Good morning and welcome to the ride! Y'all ain't ready for this here word play from the wordsmith of wordsmiths. Somebody clearly failed the physical attraction test according to The CLO. Potholes be causing problems for the Roller Skating Ministry and Crazy Legs 'bout to get slapped inside Church Complaints. It got real in New York! As usual, Bitterman is up to no good today. Scarface and his son are tighter than ever. Pimpin' picked it when TB set an NFL record. The crew answer a FUn question about one's iPhone. Apparently TP had Ying Yang Twins Salt Shaker playing in his backyard and a cow went with it. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve wraps up with a convo about statistics.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all back a suit, back to back down, giving them like the mosing bu bu things and it's not me true good Steve together for star, I don't join Jo. You gotta turn you run you, you gotta turn the turnout. Turn got to turn out to turn the water to the water. Come come on your baby, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I thank God for it. Every day. I try to remember that too, you know. I try to remember to be grateful. I think gratitude is one of the things that helps keep me grounded. You can go as far as you want in life. If you don't mind who gets the credit. Well that applies to God too, don't it. I mean, you know, really, if you don't mind who gets the credit. I'm surrounded by very competent people. I'm surrounded by a lot of people who work hard on their jobs on their career, who are dedicated employees and also just dedicated to their families and you know, dedicated to their own set of aspirations. I don't expect anybody to work for me forever. I always look at my job opportunity. These are stepping stones because I want everyone around me really to aspire to be more. I mean, that's that's really the way I am. I'm not any other way. I'm not trying to hold you to this position. You know, tell you there's no room for growth, any of that. But even though I'm surrounded by these people, I'm grateful that God placed them in my path in my life. But in my mind, in my spirit, in everything in me, the credit still belongs to God. I'm sorry. The credit still belongs to God. See if you would, just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself, just for a moment. I know that's hard, but just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself and realize that maybe you are who you are because God is who he is. Maybe that's the case. Have you ever considered that? That's the strongest possibility I can give to you. You know, how do you think you're the one that made it through? How you think you the one after all of the ignorant decisions we have made? And oh my goodness, let's all be honest. Ain't we made some crazy decisions I'm talking about, man, I have made decisions so adverse to my destiny and career, my promises. I've made some decisions man, knowingly you hear me knowingly do something wrong, and in spite of all that, I'm still here standing. Okay, come on now, really, really, all the dirt you've been done, everybody done dirt, all the mistakes you've made, You're in a position you in today because of what? Because you all that? Because you work harder than anybody else. Look, I work hard. I'll be there. I'll tell you in a minute. I work hard, but I don't think I'm the hardest working person out there. I'm pretty sure somebody didn't work way harder than I have. So okay, so you work hard? Okay, cool, I got all that, But man, what about his grace and his mercy? What about his favor? How many times, man, you didn't rely on that, even when you ain't know you was relying on it? How many times man, God hadn't shown you mercy? You ain't even deserve it? Do you know how many things I've done wrong? I just ain't get caught at it? You know. Let me see how simple I can be here. You speed, you jaywalk, You lie to police when you get pulled over that you wasn't speeding. You go to court and I argue you wasn't speeding when you was. You make you turns. I'm just doing traffic violations. Now, let's get off traffic for a second. Let's get on human violations. You talk about people when you're not supposed to. You indulge yourself in gossip even when you don't really have all the facts. You pass judgment, You lust for people that don't belong to you. You say things to people that you're not supposed to say. So, look all of us, we all, we all guilty. Now see I'm not saying you do all of that, but I'm saying I'm pretty sure I hit you somewhere in there, just somewhere in there. You to lie before you know you lied recently. I mean, come on, And I'm just saying so with all that in mind. See, I'm just looking at the little things that we do that we don't get busted for. To mention the chips you stole when you was a kid and nobody caught you. Well, that elevated, didn't it. And some of y'all just didn't stop stealing. The next thing you know, you was in a car. Now you're sitting somewhere you don't want to be sitting because of a decision you made. But through his grace and mercy, couldn't it have been worse? Though? Without his grace and mercy, could not it have been worse? I know two dudes it got caught in the garage one time, trying to break in somebody's house, and the person in the house they broke into just happened to have a gun and held them into garage, caught them and hailed them to the garage to the police car. That's Grayson Mercy right there, because they had all full right to shoot these two people, but they didn't. The Grayson Mercy. See, all of us have benefited from his grace and mercy. All of us have done a wrong, committed a sin, broken the law, and somehow, through his grace and mercy, got by, doing drugs, buying drugs, slanging drugs, doing something, got by, jumped on somebody for no reason, got by, you know. So see how you figure with all that that can go on in your life? And then hold on, let me throw a couple more at you. You can't wake yourself up in the morning, mister big shot. You don't have the ability to control the breaths that you take. Really, mister big shot, really, let's get real basic with it now. You can't wake yourself up in the morning. That's favor, that's grace, that's mercy, that's Him allowing you to wake up just hoping we get it right. You know, God spared me through all the dirt I was doing just hoping one day, man, can you just straighten up a little bit? When I finally straightened up, and I'm gonna just say it, straightened up a little bit. See, I ain't straightened up all the way. Say, I ain't gonna sit here and tell you that I just straightened up a little bit. He started bless me. So the more blessings I gotta started going. Man, maybe I'll try straighten up a little bit more. So I straightened up a little bit more. Now I still got a long way to go, but I'm straighter than I was. Now. When people judging me and as they will, and they do, because that ain't right, but they do, and I ain't walking just the way they walk. Then here comes to criticism. I get it all the time. Stop wanting credit all the time and give out some credit where credit is due instead of get having somebody patting you on your back all the time. Why don't you tell God, tell people it was really was God? Man that you don't really know how you made it? That really man, you have no explanation for your success or you have no explanation why you still existing today. Why don't you tell somebody was God today? Don't be ashamed. It's the truth, ain't it. I mean, really, man, Let's give God some credit. Hell, give God the credit and the glory and the honor. And like that plaque said, you can go as far as you want in life if you don't mind who gets the credit. All right, you're listening, folks. I have something to say. I do every morning. But this is different. Not that it's a different day. It's it's it's another Monday. Not that I'm gonna say something you've never heard. Because I'm assuming that you're well versed in the skill set of English. I cannot put words together that you've never heard before. So why would I need your undivided attention when I know that all of you are familiar with every single piece of verbiage that I could possibly put together. So what I will attempt to do is take you down a road of verbiage that is uncomfortable. It is when boy give off into this hill show that now that y'awlins didn't come in his fault and here's fault. And furthermore, it is that we bout to pop it off and let him get off into that that thing. Ladies and gentlemen, protrusions and exclusions put it together for the Steve Harvy Morning Show. That's a damn intro right there. What what hu? That's English all less English, Ladies and gentlemen. One of the greatest ebonic intros of all time. Shirley Strawberry, I know your isn't yeah, good morning, call it for real. You tow it up up from the flow up, Ladies and gentleman, kill space. We called him, Julia, Well you said that. There I no idea. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. The bitter man himself, Jay Anthony Brown, you definitely did the damn thing, says get it, ladies and gentleman. The King of Prank's nephew Tunning top tip top top top top tip Uncle Steve riding Baby ride, so ride every day. You're in a singing mood always in the morning. Oh man, I'd be so happy that God wake me up. I just man, I'll be like, come on, man, I'd woke up a lot of days, though I didn't wake up a whole lot of times. And I remember the times that I would wake up and not quite be feeling it, and I would give in to it, you know, and go on. I got up on the wrong side of the bed. I stopped that long time ago. Ain't no wrong side of the baby man. Long as I get up, Man, I don't give a damn if I roll up and slam dead into a damn wall. But then that's another thing. I ain't had a bed up against a wall in a long ass Yeah, yeah, my bad. Ain't been up against a wall in a long long time. It's just in the middle of the floor. I didn't open. It was just you know, yeah, oh oh, I see. You know what I mean. All of your bands, Caul, you can get in from both sides, all of you, So don't act like it's just me. Stop if you ain't done rich about that at all. It wasn't a rich moment. All right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll talk more to the crew and we'll ask the CLO right after this. You're listening show, all right. Steve Time four asked the CLO. Here we go. This one is from Marnetia in South Dallas. She writes, I'm thirty three years old and happily married to my high school sweetheart. He's the thirty four and very active with our son's athletic programs. Our son is fourteen, as he's acting like our son could go to the NFL or the NBA any day. Now. He has our son taking all kinds of supplements. He has a trainer and a strength coach. I see my son wanting to hang out with his friends, and he has a few girls he's talking to. My husband means well, but I want to ask him to give our son a break. How do I do this without offending him? Well, you know, I think the question is how does your son feel about it? You know, because the one thing about special athletes, they kind of be special as children. Some athletes blossom late, but most of these guys you can see it early on that they got something special. He may be enjoying now. Supplements at fourteen. Don't know what you're talking about now, I don't. I don't know what supplement you taking at four team man, that you even need, because yeah, I mean, your body is grown and developing any way every day at fourteen. Now you get older, you need supplements to supplement what's starting to diminish. You might take a testosterone supplement, you might take a mineral supplement, but at fourteen, you ain't missing nothing. That's the only thing. I think. It's crazy. But you know your your boy playing sports for girls anyway, You ain't got to worry about them girls. He had him that I don't stop right there. No, And you ain't got to worry about that. He got telephone, FaceTime computers. Oh no, he You quit worrying about the girls, lady, than man. They talk about him on the phone. Man, please Didney and Richmond. Didney and Richmond says last week Sydney in Richmond, Uh huh, that I met the most beautiful girl last week, beautiful girl I've ever seen him. Within a week, She's fallen off the face of the earth. She told me. She goes to a certain coffee shop every morning, so I showed up there. We've been talking on the phone a few days, so I figured it was okay to show up and treat her to coffee. She would not get out of the car, and she drove off. That's when she stopped answering my calls. What happened within a week to cause this? She saw you? She saw you? Yeah, yeah, she saw you. Dog. All that talking on the phone, she saw you. Dog. It's all good. Don't even worry about it, man, Sydney. That's what happened. Man. You know, when you when you have something about you that they don't like, they're not getting out the call of her time. You know. Yeah, he know that, he knows that he got an name that kind of leads towards you know, you ain't cute. I ain't never seen qute sitting unless it was a girl. I don't seen a lot of fine chicks na ain't sitting it. But most dudes ain't sitting. It looked just like sitting there. Sit. Nah. You know, dog, you know you knew what you know? You know what was that? You know what's that? Dog? It's either that or you ain't the right height. I don't want to get into that on this show this morning. But I'm it's either you look or you wasn't the right height because if you were standing next to the male box and she couldn't tell which one was which. All right, we're gonna move on. I shot and wide as a male box. All right, here we go. Patrick, just look like a little fair X drop box. You move off. Patrick in the Mohamma says, I'm a forty eight year old single man and I was dating a slightly younger female that was insecure. She accused me of messing around every time I left the house. One night, I was headed to the movies with my sons and she said if I left, she'd be gone when I got back. I told her to go ahead and leave. She tried to hit me, and I ducked, so she spit in my face. I lost it. I picked her up and put her outside my house and I locked her out. I took all of her things to her mom's house, and she told her mom that I put my hands on her. Do I defend myself or let her play the victim? Wow? Wow, I mean you're gonna had to defend yourself that he putting his hands on me, you know, but won't you spit on me? You guys to get out, Yeah, immediate forever. I mean that's just a hateful last move. Yeah it is for no reason. That's going out with your son. I mean, you're going to the movie with your sons. You can't do that, bro, Bro, she is secured. She ain't that fine dog? Let her go now? Yeah yeah, yeah, she's done. And you put your hands on her when you picked her up and physically set OI outside, So she got a technicality on you. But as long as you don't hit a dog, can I spit back? I got to do something. Well, I'm not gonna do that. I'm not I'm not hitting a woman, and I'm not spitting on a woman. I'm not kicking. I don't. I don't do nothing physical to a woman. And I've had some stuff done to me, but I will not. I will not do anything physical to a woman, simply because the way I was raised. Yeah, I'm not spitting on you, none of that. Can we put a bookmark in there where you said I've had some things done to me and revisit that. At some point I slap with a raw chicken breast, I've been what did you do. What did you do my favorite? I don't even remember. I've done a lot, but you know the raw chicken bust. That wouldn't that's it. I wouldn't want chicken no mo After that, I had a pot thrown at me and the handle stuffed in the wall. I've been kicked. I've had a picture of water thrown on me in a bed. I don't have everything, dog, I water huh oh. I thought chicken was the chicken season when you got hit with it. I'm just curious. Rock just a raw I'm gonna tell you something. No, dog, I don't care who you are. That nice ass thing. I just wanted to know. Steven all right? Coming up next church complaints with Reverend Motown and NK and deaf Jam. Right after this, you're listening Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, and trending news, we'll talk about vas attack of the viral video of the restaurant hostess being attacked in New York City. Also in the entertainment news, the iHeartRadio Music Festival was big over the weekend in Las Vegas, and one of the Kings of comedy, Cedric the Entertainer, hosted the primetime and these last night we'll talk about all of these stories of the yeah promo man. Yeah, right now it's Monday. It's time for church complaints with Reverend Motown Deacon deaf jam we full galveol yeah, ospordaciously as we reconcile