Cleveland Allegedly Likes CA Trees - 06.07.17

Published Jun 7, 2017, 8:42 PM

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Y'all know what time is. Y'all don't know y'all ba s all looking back to back down, giving them ball just like amazing buck things and it's cubs. Do me true good to ste hardy guy listening to other for Stu bar quick please Moby don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, byya joining me? Honey said you gotta use that turn y'all. You gotta turn to turn the love turn lovey got to turn out to turn water the water. Y'all, comey, come on your thing nat uh show. Well a good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show today. I wanted to give you something that I've been learning more and more U lately. Um. You know I'm a I'm a huge fan of the book The Secret. But I did myself a favor because I know I learned better this way. I learned better about hearing, and so I downloaded The Secret onto my iPhone. So I got the audio book and man o, man o, man what a smart move that really was for me because I know how I learned. You know, I do very well with visual when I can see what it is that I'm after how to do something, I do it better, and when I'm listening, I just I learned better like that. I wish I had known that about myself in college and stuff like that, where I didn't do so well. If I could have learned that that's the way I learned, I would have used more tools to help me. But um, let's let's just say I figured it out, and so I'm grateful for that. And I was listening to the audio portion of this book, and I've been learning so much more. I've rephrased a lot of it to fit how I think and more of how I talk. And I just wanted to share that with you this morning. Man, it might help you out a great deal. And one of the things that my mother had always taught me. And because it's a spiritual thing with my mother's it's a biblical reference to my mother. And the book The Secret grabbed that principle and uses it very well, and it's gratitude. I want to run this by you every every day. You know what I started doing. I started spending my every waking moment being thankful showing grad it too. Now the book it says to put that out there in the universe. But if you're waking up and you're saying thank you, I mean who you're saying thank you too? I mean, let's let's let's be real here that that universe was created by God. That is my belief. That's the majority of people's belief that I know. I'm not knocking you. If you don't believe that, do you let me know how they work out for you, though. But so my thank you, it's to my heavenly Father, as is a lot of yours. But here's the here's the here's the thing. I started saying thank you from the time I wake up, until I go in the bathroom, till I shower, till I dress, until I get in my van, until I get to work, while I'm on the elevator, until I sit down and crack the mic. Now, somebody, somebody might say, man, that's a lot of time. No, not hold up, man, hold hold up, it's really not. Because what it does for you, it does more for you than for anyone else. This is about you showing gratitude and being grateful. It's for you. And let me tell you what it does. When I started doing this, man, it started changing my day. It started changing my attitude towards the day, so when the difficulties of the day began, they were nothing to me because I was so filled with gratitude. I'm talking about continuous thanks for all things. You cannot run out of things to be grateful for, not if you fine tune your gratitude, not if you do it in a way where you're being very specific about what you're grateful for. When you wake up and you're grateful for waking up, when you're grateful for the ability to move today, when you are grateful for the fact that you have solid thoughts right now, that you are in your right mind. When you start thanking him for the flexibility that you feel in the morning and the stiffness and as it wears off as you start moving around, that's another reason to be grateful that you have a shower to take, that there are many people who don't have a place to shower, the fact that you're brushing your teeth, the fact that you have somewhere to go, the fact that your job may not be ideally the job you want, but you have a job to go to, that you have a measure of health, that you have a place to go and get a cool drink of water to start your day, or you can make a cup of coffee, or the fact that you can grab yourself a yogurt on the way out the door. And the fact that you have a way to get to work, whether it's on the subway, the bus, the cab, or you have the wherewithal to walk to work or you driving to work, and whatever kind of card is that you have a place to be to provide when you start really fine tuning your gratitude, it is amazing, zinc man. And what it does is it puts you in a state of mind that is so uplifting to you that it is the perfect way to start your day. I think I'm clowning what you here. I am not try it. Try it. You are what you think. So you start the day off as this grateful creature, this grateful person, this grateful soul. You start your day off as grateful man on man on man. How good is that? And it just spirals throughout your day and it puts you in a great mood. My mood has totally changed. I'm not a bad mood person anyway, but you know, when my day started getting heavy, man. Sometimes it gets on me, man, because I mean, I'm from the time I wake up till I go home at night. Can you imagine having somebody move you around all day? What it would feel like to have somebody making you accountable for every single moment of your day. The moment you stop to take a breath, somebody finds that as an opportunity to spend a moment with you because to them it's just a minute. But they don't know all the minutes that's occupied in your day. Imagine that. So I try to steal some minutes here, steal some minutes there. But now, man, it don't jump on me that way, you know what I'm saying. I look, I gotta take some time to myself throughout the day. So as soon as I get off the air, I take a twenty minute break before I go to my brief and to start my talk show. Uh you say, twenty minutes ain't nothing. It ain't, But it's all I got and I use it to shut myself down, meditate, have a quiet moment, become even more thankful. But I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful for everything, because man, I have a show too that keeps me busy. I have a radio show that keeps me busy. I got another TV. I'm just grateful for all of it. Man, And what happens is let me, let me share this with you. It changes your focus because now your focus is not on what you don't have. Your focus is on what you do have. Do you understand that amazing turnaround in your life? If you can make that when folks, when you change that focus through gratitude, you then open up the pathways for more stuff to come to you. A lot of us are blocking our blessings today because we ain't grateful for the ones we have. See, we're so busy, we're so busy telling God and putting out in the universe what we don't have, what we ain't got, that we no longer are receptive to things that we could have. You have now blocked all your blessings from coming because your focus is not on the come, it's to what you ain't got. So how can more blessings come your way? How can more good things come your way? How can positive things start happening to you? If your focus is on the negative things, if your focus is on the things that you don't have, if your focus. It's on what you're lacking instead of what the abundance that you have and what you expect more of. If you change your gratitude, you change your attitude and it changes your altitude. Man, man, use your gratitude to change your attitude, which then affects your altitude. Do you feel me? Now? Come on, man, ain't that a good thing? I've had to rework it through the way I say it, but man, that's been so helpful for me every day. Start your data way. Just try try it starting now, or you want to get a fresh start during tomorrow morning. But watch what happens to you. Okay, it's going to amazingly revolutionize the way you face your day. Okay, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, the ward Dale, Henderson, Rayford Packman quartet. I said that Kate can't no by day. Ain't nobody do me like you? No? By o, Kate a no by day? Do me like the Lord? Do me like the Lord? I said, cain't nobody, cain't nobody do me like Jesus? Do me like Jesus. There ain't no that, ain't no body there ain't no that ain't no bay. There ain't no body lie that can do me like Jesus. That was an original arrangement by me and my cousin. We are still working on the prelimitar areas of it, but that is going to be a major hit. That's a new arrange rate that we're working on. Let the church say, man, man, man again, a man again. Amen, what's happening y'all? Everybody good? Yes, I'm good Steve, Good morning to you and everyone. Wonderful Carla, good morning, Hobby, what's up? Good good Junior, morning up morning, fool number one, filthy rich billion now, oh, oh, friend of mine? He finished. I never know, I never know when the intros just when you What Steve? Are you doing man today? Yea blessed and highly favored? Yeah? Man, yea. What about you? Pretty good man, I'm pretty good. I'm pretty good man. I feel like, you know, finished taking the apollo. I'm here today again. Won't he do it? Yes? He will? Won't he do it? Just standing in the land of the living, alive and will enclosed in my right mind. That is sufficient for me. A man? Yeah, yes, Amen, go right there, Amen, Yes, they go right there. Amen. Rights already. I can't leave four minutes nothing. Well, you're saying you open with a him. I can't believe that's over already. Remind me the show we used to do. Oh yeah, what we got going on this morning? We got something funny? Something funny is coming up from the fellas well. I gotta good one. Then y'all want to ask to see y'all will decide that. Lady. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, uh something funny today is, of course, asked the CEO. The CEO are fearless leader, the one and only Steve Harvey. Who's got the first question for the CEO? You se yeah? You regular. Well we were talking amongst ourselves about overtime. But over time, are we going to get paid double or time and a half for overtime? Yeah? Black owns Well what does that have to do with it? Right? Well, one thing about this segment right here is asked to c e O pose nothing check we didn't. If you put this in the phone over question, we can start it now. What isn't you trying to ask me about this overtime? I was just getting ready to ask you, sir, overtime We go ah okay, right here, we're discussing it amongst ourselves. We've been asked on several occasions to work overtime, but when we ask about the payment, we get no answers. So I'm asking you directly, uh sir? Will we be getting paid for our overtime? First of all, ain't no more discussing nothing amongst yourselves around here. But that's that's a new policy Jack got started today. We can't talk. You can talk, you can't discuss nothing, see that. See no, yeah, I just did. See that's different. If you're talking that's about you know, basketball, wives, you know, scandal, you know, you know what? What? What folks talk about water cooler talk. To discuss something is to bring up issues and concerns about this job. We don't do that in here. So now at far over time go. If you don't finish your work like you post to in the designated set of time, and you have to stay to finish it, who damn fault is that the person that assigned all the world get it done? Eight Well, if it's too much, yeah, well, if it's too much, then we need some different kinds of people in here, don't we. Yeah? Maybe more to help out. Why are you so angry? See have a question? Ain't anybody talk the same thing? Memo? That's just hi talk. Yeah, I know it's not gonna go well, but I'm gonna put new dude go ahead, New dude, I've been here. How long would you have been here? New dude? Get my question out? About maybe six seven weeks from day one. From day one, there's been a threat on me to be sent back to my old John, which it's really it's really kind of making me uncomfortable. First of all, I can't go back. That's the that's the first thing. That's something that have been said here right here that have made it uncomfortable or impossible, so to speak, for me to go back. So when I'm asking the seal, could you please stop saying you're gonna send me back, okay, because I'm not going back there. I might not, I might leave here, you might get rid of me here, but I'm not going back there. That's that's right, Okay. We are the union here. When I'm referring back to go back over there, you don't have to go back to your last place been blowing. You can get back to making pass in a damn hotel room show if you want to, maybe that's what the best day I'm talking. None of that's go. That's not nice. That's not nice. We running the company here or little made? Okay, first of all, let me ask my question. And I'm not little man, So watch how you WA's how you talking to him? But I see you talking back right after I say little man, But I know you did, you saying it to me, But I'm just saying I'm not okay, let me say this. Okay, cool, alright, alright, alright, a right, watch it. Don't nobody say nothing but a little man. Don't you think if you live in the big millions and millions of dollar home and drive all these fans are called that we should at least be living somewhat similar to you. Oh and you ain't tried that. Oh I'm trying it, but I haven't. S you throw parties at the chateau to see EO. Don't get invited because you want a flex and be flossy in front of everybody, or didn't carry all all out of time? Got your self rows run right after that dragon as Marvel Rotty, got self roll rod put it on it. If you put that on infragram. You've made this personal seeing you because you try to attack me in my hard work. I must not expose you in your hard work. Lou lou, loutle rich. I have a question. Go ahead, lady, and you will address our ladies about their name. Sir, I have a question. All right, here we go, summertime is here. What do you think about maybe putting together a company barbecue or picnic and we can have play softball games and do team building exercises and come together. What do you think about that? Sir? Good, rent a park, organize it and bring your own body que when y'all want to do it. Are you gonna give me a budget? Yeah? What do you need a budget for to pay for them? You said rent the park, and then we got to pay I didn't have for company bab q, I know, but you said we could have one, So we need a budget. All right? How much y'all WANs being? But five nothing? Junior, Tommy j that's five people? About thousand dollars? Piece? How did it budge? Your son? Did? Okay? I got a phone? All right, tommies, run that brank back. It's next. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Ms Sanna's coming up with today's headlines. Of course, we're right now it is time for the nephew to run that breakback. Change for a hunter, change for hunt? You got anybody got changed that change? Anybody got changed for honey? That's all I man? Hello along s trying to reach for Gina please speaking hello? Yeah, speaking is Regina. Okay, hey, uh you did a bachelor party for me and my boys, like about two weeks ago. Okay, Sean remember Sean? Yes, yes, okay, Now listen when you um you were doing a lot of lap dances at night? You remember that? Yes? So how did you get my number? Can I help? You need a party done? I mean, what do you need? Okay? Well, no, no, and nothing like that. I'm saying. You know you did a lot of lap dancers. Do you remember that? Yes? Okay, we'll listen. You know that night I was at the party, you did some lap dances for me. But okay, what I want to tell you was that the lap dancers you ha did was the lap dancers was ten dollars? Am I right? Right? You will be correct? Yes, okay, was ten dollar But I accidentally I thought I gave you a ten dollar bill when I really gave you a hundred dollars. Okay, you know I need actually what the reason why I called you was. I'm trying to I'm trying to get that you know, I'm trying to get that ninety dollars back. Wait a minute, let me ask you something. First of all, how did you get my number? Well, dud, that um who was who was doing the you know, the guy that hooked you all up as far as doing the Bachelor Billy Billy, the ones that got yall to to come and do the Bachelorrette Party. What I'm trying to, you know, tell you is is that I got the number from him, Okay, okay, and he told me that I could call you and try to just talk to you about it. Okay, And you want me to give you I had tipps you I was I was really gonna pay you ten dollars, but it was a hundred dollar bill. So the reason what I'm saying to you is that I want to get the other nineties dollars back. I'm not giving you know damn ninety dollars. I'm not giving you your damn ninety dollars on Wait a minute, Oh, I don't even think you understand. I wasn't trying to give you all that money at one time. I need to get the money back from you. I think dollars, that's it. The other money that I was blown the feet. I ain't get my change back from you. I don't give you change back, not the dollars, a damn tip. I'm not giving this back, so nobody will be giving you no damn hunder dollars at one time was wrong with you. I'm not giving dollars that you should want what you was doing, because it should. Donna tell me my money dollar already told you. I wasn't even trying to give you this money. I wouldn't try to get I was trying to give you ten dollars. That's what I was trying to give you. I'm not giving you thing back. You're not get nothing you should be. I don't want your