Church, Young Steve Story, 125 Pieces Of Chicken, Messed Up Things In Your Car, Panic, Being Locked Up, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Jul 6, 2018, 2:45 PM

If you have been doing too much, you will know when it is time to go back to church. Big Dog gets trapped in the bathroom. The Nephew is talking about 125 pieces of chicken in the prank. Grown ups can do annoying things in your car while you are driving. Panic can settle in when things go south. Life behind bars can make adjustment hard when you get out. Closing Remarks for today talks about haters and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them ball just like American buck bus things. And it's to me true good at Steve Hardy to toather for Stan Hobby, don't you join? Yeah, well Hobby joining Mead do got to use that turn Yeah you're going to very c you gotta turn you to turn out, turn to you love, you got to turn out to wan of yall come come on your thing? Uh huh I show, well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on now dig me or one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Thank God for it all the time too. Well, here we go today. Since it's this time of the year, I want to share something with you that I'll help you because it's helped me. You know. I was telling the story once that this magazine called rob Report, that that was the statue I used to see for years. I started buying Robb Report magazines um years ago. So I just wanted to see what the fluent people did, you know, I just wanted to see what people with means did, what type of investments they did, what they bought you know where they traveled to. Rob Report is just like, Oh, it's like a big boy toy magazine. You can see what cars is out. I didn't have money for none of it. Just I was dreaming though, you know, I just wanted to see. And there's a statue inside this magazine of this man who was coming out of this bronze rock. And he was completely bronze, and he was muscular, and you know, he didn't look nothing like me, but he was a man coming up out of a rock. And he had a huge hammer and a chisel in his hand. And as his body from the waist up was coming out of this huge piece of stone, you could see where it was him who had been chiseling and forming himself. So the name of the statue was self made Man. And for years man I said, Man, I'm gonna get a big house one day, and I'm gonna put that statue in the backyard in the corner. That's gonna be my little spot where I go chill, because I'm a self made man. Well, after years of working at becoming somebody and having reached a degree of success I have, I would have nothing to do with that statue. There's nothing about that statue that appeals to me anymore. Because on my journey and in my quest to become what I thought would be this self made man, why I could put this statue and had a statue in the corner be kind of cold symbolizing it, I had made it. I realized on my journey there's no such thing as a self made man. That we all need help, and that God places people in our paths along the way that benefit us oftentimes, and it's the most unlikely person off the times, and it's the most unlikely way that He presents these people in front of you is crazy. How he does it, man. And so this is a statue now that I look at and I go, I see what the creator was saying. And that's cool, but not not for me, because I needed help and I've learned a lot of things like this along the way. And at this part of the year, the part I wanted to share with you all about this is you've got to develop You've got to develop a sense of purpose. Now, notice what I said. I said you have to develop a sense of purpose. I didn't say you had to go out and figure out a purpose. You have to develop a sense of purpose. That's different. See your purpose, it's created for you by God. Because when He created you as an individual from whatever two parents you may have, that's not important here. When he created you, he had something in mind for you. M hm. You you follow me? Now, When he created you, he had something in mind for you, and it was a purpose. God has not created a single soul to become a criminal. God has never created a single soul to be a drug dealer, to become an addict, to become an alcoholic, to become an abuser, a molester, a Cheatah, he didn't create none of this. This came about through some decisions we made as sinners, and we stayed in that place. But see what he created us. He had a He has a wonderful idea for us. But God gives us human beings this thing called choice, and we have the power to decide. So you can decide if you're going to adhere to the purpose that God created you and made you for, or you can go ahead and make some choices on your own. So like, if God wanted to give your life and give it, come to you and give you life more abundantly, and that's his promise. If you come to him. If you choose him, then cool. But if you say, well this ain't moving along fast enough, I'm gonna get my own life of abundance, I'm gonna start slinging. Well, guess what now you've made a decision. And see God's decisions and choices. The one thing I learned about them from Bishop Kenneth Oma, God's decisions, choices, his voice, It has no sin in it. Ain't it amazing how many people that came up to you and say, the Lord wanted me to do this to you, and I'm doing it. That God is punishing you, and I'm doing this to you because God gonna see that you get your day. Who who is this person? Who is this person that God all of a sudden gave this authority and power to God didn't get that the nobody, man, no body, this person or had a right to hold you to your past, the right to make you pay. So who makes them pay when they make mistakes? Because they all make them. So when I say you have to have a sense of you have to develop a strong sense of purpose. That means you have to strongly get in touch with your creator to find out what the purpose you were created for. See it's it's it's two things that I had to learn along the way my career. My career was what I was paid for. My calling is what I was made for. See, it's two different things, folks. It took me a long time to learn it. And some people never really. Some people think that they calling is to be a performer. Well, that's what you paid for, and a big part of your life is your performance is tied directly to your gift. But what you made for, though, what you made for is to bring about some significant change in another human beings lives because we are all linked together in this chain. That's what you are here for. Everybody has a purpose to do something wonderful, meaningful, or impactful for another person. Show me the person that's not made for that. I just want to know, who is it made to do that? Who is it made to do something that will that will affect the life for the betterment and improvement of another person or people. You think the guy that invented the airplane was merely inventing the airplane so he could fly. No, his purpose, His purpose was to become an inventor to come up with this invention so he could fly and we all fly. See. Sometimes God will make you successful so you can become successful, so you can turn around to teach other people how to become successful. God save people, so you can turn around it tell other people how wonderful it is to be saved. You see how this thing work. That's what we have to do with people. And it's nothing that we have to go and discover. We have to go and develop it. But if you haven't discovered your purpose, it's simply because here's it. If you haven't discovered your purpose is simply because you have not contacted the creator and maker of your soul to ask and find out why you were created. It's as simple as that. If you buy a Toyota, there's an owner's manual on the inside that will tell you everything you know, how to best operate your toyota, how to make it work, how how we to do and they got a troubleshooting section. Your faith is the same thing as an owner's manual in your car. Open up that book, man, find out how to jump start your life, how to troubleshoot it and get on with your life and find out your purpose and develop a strong sense of purpose. This year. All right, okay, cool, you're listening to the show. All right, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning, good, good morning to all of you. This show today it's being dedicated anybody who has captured or has possession of a tiger. To all of you who have captured, rastle or on a tiger, congratulations, dedicated to y'all. We are we always dedicate our show to the forgotten ones. You know what I'm saying, Just just hopening this up a little bit. Yeah, yeah, what's up? Shirley, Hey, Steve, how are you doing? What is? It's my tiger? Sound? Now? This is a dog love making animals sound. They're the same thing. One of them is just sick doing y'all. Morning, up, morning, everybody. What's happening? Who number two? What is going on? Everybody? Watch out there now, watch out there now? Yeah, well yeah we're watching. They never let you do that over not that man, because that's a lot. That's enough enough it is. But I'm one more because I'm making they're doing me and him. I'm good, last one here. