Church, LA Earthquake, Kanye West, Million Dollar DNA, Hot Garbage, Closing Remarks and more.

Published May 10, 2018, 2:45 PM

The show talks about when you need to go back to church. Southern CA has an earthquake. Kanye West is a potential ally to The Crips. A horse has one job and million dollar DNA. Tommy and his phone prank involve trash. Sheryl Underwood stops by. The Closing Remarks and more!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving the ball, just like the Melican buck bus things. And it's touble me true good to the hardy to move to other for stob Honey, why don't you join hby joining me? Honey? Do turn? Yeah, you want to go. You gotta turn, you to turn about turn you love got to turn out to turn water wan go come come on your thing at it. Uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on Digney now one and on it. Steve Hardy got a radio show. Okay, today is simple. I got it together. I didn't have to. I gave a little thought this morning. I actually got up in um, I went to the gym and I make time for that too. Man. That's but that that's that's that's that's kind of what I want to speak with everybody about today because I want to remind you and if you haven't heard it, I'm gonna share it with you. I want to tell you. I want to just talk to you about effort today, just about effort. You know, it's it's it's it's a word that people use to describe sometimes trying. But what I found out about trying is trying is just a noble way of saying you didn't get it done. I tried when and then everybody go, well, he tried, that was the best. Well, that's that's not exactly true though, that that's that's not exactly true. You are, and I want to talk to you about that because I don't want you to be one of the people who just tried. See trying, I mean, I gotta tell you to it. To attempt something, you're gonna have to first try. But I want you to change your mind set from trying to getting it done. See, that's a that's a big difference. When you say I'm gonna get it done and when somebody says to me, I'm gonna try. Those are two different people I'm talking to. I'm really more apt to listen to the person that says to me, I'm gonna get it done, because trying to me, I know what that means. Man. And oftentimes when you've tried, have you ever noticed that you've not gotten it done? It's because when you go in with the mindset of trying, I'm gonna try. What try does is it allows you to fail. Trying allows you to fail. Because if all you're gonna do is try, anybody can try. It's the person that has the mindset that I'm gonna get it done. Is the person who changes the complexion of things, who changes the outcome of thing, who gets a different results. I'm gonna get it done. It's very different than I'm gonna try. You know, look, man, I know, I know this sounds a little harsh, but but you gotta stop feeding yourself these little old wise sayings that ain't it was a valiant tribe. Hey man, you talk to anybody that took second place in the super Bowl and see how they feel about their value. Try. The only way to gain God's real blessings is you have to try something. Stevie backpedalin. Now, listen to me close. You have to put forth an effort to to allow God to put his finger on something to bless on your behalf. You must start to attempt now, insane getting it done, And I'm gonna try. That's a difference of two different faiths to me. That's I'm just talking about me. Now. You may be different, so I can't I can't say this about you, but I can't say this about me. If I say I'm gonna get it done, I have a lot of faith in it. I am going to get it done because I just don't see failure as an option. A lot of times now, if somebody says to me, like, the Olympic team invited me out to curl one day, which is thirty stones on the ice. If you're not familiar with it's very simple, and so I said, man, I'd like to give that a try. I went in full well knowing I may not come away from this little curling lesson as a person who could make the Olympic team. I just wanted to try it because I thought it looked cool and always wanted to get it done. Well. I failed twice. I threw a stone completely into the other lane. I lost that little ice shoe shot out under me. But you know what, I kept trying though. I kept trying until I got four of them stones in that circle right where I ain't. But now had I give it up after I failed, after I threw that stone in the other lane, after I shot my shoe down all the way to the bottom side of the little ice shoe they give you. I never did it, but because I was trying. Something got me together a little bit because of my effort, and it caused me not to fall the next time, not to throw it in the other lane, not to shoot my shoe to the back of the wall. All of a sudden, my trying became something. Now had I stayed out there and it wasn't so cold, and I went back week after week after week after week. I promise you I could get it done. I could at least know how to compete in the game of curling. Might not be the best. I might not win the championship, but I could have got it done to the point where I could have competed in the game of curling. So sometimes if you're scared to say I'm gonna get it done, just go out there and get started. You know, learn from every attempt that you make. See, don't quit writing yourself off as a failure every time something don't go right. When I failed on that ice, I could have said, man, I can't curl, but hold up, man, I'm watching for other women out here, curl for other dudes. I did crying little kids out did curling. Hold up pardner. You know, man, So I learned when I threw that stone on the other ice, when I when I failed, when when my shoe shot off, I learned from every attempt a little bit more about it. And then I said to myself at one point time, man, I'm gonna get the stone in that circle. I'm gonna get this stone in this circle. And guess what I got it done. Now what you're saying to me, Steve, I'm saying to you that you gotta get started, that you gotta put forth an ever give God something to bless Oh God, bless me, Oh God, bless me, bless you? What? Bless you? Where? Bless you? How? Stop basing your results on what you're thinking. You gotta think higher. You get God in your life, man, He allows you to think higher, bigger, better more. I'm sitting up here my debt. I came up with a plan to get out of debt in five years. I came up with this plan, right. I was sitting up and I was tripping on it. Now. I said, wait a minute, man, hold up, and this is what I came up with. I said, God created heaven and earth, all of it, the mountains, the sky, the valleys, the oceans, trees, the birds, all of this. Man, Mount Everest, the Gobi Desert, the Indian Ocean, all of it. Made all of it in six days, and then he rested on the seventh. So why am I taking to God the five year plan? If he can create heaven and Earth in six days, why am I walking in there talking about helped me in five years? How is it gonna take God five years to getting me out of debt? And he made heaven and Earth in six days? Do the math? Hill, Man, I ain't that big. You ain't that big. You ain't in that much trouble. I ain't in that much trouble. See, God got a way of showing you some things, man, but it's gonna take some faith, and faith gonna take some effort on your part. Man, get out and do something. Man, you God to bless you a little bit and give you a little bit more courage. And then all them attempts you making is gonna and all that. So I'll try. You know what that turned into. I'm gonna get it done. And at the end of the day, that's what you have to do, because trying to pay your rent and not paying your rent it's two different things. You could you can try to play your pay your rent, or you can get it done. Now, how long you think you're gonna stay in that house trying. You got to go with the mindset of getting it done. And if you can put some stuff out there and give God a chance to put his finger on and bless it for you the most stuff he can do for you. Quit looking around whether everybody else gotten, gonna get some of it for yourself. Okay, all right, you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, man have your attention please. This is the beginning of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It has been described several ways ignorance, mayhem, foolertree, debauchery, and disemboweled. That's a strong word. I like that one. Yes, it was dissembowled. I wouldn't went down that had to her. Ladies and gentlemen. Shirley straw Hey, good morning, Steve Harvey, Junior boy, Morning Up, Jake. I nominated Emmy nominated, Steve, can you put that in my name please? Emmy nominated, Emmy nominated nominated. Yes, thank you so much. Yeah, Junior, let me go back. I've got Caliver rail what'stop, what'sop last but not least Emmy nominated? Nephew? Okay girl, Hey whoa wait a minute, hold on a minute? Yeah to play fair, play fair, guys, play fair. I don't know if I like do too? What did you say? I don't know if I like nicety? