Church Complaints, Snowflake The Dog, Duke of Ottingham, Junior Poetry and more.

Published Feb 22, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve has a need and here we is. It's about to go down! The Chief Love Officer has some game for a lady that fell for the okie doke. The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem has a very special guest today and with his nasaly @$$ press play to get some Rev. Adnoid. Big ups to our very own Shirley Strawberry and Carla Ferrell for their contribution to Living Black. Back from being snowed in, Junior has some very belated Valentine's poetry. Our very own Fool #2 has an exclusive interview with Snowflake The Dog. Steve has cold things to say in Sports Talk. There is news from Buckingham Palace via The Duke of Ottingham. The crew talk about the hardest things to give up for Lent. Today Big Dog wraps up the show with health talk. Monday is his fasting day.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them just like theming bu bu things and it's not me through good Steve to mother sty don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn out very You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, ah, I shore will come on and everybody y'all listening to the voice, come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Hey man, back in business too? Man Man, how good is God? I mean, really, if you think about it in spite of all that's going down in your life, First of all, it could be worse. But secondly, sometimes you have to remember. And I've just had to have this conversation with myself this morning. That's how I'm fresh on this one right here. When a challenge faces you, are you going through a difficult moment, or you didn't hit a bump in the road in the middle of that, If you could manage to be grateful, it would take you a long way. Gratitude is a powerful resource. If you can be grateful in the middle of it. Gratitude is a powerful resource when it's dim for you, and it got a little bumpy on the road, and you ran into some obstacles and you didn't ran up into some detooled signs, and your journey ain't smooth as it was last week or last year. You gotta be grateful for the things that are going right and that have gone right, and for the thing that's wrong right now to get right. Man, cannot share that with you. Man, is that a tough one to learn? It is for me. It has been one of my toughest challenges is to learn how to be grateful because it's a powerful resource, but how to be grateful in moments of despair when it ain't going right. See here's a mistake I would make. See when something go wrong, I want to focus on the wrong so much in an attempt to fix it. But even then the focus ain't always in to fix it. The focus becomes, Man, this is bad, Man, I can't believe this is happening. Why just keep going down? That doesn't fix anything, you know, mealing over it, going over what's wrong, explaining it, sharing it with your friends, you know, making it sound worse than it is. Tell the story for pity from other people. All of that right there, has nothing to do with the fix. Sometimes you're just mulling over it. You're just making it worse. You're just making it a bigger problem. You're manifesting it into your atmosphere, You're putting it out there in your spirit. Now, all of a sudden, it consumes your day. Next thing, you know, you're having a bad day. If you're having a bad day, it's because you've been having some bad thoughts. So what I've had to learn how to do, and what I'm working on this morning, is I'm working on this situation that's been cropped up. I was going kind of smooth here for a minute, and now I didn't got real bumpy in the road, you know, and all this here. So what I'm thinking about now, though, is even though I've hit a bump in the road, and even though out and ran into a detour, and even though I've hit this love, I'm going down into a valley, I ain't up on the peak. Can I not still be grateful for all the things that God has given me, for all the things He's done for me, for all the things he's brought me through, and realizing that even this that's happening to me again is going to pass too. He gonna get me through that attitude. Come on, man, God is a good god. Man. It's a lot to be grateful for. So while I'm tripping on this bumping the road out and here, what I gotta remember is all the things He's done for me. And like I say, my saying is joy depression cannot reside in the same place. So instead of being down about this new bumping the road, if I'm constantly filling my mind with the thoughts of how good He's been to me, of what all he's done for me, of all the things he's brought me through, of all the blessings he's presented me with, when I go down now, list, I really don't have a lot of time to mull over the situation. Now. Do I have to fix this bump in the road. Of course I do. Are There's some things I'm going to have to do to straighten it out, of course it is. But Steve just going to get the business of doing it and straighten it out. What you mulling over and wearing about it for you know, old people. I heard old people say something when I was growing up in the church. They say, if you're gonna pray about it, don't worry about it. But if you're gonna worry about it, don't pray about it. That's an amazing thing. And prayer just happens to be my weapon of choice. Man, it ain't always been that way. I want you to understand that My first weapon of choice was you do it to me, I do it to you. You call me out, I call you out, you say something bad about me. I've tried to find you and say something bad about you. That was my weapon in the past. How did that work out for you, Steve? Not so good? Because you know what, I spent a lot of time fighting back, kicking back, swinging back, when I could have spent all that time climbing. See. All you trying to do at the end of the day, folks, is have a better life than the one you got. All you're trying to do is to improve your position in life. You know, it's not my business to make sure you don't get where you're going. Ain't got no time for that. It's not my job to assure that you ain't as high as me. I ain't got no time for that. Your real mission and purpose is to have the best life that you can have, to ascend to the highest plateau that you can get to, to make your family as comfortable as you can, to provide as much as you can for your family. But legally, see, those of us are sitting up here trying to come up with sideways. You can ask a couple million men sitting in prison today how they wish they hadn't have done that, and they'll tell you, Oh, man, I wish I never had did it. I knew not to go down there. Something told me not to go down. Man. If I could change things, I would. But they're sitting somewhere doing some time that had they made another decision, they wouldn't have to do. Now that don't make them throw away people, na, man, because everybody make mistakes, and God is in the forgiving business, and some of us have done some things that really broke the law, and a whole lot of other things and deserve to do some time. But through the grace of God, we didn't. But now we set up here and we passed judgment on people who got to do something. Now I don't care I don't care what you've done. God can't forgive anything, but our position, our motivation in life is to try to have the best life we can have and provide for those around us and make it comfortable. If that's your ambition, you don't have time to worry about or concern yourself with another person. And I wasted time doing that, and that's not the way to get it done. It's simply mind to your business, taking care of you and getting yourself right and tight. Is twenty four seven, so that's a full time job. So what I had to learn was and what I've the reason I've chosen prayer as as my weapon of choice now is that now prayer helps me that I don't have to fight back. Now, if I get corned, I'm gonna fight you. I ain't even gonna lie to you. And now I'm still working on some things that trigger me. You know, you know, you know, and and and and so I'm I'm slowly getting better at that. But I've learned that my weapon of choice is prayer now. So when it happens ugly for me, I pray about it. When it gets tight and dismal for me, I pray about it. And the thing about prayer, man is prayer changes things. Yes, it does. Now read about it and try it. That's the deal. Okay, come on, prayer as a wonderful weapon. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen. I need it. It's not like a need, well it is a need. I need your undivided attention. Why because it's about to go down. Steve Harvey, Marty Show, damn morning. We're here every morning, now day, all time. You cut it on here we is whoa That's how I like stars show by. My father always said, improper Grandma gets everybody's attention. Then say what you want, ladies and gentlemen, Steve Harf, Morny Shall, Shelley Stawber and Shelley quit rolling your eyes. My head as spinning. But you need surely you need to learn something. Stop backing bullish. You call it for real everybody. Good morning, everybody, Yeah, buddy, body, what's up? Look who's back? Junior? Yes, sir, and you being you know how I've been trapped in Houston. Yeah without there, you got trapped in Houston. We're in the snow and with his family. Yeah, rough week. Jathany Brown, good week, Good starting up before week of work. Steve glad to be here, a full week of work. I'm here and accountable, Yes, sir, ready to do it? Ready? Yeah, I'm so ready. Yeah, we're all here. Anyone else you wanted to introduced? Anybody else here? Right? You know that's her point? Oh? Well, person, I don't know why he all whatever out? His pie went out again in Houston. He couldn't reach the plug. Light switched too high. Somebody set the rout of box on top of a cabinet or something. None that gets funny, none of them. Look at team Tommy taking up for his friend. None of it. None of it, None of it, Team Tommy. Where is he? Don't know? I ain't didn't check with me. I don't know where it ain't check with me? Oh oh, tim Tommy backing out? Check with you? Ain't all the way committed? He't? Tommy ain't all the way lose my job behind him? Did you call him and wake him up this morning? Yeah? But if I'm run, run and run are loyal? You are loyal? You better lie. Tommy's on assignment? How about that? Yes? Good? Huh He's on assignment? Uncle Steve. Signment for what nobody, nobody, stupid to be on assignment for them all right, coming up in thirty and got a whole lot of other people could be on this side on it high. No damn time me to be on assignment as the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this. You're listening to show, all right, any stories for the weekend, Steve, you want to tell us about? No? I just watching some new shows. So what what new shows are you watching? All this show called bridgets it's not watching that? Are you just now watching that? Because it's not new? So just showed up on my screen. What you're talking about a year? Show ain't been out no year. I just about the show what rowed up on my screen? Look my profile on my Netflix, say Steve, I'm watching knock Holes Killing Drugs. Yeah, wallah, all that you know. I ain't got the pop up, no Steve, suggestions for you. I just saw new new to me and Bridgetons was on that and I started watching it and there's no ass on the end. Yeah, it's just more than one of them. They've already been they've already been renewed for it second season. Steve. Yeah, the second season. Yes, yes, it's so good. Yea. When I first watched it, I didn't even know it was another episode. I thought it was a movie. So you see my heart went when it went next episode to went right into it. I love it. You ain't got a skip intro or none? Yeah? Yeah, all right? Well okay, well, welcome to Bridgerton. It's okay, time for you now right, time for ass the cello Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. This one is from Colette in Minnesota. Collette says, I'm twenty nine. I'm dating a thirty one year old man I met online. He's very shy and self conscious, and I've been trying to get him to relax. It's been four months. So I brought up sex to him and he said I should lower my expectations because he's sure I've had much better than him. So we had sex and I had to have it extremely dark in my room before he'd get naked. But when I tell you that this man put it down, he put it down. He has no idea what he's working with. How can I help with his self confidence? Oh? Now you fail for the ok right exactly? Oh you don't see you don't know the game. He lowered your expectatious and then exceed it though, see you was looking for a little or nothing. Yeah all this, you know, lower expectation shy cut the lights way out. Then he came in there with Hammel. Now she sprang, Now you sprung tricks on you. Tricks. Tricks is for kids, silly rabbit. Yeah you ain't. You ain't got to work on him for nothing. That's game. Plenty of self confidence, thank you. That's all that is. Cutting lifestyle. Cut the lifestyle, because I don't want you to see what all what's fitting to having me a well? He put it down all right, Glenn and Brooklyn says. I'm twenty seven and after my dad died, I moved in with my mother. She invited my older sister and her four year old twins to move into. My sister and I work full time and we pay mom's bills. My sister also pays my mom to keep her kids. When we get home from work, the house is always a total wreck. My mom says it's our job to keep up, to clean up, and she constantly nags us. We pay all the bills and buy all the food. My sister even does all the cooking. Are we asking too much to come home to a clean house? Maybe you ain't never kept no kids, right kids? As soon as you clean up an area, yes, they mess it right back up. Now, your mama had put her time in with you and the daughter. First of all, you know, y'all moving in, y'all call yourself moving in, helping, But y'all really just moved back in the y'all in her house, you know. So y'all, y'all, your your sister figures she gotta build in babysitter. But that's all she doing. Your MoMA ain't doing nothing else. And yeah, it is too much for you to ask her to keep a clean house. Somebody give a damn about you paying the bills. You could have paid the bills at your own house because you pay bills. Dog, you can't come in there and tell your mama to clean up her house. Probably you ain't the head of this house, homie. You gain that up another cleaning bill, another bill, and who do that anyway? Move as, keep moving, I mean the dad passed door. Yeah, okay, all right now Hannah and Cleveland, we're moving on. Hannah says, I'm a thirty six year old woman. I've been with an ungrateful man for three years. He moved in with me A year after we met. He mentioned marriage, so I stayed on my A game, trying to be the perfect girlfriend. Then our relationship shifted and he started pointing out things I didn't do right, like if his toast was too dark. I got fed up and I finally asked what his intentions are for me slash us. He said, I'm a good woman, but not quite marriage material yet. Should I keep trying to woo him or kick his ass out? You're not marriage for two. In the words of Judge Leantola on My show, don't let him. Man have to tell you twice he don't won't shoo that's true. You're not really wife the two? So what makes him husband the two? You just said? He's ungrateful. She put in that time, but he hears a problem though a lot of women put in time and try to hang in there so the time don't get wasted. Well, if things don't change for you right now, do you want three more years of what you had or do you want to cut your losses and walk off? Please cut her loss and couldn't letting the do undervalue you. Right, you are enough a man. Stop all that, ladies, Yes, you ain't. You ain't marriage. That's another thing. Let me and he should be trying to woo her. She shouldn't be trying to woo him. Right. Facts, all right, Thank you, Cello, great advice as always. Coming up next, Reverend Motown and Reverend Adnoid with today's church complaints and announcements. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna's standing by with our national news and entertainment news. We'll have a recap of iHeart Radio Living Black. Did you guys get a chance to check it out? Tell you yeah, We'll tell you about that. We'll also tell you why New York Senator aoc was in Houston over the weekend, and Kim Kardashian yes, has officially filed from for divorced from Kanye. