Cleveland Browns, Suge Knight, MTH, Nick Cannon, Bad Acting Theater, Pimpin', Closing Remarks and more.

Published Sep 21, 2018, 2:45 PM

The show opens and The Browns won! Suge Knight gets 28 years for manslaughter. J. Anthony Brown murders another one in the spirit of Prince. Kanye West has words for Nick Cannon, Drake and Tyson Beckford. The Chapman's have come back. Pimpin' since been pimpin' since been Pimpin' does NFL talk with the fellas. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about winning, Cleveland and much more!

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Y'all know what time if y'all don't know y'all baby at all, so long looking back the don giving them more just like theming bu things and it's touble y'all to me true good to Steve Hoya listening to me toach other for stub hand quickly to Moby, I don't join yahya join me be joing me, honey. I don't you gotta turning? Yeah, don't you. You gotta turn the town at the time. You love me, got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on, uh huh, I shr will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on, dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Um. Five things that I know successful people have to do to be successful. The principles are the same. You can apply it to anything, you know, if you want to be happily married, you know, whatever it is. The principles of success are the same. There are a series of things that you have to do. You cannot skip the steps of success. If you do, you're going to have to go back and step on them. Anyway. So here's here's here's a here's a part man that I want you all to understand about me and and and and about how to look at it. You know, you cannot under estimate faith and prayer. You just can't. You cannot underestimate the power of faith and the power of prayer. See for me, this is just for me now, this saying in the scripture, no where, This is just something I discovered. What prayer did for me was was it tied me to my creator. It gave me a sense and I'm describing it this way, but I'm telling you it's deeper than this. But it gave me a sense that I wasn't alone, and in actuality I wasn't. But prayer helped connect me to the power source that was available to me to get through, get around, or get over whatever it was that was in a way, whether it was just a period I stretched, I had to go through hard work. It had period I had to go through to learn some lessons. Uh, some periods I had to go through from having to pay for some of the mistakes I've made. Whatever the case may be, Prayer gave me a decided advantage, especially oh here we go, especially over my enemies. Now, the majority of people in my life that were my enemies. I didn't want them to be my enemies, make no mistake about this. But through the thing called life, some things went down. Some things happened from here and then went over here that way, and a person became my enemy. The majority of enemies I had came out of nowhere. I have no reason to even see why they are my enemies. But you know, life goes on, man, It happens from time to time. Some some people just won't let it go. See some people, in their quest to do something to you or to make you pay, they just won't let it go. It may cause you some discomfort, and some of them maybe lies about you and all of this and all of that, but you that that that can't prohibit you from going forward. So what I'm saying is prayer gave me the strength wisdom understanding their carriage to either go through it, go around it, or go over it. But it happened. And that's what prayer does. And I don't want you to underestimate the power of prayer because you're going to need it on this way. Now here's the deal. You could do this without prayer, but it's going to be so so incredibly difficult. See. Look, becoming successful is already difficult. Now try doing it without prayer and faith. I can't see how it gets done. Now, see I don't. I don't see how I can get done. I mean personally. Now, somebody else can have a book or write a story and tell you something totally different, but they ain't On the Steve Harvey Morning Show, I'm telling you the truth as it happened for me. I do not know how I could have made it without faith and without prayer. It would have something would have got me. YouTube would have got me. The bloggers would have got me. You know that teacher that told me that would have was never gonna be nothing. She would have got me. My partners that I grew up with, that we used to laugh behind my back, they would have got me. My friend that would old my mother's house one time and told her, you know what Steve's problem is He out to tell them jokes. He just lazy, He don't want to work. That would have got me. They didn't know. I ain't really mad at him, because they were just All they was doing was based in their conversations and past and judgment based on what they knew, based on what they believed. They didn't believe I was gonna make it. But but that's them though. If it was not for the faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see, I wouldn't have made it because I would have listened to everybody else who didn't see me getting here and went along with it. And then prayer. Oh my goodness, man, how many times has prayer bailed me out? Prayer has bailed me out? Press steel, belling me out? Tell you the truth, man, quiet as its kelt prayer. That connection to your heavenly Father, that connection to your creator, that connection to that source of power and inspiration, that connection of never feeling that you were alone. And I was watching a Bishop Jake's on the TV yesterday and it was a repeat, and one of the things he was talking about, well, let me just get to the gist of it. I was going through a portion of my life and I and I and I went through it for some years, y'all. I had gotten myself into a jam that lasted for years, I'm telling you, for years, with some serious consequences to follow. For years. And I was so busy looking at who I was at. I was sulking sometimes Man, I'd get on the radio, Man, I'd be just done. I was sulking my mom my. My spirit had gotten low. I had gotten tired of the fight, and I would I would come on some morners, man, and I will try try not to let on. But I was hurting. I was because I've been in it for years. Man, I had been in this thing for years. And one thing I was doing, I was so busy looking at where I was at. And when I was watching Bishop Jake's, he preached this sermon. He was talking about so busy looking at where you at that you don't even realize that God has been with you the entire time. And you know what, Man, just yesterday, just yesterday, I heard this and I texted him a text Bishop Jake's, and I thanked him because it was an old mess it I could tell. And I called. I text him up and I said, Man, thank you so much. I was just watching you on TV and you told me, Man, something that I that I'll always remember that whatever you're going through, that He's there with you the whole time. But see when sometimes when you're so busy looking at where you at, you don't even notice where he is and see sometimes man that that helped me and that's going to help me in the future to realize that what I'm going through, that he's there. He's there with me, and he's gonna protect me, and he's gonna let my enemies overcome me, and he ain't gonna let nobody overtake me, and he ain't gonna let me go under because he's there. It's just you can't be so busy looking at where you at that you don't take notice or where he at. God is always there, He's always available, and the best way to tap into that and know it is you got to pray. Prayer has changed my life. Prayer can change your life. You can become something if you just pray. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls, Welcome to the most exciting ride in all the radio. I don't know what the hell y'all want to talk about. That ain't got nothing to do with me. Ladies and gentlemen. First of all, high sharing to call it Thomas, Uh Thomas? You know who at all? What's Neil? You listen to me? Go on? Man, damn damn Browns Water Football boy, we're in your back now. We won one and one. You don't know how good that. That's one in level. That's one block over from what I grew up on. I grew up on one, one two. We won one and one. That's one block away from the dream. Baby, the Cleveland Browns one last night again us to New York Jet. I want you to know right now, every all my boys pull their pants down around their ankle. That's how you celebrate, now that I'm serious. Each they was at separate houses because they're married now they can't get together watch games on Thursday. But they stood up in their windows and pull their pants down around their ankle and just laid they brought up against the window. Boy, that's how we celebrate. And they called me and told me what they was doing it. And I did it at my house in Beverly Hill. Same well, the Lord, thank you Jesus, thank you Heavenly Father for allowing us to endure. But the Browns have water foot ball game. And let me tell y'all, so, I ain't gonna be easy to deal with we you know, we don't let me win no more. I'm gonna be hard to talk to you now I want to send out condolences to Hugh. We ain't played. Yeah, okay, let us play Sunday and the ones you have played. It's not worked out. Now you're talking. I'm not talking noise, but I feel your pains right now. Y'all tracking to go Oas sixteen. You're a man who has been Owas sixteen. Let me tell you it starts with Owen And I just wanted to say that. I hope it doesn't happen to y'all big Deshaun Watson fan and J J. Watt fan because it's such a great guys in the community. I wish Houston well. But oh but Steve, God know your pain. Steve, let me ask you this now and ask me whatever you want. There's no is even and I know there's no fans that I've seen recently like Cleveland Browns. They