Good morning and welcome to the ride! The crew is back to gold old fashioned American chaos. Rev. Adnoid is in For Pastor Motown. Bitterman addresses dream jobs, lady parts and partying without husbands. Fool #2 has a parallelism between outside dogs and the Civil Rights Movement. There was a lot going on between Bone and Three 6 Mafia. Junior noticed a few things during a specific game and is merely just pointing it out. Ever eat some nasty food and been forced to say certain things? Would You Rather involves multiple baby daddies, nakedness and alligators. What had happened was, somewhere in the largest state after Alaska, a large quantity of take a gue$$ was discovered in the comfort room wall. Today the show wraps up with Fool #2's hate.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them just like amazing bus things and it's not doing me true good. Steve har to mother Star, don't join jo. You gotta use that turn very arm. You gotta turn to turn them out, turning, got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come, come on your thing, huh, I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one and only. Uh, Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah you do. Steve Harvey got a radio show. But like I said the other day, you got something too, though, don't you. God hadn't done something wonderful for you. You just gotta thank Him for it, you know, in the midst of all that's going on in my life and in your life. You know, I always use myself as an example because well, I mean that way. I guarantee one hundred percent I know what I'm talking about. Um here, here's the situation, you know, with everything that's going on in my life and all the things I'm asking God for in the midst of a taxing and a very trying situation. That's very challenging for me right now. Man, God just keeps on, keeps on surprising me. He keeps doing things. And I want you to look at your life. Or for a second, let's make two columns here. Let's make a column of all the things you want from God. You know, just do that throughout the course of the day. You know, you know, run down the list of all the things you're asking God for, all the things you're praying for, the things you aspire to, what your dreams, your visions, whatever it is. Just make a column, a list of all those things. Let's make three lists. And then the second list, I want you to make a list of everything that you've been asking God for. So I guess that could be a little bit of the same. But this third list, I want you to do a check off point. I want you to do a make a list of everything that God has given you that you've asked him for. Just think about it like that for a second. I may be explaining a little wrong right now, but I'm gonna pull it together for you. Make a list of everything you're asking God for, just just listed. You know, It's okay, It's a dream board. You can call it that I got one. It's a vision board. You know, every everybody's got something you hope for. Make a list now. I want you to make another list of everything you've asked God for that he's given you already. See this is a good list because sometimes and what I've been guilty of, and maybe you two in my request list on my dream board. I keep focusing so hard sometimes on the what I'm yet to receive. I keep focusing so hard on the what I hope he gives me. I keep focusing so hard on the things that I yet not fulfilled in my life that sometimes, as he starts checking off my wish list the things I've asked for in the past that have come to pass that he's given me, I sometimes, in praying for what I want forget to thank him for what he's done for me. And I'm currently in the middle of that situation. And this morning when I woke up, I really, man, I just got on my knees this morning and I quit tripping for a second. I said, Man, hey, God, you know what I really do need all them things I'm asking for, and I'm really am believing that You're gonna give it to me. But in the meantime, though, Man, have I overlooked some important details here? I had to really look at what he's done for me. I mean, look, man, take yourself out of it personally and look, well, you can leave yourself in it however you want to be. Some people can't do that, So just leave yourself in it. Then. But man, I started looking at the eye part of me, and I started looking around at the what's happening overall. Like, man, he has kept my family together in spite of the attempts to tear it apart. I look at all of that. I look at how he's blessing my children with the desires of their heart, which I pray for my kids. You know, I want my kids to have a better life than I've had. I really really do. I don't want them to take as long as it took me to get it together. I really really don't. I'm trying to say, hey, man, if you go to college, this is what you can be. Don't do like your father did. Don't go three years, drop out, throw yourself into a spiral and then got to start to scratch all over again. You know, And for the most part. So far, you know, they're doing quite well of it. You know, you know they they're getting kicked around a little bit, but that's life. I started thinking of the blessings that he's helped me overcome with some of the previous mistakes I've made in relationships in my life. And then I started looking about the things he's blessed me with that I've been asking him for. But since I've moved on from it, I forgot to keep thinking him because I gotta always thank God for a roof over my head because guess what, when I was asking for the roof and I didn't really have it, then he gave me one that since he gave it to me, what, I'm just cool now, I can't ever go back to him and go, hey, man, I really do appreciate this roof over my head because that was a time when I was living in a car. But see, so every morning I wake up, I gotta remember the fact that I have a home now, because I got to look back and go, man, that was time, Steve, when you didn't have no home. But see, we forget what God has done for us because in our column that won't column, the need column, we oftentimes forget for the columns and the check marks, as He's already fulfilled in our life. You've got to take inventory every now and then daily if possible. But I know we're humans. We're not going to do that. I don't. But you've got to take inventory of your life to say, hey, what has God done for me? You know? And remember something else too. Change is good, but change is challenging. Accept the challenge that it is. Look a lot of you come up to me all the time and say, Steve, man than you man boy, you in the morning. Man, I really be needing that, Like I under said it a hundred times, but I'm gonna say it again, y'all. I'll be needing it too. You know. You understand, sometimes what God is dealing with me is for me. But now I'm in a sharing position where I can open up and if I just if I just quit being so about me and become a little bit more transparent, I can maybe some of me that's happening to me, it is happening to you, and you can see some of this in me. That's why I use myself as an example, because man, I'm catching it too, y'all. I ain't perfect either. So for those of you that come up to me and say that, I want you to understand these these talks in the morning. Man, this is important for me because man, I need these conversations from God. I need God to continue to strengthen me, to show me the way to help me understand what's happening to me. And see, as we've all those of you who have the decision to change, to become a better person, a better woman, a better boy, a better girl, a better man. For those of you who have made the decision to change, change is a challenge, and accept the challenge because it's gonna come. Because right out of that here come to haters. Here they come people you don't even know, discussing your life in your change. If God see you really really mean what you say in spite of what they say about you, God will raise you above the phrase. He'll keep promoting you, he'll keep blessing you, He'll keep moving you up. He will use you as a show off point. He'll show you off. Man. He'll make you. He'll make you look good to people man who wish you'd fall all day long. And so to all your haters, all your haters will end up just watching you rise. Man, They will watch you continue to grow. That's what God will do for you. Man. You can fool the world, but you can't fool God. God know your heart, He know your every thought. Man, you're listening to Stave? What up? Everybody? You listen to Steve Harvey? Morning? Shall anybody real quick? What is today's date? What is today's date? Six? December six? The days six, the days of six, which means, if you're still at your relatives house for Thanksgiving, your ass need to be gone by now. Okay, you need to be packed up and out of the damn house. They don't want you there. I know they don't want you there, not this damn long. Okay, you should be gone by now. Okay, if you're making a run to go to the store to go back to the house. When you get back to the house, pack your stuff and take your ass home. You listen to some money show. I got that off my chest? What's up? What's up? Shirley