Church Complaints, Simone Biles, Kanye West, and more

Published Oct 7, 2019, 8:09 PM

Happy Monday and welcome to the ride! Reverend Motown and Deacon Def Jam are back with Church Complaints. Simone Biles lands two new gymnastic moves named after her. Kanye West goes on a rant about politics. The Joker movie made millions in the box office. Joshua Brown was shot and killed after Amber Guyger's guilty verdict. Love is sent to cancer warrior, Antoine Muhammad.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the milking buck things and its cubbing me true good it Steve Hart to the movie to other stelesey, I don't join joining you do with me. You gotta turn, You gotta turn to turn them out turn you lon't got to turn out the r turn the water the water go. Come come on your fat h huh, I show will a good morning everybody you'll listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. How good is God? Hum? Think about it? Just take a slight inventory of your own life and say it to yourself when you get through, how good is God? H Think of all the small things, all this because that's him. You breathe. That's him. You steal him. That's him, You got another chance. That's him. You ain't out of here. That's him. You got any measure of health, that's him. You think it's more to it than it really is, that it already showed up to be. That's him. All of that. You got any dreams of aspirations, you dream of other things. That's him all that, that's him. That's him him. Close you got, that's him every time you eat. That's why they had this thing called you say your grace. That's him. That's him, man, that's him. It's amazing when you take a small inventory how you find out how big God really is in your life. Now, the more you turn yourself over to him, the bigger he can be. For you. See, he'll only be as big as you let him. It's one thing about God. Now, he's a gentleman. He can make you do anything. You know, you get too big for him, you know you you you, you lose your humbleness. He can humble you. Now. God created man with the power of choice. We're the only creature he created that. He gave us the total power of choice. When we mate, who we mate with. You know everything, all of it. Man. It's the choice what we want to be, how much we want to make, where we want to live, what climate we want to live in. We can live in cold climates, hot climates. You know, we speak different languages. You can go learn another language. A bear can't do nothing but be a bear. He can't go learn how to be a fox. He can't go learn how to be an artor. He just can't. An ostrich is an ostrich man. He can't come out of here and fight like a lion. A lion is a lion. A lion eating meat. He can't eat vegetables. I don't care how much meat ain't around. He'll lay down and pull up out of here and die because he can't eat grass. He's just a lion man. You understand this that God gave us. We are the one creature he created that has total power of choice. You can make every decision in your life. What kind of watch you like? That's the one you can buy. You want to live in Switzerland, go ahead. You don't like Switzerland, you can move to Miami. You want to live your life a crime, go ahead. That's you. He gave you the power of choice. You want to do right? Come on, So now look at this thing. We are all the results of a series of decisions that we have made. If we could just identify that the problem is us, we could began the solution. See that's the problem, y'all, it's us. It's what we do. I threw my life down the hill. I can't tell you how many years based on some decisions that I was making. Now I can justify my decision with I wasn't happy and I was doing this and I was in miserying y'all on that, yes to you when you get through. You made the decisions though, and you can look at this anywhere you want to, y'all. But at the end of the day, I'm just talking to people that's really really wanting to improve their position in life. And how do you do that? You got to have a solution. How do you come up with a solution? You got to identify the problem to even began to solve it. But if the problem ain't ever you, how are you gonna solve something that ain't you? See? Okay, let me look at this one. If somebody said, like I got a child of mine, man, I just do right here. Man, I don't even wanna get into it this morning, or I'm struggling with this this boy. But man, you go to people, you ask them why they do so. I just I just wasn't taking care of business. Why I just didn't take care of business? Boy, do you understand that your life is gonna be filled with you got to take care of business. So when you're gonna start. You know what, man, You can't, you can't. You can't go through life blaming everybody. It's got to be you. See, you can fix you. You You can't fix nobody else if you keep getting married and the marriages don't work. Hello, Hello, Hello, could it be you? South finally had to sit down and just make that decision. They don't need to be coming on the radio talking about nobody else and what they did to me, and y'all just don't know. No, no, no, man, what about the part you played in it? Because see, if you got a good marriage, you got a part to play in that. If you got a bad one, you got a part to play in that. Even if it just get down to you the one picked them, how about that, mister, mister, I made a decision. The problem is usually within yourself. Do you know? That's the quickst an easy way to fix your life. That way, you ain't got to check with nobody. Here's the beauty of going on and admitting that is you. You don't have to check or clear it with nobody to start the repair process. You don't need anybody's permission. You ain't got to put it before the review board. To see if it'll pass. It ain't got to go through Congress. You ain't got to hope that your local politician get their hands on it to make a phone call for you. You ain't got to ask any counselors to come in and sit with you. You don't have to check in the rehab. All you got to do is decide the problem is me. I'm gonna start changing me. Identify the problem, and start with the part that you can own up to. Once you identify the problem, you can start planning on how to fix it or how to get to accomplishing something. But remember this planning. This is important. If you fail to plan, then please plan to fail. If you don't know how to make a plan, let's just start with the basics. Just make a list of what you want. Make this list and then go to God in prayer with an open mind and open your mind up to all the clean opportunities that are available here. Why a lot of people won't succeed because certain opportunities come along you don't want to do them. That kills me. Man, when I hear here, I ain't doing that. I know young comedians that come to me all the time talking about man, what you're not saying. Man, just take every gig you can, no matter what they pay. Well, listen to me, son, you can go make that money that they pay, or you can make the decision to sit at home and make no money. It's a comedy, hard business. They ain't paying but one hundred dollars. You gotta drive, drive fifty miles. But if you drive fifty miles and you make a hundred and you stand on that stage for thirty minutes, you are now thirty minutes better than you was the last time you went on stage. Oh, man, I ain't Man, they don't pay me, I ain't coming. You ain't going to be a comedian, man, not not, not like this. Hell, A lot of people just don't want to do what's necessary to do. So when the opportunity presents itself and you open up your mind to it, man, then get ready to go on and do it. Man, identify your problem today, start with the part dash you you're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, now have your undivided attention. Please. The Steve Harvey Morning Show is in full effect as we speak. Today's show is dedicated to those who love other people. If you are a hater this show. A hater of any kind, please turn the channel. This show is dedicated to people who are non haters. Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Home of the noh haters. We have a better person on the show, but not a hater. Ladies, gentlemen, surely strong, nothing but love over here. Good morning to you, Steve. You're my paper baby. Yeah, caller for hell. Good morning, Junior morning, Curtis. Turn your radio and here we go. Who I just mentioned, ladies and gentlemen. Bitter man. I have a small midgion of hate too, Steve. I hate to tell you this something hating the man. I mean, I dude, this show is not for you. So you may be on it, but it ain't a few Thomas, big dog a dog. No hate coming from this direction. No hate, no hate, no hate, no hate. Well, Monday morning, everybody. I'm good. I'm so happy. Yes, yea man, what you're happy about? You Dallas lost, Steve, and that gives me a happiness of bitterness and hit it. It's clem because you hate. You don't even watch sports. I don't have to watch that hate where you did that from? I meant what audience. I'm they lose. Yeah, you know, I actually picked them. Pimper did anyway to beat the Packers, So I'm not really sure. I just thought they'd beat the Packers. But I've never been a Dallas Cowboy fan ever in my life. I've been a huge fan of the players. I love Emmis Smith, I love Prime, I love Michael Irvin. I love a lot of the Cowboys used to come to my comedy club. I just never liked the team. The team, dudes, man, I just don't like the team. You don't have hate like that, No, no, no, no no. I actually liked Dak Prescott. Yes, yeah, I like Ezekiel Ellie. I just don't like that. Damn America's team. That's corny to bit. If it was Cleveland that was America's team, how would you feel about that? I don't can't about that being a brown Okay, I'm say like the little Texas A and m Aggies, that little school with the military attached to it, Go ahead and like that. You gotta coming up in thirty two after the hour, we're gonna find out what the crew did over the weekend. Big weekend for some of us weekend review coming up right after this, I wonder who was NICKI what up? Everybody? Issue boy? Janny Brown for the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You're looking for a place to have a party, It's the Jay Spot Comedy Club, fifty five eighty one westman Chester Avenue. Go in then Bright, get your tickets for the Halloween party hosted my good friend for the Lane. And I'm coming to Columbia, South Carolina October to twenty fifth George Wallace Junior and Sherry Shephard. I's right, Columbia, I'm coming home. Watch out, damn you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, it is Monday. Let's find out what the crew did over the weekend. Steve will always start with you because your stuff is funny. No, Now, I was in Jamaica this weekend. That's just no reason I won't. No. I worked. I had a speaking engagement at the Saying Core Group Retreat UH, which is all investment, banking, insurance and investment firm here in Jamaica, and they do a company retreat every two years and they bring in every two years they do a motivational seminar. I was a speak afford, so I flew down to Jamaica. It's been uh three days down there. I got down there Friday, did Saturday and Sunday in Jamaica, and that's what I did. And now I was had a great speech, very moving. Wait a minute, and be going to them all to see the movies. That's for that. I'm happy that this happened. Yeah, this is great Steve. You are doing great thing. And he didn't get into a fight with anyone. You know, he fight yeah, argument something. Now what you don't do is fight out the country. Yeah, and your chance of surviving that ain't good. Yeah, you're right. I'm grown man. I know where I know where to fight. Yeah. I have a question. Yeah, while you were in Jamaica, did you? But did you? I don't smoke weed, Jason, you know no, No, wasn't neck and my wife didn't come so but you know I don't. I don't sleep naked when I'm on the road in a hotel because something could pop off. Now I need least my draws on. Ye. I hate dude, wake up in a panic naked, But I don't even know. Dogs naked would keep people up off for you, They back up, people are back up off of you. That's some stupid logic, right love vulnerable, Well he might not be sure it comes. Get people out of your naked it ain't gonna go. Will you think? Maybe he ain't that vulnerable ship. Maybe that's all I say. I'm just using word vulnerable, and that's all I'm needing to see. You have a weapon. I'm out of here. Okay, we're They gotta ask my girl Carla, how was her weekend in Chicago with sisters? Oh? Well, thank you, yes, sister Strutt. You know we walked. We're raising awareness. The fight against breast cancer went down this past Saturday in Chicago on the South Side the Croc Center, Salvation Army, Croc Center and Steve. Let me tell you how much the Chicago listeners loved us just they are so loyal. Ah man. They were out there, thick women, men's, children, family. I was hugging folks. We cried, we prayed, and they all said tell Steve, tell Tommy, tell Junior. They hey, Junior, they praying for you. Jay. They was like, we're our homegirl. Shirley Strawberry. So much love to be one h three and the Chicago fam, man, they love us and we love y'all. Right, yes, yeah, coming that way too, baby, I'm at the Airy Crow. Come on, ye coming trailer. Don't play. I always say something that you are. Yeah, you take it to the show, Yeah, you take it to the show. Ticket to my airline. See right, you got Why was she having ticket to the show and you ain't gaining the tool? Thank you? She's not man, she bought one. Now she not buying the shuld buy no ticket or dinner. What are you talking about? Or shooting or shoes. That's true, that's true. Now, that's true that her husband gotta buy her shoes and you gotta buy all her food and her tickets. Heck, we're doing it. Look God, that's the problem. We're doing it. Yeah. Well we'll all be there this this coming weekend in Chicago. Look at your back to back Chicago love. Yeah, yeah, after sanding soul of course, right right right, I know you believe. Yeah. Oh, man, don't no, don't come back and tell me y'all don't get naked. I'm gonna man, of y'all. Y'all went down and they didn't get naked. Have some fun naked there you started like that. That's how you do. Yes, I have a great story to tell after saying and soul is over. I have a great, great saying and soul story to tell. He's a storyteller now he knows how to tell her. That's what I might tell it, because you know we're gonna be down there doing the show, so I might tell it. Okay, well, I can't wait, because you have the greatest stories that it's gonna be a good one. Come every time I go do a show like I went did I went in salt I had a great show, great great, a great show. Thank everybody in Salisbury in Maryland. Why comic cold coming out seeing your boy? But why wasn't the show over? Good show? But tells Steve though it's always tell Steve tells Steve, can you get this to Steve? You know what, I'm a promoter, I s mean, I was with Steve when it's so many tells Steve stories. Tell me, huh, I can't come out to none of your show. You answer, I'll be trying to sell Steve. I know we love you, Tim, I know why. I know, I know tis why. Man, I got something in I'm going to bless you with something. I'm going to bless you with something. Listen, take this, take this, Get this to Steve. That's why I won't come to your show. I keep jan yall can't go. Yeah, you'll be well? Is his show. He should remain in the spotlight, all right, listen. Coming up next, it is Monday, you know what time it is, REBN Motown, Deacon def Jam in the building with church complaints. Right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour and Entertainment News, and later this morning, we're going to talk about the legacy and extraordinary life of Miss Diane carol Um. She passed away. Yeah, so sad, so sad, one of my idols. So I didn't know that. Four plus, we're gonna tell you about some Black Girl Magic GIRLD medalists. Simone Biles has two tumbling moves named after her. Did you see them? Believable? She really is called free flips in anybody old that could do that? What but to be up that high? You know high? Yeah? Yeah, yes, right now though it is Monday, it is time Forever Motown and Deacon Deaf Jam with today's church complaints and we oh gracious yeah gavel own this blessing montumone, grateful for thine intertentions, realizing that all them there are those who label in complaint tonality who won't recffolcate these reseffolcate themselves above the