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, it is Monday and it's time for church complaints with Reverend Motown and special guests Reverend ad Noid. I believe I hear him breathing already. We or hell oh, delf Jam is out and you can probably hear in the background on his replacement is Dunaji Reverend ad Noid, who are going to take over for church complaints as we begin, then let us begin, begin and begun. Now come on that nor good voted everybody and these are today's These are the church complaints. These are the announcements. These are from the kinder God and kids on zoom. They have some religious questions for you. These are from the kids. The little kids want to know praise, praise the Lord. Yes, for the inquisitive minds are the youngest. The youngest, the youngest first questions and said, it's this. Here's the first question. If Jesus was alive, If Jesus was alive, we need you to answer these questions. If Jesus was alive, would he have a website? They want to know, if Jesus was alive, would have a website? What do you think? Well, no, God don't need no wealth site because proud He's the only way to get through websites crash. God is faithful at all time websites. I rely on why five God is to create the five? Why? And then again, children, a question from the little ones. They want to know if Jesus was alive, would Jesus be on TikTok and would he posts her selfie, that's what they want to know. They want to ask question. If Jesus posts herself, it's gonna be shocking, cause that means he backed with that in mind. All I'm not or add Nord listen, Okay, Saint Jose segment is our sinking. Okay, go ahead, you're so in the hurry? Go ahead? Are you? Are you through? Now? Okay? Here we go. If Jesus was alive, they want to know. Children won't know if Jesus would live, would he sell T shirts? That's what they want to know. They asking you these questions, asking me would sell T shirts? Why would the Lord sell T shirts? When he can turn water into wine? He performed miracles? Not printing duty? All right? Are you finish? Okay? These are from the kids. You you're directing these to me, but they're not. I'm not the one asking these questions. I hear anger in your voice. You know you you're revering yourself. You took the questions from the kids, questions and you bought them to me. You could have told these kids yourself. But here we go, here we go. No, they said, ask the pastor. I'm asking the pastor if Jesus was alive. You're losing your voice. I was not losing anything. If Jesus was alive, would he have a private jet? They want to know, would have a privates only? Asking you why? Asking you what Jesus a private jet? When Lord is ever private? And then he's there for you take off? Yeah, when you land as you need him? How God is everywhere? Yes? Anger here, anger at me? And these are the kids asking these questions. But I don't know why you anger at me? Here comes another question from the children. They want to know if Jesus was alive, with Jesus, if Jesus was a live, would Jesus have on a fantasy suit or when he's still with a rope that he's winning? What they want to know? To ask you? Then know, asking you word drove question. Jesus has clothes, lilies of defeat. He put feathers on the bridge that fly he rolled solemnly. There is no more beautiful dresser than the garment master to himself, creative, all colors and creation. It ain't matter what he wan. It's when he coming and that time, No, man, no, don't worry about what he gonna have on. Make sure you got the word on when he showed up much anger at me. I don't know why I'm tigre. I don't like talking to death jail replacement. He ain't Hill and you Hill wants them off. That's what the hell was? Okay, Well, here become another question? Here would go? They want to know if Jesus wasn't a lie, if Jesus lie, would he charge for fish donners? If he would he do that that with the church? Does he don't want to know? The Lord don't need your money. This is the Lord, This ain't the church. Now the great amount give a lot? Yeah, we need to charge for him fish chamber just called. We gotta put some money in the building. Fud okay, But the Lord do miracles, he don't do payments. Would another question? Can we just take a pause and like drop some of the anger that's coming with me? So we just take a quick pause and like get some of that anger out towards me? Here would go? Next question. If Jesus was alive, would Jesus have a convention? That's what they want to know. These are the questions they have. They won't know what Jesus the second coming of revenue, Okay, and it won't be a convention. It's gonna be old. It's gonna be a rapture. Let the church say, man, man man questions. Couple questions. If you want if Jesus was if Jesus was alive, We do you have an ask phone or Android? What do you think? Or Android? Which the Lord, It's not gonna be trying to get on the payment, playing with AT and T or T mobile. You're gonna mess around, get all your phone shut off. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news right after seven hundred for headache. You're listening, all right, guys in trending News. Thanks to everyone who checked out iHeartRadio's Living Black. It was a great Black History celebration of our black culture and our excellence. Powerful conversations and performances from Kirk Franklin, janet Ico Killer, Mike Mary J. Blige to Mika Mallory and Donnell Rawlings. Um Our very own Carla Farrell's Walmart salute to Black business owner's video was also featured. Yeah, thank you, You're welcome. If you missed it, please go to Steve HARVEYFM dot com, slash black to check it out. Okay, oh, we have to also give a shout out to Shirley because she did all the voice work and introducing the artists and all our very own shirts. D you know, congratulations was good though. It was good, fun and good. Yeah. Very informative. Yeah, very good to see our artists in a different arena, you know, yes, speaking their minds and stuff like that being topical all of that again, if you missed it, go to Steve HARVEYSM dot com, slash Living black to check it out. Now and other trending news. Texas Senator Ted Cruz posted pictures of himself handing out a case of water to his constituents. Really really one yeah, and many Texans reaction to the posts were it's too late. Meanwhile, over the weekend, Democratic New York Congresswoman AOC that's Alexandria Occasio Cortez was on the ground working and volunteering in Houston along with other Texas Democratic leaders. She also raised over get this number, four million dollars for victims of the winter storm. And even though Texas is considered a Republican state. AOC received a very huge and very warm welcome. Yes, yeah, all right, all right, te crews. Okay, you know what I think. I think it's gonna happen. I think if if we get this voter registration right and we turned Texas blue, who have mercy? Huh, let's go Texas. We gotta vote. Yeah, next year it starts all over again. Definite terms. And if it was, if the election was help tomorrow, he'd be gone. He would be gone. He would after that stunt, after that, after that. Yeah, you're you're in the trenches with your people. You know, that's why they elected you because example, yeah, you represent them exactly. Question. Sure what the airline was ted on that was going to Canco, but the one I worked, they wouldn't leave nobody nobody. Yeah. Yeah, and here's you know, yeah, it wasn't private. I do know that. Yeah, but he did have an escort to the airport. He used the police to escort him to the airport. Dollars are going see, you know, man, a dude, and man, if they let this go, I'm gonna be major league disappointed. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, we just gotta do what we do. Steve what we do here at the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and that's encouraged people to get out and vote, and they saw it made a difference in this last presidential election. And we can continue. Let's not stop, keep this momentum going for sure. Finally, as we move on, Keim Kardashian West has officially filed for divorce from Kanye and as she said that Kanye's mental health issues will not have an impact on any of their shared custody agreement for their four children because there's always been a safety in place with other caretakers and family members around the children with him, and she trusts Kanye with the kids because he's a good father. So there you go with that. Okay, Well, yeah for her right now, I mean, you know, he is a good dad man, he really is, all right, Steve, miss Anne Trim, Okay, here we go. Well, a former New York City police officer's dying wish was to have a letter that he'd written made public. It's a letter in which he admits to having had a hand in the conspiracy to assassinate Malcolm X. The undercover cop was named Ray Wood. His cousin is Reggie Wood. This letter details his the FBI and the NYPD's involvement in the assassination of Malcolm X, and how he was forced to betray his people. He conspired to help the NYPD assassinate Malcolm X. He wanted the world to know that he is deeply sorry, and the NYPD stands for New York City Police