Cleveland, Trump Jr., Serena Williams, Are You Smarter Than Tommy, Tommy VS Junior, Sheryl Underwood, Reality Update, Bionic Penis, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Sep 13, 2018, 2:45 PM

Uncle Steve is still elated that The Browns did not lose. Serena Williams is the center of controversy with tennis umpires. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Tommy VS Junior. Sheryl Underwood stops by the show to discuss several topics. Carla's Reality Update talking about Ray J and Love and Hip Hop Hollywood. Is there such a thing as a bionic penis? Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about patience, God's timing and much more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all baby all sung looking back to back down, giving a mong like theming buck bus things and it's tub y'all, to be true. Good to the hut. Listen to me together for Stobart moy. I don't join, Yeah, hobby joining men? Do you turn? Yeah? You got you gotta turn? Won't the turn at the time? Hobby got to turn out to turn the water the water? Come come on your back, Uh huh, that's your will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, okay, here's what I want to share with you. Stop complaining, so I head to let you see how I let that one sit for a second. Stop complaining. Do you realize without us even thinking about it, oftentimes we just complain about stuff and it and it comes up in such subtle forms. Oh man, and believe his clock went off this morning? Mm hmm. Man. I want man, I just want a little bit more sleep, and I got to get up going to this job right here. Man. I don't know why they're still letting that lady work there, Man, they don't fire this woman. Man, I don't know what I'm gonna do. She driving me crazy. She always got something to say. I bet to day though, the way I'm feeling right now, I bet she'd bet not say nothing to me today. Mm hmmm yeah, yeah, because day it today it. I'm sick of her running her mouth. Last time she said something to me, I should have said something to it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just giving you a small example of how it starts to snowball. Once you start to complain, It's it just carries over into so many things. Man, Stop complaining in and about your car. Stop complaining about your bus pass, Stop complaining about your kids can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining about your man can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining. Stop Have you noticed I'm just asking, have you noticed that in all of your complaining, it has provided not one solution? Oh? May you, Oh you may get a person to adjust to your complaining for a little while, but want you once we settle in, we get right on back to whatever it is. Stop complaining. The reason I'm telling you to stop complaining because God is able. Because God is capable. He is capable and able of fixing anything, Capable and able of curing anything, Capable and able of allowing you to get too adjusting to things, and capable and able to strengthen you to get through and change anything. But the key here is God is capable, and God is able. A lot of times I find myself complaining because I have not used my greatest asset, and that's my relationship with God. You all have one. Now, you may not have nurtured it, but you have one because God created you as your as his child. He's available to you, not the fact that you ain't went to him. Okay, once again, who fought? Is that? Stop complaining until you strengthen your relationship with God and formulate this relationship. You don't have enough of weapons. You don't have enough bullets, You ain't got enough arrows, You ain't got a big enough shield to fight this thing called life. It just keeps coming. Man, And unless you develop a relationship with God, you need a partner in all of this. You got to have a partner, man. You cannot get through this thing without those this partnership. I don't know, you know, maybe you got another route you're gonna take. But every successful person I know personally has a relationship with God. I have some really really some people that's kind of up there in the success term in terms of business and money and and and statue. I'm just talking about that portion of success. And then I have a lot of people who are very successful in the in their spiritual life, who have become great men of God and women of God. But look at all of them, and all of them have substantial amounts of you know, possessions and things like that. Also, most successful people I know have that even if you saw him never with a big lot of house and a lot of money or stuff like that. They had so much respect, so much love, so much power was given them from people that their life life was rich in that area, you know, like a man Nuther King or something like that, or Gandhi or somebody who lived their life in service, or Nelson Mandela who came out and just man, people put stuff at their feet because of their service. So all successful people I know have that. Every last one of these people that I know, they have relationship with God. They used the tool that was available to them to give them the strength, the bullets, the arrows, the slings, the shield to fight this thing called life and have the most valuable partner right there by their side, they Heavenly Father God, because he will help you get through this thing called life. Man, stop complaining so much. Stop complaining all the time. It's not fixing anything. Why don't you do yourself a favor and strengthen your relationship with God? Why don't you do that? You ever thought that that could be the problem? Man? Why can I never get over? Well? You have not because you asked not. Man, how come I always got problems? Well? You keep trying to solve them yourself and taking them to your friends. You can you keep trying to do them with your own thought process? Who are you? I keep telling you, man, you gotta get it together with God. You gotta quit tripping. You're going through stuff you ain't got no business going through. And and if it's you're going through something old over and over and over and over, and the same problem keep coming back to bite you again. All that's saying is you still ain't strengthen your relationship with God. It's your relationship. He's not gonna make you have one with him. He is a perfect gentleman. He only comes into your life when you invite him in. He don't buffalo his way, and that ain't the way he works. But for those who do invite him in, they have a distinct advantage on their road to success, a distinct advantage. You can do it without him. Trust me, you can. How far you get. I can't promise you nothing, how well you handle it when you arrived there, I can't promise you nothing. How long you're gonna stay there, I can't promise you nothing. How difficult it's going to be without him. I can't give you that. It's going to be far more difficult. But you can. Something can happen, and you, you know, receive a measure of success, and you think because you and it's this move you made, and you can describe it as I got lucky. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I got lucky. Lucky is usually how other people describe other people's success. Poor, he was lucky, he was right there. Well, let me tell you what luck is. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity. If you've been working hard at something, the opportunity presents itself that comes a match. That's not luck. But now, if you haven't done that on a repetitive enough basis, that opportunity could present itself one time. You gotta reconnect. Stop complaining, man, come on, listen to me. Stop complaining. It hasn't fixed a single thing in your life. And if your chronic complainer, it's because you really really have not fixed your relationship with God. He's smooth it out for you. That I can tell you for a fact. I know that for a fact he smoothed mine out. All right, let's go, you're too ladies and gentlemen. I would like to introduce you to this. Did anybody forget that the Browns tied? You? Keep? They forgot? If we did, you would. Man, we ain't had a win in so long. It's just just amazing that I didn't have to suffer a loss. So you just randomly bring it up. Somebody forgot shert Hey, good morning, congratulations on that tie. Good morning. That was last Sunday, Brown Jr. More sakes this week had up. Well, well, we just had to be in their back then. Sorry, but y'all need to try to get in the win column. He working on it, nephew, Tommy. Yes, sir, your sell yourself Texas in the building. They're gonna be all right. You know, man, you Texans all the way you you you get, you pull for the rockets, you pull for the Texans, you pull for won the World Series, keep going. But then you pulls for that raggedy Texas. That's what that's what that was going. All that that's is Alma mater. I'm a mater. And we got cheated against Clemson last week. We did. We cheated. We did. We got cheated, dog dog. That was a loss. It was a lost. We lost hold on hold on dogs. See, you're not as good as losing as me. I know how to lose. That In most all, y'all see what you shouldn't have been here talking about we got cheated. It's a loss. All losses feel like you've and cheating. Well, let me ask some winning. Last last time y'all won one one one one game. It's gonna say, Sunday, what what was you out Sunday? That wasn't a win, That was a tied. No no no, no, no no no no no no no no. See you don't have the right perception in your life. See see you you lost. You lost against Clemson, and you called it and cheating it was, but you lost. I see we tied, we wont. It's how how you look at it. Your glass either half fool or half empty mind fool. So you just gotta changed where you're looking stone and how you're gonna look at it. After this is who that nation get ahold toil? How are you gonna look