Good morning and welcome to the ride! We have been provided with yet another opportunity to get it on, to live long, to be strong and to carry on. The Chief Love Officer got a letter from a woman who has a needy mother. Inside Church Complaints, Deacon Crazy Legs wants dance lessons and no one wants to help. Simone Biles makes history for becoming the first woman in history to land Yurchenko double pike in competition. This really is Fool #2's list of things that you should stop wearing. Steve and Tommy share with us some grilling tips just in time for Memorial Day. The fellas are asked a question. What is the dumbest thing they have believed as a kid? This Thursday, The Laugh Factory will have a tribute for the late great Paul Mooney. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about how unfair life is and why.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like a million bucks bus things and it's not doing me good. Mother, stolen joy. You gotta use that turn very You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out. The water, the water. Come, come on your bab, I will a good morning everybody. Y'all listening to the voice, Come on, dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. God is in a blessing business. I'm in the receiving line, man. That's a good feeling. I thank God for waking me up in the mornings, I really really do. I thank God for the spirit that he wakes me up with because I finally, but I finally figured it out. Such a blessing that shouldn't be taken for granted. The fact that you are up today, the fact that you just got off working, you driving home, the fact that you got a job to come home from, the fact that you got a job to wake up too. Whatever it is, the fact that you can see, think here, smell, walk, talk, rhyme, reason, whatever it is, it's a blessing Man. I was talking to a partner mine Land last night, and an analogy came to me last night of what my life has been like. Just going over my story with a friend of matter, all some of the things I had gone through, and he never knew it because he said, man, you never told me that we were just talking. One of the things I remember, and it's kind of equated to my life, was when I was a little boy and she'd go to the store with my mom and she would let me buy a jigsaw puzzle. Now, for those of you, a jigsaw puzzle comes in a box that are no instructions. It just comes in a box and it's simple. You're gonna dump the pieces out in a pile and you're gonna try to put the pieces together until it looks like the picture that's on the cover of the box. That's as simple as it is. Here is the d H. I would select a jigsaw puzzle based on the picture that I liked and if I thought I could do it. Now, if the picture looked too crazy, if it looked too intricate, I didn't want that puzzle, you know. And the thing was, back in the day you got a jigsaw puzzle. You had a hundred piece puzzles. Four hundred piece puzzles, man, then they say a thousand piece puzzle. You go, oh. So those were a little difficult for me when I was a little boy, so I didn't want that. As I got a little bit older, I had more challenging puzzles, you know, four fifty five hundred piece puzzles. But I always picked a picture of something I liked. So it's very simple. You get the jigsaw puzzle, you get it home, you open it up, you dump it out on the table. You flipped all the pieces over so you can see them, and then I would try to saw them based on the colors on the box. If it was like a black section, I'd take all the black pieces and slide them over there. If it was some flowers, I try to find all the pictures with little jigsaw pieces with the little floor, and I separate them. And then I started putting it together. And the way I started was I try to build the border first, because I knew all the straight edges had to be side by side at one point. And it was funny, man, because it's related to my life. I would start putting the pieces together of the picture I saw that I liked, and that would be my picture. A lot of people didn't like Jig saw puzzles. As a matter of fact, none of the boys on the street like Jig saw puzzles but me, because they just didn't want to go through the intricate details of figuring that out. Really go outside and run or something like that. And so what happened was, as I got older, I wanted more difficult than challenging puzzles, but I wouldn't go too far. I wanted some nice stuff to happen. I had a picture of what I wanted for my life, but I didn't want to go too far because it was so challenging and difficult. I couldn't see myself at all of that, and I didn't have the time, the knowledge, the expertise to figuring all the intricate detail. And I discovered something when I was talking last night. That's what happens in life to a lot of people. You get bogged down with the details of coming up and trying to create the picture that you want for yourself. You put it to the side. You said all that puzzles are crazy. Next thing you know, you crumble it up and put it back in the box. So you go halfway and you get stuck, and you get to the part where it ain't a lot of different colors. It's all the same, and that's a little bit more challenge. So that may stop you. But it's somewhere in the jigsaw puzzle that it gets very difficult and challenging. The bigger the picture you want, but then what a happened in your life, It's just like what ha happened in the jigsaw. Once you get comfortable and you don't mind the challenge, you could get a bigger picture. But here's the key to it, though, if you put God in your mix. See the picture that I saw for myself as a boy is not the picture that has happened to me as a man. Because along the way from boyhood to manhood, from the time I was ten, you understand what happened along the riding now was I started putting God in the mix. And so now the picture that I have now is not the picture I saw. It's the picture that God saw. So what I'm saying this analogy is the picture you have may be difficult to complete, but if you were to include God in your life. Put God in your jigsaw puzzle. God will not only help you complete the puzzle, and he gonna add some pieces, he gonna do some favors, he gonna show some mercy, and you're gonna look up and the picture that you're able to end up with or be totally different and much more complete, much more beautiful or bigger picture than the one you had. Because there's no way that I could have saw the life that I have today back when I was a boy. And it amazes me when I hear people say I always saw this for myself. I didn't do that. I didn't quite see this for myself. I don't know how you can have the ability to see what God really has for you. But man, he's a masterful jigsaw man. He's an incredible puzzle complet So if you got a puzzle that's challenging to you, maybe you need to see what it's the picture that God has for your life. If God were in your life, if you completed the puzzle, what would it look like. It'll be a far more extensive puzzle, and it would be a far more beautiful piece of scenery than you could have ever imagined. Tears come in my eyes because I can't believe God bought me this far. I can't believe that when I opened up and accepted him and started talking to him, that he would add all these pieceles to my jigsaw puzzle, and my jigsaw puzzle would look like this. And I can tell you I ain't got a whole lot to do with with with what I had and turned into, it's mostly favored and blessings and grace and mercy of God. And I looked up and I just got a much bigger jigsaw puzzle completed. And guess what, He ain't through with me yet. That's what's amazing and exciting about a relationship with God. God could take your jigsaw puzzle and fix it. Good morning show, ladies and gentlemen, The time is up, partners to Steve Harvey Morning Show, loud and clear, vivid color on this very lovely, blessed and grateful Monday morning. I accept this gift of life with all the fervor and gratitude that one can possess with being provided and yet another opportunity to get it on, to live long, to be strong, to carry on. Thank you, Heavning Father for this blessing. I greet you with open arms and praise and cheerfulness, because today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it, and dog go on it. I'm in it. Steve Harvey Show, Shirley Strawberry, hallelujah. Good morning, Steve. Yeah, it's happy Monday, color for real. Good morning. What's up Steve? Hey crew, what's up? Junior Morning? Up morning? Everybody with up? Clip? Jay, Anthony Brown short work week, Yes, Lord, yes, Lord work, Thank you, Nephew, Tommy Top of the Morning, I Steve, it's Monday, baby, let's