Strawberry? What is going on with you? Hey? Merry Christmas? Jay? It's that time? Baby? Hey, what's going on? Callin for rel what's up with you? What's up? Jay back from Dubai. Don't hate what's up, Junior? What's going on with you? Man? Hey? Everybody, welcome back family, Ja. They act like they don't see none of these looks they're getting while he's still there looking at you. Yeah, and least, but not least. He's the King of Franks. What's up, mister Thomas smiles? How you doing man? Top Top December six, Monday morn Yeah, it is hung back from Dubai. You know, I flew over on Emirates, I might add, Oh god, it was absolutely ravaging. I must tell you. We had caviar on the wind. Yeah. I must have Biff and Jem come back to the club so we can go again. It was absolutely just oh my god. You must the air there. It was just so crispy Clinton. There was no there was no hole, homeless people, there were no there was nothing wrong with the plays. There was no homeless people, there was no poverty, there was no no crime, there was no drugs. It was just a beautiful thing. I must say, Well, I'm Enjeorgia. We got all of that all crime march don't. I won't even know how to act, Ja. Where's all the crime and not only that, not only that time. You can get all that at one mall, one mall. I call wait, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me? Did you call him Tom? I Tommy? Oh junior Tom. You don't had a flashback to the other show. That's what happened. I was there twenty years college. Give me a break, damn, let me go. Let me be clear, though, I'm not gonna be your tongue. I'm not Tommy all day. It could have been a splowing flashback. I apologize. I was there for quite a while. I like how you own it, Jay, I like how you own that if it in fact happened like that? Yeah, it is. It is. Glad y'all back. I'm glad. I had a wonderful time. I saw y'all little grab yea was y'all was bowling free? Oh yeah, bawling man? Did you see that tu cedar? I head on, boy, Yeah, I saw. Did you see my native garb? Yes? Right? Yeah. So coming up at thirty two minutes after the coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll have the pastors in the building with church complaints, Reverend Adnoyd and Deacon deaf Jam right, after this you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, guys, it is time time for church complaints with Reverend Adnoid and dickon deaf jam rebend motown still in Dubai. Ah heah he is he is fell in Dubai. And uh, he wanted me to let the congregation know that we will be doing the gospel according who are and be the gospel according to R and B. And he would like for us to spotlight uh Christmas songs. But he wants us to give you the understand and let me start this thing off just so you get a clear understanding. Um, let's go to the Book of Temptation. The Book of Temptation Silent Night. It says rop the verse I think it's verse three round yon virgin mother and child. Now, I think a lot of people have been misconstrued when you see, uh it's young. A lot of a lot of Black people don't use the word yon round yon vergion, mother and child. Okay, yawn is the key word because a lot of people don't know what yon is. All right, roun yawn very mother and Kyle, am I right there, I absolutely you're absolutely right, I would continue to say that I will be going to the Book of the Jackson five, the Book of the Jackson five where they say these apostles said, Santa Claus is coming to town. Yeah, better watch out your better power. Santa Claus is coming to tell That means he has not arrived yet, but he's only his weight. He will be there soon. Not there yet, prepare yourself for the coming of Santa Claus. No no, no, no no no no no, no, no no no. What I'm gonna do is stick right in now with you. Let's go. Let's if everybody could turn to the book of James Brown, the book James Brown. What what did James say? James said, jat clause, go straight to get Is that not what he said? He said, go right. That means go bast bye, don't go to the suburbs. Don't see Jack, you don't see Jack, don't candy corner. Go straight, he said, st ghetto tause they get on all right. That means we don't want you to make no stops, no gas stations, don't go downtown, go strike. We're gonna go to the book of our White apostle. Maken what she said, she said, I don't want that much for Christmas. All I won't. It's a stay, all won't. It is you. That's all I want from Christmas is you. That's all I want from Christmas is you. Go read ahead, go read ahead. Huh. Now we're gonna go to the Unknown Apostle, the Unknown Apostle. If you would turn to page four of the Unknown Apostle. What he said? He said, gingo, bel gingo, bel gingo, all of the way a man, all the way it is to ride in a one horse open, yeah, not not not not. I never understood why the slave was open. Not. That's always been confusing to me. But I guess we're gonna go back to the Unknown Apostle. Wedge says. Christmas time, it says Grandma got run over by a reindeer. She had no business with her but in the road anyway, And she got run over by a reindeer. Huh huh? Whose funck was this? The reindeer or grandma? H who funk was it? Who the fuck wasn't she had no business who with her ass in the road at all? And the raindeer ran over her? Go right ahead, go right ahead, now, alright now, all right unknown Apostle Unknown apostle route off. The red and nose raindeer had a very shiny nose. Am I right now, stay away, being now, And if you Apo saw him, you would even say it glows, Am I right around. If it doesn't glow, that means the battery is out and you have to put in a newer. That's the only thing I can think of. You said it. You said it. Okay, We're gonna go back to the unknown apostles web shays, which says, I, I, with my eye on my own eyes, saw mama kissing Santa Claus. I saw mama kissing Santa Claus. What's up with that? Huh? I was close kissing mama. And why did I have to see that? Huh? Why did you put that white man in your house kissing your mama? I don't understand it. Not somebody to tell me something me. Let's let's lett. Let let's roll with that. Hang on the missiletoe. What you see where I'm going the missiletoe? And I forgot the rest of the words. Get to know your better. I'm gonna get to know you better. What does that mean? That means we're gonna kiss we're gonna do a little mole. We're gonna do a little more after that. But I need that missiletoe at them. It's gonna happen. Here we go back to the unknown Apostles. I'm not there yet. I'm not there yet. I haven't arrived yet. But I will be home for Christmas. I'm not there yet, but I will. I will make sure that I'm making home for Christmas. I will be there back Christmas time. Ready here, got ready here? Huh? And I think it says, all right, the fireside is blazing bright. And then what it said? It says that, it says a final side is blazing right now. For those that don't have a fireplace, your fine side not gonna blaze right, It's not gonna do that. You're gonna have to get the oven, stand in front of the oven, tending the oven, owned and shit in front of the oven if you don't have a fireplace. Yeah right, yeah, a man again. Marry Christmas, everybody, Marry Christmas. All right, Thank you, revoy and taking death jam coming up next. Ask a bitter man, and what bitter man? I'm not here to help. I don't know if you think by now I would be in the helping mood, but I'm not. I'm not ashamed. Right back, right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have national news with Miss Hanne and in entertainment news, one of our favorite favorite CNN anchors has been fired. And predators. Yeah, predators can now text you and slide into your d MS on social media. If you don't fin your bills? What what are you will be up posting all this stuff? Won't you post a payment? Hello? Would you do that for your brother? Would you go out like that for your brother? You would? I would have to, I would for my brother. Yeah, yeah, all right, we'll talk about a little later Jay. Right now, it's time for Ask Bitter Man. This one's from Maryanne and DC. Maryanne writes, I'm a forty nine year old divorced woman and I'm going on a girls trip for New Year's Eve with my two married girlfriends. There's a guy that I just started dating and he wants to come on the trip to get a set and get a separate room. The girls are not bringing their husbands, so they don't want me to have my guy there. H do you think he'll be upset and possibly lose interest in me if I tell him he can't come. Should I choose my new man or my girlfriends? You need to spend New Years with your new man and two married people that don't even sound like fun. That just starting off the girl's trip. And I don't know these two married people, but I'm just assuming they're not fun. So go and be with your married Looking at the married people looking at me, They're looking at me. No, no, people look at I'm trying to figure out why two married women are not with their husbands on New Year's Eve. I'm trying to figure that out. That makes no sense to me. Yeah, you're happily married. Yeah, get your friends and go be with chill man. That don't rhyme, But that's just a saying. That's jay. I think you need to up the rest of the date. Don't