at itything? Well? But but see hold up the man because he supposed the Brown's wind though. See I don't give what that don't he don't do that. You don't dog dog you breed lost they didn't. That means they really example. Okay, cool, So you know I don't know what to do. Okay, you know Houston got an all innate column, Yeah, a lost column. Yes, all right, we we gotta leave it right there. Guys. Coming up at thirty two after the hour, Donald Trump Jr. Says he is not afraid to go to jail. Okay, I'll talk about talking right after this, we'll talk about it. You're listening to Steve Show, alright, Steve. We are definitely praying for our friends and our neighbors in the Carolina's in Virginia and the southern East coast as Hurricane Florence has been labeled a storm that will cause catastrophic flooding. Uh. Please easy evacuate now, uh and get out of this storm's way. If you've never been in a storm, or if you don't know what that's like, you don't want to find out. It is devastating. It is definitely devastating. Please be safe. Miss Ann will be here, She'll have the latest on Hurricane Florence is tracking at the top of the hour, and we'll keep you posting tonight. Uh yeah, Friday night or early Friday morning. Game. Yeah, yeah, well in the game. We are professional hurricane You guys just went through Hurricane Harvey last last year. Yeah. Hey, people just got back in the house. Yeah, from remodeling and all that in Puerto Rico. I mean they're still suffering. But also another news, guys, Donald Trump Jr. Says he's not afraid of going to jail as a result of the Special Console Robert Muller's Russia investigation. Trump, You're said he will deal with it as it comes. He reportedly is being investigated by Mueller because he agreed to take a meeting with the Kremlin connected attorney in the two thousand and sixteen um at Trump Tower to get dirt on Hillary Clinton at the time. So all the Trumps just say stupid stiff. This generation, they get it from their daddy. He just said, I'm not afraid to go to jail. Boy, Seriously, have you ever been in there for a weekend? Just a weekend? Just going there with a cousin rabbit sitting there with Robert and watch, how come on, man, now, not a jail he gonna have to go to and and manifest gonna have to go to. It's gonna be different from this. Ain't Orange County, Pelican Bay. That ain't what ain't going. They ain't going. They ain't gold that's for show. But when you lose your freedom, it ain't nothing cool a body part. Yeah, just hand your cell phone. You ain't gonna be just in there, just doing business like you want to. Man, you and you ain't gonna believe jail. Why he never because he don't know. He just like his daddy, just be running your damn mouth. But when they say you go to federal do they really be playing golf? When they say you go to federal penitential? I ain't never seen nobody. You might have a golf club and hit the ball some pore, but I ain't seen no golf course at no jail. They always say Federal supposed to be easier. It is. You know, it's lower, you know, instead of a tower with a gun in it. You know, they got lines and stuff. You know, it depend on, you know, the security level, you know. But he ain't going over. His daddy gonna take care of him. They're gonna go to the best. You go, same place, marther Steward Win. They're gonna be nice, but you're still gonna be in jail though. Partner, well, he's not afraid to go, so I ain't nobody else untill they go. Yeah. Well, he's probably thinking, my dad is president, How bad could it be? You know? I just I just hate to see that her daddy leave office. He may get on jumps, y'all might be in there again. Daddy is the leader of the free world. How bad could it be? Just a little jail time, you know, Yeah, whatever, I couldn't said the same thing. I ain't afraid of jail. I ain't afraid of jail at his arrayment. Come on, crazy, Come on seriously, man, there's people have been to jail just sucking their teeth listening to this. Come on. He said he'll he will deal with it as it comes. Again, he's being reportedly investigated by Mueller because he agreed to take a meeting with the Kremlin connected attorney back in two thousand sixteen at Trump Tower to get some dirt on Hillary Clinton. Now that is a violation. Going to jail. He gonna forgive his son, He gonna pardon, pardon that racist out in Arizona that the sheriff. Yeah, he pardoned him, or you best believe no, not a baby boy. I wouldn't let mine go either. Yeah, it is a violation. I'm not letting it go down. A fucking stop violation of federal law for an American campaign to solicit or accept anything of value from a foreign national. You know, that's part of what this whole Mueller investigation is about. So they find anything, he said he will deal with it as it comes. He's not afraid. He ain't read it for the cuisine that they got enough, you know, I don't think what is it called the cuisineusine? You're not ready for the food they've put on your plate. Parting call chow chow. Yeah, it's just enough to fill you up. Huh, No nutritional value. I don't give a damn. You're coming in there with high blood. God beat it. You want some gluten free? Yeah? What if I'm a vegan? Are you stopped that day? You're back on the meet? Yeah, you stopped that date. You're vegan? In prison, you're gonna die? Use me. I only eat plant base, thank you very much. Because he would go to federal prison, right, Steve, Yeah, yeah, he would go to federal prison. Right. You adn't go the same place. Marth's do it. When I'm telling y'all, you're gonna be nice. But like you said, his dad will pardon him and all of that. He ain't letting his son go to prison. He'll never see the inside. His daddy had the pardon himself. Pretty soon. It's lesson's growing, right. Yeah. How how have Bernie made off doing? Oh? Wow, Ponzie a long time for life for several lives. Yeah, you think he want to He want out yea and live the life that he used to live. I think he be traded in. Yeah, and he didn't have to. That was the thing enough. Yeah, agreed. Yeah, it's a dopeboy that's selling dopes so he can get out the game. But do they They always stay too long. Yeah, alright, well we're moving on. Coming up next it is the nephew, and run that prank back. We'll do it right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, the latest tracking on Hurricane Florence, plus an entertainment and sports news. Tennis umpires are considering get this Steve boycotting Serena Williams tennis matches. We'll tell you why at the top of the hour. This has gotten into an ugly mess right here. You don't get to worry about that happening, but go here. Yeah, right now, Yeah, it's the nephew with the prank phone call, run that prank back? What you got? I feel like painting somebody's wife. You know what I'm saying. That's what you feel like. I just feel like painting somebody away. You know, I like painting neked people. How about that? So let's call this man right now. I will be Sebastian the Artist, and let's paint this man's wife. Let's do it. Hello, Hello, I wish to speak with a Mr. Please. Hello, sir, my name is Sebastian. I am with the Art Institute and I wanted to give you a call about Um. I have a huge showing coming up where I'm going to be displaying my portfolio got all of my drawings within it. But i have one drawing that I'm looking to display that I have not put on canvas yet, and I'm looking to take something of essence to put on canvas, and I want to call you about getting permission. We wait, hold on, dog, just to stop you right now. I don't do that, all right. I'm not a model. That's not my profession, So you would not waste your time no more. You know what I'm saying. Just go ahead, Mr. Mr. I don't think you understand that my showing is gonna have some very important people there. I am, like I said before, with our institute. Yeah, but I said, I don't do that. That's not me. I mean, I hate you know what, would you just calling folks up you as solicitor or something. I mean y'all just randomly picking out folks and trying to trying to get them a model. Look sir, Mr, No, I'm not just randomly calling people like I actually have done research in order to get your number. What what I'm doing is, I'm not calling you as for being a model that I'm going to portray on canvas, but you have something far more greater vision really that I would like to behold on Kansas. Now you're married, your wife is at my correct the whole whoa whoa whoa dog for? Who is this? Seriously? Because I can give my number. I get my number because you're talking about my wife and stuff. I know my wife. My name is Sebastian. I am with Art Institute. What I'm trying to do with capturing and and mortalize the beauty of essence on canda lies okay yo, for real, thought, you just can't. You don't talk about my wife, all right, So I'm not. I'm not calling in a negative manner towards your wife. I want to I want to mortalize her and capture her on canvas the beauties that she beholds. I've seen your wife several times, you guys reside, whoa whoa whoa? Do you see my wife? But wait, what do you see my wife? That? What? Why do you? Why are you? Why are you watching my wife. I've seen her. She she shops on a hundred and twenty street in hall Am. I seen her so many times there, and she holds all the beauty that and all would like to put on Kansas. Like I said before, I have a huge showing and you're welcome to come out as well. That's gonna be so many important people there. But I wanted to call and get permission from you about painting your wife. No, you ain't got that permission. Play well, you just can't. You just can't go around following my wife and trying to motalize or whatever. I just said. All right, so so, but I would like to let you know I have taken the liberty myself. I have painted your wife's head. What Joe, you have lost your damn mind. You can't be just walking