get it. We're on our way till Memorial Day week. Guess it's gonna be a little interesting, man, a little bit interesting. Oh. I got a dark week too from taping, so I'm probably gonna try to go somewhere. I don't know, you know, but I've decided to just enjoy my life more instead of just packing every single waking minute with work. You know. I used to get my dark week and I put my other show on the dark week, and I just work, work, work, work work. I'm decided I'm gonna stop doing that, man, go and enjoy my life while I got it. Yeah, short is short, that is told us anything. I'll see these ideas summer. Don't even know what what I did. You gonna got from me? On where he needs to? Let me get this weekend. This weekend, the pool opened up at my apartment. You come through an apartment poo, you go to an apartment pool. Hold on, hold on, hold hold on, Jay, hold on. Let me ask it, ste how many pools you got? Put that all my house? He said he did. Yes, Steve just not say he was going to enjoy himself more, do different things. He just said that. So, John, I don't want to go to the apartment pool. Well, um, but you know how good I'm gonna look if you come, well, I'm beating you. I didn't need you to fall through. Don't fall through and sit at your own. That's it, n right, man, all you need, junior man minutes, it's all I need. That's what You're gonna love it all right, Julia might do that, man, something different, do regular stuff regular Steve, Okay, I love it all right. Coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the Cello Chief Love Officers, Steve Harvey in the building right after this regular Steve, I love it. You're listening to show. All right, guys, it is time for ask the clo Are you ready is the question? Laughing? Okay, here we go, Blonnie and Augusta says, my mother and I fell out over the guys she's seeing. She is seventy seven and he is fifty one, and he's moved in and living off her retirement and her social Security check. When I go over there, the house is a mess and his friends are usually there. Mother has already been the type too, has always been the type to need a man, any man around her doating over her. The final straw for me was when she called and said that this man's twenty eight year old daughter and three months old baby will be staying with her temporarily. This is insane. How do I stop this madness? Wow, Cello, I don't know. This ain't a Chief Love officer question. This is a social service Yeah, yeah, you need to call You need to call in down to the office. You know, these are social services issues right here. I don't know how, but over there with babies, no, I mean her mama seventy seven, she'd have made a decision. She'd been doing this for a long time. This man fifty one being used the friends is always over there. Not a daughter and the baby baby fitting to move in. She canna have a lot of company. I don't know, you know, I mean, maybe that's what she liked the daughter. Maybe the daughter. The daughter might have to understand her mama likes company at this age and want people around her all the time, and maybe Field makes her feel vibrant. She may have to come to that. I know it sounds crazy for your mama. I know they're using your mama, but if she don't see it that way, I can't make them, and I'm not sure if you can too. Wow, living off her retirement and her Social Security check, Okay, that ain't a lot of living. Should what to hell? All the people in there doing all right? Well, Christie, we're moving on. CHRISTI and Southfield, Michigan says. I'm a twenty nine year old teacher and I was in a friend with benefits relationship for a year with the principle of my school. We kept it low key because we worked together, and during the pandemic, he said he was falling from me, and I was overjoyed because I love this man and I thought we could finally stop hiding. I was wrong. Last weekend I saw him at Whole Foods and I met his wife. She was pregnant. He texted me later that day. Yeah, he texted me later that day and said he only married her because of the baby. My heart dropped. Is he being honest about his feelings for me? Or was I just a side piece? No? No, no, he married her, just calls it a baby that's been his wife. Yeah. Yeah, this ain't a shotgun when that's been his wife. They planned that baby. Sorry, sister. Yeah, I don't know how with all his stuff. Ladies, I mean really, and I'm not mad at you. I'm not dogging, but you gotta be smarter these days. Y'all have too much stuff on access where you can go on their social pages. You can ask questions, you can google, you can find out stuff. Everybody got a friend in the police department. Every grown woman got a girlfriend that data the police officer, got a family member that's a policeman or something. Run these license plates so you can find out this man. All you gotta do get thyself security them. This stuff ain't hard. You're right, all right? Moving on Valencia and The DMV says, my forty four year old ex husband is a hater and he keeps throwing shade because I beat him at his own game. He cheated on me, I cheated back, and now he can't take it. He had the nerve to have a woman come into our garage and give him an oral exchange in his car while he thought I was asleep one night. So I did him one better and I had sex in our bedroom with my ex boyfriend and I sent him pictures. God, yes, yes, this is ugly. Right. Yeah, we're getting divorced and he's trying to get sympathy wherever he can. How can I get him to be happy with with his mistress and keep my name out of his mouth? Who? Whoa keep your name out of his mouth? Didn't y'all didn't you do this to shame him? How y'all? How y'all do all this dirt to each other and then all expect everybody a clean I don't understand. I'm at a loss. I'm very confused here. He had a woman do an all exchange on him in the garage while he thought you were sleep. You want up to him and had your ex boyfriend come to y'all's house in your bed. I don't know who this fool is that did that could have got shot in his back. But I don't know who this dumb ass boy is that did this. But now, all y'all tricky. Two wrongs don't make it right and wrong number three or four ain't gonna make it right either. So how can I how can you keep your name out of his mouth? He don't try to keep stuff out people's mouth. Okay, yeah, just get divorced and man, yeah, all right, I do you're dating a woman who has a dog. It's obvious that this dog don't like your ass. What heck do you do? What do you do? Well, I'll do one of two things. First thing, I'll let her make the decision the dog on me, because I ain't gonna keep coming over here getting bit Oh he's biting you too. Well, I'm just saying, I ain't gonna come here kick getting ground at, snipped that ball at, all this mess. I'm not gonna do that every time I come on. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make one one of the things will be Uh, it's either gonna be the dog or me. Oh, I'm gonna brank some specially prepared treats over there, Steve and your ass in the corner throwing up hard to ball can throw up at the same inedible. That's what it sounds like. You're the dog. I'm hereful all right, thank you, Cella. We'll stop it right there. Uh, coming up next Church complains with Reverend Motown and Deacon deaf Jam. Right after this, you're listening, Coming up at the top of the hour, guys, Miss Anna standing by with our national news and then entertainment news. The countdown is on for the iHeartRadio Music Awards. Also in Trending Gymnastic News. Did you guys see the most biles? She is the ghost? All right, we'll talk about all of these stories. Yes, we'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time for some laughter and some fun. Here with our church complaints is Rebend Motown and Deacon death Jam. Human excute, neshning, we gavel all go aquariously work on this fontificus daylight of pontinuity, as we enlightened our overdaciousness of what we are here in the bytnical. We to do this thing spect leg you better know I am. Come on, come on, let's get down to the past. Listen, Deacon John Sherman, who is bow legged, pigeon told, and knock Need is asking for dance lessons, but nobody wants to help him. Yo. Come, we've already labeled him as crazy legs because we need dancing. It's all over the place. I don't think he need dance lessons. I just think he needs to just work on whatever moves he knew to keep all the bow legged, knock Need and pigeon too, and pigeon told, that's right, and slew footed. I didn't know that, and I see that's something new. They didn't tell me he was slew foot pigeon told, slew footed, knock need and bow