine food sir. You know what, oftentimes when people come in for life insurance, these type of things happen. So we want to get you in and get it out as quickly as possible. And now, man, I'm I'm waing for a routine physical. Man. I weren't supposed to be checking off this extra stuff. Man, I get a parasite? Man and my testical? You don't remove a testical? Man, I'm tint me and my wife May I no kids. They were trying to be like I gotta move a testicle. Let me say this to you, Brian, You're gonna be completely fine. You'll be able to create children. You'll be a little normal life. You know, you'll just be um. You won't have all of them, but you have enough to create children. You understand, No, I mean I can't. No, I ain't gonna no, I can't come in for that, sir. Is there any way I can get you in the marrow or the morrow afternoon or Thursday afternoon so we can kind of get this thing taken care of and we can get to moving on your way, and that people can get the life insurance papers together and so forth. No, man, man, we ain't rescheduling now. I need a second or third opinion on that. And you're talking about taking away one of my We ain't rescheduling nothing. Man. I'm gonna need to see another doctor, man, Sir, Sir, you can go around the entire city and see several doctors. I'm going to tell you you're just gonna be wasting time. I'm gonna try to knock this thing out for you knocking up. I ain't agree. I ain't agree to nothing. Listen, man, that's just joined this to get money medicine because nothing, man, I need to take a third openI Brian. I'll tell you if you come in and let me get this thing taken care of, you know, I'll have you back, you know, big ball and shot calling before it's all over. You know what's big ball? Men? Should I call it? Man? I told you, man, I ain't ain't going in for none of that. Man, I'm supposed to tell my wife. Man this this ain't cool. Man, I ain't going in for that. Man. I'm hiding it. Man, what do you mean you're rescheduling? Sir? What I'm getting I'm getting another opinion. I ain't going in for the okay, but I'm trying to make you a big baller, shot caller. You know, man, what what is your name? And he supposed to do for you? Making a little jokes man that you're doing a little play on words, but it ain't even funny. And I'm calling the insurance funny telling they give me doctor. You think you're funny. Hey, he ain't funny man. You're you're making a little joke. Man, ain't funny? Man taking a pain? Man, I'm forgetting all of the work that we got, the blood work, the yearine word complete physical that's when we didn't realize that you had parasites in a particular area. So what we're trying, I'm not I don't even trying to make a light of make humor. And it just to make you feel a little bit more comfortable. I apologize, all right. That ain't funny, man. You want losing though. That ain't funny. Man. If I had a situation and nursing would have told me that you ain't telling me nothing. Man. You had me thinking I'm all doing. Now he's telling me, I gotta come in to move a testico. Man. We have to run tests on you, sir. We got test back when you do have the parasites, and what we want to do is make sure we can completely cleared out. The only way I can clear that out is to remove that testicle. Man, it's the man. I gotta tar sites man, may y'all here running on his tests on me. Man, I'm going to another doctor, man, because it's man. I ain't got no tar, sayes Man. Already tellt youat something. Y'all remind me, I gotta remove that's that's something you over here. And he don't I know you doctor. Man. I ain't got a hair, says man. I'm following my hand shade. I'm telling him I'm dealing with you. Thank you, Man. I ain't got no parasites, man, Bryan, let me make you understand something clearly. Here. It's my job as a physician that if the patient doesn't come to me, it's my job to come to you and extract the problem. You're leaning towards me having to come to your home and extract the problem. Man, when you want to come home, how man? You what you wanted with the house natal test is? Man? You do you talk that I'm going from nothing dot, I'm getting another chance and I ain't got as sir. You've got the parasite, and you only have twenty four hours for me to get sir. I have to move on this quickly. Brian. Okay, dude, I'm not gonna tell I ain't gonna like this. I ain't got It's not something that's transmitted. It doesn't come from another another human being. It just develops in one out of every three or four million people. You actually have it, Brian, I gotta extract it from you. You try to tell me, I'm the man, you know I'm gonna come like parasite. Fine, there's something else that you have and I haven't told you about. There's something else I need to tell you. I got something I got passed out of way. What Brian? You just got pranked? You just got pranked by nephew Tommy from the Steve Harley Warren and Show. Your wife, Anika got me the plank phone. Call you, Tommy, Tommy, I want to hear that. I'll be what you want to hear at the end of the friend, I'll be. That's what you want, boy, that's what you won't, baby, you won't. Ignorance at its best. That's what I'm here to produce. Ignorance at its best. And I'm bringing it to your Delaware everybody in Philadelphia, Delaware and everybody around the way. Southern Fried Comedy is coming your way July twenty second, Saturday Night. You do not want to miss it. It's Southern Fried. Yeah, I'm dead. And then July twenty and twenty nine, Huntsville, Alabama, Stand Up Live Comedy Club. The Nephew gonna be in that actin atkin a Dog Gone Food. There's a c K K I n G actin a dog one food. Right, that's a good one time acting. How y'all feeling everybody good? I tell you you're feeling great. Today We're gonna be on What TV Today, Steve Harvey's daytime TV talk show for the first time ever, he's invited the entire crew, that is, all of us to join him on stage today, So it's gonna be exciting of course. Um Sydney Potier and a Dandelier fun Harry Bellate, Haliberry, Haliberty, funte I prefer well anyway, they won't be able to watch themselves somehow, Jay and Tommy won't be able to watch TV today. Me, on the other hand, Carl and I will be hosting, will be hosting a viewing party. Nervous too, truth, look at you. I don't know, just watching myself. I don't like watching myself. Yeah, I think I don't think I look good. I think I look fat all that I've been looking all more flows That's true. Tommy, you don't agree with me, But we love you anyway, We love you anywhere, and I've been on so many things. I can't watch serious Steve. He doesn't watch himself. A lot a lot of Hollywood actors and actresses say they can't watch themselves. Right up there with them, alright, coming up, Please watch us today. We appreciate check your local listings for Steve Show. Actually watch us today. Yeah, Miss sand is coming up with our national news we're gonna talk more about this Black China and Rob Kardashian appearance on Good Morning America. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, miss and is standing by with today's headline. But speaking of headlines, boy, this was a big one yesterday and it continues to be big Black China versus Rob Kardashian thing. It's really gootting out of control now. It just it looks like it's not gonna end. It's continuing to heat up. This was an appearance on Good Morning America yesterday. Black China was on there. She said that she was devastated when she saw the sexually explicit images that Rob had posted of her on Instagram and Twitter. Black China denies using Rob Kardashian. Uh, she just denies using him. Take a listen, here we go. Rob has said that you used the Kardashians, you used him for fame and fortune. Your response, um, I was already Black China before the Kardashians. So where do you draw the line, Because you do expose a lot of your life some some my new pictures. I'm gonna draw the line of I am angela white I'm black, China. I can do whatever I want. It's my body. Any explicit photos that she may have chosen to post in the past, that's her choice. This is like saying that a woman can't be raped if she previously chose to have sex with someone. Wow, it's real deep, Lisa Blome, I mean, well, okay, yeah, that's her. Yeah. She went on to say that they're pleased. This is Lisa Bloom now again her attorney speaking. She said that they're pleased at the judge granted them a restraining order and all they asked for in court was to prevent Rob from harassing China. Lisa Bloom stated that revenge porn, which is what they're calling what Rob did putting these sexually explicit pictures on the internet, it's revenge porn and it's a form of domestic abuse. That's why she made that comparison. Jay. It's also a crime in California. This is a crime now, it's in California, and it's in thirty eight other states. She says, this is wrong, this is wrong what he did. So the drama is far from over. Um. Wow, it's just getting deeper and deeper and just going just going good ways here, that's going yeah yeah legal legal, Yeah, he legen he broke the law and so he did. Yeah, and the judge granted her the restraining straining order yesterday. So, um, it's just not gonna work out for you if you get a Kardashian period. This is true. Not one Bush is a curse. Yeah. I think they're they're going on with this Kardashian curse. That's curse with the the k right end up cursing hard hard, I mean, yeah, come on hard. Well he left, That's why he would have never got that head to stay. If he was still with it, he'd got two point right. It has not worked out with his going bar And somebody said the name Kardashian run Reggie Bush was made. He was aging five point eight yard would point eight. He barely crossing the light of scrimmage. Just ain't in the league no more. No. Kanye ran into a sign just walk, I'll just walking, and he produced it. Became a fashion designer, like, seriously, all right, let's switch gears. I think we get the point here, guys, I think we get a good Uh. She is here, the talented, the one and only, the beautiful. She has national news missing and Tripp. Thank you, Tommy, Thanks everybody. Okay, okay, I'm telling you, oh speaking to messages. The White House is responding to reports that last year Donald Trump Junior met with a Russian lawyer connected with the Kremlin who said she had damaging information on Hillary Clinton, but White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders says that the president's eldest son did nothing wrong in meeting with the attorney shortly after his father won the Republican presidential nomination, because a meeting does not mean that there was any collusion between the Trump campaign in Moscow. I've been on several campaigns and people call offering information. Uh As I know many of you received similar calls of people offering information. Don Junior took a very short meeting from which there was absolutely no follow up. Of course, you she was referring to the press that she was speaking to. Donald Junior has acknowledged the meeting. He's offering to talk with the Senate committee investigating the alleged Russian interference in the election, while he doesn't have to offer because they want him to talk now. The New York Times first report of the meeting, describing it as the first confirmed private meeting between members of the Trump campaign and a Russian national. Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union has filed suit against the Special Election Commissions set up by President Trump, seeking information on every registered voter in the country. You know, right after he won the election, he claimed that the three million extra votes that Hilly Clinton got were fraudulent in some way. The a c l U says the panel is failing to follow transparency rules. The suit comes amid a flood of states opposed to complying with the new election Commission's request for voting records and social Security numbers, and all that at least forty five states has so far refused to do it. A black American tourist has been beaten to death in Greece. Auth already say that twenty two year old college grad Bcari Henderson was in a bar on the island of Zach Coast with friends when a man approached him and started a fight. The bartender told him to get out once outside, they say, but car was jumped by at least ten men and pummeled to death. A Greek Serbian. Six other men under arrest, but Cary was in Greece filming a photo shoot for his new line of clothing. He just graduated with a degree in business finance. Get out the record player, Sony says his announcings coming out with new vinyl records again because apparently there's a demand for vinyl. And today is National Slurpy Day, National Bulberry muffin Day, and National Pet Photo Day. Come on, okay, Sluffy, wait, hold on out. Do you look so cute? My darling? Who is that dog? Anyway, We'll be back with Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hours. They tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, j everybody, everybody, it is time a butterfly. Yeah, do it again and I gotta love it. Good morning everyone, it will be I'm Carla Shirley Jr. Timmy and the One and Only Jay Anthony Brad Flutter Butterfly, a lot of flatter. Listen, this is what going out today. We're going to learn a little bit about our coworkers that we don't know. That's what I wanted to go around around. Yeah a ready, Okay, your job in high school call it your first pizza in. Alright, girl, I like pizza Jr. Global video. What is there? It's just a video Stone video still videos. Okay, surely. What was your job in high school? I didn't have a job in high school. That's what I expected, exactly what I had a job in high school? You didn't have a job. What was your first job? How it work? Well, let's see, probably about I don't know, twenties, twa. Yeah, I don't know what the job? Yeah? Alright, oh seriously, very seriously, cafeteria worker? Are you kidding me? Mashed potatoes go home? Left over mashed potatoes, go home, family, ain't good that night. Got a good job, timmy? What was your job? I worked at the I worked at the gap. I worked at the gap in. Yeah, he needed jobs, your guys. You had to take that. You had to have money to take your girls out, right. So here's another one. Here's another one. Childhood crash, Carla? You mean celebrity now, girl? Oh what just a childhood crash? You had a crash on somebody when he was here, I'll just do named Barry, Barry, Shirley, okay, Shirley, Um I had well, I'll tell you true. Yeah without a job. Yeah, I didn't have a job. They had or um. Okay. There was this one boy named uh Mitchell Hood. It was another name Ricky Butler. And there was another one named Walter Davis. Yeah, I said two. That was three. The third one was a bonus junior real fan joy who name was Joey Joey. Okay, Anthony Band, Ms Green sixth grade teacher Lord, I wanted us, I still wanted you think, Miss Green? Still here? All right? Coming up? Thank you, Butterfly. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, it's Comedy Rulette with Jay, Tommy and Junior waiting you here this year you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. It's time for a new segment on the show. It's called comedy Roulette and Jay, what is comedy Roulettelet is very simple? You guys have challenged us ever since we've been here. Are you that good? So here's what we don't do. Okay, We'll let you pick five subjects, put them on the roulette wheel, spin the wheel wherever it stops. We're just what bust the flow pre started on that subject? Really? Okay? Okay, alright, subject. Alright, alright, number one, guys, listen, people who owe you money. That's a good topic. Here's another one. Here's another one. How about the first day of school? How about that one? Okay, um, let me get something really, Okay, I got one. We made our own toys. Okay, okay, we made our own toys. Okay. Four. Four. Let's bring it back to today. Talk about these rappers today. Alright, comedians, comedians. All right, how about this one. This one makes me laugh for all right, here's the fifth one. Watermelon, waterlow. We don't know what wheel? Alright, cat, spend the wheel? Cat please. We're all so good, so good this week. Let's say let's say, okay, alright, come on, come on board, melon, we made our own toys first, all right, come on jay, getting a day back in the day to have fun, all you had to do was take up in the soda can bottle, push your foot down in it, have that soda can go around your foot and walk and make that scraping noise. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was that was That was a toy. That was a toy that we made. That manse chis today. Man, these kids today, they spoil. They have no imagination. I got the best toy for what you got. What you got, what you got. Take a big rock, the one that will fitting in your hand. Wrap that thing with duct tape, yes, and play with that for two hours. That right there, Just just kick that to your boy. He's gonna kick it back to you, back to you. That's how you play me. Tell you something, man, tell you right now, cheers a sport. They got no imagination something. I was a superman, okay. I took a towe to a town a regular tower, wrapped it around my neck and dove off the sofas on to the floor, killing myself. I can top that. I can top that. Had a window fan, the wind, the fan would just be sitting there. You'll take your lips and close to the window fan, and you possibly can without get your lips. Oh my god, two hour hours of fun. Two hours. You couldn't do that one. Here we go, Here we go. Get a lot of clothes pins that go out on the clothes line, hooked them up together. Then get the popsicker sticks, locked them together, and just go buy and bust your cousin in the face. Promise you, especially if you gotta rub a band on that thing. It's the greatest paper known the man. I'll tell you right now, let me tell you this is This is something, man, this is something. This is the stupid sting We used to drones today, right, kids fly drone, They fly drone. That's no fun. Remember we make paper airplanes. Yeah, you didn't know where your airplane was gonna land, but you would throw that airplane and chase it down. No, no what, no fat kids back then with the big kids paper airplanes loved it. All right? You doing well? One more? We got time for one. You're taking an old refrigerator box with the refrigerators out of it and slide down the hill in a box. I good for that. I don't got all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after strawberry letters, coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up in the town of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour, today's strawberry letter. The subject get this one guy's demotions. Promotions and emotions. That's not a lot packing in his letter, A lot of shuns in this letter, yes, But right now it is time where the nephew Frank phone call. Oh, he makes me so nervous. Come on, what's up today? What do you have? What is that s C? What is that prostate check on? Oh? Now do yeh? Prostate check h? And this is what prostate camps are. Awareness. That's all your fellas. Turn this up. Turn it up? Wore you call prostate chucker. Hello, Hello, trying to reach a uh Roger. My name is Greg. I'm a p s C. UH. I got you on my schedule. I'm supposed to come by your house tomorrow morning about seven fifteen. I just want to give you a call and give your heads up and let you know we will be there about seven fifteen. From my understanding, you go to work. Who, I'm a PFC, Sir, I'll be there. I'll be there tomorrow. I got you on my schedule for Monday morning, and I'll be there at least about seven fifteen. For my understanding, you go to work at seven thirty and uh, my procedure is only gonna take a couple of minutes. But I wanted to just to give a friendly call and let you know that I will be by there tomorrow morning. What's PSC p FC what's a PC P SC sir P s C. I will be there tomorrow. I've been in business probably for the last uh, I guess about thirteen fourteen years? Now? What is psc specialist? What you do? Oh? You're not I'm sorry you're not familiar. How you got me? Oh? I got you on my list here? I don't know who puts you on here, but you've it's been paid for and everything for me to come by and do my job. And like I said, only taking a couple of minutes and I'll have you on your way. How do you get my number? Say again, how did you get my phone number? So everything I have I got, I got twenty stops tomorrow and I got you scheduled as uh as my as my first stop tomorrow morning. I don't know I got your phone number. I do have your address. Are you at drive? Yeah? That's my head dress. But I don't want my schedule for nobody to come to my house in the morning. I gotta go to work in the morning. I know I might gonna be you right right, my understanding. You for my understanding. You pull out about seven thirty and I'm gonna get there teven fifth. Things like I said, you know, the procedure only takes about two three minutes, and and t about any about my information? You know when I leave home and everything. Who is this? Like I said, my name is Greg, I'm a I'm a PSC, and I'll be there. Okay, you'll you'll see me tomorrow. I'm sorry. I just want to give you a friend a call here on Sunday and let you know that i'll be there. I'll be there about seven fifteen and we'll get you taken care of and then I'll let you get on the way to work. You still ain't telling me what I supposed what you supposed be doing, sir, A p SC is p SC. I'm a prostate checker and what I'll be doing is coming in and checking your prostate tomorrow. Oh hell, Now you ain't coming here and check my prist day and I gave my pricetate checked by my doctor. Who who are you talking about? Come to check my frost? Stay not at my house. You ain't come to check my And you know what, I get this all the time. I get a lot of people that that are in denial, a lot of men that that that claim that they fine. I heard my price state check just upgeting of this year. Man, you don't need to come to my checking my PRIs state. A lot of people, a lot of men are in denial saying that they got to check and they got it. A lot of times we find out they haven't and and and there has to be a reason. If I got you on my list and it's paid, somebody has paid a hundred and twenty five hollars for me to come out there and check it, Well, you should be happy you paid twenty five dollars just the less of job you have to do. Then, because you're not coming check my prost state. Girl, I'm gonna check it now. I'm gonna be back there tomorrow, and I'm seven pain. I'm putting my rubber glove on with a little bit of jail on it, and I am going to check the proper state and then I'll let you get on the work. Well, I'll tell you what that rubber glove ain't gonna know where near me home. Well, I tell you, whether you over my eyes if you want to, it ain't gonna be pretty. And it ain't gonna be nice with you in your rubber glove. When I'm done, with you. Don't be coming about my high time a boy checking my price state? Sir, sir, do you realize that