hang in there. We still sell out. Where's the trash talking? Come on? Now? We know that first of all, you must understand. Yeah, it's been so long since I could talk trade about our football team that I am really trying to find my footing because I damn near forgot Hi, there's a basketball I've been told trash every year, Cleveland Brown's trash talking coming out with Steve. You want one? You running. We'll be back at thirty two after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Dave Harvey, congratulations to you the Cleveland Did you see our swoop deal? I'm so happyptions interceptions come. Mayfield came in the white boy with the black name. Yeah, I'm I'm changing that because you know there's ice cream called Mayfield. Oh you know there's an ice cream brand of ice cream called Mayfield. And so a baker bakes. So I'm calling his new name since he's a white dude with the black name, his name from his nickname gonna be cookies and cream because he's a baker. Okay, all right, yeah about the Browns one w B B N so so w w B what is that b in white boy? Black name? Okay, what we're going with his nickname from now on? The cookies and cream? And when was the last win? Again? Oh last night? When did he gonna win? Let's let's know what we need you get together for Sunday. We should all meet somewhere whole hands and pray and we play the jats. You play who New York Jacks. Well, well, y'all got a chance to beat them? Coach looking Well, if we don't, we don't have the same hand. Coach. Come week, folks. No, no, no, no, wh wh who your head coach gonna be? Ain't gonna be your problem. Your problem gonna be who's sitting across from you right now? Your best not to lose, to be in the road. Come up, they did, and go to work, and this thing to be peace? No, and who the Browns play next? Let me see next on the Browns list. I gotta come out. You Sunday off, so you got a little week all Sunday. I need Sunday else. That's got to right? Huh? Week four for the brown That week Wait, you're not on the field. What do you mean you need Sunday off? Because you they what are you doing? Jack? They play the jack Ward? No, no, no, Jack. They played the Raiders. Why are you listening to Jack? Jack war? They played the Raiders. We've been being their draws. We send it gets off in the Raiders. That's beast mode. You look ahead or you just go game by games still, no, no, just game by. We've finn whoop the Raiders. Though you got that momentum. We we ain't gonna be a Jacksonville looked like super Bowl to me. For yeah, yeah, we we That's a little bit too much right now. I hope we whip Jacksonville this Jacksonville on the schedule this year. Let me check for you, please Jesus, no Jacksonville, please jackson No, but Houston. Second. Hold on, let me just play something deep, Tommy, start thinking about taking off the third. Be somewhere working on the second, and start thinking about taking off on the third. Because if the Browns be used to you, ain't gonna be standing up in here. I'm just telling you right now, don't don't don't come to work because I'm gonna tell you right now, You're gonna want to fight me. Okay, you're gonna want to fight me. Asked me something about the Browns right now? Ask me anything? How did how did I feel? I felt like tarlet tissue? What what do you mean? I don't get that one? Like I had something. I just wiped something off, got them els off for me, felt like somebody would cleaning me. Did you know when you first started watching the game that they would pull this one out? That they would win. You were just hoping, but I was highly hopeful. Yeah, now you do know you're actually going to to the Bay Area. You know that you're going to the Open next time. Cleveland ain't scared of getting on the plane. Okay, we from Clevelan. We is Cleveland though, make no mistake about that about Cleveland and the fans. We funk it last night when we start nervous when it was time on the clos Yeah, any any seconds on the clocks. A matter of fact, I wasn't happened to the game was over when the dude and accepted it. I didn't even know what it was. I just thought, Lord Jesus, did he catch it? Didn't buy? Cleveland won the game. But game now, I'm just now, I'm gonna just be honest with y'all, Okay, because I'm not I'm a good loser, cause you know, because you had to learn that over the past two years with the Brown. But I'll tell you what I'm not doing. I'm not a gracious winner. So if Houston lose Sunday, don't don't don't come in here. You're not gonna like we're gonna hear Monday morning Okay, I'm so sorry. A matter of fact, let me apologize to y'all. Right now, we're trying to win this. We're trying to get in the way, and I hope y'all do because if you don't, I don't know what it is about me. I really don't. I can't even explain it. But I'm gonna be I'm gonna be different. Yeah, y'all donna really want to fight. You're gonna we're not gonna go to that. Don't go to that. I bet your will though. I bet you. I know you don't want to go there, but you ain't gonna believe what these lyps is gonna be. Flash. Let's give us something that you might say, Steve, that you can say I don't want to hear. This is a small sample. Okay, just yeah, I hadn't hate y'all ain't one? Uh damn? What's going on here? Who do that? Go? Oh? In three? Because you can't you you only won a game? Man? How that feel? Let me ask you something? How y'all don't and three two? Three years straight? We one one and one? We got something in every column. Okay, Steve, y'all ain't got nothing in two of the colum and the two you got in that one column you don't even want. How do you think pimping feels right now? I don't know. You'll be right back with Moe with your Cleveland found right after. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Shelly, Yes, go ahead and say it. Okay, Um, well, congratulations, first of all, congratulations to me. Yeah, I'm very happy for you. Pemp right here? What what is that, Pip? That's that rabbit? You know it's ship get something that I want? I wanted. I'm a I'm about this. I'm about this. Last night after the game, the shop super flower to midnight, you know, pimps got to come in and get them curls. They lay that night. They got a whole section from pimps, a super flyw that's getting my curl tight number. Not that we won. I celebrated the dude came in. I'm bought that. This brand new rabbit right here, this silver rabbit right here. After So let me let you all go on and do this, you know, just just just going on. It's called your trash can stinks. Ain't listen to me. This is Tommy's pranks, right here and this is called your trash can stink. And if Houston don't win this, there is the trash kid, the Browns one. This is what it sounds like when the Browns win. Hello. Hello, Hey, I'm trying and I'm trying to reach swerve. Yeah. Well, how you doing? Man? I'm on, I'm one of your neighbors, but I'm I'm one street over from you. You over the off River trying. Yeah, that's this rico man. How you doing? I'm I'm one of your neighbors on the next street over. How you doing? Okay, I'm doing, but how you how you getting? My Another one of the neighbors on your block gave me the nuther man. We was we were having a little situation. Wanted to reach out to tell you, uh, some stuff going on here in the neighborhood man, and wanted to try to make you aware of it. Well, what's going on? Uh? It seemed like, um, well, you know the trash man run on on Tuesday and Saturday right now. The problem is that that that that a lot of people, I guess since the holiday just passed, you know a lot of people got their stuff out on the on the curve already right right now the problem is that that that they're saying, man, is that yo yo trash is actually really really foul and smelling and smelling pretty bad. And we wanted to call you, man and see if you do not hold on, hold on, hold on. You say you calling me because you smell my trash? Well, yeah, they say, yours is the one that's really speaking man. If you could actually maybe put it in, put it back in the in the in the garage and tip tuesday, you know, rash and node. That's why I put it outside. I didn't have enough room in a garage. Okay, what and who is everybody saying my trash? Hey? Listen, I'm saying I'm not saying. You know what I want to tell you. If everybody in the hood I got a fire with my trash, thank you tell them? Contact? Okay? What what? What? What? We we we've discussed that too, But listen, listen, we don't want to trouble man. If we could just get you to put your tracks back in, I'm not moving over Chads. I paid rent over here. My brother. Hey, we're not gonna go back, and I'm not gonna go back. What you're gonna do. I'm telling you what I paid that. Don't tell me to just over here. Okay, Well, listen, man, aren't you a certain that your trash is thinking of reading through the whole neighborhood. I don't give a damn who smell my chances? They got a problem with it, tell them come take it out still the end and saying out there, okay, whether that's the problem. The problem is that you took it out, and you took it out too early. You shouldn't have put listen out till Tuesday morning. And that's who that money inside it? If I put it out there and saying out that's today, come get it. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you many even damn what you're gonna do is you ain't even called me telling me take my chance, y'all? I pay rint over here? Okay? How is everybody is smelling my chad out of everybody on the street, I don't know for my understanding, it just a couple of holes in it and some some food or something else that got out. I don't know if one of the roads or dog got into what the case may be. But you know, we need to try to get your trash in the backyard. My chance ain't going No damn well, and how come you the one? You? How come I next th navan ain't called? How come you around the corner and you called? Who put you up to this? What? What everybody's smelling it? I was just fortunate enough to get your phone number. I said, well, look, I'm just going to call it myself. I tell you that you and you my phone. I'm thinking that there ain't going to okay, Well, listen, let's swerve. This is what we decide on the case we got to this situation with you. I touch that. I just come over there and put the trash in your backyard, and just Tuesday morning and tunesday morning, I'll come back over there and take it out that way. All the smell of being in your backyard, and you say, you go, I'm gonna come over there and put the trash in your backyard, so to so the smell that fu I mean, that's that. Let me say, let me take you this. If you come over here, you might well called police, because that's who you're gonna need to come over here. Bring all, they had a father say in my trade to come over here. And take it out you. I mean you, you're trying. You're trying to you're trying to act like you don't smell. Man, I don't give it if this, man, I'll tell you what I do. I go out to pool when that where that when they helped you out? A look okay, but see that's not what the people in the neighborhood want. We want you to give a damn what they won't. I'm telling you what I'm gonna do. And how do did you get my phone? How they any down? I'd already told you, man, I got your number for one of the neighbors on your street that said they don't want to get should have left one to the right? Which one? Listen? Listen, listen, Sweve. Won't you get to the meet of the problem. The problem is your trash? Think don't How is my chance? How the hell y'all pippoint my saying? How to everybody else trads on the block? And how the hell you smell like? I don't know, man, I don't know what it is. I don't know if you're trans busted, don't open up? What the deal is? But everybody's saying everybody's saying it swerve trash, that's that's stink. That's too much. Chads needs to be gone. Do time to see what is that chand out there and it's gonna say out there I said, ain't come get it, and you ain't coming over Okay, No, let's see that's where you're wrong. Swam out. I ain't roving over there. I'm coming over there, and I'm gonna take that trance and put it in the backyard to too. Now you're gonna try to get in my way one, but I got to come on over. Get this chance and fla tell you what. Bring y'all over here right now. I'll put on my shoes. I'm standing on pots right now. Bring at the call. Come on recover whatever you reco. I'm reco on one street over and I'm smelling your man trash. Take your chants out my make smell. But you ain't there to come to take it out and set you that a lift sword. I'm gonna say this word, man, I called of like, excuse me, tell call about that? Who in the hell told you called me swerved? Called me back that? Okay? What that's what they call you? What's wrong? Me called what's wrong? We called you. You're don't call me that name. Now, you saying my chance? Come over here and take the chances out. Hey, man, I ain't I ain't nobody sitting there scatter you swim. I'm trying to get. I'm trying to get the name. Didn't not just say you talk part of my name and swear? Come over here. I'm gonna show you what I'm on the two okay way, and then then it is what it is bottom, lad, I'm on my way over at the moon that day. I'm trash. Come over, Come over here, come over here, moving. I'm on the pots right now. Come on over and meet me about the mask banking trash you got. I'm standing right doing now. Okay, Well, I tell you what I'm on my way. Nah, and guess what I'm gonna do when I get over there. You ain't gonna do. You're gonna do. I'm gonna tell you my damn name when I get over there. My name is Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got franked by your cousin or Reese. Oh thank you out of here. Hey man, I gotta ask yourself, dog, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land to trash. Thank I still like Junior doing? Does something give us a little bit of a junior trash stank? Who's got a problem with that? All right? Thanks Jr. Coming up entertainment news, Suge Knight has struck a plead deal and what is Kanye talking about? Now? We'll be back at the top of the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Coming up in about twenty minutes after the hour, Jay Anthony Brown is here. He's gonna murder another hit weekend. Okay, they've been good too lately, Ja, they really have alright. In today's entertainment news, Suge Knight is gonna get twenty eight years in prison. This is after he pleaded no contest to voluntary manslaughter and the murder of Terry Carter Shug. If you recall ran over Terry back in January of two thousand fifteen as he fled the TAM's Burgers parking lot in Compton. We all remember the surveillance video that showed Sug through his truck in reverse, knocked over one and then drove forward over Terry. Killing him. Sugar had been facing the possibility of life in prison, and his trial was scheduled to begin on Monday with jury selection. Uh, Sugar is fifty three years old. He's going to get credit for time served. He's been in jail already for about three and a half years now. Sugar will be on parole for three years after serving his prison sentence. His sentence is stiffer than a typical voluntary manslaughter because he had a prior felony. This one stems from seven. So there you go, Uh years, but he won't be eighty yet. Do the math. He's fifty three now, yeah, and he got Yeah, he got a twenty eight years sentence, but he'll get credit for three and a half year served. But you know, man, I don't even know what to say. I saw the video. Yeah, we all do that. I guess he took a plea because he knew going before Jerry wasn't gonna look good. So yeah, it's a video we see yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know I've sat with him several times, had lunch with him, talk with him. You know, it's just I don't you're gonna sit when it when it come out somewhere else that vean sandwich that you know. Man, we just gotta learn, we we you know, at one point, man, we've all got to just we have to know when enough is enough, as all of us has to get to the point where we just grow up. We ain't this no more. You can't be a thug yo whole when you can't get so caught up that man, who you are and where you are. And yeah you can't, man, you can't real technology now it's everything you can't run over somebody, Come on, man, at one point in time, Look, we all have to grow up. Absolutely. You're saying the right thing right now, you know, Man, you can't be a fifty Some of your old thug don't make sense. You can't be a college student and a thug. They don't even fit the same. Really, man, you shouldn't even be rich and a thug. You're rich, Why are you thugging? It makes no sense. Enjoying the fruits of your labor. Enjoy your money, you know, man. But if you're gonna stay right there, Yeah, you're gonna stay right there with your money, participating in the things you used to participate with this new money you they're gonna swallow. This was cool man. Yeah, you're you're right the truth now somebody who has gotten and and for the young people. But listen, for young people that's out there banging, there is no bright future for you. Don't you get it. Look, look, it's what's happening to those who continue far past when they're supposed to have stopped. Look if you if you've been in the dope game and you get out and you get to open up some car washings or start a record label or whatever you want to do, Man, more power to you. You got out. You made a mistake. You've got a lot of good people make mistakes. But bro, you've got to learn from other people's mistakes. Do you want to be him? It's as simple as that. The answer should be no. All right, Steve, it's time now to get the latest on the investigation of the mass shooting yesterday that happened in Baltimore. Well, let's turn to miss and Trip. Thanks very much, everybody, This is a trip with the news. We're gonna start though with the supremes right now. Laurie's for the woman who accused of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her back in high school. They're now negotiating with the Senate Judiciary Committee about how she might be able to testify next week, hopefully on Thursday. That's when she wants to come forward. College professor Christine Ford previously demanded that the FBI look into the case first, but now, in an email to committee staffords for his attorney says his client wishes to tell her story provided that the Congressional panel agrees to terms that a fair and which ensure her safety. The fair thing, she says she doesn't want to be in the same room with Kavanaugh when she testifies, will make a very nervous and upset, and they also wanted She also wants him to insure her safety, since she says she's received death threats and had to leave her home ever since coming forward. Kavanaugh denies the charges and says he's ready to testify. Meanwhile, according to the latest Reuters IPSOS poll, a growing number of Americans now say they're opposed to Kavanaughs getting a lifetime seat on the High Court. The poll finds that thirty percent of American adults and do not want Kavanaugh becoming one of the supremes, which is about six points over a last month's negative Kavanaugh percentage, and that only and that only of adults say they're in favor of Trump's pick. Galliposters say if Kavanaugh approval numbers remain low, and if he's confirmed, which they expect, Brett Kavanaugh will rank among the lowest supported high court nominees to ever be confirmed in history. North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper continues to survey the flooded areas of the Tar Hills. State Mandatory evacuation orders have lifted. Some residents returning to what's left of their homes, but they're being advised to wear boots and gloves and be mindful of