free of complaint tonality. Here is church complaint with the head or the complaint committee none other than Deacon delf Jail. Yes, yes, let's get down the business past it. We have quite a few I complaints. Her sister, Vernetta Dixon was kicked out of the church. I don't know if you know about it past it this past Sunday that shouted out, if you Satan passing? What should we? I don't know. I mean, we don't like Satan, So I don't don't know what what you do with her? But it count everybody off God. She's a new Christian and has not quite learned how to express herselves. So we're gonne bad as because oh I've said that a couple of times myself not But she's a new Christian. It's all gonna work out. We all are trying to say that in a godly way. It was sometimes you just gotta let him have it. Yeah, Satan gonna keep effing with him. Eventually she gonna tell Satan to get their phone. No, we don't condone any language in you. Boy, I do understand what she My favorite member right there, really have wished several times myself he would quit effing with me. Dude, right, I knew you go you're gonna keep effing round. I didn't know you was gonna go that far. I'm not that far, No far enough to say it here at the church. But man, all right, past, here's another issue. I t I is throwing a Guccia party to reinstate them back into society. You can now get back to the GG pastor do you want your eye h Gucci Rod finished you because we started it sto. My response to that is what the if is y'all doing enough? Path you're taking this too far with it. I do want the Gucci Rod finished. Mind is finished. And I told you a ward last week before he took the all or the Gucci or what they called it, the boycott down. I wore my church because I got two g's on both my sleeves, and I told you before I wasn't calling it Gucci. I just my GG still for good golf. Yeah God, yeah, yeah yeah. I passed. The wheelchair swimming team I has their first swim meet that's coming Saturday. They're asking for I prayed as well as three lifeguards just for desperate man. Yes, well, we had two lifeguards and when I'm turned over and we couldn't get him out in time, so we're gonna go ahead and path, I'm on okay, the third You're going in a different direction. That's why I'm okay. In the third life guard we had an actually didn't last year one of them got turned over. Did nobody knew it? And so we're gonna have that third one on duty with an underwater himber. Okay, How you don't like when I'm taking it jokes, it's beyond me because you brought it up. I'm the one that's effed up. Why do you keep using that path? Well, I'm think I think Sister Abigail was on the so and I find it refreshing and rather rather relieve it. Ok Even though I'm not cussing, I think effed up is a great substitution to not people. I'm trying to cut back anyway, right, let me we have two great substitutes. Like I don't like this sugar hounded. So when now we have left up, I think we get a couple more than I can complete the cycle. Shut the front door. O okay, all right, let'son pass one of our members. Who are you? Whoa shut your mother's front talking to me? On past? Listen, Sister Jocelyn Cavanaugh, who we know is uh has been strung out from time to time. She is asking that the church buy her some wigs because at her job they do a drug test and they pour the hal uh. They take the drug tests from the hat. She is safe. If we have some wigs for her, they way, they won't be pulling from her hat. They pour from her hair. They gonna have weed in it, but they pour from the wig. Then of course he'll get away with it. Pass. I don't know anything about that, pastor deacon, or we're gonna have to you know, Chris still, we have wig money, path that if we got do you have wig money, she got weed money. Don't buy a sack and get yourself from hell. You got weed money, You got wig money, quig and queen, that's what she has, the whigs and weed. It's what we're trying to get barre, wig and wig and queed. All right, should we started a few ministry No, I think we just need to get the phone. All right, listen, thank you Rebert Motown Digging Death Jam coming out at the top of the hour, Entertainment news right after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, listen, the Steve Harvey Nation is growing. We know that right after. Well, we do so appreciative of that blessing. We appreciate everyone. So please welcome, ladies and gentlemen, our newest affiliate and family member. We're talking about W A j D ninety nine jams in Gainesville. That is Games Gainesville, Florida, Gainesville Baby Gainesville, home of classic hip hop and today's R and B. Gamesville Games, games Ville dude getting close to it their body Jaguar dude up their Gainsville man a Gainsville and they just whipped Albury Saturday. Oh yeah, it did. Actually pitched Florida in my little bedding thing I do. Let's let's just say I want, I can't leave. We got love for you, Games, but I do a different kind of CAVI. I sh'll appreciate y'all. Welcome to the ride Games Bill, all right. So Gainesville. This time in the morning, we do entertainment news. First, the weekend box office report. The Joker laughed all the way to the bank over the weekend. Yeah you saw Jay. He is crazy. He is some kind of crazy. Yeah, looks like it is. I just downloaded John Wick three onto my computer to watch on the plane. A lot of fighting, A lot this, a lot of fighting, and I downloaded shaft uh huh uh huh. And Mud, you got another movie? Ye see it? Are you in twenty seventeen? Ye? I don't keep moving up, catching up? All right? Well, anyway, as I was saying, the Joker was laughing all the way to the bank over the weekend. As a DC Comics adaptation, scored the best October opening weekend of all time and the fourth best opening for an R rated movie. It was also the number one movie overseas, with it brought in two hundred and thirty four million dollars globally. While that's putting them on an oscar performance, Who's a Bird Boy? Yeah? Would you say, Jay? That's good for DC because Marvel Comics has been killing them in the movies man and DC hadn't had anything since Wonder Woman to come out and really do good in the box of DC comics. You're in the comic books, Jay, Yeah, a little bit. I don't. I've been here. I've been DC Curry, DC got to do It's okay, don't be ashamed. No, I've been a comic con three times. Yeah, okay. Congratulations Jay, and trending black girl Magic. There was a lot of black people more than you would think. Yeah, not outfits, No, I an outfit kid. Don't wear an outfit on a regular he goes from superhero negro outfit. All right. Let me tell you guys quickly about Simone Biles. Though you know she's a gold medalist, she's an Olympics Olympic gymnast. She has two amazing tumbling moves named after her. While competing in the World Championships over in Germany, during Simone's floor exercise, she landed a triple double on her routine on the balance beam. Then she landed a double double dismount. So now the double double dismount is now known as the Biles and the triple double on the balance beam is now the Biles too. Congratulations our girls from both double the balance beam go here girl, Yeah, all right, see. Let's get to today's headline, Dallas. Let's get to the headline Steve, Ladies and Gentleman's and trimp. Thank you very much, everybody. This is entered with the news okay, in the wake of the Dallas Police Chief's call for an investigation into the conduct of her officers, as well as that of the Texas Rangers after the Amber Geiger, a murdered or upstairs neighbor, the prosecution's most important witness that night, has been mysteriously shot to death. Joshua Brown lived across the hall from the Geigers from the guy who's victim, Botham Jean, and was most likely aware of what members of law enforcement did and did not do upon arrival at mister Jean's apartment that night. During the trial, it was testimony which suggested that the Dallas cops spent most of their time trying to cover up evidence in a case instead of help mister Jean. Twenty seven year old Joshua Brown was a football player for the University of South Florida. He was an entrepreneur who had several AIRB and B properties. Brown was shot several times Friday night in a parking lot outside his building