say no words at end with c h because you've been scanning. No, you know what you're hearing, curse words, Timmy. All right, so you're saying, bitch the girls and go with your man and gonna be with your man? Right, all right, Well you kind of helped curse go right ahead, all right, moving on, deed and Tulsa said, last weekend, I let my sister and her husband stay with me for the weekend. The first night, I was asleep in my bed and my brother in law knocked on my door and came on in saying he had to use my bathroom because my sister was in the shower in my guest bathroom. I told him to get out. They both got mad at me and left that night. Was I wrong for how I reacted? Oh? Hey, I don't know, no money. You're trying to get a little look you see. That's all You're trying to look like that look see him and your suits me to get that nasty behind at your plays right now? Yeah, back up and goes. She can leave wet, It doesn't even matter. Get your ass out of the house. Go you ain't ain't nothing like a nice little looking see though, I'm like an, oh, I'm sorry, Oh my bad. Oh you knock and then wait for the person to say come in. You're not gonna see nothing if you do all that. If you knock and wait for the come in, Imani and toronto as we move on, right, So I'm a thirty seventyear old engaged actress and I have an upcoming movie role that requires me to do a love scene with my shirt off. Of course my ariola will be covered, but it will look like I'm naked. My fiance has an issue with me doing the movie. He is wealthy, true enough, but this is my dream job and it's how he met me. Do I respect his wishes and pass up this opportunity. I don't know anything about this relationship, but from what I hear from just this small amount, it's not gonna work out at all. If she does the scene, it's not. No. Not even if you don't do the scene, it's not gonna work out. But nothing, nothing, It's better than an areo nothing, it's nothing. Yeah. If he can't understand that, it's not I don't gonna down how much money he got. It's not going to work out because he doesn't spell. I've never wrote that. Holy with Tommy, I can spell that. You can't say that, you guys the real alright, alright, all right, So you're saying it's not gonna work out because of the line of at all, and he's never gonna be a movie because it's not gonna work out. Wow, her dream yeah, all right, here we go. Last one Rashida and Miami says, I've been married for two years and my husband doesn't like to take showers. He's a once a day type of guy, and it doesn't matter what he's done. If he showers in the morning, then mo's the lawn. He won't shower until the next morning, he says. I like to waste time and water because I enjoy long showers. I run from him when he wants sex because I never know if he's clean or not. He's tired of me sleeping on the couch. How do I fix this? Stink behind this damn loone beyond is way? No look for you, no look. He's suing you for two years. And even if you're in the literal, I'm just you can smell his fucking behind way in lit room because he just stinking nash right, that's just ridiculous that. Yeah, you do get a little sweaty when you're cutting the grass, Yeah a little, Yeah, you just too much got a bathe that's a lot. You don't want know how to fix it? She want to know how to fix the Yeah, how do how do you? She want to know how to fix it? How do you fix it? Man? Oh, I thought he was I thought he had a suggestion. I'm sorry, I have one waiting. The only way you can fix this is a divorce. That you have to fix it. You need a courtroom and a judge to fix this. You need to prosecute at the defense victory. Yeah, I forget that. It's still death, not to your funk. It's still death, not your funk. That's how you fix that. On the ground I had to voice you on the grounds of funk. That was funk, Timmy, that was funk. Funk. Okay, that was funk. That's how you have to fix it. I don't see no more the suggestion. He don't want to Bathe don't understand how he thinks this is okay, I really that's no. That's just got every three days at the minimum, at the minimum, every three days. Yeah, that's one. I just said. That was the last one. That was the last one. Yeah, that's it. That's me. I can't stand how you can't take no bad but once. I don't care what you've been done that that on. Man, I sit on my couch all day. I still get that shower for getting my bed. Yeah, but three three a day easy. I'm three a day easy. Don't you want to be a day a day? Three? Three? Three showers a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner. I'd like to if I get out to shower in time. If I got the shower and she called to say I'm coming over, I'm getting back in. Yeah, I don't understand that. Yeah, right back, Want fresh fresh yeah yeah, yeah, all right, all right, thanks Spider Man. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news and some national news with miss Anne Tripp right after this. You're listening to Morning Show. CNN anchor Chris Cuomo was terminated by CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker on Saturday. The statement that Chris Cuomo was suspended earlier last week. We talked about this when we were in du Buy Guys, pending further evaluation of new information that came to light about his involvement with his brother's defense. CNN retained a respected law firm to conduct the review and then and terminated him. Added that despite the termination, the firm will continue the investigation. Chris spoke on his termination, saying that this is not how I want my time at CNN to end. But I have already told you why and how I helped my brother. So let me now say, as disappointing as this is, I cannot be more proud of the team at CUOMO Primetime and the work we did at CNN's number one show in the most competitive time slot. I owe them all and will miss that group of special people who um did really important work. Michael Smerconish, cuomo's regular substitute, will host the nine pm Eastern Hour next week. Sad News. Really when it broke up about it, that's the show he was friends, right, Yeah, there they go back and forth. You know before would you do that? Like I asked, really, would you do that for your brother? Would your family? First? Sorry? Without has I understand there's they're saying it's a conflict of interest and all of that. It is CNN is a reputable news source, all of that, and you know, I mean, it's a tough spot for him to be in. He is an attorney, so I thought when the story came out, it would have been better for him to just step down for a while and to let the whole thing. Yeah, Cormo just stepped down for a while and let it blow over that way, he didn't really have to put himself in the middle, and he could have come back at a later at a later time. He would have still been helping him though, but he would be he would be off. He could read, he could read, you know, but they would say he was still in flood way. Yeah, he was still employed by the network still. Yeah. Whatever he did to help his brother, it didn't work right, no work, yeah, but guilty by association, I mean by blood in this situation. Um, but you know, I've just been a I've just been a journalist. I just asked my brother, did you do it? Did you do it? Interviewed? Yeah, yeah, if he said yeah, the interview okay, cool, what I'm going back on CNN with this information? I put myself up there. Isn't it kind of like to you know, when we were watching Chris and there were oftentimes when you would see former governorn a lot giving out information doing stories. Wasn't that a relationship that the network used They did the governor because you see what I'm saying, the face of he was the face of COVID. So their advantage YEA is not blameless and that for sure, I mean, that's what I'm saying it's it's it's it's a catch twenty two with the situation. I don't think they had to fire him. I don't think they should have fired him, mother, because he was a great journalist, he's a great attorney and honously a family brother. Because if people will be working as soon as he wants that had done this and help their sibling out, that's what you're exactly right. Employed. Yeah, they would have rallied against him and and all of that. Even if they fired him. They protested for him to get his back to the capitol. Yeah. Yeah, I don't think he'll find another job, So, I mean he'll be fine. Rights nothing he could do, there was nothing he could do. Well, it is time now for today's headlines. Jay h Right, everybody, it's time for the news with miss and trip. This is a trip with the news. Here we goron. Well, what about Alma chrome. Well, at least thirteen states are now announcing confirmed cases of the new COVID variant, while health officials are still trying to see if the Alma crown strain spreads quickly, if people are protected from it, or existing vaccines are working. And as doctor Anthony Fauci tells CNN how deadly it might be. Thus far, it does not look like there's a great degree of severity to it. But we really got to be careful before we make any determinations that it is less severe or really doesn't cause any severe illness comparable to delta. So I guess we'll see. In other words, a doctor says