around here painting folks headed. You gotta get permission for that. What's wrong with you? But you are crazy? You don't understand. Your wife holds the essence that every artist wants. I don't care what he holds. You can't be going around payton folks heads. Is wrong with you, sir. That's the reason why I'm calling trying to get permission from you. I, Sebastian, want to put your wife on Kansas because she holds the essence that every artist wants to behold. She orderize the beauty of kind. Whoa hold of God? Hold of the hold of God. You're telling me you're walking around Alumn painting my wife's head? Is that? What? What are you doing? Dude? Look too, I'm only trying to complete my folio. Oh no, your portfolio here? Listen it is if I see my wife's head anywhere, I don't care a new player of magazine. I don't care where Bill or whatever. Yo, I'm gonna find yo. I'm whoop you. Do you understand what I'm saying to you. I'm gonna see did you you understand that? S I don't want to have a duel with you, sir. Here's a duel. They do what they do. In fact, what name is a baship? Name is? That's a fashion, sir. All I want to do is paint your wife in herawist and purest foe. That's there's a law and purest for me. What what do you want? Seriously? I want to paint your wife. I want to paint in the nude. Are you watch my expective. Now he's no, no, no, that's what you should do. Tell me where you as you want to paint something, I'll give you something to pay. Tell me where you ask what? Read me what? That's what's up? I want to whoop your read me, read me, paint me? Pay me? You want your mind telling what you wanna paint? My wife in a new It's gonna take them blush. She's a stick them up, your miss. She holds the essence that every person should. I'll give up what's she whold asked? I don't give an ask me something like that, Sir, I must ask you. Do you think that you are the only person that has seen your wife in the new? Surely that's been men before you that have seen her in the new? That for you and my wife ain't no more? You call my wife? Is that what you're saying? Are you calling my wife? You? I want to pay your wife and the beauty that she bought. And so did you understand I just said, you know, I told you meet me on the corner of one and claim power. I got one more thing. I just lota saying, coming from the Steve All the Morning show, you just got paint my, your boy, what what this is? This is neverhew, this is ne few times for the Steve Harman Martin yo oh oh oh man yo man, y'allah. I was moving unshon mare dude, tom you've got me dog oh man. Yeah it was Sebastian. Yeah, dude, you get some bashid. Brother. I was about to move with y'all and sebashid. I was to pay brushes and always about the paint all with you, he told me, Man, he said, man, he loved his wife. I said, let me let me say this right now, love you. Let me get one more thing from your man. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Yeah, man, it's Steve Harvey in the morning show. Baby, you can see me being an artist, cause you you don't see it. I don't really see anybody seeing us being much of nothing. I'm thinking about doing one of my ceilings the way. Uh what that man name and painted that seating upside that? What was that man name? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, see like this, ain't nobody black done that. I might do that. I'll tell you what I'll do, Tommy, I'll pay for the scaffoling for you. And the Pains. If you just let me film, you can make this happen. Well. I could be the first black upside down. We got no problem. By whatever. You need, the best idea you really, man, this is wow, man, let's do it. We I'm the artist. Watch me works from now. Everybody called me Sebastian. There's no problem when you want to scaffoli. All right, we'll find out during the break, coming up and entertainment and sports news, we'll talk about Serena Williams and how the tennis umpires are thinking about boycotting her matches. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show alright. According to The London Times and CBS News, tennis umpires are considering refusing to officiate matches involving Serena Williams over the treatment of umpire Carlos Ramos during the US Open. The Women's Tennis Association and the United States Tennis Association have backed Serena's claims of sexism after she was given a game penalty for her behavior during her defeat against Naomi Osaka of Japan. What's her name against Steve? Naomi Osaka? Nao Okay, you got it good. The umpires felt that, uh, they were not supported and Carlos Ramos was thrown under the bus or thrown to the wolves. Uh. They also feel as if no one has their back when they have to make unpopular calls. Some I can't believe they're wanting about this. Some of the umpires also addressed the possibility of making coaching legal. One official said, we also think the issue of coaching needs to be addressed and we and should be allowed across the sport. So there you go. What do you guys think? First of all, it's ridiculous for them to say that they're going to a board her boycott her events. Are they serious? Do you know what men have said to them? Chair umpires? And they ever talked about boycott Neil, see this this woman, this woman who plays emotionally and has the right to play emotionally as do the men when they play emotionally. John McEnroe, Man, seriously, more how he how he what he did? And you've seen and you've seen me thousands of them since then. What she did does not call for you all to try to band together and and and because of his treatment, his treatment, man, please, he took a game from this woman in the US Open finals. Who takes a game a game from a person? And please? It was and she had every right to be upset and and absolutely not gonna do it because she brings in too much money. Come on, she's the star of the game. That's like not wanting Tiger at the course? Is you crazy? Lebron on the back, Lebron, Yeah, yeah, there is. There's no way. Muhammad Ali before all of them in the boxing ring, the greatest. Yeah, the radio, there you go, baby, come on your TV. Yeah, this is pranks, you know what I'm saying. Who want to go without? Come on, man, speak up for yourself. A whole new wave of people just standing up for themselves. In other sports news, just in case you were wondering, Michael strahand is on Colin Kaepernick's side. Okay, in case you missed it, Straighthand told Ellen Degenerous that if he were still playing, he'd be taking a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality too. He would be doing it too, he said. Uh. He added, I take my hat off to Colin Kaepernick. So there you go. In case you were wondering, you know, there was some question about you know, how Michael Strahan felt about this. Now now you know, right, and he says he takes his hat off. He supports Colin Kaepernick, thank you. Yeah. Yeah, has nothing to do with our troops and all of that. Nothing unpatriotic behavior, none of that. It has to do with police brutality. That's why he started. Yeah, that's why. Okay, just what happened in Dallas. Yes, and they're still investigating that. Yeah, but that's why Colin took a knee right there. All right, Steve, it is time to get caught up on today's headlines. Please miss and trip trip trip, Thanks everybody. This is entered with the news, and here we go. Hurricane Florence. That's the big news right now. Hurricane Florence winding its way east across the Atlantic with maximum sustained winds of about one ten miles per hour. It was downgrade to a Category two storm yesterday, but it's still dangerous because of all the war that's going to bring. According to North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, and the storm surge alone, tens of thousands of structures are expected to be flooded in North Carolina. Governor Cooper's warning residents of his state to prepare that there may not be any power for days after this, and the government is also called up just under three thousand National guardsmen to help out. Landfall is expected late tonight or tomorrow. By the way airlines started canceling flights yesterday. More than four hundred flights nationally schalued for departure have been canceled for today, including fights in Raleigh, Durham, Williamington, North Carolina, and Myrtle Beach and Charleston, South Carolina. According to the US Census Bureau, the number of Americans with health insurance remained pretty much unchanged last year. The latest government numbers show that about twenty nine million folks and uninsured in seventeen, about twenty nine million, and that's eight point eight per cent of the population, and that number where they weren't uninsured about about the same number the year before. That's even while President Trump and the Republicans keep trying to sabotage President Obama's Affordable Care Act, Obamacare is credited with helping more than twenty million people gain coverage. Meanwhile, the Census report shows that the red states of Texas and Oklahoma have the highest rates of uninsured residents. While states had expanded medicaid access to more low income people had more of their citizens covered than states that didn't both. Francis has reportedly someonbitious from all over the world for what is the first global church meeting to discuss clerical sex abuse, US bishops calling for a Vatican investigation into the cover ups of pre sexual misconduct. Google strongly refuting the charges made by President Trump that it routinely elevates news from liberal websites, especially when those stories are about him. Trump insists that Google search engines favor bad news about him from what he describes as left leaning news sources. Trump appears to be parroting a story published last week by a right wing website It should claim that almost all of Google search results for Trump news were from quote left leaning