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know how to. I'm not enjoying his as. I'm so damn discipplined. I didn't hear talent. Yeah, I'm not fitting to be open. Just try to be nice. Yeah, let's see how long you can have. Let's put money down on it's It's say we are forty seven in and we got how much more time to go before the real Steve pup side of his back like a like a gremlin. It's like the day he said he was going to go a day without Tustin. That lasted like five seconds. I think you'd be back next break before we go. Okay, okay, so how would you guys? Evening? Everything was great, it was oh my god. Yeah, I don't even like this person, and I don't even think it's genuine. No, it's not even real. He doesn't care. How evening, how you guys. Evening great, I made, um, you know, a nice reservation for dinner. Yeah, for dinner. Maybe you cook, but no, you didn't cook. No, no, one question. Yeah normally he said, what the blank y'all do? Later? Yeah? Yeah? What did you do? Steve? Nice? Steve? I worked dude radio, got finished and did two shows. I went to a screening last night. See Solo. George Wallace's mama is in the movie. No she's not. She dropped weight and everything right off for Rampage. She went right into another movie, bless her Heart. Man, she dropped all that weight weight. Don't you see how you Wallace is still friends? I really don't. Man. We don't have coming up something funny. We'll still see how long night Steve will last. We'll be back at thirty Steve after the will they have no idea what you're talking about. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time for something funny. Uh. When you know it's time to go back to church, it's time. You know when it's time to the okay, when you know it is time to take yoke. But the church, you know, I mean when you went, you get up and you go, whoa I need to go get somebody needs to lay hands on me right now. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, how did I get here? When you wake up and you with somebody and you don't know their name, it is time? Who who you talk about? Backsliding? Yeah? How long we've been laying Why I got handcuffs? Try to go back to church? When you wake up and this bike box you can't explain nothing? Who? I'm doing too much? I'm doing too much? You know. It's when you wake up and you got her phone on what to here? We what? And it's backwards you in the back and in the back, Pard in the front. That's a crazy VIP crazy visual right there. That one. It's time for you to go back to the church. When you're starting to look at your boys grandmama and starting to feel some time. Yeah, who is that youth? To me? I never felt away? All right? It's one. You know it's time to go back to church when you see spake marks on your behind and you don't know how they got that? Yeah, excuse me? Did you know? And it's a man hand. It's pretty rough another way you know what? Actually? Happy day when your lights watering? Gay get turned off the same day. You can't do Nothing's time, you know it's time to go back. When you wake up and your whole chest is Pierre, I need the Lord h time of you to go back to the church. You've been arguing with this fine girl for on a head, trying to convince her that ain't no way y'all can because it's go We're not really cousins. Now, come on, how you fi were right down to the fifth? The fifth? It's time to go back to church. You know it's time to go back to church. When you wake up with a tattoo that says Veronica and you don't know know that name is Ron. It's it's time to go back the church. Where you start stalking anybody, oh little women talking about every way they it's time to go back to church. You had a wonderful night with a woman. You wake up and passed by the bathroom and she's standing up. Happening happened? Is that? Help me? Come on? See you wake up in the morning. This is how you know it? Really? You got to go now you wake up in the morning. Yeah, it's eight eight open condom wrappers in the bed. You have no idea you did that, though you did not necessarily. You know it's time to go back to church. When you wake up with a glass I you're holding a glass out of nowhere to nowhere. It's time to church. You run around looking at other people. Yeah, where did that get? It's really time to go back to church. Okay, when you wake up outside it's somebody else's driveway. You have no idea? Yeah that's pretty light. You know it's it's time to go back to church. When you wake up and everybody around you got clue klu klan hood? What did I do? Like? Time for you to go back to church? You wake up, you got a pentagon drawing on your chest, and you got a book entitled Team Cool Things about say you need to get yea. You know it's you know, it's time to go back to your church. When you wake up with peanut butter all over your body, no jeal, no jelly, one more if you would do you your son's high school basketball and you can't quit thinking about one of them cheery. Yeah, to go back in time to get back up in there, coming up next, nephew, tell me he's run that frank back. Yeah, yeah, everybody this is Neil when you were locked into the best morning show alreadio. You know I'm talking about Steve Harvey Morning Show. Keep it locks right head, you're listening Steve Harvey any show coming up. At the top of the hour, we will tell you, guys what we were all doing when the Callie earthquake hit the other day. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got praise dank. Then we talked about this yesterday at we're not feeling it at all. You need to Yeah, But since they don't talk, do they answer the phone? Hello, this is the day that the Lord is made. Let us rejoice and be glad in And how you doing? I'm looking for such This is such brother full of from the church. How are you? Oh, I'm brother phone? How are you? I'm good? I'm good. Um. We wanted to give you a call about the about the praise dancing this at the church. First of all, I wanted to really show you how much, uh, you're doing a great job over there with the praise dances and you you definitely do a great job on uh every third Sunday that you guys actually performed everybody seemed to really like it. Well, thank you, thank you. What can I do for you today? It was a bit of a situation with um. You know, it's been brought to our attention. We actually had a small gathering, a little meeting about it and wanted to I've been elected to actually give you a call. Who is this? I'm sorry, who are you? King? Brother full of uh huh and and who had a meeting uh some of the brothers at the church and and uh path to actually sad in for a moment on it. And I was actually elected to actually just give you a call and nothing that I don't think we can't get rectified and you know, move on slouthly as we normally do. But I just think it's we wanted to reach out to you and kind of make you aware of it. If it's if you don't mind, okay, um, And what things are those? Well? Sinceter Tana. Has any of the praise dances before they became praise dances? Was was was any of them strippers? I beg your pardners. Was any of the praise dancers that at the church that you have on the praise team right now with any of them strippers in the past. I'm sorry, sir, I don't I don't really know who you are, um, and I don't really understand this line of question. But like I said, i'm brother full. I don't think we've met. But uh, like I said, I've been elected to give you a call. Not now. It seems like what happened is this past week when you all actually uh danced, it seemed like a couple of the girls was actually gy raiding during the praise routine. Hey, what chat rating brother for? I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you saw. None of my girls, which I rating, they were dancing for the lord. And I think if you look through your lord's I perhaps you would see them better instead of maybe you were looking through the chat rating. No, No, she's a couple of the girls. We can point them out. A couple of them have uh strip girl tendencies of it then, because some of them has been girls dead to see you know what, sir, I think we need to complete this call tramps. I need to compet ship and speak to him myself, because you know, I don't know what you do all days, but I have a real job and I'm sitting here holding the conversation in my office about jar rating strippers in the church. Are you kidding me? Listen? Now, here's a couple of the things that that they're talking about, because some of the girls feet a real ass you when you all a performance and they want to see and maybe you can you can. I don't know. Maybe I don't know if y'all need to grip or whatever that y'all don't. Y'all don't put lotion on. We're not sure what that is. As well as the totally u filers. Everybody has three, four, five different designs and everything is it? Any way, y'all can be in unison with you're totally upon us. But the most important thing if the jar rating doing the dance routine. I don't know what your feet look like. I don't need you calling me talking to me about my girls their feet, their nail powers. Perhaps your man should be on Jesus instead of on them. How about that, mynd have time, I don't have time, but I don't want your mama and to be on Jesus when somebody's shaking them. But at the church, that's the problem, you know what. Look, I'm at work now, I'm trying to keep a work tone. You're gonna make me curse up there. Now, let me tell you something. Don't call me anymore. I will deal with pastor. If he has something to say with me, he can say it to me personally. But I'm done with this conversation. Are you gonna deal with the JI rating? Is what we want to know? Maybe you know what it just hit me. Maybe you're one of the ones that's doing the GI rate. Look, let me tell you something. My girls aren't going to rain, and neither am I. Now I am done with this conversation. Do you understand? But listen, I'm done or you're done with this rating. That's what we want to stop so we can We