by someone or some people in a silver car, and he later died in the hospital. Meanwhile, Democratic candidates for president appealed to feel that something doesn't smell right. They want answers now. Only now the two two of the jurists who sentenced amber A Gay Good only ten years for Botham Jean's murder say they disregarded the prosecutor's call for at least twenty eight years because they say they know that Botham Jean wouldn't have wanted that. Meanwhile, the people who really knew misster Geane his family don't seem that satisfied. They're standing with local activists and religious Lydy's still calling on the US Department of Justice to construct a conduct rather a broad probe into what happened, and especially around the Dallas PD, because they say they don't seem capable of investigating themselves. Now, another since fired white officer, this one in Georgia, has been found not guilty of fatally shooting an unarmed black man who was fleeing after a confrontation. Zachariah Pressy only convicted of violating his oath of office in shooting thirty three year old Tony Green and he faces a prison faces a prison term of one to five years. Presy could have faced as much as twenty years. Police in Kansas City are looking for the gunman responsible for the devs of four men shot and killed in a bar early Sunday morning. Five people injured. Bar Tequila Case is a private club, so people can only be admitted if their members are brought in by members. Thomas Thomas Sick of the Kansas City PD says, everybody ran out after the shooting started, trying to talk to as many witnesses as we can from the bar. Obviously being a bar, that one thirty story has varied a lot, even you know, being inside the bar. I'd already say all those killed were Hispanic males, but they don't think they were targeted because of racism or anything like that. Filmmaker Tyler Perry has dedicated a sound stage of his sprawling Atlanta studios over the weekend to Diane Carroll one thirty nine, Pass Marshall. That's right, she won a and that she was nominated for a Best Actress oscar for her role. Including Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steven Show? All right, Well, on Saturday, Guys, Kanye West was in Salt Lake City. You know, he's all over the place with his church salt Lake City, this time for a Sunday series, trying to be moo he mobile while he's trying to reach as many people as he can, you know, with his music ministry. This time, though, his service took a political turn. According to Yahoo dot com, Kanye defended himself for supporting President Trump, and he talked about the backlash he received. Kanye also talked to the crowded Salt Lake about the Republican Party and that it was President Lincoln who freed the slaves. Take a listen to this. Kanye doesn't understand a couple of things. There's nothing to do with the Republican Party freeing slaves. The Republican Party has never taken credit for That's it's a different thing. I admired Kanye for taking his church globally and everything, but in this climate right here, when you're a Trump supporter, you're saying too much against or people. You're saying too much against the Latino population about people trying to seek asylum in this country. You're talking about too much about children being separated from parents. You talk too much about abortion rights, which should be a decision totally up to women. I don't even think men should be even discussing this. We have no right to talk about a boy rights. I think that's a decision that should be made strictly by women. You know, I know people think because you go up there, I'm not a supporter of Trump by any stretch of imagination. Anybody ever listened to this radio show would understand that. I just don't see the purpose of it. If you're gonna let's just do what you're doing. He's doing really well with this thing, man. I mean, I really command Kanye for going out and doing this thing, taking his church globally. I think it's a wonderful thing. But please don't try to sell the Republican Party to people who are thinking people, because it's not a good sale right now. If you really understood what was going on with this man and his presidency, they're trampling the Constitution the Republican Party right now, which they constantly hold up that their dear forefathers wrote and they always want to use it when it's convenient for them. But what this man is doing to the Constitution it's unconstitutional, it's Unamerican, and it's unpatriotic. And to be using a platform of religion to talk about the Republicans free to slaves. You've made enough ignorant statements about slavery. I really think you should stop. Yeah, all right, coming up at thirty four after the hour, we'll talk about the legacy and the extraordinary life of Miss Diane Carroll. Right after this, you're listening to the Morning Show, So we're just talking about Kanye and what he said about his supporting of Donald Trump. He says he's never made a decision based on color. That's a form of slavery, mental slavery. He said in a sound bite that we played earlier that the Republican Party, it was President Lincoln who freed the slaves. And you know, I mean he Lincoln was a Republican. You know, they call him an abolitionist, you know, an abolitionist because the Republican Party was different dead, it's not the same. Republican Party's a lot different now, a whole lot different. But you know, I mean, and a lot of blacks back then we were because of that, we were Republicans. Blacks were Republicans. It wasn't until later when President Roosevelt came along and offered everyone. I think it was a chicken in every pot and the New Deal and all of that, and then that's when Black switched over to becoming Democrats. And we've been Democrats for the for the majority, I guess the majority of us have been Democrats since we lost you. Yeah, but you know, I just think that I just think that what Kanye has to do is, look, he's a really cool dude one on one, he really is, and I really do like the guy. But when you make these statements like this that Republicans freed slaves and that stuff like that in your support of Trump, you also have to make this statement. This is not an opinion you can throw out. You're talking about the facts of history. Back then, Republicans were abolitionists. Today, Republican Party, Yeah, but they're most certainly not abolitionists. They're not the party of the people anymore. They're the party of a different group of people that want and practice and elitism that separates and expects you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. They claim to be the moral compass. The Grand Old Party is supposed to be the moral compass of the country. And I'm sorry, but they've slipped because now you have Southern Evan jelicals who support Donald Trump. Explain to me how you are a southern right wing religious organization and you support Donald Trump. It doesn't make any sense because what he's doing is so non christian like when it comes to the common man. Kanye has got to watch this man. And you're supporting Donald Trump for what? Just tell me what he's doing that you're supporting. Well, he's working with his wife with prison reform, Kim, you know, with the president. That's one place that could be a reason. But the prison reform bill is good. That was bought about. Kim went up there, Van Jones went up there. You know, I give Kim kardash and a lot of credit for that. I think she did a great job. But now at any other thing. Why the evangelicals up for Trump is because he's against the boy in the homosexuals. And now that's one And you're exactly right, Jake, And now here's the problem I have with all of them. Stop saying that. Because Republicans get abortions at the same rate as those Democrats, and that's just as many Republican gay people. Y'all act like they act like this is some horrific thing, like that's not them. Come on, man, yeah, but I mean I know what you're what you're saying, But can we say this to the please. I do not want to give the Democrats a complete and total pass because to me, they take our votes for granted. They take us for granted, just like Hillary Clinton did in that last election. You can't just you you just assume because we're black, we're