Good morning and welcome to the ride! There are new regulations in Steve's house. Trump extends the social distancing to April 30, 2020. The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem raised $15,000 and the church might shut down. Rihanna has raised $5 million for COVID-19 relief. Fool #2 has the best 800 numbers for your relief. The CLO has answers for those in Indiana and Florida. In sports news, the owner of The Knicks may not be let back into MSG. Tamar Braxton has a PSA just for us in quarantine. iHeart drove dollars to two charities with it's largest couch party in history. Today in Closing Remarks, we pay tribute to "The Dean of the Civil Rights Movement" Rev. Joseph Lowery and Steve reminds us that God is STILL in charge, plus more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all at all? Suit giving them like the milking bu bus things and y'all good Steve, listen to moviegether for Stuy, don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn you. You gotta turn the turnout turn. You got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come, come on your back, h I sure will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Hell Man back in business too, Man Man, how good is God? I mean, really, if you think about it in spite of all that's going down in your life, First of all, it could be worse. But secondly, sometimes you have to remember. And I've just had to have this conversation with myself this morning. That's how I'm fresh on this one right here. When a challenge faces you, are you going through a difficult moment, or you didn't hit a bump in the road in the middle of that, If you could manage to be grateful, it would take you a long way. Gratitude is a powerful resource. If you can be grateful in the middle of it. Gratitude is a powerful resource when it's dim. For you, didn't got a little bumpy on the road, and he ran into some obstacles, and you didn't ran up into some detooled signs and your journey ain't smooth as it was last week or last year. You gotta be grateful for the things that are going right and that have gone right, and for the thing that's wrong right now to get right? Man? Can I share that with you? Man? Is that a tough one to learn? It is? For me, It has been one of my toughest challenges is to learn how to be grateful because it's a powerful resource, but how to be grateful in moments of despair when it ain't going right. See here's a mistake I would make. See when something go wrong, I want to focus on the wrong so much in an attempt to fix it. But even then, the focus ain't always in to fix it. The focus becomes, Man, this is bad, man, I can't believe this is happening. Why just keep going down? That doesn't fix anything, you know, mealing over it, going over what's wrong, explaining it, sharing it with your friends, you know, making it sound worse than it is, tell the story for pity from other people. All of that right there, has nothing to do with the fix. Sometimes you're just mulling over it. You're just making it worse. You're just making it a bigger problem. You're manifesting it into your atmosphere, You're putting it out there in your spirit. Now, all of a sudden, it consumes your day. Next thing, you know, you're having a bad day. If you're having a bad day, it's because you've been having some bad thoughts. So what I've had to learn how to do, and what I'm working on this morning, is I'm working on this situation that's been cropped up. I was going kind of smooth here for a minute, and now I didn't got real bumpy in the road, you know, and all this here. So what I'm thinking about now, though, is even though I've hit a bump in the road, and even though i'd and ran into a detour, and even though I've hit this love, I'm going down into a valley, I ain't up on the peak. Can I not still be grateful for all the things that God has given me, for all the things He's done for me, for all the things he's brought me through, and realizing that even this that's happening to me again is going to pass too. He gonna get me through that attitude. Come home, man. God is a good god man. It's a lot to be grateful for. So while I'm tripping on this bumping the road out and here, what I gotta remember is all the things He's done for me. And like I say, my saying is joined depression cannot reside in the same place. So instead of being down about this new bumping the road, if I'm constantly filling my mind with the thoughts of how good he's been to me, of what all he's done for me, of all the things he's brought me through, of all the blessings he's presented me with, when I go down that I really don't have a lot of time to mull over the situation. Now. Do I have to fix this bump in the road. Of course I do. Are There's some things I'm going to have to do the straighten it out, of course it is. But Steve just going to get the business of doing it and straighten it out. What you mulling over and wearing about it for you know, old people I heard old people say something I was growing up in the church. They say, if you're gonna pray about it, don't worry about it. But if you're gonna worry about it, don't pray about it. That's an amazing thing. And prayer just happens to be my weapon of choice. Now, it ain't always been that way. I want you to understand that my first weapon of choice was you do it to me, I do it to you. You call me out, I call you out, you say something bad about me. I've tried to find you and say something bad about you. That was my weapon in the past. How did that work out for you, Steve? Not so good? Because you know what, I spent a lot of time fighting back, kicking back, swinging back, when I could have spent all that time climbing. See, all you're trying to do at the end of the day, folks, is have a better life than the one you got. All you're trying to do is to improve your position in life. You know, it's not my business to make sure you don't get where you're going. Ain't got no time for that. It's not my job to assure that you ain't as high as me. I ain't got no time for that. Your real mission and purpose is to have the best life that you can have, to ascend to the highest plateau that you can get to, to make your family as comfortable as you can, to provide as much as you can for your family. But legally, see, those of us are sitting up here trying to come up with sideways. You can ask a couple million men sitting in prison today how they wish they hadn't have done that, and they'll tell you, Oh, man, I wish I never had did it. I knew not to go down there. Something told me not to go down there. Man. If I could change things, I would. But they're sitting somewhere doing some time that had they made another decision they wouldn't have to do. Now. That don't make them throw away people, na, man, because everybody makes mistakes, and God is in the forgiving business, and some of us have done some things that really broke the law and a whole lot of other things and deserve to do some time. But through the grace of God, we didn't. But now we set up here and we passed judgment on people who got to do something. Man, I don't care I don't care what you've done. God can't forgive anything, but our position, our motivation in life is to try to have the best life we can have and provide for those around us and make it comfortable. If that's your ambition, you don't have time to worry about or concern yourself with another person. And I wasted time doing that, And that's not the way to get it done. It's simply mine to your business taking care of you and getting yourself right and tight. It's twenty four of it, so that's a full time job. So what I had to learn was and what I've the reason I've chosen prayer as as my weapon of choice now is that now prayer helps me that I don't have to fight back. Now, if I get cornered, I'm gonna fight you. I ain't even gonna lie to you. And now I'm still working on some things that trigger me. You know, you know, you know, and and and and so I'm I'm slowly getting better at that. But I've learned that my weapon of choice is prayer now. So when it happens ugly for me, I pray about it. When it gets tight and dismal for me, I pray about it. And the thing about prayer man is prayer changes things. Yes, it does. Now read about it and try it. That's the deal. Okay, come on, prayers of wonderful weapons. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. Let's have it. You know what I look for every day, you undivided attention. This is Monday morning. We're all blessed to be here. Everybody's safe and healthy, I hope so. I hope everybody's following what the officials are asking us to do. Social distancing. Wash your hands while hand washing has upped it at the Harvey House because the President for Center Disease Control of Mardred has ordered some damn surgical soap from online, and now we gotta wash our hands up to our damn elbow like we've fit to do brain surgery or something in here soap. I was outside with the dog today and we just set outside so we wouldn't have to go in there and wash nothing. So just wanted to throw that out. We are surviving, doing quite well though. Found a lot of positive things to do while I'm off, and hope you do the same. It is what it is is, and let's get it on Shirley Strawberry. Hey, good morning, Happy Monday to you, Steve. Happy Monday. It is baby calling for real. Yeah, it is good Monday morning to you, Steve and the crew, the two thousand, nine hundred and ninety seventh Wonder Other World. That damn junior ball kill straights morning everybody. I'm so glad to say something. Yeah. Yeah, because you don't. You don't live with nobody, So your quarantine real quiet and you and the next one two Jay Anthony Brown, I'm fine. I love it. I absolutely love it. Can I make a little announcement shout out to all my medicinal smokers out there, pace yourself. Okay, we don't know how long this is gonna last. Gonna run out, He's gonna run out. You ain't top of the morning. I just it's Monday, baby, Let's get it. Let's get it. Man. I'm still yeah, next to the last day of the month. Man, this I was. I was struggling at first the first few days. But I'm good man. Man mcgull found some stuff to do together. You know, movie night is every night, isn't it, And so you know we kind of know where to go. We're both eating better so you know, we decided to go on live it out man. So we're good man over here. One question, Steve, question, what would you do if the TV go out? Hold up? Hold on, hold on, hold on. She was in the other room today and she called me. She says, Steve, I can't get the TV on. I damn, damn cuss what you mean? I'm sorry, she says, wasn't did you just go No? I was? I was saying, what could be wrong with it? This TV go out? Would you do? Man? Man? I promise you we out of stuff to talk about. We are out no more Tiger king for you. We ain't got no all of it, got no more. All right, Well, coming up of thirty two minutes after the hour, Uh, Steve, the President has flipped the script, and we'll also talk about well you're kind of bringing up right now quarantine quarrels right after this. You're listening to show. Well, yesterday President Trump changed his mind. He flipped the script by announcing that he would be extending social distancing guidelines until April thirtieth. Firstly, yeah, previously, he had said he wanted wanted to get the country open back up and working by Easter Sunday. That's not gonna happen, now, Yeah, that's not gonna The virus flipped the script. He ain't flipped with Damn that virus. The virus flipped the screen. Yeah. So it's gonna be a while, uh, you know before we can, uh the country can get back to work and open up again. Yeah. It's very serious, not that. Not that people who got the easter stuff laid out already already put it back up. Put it back man, man, what they gonna do? What they gonna do. That's churches. They actually went to churchill today. Yeah in Florida. Yah, yeah, in Florida, man, and I talk bad about the pastor doing that. Let's sake, hey man, there's a video out down in Broward, Florida, Broward County County. H what these kids had blocked off the freeway because there has a curve you down there, I said, video. They did this video telling Mark, Yeah, this is how we do it. What a curfew at what I mean? They blocked it entire field. It was, you know, about a hundred cars I could see. I guess in this video. I guess not that many. But it's just and the police were trying to get over there, but they had blocked it where the police couldn't even get over there. Yeah, this is how we do it down here in Brow County. Hey man, listen, this thing is really serious. Serious. This ain't no time that you can't throw no damn block party. And then all the you know, man, they was running between cars and everything, talking to each other. Y'all. This this is real, man, this is really real. I thought that was a real display. And the other display I saw, did you see the neked girl on top of the bull and in the Financial District in New York? That it's just the bull aber one white girl naked on the bull in asking that yo, can you I don't know if it's a merl nnch bull. It's just a bull down in the Financial Districe. All you gotta do is all you gotta do is google and go nkenke girl in New York. And it was just like in protests of the coronavirus, talking about she ain't scared of no coronavirus. And there's nobody out there except the girl taking her picture. But then a New York Post photographer shows up and takes the picture and she jumps off with her girlfriend and runs down. Oh that's OK. People think that they are invincible, that they can't catch it, that you know, for some reason. But that's not true. Anyone can catch this. They're having Younger people are dying, you know, older people of course because of their comp mind's immune systems. But this is so very serious, you know, you guys, please everybody Black people. Yeah, And I read a crazy story about this twenty one year old kid in New York. His father had told him not to go to spring break. He would the spring break in Texas at a beach anyway, So when he came home, his father wouldn't let him in the house. His father said no. So when he came home, his car was loaded with groceries. The son left his car at the house. His father went out that loaded his car with groceries, and when he came home, he said, no, that I go your groceries. Man. So he had to go to his dorm apartment. He was home for break. I thought he was gonna be home and his father said no, And he said his grandparents lived here with us, and I can't run the risk. I don't know what he's done, and I've told him, you can't bring that back and exposed. You know my mother and father today. Man, he didn't let his son in the house. I ain't mad at that. Yeah, acting responsibly. I mean take your twenty one year old ass. Not just like that. But when Win came from Dubai and the Uber bought him to the house, Marger didn't let his ass in the How that's crazy? Your ass over to this other house? We got he had to go over there. Then we found the doctor that went over there and tested him. Then we waited on test results and found out he was negative. And now his ass ain't been over here. I didn't know y'all had a halfway house. Let's go back to that when y'all get now, we don't have a halfway house. We just have another house. Let me get this. Most people have