can't praise the Lord if the boot isn't shake. You know what, chirt, Look, I gotta go to work. I gotta go now again. I don't know what your issue is. It's out to me like you have an issue which I rating booties? And I heard so much gyrating booties in one conversation in my entire life. Now my mand is set on Jesus, I don't know what You're man is set on what the two on you? Before you was a praise thence uh the ministry over the ministry? Did you all used to strip? You didn't do no striping? Now did your wife do any strip? And what did your mom gonna do any striping? What what you heard? What I said you? How do you like doing? Somebody call? You would ask you if your mamma get some script? And how do you like that? You know what? I want to know? When is the next rehearsal? That the way I can come and pick out who it is that's doing this town. You don't have You don't have any business at my rehearsal. I don't want to see you at my rehearsal. I don't want to. I don't want to see any part for you in my rehearse if I see you near one of my girls. That's why I'm coming after you myself. Do you understand me? You need to find out who's doing that job? Say you need to say your body your own high. And I'm glad y'all ain't this and when the latest being played? Because it ain't no telling her you act with them? One's coming through it? You know what? That's it? That's it. You called me disrespecting me. I'm at work. I can't even have this more. You know what, don't call me no more. Don't look at my girls no more. Man, come to the church and see what I got for you. I don't want to know. Is you're gonna stop the job rating? What is gonna do? Move? And that's what you talking to like that you're supposed to be. I'm gonna say, yeah, let's have dined. Listen to tell you now I'm getting ready to get when I got one more thing to say to you? Pol your leave? How you ain't got a thing to say to me? I said I was dealing, and I said, I got one more thing to say? Is you list you know what? Man, get off of my phone. I'm gonna say it anyway. This is nephew timent from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your entire praise and ministry congregation, all your girls got me the frank phone called you. Oh I'm a shot for real. Oh I think I'm cursing on the radio. Oh I think I'm don't have to show. I got one thing to ask you, telling you what is the baddest radio show in the land, Nobody else but the Steve Harvey More on the show, keeping the who is it? First name? First name, the first name? All right, listen, we're well have to say congratulations going out to Janet Jackson, the one and Okay, she's been blessing us for years and her music got no evidence. You've seen Janet jacks You stopped like, why didn't you take a picture? Why did you have to take a picture that it wasn't the mom's boy. Yeah, came to Gail Man and why didn't you take a picture again? I just didn't want to feel like no grouping. You know, you are to her, Yeah, but I didn't want to do it. I didn't, you know, And I think you were standing close to her. Yes, and she had a twinkling eye like it kind of figure out what she can. Well, anyway, she's going to be receiving the Billboard Music Icon Award and she joins artists including Prince Stevie Wonder who have also received that honor. You can watch it. Janet will be marking her She'll be making her first television performance in nine years. Okay, you can catch the Billboard Music Awards Sunday, May twentie on any Yes, she did looks great. Yeah, coming up at the top of the hour. We're gonna tell you what we were doing when the earthquake hit. Callie the other day night right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. California has experienced a four point five magnitude earthquake. Okay, people in the Los Angeles area that includes us, because we were all here, felt the quake. And it happened on the San Andrea's Fault in the San Bernardino Mountains, which is about eighty nine miles or so southeast of l A. We're in l A. What were you doing, Tommy. I was butt naked on my balcony. That's when the best breeze come through about that time of the morning. Naked, yeah, yeah, but you have to three stories up. I'm on the sixth floor. You get a good breeze, nice break it, yeah, but when it when it shook me? Are you facing the city naked to the mountains. I'm facing the mountain, good naked mountain breeze, yeah like that. But you're outside naked. Yeah, that's when the breast breeze comes back. How are you gonna get the breeze and you ain't there all through your body? How are you gonna feel it. People can see you though, Yeah, okay, it's my back. Yeah, you don't want to see him naked. Don't look up If you don't want to see him naked, don't look up there. Why are you looking over here this balcony? It ain't much to see. Nobody knows. We can always look at it that one. I'll tell you what. I'm on the six boat of people on the field flow. No, man, Now, you don't want to be ideal when the fog comes, because that that infects your body. What were you doing? Oh? I was in the bathroom and I was like, oh Lord, when did I eat? Lord? The word? Oh my god? I know I had some greens. But wait a minute, sho, you need to go back to urch. I need to go back. What are you doing care well that dude, I'm trying to have six sales? Cris said, Oh my god, the one, the one Jake gonna with me out today. I can't believe I can't move alright, Steve, I know you were doing something besides working. Where were you doing? Yeah? I was actually taking a shower. Oh okay, how does that? Yeah? Your earthquake st all I know is I was risking off one shoulder, and I knew I was risting off the other. Right, I switched up on as a man. I almost be in really good shape. You turn. You don't know. It is scary if you've never been through the earthquake. People naked. I was naked, halfway naked. No, I wasn't because I like to take my shirt off when I'm sitting down, because you don't want to wrinkle it, don't want to rankle it. But I keep my shoes on for the grip. I'm taking my pants and shirt off. Jay hanging up, Yeah, because we're about to be done up in there just for a grip. Yeah, you like as a sprint up for full I like to dig in, you know, on your on your toes. Yeah, I'm on my toes, but I got my shoes on completely naked, shoes on. Yeah. I pictured you on the flat footed though times sometimes depending on not at other people how they don't know they flow not other people how. I feel like I missed out on somebody. I slept through it. Yeah, yeah, I even know we had one until the next morning. Nothing shake alright, Steve Missing is here? Please? JA what you at to do? Put your toilet in like a cubby cubby hole. Uh well, you got walls on both sides. That's what I got home. I got that so I mount man man mount side. Yeah, this end I want to lift up hand. Ladies and gentlemen. She's here, the lovely talented Mr. And Shrew. Thanks Steve, Thanks guys, Good morning everybody. This is a troop with the news, and let's start out with what happened at around three am this morning. The three Korean Americans released by North Korea yesterday arrived back on US soil early this morning, along the Secretary State Mike Pompeo, and President Trump and the Vice President were on hand to greet them at Andrews Air Force Base. We're starting off on a new footing. This is a wonderful thing that he released the folks early. That was a big thing, very important to me, and I really think we have a very good chance of doing something very meaningful. And if anybody would have said that five years ago, ten years ago, even a year ago, you would have said that stuff possible. So a lot, I will say this, a lot of very good things have happened. One of the three, Manager Port, a businessman who's been held for spying. The other two working with peoon Yang University for Science and Technology, and all three were released after Secretary State Pompeo made a visit to pyong Yang to finalize the plans for a face to face meeting between Kim John Un and President Trump. The Dayton location. They say the meeting is going to be announced the next couple of days. The President mentioned that he thought the demilitarized zone would be perfect. However, Singapore is now being mentioned as the place. By the way. A new CNN poll shows that seventy of Americans are in favor of Trump's meeting with Kim John Un, and fifty three are in support of the way Donald Trump's been handling the Korean situation. The President's dominee, by the way, to have the CIA face to battery questions. Yesterday her confirmation hearing, members of the Senate Intelligence Committee pelted Gina Haskell with questions, most of which having to do with her involvement with post nine eleven CIA interrogation and detention program techniques that employed water boarding and other brutal techniques. Things are getting worse, not better. On the Big Island of Hawaii. Authorities say there was a big explosion inside the already erupt and kill away a volcano. Scientists say is probably just the first in a series of larger blasts that could start propelling more ash and rocks from the crater. Twenty eight more people have been sickened over the just past week as a result of that's still hard to pin down outbreak of E Coli infections linked to romaine lettuce, a health officials saying don't eat remain lettuce unless you know it's not from the humor area growing area in the way can Bill Cosby's recent sexual assault conviction. Washington's Candy Center has taken back its