sources like The New York Times, CNN, Bloomberg, and NPR. Of course, you know, those are the news operations that the president says, uh, just kind of just disseminate fake news news that he is really not that happy with. Google denies the accusation, by the way, and as it never ranks results in order to manipulate political sentiment. It doesn't do that. It's not in the business of that. Finally, though today is bald is beautiful day. Take it all. If you take it off, the gladies like it. Here's up Steve Harvey Nation. Find out if Uncle Steve is smart than his nephew. Back in twenty minutes after the hour and the Steve Harvey Morning Show, you're listening to Steve Harvey Show. She's big, she's angry, and she's heading straight for the Carolinas. Her name is Florence. Steve's talking about, well, millions have been ordered to flee Hurricane Florence. President Trump said the White House is totally prepared, calling the response to Hurricane Maria and Puerto Rico incredibly successful. Trump says his administration is sparing no expense. We are ready, he told reporters yesterday. We are as ready as anyone has ever been. This is going to be a very large one. It's tremendously big and tremendously wet, tremendous amount of water. And what did we get out of that? What do we get out of tremendous? He has a two word voe. Thank you. We can add this one. I know other countries is so glad they're laughing at us. You know, all everybody wanted to vote for Trump. I'm I'm cool with right where he is. This is what you voted for. Now, if you take an honest look at it, you've got to say, you've got to say, man or man, what have I done? Made a tremendous mistake because what they're trying to tout now is they're trying to just get the president to start talking about the positives, likes, the tax cut and unemployed, which all those are facts right now, but you're not merely judged by that seat. They thought they were hying a great businessman to run the country. The problem is our country isn't a business. It's a group of people. And see so if you think that you can be judged by unemployment, stock market being up, and a tax credit, you're sadly mistaken. Because people require governing. They are part of the country. So when we're not making money, when we're just trying to live side by side, educate our children, take them to practice, what are we left dealing with If you're create in a climate of separatism and hate, If you got hate groups now thinking that while we got some support in the White House, so now let's keep coming here. Well, we're gonna keep raising up just like the boys did in d C. You come up there with your little clan meeting and you walk down this here street right here, this our block, and then you're gonna get more that because we're tired of it. So your job, really as the president was to govern and unify the country, not to separate it. And that's what you've done, and that's what makes you not a good president. Coming up next, it's the game we love. Are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy? Coming up? You're listening all right, here we go and it's time for are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy? Tommy, Tommy Tommy. Y'all need to come on, man, what you try to do to my nephew yesterday? Would say he only got to when he got really off folks, But he still lost, but still he was smarter than he normally better. Right here, No this support man, I'm here with you now. I'm the Fisher scorekeeper hill and I'm gonna keep eye on this right here. That was a suggesting made that the three of us should play at one time. I didn't want to force Tommy to face third second, it sounds better. Of course, he'll never be on the cover of the wheaty box. But and Junior, I'll be listening to you close all that old study. It ain't who start, it's who get an answer first. Tell that to Mississippi monic. So I got your doll. Let's go, Tommy, Tommy, tom Right here we go. I'll get off this if he lose. Yeah, all right, here we go. Tailer Cleveland, All right, here we go. What is the retail brand to me known for selling? What iconic rappers real name is James Todd Smith? In the stars drama Power, what actress plays the role of Keisha La La Anthony? What does Ben and Jerry specialize? What Southern City used to have the annual event Freakniek? What nineties sitcom did Tia and Tamarrow Maori stars? What is Carla Farrell's Carla Farrell's middle name, maiden middle name? Which Michelle? Which beer? Which beer is associated with the Dilly Dilly commercial? But what restaurant chain makes the famous blooming onion appetizer? I'll bet how many grandchildren to Steve Harvey asked to Day, I asked ten, I no idea to Day, Yeah, I no idea. We spent some time on what is Carla Farrell's middle name? I'll tell you. We have the questions and the answers. No, what is a retail brand to meet known for selling luggage and travel goods? Is the answer I got Jr. Yeah, Which iconic rapper's real name is James Todd Smith? L L Cool? J J and the Stars drama Power? What actress plays the role of Key Shaw? Junior got that one right, It's La La Anthony. What does Ben and Jerry specialize in ice cream? Yeah? That was a tie. What Southern City used to have the annual event Freaknick? That was a tie? Atlanta? What nineties sitcom did Tea and Tomorrow? Maori Star and Sister Sister? That was a tie? Would you have Steve? Jor? But I give it a time? What number seven? This is the one we spend time on. What is Carla Farrell's middle name? The correct answer is Patrise. It's not j It's not even Steve. I heard it a while be associated with the Dilley Dilley commercial. Budweiser Junior Junior got that what restaurant chain makes a famous blooming onion appetizer out beck, Tommy got that right? And how many grandchildren did? Steve Harvey had five? Junior said it right, Junior got five, Tommy got one, and they tied for three. No, no, no, what you do? How do you get there? S? Five? One and three? That's that's no and and no answer was one. Yeah, they didn't get Carl, how many you say, Junior five? It don't matter, but you're trying to find all right, I don't care, alright, alright, the nephew is up. He is the King of pranks. He always gets that one. Right. We'll be back with the prank phone call for today right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after it is my strawberry letter for today's subject. He wants me, but not the children. Right now, it is the nephew's turn with today's prank phone call. What's you got? King of pranks? Work? Hu Ya understand that? Don't you work? Husband? Wow? I said, did you hear that? I did? You know? Yeah? I did. It was so natural I didn't even notice it. Until he didn't notice. It scared him. He focused on saying, now, quark one more time, quirk, husband, it's not the husband where you have the issue? Yeah, you don't even got to say husband, quirk? Where where? No? I was quirk? Hus work? Stop blowing for you? Say it? He went to class, He went to w class to try to Yeah, he wanted that. Yeah, he flunk. How long was the class? We quark? Husband? How was that it was? Yeah? That was almost there? Yeah, I didn't hear it? Husband, You maybe start, Oh, are we gonna hear the paint? Yeah, let's play it. Play just playing. You can say you and you can stay husband. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Gary, Gary, who is this? Hello? Who is this? Hey? This is Tony Man. I work with your wife. Pam's right, she's fine, she's fine. Man. I'm I'm one of a co workers. Man. I wanted to reach out to you. You know, I've been working with it quite some time. I'm kind of like what they called her work. Husband. Man. You may have heard her mention me before Tony. Wait wait wait, wait, back up, back up, because I maybe a little sleep. What did you say a husband? No? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, nothing like that. Man. It ain't but one husband here, Okay, No, I got that. I'm a work husband, you know, you know like that, you know, just some something playful at the job. They'd be saying, faceful work, What are you talking about? Well, you know it's just just something you know, playful. They be saying, you know, uh, when you hang around somebody a lot. This said he should work husband or your work wife, you know, something like that. But nothing nothing, nothing heavy, nothing heavy at all. Man? All right, what's what's up? Man? I mean, what's up? Well? I was calling man, trying to ask you. I want, um, how long are you paying? I've been married? Wait? Wait, what's what's your name again? My name is Tony? Okay, um, we've been mad about eight or nine years. Let me what's up? How long do you do? Uh? If you don't mind me asking, how much longer do you see y'all y'all being married? I kind of do mind you that? Okay, Hold up? How did you get this lumber again? Man? Like? No, I got to I got the number out of out of pants phone and I wanted to call you myself. Whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa, whoa, whoa? Back out of my wife's phone. Yeah, dog, I don't. I don't even ask whoa whoa? Why are you in my wife's phone? No, dude, I mean I just got it off a death man. I wanted to. I wanted to, um, you know, I wanted to reach out to you man and kind of have a black a private conversation with that first one. Why are you in my wife's phone? You calling me? Dude? I mean, this is this, this is how this this husband thing. This it's really it's really blowed me right now. Now. It's just know, it's just a word. That's a work husband, man, That's all that is. What is a work husband? What are you? What are you doing with my wife? You know that's just like you know, like you know, I'll bring us some coffee and donuts to the job, or you know, get us some lunch and stuff. Man, if she don't feel like my wife don't even like donut. And we got a new comfee machine just two weeks ago from why are you bringing