legged? Good god, Yo, whoa going on? That? Sound like that? They sound broke? Well, he can walk, but you know night and then each each leg acts individually at different times. So I think his best thing is to get into pop locket and kill the game with that girl ahead. All right, here's another problem. Passing brother Andre Bailey got the visor Maderner and the Johnson shot and it's now premiering on this new TV show called Saved Naked and Afraid. He's feeling invincible that they want you to talk to him. Side note, you need to know that he is blessed. That's what they're saying. So I just I'm fine with him being on this show or I feel no man who is blessed, because I'm very secure with that. We could just be on the show together and just we just be standing in to just see who give first. You know what I'm saying. He's taking all these vaccines, you say, deacon yea pastor. He's had the fire, the Maderna, and the Johnson and now he's on the new TV show Saved Naked and Afraid. That's what he's on. Willie got Willie got plenty protection, gets COVID. But what he got to worry about doing mosquitoes and that malaria. It's a whole other vide. Yeah, only what the hell he think he gonna do? And them ticks don't give a damn what you didn't dook. Okay, there we go. All the men who have painted their beards on, We're asking them passer to choose a color according to the age group. If you over sixty, jet black does not apply for you now, pastor they're asking about what type of color you're using on your mustache. That's what the members want to now, Well, what they really need to do is go with real black or real black is the color, not jet black jet black hair. If you looking like the man that due the commercial for oxy clean in the world where you can seal your boat and ride it across the ever gleage your hair that black. Ain't nobody believing that real black is the color you want? Real black, not yet black, real black all you mean out there with the beards and real black is what you want, not yet all right, Now, we got a problem. Brother Simon Finley fell asleep watching the Underground Railroad TV show. He walked up in the middle of the night and left his house headed the New York on foot. He is in the woods in Georgia and they can't stop him from running. You're gonna have to try to get out there and talk to him. Pass I think faulting to sleep on the TV show US, what did it? Well? If he can't, if he won't stop running, where is he now? He's in the US and Georges, but he's filling the North Star. He's headed to New York is from what I understand, Well, let men ain't nobody got no hounds here we go. I mean, if I mean, if you want to be the TV show, let's get it, you know, let's just get it on. Put some hounds in behind his ass. We run him down in no time. All right, Moving around aloud. One of the junior pastors, your young Elijah demosn in the church, wants to challenge you to preach off any book in the Bible any day in that place. Are you up for a path? Little lies, you're gonna get your little draws snatched off. You don't know who you message with. Boy, I didn't out preach the preaching this preachers. I'm gonna ask somebody about me. I didn't out preach the preaching this preacher. You better ask somebody about me. I can take a nursery rhyme, maybe maybe a little lamb for leice. Why that's now one real wall, I said, re waw ray win lamb. I said the lamb your show show to go, come on here now. I don't know if you had lamb chops. I don't care if you had lamb stew. I don't care if you wear lamb sweather. I don't care what the lamb me do you. I ain't talking about you. I'm talking about Mary little lamb. Mary had a little lamp, seize wid a snow boy. I can take a nursery rhyme and turn it into a sermon. Hi, Dad, you bring your young ass over here thinking you I'll preach a preacher literal lies you. Your name might have come out the Bible, but you're gonna stepped out yourself if you think you can come over here and I'll preach me. Boy, you don't know jingle bell, horse, jingle bell, I said a jangle all the way. What fun it is to ride in one halls old personally. Now, I lay me down to sleep, pray the Lord, my son. Keep that's preaching, boy, Yes it is. Thank you Reverend Motown did def jam coming up? And this amen, you're listening to show. The twenty twenty one I Heart Radio Awards is going down this Thursday, May twenty seventh at eight pm on Fox. It'll be live from the Adobe Theater in Los Angeles and US Shirt That's right, Ersha Baby is set to host this year's show. He will also perform yeah other performance include the Weekend Uh with special guests Arianna Grande newly married Arianna Grande, Bruno Mars and Anderson Pack, Silk Sonic, Doojia Cat, Uh huh, Doja Cat and more also set to appear on the show as our Girl Megan the Stallion and Yeah, she's gonna be good, you know. The night will also feature a special tribute to one of your favorite, Steve Elton John Uh. He'll be honored with the twenty twenty twenty twenty one Icon Award. So there you go, Benny and the Jets' favorite. Yeah, let's for sure, Yeah yep. And then other trending news. It's the black girl magic for us. We gotta say this. Simone Biles made history this weekend in Indianapolis at the US Classics. She's twenty four years old. Simone Biles became the first gymnast ever to lando your Chenko double pike and she rocked her rhinestone goat leopard leotard and made history. I mean, it's the your Shenko double pike. Let me tell you, it was unbelievable what she did. It's unbelievable what she did. She defied all under all disunbelievable. It's amazing. Yeah, rumbling, it's just yes, and it's effortless, speakable, it's effortless. It's like she's floating and flying. She's you know what when you do moves like that, you know what they do, they outlaw the move. We can't do that. Nobody else do it. They do it all the time. They really do it. Girl. No, did you see the that was I think it was an analyst for NBC and they were talking about the Tokyo Olympics coming up, and one of the gymnasts, one of the analysts said, uh, Simone Biles, lets her, you know, her gymnastics speaks for it because she when she did that, she said, the queen has spoken. When the announcers give you the queen title. I just like how she just moves, I mean ahead, girl, unbelievable, man, yeah, I'm just blown away by there's no gravity when you watch her, there's no gravity. Yes, and to run, but she needs that speed in order to do all those tumbles on the dismount, right, she has to get that speed up hour. I can't even do a forward roll and sprain to my feet right right. Yeah, man, yeah, congratulation. Hey, we want to say a very very special happy birthday to one of the living legends, one of the greatest female vocalists of all times. That dog gonna miss Patty LaBelle, Patty Label Patty LaBelle fine behind turns seventy seven to day. Yeah, fine as she want to be pat We love you, miss Patty, beautiful person. We never stop being a wonderful person. Happy birthday, paddler Bill. Yeah, all right, Steeve. Time now for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Tripp, good morning, Thank you everybody. It's this Antwerp at the news. The Egyptian mediated ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is apparently holding. When I get that out of the way first, so you know. However, the Godza strip is reportedly in ruins. Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the brutal police killing of mister George Floyd, and members of his family attended a remembrance rally yesterday in Minneapolis. His name George Floyd, Say his name, George Floyd was solely strangled to death by now ex cop named Derek Chauvin merely over a questionable twenty dollar bill and video of that nine minute plus outrage sparked protests against police brutality and racism, not just in this country, but in countries around the world. Derek Chauvin's scheduled to be sentenced next month. The Minneapolis mayor says he's urging legislative report for a safety posal, which he says will keep police accountable. By the way, now several states either prohibit or limit the use of chokeholes and any kind of neck restraints by the cops. The new mayor of Saint Louis, Missouri, to Sharat Jones, is about some quick changes. She's just reallocated four million dollars from the police budget in that city, using it to expand the power of the citizens board that was supposed to oversee police shootings, but critics said it was never given any teeth. She also cut all funding for the city jail nicknamed the Workhouse, because she says community leaders have been calling for its closure for decades because of its inhumane conditions, and she says she's promising to shut that down to get this. Atlanta Hawks legend Dominique Wilkins says he was turned away from an Atlanta restaurant yesterday because he's black. A pro Basketball Hall of Famous says he wanted to be seated at the Ritzy La Bibliaquette in Buckhead, but was told at first there were no tables, and then when he said, well, what do I see some tables, he says, well, it's because you're not dressed properly. In other words, there was one excuse after another they didn't want this guy seated. And there's something from the Atlanta Hawks can't get a seed in a restaurant in Atlanta. CNN has cut its ties with one of its senior political analysts, Republican Rick Santorum, over the marks he recently made about Native American statements considered not only raceists of rather ignorant. Santorm told a Young Americans Foundation conference, referring to white people, that quote, we birthed the nation from nothing. I mean there was nothing here. Finally, there's an effort to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of famed African American actress One need a More nominated for an Oscar for her part as a mother whose daughter passed for white and the remake of the movie Imitation of Life. Do you explain to your child. She was born to be heard, we need a more featured in over eighty films, and died in twenty fourteen at age ninety nine. Nominating applications for her, by the way, have to re receive by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce by this Friday. Okay, just so, Jano boaks. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steven Show. All right, come on, Steve, introduce you boys here, ladies and gentlemen. Jake Anthony Brown I will be at the Hogpin June the nineteenth in Raleigh, North Carolina. All right, here we go. The CDC announced the other day that if you've been vaccinated, you don't have to wear your mask. Then vaccinated you can go out without your mask. Now. I don't know if you know this, but they've come out with a list of things you should stop wearing. This is a listen thing. This isn't me, it's a CDC. You should stop wearing. You should stop wearing furry ass house shoes with a jogging suit. CDC said you should stop doing that. Okay, if you have not been to college, you can't wear a college T shirt. Okay, CDC, don't blame me. You cannot wear the CDC, don't get mad at me. You cannot wear more than one animal print at a time. Okay, yes, you can't mix giraffe with zebra. And these animals don't even like each other in real life. If you are a black man, you can't wear Black Lives Matter with your white girlfriend. You can't do that. I'm so sorry. Okay, you can't. You just can't. You you're mixing us up. If you don't have a job, you can't wear a company T shirt that you don't work for it. If you don't have a damn job, you cannot wear an across your head headset with a mouthpiece. You're not an air traffic controller. Okay, you can't wear it. You look stupid. Tell your daddy and your uncle. He looks stupid. If you ride the bus, you can't wear five hundred dollars tennis shoes in your ass is on the bus right, okay? If you wear if you wear daisy dukes, if you wear daisy dukes, if you wear daisy dukes, you got to put some lotion on your dukes, ladies. Damnit your ass dukes hanging out. You can't wear don'tch cabana is that you cannot wear it if you can't say it or spell it. Take it out. Take it out and take it, take it completely off. And last, but not least, if you're gonna wear a lace front wig, pull it to the front. Okay, it's not a It don't belong on the back of your head. Pull it to the damn front. The CDC. It's not me. Don't get mad at me. Don't don't get angry at me. Thank you. Anthony Brown. Coming up in thirty four minutes after the hours Steven after Tommy has some grilling tips were coming up on Memorial Day holiday this Monday, just in time for the weekend. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Stephen Tommy, you two are like the grilling experts on the show, the barbecue experts on the show. So Memorial Day is coming up, and I wanted to know if you guys had any tips for us hips for grilling, for grilling. Let me go. Let me go first. One, you've been cooking, loan out him. Let me go first. This is what bothers me about people grilling. Okay, quit putting all that light of fluid on your charcoal or your rulers. That just drives me crazy. Do you realize your meat smells just like that light of fluid. It tastes like that. Oh yeah, come on, man, get you some wood. They got some natural wood starters that you can put in there and light those up. And now your wood or your charcoal, whichever one you're using, doesn't taste like a smell like all this gas lighter fluid You didn't put on that. That's that's one of my tips right there. That's a pet peever, man. So let me just piggyback off that and say to start your fire. They sell, they'd sell what time he's talking about as fire starters. Wood starters wear the little white chunks. They got match sticks that burn naturally that you can put on them. But they have these things that look like coffee cans. They look like a big giant coffee mug. You put your charcoal in it and light it from the bottom right, and that can get your charcoal started a little bit more even for you. You don't pour the charcoal in the basin of your thing. You pour the charcoal in this like big round pot. Then start them like that. Yeah, it's got a handle on it. Then you just pour it in there and they're burn Even this is little stuff you can learn. I have another tip when it's mind turn Okay, here's another people that people that are you know, amateurs, are grilling. They throw their chicken on and then you think twenty minutes later, yo, chicken is done. Yo chicken ain't done it? Yeah, no it is. Surely this is a sport. And why are you talking? Why are we talking about cooking? Why trying to stay awake? Why so long? We'll learn how to cook awaken The people will come over your house and not leave so much. If you can cook, you have whatever, bring something. So listen while you're cooking your chicken, keep flipping it and don't be afraid the slice of piece, and see where you are. If you see a little light red water, you need to cook a little longer. That means it's still some blood in there. Keep cooking your chicken, keep flipping it, and keep cooking. That's all I'm asking. Look, man, grilling, ain't no thing where you can leave your meat for ten minutes to walk off somewhere. That ain't There's some people going in the house for thirty minute. What did you do? You can't do that when you grilling. Grilling is a sport, it's an activity. You got to move that chicken to the front, to the back. Go ahead, okay, okay, let's go back. Yeah, go ahead, okay. I don't know nothing about grilling. I think what you guys are saying is great. What is weak? If you add a barbecue, Please bring good ass plates. Okay. If the sign says cheap plates. If it says cheap plates, damn it, don't bring them. Okay, it says cheap plates, right there, bring good ass plates? All right? Jack, All right, here's one quicker. I give it back when you when you he said your charcoals? Are you even them out? Um? You know when you get when you get it going. But some of us like to have a real hot side and then a warm side while you cook it. You understand. So you may have more wood or mar charcoals on one side and then on another side you got you still got wood charcoals, but it's not as heavy as the other side. That's just one of my tips. Yeah. My tip is I have the back side of my grill, I put no charcoal back there on the back side. I put none so you can move some meat off that heat if it's cooking too fast. Those you gotta have. What time he's talking about a cool spot on the grill. I put no charcoal on the back on the back forth of the grill, I put no charcoal. This was so exciting. And you can set the money on. You can set the meat on top of each piece if you have to to keep it off the stack. And Shirley, don't rush us with your non kicking as it's people who care about this for a plate though. Yes, ain'tybody coming to your house? He not? No, damn croc Pottle. We gotta go. Coming up next, and Nephew with today's prank phone. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject my ex won't let me meet his boom. We'll get into that and a little later, yes, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone. Call what you got for us in f your check bounced? Your check bounced? Let's go kat Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Monica system. Monica. Please, this is brother DeShawn. I'm calling Actually I'm a member Greater Commissionary Baptist Church. How can I help you? Calling you actually about the offering? Now? Did you I know you paid your tie? Yeah, every Sunday? Okay, Now you pay a love offering as well? Right? Yes, I do? Okay, Now this past Sunday. I'm looking at a check that you left us with the bank, right right, I sure did. I wrote a check Sunday. Okay. Now the check, ma'am was two hundred and fifty dollars. Am I correct? Right? Right? I wrote two checks for my ties and the love offering? Right? I wrote one for two fifty for the love offering? Okay? Now what is this call regarding? Why are you calling me? Well, what I wanted to tell you is that I hate to be a bar of bad news, but you your check that you wrote for two fifty actually has bounced. And wait a minute, you said my check bounce for two hundred and fifty dollars. Your check bounce. So what I'm doing is calling you about recouping the two fifth as well as you know you you cost us thirty dollars in bank fees. But wait a minute, now, I wrote two checks. I wrote a check for one hundred dollars. Did that one bounce? I don't see to it that that that one bounced. All I know is the one that the love offering has bounced. What did you put them in at the same time? Because I wrote them at the same time. They all go in on Monday, ma'am. Now I didn't put them in at the same time. I've been putting them in for the last two or three years. The problem is why would people write, there is your name, m brother Deshaun, and you was at it Sunday. I was. I don't think it matters, and when I was there, man, the problem is that I didn't put these checks in. And I don't understand why y'all write these checks to the track knowing that they're gonna because a lot of people write that good well not checks one clear? Why the other one didn't clear? Maybe you didn't have enough money for both of them to clear? What what did you just say? Maybe you didn't have enough money in the bank for both of them to clear. I don't understand why people planning money in the bank at all. My checks clear I don't write no rubber checks. Well, you wrote one on Sunday, and that's the problem. How are you gonna try to give a look? Wait a minute, I think you got me confused with somebody else. I don't write no bad check. You didn't wrote that to be nice to you. I'm trying to be nice to you. When can we expect the two fifty plus the thirty dollars? So thirty dollars that's the bank feeds, ma'am for the dog gonna check bouncing. My check didn't bounce. I don't check my bank. And if my check clear, you're gonna pay me thirty dollars for calling me harassing me about a two hundred and fifty dollars check bounce. I don't write no Why would you write check? What you want to sit up in the church and write these big number checks when you know you ain't got it in the bank. What did you say? I said, why would you write these checks when the money ain't in Now, let me tell you that's one thing. I don't write no bad checks. And you got a lot nerds calling me telling me my check bounce. Your check is the one that has bounced, and you tell you what you do. Since my check bounce, you paid them, since you got all the money, and don't call me with this again. Hello, don't you hang upon me no more? When don't we gonna get this two fifty and this thirty dollars? Somebody from the church to my I wrote a bad check? I write, you did write a bad check. I didn't write no bad Yes, you damn it. Why are you calling me? Why the treasure? Don't call me at church? The treasure is business. I ain't never know the deacon called nobody about no bad check. You're fully thank you you got the money? I ain't got Who in the hell is that in the background? Who is that? Ever? Mine? Who it is? We both go to the same church, and you're gonna call me to my I wrote a bad check. You don't you call me no more? And if the check bads, you paid? Okay? He passed to know you talking like this. You passed to know you calling me? Can you ask for that? Look? When are we gonna get this two hundred and eighty dollars? Is what we're looking for from you? I wrote a check for two fifty and not get two eighty. You put the thirty dollars with it. You put two fifty in there, it bounce thirty dollars cost us on bank fees. That's two eighty. Waken the church expect their money. Never not no two eighty. You will never get to eighty. You're gonna make me come by your and my check? Then what did you say? I'm gonna do what You're gonna make me come by your house and get this money, bring it own, bring it bring you what is the address on this check? Check? I got it off the check, Bring your own. I bet you you'll be limping back and I'm watching you. You bet not be spending no money nowhere. You bet not spend nothing until I get this two fifty plus thirty whatever I want to Okay, No, you you know where I am, and you don't call me no more with this because my check did not bounce. I don't see how one check went through and the other bounce. Let me say this to you, we cannot accept you back into the House of the Lord no more until you are not. Don't you come in the sunday until we get coming up in the sunday, and I'm gonna make sure I find your because you the person I want to see you go. And you know what, I'm gonna call the pastor right now and ask him because I don't believe my check bounce you fully? What? Let me say this? Before you called pastor I got No, I'm gonna call pastor. No, you should have talked with pastor before you call me with this information. I got one more thing I need to say. You ain't got nothing to say to me. You don't upset me, but this I'm talking about, I bounced a check. You should have went to pastor before you call me. With you I talk pastor one I got, but I got one more thing to say before I leave. But you're listening. What are you about to say to me? What do you have to say now that you're gonna pay the check? This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. What did you say? Baby? This isn't what did you say? I'd say? This is nephew time me baby brother Steve Harvey morn. Until your girlfriend has pranked you, I'm gonna beat that. She just left hid flying out to do in her No she didn't. I'm let me ask you one more thing though, Baby, what is the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey. Huh yeah, you had her blood pressure up. Get that blood gone, baby, A drinlum, that a drill um. All all right, let me put my info out there. Let me see, let me see, let me see. Let me start with We're gonna start with Orlando, Orlando, Florida. Let me say this. You have sold out, told out five shows, two on Friday, three on Saturday. Tickets are gone, but the nephew is adding a show. All right, I'm adding a sixth show. It will be Thursday night. Thursday night, there would be the added show. So that's it. That's it. One Thursday, two on Friday, three on Saturday, and we're done. Okay, that's where Orlando. Appreciate y'all. The nephew was on the way land in the cut is the one and only Tampa, Florida, June twenty five, twenty six, and twenty seven. I think the twenty six is gone, that they got a few tickets left Tampa, but nephew coming to town. Baby, I'm back on stage. Do you hear me? Went through a drout, went through a drought. The pandemic had me sitting at home. But I'm back. I'm back and I'm strong, and the pandemic taught me something. I will never ever ever neglect that stage again. I'm promise you every time I can get to the mic, I'm getting to the mic. So a, Florida. Get ready at Orlando and it's Tampa. The Nephew is on the way, Ready to Love. Yeah, I got more news. This is the Nephew News Ready to Love Friday Night. Don't miss it. Nine easton eighth Central, only on own. That's right, that is Houston. But get ready though, because we are on our way to Washington, d SEEP. We're talking more about that, lady, Go ahead, Sharon, take it away, all right? Coming up next Thanking Aphew Strawberry Letters, subject my ex won't let me meet his boo. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you needed vice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like We're going to read this one right here, right now. It could be hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, all right. Subject my ex won't let me meet his boo. Dear Stephen Shirley. My ex husband and I are both in our forties and we have three children under age twelve. We divorced over two years ago, and recently he allowed his girlfriend to move into my old house with him. The kids mentioned it, so I asked my ex to let me meet the woman that my kids are around. He got upset and said it's none of my business. I said I should know who my children are around, and he said all I need to know is that they're with him, and that's all that matters. Well, I do happen to know the woman, and she's a whore he messed with while we were married, and I'm sure he's afraid for me to be Yeah, you heard it. You don't even say that, but that's what it says. It's a letter. Well, I do having to know the woman, and she's a whore he messed with while we were married, and I'm sure he's afraid for me to be face to face with her because I might snap. It's been years since this happened, so I'm not tripping at all, But even if it was another woman, I would want to meet her. He is planning to take our children and his girlfriend to Destin when the kids finished with school, and I saw this on social media because he puts all of his business out on there. He hasn't mentioned anything to me and still hasn't set up a meeting between me and this person he lives with. I still let the children go visit him, but I think it's very disrespectful that I don't know this woman. My family says I need to reach out to her, but that is his job. I asked him, if the tables are turned and I had a and living with me, would he like to meet the man I have around his children? He said he doesn't ever want to meet another n word that's with me. He doesn't respect or drop off and pick up times either, and it's a big ordeal because he doesn't want me coming by the house. I've kept quiet, but it hasn't been easy. Should I reach out to this woman he lives with or let it be well? I mean, this certainly is your business. Despite what he said about it being none of your business. It is your business. I mean, these are your kids and you have every right to know what's going on with them, as long as your intentions are pure, and you really do want to meet this woman and you're not gonna snap like you say you want to meet this woman for the reasons you speak of, then okay, you're not wrong. But the chances of this actually happened, it sounds like are zero to none. Okay, your trifling ex husband is just not about to let this happen. He knows he's wrong, and he's too petty to care about that. I say, Patty, because it's not about him. It's not about you. It's not even about the girlfriend. Really, it's about the kids. That's all you're trying to find out, is that the kids cool. You want to know what this person's character is, what she's teaching them. Does she really care for them? I mean she's living in the home, so they're going to be around her quite a bit. Does she discipline them? If she does, How you want to know all those things, all these questions you want answers to, Well, you do sound like the adult in this situation. Your husband is bitter and very disrespectful, as you said, and you're going to get nowhere with him, so I don't think it'll hurt anything to reach out to this woman. You can, but I also say be watchful, listen to your children, wait for any change in their behavior or anything they might tell you. They're under twelve, which means you know they can talk and everything, So if there's any kind of change, then you speak to your husband about it if you have to go over there. I don't think there's a wrong answer here. I just don't. I don't think there's a wrong answer. You you do it how you feel you should do it, as their parents. Steve, Well, we've got a few things going on in this letter. At first, my ex won't let me meet his boo. Was a little deceptive, But now that you have children involved, that changes everything. I was a little confused as I was reading the letter because it wasn't clear who the children were with until later on in the letter. They just go to visit him, So you have custody of the kids. Now, let's start with a couple of things I pick up right away. My ex husband and I both in their forties. Y'all got three children on the age that we divorced over two years ago. Recently he allowed his girlfriend to move into my old house with him. See, once you say that's my old house, that adds a little extra to sauce in the story. It's obviously not your house. The kids told you about it, so you ask your ax and let him meet the woman that my kids around. He got upset, said that ain't none of your business. It would be none of your business if the kids weren't around. But the kids are around, especially if they talk about vacation together. But here's the part that who gets trouble. I need to know who they're with with him, and that's all that mattered. And then you said, well, I do happen to know the woman, and she's a whore. Now when you say that lady, now your old house and she's a whore. Now you don't like this woman. And then you said, he's afraid for you to be face to face with her because I might snap. Well, we're there with your old house, the whore, and you're gonna snap. That's why you ain't meeting No damn. All right, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subject my ex won't let me meet his boob. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, subject my ex won't let me meet his boo. Well, the subject is a little misleading because we didn't know it was children involved. But children are involved. I think you should meet him. But let me tell you why you start to let off wrong. Y'all divorce, you got three children under twelve. He recently allowed his girlfriend to move into my old house. If it was your house, you still be there, especially with possession of the kids. So I guess you wanted out of the house for some reason or some reason you weren't awarded the house or something something to that effect. But it's not your old house. It's his house. And the kids told you about that, and you want to meet the woman. But he said, that's none of your business. I disagree, because they're kids involved, and you should know who's around my children. He said, all I need to know is that she's with him, there with him, and that's all the matter. And then you said, well, I do happen to know the woman she's a whore. Well okay, now naw, we're getting into some other stuff now. Because that's the case. Meet it's gonna get ugly. And said that he's afraid you to meet a face face because I might snap. Because this is the woman that slept with your husband. Why y'all was married. Now you say it's been years since it's happened, so I'm not tripping at all, even if it was another woman I would want to meet, or which makes sense. He's planning to take our children and his girlfriend to Destin when the kids finished with school, and I saw this on social media because he puts all his business on there. He ain't mentioned nothing to you and still hasn't set up the meeting between me and the person he lives with him. I still let the children go visit him, but I think it's very respectful. I don't know who this woman is. I agree with you. I think it is disrespectful. My family says I need to reach out to her, but that's his job. Well, it's supposed to be his job, but he'd obviously don't do his jobs real well, or else y'all will still be married. Yeah, I asked him if the tables would turn, if I had a man living with me, would he liked to meet the man I have around his children? He said, he don't never want to meet another end that's the that's with me. Well, that's stupid of him, because if it's a man raising your kids, that's in it, and they under twelve, that at an impressionable age. You know, we all got to meet. He doesn't respect I drop off and pick up times either. It's a big ordeal because he doesn't want me coming by the house. I've kept quiet, but it hasn't been easy. Should I reach out to this woman? He lives with them, all right, So let me tell you to co parenting is hard work, especially when they're co parenting and they're divorced. Now, the fact that you've mentioned she's a whore and in y'all's old house and she slept with her husband and you might snap is exactly why you haven't met this woman yet. But you have to. I think your family's up to someone when they said you should reach out to them. I think you should call an inviter for coffee or a place of her choosing and just meet her and just say woman and woman, I just want to meet you. I love my children, I love them dearly. I just want to make shooting that you're okay with the kids. Are you having any problems with any one of them? Maybe I could clear it up for you, teach you a little bit about my children, because some of them have All kids have different ways. You might be struggling with the behavior over there, something as any thing I can help you with. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. So you can feel comfortable dropping your kids off. That's what co parenting is. That's what you have to do. That's the tough word. You think marriage was tough, co parenting is tough too. So that's what you have to do. Now, let's talk about your attitude and say attitude. You're gonna have to quit calling this woman a horse, okay, because that right there, Yeah see, that's gonna keep you in stink mode with this heath for the whole time. And right see right there, but it ain't your husband no more. So what you gotta look at it from now on is she slept with your ex husband, not your husband, because he's your ex husband now, so the man, he's the way he was man she was sleeping with is actually your ex husband, So fix that in your mind. The other thing you need to do is you have to quit calling the woman a whore, because a whore definition of a horse is different from she was just with your husband. She wasn't with a lot of men. She was just with your hus and she could have been with your husband for some other reasons. He could have lied, you know, and I told her all the facts. Oh that you're saying, may this woman that he was married at the time could have said, y'all was going through some things and separated. All is him, So you gotta kind of feel to that he But the key is so you can get comfortable with the woman that's around your kids. And you want to do a flex a little bit too, because you are the mother, and mothers have every right to flex. I made these babies. You can't just drag them off where you want, which is true. And I don't know what you all visitation rights is, but taking the babies out to state as kids, or they could or they could go to desk and winter babies if you could charge her were kidnapping and happen. Okay, thank you, Steve Poster comments on today's Drugberry Letters, Steve harveym Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast Driving to Hell. Thank You. Coming up at forty six minutes after the hours, Sports Talk with Junior. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got Junior? Okay, Schulie, Before I get to that, June fifth, Dallas, June fifth, the kers Hope five K fund one and walk will be happening at the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge. Go ahead, go to kars Hope dot org. That's k I E R. S Hope dot org and registered today. Well, it was a whole weekend full of NBA basketball. That's how I got. You know, the Warriors alread eliminated. I'm sorry they go on home, but it was you know, if you was a home team this weekend. It really didn't go well for a lot of home teams this weekend. Nah. So, like I said, like the Heat, the Heat lost to the Bucks one oh seven, one o nine. The Mavericks though beat the Clippers. Dog. Yeah they was, they were not all of them, but they was one thirteen one on three was the Mavericks over the Clippers at home. Then you had the Celtics who lost to the Nets. So that was expected because they had all three of them on the court at the same time, Durant, Irving, and Harden. They all played for the first time and in almost two months, so they wont. Then you had the Trailblazers over the Nuggets one twenty three to one oh nine. And then you had on Sunday you had the seventy sixes who beat the Wizards. The Lakers lost to the Suns, and then the Hawks beat the Knicks at home. Now he's Cleveland, dude, dog Cleveland. Yeah, they did good watching. Oh they was watching. Okay, I mean I mean they was watching with the Rockets. Here we go. That's the same way the Texas is gonna be doing this playoff season for the football. Here we go. See. So my question is, even though the Wards are going home, does Steph still get the MVP? Yes, probably not, he had the best season. They don't. They don't give out the award after the playoffs. You would think whoever on number one team be up for MVP most of the times. No, that ain't hard work. So it's not even the best team. It's just the best player for their team. This situation they was in. Yeah, I mean, but you know they a lot of times I don't. I don't always agree with the MVP myself. But oh really, really you have a hard time, you have it a hard time. But what do you say? Or Harvey, what do you say? I mean? I think Steph carry the numbers he put up this year. If you asked me, who put up the best number? The best numbers to me is Russell Westbrook. Yeah he did. He averaged a triple double. He did. But that's not what they do. That's that's why the MVP. I don't get this cat is valuable man all in triple doubles. That boy playing basketball man like nobody else. Well, we're gonna find out a couple of weeks. All right, thank you, Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour. Here's a question for you guys. What's the dumbest thing you believed as a kid. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening, all right, here's a question for you guys. What's the dumbest thing you believed as a kid. Now, this question was on faithbook, and we just wanted to ask you, Steve. We wanted to ask Tommy Junior and of course Jay, what was all the dumb stuff you believed as a kid, Like, you know, if you dug a big enough hole, you would be in China. You know, another was watching too much TV would literally ruin your brain. The list goes on and on. If I got one for you, yeah, I was paranoid. And and my uncle can attest this. He used to make me think that if you swallowed one of those watermelon seeds that one of them will start growing in your stomach. So I used to go through and just cut that watermelon up so fine. I mean I was just jack of watermelon up before I ate it because I was trying to get every seed out of it. I was parangosed to be all right, that was dumb. I'll tell you one. I'm shamed to say this because I was way off areging to at school that Santa Claus was really real? I was like, yeah, I was going to school. He is real. Now I got a girl fridd at everything. He is real? Ain't the right bait? I mean, I signed the craziest hell can we do that? You're in the Christmas and he is real, next saying yes, he's real. I tell what I believed. I went to Carver Elementary called Carver Elementary School, Columbia, South Carolina. I believe they had a basement and if you went in the basement, there was a lady down in that basement that would snatch your ass up and nobody would ever see you again if you went or the basement. So I always walked around the school to make sure I didn't even go past and the steps that went down in the basement, because she was known to come up the steps and snatch kids around. Uh. This was what I believe, and I believe that. And when I still passed the school, I never looked in that direction because I took one time and she was in the window. I sweat about I saw lady in the window. So I believe that. I thought that why you was running if you look down at the cracks on the sidewalk when they was going by, I thought that meant I was going faster. I believe that. I kick it. Oh my god. The other thing you believed as a kid, Tommy, I believe. I believe the I believed in the tooth fair. You know I did. I believe in ye Okay, yeah, yeah, there'n't. I haven't seen her in a while, okay, But I was like, but I used to be wondering, like, who is this white lady my daddy letting in the house. I just didn't understand, lady. I'm gonna tell you right now. Y'all remember the movie Candy Man. Oh yeah, if you say candy Man in the mirror three times, I thought he was really gonna pare. I would always get to two and just stopped. I couldn't never get Canny Man. Candy Man said, I hated to play with this. That was it. You don't play with it, Canny Man, stop it right there? Okay. I I tate what I believe. I believe when I was in the eighth grade that I was gonna pass to the ninth. I really believe I was gonna pass. I thought I had it locked. I thought that I thought there was nothing that was for me, making, no way that could keep my dumb ass back, because but they did. But I believe I was gonna seem closer. That was the dumbest thing you thought as a kid, You believe. When I was eight years old, I thought, yeah, if you was thirty years old, that you was old as hell. If you who your ass is almost out? All right, We'll have more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, the late great Paul Mooney made the Last Factory in Hollywood his second home, and there will be a special tribute in honor of mister Paul Mooney this Thursday at three pm. Check out this lineup. Eddie Murphy, Kevin Hart, and Tiffany Hattish will be in attendance, along with Paul Mooney's twin sons, Duane and Darryl. Wow. Yeah yeah, Eddie Murphy. The only thing who's missing from this lineup. You guys, we got Eddie Murphy. Yeah. Chappelle yea, yeah, she's still around. Yeah together. George Wallace should be there. They that or that roast they had and should