this is the leading calls the black men? Did you realize that I understand that black men three out of five black men a lost every year. So you ought to be very grateful that someone that's sending me by there to check it and make sure you're okay. I'm grateful that I can pay for a doctor that I go to every every once a year. Man. You don't have to come to my hot time a boy sticking on rubber glob but me man's phone with you, sir. So I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you. My job is to give you a friendly call and let you know that I'm coming, all right, not tomorrow more. Listen, I don't want to hear anymore. Tomorrow morning, I'm there seven fifteen, and you're gonna get your proper state check. Whether you like it or not. Will you mayn't buy here? Then I show be here. You're buying bad? Thank you bad enough? Come over here and check my prostate. You buy it, I'm gonna make it so you just be ready at seven fifteen that you're gonna get your prostate checking. Don't let you go on the work case. Cool. You come on over if you want you You know my address and all out, what time I go to work and everything. You you bring your back, don't know if you want to. I don't care if I gotta come over there, sir and hold you down and check your prostate. I'm coming to check your prostate at something fifteen tomorrow morning. I'll tell you if you bring your match over him. You do you think you know who I am? Would I need over here? You come on over here and you do what you gotta do, then you're gonna be checking something else besides of me. You're gonna be checking you on. You bring your I don't know if you want to ship. If I don't get your body hill, don't be coming to my hounds that baby. You cond somebody talking about I need it prostate check or something. Somebody on the phone, somebody need a prostact or something. You bring your I'll tell you what. I'll be here when you get you here. You buying you will be tomorrow right in the morning. You won't walk it over here. You got be wheeled away from this. If you want to. I'm gonna have my glove on the morrow, and I'm gonna be checking your proper stays till you be in the moring. Who you want to tell about checking the pride stay? You're gonna be checking on pride stay because I'm telling you where I got something. You you come from here, You bet your bad You think you're bad enough to come off here and checks. I'm over here, you come on with it. I got one more way I need to say to you all. You're listening, But what there you got to say to me? Now? You just told me it was just you gotta tell me not Are you listing to me? Just baby down over here. You're gonna be here and I'm gonna be over there. But I got one more thing I want to say. Are you what you got to say to me? Man? That's this Nephew taught me from the Steve Harbit Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboard? Who who who you say you was? Again? Hey man, this is Nephew Timming from Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, your homeboy got me to prank phone call you Chris J. Harvey and Tom me Man, Roger boy. Y'all about to make me go out. I don't wonder who the hell don't come out or somebody how to do a prod check man on regular bastions like that. Yeah, yeah, got me, man, I'm gonna get him back. Boy, I can't believe you do me like that. I'm gonna go and check his price state. You know. I don't even think you get here checked on the regular. I want to ask somebody to come check mind. Hey man, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Steve Harvey Morning Show Man, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh man, you're still walking around? Huh? Mr Cross State Chuck. Yeah quick, Her intentions were good. Yeah, but yeah, okay, Carola, okay, okay, that's much. See I'm a prostate Chuck who check yours himself. Yeah you do you You're still doing your own. I do my own. I want to figut who they you're doing. I'm cut the middle out. I got this. I got this. I don't need no help with none of this. So far, so good. Yeah, I'm good, yes, yes, only detection is the key. I got this. Get ready y'all. Let me put this out there. I am in a stage play called Mama's Boy. It's gonna jump off in September. You do not want to miss it. Atlanta g A tickets on sale, San Antonio. You hot for Connecticut, Baltimore, Maryland, Washington, d C. Hometown, Houston, Texas, Detroit, Michigan. Those tickets are on sale right now. Go to Thomas Miles dot com and you can see all the whole schac I'm running from September the dec But do you hear me? You're doing here, I'm on the road again. Mama's Boy Baby to hear player, you don't want to miss it. That would be jack A Harry, That would be Robin Gibons, that would be myself, that would be little Girl, lest goes on and on, Johnny Gil Hello star starting. That's Jay's friend. Well, he's a friend to the show. But he and friendly. Yeah music, everybody friends with thieves. There's you're shouting at Junior, shouting at Robin Givens again, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's a time. Let's buckle up, let's hold on tight, because we got it for you here it is the straw every letter. All right, thank your nephew. Subject emotions, promotions and emotions. Alright, Dear Stephen Shirley. A year ago, I began working at a new company. Two months later, my supervisor and I became began flirting and texting each other during and after work. It didn't take long for this to turn into a sexual relationship. This included a lot of secret dates and nice gifts. He even met my parents. We both knew he could get in trouble since he was my supervisor, but we didn't want to end our fling. He told me that he was going to talk to the CEO of our company about being demoted so we could continue our relationship. So he was demoted and he took a twelve hundred dollar a month pay cut. Now the problem is I ended up getting promoted, and I gotta pay raise since my promotion. I'm afraid that if our relationship becomes public at work, our co workers will think he is the reason I got a promotion. I can't afford to become the topic of gossip and possibly lose my job. So am I wrong for still wanting to keep our relationship a secret? After all? He has done for us to be together. The idea of keeping it a secret does not sit well with him. I love him, but I also love my money and my financial independence. Help me, please, I don't want to lose him. What should we do? Now? This is love right here? They did some love right here. Okay, how many men do you know who would take a twelve hundred dollar a month and and the demotion for love? Come on? And he knew he was gonna get a demotion when he went to talk to the CEO. How many men do you know who would actually go and talk to the CEO about getting an emotion and taking a paca because I love this woman that I have been to supervise. This is crazy. You don't go to your CEO about your relationships. You just don't do that. This man is in love, do you hear me? This is love right here. He made some major sacrifices for you. I mean, he gambled. He could have lost everything. I mean, the only thing that happened was he did get a demotion and a pay cut, a big pay cut. But he made some major sacrifices. So I hope you appreciate all that he has done for the love of you, like the Isley Brothers say. But having said all that, I I do agree with you about not wanting your co workers in your business. You don't want this, You do not, because the truth of the matter is you did get a promotion because of him. You did. You did this was your boss. He went to the CEO. What came out of it was he got a demotion, took a pay cut, and then you got a raise. And it all happened because of him. So yeah, they are