with our reciprocity of engagement of duabilities Godma, we carniferously. Oh that's a new one. Now, that's new postually in a way where we remindly full remind fully remind fourth righteousness with that long elf. Go ahead, come on, mapitulate o'h preaching man. Let us begin, deacon with church complaint. I know it's so hard to follow that with go ahead, yeah yeah. Let's see here our sister Princess banks. You know, sister Princess Banker, her sign Jacobe slammed his dough after she told him to clean his room. Let me just cut to the chaste and say her bear's set at five thousand dollars. She's been charged with austin. She burnt the whole dough down. Do we bear her out or what do we do? Palace? But that's just the eye, that's just the well. Her fail is shits five thousand that's five hundred. I'm gonna go get her out, or because we are support this type of thing. Or I remember when I was a boy, I slammed the door, and I went to school and came home and the door was removed. Yeah, wait a minute, the whole dough was complete, the girl hinge and everything just an opening and painted looked like an archway. I no longer had privacy the entire time I stayed there. So yes, we will get the five hundred and get out of a right fine hunt for sister Princess Banks. All right, let's move right along hip pass the roller skating ministry. I wants to use the parking lot for practice, but we got too many potholes in the parking lot. Now, crazy Legs on the roller skating Minister said the money you spent on your cigars monthly could pay to fix the parking lot. Now I'm not getting in the middle of that, but I'm just saying that's what crazy Legs are saying. You can tell crazy leg go to hill. Oh and now let's deal with the resurfacing of the parking lot. Or crazy Legs, it's the only slim skater that we have. It is the shill weight of the membership owned skates. Sister Earl Lean cracked the entire parking lot with new rollerblades. See, you got to spread that weight out on four wheel. When she put it on them rollerblades, she just cracked up that entire parking lot. Now we gotta reservice that thing. And what I want to say the crazy leagues is you stop letting everybody come on the parking lot of skate. Now we're gonna put the scale at the gate, and if you're over two fifty, you can't skate. That's all to it. It's a two fifty limit for the two fifty. I know nine people can't come right now. Ain't a where hell they're gonna be getting down two feety By said it. When you're cutting the ministry down that past, I don't know if it ain't a ministry the roller skating they call at a roller skating ministry. Now, I don't know if they're skating for the law the way, but they were not a ministry digging. I'm not gonna say it no more but calling it what it ain't you you In case you want to know who I'm hauling that, the answer is you. Why are you taking a tone with me though, pass I'm not a talk Listen to me. Did you see the movie Gold of Yes idea, Yes, the idea that told Sonny the one that bring it to you, the one that bring it to me? And is you not the one that bringing it? I'm bringing it. But I don't want you to kill the messenger or us in here with the complaint because you think you want me to do something about it, and and I told you we nothing do that. Two fifty that's it. That's fifty weight limit, roller skating minister. Let me move right alone. I know you want to hear this or night. Brother Larry Elda wants to join the church to get closer to black people. Yeah, he came Saturday and Sunday, I'm sorry and sat on the on the pew and everyone moved when he sat on it. And then he ran up into the choir stand and everybody stopped saying, he wants you to make them like him. Now, I don't know if you can handle this path, but that's that's brother Larry, he wants. I think the best way to sum this up is, last week we were discussing Larry Elder, well not we but they were discussing him on the morning short that's right. And Jay Anthony Brown made a point that I really stuck with me. A homeless person through an egg at Larry Elder hurl No, you got to be nothing for a homeless, hungry person to hurl a whole meal at you. That's right. That egg could have sustained him for another day. He was willing to sacrifice another day of living. In the words of Rare Earth, I just want to sell a lilebrate another day of living. I didn't want to selllebrate another day of live. You're gonna let him use you want. A homeless man, in the words of Jack Brown, throws an egg away at you. You know how hard a world him get that egg? You know a home hold on the egg. You got to sleep right, you got you got to fight off robberies. Lall is not gonna be a member of his church now. And we have a multicultural church, but we don't have we have blacks, Browns and watch we don't have no Uncle tomes all right, On that note, we gotta say this. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you, right, after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. See I Heard Radio Music Festival was big this past weekend in Las Vegas. Carla, what's your god? What happened? Tell us all the good news. That's right, Shirley. The day it was a two day festival. The two day I Heard Radio Musical Festival returned back to the T Mobile Arena in Las Vegas this past weekend. Shirley Monica, We've all been out there. It was star studded with our guy Nellie. Nellie was fired. He set the stage on fire. Billy Eilish, Ja Cole, colleague, can we just talk hip hop rappers, Little Baby j Cole Sweetie and rock and roll legend the band member Journey. Don't stop believing. They were really really good. They close out the show. So if you missed it and you want to check it out, make sure you watch the CW network on October second and third, the iHeart Radio Music Festival, dort it big congratulations iHeart but you got Shirley. I want to see Nellie? Thank you, Carl, Yes, yes, all right, and more entertainment news. So Steve, we have to give a big shout out to our friend, friend of the show, your personal friend, one of the Kings of comedy, Cedric the entertainer said, he said girl Setty set he said, hosted the seventy third annual Primetime Emmy's Last Night. He was looking good. It was star studded ballerina, Misty Copeland, Michael Douglas to Roger p Henson, Gail King said, say it was himself. Yeah, and that's what I like. Man, he was He's really good. But did a great job. Man. Yeah, that's that's your boy, that's your friend. Dude. Man, what he do I pulled from him, that's clearly yeah, what happened. Don't don't downplay that. What you say, Steve, you mumbled its opportunity incorporated. Yes, he is him to be a cute with you everybody. Don't you know, would even look right being a cute that don't even look good? Don't that don't look don't we know that? Okay, and let's see no, no, because you already knew I was over there waiting. That's why you didn't want to come qu you wanta come this route because you knew I was in I was all ready to wait. Okay, Well, what do you what was you gonna do to me? You ain't already done what? I mean, you play with for twenty something years. What was you gonna do that You ain't already done so much? He wasn't even even your nephew. You didn't even I was not fitting up. Let please, all right, we're gonna move on on that note. Finally, in trending video gone viral, news backs attack, New York City was concerned that it's new mandate requiring people to show proof of COVID vaccinations to enter restaurants and other indoor venues would result in some ugly confrontations. And guess what, that's just what happened. In a chaotic video now gone viral, three women from Houston, Texas try to get into um you everybody knows Carmines and in New York the popular tourist restaurant there Uh, These women got violent when the hostess outside asked to see proof of vaccination. The women started hitting the hostess with punches and also ripped off her necklace. It was horrible. Restaurant's staff and even some bystanders intervened to try to break up the fight. Police were called in and three women were arrested. Thank god, Just fyi. New York City's rule requiring proof of vaccination for into a restaurant dining jim all that entertainment venues has been in effect since August seventeen, but according to multiple outlets, the rule has just recently started. Well here's a deal. You don't want to get your vaccine. That's fun. I mean, you