things like contaminated water, mold, and mosquitoes. Form a big time rap mobile. Marion Sugar Night, if you just heard pled no contest yesterday to voluntary manslaughter the charges of running over two men four years ago, killing one of them. Authorities say four people were killed yesterday in the workplace shooting in northern Maryland. Please say the suspect was a woman armed with a handgun and several magazines, and that she died of a self inflicted gunshot wound. Police say, the woman opened fire at a Right Aid distribution center, killing three people and wounding several others. Early reports are that she was an employee there, a temporary employee, so they're still trying to investigate why this happened, why she went in there with guns blazing, and basically what her life was about. Finally, today is September twenty one, so you know the date. Now here's the song. Yeah, remember of September. That's right. Here's of Steve Harvey Nation. Find out if Uncle Steve is smart than his nephew. We'll be back in twenty after the hour on a Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. You know what's not smart The way hiring used to be job sites that overwhelm you with tons of the wrong resumes. Now there's a smarter way. At zip recruiter dot com slash Strawberry, zip recruiters, powerful matching technology finds the right people for you and actively invites them to apply. It's no wonder that zip Recruiter is rate a number one by employers in the US. This rating comes from hiring sites on trust Pilot, with over one thousand reviews. And right now my listeners can try zip recruiter for free at zip recruiter dot com slash strawberry that zip recruiter dot com slash strawberry, zip recruiter dot com slash s t R A W B E R R Y. All right, Uh, Steve J. Anthony Brown is here to murder another hit. Well, you got something for me? Well, this is how you were feeling last week. Since y'all one, you were feeling mighty bad last week. What did you bringing up last week? This is what it sounds like when pimps cry. You're from Columbia, South Carolina, right, Uh huh? You got a college day and guess what they named me? And the game cocks? Who want to be that? You know? Then I didn't even pimp talk right there? Somebody come on me and somebody is you a game cock? With the fight? Put a little something together for you, man? You like it? Man out? Yeah? Non man, thank you so much. Tipping your painting. A picture of the kicker, Miss Sinnatick. The sweat from grass covered him. You know he's snarling and praying he won't miss even if you can a score card getting kind of Cleveland win soon then the Tickerness series still go fell on my seat. Now I'm building and you just leave us hanging. How can you miss that field? Though? So the fans are demanding because the titles and the she is getting know, they should have drived another wonder won't joke. That's no lie clean and we know what you suppie. But this is what it sounds like. I'm so hurried. Damn Brown, classic j Anthony Brown. That was good, That was good, that was real. Sound like pimps. That crying I don't know, I don't know, you know, baby, sound like tickle you know, even when crying, tickle you CRANI got to hit all right? Coming up next to thirty four after the hour Adult, we're gonna talk about Kanye West. He had some words for Drake, and he had some words for Tyson Beckford, and he had some works for Nick Cannon. We'll talk about that when we come back. All right, right after this, you're listening to the Steve Show, all right, you guys, I'm sure this is all over social media and on the news. Kanye West has called out Drake, He's called out Nick Cannon, and he's called out Tyson Beckford for talking about his wife. He says what they've said about his wife does not set well with his spirit. Uh Easy responded to a lad TV interview with Nick Cannon where Nick was talking about dating Kim back in the day. He reminisces that that wide girl got a s s okay Uh. Kanye thinks Nick needs don't know what it's spelled. Kanye thinks Nick needs to keep it classy and speak respectfully in interviews when the subject of Kim comes up. And then there's Drake who has Kanye Uh in his feelings because he wrapped about Ki Ki. Now, Kim's family name is Kei Ki, as seen on her reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, of course without publicly stating that the song is not about her. So he's a little upset about Drake. He said that doesn't sit well with his spirit. And then Tyson Beckford said something disparaging about Kim earlier this year, and he took issue with that as well. Okay, can I ask you a question, Yeah, because I don't know any of this stuff. Ki that no, he never heard. No, it's not about Kim, but but Kiki is Kim's nickname in the family, so yeah, yeah, right, Well, Kanye got a problem with some stuff. I didn't say anything. Well, hold on, hold on. But then Kanye tell Drake every her nickname. Yeah, I didn't know, but that's what they call him. Man. I like him and Kanye. Yeah, that's what the song is about. But but Hony Kanye saying that he had to get it off his chest. It was just bothering him and he had to get it off his chest spirit. He said it wasn't right with the spirit. So Nick Cannon responded, Steve, uh, let's take a listen to that, and sold off the soyotas in in the night. But this kind word. First off, let me say I'm welcome back, Yate from the something place, beautiful thing. Glad you're back with his brother. Nothing but love and respectful. You know I always had that, But I we gotta say this, my dude, Um, I've never said anything disrespectful, harmful to your in my opinion, to your your marriage or your union. I saluted keep it going. But you're not gonna tell me what I can and what I can't say. I'm a solid individual. Somebody asked me a question. I'm a answering to the best of my ability. I'm gonna give my oppinion. And uh, you know, there ain't no har I'm no cloud. But I know if you got your spirit feeling weird, howl at me. You know, I'm at you know what I'm saying. You know, because a man's spirit is free, but you know, pride bind it at time. So you gotta let that love, let it move, let the train go by, like you said. Uh. Other than that, I'm keeping if you got that two episode a whild and Out coming out. You know, Nick Cannon Steve is on the Wilding Out tour and it's like selling out everywhere. It's so the Wilding Out tour sold out. The people love wilding Out. Love is going to be there too, And hasn't Kanye been on there a few times and didn't quite well on the show. Yeah, wilding Out is selling those kind of tickets. Yes, yes, yeah, yeah, that's crazy. That's why Nick didn't look back when he left. America's got talent, you know, yeah, he's good. Yeah, and he's taken it to the next level. So that that was his you know, clap back to um. And it was very nice and respectful to Kanye saying what he said, and um, Kanye said, he just had to get it his spirit wasn't right. He just had to get it off his chest. You know. Uh if if he's saying that, you know, it's it's sort of a funny apology because you know, you can't say, hey, man, I didn't say anything, uh disrespectful about your wife for your union. I salute that. That's cool. That's the cool part. The strange part is, but you can't tell me what to say though. Okay, well wait a minute, man, that's that's I don't understand if you apologizing or yeah, I said what I said and you can't check me on it. But I wasn't being disrespectful. But he meant that, Steve, because he said, Kanye says whatever he wants to say, and he has the right to say whatever he wants to. You can say, your wife got a nice hair. You can say that somebody asked him about dating her in the past, and that's what he said. All right, All right, we're moving on. It is time for the nephew and the prank phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after it is today's Strawberry letter. Subject is is it possible to have too much sex? No? No, I know a man, We're gonna find out. Huh, you can be under stick. Right now, it's time for the Nephew the King of Frank's with today's Frank phone call. What you got that parasite? Huh parasite? That's parasite. Yea, I know it sounds a little disgusting. It makes me hit. Don't worry about that. Adopt a very good parasite. Here we go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Brian. Brian, Hey, Brian, this is Dr Jacob. Are you doing today? Yeah, I'm okay. Listen. You actually came in maybe like two and a half weeks to go here to my office and got a physical for life insurance. Yeah yeah, yeah, right right yeah, everything okay, well, yeah, yeah, everything's gonna be pretty good. I'd like to see if I can get you to come in and I you know, everything's gonna be fine, but I got a small procedure we'd like to do to actually, uh, you know, right now, you're not a proof for your life insurance to do until this procedure is done. So if you don't mind coming in, we we'd like to get you taking care of When can I schedule you to come in like, uh, maybe tomorrow or the following day? Yeah? What what kind of procedures? Well? Actually, I don't know if you've heard of it. This is an okayosh for me? I got something? What's what's that? So it's go something with you? Wasn't that something doing my eyes? I ain't heard what's that? No? No, okayosh for me has nothing to do with the eyes, No, nothing at all. We found a little bit of parasites in a particular area, and what we want to do is make sure we just remove it completely and you'll be fine. You'll get your life insurance, you're in your face. I'm gonna be great. So can I get you to come in tomorrow? Maybe Thursday afternoon? And wine? What what? What area? I found the parasites? Then? Actually one of your testicles has some parasites. So what we're gonna do is what what's called a OKAYOSHTM and okayosht me is actually removing that testicle completely and then everything's