a spare room. You just have a spare ass house. He must be nice. Why the Corona story. He has to fall back seat to the NIPI we breaking out your richness. It's your richness, man, that's your u a house. You know it's break coming bad rooms? Is that one? Yeah? I'm now he quiet. Now that means it's nice. Yeah, that means it's nice. And when we go to break, we're gonna be all kind of initials, trust me, Yeah for sure. Yeah, Hey, so when is the break? Because the other house gated gate bless man. We'll be right back to rich people slip ups right after these messages. Tell you about a minute or so. Yeah, anybody get into any quarantine fights or anything by myself? Yea, by yourself. Who was talking to myself and answering me? Somebody will come and get me? I man, yeah, man, I'm coming over this weekend. Down Just open again. And when you understand how important talking is, until you can't talk and let me explain something. When you come, I'll be out back. I try not to go, not even I'm out back man now, amen, Amen, Me and my wife we out back. We started five. I'm here y'all on this little honeymoon. I'm glad to hear that it's breaking out over there. All right, Um, well, guys, we're gonna move on because coming up next it's Monday, so you know what that means. Church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon death Jam. Right after this, you're listening Steve Good Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here standing by UH with today's national news, of course, plus an entertainment news. Joanna Man remember him well, jam Juanna Man was arrested for stealing groceries. We'll tell you about it. Yeah, we'll talk. Yeah, yeah, first so it's Monday. Yeah, time to laugh a little bit. And we needed right now, Reverend Motown, Deacon death Jam in the building with church complaints. What is going on? Yeah, we we'll heal. We are doing UH complaints virtual Today's right, we're doing virtual complaints called the jack Pot Joint of Jerusalem had been quite self self quarted, that's right, and we've self quanted everybody out. So the complaints is going virus today. So come on, deacon, all right, past, I see yesterday we did the online streaming. We raised fifteen thousand dollars in ties. A lot of the members now want to get rid of the church. Your thoughts past, that'll be fine with me. Where is the fifteen thousand, It's in our account, it's our cash, apple. Let it bring it to my possession so we can close the church. I can't bring it to you because I can't get next to you right now. It's all right, I'll go down then, now that I know it's down there, I'll go down or matter of fact, soon as the Reggio show is old. All right, all right, you're gonna get to the money passing. Well, we can close it if you want to. Yeah, now you tell them that I will not go ahead, all right, listen past that the women's auxiliary has gone. H They was gonna make mask out of old brash. Sister Ernstein has the only she's the only one with old bras and hers is a double jay. So instead of looking like face man, it's gonna look more like ski mask. So the people I can saying about being arrested with these kinds of masks, and it's your call. She doesn't understand that or mask must be tightly fitting around the facial area. She know good in hell, Well the Jays don't fit tight nowhere, or grown ass man could put his entire knee in that cup. And so we want to thank her for trying to make a contribution to the lack of mask, but hers will not or sufficiently. Stuff will be getting all in the sides. Yeah, that's strung fans, that's true. I don't want to hear the feeling. But I tell again that's what you want me, She'll be all right. The only one can wear this. Or Raymond Chestnut's big head, water boy, you could do that thing and have an extra time all right past the eye. Now, this one is very serious, and this one is that these people are going through the side piece ministry is going completely crazy past. No one has visited them in three weeks. They are asking the church to send their loved ones with mask and gloves on. Is it possible that's not gonna work out? Or do to it? You would have to notify the wives who are unaware of this ministry. Have they thought this request out? I don't think something, but they've gotten lonely past. It is what it is. Number twos or can't be one. You can't be a two any one. If you're too then you not do one. You don't graduate. You told this before. Twos never get promoted to Uno, I beg she listened to this right here. Every time the tour is nixt wash this here one two undood, Uno deuce All the tour is always nixt dude. You're gonna have to talk to Barbara Dixon Path. She's been homeschooling her kids. One is eleven. In the other one it's thirteen. He claimed that they are ready to graduate this coming said from high school. I don't know what. I don't know what she talking about. This homeschool that is wearing members about this. People let their kids out of school, the boys and left me not ready to graduate from no school. I saw the boys Easter speech last year. I can tell you right now he's not ready for graduation of any times is not spelled with a Z on it? What z hold is her children? Again? Eleven and thirteen in the in the poland the thirteen year in Lord him laship he in the choir. Lord. Yeah, so we need to work on that, pastor. All right, here we go. Our brother Lankster Maids was arrested for hiding in Walmart. He decided to come up the surface at three o'clock in the morning. The security guard caught him on twelve stilling bounding paper time. He told them, and he was getting this for the church. Oh well, U he was. You send him in there to Stills. I didn't send him to that Walmart. I had told him go to Kroger. But this so he took this is a this is a plan and mistake is what he Croger, but he didn't want to drive past the Walmart. Now he is an ass in jail. What you want me to do because my cousin is the manager the Kroger. We had said it all up because he didn't want to drive path Walmart because he said it was he it was save on gas. And now now your cheap ass in jail. Yeah, get him out. Well we could now don't leave him in that path. He you know, we don't want now you know, jails ain't practiced since social distancing, So we got to leave him in here because now he ain't in jail. This I'm calling this quarantine. Yeah, share what they is. Yeah, remind me not to remind me not to steal another, which you I see how you well, Deacon, I'm talling right now. I don't steal when you say that, so he could go and do it. I set up a lot of things. Let me look here, sir, we gotta member. You need to talk to this. Listen. Sister Gretchen Brooks was on the video conference call Pastor. She has not shaved since being locked down. The members want you to talk to hercause she looking more like brother Brooks. Right now. You don't have to say sat down because I was on that video call and I referred to her as brother three occasion. Hopefully she will be shaved. All right? Thank you for church complaints coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show in today's entertainment news. Earlier this month, Rihanna donated five million dollars to organizations in Barbados and around the world to help fight the coronavirus. Also, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo shouted out to Rihanna after she came through with personal protective equipment for the state. Fomo tweeted, I want to thank at Rihanna for the Rihanna Foundation and the Rihanna Foundation for donating personal protective equipment to New York State. We're so appreciative of your help and that of so many others who have stepped up. So congratulations, got A. That's not