my wife? Hey? Man, listen, I really, I really, I basically I just called for this year. I loan I loaned to youth. Foresee y'all being married to death? Do I find what? Do you mean? How long are we gonna be married? What should let me to? Man? Tony Tony Tory, I don't give a damn you asking me these hold on, let me let me call my wife. Hold on, hold on, holo. Hello Hello Gary, Gary, Tam you better call me within two minutes. Right now, it's ten thirty eight. You better call me my ted party and you're black be sleeping outside? Hello Tory? Hello? Yes? Are you to that? Why you call her? Man? This? This is wonna be a conversation me and you're having together on the Are you talking about you? You want wife's word? Husband? It ain't but what husband up in here? And she don't keep it till death? Do us part? Now? I'm glad you called me on a Friday. I'm so glad because I got all weekend to think about that was that I'm gonna give you because this out here now I'm trying to figure out how much wrong with do you think you want to be married to her? Oh? Yeah? This who's ben't gonna be phenomenal? Are you better get right with Jesus on Frinday? Because I get a dance tea. You're gonna meet a Monday morning. I'm trying to stand and if I'm taking my wife up there earlier and I want to see you black, I'm just trying to adopt. All I'm saying is if you didn't want to be be mad to any longer than maybe we could work something. Now. That's all I'm asking the workout partner. All we need to work out is be there Monday, because I'm shure the hell's gonna be there question early Monday, waiting for your work husband mine. Okay, look, man, I'm never gonna see what I'm working. I'm not trying to look. I don't try to do it. Help with deeper man and man conversation with you? Man, all right, you know you don't call me talking about you bringing my wife down. That's some coffee and all up in us. All this ain't no deeply conversations. Hey man, I'm her work husband, dog everybody everybody. Most people have a work husband or work wife. Man. That's that's known in the corporate world. Work husband. You hear what I'm saying, Why a work husband and you I'm gonna be there Monday eight o'clock. Hey man, I'm not gonna say and go back. Look, you know what I'm gonna just called Pam. I just called Pam. I'm sorry to call me back in about a minute. In fifteen seconds, we're gonna wait for to call me back. Works husband on Friday. Okay, Well that's it was just it was just a question. Man. I'm just trying to see if you didn't want to, maybe we could watch something out if I find out if there's any truth to anything you're saying. Oh, it's gonna be the later on night to night. You ain't nobody gonna do nothing to my baby. I mean, ain't nobody gonna do what? Did you call my wife? Your baby? No? No, I'm here Monday and this is the work husband. Man. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Man, No, you ain't got nothing to say to me Monday. No, No, No, I got something else I need to say to you. Are you listening? You better talk to Jesus because I'm gonna be up there on Monday at eight. Okay, I got I got one more thing I need to say it. Got nothing to say to me itself Monday, I'm I do got one more thing to say to you. Go ahead, go ahead, I said that you're listening. I'm listening to this for work hasAge? Well, just what I want to tell you? What I mean? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your brother Eric love that I put you up to this. I'm so glad that's a joke because somebody was about to die. So you all right? Man? Oh man, that's a good one. You alright? Oh I need a drink? Man, Man, yeah, Man, Hey, I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the lake? Man? The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Y'all crazy? All right? What's crazy? Call it my work? Work? Quite? Yes? Yes? Well one, you can't say work your words, that's Carlos embarrassed. You can't say work, that's a work. What are you struggling with? White and what? And you need air for that one? Okay, it's time next for the Strawberry letters subject he wants me but not the children. You're listening to the Steven Show. Well, coming up in about an hour, guys, Carlo's Reality Update and Steve Jr. Tommy, You guys are gonna want to chime in on Carlo's topic of man Code rules with ray j. Um We love ray J. Carlo is gonna spill the tea on love and hip hop Hollywood, which is the only reason we watch because of ray J. Yeah, we watch it because of ray J. The whole family FAU. That's coming up in about an hour Carlo's Reality Update. But right now it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need some advice on relationships, on work, on sex, on dating, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter, Right Steve, tell them thank us absolutely correctly. You really don't have many options because miss Abbey has passed. Oh you mean, like dear Abbey that used to have the column in the newspaper. She passed, so it's just at the paper. Yeah, all right, Well, we could be reading your letter live on the air, like we're gonna read this one today. Come on, nephew, buckle up, hold on tight, we got for you here. It is the strong subject. He wants me but not the children here. Stephen Shirley, I am a forty nine year old female married to a forty nine year old man. We have five children and five grandchildren. Here is the problem, my current husband. I have five children and five grandchildren. Okay, okay, here is the problem. My current husband is not the father of my children. I married this man when my children were young, so he's been in their lives for a very long time. My youngest son just graduated from high school and we'll be going away for college. So now my husband thinks that we are done raising children and from now on it will be just the two of us. He has said that he that we don't have to worry about the kids anymore because they are all grown and have their own lives. So am I not supposed to? So am I'm not supposed to be involved with my child dren since they are no longer living at home. My children range from ages thirty two to eighteen years old, and all five of them live in different states. I want to see them and my grandkids as often as I can. In fact, I'd like to move closer to them. My husband does not want anything to do with them period. He doesn't want to visit them, and he doesn't want them to visit us. He said that they don't need to come for the holidays. What the hell he really thinks that because they are adults, I am supposed to forget that they exist. I understand that these are are golden years and we should be enjoying quality time together and traveling the world, but our travels should also include trips to see my children. If he's really serious, I may have to spend my golden years alone. Stephen Shirley, can you please help me? Well, Uh, your letters started off nicely, so I'll put it like this, your husband, I'm sure it feels like he's done his job and it's over. These were not his kids. He raise them anyway. He's been in their lives, uh since they were really young. So he's done and uh not being their biological debt. Like I said, the ties are cut. He has no connection really to them. It seems um uh he cut them off and his concentration is now on you and you guys the future together. He wants to live, he wants to live his life, you know, and and do all of those things. But now I think that he's being very unrealistic when he says the children, he doesn't want the kids to come and see you or he doesn't want you to go see the kids. How is that? I mean, really that that's a bit unrealistic, especially if it makes you happy to see your kids. You're his wife. He should want to see you happy and do those things that make you happy. I mean, it's very unrealistic to say that. He really thinks that because they're adults, you're supposed to forget that they exist. No, that that's not the issue, and he knows that's not the issue. Um, they are grown and they are living their own lives. That part is definitely true. But you guys got to come to some kind of uh compromise in terms of when you see the kids and when you go see the kids, even if you just go by yourself, you have to see your kids. These are your kids, Steve, you're a parent. Now he wants me, but not the children. Okay, that I can relate to. I don't won't mind either though. God, and on any day between the seven month you can come get folks just like that, So that much I understand. But we are parents. You're forty nine, your man's forty nine. You got five children and five grandkids. Uh, he's not the fault of the kids. Your youngest son just graduated high school going away to college. So now your husband thinks that we've done raising children and from now on it to just be the two of us. He has says that we don't have to worry about the kids no more because they all grown and have their own lives. Okay, are you kidding me? You really think that's how it goes? Do you know that you are a parent for life, for life. You may not be a husband or a wife for life, but once you become a parent, you're a parent for life. Now, there are some good ones out there, and they are some bad ones out there. I got it, you, sir, about to turn into a bad one because you don't get it. You are in your gold and you, as you said that late in the letter, your kids are from thirty two day eighteen. All of them live in different states, and you want to see your kids and your grandkids. A matter of fact, you want to move closer to him. Your husband don't want nothing to do with them. Paid he doesn't want to visit them, and he doesn't want them to visit us. He says, they don't need to come for the holiday. Crazy, that's what the lady type don't need to come for the holidays. What the hell? What the hell is right? Come on, man, are you for real? Bro? You're gonna just act like you never met these people? Like