going to think that. But I believe in, you know, not letting everyone be in your business too. He on the other hand, doesn't care. He wants the world to know he's in love. What is the love that yad at Jeoffrey in love love And I don't care who knows it that that is the deal. So, I mean, you know, I think that for the relationship to stay strong, and you don't want everyone in your business, please please please keep it a secret. You're gonna have to convince him you don't want. Yeah, you're gonna have to convince him not to tell everyone you're going even though he went through all of this for you. Yeah, that's what I said, all right, Ja, I'm gonna go. In the words of Zant, you've got to pay your lover, your brother, how you've got to pay your love of a love it lover, lover. He took a twelve hundred dollar bay cat. Go in that room and pay your lover. Okay, your love and made a sacrifice for you, So do the same for him. Hey, your love, you got to pay you. You've got to pay your lover, paying him, okay in the best way. That's some good kicking right there. He takes twelve on a dollar. That's your page. He is in love, I mean, when men are in love stupid the nine fifties black and white movie really back then. This is amazing to me that he did all of this for her, you know, going for the love of so bad. I don't take that was like my chick. Maybe he was making a whole lot of money. Maybe he just stupid. He love God that love now that nephew, Come on, nephew. Emotions. Promotions and emotions. Yes, yeah, let me change that for you. Let that title. We could have won a different way. Hit it, hit it and forget it. That's what I want you to do. Hit it, quit it and forget it. All right, let me tell you you're a boss now. He just to help. Now you don't what he just don't? Yeah, it's wrong, that's wrong. Look, the same people you saw on the way up is some of the same people on the way down. Ain't that what just happened. Didn't got emotion and she didn't get a promotion. Yeah, alright, then you got to find you some new people. Let me tell you something. The same people you having making love with this year, you ain't gonna be making love of them next year. It changes. Yeah, the same emotions and stuff. Cut all these emotions out of the same people you in love with today, you ain't gonna be in love with tomorrow. Yes, it's time to move on. Start looking around the room. When the janitor passing through, they could look at him. He might be takeing to you. Take a look the delivery dude when he filed through. Holler at your point for a second. Go down after the mail room, see what he looked like. Because your objective is to what hit it, Quit it and forget it. You're the bout now, dude, the boss player. You don't you don't just you don't kick it with the help no mode, that's the help. Wow, he's been This is love? What about love, Tommy? Love? Love, don't love? No damn body, Oh my god, what all of that? It's love, the strongest emotion on the planet. Love. It takes a fool to learn and love don't love nobody. But he does like her. Hit it, quit it and forget. She has to move on. Some love don't work. She got the dumbest man in the company. The man went to the because he didn't went and asked for a twelve hundred dollar reduction and take a low cut so he could kick it with her. He's the dumbest person working. I don't I disagree with that. Just a great he too, thal knowledge shot this month and he's gonna be like they're the rest of the year because he decided to take a demotion because he's in love with somebody that he works with. We definitely got a problem since he's married to me. All Right, we'll be back with part two of this letter, demotions, promotions and emotions. We'll be back in twenty three after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All Right, we're back to the part two of the Strawberry Letter. Today. The subject demotions. Promotions and emotions. That is the subject. We've heard from Jay, you say pay, and we've heard from nephew, and nephew Tommy thinks he's a stupid, stupidest man on the planet. Right now, let me just recap for a second, young lady wrote. She says, about a year ago she started working for a new company, and then two months into her new job, she started kicking it with the supervisor. You know, they started texting and flirting and everything, and then shortly thereafter it turned into a sexual relationship. Uh included a lot of sexual dates, a lot of really nice gifts, the guy met her parents, etcetera, etcetera. Uh. Then I guess he fell in love and uh he wanted the world to know about it. So he went to talk to his CEO to see what can be done, because this man was her supervisor. Yeah, I've never heard of this before. So what happened was the supervisor, UH went to talk to the CEO. The CEO said, Okay, you want to be in love with this girl at work, you're gonna get demoted and you're gonna take a month pay cut. So former c it's former supervisor was fine with that. Meanwhile, the girl in the in the story in this story gotta pay raise and she got a promotion, so she wants to keep their relationship on the low low low low low. Yeah, because she doesn't want people thinking that she got a promotion because of her form of supervisor. And she doesn't want people gossiping about her. And she loves her new independence. She loves all of her financial freedom now, but she still wants to She wants it all. She wants to keep the relationship, but she doesn't want to go go public with it. He, on the other hand, does not want to be in secret anymore. So, Yeah, what were you gonna say? You've got to be in secret when you're dating somebody is stupid. You don't want nobody to know you're dating somebody stupid. He has proven to you how stupid. Love so less money got to the sty of the boyfriend just sprung. Yeah, he just loves this girl. He just he just really does. I think really he should leave and and get another job. He really should, he should leave. I've been sprawl a bunch of times. I ain't no game up my money for it though. Well, that's the sacrifice he made for love. For the love of her. What what what say you, Junior, the young one in the thousand, four hundred dollars A year less for less, for love, for love. Yeah, it's the thing that he has to do right now. All he has left is to become an office stalker right away, right A. Wait, they don't know about us. Thousand is what I paid for us to be public. I'm talking about when she comes to work, I'm on your desk, I'm stretched out. I didn't pay for this. When you go to the meetings, I'm in the meetings in my lips, waking my ass at you up at the window. They're on the fifteen floor. Yeah, yeah, I'm out here. I got my chests up against the window with my shirt raised. This is public. I pay for this to see me, you know how sacrifice for her he did. Yeah, and you come outside in the park garage. Guess who's sitting on the trunk. You ain't got to worry about this. Somebody go see us together. Question. I'm not queen thousand four hundred out here get caught in so many generous fourteen thousand four hunting. Sorry about that, Mr Her for love, for love, for love, Yeah, she's not giving up anything for him. She wants no one to know. She likes her money and her promo show. You can't do one round with somebody that's stupid. He just made a sacrifice for the woman he loved. Guys, you guys have never made sacrifices for the woman. You stupid. You don't think all her girlfriends know this? Of course you believe with this food, that's him. So he took a cut for me. They're gonna get married and live happily ever after. You don't think so? All right, listen, money, we have to go. If you have relationship issues and you want our