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. But you know there's a different plantation, which means your ass still got pick cotton. Yeah, you're gonna you're gonna do your share over here. Don't think that you've been sold. You're gonna be laid up under a tree and not doing him thing. Also, I want to dedicate the show in an a Tommy. Oh yeah, in an a Tommy your nephew. Why yeah, uh, you know, for little people. And I'm not talking about tiny Timmy, Tiny Timmy and tigers. Didn't he have a company called T N T. Tom Oh man, this show is are you sure? Oh? I'm so happy here being a little bit later today. But you know one thing about this show, it goes on man, because we got stars on this show. Baby, we got real stars on this ship. It wants and I'm gonna say it again, camp ship king. That's what this is. No one says it's quite like you m champishiping boy Shampi And no you can't say that camp Kip man anyway, don't be ignorant to me. I think So it's Friday. It always is all right, coming up something funny. When we come back at thirty or four after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, it is time for something funny. When you know it is time to take yo. But you know, I mean you you get up and you go whoa, I need to go get somebody needs to lay hands on me right now. Jesus j up, jeez, how did I get here? When you wake up and you with somebody and you don't know their name, it is time to who you talk about backsliding? Yeah? How long we've been laying Why I got handcuffs? Yeah, it's try to go back in church. When you wake up in this bike box, O, you can't explain nothing. Who I'm doing it too much? I'm doing too much. You know. It's when you wake up and you got her phone on what and it's backwards you in the back and in the back part in the front. That's the crazy vis crazy visual right there. That's time you to go back to the church. When you're starting to look at your boys grandmama and starting to feel sometime, yeah, back to you, just to me. I never felt this way, le alright, that's one. You know it's time to go back to the church. When you see spake mark on your behind and you don't know how they got that. Yeah, you can't excuse me no, And it's a man hand that way you know what actually happen When your lights, watering gaze get turned off, you can't do nothing. It's time to go that. You know it's time to go back when you wake up and your whole chest is perd back. Time of you to go back to the church. You've been arguing with this fine girl for on ahead, trying to convince her. It ain't no way y'all can be cause it's telling too, we're not really Cousin's not Come on, how you figuring that? We right down to the fifth the fifth time to go back church. You know it's time to go back church when you wake up with a tattoo that says Veronica and you don't know that name running it's time to go back to church. When you start stalking anybody, oh little women talking about every way, they time it's time to go back to church. You had a wonderful night with a woman. You wake up and passed by the bathroom and she's standing up happening. What happened? That? Help me? Come? You wake up in the morning. This is how you know it's really you got to go. No, you wake up in the morning, it's eight eight open condom wrappers in the bed. You have no idea you did that though you did not necessarily. You know it's time to go back to church. When you wake up with a glass eye. You're holding a glass eye outwhere nowhere. It's time to go back to church. You run around looking at it. Ok Yeah, where did I get a glass? It's really time to go back to church. Okay. When you wake up outside it's somebody else's driveway. You have no idea. Pretty yeah, that's all right. You know it's it's time to go back to church. When you wake up and everybody around you got clue kluk klan hood, What did I do? Like? It's time for you to go back to church. You wake up you got a pentagon drawn on your chick, and you got a book entitled tim Cool Things about sat You. You know it's you know, it's time to go back to your church. When you wake up with peanut butter all over your body, no, no jelly. If you went your son's high school basketball game and you can't quit thinking about one of them, chilly, yeah to go back. Time to get back up in there. Coming up next, nephew, tell me he's run that frank back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next. The King is in the building. A prank phone called what you got man? You in my house? Now? My grandma used to say, as far as you in my house, Yeah, we will serve the lord that ain't got nothing with this time it is? Here? Is you in my house? Hello? Hey? This is uh this Preston? What ya? What did y'all lead a kida? I'm about two hours out? You got throng on? Bro? Call him back? Yeah? Is this Troy? Yeah? This is this. I'm Preston. Man. Listen, I'm on my way to the house. I'm about two hours out. Where did y'all lead a kid at? Man? Oh? Wait? You let me get up on your way to what have I'm on my way? There are you? You're at the house? I'm at my house? Yeah? What you? What do you say? Your name was? This is Preston? Uh? Okay, okay, hold on, man, I don't understand. Okay, I'm on my way to the house. Uh. What does my question? What has you come out? Okay? You are us six kind Woods Drive. Yeah that's my house. Okay, I understand that. All right, So listen, I'm about two hours out. Man, I got two U haul trucks were en route there. We'll be there about two hours. But but I thought y'all were out of the house by now. I'm I'm kind of see where the key at? How the was? I don't want? Get up? What? Now? Hold? What? What? What do you say? You? You you got two? You hold? Trust? What what you got? What you got them? What was itt was that? Now? I'm moving into the house. I bought the house. You're you're moving in the white Okay? How you don't know? I bought the house? Man? What the house you talking about? You want bools drive? That's I bought this house from kids there? Yeah yeah, ti tip, yeah yeah, yeah, tire, that's that's what. That's what we that's what we got the house from. What way you say you about the house? Okay, wait a minute, you leased the house from kids there? Right? Yeah, yeah, we're right right. We we still out about another year lesson I least we we we at this house for another year, I mean, and were supposed to renew that. Okay, Okay, we got a problem. Let me let me try to Okay, we on time. I'm let me get my wife on, get my wife on the phone, Well, hold on, hold, hold on, hold on a minute. Okay, So now till they'll tell me that y'all supposed to be at the house. And I'm calling because he said y'all gonna leave the key in a certain place, not tip there. Ain't told you know, like I mean, let me get kicked there on the phone such because because how we how do we hear? He ain't? Man, we don't hear nothing about no selling to no house or no nothing like that. Okay, well I didn't. I did involved the house from tears there and I'm I'm like I said, I'm I'm two hours out. I might get there a little quicker. How soon do you think y'all gonna get the stuff? Get y'all stuff out the house? Yeah? What stuff out? What house? Y'all going happy to get y'all stuff out the house? Get what? Stud you a lot of that you think we're gonna get We we we we look like I said, man, we we need to get tis there on the phone and get you cleared up. You're a month think I'll tell you what you bring up? You all trucks as you want to, y'all bet to take you back where you come from I tell you that after you that. But listen, man, listen the mistake. First of all, okay, you you're arguing with me by my house. That's my house. No no, no, no, no see you now I'm at to see now you're pissing the hour. I'mnn tell you. I'm gonna tell you like I like like like I'm gonna tell till there ain't none of this ain't going down the way you think it's gonna go down. You understanding, we's got to leaf being it house for a year. I mean that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna be in this house for a hope. Yeah, you ain't over ye, so you might gonna get yourself own the house. I own the house. You got to get your stop. Man, I'm two hours out here. Man, man, we we looked. Let listen to me. Now listen, we haven't been in this house five years. Okay, we got one year