what he wanted to say. What do you mean start? Thanks? Wow? Well? Uh. In other news, guys entertainment news actor Miguel Nunez, best known for his role as Juwanna Man, was arrested for shoplifting. Um mcguill was checking out at a Ralph's grocery store in Los Angeles when his credit card got declined, so he just took his groceries in the cart and walked right out of the store. Then a few days later, Bill Yeah, he returned to the store, same grocery store and was arrested, but the cops just gave him a ticket for the misdemeanor, because, as we all know, during this pandemic, the cops are not jailing people for minor offenses. However, according to Miguel, he was in a long line at the story, standing six week feet away and decided to leave with his groceries and he planned on paying for them on another day. That when they don't know what you've got, well he should when he should have went in as Joanna Man and not Miguel. I don't know why. I don't know why you would steal something as Miguel dressed up as Joanna Man's your character, go down there, steal and come back and said, my sister in law just stole some stuff from here and I'd like to pay for it. But you know, Joanna Man, that just don't make sense to me why he went as mc don't sound like mcguel either, man, No, don't yeah, sound like don't make sense. Listen to me. He didn't already no and not run walk as a black man? You know? Good hair? Well you can't take no stuff out the stove talking, but you're gonna come back and pay for it. Let man, come on, dog, dog, how long he been black? Not going for this right? Make no damn sense lost show rabbit ass mind. There's two strikes you got against you. First, you didn't dress up like one man, and you worked at as a black man to steal show. Damn mind, dog, you should have dressed up like a white man. Don't you want him? Dog, I'm not I'm not going for some of this stuff right here, damn foolish. Well what about the fact that he said he planned to go back another day? Okay, Well, when he walked through the door, he should have walked right up there with the money. Yeah, no, you should have went to another round. He took his ass back and out to the same damn stow. That don't make no sense. That's how a criminal. Don't be a criminal. I don't know what you do with that camper had different store all written all over it. I don't know why I don't go back into the round three All right, Time to get caught up on today's headline feed. Let's go he miss trip. Good morning everybody. Yeah, that was that was deep, okay. Starting out with the latest coronavirus figures everybody worldwide, there are over six hundred and fifty seven thousand positive cases with thirty thousand, four hundred and thirty eight deaths. Nationally, over one hundred and twenty five thousand COVID nineteen cases with some twenty two hundred deaths. In New York State over fifty thousand cases. We've mentioned New York State because New York State has so many, such a large percentage of all the new coronavirus cases, So we watched New York State numbers very closely. President Trump's quickly backed off of the idea he floated on Saturday about quarantining parts of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. A New York governor Cuomo said he would sue, and Trump said he and Trump was reminded after that about how cutting off that part of the country it includes Wall Street, might make stock investors kind of nervous, and said the government's now issuing advisories against any non essential travel to the New York area, and doctor Anthony Fauci, a member of the President's Coronavirus Task Force, tells CNN State of the Union that that sort of advisory does make sense. Which you don't want is people traveling from that area to other areas of the country and inadvertently and innocently infecting other individuals. With New York State now the epicenter of the coronavirus, governors in Texas, Florida, Maryland, and South Carolina have ordered people arriving from New York, New Jersey in Connecticut to self quarantine themselves for at least fourteen days now. Rhode Islands imposed the most dramatic regulation, cops in that state pulling over at least order to pull over vehicles with New York plates, collecting contact information, and forcing a two week quarantine. And Rhode Island's governor went further. She said she ordered her state national hard to go door to door in coastal communities and a further effort to locate people who'd recently arrived there from the New York area. Well New York's Governor Coulmo said I'm su all it at. So then Rhode Island backed off of some of that. Doctor Fauci, by the way, says that New York City area accounts for some fifty six percent of all new infections in the country. Trump also did about face on gun shops, which would deem non essential and therefore in order to close the National Rife Association threatened to see about that. So Trump had gun stores switched to the essential services calm let mean gun stores are open. Fishers in Florida Scay hospitals there will soon receive shipments of hydroxy clo quinn. That's a President Trump. That's the anti malaria drug that President Trump says is a potential treatment for COVID. Nineteen Detroit Auto Show has been canceled. The venue you've been turned into a giant makeshift hospital. Got some good sports related news. One of the first NBA players the test positive for the coronavirus has recovered. Christian what Are the Pistons tested positive on March fourteenth, but one of the Nets veteran Garrett Temple, says he's using his off time to prepare for Elsat's exams because he wants to practice law when his playing career is over. Yeah, I must have watched a lot of Perry Mason like I did good for him. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Well, if you guys haven't heard, the president has extended social distancing until April thirty, at the end of next month. Jan Anthony Brown is here with his list of self help phone numbers that might help you get through this. Jay, what's this? This is all about self help numbers that are out there to help people go through this quarantine. A lot of people don't know. Nine one one is overloaded. Stop calling them. Okay, So here's some self help numbers. One eight hundred church sounds. Now you might not can go to church, but you call one eight church You're here, You're here, shouting, you're here, Oregon, playing you're here, Baptist movie. You just hear it all on your phone, and that's there to help you. One eight hundred church sounds numbers to help you get These are eight hundred numbers to help you get through. One eight hundred side piece. Now this is very serious, but we will hook you up with a psychiatrist because you are going through something because you can't see your damn side piece. Help is on the way. One a hundred sidepiece dollars number right away, operators, a standing, Oh, this is a very serious one eight hundred. The web lady one eight hundred, the we've lady. Yes, and you need to talk to somebody about how to greve your scalp, how to maybe brave your own damn hell, you know, until it because it's dry, how to get through this. I'm gonna hear to help. This is a very serious eight hundred numbers, one eight hundred nail shot. Now you shot, you can't make it that haul him up. There will be somebody that now you won't be able to understand damn thing they say. Okay, but you will be able to leave a message. Don't try to have a conversation. Hello, Hello, it's initially we got it the first time, okay. One eight hundred. This is very sis. Right before you get ready to go to refrigerator, we have a one eight hundred, one eight hundred. Put that damn cake