advice, please email us at Steve Harvey dot com. If you want to read the letters, go to my Instagram at my Girls Shirley. Okay, now switching gears. Listen. A former child star, This is a really sad story. This is so sad. Maya Cambell Remember beautiful Maya Campbell. She used to be on that l O Cool Show, Cool J Show. Um in Our House, in the House, in the house, Yeah, beautiful girl. Anyway, she really may have fallen off the wagon again if you remember Um. She revealed that she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and appeared. She appeared with Ian le van Zand on Fixed My Life back in two thousand and twelve. She was living in a rehab facility at the time. She reportedly had remained sober for a couple of years. However, a recent video of her went viral after Atlanta rapper Teehood posted foot posted footage of her at a gas station asking about a crack uh situation and describing the details about a man who allegedly raped her. This is so sad. After the disturbing video hit the internet, l O cool J took to social media and asked fans to help him find his former co star. L L also blasted the rapper who posted the clip as he should have and tweeted, instead of pulling out your phone and filming someone who's obviously having trouble, maybe Linda helping hand. How about that A kind war, perhaps one more thing. My ea has responded to LLL's message, Uh so that's good news. In a video filmed at her barbershop job, she said, Hey Todd Well, I love you. I don't need help. I need a benefit concert for mental health. Don't tmz me, It's really me. We're good. I'm doing property, I have investments and my show is called from the Bottom Up season two. So there you go. Yeah so yeah, yeah beautiful. Yeah I really do. I really like that. Yeah yeah yeah. So anyway, man, but I just I remember that show. You remember that show. She was good at that show. Yes, I remember when Yeah, I remember when Debbie Allen was on there. When it initially started. You know, LLL started the fat role one leg Yes he did. Yes, anybody did it? Yes he did, yes he did. Yeah did you do? Jack a one act up? But he did start to yeah, rocket what just a a r P meets? What kind of shoe? Sneakers or stress? You? No notions? Rated? Alright, coming up our bad grammar segment. We'll explain more when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, like that right thing? Alright? Yeah, all right, before we get to our bad grammar segment, you guys, um, don't forget. We got to remind our audience, our beautiful audience. We love you so much. Please join us today. Check out the Steve Harvey Daytime talk Show. Check your local listings. Steve has invited the whole crew on the show. The radio crew for the first time ever together. And yes, we'll be on TV today, so please check us out. Everyone will be there, every every everybody, So it should be a lot of fun. We'll talk about a lot of the behind the scenes stuff that happens on the show that you don't get a chance to see and hear about. But I'll just join us. It's fun. It's fun. I'm having a viewing party. You are, yes, in the middle of the day. Yeah, that's when we're on, right, But don't go free work. No, they're taking off today. Yeah, they're a great, big deal. You got big time friends, they can take off huge even this is huge, This is monumental. We're gonna be on Steve show, first time in five years. He's ever asked us all together to be on the show. So this is big. Thank you Steve. That your dv Ara's surely got ria carpet and yes, yes everything thing caterers because you know I'm not cooking, not in my gown. Oh and I will be wearing a gown. Did I mention that? Really? To get to greet your guests, and you have somebody announcing people, yes, Ja, yes, this is coming in introducing the Butlers from the Compton Butler's alright, alright. And you, on the other hand, jayant And and Tommy Denzel won't be watching yourself. Oh you're Sydney Potier. I don't believe you. Let me hear it. Let me hear Sydney. So who am I all? Unless you want to be I want to be. Unless you want to be working Freeman, no one wants to be you want an oscar? Yes he did, so did this out. I ain't gonna be about his boy mama. All right, come on, let's go with bad grammar. Oh yeah, this is perfect for you, you know, because show for a long time. I really yes, it makes me cringe every time you guys mess up these words. So this is called words, and black people on this show mess up. All right, So let's begin number one. This is easy. You do it a lot that Dare. I don't have to start what the problem is? Yeah, Dare, Look at man, you're gonna eat that? Yeah? Oh my god. The correct way to say it, Jay in Junior and Thomas is that over there? Are you going to eat that? Over? That takes too long to go with. That's how we get a fasta all right, let's move on when we get there even better, what we're gonna do about that situation? Yes? That over there? Ye alright? Number two about to No, it's not about to about to. No, it's about to. I'm about to I'm about to go upside your head. I'm about to go to sleep, I'm about to watch some TV. I'm about to eat that death. It's I'm going to or I'm about to, not not about to about I'm about to disagree with you. Should you guys makeout to face? Yeah, to cry, she's about to crash. I'm trying. I'm about to about that dad. Here's another one. Here's another one. I hear this a lot on the show. I'm post to. What is that I'm posting? I'm posed beyond tomorrow, but I'll change my man. I'm polled to. But since since that dad and came up, I'm about to come here. That is incorrect. The correct way to say it is supposed to. I'm supposed to. I say it all the time, supposed to imposed to eat that dad, I'm about to change my mind. That's goods and it's and it's not supposedly supposedly polling posing. I don't want to say it like that, you correct, come on with it, tild want to come right now to people can understand what you're saying. I don't understand. I didn't even know it was supposed there's no supposed No, it's not supposedly supposedly Okay, okay, alright, alright. See I'm saying, oh, that's perfect that I can't even believe. I'm saying, Okay, Sam saying, let me tell you what you've been trying to do is correct us. Sim'm saying, we ain't gonna talk like that. We're supposed to be talking like we talk. I'm saying, I just want to know there is a correct way of saying what you said. I'm saying, no, it's do you see what I am hosting and you can't see it? No way. This is going to hurt to me short because I've never sucking proper in my life. But I'm just letting you know that there's another way to do things. Okay with not with that, Dad, ain't what I'm saying, You're so wrong. This is when I hear Steve say all the time, especially when he was on the road doing his stand up mom and them, Oh yeah, mama involved. Yeah, that's what it is. What do you think. Yeah, it's mother and them or mama and them them, it's them Okay, mama Karen calling him? Yeah yeah, coming over here about to talk about that. Then all right, coming up at the top of the hour, we're going to talk about a camper and a very hungry bear and we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Okay, Uh, what a way to wake up. Here's a teenager camping in Colorado. He was awakened early Sunday morning by a bear that was biting his head. Oh my god, yeah, his head is. The nineteen year old kid he was only been identified as Dylan says he woke up to a crunching sound and realized a bear had wrapped his paw around him and taken a bite out of his head. What he said, the crunching sound, uh, he heard was the bear's teeth biting into his skull. This is craziness. The bear tried to drag Dylon, but let go after Dylan poked him