nothing this house. Okay, look, ain't gonna be no moving in to day. We can't. I can't move my man, I got wife, I got kids, and man, I I look I'm te imth it's like you's slave said, you got you. We gotta talk tis there. But I'm telling you, man, you pull up today and you haul I swear so a little. I'm gonna I'm gon whoop your continue you and you don't call me with all this. Ain't got no notice or nothing what I'm saying. You ain't never talk, ain't got never at one time read with me. That's you and tiars there. But right na, I'm on my way to my house and you got to get your no. No, you're on your way to my house. And I tell you if you if you know no, you come to my house, you're gonna get your hands the tea. Let me let me say that is your kids, your is your wife and kids there right now they at well you need to be okay, okay? Is in the room and what's in the garage? In the room in the garage, can you move on your stuff? Gage? You're raggedy, Like I just told you, you pull up to my house, I'll get I'm fun if you're moving in this man, you getting your black blue and ain't when you come make me do it? You come make me do it. Move out of my house today. What's in my garage? Then? What's in yogaade? Do you tell me that what's in yoga. I'm allow I'm gonna allowing you to do this. Move all your stuff into the garage. I'm allowing you to get your saying what I'm saying. So so I see, I see now, I see. Now you want your up in front of your wife and kids. I see. So you go with my that what you're gonna do. I'll tell you what if you bring them you halls, you bring your wife, your kids, your dogs, and you bring it, I will call you from It's not your house, it's not I bought. I bought the house from Tis. I'm telling a look, I tell you what you need me right in front of y'all. I'll be right out here, staid in like I'm gonnahoop you too, my rod and my house shoes. How about that? Don't tell me to move out my house? And I tell you what you didn't because you don't need told me to tell you what you do? Mean what you say? Do you know what else? Tears they are told me to tell you. Do you want that? You're gonna tend me whatever kids they're told me. But I'll tell you one. They ain't moving out my now today. I'm telling you that right now. Ain't gonna be no moving out here, he said, with tears they are told you to say. I'm gonna tell you here what tears there told me to tell you tear then told me to tell you that this is next. You timed me from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Troy your wife and tears there got me to prank phone call you this book some book and then idn't putting my paying song bo. So I'm waiting. I'm sitting right here in my living room looking at the waiting for you all to pull up because I don't go tear five from your man. I can't go back to sweep now you didn't got me fired up? He's sure. I gotta ask you for I go. Man, what is the baddest and I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane? Steve Harvest Morning Show? Ain't there back? Come on you dive me tell me ignorant going? You really does it? Really? Does? He pray? You got you got to be can't go down. It's done here, It's got to go level ignorance made and it stayed there, and it stayed there. Look, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, you you started telling us about this woman. I met this girl and in college. Lord, she was fine, creole girl. My brother told me how to get her, and he gave me some money to take out. So I told her pick a restaurant. She picked a creole restaurant. I'm seventeen. I ain't had no creole food, so I'm in. I go in there. She didn't order all this spicy stuff there to faye, all this but spicy though. Yeah, yeah, I'm eating stuff. Man ain't never been in my system before. So I'm taking her home and my stomach is turning. So we get into front of the house. I'm a walker to the door. She said, come on there for a little while. My mama and I'm gone now. My mama had told me, when your stomach just told up, try to go home. Ye put that in nobody else house. But she was so fine. I just said, well, man, let me go in here for a little while, because I was kind of man, and would I'd be fine chickenvite you in, and mom and dad ain't there. Let me leavet go on in here. Something but your stick. I mean, really, Shirley, that's a girl. And man would have win in there. I'm sitting down on the couch. We're watching TV, my stomach turning. I can hear so, I said, Can I go to the bathroom? She said second, Oh, on the left. I go in there, and Lord have mercy the walls of Gibraltar, the walls. Idn't grabbed the tie rack in front of me to just try to hang on. I'm twisting the guest tile in my head like I'm ringing it out. I didn't knock the toilet tissue holder off the wall screws out everything. I hadn't kicked over the trash. Can you can hear this? Right? I don't get through. Wasn't feeling what I was feeling. But I'm using the bathroom so much that is alarming to me. Yeah, I've actually put mo in there that I've ever put in there in my life. Prior to I think we got I didn't know what. Don't stop my story shooting. This is for junior time talking about So I'm feeling the bowl up, so finally I'm done, to my relief, but I'm sweating though I'm talking about I'm in my shirt wide. I hadn't put my whole shirt, it's wide. I had hung my past up on the back of the joke because I used a bathroom like my daddy always hated my pants and drawls up on the back of the Yeah, you don't ever use the bathroom. But I got my shirt on, but I didn't open it up because it's hot. I got just just water come down out the front. So I stand up and I flushed the toilet. Now I'm putting my clothes on. But you know how you're waiting to hear that sound that all I hear is to swirl it. And I turned around and there rise. I'm asking God not to do this to me today. I'm asking God, don't not today, Lord, not in here. We have to have a part three. This ain't the time for it. Lord, stop the swirl from rising. Father, God, never give me now, old God, we have to go to miss Anne. So I will. But Jesus fill it in stoming good part too. Right after this, Uh, I'm gonna let miss and just going to it today. These are the news facts with miss Anne. Okay, after that, okay, whatever, I can't wait to hear the balance of that story. Anyway, I've got some stories for you everybody. This is answered with the news the Trump administration has now started the biggest trade war in history. As a midnight the US has slap tariffs on UH thirty four billion dollars of Chinese goes with the Chinese. You're not sitting around doing nothing, Shines responded with equivalent tariffs on US products. Are also apparently making things difficult once they get to China to get through customs. Deputy Environmental Protection Agency administrated and Wheelers taken over as acting head of the e p A on Monday that in the wake Up in Battle, Chief Scott prue It's resignation who it leaves him at a growing list of ethical elapses, a ledge and anyway. During prue It's time on the job, he be and unraveling scores of Obama era environmental protections. The former Oklahoma Attorney General leaves office subject of no less than fourteen separate federal probes. They say that he allegedly rented a room from a lobbyist well below market raid he had EPA workers trying to get his wife a job. He already was determined to have violated spending laws by the government Accountability of Office. He purchased a forty three thousand dollars soundproof phone book for his phone boot for his office. The Satn Island woman who climbed up the Statue of Liberty on July four has been charged with with her trespassing, interfering with the government agency, and disorderly conduct. To Read's Patricia Okumu played not guilty yesterday, It's already say, climbed the base of Lady Liberty statue, waved a T shirt that said rise and resist Trump Care makes us sick. She told supporters she was taking her queue from former First Lady Michelle Obama. When they go, we go high, and I went as high as that. She was released without bail. It's happened again, this time in Oregon. A black state represent and it says some woman called the police on her as she was merely engaged in door to door political campaigning in her own district. Democratic Representative Jane L. Bind Him says she commended the white cop who arrived for his professionalism and asked to see the woman who called the costs, but she refused to show her face. Bloody Conservative actor James Woods is claiming that his theatrical agent has officially dropped him it doesn't want to work with him anymore. In July four because of his right wing views and supporter Donald Trump, the agent dropped him via Twitter. Wood's posted the message, which read, in part, it's