down. Your ass ain't hungry. Put it down. You call this number. Someone will be there and chep you through. Put that damn cake down down. We need you don't need it. And this is my last one eight hundred number for all my freaks and freak cats out there. You just want to hit straight. Nash did talk one eight hundred, Nash died talk. Now it's busy, It's just busy. This is completely so you're gonna be Oh well, I think we got a jay thank you coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, asked the cello in the building, the chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to show all right, guys, time now to ask the clo chief Love Officer, the one in Emily, Steve Harvey in the building. You ready, Steve, here we go. This one is from Saucy in Indiana. Saucy Okay, She says. I'm a forty year old woman that has been in a relationship for the past seven years. I have a fifteen year old daughter that came to live with us recently and things went downhill. This man was so mean and disrespectful to my child, and he told me he hates her. I got tired of him being evil to my to my child, so I decided to move out. Well the day I was going to tell him he had a stroke and was in the hospital for a month. He's home from the hospital now and he can't stay home alone. I still want to break up with him, but he needs my help. Can I leave him? Or am I obligated to stay? No? No, you can get right oute. Hate has consequences to it now, you know now he mean to your child? Hateful now he hit now, stroke hit him now. But here's the other thing, though, I bet if the daughters around now now I hateful, he gonna be, you know, because see now he needs somebody. It's just sort of a lesson and you gotta be careful how you treat people because you might need him one day and this could be the case right here, or you could just you know, stay there with your daughter, help him get back on his feet. Then leave. Yeah, you ain't got to sleep with him whole left side. Shit that okay. And if you do leave, make sure he has Pamper's web wife, have all that stuff close. So, I mean, you know, because in these times too, with the coronavirus and everything, you gotta practice that. So he come home, you know, just be decent. You ain't gotta leave right now. Just make your plan. Yeah, you know he can't stop you, Steven. Let him know when you get well, when you get well. No, no, you ain't got to say that. You ain't got to say that. He just leave just when you do well, Just get to leave. Just lead. They've been together seven years? Seven years? And where was it going? You're not married, y'all, just seeing each other, so you know, find out. You found out a lot about him. He'd been he'd been mean for a while though he married you in seven years. All right, saucy, all right, here we go. Anonymous in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Steve, I'm a fifty seven year old man seeking advice because my forty five year old wife is sleeping with a thirty two year old man. I cheated on her three years ago, and since then she has been trying to get me back. Well, now she has my attention, and I want her to leave this young man alone. My heart breaks whenever she leaves the house and she is looking good and smelling good, she lies to me about her whereabouts. How can I get my wife back? No, bro, bro again, once again, we talk about consequences. Now, Bro, you fifty seven, you cheated on her. She'd been looking for ways to get you back. She got you back, she dating a thirty two year old. Now, I'm gonna just assuming what happened was after she busted you cheating probably more than once. Uh, she decided that she may have forgiven you, but she ain't forgot. And now, sometimes, man, some people not saying two wrongs make a right, but y'all married, she decided since you did me, I'm gonna do you. Now. Two wrongs don't make a right, but she doing the wrong. It's nothing you could do. Look, man, you could throw yourself at the mercy of the court. But Bro, you bought cheating into the relationship, so you gotta deal with these consequences. Ma'am. Sorry, Bro, it's tough like that, but you know you can't interject nothing into the relationship then not now you want it all to stop. She probably and this cheating incident probably was happening quite a while before she busted you. That's a consequence, man, it just is. I'm sorry, Bro. That's an eye for eye, boo for a boot, that's what that is. An eye for eye boo for a boot. That's what that is. Wow, you drop a knowledge? Yeah, yeah, definitely, yes, that was knowledge drop. All right, yes, thank you, team. Tommy goes Steve Harvey FM and submit. You're ask the clo questions coming up next the nephew, he's so wise. He just proved it with today's prank phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening to Steven Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Subject my mind is on the other side of town. That is the subject right now. Yeah, yep, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got nef. Well, this is going on all over the country because there's no way you can see anybody, so there's a lot of conference calls going on. This is a conference call. Let's go. What does that laugh? Hello, This is Hannah Hire. This is Frank checking in. Hey, Dave it here. I'm the one. Hey, guys, how's it going fine? I think I think we're waiting for for one other person. Darling a second. Hello, Sherman Sherman Davis, general manager's assistant. How you guys doing everybody here? Hey, Sherman. Yeah, I'm doing fine. Hello Sherman. Alright, alright, guys, we got let me make sure we got everybody here. Is Hannah here, yep, Hannah's here. How's it going? All right? Frank yep, I'm on the line. Thank you all right? Good good good. And David yep, hey, I'm here, all right, my man, good deal, good deal. All right, got some news for you guys. I need you guys to just bear with me for a second. I'm getting all the paperwork in. My UM assistant Cynthia is here, so you guys just give me a second. I'm gonna put you guys on hold for a second and I'll be back probably less than thirty seconds. Okay, all right, okay, we'll do. Thank you. Cent. You can you bring me all of them stuff on these three guys. I mean today it's supposed to be uh, they're on hold right now, but today's day that we're giving them their severance packages and letting them go, and they'll be out of here probably by tomorrow morning. They're clearing their things out. They don't know it yet, but we're gonna at least give them their severance packages today. Okay, you know. They put it on my shoulders to break the bad news, and somebody's got to do it. So it's my job today, all right, So bring it to me and get it here here as soon as possible so I can hurt him. Get past this conference call? All right? Hello, all right, guys, Yeah, this I'm here. Guys. Yeah, uh, you never put us on hold? So are you about to fire us right now? What are you talking? Wait a minute? Okay, hang on, hang on, hang on, guys? What what? What? What's going on? What are you guys talking about? We're asking you what's going on? We just hurt you. We didn't put us on hold. We just heard all that. Yes, separate package is what I heard. I heard. You're letting us go. Oh Sherman. Maybe you were talking about some other people. Hey, hey, guys, do hang on, everybody just calmed down. Just give me give me a second here, hang on, just let me let me. I'll be right back. Hang onllo, what is going on? Did you did you hear that? Okay? You all heard the same thing, dad, And know what heart that? What are you talking about? Cynthia? How do I it up? Is this? Is this the whole button here? This is it there we go? They can heard