you? You? They meant nothing. He going to college. I said, he gotta come home. He's not ready to live on his own. And I got that. The kids range from thirty two to eighteen? Man, do you know how much advice they need? So how much help they need, financial support they need? Come on, man, that ain't how this work. Man? Are you crazy? And he don't want them to bet he don't want him to come for the holidays. What the hell? He thinks that because they are adults, I'm supposed to forget that they exist. That's the craziest part of them. You gotta be nuts. It doesn't work that way. It's crazy for you to think that. Come on, man, I understand that these are golden years. You ain't before to nine. Hell goldie. But if that's how you want to look at it, okay, cool, And that we should be enjoying quality time together and traveling the world. Playing should also include trips see my children. If he's really serious, I may help spend my golden years along. We will be back kids. What's you say, Steve? Al right, Uh, we will be back at twenty three after with part two of Steve's response to he wants me but not the children? Right after this you're listening to show, all right, Steve, Here we are part two of today's Strawberry Letter. The subject he wants me but not the children? Well, the youngest one and graduated, and the boy is five kids, none of them he is now hes going while they graduated. They're going. We threw with them. They out. He's saying, no, they have their own lives, their adults. They should be able to make it on their own. I want to see my grandkids. Is offer our can? It's what the woman says. In fact, I want to move closer to him. My husband doesn't want anything to do with them, period. He don't want to visit them. He don't want them to visit us. He said, they don't need to come for the holiday to him. The lady said, what to him? So we don't come for the holidays? What is Christmas about? He really thinks that because they're adults, I'm supposed to forget they exist. I understand that these are golden years and we should be enjoying quality time together and traveling the world. But I traveled playing to be called trips to see my children. He's really serious. I may have to spend my golden years along Stephen, Sirley, can you please help me? He wants to check out. In essence, he wants to check out. He wants to say that I've done my duty. I raised these kids to the best of my ability. I've contributed, and now they're gone. That's it. I'm chilling. I wish that was the case. But honey, why don't you want to see the kids? I mean, did something happen the kids? Well, yeah, you've seen them since they were young. I mean, and they live their own lives now. I saw all I needed to see when they was here. I'm todd. I've been working, paying Bill put key to college and were covering up dream I bought that born a carbon machine, all that, and honey, we appreciated so much. But these are my kids. I have to see them on the holidays. That's what the holidays of four families. Holiday, Yes, family like Thanksgiving, like Christmas, like Thanksgiving like Christmas. We ain't going down there. I've already made arrangements for them to come here here, here to the house that I'm you know, getting the big Christmas tree and everything. They're just got ready to got rid of the damn boy, what the hell are you inviting them back for? They don't think we won't Well, he has to have somewhere to go when he's out of school for Christmas break school? Are we? He downed that one of the men the National School. But he I want him to come home. I missed them. I carried them for nine months. This is my blood. So you raised and the kid to be none but chumps. He's a great kid. He's in college now, great kid heself. Go make it. You know he ain't gonna get a job. I don't understand. I mean, you were so good with them when they were young and helping me raise them. Now all of a sudden, it's like, who are there? I don't know. You were just counting the day. What do you mean you were counting the day until they got out this house? But you were so good. They call you daddy. You're not even there that she never gonna call me daddy called They can't find that. Well, you know, I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate that you were there for me, there for my kids. I know you do, Baby, I appreciate Now I won't you be here for me? Well, I am here for you. But I'm also all the time all that the mom days over with. No, the mom days are never over with. They is they're gonna. No, they're not they No, they're not call you keeping fighting them back leaving where they had girls. These are my kids and this is my house too. They're coming home for the holidays. Okay, I put my foot down that we're fight them back over for the holidays. It's just being here. We ain't gonna we're gonna be able to put a tree up. We're gonna put a tree up right over there. But when are you you put a tree up over there? And then all these people coming to the house, we will be decorated. It's just five kids and five grandkids and their people. Look at the little room. Well, then maybe we need a bigger house because I'm not getting rid of my kids. Bigger house. Yes, it's a bigger house, the girl. We can finally got all the people out of here only here. We need a big house. It's just for a few days during the holiday's honey, you don't want to sing Christmas carols? Yeah? No, matter of fact, I won't just how stage sayings so they already outgrowed it. And who's gonna we need a bigger house? Who's gonna help me cook? That's what we love doing, that, me and the girls cooking together, preparing Christmas dinner and Thanksgiving dinner. Huh, you ain't. We're gonna stop your damn joke, woman in the matter, that you don't try to slide in and you can cook. We're gonna end damn woman in the letter can cut the letter? Try to slide in? And who's gonna help you cook? That what we've been trying to find out two thousands. I don't know what the new Mexican man you get you're married to? Dude? Sorry you, Steve? Are you still the man in the letter? Make up your mind? I'm a man in the letter. But what you try to slide in with a cooking compliment by yourself? And I ain't even let you do it? Now, surely you can't cook. Who's gonna help me cook? Anybody? I'm speaking as the woman in the letter. Husband who hates kids now, like, no, damn, And why is that? What did they do to you that I don't know about? Because it seems like to me you were getting along fine with them because you was never there. You never knew what was going on behind them. Dough Are they gang up on you or something? To say? You're not having that one night and that board to eighteen year old boy. He caught me on my side and he climbed up, only it was choking me. Oh wow, Yes, I didn't go about honey, this is gonna be so much fun. Come on now for a few days. No, okay, I can I can't do it. Okay, I can't measure on my holiday, missile? What am I supposed to say when they asked me where's their dad? Where's dad? And that you know they call you dad, where's daddy? Huh? What am I supposed to say? You ain't gonna say nothing called they ain't gonna be in here? All right, We gotta go, We gotta get out of here. Email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f er you can go to my girls surely now coming up in ten minutes from the talk it is our girl, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour Carlos Reality Update. But right now, Steve from Hey and Steve Harvey, did you hear me shout you out this week that said you're the reason why I'm fat. I heard your share because you went to the dr and had all inclusive and could eat and drink anything you want. That's right. And then find dudes kept bringing me food and they they bring me rice and you know I can't eat no rice everything, And I was killing the game. I had a good time. Now I want to tell all the ladies when when they go on sale, get your tickets, get your tickets. You when they go on sale, because they got defined hist dudes, when y'all when y'all gonna put them on sale again for next year? Not we can't tell you, Oh, we can't tell you. Okay. They keep listening to Steve Mortar show so you can know when it's about to happen. And then I Steve Harvard volunteered to go around the country to find the finest single man blood test them. You're in test them and do some credit checks so we can have some most single dudes with us at saying that. So wherever the next location go because I'm gonna be there, I'm gonna be there. And Junior, next time, listen, don't try to act like you passed out. It's happen the next time after the next time you played too much. I did try to act like even passed out. Did he have it back to you? Act like he was out but gripping the corner of the show? Stay? Did you have a camera in the room? Show? I know he I know he wasn't that passed out because he had a T shirt all over up over his belly and everything. It was the best trip in the world and I recommended for everybody. I had a good time. We had a lot of fun. It was a lot of great entertainment. The master classes was good, was even and and Miss Marjorie. It was fantastic. It was It was great. So you know, just be if you can't go, go and um to anybody in the Trump family. If you're not under indictment having lost your passport, maybe you'll be that. So what's going on with you? Listen to me? Everything is good and all the time, God is good. I'm gonna keep my good. CBS John, Now, y'all play if y'all but Steve, Steve, hey, listen me. I'll let your boy now because um, we just need to keep the train rolling down the track. Don't you think daytime is a good opportunity for people, especially when you get to our age and our station in life. Don't you think? Absolutely? I'm happy to be here and I'm happy that God let me stay here. Was that the question? Y'all? Answer? Did I dodge you? Republican? I'm