gonna be fine. It's all confined and we'll be able to remove it. You'll be on your way, you'll get your life insurance and everything will be fine. Okay, Like I said, can I get can I? Can I get you to come in tomorrow? What? What? What my testic book? Well only one, only one, and it's not gonna take along. It's a thirty minute procedure. But we want to get you to come in tomorrow or the next day. Can we get you to what are you available? I want sir? You know what often times when people come in for life insurance, these type of things happen. So we want to get you in and get it out as quickly as possible. Now, Man, I'm I went in for a routine physical. Maybe I wasn't supposed to be kicking off his extra Still, man, I get a paraside. Man in my testical. You don't remove a testical. Man, I'm twenty five, me and my wife wing, I no kids. They were trying to be like I gotta move with testicle. Let me say this to you, Brian, You're gonna be completely fine. You'll be able to create children, You'll be in a little normal life. You know, You'll just be um. You won't have all of them, but you'll have enough to create children. You understand that. No, man, I can't na, I ain't gonna no, I can't come in for that, sir. Is there any way I can get you in the marrow or the morrow afternoon or Thursday afternoon so we can kind of get this thing taken care of and we can get to moving on your way, and that people can get the life insurance papers together and so forth. No, man, man, we ain't rescheduling now. I need a second or third opinion on on that. And he's talking about taking away one of my We ain't rescheduling nothing, man. I'm gonna need to see another doctor, man, Sir, Sir, you can go around the entire city and see several doctors. I'm here to tell you you're just gonna be wasting time. I'm gonna try to knock this thing out for you knocking up. I ain't agree. I ain't agreeing nothing. Listen, man, I have to join this to get money. Man, it's nothing, man, I need to taking a third openny bloom Brian. I'll tell you if you come in and let me get this thing taken care of. You know, I have you back, you know, big ball and shot calling before it's all over. You know what big balling should call it? Man, I told you, man, I ain't ain't going in for none of that. Man. I'm to tell my wife, man this, this ain't cool. Man, I ain't going in for that. Man. I'm kindling it. Man. You what do you mean you're rescheduling? Sir? What I'm getting another opinion? I ain't going in for that, Okay, But I'm trying to make you a big baller shot caller. You know, man, what what is your name? And he says to you making a little jokes man that you're doing a little play on words and it ain't even funny. And I'm calling it insurance funny something they give me? Doctor, you think you're funny. Hey, it ain't funny man. You're making a little trait. Man, ain't funny. Man. We're taking a thin man. I'm to getting all of the work that we got, the blood work, the year and word, the complete physical. That's when we didn't realize that you had parasites in a particular area. So what we're trying, I'm not I don't even trying to make a light of make humor and to make you feel a little bit more comfortable. I apologize, all right. That ain't funny, man. You want losing, Man, That ain't funny. Man. If I had a situation and nursing would have told me, then you ain't tell me nothing. Man had me thinking I'm a doing. Now you're telling me I gotta come in to remove the tests. We have to run tests on you, sir. We got test back when you do have the parasite, and what we want to do is make sure we can completely cleared out. The only way I can clear that out is to remove that testicle. Man, it's the man. I gotta hairsites. Man, may y'all here running on his chests on me. Man, I'm going to another doctor. Man, because this man, I ain't got no parasites. Man, all you tellt y'all something y'all running you gotta remove. That's something you over here. I know you doctor. Man, I ain't gotta has Man, I'm following my insurance. I'm telling him I'm dealing with you because you man, I ain't got no parasites. Man, Bryan. Let me make you understand something clear here. It's my job as a physician that if the patient doesn't come to me. It's my job to come to you and extract the problem. You're leaning towards me having to come to your home and extract the problem. Man, when you want to come him home? How man you I wish you wanted stuff with? How nats out up chest? This man? You you talking? I'm going to another doctor. I'm getting another chance, and I ain't gonna like it. Sir. You've got the parasite and you only have twenty four hours for me to get Sir. I have to move on this quickly. Brian. Okay, dude, I'm not gonna tell you. I ain't gonna it's like, Okayn going this Sart's like, it's not something that's transmitted. It doesn't come from another another human being. It just develops in one out of every three or four million people. You actually have it, Brian, I gotta extracted from you. You try to tell me I'm the wi you know, I'm coming like the parasite. Man, There's something else that you have that I haven't told you about. There's something else I need to tell. Oh, you got it got past Broy. You just got pranked. You just got planked by nephew. Tommy from the Steve Harvey Warning show. Your wife and Nika got me the plant phone call you. I mean anybody got parasites? Everybody good? No, I'm talking about divorced all the mine. Danthony Brown, you take that back right now where they parasized, Jake, you take that back right now. Jack said the blood at you. Yes, I had him. Those are leeches. Same thing, all right. September twenty seven, nine and thirty The Nephew was coming to Nashville, Tennessee Zany's Comedy Club. There is one show that has been added on Thursday night. It is at eight thirty people, so get your tickets. Half of the old teats have already been sold. Eight thirty show added to Thursday night. All right, So that makes two Thursday to Friday to Saturday to Sunday. And in a minute they all gonna be oh loud, that's here, y'all come. Hot chicken comping to get it. Oh that's oh yeah, hot chicken. Place down next chicken and jokes. Baby, there we go. Okay, so you imitate junior imitating you? Here you go, damn it, yeah chicken, when I get down now, yeah, stupid. It is on the way back, all right, talking about I got to fight you back to Friday too sad and send what if you in the building, stupid stuper delicious. It's right, all right, thank you enough. Coming up next, it is today's Strawberry Letter. Boy, oh boy, subject, is it possible to have too much sex? That is the subject you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Steve, I gotta say congratulations to you. Cleveland pulled it off a win. I just want to tell you, I just want to say, listen to me. Thank you to all my fans out there for your die hard and loyal support over the years of hanging out watching me painfully agonized through the years of my beloved Cleveland Brown. But we won last night on National TV Thursday Night. Thank you so much. Uh. Next Sunday we will be out there and wrap our foot completely up in the raiders backside cracking Buddhist smacking domm Brown coming to town. Feel us because we is real. Buggle up, hold on tight, we got it fully here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject is it possible to have too much sex? Dear Stephen Shirley, I am in my late twenties, and two years ago, I started having sex with a guy I met in high school. We dated, broke up, and now we're back together. He is the only man that I've ever had sex with. During the short time we broke up, we were friends with benefits because we really enjoyed each other's bodies. We used to do it every day anywhere we could. Oh to be twenty again, we used to do it every day anywhere we can. All I had to do was look at him a certain way and he knew what time it was. Back then, we both enjoyed having sex and everything was going great until he asked me to be his girlfriend again. Since we made it official, everything has changed. Now I have to beg him to have sex with me. Uh, And you know, I have to beg him if I want to pleasure him. He makes me feel like I'm pestering him. When we do have sex, it's always in the bed in one position, and it's so boring, he says. He says he can only handle one round of sex a day now, but I'm only getting that a couple of days a week. What am I supposed to do with that? Uh? Is not enough to quench my thirst? Is it? Normal for a man sex drive to change so quickly like this, what's a girl to do? Whoa? Just whoa? Okay, you need to either slow down a little bit or you're gonna have to get another man that can keep up with you, because clearly this man cannot, uh, he can no longer do it. Um. I mean, I don't mean another man while she's still in this relationship. You know, maybe they is that. Yeah, that's what it sounds a side piece. No I didn't. I didn't mean o no, no, no, not at all. I would never say that. But anyway, Yeah, you're just in your late twenties. Usually that's when it's popping, uh for a man, but um, you know, for a woman, that doesn't usually happen until like forties for real, for real. So this is kind of a relationship in reverse. You're kind of taking the young man's role and he's trying he's kind of taking the woman's role in all of this. Um, you say, when you do have sex, it's always in one position in the bed and and it's boring, so um, you know, and he says he can't handle it anymore. Uh, he says he can't handle it, So what what do you want I mean, do you want a relationship with a man just to have sex? Because that's what it sounds like that you guys are just in a sexual relationship, whether you're in a relationship or not, because even when you weren't in a relationship, you were still doing it. So, um, if this is if this is all this guy means to you, and you're not