Church Complaints, MTH, Jim Clyburn, Black Police Chief and more.

Published Jan 11, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The entire crew is present and accounted for. "Cleveland's in the Playoffs!" The Chief Love Officer is dealing with a case of matching Air Jordans and Fool #2 makes an interesting point. The usher staff of The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem are being looked at as potential recruits for the D.C. Police. The Governator of California has his opinion of Donald Trump in the form of another soon to famous one liner. Congressman Clyburn from South Carolina has strong feelings that the domestic terror attack was an inside job. Fool #2 has an original track that he murders just for us. In Sports Talk, Junior congratulates The Cleveland Browns for making the playoffs. Comedy Roulette brings us the excuses the black terrorist came up with that was in the capitol. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about a conversation he had with his father-in-law and he tells us about the "believable" things that he saw.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all all suit giving them like the million bucks things and the stubs star true good Steve listening to the other for st Please I don't join joining me. You gotta turn you're going to do? You are? You gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you love, got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby, h I show will a good mind and everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harley got a radio show. Okay, here we go today, folks. This is a good one because today I want to share with you something that affects every living soul, and that one thing is your attitude. This affects everyone. It is your attitude. You know. I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but I mean many of you who listen know this. But there are a lot of people who don't understand a positive attitude can bring about a change. A positive attitude can bring about a change. Well, now here we go with the nay says, well, Steve, what you mean if I'm just positive being changed? My mom I'm a gonna what me being positive got to do with that? Okay, Now listen to me carefully. A positive attitude can bring about change. Well, okay, Steve, I hear you saying that, But they didn't fired me. So now what does my having a positive attitude have to do with the fact that they fired me? Well, one more time. A positive attitude can bring about change. Or Steve, I set up in here and gave eight nine, twelve years of my life to this man and he just he cheated on me and walked out. Now what does me being positive have to do with him cheating on me? How that's gonna change that? Okay, here we go again. A positive attitude can bring about change. Now listen to the whole thing. Now, the positive attitude and the change that can happen starts. This is just start. It starts within you. See, life is ten percent. What happens is what you do about what happens. Okay, you gave twelve years of your life to this man. He cheated and left you hold in the bag, the kids and everything. Now what does being positive have to do with changing that? Or they came in and they fired you. You lost your job. That you was a stellar performer at But now how does you having a positive attitude? How does that change things for you? So far? You can use any example. Here's what happens when you have a positive attitude. What it produces within you is a positive approach to life. And when you have a positive attitude and a positive approach to life, it causes you to be optimistic, to have a positive out look, to expect things to event turn around and and and and turn into a positive That's very important because as the law of attraction comes into play, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive things. If you think evil thoughts, you attract evil to you. You know, if you want for nothing, then nothing comes your way. If you want for a positive attitude, if you want for positive results, if you want for a great outcome, that's what you attract to you. The change will begin within you. So let's take the man that walked out your life and left you hold in the bag. Here's a positive attitude. Okay, two things have happened as positive here. Number one, you've ridded yourself of someone who is obviously going to be, if not already been, toxic in your life, cause you many restless nights, a lot of uncomfortable feelings, an uneasiness, not sure, insecure purity. You've been going through it with this person, whoever they are. Number One, that person has been released from your life. Number Two, it allows you now to have the someone who will treat you just the way you want to be treated. That's the positive outlook, that's the optimistic way. That's when you're a positive person. You see the positive in things that happened to you, instead of burying yourself under the what's wrong with it? A old woe is me now? Concept? See a positive attitude. When they came in there and they fired you and let you go, could this not have been just the opening you needed to finally start on a new career path that you've been talking about doing anyway? Could it possibly be a brand new chance for you to get the dream job or dream career of your choice. Could it not possibly be the perfect opportunity now for you to finally finally something about that gift, about that talent that God gave you, that thing that you love to do. Could it not be the perfect time for you to pursue that? But if you don't have a positive attitude, then you lay there. Oh they finned come getting my house? Oh what I'm gonna do now? All this unemployment ain't enough. Oh Lord, when this unemployment run out, what am I gonna do? Then I won't have nothing? And you old woe is me until you become old woe is me. But if you take it from the positive approach, some amazing things can happen in your life. I will tell you on a personal note, that's some of the most some of the best changes. Some of the biggest moments in my life came after a loss. So I don't want to go down on the list, but boy, I could tell you. Let me let me tell you something. When they didn't want me on the radio anymore in La, when they didn't when they went it was sick of the way I did radio out there, and they wanted me gone. And on May twenty third, two thousand and five, when my when when when my deal was done? With the beat out in La? Okay, Look what happened though, y'all? I was gone in May. But in September nineteenth I started to Steve Harvey Radio Network with four cities. You see, But I didn't go old Woe is Me? I said, oh, okay, God must have something else from it then, because if he didn't remove me from this, that must be something else. Same thing can happened when you lose and you and you and you break up in a relationship. Same thing can happen to you. You never know the one God God for you. Now Here you go, Here you go again. Now you get put into a situation with somebody, treat you just to where you want to be treated, provide you the whole lot of aspects of your life you knew nothing about prior to that. But you gotta stay positive. If you stay positive, that positive attitude, that optimistic outlook, that that always thinking God got me no matter what happened to me, some amazing things that's going can will happen in your life. It's a fact. I don't know how it works that way. I just know that's what it is. Positive attitude is everything, y'all. So get off the old woe is Me negativity train because it ain't gonna take you nowhere but down and get get your outlook up. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. Altitude is determined by your attitude, how high you go, how big you become. How far you go. It all depends on how you think. It all depends on what type of attitude you got. It ain't no, ain't no very very successful, super negative people. It just doesn't coincide that way. If you see that something that happened to them along the way, and don't weary. You ain't gonna worry about it because you ain't gonna see them long because you can't stay up there like that. It's just too hard, all right, that's the conversation you're listening show, Ladies and gentlemen, man, I have your undivided attention. Please. This is the home of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What you have tuned into is the greatest morning show on planet Earth. I kid you not. We are about to prove it as of right now, Ladies and gentlemen. The starring cast, Shirley Strawberry, No Lie's Tall, Steve no Lie's Tall. Good morning to you, Carla Pharrell, here for it, Good morning crew, all of it, The Evil Present, Kill Junior Spates Morning, everybody Morning up Here for to Cormorze every now and then, Jay Anthony Brown President accounting for a baby, what's up? The King of pranks, nephew times your side in the building right nearly this munty mona suny shining. I'm in my blue teeth of the life bowing blue Dame is duneing sunny and bright Boone said, what should a young heart be saying? Yeah, both m Yeah, I'm blue in the play Oh Clevelings in the play whoa Cleveland's in the play off? Who bye ba bye ba bye bye bye bye bye to the Pittsburgh stee lose. Oh good morning, everybody. That's all. I'm not gonna mention it any more to day because we're going to Kansas City, so I got to just enjoy this before we get there. I'm I'm just gonna enjoy this before we get that. I don't know God gonna give us two miracles in a row. So what's up, everybody? Yes, it can't. If anybody can, he can. I ain't never wanted to see a coach, you know, I don't. I want him to get out of this COVID thing, but you know you don't. Will be all right? And yeah, y'all doing man? Everybody good? Good? Everybody goody. You know what, man, this has been a heck of a week. Man, and tragic of event that occurred with the Capital. Yeah, I'm I'm grateful that America got to see what we've all been knowing. Yeah, and it pulled back. It's sometimes you have to pull back the scap to get real healing. Yeah, And I think, man, what has been happening is sad. Now, I do not agree. I hate that people lost their lives. I'm not for that at all in any way. But man, the reaction to a lot of people has been very motivating, and then the reaction to some people who have been again shocking, because some people just don't get it, man. But I do appreciate the Americans who do get it. I appreciate the people who are standing up for the right side of it. That's right. Steve coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO. Right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour and trending national news. More arrests over the weekend, and federal charges were filed against the domestic terrorists who attack the Capitol last Wednesday. Plus, we're going to talk about how Twitter and other social media platforms have suspended President Trump's account indefinitely, Thank the Lord. I think everyone saying to that, Yeah, come on, but a lot of people mad about that. I know, I know, that's just freedom of speech. Well yeah, he had had enough freedom. Yeah yeah, let's pull some of this for four years. Yeah yeah, right, he could hold press conferences like, you know, like normal presidents. He could hold press conferences and get it off his chest. But anyway, he suspended now indefinitely, and right now it is time to help some of our listeners. Steve with asked the clo are you absolutely all right? Here we go. This one is from Danielle in Ohio. Danielle says, I've been with my boyfriend for five years and he cheated on me. In October, I met the girl and she did knew. She didn't know he had a girlfriend, and she said they never had sex and she would stop seeing him. He begged me to forgive him, and I did. Then this girl posted a picture of Air Jordan's that she got for Christmas with the caption we match him. Now. My boyfriend had those same shoes. He said it's a popular style, and he swore he hadn't even seen her. I hate to call her again, but I need to know what should I do? Well, you know, um, I don't know how to answer this, honestly, because the girl told you they never had sex. I don't know what's happening here. You know she did. He was seeing her talking to her. That's a fact. And you know she got some shoes. Everybody got nikes. Well that's what he said, Steve the boyfriend, And I want to with him on that because everybody do had nikes. I have some nikes, Jordan. Well, I ain't got no Joan, but ain't no girl gave him to me? Though? Who has a sad piece? You do that? That's the whole point. Jay, Who held that? A sad piece? You don't sleep with? Yeah? That's a meaningless Yeah. All right? Irene in Montgomery, Alabama? Did you did we help her? I don't know if you help Well, I don't know. I don't. I don't know. I don't know what it is. I don't I don't think I would call the girl again because she's not your problem. Yeah, it's him. It's him. If there is a problem, it's him. So I think involving her is not good, right, you know? Yeah? All right? All right, there you go, there you go. Irene in Montgomery, Alabama, says, I'm a sixty one year old woman and I just got out of a long term relationship because he wouldn't marry me. He got all of the perks of having a wife without having to get married. So I'm doing things differently with my new boyfriend that I've been with it for eight months. We haven't had sex at all, and he's getting antsy. He wants to take our relationship to the next level, which means sex. To me, it means marriage. Should I give in or not? Well, I mean, you know, I want to look at six and I don't know how to answer this one because you wave past the ninety day rule that I came up with. I never said no sex. I gave a ninety day rule. I don't want to be hypocritical and say no sex because I'm But you have every right to do it the way you want to do it. But she want marriage before that. I think that's what she's saying. She wants marriage. But I think you should. Uh, you've been with him, made most eight most. How is it going? What's your heart telling you? I mean, you gotta go with it, but you know, if you feel that strongly about it. You should stick to your convictions. You know she's asking should she give in to the sex part or not? You know, I will show will be pressing real hard. You be in a full court press with me. I'll admit that. You know. I'll try to help you hold to your convictions. But I ain't that convicted myself. So we're doing it for a year. Man. Yeah, I'm gonna y'all both old y'all pressed for time, both of y'all. Yeah, I agree with both y'all. Yeah, that's a lot. That's that's laid up in there. You've done the ninety days. That's all I have for anybody, just not to be hypocritical. That's all I offer now as a Christian. You may want to take it further, but me being an entry level Christian, ninety days all I got for you in level, that's all I am. So I don't I don't. I don't really do advanced Christianity. So you can do it, and at I highly commend you for it for to days. Yeah's way past it, all right, harlow and DC says, I'm in my mid fifties and my wife is two years younger than I am. Since she returned to work, she's changed a lot in the way she dresses and in the way she carries herself. She usually wears braids or a ponytail, but lately she's been switching up wigs like I switched my underwear. She also has had increased sex drive and wants to do it as soon as she gets home from work. I'm not in the mood all the time, and I'm starting to think some other man is getting her all riled up before she gets home. What's up with her? Well? If if there's other man getting all riled up, but you got the house benefited from me, what you're tripping for? Enjoy the benefits? You know, she dressing up. Maybe she discovered herself. You know, women maintain it, you know for a long time. You know what, Why are you complaining because he's not in the mood all the time? Well, dog, you know your old ass go somewhere beating her down for that fault. What are you complaining about? When he come out? My name Hallow and I'm fifty know gonna hear, well you fifty something name Hallow? Hollow. Hollow is right next to harpo. I knew, right away. You was in your damn fifty You ain't even had to put your age on that hallow seventy five hollow? Who name hollow? Hollow there to complaining? That's a blessed man, quick complaining. Enjoy this woman who's beautifying herself and and finding ways to look glamorous. What you're tripping for? Get your ass some peels, man and getting ready. You ain't gotta be in the move. Get you some testosterone, some sealist and they got a laser spray. Get all that get in there. Yeah, yeah, he must didn't hit the first dale before. Yeah, alright, thank you, Cello. Coming up next, Robend Motown, Deacon Death Jammer here with the church complaints. That's coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news. Um more rest than federal charges for the terrorists in the Capitol attack, articles of impeachment could be introduced today, plus an entertainment news Twitter shuts down Donald Trump and the terminator himself, Arnold Swarzenegger called Donald a failed leader. Really busy day today, we'll talk about all of these stories that yeah, at the top of the hour. Yeah, I'll be back right now. It's Monday. It's