know, if you won't get vaccine, okay, cool, But the people who will have decided to be safe, you can't put them that risk. Sorry, And she didn't make some rule worked as I mean you you you're mad at huh because you ain't got no vaccine. That's all she's doing. She just a host at the restaurant. Yeah, her boss told her to vaccine. And now your ass going to jail and your meal's gonna really change. Your meal was gonna get. Ain't no accine, ain't no ain't no advertiser, and ain't no men. You ain't no better. I'm telling you about experience. It is cold as hell. You can't say warmness up. They don't want to hear that. Okay, what you get that ain't what I wanted today. Wow, it's really bad. Just ignorant, ignorant, they almost knocking the podium down. You saw, I saw that. Somebody sent me the video. Thought it was crazy. Y. No, I haven't seen somebody sent me they. I mean they just acted like it's like what, you chump on this and she's a young woman. You jump on her because she asked you a question about a vaccine? Are you serious? At what point? You at what point do you think when you whipping the hostess? Ass that they gonna give you a seat? Yeah, gonna let you in. Why nobody helping me with the whippings? A lot of people working up. Somebody come on, help me. It was so unbelievable. I'm pretty sure people are in shock at first, and then you go, oh my god, they're beating her up. You know, they'd jumped on her. Three sisters from Houstons. That's that's a hell of I ass whipping. I'm telling you, I'm telling something, all right. Well, coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, we're gonna look into the mind of Jay Anthony Brown. Right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, introduce your boy ladies and gentlemen. Jay Anthony Brown, thank you so much. Mister Hardy, my question today, I have two of us questions me. I'm just saying thank you. I'm just saying thank you. I have two sets of questions, two sets of questions for two groups of people, two sets of questions. The first question is to the men who have a nice head of hair, a nice size head of hair. But junior, the question is how how much forehead is allowed to junior? How do I need? I need to know how if you if you have a nice set of come on you a nice grade of hair, what's forehead? If that's forehead that is allowed? Without anybody saying anything. And the reason I'm saying is because I'm seeing a lot of nice hair and a lot of huge foreheads and on men on men. I'm seeing it on men, and I need to know what's the He got his textans yeah on today, so you case no he say different versions people junior give me just say that, Steve Julior. Guys. Yeah, there's some guys, are you I don't I don't have. But I'm not talking about looking at JR. Head up to see how far back that is junior juniors fine, juniors, fine? J is not yo your headline is back down with your head sets talking about well, let me let me be, let me be specific, let me be smith, let me be smith. Yeah, that word one one is a commentator and one and one is a comedian and is not Ika? Who the hell of the damn comedian? J Shawn I'm not harbha Rashawn and Stephen A. Schmill. I'm not about Julian. I'm not talking about Well, I'm goal with who are we all know? Who is we talking about? You messed up? Jay's big, he said. Commentators, he said, how far back is all right? Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have more Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Fifty year old hip hop legend and Houston's own rapper, Scarface. We all know him well. Scarface just got a life lifeline in his battle with kidney failure. Scarface had a serious case of COVID nineteen, which doctors say knocked out his kidneys and he had to be put on dialysis. Scarface had made public please for help in getting a new kidney, but recently he told the world he'd found an answer closer to home. According to CBS News in Houston, Scarface a son, thirty year old Christian Chris Joyner. Chris Jordan said, um, why not, he's my dad? Come on, why king is my dad? Scarface is? Scarface posted on social media a black and white picture of him and his son, with the caption Someday we'll look back at this and laugh about it. Thanks to you, Chris Jordan. I'll be there too, A real superhero. Wow, that's my deal, man, Brad Jordan. Baby, Brad Jordan's good guy, good guy, good guy. That's awesome. A great father son relationship, Steve, You know, I love what the son said. Why not he's my dad? You know? I mean, I mean to me, it's a given. M you know, especially if you've been in your son's life. That's what the relationship is all about, right, It's a given. Let me tell you something. Man on my Facebook show, speaking of Kidney's, that was a black woman and a white woman that worked at the same hospital. Okay, they were talking one day. They met in the lunchroom and just introduced himself with talking and secure. He seems sad. What's wrong? She said? She said, my husband is in need of a kidney transplant. The white woman said, oh my god, my husband is in need of a kidney transplant too, but they couldn't find it. They did some research, some medical things, and they said, well, what type of my husband is an old negative and my husband is an asothing to both of them had rare and it's why they couldn't find rare bloods. And come to find out, the black lady was a perfect match for the white lady's husband, and the white woman was a perfect match for the black lady's husband, and all four of them transferred kidneys. Wow. Wow, beautiful story from a conversation. And I just had that on my show. It's a crazy story, man, And I learned something about kidney transplants. When you get a ChRI kidney transplant, they don't take your kidney out your body. They just add the kidney. So the white guy, this was his second one, he got three kidneys. Oh oh, Meaning the person that's receiving, they don't take they don't take the kidney out, they just put it in. Then okay. But the person that I also heard, the person that is donating the kidney, it's it's harder on that person too. The recovery is very, very difficult. One person one had three kidneys and any other person I had one damn kidney one't matter what you look at it, you just got three. Wouldn't you be like, hey, but one of them? And like and like. What I learned about it was it's certain percentage of kidney function. Like the black dude was now up to seventy two functionability. I mean, it's crazy, it's I learned a lot that. But that was an amazing story of love and commitment. Them two women met and was just sad that day and they both found out their husbands needed kidneys. And then a few weeks later they did ask some questions. Was and next thing you know, each one of the women had the right blood type for each one of them's husband, and they both agreed to save each one of their husband's life. Please get up out of him and let me tell you something. They was having a spiritual moment on that couch, all four of him. I do say, tell me nothing about God. Don't say nothing to me about him. All right, we're coming up next. It is the nephew with today's frank phone call. Right after this, we might well, can I have your kidney. I mean we might wait, we might play you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject my holy lover's double life. Okay, marinade on that for a minute. We'll get into that. I'm just a little bit already. But right now do you think you do? Right now? The nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What you got for us, nep Well, you know, last break we was talking about the kidneys. You know, that's what we were saw about someone giving kidney. We talked about Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So you know I go in my archives and I pull out Can I have yo kidney? Can Yo? Kidding it? This is right here, dear to my heart, because this was my dad's all time favorite. Made me put it on a CD and made it play over and over again, so the whole CD only had Can I Have Your Kidney? On one CD. It went like thirty times around his truck, rolled around his truck, and he played this the whole time. Boy, if you just put it on the CD from him, this for you, Daddy, Can I have Hello? Hello? I'm trying to reach a brother. Conny, this is kind How you doing, brother, this is Deacon Patterson called him from the church. How you doing today, Deacon Patterson? Yeah, you're doing fun