in the eye. Thank you, Dylan. That was a good thinking, right, And you're gonna give me my head. You're gonna give me whatever. They're gonna patch that back in there some food. Yeah, Dylan suffer what I'm revenue with Leo DiCaprio. Yes, because he did, oh my god, several gashes to the head. He was treated at the hospital where he received nine staples, nine staples in his skull. Authorities are searching for the bear. What are they gonna do? Arrest of man, the rest of that head, his mouth and be back in The bear ran after the attack camp. That's so crazy, and they had just doing what do Yeah, but you wake up after the crunching sound. I think I probably would have. Yeah, I would have gotten up a little earlier. Can you imagine no waking up your skull. I'll play a bear one bite because after that black people gain promise you didn't gonna be one bite. You're gonna get What are the police gonna do to the bear? Though? That's a bear? But then he out in the woods. What's bearing? Yeah? You know the other bears gonna read him out him? He did rats on dealing? Have you been king? No, I'm not. No, you don't don't even look over here. I'm dreaming the hotel. I don't want to be outside at all. But I'm not an outside person fishing and all that. You don't fish, no, hell no, from you have fish. I'll show you right now. Let's see. No, not that one, none, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. Yeah, that one right that fishes. Yeah, you relay him for me, and I'll yeah, that's how I feel our activities, you know. Uh No, I'm just from the country. I don't live a country life. Okay, okay, you know about that life. You know, not either. But Tommy fishes all the time and the outdoor. Yeah, yeah, I got a buddy in man. He always wants to take me fishing house, but I ain't going. And then it comes how long you guys been out there? Four hours? How many fish did you get? One? I can't get fish real quick, not that one, not that, not that one, that one. It looks like an enormous waste of time, right, But they say they think they can clearly relaxed, very relaxing. I can get a fish, eat fool, and I'm thinking and go to bed and you're relaxed anyway, even better, j I just had the Chilean sea band. Yeah. Whatever you're fishing, you why you have to have trying to find one. If you ain't been fishing, I feel sorry for you. You can't get taught. U sauce outside still on the boat. I got your fish. You know why, I've never been fishing. It just doesn't appeal to My son fishes when my father was allowing, Hi, my son go fishing all the time. Absolutely love it. And they tell us we don't know what we're missing. I mean, it could be something to that. But this is one of those things I'll never know. I'll never know how great been camping, Tommy. But sell sell us fish. We've never been fishing. Okay, we all went fishing, just just we just complaining. Yeah, that would be so cool. Don't tell us to sell it to us. Sell it all right. You're out there, you're fishing, You're on the water, you're on the boat. The waves are not too high because you don't want to be fishing out there when the water going crazy. You got your lying out there. It's been sitting out there by twenty minutes, and you know what you're waiting. You gotta be in your hand. You got you with your boys, and then all of a sudden you get that pool. That pool is one of the greatest pools in the world. Because you're like, oh my god, it's something. Something has been to hook Shirley. And you get that. You ain't calling yet. You ain't call him yet. He's just biting. He's on it. Now we got to get We got to get him in. How long does this take? What I'm getting it? That's taken me in Miami. It has taken me twenty five minutes to get a fish in. What's the longest you've been out there fishing? The longest you've stayed out to fish. I've been out there eight hours. How did you catch one? I don't know how many. We caught a lot of fish, but I was out there eight hours. Okay, okay, all right, continue, But now when you get the fish to the boat, Yeah, you're gonna you're gonna have a guy, the guy that's gonna come out there with a hook and bring the fish in and you and I think the biggest one I caught no, like eighteen inches long, eighty right in there, a dolphin fish dolphins. Yeah, it's like when you hear people eat my fish. You got you gotta fish. You ain't got no fries, no hot So the fish can just get off the hook. It's a possibility. You could be you could be pulling me in for twenty minutes and he could pull off you use other fish. How is this appealing? Though? I don't don't. I haven't heard anything that's gonna make me go out there. Nothing. Some people right now listening to y'all say that about the craziest people ever heard of fishing me and the fishing women out there. So I got to touch the fish to put it on the line for Wait, we'll be back after this. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here's a question for everyone. Everyone. Check it out. You're ready, I'm ready, already. Can we live forever? That's the question. Just last year, scientist Daffy Albert Einstein College of Medicine came to the conclusion that humans are living as long as they possibly can these days, with the best of them getting up to who knew a hundred and fifteen years old? Fifteen years old? Yeah? Uh well. Now, a group of Canadian researchers believe that humans don't have a limit. That's right. One day human beings might actually be able to live forever. They point out the lifestyle span, that lifespans continue to get longer and longer, and that they don't see an end in sight. Would you want to though, I think you already answered taking care of myself so I don't see that happening. You don't want to be, But I do want to be a bother to my children? Yes, yeah, yeah yeah. And even when I'm going, I want to be you know, cremated. Put in the living room. And when you walk, page, God put you in the ground. Don't be any when you walk, your hands come out. That would be the scariest thing at night, that would be the scariest thing. Hang around if I could do it. I got in shape, yeah yeah, in shape. Oh yeah, healthy, look good and you're healthy yeah strong, Yeah, look good. Though I don't know what oh wait, what's yeah? Wait what what? Tommy? Say it again? I said, I hang around? If I can still do it, still do it? Do it? Have sex? I thought, even if you why y'all stay here? But you want you want working it working in younger women had a hundred night girls A nine little semio, what way to yea A hearty against the law. You're bringing a law somewhere. Yeah, stick in the hundred fifteen years. You're just robbing the winking at me, black boy, you have all kinds of colored pills, blue, yellow, red, what the color? They're not all blue? So you know heard So you've heard yellow, yellow, one and they constant lone. So let me tell you another tip. Make sure you're going to do something before you take one. Okay, you don't waste, so what do you hold me? Money? Damn it? But that's what you Okay, that's what you heard. That's what I heard. My nice They look like skittles right now, and reds and yellows and talking about system shout already. I just like that extra work. You know, that's not healthy, that's not sat but people love it. People love it. Who are these people? Who are these strange people who speak of people? Yeah? I just think when it's my time, I want to go, you know, whenever that is? Yeah? Yeah, all right, yeah, you know, do something else. Okay, we'll be right back whatever the Lord says. Yeah, we'll be back after this. All right, you're listening, Steve. Oh wow, I never thought i'd hear this story, but here it is. Floyd Mayweather in the news Uh, not