Department. Ray Wood says that his job was to make sure that Malcolm's closest bodyguards were implicated in some sort of crime and under arrest the day that Malcolm was murdered. And Wood says he's helped implicate other innocent black men in their fight for civil rights over years. At the bidding of white law enforcement attorney Benjamin Crump, others calling on the Manhattan DA and members of the Congressional Black Caucus to investigate Raywood's confession and the US government's potential role in the assassination of Malcolm X. Reggie Wood says he's carried the information around with him for ten years, afraid of what the government might do to him and his family if they found out what he knew. Yesterday was the fifty sixth anniversary of Malcolm X's assassination in Washington. This week. House Democrats expected to give the okay to mister Biden's trillion dollar COVID relief package on Friday. That's when they take a vote. However, it looks like the GOP may not go along with the fifteen dollar minimum waging. They might have to give that up to get them to just be nice and play nice. After Friday's vote, the measure goes to the Senate, where it's a fifty fifty split between the Dems and the Republicans. But if all the Democrats are on board, they can pass the bill without any GOP support since Vice President Kamala Harris can cast the deciding and tie breaking vote. Doctor Anthony Fauci says although the nation's COVID numbers are getting better and better, he doesn't foresee any early changes in the way Americans have been told to protect themselves the masks and stuff. Donald Trump slated to address the Conservative Political Action Conference on Sunday. According to ABC News, he's going to make his first major public appearance since leaving office at the SEAPAC conference in Orlando. He's expected to talk about the future of the GOP and the Conservative movement. By the way, CNN says that former Vice President Pence declined an invitation to speak at the right wing gathering, and finally, yeah, talk about Ted Cruz was cruising. Looks like right wing Texas Republican cruise. Still seen in a negative light ever since it was discovered that he took his family on impromptu vacation in Mexico as the bulk of his constituents were dealing with no electricity, subfreezing temperatures, forced to boil snow for drinking and cooking with closer to thirty storm related depths. This is an tripp. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steven Show. Well, as you heard at the top of the show, Junior is back from Texas and just in time, just in time with the belated valen Time's Day poems. Take it away, Junior. Yeah, well I was, I was snowed in and you know, the wise belated uncle. But you know this for the person that I didn't get to give Valentine's too, and I just had to write a poem, just really just an apology to her. So this is this is what it's called belated Valentine's Day palm. Yeah, came up with that. Here he goes, sorry, I missed Valentine's but I was waiting on the President's Day sale. Uh they looked and noticed I missed the day, and they said to myself, Oh, well, so maybe I get you some sheets or blended would be nice. Candies and flowers are good, but have you seen the prices? Oh no? Why did they make these two days so close close together? They got half off on underwear. Didn't you get a sell like that? Never? So happy Valentine's Day, baby, And I mean that from my heart, But I guess I got till earlier this morning to get your gift. And uh that's because when the sales end, that's when they're gonna start Happy Valentine's Day. The end. What is it? Welcome? That's all I had for I have a relationship after this. We didn't miss eight day old Paul. Yeah, that's actually one of the worst. Yeah. Well, you know it's hard when you when you're in pain like that and you didn't miss Valentine Day. You and your girl got Valentine Day end. We didn't because it was late or was it bad? Because it was bad? Which was bad and bad and then you know they don't slow the inn excuse you might want to hear all that I was supposed to do. I don't know. I don't know what you was supposed to Women don't care. It's what I supposed to walk, Get a dog team, snowmobile, do something dog. Women don't care. Well, Steve, okay, put on your clo hat and just help them, help them get get her back, get his girl anything. I don't know. Man, you know anybody that can cook me? I'll cook you guys something. Yeah, I got to cook dinner. I could do that real knowing like I didn't say anything like that. I know good carts cause I said I do you know somebody who can cook? And you said me? And the whole room got quiet. Say I wasn't trying to shut it down, all right? Coming up at thirty four, Thank you, Junior. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. Rumor has it t Cruise left his pet dog at home while they went to cancoon. We'll talk exclusively to Cruise's dog right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, word has it that Texas Senator Ted Cruise left his pet dog home alone when he and the family went to Mexico um and, as luck would have it, our very own Jay Anthony Brown has an exclusive Steve Harvey Morning Show interview with the family dog. Take it away, Jay, this is great, all right, all right on the phone. So first of all, do I call you snowflake? Mister snow do I'll call you snow Which one is comfortable for you? Were you were? You go ahead and call me snow That's what I got. I got snow Okay, okay, all right? When did you know they were going to Cancoon? I didn't have any idea they were going nowhere, you know, because oh, you hear that word around the cruise house a whole lot. What What was that? What? What was that? You there right now? Can coon? Can't coon in the cruiser's house? Yeah, you know, seemed like every day, you know, well, how did you How did you feel about the fact that that they left you? How did you feel about that? Will? I mean, you know, a matter of fact, you know, I feel really bad. I mean, pardon the pun, but you dog gonna shame. The pun is accepted in partning the pun again, I wouldn't treat the dog the way they treated you, I really okay, uh, well you were the cruisers because they left you and where they always stand off it's like this, you know, did did you? I mean? Were they always just kind of way with you? I mean, well, you know, you know you're talking about leave me. You know, I really thought me and Ted were tight, you know, I mean, you know, we go one hundred trips. You know, we played French with this dick, you know. And then when his wife Hidey, you know, sheen a looker, you know, according to Trump no more, you know, you know, but when she cooked something that he didn't like, you know, he gave it to me. You know, he just slided under the table. I take care of it for I love the dogs. Well, when they left, did they leave you any food? I mean, did they leave food for you to like? You know? Just yeah, yeah, they left kibbles. They leave kible you mean you mean kibbles and bits? Now they cheap cheap as just left kibbles. Was no, damn bitch, just straight kibbles. They took the bits out of the kibbles and bits out of there, all right. Did they did they leave some water? No? No, no, no, no no no, they had no water wash down them dry as kibbles. Damn. You know. In case you guys don't know, we're talking to Snowflake the dog, the cruises dog. Well, when did you find out that they was going to Cancun? How did you find that out? I mean hell, I found out like everybody else, I saw it on television. Yeah, I watching you, you know, because they did leave that on for me. Okay, all right, I'm so bad. What are what are your plans? What are your plans? Did you like get even with the cruises? What are you planning to do? Thank? What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get rabies and bite everybody. Oh like the dog, you're planning to get rabies? I mean what? Yeah, yeah, I get it. Called you know, I know they got it. Well we'll hold on now, hold on for those of years don't know that is a female dog that it's been nice? Know you got you got anything else up for? The cruisers were the same here? You know, I guess anything else? Well, you know, I left a little surprise for him. What's that? What is that? I pete on everything in there? Got a couple of little slipper slide surprised slipper slide on the kitchen float for his ass when he come through that back door. Brain funk called coming out next. No, it's been talking right after this. You're listening to morning show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject I'm stuck between a sister and a brother. All right, but right now Junior is here for the nephew with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, Junior? Well, today, Charlotte seems after nephew has left us a prank phone call and the subject is surveillance. There is surveillance we'll be talking about. Okay, all right, here you go, run a cat. Hello. Yes, I'm trying to retail please. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach it missus. Uh please hello. My name is Officer from the Corona Police Department Narccotics Division. Where's the call from Police Department, Narcotics Division. Man, my name is officer. Okay, I'm even you a call. Um. There is a possibility I want to try and get the particulars with you. You have two sons? Do you have a one? And okay, uh, there's reason to believe that there is some narcotics going on with these two gentlemen. Now, I wanted to speak with you about it. My understanding that you're over the crime watch actually in that particular area, and I know that here lately there's been um camp Hello, Hello, hang on the phone ahead. It's my understanding. You guys have I know you've put surveillance cameras up so you can actually get a general area of what's going on. All right, Yes, okay, where has been within the last week, Because what we've done is we've put somebody on them and watched them very closely, and we're wanting to know from you because I understand that you are the person over crime watch. What's going on with your two sons. Well, say, for one thing, I don't allow job to tell it from my house period. I don't. I don't even allow that because I am the head of the car watch. I don't even allow people to even come back here. It's a buy drugs, Okay. Now, I know it's some kids that's mad at my kids. They were calling the cops to my house, coming into my house and throwing rocks and everything. But I can assure you sir. That's one thing I do not play. I do not allow people to even come back to my house. Okay. Now, are there surveillance cameras, ma'am that are pointing in any area like and you're back that you haven't really activated it? No more? Okay, where exactly where your camera's pointing? What angle? Were they towards the road towards row? Is there anything in the backyard area of where you are? No? Okay, that's the only one we had. All right, here's what's going on. We're actually and I'm gonna just be completely honest with you, there's a possibility of a raid coming in there, because we truly believe that are having some type of counterband in that house right there. You just hold on for hello, see if you can get that tech here? Hello? Yes? Okay, yes, have you spoken, sir? Let me tell you one thing. Okay, I will bust. I don't even allowed to come back to my house at all. I don't play that. I'm the head of crime Watch. I think all the need to go get a job and stop messing up their damn like that's that's that's what's wrong with them, Okay, And I don't play that, and I don't appreciate that. Okay, are the two boys there right now? Can I speak with those guys one by one place? Do you mind if I do that? Miss? They don't want to come to the phone. Nobody wants to talk to the office of the law. Huh, huh uh. What do you think, miss? I'm gonna try to hand list as diligently as possible. Do you think I should come out and speak with your boys there at No, I'm trying to avoid a raid having I'm avoiding my damself. No, I'm trying to avoid a raid coming to your home. Man, That's what I'm trying to do. I want to call and talk to you sensible and see if I can get some things rectified here, because right now it seems like it shouldn't. That camera should be actually pointing at your back door or your backyard so I can see what's going on there. That's what seems to be happening here. Okay, Well, do what you gotta do. You know what I'm going to go. Okay, Well, before you do all of that, can we permit pretty much like make sure that we know what we're talking about. Do you think that they have contraband in the household. No, I don't allow that in my household. Okay, I'm a Christian woman. I don't allow that in my household. Have you beat these children before on this particular issue, if you had problems with them in the pass on this? No, all right, I don't. I'm just trying to square it up as quick as possible. I don't want you going through being stressed out about this particular issue. But I know that from my understanding, you're supposed to be a law abiding person and you're trying to be layal biding very right, Mary, I care very much about my community and that's why I do not allow these things in my community. And if they're doing it, trust me, I'm gonna be on as soon as I hang on this phone. Well, I don't want you to hang up your check because I got a couple more things I want to talk to you about, because if you need me to come over there and bust with y'all, I need that comes and I'm gonna help you. But the too. Okay, I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you listening. Yes, This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harbin morning show. You just got you got pranked by and oh my goodness, I'm gonna kick day behind. Don't do that, because I take that very serious. They told me, they told me you are about cleaning up the community, and they bet not be nowhere around. They're selling no dope, And I mean, all I gotta do is look at me, and I stare at them and they automatically leave. And that's that's a good thing. Though, My goodness, I'm gonna get you back. No, you can't get me. Now you can get you can get them. Oh gosh, oh my goodness, I don't believe it. And here I'm like nervous, like, oh my god, oh boy, you look at you. I didn't want you to get off that phone because you gonna go beat them boys. That's right, because I do not play run up in my house. Did we need more people like you in the community that's making sure that we ain't dirtying up the neighborhood. We need you, baby, Thank you? Now you go, babies, I ain't got to ask you who you're voting for doing what darling, you keep doing what you're doing. I got one more thing to ask you, though, What is the baddest. I'm talking about the baddest radio show. Tommy Coller and Shirley Nephew played too much. That woman was upset one day. Yeah, rightfully, so playing with her. Boh so Valest, it's the one for today. But what you're saying, too much? Right? Yeah? Cruise? Uhhh yeah, Ted Cruise could have used He's so stupid man, and he tries to cover he's so he's the most pathetic you know, man, I'm gonna tell you something, man, Yeah, that big old bag Steve. I didn't like Donald Trump, but I really don't like Ted Cruise because he, I mean, you know, he just he tried to act like Donald Trump just laid it out who he was. Yeah, you knew who he was, right, right, Donald Trump? I mean, Cruise is a hypocritical coward, asked liar. Liar, I mean used to Trump used to call him, Remember, lying, Ted Cruise. That was the only thing Trump was right about, was that crew. You knew he was lying when he said in the interview I got on the plane. He didn't of you with a local TV station in Houston, he said I got on the plane. And then that's at that moment, that's when I knew that I made the wrong decision. If that don't sound like a lot, you got chilling. And he was so hard on that money. My girls was cold. What the whole city of Houston was cold, The state DA was cold. Yes, San Antonio was cold. But you're sure I had a big old bag when you came back for one night. If he was just going down the girls in terms only staying for one night, but he had a couple of pieces of luggage. Girls stop and his family is still down there. They show telling no one if you won't to be totally discreet abby actual side pefoe one nah. All right, Strawberry Letter of between the sister and brother right at you're listening to Save Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. All right, ladies and gentlemen, the time for the Strawberry Letter with my good friend Shirley Strawberry. So happy you're back, Jun, Thank you. Subject. I'm stuck between a sister and a brother, Dear Stephen Shirley. For the past year, I have been sleeping with my best friend's a little sister. When I went to college, I lost all contact with her until we reconnected last year at her brother's Fourth of July party. I hadn't seen this woman since she was a young girl. And my, oh my god, aged but my, oh mind, god, she oh my, oh my god. Oh I get it, my, oh my god, age like fine one, yes, Steve, sorry, because I don't