the fourth of July. I'm feeling patriotic, so I don't want to represent you anymore. Who's calls this now? Former talent agent a political liberal. Finally, Today's International Kissing Day. But you know, by the way, a new survey shows that fourteen percent of us let our pets kiss us in the mouth, and two percents say they've never been kissed. We'll be back and for entertainment, today's turn the topics. Twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Here we are, Steve out back, just catch up. I'm over this fine girl house stomach tow up the eight creo food seventeen. Should have went home to use the bathroom. Set fine. Now I'm in here using the bathroom and all held and broke lusive. I'm in here neck it, sitting on the corner, just my shirt on. Because I like to ship wine. I like to be open and free, and I need it because I had to brace myself a couple of times. But she never came in there. Not yet she coming, that's coming in the store. So I'm get up. I finally get through, but I've noticed that I'm putting more in the bowls and ever, so I'm a little bit concerned with them ship volume. So I flushed the toilet as I'm putting my pants back up on me, and I'm waiting to hear that. But I don't hear it, and I looked back, just going in a slow circle. So I go in. I go to my heavenly fa he father dog, Now Lord, stop this rising time. Wow, somebound don't let this swirl get up by the top. But he didn't hear me that day. I guess it wasn't less. Next thing I know, it's at the very top of the tarlet. Oh my god, and it's about to flow over. So now I don't know what to do. So I looked down and it's a trash can. So I dipped the trash can down in it, and I got a trash can full of it here. So I pulled a shower curtin back and throw it in the bath too, when here comes some more come. So I had to take another trash can full of it and throw another trash can in the bath. And here comes some damn more. So now I realized they call it is broke. They backed up and it started going back down. Did I say, I gotta get some water and put it in here. So I started running water in the trash can to pour down there and make the water go clean. So I finally did that, and I said, thank you Lord. And I looked over and the damn bath tub right shower, this trap I look up, it's on the wall. It's on the water. For part four, this is this is R. Kelly's in the closet, and this is Steve Hollis in the bathroom. Trapped parts folks coming upright, trapped in the broth apart folk gets on the walls, the shower curtain and the bathtub is shot. You're listening, Steve, Steve trapped in the bath. Yeah. I didn't bail about three buckets trash hands a pure mess, then thrown it in the shower. So when I get all of the water back in the tarlet where I got it, sometime in the water clean, I said Okay, I look over. The damn bathtub is striped. So now I cut skise people shower on and I'm washing down the walls, the shower curtain with the shower. The girl comes up to the girl because I've been in here now about for the five minutes time. So she said, you came down everything fast. She said, it sounds like something wrong. Now get away from the house. So I'm in there's this too late. But I noticed they got a candle in the bath food. I light it. I light the candle, start striking matches and running tap water. For my mom always told me strike some matches and run some tap water and to help you get rid of older. So I've been there. But now I'm washing down a shower, curtains, walls, the bathtub, getting up stuff off the float. I'm here now. Now you probably saying, Steve, what is you washing it down with? Yeah? What paper? Ties in? Now? But that tie rack that I had grabbed when I first sat down and was twisting it the guest house, the pretty ones with the lace in the Yeah, yeah, that's when I washed it down. Not my good towel. That is tile is brown because I can't risk it all because it wasn't when it started. That was paink this is awful that tows is running. I don't wash all the walls down. Everything I'm in that sweat has been on a construction site. So I've been in that total about damn near hour. So I pulled fasten my clothes. I look at the bathroom. I got everything up, but I got this big nasty ass tie and I don't know what to do with it. So I take it, put it in the waste paper can that I've been bailing with, and stuck all that under the sink. I figured this ain't gonna be good. No how Yeah, but at least when they come in here, there's gonna take a moment. And because I know when you're going there, you're gonna have to say what they're here happy? Because I couldn't remember how the shower curtain was of none of that. Now I got I look, I'm taking I got everything off. So I walked down the hallway. She's sitting on the couch with the attitude of folded did She looked at me and she said, why are you betting that so long? I had a little accident. Then she said, oh my god, look at you. What was I didn't realize when I was bailing all that mess into the shower it was splashing on my past below my knee. I ain't had time to look at this because I'm busy cleaning up their damn house. Now I looked down, it's just specks, the splash marks from my knee down my pass was. I looked at huh. She looked at me and she said, oh my god, look at you. What have you been doing. I looked at her, said, you ain't got talk to me like that, and walked up. When he got in my car, had to ride home with all my wonders. Dadd spank, I smells sitting in that car. Coming up, it's the nephew with a prank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Alright, coming up, the nephew is here with one of his fabulous, insightful, wonderful pranks. Alright for what you got for us today? What you got you heard? I'm just just going out to a partner mine. I call it Jack Yates. But this is the title of this is called Chicken for the Repass. Yeah, this is a part of mind Jack, Yeah, I call it. I called Jack Yates, chicking for the repays the whole time, right quick, the Matthew got it for you. Oh hey yeah, pies up, man, get them up for the burn man? Hello five? What up? Hello? Yes, sir, yeah, thank you for col Hey. Hey, I'm trying to get an order. Man, we just got to with the funeral. I'm trying to take some chicken over to the three pass where the family at Man. All right, man, well, well how much of ni Okay? I know I'm gonna need probably like a hundred and twenty five pieces of chicken. Do allong? That takes the cook? Uh? Man, we're not ready right now. Man. It takes probably leaf for like, uh like thirty forty five minutes. Bro kind of busy, Okay, I need a hundred twenty five pieces man, But listen, I'm what kind of um you know, I'm trying to make sure we're good to know, you know, how to heal. Now somebody pays, so we're trying to make sure we got enough food at the house. Man. Yeah, So what kind of size you got? Manna, I want to try to get large family sizes on. I got potato salad Uh yeah, we have French fries, potato salad, greens and macaroni and cheese, you know the normal stuff. I'm much you need to be to that. Let me get like two or all of them, you know what I'm saying, two of each that ought to be gonna give me four of them greens though, because I know they're gonna want them greens. Yeah, family size on everything, man, two of each, but give me four green alright. Okay, Now give me some rolls, man, at least at least twenty rolls to go with that. All right, you need anything else, make sure I got a big thing for fries. Man. You know the kids like them fries. Let me get a big thing of fries. You want a lot of food man, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna come get it. Though. Thirty minutes so you said how long you before I need to be there? Uh? Probably thirty five? You know, give us give us about forty five minutes before to be ready. All right, what's her name? But they robbed Robert? All right, you got a phone, am, I could reach zero four U eight, Okay, I got you. Okay, so you got a hunder twenty five is gonna be mixed, right, yeah, white and okay? That we did you wanted? Did you want to fight there? Or my the mix? How you doing to? You know what separated? Man? What of the miles and one boxes? And then you got the spice in the other boxes? So you know, we'll know so the kids don't get home to all right, man, can you take his order? I'm on the phone, take his orders? All right? I got what's my total on that? Man? So I got you know, because I ain't been paid for all this by myself. I got everybody pitching in on this. Uh. I don't let me get to the resistory quick and um it's gonna be two h eight seventy five dob okay two always five thirty minutes. I' gonna start coming that way. What's your name't dog? My name is Wayne? All right, Wayne, I'm gonna ask for