not gonna get you the straight answer? Did that? Did I? Did I stay true to my political That's it. When I can say something, I will be able to say something. But right now, keep watching the show. Check it out. If my eyes blink, I'm sending you a message. Help that. Hey listen. But you know what, things are going really really good. And I'm glad that people tuned in where we could say what we needed to say. And I feel like I just spoke from it being in the spiritual connection, a blessing from God. That's what it is. If you live long enough, you can change your station in life. Whatever go down and That's why I do it. And I'm gonna tell you something else. You know, I'm in radio. You know I'm I'm in uh TV and you know what I'm in MASTERP I got to hook up to and they already got the trailer and I'm in the trailer. Praise the Lord. I'm in the trailer. So hey, God is good all the time. And all the time, God is good. That's why we're doing what we do, Steve Harvey. But you know it all the time. See how I need about two suits for the holidays. I need a birthday for one for my birthday and then I need one for Thanksgiving. Just like I said and saying it out. You know, I just want to man that want to be with me and living his own house. Yeah, how's that gonna work? No? Because I swept for Lord. I make you want to fight me because I'm the queen of who are you talking to? Yeah? So so you I think that works out and then we smooth, you know, and then I sneak out the house. Yeah, because I'm like a old hound dog, Steve, I'm layal. I sitting there were watching the gate queen walking right, That's right. I sweat for lord, Steve, I'll make you want to choke. Listen to me. I am my father's son and my mother's daughter, and my mama was no joke, and I got all of that in me, and I try to, you know, suppress it. You know. I let the man be the man. And you know, and whatever money you make, if you're a shade tree mechanic, we're living on shade tree for cadic money. I just want to be with you. And you live in your own house and everything, and I make sandwiches and pick up the dry cleaning and make sure the house is cleaning everything. How about that? It works out? So so a, Steve, I see you setting people up. How let your girl? I know you set me up with the last dude and it didn't really work out. Come on, Steve, No, but see I have a better idea. I'll tell you what. If you work out the idea, let's do it together. Let's do it together. No, and I gotta listen. I don't know what whistling? Were you whistling like the Andy Grams theme? So at you whistling? Old Hey? Call into Steve Harvey Moran show. If you were like to Day's show Underwood and you're willing to live in your own house, and you have your own money, and you know the Lord, you must be over two hundred and five pounds. Why because you can't be the same weight I am, and we're the same height. That's not gonna work. No, no, no. You could be democratic, you could be independent, you could be burning Sanders like everything you want to be, so we could discuss politics of football and everything. So I'm just trying to find me somebody. So I'm not going to saying the soul along this next time, and when it comes everybody listening to that, I can't believe y'all missed the whole rendition. I heard you're about to go about to go fishing with my red head son, Opie. I heard that. I knew I heard you. I heard a matter of fact, I was gonna call my friend Google. I'm about to call Jim, neighbors and everybody I heard you. I'm listening to right now. You're killing it, though, Cheryl will please keep us updated. I will when I can say something. You'll know something, Steve, Thank you girl. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carlo's reality update. We're gonna talk about loving hip Hop Hollywood. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, tell me it is time please introduced Kyla. It's that time. Buckle up baby, see is here Carlo's reality Update? Okay, thank you that you you here? We go love and hip hop Hollywood. So it's so confusing. A One and Lyrica. So they're married, Steve. So A One and Lyrica invited their friends, including ray J and his wife Princess, to their baby announcement celebration dinner because A One and his wife Lyrica are they're expecting and they wanted to share the news with their friends. Ray J invited Safari to this dinner to talk about the cheating rumors. Picture to Steve, ray J, Safari and A One, they're all friends. So there's a rumor that Safari and A One's wife, Lyrica had an affair. So ray J is in the middle of this and he wanted to talk about the cheating rumors at the dinner. Ray J just wanted to know did you sleep with Lyrica up? Safari danced around the question and he never gave a straight answer, which caused A One to jump on the table in the restaurant to try to get to Safari to beat his behind because that was his wife. Safari went on, he sent an appropriate in front of the dude. Yes, yeah, it was a lot. Safari sent inappropriate pictures of his private part to A One's wife, Lyrica lyrical. She has denied have an affair with the husband, but she didn't give a straight answer to her girlfriend Brook. Her girl. Her girl was like, what did you sleep with this dude? She never gave a straight answer. Moving on, ray J calls a meeting with the fellas at the bar to address more rumors about his friend and A one. He came to the meeting. Now they're all there. Now there was more rumors on top of that that ray J heard about this man's wife getting busy with some more folks. So ray got the yes, and that's ray J's point to A one. A one got to the meeting and he took off his hat and he was really ready to fight ray Jack. Ray J stood up and he said, fam listen, I'm just trying to help you clear these rumors up. So the question is, guys, how do you feel? Is it man cold? Did ray J go too far? Princess felt like that her husband shouldn't been involved in the business in the first place. And would you tell a friend on a friend No, I'm not. You see what I'm saying because far wife for nothing. I'm sorry, I'm not in it. If I know it, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut. I ain't got nothing to do with that. I'm not. I'm not gonna be the one. You broke up with your wife, but it's over. I don't care how many people wife sleeping with. You're not going to hear it from me. I'm not going to sleep with her, but I'm not gonna say a damn thing. And I'm out of that, Okay, JR. I'm with Tommy. I wouldn't say that. Man, I got into my business because you know, if you're if your marriage is, don't get a bad That ain't gonna do with me. The reality TV it's man law, which you can't. That ain't your business partner. You're my boy. I see your girl somewhere. That ain't on me. You know what's happening at your house. Come on. Most women is out tripping because they know their man tripping. Most of the time. There are exceptions to the rule, but I don't see how ray J. This reality TV. We all get together and talk about these rules. Yeah it's real. Yeah, but but the the hook is to now keep in mind ray J is friends with both of these guys, and they were supposed to be friends with each other. So it ain't just that you see your your friends girl out with somebody else. Is somebody that's supposed to be friends with both of you guys. If I asked, let's see your man part in my wife phone, now we gotta issue. Yeah exactly, Safari, that was inappropriate. Absolutely, yes, well I got a problem with my girl now, oh absolutely, that's another angle Johnson in your phone. Yeah, but we but we're putting it back up though. Yeah. Yeah, he won't be able to do another photo shoot. I tell you that. First of all, it's not even logical for you to even invite somebody like that to a baby announcement. He wouldn't be there in real life, he would You ain't, no dude sit and have that conversation. Not having a conversation about my wife's infidelity with the dude old cross the table at post will be if the infidelity was committed with and some people try to work it out between us, even work nothing, partner. Yeah, And that's what Safari's attitude was. He he addressed us with his wife before and she he believed her. He believed her. She said nothing happened. So he was thrown with it. He squashed it with his wife. He said, Okay, I believe you. We're done, We're together, and that's it. And so then here comes ray J because and then they announced to their friends, Hey, we're expecting we're having a baby. And ray J was like, well, you need to address these issues and his wife was like, oh, you need to stay out of it. So for real, ray J, what are you talking? Yeah, but it got you know, at the end of the episode, A one was like, you know, he jumped up, and you know how they have the security of the reality shows holding you back. They're all holding a one back And ray J is like, you know, you're mad at me for the wrong reasons. But you know what, we can argue about everything in my house. Everything under this builds everything. The main rule is we're not gonna have an argument. We don't have There's no other person in argument period, never a we all have an argument, our discussion about another person that is not admitted. You mean in your marriage. We're not having that one. That's well, we're running out of time. Hit me up at lips by Carlo, would you tell a friend on a friend hit me up. We'll talk about it hashtag Carlo's reality update. And just a reminder, I will be in Houston a Memorial Park Sister Struck raising awareness for breast cancer awareness this Saturday, Houston, Texas, September. Shirley, we'll be back at twenty after you're listening to show. Okay, Steve, here we go. An english Man born without a penis lost his virginity at We're gonna put something in so created listen to what the doctors did though. Yeah, the doctors created a bionic penis for him. Okay, I do