everything. No, they just they said, you can ask me right now. I'm doing what he's telling me to do. This. These three are supposed to be let go by the end of the day. I mean like that, I gotta do it. But it looks like the severances nobody can live off of this for even three freaking months. I already know that this is this is really tough. Oh all right, so look, bring me everybody's stuff. Let me at least after lunch. They all come in here and pick up their things. That's all I think they were. Okay, is this the right button here? Okay, hello, it's not the right button. We can Iran. We might have to be kidding me. I've been with us. I've been with us for five years, all right, I've not I've not let you down for a quarter, the company down for a quarter. This is this is ridiculous. I cannot believe this. And I'm on travel right now, so how am I going to come and get my things? But this is ridiculous. This is how you're gonna let us know? Dude. This is unprofessional, this is trash. I cannot believe you. If you only need a lawyer. I have someone, I have contacts. We can talk. But honestly, Sherman, this is this is, this is a accessible Let's not do the whole lawyer thing. Guys, Okay, let's not do that, all right now, people get let go from companies, People get let go all the time, and you guys know this. Let's go on a conference call with other people. What are you? This is ridiculous. Are giving a personal business? Yes, yes, that's true. You're giving personal business to another. Uh, it's exactly. It's not a whole Yeah, you cannot be doing this. Yeah, email me that lawyer's number for sure. Yeah, I guess you, David, thank you. I didn't even I didn't try to for you guys to learn it this way, all right, I'm okay, let's just say I'm not good at the conference button. I don't know how to put anybody. You're not do. This is not a good message. It's not it's not applic professional messaging. In fact, this is I'm mortified. I cannot believe this. I put into my life to this company. This is beside best employees. So it is, it is. It's absolutely right. It is illegal. This is illegal. Yep, yep. I will wait. Wait, wait, what do you mean you're recording it? What are you? What are you recording it for? What? Yes? Tell me not recording David. Listen, I don't consent on being recorded. I want that known now. Okay, okay, can I can I ask you guys something? Do you? Guys? Are you familiar with your co worker named Barry Dillard? Yes, you don't have to answer this. Barry fired too. How are you gonna tell him? Let me tell you what's going on. Barry told me to call you. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Martin. So all three of y'all just got prayed by your co worker Barry Diller. Me. Oh my god, I'm to have a heart attack. Was this? Oh my god? Hey, y'all, nobody has lost their job, Hannah, Frank, David. Nobody has lost their job. But your co worker Barry Diller got me the prank phone call y'all right, so everybody's got the job. We're good. Wow, Okay, okay, I'm good. I'm good now good, y'all gotta tell me this. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Let me hear it? Clearly, oh man, that you have it. You have it phenomenon. No give the give the prank of something right now, give me time. Can I tell y'all? Can I tell y'all the next time I'm gonna be stupid? Can I tell y'all the next thing that comes to your mouth? Minutes? We know that I have I have a partner in crime, all right, and we've teamed up together. It is called the T and Jane Coronavirus Stay at Home Comedy Show Lives. It jumps off April first, which is April fools Day. All right. It is the only comedy show that you can watch in your drawers or buttass. No difference to us. Okay, Jay, tell all the comics out there how they can send us their videos of them doing CEOs two minutes or less, two minutes or less TNJ stay at home at gmail dot Comma, here we go. I ain't even gonna say nothing. J. We come on, Dave that gonna get a video. I say. If they don't get this, come on J and A. M. D. The Lett J stay home Comedy at gmail dot com. Okay, we stay home Comedy at gmail dot com. All your comics out there, y'all send us two minutes of you doing stand up at your house. That's it, all right, that sounds fun. Look forward to that, guys. All right, thank you. Coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject my mind is on the other side of town. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Just a quick reminder that today is National Doctor's Day, guys, and having said that, we salute and recognize the contribution of all our physicians and their dedication, especially during this time right now. Thank you for your commitment to saving lives in our community. We know it's hard on you, your family, your staffs, everyone, but you're there every day in the trenches. Thank you so much. We appreciate it. And as we switch gears, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you do need advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter just that, j Just like that, we could be reading your letter just like Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter, subject my mind is on the other side of town. And you were right when you said it earlier. Jay, that's an J song. Your body's here with me, but your mind is on the other side of town. Here we go, Steve. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a fifty seven year old married woman and I've been married for twenty five years. It's been an agonizing marriage because my husband has cheated on me several times with many different women. He got caught most of the time, and I would act a fool and threaten the females, and then he'd apologize and promised to stop cheating, and I'd believe him. But the last time I found out he was cheating, I found the woman at her job and beat the breaks off her in the parking lot because she had known me for years, and this betrayal hurt worse than the others. After the fight, I told my husband that that was it and I was done with his foolishness. He's terrified that I will leave him, so if he's cheating now, he's being very discreet. We're still married and living together, but mentally I have moved on from him, and I reconnected with the true love of my life. It's an old boyfriend of mine that has been divorced for two years, and he has nothing but time and lots of good loving just for me. For the past year, we've been inseparable, but my husband knows nothing about us. We were going on our first vacation this spring, but now our plans are on hold and I haven't seen him and felt his touch in two weeks because I'm quarantine with my sorry, cheating husband. My boyfriend has been facetiming me every day and keeps begging me to pack up my things and come to his house. All right, I'm worried about what our friends will think if I leave home during the quarantine. Am I crazy for caring about his feelings? Should I pack up and go be with my soul mate? My body is here with my husband, but my mind is on the other side of town with my boyfriend. How should I handle this situation? Please advise? Well, I have to tell you that I'm sure you're not alone during this quarantine. A lot of people are feeling the same way you are. You know, they're stuck in the house with someone, but their mind is with you know, their other significant other, be that a boyfriend, a girlfriend, someone they're cheating with, whatever, But that's the situation. You're not alone. I also have to tell you that you know, two wrongs don't make it right. You know this, Okay, this started out as a revenge move on your part that blossomed into this full blown affair with this boo that you're calling your soulmate, the guy that