Church Complaints, Deontay Wilder, Kim K SNL, Blue Cheese and more.

Published Oct 11, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is touched. The CLO got some sifting to do. WTH happened to Deacon Def Jam and his granddaughter? Kim K is winning, straight up! Fool #2 gives us an original track just for those old playas. Bitterman answers the question of the day and Steve brings him back to reality! LMBAO!!! Tyson Fury does not know he's white. Nobody rocks green like His Flyness! Today in Closing Remarks, Steve shows us how to stop delaying our happiness.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all a suit looking back to back down, giving them like theming bus things and it's not me true good Steve to mother for st joy. You gotta use that turn ar. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water, y'all come, come on your thing. Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. Real glad about it too, you know. Um, I hope that God always keeps me in the frame of frame of mind to try to be sharing and try to be motivational, and even when it's not felt or wanted by some people. I have people around me who seem to not benefited off anything, and I can sit with them and talk to them or take meetings with them to try to encourage them, and for whatever reason, you know, they want to just keep going the way they're going. When you run into people like that, you have to pray for them. You have to just hope that one day that they release the chains on their mind and open up your mind to a new way of thinking. A couple of things I wanted to go over with it. I want you to today in terms of motivation, I want you to be aware of statements or old sayings that have been created that you hear over the course of time, and you may be applying them to your life. And I want you to be careful of some of them because some of these old sayings, man, are not designed for people who are dreamers, are not designed for people who have any aspirations of being extraordinary. These are not designs or sayings that people who want to be extremely successful at anything or have high aspirations to put these sayings into your life. Let me give you an example. Statistics say that's it. That's the one who want you to be careful about statistics, say be very careful of stats. When a person says, you know statistics, say one out of every what see, listen to me. These are things that sound like they're good, sound solid advice, but they're setting you up for failure. And you can't adhere yourself to a lot of these sayings that's been passed down from generations, and it's not scripture, it ain't in the scripture nowhere that statistics say. It's just some people and a lot of people who have lost have come up with these sayings to justify why they keep losing or why they lost. When I was arst got started in the business, there were more stand ups around now than it is today because the comedy boom in eighty four eighty five was it was gaining a lot of momentums, comedy clubs, many nights everywhere. The statistic that a guy told me, I told him I wanted to be on the Johnny Carson Show, the Tonight Show. The guy said, one out of every two thousand comedians ever make it to the Tonight Show. Okay, Now, when he told us that, some of the comedians in the room went, well, wow, man's oh that's rough. Because a guy had also said that there was approximately six thousand comedians in the country at that time. I don't know if it was true. I'm just telling you guy, without the sputing numbers, I have no idea how many it was. But he said one in every two thousand will make it to the Tonight Show. And he let the air out of everybody in the room. Button be so every night before I went on stage. I used to do this right here, but Bada bada la la la da Bad bad Bada la la la da. That was the tonight theme song. I was young opening act know where near Hollywood, didn't. I was in Cleveland telling jokes at one night us. But that was my thing because I was bent and determined that if it's one in two thousand, okay, why don't I just be the one? Be careful when people say statistics say because they are set up to ful failure. If you're gonna adhere to him, see that one in so many it was wasn't so many people win the lottery, But if you don't play the lottery, you ain't gonna be the one to hit. Now when the dude hit you go while he was lucky, but he played. Here's another one. Maybe it's not meant to be a right Let's go one step further. I guess it wasn't the Lord's will. Don't you dare blame God for something you may have not done yourself because you didn't get the proper education, because you didn't do the things you were supposed to do, because you didn't stay to the task, because you quit turned around and went the other way. Now, maybe it's not. It wasn't the Lord's will. These are all statements that sound like sound advice, but they ain't all the time, got nothing to do with you. Stop letting these old fogy sayings get in your way of what can happen in your life. Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Wow? Who came up with this? Who came up with the If you don't pour all your efforts into one thing, how are you gonna be great at that one thing? If Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordans, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird had not played basketball sun up to sundown. Magic Johnson didn't go to Michigan to get an education. Land Burry didn't go to Indiana to get an education. These casts was bawling. Michael Jordan didn't go to North Carolina get an education. They went to play ball. They went to do one thing. Tiger Woods didn't go to Stanford to get an education. He went to play golf. As soon as he got good enough, he'd gone. These are guys that put all their eggs in one basket. See what's cool with putting all your eggs in one basket? Is you now can maximize your effort and laser beam what you're doing. Your problem is all you gotta do is make sure what is your basket made out of. If your basket is made out of faith, hope, hard work, and belief, then guess what, that's a good basket. I'm dumping all mine in it. Because ever since I was a young dude, I've been telling jokes. One thing, one thing only. Even when he got ugly and I was living in a car, I never quit telling them jokes. Man. I just kept believing that them jokes was gonna pay me one day, and I'll be dog gone if it didn't. I ain't take no time off. Go work at to Walmart, give me a job, go back to Forward and beg for my job back. Hey man, put all your eggs in a basket. Just make sure that your basket is made up of faith, hope, belief, hard work. Your basket woven by God. What you're tripping for, You're defeating yourself. Where is your faith? Where is your belief? Where is your trust? At one point in time, you got to believe that God could do what he say gonna do because he didn't done it for others. He'll most certainly do it for you. Be careful of these sayings that's out here, that's aligned by losers and people to justify why they are not succeeded. Don't apply this stuff to your life, and it ain't got nothing to do with you. You're gonna mess yourself up, all right, Okay, you're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, the time has a ride for all great minds to think alike. Here is the thought of great minds. I made it. I've arrived at a new day and opportunity, a chance. It has been given to me. I promise to do my best to take full advantage of it. I'm up for it. Man. Thank you, Heavenly Father forgiving me this opportunity, in this chance, I would do everything in my power not to let you down today. And if I happen to stumble a fall, please forgive me. I'm only human. You design me this way, but you also design me for greatness, and that I accept the challenge of today's duties. Ladies and gentlemen, let us begin to day on our way to greatness. Let the church say a man, Amen, Amen, Amen again. Shirley Strawberry, good morning, Good morning, Steve, it be Monday, wonderful calin for real. Good morning Steve Bonja Darling. Oh we we we we junior, Um, listen to these words. I'm about to kill it. Okay, that's profound boy one more time, said Angie, I'm about to kill it. Who I'm touched. I'm deeply moved. But j Anthony Brown, what's going on? It's happening with you today? Ain't nothing? Man? Just so trying to trying to be better than the wars yesterday. Yeah, that's that's that's what we shoot for. Whatever we did yesterday, let's do that better topic. I like it. How