Monday time to have some fun with church complaints with Reverend motown Dick in depth. Jam oh oh, galve this Monday Own, this Monday. The congregation has found something to be ungrateful. Fall is beyond me after the wonderful Sunday we just have. Yeah, we will partake of it. But now that we will be shocked and deliberate in dealing with negativity on the daylight today. Go ahead, dec let's get down to be. The DC Police Department are interested in hiring our church ushes to God the Capital. They will provide uniforms and white gloves. Are you interested in our just going down there? The STA absolutely not. I have told our usher board, our entire congregation and the entire of Black Church Foundation, this ain't our wall. After letting them handle this, they self all in Federate flags and Indian outfitching, all up in their canned podums and stealing stuff you ain't using, sitting in chairs, your ass ain't handle business, sitting in and climbing walls and all this hill or that ain't the wind line or none of that is our business just sitting down. I'm calling it must see TV. Amen, pass, just watch the news, take it all in and get something popcorn. That's all we do. But our board ain't going to Sister Sylvia has already said she ain't going in there watching the damn thing, right amen? All right? Passed to the brother who was caught inside the capital one with the red hat on an the yellow shape. That is actually Deacon Earl's oldest boy, who is a member of our church. Now he wants to know would you be interested in hiding him out until the whole thing kind of blow over? He said he will paid for it. He will paid the law. This ain't the first time Earl's board and been in trouble. Yeah. Now, his ass was on probation. I don't know how he got in there in the first place, being on probation. Well, I do believe this will be his third of fish. Are we gonna hide him or not? Down? He can't he can't hide at this here church. I just need answer, no, no, no, no. We didn't even have to look at his ass up on phrasebook. He right down. There were two blacks in the building, and he looked in there was a dark one in enlightenment. It ain't hard to figure out who they et. It is true. All right, you're gonna have to set this down past. The pigeon told Ministry wants to do a praise dance doing virtual series now to proudly be. They had rehearsal and they feet kept running in each other and they keep filing out. You dude, you want this to happen or not with the pigeon told miss I've told him that. The pigeon told Ministry was gonna have to get off the praise dance too, because every time they do the grape Vine to crossover move they knock everybody down and it's just not a good little for praise. Then all right, well shut you shut them down. And also the slew Foot Ministry, the stupid the church maners have decide of that we we're gonna use the left over champagne from New Year Lead for communion wine. That should save us some money. Do you have a problem with that? I do, because it's flat and that ain't gonna give you that burning sensation of the blood going down that we lonely get from Morgan David was bubbly. It would be all right that No, we're not doing champagne. We got to get what we gotta make it that's red. It has to be red like the blood that is the ship. There's a moth communion. So no, we won't be doing any champagne. All right, this one is for you pass the eye. The Jacksonville Jaguars have the number one pick in the NFL draft. Seems like, uh, they want to pick the police officer that was running up the stairs at the Capital to be on the team. But he doesn't have any representation, and he's asking if you would represent him as an agent absolute will or they're back pedal in his hip squibvel movement. He would make a great safety, the way he could turn being over, scoop up a football look like he could throw it. He made several throwing motions with that. Whill I was very impressed with him. Athletic skill running up steps back, which they're gonna put that drill in the combine next year. Off. Really, that's gonna be a football drill. We're gonna be good right there. We're gonna put it. Man. We're gonna trade him to the Washington team so in case they need him, right there, I don't call there, you won't even have to move. That's a good one. There, all right, I passed the last, but not least. Next week we are switching to drive up service. The members want to know when they catch the spirit, is it all right if they do doughnuts in the parking lot. No. The way we're doing this services, we're having our service at the bank teller window, or you just drive in when it can come down. You put your money in and then drive off and then we'll email you the service. What about the service paster, they're driving up to get service, not to leave the money they got. No, no, no, no no. You're driving up, drop off your offering with your email address in the offering and everybody that give will get the service email to them later. That's not what drive up service is passing. But what do you why do you think they called us did jack pot joint us? And I understand why they called it that pass But but you have to give the people something, music and then of course a sermon. All of that has to be a part of the service were But what we're doing for presence this year is when you make your donation, we give you pictures of the protesters, the terrorists that was climbing the wall, and we held on why want that? Well, it's quite interesting. You know there's some of the ain't ticks that they was using. They're not that ain't service that ain't got nothing to do with the low ain't. What is you talking? All right? Coming up entertainment and national news right at? I mean not so sorry, deacon, you're listening to show in today's entertainment news. The Terminator and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had this to say about Donald Trump. Take a listen. President Trump is a failed leader. He will go down in history as the worst president ever. The good thing is that you soon will be us irrelevant as an old tweet it now now you won't be back. Wow, we'll be back. The Republicans n Republican to old tweet well and other entertainment news is you probably probably know by now. President Trump has been banned from Twitter permanently. Also, other social media sites that are banning Donnie include Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat. Also, Apple is threatened to remove Parlor. It's a social media app that a lot of extremists use. So he's he's they're considering banning him from that as well. So wow, he'll probably knowing him creating I'm sorry, well what about only people who died from COVID? And he was saying all that and nothing, right, nothing, he's just wow, heartless jay. Yeah. But you know what, though he has made America great again. Though he lost the president, we got control of we got control of the House. I think America great again, don't you think? So we got it all that. We're definitely better without him at the helm. That's yeah, and and and and and in spite of what he was said, you know, this will be the end of the greatest presidency in the history of out nation. That's a lie to Yeah, and so you know, let's just let's just be done with it. Yeah, I agree with Arnold the worst president ever? All right. Um. In other trending news, guys, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has been toppled from the world's wealthiest pedestal. That title now belongs to Tesla and space X entrepreneur Elon mumk. Yeah, well, well keep listening, you'll get even sadder. His net worth as of Thursday exceeded one hundred and ninety five billion dollars with a bee or ten ten billion dollars more than Bezos. And the five richest people on the planet in order are now Musk, Bezos, Bill Gates, French businessman Bernard Arnault, and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, who has the easily one hundred and two billion dollars in the bank. Don't give me any one of the any one of them out And that's that's they talk about in the world. But that is so not true. That is so why do you what do you mean, Steve. The people in the Middle East man, Oh, with the oil money, you know, they just thought this ja just don't report it them dude, that's not They won't make the top ten over that. So this is what they know. They counting the money that's been reported on the building. The richest people in the world will not tell you that. Wow, they have that other kind of money, man. And I kid you not. I kid you not. No. I would love to be any one of them named Yeah, in terms of money, I wouldn't want to be them, but I'll take the money. Yeah, would you be doing the show? Oh? What all right, Steve, Let's move on. Time for the headline. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Trip, thank thank you everybody. This is entered with the news that's starting out with a serious how Speaker Nancy Pelosi says that the Vice President Pence doesn't involve the twenty fifth Amendment to remove Donald Trump from office immediately, that she will initiate impeachment procedures today, calling Trump deranged, unhinged, and dangerous. DC Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton says though an official censure, she said could be better, security now reportedly being tightened for members of the Congress in and out of Washington in the wake of the riot. According to NBC, at least three lawmakers will harassed at DC airports for not supporting the effort to overturn the election results. So now the Washington Metropolitan Airports Authority and US Marshall they're asking members of Congress to submit their travel plans if they're coming in and out of the DC area. President Like Biden, meanwhile, says he wants to search and arrest of those involved in last week's deadly assault in the nation's capital continue, and he also says somebody has to also address the obvious. No one can tell me that have had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting, they wouldn't have been treated very, very differently. And the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol, we all know that's true, and it is unacceptable, totally unacceptable. And now the US government's preparing for a massive number of prosecutions and for a wide array of potential crimes. US Attorney for the District of Columbia is Michael Sherwin. We're looking at everything from destruction or property, to theft the property, to unauthorized access to restricted areas, to potential theft of national security information, to potential murder. A local policeman died after being whacked in the head with a fire extinguisher as he tried to control the rowdy pro trumpers, and the US attorney tells NPR that there could be hundreds of people charge in connection with this one incident before it's all over. President Trump, by the way, his Twitter account has been partly suspended. Facebook says it's too two has temporarily banned Trump from the situation he could last indefinitely. Amazon has joined Apple and Google and cutting access to that parlor social media platform that's the one used by right wing racists and Trump supporters, or some people say Trump worshippers. Parla's accused of not keeping violent threats from circulating on that site. So it's out there, but you can't get to it. California continues to rack up the largest number of COVID infections in the nation. Texas is coming in number two, and coronavirus infections. In fact, the number of COVID patients in hospitals in the gloone Star state remains at an all time high, breaking records every day. Rapper Nicki Minaj has agreed to pay singer songwriter Tracy Chapman just shove at half a mill for using one of Chapman's songs without her permission. Here's Chapman's and then Nicki's same melody, same lyrics. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to stew All Right, everybody, we're back. It is now time regretfully to an inside look at a very very demented mind of a person that I'm responsible for putting on this show. All apologies up front, I'm sorry, man. I've made a lot of mistakes in my career. I'm so sick of making mistakes. I'm trying to figure out how old I got to before I quitn't making mistakes, Ladies and gentlemen, Jay Anthony Brown, It's just a nice happy song now. But I shure you I'm the weekend. I'm going in. Okay, today is Monday, ready, Yeah, Okay, You're gonna lose some friends on the weekend, but right now this is just happy. Okay, Okay, we go hit it one day. I love the song. You didn't get any kids, but you gotta pay them. Huh, little rascal won't money saying meat back, don't worry. Smoke of blood the end of the Trump feeling good, had a rash is gone. It'll stay away if I keep putting save on stealing check. Been waiting so long. Need to get his suit so I can keep my lights on. I know my kids didn't jump for joy. I was broke last year. They only got one toy. Man cage used to be my garage, but my mom moved in. I'm smoking in the backyard. Wat gonna be a good year for me? Ain't gonna be a good one for the trunk. He all on the phone, breaking hello. This is illegal calling hello, something like get me locked up. Did you hit? He just don't give a dance? You know what, I wouldn't want to leave the White House either to get my head in. Sister in charge named Leticia James waiting on minds like the rifle man used to call people, come on out, Trump, come on outside Trump fire, Jay, that's fires White House. And you were the little kid. Gonna be a good year for Trump. Yeah, what kids want? Funny you couldn't. I like children won't. Man, We're gonna you little kids, which you had to pay the right the set up a back this dude, it's so trifling, all right, coming up thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll talk more political stuff right after this. You're listening to show in trending political news, House majority whip Jim Cliborne from South Carolina said that domestic terrorists found his unmarked office during last week's attack that led him to believe the attack was an inside job. Congressman Cliborne Clyburn spoke to CNN's Jake Tapper, and he suggests that untoward police actions. Take a listen. I have an unmocked office that you got to know, jackly where it is. It's where I spend most of my time doing my work as the majority of Whip. I have a staff, we worked for your hard, trying to keep up with the members, trying to make sure be doing effective job of managing the votes. And once they get to the floor, and that office is where I do most of my work. And for some reason, these people showed up at that office. But the office where my name is above the door on the door, and my position above the door was not the stir So I'm just it ain't gonna where my name was. They went where I used to hang out, and so that to me indicates or something untoward may have been going off. Wow. You know, I was listening to him say that earlier this weekend and I didn't understand what he's saying. Now I do. Wow, it's interesting. Yep. Yeah, yeah, I really do think that this. See, because you have a new administration, an all out launch of what's behind this is gonna be under way, and I think they're gonna really uncover some stuff. Had Trump won again, he wouldn't be ordering the Department of Justice to do nothing. But there's a new Department of Justice. Yeah, he's always at odds with them. Trump is he's always at odds with the DJ No no, no, no, no, no no. Surely he's had his boy Bar in there the entire time, well, who has been using as his personal attorney. But now Bar has gone on and that's why I think they'll be able to get something done now. Agreement. Yeah, okay, because if Trump was still in the office, Trump would pardon all these people, man, Yeah, and hold no one accountable for the deaths and the tragedy, none of that, none of that. The FBI also believes that there are people who work in the Capitol who may have assisted domestic attackers and navigating through the building. So the FBI is on it as well. I just hope the brother Clapburn had cleaned his computer, because lord knows, they couldn't come in here and some owners someone it would be it would be over your computer, someone broke in your office. He probably has two one for work and one for personal business. Hope he's like that. He's smart like that. Remember if it wasn't for him, Joe Biden wouldn't be president right now. Yeah, but you know, we saw those police officers letting the they were going in there to kill people and take hostages. Yeah, yeah, that's what they had. Twist ties, yeah, tifties. Yeah, they had everything, man, Yeah, yeah, they found him. They found the guy with the that was jumping over the banister with those zip ties or twist ties whenever they got called. Yeah, they got him. And you know, in light of all of that, what the intentions were, they didn't get a chance to pull it off. You would think that the Republicans would come to their senses. You know, still a lot of them haven't still, you know, especially Ted Cruz and John Man. No no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Cruise is trying to jump off the band wagon. Did you see this speech this idiot made. I mean, everybody knows I've been with at oz with the president since he got all. You