and yourself. Sure, I'm doing good, doing good, And you know the church is behind you on what you're going through. When we were praying for you, man, we know all about the you know, you on in the surgeon on Friday to get your get your prankers removed. So I wanted to give you a call, man, have a word of prayer and let you know that we all are pulling for you, and we know that that the man upstairs is gonna pull you through this successful. Well. God blessing keep you, uh that, deacon, God blessing keep you because I tell you I'm going through something here. Me and my wife we've been talking about it and we've been praying on it and it She was a wonderful thing to know that your church is with you and and y'all thinking about me in prayer. I I've really had to take this this to the Lord. This is a serious thing with me and I ain't never had an operation before in my life, and right I know I needed my wife and made it clear. The doctor made it clear that I believe I'm ready to go forward. Deacon it was that Deacon Patterson. Yes, Yes, that's right, Dicon Proson. I have been. I have been. I've been in the church probably about about eight months now. You've pretty much been out most of the time. Yes, And I have been out of you. Yeah, so I've seen you a couple of times. But I wanted to call and and and and put word in for you and let him, you know, let you know that we're all praying for you to church the Lord. Can't you get back in and we know out for Friday. It's gonna definitely be a great success. Yes, and we're gonna give the victory to who the victory. He's the victory. Let me let me have a word of prayer with your brother ConL if you don't mind just about your head from him. Father God, we asked right now, we ask right now that you touch brother Connley as he goes in on Friday. Please put your hands on him. We ask Father that you hold on to the doctor that's getting ready to go and Loy put the surgery on. Yes, we asked that you make sure that the doctor it's got a strong eye on that mord with him. We asked that that that he got a steady hand when he got the scalpel in his hand. We asked that you hold own to him please as he goes in to a surgeon, because we know come side them on the victory gonna belong the brother Conley and the Lord. We know all of this. But we we ask that you take that pincres and you remove it out successingly closing back up like it was was never been into the end before. Walk with me. That's what we're asking. We ask your Lord at the same time, yea that they're removing this pincress. Lord, we asked that your reach around his backside and we asked that you touch his kidney. Lord, touch his kidney and make it hold. Make it a hundred and ten percent. We want you to make that that kidneys like it's been that best kidneys. Deacon, that's deacon, Deacon whoop pack Deacon passing. Yes, you know you're saying they you dun sir, They're just nothing wrong with my kidney. Deacon. I'm doing I'm doing fine. The Lord is Lord has been needed well, He's gonna work on my pencris. That's what the doctor's operating on. Theyn't trap me forward, and that's what they're playing to remove. So my kidney is fine. They did what they called when them in my eyes and everything else is fine. He ain't working on nothing but my pancres, sir, right right right. Let me let me say I'm glad you brought it up with this. This is what we want to call you, h But I want to ask you and I know we we you know we've never met. What I was gonna ask you was yeah, and I know this is I hate to come at you in the final hour and you're getting ready to go out, certain and all that, but if you don't mind it when they go in on Friday morning and remove that pinker is out? Do you think that that that that they could go in and and get one of your kidneys? Because I need one hold hold on just meant being up what you say, what you said, see see see what else. I've been going through myself with a little ailment. And I'm wondering if if if I need a kidney, and I'm wondering if you can give me one of yours when they go in and get your pankers. They're already to have you open. Did you say you wanted them to take one of my kidneys? Yeah, and give it to me because I need one. You need a kidney? Yeah? But what I mean you already gonna be landing there open? Wait a minute, mister, you need a kidney. I need hit with my packers. You will call me that. Man, This ain't no working to now. You say you're a deacon like I said, Dickon Patterson my name. But see what I'm asking you? What you an me? Man? Brother connin? What harm is it? If you already open and laying on tea? Oh you ain't hurt a dang? I say it? Have you? I said, I'll be man? You crazy? It's hell. Now what I'm gonna have to do. I'm gonna need to call the pastor because here's something going on here. You say you knew you managed to mister. A matter of fact, you too new to know who you're talking to? What What what I'm saying is you have two kid too? Like you said. You say they did the m r. You don't give up what I said they did? Man, I got two kidneys. You got to one of yours? Bad. That's your problem, mister. Let me tell you something. I'm trying to get well, and you calling with this. You say you're a new deacon, you show ills and you won't be at the church loan. I tell you that because if I ever get gold to your sister, we got some risking to do. What is it gonna hurt for you to give me one of them kidnings? That both them? If both of them kidnas is good, it ain't gonna hit him. Think you ain't getting my kidney? Man, ain't ahead? What's wrong with you? Say? Man? All I'm saying is if you're gonna be old and laying on the table, what is it gonna hurt? Old man, you're gonna kill I'm ote me laying on the table. What kind of a prayer are you in charge of? Mister? Let me tell you something. Obviously, I need to meet you before I get to the hospital, and then I can hit getting to yours and I can tell you that we fu you're gonna feeling? How about that? It's too many games going on in the judge to day, I'll be you're gonna call and talk to me out of one of my kidneness. Man, I'm trying to live just like you, trying to let the Lord take care of me. Because what you're talking about it ain't got a thing to do with Jesus. You can kiss my and get off my phone. That's what you can do. Can I say one more thing to you? What is you listening to me? Man? Houtn't listen to you, and you ain't talking about nothing that's got nothing to do with what's going on with me. Mister you're running the game. If I could get to y'all put lard in your what Can I just say one more thing and then I'm gonna let you go? You listening for what this is? Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your daughter. Oh Lord have that girl. Lord have mercy, Lord have much Jesus you all right? Please forgive me God him whoa y'all. I'm gonna have to Lord him Mercus. My heart is pound painting him, Lord him, mercy, Jesus, Brother, Commy, I gotta ask you one more thing, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land to Steve Harvey Morning, Shoot my heart is pound paint. Come on that right there, right in the middle of the prayer. Wrong with me? Hey, deacon, Deacon in the role with McKinney. Now, McKinney, fine, I'm going in to get my pacis removed. That Ida was with me? M right, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what they've preferred me for the role. My goodness. You owe what Kanger pranks. That's why you are see all right, nephew, Well, thank you. That was funny. Coming up next Strawberry Letters subject My Holy Lover's Double Life. Will get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on a relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Yeah, and you never know, it could be yours. Let's be you never know. Buckle up, hold on tight, we gotta pull you here. It is straw Mary alta subject My Holy Lover's Daily life, a double life, My Holy lover's double life. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm in the three way love affair with a man that is my pastor and my marriage counselor. I went to my pastor a year ago to get spiritual guidance so I could stay on the straight narrow in my marriage. I was thinking about cheating and had one foot out the door. My pastor is married, so I meet with his wife on Wednesdays for spiritual guidance, and I meet with them both once a week to overcome the boredom in my marriage. Over the course of a few weeks, my pastor found out about my past life as a dancer, and he used it to his advantage. He told me that if I can make amends with my past and put it behind me, I would be able to be a happy housewife. He told his wife that it's best for it's best that he and I do one on one sessions, so I started seeing him alone. He had me do an interpretive dance for him, which is basically a strip tease. Without taking my pants off. I could tell he was aroused, so I lost my mind temporarily and went over to give him a lap dance. From there, we went back into the closet of his office and I closed the deal with him. He's been paying me for dances for the last three weeks, and not only did it fire up something in me, I realized I am sitting on my real moneymaker. Although I'm thirty six years old, I'm still in great shape and I have all I need to get the bills paid. Pastor is a lot happier too, and he has told me that my marriage will never work because my husband lacks self esteem and can't deal with a sexy woman like me. I love my husband and the stability that he provides, but the pastor is well endowed and makes me feel like myself again. My holy lover has a double life, and I'm so confused about what I should do. Should I end my affair with my pastor should you end your affair with the pastor? You ask, well, you know what they say if you got to ask, and I'll answer you this way. Do you want to go straight to hell? Is that what you're aiming for? Here? Straight there? Is that what you're trying to do because you're you're stripping for your pastor? Okay, I don't know if you've completely wrapped your mind around that. Of course, he of all people, should know better. I mean not only that instead of leading you to Christ, he's corrupting you in the worst way. I mean, nothing about this is right. You know this, Nothing about this is godly, Nothing about this is Christian, Nothing about this is helping you in your marriage. Nothing. It's just wrong on every level. I mean, there's some things in life that you should know that you should not do, and this is one of them. There's nothing redeeming in this letter. And I just got to say it again. You're stripping for your pastor, your lap dancing for your pastor. You're married pastor. The same pastor who talked badly about your man said he had low self esteem, can't deal with a sexy woman like you? Or excuse me, I'm sorry. Was that supposed to be counseling that he gave you when he talked about that. I don't know. This is terrible. He's in no position, this pastor, to give you any advice. And I don't want you to be confused any longer because you say you're so confused about what you should do. You got to stop this, Okay, pull yourself together, girl, Think about what you're doing. You gotta break up with this pastor. This is foolishness. Have you even considered that his wife may come in his office at some point or your husband may find out? How are you going to live that down? I just don't understand what you're doing. This is craziness. You gotta you gotta let this go. And the pastor does not need to be a pastor. Steve, uh, my holy lover's double life. Uh. To me, this letter is a lot about the pastor that's got a lot to do with her, But it's a lot about what. It's a lot about vote folk. Uh. Just Stephen Sherley, I'm in a three way love affair with a man that is my pastor and marriage counselor. What here's your pastor and your marriage counselor. You're in a three way love affair with your pastor, manaster. So he didn't counseled you. He didn't counseled you right into his arms. That's the counseling he did. I went to my past a year ago to get spiritual guidance so I could stay on the straight and narrow in my marriage. Now listen to this. I was thinking about cheating and had one foot out the door. You told him the snake the serpent that you was thinking about cheat. You know what he heard, Oh she want to step out. Oh I'm canseling this hill. So then you said you had to foot out your dog, your past, his marriage. So you meet his wife on Wednesdays for spiritual guidance. Now this, this, this is why Wednesday's right hill, because you go down there on wild Wensday to meet with his wife for some guidance. The deed ain't no albody giving you information that you need once a week to overcome the boredom in my marriage. Wait, I'm confused. You go talk to another man couple to overcome the boredom in your manag but you leave your husband at home, right. I don't understand how you accomplished getting overboard them when you got When you're taking up time to meet with them both and just her on Wednesdays, that's two meetings a week where you could be at the house being excited. All right, Hang on, Steve, Yeah, hang on. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters, subject my Holy lover's double life. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to morning show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject my holy lover's double life, my holy lover's double life, and yo double life to hell. I'm three way love affair with a man that's my past and my marriage counselor. So he then counseled you right into his arms. I went to my past a year ago to get spiritual guidance so I can still on the straight and narrow in my marriage. I was thinking about cheating, that had one foot out the door. You told the snake in the grass that you didn't know was a snake in the grass, yet that you was thinking about cheating. Oh, duly noted. Then your pastor is married too, so you meet with his wife on Wednesday. We're gonna call e wild Wednesdays or whacky Wednesdays. Were having the whacky ass meeting with the pastor's wife, which obviously ain't nobody giving you no valuable ass information in none of these meetings, because all your meeting that led to is an affail with the pastor without his wife. Because then you said, you meet with them both once a week to overcome the boredom in your marriage. Over the course of a few weeks, your pastor found out about my past life as a dancer. You told him, see you the gators do all he needed. Let's think about this. You told your husband your board, You've told you pastor you board. You then told your pastor you was thinking about cheating, and you told your pastor used a dance bing big, big, big, big, big, big MEI mean, that's the trifector. He got it all lottery bells going off. I told him my past life when I was a dancer, and he used it to his advantage. You add that into the fact that you want to cheat and you board at the house, and we got a problem. He told me that if I could make amends with my past and put it behind me, I would be able to be a happy housewife. I don't understand that counselor at all. But okay, he told his wife that it's best that he and I do on one on one sessions, and hunt dumb ass thought that was good. Yeah, okay, So I started seeing him alone. He had me do soon as you got to, he had you do an interpretive day for him, which is basically a strip tease without taking my pants off. This is so you could come to terms with your pass and be a better housewife. When he asked you to do the dance, I could tell he was aroused. If you've given him a lap dance, you're gonna be able to tell. You're gonna be able to tell. Yeah, you're gonna be tell like you know, like it ain't like you psychic. I can tell you that right now, stupid lap dance. I could tell he was aroused, like you like like like you like you damn psychic or something. I can tell you right there. Anybody would have been in there would have knew that Heller dude sitting next to him at the strip club know that anyway, I could tell he was aroused. So I lost my mind temporarily and I went over to give him a lap dance. And then from there we went back into the closet of his office and I closed to deal with him. Now this old food been paying you for dances for the last three weeks and not and not only did it fire up something in me. Here we go, I realized I'm sitting on my real moneymaker. He didn't asked you to come to terms with your past, and obviously the thing you came to terms with was hedn't bought it back to Curvic. So now what you used to do, he got you now doing for him because guess what, although she said I'm thirty five years old, he'd been paying you for dances for the last three weeks and I'm thirty six, I'm still in great shape and I have all I need to get the bills paid. I thought she was in there