doing it, then it sounds like you're not serious about a relationship with him and you need to move on. You need to move on and get someone who's compatible with you. And you're hefty, hefty, heavy sex drive. All right, Steve, Well, I don't know where to start with this letter. A lot going on. You're in your late twenties. You better said it. Sex with the guy in high school. You broke up, now you're back together. He's the only man you've ever had sex with. During a short time we broke up, we were friends with benefits because we really enjoyed each other's bodies. We should do it every day anywhere we could. All I had to do was look at him a certain way. He knew what time it was. Now is she saying this during the short time that they broke up friends with benefits because we enjoyed it. We used to do it every day. Yeah, that's what she said. They broke up, but they had sex every day. Yes, during the short time they broke up, they were still friends with benefits. They enjoyed each other's bodies. Well, that wasn't much of a break up, That's what I'm saying. If you're bringing every day, yeah, that ain't no break up. I had to tell you this. But y'all been together the whole just for a short period. No, No, y'all been together the whole short piod then. Yeah, uh, back then we both enjoyed having sex and everything was going great until he asked me to be his girlfriend again. Well, you said, yeah, since we made it official, everything changed. Now I got to beg him to have sex with me. Also, at to beg him if I want to pleasure him. It makes me feel like I'm pastored him. Yeah, something is wrong. This is not a guy in his late twitteries. Right. You can't pester me enough? Come on more. Yeah, you ain't got to ask me nothing when I was twittering. Now asked me what asked me for? What? You what? What? What is we doing? Well, they're they're around the same age because she met him in high school. I know that's what I'm saying. He in his late Twitter, something wrong. I can't even tell you what something wrong with me? When I was in my late Twitter. What I'm gonna Hell, well, I wanted everything and everybody do it tonight, looking at you, thinking about you, whatever you need to hear. That's what I want to say. When we do have sex is always in the bed in one position. So when you say it's always in the bed, needless to say, that makes me think that y'all have been all up against garage doors and back steps and garbage cans. That's what she says. Says on top of TV antennels, on the couch with the plastic cuts, and on the steps, on top of the or your mom and nel record player, anywhere we could shag copping low nap copping. Hardwood flows in the refrigerator when you hold that break stuff off for shell, hold that thought. Okay, we'll have part two of your All on top of the Deep Freeze coming up. When we get back to the letter. The subject is it possible to have too much? Set you on the hood of the car while it's hot. We'll be back at after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, listen, if you've heard from thousands of people that something would help you lose weight, have more energy, and look and feel amazing, you'd probably believe it. Right, We'll just go to de herbs dot com and you'll see thousands of real testimonials from people just like you that have had life changing experiences with the de Herb's Full Body Cleanse. We've all done it and know it works. But you need to go to de herbs dot com right now and get started, and for a limited time you're going to get a major discount and check out with promo code Steve de herbs dot com promo code Steve or call eight six six four d RBS. All right, Steve, we got to recap today's strawberry letter. You got to recap these people in half six everywhere and now they're just having in the bed in the same position she may she'd have been all down at the grocery store in the breed. They have been, all of them climbed all up in the proteins. When the mistress came on, got their heads with nothing, came on all that Walmart in the bike department, just fund the balls and everything. They'd have been there where they ain't been. All down at Applebee's in the bathroom, I hoped just hopping, been all in the booth, been the roof Christian got their heads burned on that hot ass plate. They've been have been a hunter, they'd have been Will while the little dude was cooking. He didn't even throw the stuff, and they plate he didn't missing and all that fire and stuff. Don't start, ja, That's what's been happened. Yeah, that's the problem. So now she want to know what she gotta do. Well, since y'all back together then and y're not having it as often it could be him. Yeah, he bored. See when y'all wasn't supposed to do it, it was exciting. But now that y'all can do it, the excitement is gone. You gotta find a way to put the excitement back there. I'll tell you what. This is a little testing, all right, trying not try not to have sex with him for two weeks to see how what But she can't handle and listen to me, I'm saying she's got to try not to have sex Will for two weeks to see how handed if he don't ask you for sex? And two weeks. He's getting this so much, she's going to internally come back. She's gonna pay us out, pay us all the way. That's exactly what it is. She can't handle it, and that's really it. That's all I got for you. Fourteen days, that's all. Fourteen days. He don't ask you for none, he's get this away. Does this beg for a re enactment those fourteen days though? Between? Yeah? I think it. H I think it does. Yeah, oh ja, yeah, already already. Now let's go, let's go, honey, um you want to go upstairs and you know, go upstairs and no, no, I'm downstairs. You don't go upstair right now? I mean all of them stulps, Come on, come on, I would be like that. I mean, don't be like that, sugar. Don't you go up there with something sure, something you ain't never seen. I like, sylp, I haven't seen everything. You ain't seen it like this. I did something different with it. I got I gotta do up. The reenactment is over because because she got I did something different. What's already something else with it upstair and see what he is about to tatt We can't top that. That's good, that's really funny. We'll go that. I will go once you hear this somethih we have about two more minutes. Yeah, but you know Steve was the true man, wasn't. I'm downstairs. Let's go to I'm downstairs. What's that? Oh? Well, this way re enactment over. That's funny. That was good, exactly how to go that to go? Yeah? I did something different your twins and don't want to know. Yeah, he's tired of you. You're right. Think that's it, man, he just got bored. It ain't exciting. Where's the man that got to be big to be pleasured? Don't even that's that's just want to pleasure me? But you got the big me? I promise you. Who's doing that? I never had nobody ask me every day? Who's asking a man? That's what? What's that? Did you tapped me on my show? Yeah? Yeah? I got used it? One big love? You feel like tonight you're busy? What's your what are you going? What she say? Junior? Now what are you going? I got the basketball warm up? So you know how you just pull them off. Remember last week when you said you're gonna do what you're gonna do with it, it's next week already. When he said a week from now, she said, he makes her feel like she's pestering him. He's tired of her. Like like Steve said, when they were sneaking around and doing it, it was a game. It was exciting. Yeah, yeah, everywhere over here in this bed. Yeah, he come home to every day. But he did ask to go back with her though. That's so she wouldn't get nobody else. Oh yeah, straight game. That's just a lock up move. It's just a lock up move. So don't go nowhere her So her question, isn't normal for a man sex drive to change so quickly like this? And then she may be coming to the bed looking a little bit different. Hello, a lot of people get it done. See, you've been meeting you at all these places, You've been dolled up. Now you're just laying up there looking like like you can be on the box of pancakes. Here, we're going here, just looking like you can be on the box and pancakes. Yeah, something like that. You know that's a turnoff man. She just needs to move on. Al Right, guys, we gotta get out of here. He email us or Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at Steve Harvey FM or at My Girls surely now coming up in ten minutes. It is bad bad acting theater. The Chapman's will be in the building. Bag. Yeah, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, it's your girl, Carla Ferrell. And man, I'm getting so many shout outs and so much love and questions about my hair color. All right. This one is from killer Lolita, I love it. Beautiful, your hair color is sharp. This one is from Yolanda Roper twelve beautiful, your hair color is gorgeous. This one is for sweet doing Me. Okay, love the hair color. So many comments. Listen, Madison read gorgeous, so long quality hair color and you can get it delivered to your door for less than twenty five dollars. That is what I use. I love the packaging. My eyes don't burn when I use the color. And my color you just heard all of these compliments is off the chain, joined hundreds of thousands of busy women like myself who have tried and love madison red hair color. Find your perfect shade that Madison dash read dot com with ingredients that you can feel good about. And Madison Read would like to honor Steve Harvey Morning Show listeners with temperson off plus free shipping on their first hair colored kit with the promo code Carla. That's called Carla. Al Right, it is time for bad acting theater Steve Harvey soap opera. Hello everybody, this is Shirley Strawberry and we tried to make sure this didn't happen, but somehow the writer did it again. Steve, Steve, that's you. This is what you do both punching and I should wish to hell