better no no, no, no, no, no, no, oh no, please put up Cruise his speech after and we look at what he's saying. Everyone knows I've been against an opposed to the president since he got elected. I was looking at him, going mouth, Cruise is the biggest coward of any politician I've ever seen. Yes, yes, yes, he has no spine. No, not at all. Anybody, man, you that's what I am talking about. Your wife, man, come on many publicly like that, humiliated your wife talk about your father like that, you still loyally to him? All right? All right, switching gears, we're coming back with the nephew and the prank phone call right after this done. You're listening Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject he stinks and I'm shame. We'll get into that a little later, but right now the nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What you guy for, isn't there? All right? We've fend to get a little tense. Now what is it? What is it about to get real tense? Uthing here? Okay, the title of this one is I Ain't going back. I Ain't going back twenty twenty one brand new is tense, y'all. It's just it's really hold your chance knowledge, Let's go cat. Hello, Good morning? Who am I speaking with? Please? Who? I'm sorry? Who am I speaking with? Glenn? Who? Okay? Are you familiar with our office? Mister Glenn? Mister Glenn Lee Earl? Correct? Who is this? Listen? We are the reason that you were released after twenty three years of your extentance, So we gave you clement sleep through Ex President Obama. Do I have your undivided intention? Now? Yeah? What is this about? Well? First, let me this. Let me verify your original crime and release date. Okay, yes, okay? Who authorized your release on clemency? Ex President mister Barack Obama? Well? Where are you calling me from? What is um? What is what's going on? First of all, let me say you've been identified by the power invested in me official duty as a Secretary of the Deputy of Pardons Attorney for the United States of America and by direct order of our President, patriot and leader, mister Donald F. Trump. The reason why I'm giving you a call today, sirs, that we regret to inform you that your original sentence for forty years has been reimposed and you must surrender yourself to the nearest United States Marshal Service no later than the close of business day today. So who the hell is this you are? Mister Glenn Lee Earl inmate number one? Are you there? Who is this? Yeah? Yes, yeah, this is me. Let me let me explain this. Next, President Barack Obama had no authority to let you guys go, and President Trump has proven it and won the appeal. You guys Trump, who who the Trump can't do? I've been out here for three years now I'm doing. I'm at work right now. How the hell are you gonna call me and tell me something about President Trump? You guys are being returned to serve out your entire sentence, every last one of you. I'm not going when you go all this, jall do you you go? Y'all need to go take Trump with you, sir. I'm trying to just deliver the news. This has hit my desk and this y'all all this I made a bad decision when I was twenty one years old, and I did twenty three years and I've been out for three years. You can't come and tell me no like this President Trump and whatever him and Barack Obama got going on, y'all need to be. That's what y'all need to be. And I'm sure you did something that you that you didn't get caught for you you turn yourself in from me. I'm not going on them President no more. Sir. Okay, mister Glenn, let me let me explain something. I'm the person that's bringing you the information and letting you know what's going on. You serve, you serve time. I'm not turning No, I'm not turning myself. I'm not going back in there. If you're if you're not in by the close of business day today, then you actually serve now or a fugitive and you you have to turn yourself in. I'm not for what. I didn't do anything. I've been an Obama. Let me out. I was a cocaine. My sons don't even supposed to carry five years. Okay, what was your exactly? But what was your sentence? Sir? What was your sentence? It was forty years? Okay, forty years? And you serve how much I don't even need want to talk about you go, you go turn yourself in. I mean, how many years did you serve out of the forty sir? Twenty three? Okay? All right, so you do agree that there's seventeen more years left. I don't agree to a damn thing. You you you Trump don't have no authority to come and change nothing that the president and did. I don't know what the hell y'all got going on, but y'all can't do that. I'm not going back. And then mister goody sound angry. Sound you sound angry, And I'm not trying to be angry with you. Sound angry. I'm not angry at all. I teach classes on anger. I'm not angry at all. But you guys do whatever the hell you want to do, and we make a decision where we're so damn young, and y'all hold that decision over our head for thirty and forty and fifty years. I made a choice to sell drugs twenty one. Okay, I'm sure you did something that you could think of right now that you know you need to go, get to go take my spot at Trump. You do agree that you love me out here, just like you got a family that love you. Y'all not above the law, Okay, and either you, mister Glance, So you do you do realize that you old society seventeen years that you need to pay. I paid society, mind, I did twenty three years for five years sentence, and I've been out. I do community programs, I do stuff for the youth and everything, and I have not been into any trouble. Okay, Where where can we Where can we come and pick you up? At shirt? You can't coming to you pick your damn self up. You pick your damn self up, mister Glenn. If we do not have you by the end of business today, we will be picking you up on site. You do understand that you ain't picking them. You pick your motherself up. You're not coming and get me and take me. No fucking with Obama. A black president let me out, He let all of myself. I was treated wrong, and he let me the You come here and you will be taking me the goa beat y'all as I'm not going back to prisioner. I ain't doing a damn thing to go back. You mad because a black president let me out. A racist as congression, congressional law and how to induce to go back whatever you and Trump got going on. I don't give up. Y'all not coming and get me. Y'all not gonna touch me. I'm not gonna back. A black president let me out, and y'all need to cut that racist bulls out. I'm not going to fucking win. Y'all got eight and nine hundred. If people climbing up in the Capitol, y'all need to work focus on that. Got a ton of end gone. The mother up at the climbing in your window right now with the capital you do a bad thing about it. I'm not trying to hear that, sir. Sir. We already have someone that has told us where you are. I don't I don't give a damn. I'll tell you where I am. You're not coming to get me. I got too much positive going on. I've been out here, ain't been in no trouble, that's understood. But we do have intel that has told us exactly where you are in your location where I know exactly where you are, sir. Well, okay, does the name India bring anything to your attention? What about India? That's your daughter, right, Yes, that's your daughter, and I'm nephew Timmy, your daughter India got me to prank phone call you, mister Glenn Lee Earl Williams. You've been I don't believe it like that. I'm gonna man, y'all got me. Y'all got me, because I wasn't going back to Jill Man. Hey, Glenn, I'm nephew Timmy man Steve Walby morning. So you ain't nobody looking for you. You ain't going back, but we got you. Man. I'm gonna kick Indian. All right, Glenn, I want to say happy you New Year to you, man, but I also want you to do this for me. Tell me what it is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Oh Man, Steve Harvey Morning show Man? That you Timmy Man, y'all got me good man whom no words? That was a hateful last prank man. Yes, really needs to get your ass what for that? One needs to do it? Steve Man? Really? And Jay you shut your stupid behind. You know he always thinks locked up now you dont hey twenty three years Damn right, he lost his sin. Ain't none of that's funny to hold boy? And I was mad at the whole damn prank you went there. And I'm mad at his daughter for creaking her dad like man, that ain't man, That ain't cool. By the end of the day, that brother doc for selling crack. He got forty years for selling some crack? Are you crazy? Man? Man? Earl people climbing and climbing, stealing podiums and stuff, Tommy, Tommy, much love to mister Glenn Lee. Earl Williams, y'all