going to automatically vote. Hey, you got to do the job. Well, let me say this to you about this time. Oh man, if these Democratic candidates don't spend money on black radio like they do white radio and other forms of media, they will not get this microphone as a platform or free everything. Because you're absolutely right, and they've taken us for granted long enough. So if you're not spending money on the Steve Harvey Morning Show to support it, don't expect our support because all the millions of dollars you raise and you're spending them somewhere, but you ain't spending them here. Oh okay, well yes it is, yes, it is all right. Guys, coming up, the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. Right after this, sure to do the whistle blow or have a whistle you're listening show what everybody issue? Boy Jany Brown for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're looking for uplay us to have a party. It's the Jay Spot Comedy Club, fifty five eighty one Westmanchester Avenue. Go in then, Frank, get your tickets for the Halloween party hosted my good friend for Lane and I'm coming to Columbia, South Carolina October to twenty five George Wallace Junior and Sherry Shephard's right, Columbia, I'm coming home. Watch your dinner coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Get this guys. The subject is I'm in love with Harry Mary. All right, that is the subject. But right now we don't even say moving on. Harry very Mary, Harry Mary, she got side burned. What's you got? You gotta go to Kees had Martin chops and chess hair. Right now, the nephew is in the building with today's praying phone call. What's you got now? Draws after retirement home rows at the retime, your nephew. They got draws in different places, but this time we're talking about drows at the retire running them drows cat Hello, yeah, oh yeah, who's this? Who is this? This is attorney David uh huh, all right, this is Anthony Anthony. I was giving you a call. You used to work at the uh uh Seniors Center them. I right, yes, okay, we got a bit of a problem here. Uh Are you familiar with miss Yes, yes, older lady that that Caucasian lady that's here at the center. Yes, okay, Now we got a problem. I know you retired in uh in December, but there's cleaning out her room, cleaning up her room. There's been some uh men's underwear found here and she's saying that it's yours. Well, then't you got a problem because I don't know where the ladies are that no here here at the center, sir. They're claiming that then at the center you find the ladies and men underwear. City was man or whoever and whatever and whatever. Now, I don't waste my time with that. If you're gonna call somebody, call somebody to get the straight now, but don't waste my time with you have a nice day. Wait just a minute, sir, I don't want to have to I don't want to have to get officials to come down there. Your sir, mister, just listen. I don't want I want to I want to try to do this without your wife finding out. But we need. I got a few questions I need to ask you. Tell your wife you pucke you man, don't mess with me based wasting my time. Come on, call it back, dog, Hey, this is sorry. Please enjoy music until I answer. Hello. Doris's t boor he didn't cuss up, but he keeps hanging up. So so I need I need you to help me out. I want you to uh call from your phone h and put us on three way and say, hey, you need to talk to these people. Okay, Hello, Hello, this is Drs Tony's right here. Um. I told him about the situation with so I just want him to clear it up so you can stop calling him. Okay, Yeah, So this is an attorney David. Is he available? I can speak with him? Sure? Hold on the second attorney David. Hello, Hello, mister Tony Anthony, could you possibly tell me what's going on? Why we would find your your underwear and miss in her room on the way. I'm sorry, sir, I say, ain't underwear, Sir, I don't. I didn't work here. The younger the lady is saying that it's actually your underwear that's been in her room here at the retirement home. Well, you got the wrong. This is a bad time to be messing with me. And where is you at anyway? Sir? I'm down here at my office right now. Who are you offer that? Do you need to come and see me? Yeah? I need to come see you. What are your offer? Is that what seems to be the situation because I'm getting I'm getting a hostile You're sounding very hostile right now, sir. Yeah, Well I'm a hostile individual. Okay, we're calling me something about some old lady. You gonna call me about somebody calling me something about when you see yo. Yeah, sir, you're gonna watch your tone and you're gonna talk to me like you got some sense. Man. I ain't got to watch nothing. I'm an old man. I ain't got to do but die. I don't even pay tax. It's what you want. You want to do something, you go here and only do it, but don't be calling my num a normal Okay, Well I want to tell you this, sir. Yes, this is nephew Timing from the Steve Horby Martin Show. You have been prank phone called by your girl that's standing right there with your daughters. I would have kicked booth y'all? Why do you do that? Time? What's wrong with you? Man? Man? Man, you know this ain't no good time for me. Man, I don't have time. Man, you mess it with you at man, I'm i'm I'm in the studio. I'm in New Y'all city. Man, yak Where you get a chance when you're going back the siling you stopped through tripping. Let me I'll ask you put your picture on you so she wouldn't know what you look like next time I see you. Oh Man, you got you got, but you myseln't notice. Woman, you got the wrong one. You should have had somebody else. Ain't gonna work. She couldn't get that off. She craziest. Hell, I hate well, I got some for miss Darth. Hey. I gotta ask you one more thing, mister Anthony. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? You know it all right? Uh? Just draw I brought up a very good point. What can you hear exactly what you're saying that draw row. Hey, First of all, I want to say this. I want to thank you for Salisbury. Is Salisbury, Maryland. Y'all come out and hung out with your brother. That was this past Saturday. Did I do it? Fifty five minutes flatfoot against? I did? And I'm on my way to Chuckles and Jackson, Mississippi. That is Friday, Saturday Sunday. That's this Friday, This Saturday, This Sunday, the nephew will be in town Land in the cut is Chicago, Baby, it is the eighteenth and nineteenth to Bacte at the Airy Crown, and there's a star studded list hosted by yours truly will be in the Airy Crown. Okay, And Shirley Strawberry says she'll be along there with me as soon as she buys her ticket. Now, okay, whether that won't happens. Not gonna buy a ticket to see you? Talking? Wow? Could she see me? Every day? She's gonna buy something better be your birthday. She'll buy some shoes to where to see you? Be buying a ticket to see you. Oh, it's gonna be cold in Chicago. You don't start this. I need something to wear. I don't start that. Saxon, Mississippi this weekend, Chicago, Every Crown the following weekend Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Jackson, Mississippi, next week eighteenth and nineteenth, Chicago, Every Crown tickets on sale right now. All right, thank you, nephew, thank you, thank you, thank you. Coming up next, the Strawberry Letter. The subject I'm in love with Harry Mary. It's all on a league'll get into the letter right you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please please, please, baby, please submit your letter, your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air. It's like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, bo and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the strong Hairy. We need to back up on that mic. I'm okay, I'm turn that sweat on. It's loud, all right, nevew thank you. Here we go. Subject I'm in love with Harry Mary. Dear Stephen Shirley. I need some serious advice right now. I'm a thirty year old man and I'm dating a twenty nine year old woman. She is very sexy, sweet woman with a great figure. But she has one flaw that is hard to overlook. She has hairy feet, a hairy chest, and her back is harry. God. When we first met, it was in the middle of the winter, so she wore sweaters, you know. She