for match counseling. You ain't said nhing about you was broke. You did not mention you was broke, So now I'm wearing the counseling section session. You told him he was boy, You told him he was thinking about cheating. You told him used to be a dancing and somewhere in there you to mention you ain't got no money, and he didn't told you you need to resolve your pass. So now he got you bringing your pass to the present. Now you thank you feel to be a full time stripple. Pastor is a lot happier too, and he has told me this Pastor dog, your marriage would My marriage would never work because my husband lacks self esteem, kn't deal with a sexy woman like me. But he can't because he pay it. I love my husband and the stability that he provides. I thought you was broke. What is you dancing to pay the bills for him? You love your husband and this stability he provides. What kind of letter is this? It don't make no sense, but the pastor is well and dibed. It makes me feel like myself again in my holy lover has a double life, and I'm so confused. You got one too about what I should do? Now here's the golden line in this whole thing? Should I end my affair with my pastor? Lady had a sound to you right? Shirley said, do you want to go straight to Hell? I would like to add to that statement and say, do you want to go to hell with your past? Because I thank y'all going on a buddy pass, That's what I think. Steve, Thank you, all right, thank you. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on to Man. They're coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. You know what time it is Junior and Sports Talk right after this. You're listening Steve Hark morning shout. All right, guys, Junior is here with sports Talk. What you got Junior Week two in the NFL yesterday. Let's get to the games and the scores. I know Steves pretty want to get to one game particular. I'm pretty sure that's what he waiting on. Uh, New England over the New York just twenty five to twenty six we had, he did twenty three to thirteen Denver over Jacksonville. Picked it Buffalo at Miami or you gotta get Buffalo over Miami. Yeah, that was a good game. San Francisco over Philly seventeen to eleven. Yeah, it didn't pay that one. One of my Fred brother three can't ever put against for Fred, hey man, it's all good. Twenty seven twenty four of the Rams over the Colts picked it, sure did twenty six to seventeen. How about the Las Vegan Raiders. Yeah? Oh yeah, oh here y'all. I picked that out of hey, yeah you did, because he picked it out over the Steelers. Yeah, he go. Another one you picked up out of hate Cincinnati Field in Chicago twenty seventeen, you picked out out of pure hate hate. Cincinnati Man, the Carolina Panthers over the New Orleans Saints twenty six to seven. One husband is David stated, who that? Who that? Who that? Man? I know that was That was a tough one. I didn't know what James Winston was going through out there on that field. Arizona Cardinals over the Minnesota Vikings thirty four to thirty three. I was hot. You was hot up Tampa Bay bucking Is destroyed the Atlanta factor in five did hot this weekend? J y'all must have started following me because I no more cause you just in my city. Tennessee Titans over the Seattle Seahawks thirty three to thirty. Come back and get that one. You hold on here another one. Dallas Cowboys was over to Los Angeles Charges twenty to go ahead. Cowboys, Yeah, Man Grant and Cowboys got their first victure of the season. Kansas City Chiefs failed to the Baltimore Ravens thirty six to thirty five. Oh man, that was a great game. And the way it ended fumbled by the Chiefs and it was thirty some seconds up on the clock. All right, man, that's that was Lamar Jackson's first win over the Kansas City Chiefs against Patrick Mahomes and here, yeah, we're out of time over Houston one thirty seconds, yeah, thirty one twenty one Cleveland Browns over the Houston Texas And you did pick that one? Ain't you from Houston, Junior? Sir? I am, sir, Yes, I am, Yes, Collin you from Houston, but you gotta go with New Orleans. Don't worry about you from Houston. You know damn well from what don't even you want? That's why we whooped that off Boodhist breaking or big Boodhist breaking, bullish breaker, big booty. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, So did you see Tyler Perry post pictures and a few videos of this big loose, I mean, this huge moose that was in his backyard? Yeah? So saw huh? I saw it was so big. Tyler was at home writing and saw this moose. He tore up the moose, tore up some of his patio chairs, and Tyler said to the moose, can you go? Do you need an uber? That thing was big, but it was they was yesterday. But let me tell you something that you can't go out there. Why because moose a mean man day some day some mean ass animals man really all in picture dog they are they are evil, they don't play. They will kill you. Moose in Alaska kill a lot of people. I didn't even I just yeah, that's so cool. I know that, like the ground. Yeah all right, so thank you for sharing that, Tyler. Oh everybody moose problems though, Yeah, yeah, what is that? Right? So Steve Jay, Tommy Junior, I gotta ask you guys, have you please share if you've had any funny encounters with animals? Tommy, I know you have with the squirrel or the apopossible whatever it was. Oh yeah, wo my own ass behind that possible? What happened? Y'all already know the possible story? You know. I was on my way to the studio in Los Angele, little three o'clock in the morning. I'm trying to get there. I don't want to be late ducks. Do you gonna talk about me? And I had a little two forty z X the little sun route pops up and then and there's a possum on the fence behind my car, and I'm like, what I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do. So I said, I'm gonna get in on the passage side. I get in on the passage side, and man, when I got in that seat, I don't know if you know nothing about two forty ZX. When you close the door, the seatbelt retracts and that seatbelt automatically. That seatbelt came down the side of my face that I thought that possum had come through. That popped up. I was throwing them hands in that car, man, I was swinging. Man, my man, my knuckles was blood in my face. The greatest ass Whooper I have ever taken. I gave it to myself. I the living hell out of me. Everybody, Black people, why are we going? Eric if we're scared of something? Yeah, it didn't know, Joe Adible, Now you have one, Jay Junior. Yes, I didn't run. I don't know if you know. But my son had a dog, was a pit bull, pit bull with a nervous condition. So you got that pitt bull had. His name was Gator. He was the sweetest thing. He's a good dog, he really was. But these cats. I had a big fence around my back guard and Gator would be in the back guard. For some reason, these cats will go get other cats to go. You want to see a dog lose his damn man, come here, Come watch any cats. The cats would just sit up on the fence and watch Gator just just lose his ever loving damn man. I mean they would. They would go get other cats. You want to watch a crazy pit bull, come over here and follow me? Follow him? Not follow me for Jay Jay. They knew he couldn't get up there. He couldn't get up. Now. I ain't got one man. I'll tell you about my dad. My dad. We was we was going to my football game, and my dad were in here the Nissan Too forty two Tommy, and we was in the car and he said, man, I love your son. He said, man, I'm so proud of you. Man, you will have a great game today. I looked down. It's a guard snake on my side of the car. As soon as I said snake, he put the car in park and he was down the street, left my ass car. I did climbed the seats and I got my head up against the back of the hatchback. Daddy, Daddy, my daddy. All I see is his pants pockets. This ain't down the road, a white man in a pickup truck had to let me out. All right, guys, thanks for your animal stories. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minute after right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys. So here's a fun question for you. Um what if someone got your iPhone? What would they learn about you? Uh? Right there? Right there? Right there? Would they learn about you? If they got your iPhone? The first thing they I'm gonna have to stop working here. I'd have to stop. I'd have to find another place to work. Is that bad, Jake? I'd have to come to Steve and go, hey, man, look got my phone. Got my phone, and Steve will go. I understand if you get if you get in my client, I've been trying to find my cloud. If you get in my cloud, it's it's pretty much a rap. I'm done. If you get your career is over. Oh don't tell me it's about you? Why? It's just a lot in this cloud. Well, and for me it's it's not so much other people. It's some things I'm doing that Once they saw that, I mean, what's you know what I think? I think your friends I had. When we come back, I ain't got enough time. All right, we'll be back at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening show, all right, So Steve, before we left, we were talking about if someone picked up your iPhone, what would they learn about you? Did embarrass you? You know, I think the most shocking thing about finding my iPhone would be the contacts. I think people would go, how do he know all these bishops? And he hussed as much as he got, he got all that, It'd be embarrassed. Art species. I'm talking about dog, famous ministers. Man. When I run into a situation, Man, dog, I got rabbis in my phone. I ain't man, I mean, I got I got some big boys. Man, I got I got, I got, I got, I got Islamic leaders in my phone. Man, I got big pastors and Christians. I'm talking about. Listen to me, man, top level. I'm talking people. Gold Wait a minute, you have whose number? Yeah? Yeah? Do they know you talk like this? Yeah? I try not to let them him, but sure, the past I have I have, I have. I'm cust in front of bishop or TD Jake's before a lot of times he just laughed, Oh, man, let me tell you something me. Here's a true story. Here's a true story. We were being h Glenn Staples Church in the Baltimore area, and I was a speaker that day. I didn't know that Bishop Jake's was a speaker on the show. I didn't know. So I spoke, you know, wasn't nothing, not know Christian message. I just spoke, thanked them for having me. And Bishop Jake was next. So I'm sitting there with the dude that used to cut my hair, and Bishop started talking and then he started preaching. We're sitting on stage, we're in the pulpit now, and the dude next to me, he taps me and he said, dog is I'm crying. I mean, he said, dog I'm dog dog is. No, that's what he said. He from Mississippi. No, he didn't say that, No, he from Misssippi. Tears. I mean his face was soaking wet. He tapped me, I'm emotional. I turned around. I looked dead at him. He said, dog is, I'm crying. I said, yeah, you crying. He said, man, I can't stop. Just the coldest dude I ever seen. Man. And when Bishop Glenn Staples bought him on stage, he said, ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you the greatest preacher of all times. You know you hear that. But let me tell you something, man, I kid you not. Bishop TV Jackson is the greatest preacher I've ever heard. If you want to talk, I'll preach us. This is that, dude. Though. All right, Steve, we'll be back to do our last break of the day, and of course you'll have some closing remarks at forty nine minutes after. Right after this you're listening to. All Right, guys, here we are our last break of the day. Jay, it is the last break of the day. Put your mask on. We might have one for you. No mask, no last break. Okay, alright, Steve. You know I often talk about your mental attitude. I'm gonna share something with you because it's a way that I was thinking of how I really thought, and I was thinking about statistics and how statistics. People use statistics to help them be okay to me with their failure. People use to statists to find a way to describe their lack of movement, or they're not being successful or something. Because you got to be careful with any stat that says one out of you know you ever hear stat one out of every five thousand, one out of every one out of every six out of ten. See, and people, if you're not careful, statistics can be very crippling. Thirty percent of the people who do this will wind up that way. And what negative people do, They automatically put themselves into the negative side of the equation, because if you're accustomed to thinking negative, you will always take the negative side of a statistic. What they told me years ago, one out of every two thousand comedians will get on the Tonight Show. So that means one thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine comedians out of the two thousand will never get on the Tonight Show. So you know what everybody around me was talking about. Man, we'll never make it on the Tonight Show. You know what I did when I first got in comedy, I hummed the Tonight Show theme song before I went on Dunna, I hummed it. I never got on it with Johnny Carson, But you know what, I got on the Tonight Show when Jay Leno was on there. But I was already successful. That's the only way I got on it. But see, I never allowed that statistic to enter into my system. We have in trouble getting vaccinated right now because people are going at the statistics. What happens when so and so take this? It's amazing what statistics do. Be very careful you all listening to statistics because they got nothing to do with you. They don't stats to me offer people looking for a reason to explain why they're not going to do it, or why they didn't make it, or why they're not successful. I don't care nothing about no stats. See, the problem is what I chose to do. And let me explain this to you. See if you can get what I'm talking about, Let's look at these two words. Let's start with probability. What's the probability of you becoming rich one day? What's the probability of you being able to have a child. What's the probability of you hitting the lottery. What's the probability of you owning more than one house? What's the probability of you being able to travel like you want to in this world? What's the probability of you seeing for other countries before you die? You understand what I'm saying once you look at the probability. You are in trouble because the operative word in probably ability to me is probable. It probably probably won't happen. Well, it's probable, but it ain't likely. That's the problem with it. So I never operate on probability. I choose to operate on another word, possibility. I only look at the possibility of it. And here's the co part. Y'all, if you thought about it for real, listen to this right here. Do you realize that it is impossible to think an impossible thought? Oh? What did you say? I said? Do you realize it is impossible to think an impossible thought? So if you thought it, do you not understand that that's possible? Show me one person, show me anybody, Show me anybody that has thought an impossible thought. How can you do that? How? How can you think an impossible thought? The reason you can't think of an impossible thought because the moment you think it, there lies the possibility. And now it opens up your life, It opens up your realm of thinking. It opens up you too, starting to begin the process that anything is possible, anything is possible. Do you know something that you could really be rich one day? If that's what you want it now. I'm not saying that's a necessity, that that's what makes you happy. I'm just using that as an example. Do you know you could actually have more than one home? Do you know that you could actually drive more than one or two cars? You can have for a cart. Do you understand that you actually can help change lives that you've been thinking to change. Do you know that you actually can be become a business owner, that you actually can open up that business. You can actually do it. You can actually do it, But you gotta fix your mind because it's possible. Stop looking at the probability of something and look at the possibility. And if you tell somebody an idea all the time and they start telling you why it won't work, stop talking to them people. You'll need them people. I only talk to people when I give them an idea. They go, yeah, man, we can do that. I don't need you telling me how it won't work. The opposition gonna present itself and everything you attempt to do anyway, I don't want to hear your mouth talking about why it won't work. I only give myself around people when I give them an idea, they say, yeah, man, let's go those are my closing remarks. Ain't no mother to have a Christian Day. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.