big ups to him. It's Obama let him out. But man, his daughter government breaking. I had to do it. I did love you, mister Glenn, love your mister Glen. Terrible, awful, awful. Ain't laugh it up to Joe laughing up. Come on, man, all right, listen, thanks nephew now really coming up. He stinks and I'm ashamed. Strawberry Letter up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on sex, on dating, on parenting, on work, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Pop Pop, there you go, Jay, buggle up, hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. All right. I'm gonna tell you just off the top, Temmy, you're not gonna like this letter, okay. Subject, he stinks and I'm shamed. Just Stephen Shirley. I'm a middle aged woman and I've been married for over a decade. I worked two full time jobs, averaging sixteen to eighteen hours a day, usually six days week. My husband has his own business and rarely works a ten hour day and has consistent days and weeks off during his downtime. He finds the time and energy to help friends outside of our home, but can't seem to find the time to help clean our bathroom or wash his clothes. I'm at the point where I wash my own clothes and I let his pile up. Instead of washing his clothes, he goes out and buys new clothes if and when he runs out of underwear or he needs a clean shirt for a meeting. I'm shamed to say my husband smells bad. He takes the clothes he's worked in all day and will lay them over the chair in our bedroom or stack them in the closet, and he goes to one of the piles daily to smell the shirts or pants to see if he can wear it one more time. If for sure to stain, he will get a wet washcloth and spot clean it so he can wear it. He smells like old cologne over dirty jeans most of the time. I have told him continuously that I am not his mate, and I have no energy to do his laundry and mine. He is a representative of meat when he walks out of our home, and when people see him in dirty clothes and he's smelling bad, it's a reflection on me. Don't get me wrong. He showers and puts on clean underwear because he buys new underwear instead of washing his And I've thought about talking taking everything to the cleaners and then handing him the receipt to pick it all up. But why should I have to do that? What can I do to get him to wash? How can he be comfortable with this? Wow? How can he be comfortable with any of this? This is really nasty? And as a grown man, he's lazy, and he knows better. He knows he should be washing his clothes. Even if he doesn't want to be clean for himself, he still has you as his wife, who certainly doesn't want to be smelling him like that. I don't think anyone does. And what about intimacy. You didn't discuss that in the letter, but that, come on, now, how does that work? That? Right? There should be a deal breaker? End of story. None of this makes sense? And I say to you, don't blame yourself. He knows he stinks, he's got to know that you know it. He's got to know it before you do. But I just think the bigger problem here is your marriage overall. What's going on with that? I mean, you guys seem far apart. I mean you're working two full time jobs, six days a week, sixteen to eighteen hours a day. When do you have time for yourself or your marriage? When do you even have time to do your own laundry? Since you say you do it, I don't know. I think you guys are working too hard. You anyway, He's not working enough, but he is helping other people. The stress of that could be the culprit. I mean, you've got stressed because you work too much and you're frustrated with him, and then he's probably frustrated too because he never sees you or whatever. So I suggest cutting back, changing your workload if you can. You know, you guys need to talk and get or get some counseling or something to find out the real problem in your marriage, because there is a problem here. And in the meantime, most definitely take his stinky clothes to the cleaners. At least you can do that. Steve Well, I have all some solutions for this woman. How much time do I have Because I don't want to go too deep for this first break, I got a little bit, so let me just start right here. The subject is he stinks and I'm ashamed. The problem with this letter is see you ashamed, see unto Until he is ashamed, the problem will continue. So with that in mind, I've taken into the account that you work two four jobs sixteen eighteen hours a day, six days a week. The husband rarely puts in more than ten hours a day. He's got some weeks off in some weekends because he owned his own business. But here's the beginning of the problem. During his downtime, he finds a time and energy to help friends outside our home, but ken't seem to find it to help to clean our bathroom and wash his clothes. Now, right there, that's problem number one, because he's out there helping all these people wearing his ass out. No, he might not be putting in ten hour days and all this here at on his job in his business, but he putting in a lot of time with all this helping all these other damn people, and your husband then wore his little tired ass out. Now you're at the point where you're washing your own clothes and you let his pile up, right, But instead of washing his clothes, he go out and buy new clothes when and if he run out of underwear he needs a clean shirt for a meeting. I'm ashamed to say husband smell bad. But now later on in the letter you say he does take showers, but that shirt stake though, because see you ain't say what kind of help he doing. He had that doing yard work. He had that rearranging garages. He had that dropping transmissions and changing all you're gonna get funking doing all it, cutting grass all up in miss pot sALS or tree pruning it far and all is miss parcel. The ladies stay close street, okay. And he over that doing all gardening and working the sand, blasting houses and fend for people and taking Miss Chris shawn garbage out, you know, all this it washing out trash cans for people. Yeah, he's so healthful. He just a little elf Christmas. So when we come back, I have a solution for all right, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hours. He stinks and I'm ashamed. We'll be back right after this. You're listening show, All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject is he stinks and I'm ashamed. Well, there's man right here. She's married to working part time. He got a business and she working full time. And he ain't cleaning up at the house. He ain't washing no clothes or nothing. He's getting nasty in there. When he run out of clothes, he buying drawls instead of washing them, and and you know, he reaching over smelling shirts and he put her and she just stinks and she's ashamed. Now she is ashamed. So now we have to deal with this. And so I have a couple of them solutions for this woman's problem. See, uh, I know he buying all these things and all this hip, but when he puts these shirts on, then he's been smelling. He seems to not notice the smell. So I'm gonna offer this solution to you. I think the first thing you need to do is get him a COVID test, because it's quite possible that he has lost his smell and taste and he just operating in COVID. And y'all didn't get out here and get the damn COVID test for this lead to a stronger problem. Oh wow, he didn't lost his taste, smell and taste. He don't know these shirts is funking and that leads to a whole another situation. So that's for starter. We need a COVID test. Now check. Here's the other thing I think you need to start doing. First of all, the left type of the letter is he stinks and I'm ashamed. That's another part of the problem. See you a shame, He's not a shame. So I have two solutions for this. First of all, when them close pile up and he may have COVID and don't know it. My strong suggestion is you start burning the clothes that he laying over the chair, take him in the bathroom, put him in the bathtub and set all them clothes on fire. I take him to the cleaner. Well, but now see, I've been homeless before. I had some draws on one time that I had to burn. I'm speaking from experience when I was hard. I didn't think you were gonna say that I had had draws on one time. And when I finally got to a gas station took him off. I left him in. There no need on me putting knees in the car and rolling the wonders in this heat because I got some food in my cool and I didn't want to show the full I've had to leave some drawls out of gas station. So anybody that has got up so no co station down in Tennessee. There was my draws. I apologized. I know somebody's eyelashes and my brows fell off when