you really love. You've been married to your husband for twenty five years, you've been for fifty something years. You've been taking his crap for half your life because you're you're you're fifty seven years old, and I got to ask you, why why are you allowing him to treat you this way? When you kept taking him back and you gave him no reason whatsoever to stop cheating. I mean, that did it right there. He had the best of both worlds. He disrespected you your marriage numerous time, and he still thinks all he has to do. He would say something like baby, I'm sorry, and here he is back in again. The lesson for you to learn here is you got to stand up for yourself. I mean, no man should be should be allowed to treat you that way. What happens if you get with this new guy your boo, your soul mate, and he starts cheating down the line, you can't take it from him either. But you know you don't have to worry about that right now because we're all quarantine and your boyfriend only asked you to pack your bags and come be with him at his house. I mean, if it's true love, you know, is he gonna wait for you and all of that until after the quarantine, after you get a divorce from your serial cheater of a husband. Those are the things you need to know before you actually make a move to get with this guy, if that's what you want. Since you're so finished with your husband, you know, then you can really walk into this new relationship and the baggage free. So those are the things you have to think about while you're quarantine with your cheating husband. Okay, Steve Well, fifty seven year old married woman, been married twenty five years, like Shirley said, half year life, been an agonizing marriage. Your husband had cheated on you several times, many different women. He got caught most of the time, you ain't caught all of them because it's been many And then what was your reaction? Though you'd act a fool and then you threatened the females. Then he'd apologized, tell you we aren't gonna do it no more. You believed him. But then the last time I found out he was cheating, I found a woman at his job, and I beat the brakes off of her in the parking lot because she has known me for years. And this brutal and this betrayal hurt worse than the others. Hold on, you didn't ran the risk of going to jail. You went in the parking lot, jumped on a woman for cheating with your husband. How you keep confronting all these women's that ain't depth there, all these women that haven't taken a vow to you. The only person in this in this letter that took a vow to you is your husband. The rest of these people don't know you. The rest of these people what you're just jumping on with me? Your marriage sound like it's been a mess. So now when I come back, I'm gonna answer the question for you. Your question is how should I have this situation? Please advise That's what I'm gonna do, all right, Steve, We'll have part two of your response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject. My mind is on the other side of town. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show. Come on, Steve. Let's recap today's strawberry letter. My mind is on the other side of town. My body's hill. I knew you were going to but my mind is all the other side of time. Thing it Joey boy boy, Ji Junior, shut up, Hey man, listen to you disrespectful So you know sometimes junior and junior or junior after the quarantine is over. I'm slacking. I'm a slack fifty seven year old married woman, been married twenty five years. The worst marriage you could be. A husband cheated on a bunch of times with different women. Always catch him, the he sheet act, the food called threatening, all the females. They need to apologize, promise to stop cheating. You believe it, but then you find out he was cheating with this woman at her job and went down there and jumped on the woman beat the brakes off of in the parking lot because she has known you for years, and this one hurt you more than others. So after the fight, you told your husband that was it and I was done with his foolishness. Here's where the letter gets stupid. He's terrified that I will leave him? When did he start getting scared of you? See, you're trumping up stuff. Now he's terrified that I will leave him. When has this man ever been scared of you? You've jumped on women, You've called women, you threatened with it, and he keep doing what he want to do. This man ain't scared of you. He's terrified that I will leave him. So if he is cheating now, he's being very discreet. He is. We still married and living together, but mentally I've moved on from him and I've reconnected with the true love of my life. It's an old boy friend of man. He's been divorced two years and he ain't got number time and lots of good loving just for me. Now. For the past year, y'all been inseparate, but your husband knows nothing about us. Really, I think he do. See if you've been inseparable for a year, that means you've been off with this guy on a bunch of occasions. You ain't been coming home as normal. Your husband ain't said nothing to you about it, and he don't know. That's because you didn't clear the close co stuff for him to do more cheating. That's all. This is when a man ain't asking you where you being, where you're at this because he don't care. He might if you are doing something, he don't care because it's giving him more time to do something. Now, we were going on our first vacation this spring. Women, excuse me, You and the boyfriend was going on a vacation together, and I guess he wasn't gonna know about that either, Okay, right, But now our plans are on whole, and I haven't seen him or felt his touch in two weeks because I'm quarantine with my sorry cheating hus My boyfriend has been facetiming me every day and keeps begging me to pack up my things and come to his house. I'm worried about what our friends would think if I leave home doing the quarantine. What your friends would think? What about the Center for Disease Control? Thought about what they might you have thought about? Just something like that, your friends? What do your friends have to do about this? Do your friends know what's going on? Probably? Am I crazy for caring about his feelings? Who's feelings? You're talking about? Your husband? That they never cared about your feelings? Should I pack up and go be with my soul mate? Technically you should have been packed up. I ain't saying with your soul mate, but it seemed to me like you should have been out of here twenty five years agonizing marriage. Why are you still that now? Should you pack up to go with your soul mate? I don't know, but you should have been out of there? And why is it quarantine keeping you at home? You go somewhere and be by yourself. My body is here with my husband. My body is here, but my mind the other side of town. You listen to your best meal, run whoa one more time? Your vibe is here with me, set me, but your minds all the other side of time. Get you yeah, you're messing meal? Right? Get you up? Yeah? Yeah, but your minds all the other side of time. You're right, don't you do it? That's what you're doing? Now? How should I handle this situation? Please? Abbe? Why are you staying with the man that you can't stand and improve? He don't really care nothing about you? Y'all ain't even you ain't mentioning this ladder. Y'all working on your magic nothing. You just got a phone call from an old boy friend and boot you gonne. He ain't asking you where you've being you, he don't even care where you're being somebody. You don't playing a spring vacation, and he ain't gonna ask you where are you going in? He don't care. Two people that don't care