that it's delta, that variant that continues to fuel the increase in new COVID infections across the US, and spikes in New Hampshire, Michigan, and Minnesota apparently lead the country in new cases per capita. The Sheriff of Oxford, Michigan, Michael Bouchard, says on Good Morning America that the parents are the fifteen year old accused of the murders of four students in the local high school last week, are being held in the same lock up as their son. They're not speaking to us, any of them, and they are all in my jail, all segregated in separate cells and constantly monitor eachan. Crumpley's parents were reigned over the weekend. James and Jennifer Crumpley were arrested in Detroit on Saturday after they failed to turn themselves in after warrants were issued for their arrest. Now both of them have pled not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges. A judge has imposed a combined million dollar bail amount the prosecution. This is the point. The prosecution says that the gun used to shoot down those innocent high schools was purchased as a gift for their son only four days later, and he was leaving all these messages saying I need help. My head hurt, so I need help, and nothing was done. On top of that, authorities say that they uncovered a message from his mother to him after the killings where she says, quote, you have to learn not to get caught. That is why authorities have them in jail. Goop of white supremacist storm their way through downtown washingt DC on Saturday, carrying American flags and plastic shields and marching to the beat of a snare drum, channing things like they're going to reclaim American stuff like that sad news. Former Republican Senator Bob Dole has died, Liz with dol Foundation making that announced via Twitter. Doel represented Kansas in the Congress for more than thirty years he was ninety eight. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, all right, Tommy, you want to introduce your president and CEO of Team Tommy so we can listen to it. Mine, I would be glad too. It would be an honor. Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up and hold on tight. Get ready. We're going into the mind, the mind, deep into the mind of the one and only Jay Anthony Brow. A lot of dogs who are very, very pampered. And this is not to make fun of dog lovers. Trust me. You got a dog that's good, Your dog gotta shared on and some shoes, no problem, and a hat and a pocket book. That's that's you. That's what you want to do with your dog. And a cane, a walking cane. That's what you want. All I'm saying in this little segment right here is you dog people have just gone too far with those dogs stuff and these dogs out the inside. You need to show some thanks and gratitude to outside dogs who were really in the struggle, who really who really put the work in. Okay, now you got you a little behind up on the bed and you're looking at TV. You need to thank your outside dogs for where you are in your life right now. I was asking a friend could they go hang out, and they said, I gotta get somebody to watch the dog. Do you know how many times outside dogs never knew when somebody left the house. They had no damn I did you could go and come in. The outside dogs never saw the inside of the house. You know. I know it wasn't right the title, but dog, but that's that's what the outside the They paved the way for you inside. Damn dogs and you ungrateful damn dogs with sweaters on hats and driving and driving cards and stuff. And you're making commercials and eating soft food. You're not eating beans and collar greens and and and light bread and stuff like that. You need to think, think, think the outside dogs were where you are in life today. Damn y'all act like like y'all so good now, like y'all act like y'all ain't even dogs picking up. I've seen people pick up that pick up a dog when I've never seen anybody pick up. But even if the dog was sick, then pick his ass up. They drugged his ass to the hospital. Nobody picked no damn dogs up. Nobody rolled, no dog running a carriage. I'm just saying, give the thanks. Give things to the outside dogs. Okay, dogs, outside dogs, away, outside dogs did it. Yeah, that's why you're living where you're living and eating what you eating out because of what the out the outside did for you. Yeah, damn it. That's good. Yeah, that's that's like, that's like us in the sixties doing city ins. You know what I'm saying. It's right up yeah, yeah, it's right up there. I don't want to comparison to the civil rights movement and dogs. All I'm saying is give thanks to the dogs that will be for you, right yeah. I think with your little shirt on with your name on it. Yeah yeah. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, Thank you, Jake. Carlo's up with her music news right after this you're listening show. All right, guys, here we go. Carlo is here with her music news. What you got Carla? Okay, Shirley, So Tommy Jay Junior. You know when we just got back from Dubai. We were in Dubai and it was a big versus battle last week, right Jack right Junior, Bone Thugs and Harmony and three six Mafia Um so basically a fight broke out doing a versus battle, and I'm trying to figure out what happened. So forty five year old Busybone. He forty five years old Busybone from Bone Tucks and Harmony. He accused three six Mafias of making fun of him. So Busy said, AAO, before we get started, you ugly blank blank blank, ain't finna mock me while I'm on blank stage. Well, then obviously you know I can't play the sound on air because yeah, it was a lot going on, yes, exactly. Busy Bone then throws a bottle of water at Juicy Ja from three to six Mafia, and then the fight erupts on stage. Security security, somebody had to call security break things up. But then Busy Busybone, he apologized. He apologized everybody and said, I'm not trying trying to blink this up. Let's keep the party going. So, you know, later on they had Terrence Howard, Little John, Little Wayne, little Flip, all the littles joined the um Jones. Yeah, well at least the legend littles, you know, Little Wayne, little Flip, little John joined them on stage. And so that was the versus battle. So I don't think any charges were pressed. I don't think they called the police or anything like that. They squashed it. But that was a lot. That was a lot. You ain't he real names? But what Juica, what is his name, David? I don't know what his mama named? Tell me if you know that ain't important. But all I know this call all of them last name bone. But when busy through the when you threw the water butt, I just heard bone, bone, my bone. What you're doing? Well? If something was bound to happen when you had that many people on stage at one time, it really really do I just I just think it was just too many littles black ladiship. It was too many littles, too many people trying to make a name for themselves. It's just too many people. But I didn't know all the people up there. I ain't know that many people in each one of them groups. Back in the day, it was never that many people at literally a lot of people out well, I stand correct, what's uncle Charles? Then he had the crossbows? Uncle Charles, Uncle Charles, y'all be at the cross broke? So I just wanted to ask you guys, all right, So like I said, busy forty five, juicy j. I think he's like forty six years old, grown old man. Good. So your question is at what age are you like? Well, I'm gonna just let that go because I'm too old to fight. Right. We know they know when they throwing water, throwing water, you're you and your uncle are the first ones talking about fighting in a heartbeat. In a heartbeat, So Tommy, you and yours you're still trying to fight. Ye, I ain't trying to fight, but if it happens, I'm ready. I'm ready. Hold on, hold on. I know I'm older than you. You still you still would fight coming, You still would fight. Say, I'm not trying to but if we got to do it, I'm ready. I would take a number two pencil and stick it in your neck and snap it off. I will do that, I promise. I'm not trying to fight nobody. I want to explain stuff for fight break out. I'm in explaining mode. Okay, So Junior, would you fight or just walk away? Walk away? I'm gonna get your goal. I'm gonna get your three goal now. I'm gonna get you three ease. And then whatever happened after that, that's all I think. I mean, give three gone with that? Yeah, that's all I got. I'm not said I'm a fight, but if I get to that third when you steal at it, can we grab to fight? Men get three, you'll get three goal. That's all I know. All right, Well, thank you, Carlo with me, we'll be back with the fighter nephew. Tommy's prying phone call right now. I didn't say that. I just said, if it happened. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after it is today's Strawberry letter. The subject is it feels so right. But right now you'll get into that because right now it's time for the prying phone call with the nephew, which you got for us. Nat. You've been driving my car. You've been driving my car. That dog. Let's go, baby boy. I'm trying to rehas Curtis please. Yeah, this is Curtis. You the one worked at the hotel and you do ballet parking. Yeah, y'all work at Okay, let me tell you something. You're the one that park my seven fifty BMW. You just took the change out of my car, the loose change I had in there, and you also didn't put a hundred miles on there. And I know you the one day it because you're the one I tilt, I tipped you, you parked it. And then when I came back to you, the one brought my car back and I tipped you. I know you the one put them down miles on my call on man, hold on, wait, wait, hold on, hold on. Who is this? My name is Sason Man, Jason, Jason. How don't you get my number? I got you number from the hotel manager. I told him I needed to folk to Curtis, who do the ballet parking, and it gave me your number. You're the one put these miles, man, you put a hundred miles on there. I ain't lot ain't put up miles in your car. Man. That's all I do is just get the card and park them that ship. And I ain't. I ain't taking no change to nobody car. He's who the one took my change. I had. I had t d Jason there in the in the in the CD player. When I got in there, it was the biggest smiles or somebody in there. You were the one was in my car, man, Man, I don't even know how to worked that video. And there, man, look what I probably pluck your car because I parted a whole lot of cars. Just we you can call you. Maybe somebody else tryably took your car and droving around, but I don't know. We can manager work at the hotel and do valet parking. How many of my cards? I'm working in valet parking. But that's how I do. It is part of the cars. I don't tell nobody car and driving around the town. I'm still nothing from their car. I ain't no thieves. Man. Hey, man, let me tell you something. Man, I knew you the one to put these miles on. Here, you hear me, I know you was the one man put on Look. Look man, I'm on probation right now, right so, I mean, ain't got no time to be stood nothing out about nobody calls. I'm just I'm just part time job. Man, Just fucking call them trying to take care of me and my little girl. That's it. I'm telling you. If somebody did take your car and driving around and still something from your car, we can we can figure out. You know what I'm talking about. It if you just bring the car and you just coming. We can talk to the managers and figure it out. But I am Y'll promise you wasn't me. Man, Hey, MAMSI you should just still live. You know, we'll find out what happened with your car. You're the one did it, man, You're the one put the hundred miles on my car. You had the red best song, you had the name tag see Curtis. You pulled off it and you pulled back up, and you're the only one to me you missed one. Hey man, Hey, lawyas washed a little bit. Man, Hold on, I can't I can't hear you know who knows you can hear me? You're gonna hear me when I get in you So you're gonna hear me when I do that. Tell to me, I just said, you're gonna hear me when I get in, you know, because you put that hundred miles on it. I'm gonna come up to that, damn man. I tell hey, putting one hundred of miles in your car, right, I'm just hey, man, you know what I just scared. That's from your car aping the hundred of miles in your car? Right, I told you I'm on probation right now. That that's why I don't do. I go to work, I puck these cars and I'm come home and take care of me in my God, all right, ain't putting the hunch of miles on your car? May, I didn't take your car. That's what I did, was tom your car and parked it. Man, that shit, no that it was scared. What do you loose? Chan gotta now? And you're also put a hundred mile hun It was like a hundred four miles extra on that car when I got back in it. Let me tell you something, man, I'm gonna come up with where do you work again? When do you work? Tom? I'm work tomorrow late. What time do you get there? I'll get at six o'clock, okay, And I'm coming up there in five forty five. And guess what, mister Curtis, I'm gonna deal with your lila by myself. Man, come the floor up to that job. That job is bringing up to the job. What what kind of call you said you have to get? I said, I got a black seven fifty BMW. I'm coming up there when I get out of it. How are you ready here, Curtis? How you're ready already? Already. Now I'm gonna be ready to be ready. So I'm having a little verse off for you too. It's gonna say, Curtis, this bring your black up because of you sound like you're black. Yeah, I'm black, I'm black, my car black, and I'm gonna get it. You're black tomorrow. Tell you this stuff with me today and today. I'm telling you I shna pay just talking. I'm telling you just you want you off. I'm telling you it wasn't me, but I mean you want to take it down. Mate. I got one more thing I need to tell you. Curtise, you listen to me. What is you listening? Sure? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy TC, who do valet parking with you? What's what you say? Hey, Curtis, hard boy? Did you do? Did is it? Another guy worked there named TC to do valet parking? Yeah? Hey man, this Nephew Timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. He got me the prank phone call you. Oh man, I'm gonna get that. Oh lord, Jesus man. My heart was beat man, mar was beating so fascist. I thought I was about to go back down. Oh Lord, you knew you you was going back curling. Lord, I'm chilling, man. It was about to be over. It was about to be over. It was the first person I start, I got it was about to get it. I'm chilling, Curtains. You got to be strong, man, You're gonna be strong the show for show this strong man A little about to push your button to have you going. Man, just be strong. I'm gonna you know, I'm gonna keep it straight. Man. You know, all right, man, stay strong. You gotta take care this little girl. Boy. You can't go back and then all ridden, all right, I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, man, what is what is the badest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane? Man. That's Steve Harving Morning Show. Baby, come on give it to him. Don't wrong man, Okay, okay, Jay, if your own probation, aren't I the best person to test you to see if you are really really read it for society? Man, I'm the man for baby, I'm the man Foyd. That's what I do. Okay, Yes, thank you, okay, I got a few things for you. Tommy is in two different Christmas movies this season, all right, two different Christmas movies. The first one in Hip Hop Christmas, Hip Hop Christmas. You do not want to miss it, baby, that's on v H one Hip Hop Christmas. So y'all google me up and check it out and catch Tommy on Hip Hop Christmas. And then there's a Jenkins Family Christmas. A Jenkins Family Christmas, and the nephew was in that too. That was directed by McGill Robin Gibbons. A Jenkins Family Christmas. Okay, so I'm I'm all on your television this holiday season, and of course you know Friday night it gives ready who love? Okay? All right, I'm I'm your cupid, I'm your navigator. I will get you to love if you want it. What you gotta want it. You gotta be opening, you gotta be vulnerable. Okay, Jay, Jay, would you like me to help you find love? No, I'm good. I'm good love and his life. That's what it's missing on Jay show called we need a show called I'm Good. That's a show. I love it. I love it, Ja, Yeah, name of the show. We'll be right back with I'm Good right after these messages. I've been there, done that that's a good name. I love it. I love it though, I mean I'm good. So what does that lean explain? The conc means? I'm following this show. This show is so damn show it and we ain't got no commercial race nothing. Each week we bring on a guest, we ask you how you doing? Hey, Jay, what's up? Man? I'm good. We'll be back next week with another episode of I'm good. Did y'all see I'm good? Ask me good? It was good? Who it's good? I mean, he doesn't nothing walk around his house by himself. I'm really opening and closing credits alonger than the show. Yeah, you know it. You know al right, it directed, produce, it arranged all that. Don't be my name. I'm goode y'all Next week, All right, thank you guys. Coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject it feels so right. Wait till you hear this. You hear it Right after this. You're listening to show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, arranting, and more. Please baby, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click Submit Strawberry letter. You never know. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. You never know. This one could be yours could be. It could be, it could be. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, all right. Subject it feels so right, Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a fifty seven year old married woman and my husband is fifty nine, and we've been married for seven years. We have both been married before, and we both got divorced because we were cheating with each other. What my new husband doesn't know is that I am. I was cheating with him and one other man. I have a longtime boyfriend that is in prison, and I've been going to see him once a month for a very long time, and we have conjugal visits. It's the best three hours of my life whenever I see him. It's the best sex ever, and the way he holds me lets me know he loves me deeply. I'm there for him no matter what, and he knows it. My only problem is he will be getting out next March and he doesn't know I've gotten remarried. I plan to tell him when the time is right, but I'm not sure how he will act. I have been helping his mother save up money so he can get a place when he's released, but he thinks he's going to stay with me. I finally told his mother that I'm remarried and she's going to keep my secret, but she told me to figure something out because he can't stay with her at my age. I feel bad for cheating, but this feels so right. I know all of the guards, and they all know me. It's practically like being amongst family when I go visit my man. Is it time to tell my boyfriend that I have a husband? Should I tell my husband that I have a boyfriend? The sex is so good that all of my judgment is cloudy. I live for the weekend of every month, but I'm not sure if this man is going to be able to take my husband's place. If I choose him, do I risk it all for true love and great sex? I mean, really, this really has to be the dumbest letter. Okay, and we've come on. Now, you cheated on your ex husband with your current husband, and now you're cheating on your current husband with your boyfriend. Who's in prison and getting out next March. This is just so messy, messy, messy, okay, and you already know what you should do. You already know before you wrote the letter. You knew do I risk it all for true love and great sex. What I don't like is that you brought us into it. This is stupid. This is really really, really selfish on your part. And when you know your man is getting out soon. Do you know how many inmates listen to the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Do you have any idea? So if we tell you to stop messing with your man in prison and concentrate on your husband, you know he's gonna hear that. Come on now, he's not gonna be happy with that. He's not gonna forget it. There's no telling where that could go. You are a cheater, that is what you do. But this time it's about to catch up with you. All of this ish is going to hit the fan the moment you tell him you're married, and your husband won't be thrilled when he finds out you have a man in prison that you've been seeing for years either. I mean, come on now, this could go very very badly on So many levels. Then you have no one but yourself to blame. What did he do to go to prison? Anyway? You never you didn't even put that in. Yeah, because you're all His own mother says he can't stay with her when he gets out. So what is going on here? And don't drag us into this? Okay, this is not a game. And whatever we tell you, you're gonna do whatever you want to do anyway, So what do you really want from us when you already know it to do? Anyway? Jay, I'm absolutely glad that you drug us into this. I'm really I'm thrilled that you that you wrote us because you need advice and this. I normally don't help people because I'm not in the helping business, but I can easily help you with this one. I can easily hits a situation. Your boyfriend that you're seeing in prison might be getting out soon, and you're married, You've been married for quite some time. What you want to know is what to do. What you need to do is find some way to keep his ass locked up. I say, the next time you go there, and next time you go there, you take something that you know he's not supposed to have, and plant it in his room right up to sex, because he don't even know after sex, he don't know what's going on. He's just out, and you could plant it. You could plant it all around room and make sure you plant a lot of it, whatever it is, and to be NAS magazine, the magazine. He ain't supposed to have put all that in the room. And then he gonna and then when you leave, you gonna. I don't know, but I think he you gotta say it like that. I don't know, but I think he has some stuff in his room. He's not supposed to have him but you and then you gotta close by. But you didn't hear from me. As soon as you leave, you gotta you gotta go. You gotta leave out with that, and that way he'll get more time. And once he gets more time, he's gonna want to still see you. You'll be able to keep because this is all about you. How can you keep what it is you still have? Damn him getting out. His mama don't want him out, so he probably shouldn't be out anyway. If his mama don't want him out, you know, I'm just I don't know what he did, but I'm thinking if your mama's not glad to see you get out, you you probably should still be in there. And that's how I said, you can solve that problem, find a way to keep his behind still in jail, and added more time as long as possible, so you can have the things in life you want, because it's about your happening. That's what this is about. All right. We're gonna get to uh, Tommy and Junior when we come back. I love it. We'll have part two of the response to the strawberry. I thought my part was good enough. She already knows the answer. Anyway. We'll be back in twenty three minutes after the hour. Twenty three minutes after the hours. Today's Strawberry letters subject is it feels so right. And she's talking about the sex from her boyfriend that's in prison. She says it's unbelievable, and she's she's fifty seven. All right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to morning show. All right, it's time to recap today's strawberry letter. Um. Wow, the subject it feels so right, a fifty seven year old married woman wrote in her husband's fifth nine. Both of them are divorced. There together now they were cheating with each other, got divorced from their spouses, now there together. But what her current fifty nine year old husband does not know is that she is also cheating with another man. This is her boyfriend that's in prison. She's been cheating with him for many, many years, and she just loves him. They have conjugal visits. It's the best three hours of her life, she says. When she sees them, she knows the way he holds her that he loves her deeply. She's always there for him no matter what. She and her inmate boyfriend's mom have been saving up money so he can get his own place when he gets out, because his mom doesn't want him to stay with her and his girlfriend. He can't stay there because she's married and her husband doesn't know. So she finally broke down and told her boyfriend's mom that she's remarried, and the mom promised that she'll keep the secret. But she's got to figure something out before he gets out because he's getting out in March, so she wants to know should she tell her husband that she has a boyfriend, or should she tell her boyfriend that she has a husband and In the meantime, she's still like loving him because every month she goes for the best three hours of her life as far as the sex goes. So she wants to know does she risk it all for true love and great sex? All right? So now Tommy, you're up what you got. We do not want to lose this great sex. I say, just keep doing it. Keep doing what you are doing. You have about three and a half months to get all you can get out of this, So do it to the fullest for the next three and a half months. And right before he get out, boom out of town. Lead a husband, and lead a penitential. Do name killer, because I know a name killer. It's got to be killer, lead killer, and lead a guy you married to. And let me let me give you a little, little little note. Everybody in prison hold you like that. Okay, they all hold you height like that. They're gonna all make you feel that. Okay, everybody in jail whole you differently. Promise you that, But get all of it out your system for the next three and a half months. Just get as much as you can get on a plane. Thought a new life, thought over, lead a husband, lead killer, anything I mean you know he was guilty too. That's how they got to this. Yeah, that's how they became man. So it ain't like he just clean clean. Oh yeah, we just gotta leave it all. We gotta wash our hands and move on to another city and find you another two people. You know. But the next time you find somebody, find somebody that's in jail a lot longer. You want somebody that ten year, ten years, you know what I mean if you because your jail thing is working. So you know what I'm saying. You gotta find somebody that's got a lot of time or even life. You know. Found somebody's got light and you can go in there and business. Yeah, somebody that's never gonna get out. You get your love with w and you go back to your man. You just found some You got somebody that's getting out, get it getting out, so you know you gotta fix it all right? Well, thank you, Moving on to junior Junior with you guys, I'm concerned it seem about the sex. This is about March. March is coming. I know when's coming, but March is coming. I'm telling you right now, that hand on the glass. Love must be strong. I don't know what it is with you women. When y'all put y'all hand on that glass, y'all faults in love that can hand on the glass. Love is strong. Whether we tell him or not depends on what the charges is. Because if it's all robbery, we don't need to say nothing. We need to be trying to figure out