wife kids. Hey, lady, listen, you don't even understand what what's going on right here. You should have been asked. I wasn't trying to one of money is trying to give you no money. There's a misunderstand it. I mean, but now Look, I'm already saying I was giving ten, but ninety hat that belonged to me. I don't get you're calling me working me up you was, I'm not giving it. I'm gonna give you a tip, but I ain't getting you know, ninety dollars you did? You got you was till Hey, lady, look, I'm not gonna city and going to go ahead with with you all this. Look I want to get my ninety dollars back from you. Know, first of all, if you called me lead with my time, gonna come fign you and kick your talking about I'm not giveing you know down million dollars back. Don't trip you should have another first pause, Like I said, keep that time on the reil. I ain't trying to go back and forth with you I was. I'm saying, is it's been a mistake. I wasn't trying to give you no hundred dollars all right, dollar, that was a mistake. I just want my money back, and nobody tripping with you giving my money back. I'm not giving your death than back. I'm not giving day. That's your cablem. You need to go home and tell your life what you did with the extra manic dollars. I'm just trying to get your I want you, I want dollars five damar come me, come damn it. And you haven't come if you know you're not trying to get your ninety dollars. I don't want my money from you to don't don't you step from ahead? And when you sell my man day learning dogs, I bet you that one. When are you gonna play me my nightty dog? You know does not asking them? No, not giving you no Lenny down, thank you for a damn kill you action. You don't you don't give me. You don't give me my night. I don't you're gonna do that? You coming here for them? Well they won't lit change that you My phone one can't catch you. You said, don't call me with it? And I got one more thing I want to tear you. You listen to me, listen to your one? Are you listen to me? I want more thing I need to say to you. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you listening to me? Don't call me with that man? Listen to you. I'm killing do what you got to say? You kill right? It's your fun, I said. I got one more thing to say to you. Are you what you say? Is it? Nephew Tommy from the Steam Off in Morning Show? You just got pranked by your girl friend? Who is this Hello Hello from me? That makes him get kill I'm gonna cutting you in your baby alright? That be good? Hey, keeping stupid baby stupid is going to Dallas June thirty. It's a time to lab at Maga Fence located at Kate Bailey, Hudges and Convention cent is getting closed. Jim thirty is going down. Tickets on sale at all Taken, Master out Left hosted by you What was truly in the headline of Ease the One and Only Cedric the entertain tickets own sail right now? All right, all right, Well, she's not pregnant. She's not pregnant. Okay, halle Berry disputes pregnancy rumors. Despite what you may have heard, halle Berry isn't expecting baby number three. The Mirror, Hollywood Life, and Vibe have all reported similar stories claiming that Hallie revealed she was pregnant by holding a baby bump during a red carpet appearance at the sixteenth annual Um Chrysalis Butterfly Ball in Los Angeles. A rep for Hallie denies all these stories, explaining that Hallie is not pregnant and any report otherwise is simply untrue. Halle is already momed to nine year old Nala, that's her daughter, and of course she had her with her model actor boyfriend Gabriel Aubrey, and then she has a three year old son from her marriage to Oliviate Martinez. For her part, Holly was um. She responded via Instagram, posting a very sexy snap shot of herself yesterday saying, can a girl have steak and fries? And she has some steak and fries. I'm not pregnant. Steak fries, hall That's it off, babies feel good? All right, Miss Anna's here. She'll be up next with our news headlines and we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve By. Miss Anna's coming up with our national news and headlines. But before we go to miss Anne, please, let's welcome ladies and gentlemen, our newst affiliate and family member w h S l F M Hot one oh seven seven the people station in Butler, Alabama. Amma, but yeah, good Lloyd, Alabama. I've been there. Well, man, what's in Alabama? Close to Meridian, Mississippi. It sort of close to the Alabama line. But you gotta come down. You gotta come down off seventeen. You can get down off seventeen and you can get in there off of not This is really crazy though, because you can get to Butler offer route ten and that's very rare because they got Interstate teen down there. But you can get off a route tea all for twenty. But it's more. The biggest city is close to its Meridian, Mississippi. But if you keep going south, you get your mobile not far from pretty. How does he know we've been drove all in place? Yeah? Driven, No, we drove. It was a different Oh my kidness, look it up, you seem Yeah, all you gotta do. You can call either one of them off that twenty Wow. Well welcome boys. Yes, no, you don't want him giving that wretch turn here, food, turn here, but cuss you out, but you don't need him to be a GP hit. What is it, tommy? What is it that we'll cuss you out, but we will get you there. So welcome Butler, Alabama. Welcome the people staying here. What the hell did I just tell yours? I see you left right here on Martin Luther KI, that's why you're gonna be late, because you're I don't know what you know, Steve were rerouting? Won't do reting? Did I tell you to go this way? Did I tell you to go this winteh worsh you on my GPS because I told you again? Because mine just said rerouting. Oh so you're gonna turn the way you want to turn? All right? Damn s just f me then, because I don't know what I'm doing for Steve. He did not say make a right by McDonald, did not say, oh you're stupid, stop right here. I got a beat people would buy. People would buy the one. They definitely would. Let's let's let's patting it because he donna right now, right now, he gonna do it. And all right, see let's go to miss b and she's here, the lovely in talented miss and trip. Thank you, st Thanks everybody, This is a trip with the news. Okay. British police have released the name of the third assailant in Saturday's terrorist attack on London Bridge, and they say he was a twenty three year old Moroccan from Italy named Yusuf Zogba. Now, Italian police say they stopped this guy Zogba last year and presented him from flying to Turkey on his way to Syria, and Italian officials also say that they warned the UK about Zogba. Britain's intelligence agency m I five, though, was disputing that claim. So they're going to be an investigation about that, who they knew and what they knew and did somebody actly tell them about this? Well this, you know, it's got a trail as a trail everywhere. I meanwhile, Prime Minister Theresa May is taking issue with President Trump's tweets that had been very very critical of London's Mayor's Sadie CON's response to Saturday's attack. I think Donald Trump was wrong in the things that he has said about Sadi Calm. We have in the aftermath of the London Bridge attack. We have been working with Sad Calm. Party politics have put to one side. We worked together. Even so, the yet to be unscheduled UK visit by Trump is expected to take place when Trump gets around to it. I guess the chief accuser in the sexual assault trial of Bill Cosby took the stand yesterday, Andrea Constant told juries in suburban Philly that the actor and comedian gave her drugs that left her paralyzed helpless, and then sexually assaulted her at his home in two thousand four. Constant says she met Cosby when she was working for the women's basketball team at Cosby's Almamada Temple University, and says they were friends from more than a year before the alleged assault. Cosby's lawyers said d asked Constant, why did you take so long to say anything and why did you continue your friendship with Cosby after he allegedly a sexually assaulted you. In Delaware, officials saying that the seventeen year old girl convicted in the school bathroom attack that left a pretty six year old classmate dead has been sentenced to six months in a juvenile facility. You may remember this case seventeen year old convicted of the criminal negent homicide last year and the death of Amy Join of Frances, who was beaten and kicked in the head in the girl's bathroom by a several girls. Another seventeen year old girl was convicted of helping to plan the attack, and she received eighteen months probation and three hundred hours of community service. No word from Amy joined of Francis's family as to whether they feel satisfied or vindicated by those six moves because they are teenagers. Yeah, but she's the child is dead. The right hailing company oh Birth firing some twenty