you, but I'll be there about forty minutes. Man, all right? Uh yeah, I think the Robert. This is Rob Hey, what's up? Man? This Wayne Chicken? Man. I was just calling. Let you know, we send this a little bit earlier in your your last fatter tickets. We just dropped it. Okay, Oh oh oh man, I'm going to call you a few minutes ago. Dog, Hey listen, Uh you cook all thettle? Yeah? Man, you wanted a hundreds and twenty five pizzas mixed pike, kick and miles with four large size of each thing. Uh five lord side of fries. Yeah, I cook to all that for you. Gotta ready, Okay, check is out, Dob. I've been talking to everybody, man. You know what, Man, I'm just gonna need by ten pizzas. Die. I don't really need the rest of that. Excuse me, I just need ten pieceas dog, I'll talk to everybody. Man. Everybody went bother some day. They want to Hamburger. So I'm just gonna need ten pizza of that chick. Uh, bro, Man, we already cooked all the chicken. Man, I got a hundred of twenty five pieces, But you don't come by the I'm in trouble. Man. You mean you don't need ten pieces. I don't need ten pizza, doll. You know I don't need all that. I don't want to find nothing I don't need. I just need ten pizzas. Man, Bro, you're gonna come by this sicker man. It's we just sit here. It's only meat and want us to do it. We're working on and you're gonna go get this sicken. He God, I'm not gonna buy no chicken. I don't want, man, I'm not gonna do that, dob. I mean, you know, I'm doing this for a breathing family, man. So you know, like I say, you're gonna take ten pizza body and drop that all. Man, But you know I don't need that whole hunting at twenty five or whatever. Robert, yea better be on the way to come to get this chicken or it's gonna be some I cooked allaray, Man, What am I supposed to do? Man? My man to find out about? But I'm getting fine. Okay, don you ain't got nobody else there's gonna buy some chicken today, thought, Who the hell is gonna come up here and buy a hundred and twenty five pieces of chicken? Jail called back tobody. You don't want hive, You only want a ten team manage. You're gonna be get it. It's gonna be so hello, Dow, I just need ten pieces, man, Man. I took up all the chicken from your organized and every time. Okay, dog, we'll listen to me. Won't you just sell a little by little today, Just sell a little by little man. There's no way. Hell man, you don't have the time for this. But I'm not about something. All this chicken, man, and put it back up. Bro y'all better come get this chicken on. It's gonna be tell you that, man. I don't give a man. I would call every funeral home around find out who died, and I will come find door. Robert, you're gonna come up here and get this chicken. Hey, man, I'm not gonna buy no chicken. I don't want, man, I want ten pieces, that's it. No, No, you want a hundred and twenty five pieces of chicken, because that's what the hell you called to tell me that you want. And then who you think you're talking to, I'm talking to you. I'm talking that's about to come up to at bottle ticking a hundred twenty five pizzas of us. That's talking to So bring it, bring it. Two hundred eight dollars and fifty Fox said, hey, come by the n rob man, he needs come and get this chicken. Mince man. Magic gonna start that if he comes up here and we all five bron don't get this chicken right now? You're gonna get this chicken? Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, Robert, who you think you're talking about? Woman, I'm talking to you. I told you I'm talking to them that's gonna come up here and get this chicken. He's gonna bring too much and eight dollars or you're gonna come up here and get ten pieces of chicken. Hits up to you. But either way, coming up here, what you wanna do? I'm gonna seeing somebody else up there to get a chicken. Man, Okay, you're gonna stand up here, Tommy come to get a chicken? Tell me who? What's his name? Enough? You gotta get all our information. Careful. What's his name? Tomm Me man, nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Moore on the show. What the hell you just say to me? Why ain't it the nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey More? Man? This is something man, he's about to have somebody. Yeah, what bro what who want to do with all the chicken? Though? Wayne, your cousin man? You got coming? According uh that dirty y'all cook all that chicken? Man? Then we cooked the bottlet ticket. Bro, Hey Wayne, this is what I'm doing man on behalf and neph you Timmy. I'm gonna give you my credit card and we're gonna doumb their chicken all day. Man, you see some homeless people or whatever. You just passed our chicken and we're gonna get to pay for right now. Yeah, I can't trust that. Y'all got me para or I'm about to ring right now? Hey Wayne, one more thing, man, what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane? Man, Steve Avery? More crazy for to say? Cooked all that chicken. We're gonna give it to the homeless back. We're good stupid pranks best yeah, best ever seen? What about did you hear about him? In a minute? What's wrong Frank anything? God? Oh? Well me? Who wasn't going mountain man? Please stop acting surprise. You didn't know either. He was in the dark as well. I heard him saying I don't really see myself being there. I took it for a bike ride that day, showed him that one day he could live in the hood in his own Yeah, yeah, that was my You can own his corn on this lot. Been here for fifty year. Live here, miss Johnson, Livia, thank God for Jesus. All right, okay, coming up next, it's this Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you are in a situation and you need some advice, please submit your letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com. That's Steve Harvey, f M dot com. We could read your letter on the air, nephew. Let's go buckle up and hold down, Todd, we got it for you here, cowberry, lad, that's the brother right there. All right, subject, let's get it started. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am I am darn near fifty years old. And my okay, you're not gonna stop. You're gonna stop doing that with these last just like the cuss Okay, just they it's not you, custod is what they see. I am darnire fifty years old. And my wife let me, were you watching CNN when Donald Trump made the s whole comment about Haiti and Africa. Every comment taken upon themselves to take an advantage of that situation because it's journalism. Yeah, alright, and start being a professional journalist. I am i am darnire fifty years old and my wife is forty. We've been married for almost ten years and have two children, both under the age of five. I want to make sure you all have the details. First of all, I love my wife, but it's an all caps b ut all caps. But here is the problem. If I want some cookie, I have to initiate it then of the time. Sometimes she will, but it is rare to me, rare for me. I don't want to feel like I am forcing her to do something she doesn't want to do. However, I think we're both young enough to have the time of our lives. I have often gone to bed frustrated with the lack of cookie in our life. I have gone to bed naked. I've purchased her sex sexy lingerie, which she does not wear. I have even told her that sometimes she can initiate the sex, but nothing changes. I think she doesn't feel confident in her bedroom skills. But this leaves me frustrated too often or thinking I am just horrible in bed. She acts like I am the best in the world when we do engage, but why doesn't she initiated more often I feel like she should come and talk to me and tell me I am not as good in bed as I think I am. I have never cheated on my wife and I have no plans to. But I can't keep going to sleep sexually Frustrated? What else can I do to have her make the first move? Or am I stuck making the first move forever? Please help? Um? Well, I mean you might have to you you might have to. I mean, if you want it, you have to go after what you want. You've talked to her about it. Uh, you do it of the time. That five percent of the time. Maybe that's all you'll have for now. Maybe she is uncomfortable uh sexually and maybe you have to keep going until she gets more comfortable, or you know, maybe she'll never get more comfortable. Maybe it was the way she was raised. You never know unless you, guys, do have some honest communication about your you know, uh sexual life or lack thereof. So you're gonna have to talk to her. I mean, I know you want these changes, um, but you it's your wife. You guys are married. You can talk, you can communicate, You can tell her what you like and what you don't like. Uh. You can keep starting it and starting it. You want to feel like she finds you attractive too, But