metal to one of water to him, and also it's taken back to two thousand nine Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. And finally today's National Clean Up Your Room Day, which could be dangerous. That's how mine goes. We'll be back with more entertainment and today's trending topics twenty minutes after the hour and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve haw Kanye can now leave Calabasas without fear of a beat down at the hand of the crypts. Okay, it was previously reported that Kanye made the hall to file for a restraining order and beef up security after a Dog Pound member Dad's Dillinger ordered gang members to put hands on Kanye when and if they see him in the streets. During his controversial appearance on TMZ Live last week, Kanye didn't appear to uh, he didn't appear to be shook over the security threat, and it turns out he had no reason to be. TMZ reports that the Long Beach cripts never intended to carry through and as a threat, as gang leadership thinks, Kanye could actually be a greater ally. Apparently, they want him to come to the hood to help raise support for the area. So there you go. Well, you know, look Kanye, Um, look, I think Kanye deserves a pass here. Yes he does, because you gotta understand what he said. What he has to understand. This is not a rap out, This ain't gangster wrap its cats out here in the streets. Man really really doing this stuff. They're really really doing it for real. I think it's really cool that the that the older population of crips or whoever they are, have said, hey, man, hold up, man, we could squash this right now because that's a smart way to do it, because doing harm to him does nothing. And then and and and this is just an unintelligent way to bill create with you're set by doing something to Kanye, It's it wouldn't make any sense because now your life is for ever ruined. And so you know, I just think it's a cool thing. I think that, you know, we've got to get past this right here. I think we've gonna have to led Kanye off the hook. He said it, you know, but Kanye is not your leader. Kanye is not your he's not your end all. Kanye is not the spokesperson for black people. I'm done with it technic because I got way a bit of stuff. You know, what's happening up here in the White House for real, man day off, they're tripping. I don't want anything bad to happen to him, definitely, But still you can say stupid stuff and just think people are gonna go give him a pass all the time because he's not a comedian. Well, I think this particular time, he really didn't mean, he really didn't mean slavery was a choice. I cannot believe that that. I'm not in his head. I'm not in his head, he said it. That's what we're trying to figure out. What's in there. We should invite him on the show. We just did invite him on the Show's speaking of that. He's going to be on Celebrity Family Feud. Okay, yeah with Steve and he won't say something to a little friends support him, all right? Coming up in about ten minutes four half, we'll have comedy Roulette to We're gonna spend the wheel and there's no telling what will happen next. All right, So Steve Chick, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Joy Anthony Brown is here with comedy Roulette. What you got? It's so simple, it's very simple. We have to explain. I know Steve gets upset, but we have new listeners by the hour. By the hour were actually, yeah, this ISMPI teenmi team. So it's comedy letting. Here's how we do. We take five subjects, put them on a wheel, fund the wheel. Look at me, Shirley when I said fun fund the wheel, funding around and around where it stops. We do the damn thing. All right, here we go number one. So you're telling me you don't know how you got naked pictures on your phone? Number? The car always comes back on e alright? Number three? What part of you on punishment do you not understand? Okay? Four, I see that tooth missing? You see that tooth tasting? How do you want to get it? Uh? Number five? Nobody buys a bus pass just to be buying a bus. Okay, bunn it, spin it cats, let's do Let's do that phone, baby, let's do that phone. Oh what you like this one? Number one landed on number one? Are you telling me you don't know how you got naked pictures in your have no idea how those pictures get? You know what? This ain't my damn phone? Look at that prom phone. Matter of fact, I don't know how well she really was showing me. Was its also her mamma to see that? How did you get to see that? She looked up there? You're pushing it. Listen and listen listen. Let me just tell you, baby, these are the girls that are auditioning for the Vagina monologue. That's all listen, babe. They don't be like that. Yeah, she's not naked. What look like she looked showing she's not niked? Not only is She not naked. She was showing me pictures of her bathroom. She just happened to be naked when she took the pictures. That's all that is. You need some work the nice capinet exactly. I'm not. I don't know how to. She sent the picture to me because she wants me to show you. Ask you what you type? She told me to do. I'm just doing what she told me. She said, show it to you and see what you think. Now what you type? Baby? Baby? Baby? This is this is listen. All these pictures is going into this new thing and I'm opening up online called boodle book, Facebook book. I understand that's what this is about. You can't do the book without the boodle. You're gonna ask me about the net picture in this phone. She sent them to me so I could give him the lead handy for him. Good, I'm help somebody. He sent me the picture. She said she got a rash on her back. Did I want to see it? I said, yeah, that's a doctor. My name Kier Okay. She was trying to tell to somebody name stand here. Stand. I told her I thought I had the MEAs she said, it look like that was nothing like that thanks guys for this week's version of comedy Roulette. Every Tommy has a praying phone called coming out right after this you're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's today's strawberry letter, the subject he had me fooled. But up next it is the nephew right here with today's prank phone call. What you got now? Yo? Trash stinks, Yo trash. Yeah, your trash. That's judge it not, but it is Hello. Hello, Hey, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to read swerve. Yeah, this make How you doing? Man? I'm wanting I'm one of your neighbors, but I'm I'm one street over from you. You over off? Yeah, that's right, a little bit this rico. Man, how you doing? I'm one of your neighbors on the next street. Oh how are you doing? Okay, I'm doing good. But how you how you get my another? One of the neighbors on your block gave me the number. Man. We was we were having a little situation. Wanted to reach out to you, uh, some stuff going on here in the neighborhood, man, and wanted to try to make you aware of it, well, what's going on? Uh? It seemed like, um, well, you know the trash man run on on Tuesday and Saturday right now. The problem is that that that that a lot of people, I guess since the holiday just passed, you know a lot of people got their stuff out on the on the curve already right right now. The problem is that that that they're saying, man, is that yo yo, trash is actually really really foul and smelling and smelling pretty bad. And we wanted to call you, man and see if you do not hold on, hold on, hold on. You say you calling me because you snail my trash? Well, yeah, they say, yours is the one that's really speaking man. If you could actually maybe put it in, put it back in the in the in the garage and tip tuesday. You know that's why I put it out side. I didn't have enough room in it. Ride. Okay, what and who is everybody saying my trash? He listen, I'm saying. I'm not saying. You know what I want to tell you. If everybody in the hood I got a file with my trash, thank you tell them come take Okay? What what? What? What? We we we've discussed that too. Well, listen, listen, we don't want no trouble man. If we could just get you to put your trays back, and I'm not moving over Chad, I paid rent over here, my brother. Hey, we're not gonna go back, and I'm not gonna go back. Don't give what you're gonna do. I'm telling you what I paid rent that. Don't tell me to just over here. Okay, Well listen, man, aren't you concerned that your trash is thinking and reading through the whole neighborhood. I don't give a damn off who smell my chances they got a problem with it, telling them come take it out still the end and saying out there, okay, whether that's the problem. The problem is that you took it out, and you took it out too early. You should have put listen out till Tuesday morning. And that's who we who say I mony fd if I put it out there and saying out yesterday, get it. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you. Man, down what you're gonna do. You ain't gonna call me telling me take my chance? Yea, I say rint over here, okay, how if everybody's smelling my chad out of everybody on the street. I don't know for my understanding, it's just a couple of holes in it and some food or something much that got out. I don't know if one of the roads or dog got into what the case may be. But you know, we need to try to get your trash in the backyard. My trash ain't going no down. Well, and how come you the one? You? How come I next? Or navor ain't called? How come ya around the corner? And you called? Who put you up to this? Everybody's smelling it. I was just fortunate enough to get your phone number. I said, well, look, I just going to call it myself. I tell you you and he you my phone. I'm thinking that there it ain't going to okay. Well, listen, let's swerve. This is what we decide on the case. We got to this situation with you touch that. I just come over there and put the trash and your back y and just Tuesday morning and tunesday morning, I'll come back over there and take it out that way. All the smell of being in your backyard and you say, you go, I'm gonna come over there and put the trash in your backyard, so to so the smell that I mean, that's that. Let me say, let me take you to say, if you come over here, you might well called police because that's who you're gonna need to come over here. Bring all, they had a father saying my chance to come over here and take it out you. I mean you, you're trying. You're trying to you're trying to act like it. Don't smell, man, you don't give them if it's men. I'll tell you what I do. I go out of pool By when that where that when they helped you out of Look okay, but see that's not what the people in the neighborhood want. We want you to give a damn what they won't. I'm telling you what I'm gonna do. And how did you get my phone over any down? I'd already told you, man, I got your number for one of the neighbors on your street that said they don't want to get should have left to the right. Which one? Listen, listen, listen, swear won't you get to the need of the problem. The problem is your trash. Think don't how is my chance? How to hell y'all pillpoint my saying now to everybody else trads on block and how to hell you smell? I don't know, man, I don't know what of it. I don't know if you're trads busted, don't pen up what the deal is. But everybody's saying. Everybody's saying it swerve trash, that that stuk that's too much lands and needs to be gone thro time. And see what I think. It's that chang out there and it's gonna say out there I said it ain't come get it, and you ain't coming over there now. Let's see that's where you run swam out. I ain't roving over there. I'm coming over there, and I'm gonna take that trance and put it in the backyard just too now. If you're gonna try to get in my way whatever, but I got to come on and get the trans And if I tell you what, bring y'all over here right now, I'll put on my shoes. I'm standing on the points right now. Bring the car, come on rec over whatever you go on rec on one street over and I'm smelling your man trash, take your chansh out my make smell, but you ain't there to come take it out and set you that he lift swerves. I'm gonna say this word, man, I calling like, excuse me, tell call about that? Who in the hell told you called me? Sward called me that that? Okay, what that's what they call you? What's wrong? Me called what's wrong? We called you? You don't call me that name? Now you saying my chance? Come over here and take chance out. Hey, man, I ain't I ain't nobody sitting there scatter you sweat. I'm telling to I'm trying to get the name and not just say you're talking about of my name and swear. Come over here. I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna do. Okay, way and then it is what it is. Bottom round. I'm on my way over at the mood that damn trash. Come over, Come over here, come over here, moving. I'm on the fort's right now, come on over this meet me. I'm about the mask. Thank you trash. You guys, I'm standing right and doing now. Okay, well I tell you what. I'm on my way. Nah, and guess what I'm gonna do when I get over that you ain't gonna do you're gonna do. I'm gonna tell you my damn name. When I get over that. My name is Nip you till me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got franked by your cousin or Reese. Oh thank you out of here. Hey man, I gotta ask yourself, dog, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You gotta trash. You gotta trying trash group from the eighties. Don't put your hands together trash all right, switching there's guys. We have to give a huge happy birthday to Keenan Thompson from Saturday Night Live. You know he does a great impersonation of a Steve Hart. You're not what do you want to Steve? Imitation is the sincerest form of mattery. Fine, your biggest else to do? You got a nice mustay? He got right, This is a nice musta. It's fake eating healthy, his big hand walking on making money and me just wishing a happy birthday. You love me. He used to come on your show. You know this my birthday. Shout out show your TV show on shout out. We're on the air. What happened to nice Steve this morning? Happy birthday? Also today's National Shrimp Day. Oh lord, Lord, you're sitting you're setting him up. Thanks you tell me gonna come back and tell us about Today's Strawberry Letter is up next subject he had Me Fooled. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's Strawberry Letter is sponsored by one eight hundred Flowers. This Sunday is Mother's Day. Listening up. That's right. One eight hundred flowers dot com wants you to honor your mom this Mother's Day by sharing how she wows you with everything she does. We want to hear your hashtag mom's who Wild story for a chance to win a trip to Province, France. That's right. Visit one eight hundred flowers dot com slash win to enter and get the rules. Time for the letter now, and if you do want advice on relationships, on dating, on sex, on work, on parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter and we could reach your letter live on the air just like right now. Buckle up and hold on time. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Object he had Me fooled. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have been dating a guy for a year, and he treats me really nice. We live in a neighbor We live in neighboring states, but we're less than an hour apart, so I wouldn't consider it a long distance relationship. We see each other a few times a week, and either I'm at his house or he's at mine on the weekend. I assumed we were in an exclusive, admitted relationship until recently. The other day, he was trying to show me a picture on his phone and he mistakenly pulled up a picture of another woman. He tried to quickly swipe pass picture. He just did it. He tried to quickly swipe pass a picture, but he knew I had seen it. I didn't make a fuss about the picture. I asked him to delete it, and he did. But seeing the woman's picture on his phone made me wonder about the nature of our relationship, so I asked him if we were exclusive. His response broke my heart. He stated that before he met me, he was in a very serious relationship and had had a bad breakup. He said he was not ready to be in another relationship right now. Can you believe that I have I have met this man's entire family and we all get along great. He had me fooled. I will admit that I'm not ready to be married right now, but I still want to date with a purpose and not just be wasting time on this man. So is the committed relationship title just to play on words. I don't want to stop seeing this man. But I did hear him loud and clear when he said he's not ready. What should I do? Well? What should you do? What do you want? I mean, really, what do you want in this relationship or out of this relationship? You said you don't want to get married right now. You said you do want to date with a purpose. So if that's what you want, you gotta let him know that. But he's already told you, and you said you heard him loudly and clearly that he's not ready to be in a committed relationship. So you have to make the decision. This is entirely up to you. You've been dating this man for a whole year. Now again, what do you want? If you don't want it to continue like this? You have choices. You can either get out of the relationship, or you can just change some things in the way you deal with him. If you're thinking it's a committed relationship and it's not, Uh, maybe you should start seeing other people, or you know, or something like that. Maybe you should really do what you want to do, but first you need to find out what that is. You say you don't want to be married, but you do want to date with a purpose. He's not ready to do either of those things. So maybe he's just not the guy for you at this time. Steve, I don't know. I kind of see this a little bit differently here. I have a different take because from the male perspective, I can really kind of understand what this dude to say. Um, let's go over the letter a little bit here. Uh, I've been dating this man for body. He's really nice. We live in neighboring states, so you don't consider long this relationship. You're at his house several times a weekend. He's at your house several times a weekend. You in mind he's at mine on the weekends. Here we go. I assumed we were in an exclusive, committed relationship until recently the other day. Now, let's go over this asson what did they tell you all the time about as soon? Assuming usually makes an ass out of you and me. That's what assumed. Is now what has happened is you've assumed. You spent a year. You could have verbally got this, You could have this conversation a long time ago. You never bought it up. You assumed and tilled. The other day, he was trying to show me a pitch on his phone and he mistakenly pulled a pitch of another woman. God he when he with this. As soon as his thumb hit that he felt for him. He blinked. He took a heavy blink. He was trying to swipe. He swiped hasard, but his thumb was shaken. She