wore jeans and boots mostly, and she kept her socks on if we were chilling at home. In the beginning, we waited a while to have sex, so I had never seen her undressed. The hair on her chest and back is as thick as mine, and it's curly. I can't run my hands down her back at all, and I can't kiss her on her chest when we make love. She noticed my reluctance to cuddle with her and asked me if I had a problem with her body. I had to act like all of that hair is no big deal. But it is, and here's why. Two weeks ago we went to a pool party. Yeah, back up, so loud, so loud, all right, listen, two weeks ago, we went to a pool party and she wore a bikini with her whole body showing. All of my male friends were taken aback when they saw her up close, and they started in with the jokes. They nicknamed her Harry Mary, and when I got mad, the jokes got worse. On our way home, she told me that a few of the women pulled her to the side and suggested lays her hair removal or whack thing, because a hairy body for a woman is unacceptable. My girlfriend maintains that body hair is natural and she does not have to hide her body or go to extra measures to remove the hair to please others. She said it runs in her family and I can't stand it, though, and I want her to get it plucked, shaved, waxed or something. I guess you can tell that I like her a lot and I don't want to ruin a good thing over a hairy situation. Am I being too shallow? Or should I tell her how I really feel and risk losing this great woman? Please help? All right? All right? Uh? No, absolutely not. You're not being shallow. I don't think you're being shallow at all. She needs to mow the lawn. She definitely does. You know, why is it that you are afraid to tell your girlfriend how you really feel. I mean, you really like this young woman, you think that there could possibly be a future in this relationship, and all of that. I agree with you. This is a very serious situation. She's right. Hair does grow naturally on the body. So does a lot of other things. I mean, you know, funk and dirt and all that will grow on the body if we don't take showers and stuff. But you gotta do you know, some kind of maintenance. Men and women have to do maintenance. Come on, now, you know, just because hair grows naturally on the body, that doesn't mean it's attractive. It doesn't mean that your partner wants to feel hair on your body, you know, when he wants to be intimate and cuddle with you. You know, you had an opportunity when she asked you to say something to her. I think you can say it. I think it's just the way you say it. You know, listen, when you asked me earlier how I felt about it, I just want to tell you that I don't like it. I mean, you gotta just be straight with her and tell her just tell her in a nice way, ask her, you know, to shave some of it and see won't she even liked her body better, the smoothness of her skin and all of that. I think, you know, don't miss an opportunity to tell her how you really feel. I don't think she's going to go anywhere. It's just in all the way you say it. Steve Man, Well, good answer, Shirley. I think you were spot on with your assessment. I agree with everything you said. Here's problem. I'm thirty, she twenty nine. She's sexy, sweet, banging body, and she got a flaw that's hard to overlook. I'm thinking breath, she cuss. No, it ain't that she has very hairy feet. Wait wait, that's just thought it was at first, Steve. I'm sorry, uh huh she cuss. Okay, yeah, you know she got bad grandma. She don't know how to talk well, smoke something. But she has harry feet. Let's stop right here. The hell had harry feet. I'm a grown ass mat I got a little hall on each one of my toes, but my damn foot ain't heavy. Not Saskatchewan got harry ass feet. My uncle had harry ass feet. I'm just a huge hairy was growing on the foot, uncle, Yeah, like on the inn stop yeah, like he would wear sandals. I thought he had on side. Stupid my father, you called my uncle Roger super shugar Chris because he thought he was the bell on the sickle Pott. Nah. She has very hairy feet, a hairy chest, and her back is Harry Wow. Nah. Hold on right there, right there, I'm gonna have part two. We're gonna take a break and have part two of your response to coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour today. Subject I'm in love with Harry Mary. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to Stow all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject I'm in love with Harry Mary. Wow. This man dating this woman? She twenty nine, He thirty, beautiful chick, banging body. Got a problem. She are got hound her feet, hair on her chest, and hair on her back. So when she takes her shoes off, it just looked like she got on house shoes already. You know, baby, you got your house shoes. M sid. So now I'm tripping because when you first met her, it was in the wintertime, and she had a lot of sweaters and jeans and boots and stuff on, kept her socks on, even if as if we were when we was chilling at the house in the beginning, waited for a while to have sex, so I'd never seen her undressed. The hound. Her chest and back is as thick as mine, and it's curly. I can't run my hands down her back, and I can't kiss her chest when we make love. Now you can't. Now you can't run your head down her back. Your hair on it. She has hair on it. So you hugging a caddy bell and she got her on her chest. Now surely has said, you know you could get stuff done. You have to mow the lawn. I can't imagine what else has happened. I can't kiss on her chest where we make love. I can't kiss on the chest. And she noticed my reluctant to cuddle with her and ask me if I had a problem with her body. Hell, yeah, I got a problem. How the hell you ain't got no problem. It's what I have the biggest problem with it is how you sitting up here with all this hell on your feet, your chest on your hands, he didn't stay hand probably on that got her on and everybody got hell knuckle. If you got her on your feet, you got knuck on hem slight mustache. You know, let's just cut to the quick on this cut or you know what I mean, let's just say some obvious things we know if you want to groom this relationship. I'm just saying some things you need to see. You know, you need to clip the situation. But I'm just saying some things you might can open up the conversation with. You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, just edge up on the yeah and say you need to cut your damn hal You gotta get some of this stuff out, man, because this ain't going nowhere, because this is getting ugly. Man, this is already passed ugly. You don't want to cuddle and so you know, And she asked me if I had a problem with her body. I had to act like all that hair, it's no big deal, but it is. And here's why. Two weeks ago, y'all go to a po party. She wore bikini. Oh lord, have with her whole body showing all your male friends was taken aback. They weren't taking her back. They were tripping on her back when they saw her close and they started with your jokes. He nicknamed the Harry Mary. Then I got mad. The jokes got worse. On our way home, she told me that a few of the women had pulled her to the side and suggested laser Harry move because they it tho often throw people off. I have to get it all the time. I'm a very hairy woman myself. I have to get laser hairy, removing my arms, my legs. Yeah, yeah, because you don't know exactly bland animal sound. Yeah, you gotta do it, Come on, you do yeah, you have to. So now. On the way home, few of the women poured her to the side, suggestion hair lasery, movie or waxing. It's not the norm. And my man, you're not upset and you're not being shallow. It's just not the norm. They ain't in the magazines, no where, They ain't on Vote Dy, ain't on the Bill Boss, dain't on none of the Housewives. You can't catch a hairy woman know where? Separate horror movie And the last time I saw him was Werewolf Girl Wow where woof girls? Only out one time? Because ain't nobody even want to see werewolf girl. So girl, she said it runs in her family. Well, don't get in that family. And I can't stand it though I want her to get it. Pluck shaved, wax something. Yeah, I like her a lot. Am I being too shallow? Hell no, you ain't being too