heat stopped. Where did that come from? Well, it sends it right here on the script, Sureley that the writer wrote he well, okay, well, well, since power is off, the only good drama to keep up with is the Chapman's. We all know that ain't true. Well, let's look in on this week's epio so to see what's happening with the Chapman's and Arrogant Texas. For instance, let's see what's happening with Junior. Well, I'll tell you what's happening with me. I'm out of jail and after doing five years eating corn bread and top ramen soup, I'm looking to make some money and deal with whoever gets in my way. How to him? Did you get out of jail? And when did you do five years? Uh? The writer road that in there. That's right, Steve, he did. Now that we know what Junior is up to, let's check in on Steve's son, Chester and his best friend. Ramon. This is horrible. I mean, this is very bad. Business is not what it used to be since Dad told everyone that there is meat in my Beacon burger. This this is fake news. This fake news is killing my business. I know, I know. Ramon, shut up so I can thank Hey, Ramon, why are you still running your mind? We have a customer. Well, thank you, Ramon. That's mighty nice of you. This is my first time in your store. My name is Shirley Strawberry. I'm on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I do the Strawberry Letter and I narrate this show called the Chapman's Um. Maybe you've heard of it. I just came down here to see if you really have meat in your vegan burgers. Wait a minute, how do you narrate the show, and now you're in this show. The writer wrote that in there. Okay, gotta go, gotta get back to narrating. Okay, I'm back. But the big story is how is Earl Chapman gonna deal with Chester? And who is the father of Kk's baby. Let's look in on them and see what's happening. Hello? Hello? Is in meals on schools? What? What is this? Meals on schools? I like a large pepperwa piece of I'm sure you know the address Hill coming here. I need ask you some questions. Okay, okay, Kate keep you don't know who your baby daddy? K K com in here? I need to ask you some questions. What is it? Earl? You remember the Christmas party we had? Yeah, Earl, I remember I was the best Christmas party we ever had. You got drunk. I got drunk. The help got drunk, even the dog got drunk. In fact, you were so drunk that I had to help you to your room. Whoa wait a wait to wait. That's the night that take Kake took me to my room room? Could it be? It can't be, lor Lord, don't let it be. Wait ama An, That's the night I took the girl to his room. Could it be? It can't be, Lord, don't let it be. Alright, alright, Okay, I'm gonna talk to you later. I got some heavy thing to do me too. I'll talk to your later. Mom. I'd like to talk to you. You know, being in jail for ten years gave me a lot of time. Think Hold up, boy, No, that that don't make no sense. Would you please stop interrupting and just listen to the rest of this story? How the hell did you get out? The writer wrote me out? But the bigger problem is how are you gonna get me the money that I need? Because I saw you coming out of Earl's room the night of the party, and I know for a fact that you are dun dun, dun my behind. Don't none of this makes no sense? Keeping me well, don't play all this music right here, God, I'm trying to the right. A wait a minute, we're finding kka. I don't know, got some money. But he keeps calling her key kick me and one time he called her key k k key. I don't want to say key key cause I showed him on Country. I think you're talking about kill Wow. Wow, one minute is off? Well, she's been looking at the writer many more episodes in our season. Jail, I don't know him getting close to her winner brother, stop, tell me to stop. Alright, key ki, I do you love me this time? Did Junior do? Is it found? Whatever? The writer? I don't even think you went to the P and I think you just went through. But he knew all along. The KK came out of Earl's room too, though. Yeah, yeah, Okayk's brother in law. Oh he's still a man. But at Junior K. Yes, he's gonna blackmail. Is mama complicated? I can't wait till next week whenever the writer feels like everybody? Yeah, alright, well, coming up, coming up, it's week three in the NFL. Steve and Peppin we'll talk football at the top of the hour, were gonna Steve Harvey. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tommy, guys, it is time to talk football. Let's go football. Well, we've been talking to Cleveland. Yeah we Boddy, we gotta give it up with Cleveland week I don't know how you ain't clear? Is on me? If you ain't giving enough for Cleveland, you just hate it. We gotta we gotta quote from Baker Mayfield. We got a clip from him talking last night. We're gonna let you hear a little bit of this. How are you going to handle all of that everything that comes along with it. I'm gonna handle it kind of how I've handled everything else in the past. And you have a singular focus. You put your your eyes on the goal and you go work for it. You know, there's nothing that can out be you know, working hard for you can you can't you know, beat working on And that's that's the way I've always had it in my head, and so there's no reason to change it now. He on the stone cone Trump Baker. Maybe he's been to give him here, you know, he kind of country too. Yeah, it's gonna be all right, man. I shouldn't feel bad, brother win down now because I like Tom Ryan. Yeah, Ton Ryan, he was gonna be good for clean. He's still gonna be good. Now. What if he's what if he's back in you know a hundred percent next week? What do you think I'm having? You know, if who back Tyrode is back, he just back hunting. He's gonna be on the find you making the game one this game where We're gonna take him on the phone. You think you got got his got his job taking last night? I ain't girl. They won white a white boy with a black name or keep a job more than a black man with a black name. Steve. That's a black dude with a white name, and everywhere all you gotta do is change your name. She kills fakes. I'm working everywhere, but this questionableutent ain't no white dude name kill al Right, Pepper, So you know what we got, let's go, let's get it going. Here we go, man. Uh, We're gonna start with New Orleans, New Orleans Grounds, New Orleans, New Orleans playing the Atlanto Falcons down had them dudes, Man, I don't even care no more. I'm just gonna go with the Falcons because they came back last week. But they I don't know, man, they wannas. I love them dudes, man, see the reason I'm you know, I was pulling for the brown with them. But this is a touns up, man, I don't know. You know this that game I'm gonna have to call it toss up. You know, I get one where I can just have a freebee. This is my free game. At Atlanta, New Orleans because I love both of them singing on's next. Uh. The Denver Broncos will be in Baltimore playing the Ravens. I hate to tell you this, but they're gonna beat Baltimo and I love Baltimo, but something wrong up them keeping it moving. Cincinnati Bengals the only way to carry Litta to play the papers. You know, I really am a Carolina Panther fan, Cam Newman then Damn Beingles some ball man, but I'm fitting go with the Pickers, Black Plant. The baby will wander what I'm saying. I saw the movie six times. There was so much per going on this Codada. Now now it's Rwanda that that was real player, that's a real play. I'm trying to tell you something. It's Rwanda, don Cheetah yeah the movie. Yeah yeah, wand you felt that that girl walk light on this one. Now. New York Giants will be in Houston for Houston's first opening at home. Yeah you know what I'm putting, since we since the Brown's got their first win. Oh, these the Giants, the Giant, not the Jet know you just beat we just to whip some minut people. I can't figging out we don't want in time. This is like the happiest day in my life. I'm I'm gonna pick Houston because y'all ain't gonna be able to take Steve. If y'all loseh and three, I'm just gonna pick Houston because Steve gonna trip y'all can't be on in three want all right, Tennessee Titans. Tennessee Titans on their way to Jacksonville. Floud Now, then Jaguin nasty man. You can't do nothing with him. I'm going with Jacksonville man. Alright, alright, that makes sense. San Francisco the party now, hold up, du go ahead, San Francisco. Party nine is will be in Kansas City. Yeah, well, they're gonna wish they wasn't Kansas City. But the teams might be all right, Oakland, Oakland at Miamy No, yeah, no, you're Oakland at Miami. My back Oakland and Miami. And then they're gonna play the Browns that folly week. I don't they get their draws. Oakland against Whoami? They can't be Miami dog the Miami twuning. Oh they're strong man. They won't boy tanning him. Yeah, he's throwing down. It's just gonna be ugly. Been there, good luck. Might as well have us come out there. Why are you fully depressed? All right? Cold weather versus cold weather? Buffalo headed the Minnesota buffalo. Can't beat nobody down, Minnesota quit. We got any apples in the apples on their way to fill it? Oh Man, Philly, Philly hurt me last week, but WinCE is back. I'm going with Phil League one on five point three. W d as sound like feeling to me. Ain't a bunch of pimps damn by Green Bay, Green Baby Peppers on their way to Washington, Green Bay. I want the rid Skins, the wind come. I'm on, but now be told I can't help it. This is Cali versus Calli. We got the Los Angeles charges versus the Los Angeles ra girl lead. The boy with the dreadlocks. He's bad boy, he's beast. Chicago is on the way to Arizona. We'll do this when we come back. You ain't asked me nothing about the brown We talked about the forgetting. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Al Right, guys, come on, let's finish up this week three of the NFL. What you got a few. You know, they didn't play my music, but since the Browns one, I ain't even know it. Alright, and I got four more games for you, ready, all right, I'm always ready alright, Chicago, they will be headed to Arizona. Chicago going to Arizona, and the Bad's gonna whoop them down. Bad's got something fun. You got any pimps upthing? Shout that here? Yeah, ain't them something? Chicago chicango game, some monsky love on this. Chicago's news over now boy holding it down? All right, let's go Dallas. Dallas is on their way to Seattle. Seattle watching the now. They're gonna get druve. They shouldn't go up there. You don't think Dallas can play? Okay, Okay, I think they can play. Of course they can play. They ain't gonna win though. Check this out. Last week New England took a beat Jackson. Yeah, New England's not only way to Detroit up to Michigan. I ain't got no faith in the line on, but I can't damn de Troit with a lot of prow They played like Cleveland alright, last but not least. Yeah, that was a laugh that shirt about this win you go in alright, last, but not least, we got Monday night football. We got Pittsburgh versus Tampa Bay when they're playing, they're playing in Tampa without Jamis Winston. Oh, they did ain't win without James. Jam ain't got no job. White boy that looked like Connor McGregor. Ch right, now, did you see when he wonts Sean Jackson's outfit? He looked good though, didn't he get it? Heavy? Chains on and on ja yeah, period man, open and he wore them. He looked good. Tamble Bay, hell man, I can't tell you something. Florida got three strong teams. Everybody in Florida too and open. Jamis Winston is out of a job, and so is Tyrod Tyrone. He did not try to go in. Let me tell you something. When Tyrone can't do it. Tried out on that field. You think your leg was her? Laugh? Tried out on that field. What do you have on today? Can you please describe this? Well? Last night after the game, in case you missed it, I was at the barbershop. Pimps got a barbershop, super flying that stay open to midnight so we can get our curls freshing. And so I was in there watching the game and we won. And so the dude come in that with that have all the hot stuff, and he just so happened to have a bright silver rabbit coat. Huh. And I saw it, I said, I guessed to hit it. So I'm wearing a silver rabbit coat with a silver Moham suit, silver Gatis from Albert's, a gray hat with a silver band on it. But I didn't break up the nuggets though, anything else. Go where. Be right back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show alright. In today's entertainment news, sug Night's gonna get twenty eight years in prison. This is after he pleaded no contest to voluntary manslaughter and the murder of Terry Carter Suld. If you recalled ran over Terry back in January of two thousand fifteen as he fled the tams Burgers parking lot in Compton, we all remember a surveillance video that showed sug through his truck in reverse, knocked over one man, then drove forward over Terry, killing him. Sugar had been facing the possibility of life in prison, and his trial was scheduled to begin on Monday with jury selection. Uh, Sugar is fifty three years old. He's going to get credit for time served. He's been in jail already for about three and a half years now. Sugar will be on parole for three years after serving his prison sentence. His sentence is stiffer than a typical voluntary manslaughter because he had a prior felony. This one stems from So there you go years. He won't be eight yet. Do the math. He's fifty three now and he got Yeah, he got a twenty eight years sentence, but he'll get credit for three and a half years served. But you know, man, I don't even know what to say. I saw the video. Yeah, we all didn't do that. I guess he took a lead because he knew going before Jerry wasn't gonna look good. So yeah, it's a video we see yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I ventually. You know, I've set with him several times, had lunch with him, talk with him, you know, and just I do you're gonna sit when when it come out somewhere else that sandwich? You know, man, we just gotta learn. We we we you know. At one point, man, we've all got to just we have to know when enough is enough, as all of us has to get to the point where we just grow up. We ain't this no more. You can't be a thug your whole lot. You can't get so caught up that who you are and where you are. And yeah you can't. You can't real technology now it's everything. You can't run over somebody, Come on, man, at one point in time. Look, we all have to grow up. Absolutely, you're saying the right thing right now, you know, Man, you can't be in fifty some of year old thug don't make sense. You can't be a college student and a thug. They don't even fit the same. Really, man, you shouldn't even be rich and a thug. You're rich. Why are you thugging? No sense? Enjoying the fruits of your labor. Enjoy your money, you know, man. But if you're gonna stay right there, Yeah, you're gonna stay right there with your money, participating the things you used to participate. With this new money you they're gonna swallow. Was cool. Look, if you if you've been in the dope game and you get out and you get to open up some car washings and start a record label or whatever you want to do. Man, more power to you. You got out. You made a mistake. You've got a lot of good people make mistakes. But bro, you gotta learn from other people's mistakes. Do you want to be him? It's as simple as that. The answer should be no. Alright, coming up our last break of the day. I think we're gonna just let Steve have this. You're listening, all right. Here we go, last break of the day, Steve Harvey. Oh my goodness, it's been a day for you. A night and then today all right. I just want to do my clothing remarks today in a way that I've never done them before. My closing remarks today is on the spoils of victory. Hm, the spoils of victory. Okay. I was always taught by my mother as a Sunday school teacher to be gracious in losing and be gracious in winning. My mother was a Sunday school teacher. God rest her soul. The greatest person that I ever met in my life. My daddy was different. M Damn. Losing winning is everything. Last night, the Browns was everything We don't know what it's like. None of you in this room know what it's like to suffer the way I have suffered in my life. Cleveland Browns ain't been in the playoffs nowhere in the two thousand's. We ain't been to the playoffs in a long time. We ain't had a winning season in a long time. So right now, when I'm is experiencing, are the spoils of victory? What do I mean by that? What my mother told me is be gracious and losing, and be gracious and winning. But my dad is said, Damn, losing, winning is everything, And right now I'm leaning more towards my father's teachings. Yeah, I love my mama. She taught me all about spirituality, faith, God's love and grace. His mercy saved all of that. She taught me all of that, and I thank her for it. But I also gotta thank God for my daddy. Damn, losing winning is everything. When you talk about losing, you can't overlook Houston right now because they're losing at a record pace. And I must warn you, Houston Texan fans, be aware. O and two is on pace for O N sixteen Until you get rid of that old you tracking for o N sixteen and if that happens, I must tell you you'll have my heart. You will have my heart because I know what that would mean to you, because I've been there before. But I ain't gonna feel bad for you, though, because that's what you get you from Houston. I'm from Cleveland one, one and one. It's way different from oh and two. And Lord, have mercy on your soul. If we get that Sunday and y'all become oh and three, don't come in hire money. You ain't got to. That's what sick days is fall and if you owe in three, you should be sick. I'm telling y'all this would be a fine time to take off. Coming on money and you owe it three. You ain't gonna believe who I really am, that gracious and winning and gracious and losing that My mother always taught me the scriptures doing to others that you would have them do. Until you all of that, I ain't trying to hear none of that. In the words of my daddy, damn losing, winning is everything. And as I close out this broadcast today, I must tell you winning is everything. It's better than lose. It ain't nothing like it. Losing this for losers. Winning is for winners. That's Cabby appropatro Kuama head quote. Profound, Luke boy, that's deep. Luke did I think of that? Just me? Missing? Losing is for losers and winning this for work. That just came to me. Just man, I gotta anybody that wrote that down. I need it on the wall, put it in the post, put on a T shirt. Let me say that again. Winning is winning. Losing this losing and if you ain't one, you must be losing. Telling y'all right now, I love Houston. Now you're talking to Tommy and Junior specifically about them coming in on Monday. You ain't. You ain't trying to get in none as when it comes to this football can when you're talking about we talking about this personal. Now I'm coming in. Don't stop me from talking about this. Brown Now you can come to work. Call it. So? What was that quote? One more time? Damn lose? Winning is everything? But you up when you just yeah, there was so profound. Winning is for winners. Losing. I'm gonna say it like this. I'll see your Monday. I got confidence, I got no problem. I want you to have that confidence. But gonna do you need to come in here, Marthy Okay, cool, but you need to come in here. One and two. You're coming here to work. You congratulations, Steve. You know we really are here we go and I'm let me get you all one last thing. If you're come in here, you're all in three. In the words of shallis season. Why weekend, y'all have a great weekend. I'm gonna go home. We ain't playing the weekend. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.