saw it. After she saw the picture, and he knew you saw it. You didn't make a fuss about it, Okay, mature woman. I asked him to delete it, and he did, no problem, Okay, I'm out. Yeah, let me take that out because if that picture could have been a year old, you never know. You just don't know. So he deleted the picture. But it made me wonder about the nature of our relationship. So I asked him if we were exclusive. His response broke my heart. He stated that before he met me, he was in a very serious relationship and had a bad break up. Now, let me ask you something you didn't You didn't know that a year you you didn't know that he was in a serious relationship and he had a bad breakup a year and this response startled you. A year of assuming you were exclusive, you didn't bring that up. Now he tells you for the first time, he was in a serious relationship, had a bad break up a year before. You didn't met his family. I got all that, YadA, YadA, YadA. That's good, But damn, this is really kinda on you too. Now he said he was not ready to be in another relationship right now, serious, full blown, committed relationship. Then you try to fix it. Then you go, can you believe that? Yeah, y'all believe ya believe The problem is why you're having a hard time believe it. But if you had heard this information a year ago, nine months ago, maybe you would have made some other decisions. I met this man is in toime family. We get along, greade, He had me food. He didn't fool you. This man ain't fooled you at all. This man ain't lied to you, This man ain't deceived you. He didn't fool you. You are soon then after a year, you asked him when you exclusive? He said he was in a bad relationship. Man, lady, he didn't fool you. Stop saying this about him. You trick yourself. I'll tell you why. I right, a trick yourself, all right, tricky? All right. We're gonna have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter subject he had me fooled? Well, he didn't have you fool You've been dating this man for a year. Treat you really nice. You live in neighboring states, no more than our part, so it's really not long dis relationship. You need at his house and he at yours on the weekend. All doing the week I assumed we were an exclusive, committed relationship. I told you about a sumer. You should not have assumed. He's trying to show you a picture on his phone, and he mistakenly pulled up a picture of another woman. God God, I passed out for a minute. Really yeah, I'm trying to jump off a feeling for him. You should have dropped that phone down a sewer. He should, all right, so he tried to quickly swipe past it hit you, but he knew I had seen it. I ain't making fuss about the peach. I asked him to delete it, and he did. But seeing the woman's pitching his phone, it kind of made you wonder. So I asked him, were we exclusive after a year? A year? His response broke a heart. He stated that before he met me he was in a very serious relationship and had a bad break up. How y'all just talking about this after him? He said he was not ready for another relationship right now? How y'all just talking about this after year? Then you ask me, can you believe that? Yeah, if you ain't never talked about it, don't assume nothing about a minute. You have every right to want to know where your life is going. Ladies, and I have told you this over and over and over. You have the right to ask a man what is going on here? He will tell you. Now he told you, and yes, I can't believe that, but you can't believe it because you assume something else. So now I have met this man's in time family. We all get along great. That means he cares about you. He'd took you to me this fan. He had me fool No, he didn't. You fooled yourself because all you you would have had this conversation that you had just now. You could have had this conversation eleven months ago, ten months ago, you could have easily had that. Now here here, go to park. I will admit that I'm not ready to be married right now? Okay, cool? So what you're tripping form? He ain't ready, You ain't ready, but you'are having a good time going and continue the relationship. He's not ready and you're not ready. So now that you've done through that, bone to the dog. But she wants to date with purpose. Don't forget that. I'm gonna get to that. But I still want to date with a purpose and not just be wasting time on this man. Y'all are dating with a purpose. You all have found each other. Neither one of you are ready to be in a Uh. You don't want to be married. He ain't ready to be in the no serious relationship. But y'all in something, ain't you getting something out of it? And he getting something out of it? Y'all in something? What y'all need to do is sit down and define what it is you in because you're in it now, you've been in it for a year. You in something. It's just y'all ain't got no time. You ain't his fiance. You're too old to be a girl friend, but right now you're his girlfriend. You're his girl and y'all friends, and you have met his family. Too old be somebody damn girlfriend. So you want to date with a purpose? He dating with a purpose. He getting what he wants. You're dating with a purpose. You're getting what you want. It's just assumed. You assumed you want had more, but you just said you ain't even ready for it. He said it, But I still want to date with the person, not just be wasted. So it's the committed in quotation. The committed relationship title just a play on words. You never had this conversation with the man until now, committed relationship. He didn't say he didn't want to be in a committed relationship. He said he didn't want to be in a serious relationship. That's a difference. You could be committed to somebody and not be serious. Hello, what preach on it? I'm gonna just tell you. You could be in a committed relationship and not be sick. I don't want to stop seeing this man, but I do. Hear him loud and clear when he said he's not ready, but you said you wasn't ready. That's somebody lying, somebody lying in this letter. He's not ready, you're not ready. Why don't y'all make it work? Define your relationship, find out what it is, and see if it were ever lead to anything, what you could possibly do. But then guess what, Since you heard him loud and clear, he may not be ready for a serious relationship for a long time. Hollong and let me play something else. Deleting the picture don't mean she gonna what come out? Don't, I don't, don't don't boom shot stop. Somebody listened to me, just caused the picture got deleted. Don't mean she gonne sometime in the mind member lingles sometimes. Yeah, you can't shake it, Yeah, ain't shake it. I don't, I don't. I don't want to cry. Yeah, you gotta have a stick. I just told you. I don't want to sing anyway. You're gonna get your black ass, put out your chick for just a second. I'll go back to what I say, Come on here, please let me sometime even without the picture. Yeah, dare's a movie playing in your mind sometime. Yeah, trying to start nothing, trying to get some clarity. Yeah, on what we have. I spent the whole damn break telling the quad didn't need him, and now we out of time. Yes, Steve, you are still right. We gotta get out of here. Beat damn. We gotta go email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts at my girls shurely on today's Strawberry Letter, and don't forget to make sure you join me today at m stern time for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook Live. Okay, thank you for that. Coming up in about ten minutes from the talk, our girl Cheryl Underwood will be in the building. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's Reality Update. But right now from the talk, it is our girl, Cheryl under What. Yes, feel the love Cheryl Girl. And I'd like to receive some Russian money to brandism me. I will be cold blooded down at the currency exchange. I'll send it back to Astar girl. We're a check from Russell. You better stop. Do you know what we got out here in l a nixt check out? Listen to me, I would take all the rubles over in the next time forgetting E B T card. I'm over at the grossery killing it up by crab legs and pink chaf fail with Russian money. You ain't hurt, man. I'm over there buying wings and weeds. That's right here. We come in and hurt. I got rushing. Listens to me, I'm paying my rent Russian money. I'm buying medicinal marijuana with Russia. Funey crazy? How could I be down? The Russia's don't never drop none of that money in the black neighborhood. Did you mention the Russians were giving money? Charlotte, We'll be out there. It's the first of the rust. The Rusted ain't that bad. I pay out my student loans, my car payment. Oh, I'll be over to Savoy making it right. Baby. I'd buy out the whole jay spot. Everybody get it free. If we drink a top shelflet that in Russian. Still you track falls for everybody, Tommy, Tommy, we're getting Russian caviat because you know they got the good stuff. They squeeze that egg right out and fish. I'm buying Steve Harvey hats and suits. Then SHIRLEYE. Carlin, We're gonna shop it. Yeah, go over to the fox of them all and kill it. We're gonna stop over at b J get out something to going to Phillips Babba Killer. It's gonna be so much food. We're gonna go over to J and J fish and docks. Not a fact. You know what? Because I got Russian money, I can rent a jet and we fly all over the country and all we do is eat and party and gamble and then guess what. Guess where we're gonna stop said this so bad