know who you If you talk about the Lord, I don't know. Just figure that one out. God, oh god, God, and my, oh my god, that's what he's trying to say. But I'll start over, all right, Dear Stephen Shirley. For the past year, I've been sleeping with my best friend's a little sister. When I went to college, I lost all contact with her until we reconnect it last year at her brother's Fourth of July party. I hadn't seen this woman since she was a young girl, and oh my god, she's aged like fine wine. Okay, I'm fourteen years older than her, but we're all grown now. The Lord took his time with that body. That evening, we caught up, had a few drinks, shared some laughs, and as the night progressed, we ended up in her brother's coat closet. This woman did things to me that I'd never had done to me. Since then, we have become increasingly close, and we've talked about taking it to the next step. She has said it's of utmost importance that we go about this the right way and tell her brother about us. The problem is her brother is a six six bodybuilder that is very protective of his sister, and he's a hothead. Because of his size, he's always ready for a confrontation over the smallest stuff. I have personally never had a disagreement with him in all of the years we've been friends, so I'm skeptical on telling him face to face. I don't want to clash with him, but I really love his sister, and it's been almost a year. The sneaking around is getting old, and I hope he can process the information in a mature manner to put things in perspective. Her brother and I are in our mid forties and we have been friends since the eighth grade. I never had these kinds of feelings for his sister when we were young. So I need to be clear about that upfront. How should this go? Should we do it together or should I talk to her brother alone first? Please advise? All right, So my answer is going to be sure because I don't really see a major problem here. Are you really afraid of her brother? I mean, someone you've been friends with since the eighth grade? That should be all the more reason for you to tell him straight up you love his sister. I know it's his sister, but you guys are no longer in elementary in high school, and there's a grown woman now. She's free to come and go and date and love whoever she pleases, even if it's you. Do you have a reputation of being like a bad boy or a player or something? Or does he have a repper putting his hands on all the guys that his sister dates? Because if not, you know, put your big, big boy pants on. Go tell him what's up. Just go tell him. I think she will respect and love you more if you man up and just go by yourself and don't bring her one question. Though I get that he's six six, he's a big guy. He likes to fight and all that. You said that, but what is your size? You did not bring that out in the letter. You said he likes to confront thing, confront people over the smallest stuff. So what is your size? You failed to mention that? Is that why you're so scared to tell him. I just say look at it this way. The sooner you tell him, the happier she'll be because you did what you wanted her to do. Okay, are you a little guy? Steve Sheley read this letter as a woman. I'm gonna read this letter as a man, and so you can understand why this man wrote this letter. For the past year, I've been sleeping with my best friend's little sister right there, right there. You already know you out of line. You already know you'll already know how we are because we know each other. If these dudes have been best friends, then they know each other. So now what you're doing with my little sister after I know all this about you, that's the first problem we're dealing with. Then, he said, when I went to college, I lost all contact with her. Because we reconnected last year at her brother's Fourth of July party. I ain't seen this woman since she was a young girl. Oh my god, she's like fine wine. I'm fourteen years older than her, but we all grown now. The Lord took his time with that body. That evening we caught up. Here we go, Here was the rest of it, got real. Jakie got caught up, had a few drinks, shared some laughs. Night progress. We ended up in her brother's coat closet. Okay, all right, now, I'm gonna strongly suggest that when you do talk to him, you definitely got to lead that out. See see the reason he wrote this letter, Shirley because as a man, he know, I'm dealing with my best friend who who and I been running dirt and running women together. Now that we're behind his back and got his little sister and I got him at the fourth of July party, had him in his coat closet. He see, he can't tell none of this his ship. Yeah, the woman did things to me and I've never had done to me before. Gonna probably need to lead that part out to see Sherley. That's why he nervous, because he got all his information and then we come back, I'll tell you Rusto. Okay, all right, thank you, Steve, we'll have heard two of Steve's response too. I'm stuck between a sister and a brother. That is a subject of today's Strawberry letter. Right after this, you're listening to show. Come on, Steve, what's recap today's Strawberry letter the subject I'm stuck between a sister and a brother. Yeah, this dude and got itself in the jam. He is stuck between his sister and brother. They've been best friends. He ain't seen them since college. He go back to his friends of Fourth of July party and his young sisters there, and now she got a banging body and all that they didn't have some drinks and some laughs. They wind up in the closet together. Now two things. It's your best friends little sister, you know, and you had her in the closet, his closet at his house, and then she did some things to you you ain't never had done before. You gotta leave all this information out. I don't know why you wrote it in the damned letter either. I hope he hit his letter. Now we've become increasingly closer. We talked about taking it to the next step. She said, it's the utmost important that we go about this the right way and tell her brother about us. Now, the problem is her brother six six bodybuilder that is very protective us his sister, and he's a hothead. Okay, so now right here, you scared? Yeah, yeah, and shell and Shelon ain't know. Are you scared? He's scared. Yes, he's scared, and I'm gonna tell you why in a minute. Because of its size. He's always ready for a confrontation over the smallest stuff. Well this ain't small though. See you don't got behind his back. He gonna say you snuck behind his back and you got his little sister. That's what you fitting to deal with. Now, hold up, I personally never had to disagree with him in all these years, and we've been friends. So I'm skeptical of telling him face to face because I don't want to clash with him. Or it ain't the clash you worried about. It's that ass whipping you Or ain't the clash. It ain't got nothing to do with the clash, homie. It's that ass whipping you're scared to take it? Key word clash. Ass That's all this is. But I really love his sister and it's been almost a year and the sneaking around is getting old, and I hope he can process the information in a mature manner. He ain't. He can't. He's six six here bodybuilding? What bodybuilding? You know other than Lee? Hain't he know how to process information in a sensible fashion. He's the only nice bodybuilder I've met. All the rest of them jacked up on steroids, which affects their mental capacity at all times. And hell yeah they're hot heads because they got steroids in the ass. Oh okay, he fit to kick your behind h here and move Swain. He fit to beat choking head. You already noticed that. To put things in perspective, Her brother and I are in our mid forties and we have been friends since the eighth grade. You already know you're getting your ass with now. Yeah, you haven't seen him jump on a lot of people. That's why you're scared. Now, I never had these kinds of feelings for his sister when we were young, So I need to be clear about that up front. How should this go? Well, I know how I should go, but now you know how it's gonna go, and that's what you're scared about. So now should we do it? Together. That's another scary ass statement. See, you need protection. That ain't how you do it. You got a man up dog and going over there and handle this yourself. You gotta take this ass with him like a man. There's a chance he gonna suck a punch you. Yeah, should we do it together or should I talk to her brother a loan first? Please? You gotta go to her brother a loan. He