shallow? She being too thick. Yeah, but he's gotta tell her though, she tell her how I really feel. Yes, you should, and run the risk of losing the great woman. Any You can even lose a great woman if she ain't willing to lose no half, she could lose a great man. Everybody got something to lose here. You need to have real conversation with her. Tell her the truth. Just anybody knows that ain't right, even her family. How she got a family all right? Poster comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, on Instagram and Facebook, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour and trending serious national news out of Dallas. A key witness in the trial of X Cop X Dallas cop Amber Geiger has been killed. Boy was this a shocking story. We'll talk about it right after this you're listening Steve Harvey morning. All Right, A key witness in the murder trial. What a sad story this is of former Dallas police officer Amber Geiger has been shot and killed only days after her sentencing. Yeah, his name was Joshua Brown. He was a key witness in the trial. He lived in the same apartment complex as both of John and Amber Geiger. Joshua Brown testified against Amber Geiger and said he was in the hallway on the fourth floor where he and Botham John lived and said he heard two people that sounded surprised and then two gunshots. Investigators have said they don't think there is any evidence to suggest that Joshua was killed for this role as a star witness in Amber Geiger's trial. As we all know, Geiger was sentenced to ten years for killing both of them. John, I don't know, Well, you have an argument with somebody, you don't know, you're not in your apartment. I mean at some point you just realize yeah, yeah, I mean this case, I don't even I guess I wasn't following it just close. I don't So they don't have a theory, they don't have this tie to the case. Do they are they don't have a suspect or anything. Well, the investigator saying they don't think they don't think that. Um, you know that he was killed, that Joshua Brown was killed because he was a star witness in the case. That's what they're saying. But I mean it's just such an unlikely coincide. What's the chances you know, Yeah, I mean he's pulling up to his apartment and he could shot in the mouth. I mean that personal horrible. Yeah, several times. It's just you know, two days yeah, exactly, exactly, Yeah, but they are investigating it. Um, I you know, man, I mean I mean, like you said, Junior, what are the chances, like just a few days after her sentencing? I mean, how can you not think that though? How can that at least not cross your mind? Yeah, that it was in retaliation that you know, uh, they got him because he was a star witness, and you know, because they don't like the you know what I mean. But it would seem like you if if you want to connect it to the trial. I don't want to sound like I'm just saying it would seem like you would want to get rid of the star witness. Before they testify, right after they testify. I don't I don't know how they I just don't know. This is really bizarre. It's it's a very bizarre story. People get killed that close together in the same apartment. Blah blah blah complex you know, it just yeah, it just doesn't understand what's going on. It doesn't add up, it doesn't. All right, well, listen, we're gonna move on. Coming up at the top of the hour, j Anthony Brown is here with comedy Roulette. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay is here, Yes, he is, with his comedy Roulette. Come on, Jay here, It is everybody's time for comedy Roulette. We put three subjects up on the wheel. We spun the wheel where the wheels stopped. Because we are comedians. Junior is a comedian, Tommy is a comedian, I am a comedian, and Steve is a king to comedians. We'll make it a do to damn thing you know. All right, here we go, ready for your topics. Uh. Number one, things we've threatened kids with that we know we are not gonna do. We know this, all right. Number two, things we can't bring up to our significant other because it will start a huge argument. M all right. And number three Steve said to that one, number three, number three, no, no, no, no, number three hints you give to people with bad breath. Wow, that one, cool, good one? Right? All right? Roll it. Then a cat an argument, start an argument that breath, start an argument about the argument. Oh god, yeah, all right, stopped the number one. Guys. Things we threatened kids with that we know we're not gonna do. Okay, okay, up, start it up, start up. You want to be signed up to watch the Elephants had the Circus because I can make it happen. Okay, all right, he's saying, around the circus, keep keep coming. These are real, Mamma, threaten leabe, catch you jumping in that bed one more time. See if I don't come off the top rope. At the top rope, you know what you're gonna make me do, don't. You're gonna make me put you put my foot in your ass and turn it. That's what you're gonna make me. You're gonna make me put my foot in your ass and turn it. And I mean not all right. These are things we threatened kids with that we know we're not gonna do. Come on, see you want me? Huh? Do you want me to give away all your damn toys? All of them? These we threatened kids with that we know we're not gonna do. Do you want me to choke you till you pass out and bring you back on Thursday because I do it? Do it? Let me catch you not finishing that food one more time. I'm gonna take you ass over to Africa and you're gonna be in the pitching Wow. Wow. Things we threatened kids with that we know we're not gonna do. Okay, okay, roll your eyes one more time and see if I don't jump up and roll to the backup myself, I will roll them over here again and I swam. I'm gonna get on them eyes and roll to the back of I swam. Oh lord, come on, I swear to God, I say something else, say something else. I'm gonna punch you so hard in your damn mouth. I'm gonna knock all your teeth in your neck. You're gonna have to choose the back of the egg. Yeah I heard that. Yeah, yeah. Things we say the kids we know we're not gonna do. Look at me, like you think about something, I will rip your arm off and beat your ass. That's what I'll do that. All things we threatened kids with that we know we're not gonna do. Light to me again and see if I'll kill you and do the time because I'm tired of work. Wow, things we threatened kids with that we know we're not gonna do. I'm gonna whoop your ass until it rope like Oprah open like my granddaddy. Yeah yeah, last one, my mama's all time favorite. Say something again. I'm gonna snatch your naught in your ass. Your alright, guys, This week comedy Roulette. Thank you guys. As always coming up, more music, more fun on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the show, all right, So Steve, you know on this show, we are definitely committed to kicking cancers. But first let's shout out to Carla she mentioned earlier. She of course, was in Chicago this past weekend was Z one O three at the Sister Struck Carla for the Breast Cancer Walk. Uh yep, you were representing also our very own survivor j Anthony Brown is kicking but like no one I've yes he is go ahead, Jake, Yeah, all the while bringing awareness to about the disease. So now, Steve, you want our Steve Harvey Nation and the prayer warriors out there to uplift and support brother Antoine Muhammed. Yeah, it's he's a good brother out of Chicago's a friend of a lot of friends of mine up there in Chicago. His name is Antoine Muhammed. Go to a website called Cancer Saved my Life dot me. Cancer Saved my Life dot me. He has an incredible story. He's been doing a lot of work in the community. Again, his name is Antoine Muhammed. The website I want you all to go to just to see his story and if there's anything you can do, cancer Saved my Life dot me and just check it out. Okay, he's a good brother. He could use some assistance here. I'm just putting it out a lot of friends and saying care about this man and the work he's doing in the community. Go to Cancer Save my Life, got me? Okay, You're all good. Thank you. Steve did all right? And coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at thirty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. This time in