God, it should be well for me. I shouldn't say that, but I mean, I understand playing the tribute, but the tribute should be if they really wouldn't got the people who really knew him and spent some time with him, that would be really great if they took their time. Eddie knew him when as soon as he passed, Eddie Murphy text me and Saint Mooney passed. Man. Wow, wow, what a legend. And here the City of Oakland, they are planning something there doing as well. Yeah, the city council and stuff out too. So thank you for coming to the James by Paul game twice he really did. Oh wow. All right. Yeah, we'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The twenty twenty one I Heart Radio Awards is going down this Thursday, May twenty seventh at eight pm on Fox. It'll be live from Thedobe Theater in Los Angeles and US Shirt That's right, Ersha Baby is set to host this year's show. He will also perform Yeah. Other performance include the Weekend Uh with special guests Ariana Grande newly married Ariana Grande, Bruno Mars and Anderson Pack, Silk Sonic, Doja Cat, Uh Huh, Doja Cat and more. Also said to appear on the show as Our Girls. Megan the Stallion and yeah, she's gonna be good, you know. The night will also feature a special tribute to one of your favorite Steve Elton John Uh. He'll be honored with the twenty twenty twenty twenty one Icon Award. So there you go, Benny and the Jet. That's a favorite. Yeah, legend, legend for sure, yeah yeah. And then other trending news. It's the black girl magic for us. We gotta say this. Simone Biles made history this weekend in Indianapolis at the US Classics. She's twenty four years old. Simone Biles became the first gymnast ever to lando your Chenko double pike, and she rocked her rhinestone goat leopard leotard and made history. I mean, it's the your Shanko double pike. Let me tell you, it was unbelievable what she did. It's unbelievable what she did. She did, fight all under it. It's amazing. Yeah. Yes, And it's effortless, speakable, it's effortless. It's like she's floating and flying. You know what, when you do moves like that, you know what they do. They outlaw the move. We can't do that, nobody else do it. They do it. All the time. They really do it, girl. No, did you see the that was I think it was an analyst for NBC and they were talking about the Tokyo Olympics coming up, and one of the gymnasts. One of the analysts said, uh, Simone Biles, lets her, you know, her gymnastics speaks for it because she when she did that, she said, the queen has when the announcers give you the queen title. You know, I just like how she just moves. I mean, oha, girl, unbelievable. Yeah, man, yeah, I'm just slowing away by. There's no gravity when you watch her, there's no gravity. Coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour, it will be our last break of the day. It's the last break of the day, a short work week. Thank you Jesus, thank you, and of course we will have some inspiring closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to all right, here we are, guys, our last break of the day on this Monday. It's been a good day. Yeah yeah, yes, really really really yeah. Great kind of went back kind of quick though, it did, didn't it. Yeah, I wasn't as snappy today. As I wanted to be. I don't know what that was. You were good, I just wasn't as snappy as I wanted to be. Better, Get snappy, don't come about to take my but to work. So again, off one job and go to another one. Yeah, at least we got commercial breaks on this job. You're standing in front of that camera. Ain't no off so hey, you know, let me let me say this inclosing. You know, um, I want to keep encouraging people to keep to keep making an effort to make your dreams come true. Look, I know that life can be tough at times, and I know there are times when life seems like it's completely unfair. But life ain't really fair. But life ain't really fair for anybody. And what I mean by it's not fair, the unexpected always happens. I mean, you know, as prepared as you may be, you can be setting your plan for your day to go one way or another way, and then something completely happens out of the blue, and it seems unfair. Well, I just want to remind you that that happens to everybody. That's not just happening to you. Life happens to every everybody, and these sudden surprises. They seem so unfair, but that's life. The counter that you have for the unexpected is if you are a believer, if you can work yourself up to become a person of faith, if you can form a relationship with your creator. The thing that will help you get through all of that is the realization that even though the unthinkable has happened, even though this unforeseen circumstance has popped up, this unexplainable moment, just the fact of knowing that God is with me no matter what happens. He is a very present help for me in the good times, in the bad times, when it's sunnay, when it's reigning, when it's thunderstorming, when the waves is real high, when when your ship gets turned over it can get righted again. You know, I want you to understand, to stop wanting everything to be smooth for yourself. That's not realistic, y'all. That's not what life is. If life was smooth for us all the time, we would have no level of appreciation, we would have no need for faith, We would have no relationship with God. I promise you we wouldn't. If everything was level and smoothed, that would be no flow to life. You wouldn't even have real emotions if it stayed smooth all the time. You would have no appreciation for sunny days because if the sunshine every day, because we are human, all of us, we would just get accustomed to it and we would just go about thinking old, well, if this is how it's supposed to go. But God treats the weather just like life. It has its sunny days, it has its partly cloudy days, it has its days when it's thunderstorming. It has its days where it's windy outside. It has its days where it's just great. Then it has some days where it's just perfectly beautiful weather. And then and then, just like life, the weather it has seasons to it. You have a season whereas it just seems like for a period of time you're just out here tall and working, and then it seems like there's a period of time where it might seem like all your crops is dead and and ain't nothing coming out the ground. And then you'll have seasons in your life where you're just harvesting the fruit and the manner and the crops are coming all in. That's life, and God gives us these examples of life all through nature and everything. When the leaves turn brown and orange, how beautiful they can be. But if some people, if you don't see the beauty of the orange and the scarlets and the red and the oranges of the leaves, then you missed the beauty of fall. If you're just sitting there going old wol Lord, it's fit to be winter. Now you spend the whole beautiful fall where it about when winter come, When winter come, and that beautiful snow is coming out the sky and you're able to go snowboarding and skiing and sledding and making snow creaming and making ice ice milk, and making snow men and making angels and stuff. You missed the beauty of winter. Fix your mind, y'all. This is life. Life has all these evan flows, and we are waking a life to partake of all these evan flows. And it's a beautiful thing to be able to partake of life with all this ups and downs, sunny days, rainy days, when you need rain for flowers to go. It's like God's word. It's just like the rain. God does not send rain and snow to earth without it returning something. You know, what I mean. When the rain falls from the sky, it returns flowers. When the rain falls from the sky, it returns greenery and trees. It returns, It supplies nourishment for seeds. That's when rain gonna. When God gives his word. God don't give you his word without a return. Open your mind to God's word, man, It has a return value to it, y'all. Get into a Get into your faith and understand what God is saying to you. Don't let nobody fool you with all this Luminati conversation and all this foolishness. Right here. God is real, man, God is very, very real. He's the truth of the matter. Sit up here and let these people talk you into some oaky doke that ain't real. God is real, man. That Bible been around since you don't even know what it wasn't around. Every word in it. Check it, truth, check it because it's true. Get into your faith, y'all. God loves you, man, It would be the best thing for you. Talk to God. You loved me your faith. You don't have faith? Asked the officers do that to say, have a great day for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.