people, reprimanding dozens more on hiring lawyers to investigate allegations of sexual harassment, bullying, and other misconduct in the workplace. Harvard Universe Steve taking back its offer of admission to at least ten incoming freshmen because of the quote offensive and racially charged memes they made in a private online chat room. Like Russain and Steve, it's always a record of what you do. Harvey's admission says that, hey, Harvard has reserved the right to withdrawal offers of admission to under various conditions, including if an admitting student has bad behavior or looks like they're not honest, mature, or have moral character. Twenty minutes after the hour for Eugene the Butterfly and Steve Harvey Morning Show, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Alright, Steve, it is that time for the Butterfly hey, surely before introducing to butterfly, can you and not getting I can barely hear you, I said before I introduced the butterfly? Can you and I get back to being friends? Not to be friends? But I don't have a sure Yes, Steve, I am asking you, okay, in that tone, you didn't make that man down. I didn't like you. They got to call you big brothers cause you can't say that on the radio. I'm sorry. You'll be making people. My head, you be making people? Is this? Here's what your segment is about? Now? And now I have a segment. You were starting to apologize. I was just well, right now, you've wasted a lot of time and with we seriously considering taking your segment from you, there you go, man again. Look it ain't no problem. I don't care if you're mad at me. Come in here. You let my segment be this today. But I do have something. Why are you so angry, Stephen? What is it? Why? Why why you let me let me let no no, no, no, call me by my name? You don't call me by my name because I'm not enough timing? Yeah, that discussion amongst yourself. I am who I am, and I am who I am? So there? Why don't get me started out here anyway? I'm a your aunchle right now, Harvey, Why you sound angry in the morning? What is it when you wake to think? It's I think it's having to work with people like you. But dude, I reach people, wake up made right? It's a mad what's on the aggression for you? Get out of your t I think you have to have a certain level of aggression to make it in life. Got to be a little dogan about it. But others not mad like you. Just it's hard to work with you sometimes cause of your level of talent. You're about to upset me. Now what do you mean by my level of talent? Well, maybe I shouldn't say your level of telling, but maybe I should say the lack of telling. I am a very not even at a level yet now I'm a very talented person. Now, you're not gonna You're not gonna disrespect me, not, But what are you telling to that I'm a very funny person. No, no, you're not. You're gonna make me gonna make money. You gotta make me get harder. That was funny, make me that was good at that time. My name ain't no timmy Now. That made me get hard and rough, but I can get down. That could never happen. That makes me put this base up in. Come on with it, Come on with all right, coming up, butterfly. J Anthony Brown will murder yet another hit. We'll be back at thirty four after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, introduce your boy and his murder the hits. Say no, Shirley, No, Shirley, I don't know that I want to work with me. What I'm saying, Shirley and almost squashed his beef? Right, we have no beef. Surely you are angry with me? What do we need to do to move this fold? Money Bega twinnies like a nice Bega twinnies bag. No more. You're ready, Ja, yes, answer me, respond appropriately to what Steve? You have heard me. You're not a slow person. Respond to. This is Jay's time. We're taking away from Jack what we have about j. J. New Man to repect. He couldn't play the songs over there. We hey, we will let him talk behind it again. Go ahead, j all, hey, we go. This is by boys two men, boys to men. That song was end of the road. My song, My song is totally different when you come to the end of the loaf. Check it out, you know, baby, when you love me hand slice like that, I thought that was miney low down and I just want to sing about it right now, even with some jail, some jam on both side. The m slice of bread doors part and you know I'm not alied. Some folks think it's fun man to leave you the last lies for nothing but crumsing the bag. And you know that's not right, my mate. Bread it tonight and you'll get up to the rock with that old crusted bread, so I might start a fight. I don't know what to deal, but maybe I try. Can't go to the someone let it does that bread dude? Damn hard week got do God love and no start love. It's sun next road, real meat around do eat bread, dadda favor love Babby. I don't want to do it like that, baby, Why want to eat the last last day? There haven't said you got to do it like that. You ought to be arrest to get a dam together. We have an any's going through. It's something natt round. I'll be all very right, I'll be really am so down keating me a sandwich? You got the end of the loaf? You know what talks to meet? You really are thinking that? You really singing? Yeah weed or right? Everybody been there? Man, I'll be damn about one slice of bread the d loaf the end like, yeah, I don't have a lot of peanut butter. I considered in mowbread chew it right. All right, we'll be back with the Nephews prank phone call right after this jam. You're listening to the Stry Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four, and it's after today's Strawberry Letter. It's gonna be a good one, you can bet. But first it's the Nephews. Time for prank phone call. Come on now, you can't come back to church? Wait what you can't come back to church? Wow? What? What? Any anybody upset about it? You can't come back to church? Such anger? Oh? Look who's hello? I'm trying to reach sister, She reads Mayfield, Deacon bobs from the from the church bounds from from church. Yes, yes, ma'am, from from from Can you hear me? Good? The old phone or work? We're good? Yeah? My phone? Okay, okay that I called it the deacon board and had a meeting as well as uh passes and uh they didn't have a meeting. That come to the understanding that, uh, they're gonna ask you to not come to church right now because that about that the bars of your airic and James being in jail, the way the earl and want to want you to just stop. I don't know if they're gonna suspend you from church right now, but they they think it put a bad look on the church. My kids being in jail put a bad look on the church. Well that's what that's what's what that that's what they come up with. Now we even had to meet with the deacon board and with passing stoves. I don't understand why y'all have a meeting about my kids in the church. What my kids got to do with the church. Well, what we're trying to do is show a good example to the youth that we got there. Okay, you can show a good example about me being there, paying my times and offering. That was another thing that's been brought down attending that we're gonna be calling a lot of members about it. People not paying the tie that where they fos pay my task? I don't know. I don't know who told you that, Deacon Bonds. I don't even know, first of all, who you are, and I'm not trying to be mean to you, and I don't I don't even understand why you how you even got my phone number. I paid my task, I paid my offering. Go on your computer at the church, call your secretary or whoever. Let me let me let me ask you this. Do you pay your tie according to what you make? Yes? I do check the books? What what now? What it is? We can't check the book that we don't know exactly what you make? Is what I'm saying. What I make is my destiness between me and Jesus. I give him his tempers in and that's all, Mars. He'll need to know understanding exactly where you're coming from, but not The main issue on table is about the boy and and and being you know, disrupted the way to you. They don't want that to be to lead over to the youth quad. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, And first of all, I would appreciate if you would have pathor to tell me this this self. And then second of all, if somebody kids is having trouble in the world or whatever, y'all supposed to pray for him, not put him at the church or the mama. Well, i'm, i'm, I'm, we're gonna, we're gonna pray for and we're gonna pray for you too, But we don't want some shared over to the youth that we got that doing good with that. Well, I'm gonna keep coming. Y'all can't stop me from coming to the church. I'm gonna keep coming. So I don't know who you're talking to. And you tell a pastor to call me hit stuff and tell me I can't come to Hell, and you have nobody calling me telling me that I can't come to Hell. That is a free church. I'm gonna get the pastor called that night. And you get the pastor to call me because you have no business calling me telling me that I can't come to God is mazing. I don't want you to get into up roll with me. I'm not again. I'm not getting angry with nobody. Did I work. I don't work eighteen sixteen hours today. I don't have half for nobody calling me telling me that I can't come to a church that I pay my cards and offering that not that I owned the church. I pay my cars because that's that's through to God. But y'all really making me upset by telling me I can't come now because of my kids in their troubles. Where was you this past under? You wasn't there? I want that church because I had over stuff that. Why is that in your your bill? Now? There you go being an up road with me again. I don't know who this is. How could you call somebody about church distance over the phone. This don't make sense. Vielle Hello, Yeah, one more thing. This nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Ship. I got you. I'm like, who is this guy talking about starch being? You know what I like about you? Though? Nobody gonna keep you out the Lord's House. You're gonna show up and show out every Sunday, Every Sunday. I'm coming to church in the name of thank you everybody. Let me ask you something. That's the baddest radio show in the land. Now do you even have to ask me that? To Steve Harvey more and itself? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. And speaking of church, it's going down at Megafest. Oh my god. June the thirty if you do not want to miss it a time to live comedy show. It's the one and only hosted by me nephew Tommy in the headline is such at the entertainer. It is a comedy show you do not want to miss, all clean term plans, all laid out. It's all of that me and see it as a whole. It your sermon. Yeah, I have a question. What's up, anger, dr It's Eugene performance. We've been going back and forth with that. I just don't know, man, I don't know if you read it for that kind of crowd. I don't know him. We have this I know, I know five six thousand deep. I'm not sure if I don't know what he's always said. He he's the best act. You second, I said, he's done well, Junior, I don't know if he's really ready. Ready y'all think I should give him a shot? Yeah? Just have you told him he wasn't performed. I ain't mean I think I will tomorrow. As a matter of fact, a call go out there and get you. Okay, I knew it she was gonna is going on. I've already done my part this morning. Okay, Well, your part. Your part's really just beginning. What's going on? I have some really really I don't know how you're gonna take this, but I think it's disturbing. I was just talking to tom and he's made the announcement of the lineup of Megafest and your name was not mentioned. And I don't think you're gonna be performing at Magnafest. Man who ain't gonna be? Who ain't who ain't gonna be performing? The makeup? Oh that whu? Though Tommy hasn't mentioned you, He hasn't mentioned me in the lineup, not once. Let me get this right. So the headlines I never said you anything said, I got that he ain't saying I was on the show and some other comedians too that he didn't mention. But but but you never came on. He never even mentioned you. Calm down your no no no no no no no no no no no no, I'm bad. So let me ask let me ask him, Thomas, am I on the show of my ain't got That's a time to lie had I mean, I mean, you know, it's a big line up. There's a lot of people on the show. You got J. J. Williams and you've got said you got uh oh my god, sure that? What's the young lady's name from? You'll be offensive to the crowd. You think you'll be offensive to the crowd. Yeah, I know I better be on this show. I'm gonna tell you that right now, because if you want things to be let I'll tell you why. I'll tell you what. Don't put me on the show. And I bet you when the file come, I won't be doing baby bar that left play that and let you in. So so, how you want to do that? How you want to do it? Somebody? This body up in here, you better ask somebody. Uh Strawberry letter coming up. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's that time. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. In Strawberry letter, subject my wife's sister wants to tell all, Dear Stephen Shirley, Oh boy, A couple of years ago, I had an affair with my wife's younger sister, and yes, we both we both know it was wrong. My sister in law and I had been good friends for several years, and we never even looked at each other in a romantic way until then. My sister in law ended the affair after a few months, and unfortunately our friendship also ended, which was her choice. The issue now is that she wants to tell my wife about the affair. She says she wants to tell so she can start off with a clean slate with her sister. My marriage hasn't been good for many years, but I never wanted to intentionally hurt my wife. What should I do? Please help? Oh boy, I know you guys. You say you guys aren't friends anymore. But you're gonna have to talk to the sister in law and persuade and convince her not to tell her sister. That would not be a good look. It just wouldn't. It would destroy your sister. Um, it's going to destroy an already bad marriage. You're saying it hasn't been good for years, your marriage. Um, yeah, she can't tell. You know, this is one of those secrets you're gonna have to take to the grave. Don't let the guilt you know of this illicit affair that you had, you two had, get the best of you and go in and hurt someone that doesn't need to be heard. I mean, you just can't do it. It's just one of those things. You cannot tell uh, your wife about this, She can't tell her sister and clean the slate for what I mean, you're cleaning it? What is that gonna do? I mean, what is that gonna do? If she doesn't know, she doesn't know. I just wouldn't do this. I wouldn't advise this. If I were you, like I said, I would try and get to the sister in law and try and persuade and convince her that this is just not a good look. It's not a good thing to do because it's going to destroy a bunch of people that don't need to be destroyed. Steve H. Sherley's response used the word in it that I've never understood the elicit are fail. Let's start there. Elicit are fail? Does that mean like alleged? No, it just means wrong, shouldn't happen? Well, then this show shouldn't it is? Yeah, a couple of years ago, you had a fair with your wife's younger sister, that older sister, younger, your wife's sister, All the other chicks in this world, dog, all of them you could have slept with. You picked her damn sister. Oh that's low down, homie. Yeah, it's low, dog, and I'm telling you right now before we even get to the end of the letter, I can't help. Let's just get you and the damn thing I can do for you, because you're going there and telling it ain't a damn thing we can do for you. Now we both know always wrong. My sister in law had been good friends several years, and we never even looked at each other in a romantic way until then. Boy stop, you ain't never thought her little sister was fine until the day y'all did something. First of all, dog, who you think you're talking to? Who do you think you talking to? You ain't thought nothing about this girl until it happened. First of all, don't don't write me and lie and then ask for help. You know good well you've been looking at that little fine thing for a wo m. So y'all did it. The fair went on for months. Your sister in law ended the fair after a few months, and unfortunately, now see this, this little moment of regret you having, this is stupid. Unfortunately, our friendship also ended, which was her choice. Now what you mad? But now you ain't mad about friendship ended, You're mad about the fair. Inding. Let the quit talking to Steve like he's paying no attention. H The issue now is she wants to tell my wife about the affair. Boy Boy, I don't know what you're gonna do, and nothing I can tell you to do is leave this can I'm not happy you gouts to think of something to do to yourself that deflex attention from this a fan bringing home. You have got to do something drastic to yourself now. I don't know how you feel about let let me go. I'mna tell you what you gotta do it. You cannot let this happen. I got four minutes to kill. Boy, let me tell you something. Let's just kill this letter right now. You gotta do something to yourself, and I'm gonna tell you that in a minute. But let me get this last line. She says she wants to tell her so she can start off clean with us. Let's get a couple of things establish here. She don't give a damn by her sister. A matter of fact, she don't even like hers sis. That's why she slept with her sister's husband in the first place. Because you're the only one. Think you can get a man. I can get show man. Now to going in and tell her is to go nine nine nine. What slates you talking about cleaning, because it's gonna be do to all over the slate. If