Church Complaints, Patti Verzuz Gladys, Clayton County, Naomi Osaka and more.

Published Sep 14, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! This is the funniest morning show in the world when the right people are telling the jokes. The CLO makes it clear that @$$ whoopin's still take place in your 60's. Will a rally for Trump be held at the Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem? Season 2 for Steve on Facebook Watch starts today. Congratulations to Naomi Osaka for winning the U.S. Open! The Verzuz battle between Patti and Gladys was epic and everybody won. Sports Talk with Junior almost did not happen today because of his teams. A Georgia deputy is shown on video using excessive force on Roderick Walker. Tropical storm Sally is on its way by Florida heading for New Orleans. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve sends his condolences to the family of Ronald Bell from Kool and the Gang as we hit the beat of Summer Madness. Big Dog also talks to us about the "I Get To!" and the importance of voting.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like a million bucks things and the subs not good. Steve together, Please, I don't join jo. You gotta use that turn, hur you gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby now. Uh huh, I show well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, If if I had time enough to tell the whole trip, the whole journey, and y'all would be sitting up in there going okay to Steve, are we gonna play the show this week? But man, it's been a lot of amazing things has happened to me over the years, and not all of them good. It's been some amazingly bad things that have happened too. But I just come on in the morning as a reminder to everybody of the actual goodness of God, that you know, man, that these mistakes that you're making, that these setbacks that you keep having, that these falls that keep occurring in your life, that they all are leading you somewhere. If you just don't ever give up. That's the key. You can never ever give up because you don't know how the trip has been laid out for you. You know, if somebody had told me years ago when I had the dream of being on TV and then I thought about being one of one of the best comedians I could be. You know, when I when I started, if somebody had told me everything that was gonna have to happen in order for me to get there, I would have changed it. I would have I would have said, Okay, well I ain't gonna be that. How about this? See and no one can know all of the events of their life ahead of time. You know, it would be so nice, wouldn't it. You know, to prepare for it, see it coming, be aware of the haters, always knowing when the backstabbing moment is coming in your life, always knowing when you're gonna get blindsided by the enemy. We are really great to know that, wouldn't it. Well, that's not how it works. So since no one knows exactly the challenges and the pitfalls and the detools that's going to be set them, it's it's it's imperative that you just don't give up because see, knowing these things, we as human beings by nature, would choose another route. But it ain't the route God God for you, though. See the route God God for you. If you if you're trying to do the right thing, if you're doing the best you can, if you ain't out here just intentionally just messing over, folks, if you're using faith and that's the belief in things that you cannot see. If you have something on the inside of you to keep saying there's got to be more to life than that, then that's that's you. You, my friend, have a great chance. Hell, and if you've ever had that feeling then gave up on it, just get it back, Just ask for it back, Just say, hey, man, I'm getting back to the way I used to be because there's a change that's available in your life. But you gotta take it. You gotta take a shot at it. Folks. There's a chance for you to get it right, but you gotta take a shot at it. Folks. There's a chance for you to turn this whole thing around with God's help, but you gotta take a shot at it. You See, this decision is yours. The decision to lay down and give up. That's yours, it ain't. It just got too hard for me. Life too much, man, life hard and too much for everybody. What I gotta get you to see? My father used to always tell me, it says son, best lessons in life to burn your value and learn the most is a bout lesson. I didn't quite understand that being young, but I show got it now. Ain't no lesson like a bout lesson, the one you pay for. Those are the ones that hold to you, that stick to you, that that start turning you into who you're gonna be. Those are the character builders. See, you got to be forged to get to where you want to go in life. So that's what the challenges and missteps is for. That's what the failing is about. Now. I know you don't like it. I didn't. I know you're not comfortable without I wouldn't. I know you wish it was over sooner than later. I always do. I always wanted to be over sooner than later because the later manager seems like it's so much I gotta go through. But let me tell you something, man, if you can, if you can forge your way through it and understand that you are forged in life. I don't know. I was on TBN one time when I was doing one of my motivational speeches, and I began to wonder about this experience I had. It Ford Motor Company and my last job after the auto industry starts going down, my last job was in the fountry and my job was to stand at the end almost where the engines first come out of the furnace. See, the engines are poured into a mold. It's hot, melted down metal whatever they call it, lava or whatever. They poured into a mole and it goes into this furnace that's extremely hot. And my job was after the heat was applied to the engine block, it would come through and it would go through a hardening stage. But the way it was hardening, they would cool it. Suddenly they would flush it with water. It was just blast water on it. But the fire and the high temperature is what made the engine block solidified. It's because it's gotta get real hot, getting melted down first. Then it's got to get poured into a mole. Then it's gotta be pressure hit with water and all of this, and then it could and it's real hot. Now it's still hot even on this water been shutter. But when it comes out the end of the side, there's a lot of flashing in it. And flashing is a metal from that didn't dripped through the cast molding on it, just like flecks of extra pieces of metal. My job was to hit this engine block in the front, which is huge, heavy rubber mallet, knock all the flashing off the front, and when it came around back to bam, hit it real hard again on the backside. And that became the core of what the car is. A car without a great engine is nothing. It's just a pretty looking vehicle over there. But if it can't do what it was made to do because the engine block then cracked. So you can have a car look real good, but if it freezes an engine block crack your car, you can it's over man. You gotta get a new block. The block is the core. But in order for you for the car to do it, it's got to do it's got to have a strong engine in it. In order for the engine to be strong, it's got to be forged and steell, come through fire, get poured in a mole, cooled off, heated, knocked around, beat on the front end, beat on the back end. In order for it to be what it's gonna be. The maul of the story, folks, is you got to get forged in fire to be what you gonna be. You got to get beat up, you got to get pressure washed, you got to have heat on you. You gotta get melted down, you gotta get poured into a mole. That's how you become who you are. So the tough things that you're going through, the difficult challenges and the setbacks. I know a brother who went to prison, man, And the whole reason he ended up going to prison because he was looking out the loot window, looking out in the yard at him working out. And then the next thing, you know, man, this brother decided that he was gonna go out there and work out. Well, guess what, he's one of the top trainers in country. Today. You're listening morning, ladies and gentlemen, let me have your attention please. This is the funniest morning show in the world when the right people are telling the jokes. Steve Harvey, Morley Show, Sherley Strawberry and who might that be Steve, Well, good morning, Colin Farrell, Hey, what's up? Jump Tellers? Hello? That that dog Gold Junior Morning? Everybody morning? Uh nephew, Tommy, that damn uncle Steve top of the morning, baby day oh day. Well, let me start by saying this good thing that the Browns lost yesterday because they had won, this was gonna be a ugly morning for Houston. Yeah, oh lord, But I will say though, it was a rough, fast weekend for