they opened that dope and didn't know what it was. I want to apologize. It's a case, you know, but you know, the you know what the seven years of you know has passed. You know what they call that statue limitation, so I can't get charged. But there was my drawls in that gas station in Tennessee. I apologized, but I just couldn't stupid, so I wanted I wanted you to know that. And and I you know, I've never been a fan of white drawls anyway, but them drawls, I just couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to even pick them up by my fingertips. I was left from in the flow of that gas station, and you know the smell of gas or nothing could get rid of it, so or I know how you feel, so I suggest he's burning up because I've had to burn some clothes people. Now here's the next thing I think you need to do. He stinks and I'm ashamed. Here's what you have to do. You have to start shaming him. This is what I want you to do. I want you to get a fake account Instagram, Facebook account and go on his page and start commenting on how bad he stinking? What the lasts? To get a fake account and go on his Facebook and Instagram and start posting comments like like little stuff like this, like hold you know, like have you a cute handle? Like I gotta truth be told? Or hold you to it, you know, or catch your name like that ad hold you to it? Or or I ain't take no more dot com or something like that, and just start posting information on that like who the hair white? Whose shirt was that you had on? Just start putting stuff like that, because you can't be the only one in shame. And you can do this and you could get several accounts so to sound like because a lot of people complain it and you know, make it sound like there's some people that he's been helping, you know, like his name is probably like Hallow, this is probably hallowed that here, Dear Hollow, I appreciate you helping me with the trash, but you left something with me that was felt like you didn't help me with the trash, and then just you know, just leave it alone. There's stuff like stupid, you know, like, dear Hallow, appreci appreciate you climbing up in the tree, but Jesus when you climb down that because you got to find a way to shame him, and that's the beginning of all your problem. So so you say, what can I do to get him to wash? And that's how you do it. You gotta have somebody else being shame other than yourself. Thank you for asking me. All right? Poster comments on today's Strawberry Letter. Steve HARVEYFM on Instagram and Facebook coming up in forty six minutes after Junior and Sports Talk right after this. All right, Steve, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got for? I got the man. They have not been in the playoffs in eighteen years, but I want to say congratulations to the Cleveland crowd. Fas Hey man, thank you. I want to say on behalf of all of us in Cleveland. I want to thank you all for believing and fighting and hanging on to that win we had yesterday and look scary and shake it. But victory is never easy. But once you win, you win. Oh, we're gonna enjoy this time right now because we don't that way to Kansas City, and I don't know how in the world. All we can do is congratulate. I just the only thing we got is if my home forgets that the game is on Sunday, And what are the chances of that? The only way. Oh, I think it's possible. I think y'all can win one, you can win two. It's possible. Man, it is possible, man, No, possible. Yes, I don't think think. Oh, we're not talking today right now. You know, me and Dave. You know we got a close relationship itself for this week right here. I haven't spoken to Dave this week. It's just Monday. Yeah, yet being Dave now speaking a week because I don't. I don't want to say nothing to Dave that affects our friendship, because you know, Dave go to the Dave go to sad and soul and hang out such a cool ass dude. That Yeah, I'm just leaving at that. Man, we're in the playoff favorite all that count, Man still count bad, but we that badlet man, that don't matter. Brown's baby, Let's go at. Oh you got ask him that before. Tommy has invited the Texans on his next family fishing trip, because you know Tommy always take his family fishing and everything, and he gonna be Yeah, so the Texans can go. But did Sean Watson say he wasn't getting on the damn boat? He might not be down? Oh, Man, get the shout out, man, shout to the Saints. They won. Man, the Ravens. They Ravens a good game. Yeah, Bills over the Coats. You got the Rams over the Seahawks thirty to twenty. Man, that was a good game too. Uh. Then you got the Buccaneers beat the Washington football team thirty one twenty three. I wouldn't expect to see you out of the loop. No, wasn't either, man. S wives played the games playoffs. So you know, got a big week coming up. I say, you think the Chiefs going gonna take Browns out this week to the job last weekn celebrate, is it no, man, No, We're gonna get them some kind of way. Oh. Look at the time, we gotta go. Thank you, Alabama Baby. Coming up at the top of the hour, comedy roulette right after this. You're listening to show time now, guys for a comedy roulette. Today's category are listen carefully. Things people say to you when you're locked out of your car, Okay, thanks, people hunt things, all right, junior. Things people tell you that's wrong with your house that you already know, all right, And then excuses that the black terrorists use. The black guy who had the magacap on, remember seeing him on the news. He had the magacap on inside the capitol. Things he said to himself when he had to fess up. Excuses. Okay, so there you have, all right, let's spend the wheel himself. Yes to himself. Okay, stopped on that one. Excuses the black terrorist guy used, who had the magacap on inside the capitol. Things he said to himself when he had to fess up. Excuse me, all right, guys, here we go. Excuses the black terrorists game up with that was in the capitol. Um, I'm just in here because I heard that's what you're signed up when you stimulus check. That why I was City's while he was at the Capitol. This ain't a Kanye West concert like things. Black terror said, you know what is right? You were right that, he said to himself. Excuses excuses. White folk paid me five do now to drive him down here from Kentucky. That's the one. I ain't got nothing to do with that. Okay, ain't got nothing to do coming out, urried Steve. Excuses, the black guy said, uh, inside the Capitol while he was there, I only reading. I went out there because I wanted to see white people get arrested. Work it out. Changed the game, alright, The black terrorist said to himself while he was in there, I'm gonna need me some my white friends because I can't keep following him. This is right, seriously, just like that, this excuse, he said himself. You know, I knew when I haven't seen the other black people. I knew damn when I was in trouble, right, Junior. I came down here to see Abraham Lincoln because I heard were related. I just wanted to take a picture with the man I want. They're gonna do all this right, Come on, excuses. A black terrorist guy said inside the Capitol. While he was there, I told Jerome this wasn't a damn Black Lives Matter rally. Yes, Rome, Rome Black. The black terrorist said to himselves, Damn, the door was on the floor. I just walked in like that. Jake excuses. Black terror said to himself he was in there. I mean here, the whole pursse worse. Yeah, I'm just here, the whole person. Black terrist excuses, I thought I was at the African American Museum. That's why I thought I was all right. Closing up, closing, Steve excuses. The black terrorist guy said, while he was at the Capitol, I work at a truck stop. My boss made me come here with else. You ain't only working here, all right, guys, Thank you, that's comedy roulette. Thank you. Guys nailed it. Coming out. More of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for tell me something good news. Here's some good news. The US Capitol Police have a new acting chief. Congratulations to Acting Chief of the US Capitol Police Department. It is a woman, ladies and gentlemen. Her name is Yoga Nanda Pittman. She is a graduate of Morgan State University HBCU Pride, and as we all know, the former Capitol Police chief, Steve Sun resigned last Thursday after the terrorist attack. Come on, we got a start running it. Jail, right, you're about to go to jail. Yeah, you're about to go to jail. Talk back to long Yeah, loving. They call a yogi for short Yoga Nanda. That's so nice. A sister. HBCU Pride grants a lot of representatives, Yeah, a lot of representatives of for