when you do, she's cool with it. You said, she acts like you're the best in the world. So you know, maybe you guys are going to have to compromise and come to some sort of agreement right there, meet in the middle somewhere. But talking and communicating is first. I would say, Steve, well, well, well, well, well, because here we go. Yeah, yeah, the married man's plight. Yeah, let's talk about this for a minute. He fifty. She foughting. Is that what he's saying? He damned their fifty his wife foughty. They've been married ten years. They got two kids, both the age of under the age of five senior, he say, I want to make sure you have all the details. Well, sir, right now, I need to make sure you got all the details too, because see, two kids under five ain't nothing sexy about that. Kids is mood killers, Kids is buzz killers, Kids is blockers. Kids is in the way. Kids create interference. That's what kids is. So now that you wanted us to have the details, I just wanted to throw that at you. Now you say, first you love my life, wife but here's the problem. If I want some cookie, I gotta initiate the time. I would venture to say, I would just venture to say that that's ninety of the marital situation today. I would venture to say. I could be wrong, but that's just an opinion of mine. I think in a marriage, once them kids is here, that is usually the man that's trying to initiate ninety of the time in nine manages, not as that other thing that's some woman listening to Uh, I can't keep my hands off. Well, we're not mad to you, and you ain't in this letter. I'm glad you exist, but I ain't got time to go find nobody else. I got jobs, I got a legacy I'm working on. In a family, I'm trying to maintain that hoole together. So now sometimes she will, but it's rare for me. I don't want to feel like I'm forcing her to do something she don't want to do. However, I think we're both young enough to have the time of our lives. I've often gone to bed frustrated with the lack of cookie in our life. I have gone to bed naked. That ain't nothing for me. I'm in that naked and night. I go to bed naked because I can't afford to having stuff getting twisted and wrapped up on me. I got immovable objects that's rare and can't get tugged and tossed on it. But I sleep naked just in case, Just in case. Be ready, stay ready. I have purchased her sexy lingerate what she does not wear. I've told her that sometimes she can initiate sex, but nothing changes. I think she doesn't feel confident in her bedroom skills. Dog, it's them damn kids. Them kids is wearing her hands out. You got two kids under five? Dog, you got to understand these kids is wearing this po woman out. She ain't got time for you. All right, Steve, I don't this damn dog out our house. We just bought up in here. How about that personal now, I'm sorry. Coming after that, we'll be right. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to it part two of your man right here. He fitted his wife forty. They got two kids under five, and he frustrated because he's going to bed naked because she won't initiate sex. He got initiated the town. Now, before I left, what I tried to point out to the man, what you tried to tell us at the beginning of the letter. What so we have all the fact that they have two kids under five. It's them damn kids, them kids. It's wearing this woman out, the kids of something else. I'll give you an example. When the grandkids come over our house. There ain't even our kids no more. I got rid of all out him. I thought they was gone. But now when they come back, they bring more people with them. They called brad kids. They sleep in the bed with us, which kills my sleeping naked. Can't sleep naked with a grand baby in the bad Them kids is moved killers. They block us. Them kids is actually birth control. Maybe your wife ain't so and and see to get up on you cause she don't want no more kids. That could be she threw with deep kids. She got these two babies under five, you laying over here naked. She set up in here man. Then Jeff put them to sleep. She tried to get some rest because she got to go dem these kids. That could be it. Man, I would venture to say that that's probably it. Now, what are you you would like for her? To initiate this a little bit more. That ain't gonna happen. That's all he wants. I mean, you know what, Look, we would all like five girl to be a little bit more forced for hey baby, you know. But for the most part in the man just usually the man that's initiated. Ain't that right, see what I'm saying? Because shearing up at the house playing the same damn game, same damn game. What okay? Well all right then, all right then my a I don't won't know alright? Then here that ain't worn out world. I want some hot fire. Give it your damn clothes off. That's what a man wants. Now. The man said, ain't never cheated on his wife. He has no plans on that. Well, you gotta fix something at the house, that's right. But it's them damn kids though. It's just like now our house is this damn dog. You guys have a new dog, right, yeah, we got a new dog? Bad? He block it. You keep talking about this dog. I didn't ask for the dog. You ain't never heard me ask for a dog. What's his name is? Steve? Black ass? Bad? I want to get off barbecue and smoke cigar Drake Scott. That's what I wanna do when I get off. I didn't working the Doperman. It's scared of his ask. I wish I would. What I'm not going to do with be scared in my house. So it's the kids dog. Ain't nothing you can do. You'ren't about to laundrate. You want her to come on to you like she did when she was trying to get you, But them days is probably gone. All You're gonna have to invest in some money to get them kids sent away something No, I didn't mean to I meant like a like a babysitter something like or something like that, or hell boards. Then you're gonna have to wear what people get their kids at the boarding school all the time, all the time. Just ain't it ain't against the law. That ain't what you want to do. You want to have your kids close, You want to center to boarding school so you can have more sex. Yeah, I wish I had thought of that, but I didn't because I would have missed raising my boys and girls. So I I want them close by because I wanted to instill some things that that boarding schools unable to, and I've done that. They're not perfect, but the hell I wouldn't even now back to this latter. This how it is, don't it's just how it is. Welcome to marriage, one old one. I tell you right now you can quit going to bed, Nick, stop't wing because the damn kids gonna walk in there. Getting about the bed. You're asking that naked and it's hard because you don't sleep with a bathti next to the bench. So now you got to get up in the baby seeing daddy naked walk into the room. And then you didn't say if you was in shape or not. He left out that detail. Walk maybe just walk to the back. Maybe you ain't as fine niked as you thought you were a right out here, but you look like you and your second try mesr. That could be throwing it off to email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter for ten years, I don't know what the hell going over today. It's crazy comedy segment in about ten minutes at forty one after the hour, you're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. Annoying things that grown people do while you're driving. So when you are driving, so these people are in the car with you, riding with you, just the passenger, the passenger or that seat of kids. Just just you're the driver. So you gotta focus on. And it's just little stuff that gets on just little thing, man, just that little steve like you driving right. I can't stand people to point to stuff for me to look at you have it. I'm driving. Look Oh look look you missed, you missed you? Oh you they got tomatoes on sale? Look look, yeah, I see that fair drive world. Man, I can't stand for people to see that gets on my hair. Come. First of all, you don't know the words to the song. I can't tell and you don't sound nothing like nothing like the song the song? Are you evil? When you just change the station when they're singing Twitter on talk talk, Grady, I don't care what they're talking about. We started listening to the talk the minute. You're hoping your mouth and amazes and gentlemen, we are here today, like when we're going cross town to my auntie. How I didn't been there a thousand times, but my wife want to give me directions though, to go this way, go this way for the five and then take fifty night. If you take fift to night, we'll get there a little quicker, but We've been there several times. I know where I'm going. Like, come on, Steve, I stand when people driving they damn cal looking over at an accident that they ain't