said that Russian body does. I'm gonna have a dude with an umbrella and another dude gonna be rubbing baby all on my labs because I'm tipping it Russian. I'm gonna make that Russian money stretched. All right, Thank you, Cheryl as always tipping in tipping. She talking about the Russian money. Well, okay, now hold on, let me ask something because I let you'll do the keep. Yeah. Yeah, Now let me ask your something because I've obviously been working in this this whole Russian money story. Give me the background. Yes, I was laughing at the day, Joe, here's a hers here I called. Yes, the story with the Russian the dude, the lawyer, that's the fixer, Michael Cohen. He got about five hundred stacks of Russian mind president was a retainer, but you ain't beginning money from a hostile government. So everybody's seeing the mana for everybody, see what's happened if the Mulla dude got them all caught up? You know what I'm saying. A matter of fact, I think Bill Doke gonna do the interrogation, you know, yeah, because they got them all on the Russian money tip. And they did it when the campaign was happening, and it seemed to be a foreign hospital government, seemed to be putting our government in a trick bag. So there fault when the election was manipulated. Now, when I turned into a Republican, the Republican, the election was manipulated. Nobody wants to admit that. Really the Russians played us. And there's a lot of people Democrats and Republican got the Russian money, but the Democrats didn't get as much as to seem like the Republicans guy, and they called us Steve. They got us. I'm a claim Republicanism. They got us a trick bag. So I'm just I'm just waiting for my Russian money. It's they're paying Cohen to have access to the president. Really, I think they were just handing off money and everybody. And then they got old girl, then little find dime piece that's supposed to be a Russian lawyer right there, and then she acts like she don't really work for nobody. Then you found out she really works. So they got set up because you know, they always set you up with a fine lady. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, it's the honey pot. They always they always set you up with that. So we got set up all the way across the board. They were so greedy because they was getting all that Russian money, because it used to be that it was communist capital, communist money. But once they started making money, the Russian finging up in here. They're bawling in well, they're bawling out of control. So they were putting the money through coin to make sure they got to Trump but you and then making it in deposits of nine hundred and nine and nine thounds. That wouldn't be because that's the trigger right there. Yeah, that's the boy. But the artists need to be taxing all this money so the govern make a good day piece. And then you know, I'm gonna pay my ties. I'm gonna go over to faith for central and I tried to cry my ties and Russian money, you know, make it right in the telling. So did I answer the questions? Did I answer question? Yeah? Background was for me and for people listening, and for people listen that they didn't know that they don't how much is it worth? Can somebody go to the exchange and see it's a ruble up against a dollar? You know? I tell you that right now? Okay, tell me because you know the only thing I know, Steve is the ghetto stock exchange. When we used to flip a book? Is the E B T card? Question? What is the Russian currents? It's a ruble? I thought, are you right? What color was the twenty was the twenty dollar food stamp? When I'm perfect? Yeah, and you know how you flip it? J You're going on with the meat place and wait right in front of the meat place. That's when you exchange your money moving maybe, yeah, you can move some money down there with him stamps. That's right, that's right, because I stamp. And how much do you want to convert from? Okay? I got a hundred dollars? How can I go to the casino? All right, we gotta go, Cheryl? Okay, working out for me, Steve, I got a briefcase full of rushing money, like my wife. Coming up is Carlin's Reality Updates. You're listening to show. It's that time. Let's go here. It is the one and only call Us Update. Okay, so thank you, nephew. You know I was talking about Blackish last week. You know I've been devastating having on. You've been missing it? Somebody it involved? Yeah, so here anyway, Drey and Ball are having problems. They still are having problems. They still can't work it out. The family wants to work it out. The kids are not handling it very well. And their son, Junior, he graduated from high school. He gave this great speech about family and commitment, and you thought they were gonna work it out, and they didn't work it out. And they're talking about they're breaking up or something. Yeah, breaking up. That's where they are with it, Tommy, That's exactly what happened. It's just arguing they didn't do anything. They're just not getting along with this husband and wife and they're they're exhausted. Nobody was cheating or nothing like that. Why do you sound so happy? Happy? House out the side of the house. They tried that and the kids are just not handling the separation. Didn'tdre move out, but Jake sounds so happy that they're breaking out, move out, moved out, the same thing Jay did with his last wife. You're trying to compare it. I did the same thing. Change your name of the show. The one is breaking up this ship, ready to make the US healthy. Yea, yeah, So anyway, that's black is I'm gonna keep watching them is Are they making it funny? It's no, it's some serious moments. They have some comments. It's like the good times up today, Okay, funny when she thinking that would be going in exactly what's that about? Let him thrive? We're still right, We're still right, but okay, still going on. Carlin, All right, listen to this since it's Mother's Day. Mother's Day is Sunday. Did you guys see the Mother's Day special, Dear Mama was so good. I didn't see really good. So I was hosted by Anthony Anderson. Speaking of black Is, she was hosted by Anderson and La La Anthony and the show was honoring mother's Tianna Taylor. She honored her mother and her mom's favorite performer was Bobby Brown Boy Baby the King R and B struggled a little bit, but Tanna did her thing though she did every little step. They made that a duet and rocked it and killed. Bobby still got the moves. Yeah, got the movie, but love still picked it up where she showed out. She did her She was very good. Gabriel Union, she honored her mother, Teresa Union, and uh Nio performed good n Yeah it was really good. Did He honored his mom with a special performance from Mrs Janice Combs, her favorite singer, Miss Patty, you are my friend. And finally, finally, Colin Kaepernick, he was there and he to his mom, Teresa Kaepernick. She adopted him, but you know she raised him and he has brothers and sisters, and he talked about his mother and his love that Teresa, Colin Teresa Kaepernick gave him and how much he owes her and his family. Take a listen to. His speech to his mother was great. Tonight I have the honor of honoring my mother, Teresa Kaepernick. I know it seems ironic to some that a white woman from Wisconsin would be the person that parented me. I get it, but, like I tell her all the time, you chose me and you're stuck with me. As a child, I would draw family pictures in kindergarten, fully aware of the fact that I had to switch the colors of the crans when it came time to draw my skin in my hair. And while I did wonder who I looked like, I never had to wonder whether my mother loved me or not. That was never in question. Unfortunately, my mother's love alone could not live rate me from what it meant to be black and predominantly white spaces. And looking back though, I realized that there's a huge difference between a biological mother and the woman that mothered me, that protected me the best she could, that put in the real word, it was Teresa Kaepernick. Um. It was you that always stood by my side and understood that while I was adopted into the Kaepernick family, that also belonged to a larger black family. And as my protests has changed the way that people have come to see me, your love has never changed. It's always been consistent. And then during I Love You Mom, it was and he was flying at Carla Hunt. I love that he looked like he was calling, looked like he was from Wakonda. Baby. Yeah. It was a great special mother's Day, and Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's. Happy Mother's Day to George Wallace's mama bought a big bail of sweet hate He loves it. Just do you know how we say that people are gonna get Tommy because of the pranks, Wallace is gonna sweet Carla, So it's ignorant sweet. I was a big bill of sweet. Hey, man, you're gonna hear that knock at your door one day. Carla's reality Update guys, is brought to you by one eight hundred flowers, keet beautiful bouquets, arrangements and other gifts that any mom is guaranteed to love. Go to one eight hundred flowers dot com, click that radio icon and enter coad Strawberry. That's one eight hundred flowers dot com code Strawberry Okay, coming up at twenty after the hour, A horse is living every man's stream. Just know that you guys would want to be this horse. Horse. Okay, Tommy, I've been calling. We'll talk about we'll talk about it right after this. Wait till you hear this story. Guys, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're