Houston. No, I'm really not. I'm really not. After Saturday night, Houston fans, Okay, I'm gonna read my text. You can't say go ahead, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I could say, no, I'm gonna find a hold on. It wasn't a bad text. I thought I was being very gracious and complimentary. Yeah, man, at all, not at all. Well, hold on, here was the text. I said. Well, this was about ten thirty h Saturday night, right, I said, Well, I ain't gonna say nothing to you too, because y'all didn't probably already cut the game off. That was all I said. That was all I had said. All I have said the caller type of meme of Westbrook and hard and clapping and smiling. Then Tommy just switched the whole damn subject. He just wouldn't to talk about damn birthday party and stuff. I said, oh okay. So then I left alone because I figured it was yet too much. And then I think the Texas had just lost Thursday, the Astros lost, and then the damn Rockets lost. I said, man, let me stop now. I did not expect the Browns to beat Baltimore yesterday. That's a little bit too hopeful. And it was one of my long time like friends recalled O Prue's birthday on Sunday the thirteenth, and he was hoping that the Browns would beat Baltimore for his birthday gift. And I said, look, man, just be grateful to the Lord that you've lived sixty four years. Don't worry about that as a birthday gift. A week gon happen. Yeah, just gonna go to the hard rock with you for hard rock with your family, enjoy yourself. Hey, car it tell me I see you called me out. Yeah, when the game was over, I saw my fall out. So that you Harvey on my phone. I said, I'm not taking phone last nobody. I can take that tray talk about to I wouldn't talk you know, always answer his damn phone call because he here's a little last stay in trouble, So I always answer his phone. Yeah, but why are you talking so much? Smack? And your team ain't doing a damn thing. No team, Hold on, hold on. My team ain't never done the damn things, all right. See, I don't go into these days feel with hope. Thirty two minutes after the hour, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and uh, ask the CLO coming up to right after this you're listening to show, Well, it's time now for Steve to help some of our listeners with their love problems with our ask the CLO situation. Uh that segment. CLO stands for Chief Love Officer, or as Chloe, as Tommy calls it. So you can submit your You could submit your questions at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. Are you ready, sir? Absolutely? All right, let's go. This one for the CLO comes from Fredo and Queen's. Fredo says, I'm in a roommate situation with my girlfriend. We're both on our mid sixties and we've been together ten years. I'm still very sexually active, but my girlfriend and I haven't had sex in three years. I've had conversations with her about fulfilling my needs. I've told her what she won't do, the next woman will. That didn't motivate her to change, so I sleep on the couch. Now. We live in a senior living center in our own apartment, and I've been getting to know one of the other residents. Is that a little too close to home? Well, you know what, she ain't. She ain't got to go far to find your friends. Now, you know, you just across the hall and down downstairs. She can come down there. You know, I'm asked with a steal a curR in the sixties. I've seen a company them now. They're slow and they're not fun to watch because everybody gets hurt when sixty year old people fight. Oh Man, hound strains, calf pools, child at horses, you know, and and hip injury once y'all fall. You've really messed yourself up. So Fredo, I don't know what you told your girl, and I don't know why you all together in a senior Why don't you get your own place at the facility. He's, yeah, yeah, that could be it, so then he could do his own thing. Yeah, afraid now, Frado. Let me warn you if you're very familiar with the name Fredo, there's not a happy ending for you. All Right, We're gonna move on to Selena in New York. She says. I'm a twenty seven year old single female, and my mom and I keep getting the same keep meeting the same men. My mom had me when she was seventeen, and people mistake us for sisters. She's in great physical shape and she loves wearing my clothes. Two years ago, we were both doing online dating and we dated the same guy. I found out when he asked me if I had a twin sister. Now it's happened again. I met a thirty two year old man and he said he had dated a woman that looks just like me, but they broke up after she lied about her age. I couldn't believe it. Should I move to a new city so I can date in peace? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, Because I'm gonna tell you something. Your mama out there pretty wide. Yeah, your mama out there, well, your mama out there like peanut butter. Now, I ain't even nobody being that she can do it she want to do because she grown. But obviously you all have the same taste and because you all have the same probably makeup and like all the dude say, y'all look alike. She didn't kept herself together. She wear your clothes. Now, all I can tell you do is put the lock on your closet. Try to all right, mama. And I don't know, I don't know what else to tell you. I my mama couldn't date nobody, my sister dated. Why my mom my MoMA ain't never look like my sisters. It was no confusion. He ain't nobody not thought that was my mama. Nobody. But you now, you know, sixties a new thirty. They say, you know, no, it's not different. It's just different. Now, No, it's not keeps making these rules up. Yeah, well I'm sixty three. Listen to me. It's not the new thirty. That's all I'm trying to do is not look like I'm sixty three. Don't move like it, don't dress like it. Keep my swag alive, you know, still, you know, you know, you know, keep my energy up and everything. You know, I move, I stretch a lot. You know, I got stretchers. You know, I move, I do move, I do functional training. You know, you ain't man. Yeah, you're young. You're young looking sixty three, especially young. My husband says that all the time. He's like, looks great, but what you look like? Excuse me, man? If they lost his entire mind. Yeah, I mean, first of all, you you never asked the woman her age, and then you said we were talking about sixties and looking sick. What are you saying? Excuse you? Come on, how was I supposed to take that? You know, no, explain yourself. Explain yourself. You man say it. You're man enough to say it. Man, man, man, be man enough to explain yourself. Record. Yeah, you're man enough to make that statement. Go ahead, we want to hear this. That's all right, that's right, just no, no, but it is important though, because it was on your mind. All right, we're moving on. Well, we got a minute, man, Annie and Orlando says, I just started a new job and everything has been going really well. My boss seems like a really nice guy, and I am still training with him. So every day we go out to lunch together because I'm trying to make a good first impression. We're both happily married, so I'm concerned about appearances when we go out together. There is no indication that he's attracted to me, nor has ever treated me inappropriately. But my husband doesn't like it. Should I continue going out to lunch with my boss? Or politely decline? Yeah? Yeah, politely decline. You're saying, yeah, absolutely, you should. I mean, lady, come on now, but see you talking about he's He doesn't seem like he's Why y'all going to lunch? She says she's still in training with him. Training. Oh oh, oh, you ain't learned how to eat it? No for her new job. I guess they talk over business during lunch. No sounds nah, no, So stop going to lunch. Okay, I wonder if your husband don't like it? Keep on. Coming up next, Church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon deaf Jam. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna's here with today's national news plus an entertainment news. Today is a premiere of the new season of Steve's Facebook TV talk show. Yes, his Facebook talk show, It's called Steve on Watch. Later on, we'll talk about the US Open champion and Naomi Osaka's perfect response to a question about Black Lives matter. Yes, yes, she had to be so young. You know, she's just she's so talented, she's so bright, she's so smart, so articulate. Yeah, I love her. I will talk more about these stories at the top of the hour. But today is Monday. It's time now for Reverend Motown and Deacon Depth jam with today's church complaints. At all, Oh, move nearly had done, had forgotten it. Oh, we're here today to precipitate the compatulation of the quiet membership at the j p j J. We all we all ready, go ahead. I'm sorry, that's the jack pot joined, but jerusal mine change. Well, I have a complainted when I say j P j J. If you're not right there, I'm going to from now on move on. But I didn't want to interrupt you. So when you you said j p j D, but you continued on, you didn't well I didn't hear you where I was there, But you didn't leave a gap for me to do plenty gout. It's just you know you were on the delay. Anyway, go ahead, deacon, what is alway? Ain't it always all right? Here? We go past it. We're gonna start this thing out, Brother Red. Just know Dorcy has been on a cheese died for the last three weeks. He hasn't gone to the bathroom in two and a half weeks. He's asking the turch to purchase him a cleans to help him go. It's gonna it's gonna cost the track at least eight hundred dollars to clean him out. No, no, it's not, No, it's not. Why don't you ask brother Tommy, nephew, brother nephew Tommy. He specializes him. Pretty show you do if you just think back five minutes ago, pretty shure he will come to mine. He specializes in cleansing Japanese cleans. Will he took Mike? Won't ange Kim about that? All right? I get him cleaned out. I do that now they're proud of an out. Let's see him. Hold on. But if if not a half a cup of warm castle all a warm pastor two tablespoons two table spoons owns you kick it straight back to half cover Catherine, two tablespoons of orange du take now throw it back like a shot, gonna take boat three four squallers because it's thick. But right after that, strap yourself to the toilet. Is that gonna clear everything out? Path everything everything? All right, Let's keep it moving here now, Sister Bernard, that Valentine is our church member, that is a Republican, as you know, Pastor. She's asking that we throw trump a rally here at the church. Of course, we had six fights in the back of the church concerning this. Is you Shews, you to old kay to rally your card o path. We can have a rally, but the ass whippers will continue. So rally. I'm gonna call it. Oh listen, I'm gonna call it rayal. That's rally at your own risk. Oh, go ahead, ray rayal, rally at your own risk? Got it? God Dad, I would pass on the information the sister Bernie that Valantine. Uh, the congregation is asking if you would stop your bad ass grand babies from walking in the screen doing service. It is. It was cute the first time, but now it has gotten can't you see not a church trying to mess around and get clothes. The grand babiness will continue to make up piss on all zoom calls and if they want to uh, and you to tell I know this has come from Brother Peter's son and sister Ferguson, So tell them that they would they jealous because the grandkids is cute. Now they're the glass. Little grandkids come across the screen. No, no, no, no, as you know, Dad, great baby they come across the zoom, script and camera start going off. You're not gonna stop no cute baby from coming on. Cople you're tall, Ferguson and sitter Patterson that the cute kids is welcome on the zoom? Is her uther and grandkids can't come on the zoom? No, no, not no, sits the caller. Remember your grand babies passing screen? I do remember they cute as hell to t you though past. No, no, they cute as hell. I'm everybody said they was cute. Ferguson jinking kids passed by, and everybody saying, all hell, that's a big different cuted heir. All hell, if you say something, pass, if you say we gonna keep this as moving right along now, pass as you should, Okay, past, you know what I think you get upset me. But I am the one that just brings you bring what they saying the Godfather movie, the one that brings it to you get his ass too. That's what it is. Godfather is if you bring the fishing on rapid you must have known he wasn't fish in hew, you better know your movies. You don't want to pot the actor. All right, Speaking of actors and movements, fast, here's the situation. The men in black say that we have an alien in our congregation. Pastor, they don't know who it is yet. Do you have a clue on who this might be? That's brother Pettigrew. So oh he was. He was born with the water head and he just looked like an alien. But he's he's all right. We painted it like a helmet. It's really it's really his actual head. And they were born at DC, and we put the Washington Redskins helmet on him. And now they didn't get outlaw the helmet, but we're the tattooed the Indian and a feather on the board. All right. We got so he always wear to washing the red skin helmet. But that ain't really helmet. That's his head. Were just putting local inside Pastor and deacon. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and National news. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show and the Entertainment News Today, September fourteenth, starts a brand new season of Steve Facebook TV show. It's called Steve on Watch. We See You Again? So so yeah, season two? Right, so, Steve, you did an interview with Entertainment Tonight's host Kevin Frasier about the new season of Steve on Watch. Now this time around, you're taping it from your home. Take a listen. His new show was in the middle of its first season when COVID hit. Now he's shooting season two from his house in Atlanta. Are you get sticking on folks after a while? Are you get on? Hey? Where you want to stand? I'm so happy to see I've been at Quartins at large. Safety is a priority, Steve. His on site staff and crew all get weekly COVID test part of house to wein, Well, this is the downstairs. The wall that you on right now actually is the studio wall. And then when I picked one of the studio members to talk to it shows up in your camera where you are and around the corner is cigar lounge golf role hold. I saw that on your social media that you had the indoor little chipping putting ring. Is that right? You have a little golf indoor golf are. Yeah, just a little shout out to Kevin Frasier. So how was it, Steve taping from your home and everything? How was what? Now? It was it was that? Yeah? Now it was? It was. It was like really cool. I think. I think the way they got it set up because we used a viral audience, you know, so we had like fifty audience members up on screen zooming from that house from Canada all across the United States, you know, like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, And that's it, Carlin. We was in the bubble, so it's like doing it in the bubble, you know. But I'm gonna tell you what. I am getting tired of the damn COVID tests. And here's what I learned about the COVID tests. See, the COVID testing is a new science, right because it just started this year. Everybody don't know two people do to COVID test the same listen I've taken. I've taken at least sixteen COVID tests. At least sixteen because I gotta take two a week for Facebook, and I gotta take two a week for family feud. But before I go to Facebook on that Thursday, they come over and they take it. So I take three in one week, sometimes sometimes four in a week, and I don't like it. Man, I'm just gonna be honest with you, because no two people do it the same. I had just one dude. He does one nostril, sticks it all the way up in there, holds it for ten seconds, then scrubs around three and pull it out. Then some people it's five seconds each nostril, and and they go just and some people just go too far. I don't like it, man. They need to get some consistent testing route, Like it ought to be a weight limit. Like if your answer is a big person, you can't handle the stick in the nose. You can't do it because you're heavy handed testing. Yeah, if you're a big ass dude, you you can't do it. Women should just do the COVID test. Dudes ain't sensitive enough. You got a big nose though you're nostril, You're not is your nose though. It's not about the test, it's no, it's about that. They need to be longer for you. Okay, man, Can I ask you a question? Did you get tested all ready for love four days? Do they use a real short stick when they do. Yours time, now the sea for the latest headlines. Let's go the ladies. A gentleman, it's a trip, okay, and good morning everybody. This is a trip. Well, no laughing matter to the folks in the Gulf area. Tropical Storm Sally is expected to make landfall on the Gulf coast this week as a hurricane. New Orleans mayor Latoria Cantrell says hurricane and storm surge watches have already been issued. We cannot again afford to take this lightly. We're still again watching the weather patterns every single hour and minute as we prepare ourselves they go to. Mississippi has declared a state of emergency Hurricane Laura. You may remember it hit southwest Louisiana late last month as a Category four storm, and more than twelve thousand evacuees from that are still sheltered in New Orleans hotels. They still haven't gone home. Wildfires across the state of Oregon a scorch more than fourteen hundred square miles and