in a about to get us in one over here. Yeah I can't over there. I can't that window. That window is not to be played with, okay, up and down? Yeah yeah? Or women with hot flashes. Yeah, I can't staying that. That's why I got wind the lock that's got locked. Yeah, he got the lock to win it. Take the child off. I'm not not doing it now, bro, he is. I'm not gonna do it. You know. I can't stand right. I getting my car wash and I come pick you up. Take it awhere? If you eat in my car and drop the fact, I don't know when when you're driving, you always notice somebody dropping something. Got chips? I see the chip fall down. Your shirt should have set to my floor, but you keep eat like it ain't down there. Okay, okay, I hate to go down. I'm driving in my car. I look out the little just look atter the peripheral of my of my of my right side. Are you hicking? Yo? Know? Wait a minute, where are you. Where are you dusting that your fingers? Man? Where is that going my floor? Man? Now, bro, what y'all saying that you didn't seen it? I used to hate getting there somebody's car and don't nothing work. We ain't got no radio, we ain't got no el time. We're just sitting up in here, hot, in silence, and it's starting to smoke. Tower. You would have gum in your mouth. I don't want to hear you click it. Yeah, I don't want to hear your popping. I don't want to see you making bubbles out of it. Damn it. Just shooting, okay, just shooting. That's it. That's why the color chowing. You know, I have this problem right now. I won't I won't to drive like but I don't have one. But right now, stay out my damn glove boxing? Why are you? Why is you in the What the hell made you click that two buttons and pull it down? And what are you looking for? You got something here? When did you put something there? It's like when you go to somebody's house. Can I go to their medicine cabinet in the backroom? Don't ask me to use my car, please? Man, you don't want your feelings hurt. You don't know how I really feel about you. Don't ask me to use my damn car for nothing, for nothing, to go to work, go to stove. Yeah, he's gonna find out what you really in the phrase, well it's just sitting there. That's why it's just sitting there, because it's my right whether it's just sitting there. So yeah, so what Yeah, he's what I hate. I'm backing out now. And in order to back out, you gotta look back. Why am I looking at you looking back at me? Backing out? It don't take two of us come back out looking you know. I'll tell you what thing I can. Don't diagnose my car? How you know what's wrong with my call? So you got a bad time? How you know you just got in? Come on, Steve, got just one one. This got something to do with using my car. This is what a Fred did to me one time, called a cap to my house, asked me to use But you should have took you're listening Steve Morning Show. All right? Jack? Come on, now, what is this little we all experience, these little things, little neon sins that you panicked for like just a little bit. You're not really for instant friends. You order a pizza, Pizza's on the way. Pizza man gets there, you can't find your money. Oh my god, hold you guys, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, man, I got money. Man. You already told him, Chad, so you didn't say d You said my fake cash. He's standing out there thinking you stupid. Right, you already said, you know, just stopped like this little little time. Yeah, yeah, your little time. Yeah, Like it's like daytime. And you didn't fell asleep with the night. You didn't woke up, started getting dressed. Oh manbody on the shift. Everybody else first started working here. I walked up. It was nice, six forty one pm. I was in traffic, gonna fire day too. I'm like, why is nobody on the highway because it's Saturday. Fool When you Edward reached for a bottle of water that you thought was you and it wouldn't realize it's the nasty person that god, that's not a little that's a lot of from and they're standing there looking at you. You remember when you was little ushould be playing in the flow and you was doing something wrong and you turned around and your mama was you just putting on your best show. You you're just playing your behind and you for me. I turned around and see that fat leg. Oh I know Aley Brown was standing there. O my god. Uh oh okay. A little times you panic. It's a little time you have a little nervous breakdowns. You go to the doctor, right, you got your clothes on. He's standing behind you and he's looking at your church and your head would mean breakdown. You mean tell me, I mean it stopped me. Man man something about to follow. I'll tell you one that got my entire family. I don't know if it's having for y'all, but on holiday, they're one kid that nobody wanted. How they're still We have been praying all the Thanksgiving. Then it wasn't say anybody seen Johnny five. Everybody getting nervous, something missing? Just want somebody perse wallet keys quest, we get to prayer, pass it are to be here today on this thing. Come on, you ever be driving your car, come over the hill, you rolling a little bit too fast? Police sitting there and all of a sudden they lights come on. God, yes, you think after you? You think they after you? And then they passed by. Oh oh god, she's every black man, get your story together, for you're trying to get it comes one our head was similar to that. You ever been pulled over by the police and they ask you for your driver's license and they go back to the car. Then they come back and step out the coffee. Good un that step out the car, step out the man. Once you have to get out of the car, like you start thinking about what does he know that I did a long time ago? Uh? All right, let me see. You go to the beauty shop, right, ladies, you know what I'm doing. You go to the beauty shop to get your hair done, and she knows automatically that you've been going someplace else to get your hair done. She knows right away, right away, who've been doing your work? She knows her word? Ye shout out to do? Is it not my word? Even that gets me nervous, my little panic moment. What I'm on the highway doing six days and the game. It's like, come on, but you ain't nowhere, nil so scared just driving like I got a full taste out. It is a rule of thumb that when the gas like come on, you have to break it down. And then we all hate buying gas. Yeah, yeah, hold on what we do? I'm married now a little so he got no idea that some of these panics may not apply to Skive. You've been at a woman house and the hood and come home. That's a little panic, you know. That's now you under the bed through out and you could wait on him to leave. You get your Yeah, you walk in the house and your wife say, I got something I want you to see. She got she hadn't got it in her hand. You don't know what to see coming up? It's more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, it is time for comedy roulette. Jake, explain it so simple. We've done this over and over and over. Just pick five subjects, put them on a wheel. Fund the wheel where it stop. We will do the damn thing. All right, here we go ahead, do it, you're ready? All right? Here we go. Number one. All of a sudden, everything is too loud. Just everything's too loud. Number two. My favorite snack is number three. That is not his wife, who were not doing that? You're not doing that? I mean the wheel betting that on that one? All right, number four. Some people just will wear anything. Okay, here we go. You know they've been locked up a long time when they asked questions like yes, that would not be three? Oh wait, look, oh oh, stopped the number five. You know they've been locked up a long time when they asked questions like when when TV been staying on after twelve o'clock? When the doing that you've been good. You've been locked up a long time. When you hear a question like so where mamma live? Now you don't know where mama lived with mama. You've been locked up a long time. When they're looking at you like y'all can't cut your chicken with a spoon. I don't know how to do this. You've been locked up a long time when you asked when did they turn the emails on? Locked up alone? Let me tell you how. You know you've been locked up a long time. I tell y'all, don't want me to make mac running with just a iron. I can show you how to do it. Yeah, you know you've been locked up a long time. With the good life. So you can get clothes and groceries, so I can get I can get fruits and a shirt and you know they've been locking a long time. Who flushed the tarlet and red all? My? Look that man? That was good looking? At that man. You've been locked up a long time. When you go out on the date and all you want to order is roaming noodles fancy restaurants. You know you've been locked up a long time when you say stuff like so you're gonna leave the lights on all night, all night, These ain't gonna go over. You know you get locked up a long time when they get pulled over. They called, you say for the police cars black and white night they was blue and first we're playing comedy rout. You know you've been locked up a long time when they started whispering meet me in the yard, in the yard, all right, Steve, You know you've been locked up a long time. When you come outside on your first day back and you got your platforms on, you're not understand what everybody now coming up. It's more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. At thirty three after the hour, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. When you know it's time to go back to church, it's time, you know when it's time to chika. When you know It is time to take your but back the church. Somebody needs to lay hands on me right now. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, how did I get here? When you wake up and you with somebody and you don't know their name, it is time? Who who you talk about? Backslide? Yeah? How long we've been laying what I got handcuffs? Yeah, try to go back to church. When you wake up in this bike box, you can't explain nothing. Who I'm doing too? What too? You know it's to go back to church. When you wake up and you got her phone on? What the hell? And it's backwards? You in the back and in the back put in the front. That's a crazy, crazy visual right there, that it's time for you to go back to the church. When you're starting to look at your boys grandmama and starting to feel something, Yeah, it's you. I never felt the way. Let you know it's time to go back to the church. When you see spake mark on your behind and you don't know how they got that? Yeah, you can't excuse me? Did you know? And it's a man hand. It's pretty rough way. You know? What's happy day? When your lights watering gay get turned off? The same day. You can't do nothing. It's time to that. You know it's time to go back. When you wake up and your whole chance is peter back, it's time for you to go back to church. You've been arguing with this fine girl for on ahead, trying to convince her that ain't no way y'all can be cause it's we're not really cousins. Now, come on, how you figuring that? We run down to the fifth? The fifth? It's time to go back to church. You know it's time to go back to church. When you wake up with a tattoo that says Veronica and you don't know know that name is Ron, it's time to go back to church. When you start stalking anybody, oh little women talking about every way they all right. When we come back, it is time for clothing remarks. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning shows, your man, Steve Harvey, do you think you're smarter than my nephew Tommy? You could qualify for listen to this one million dollars. Go to Steve Harvey FM and get the details on how you can play smarter than nephew Tommy. Here's a deal. If you're smarter than nephew Tommy, you win one hundred dollar gift cards and you have an opportunity to open the safe and win one million dollars. If Tommy wins, you will win a twenty five dollar gift card. Just go to Steve Harvey Film for details. The winning starts this Tuesday at seven a m. Six twenty a m. Since Steve, we're here, uh at the last break of the day, just one more thing. You're closing remarks, What do you have for us today to take us into the weekend? Steve? You know, look, man, my haters, there's nothing I can do at them. But it's also okay to have haters because I mean, you need them. It justifies your efforts and your work. If you're not doing anything, you don't have to worry about haters. But the moment you try to accomplish something, the moment you try to be more than them, the more the moment you decide that you're gonna come up, the moment you make the decision that you're gonna be better than you were before, you can prepare yourself for the haters, because that haters work for an evil force. You know, Look, if you're not doing good, you're doing bad. If you're not doing right, you're doing evil. If you're not being positive, you're being negative. The devil is busy, man, the devil. Here's your prayers to God. He knows what God is capable of doing for you. And so the devil's job is to intercept and interrupt all of that. He wants to enter self and interrupt all the blessings that God has for you. So he asked people that's at work for him all the time. The stunning thing about it is these people that work for the devil all the time, his imps. They're busy, man, they're busy. I had a guy told me. I asked. I asked a guy one time, a manute, why are you always hating? He said, Man, that's what I do. I'm a hater. He said, Man, but I'm gonna get a huge following Steve because I hate. Because I had approached the doing about something he has said about me one time, not that I really cared. I just asked him why he did it. He says, Steve, you cool man, but you would draw you draw people to my site. So when I'm mention you, I get more followers. I'm gonna turn that into money. So he has made a conscious decision to be a paid hater. The problem that haters don't understand is that you may become a paid hater, but it also comes with a cost to you. It's a simple principle in the Bible. You know when you were a little kid and used to go to Sunday School and you heard the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That is applicable to the day you leave this world. I don't care what business you get into or anything like that. It applies all the time. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So, if you're gonna be in the hate business, you must be prepared to be hated on, and you must be prepared to suffer the consequences of a negative behavior. It's amazing, man. I'm telling you all, stop stopping your climb, stop stopping your journey to address all of these haters, because they are sent as a worker. They are in empt to try to enter, sell, and impede and block blessings and things that God has for you. Keep moving, somebody. One of the bishops sent me up a letter one time, and it simply says, Steve, stay on the wall. Stay on the wall. And I went, wow, man, why what was it? So I eventually, I mean, it made sense to me, but I called him to ask him. He said, hey, man, stay on the wall. Don't climb down off the wall where God has taken all this time to place you, to get back down on the ground to deal with some people that ain't him up on the wall. I said, man, but they're throwing rocks at me. He said, throwing rocks that are as any of them knocked you off the wall. I said no, I said, he said to someone to hit you in the back, hitch you upside the head with him rock. But he said, but don't you keep going up the wall? He said, why would you stop him? Come down off the wall, Steve. So I'm saying to everybody out there listening, you got to stay on the wall wherever you are. Don't stop your assent to address these haters. It's okay, You're going to be fine. They are hating for a reason. They hate you because you are something that they are not capable of being, and they wish they was. And now since you are, and they ain't here come to hate. You know, the best way to deal with hate love. Love is the only thing that conquers hate. You cannot conquer hate with more hate. Marla the King knew that as well as anybody. Gandhi understood that as well as anybody. You cannot conquer hate with more hate. The only way to conquer hate is with love. It works. Man. The problem with hate is hate is so much louder than love. But here's the joy of it. Though love is stronger than hate, hate dwindles and withers away. Love of just love, love, just last. I'll tell you what. Here's another example. If you're in darkness, complete in total darkness, and you're tired up the darkness. To get out of darkness, you don't do you don't go to more darkness. You need light. Only light can get you out of darkness. Only love can bring you out of hatred. It's the only way it works. Whatever they're doing to you, that's on a negative, you have to do differently to them on a positive. Now you're not gonna like that because it's gonna seem like the soft approach, But it's the only thing that works. You just got to keep loving them when they keep hating you. And that's hard to do. I know it is. For me. It's hard to do, but I just keep on when I see them, I just go, hey, look man, booooo No no hard feelings and keep going. You want to get out of darkness. You need light. You want to get out of you lead love. That's it all right. I love that. Don't have a good weekend for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.