you're walking there and open your mouth and say this, it's gonna get real reals up in there. What do you need to do to sugar hunted ice tish up in there? My marriage ain't been good for a couple of years. That's another thing. They've been over there, ain't with a damn no hue. But before you let her go in there and and and tell your sister, tell your wife that they had an affair, you need to do something to yourself. You got to divert the attention and it has to be something tragic. Now. I don't know how you feel about your car, but you need to wrap it around the telephone poles. You need to take this thing and driving into the side of the warehouse building about You need both air bags to come out, and just put the mouth piece in your mouth and put him out piece, get your football piece and put him and be a crash dumma and gonna take that wall on about forty miles none You're gonna break both ways at your hands. You're gonna need some type of injury. Yeah, the sacond thing. You're gonna have your self inflicted wound. Gunshot. You gotta shoot yourself. Your shoulder cap off. You don't even need your shoulder cap because you can put your pants in your s Okay, we'll be back with me, and I'm gonna let the fellas join in all some other stuff you can do. We'll be back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're in the middle of this strawberry letter. But first, don't forget j Anthony Brown's man in the streets is coming from coming up. Yeah, straight out of our problem. We gotta get back to part two of Steve's response to this letter. Though, uh my, why sister wants to tell all is the subject Steve, We cannot let this happen. The recap is quite simple. This man slept with his wife's younger sister. He said. They know it's wrong, but let's put credit where credit is due. Dog, you low, there's too many other women out here. You go get your your wife's sister down. But then what about this skank sister she got. Obviously she don't like her, so so she gonna sleep with her. Man now, you and your stupid behind says, unfortunately, our friendship also ended, which was her choice, because you ended the fair after a few months. Unfortunately our friendship, boy, you didn't give a damn about that friendship. She quits sleeping with you. Some y'all should have never did. The issue now is she wants to tell my wife about the affairs. She says, she wants to tell her so she can start off with a clean slate with her sister. Let's explain something to you, homie. M I can't really give you anything. This can't happen. This cannot happen now. I don't want you to do nothing to her, but you got to do something to yourself. You gots to divert the attention. Here's what I think he's now. The two things I've said he should do it. You have to get a self inflicted one. You have to shoot yourself somewhat, blow a finger off something. But it needs to be I think it's got to be up in the chest area. You gotta shoot yourself under your arm, blow your arm pied off. Something gots to get you in the hospital. Yeah, next suggestion, you need to get in some kind of coma, Yeah, quickly, instant coma. You need a six month coma. Some six months coma when you come out. Don't know, no damn body that's for started fellas any ideas? Yeah, well yeah I got one. Yeah. See the thing about it is she cannot say the words I slept with your hook. That cannot come out. So if y'all at the dinner table and she said, listen, I got something I want to say. Touch yourself with a cattle proud instant right there, knock yourself, just knocking stuff out of the differtation to keep one, baby, keep it right back. You got one. Put a fire cracker in your mouth and just blow all that. That takes over everything that happens. Ain't nobody trying to hear what this girl got to say. You didn't blew your mouth, not a fact of the chair bomb hand my head in. No, No, it's very easy. This is I hear you, guys, and hear what you're saying. But the sister has got to disappear. We don't know what happened to. We don't know where she is. And we and now we know that you got rid of the sister, so you gotta bring up the conversation. See your sister around lately everybody you don't know, right since ain't been around, Just come over every day, we sister. She's got to be Yea and the freeze someone. She's got to be in small sandwich, bad somewhere. Yeah. Yes, you have not hurt this woman. She's got to be hurt. There's got to be pain involved. This pain stops other pain. That's what's what he should do. Come on, this man has got to go into the bank maskless, no maskay good in hand. Note taped on his chest. Take a full three sixty turn as you step up to the window so the camera can get you from all angles. She reads the note to telege the money when you get the When you get the money, sit your ass down in the middle of that float with all that money and hug it tight. You have got to get arrested. The prison nost needed. You got to be in there, man, where they can't get to you. You gotta do some years. That's all I got for you to take this sister out and let me fish with this. I got it, y'all. I got take her down the Oklahoma go storm watching, storm chasing. As soon as the tornado, get close, get her ass up in that funnel. Yeah, and let's fly clean up out of here. Twister. What we get close to that funnel, that twister, get in there and let us get the flash straight up out of it. Kidnapping, murder. It looks like that tornadoes set a house on going to Oh my god, yeah, person, nothing possible. Fly to Congo. One way to get all your money bad just for the man, Get all your money, bar all the money you can and take your ass up to Cleep to the Garden Valley Projects and get you a room and ride it out there. It's bad enough. That's you and the projects. Now Garden Valley Projects, beautiful, beautiful hideout place. While she in Cleveland, she can go to the he can take her to the game tonight. Hm. No, he can just go to the game by himself. Just go out there on the floor and slap Lebron. That's gonna get you killed, yo, You're gonna get severely beat At the same time that that could be the coma we're looking for. That could be the coma to happen. But she cannot say these, No, she can't say nothing. All right, Uh, this craziness we'll be back all right as promised. It's that time. J Anthony Brown in the building with his man in the streets. What you got for to man? Everybody? This is what we asked. Questions to all the people in the street, and then we bring it back here and discuss it going today the ones today? Who is your ride or die person? You get in the jam, you need somebody to come get you, No questions asked? Who would you call? Check it out? You'll here everybody jamsy around for Steve Harvy Morning Show. The question is you're in a jam, You're in a pickle. You need somebody to come get you. Who you gonna call? No questions asked to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve ain't gonna come get you, man, He's just not gonna He's very busy. My mama calling my brother Jake, my mom rest in peace. But that's the only person I would have called. I'm calling on the guard first, calling my mom and God, don't send somebody. They're gonna send my mom or somebody liking tour well. I would call property Lynn Lawson and then Lawson will come and get you. She's one of my very best friends. The closest, first of my daughter, my mother, my best friend. No questions asked. Just Lonette's gonna roll and get you jays around for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're in a jam, you're in a pickle. You need to call your friend to come get you. Who you gonna call? That's a great question. I have about two or three good friends I can call. Now. Are you capable of doing something where you might need them to come and get you? I hope not. I'm gonna call my mom because I know she can handle it. I would call my wife. It depends on how seriously situation. Okay, well it's very serious. My grandpa? How about you? Grandpa? Grandpa? You have the same grandpa? Okay, so what about if you're both in trouble? Which one is she gonna pick first? One is closest. I'm gonna call Solo Solol, my boy Solos another to ask you any question? No, he coming dare night, one o'clock, four o'clock in the morning. Questions, I guess, my daughter, my wife, your wife? Your wife? Want to ask any questions? Oh? Ask questions? Who are you gonna call? They won't ask any questions? My uncle, right Yeah, Hey, everybody's truly James around for the Steve Harvey, Morty Sell. The question is you're the Jamie and a pickle. Who are you gonna call and come get you? No questions, ask ghostbusters. I'm not sure anymore. All right, my mama, are you capable of doing something that somebody would have to come and get you, no questions asked? Aren't we all? I like that A couple of people that probably would call I wouldn't call a girl because it be questions and you don't want to