he gave us another day. Yeah, how's it going? Yeah, well, everything's going good. You know. Um, are you better today? Oh? So far, so far better today. I've got to a lot of things I got to get done. You know, I'm just responsible for a lot. And you know, the people they never stopped. You know, have you ever noticed that people, you know, when they ask you how you doing, they really ain't concerned because they're trying to do. Yeah, how you doing today? I'm doing pretty good? Well? I should wish I was kill it with it, try to kill it with must be nice. Like if you're doing something really or have you ever just vaguely mentioned that something's wrong and then they topped it. Well, my day got off to a little rough start, you know. I seemed like I got up on the road side of the bed. Well, a leash, you got a bed where we're going with this? Where we're going? Try to out misery me leash you got legs at least you got legs a walk Yeah, man, I just wow. All right, guys, Yeah, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna talk. We're really gonna ask the CLO, the Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time for ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building to solve your problems, to answer your questions. This one is from Denisia in Milwaukee. Denisia writes, I am thirty six years old and I have five children from a previous marriage. I'm currently dating a thirty four year old man that doesn't have children. I told him up front that I did not want any more children, and he accepted it. Now two and a half years later, he's got baby fever. I love him dearly, but when he proposed recently, I didn't say yes because he deserves to have his own children. He's very upset and embarrassed. Did I do the right thing or not? Well? I mean, I think you're being a forthright and honest and I think he has to understand your seriousness about this issue. You already have five children, you don't want any The only one that can make a baby in this relationship is you, and if you've had your feel of it, then he has to respect that. Him having baby fever does nothing for your desire not to have any more children. So I would say you did the right thing. He's embarrassed, but you also have to tell him. Look, I would love to marry you, but if children is a deal breaker, then a deal breaker we have. Yeah, sounds like it is. I'm so sorry. I love you, but I'm not having any more children. And I am the machine that manufactures him. So we're gonna and this machine is closed for production. Similar line is out out of order. It's not out of order, it's just I've closed it. Yeah, understandably, So she's got fine. You don't even have it no more. But she's done time, actually says to me, Yeah, I think so it is a deal breaker, all right. Moving on, Sandy in the Valley says, I'm a twenty nine year old account executive and I'm having an affair with a married man and a married woman. We've all hooked up before, and now I think that my married man and my married woman are sneaking around behind my back. There is no honor in what we're doing. I don't put it past them. I will never trust another female. Why can't she just be honest about this? Because you're not m there's no You can't give what you never had. Hello, come on, you won't real love. You got to give real love. You won't trust, you must give trust. You won't respect. You have to give respect. You're cheating on another woman's uh with another woman's husband. You have no problem with that. But now you're mad because you're saying you will never trust another woman. I don't know no woman that should should trust you. I don't. I don't. I don't know how you don't work this. It's amazing, And you know, people know the difference between right and wrong. She said, there's no honor in any of this. She said that, yeah her words, Yeah, so you you don't think that applies if you're in you all the relationship with no honor, When do you expect the relationship to develop the honor since you went into it with none. I ain't knocking what you're doing either way, but when you start off wrong, I mean, two wrongs don't make a right. You're having an affair with a married man. Everybody's cheating on everybody, including you, including yes, all right, what made you think he wouldn't see the other woman when he you the other woman? I'm very confused. How you think he won't see another woman when you the other woman. I'm just it's her other woman. Yeah, married woman is her other woman. This is a mass, is what it is? All right? Moving on, Brianna and a Queen says, I'm a divorced woman in my mid sixth in my mid thirties, and my ex hus is in jail for burning my car up. He found out I had an affair in the car, so he torched it right before he went to jail. He divorced me and I moved in with my mom. I'm ready to move out and get my own place so my ex husband will have a place to live when he gets out. He's refusing to give me a second chance. And I want to prove to him that I've changed. How can I convince him? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Before he went to jail, he sent five to your car. Oh, what you had in a fair which means you'll never sleep with another man in him. It means you'll never sleep with another man in him. So now you he divorces you, which means not only will you sleep with another man in this hill car, you ain't gonna sleep with another man on me. Now you to move in with your mama. Now you ready to move out? Get your own place so your divorced husband will have a place to live when he get out. He don't want you. He's doing time to prove that fact, oh man. And I'm not sure if you were saying that he went to jail because he torched the car, or he was going to jail before something else. And on the way in he told me my husband is in jail for burning my car up. Yeah. Yeah, And he mad about you about that too, because if you hadn't slept round on him, he wouldn't have had to set your car on fire, and he wouldn't be sitting there. And don't none of that lead to forgiving you? None of that. I'm telling you that right now, little girl, I need a place so he'd have a place. How can I prove to him? Prove to him what? And you think, Wait, you were cheating the man when he was free. You don't think he's sitting there every night and knowing you cheating on him. Why he locked up? But he didn't divorced you, so he threw Yeah he's done. Yeah, it's crazy. Well she thinks she can convince them all right, Well you broke down them down though. Yeah. Well, I mean it just seems to me, Yeah, some common sense in him. Yeah, but common sense ain't that common? No, it's not what she does. She has sex with another man in her car, which is why the new Steve Harvey Judge Show will be outstanding. Judge Steve, All right, coming up next, we'll have church complaints with Reverend Motown and Reverend Adnoid. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna is standing by with today's national news. And today is Indigenous People's Day, we honor the cultures and histories of the Native American people. Also in trending entertainment news, did you see Kim Kardashian host Saturday Night Live? Yes? Yes, she was good, good, Yeah she did that. Family and other entertainment news. Ray J's at it again. While he's in the hospital trying to recover from pneumonia. He's filed for divorce again from Princess Love the third times. Yes, this ain't a good time to do it, ray J. You might need her. Hello. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now it is Monday. You know what time. It is. Time for church complaints with Reverend Adnoid and Reverend Motown. They are here right now. He uh copatulate about this situation and revibratetly make referential deferences to my deacon Lord he as we go forward with church complaints, Iri into five that we are hell to go ahead and indemnify the words are the righteous. In other words, for those of you did not well versed in red dziest church complaints, come on here we go. Good mooted, everybody. It is not nice to start about it. What I'm saying, good mooted everybody. Before we start, I need to ask you a question. Where the hell is the other reverend? That's what I'd like to know. If you do. How we just he just don't show up for this? Well we heard I'm just just but he had to carry his granddaughter uh huh to a wrap concert uh and he prolonged his life expectancy. So I'm asking you that's more important than doing this? Is that what you're saying that's way? Well, well, I don't know if it's more important, but I don't think than any condition to come to do it, okay, wombo right alonge. We actually thought that the instructions was to him with your hands in the air, like you just don't just don't care. And somebody screamed he did all that as a deacon while the young kids was putting him on chit chat. I saw him sometimes and that reason why he's not hit or talk to one of them. Zoom zam whatever, xam. He's on zam or whatever. I don't know what he's on, but he's like, all right, if you if you can make it to the piggling wiggly this weekend. This weekend they'll be giving free samples of Tussey Red. We asked that all church members go out, especially some choime members, go get that Tussi red because they're giving it away free. What say you, reverend, what say you about it? You're not referring famous deodorant pushing. I don't believe you. One of them are not pronouncing correct? What is the name of it? I thought, as I ever had a child, Well, my mother overheard me in the bathroom one time sanging the song about Tussie. She don't hear that good? She she thought I was saying something else. She bought that hot water battler down off the back of that dough make the skin off of my back. I couldn't stop cost the stock or that rubber holes it gives my back. Yeah, lord him mercy, Yeah, I was feeling the scene when Denzil was in glory tied to a wagon. Let's go ahead on because did you take me back down? Since since we would lock down in covid and a church church giving his gone down a lot, do you suggest that the ushers go by the members house and strong arm there ask for the money that we need for this church. What do you suggest that I think that's wonderful, no fun answer. I think that's our standing. Let's get some of the bigger usher board members to carry out or sister or Cheryld Dean Witherspoon, who collected money for the mob a long shop payments could be a goodness she got saved. And and what should they say when they knock on the door. What should be the speech that they give these people? Because we're not playing around, we sis by that we are hell because you weren't. Now now give it up or ghost somewhere? You could you say that again one more time? We are hell because you weren't there, give it up or ghost somewhere? All right? That that'll take care of that, all right? Right now, to hell if you don't to Hell, if you don't give, if you don't give, all right. There'll be a demonstration right after serving by the Chicago Five one Legged Steppers. They'll be having a step off service and if if you like to participate, they're also taking donations to raise five legs for the five members. What say you, Reverend, what say you? Well, I don't know if you've seen it or not, but it's one of the most spectacular dancers I've ever seen, because those they match up. She wondered, whoever lost their right leg they dance would live it. And the moves they do, good lord, good lord, almost looked like they were born. So in other words, two people with one leg hooked together, which we don't have. Two dancers, and then one dancer waiting to go in after the other dancer gets tie tag team And is that what you're talking about? Yeah, it's amazing. You have got to see you got it. They actually some of these people have been dancing together since they lost in me. Oh, they have joined us a sugar club they call it. Oh, okay, okay, okay, moving on, okay, all right, this is a church announcement. Here will go with the mascot. The mascot is a Jihant s nickelball. Don't stop, get it, get it, Come on now, let's get with it. The little people up the church are ready to be rented out as munchkins and goblins for Halloween. What say you passed? What say yes? Yes, yes, yes, yes, I'm sorry, all right, thank you. Reverend Motown and Reverend Adnoid coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Day Harvey Morning Show. Miss Anna is standing by with today's national news on this Indigenous People Holiday as we honor and celebrate the Native Americans of this country. But first in today's entertainment news, Kim Kardashian West did her thing and hosted Saturday Night Live this past Saturday. Kim's mom, Chris Jenner was there along with her sister Chloe, Kim's soon to be x X what is going on over there with their relationship? Kanye West was also in New York to give Kim some much needed support, give her some advice and everything. Kim said she felt a lot of pressure she wanted to while the audience she looked fantastic. We all know, of course, Kanye has a complicated history with Saturday Night Live and back in twenty sixteen, you guys remember this when audio leaked of Kanye with his behind the scenes melt down. He had this right before performing on the show. Remember that? Ye remember that? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah, So I don't know really what how much help he could give Kim actually, but anyway, maybe he was grown yeah maybe really? Then all yeah, Kim was good, Steve. Yeah, she she was a little fast. She did her monologue a little fast. She has really good. She surprisingly good and she looked, of course beautiful, gorgeous, and the skits were cute. You know. She did her thing. Yeah, she did the Bachelorette Chris Rock and that was good too. Yeah, she was good. I think she did very well. Yeah. And they had a skit on there with Chris and Chloe, her mom and sister. So that was good. Yeah, it was It was good. I enjoyed all right. Uh And other entertainment news, ray Lord ray J, we just want you to get well from pneumonia. Okay. Ray J's in the hospital dealing with pneumonia. He's tested negative, Thank god for COVID. He thought he had that at first. Um. They gave him multiple tests, at least five of them, and he's tested negative now. According to People magazine, Ray Jay's health isn't the only hurdle he had to get over. He has filed for divorce from his wife, Princess Love one more time. This makes number three, number three? Who does that? Yeah, you didn't let that damn pneumonia get the best of you. You ain't the best of mind sess to be making life altering decision unless you thought you would leave it. Oh the reason your sick people don't file for divorce. That means no, damn since all right, I've been too different person. You want to say something, Steve, that they come from all at no clear up ahead saying I getting filed on more times on the show except for you, Jake, He's sick and it ain't nothing wrong with my friend Jake. I mean, yeah, we keep hoping the best for the best for them. But I hope ray Jay works it out because he's really a nice guy. But man, nice guy. And she's a She's a sweetheart of a person. I've only met them together once. I just liked them, you know, And I just happened to pull for love. You know, people make mistakes too, you know, the person comes out on the other side of a mistake oftentimes as a better person. Yeah, and they have two young kids, and he's just rooting for the family. Yeah. Well, I'm never pulling for love. I'm never ever pull in for love. All right, Steve, It's time for today's headline, Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne true and good morning everybody. Thank you. In Washington. This week, the House is scheduled to consider and vote on a measure that pushes the problem of increasing the fensibility to borrow to pay their bills and to law your December. The bill passed by the Senate last week is to be voted on tomorrow. The Senate bill extends the government's borrowing authority till the first week in December. Meanwhile, the president of the San Francisco Federal Reserve says that as long as the country is dealing with the coronavirus, it's going to experience some economic fluctuations. Mary Daily was on CBS's face donation. I always expected Delta to take a toll and just not put us into another recession, and we're seeing that toll. We're seeing this disrupt family's, disrupt schooling, disrupt people's ability to get to work and feel safe about it and yours. You see this in the monthly data, but you also see it in any community you walk around. It's going to be hard, and as goes COVID, so goes the economy. Tilly says that Americans are feeling COVID related stress in their pocketbooks with the price and availability of things like energy, food, and basic services affected because as economies can't get people fully back to work, there will be supply bottlenecks, even though consumers, she says, they're now anxious to get out and spend according to all the figures in all the polls. A