remain largely uncontained. More than fifty people are reported missing. Meanwhile, cruising California continuing to battle dozens of blazes there that have burned up nearly five thousand square miles. At least thirty people have lost their lives and more than forty seven hundred structures have either been damaged or completely destroyed. In California, to Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy still fighting for their lives. This morning, they were in critical condition. Now they're said to be in stable, but then doesn't necessarily mean they're out of the woods. Law enforcement officials say they were ambushed. Two were shot at point blank range Saturday night in Compton. In surveillance video, the shooter walks up to the passenger side of the police vehicle and just opens fire. The gunman then runs away. Last Thursday, in Compton, authorities say that another officer involved shooting took place, and this one agents from the Sheriff's office shot and killed a man who they said fired on them as they tried to serve a search warrant. According to a document obtained by The Washington Post, Trump administration has issued a memo ordering federal agencies to stop conducting racial sensitivity classes. The Trump White House labels such training as quote Unamerican divisive propaganda. At the same time, a report from the Department of Homeland Security is saying that white supremacists present the gravest terror threat to the United States. According to Politico, even though there were two subsequent memo rewrites of this, it says, all three drafts contain the same sentence, and here it is among domestic violent extremists, we judge white supremacists will remain the most persistent and lethal threat to in the homeland through twenty twenty one. Not one of the drafts, by the way, from the Department of Homeland Security, referred any threat from Antifa, the left leaning agitators that Trump talks about all the time. Finally, though today as national the quiet day, Calm down, Arnold, Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Dave Harvey Morning Show. We gotta say congratulations to twenty year old Naomi Osaka. She's the winner girl of the US Own and her third count them three, one two three Grand Slam title. Take a listen to Naomi's perfect response to a question about her wearing her Black Lives Matter math after winning the US Open. You said, from the beginning, you had seven matches, seven masks, seven names. What was the message you wanted to send, Naomi tom Well, what was the message that you got? Listened more of the question. I feel like the point is to make people start talking. What'll be most gratified about the awareness that you raised? Um? I mean for me, I've been inside of the bubble, so I'm not really sure what's really going on in the outside world. All I can tell is what's going on on social media. And for me, I feel like, you know, the more retweets it gets or that's so lame, but you know, the more people talk about it, wow, you And he didn't answer it that, yeah, did you get because because see, you want to be a reporter, so you want to be neutral, but you want everybody to be expl have to explain what they're doing. It's just real simple. Black lives matter. Say her name. It's just real simple. We want you to get the point that black lives matter. H what's disturbing, though, is this president is on a recording saying to someone who asked him about racism. He said, oh, so you're drinking the racism cool age. Yeah, I mean, you know, thinking yeah, And you know, man, that's really disheartening because here's here's a real problem with racism in this country for those who are in positions or just in life general, or just on your job who claims that racism doesn't exist. If that's your thought about racism, doesn't agrist exist, then there's nothing for you to address. That's no problem to solve. And that right there is the ridiculousness of it all. And that's why we've got to keep bringing it up and keep bringing up the awareness so people get it. And this November we've got to get to the polls so he gets it. So yeah, man, true, yeah, Trump, were drinking it. Yeah, we're drinking the koolaid and we're gonna get your glass of it on the floor. You can't handle our koolaid on a light of No, Junior, Uh, I know the Texans laws and the Rockets law, but ain't no Naomi. Ain't he from Houston? I think's he from us? Today? Well, y'all trying everything? Ain't you just reaching? All morning? And so it's Beyonce. Since we all coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour the versus Battle, Patty versus Gladys, we're gonna talk about it right after this. You're listening, all right? Come on, Carla with today's music news. We're talking about the versus battle, Patty versus Gladys. Oh lord, okay, So did y'all see it? Ye ya see it? Yes? The queens, goody okay, the queens last night. I mean, I'm talking about everybody checked in. We all checked in. Jill Scott, Buster Brons, Erica Campbell, Brandy, Jennifer Hudson, Mariah Lorenz, Tate Lettuce See, Monica Forever, First Lady, Michelle Obama, Loud Queen Latifa, Jennifer Lopez, Carrie Washington, Missy Elliott, Red Hammond, everybody, come on, come on, because they know, they know you can only hope that God allows you to exist in this business at the level that them two sisters has done it. Yes, you just you can't have those crew. These two women were seventy six years old. Did you see how they looks at damn the singing? Did you see how they look sitting up there? Yeah, that's what happened. When you know God. That's what happens. When you stay drug free, that's what happens man. When you eating better, that's what happens, man. When you enjoy what you do, that's what happens when you ain't out here trying to do harm to everybody? He does. Don't never live that long and look that good. You ever noticed that he always looked they look bad? My damn on Agnes. That okay. Anyway, back to Patty and Gladys. They talked about cooking recipes, part rolls. Patty kicked off her shoes, Patty Steve, she said she still had a flip phone. She's still Yes, she did, yes, she did. I mean the queens, it was just it was not even a battle. It was two legacy, two legends that's singing and having a good time. Steve. I just y'all, it was just some And you know what the cool thing about it was they were sisters. Yeah, you know that's what That's what it is. That's what I like. Monica and Brandy. They were sisters, you know, Jill and Erica. They were sisters. See that's how we really are. We're not the basketball wives, Atlanta housewives. That ain't That ain't who black women are. No Black women beef and and she said to Brandy and Monica last night, to fix what's going on. Glad has said that y'all need to fix whatever it is that's going on, because yes, y'all gonna be in this game for a long time. Beef And where did that come from? You ain't got time for that at one point in time. Man, Living your life to the fullest depends on how you treat other people. Do unto others that you would have them do unto you. Man, we gotta squash all these beefs. Man, yes, sir, you know this ain't got nothing to do with If I was watching this thing this weekend on Snoop how master Piece saved his life yep, because he was gonna do a big story and he was gonna do an album about f death Row and master people pulling him to the side of say, man, what you want to do good? What you want to do that for? And Snoop set down man and went, what na this is how we roll? Na? Man, you gotta get out and let that go. Yea masterpiece that Snoop down and talk some sense into him and got him on track and let him make some money and stop. You know this, you that's that's what this should be about. Man. This should be about all of us, mending fences, all of us. If you got ill or any against your brother. Man, at least sit down, man, you know, to forgiveness. I mean, man, what what is it really worth? You know, I ain't whatever you'd have said about me. Man, I'm willn't to let it go. If you let it go, you know, if I had done something to you, just come to me. Man, brain it to me right, Oh lord, pray, yeah, you need He never lets anything gone, grudge holder. I think he was talking directly to you. Talk exactly. You saw the sign read between the lines. Man, let it go, do the right thing. Message our queen, queen queen. There was both winners to me period. Absolutely, Steve. Now you tell me it's prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Subject my boyfriend's son is creeping me out. This letter creeps me out. I'm just gonna tell you that. We'll get into it in a minute, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, nep Shirley, I gotta say this for I introduce the prank. It accept him of the fourteenth. My baby girl, Sydney Anne Miles is sixteen years old to birthday girl. Yeah what dad is hot? Baby? Yes? All right? Here it is this one right here is the NBA party, NBA Parte. I'm gonna call it parte. Called it NBA Parte. Let's go care dog? Hello, hell, long time, I'm trying. I'm looking for Brandy hey brand, How you doing this, Poncho man? I don't want to Marcus his boys? How you doing man? Oh? Yeah, here, what's up that? Hey? Y'all talked to Marcus man. He was telling me about you know, the uh the playoff party man for for for Sunday man. So, uh he told me if it was cool that I would come through. Man, I just wanted to call it in honight to see if I can. But I need to bring anything, uh food or some drinks or whatever. You know. You took me friends of Marcus. Yeah yeah, this is Parntcho man. I'm friends with market Okay, yeah, yeah, I think it's cool. Yeah yeah, well now you're he's the great, unless, of course, you know you you're drinking something special, but uh yeah, it's just gonna be Marcus and uh you know other boys gonna be here, and uh you know where you want bringing to me? Why, I'll be so yeah, that's cool, okay, okay, okay, what time y'all starting? Man? He told me like around one? Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna be there all day. But you know you're coming through about one one, two o'clock. You know this before the game get started with has Us. You know that the flash screen going if this to be laid out, So yeah, just come on through whenever you come through, all right, just remember man, Puncho. All right, I'll be there. I've got it all right, cool, all right, this hello, hey, hey brand yo, hey punch you again? Man, listen real quick? How much how much food and and and and look at do you have? Uh? I think we got enough for for suddenly it was right what you got going on? What's up? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I got I got like three boys gonna ride with me. Man, I just want to make sure you got enough over there. Okay, who is this again? This Puncho. You know we talked about thirty minutes ago, this Puncho Marca's friend, right right, ok right? Uh, man, I remember I call you about thirty minutes ago. Told me Marcus told me it was yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah, I'm sorry for im bringing back and forth. Uh yeah, well, I mean I guess it's all right. So you know, we ain't trying to overload the joints man. Just you know, I know Marcus and if you're a friend of his, then then that's cool. You can come through. It ain't even three guys, man, It ain't ben three guys coming with me. Many they they really cool man. Well we we we we were bringing something to put on your pit or whatever. You know, it'll it'll be good. Okay, Yeah that's cool man, but you know, yeah, yeah, come on through that all right? All right, all right, I talked to you. I talked to you, all right, Brett, he is uh wait is one of the Marcus is one of the guys Marcus? Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, I got it's it's three guys. Me, I'm a four you know, some three other guys. Yeah, whatever, man, that's cool. Yeah, bring them through, man, come on, it's like all right, all right, all right Lake Hello, hey Brad punchyo again. Man listen, Hey, I'm I'm gonna bring one more. Um, I'm I'm I'm gonna bring one more person with me to old hell. Hold hold pump brakes player, Wait, hold up, hold what's up? Now? What's up you? Marcus is friend? Yeah? Yah yah yahya yahyah. Man, I'm concho. Yeah, okay, I know you punch your man, but you're bringing everybody, but just go, kid, and Marcus is cool with me. That's my fault. We're gonna way back. And if you cool with him too, then okay you can come. You know, I'm trying to have an NBA playoff game. You're bringing the whole NBA with you. Oh not at all. It ain't like that, man, man, I mean, playin't that big? You know my wife is gonna be coming through here. And you know I got the house played out. I told I wasn't gonna destroy the place. I just got out the dog house like two weeks ago. I ain't trying to up. So if you're coming through, you come through, you know, bring one or two people with you. But that's it. Okay, all right, but listen to you, you would un decide me. I ain't gonna bring them dude with me. I'm just gonna bring a little lady for him with me. Man if is that cool? I'm just gonna bring a little lady for him. No, dudes, Okay, that's cool now you're talking, okay, because I know she ain't eat a bunch, come on through here with her and you know, be done with that's fine, right right right. I'm gonna call Simone nine, tell her and tell her that she coming with me. Okay, what's her name? Her name, Simone? That's fun, that's my wife's name. Okay, I'm but maybe the hook up while they while we're watching the game. That'll bet she ain't here, so I send her in her girls so there that Neil's done, Okay, okay, so check us out, man, I'm I'm I'm gonna reach out to Simone and let her know that we're gonna we're gonna leave it and get over there like about one. And you say it's cool, right, yeah, yeah, it's cool man. That that's a whole lot better than being about up in there. Okay, okay back yeah, yeah, yeah. Years now, and I check this man, mine, uh you know, my friend she she she's married, you know, and and and she wanted to get away from my husband for a minute. Man, I guess they've been going through so you know, you know, just keeping our way back back up there, back bringing a married woman named Simone. What are the eyes of that? My wife's name is Simone. Okay, we'll do I mean, like, what was this one? Simone? Is her last name? Is that's my last name? Wait? Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold anyway wait wait hold on, hold on dog. This this okay, this, this Simone is is light skin. Yeah, you keep on describing her light skin, fives gone, short hair, got the Helley said, yeah, that's that's that's that's that's how about you do my wife? They know me and Simone been friends for a minute. Man. It wasn't until like a couple of weeks ago she reached out to me and saying she was she was going through some some some he reached out to you to tell you that she's going through some stuff with a dude. Well I don't that dude. Okay, okay, I want you see my wife. Hey, man, you know about a year, but who counting? You know what I'm saying? A year that's about the time we started hand some issues. Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on over to this party, amen. I'm sure we can try to figure this kind of situation out pump. My wife. Don't give me about you. I don't give me about her either. You know you are you know they said, you know what. I've always believed this. There are no mistakes. And listen, everything happens where it'supposed to be. So it's funny how you call me. Okay, okay, listen, man, listen, I can get this number my boy game no, no, no, then I get it time. You probably called it the record from her. That's my boy gave me this dog. Leave, leave simone out of here. Man. You can't tell me right now. You know I'm not gonna phone with you right now. I'm gonna call her, not to say I ain't gonna call her at all. Don't don't tell her my wife. Just bring her to the party. I got a guest this for you. I got a three eighty, I got a smith, I got a question, I got a size fourteen killer and go right up. So you just come on over this party. Oh okay, hey man, hey man, listen, listen, my boy, my boy gave me your number. Man, So I don't know who my boy is. Marcus said, he don't know you. Marcus don't know me. But guess who else knows me though that you don't know what's say something. Hey, Brad, this is Nephew time me man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy Marcus got me the prank phone. Call you. What I don't give us is this son I'm gonna get up. Yeah, hey Brad, what was you gonna do with the party? Man? Yeah? Man, uh, it's about Hey, let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the land. It's the Steam Harvey Morning So wow do I mean he's so close to this party, just bringing everybody steady, just adding people. Hey man, I tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna just gonna bring this girl. Yeah. Yeah, that'd be good because you get a lot of food. Hey man, when I bring over, man, just want to you know, you know, she's married, so I just want to shit walked like walked light on that protect. That's all her name. Simone. We're good. We're good, man. Hey man, leave Simone out of this. I said this dude, right, odds, leave some moan out of this partner. She's so far up in this hill. Miss. Yeah. It's a way to do it, baby, that's it. That's pranking from the left side of the brain. That's what the nephew do. I prank, I prank, prank and Mike's thanks sometime. But the pranking is good though, you understand. All Right, Thank you nephew, Good luck, because I hope you don't get your butt whooped. All right, Strawberry letter coming up next, the subject my boyfriend's son is creeping me out. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Step Morning Show. Well, guys, it's down to fifty now, fifty days until November third, Okay, go right now, I know it is go right now to get registered to vote at vote dot org. This is so very serious. Right now, fifty days left. You can get your dates as to when you can early vote in your state. We said every single day on this show. That's what we want you to do. Early vote, early vote. All right? Oh lord, yeah, you gotta yell. Yeah, we gotta get prepared you fifty days, you gotta get prepared. Yeah. This is this is for real right here, this is it. I think I have a feeling that there's going to be a huge turnout in this election, and that's always a good sign. Yeah, and I think it's going to be a lot of people who are disappointed in the direction of the country. And that's that's what I really think will happen. And I'm just I'm just hoping that it ends this four year reign of terror that we've been under and we can start a new chapter and just and just try to get it right at least stop that in global embarrassment that we've suffered under this administration, because it's been a global embarrassment, he said over the weekend, And I wish I had this story. I read it. He says he wants history. He was at a rally. He said he wants his fan base to get out and vote. And because Joe Biden accused him of, um, Joe Biden, Oh man, I wish I had this right. Joe Biden accused him of oh, of of calling the a War veterans losers and stuff and suckers. He said, now I'm really gonna get vicious. And he said that at his rally and the crowd went crazy, Oh my god, that's what's so deep about this dude? Here man, all right, vote, this is the president talking about Now I'm really gonna get vicious. Okay, well at the debate, you're gonna get surprised. Yeah, all right, so again, go to vote dot org. Fifty days left. People, this is serious. Now, all right, we're gonna switch gears here because it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Who knows we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject my boyfriend's son is creeping me out. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty five year old woman and I'm at a loss for words when it comes to my new boyfriend's four year old son. I've been with my boyfriend for six months and he felt it was time for me to meet us four year old sons. He's told me that I am the first woman he's been serious about in years, and he can see me as his wife someday. So I met his four year old son and he's a bit weird. He looked me up and down and said hello. Then he stared at my breath for a long time. My boyfriend noticed and chuckled, then told his son to go play. The little boy went to the kitchen table where he had been drawing pictures. He came over to me and he said he drew me a picture. He drew a picture of me with his daddy, and I had huge boobs, a huge behind, and a big head. I'm a curvy woman, so I can see how that might stand out to him, but I didn't like it. My boyfriend didn't think it was a big deal at all. He said the boy was just being honest with what he saw, and small kids don't have a filter. The next time I was over at my boyfriend's home, the boy just sat and stared at me, and he barely answered when I talked to him, and I told my boyfriend he was creeping me out. I put him to bed later that night and he said good night, and he was going to dream about me. What the holy heck is going on here? While my boyfriend is glad his son likes me, I'm so worried that some things not right with the kid. Since then, He's drawn more pictures of me, and he even drew a picture of me without ahead. My boyfriend is still saying it's not a problem. I was using the bathroom and this kid was sitting outside the door when I came out. Is this how kids show they like you? Or is this kid just a little creep Please help? Well? You know, I think this is creepy, and I think it's creepy because you're making it so. I mean, we're talking about a four year old baby here. It sounds like the little boy is just smitten with you. He doesn't really know how to act. He's just four, so he doesn't know how to quite process his feelings or just how to deal with what's going on. I mean, maybe he's never seen a woman that looks like you before. And I definitely mean that in a good way. You said you were curvy and everything. So you know, I think it's a situation where you and the dad are adults. You need to act like adults, I think, and just you know, find out what's going on. And it's four a little a little four year old head. I mean, he's his mind is young. I think make him feel safe and comfortable enough that and I'm sure he'll He'll talk to you about a whole lot of stuff that's going on, you know, like a lot of four year olds do. When you sit down and have a conversation with them. I think you might find out it's perfectly innocent, and maybe you look like a superhero to him or something. I just say, don't make something creepy and crazy where it shouldn't be. I mean, he's four, He's just a four year old kid. You know, I would say, what's wrong with you in this instance? Steve? Yeah, I mean, I don't have much to add, but when I come back, I will add what I do have to aid. A lady, just hang on, because here I come with what I think is happening. All right. We'll have part two of his response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject for the Strawberry Letter today, my boyfriend's son is creeping me out. We'll be back right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letter. Subject my boyfriend's son is creeping me out. Well, let me just help start by saying, I think Shirley's one correct. Here, I don't think there's anything to worry about at all. First of all, it's obvious that you don't have any children, so because you know you would have some idea of how kids can be at time. But you've been with your boyfriend. He felt his time for meet for your old son. Now, this is the first woman he'd been seious about in years, and he can see me as his wife Sunday. So he takes you to meet this for your old son, and he's weird. He looked you up and down and said hello. Then he stayed at your breast for a long time. His dad, he ain't got no breast, He ain't had no women over at the house in a while. Nobody's serious. Nobody the man wants to introduce him to This is new to him. You do not know the relationship he has with his mother. You didn't mention if his mother's in his life active as the man has full of custody. You don't know. But obviously you are brand new to this boy. Now he looked at you, stared at you, looked you up and down, staring at your breast for a long time. Then your boyfriend kind of noticed and told his son gonna play well, little boy, go back in the kitchen, started drawing picture. Then he came up you and said, he drew me a picture. He fall, I got something for you. Hit you a picture me and his daddy, and I had huge boobs, a huge behind, and a big head. Okay, damn the head. Ain't you got big boobs? You said, I'm a curvy woman, so I can see how that might stand out to him. Might What did you have on in this boy's face? Cleavage, something tight? And your breast was up there now he noticed them. He just a boy. He don't know. I've been looking at women's breast ever since. I can't remember. I was five in love with my Sunday school teacher boy. She was from fishing as your church. One Sunday I was sitting on the table with her legs cross, teaching the sitting there with her legs cross, teaching them, teaching us about Jesus. And I didn't hear nothing about Jesus that day. Nothing. I'm just telling you so I was six O clo No that this ain't nothing wrong. He drawing pictures. Shirley said it right. He doesn't know how to express his feelings. I'm gonna draw this picture. Hear you you like it, because I damn show do now. Your boyfriend didn't think it was a big deal. All he said, the boy was just being honest with what he saw. Kids don't have a filter. Well, next time you're over at your house, the boy just said and stared at me. He barely answered when I talked to him. The boy is enamored with you. You are new, You are new. I told my boyfriend he was creeping me out. I put him to bed later that night. He said good night, and he was gonna dream about me. That's a little boy. He don't know what to say. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. I'm gonna dream about you. You're gonna be my new mama. What the holy heck is going on here? While my boyfriend is glad and his son does like you, if he didn't like you, you get on the other side of this thing, and then you really have something to worry about. I'm so awared that something's not right with this kid. Everything's fine with it. He's a boy. He's a boy, and he don't know how to deal with what he looking at. You won't look like nobody else has been over there. Obviously don't look like his mama, and you definitely don't look like his daddy. Now, since then, he's drawn more pictures of me, and he even drew a picture of me without a head because that ain't what he sees. He can't get your head right, no way. But he betty had a big booty and the big boobs on that picture though, didn't he right? He just he just thought he throw that on that But then he said, no, I didn't capture that right. Let me draw what I know how to draw. That's what I'm saying. My boyfriend is still saying, it's not a problem. I was using the bathroom and this kid was sitting outside the door when I came out. What you're doing it now? I'm gonna wait on you to come out. He likes you. What you should do is sit down and act like a mother to him. If you really want to have a relationship with this man, this enamorment will pass ass But you've got to, you know, show him how to dress, help him with his school where, talk to him about stuff that mothers to. He's probably be missing that, and he don't want you to go away. Is this our kids show they like you? Yes? Or is this kid a little creep? Not at all. He's a four year old boy. This is a boy. This little dude, he am listen to me. He not aroused or nothing like that. At four. He just liked the woman that's at the house. Please help now. Surely said you got to grow up in this situation. It ain't there. I don't even see why you're reading. You're reading too much into this. Yeah, you're reading big boobs, big booty. He looking at me. He don't see my head. A lot of men don't see your head. Now that's different. You trip it. It's a little boy. Man. He made no move on you. He ain't even got no move too. Lake baby, he's four. Boy. If you could see my little grandson at this party, at this eight year old Latin girl was dancing at this party, he was folk when he saw this girl. Boss your comments on today's Strawberry Letter FM on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up in forty six minutes after the hour of Sports Stock with Junior. Right after this, you're listening string show. Well, he doesn't want to do it, but he's got to. Junior is here with sports stock take it away, Junior, Junior, Wow to do this today, Shirley well spot, Let's go well Team Lebron, James and the l Lakes be James, Hard and Russell with book. The Houston Rockets are now officially after the playoffs in VA. What what the hold of Junior? Ye? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we out. We're out and we got most other playoffs? Yes, stop, you know it's the playoffs text us Yeah, first round again and wrong. And then on top of that, as soon as they lost, head coach Mike did Tony resigned. Quign. He resigned. He resigned right after the loss. No, no, he resigned. But we didn't want him, no way, but he resigned. So he quit. Yeah, he quit. It's not him. The GM won't won't. Look he played with the best team because that small ball was winning for a while, but it can't win the championship. He always win in the regular season, it'll never win in the playoffs because the yeah, that wouldn't even in the playoffs. Why are you listening to him, Cleveland Lebron is I told you what? He won the title for Cleveland twenty sixteen. I told you when the playoffs started who I was fault. I've always said my favorite players, Russell or Westbrook. I've always said that not winning. No, damn tight on dope. Now my man is still in it. Yeah yeah, and y'alls ain't. No, they're not. They are not in it. No, and I don't That's why I don't want to do this. I don't see the prods crushing the y'all. Y'all keep see y'all gonna do like me. I know that the Browns wasn't gonna beat Baltimore yesterday. I know that y'all going every game thinking your ass gonna win. That shit damn problem? What got all this hold title? The Texas lost one Champs, we love him. We lost to the Northeast champs. Man, we lost to Baltimore. Damn all air one is old and one. You want to have a better. I'm not gonna cry with Tuesday. I'm not going to cry. No, No, you cried by yourself. Houston out, Texans is out in Astro lost. What say? Sorry to do that to you? Junior. We gotta go, Yeah, coming up, I know, coming up. Steve Harvey Morning Show at the top of the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We all saw this horrific video on social media over the weekend of the Clayton County sheriff repair heatedly punching a black man his name is rogerick Walker after a traffic stop. Um, well he's been fired. Uh. The victim rocking Rogerick Walker was Yeah, that is really good, Carl. You're right, was with his girlfriend and one of his children as the incident unfolded. I mean, the deputy was fired for using excessive force. Here we go again, Here we go again. Okay, say he fired, but nothing else happens to you at all. Well, I mean that's usually the first step. You know, it just happened. So that's the firing is all you gonna get for for the person names, that's all you get. Most of them don't even get fired for killing. That's about most can happen to you. You lose your job for sucker punching him like that. But I don't understand. Let me ask you a question. It was just so a traffic stop. Yeah, it was a traf it was. It's so weird with this story about the traffic stop, because first they said that it was a ride share and Lift was involved. The Lift is tweeting they weren't involved. He was the passenger, he was not He wasn't driving. No, so it's still more to this, you know, as the details it. Yeah, I just don't understand what's going on in me. Two police officers laying on top of the guy that right, that that wait alone was enough, but they kept trying to he right, and he was struggling with the officers. But the excessive punching in the face. Then when the when the guy doing the film said, that's it, that's your aunt. Did the police office gonna turn to him and say he bit me? Right? Because when they got up, the man's face was all bloody. Remember his nose was bleeding from his nose and everything. It was just push his face in the ground, and I mean he was I could punching this dude. Man And this was a big ass Yeah yeah, daddy. Yeah. But they actually like they didn't hear them. They I mean, they go into what happens to them somewhere else. Yeah, it's like what happens to them when they have they almost killed this person. They didn't have to do that. It's like de escalation is should always be the key, but it never is. It just goes worse and worse and work, it gets worse and worse worse because it is no mandatory sentencing of police officers. What wed the mistake we've made with the police is that we've given them a badge to operate as judge, jury and execution. Yeah, and until we take away that power, they gonna keep exerting it because it only you only got to go to police academy for twenty two weeks. And I'll say it again. You can become a police officer fast, and you can become a barber. Let's still a deadly weapon. Yeah, now you can taste and kill people after twenty two weeks, but you bet not mess nobody head up at day, bobsh who understand. So, Now, until we get some type of laws in place that require that require consequences of police officers who perform these deadly acts and unfair acts against people black, white, yellow, brown that we paid to uphold the law, they should be held to the same law they are paid to a poll. And until we get some sentencing mandatory for these police officers. This is going to continue to happen. Yeah, that deputy again was fired for using excessive force and other news too. LA deputies are fighting for their lives after being shot multiple times as a man walked up to a patrol car parked patrol car shot them multiple times. The two officers shot were was a thirty one year old female mother of six year old boy and her partner on duty. Twenty four year old shot multiple times. Guy, his ass got to go to prison, Yes, sirs, No, we're against police brutality. Coming up, we'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show in some trending stories at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So there's another tropical storm, hurricane in the golf Carla. Is this is this right? Is this correct? Yes? Hurricane tropical storm Sally. Yes, it's a Category two right now and off the coast of Florida now heading towards Louise. Right outside in New Orleans, Morgan City. Those areas are really big with off oil, you know, rigs and offshore drilling, is what I'm trying to say. So that's a big area there, Mississippi, so everyone is on alert. They're saying that that storm can make landfall by Tuesday. So again, y'all know the drill. You know the routine. Evacuate, listen to your local officials and authorities, be safe, and you know it's it's late in the season, but it's here. It's still September hurricane season. Yes, it's not over until November, all right, thanks Carla. So from hurricanes, we go to wildfires. The death toll continues to rise in the West as fires rage on in California and other states. At least seventeen people in Oregon, California, and Washington have now died. Over three million acres have been burned, and tens of thousands of residents have been evacuated. Fires have destroyed thousands of structures and dozens keep raging. Global warming is real, people, so protect the planet, and we got to vote. That's it. We have a president that doesn't believe in global morning. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show and entertainment News. Today, September fourteenth, starts a brand new season of Steve's Facebook TV show. It's called Steve on Watch Again. So so yeah, season two? Right, so Steve, you get an interview with Entertainment Tonight's host Kevin Frasier about the new season of Steve on Watch. Now this time around, you're taping it from your home. Take a listen. His new show was in the middle of its first season when COVID hit. Now he's shooting season two from his house in Atlanta. Are you get in, folks? After a while you get hey, man, you don't understand. I'm so happy to see these people pick talk. I've been at quarantine since Marge. Safety is a priority. Steve, his on site staff and crew all get weekly COVID tests. What part of your house that we in, Well, this is downstairs. The wall that you're on right now actually is the studio wall. And then when I pick one of the studio members to talk to, it shows up in your camera where you are and around the corner is cigar lounge golf role hold. I saw that on your social media that you had to indoor little chipping cutting ring. Is that right, you have a little golf indoor golf. Ay. Yeah, just a little shout out to Kevin Frasier. So how was it, Steve taping from your home and everything? How was what? Now? It was that? Yeah? Now it was? It was? It was like really cool. I think. I think the way they got to set up because we used a viral audience, you know, so we had like fifty audience members up on screen zooming from that house from Canada all across the United States, you know, like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, And that's it, Carl. It we was in the bubble, So it's like doing it in the bubble, you know. But I'm gonna tell you what. I am getting tired of the damn COVID tests. And here's what I learned about the COVID tests. See, the COVID testing is a new science, right because it just started this year. Everybody don't know two people do the COVID test the same you listen, I've taken I've taken at least sixteen COVID tests. At least sixteen because I gotta tell two a week for Facebook, and I gotta take two a week for family. Feud well before I go to Facebook on that Thursday, they come over and they take it. So I take three in one week, sometimes sometimes four in a week, and I don't like it. Man, I'm just gonna be honest with you, because no two people do it the same. I had just one dude. He does one nostril, sticks it all the way up in the holds it for ten seconds and they go just and some people just go too far coming up. It's our last break of the day's last break of a day. And Steve, when we come back, we'll give a tribute of our respell who passed away last week. He does the theme music, of course, to your closing remarks at forty nine after We'll be right back. You're listening, all right. As we mentioned earlier in the show, we say every day around this time, fifty days left until the November third election. So please go to vote dot org and get registered so you can be ready find out when early voting time comes in your states so you can vote. Okay, we have work to do. It is not done. It is not over. Go to vote dot org. Yeah, and Steve um Wow, some sad news to report. One of the co founders of a group cool in the Gang. Well, he passed away last week at sixty eight, last Wednesday morning to be exact, at his home in the US Virgin Islands. He had his wife by his side and no cause of death has been reported. But I mean cool in the Gang. He was in that age group at my prom is seventy four Hollywood. Swanga's in Jungle Boogie was to Jane at the prom in seventy four. It was Litwod the Greatest song, and then Summer Madness. Man, it's just a cold classic Will Smith redid it. But the Cooling the Gang version of Summer Madness is that you're hearing the second doing closing, which we should just play now because this is what he created. This was his jam. Man Cooling the Gang mate, just this was the cut. Man. Everybody had it blasted in their car man driving down the street. Man, this was the cut. So rest in peace. It's sort of crazy, man, I met all these people man and and losing themselves. So sad to see because the musical genius, of the musical talent of these people is it's unmatched. It's just unmatched, man, because they came up here in the areas. It's like it's like the Paddy La Belle and the Gladdest Night Tribute battle. I mean, you're talking about legends, man, These women seven years old, you're talking about it flat out still got it. They look so good. Yeah last night, that looks so beautiful after hit. That type of class man, it's hard to come by. It's not that's not that it don't exist anymore. It's just hard to come by. And if you can have the careers that these women had, that's that's a testament to to just real talent. Man. I'm gonna do something before I tell you about voting. Uh. I wanted to take a positive moment for everybody today because you know, look, man, we all are dealing with so many things. Look, the COVID is real, man, the election is real. The turmoil in this country is real. Black Lives Matter is real. Brianna Taylor is real, George Floyd is real. This is crazy, man, this time we live in. But I want to give you something on a positive note today to try to help you out. Somebody sent this to me and always like sharing positive stuff with my audience to try to keep your head above it and listen to this real careful. It says, begin your day with an I get to listen to me careful, Begin your day by saying I get to. I get to, and say that to yourself mentally, instead of waking up and saying I have to replace I have to with I get to. It changes your whole thought process throughout today. I get to go to work. I get to have a busy day, whatever it may be. Man, I get to see and talk to my kids today. I get a chance to drive to work today. See. We often dress up our opportunities at stress. Are you listening to me? We often dress up our opportunities as stress, but they are in fact blessings. The fact that you get to go to work is a blessing. Instead of I have to go to work, I get to do my job today instead of I have to do my job today. I get to talk to my family today instead of I have to talk to my family today. I get to be grateful today instead I have to be great. I get to go down there today instead of I got to go down there. Get to changes the process and it start your day off from a positive lode. I just wanted to share that with you. The start your days off, I say I get to instead of I have to. It mentally prepares you for a day of opportunities and stop dressing your opportunities up into stress. I get to is a lot pleasant thought than I got to, all right. I just want to share everything now to the business at hand, voting. I talk about it every day. I cannot stop. This country is in turmoil. This country ain't sitting right right now. If you think this country sitting right right now, is something wrong with you. COVID is a global pandemic that has affected America like it's affected no other country or region. We leading the world in cases, we lead the world in depths, but we're supposed to be the powerhouse, the richest, the best. Something is wrong with our nation. It is really something wrong. And on top of all of that, we can't get them to understand that black lives do really matter. They've got so many anti slogans to combat that. Man, why you just want to leave the slogan alone? Why you gotta come back with blue lives matter? All lives matter, we say, and they don't. But just because ours count like everybody else's, and they keep on doing it to us, They just did it in Clayton County again. Man, they have no disregard. They are under a climate of they can get away with this to us. They got a president. This back of them. He got to go vote dot org, vote dot org, get your balance in. Early voting is available. Now, let's vote early and let's vote. Vote. Vote for all. 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