the morning, we do entertainment news. First, the weekend box office report. The Joker laughed all the way to the bank over the weekend. Yeah, you saw Jay. He is crazy. He is some kind of crazy. Yeah, looks like it is. I just downloaded John Wick three onto my computer. Watch on the plane. A lot of fighting, a lot a lot of fighting, and I downloaded Share. Uh huh uh huh mood. You had another movie? Ye see? Are you in twenty seventeen? Yeah? I done moving out catching up all right? Well, anyway, as I was saying, the Joker was laughing all the way to the bank over the weekend as the DC Comics adaptation scored the best October opening weekend of all time and the fourth best opening for an R rated movie. It was also the number one movie overseas, with it brought in two hundred and thirty four million dollars globally while boys putting them on an oscar performance, Who's a Bad Boy Man? Yea? Would you say that that's good for DC? Because Marvel Comics has been killing them in the movies. Man and the DC hadn't had anything since Wonder Woman to come out and really do good in a box of d DC comics. You're in the comic books, Jay, Yeah, a little bit. I don't know. I don't know who I've been here. I've been about DC Curry, DC got to do it. It's okay, don't be ashamed. No, I've been a comic corn three times. Yeah, okay, congratulations Jay, and trending Black Girl Magic. No, it was a lot of black people that more than you would think. Yeah, I'm talking on not not outfits. No, I had outfit on You kidding me. I ain't gonna listen. I'm wearing outfit on the record. You know he got from he got from super Hero Negro outfit. All right, let me tell you guys quickly about someone Vials Though. You know she's a gold medalist, she's an Olympics Olympic gymnast. She has two amazing tumbling moves named after her. While competing in the World Championships over in Germany, during Simone's floor exercise, she landed a triple double on her routine on the balance beam. Then she landed a double double dismount. So now the double double dismount is now known as the biles, and the triple double on the balance beam is now the biles too. Congratulations to our girls girl. Yeah, all right, coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks from Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Here we are the end of the day, our last break of the day show day. Yeah, it's been a good show and a good day to day, and thanks to everyone who takes the time to listen on your way into work and at work and all of that. We certainly appreciate your business. Um. Wow, have to end it on a sad note, Hunt Steve talk about a true queen legend, Yeah legend really yeah, I mean Diane Carroll was just a real special talent. Many she was assisted that came on television at a time when it wasn't a lot of black women on television with especially with leading roles, and she came on TV and she was just so eloquent. Man, she was always stylish and grateful, graceful, and just to lose her such an amazing talent, man, her hearts and prayers goes out to her family at this time. But Darren Carroll was bad, bad girl man, bad bad girl man. She was. She was stella, stella, class and elegance, and grace was Diane County period now said rest in peace and and God bless her family. First African American leading role in prime time that was not a servant. Oh Many's mother. Yeah. And Julia, Yeah that she was Corey's mother. Yeah, that's that's I had a crush on her. Man, good lord, she was so good. Hey, y'all, what about Claudine is the one that's the one that's classic soundtrack and James R. Jones together, and then Dominique devil Row in Dynasty Day. She wanted to be in her own word, she wanted to be the first black be on TV. That's what she said. That's what she ordinary career. Yeah, RP. Diane Carroll one of the greats for sure. So you know what, uh, let me let me leave you all with these closing remarks. And because you know, this whole thing with the death of both of them, John has been in the news and social media has been all over this young man for forgiving her brother's murderer and this Dallas woman who is a police officer. And you know, I have to say I understood where social media was coming from. You know, social media is such a playground for the devil. But you know, I you know, you gotta give people. Everybody has to weigh this situation out for how they see it for themselves and them a lot of people. I don't see how he could have I don't. I don't know that I could either, to be honest with y'all, I don't know that I could hug the person who killed my brother. I don't know. But I was talking to somebody about it and I kept hearing the same thing over and over. He's a better man than me. He a better man than me. And I started thinking, and I said, man, are we all missing a point here? You know, if God works in mysterious ways, could we all be missing a point because this boy who if you're eighteen, I'm sixty two, So don't get offended by me using the turn. Boy, he's just a young, super young man, just seventeen. He's a boy, you know what I mean? If this young man could be such a person to cause so many people to say he's a better man than me, then I had to ask myself at sixty two, if I'm saying he's a better man than me, then I got to start looking at myself because I was kept hearing people say that, well, he a better man than me because I never da da da da da, And I went wild, Could we be missing a point? Because I was looking at the interview over and over and he kept saying that he never told his mother and father what he was gonna say. He didn't tell his siblings or anything. And his mother was on CNN saying she didn't know he would have saying, but she expected him to say something like that because that's what his brother would have done. And I was amazed at the elegance of this family, and everybody mad because why do black people always have to forgive. I'm not talking about that part of it right there. You have the right to feel how you want to feel about it. And I agree with some of the stuff some people said. But I had to ask myself, Steve, are you missing the point? If this boy is a better man than you, what are you saying about yourself? What could we all be saying? He didn't even tell his parents? And I got the same man This boy did a goliath thing. He faced his brother's murderer and forgave her to day. It probably would have took me a lot longer. I ain't gonna lie. I probably wouldn't have hugged you either. I ain't gonna lie. But this young boy took it upon himself to do it all that day right there, without telling nobody. And I was just thinking about David and Goliath. I said, wow, man, do you know that David when he went to slew the slatter giant? He probably didn't run that. I never heard a story about David and Goliath that he ran it by his mom and daddy. I never heard it nowhere in the Bible say he read it by his mom and daddy, cause they'd have shot it down. I'm pretty sure if he had said that to his mother, they might even say something. But he did it on his own, and it said a lot because I started thinking, Man, if he can forgive this woman for killing his brother, what could I forgive a person for? Could you forgive your father for walking out on you, or your mother for making so many mistakes? Could you forgive your sibling for all the times they wronged you? Can you forget that man for treating you wrong? Could you forgive your boss for fining you? Could you forgive the company that I closed and you lost your job? Can you forgive your friend for turning his back on you? Well? I started thinking, and I said, well, I probably should be able to forgive everybody for all the stuff they've done to me, because guess what, ain't none of them shot my brother. He's a better man than me. I started to have to check myself. I don't want us to miss the bigger point of what this young man did, because what he did was something really special, And if you want to feel how you want to feel about it, I understand, and I agree with where you're coming from sometime, but don't miss the big petrol. Maybe we need to be a bigger man. Maybe those are my closing remarks for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. 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