I want to question. I'd call Steve if I need money. But here's the thing, I'm gonna get the money. Steve ain't gonna come get you know, he don't send the money. But then I gotta call house to come and get no questions. But a lot of people said their mom, I like that out of there. Yeah, I probably call my husband right now. He probably questions. He probably wouldn't ask me any question. If he did, I wouldn't answer. Yeah, but I probably call him this show. I gotta tell you, man, I'm calling my number two. She comes, she come in come because yes, she's not gonna asked, no question nothing, roll only and get me get you. Yeah, no problem. She didn't ask anything. You're getting married, no issues, no nothing. This is a good thing to discuss on the like. This is the second doesn't think what is thinking? And drop you off at your house. You got to walk a little way, but still wow, not right up to the dout. Jay said he would call you. I call you because I needed money, I thought. But he ain't coming to get you though, not at all. Okay, hold on, if you want to bind you know who would you call? I'm called Mare? No question? No, no, no, she coming? She what? What? He? What? He just you think she's gonna ask the questions? Tommy, is that what you're thinking? You can always be questions? You want to avoid questions? Okay, well call you if you're the buying where you are you specifically talking out a certain band? No question, no question, that's Jay's question. Rideer died, no question, no questions asked. Call Margin. Man came Margin. She fast think and she's gonna do something. She's gonna get them. Man. Now your h she ain't down mm hmm yea. I'll magic called Greg. Y'all. Okay, yeah, so your boy your friend, oh he got he gonna call something. Okay, I called my husband in a minute, No questions asked. Now he would ask question. They're gonna be some questions, but that's the question. Had to call me you're talking about. We'll call you with no questions. Well, come and get you with no questions. Oh Calhoun, come good. Oh we're gonna talk all the way back home. All right. For me, ja'd be different. It depends on what we're doing. It's got to be either if we be talking speed and speeding taking or something legal. Because them two different, two different phone calls. Okay, I would be no doubt, Ryan Creek, no doubt. Call them to firm name Ryan Creek, be there, no no problem. Would your sister come get you? Yeah? Yeah, she lives for stuff like that ship or everything. I said. They ain't here messing with you, bro, I got this. Yeah, yeah, that's a that's a thing. She's unselfish in that illegal department, all right, leg So yeah, yeah, most of us have been in oss no questions. Oh okay, I don't know if we have time to tell you guys this story. But the smell of weed and the cavaliers locker room, throw that out there. Okay, yeah, yeah, you don't believe it always got his shirt. We'll talk about it. Right or Wrong from the Nephew and Junior coming up. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, it's it's time for one of your favorite segments from the Nephew and Junior. Right or wrong? You be the judge, Lord Mercy. Here we ladies and gentlemen, right or wrong? Junior and food is always involved it. Shut up, Ji. You know I'm not wrong. I'm right. And that's the problem that we have. If you can't never understand that the angle that I'm coming from. You don't never know how to You don't look at life the way I look at don't know problem. Okay, So you're gonna side with Junior basically, I'm just I'm I'm pretty sure you're number two? Can you stay neutral and right? I don't know what it is? Thank you? Okay. I told him last night, I said, and then he hung up on But but listen to him. I told him Ham All Hams had a disease. First, then it was cured. That's why p book can't eat it now? Am I right? On? Ham? Like might have had you bowl up something I don't know, but ham had a disease first, then it was cured. Now people can't eat it now. And that's why you see people eating ham killed ham, right, Yes, you have to have been sick in order to have been cured. The ham was sick, boy, then the ham became cured. When have you've ever heard of somebody eating uncuted hand? Nobody sitting there just sitting there eating, know, sick ham. That's stupid. People eat cured ham, man, that's how I go. You eat cured him. No, nobody deliberately gonna sit there eat some sick ham. You're right, I'm right, a wrong, you don't absolutely right. You ain't gotta get okay from them. You're right, you don't need them. You're right, right, must be a ham eater, Jake, I'm gonna better uncured ham. There is no such thing as uncuted good. That's sick boy. You don't eat that. That would be a ham that hand of the flu or bowl or something crazy. Rick Ricketts? What did the ham had? Cute? Like? What was it? The chicken? Anything? Chicken? Anything? But now it's cured. Ham could have had the mumps, measles. See what I'm saying, but when you cure it, now it's just it's okay for you to eat it now. That's why it has that stamp on the us D means they've been expected, it's been cured. You can now enjoy it. It wouldn't put that stamp on it for nothing good. I would think uncured, mesh. No, uncured is sick. Okay, there's sick. Convinced, Carla, I don't want to get so quiet. I think neutral is the best place to Okay, ok he's stupid. Let me answer this here, because that's there's another one we were This is what we were talking about. What about it. There are a lot of people who don't eat pork, don't well, they just don't. Well, what do you mean? This is a lot of people for religious reasons don't eat pork. Well, I'm not talking to them people. I'm talking to people who eat ham. I'm talking to ham eater Thanksgiving. The ham on the table is cud. Yes, it wouldn't be on the unless you're gonna sit that eat some sick fool stupid. You're stupid, do that. That's stupid, junior. Now you're getting stupid. Now would kill me. You are telling me I'm stupid. Now you've become really stupid. I want to get you clearing on this. Just give me what we're talking about. Thank you, Thank you. Jake. Tell this fool that a hearse can ride in the car pool. Tell him Mom, Tell you my hurt can be in the car pool in the carpool land Know you have to have two people. And were you telling that the hurs can be in the car pool lane in the carpool like h O V lane the h O B lane? Tell you my hurs can be over there. You ever seen one over there? Only if somebody's in there? Yeah, but it can it's two or more bodies. Wow. So if you have the puneral funeral procession going on, you can get into h O V. But you're specifically talking about the Hurst. The hurts is what I'm talking about. The driver and the person in the back allows you to get into h O B L. And a person in the back, it's a person is the Hurst going in the hurry? It needs to be an agent. I mean, I don't know, but I'm just saying. You know, sometimes when it's traffics, ya think of the flags on the antenna getting and what do they do in funerals now, because ain't no more intended on the procession all of that. If you put the person in the front to you will get no questions at nothing to brand daddy up in the front in a wave position and then keep on drinking. So am I right or wrong? You got? You got? Surely not from stem ye in the carpet. You're absolutely wrong about her. It's two people in the vehicle. They don't know that. Let's they open it. Okay, we gotta go about these cabs when we come back, and we all right. We kind of teased the story earlier. It's a weed. It was about the Cavaliers. Here's the actual stories this. Journalists have confirmed there was a strong smell of weed in the Cavaliers locker room after the team's lost to the Warriors during the NBA Final Finals. Uh well, we all know marijuana is legal in the state of California. Journalist Brian uh wine Horse told ESPN that there was definitely a smell of marijuana in the Calves locker room, but explained that it could have easily been from a member of the media. Okay, the game three is tonight anyway, and Cleveland the calves are down to nothing, all right. I think it was just somebody in there that had been smoking, headed in their clothes and was in the room. I really don't Cavaliers will be no, no, no, And it could have been like you said a member of the media, Well, you know what, whipping in weeds now the same, it really does. It has the same order. Get your hand and your turn. Well tonight they have to turn it around the check. Yeah, yeah, they have to. Yeah, you can't lose this one to me, n skin guys out there. It's in Cleveland. It's in Cleveland, So this's one has to be one because if you go down three zip, you're not coming back. Lebrons. It isn't the same team. It's not panicked though. You don't go to State exactly they're supposed to do. They wanted Lebrons, same team. It's not sething perfect h And then we got to go to Golden