what. I don't need lower leg and put it down there, but I need some alright. Well, his name is Andrew wardle Man. Congratulations. I don't know what to five years to break yourn, I would have been in something. But wait a minute. He had a girlfriend. Though he had a girlfriend, Yeah, and he really had one. After he got the bionic penis, he had to endure though a ten hour procedure. Steve, Okay, that's it took him ten hours to attach it. Then he had to go through a ten day erection. Oh before before with his girlfriend. Okay, he lost his virginity with this girl. Man, ten days, I'm go No, you don't know, hey man, I'm just moving furniture for ten days. Though. If I can't do nothing now, I bet I go buy me a dozen don't nuts. I bet you that. I bet you miss dough nuts by whoa when you can be doing They would have a kid if you didn't have one of your efforts, pop by Soul would have been by war. Ten donar been missing days? Where are you out of bustling up? Mother? What you're doing? From buy penis? Let me tell you how they made it? Come on here, I'm committing on robbery chicken joint, the real joint. I'm selling beans. We had multiple jobs. Are you going to sleep? I got to buy for penis. Let me let me tell you how they made it. Okay, but dropped out of school to pack bag. You got all kinds of eye working, all right, So they construct repair. They made it out of a skin from Andrew's arm, and then they put nerves in it from his legs. Uh huh. He was born without a penis, and one in twenty million might have this abnormality at birth. So I'll tell you what. We're gonna do something. How much did it cost? I know you want to know that, because Steve, you got a lot of jobs. How much? Just take a wild guest. That's way too much. Close, Tommy, you can get one five for sixty five thousand. You can't get the one I got. Half. You were born that way anywhere, born with sixty dollars. They make it from your skin and from nerves, from your legs, and you get laws in London only thing right, I'm glad you love to Oh my god, well, wouldn't I want to? You got this gentleman? Think you ever funny? Though? But anyway, yeah, relay on board big team. Oh my god, here we go. You're crazy team talent waker. Tommy boy, you better more of this ignorant show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. She's big, she's angry, and she's heading straight for the Carolinas and talk bore. Her name is Florence Steve. Alright, no you're talking about Well, millions have been ordered to flee hurricane Florence. President Trump said the White House is totally prepared, calling the response to Hurricane Maria and Puerto Rico incredibly successful. Trump says his administration is sparing no expense. We are ready, he told reporters yesterday. We are as ready as anyone has ever been. This is going to be a very large one. It's tremendously big and tremendously wet, tremendous amount of water. And what did we get out of that? What did we get out of tremendous? He has a two word vote, thank you. We can add this one. I know other countries is so glad they're laughing at us. You know, I know everybody wanted to vote for Trump. I'm I'm cool when with right where he is. This is what you voted for. Now, if you take an honest look at it, you've got to say, you've got to say, man, in oh man, what have I done? Made a tremendous mistake? Because what they're trying to tout now is they're trying to just get to president to start talking about the positives, likes the tax cut and unemployed, which all those are facts right now. But you're not merely judged by that seat. They thought they were hying a great businessman to run the country. The problem me is, our country isn't a business. It's a group of people. And see so if you think that you can be judged by unemployment, stock market being up, and a tax credit, you're sadly mistaken. Because people require governing. They are part of the country. So when we're not making money, when we're just trying to live side by side, educate our children, take them to practice. What are we left dealing with if you're creating a climate of separatism and hate, if you got hate groups now thinking that while we got some support in the White House. So now let's keep coming here. Well, we're gonna keep raising up just like them boys did in d C. You come up there with your little clan meeting, you walk down this street right here, this is our block, and then you're gonna get more that because we're tired of it. So your job, really as the president was to govern and unify the country, not to separate it. And that's what you've done, and that's what makes you not a good president. Wilson, all right, thank you. We will be back with closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this at forty nine, after you're listening to show, Well, guys, it's been a good day. We're gonna ask that you everyone keep praying for our neighbors and our friends along the southern East coast as they prepare for what's inevitable. It's coming Hurricane Florence. It's being labeled by the National Weather Center as the storm of a lifetime. Uh so please be safe. Yeah, that that's just a monster storm. So Steve, please close out the show. You know what, I'm gonna give you something else, some takeaway that I had on my trip this summer. And um, I don't know how long I can explain this, but let me tell you something here. Here is a stated fact. You've heard it from your grandmother, your mother, if you ever been to Sunday School, you ever hear old Saints say God's timing is best. Yeah, God's timing is best, and it really is best because he knows what he's doing. See, what I had to learn was whenever I asked God for something, he goes into action right away. Now what I don't know is behind the scenes, there are some actions that oftentimes we know nothing about He moved some parts and some pieces, so when he answered the prayer, it has the back foundation to support it, you know what I mean. It has to write infrastructure around it. So that's why you always hear him say too, when God blesses you, it ain't nothing no man can do about it, because when God bless you, he just set it up so where you you can't refute it. You can't knock it down, you can't come in and destroy. When God do something for you, can't nobody do nothing about that. There's no power greater than him. So you have that in mind. So you've got to understand that God's timing is best because he's usually moving some other pieces. Now, even though God's timing is best, let me tell you something about that timing. Now. See, when you ask God for something, I was always taught that he ships it to you right away. He packages it up and he ships it to you right away. Way. The problem with the package that he ships he does not give you the date of the package's arrival. He don't give out no delivery dates. He just say, believe in me, have faith in me, call on me, and I will deliver you. That's his promise. Now, if you're gonna lean on a promise, then he then he gonna see, he gonna see if he can lean on on on on the promises. And so what I'm saying it's even though God's timing is best, what you always is, I gotta tell you something from my experience with God's timing, it's a little challenging. Now, I'm gonna just be real honest with you. Just suggest me talking. I have no scripture to back this up, nothing like that. I'm just telling you how I honestly feel sometimes about God's timing. I I feel as though it's a bit challenging at times. I think that it's a very testing thing to ask God for something and then to wait on Him to give it to you. When He gonna give it to you, that's testing. Sometimes, I'm just being honest with you. Asking God for something and then waiting on the package to arrive, it's a little bit stressful. You know. It's like this. Have you ever want to buy a car and you feel out the paperwork and they say, hey, just go have some lunch and we'll call you in a couple hours. And then you come down and pick your new call up waiting on that phone call. That's kind of stressful, it really is, man, It's just it's just it's just, man, it's just kind of stressful, you know, because you don't know if you're gonna really get it, you want it and all this. It's stressful. Somebody say they're sending you something fair X and it will be there at a mall before ten, and you take off work couple hours so you can make sure you get there for that package at nine thirty five. You tight. You're tight. Don't let nine fifty get here in the package here in his ten minutes left. You're tight. That's how I feels sometimes when I asked God for something and I gotta wait on his timing. Now, it's been proven to me by him over the years that I now know how to ask it. I'm a lot more patient than I used to be. I'm not so shaken by the amount of time it takes, because what I've learned to do is love and respect his process. Because his process, I've learned over the years, is actually moving a lot of pieces behind the scenes on my behalf. And he know that I'm strong enough to handle it. So he made me wait while he lying the stuff up. I'm okay with that, and I've gotten okay with it. But you've got to understand that God's timing is best, and you gotta learn how to be patient with it, and you gotta learn how to be trusted because he's gonna ever do you wrong. Now people do you wrong, but God and or whatever do you wrong. And so his timing, as challenging as it is, as testing as it is, as stressful as it is, you have to wait through it because man, in that you will learn so much. And when you get to blessing, ain't nothing nobody can do about it. So be patient in his timing. He's always coming. Those are my closing remarks. Wow drop the mic for yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, said well said what was that? You're gonna break you a new equipment. I'm so glad I can't hear him. You're listening to show