say, hey, man, I don't want to talk to you with nobody in this room but us, because we men. See if you take the girl and then he's looking at his little sister, he's gonna knock your ass. South Fish Shore a little guy though you think, no, he ain't no little guy. He just say six six and nobody building. Yeah, okay, you know he might be you know, five ten, you know something like that, little little man like Tommy or something. He probably a little he probably Tommy said Tommy, dude, Yeah, Tommy, oh Jay's side. That's whatever you want to do. You can get throw j old ass in that time. I'm bigger than Tommy. Now, oh oh, now you want to be bigger than Tommy who happened to team Tommy? Yeah, now you know your friend little Well, well you know, okay, So what I'm telling you is you gotta go in there and you gotta say, hey man, this is what. Let me talk to you about something. Look, man, I don't want you to handle this wrong way, but me and you we got to talk about this. Okay, All right, here's deal. Hey man, I've been I've been talking to your sister and we've been talking for a while. Now. The first thing he gonna say is the hell you mean talking? Been talking about? What? Talking about? What? Talking about? What? What you've been talking about? Well, we've been talking about, you know, being together. I'm being together? Like how in what way? Being together? What do you mean like being together? Like going to the store and coming back to that? Na manna man, like we got feelings for each other. We got to Yeah. Now right, there's where you probably gonna get put out. Come back. You come gonna gonna come too, and you will be fine. I've been knocked out before. You don't even know it. For a while. Sports Time with Junior coming up next. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for Sports Talk with the one and only Junior. Surely what you got first, Junior? How do I know what the hell been going on in the sports. I've been snowed. Last thing I heard from the power with that is we lost JJ Watt. That's the last thing. And J. J. Watt left with the water. Yeah. And one of the teams J J. Watt is interested in going to is the Cleveland Browns. Yeah, yeah, Junior. One of the teams he's highly interested in is the Cleveland Browns. Oh no, y'all bet not let that house y'all whole career. No, no, no, no, I don't even know why y'all still in the Houston. Y'all should all moved for a bunch of reasons. I'm gonna do to Houston this year. Your baseball team that cheated, they can't wear them tags on their shirt no more. You know they're mad about that. Westbrook left hard and gone. J J. Watt gone, Deshaun Wasson wants to be gone. All three of your major team football, baseball, and basketball is a catastrophe. It is now along with the Governor's a loser and get damn ted cruise and went to King Coon in the middle of the store with his lying a man to hell going on sports, Junior, Yeah, well, I'll tell you what. Then we got to give a shout out to coach Prime Man. Dean Sanders made his collegiate SWUAY coaching debut of Jackson State beat ever Boters fifty three to nothing, and former quarterback showed up to supporting this man, Deon Sanders man in his first congratulations Prime. You know we mad at Saturday. We started called a privew in grabbing state. Privew not doing well from last season either on. So we have a lot of sports whatever. I ride with us too, but I know when I ride with Purple and Gold too, but they ain't got damn thing to do with PVA and Prime did a great job man, So that's that's that's all right. Then we proud of you man for bringing attention to these talented players. That's in the swack Man. You get some eyes for these guys, man, and hopefully they can get themselves to the NFL. Man a better shot in the swack Man. So I'm proud of Prime for doing that, putting it, putting the attention on Black University's US. Man's proud of Prime, int HBCUs, because you ain't got a damn thing to be proud about it in Houston. I can tell you that I don't even know even the snow wants to get out of that now? Oh man, we got two minutes cold ass weather to say, well, we haven't cracked all the pipes. Let's get out. Oh my god, thank you Junior coming up in the town of the Or what's the hardest thing you've had to give up? We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening, all right, guys. So it's lent season, uh, and that means you know, many are going to follow tradition, a lot of its religious tradition and give something up. So I gotta ask the guys, what's the hardest thing you're going to give up or that you've had to give up for lent or for whatever reason? Met Jay you want, oh Junior, you're gonna start meet. Gave up meat that the whole vegan Dad, I ain't built for it. That was the hardest thing. Twenty one days and no meat. Just bet that's pretty difficult. I gave up. I kept I kept meat, but I gave up the skin of meat, like kicking the skin. That way, I could still have meat in mind because I loved No, I'm not giving up. I got war, but I will I can go twenty one days with chicken skin. I'm keeping the meat and the skin. I'm giving up the season that go on it. You gotta have the seasoning. You gotta have season. Yeah. Then yeah, here another thing hard thing I had to give up was the truth. I'm telling the truth. I get that up really good. Welcome yeah, welcome dog welcoget. It's hard to understand how hard it is. No, I'm not gonna ever stand I don't promise you that. And and that's the truth right there, right the truth. That's the truth. I'm not gonna ever stop ying. You don't, matter of fact, I trust me. You don't want the truth for me? You really don't. Yeah, don't. They don't need us doing that. Ain't don'na need us doing it. It don't make no sense. No, no, And then why I asked you if you know I'm gonna lie, that's what I don't you know? Ut this question out, Jay, tell me the truth. Don't say that. Yeah, yeah, I ain't gonna get mad. Don't even say truth. Yeah, I'm not gonna get mad. Just tell me the truth. Falling for that, you can't even go a day without lying about Oh no, Steve, you lie every day, every every single day, seven days. I can't imagine telling the truth every day. Can't imagine that's the truth. I can't imagine not lying to somebody. I got some kids. Let me tell you, let me tell you, let me tell you. This is this is true. Story just happened last week on my hands. She's suffering from all timer. But she get in there because she called you with a lot of questions. And she asked me, said do you know so and so? I said, and that was my first cousin. I said, I don't know him, because if I ask it, yeah, it's gonna be some more questions. Yeah, I lied right to shoe. Did No. I don't know him. She didn't even know me. I found out. I found a way not to lie, Steve. This is a great way not to lie. I don't even asked the question. You gotta hear. You gotta hear when you asked the question on text, When you ask the question on text, I found the best thing to do is don't answer it at all and let them figure out what the heller answers. Now they will text you again, but don't even answer like if they ask for money, just don't answer it at all. That's what I deal with it. No, that's how I have it thought. Hey man, you get my text? What text are we lying at this point to? Yeah? And I got and I got that, hey man, And you know how you can set it up where you know if people open your text and read it or not. I got all that on my phone block. He ain't doing that, so you can't tell. I can open your message and you can't tell. But if it delivered. If my text to you said delivered, then I know you got it. No, I got it. It don't mean I read it right. You can get it delivered to me. Hey, because I show you in a minute, I can show you how many especially when somebody emailed me. Let me tell you right now how many unread emails I got? Fifteen thousand three unread emails. Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening to morning show. So, Duke of Idingham, we gotta say that it's official. I'm thank you for having all the radio in a while. Yeah, it's not morning everywhere children. Yes, I'm sure you know Duke that Prince Harry and Megan Markle are no longer working members of the royal Family and their probation period is up now. The Queen's view is that members of the Royal Family can't be half in and half out, meaning they can't represent the Queen while also pursuing their own financial goals. Now and the other Yeah, the other big news is that they've announced Terry and Megan announced that they're expecting another baby. That's wonderful. Father, There is nowhere in hell I would have left the palace guaranteed income servants, Jonah farms, every thing boy loves Madge. I'd still be that. I wouldn't give a damn how uncomfortable merl whatever. My name is. Megan deal Eve stopped reading the press social media out the baby? Are you happy about? Very happy? But now that they're gone, I am the only negro in the palace. Fine the Sea Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes. I ought to be in line for something. You're listening to the Stay Morning Show. Well, word has it that Texas Senator Ted Cruise left his pet dog home alone when he and the family went to Mexico. Um and as luck would have it our very own. J Anthony Brown has an exclusive Steve Harvey Morning Show interview with the family Dogs. Take it away, Jay, that's great, all right, all right on the phone. So first of all, do I call you snowflake? Mister snow? Do I call you snow? Which one is comfortable for you? Were you were? You? Never? Go ahead and call me snow because that's what that's what I got. I got snow. Okay, Okay, When did you know they were going to can coon? I didn't have any idea they were going nowhere, you know, because oh you know, I hear that word around the cruise house a whole lot. What when was that? What when was that? You here? Right? Huh? Can coon? He can coon in the cruiser's house. Yeah, you know it seemed like every day, you know, Well, how did you How did you feel about the fact that that they left you? How did you feel about that? Will? I mean, you know, a matter of fact, you know, I feel really bad. I mean, parting the pun, but you dog gonna shame. The pun is accepted and parting the pun again. I wouldn't treat the dog the way they treated you. I really okay, Uh, well, you were the cruisers because they left you and where they always stand off it's like this, you know, did you I mean, were they always just kind of way with you? I mean, well, you know, you know you're talking about leave me. Know I really thought me and Ted were tight, you know, I mean, you know, we just go one hundred trips. You know, we played fitch with this dick, you know. And then when his wife Hidey, you know, sheen a looker, you know, according to Trump no more, you know, you know, but when she cooks something that he didn't like, you know, he gave it to me, you know, just sliding under the table. I take care of it for him. I love the dogs. Well, when they left, did they leave you any food? I mean, did they leave food for you to like? You know? Just yeah, yeah, they left kibbles. They leave kibbles you mean you mean kibbles and bits? No, they cheap cheap air just left kibbles. What no, damn bit just kile, just straight kibbles. They took the bits out of the kibbles and bits, all right? Did they did they leave some water? No? No, no, no no no no, they had no water. Wash down them dry as kibbles coming up it is our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day, and I think I speak for a lot of people. All right, it is time for you to go back to your own homes. I know I speak for somebody when I say that. At forty nine minutes after closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey, right after this, you're listening to show all right, here we are our last break of the day on this Monday. It's been a good day, right Monday, new week. Yeah, it's hard for me to come up with a closing remark today because you know today is my fast day, a fast on Mondays. So what does that mean? You don't have any energy the whole day? Just juice. I can only drink a green juice that has fifty calories in it. Now, now, how long have you been on this? For a week or two? Now? Oh no, I haven't fasted for a week. Oh no, no, No, I know you haven't found I mean the program. No, I just have a new program that I'm creating. This program and as it works for me, I'm gonna start sharing it with everybody, and I'm gonna do a Facebook live to invite people on to check it out. But it's a it's a program that I have a name, Forward and everything, hoodies, shirts, and it's for people are that you know that that want to steal have it? You know why? Yeah? Yeah, you know people in that age group of forty five and up, you know who ain't what they used to be and as healthy as they used to be and as quick, fast torch, fast twitch muscles gone. Testosterone levels is switched up on your fellas, ladies. Sometimes you're going through that, you know, that hot flash phase of life and all of that. I'm just been discovering a lot of stuff. Wait, hold up, wait now, women out there with the hot flashes, I ain't got nothing for you, Okay, I'm like I was bringing up the age group where these things start to happen. Notice I said, men's testosterone levels is dropping. Women experienced some hot flashes and stuff. That age group right there. When those things start happening, it affects us. It affects our psyche, It affects our ability to lose weight, It affects our energy levels, Your libido is affected, mood swings. Yes, you know, you gotta start taking care better care of yourself and I've been finding ways to do that, so you know, I'm gonna share it with people. Man. Yeah, yeah, but you're right, Steve, aging it is man. And you know what we gotta do is I gotta get people because I'm sixty four, man, Yes, And it's it's harder to lose weight, you know. And and it's just some things that we have to start looking at and considering. And I want to be the person that inspires people to at least start moving right because within our race, there's that saying. I know you guys have heard it, black don't crack, right, which means we look great on the outside, you know, good skin, all of that, you know, but on the inside, now it's a whole other story because we do suffer from high blood pressure, steed front of bees, you know, heart disease, all of these things. So, um, we we need things that help us from the inside out as well, you know, from definitely deal with the the inside that don't crack. But it will lock up, it will, it will. You won't be able to move certain things. It might not, but it will damn shell. Yeah. So I mean, you know, it's generous of you to share the things that you found because you know, you have access to a lot of the things that maybe the average person doesn't have. And a lot of times when you talk about health, Steve, people think that it's so expensive and they can't do it and all of that. So thank you for sharing. You know, youthful looking sixty, Yeah, most definitely, very act right, you're young at heart. You're young at heart. But that's but you know, but you know, but that's laughter, you know, that's so that's laughter and and but it's other things that you can do. You know, you know, you know you have to. It's it's just some steps you can fight aging. Man. You don't have to just sit there and let old age come take you away. You don't. And so many people sit there and let free radicals build up in their body and next thing, you know, man, they just they rusting. You're tired. You're sitting there and you're just rusting, and you're not practicing getting up right. You're not doing the little things man, that can help you stay young and build up your immune system and oh yeah, yeah, coronavirus and all other diseases as well. You know, it's it's all of it, all of it working together. Your health is we haven't learned anything else in this last year from twenty twenty, Health's wealth health as wealth health as well as wealth because if you're not right, you gotta take care of yourself. You have to. Yeah, right, yes, yeah, But that's the program I'm coming up with. You know, I'm gonna make sure that all I share it with people, and people, you know, just get a get a good shot at taking better care of themselves. I mean, you think about Jay and what you've gone through. I mean, you know, and you're still here. You're still fighting, good fight. Yeah, you know, And I think Steve's right it. Laughter has a lot to do with that, you know. Laughter. We laugh every day, every single day of something, you know, and a lot of people don't. A lot of people don't see anything funny. Yeah, I see nothing funny. Everything so serious yeah and nothing right? Yeah? What are you laughing at? What? Why is that funny? Just bitter? Angry? Yeah, well you can be bitter and laughter tuna. Wait a minute, hold on, hold on, hit a nerve? Nerve? Is that right? Bitter man? Thank you guys, Hey, y'all, have a nice day. Talk to God, everybody. He'd love to hear from me for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.