gonna love this story, alright. Former triple crown winner American Pharaoh retired back in two thousand fifteen. If you follow, you know the Jerby and all of that, you'll you'll remember American Pharaoh. Anyway, wall Mama ran, Yeah, he didn't do good. Though she didn't. I want to jump on him. And I have money, money on but money. Hey, George is gonna be on Law and Order, suv Ye. That's the one she's on. Mama Mama. Nobody does George Wallace. Mama jokes on this show. But me. Alright, you can joke me. You can't tell about miss Wallace. Crews you change. Yeah, Oh, we heard, we heard the right. All right. Let me finish the story because you guys are gonna love this story. Former triple crown winner American Pharaoh retired back in two thousand fifteen after wins as a Kentucky Derby at the Preakness and at Belmont Stakes. Well, since then, he's been living the life that all guys envy. Okay, he's a six year old thorough Bread. He doesn't race anymore because he's too busy having sex. Yes, okay, so listen. His owners sold his breeding rights to a breeder who has American Pharaoh getting busy multiple times a day. For every horse that he successfully impregnant, he actually well, the breeder actually gets two hundred thousand dollars. His success rate is about eight so he turned up to forty million million dollars a year. This is really good. One of his babies was sold last fault for a million dollars. So there you go. Let me just so, if he's with a horse and the horse does not get pregnant, does that person get their money back? No? No, no, no, you just gotta keep trying. You come in the room. It ain't my fault. You ain't working. I work. And they got my horse shoes up everybody, and they got horse music playing. Saw me shaky was shooting like this show me falls around horse shoes. I did wrong with kids, don't know this though. The kids that listen to the show don't know this. But there used to be a TV show called Mr. And Mr. Talking Horse. Yeah horses a horse but Mr. Yeah, you can YouTube, guys if you haven't seen it. We actually bought that. We watched that show and the only time we would talk when when he went out to the barn, right, no, no, and it ramped like five seasons. Yeah, yeah, Wilber. We watched people. Yeah, yeah, we'll kill again. Figure out how to count get home. I'm good for the first three. You don't want to make no money. I want you don't want to make no money. I'll be the first portal star horse. You can video tape me we come back. We're gonna tell you, and I think we all need this. When you'll know when it's time to go back to church and we're in the church, say a man, man, let's go now. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show. When you know it's time to go back to church, it's time. You know when it's time to go to church, Okay, when you know it is time to take yoke but the church. Somebody needs to lay hands on me right now. Jesus Jesus, Jesus, how did I get here? When you wake up and you win somebody and you don't know their name, it is time to who you talk about? Backslide? Yeah, how long we've been laying got handcuffs? Yeah, you know it's time to go back to church. When you wake up and the bike box, you can't explain nothing. Who I'm doing it too much? I'm doing too much. You know. It's sad to go back to church. When you wake up and you got her phone home? What they're here and it's backwards you in the past and in the back, Pard in the front. That's a crazy, crazy visual right there, that it's time for you to go back to the church. When you're starting to look at your boys grandmama and starting to feel something, Yeah, you to me, I never felt this way. Let you know it's time to go back to church. When you see spake mark on your behind and you don't know how they got that. Yeah, you can't excuse me, did you know? And it's a man hand. It's pretty rough way. You know, what's time to act? When your lights watering gay get turned on the same day, you can't do nothing. It's time, you know, it's time to go back. When you wake up and your whole chest is pier I need the Lord that it's time for you to go back to the church. You've been arguing with this fine girl for on ahead, trying to convince her that ain't no way y'all can because it's ago. We're not really cousins. Not come on figuring webout down to the fifth the fifth. It's time to go back to church. You know it's time to go back to church. When you wake up with a tattoo that says Veronica and you don't know about name, it's time to go back the shirt where you start stalking anybody, oh little women talking about everyway. All right, when we come back, it is time for closing remarks. We'll have a little something different for you. It's going to be closing remarks. But don't go anywhere. You're gonna love this. Okay, we'll be back to until forty nine after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's that I'm guys. Steve said for once, he's going to bow out and let the guys on the show handle closing remarks. You know, Yeah, there's a lot of times that he needs to bow and let us have it and let us have help. Scary scary, Right, there's a lot of times that he needs to out time three. This is what we do. So today I like how you did that. I like you right Today we have closing remarks. You guys are gonna do it right. Yeah, so let me if you let me explain it. I'm getting to it, but I have to put on mine this voice so you can take me more seriously. But today is what we call the triple closing, the triple closing. So let me enticified and identitalize the crucimation. Oh where I stand U and I am in the middle of rejectivity? Uh, intestically speaking deep there hear you? You you understand because it's a spur so deep deep words of where I'm coming from. And you have to sometimes um get you andul to understand the way I'm throwing and the way I am throwing. Take it back, take it back. See see right right now where we at, right now, right now. See in your life, the question still is and shall remain can you stand the right? I don't know if some of y'all can go outside, come on, but can you stand what is touch your feet? Can you stand the right? I don't know about I can't stay it. But you're talking about you said, see see here's the problem. Come on and and and and and and and and and and and in the butter fingers of life? What what? What? What people try to do to you is snicker and you all the time. But your life is a lolipop? Come on, now you know what I'm that your life is a lilipop. And it's what you're trying to do is get your chips here, chimp, But you can stop burst that. You can stop bursting if you want to stop first? How many lips does it take? Center? Come on? What you wanna do? Yes, is rubbed the jergons on you man, so you can get the vassiline of fact step because that is a ain't been all section that needs to be lubricated. You understand that, don't You can't pick it up? I'll tell you what after you ask yourself, can't you stand the right? The next question you need to find out your life? Just why did Peter stuff off that boat? Don't why if he was already on the phone, why let you go out there? See? Sometimes in your life sit your ass. Yeah, yeah, stay on the inside. You were read out to get out the boat. Check it out the boat. Questions you get off the boat, Jane, Now he was on the cruise. Whoa alright like that. You don't break the break, keep moving, pussy. Your life is a vegetable. Stand come over here now. Yeah, you can't carry in it. You can't carre of it. It is a tomato, and the tomato has to be squeeze squeen toma to get tomato juice. Then the cute comber of life comer must be hard life hard. Yeah, you gotta have a hard you're coming. This ain't a couliflower. It's not this. It's not a Coliflower's not not a colliflower. Thinking that, man, Come on, Tommy, I thought for once. This is thinking now this will never happen again now till I thought this for once, because now when the time that we must put on, I will leave eyes of life. They run into the tough skinning world. Yes, yes, from Sassoon to Jordad. We have to go back to the your funder bill days. We have to go to Sassoon. We have to oh the Calvin clown of life. But you have to understand the hugo bossing. Do you get those Yeah, you away wants? You got yourself, You expand in the right. You gotta SiGe out. Would mate be the step off that boat? The next thing you need to figure out in your life? Are you living? Oh somebody else's couch, That's what I'm saying. And color understanding what the hell we say? Are you living? Oh somebody else's couch? See see see seat see see see see. Life is a spandex. Sometimes it's tight, sometimes it needs to be stretched. And that's what I'm talking about. That was closing out of time. Let's see how we can take this thing on here now. I don't care if you wanna be an allocator in your life, yes, or some of y'all are skunks because you're sucking sometimes you're understand some a lot of skunks out. There's some polars out with a cold out too. You don't understand what. Some of y'all are slow and your ass is moving too slow in this morrow. Some of y'all are turtles and you might not help, but get what you want to go yourself. Y'all listen, you stick your tongue out and don't want to do nothing with nobody. That's just gonna say, we gotta go. That is a triple clothes. It's lapping fun for all. Steve Harvey Contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal u AS residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Dame Harvey Morning Show.