State and we got still half to You should be rooting the seven games, that's all I can rufus. That's what I don't think. They don't do them twice and then go back out there them again. Didn't bring them back home again. I don't see Golden Stay losing four games as well, but then they did. Yeah, some team, that same team that was Lebron in that same team, in that same team. Ron asked question, kind of testing that he's supposed we're going to do that to you. He's supposed to You're supposed to be testing when you lose. If you're happy in jovial when you lose, you suck. Yeah, yeah, all right, You guys can watch the game tonight, right, You gonna watch the game the game, You can watch the game, kind of watch the game to watch the game is up about. You won't be watching in the fourth quarter. Comfortable with that. I just talked about the outcome. I can't talk about no plays reconcer. Yeah, it'll be hard, It will be hard, Okay. Moving on. A recent survey check this out guys found that more people than you might think are actually having sex at the workplace U In the survey, eleven percent admitted that they have had sex in the office with a co worker, while four percent said they've done it with a non employee. The majority did it after office hours, but around a third figured out a way to get away during working hours to do it on the own. Steve desk me when I take in his office, did you want to say that? Now? Yeah? What what what did you say? I say, you're gonna get tested. Really it's his desk. He had some nerve, Steve right here, and I'm saying you need to give you some lights off. What worker goes on all the time, A lot, a lot of license. You didn't know, Steve, You didn't suspect anything. Well, I should have knew back when you honey baked raffling. All right, let's go to these jams we got. All right, we gotta say. It's a very special day to day. We have to say, um, well, happy posthumous day. I guess belated birthday. Um today would have been princes fifty ninth birthday. Yeah, of course he died a year ago in April. Considerable that he's gone posthumous posthumously you would have been yeah, and would have been uh yeah, fifty nine years old. I can't even imagine that because he looks so good. It's a mad as mad as weird as to who's gone and as opposed to who's still here. Yeah, I mean, you don't want to all any names and put anybody on blast, but think of the ones that are gone and still around. Yeah, not a great one's gone. Oh my goodness, when there was no I'm not you think people who you would, I would never know. I wouldn't know it came out of your mouth. Be very rude to me. Well, yeah, say certain people that's still here when Prince is gone? You know, why would I do that? It's on the tip of your tongue, though, I see it right there. Let me check your deck is still working, and he should still work. I'm just saying, check it any quick, wag, She's still be here. Burger still here, still work, its work. I'm not saying I don't saying that about anybody. Okay, bo Hannan's still with a good day. The great ones in Queen Hill around. That guy's still working. Billy Ocean Bill is still here. I never I would never do anything like that, you know, jul Bree of them? Yeah, I mean, man, I'm scared to ask you, but it's time for truth. You're not We're so live right now, So live right now. Anybody have a favorite what's your favorite Prince song? Steve A Door, Yeah, that's a great hands down, my all to you. Yeah, I think I like you a beautiful one. What's the one's son? That's the one I like? I like one? Sorry? When he ripped up from a yellow and it was a love, she sued him. My son beloved is mine your brother? Why is he so stupid? Necessary? So let me get this straight. Prince ripped off Ian Vans beloved for years FRINTONI brother, Prince said, called life. What is your favorite? Prince song? Jay? The one who start? The one he ripped off. It's one cry we gather here today. Let's go crazy, Let's go crazy. Let's go crazy. All right, Oh my god, somebody, somebody? All right, we'll be back to close out of the show with just one more thing. When we come back, all right, time for just one more thing, just one more thing. We have to talk about Steve's mentoring camp that's going down next weekend. Uh. This is for all of you in the Steve Harvey Nation. We love you, we love you. The Harvey Foundation Mentoring Camp is next week and let me talk about say no, what's that happening to Steve? I'm off. My day's mixed, sweetheart, I'm so so sorry, crazy, So what are we what are we talking about for today? What we're talking about the mission of this Steve and Mark, Yes today, yeah, today right now, as we as we think, as the words are coming out of your mouth. Yeah, I just got to be No for shure is next week because we're doing it's next week maybe next Okay, the Mirror campus next week. It starts next Tuesday Sunday. I will have two fifty boys out at the camp. Um Man, what a life changing experience. That's that's become my life's work. That's what I'm most dear to my heart. Man, I'm gonna release some videos and show you some kids to help get through college. I'm gonna show you some kids that this program has gotten into the military. I want to show you some kids that up turn their life completely around. I'm gonna show you some boys that was in youth to tension centers who are now making good grades in school. I'm gonna show you kids graduating from high school who were in gangs. I'm gonna show you some kids graduating from More House from North Carolina ten Or School. I got so many boys. I'm gonna show you on the website of how really, really well this program works. If you want to help us, if you want to make a contribution so many people. Whatever you have to give, the more you can give, the more boys I can change. When I went last year and I got on that treadmill and that bike and that elliptical machine for a month, I was able to double the amount of boys at the camp. More so even more than double. I took it up to two hundred and fifty. My goal next year is to bring five hundred boys to the camp. My goal next year is to bring five hundred boys to the camp, and then I want to expand the program from a hundred boys on my satellite programs to two fifty. I could do more with the five hundred because I can have them longer if over the summer. I can't have them that long during the school year, so I just have them for three weekends Friday, Saturday Sunday on my satellite program But if you would make a contribution, you can text a number. Just pick up your phone, go to where you text, and on the line on the line that says to type in nine one one nine ninety one, on the line that says to texting ninety one. Then in the text block where you're texting, just text to Steve and press in and they'll tell you what to do and you can help us, man, you can help us change lives. So important that we change these young boys lives. Yeah yeah, any more information go to Harvey Foundation dot com. That's how RB Foundation dot com. Mm hmmm, yeah, that's great, Steve. It next weekend, Father's Day weekend? Right? Nothing? What do you mean? Nothing's coming, nothing's happening. You don't get a gift ever gotten a I mean you va you got a gift? Just nothing? That's like, who are we fooling here? So? What are some of the lime green socks? I've gotten lime green before lime green socks were in now there now you can with lime green talking about saying then we're back in the day lime green. So I got a lot of half of stuff, like stuff that was eaten, some of the candies missing something. I think this year, man, I might get a really couple of cool What are you looking for? What? What would you want? What would you bro? But really really nice? Okay, but they're all working now, so you know, chippy and make it out Okay, a nice rope, nice college education? Yeah, through me into something? How much a robe like that? Would you oh they need you're expensive like a smoking jack. Notice loan how much you think? Come, let's go and play this ignorant gag. Come ahead, rich road for you by seven seven dred and fifty dollars road. I just started to bed at four hundred and that's a that's I've seen that rope. That is it like cashmere cash man, come of money in the pockets. You're not bathing like that again? Yeah, guess again? He said you said more than yes? Five row, okay, describe the rope to us? Maybe it was five? No, no, no, don't describe the rope. Describe the shower you take on you. It's not for showering, man, it's for lounge you. How much is the road? It's hot, man, it must be silk and cashmeres yeah? How much? Hey man, let's just let it go. Everybody wants to know how much much that job? All of they gotta work that hard to get this one role. And man, y'all have a great weekend. Man, the make a room for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics, Steave Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.