hbc users coming through. Man, which brums that these colleges have turned out some great people, man, absolutely great people. Man. You got two of them on our show right here. I'm a living example that a white college can't do much for you. Really, shut up. I can't believe you went there. Oh, thank you. All right, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Trending News coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show. All right, everybody, we're back. It is now time regretfully to an inside look at a very very demented mind of a person that I'm responsible for putting on this show. All apologies up front. I'm sorry. I've made a lot of mistakes in my career. I'm so sick of making mistakes. I'm trying to figure out how old I got to before I quitn't making mistakes. Lady and Gentleman Jane Anthony Brown. It's just a nice, happy song now, but I assure you come the weekend. I'm going in. Okay, okay, but today is Monday. Ready, Yeah, Okay, You're gonna lose some friends on the weekend, but right now, this is just happy Okay, Okay, here we go. Huh uh huh. Twenty twenty one, Baby, I love the song. You didn't get any kids, so you gotta pay them. Huh. Little Rascal won't money saying me, so don't worry. You want smoke of blood. The end of the truck healing good had a rash is gone. It'll stay away if I keep putting save on. Stealing Jack been waiting so long, need to get his suit, so I keep my lights on. I know my kids didn't jump for joy. I was broken last year. They only got one toy man cage used to beat my garage, but my mom moved, didn't getting in the backyards. Gonna be a good year for me. I ain't gonna be a good one for the Trump he all on the phone breaking room. Hello, this is the illegal calling hello something that might get me locked up? Did you hear? He Just don't give a damn you know what? I wouldn't want to leave the White House either to get my head and powerful sister in charge named Letitia James waiting on my hands like the rifle man used to call people, come on out, Trump, come on outside, Trump, Fire, Jay, that's fire by that White House, and you were the little kid. Gonna be a good year for Trump? Yeah, what kids want? Funny? You couldn't I like children want? Man coming up until our last break of the day, it is again. I would like to say, in case you haven't heard, somebody needs to tell you gather around, get ready, because what we're about to have right now is the last yes up, the last Oh my god, no more coming after this? Why because this is the last brig of the day. And some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey, Thank you. At forty nine minutes after right after, I feel like I'm a universe soul circle for Jay. You're listening, all right, guys, Here we are last break of the day, and it's time for some closing remarks from the one and only are Fearless Leader, Captain of our ship, Steve Harvey. You know, with all that's going on oh this week, and shall we say call it politics, I've seen some things, man that I find really really believable. And the reason I say is believable because none of it really shocked me. Because, as my father in law said, who celebrated yesterday his eighty sixth birthday, I was sitting up there and we were watching Seeing Inn together and they were climbing the walls and breaking in and they were talking about arresting all these people. And I asked my father in law, said, Pop, how you feel about all this? And he just said, well, finally they get to see what we've been knowing all alone. And this is an old black man that's been around a long time, and just those really calm words right there kind of pointed out to me of actual exactly how long this has been going on. This isn't my lifetime, this is his lifetime, my father's lifetime. My father today, if he were living, would be one hundred and four or one hundred and four twenty twenty three years. My father would be one hundred and six years old. I believe it's the number one hundred and six or one hundred and four if he were alive today. And my father used to tell me a lot of things, man, And so I've I've been around long time. Look, I turned sixty four, guy Willing, on the sixteenth. On the seventeenth, I've been around a long time. Man. I've seen coloreds only water fountains, colors only, you know, bathrooms. I've seen these signs. Man. I grew up in Welsh West Virginia. I saw it. And so I'm not really surprised about this. I watched politicians try to change course like they weren't on board with this. I wasn't surprised at that. But the surprise of it all for me was Senator Ted Cruz. He stunned me with his speech that everybody knows he's been against President Trump and his rhetoric and words he said for four years. And I'm saying, wait a minute, man, you were just on tape supporting this guy you were just on tape. My message today is simple, listen, y'all, this ain't our fight. Stay out of it. The brother that they had down there inside the Capitol billing what he was there for, I'm clueless. This ain't your fight. Don't worry about this. Let this play out. There's going to be something good come out of this. You just got to let it all play. That was something good that came out of the COVID. They were able to sit still and watch Aubrey incident, watch the George Floyd incident. Here about the Brianna Taylor incident. More non African Americans got involved with what was happening to black people that I've seen in my lifetime. There's gonna be some good come out of this too. You know. I want to remind you all that the power that you put at the poles this year is the reason we have a change stirring in this country. Now they're upset about the change because they want the country back. But remember Trump's slogan the whole time was make America great again. What we discovered us. What they wanted to do was make America like it used to be when they were in total and absolute control, and they could do what they wanted to do, but it's not going to work out. I'm telling you, man, we are making progress. I know there's people that's gonna say, Steve, how can you say that were still in bad shape. I didn't say there wasn't things that need don't need to be changed. I said we're making progress. The thing that I'm most proud about is African Americans and brown people showed up at the poles and made a difference. We were the difference makers this year. So I'm gonna take the good out of this. Let them climb the walls and break the windows and go in the house and let them see what we been knowing all along. We are not surprised. And when they keep saying, you know, this is not our America, it is though it is, it's just you don't like seeing it. But like my father in law said, we've had to see it whether we wanted to or not, and now everybody gets to see it. Let's continue on the progress that we've made. Let's become a powerful voting block. Biden is in because of us, Warnock is in because of us, ours Off is in because of us. We are fifty fifty in the Senate now because we showed up at the polls and made a huge difference. Now, whether a lot of other people that helped in this cause, absolutely, but trust me when I tell you this. If black people did not get to the poles and the numbers that we went to the polls in this results could not happen without us. We have made an impact and we should be proud of what we've done. Now they want to destroy that climbing over the walls, bust. When do we want our country back? You're not getting it back. It was never yours to begin with. Let me tell you whose country this really is. This country belongs to the Native Americans. That's whose country it really is. Let me tell you why America has the strength that it has because it built an industrial labor force off the backs of slaves. When you can run a company and have no cost in running the company, no wages or nothing, you get to become an empire really quick. That's what slavery did. We built this country. But they mad at us. They mad at us because we want to be treated like everybody else. They mad at us because we want to be We want our contribution to matter. But they want us to act like they're doing us a favor. You're not doing us a favor by treating us family. It's not a favor, it's a right. And now now that you you fought us with Black Lives Matter, now we've proven to you that black lives do matter, and I vote matters. I'm proud of us. Keep going to the polls. We will become a voting block in this country and they're going to have to deal with our issues. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and we vollished for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to show