good news either. He's responded to a report that he's waiting to receive his payment from his upcoming mega fight against UFC superstar Connor McGregor to pay off a two thousand fifteen text liability. So is he in tax trouble? Uh? Floyd posted, believe half of what you see and none of what you hear, especially when it comes to the media in this country, while everyone is counting my money and assuming the worst, these are the facts. Uncle Sam received twenty six million dollars. Okay, six zeros. I just wanted to make sure I got there right. Twenty six million dollars from me in two thousand and fifteen. What else could they possibly want? I'm sure I would have been notified much sooner if there were any real discrepancies, right, bottom line, everybody just wants to be a part of the money may show, including the I r US. That's fine. You can crunch numbers all day, but in the end, my empire is rock solid and intact. Now calculate that hashtag t MT, hashtag Floyd Mayweather, hashtag TB hashtag may Web to the no no no, He posted, Okay, but I'm with him though, Come on if he paid them twenty six million dollars, what more could they want? But still he didn't say it like he U yeah, saying I owe some more? Yes, every yeah, Okay, So so y'all saying, okay the twenty six milliy'all got that? Saw some more? Lord? Can they want six million dollars? You just don't talk. I know that, but still million dollars should be enough. You just don't talk to the A. The rs and Ma Green are two people I love. Yeah, all right. ESPNS Darren raval Or Revel reported yesterday that Mayweather had requested a reprieve from the I R S until after the McGregor fight, but he took to Instagram UH today to clarify things. Per Revel, Mayweather made two hundred and twenty million from his win over Manny Pacio alone in two thousand and fifteen. Revel also detailed precisely what Mayweather has been charged to pay. Mayweathers two hundred two thousand fifteen taxes are currently fifteen months past do, which would equal a seven point five percent charge on top of what he's owed. Okay, so if he so, if he's late, then these are late payments he's saying seven seven point five seven and a half percent charge on top of what job. If you're fifteen months late, then wow, that's a lot of months. Just take a couple more months and you be there with the fight a lot. Talk to the r No, you're right, you're you're absolutely right. It's a government agency. They can shut you down. They can shut your bank accounts down, all of that. They can take your stuff, confiscate your belongings in your home, all of that. Some more, yes, sir, coming right up, sir. Alright, Uh, let's marinate on that. Make sure our taxes are intact. All right, here we go. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, time for just one more thing, our last break of the day. This day went by quickly, yeah by, Yeah, it does. Um, gotta keep Yeah, it's very juvenile. That's what we do on this show. Hey, listen, here's a question, another question, or just just a statement. I guess I'll ask a question later. If you've always thought it would be cool to work at Facebook, you know, we talked about that. How these you know, tech companies treat their employees so well? Unlike here with our crazy CEO. Right, it's about to get I know, you can't get upset, right, and it's about to get even cooler though, to work at Facebook, The company is just announced plans to open a brand new campus that will basically make it so employees will never want to leave, and many of them won't even have to. The new facility, called the Willow Campus, is a new fifty nine acre campus across the street from its current Midlo Menlo Park, California headquarters. It will feature hundred on campus of apartment two five below market rates, as well as parks, local transportation, retail space, a grocery store, and a pharmacy so you never have to leave Here's yes, But would you ever want to live that close to work though? I mean, because we are fairly close to work, but that like right on campus, you just walk to work. Yeah, as early as we have to give up get up though. It's kind of something to think of. But yeah, it's very very But it has parks, it has local transportation, as a retail space, it has a grocery store, of pharmacy, and as everything but a church. The world. When you're that close to work, you can't play sick. Yeah. Yeah, it's like you're always at work. Yeah you are. Yeah, we need them to cut this and do this, come in extra to do this. Let's walk over there and see how he doing. Where's the department? B right? Yeah, I'm talking about his dad. Bea not go over here and see him eat some Yeah that's that's a little network. Yeah, it's little just working together. Were fine because I like the wild when I get to the house, I don't want by wilding out. I did air quotes by wilding out? What do you mean, nephew, that's two or more people. Sure, that's what? Okay? And are you? Are you naked? Ya? Say? Time I came in this world naked Jr. Now, why can't I walk around the way the Lord Maiden? Why that's a little more information visual do y'all? Don't walk around like that, y'all. Don't walk around y'all. No, no, y'all. Just keep clothes on all through the But tell me you have kids. What did they say? They're gonna have to grow up fast? That's why get your signs. Buck, learn something around here. You don't wear a robe at all, at least a towel. I wear the world, but it'd be open. It's too hot. It's too hot for all that to be tying that up like that the air on. Boy, I will never room again with my dad. My dad don't believe in putting no clothes over like I gonna take a shower. I take drawls, shirts, shorts, don't take the shower, water everywhere. Just wake up in the morning. He already on the baket on the cruise ship, just looking out over the water. I take room, man, do it. I'm wrong, daddy, I got to have draws on. You never know when you might have to leave the house right away. At least you can run out in your drugs. But if you nack it now and it's nighttime. Yeah, you've never experienced a midnight drive naked. No, let you want to have a lot of fun day. Get your girl and jump in the car, get in in the garage and pull out and just ride around the block naked. I'm telling you, Jay, it's the greatest experience. And how the winners down let the wind blow through that. This is an experience that you do not want to miss. But Tommy, what if something happens, if you get a flash the risk. We take, no risk, no reward. That's the risk we take. I mean serious. Take you driving lines in with you said you always got your credentials. Okay, were you gonna put them? You don't have any clothes on. Are you gonna put them? You can put them. You put them somewhere in the car. You put them in globe compartment on, put them in there somewhere, ash tray, I got, I got a white leather seats so that rules. Don't go get get now, it's not the year. That is not a visual to entertain at this moment. You gotta do the midnight drive man, you gotta do it man. Wow, Okay, today is the day. Don't forget. We got to talk about this before we get out of Yeah. Today is the day that the radio show is going to be on the Steve Harvey Daytime talk Show. Okay, all of us plus are very on Mississippi Monica. I know, and Junior, you did not r s v P from my viewing party today. We're not going me and jail. Yeah, because they can't watch. They can't watch, but we will take calls tomorrow if you watch it. Watches you guys, please watch us. We love you and thank you for listening. We appreciate you. How about for all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, board where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.