how to move. But if it's tax evasion, tell him everything. He not violent, see tax evasion, he's hell. He don't even ask about your husband if it's tax evasion. But if it's all rocker, activators are soft murder, tempted murder. Any didn't charging, you need to shut up. You didn't tell him nothing, because when march get here, you see I'm married. This has gonna sound I'm married. It better be married to medicine. That's what you better be. I'm married. You've been married with children, That's what I'll show. I watched like you can't go out here and tell his man who's been locked up all the time. Can you be playing with his emotions going out and having sex that you married. No, no, no, not bang bang, not bang bang. You can't tell him no, no no. If he got a punting scheme or something like that you can tell him you married. He don't care. He's nice guy. He's a nice guy. Yeah, he's a nice guy. He don't even ask about your Heather. So how's Roger doing? You know he'll ask about him. But if he if he did anything, if he been if he just he had a knife, he was brandishing the weapon, he got tired, anything like that, You need to shut up later, don't say nothing. Just be married. And you know the other problem you got. You've been writing him from the address you're staying that you ain't think about that. He knew when you live. He know when you live. He got all the loads. So you got a job. You can't focus on him all time because you gotta go to work. He got nothing to do but think about you. That's all he got. No need to shut up and figure out what the charges is he got. That's determined whether you're gonna tell him or not. That's all. I got A different idea, different idea. Maybe she should get locked up and let him visit hub when she get out, you know when he got Yeah, when he get out, you're safe. Yeah, you're safe. Yeah, to be safe, yea have but one visit at the time. Anyway. So when he got March day, your way as stakes to a car and break a wind him. That's all I have to take. He needed just l some time, right, he needs to be lost. This ain't gonna end badly, it really is. This is not going to end well. No, no, not at all. No, you got till March out. That's gonna be a problem when her man in prison finds out. That's gonna be a problem. I'm married, Yeah, I'm married. You better been listening to a case on Yeah, Yeah, she's bank bang going back to jam all right, hit us up on Instagram and Steve Harvey f them with your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. Thank you, fellas, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up next to this, Junior, with Sports Talk right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior, it is time for Sports Talk. What you got? All right? Before Sports Talk, Shirley, let me let you everybody know that the Steve Harvey Morning Show in Walmart Family Mobile want to help you pay your holiday bills this year in a for a chance to win a high end smartphone six months of Walmart Family mobile service plus two thousand and five hundred dollars cash just in time for the holidays. Enter and get rules at Steve Harvey FM dot com. All thanks to Walmart Family Mobile. Get a Walmart Family Mobile unlimited plan starting at less than twenty five dollars a month. Get all the info at Steve Harvey FM dot com. Yeah, all right, let's go ahead and get this out to the way on. Don't rush it, don't run. Yeah, let's go now. I don't want to do this today, but from Harday in Jackson, Mississippi, w k XI one on seven point five, we want to congratulate who the Jackson State University Tigers on winning the ship on Saturday, the Jays Shoe Tigers. And no, no, no, I'm not putting them love on this because I watched the game. I saw us. I know we were gonna win this game. And special shout out to coach Prime Man Dean Standers. He is the h he won the Swack Coach of the Year. So congratulations Prime. But I'm gonna tell you right no, yeah, we was cheated. I know that much. Callers were cheated, but I know we don't. Can we pray of you anyway, we okay, we lost the game. I want you I got that. But I know, yeah, we all were at battle band. We ain't worry about that. But you know they played Mississippi Monica. Be they played in Jackson. Anyway, they played the game in Jackson. But let me just tell you that I know people who ain't in school playing football. When I see him, I know that. I know. I know that's Terry down at the mechanics shop. I know I know a thirty year old man on the football field when I see one, because Junior, I don't know. I know you ain't got the board down there at at the grocery show that was fast get the cars for the hit cars. I know I know fast people. Therefore, I saw him when I was down in Jackson. See they had some legal players on team. That's why they won. That is not no come on now you know that. Come on, you know that's that board down there at the church that that that ain't had enough to do. You know he was on Jackson State team. I saw all that legal player. But we let y'all have that. But you know, when they do the investigation, it's all gonna come out. I saw all I know. And when you gonna say, Junior said it. I told y'all, I know anybody over there on a cell phone and pass don't need to be out on the field. I saw because he got a whole family at home, this man and I don't know Priyan playing players. I'm just I'm not hunt. And they had one man out there with all three of his kids on the sideline. He was playing. He about dad to be right back when I saw this. That's why. That's why, so pray we know you cheating. That's it. That's it. Shot out the coach prime. All right, thank you, Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour, Comedy Roulette with Jay Anthony Brown. Right after this, you're listening to the String show. All right, guys, it is time for comedy Roulette. All right, Jay, take the subject. You put them on a wheel, spun the wheel where it stopped. We'll make it funny because that's what we do, all right. And here are the subject. Things you say to your co workers that didn't go on your fancy trip to Dubai. Sounds like hate to be right there. They wrote that. All right, nice compliments you have to give when food tastes terrible, and then the last one. Things you say to make your co workers stop talking about their fancy trip to Dubai. All right, that's it, let's go. It's spun the wheels. Funny hater on it stopped on. Nice nice compliments you have to give when food tastes terrible. Let's go, here we go. Nice compliments you have to give when the food taste terrible. Girl, you put your foot in these greens. Literally literally your foot it definitely in eas green. Nice things you say when the food is terrible. You know, I could I see what you was trying to do. I can see where you was going. Just quite you meant, well, yeah, all right, junior. Things you say to make you all right, junior. Nice compliments you have to give when food taste terrible. I'm gonna tell you what right now. I can't wait to get to a phone and tell somebody about this. I can't wait talk about you have to give when food taste terrible. Guess what, It's Thursday and I'm still chewing that turkey. Unbelievable, it is unbelievable. Nice nice compliments you have to give when food tastes terrible. Oh, I hope it is this good on the way out? I don't know where that came from. I don't know where from the mind crazy. All right, come on, junior, Nice compliments you have to give when food taste terrible. Let me let me tell you something. Beyonest with you. I know people have dad behind this dress. Ain't no where I live. I know I did. Nice compliments you have to give when food taste terrible. Uh, this made you want to slap everybody in the damn house, not just your grandmama. I'm talking about it. Nice compliments you have to give when the food tastes terrible? Is it? Um? Maybe it's me? Is it? Is it? It tastes cho It's got a little chip in this type of Come on, junior, Nice compliments you have to give when the food tastes terrible. Girl. Let me tell you about this food so different I can't hold it down. Different thing. Nice compliments you have to give when the food tastes terrible. I think I think you used way too much mustard. I'm not sure, but I think you used just a little bit too much mustard. All right, nice compliments you have to give when the food tastes terrible. You know what if you take just take the potatoes out of that, and I think you got something out of it. Yeah, I think you got something that all right? Someone nice compliments you have to give when the food taste. I'm gonna tell you what I'm sitting here thinking about it. There's a brand new take on chicken. I ain't never had chicken to point. Oh, I'm talking about this. A whole new take on chicken chicken. Look at it. I can set the race with a straw. That's amazing, is all right? Thank you guys. That is comedy Roulette. Coming up. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, police in Houston are investigating a bizarre discovery of money that was found inside a bathroom wall at Joel Olstein's Lakewood Church slumber. Yes you heard me, Pastor Joel Olstein's church in Houston. A plumber hired to was hired to fix a toilet discovered hundreds of envelopes containing about six hundred thousand dollars in cash and checks that were shoved inside the bathroom wall. He turned the money over to the maintenance manager at the Megas Yeah, who then called the police. Investigators have no idea who placed some money there or where it came from, but they were reminded of a big news story in twenty fourteen about a large sum of money being stolen from a safe at the church. It's not clear if they're related, but investigators suspect that the thieves attempted to hide the money and then come back to get it later. I got the plumber for going in saying something, Why you didn't put this in your little tool kid? And can't your ass on out of it? Oh? He didn't turn all that money in, Timmy, There's no plumber in the world that would turn in all of that money. Not what what plumbers charge? No waiting, I'm telling you, Jay, I think he did. He wants a reward. Take your well, take your reward, your reward. Listen, you know what, you know what? This explains why Yolo didn't want to didn't want to open him doors doing the flood. He knew that money, knew that was coming. This is my Bible. I am what it says. I am. I can do what I'm saying. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll do round of would you rather? Right after this you're listening show? All right, it's time for a round of would you rather? Would you rather go on a hot air balloon ride? Or would you rather zip line over a pit of alligators? Oh my god, I can't you know what? I got to take my chance with them alligators. I can't stand that hot air balloon. I'm scattered that hot. I'm scattered that and we haven't want to do I got the zip line in the back yard. I rather zip line as long as the zip don't stop now, don't stop on top of the alligators or the line breaks or something. Yeah, right, okay, Jay, come on, Yeah, I would I do hot air? I do the hot air, You do thet I've been married a couple of times. I'm used to hot, so I do. It's been more than a couple, we know, Junior. I'm with Jay. We're doing hot the air balloon with me and Jay being hot the air balloon. That's what we're gonna be. Yeah, y'all too both, y'all too damn sick to be up there in that blow. We'll be alive. We'll be alive. It's hot, Junior won't have a crisis because, yeah, all right, here's one. Would you rather eat pickled pigs feet or as cargo? Simple? Say that again? Now I didn't hear what you said, should Would you rather eat pickled pigs feet? Or would you rather eat snails? That's cargo? H oh yea, I'm gonna pull that heal off that pig. I'm gonna eat that foot. Yeah, yeah, you gotta pull that healf. But you know I'm gonna get on that and I'm going with that pig. Consider it was in jos in the in the bar when you go to the bars and stores and you have it on the counter, Yeah, get you some crackers and collar that, you know what I mean? Yes, yes, yeah, yes, surely considered it was in my baby bottle. I'm going with the pig feet. I've already had bot. You know when you was a baby, you know they put anything in your baby, wouldn't just milk? We have all we had milk Bot, I've already done that big juice in the baby bot. I've already had that with the vineg with the vinegar everything. Yeah, yeah, Would you rather go on a date with Erica Badu or Rihanna. Oh, I'm about it, I'm about yes, Yes, everybody smoked. She smoked, She talked crazy. That's my date as she walked down the street. What I love. Here's the last one, last one, guys. Would you rather give your spouse a haul pass or give you your spouse your cell phone and the pass code? What you want to do? I see for your spouse to be someone else tomorrow. Oh hell yeah, you look at the phone. You guys are crazy. Coming up next. It is the last break of the day, and we'll close out the show at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening stry Morning show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day. It's been a good day, good Monday. Yeah, really good day. Back in the swing of thing. Only heard due by fifty five times. That's all. With the hate on Dubai because you hate man. No, I would have loved it. I heard it a lot. I heard it. But you would have loved it, Joe. You should have. You should have went on. You would have loved it. You really would have. He wrote it in it in Yeah it really was. Yeah, why didn't you Why didn't you go with us? Why didn't that go? Yeah? Oh, because I just moved into my house and I'm, you know, trying to get it out, straighten out, and that was taking up a lot of time. I got the kids coming in a couple of days, and on the head, somebody coming to your house. My kids don't know whoa, whoa whoa. Don't put that out there time. Hey, people think I heard something. Oh hell, no, nobody coming. My kids are coming, not people. There'll be no party or nothing like that. Kids are your kids don't live there, So that's cross company. That means they'll be leaving. They'll stay for a while and then they'll leave, which is crazy. I can work with that. How long? How long? How long will they be there? And finished? As soon as they're coming from Atlanta in La So as soon as we finished eating, I think everybody should be leaving. I'm thinking at school as I finished, do they deserve take a water, Let your food digest. We don't want to put them right back on the road. That's just right. Okay, say you're eating, right, you finish eating? Chit chat, chit chat, chit chat. I'm saying I don't want to have hops we should be saying how goodbyes? I don't don't. Yeah, when the older guy, when an older guy looks up and say, right, let me ask you this, Jay, Do your kids know how you are? So? Do they know to eat fast and her? Yeah? They know, they know not they know. Yeah, I'm not. I'm not a babyshit granddaddy. I'm not. I was in the neighborhood granddaddy. I was not. I'm on my way over the granddaddy. I'm not um over that type. I'm not that granddaddy. I'm not. I'm not to my grandkids for my kids. If your grandchildren want to spend the night with you with their papers, oh no, colins. Don't even put that out there, like nobody's spending the night because grandkids touch things, and you know, they touch things or get they break and they break things that m mmmm, you can't stay that long. And the thing about me is long. If you know that before you show up and everybody's cool, and then you're not surprised, you know, I never Yeah, you have you have before? Yeah? I never do. The babies know it that they can't spend the night at papa's house. They can't and no they can't. Nobody spend the night. They don't. We're spending night. When we spending night, there's no place for you to see. Yeah, how many bathrooms do you have? Jay? Three have three bedrooms? So what are you saying there's no place for them to stay? There's two extras. Well, those are rooms that that we don't allow people to sleep in that whoa, whoa colin. I'm kind of get this whole thing out of whack now. Just because you see a damn room that means you can just sleeping there. Hell, no, you ain't sleeping there. That's not a sleeping room. What what about the couch? Can somebody sleep on the couch? It's couches for sitting. It's not a layout couch. And no, it don't turn into nothing else. It is a couch sleep. Don't you pull nothing? And it's a bit Why would I have that for me? I don't understand, y'all. I really don't. Oh my god, over your house. Well, we gotta eat fast if we go over there, we might as well. We might as well start eating before we get there. Yeah, that would work, That would work if you get Yeah, are you at least a good host. Do you know they need Do they need water you get no? No? If they want seconds, do you get it for them? Jake, he keeping out junior. It is extremely hot. I love people. Can't stay with the tirable you make. You know what that that brings me to this Jackie has outside of the house freezing cold. It is it, I swear fifty some degrees and it's them dog gonna hot flashes, man fifty So I not realize how married couples don't stay in the same room. I am actually moving to the guest room. I'm moping. I'm going on the side house. My husband goes to the same thing. By Oh my god, the hot flashes are beasts many. Yeah you've never had I haven't experienced hot flashes you know when I was married. Yeah, that is nothing to play with. It's a whole different attitude. Oh my god, you know you don't know how to deal with it now. They don't teach you about this. No, no, no, no, minister says anything about this. When you get married. Hot flashes should be in the vials somewhere. Hot flashes should be in the vials in the wedding vale. They should be in there. He never you know what's worse than you know, you know, it's worse than hot flashes. It's arguing with someone who is in extreme heat and they they know that it's hot, but you can't say nothing about it because no, yeah YouTube never had a kid, I know. So back to Dubai Jay, Yes see that we gonna get. I can't wait to go back. Was it nice? Was it really nice? It was really nice. Oh my god, it looks so futuristic, Jay, It's worth it. Yeah, the architecture worth it. So goodbye to tomorrow. Thank you, thank you. Contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.