white racist, a Tennessee cop knocked out coal by a black colleague after a wedding they'd been invited to, has resigned from the Knoxville PD. In a parking lot after the wedding last June, witnesses say tanner Holt kept harassing officer Jonathan Tony about his race, saying that he didn't know black people were led into the reception hall, and Tanner kept it up until Tony got tired of it, hauled off and knocked them out. After an internal investigation, tanner Holt was found to have violated the Knoxville Police Department's code of conduct, and as I said, the topies now resigned. The Army general who commanded US and Allied forces in Iraq has died. General Rayo Dievno died of cancer over the weekend. He was sixty seven years old. Today, marking the first October running of the Boston MARATHONI event usually held in the spring, but it's been delayed to You guessed the pandemic. Get this, Remember the Virginia Beach school Board runs her own so called Wolkeness Check Kurtz said website, trying to get schools to ban certain books. Now she's on Black American author Tony Morrison. She wants to book the Bluest Eye Band because she claims it's pornographic. Actor William Shatner's slide pushed back to this Wednesday, October thirteenth because of the high winds forecast with West Texas. Finally, No Time to Die, the final James Bond film starring Daniel Craig took the top side of the box office this weekend, just ten days. No Time to Die a quarter of a billion dollars in ticket sales worldwide. Now back to The Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show starting tomorrow at eight seventh Central on b ET. Family Fun Night is back a few episodes of two hit comedies loved by millions of viewers. Keep the laughs coming. First up, Tyler Perry's House of Pain returns with Ella in command. Then keep watching for an all new Tyler Perry's Assistant Living. With the facility up and running, there is never a dull moment. You bring the family, and Beet brings the fun family Fun Night is all new Tyler Perry's House of Pain, followed by Tyler Perry's Assistant Living, starts tomorrow at eight seventh Central Only on Beet All Right, Steve introduced your Buzzer back, Buddy, Ladies and Gentlemen, Jay Anthony the Brown. It's the Atlanta Comedy Theater, twenty second, twenty third, Atlanta, Georgia. The songs came from talking to a friend who was stood up by a younger woman. It happens to a lot of old players. So I wrote him a song to send her the next time. She says she's coming over and she don't show hit it Dome. Make me waste these peels. You know these pills aren't expensive. Girl. Don't make me a waste these pills. And you're not gonna mind Delicio to go ahead on these pills. You said you was coming back. Oh girl, watch the deal. Damn girl, don't make me waste these peels. Girl, don't make me waste this wine. I mean, I got it all, spread it out. Girl. Don't make me waste the wine, O folk sauce, and I tat a salad an. You said you was coming by refrigerate. It looks like you a line. Girl. Don't make me waste is wine? You don't you gonna shoulders a little brother? No, girl made me wastees eighteen piece chicken? Yeah, don't make me waste does eighteen piece chicken? Said you was coming by? Guess blood, I got thing licking? Girl can make me eat this eighteen piece? Don't kid me. I make that. Girl. Don't make me waste these rubbers. You've seen the price of rubbers on I'm sorry. Con don't make me waste rubbers and you only get three in the back. If you're not coming by, I can use him on another. But girl, don't make me waste these rubbers. Hey, hey, baby, what's going on? You on your way? Be damn? Let me blow these candles out? Then something wrong with him? Really, it's something wrong with you? Get married again? Man, come on out? No, no, man, let me stay at it. I'm good. You ain't doing good out, I'm fine, I'm all right, all right, thank you? Jay coming up at through thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll talk about black love, Jay and you can contribute to that conversation. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, we talk about a lot on this show. We love us some black love. And there are pictures of some of our favorite celebrity couples trending on social media. We got Beyonce and jay Z looking que jay Z has Beyonce's head in his lap or on her should, on his shoulder. That's a cute pick. Sierra and Russell Wilson. Sara in the hospital by her husband's side after his recent surgery from his NFL injury on his hand. Alicia Keys with Beats posted sexy dancing video from recent date nights. And then, Steve, you and your beautiful wife Marjorie are trending right now. You guys are in Paris celebrating her birthday and it's just really sweet. So our question Steve and Jay please chime in. Please don't ask when you can, why is it so important to promote black love and just to see you know, positive black love couple alone? Yes, please don't rank him into this. I don't know if you've heard his bitter night, but a bitter man. Well you know what I mean. It's it's you know, like it's really like cool to see J and B. You know, two major major superstars you know who who are who are who are working really hard on their family and forging, forging a way to stay together and promote love. And you know, you see a football player and an actress. You know, these are these are professions that normally don't promote or do well in marriage. You know, Hollywood marriages, entertainment marriages were very very short lived marriages hard. I don't care who you are. It just gives a lot of inspiration to young people like you know, you know, look, especially however you're going to decide to go about it in life. You know that love is worth fighting for and and having, and it is it can make you better and and it really really does. And that's that's what I hope. It sends the message to young guys out there that putting somebody's daughter up on a pedal and treating her like a queen is actually admirable. It don't make you flate, jive slow, you know what They call it all a simple you know what I'm saying tell you no, man, You're not none of that real ahead. I was just gonna say say something now now ay from my side, listen from from will am. I've put people on pedestal, Steve. I've done it all, and each time I went to court, I lost the damn pedalstal. Every damn time I go to court, the judge orders me to give her the pedalstal. And all I'm saying is I just can't. I can't afford another pedestal at this age, Steve. That's all I'm saying. If I'm when I see you and your wife, that is lovely. I love seeing love. I love seeing love. I love I love love. I oh man, I love black. Love is beautiful thing and black. If you married white or white, if you whatever love you got, I'm hey be happy. Just don't put me. Oh, I can't even. I woke up. I was dreaming one night I was married, and I old, man. I woke up. I was just nervous because I was like I woking. I was soaking, like I had been running the whole damn queens, Steve. I pee on myself in the bed. I peed on myself, and I'm like, oh no, don't put me through this. Oh my god, you had ankles on your from running so cheets. Oh, Steve, Steve, I had shackles on my neck and my wrist. And what I'm like, I can't, I can't And I plugged people who can't do it. You can't come Brandon married in twelve years of slave. It's not that it's not that deep, it's not that heavier. You're combining. You're combining dreams. Now you do you know? Do you know the song taps and the wedding song in the same damn key? Now you figure that out, y'all weren't on that way? It's done? Wow? All right, well art take of black Love coming up that Junior in for the nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject he left the restaurant with his wife. Okay, wow, We'll get into that in just a bit, but right now, Junior is in for the nephew with today's frank phone call. What you got for us? Junior? Redimp it? What Redip oh read, oh oh dad, all right, I read? Yeah, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach u. Pastor Henry this bastor Henry. Oh are you doing, sir? You know, as to a greater New Hope Baptist right? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah as I am my answers cold. My name is Patrick, my name Patrick Davis. Uh, I am doing there? How you doing, sir? I went there to your church a bottom about two and a half years ago. I went there and me, yeah, we got our kids baptized there. Joe, are you coming back to us or are you? Uh uh? What's your current church? Holl well, we we haven't been in a minute, you know. For you you you baptized my my son and my daughter. Kareem right? You baptize them. I don't I don't think you. I mean, I'm sure you do a lot of people. But yeah, I was about to say I do a lot. I can't really pinpoint a name like that. You said it was about a couple of years ago, two three years By showing up between two and between two and three years ago, you you bout to have my little girl and my son. O, God bless on that. I'm glad I was able to do that service for you. I was wondering, how did you get my number? Usually anything like this you usually get handled with the church. You know, one of my deacons or my secretary. But uh uh you um call the church and they gave you my number. Um. This this guy at the church, let me see. His name is oh Dobs, brother, brother Dobs. Brother, brother Dob gave you my phone number, my information, Brother Dobs. I got this from brother Dobs that I you I could reach you. Now you you know him right, he's one of your deacons brothers. I tried. That's a good man right there. I know him many years because in my rooson for wanting to talk to you directly. Okay, like I said, you baptized my little girl Taylor and my son Kareem. What a baptizing exposed to be? You cleansing them, and you're watching them because you're probably hear my problems. You baptize my kids. But there ain't nothing shame. They grade still bad. He still didn't cobeeding it. I don't see where you're back dat. Look, but if you don't funds him, if you just let me spit it, I don't see where your baptize has done anything that I spent when I was there. I want that money back now now, oh, now you confuse me. I'm not sure. I think you know we need to stop this madness right now because you're talking about you money back baptime. I would like with baptis your kids. I've been at this church up for many years, so I won't doubt that I'm probably the pastor you're looking for. But I just don't understand what you're trying to get at here. But the baptism did I'm saying you're supposed to when when when people get baptized, they're supposed to change them cleansing. Okay, I see, yeah, it's cleans them. But well, if my kids are, let me let me ask you. I'm just trying to brother, I'm just just trying to get to the bottom of this, you know what I mean, because you're like when we get idn't understand how you got my numbers. The bottom of it is, yo, yo, Baptizing ain't doing nothing. My kids were still grade bad, they still this over. Well, why they haven't been come to church? You said you're not going to any congregation. Maybe you guys need to come on back to church sitting or some sermons. You know, I even work with your one on one. But um, I can't. I can't do nothing about the grades in school. I mean and and and and overall. When you when you have them, I should see a change in them. And I don't see a change. But as I was going to your church, I'm paying for these ties. Well I'm not getting any hey man, all at the end of the day past here. I want my money back. That's what That's what we have. That's brother David. That's not how it worked. Brother, you hit you understand I'm not I'm not trying to raise my voice at you. But you y'a all over the y'all over the place you went. Money back. I don't understand. What what can I do for you? I can tell you now, know you what you can do my kids. I have got a baptized over there with you. All that time I was going to your church, I'm paying knee tis, playing knee tis playing knee time and I getting my kids baptized. And but the time is gonna have nothing to do with the baptism. The time I had something to do with all the path I spit over there and I'm not gating anything. And that's what you call in the world. Am I gonna figure out how much cod you came? I know you think about that. I know exactly. No, no, no, no, you're hauling my own with this nonsense. You're not even a number of congregation, and I just don't like it. So who do you think your boy? Just because you gotta don't go you're a man of the club. Don't mean that's because I'm a man razed God. Don't mean I can't cut your out. You understand that. Brothers, If it's something you need to deal with, you need to talk to people at the church. Why do I need to talk for brother dogs when I'm talking not to the problem right now? You're the problem, bash, I'm a problem. I just put a bunch of tide money and I won't I know exactly how much I spent over there, and I want my money back, brother, about that? That's what I care about. Your time? So that I said your time? Want me to spell it out? Oh, well, here come kids or spell out. I bet they know how to spell it. Okay, don't be calling me about no damn behave your issues with your kids. You're back, tid. That's the question you need to be asking. Is you living your life? Think to five? Huh? You know what? You know what, Brothers, I didn't got out beside myself, and I'm sorry, brothers. I should not be using fire linguis since I what's going on. We need to We need to get you and your children, your wife come on down the service on Sunday. I will sit with you as long as I can. I truly, I truly think counseling and talk is the only way out of it. We should not be fighting on this phone now. Once again, I hope you accept my apology from my language. Now, can I ask you something? Go ahead, son, I can hear you, Okay. Brother Dobbs tells me that you and him are together, y'all together some mornings having coffee. You and brother dogs are every morning that that I'm not there either function or doing something for the building maintenance with the church. Yeah, he definitely he's a good brother. Like I told you, I know him for many years, right right, And he's saying that when y'all having coffee, that y'all y'all listening to the radio, Is that right? Yeah? Well, I suppose y'all be listening to Steve Harvy Morning Show. Yeah, it's always on the radio, fast, so fun. This is This is nephew Timmy man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Brother Dog just got me to break phone call. You know now quick the Brother Dogs knew about this. He won game in your number. I'm too scared to cuss another word, lets thing out of my character. I didn't think I didn't did enough for a lifetop of that. I'm gonna tell you right now. I'm probably these really didn't come. And I tell my congression all the time. I even slip up, So I think it would only be ready to let me ask you something, man, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the band this twenty oh man? You already know man the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You when he's not here, ignorance, I go to church. Yeah yeah, man. That's the problem with people, you know. They try to act like it's a perfect walk. It ain't. But he pressing. He was pressing the dude a little bit too far. He what he was not having told I ain't do say to cut your assi hold up. That ain't how this work. He was trying to do everything, so so listen, we can work. I'll sit with you, I see with you long as you know, as long as it takes to talking it. Counsel is the only way to work through this. Here, Tommy kilt pressing that dude. He's all right, I tell you what, I see what I'm talking. I got news for you, partner. All right, Thank you you, and you're in for the nephew coming up at the top of the hour Strawberry Letter, the subject he left the restaurant with his wife. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Stry Morning Show. All right, time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on sex, on work, on dating, on parenting, relationships, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here here that right now, it could be yours. You never know, You never know these letters. All right, ladies and Gentlemen's time for the Strawberry Letter with my good friends Shirley Strawsberry. All right, thank you, junior in for Tommy subject. He left the restaurant with his wife. Okay, Dear Stephen Shirley. I was dating mister Wright for almost one year, and we got a condo together and looked at rings together. He's a physician and his practice is about an hour from where our condo is. We dated publicly and I met all his friends and his sister. He never gave me any reason to suspect that he was married. He is an avid golfer in his spare time, and he usually stays at the resort where he golfs on the weekend. Again, I had no idea that he was married, since he spends most nights with me and a few nights in the city where his medical practice is. Two weeks ago, he decided we'd go to the wharf and have a nice dinner with another couple. I got excited because I thought he might be ready to propose. We'd never been to this restaurant before, but when we got there, all the waiters and staff there greeted him and called him by name. We sat in a private room, and my stomach was in notts the whole time because I thought tonight was the night. As we got to dessert and had a few cocktails. The door opened and a woman walked in wearing sweats and a bonnet. She said thanks to the waiter, and she walked toward us. She came to our table and asked my man to get up and come with her. My man smiled at me and squeezed my hand under the table. Before he got up, he asked the other guy to handle the check and make sure I got home safely. I jumped up and asked what was going on. The woman advised me to sit back down and enjoy the rest of my evening. My man didn't even look my way. I sat down, and the woman at the table told me that that was Jim's wife. Well, Jim and I have created a life together and he hasn't reached out to me in almost two weeks. What do I do now? Okay, I think you already know the answer to this. You don't have many choices here, you really don't. But the one thing you have to do is pick up the pieces and try to get your life back on track. You got to move on, you have to. I mean, this man is married, plain and simple. His friends know it. Obviously. The waiters at the restaurant knows it, know it. He knows it, didn't tell you you were the only one in the dark. And for almost a year he was able to keep this going. How did you guys get a condo together without you knowing this? You looked at rings. He didn't buy your ring, but you looked at rings together. You know, obviously he has money. He's a doctor. So what he's doing is staying with you. And you know some of those nights when he stays with you, but the other nights he's with his wife. Obviously, I guess they're still together because she certainly thought they did. They were all the waiters knew her as well. So what do you do now? Like I said, pick up those pieces, start to move on with your life. This man has not reached out to you in almost two weeks. The last thing you heard from him is when he squeezed your hand under the table and told his friend to make sure you got home safely. Well, his friend did that. It's no use in trying to chase after this guy. It really isn't. He's got a wife. You don't need. All that you need to figure out about the situation with this condo is his name on it is your name on it. Can you stay there? Can you sell it and get something else? That's what you need to be concentrating on right now, Steve. All right, lord, lord lord, this main right here, now, y'all what I'm about to share with y'all. I know exactly what happened, is listening. I know all the inside. I know what he said, I know he said how he said it up. I play golf. I know I know how he designed this whole thing. What I'm going to reveal to you, I ain't gonna do it right now when we come back. I just want to set y'all up. Now. I want to apologize to the men this listening, Oh all right, because I'm going to expose the intricacies of how this is all set up. Turn mic, because this is a set up, and I know every move in here. Now. See, Shirley, you you don't understand, No, see you thinking he's a liar and a cheater, but you don't know how the setup has happened. Because in his mind, his friend's mind and her mind, all this is going down based on the setup. See, it's the set up you keep from getting. Remember that when we get to the park where they were in a private room at a restaurant where they knew his name. There's a reason for that. And the reason his friends were there with other women is because they know, because they're all liars and cheaters. You don't know. Why did the woman so calmly say to her that's Jim's wife. Because the women are in on it too, right, I get that, but the chief, no, No, they're in on the setup. See you, y'all keep looking at this too. Damn basic, more complicated than not? Is it really? Oh? Through it? Surely? Okay, you don't know the game. Okay, but when we come back, I know a liar. I'm gonna tell it to you. No hold of your response coming up between. You're gonna of my response. This is a mess. Subject left the restaurant with his wife. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right? Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject he left the restaurant with his wife. He left the restaurant with his wife? Yeah, who else he posted to a restaurant with? We read this letter. Now, let me tell you why dis Steven Shirley I was dating mister Wright for almost a year. We got a condo together and look for rings together. The reason you got a condo together is the following line. He's a physician and his practice is about an hour from where our condo is. So now his practice is also in the same area that his wife and family lives in. He got the condo because he's telling you it's an hour away from his practice, which you've never been to, by the way, which may not really be an hour away. See you've never been there. Now, he's a physician, he's practiced about an hour away from what our condus. We dated publicly and I met all of his friends and sister. The reason you dated publicly is because he has told his friends and his family that he and his wife are having difficulties. They are struggling, and he told him that that's why his friends and sisters has been looped in. He never gave me any reason to suspect that he was married. Now. He didn't tell you he was married because he was planning on it all going away eventually. He is an avid golfer in his spare time, and he usually stays at the resort where he golfs on the weekend. What boy, let me tell you some First of all, you get a golf membership within the city confines of where you stay. So if you're a doctor within the city confines of where you say, you can get to your practice and you can get to your love of golf by just driving from your house. Don't nobody stay at the damn golf resort while they play golf. No, And once again, you've never been to the golf resort because he focuses on his game, because he's an advoct golfer. He is not at the golf course spending the night. He is at home with the wife that he's having trouble with. So now again I had no idea. Again, I had no idea that he was married. Since he spends most nights with me. He spends the night with you because he told his wife that he gets calls in the middle of the night and he rather be closer to the hospital than to be at home. And since they have in trouble, they're okay with that. She knows about another place. She just don't know you in it. See y'all listen to my setup, ladies. Two weeks ago, we decided to go to the war the wharf. Didn't have a nice dinner with another couple, another couple, just one. I got excited because I thought he might be ready to propose. We've never been to this restaurant before. But when we got there, all the way that in staff there greeted him and called him by name. You know, doctors got stuff like that, you know. Famously, we sat in the private room and my stomach was in knots the whole time. Yeah, because you don't know what health and happen. Your stomach was in knots because what you thought was gonna happen. Your staff and your stomach were really a nas in a minute though, because I thought the night was a night. As we got deserted and had had a few cocktails, the door opened and a woman walked then, wearing sweats and a bonnet. She said thanks to the waiter, and she walked towards us. She came to our table. Now you're in a private room. Now out you No, no, don't no private room. All this is exciting for you. She came to our table and asked my man to get up and come with her. My man smiled at me, squeeze my hand under the table. Before he got up. He asked the other guy to handle the check which is his boy, who knows what the deal is. Had to make sure I got home safe because he doctored a position. They're gonna make no food out theirselfs in here now. The wife ain't gonna have a restaurant up because she's she They know them now, they come that off. But she got a bonnet on. She just came up out of the house that Moni Monique the comedians and told her about coming out like that and told y'all don't be coming up here like this hill. But that's just a fly not to handle this business. Said it with love. But now when you come out to dough Man, you're gonna tell you. Now you forgot what Monique said. Well, anyway, he is got a bonnet on and attract suit and the bottom don't match the top. She got dressed right quick. My man smiled at me, squeezed my hand on the table before he got up. He asked the other guy to handle the check man a check many she can't hold him, saying. I jumped up and asked what was going on. The woman advised me to sit back down. See this is a physician's wife. Hey, to your ass, back down. She didn't advise you, she said sit down, so you get put down. All right. We'll be back with part three of the Strawberry Letter for time. He left the restaurant with his wife. He's a liar, he's a cheater. Yes, it's simple. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go with part three of today's Strawberry Letter. The subject is he left the restaurant with his wife. It really should just be he's a liar and a cheater. Steve, I don't get it to set up. Man left an important piece of information out of this setup, and I will show you why the whole fiasco has crumbled around him because of one gaping mistake. He got a condo with this woman because he didn't told his wife he needs to be closer to the hospital. His wife and I they've been aging having some troubles. They do have some problems in the marriage, but that's common a lot of marriages do. That's no reason to cheat and get another place. But he got the placement, decided to get the place with a girl, so he got the place where the girl never told his wife where it was just a closer and then they dated publicly, met all his friends and his sister because he didn't told family and friends. They on the outs, he's tired of her, she's demanding. There on the outs, he's looking. He wants to be happy, So all of them is okay because he's the physician. He's been providing for the family for a number of years, so they ain't and the dog him out, and then his friends just believe whatever he's saying. U to his boy, he's an affad golfer in his spare time, and he usually stays at the resort where he golfs on the weekend. That's not true. No one gets a golf membership in the town way away from where they stay, or they got gonna spend the night. You go play golf, your drinks at the nineteenth Hold with you buddys, you take your hands home. So every weekend he's at home with his wife because she knows he doesn't have practice doing the weekend. So now his wife thinks he's just coming home and doing the week when he's spending the night at his condolets, going can be closer to the hospital. I had no idea he was married, since you spend most of the nights where he's in. The medical practice is Two weeks ago, he decided to go to the wharf and I have a nice dinner with another couple. Got excited because he thought he was gonna married. They sitting there having dinner. A woman walks in with a bonnet and the track suit tells him to get up and come with her. He squeezed her hand under the table, smiles at her tailor due, hey, man, make sure she get home safe and pay the check. I got up and saying, hey, what's going on? She advised me to sit back down. She said, if you don't sit your black ass back down, you ain't gonna see tomorrow. Garden two. That's what she said. I sat back down, and the woman at the table told me that was Jim's wife. Well, Jim and I have created life together and he hasn't reached out to me in almost two weeks. What do I do now? The roost is over. The fiasco has fallen apart, and the only reason it fell apart That night was called the dumb ass physician. Took you to a restaurant that he frequents often, and everybody know him and know his wife, and one of the waiters and the waitresses called his wife and saying, your damn husband, down him with another woman. She got dressed right quick, came down now, and you're lucky she didn't whoop you. The only reason you like this letters because it's about golf too. I had a lot of LEAs. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at the top of the hour. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior is here with sports talk and fight talk. What's happening? Yeah, before you start, can I just say how sad I am? Who I am? They don't show nothing but soccer, so go ahead. So you missed me the whole thing. Man, I ain't seen a football game or fight nothing. They don't give you updates about what's happened Twitter. Twitter won't even let you look at the fight on Twitter. You can't even see the clips over nothing. Go ahead and Balmus, Junior. Oh Saturday night Man in Las Vegas and T Mobile Arena. It was the third and probably I would bet probably the last time you see Deante Wilder and Tyson Fury and the ring together because it ended. It ended in the eleventh round knockout of Deante Wilder. Man Tyson Fury, that Gypsy king came through again. And I don't know if anybody in Wilder camp has not seen the same fist. Somebody need to tell him he gonna throw this fist at you and he keep hitting you with the same right glove. Can we talk to him? Somebody help him? How? I don't did you see it? Did you see the fight? I saw the fight. Let me ask you this, junior, how do you keep getting rappers? Who are these rappers that will come out? Hey? Man, he's got to be out of rappers now, he got to be out. I don't know who the rapper world that walked in the ring with him say. But I'm not putting my single in the ring with you're as because it keeps going down. Every time I dropped a song with you, it go down to r I mean, really it was it was it? I mean man, I mean he was put down on the cavs three times in the fight, three times. Water fail Tyson Fury went down one time, but but the other went down three times. Did Dante Wilder go down first? Yeah? Then yeah down? Then he put Wilder down, He went down twice after that, after the time put Tyson down, it was like the third early Yeah. So after that he just went downhill. Man, you know you getting your ass when you when you fighting somebody and you grabbing their shorts your ass. I know that. I don't have the box to know that. I just know when you grabbing the person's shorts that you're fighting, you is losing. He know the way to look at that, Steve. He hit Tights so hard, he hit Wilder so hard the station chains. I was watching the fight, and then the next thing I know, I'm watching the weather. I'm like, what the hell happened? Man? And man, I just I just believe man that I really saw that. He just got outboxed again. You know this is the third time he didn't got an outboxed. How does that work? Well? All I know is here's what I've always said. I think Dante Wilder has the tools. I think him fighting a soft paw. He's not being trained by a guy that knows how to fight a soft pall. When you fight a soft power it's a certain way you gotta be because you always step on each other's foot. Because if you're an orthodox fighter, you're left foot leads. If you're a soft paw fighter, you're right foot leads. Now, if y'all facing each other, those two toes are touching, you got to get your toe on the outside out of this guy on the outside. Are you here for long as night? And until you taught how to do that and how to cut the ring off and shorten his because both of his punchers can't be power punchers. So he needs a trainer. He needs a trainer that can train him how to fight South Park and how to fight and how to fight big white dude. Because I don't think he has a trainer for that either. He even that can help him fight. But see, here's the other problem. If you look at Tyson Fury, he does not know he's white. M hm for such your shirts on. He's straight, he's straight hood though he didn't he didn't had a hood life. Yeah yeah, but I love Dante man, I just wish he had a different trainer because the white guy in corner just is not a qualified guy, not the one to him in much respect, man to anybody getting will they fight again? You think now that's over all right? Thank you junior, Thank you guys. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up for twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right. So, mister blue Cheese, US seems like you're trending on the social media platforms over here in the US. It's about that green You had an ensemble. It ain't cheese this week. It's green honey right up the runway, sir, I'm feeling against Batman. You know what I'm saying. It's about it. Somebody somebody did a whole thing on my outfits that I'm the Batman Village. They got me in the joke I outfit, they got me in the Penguin outfit. They got me and uh, several of the Riddler outfits, several things out there. It was clue was compliment. Well, I'll tell you these comments on this particular blog. They're talking about your green outfit. They the emojis are all fire drip green hearts. Your stylist keeps you fly your own point Blue Cheese. Some people said, the ELF's going, oh he looks good. So there you go, you go. I do I have. I do have a new stylist because one of my things was what I wanted to do was to do what I used to do when I was with the Kings. I wore more colors. That was the only thing I told him, And after that he took over and came up with the different ranges. Alright, look out, the morning show coming up. I got this. You're listening to day show. In today's entertainment news, Kim Kardashian West did her thing and hosted Saturday Night Live this past Saturday. Kim's mom, Chris Jenner was there along with her sister Chloe, Kim's soon to be x X. What is going on over there with their relationship. Kanye West was also in New York to give Kim some much needed support, gives give her some advice in everything. Kim said she felt a lot of pressure. She wanted to wile the audience. She looked fantastic. We all know, of course, Kanye has a complicated history with Saturday Night Live and m Back in twenty sixteen, you guys remember this when audio leaked of Kanye with his behind the scenes melt down. He had this right before performing on the show, remember the yea yeah, yeah, yeah, So I don't know really what how much help he could give Kim actually, but anyway, maybe he's grown, Yeah, maybe grown really then at all. Yeah, Kim was good, Steve. Yeah, she she was a little fast. She did her monologue a little fast, really good. She's deprivately good. And she looked, of course, beautiful, gorgeous, and the skits were cute, you know. She did her thing. Yeah, she did the Bachelorette Chris Rock and that was good too. Yeah, so she was she was good. I think she did very well. Yeah, and they had a skit on there with Chris and Chloe, her mom and sister. So yeah, that was good. Yeah, it was It was good. And other entertainment news, ray J, Lord, ray J, we just want you to get well from pneumonia. Okay. Ray J's in the hospital dealing with pneumonia. He's tested negative of thank god for COVID. He thought he had that at first. Um. They gave him multiple tests, at least five of them, and he's tested negative now. According to People magazine, ray Jay's health isn't the only hurdle he had to get over. He has filed for divorce from his wife, Princess Love one more time. This makes number three, number three? Who does that? You don't left that damn pneumonia get the best of you. You ain't the best in my sets to be making life altering decision unless you thought you would leave it. The only reason you try, you think you're leaving you trying to sick people don't file for divorce. That makes no damn since all different nod I getting filed on more times for you, Jake, He's sick going up to our last break of the day. It is also the last fight that you. Let's see what right, And of course, in forty nine minutes after we'll have some inspiring, enlightening closing remarks from the one and only a green Hornet, blue cheese, whatever you want to call him. He's fly in Paris, Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, time for your closing remarks Before we get to that, Carlo, you wanted to shout out someone, Yes, we gotta shout out everybody in Chicago v. One oh three. This past Saturday, Sister struck at the Crocs Center in Chicago. They showed out raising awareness breast cancer awareness. So shout out to Chicago next up this weekend, d True, Thank you everybody. Hey, y'all, I just want to remind you something in my closing remarks today, and it's this, count your blessings. Count them. You know, I know what happens to a lot of us, because sometimes it happens to me. Sometimes in our life, we are so focused on the things we're trying to acquire and the things that we're lacking, that we forget to count the blessings. See, when you fail to count the blessings, you deter your happiness. And this is what I mean by that. Some people say, I'll be happy when I get married, I'll be happy when I'm in a great relationship. I'll be happy when I get a new home. I'll be happy when I change my career. I'll be happy when I open up this business. I'll be happy when my kids graduate. I'll be happy when i'm making more money. Well, when you say that, or when you look at things like that, you're delaying your happiness, because that should be some joy in the process. Now, and the only way to get joy in the process, I think is you have to count your blessings. You have to take inventory on the things you have. See, when your focus is on what you don't have, you overlook the things that you do have, and that produces a lack of gratitude. And that's a dangerous place to be in, folks. Because God has blessed us all. I don't care who you are, You're being blessed some kind of way. Look, man, I know you're probably going through something. I don't know nobody who's not, But why are you're going through this? Can you remind yourself of all the other things you've gone through? And you can. You can't name one single thing that He hasn't gotten you through. And if he hasn't gotten you through it, he's currently pulling you through it right now. That's a blessing. The blessing is that you have a survival rate to this point, right here, you have You've survived everything right now, no matter what the consequences were, you've survived at all up to right now. You're still here. You're a survivor. You've gotten over and over and over, time and time and time again. You got to start counting your blessings. Man, you got to start being grateful for some of the things that's happening in your life. Hey, man, get rid of the old woe is me, old woe is you? Well, I got you going through some things, But can I tell you something? Can I tell you something? You could be going through something else too, Because whatever you're going through, if you know, if you know enough people, somebody got it worse than you got it. It's just amazing. Man. My author writers getting me the people who don't have legs, and you steady complaining about your auth writers. You steady complaining about I don't want the way these glasses. There are people who can't see. You're steady complaining about the food you eating. Now are people who are starving. You are steady complaining about the condition of your car. There are people who have no way to get from point A to B. You're just complaining, complaining, complaining, Stop complaining, man, Start counting your blessings. You have something to be grateful for. One of the biggest tricks in the Devil's arsenal is to fool you into thinking God don't care nothing about you. God is always there he's all, well, Steve, I'm going through somewhere God at now. WHOA, Let's back that up for a second. Let's just talk about you for a second. When the last time you really went to him, When the last time you asked him for anything, When the last time you listened, When the last time you really waited on what his response was instead of taking matters into your own hands. I'm just asking man, Folks, don't let another day go by without counting your blessings. Because when you count your blessings, you show gratitude, and once you're sow gratitude, you open up yourself for more things to be grateful for. Counting your blessings is optimal. Counting your blessings is a blessing. Counting your blessings is one of the best ways to attract more blessings, because that is the part of the law of attraction. You attract the signal that you put out. So what are you saying, Steve. I'm saying, the more you complain, the more complaints you will attract to yourself. The more you're grateful, the more gratitude you will attract to yourself. It works just like that, man, It's not a magic trick. Y'all, Stop tricking yourself and stop allowing the devil to trick you. All right, those are my clothing remarks. That's it for me today. I've said it and said it well. Count your blessings, Junior. Count your blessings, Carlin, Yes, will yes, sir, count your blessing surely, bitter man, count your blessings. Yeah, a trillion. I will thank you, thank you, hey guy, will and will see y'all tomorrow. Y'all have a great day, okay, and hey, couch and blessing for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void ware prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.