about each other should not be together. Why would you stay? Now? I ain't saying doing this social distance inded you ought to break it, Uan teeny Gold. Just act like you're going to the stove and get now get Oh my god. All right, Steve, you can thank you for that. You can post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey f M on Instagram and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast demand coming out. Side Time Junior is here with sports News forty six minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Junior in Sports Time, what you got for us? Well, I tell you right now, I bet you. Spike Lee and Charles Oakling is okay with this news. Yeah. New York Knicks only sixty four year old James Dolan has tested positive for the coronavirus. Don is now self isolating at his home. Don't say nothing, but Spike, Lee, I hear you, don't I now? Also some good news, No, but but he le Spike not me. Yea good for you, you know why? You can tell whew'd that go? But also here's some good hold your ass can't come to the garden. How about that? Well, Utah players, Rudy go Baron, Donovan Mitchell, they both have been cleared from the coronavirus and now we just start to figure out when the NBA season coming back. Though, Man, when is this gonna come back? Because the immune systems probably real strong because they're younger, you know what I mean, they shape they had enough immune system to fight off the environments. That is not a sign for everybody to go get okay, Yeah, it's not you I mean, I mean, not a sign for everybody to go and act like everything is over. Everything good. Yeah, but it is good that you're seeing people recover from it. Yes, it's not. It doesn't have to be a death sentence, right husband, he got it was released for no spelling something. He's on quarantine now he had it. That's good. Yeah, it's good to hear people recovery. Yes, it is I got a partner in Houston that's recovering from it here in the hospital. But he's doing better. We talked on the phone, so it's good to know him recover. Man. Yeah, Well, Mark Cuban thinks the basketball could be back by me and man, that's a good thing. Who Yeah, Man, they're trying to create a safe environment for the players and the coaches under rifts. They gotta figure how they're gonna do. That's a challenge that the league is facing. But other than that, man, it'd be good has some basketball right now, because it's not just don't be watching now it could be. Let's just stay positive like the presidents who posting up on who when y'all go back, Because if I'm playing, I ain't posting up on no. I mean, I mean everything is doing all testing of all players. Yeah, they're gonna be, but you're not posting up on me. Though. Nobody gonna be scoring, gonna be so high twenty all right, I gotta chick coming up. At the top of the hour, Tamar Braxton says, don't hold on to any grudges during the stressful time. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening all right, So her Tamar Braxton has a PSA for anyone holding unto grudges during this stressful time, this quarantine time. Okay, she's saying, let it go. She recently tweeted, I feel that it's the time to get along with everyone. I don't have a feeling about people who wronged me in the past. Nothing or no one is going to dim the life that's over me. So I gotta ask the guys. Um, Yeah, she says. Nice as the time the gridge get stronger, I got time to think about it, and I'm all day and it keep crossing. Man it look, I can't get to you now, but as soon as this is over with, you got a quarantine ass and understand I'm already dressed. I'm already dressed. Yeah, I thought about this. They lifted. Yeah, time for that. Yeah, best time. It's busy, prete speak on it. Sever you're forgiving or you to the better be over here with us? You better be with us? What do you think? I'm actually torn? It's the motivational speak. I want to give some love to Tamar for sending out that let it go, Let it go, jet it go, Let it go, Let it go. Let it go, and then you know there's another side of me. Come on, what's it is that all? Remember Michelle Obama's famous words, when they go low, we go high. Right, Okay, now you're talking set it up, Steve. You was gonna whoop his ass to day before the quarantine. You said we got to go back to work tomorrow. I'm whooping his behind, but got shut down. Does that behind whipping build up? Or you let it go? That's when I'm asking. Now I see Now, yeah, here's a mouth philosophy. I agree with Kamar to let it go. Okay, okay, I agree. So during this time, I think we shouldn't harbor that because that's a form of sickness too. Oh now when we go back to work, Yeah, when I see your ass, if you do not have corona, if you are not tested positive called COVID nineteen, I got to put these hands on your heads. Man. After that, we can let it go. Now. See that's that's what I mean by that makes sense. Right now, you're letting it go for thirty days, you're letting it go. Do you let the person know what's gonna happen to happen? Definitely? Every day surprise people would ask for y'all, you can't just keep surprise somebody, I mean baking chicken. But your as soon they lift this damn band of the kitchen. You know, that's how you get your ass. Preparing somebody. Well, I won't okay, now, I won't prepare them. I say this. I'll keep asking him, when did we go back to work? That's what I do that you didn't make Joe, you heard any day? I know if he okay? So I'm calling me, hey man, Well, I'll say to his house like little like old grow spiritual. Oh soon and very soon we are going to see the sooner, and very soon we are going to see the King who sooner, you know, and just stuff like that little stow you know, right after wild all right, morning show coming up in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right. We gotta say we loved the iHeart Living Room Concert for America. Yes, huh, yeah, it aired last night. I'm Fox. It was hosted by the one and only Elton John. Yes, it started, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carry, Billie Eilish and her. I mean, I just loved all of those performances. They were recorded by the artists in their home because of course, everybody's staying saved due to COVID nineteen. The concert helped raise money for two organizations that are doing their part to help with the coronavirus relief, Feeding America and First Responders Children's Foundation. Also today, yeah, today's National Doctor's Day. We can't forget that, and we salute and recognize all of the doctors and the medical workers their contributions. Um, just you know has been phenomenal during this time. Thank you for being on the front lines and working to save lives in our communities. Yeah, thank you guys. But the concert, huh? Alicia Keys, Yeah, Mariah Carey, oh yeah, definitely her part of the new crew. You know. Just she's phenomenal Billy Island. I mean, everybody who sure her her, hr her, she knows her, he said, just having fun, which is Jake just having fun? I know her. She sings with him Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up, and some trending stories as well at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this You're Listening show in Today's Entertainment News. Earlier this month, Rihanna donated five million dollars to organizations in Barbados and around the world to help fight the coronavirus. Also, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo shouted out to Rihanna after she came through with personal protective equipment for the state. Cuomo tweeted, I want to thank at Rihanna for the Rihanna Foundation and the Rihanna Foundation for donating personal active equipment to New York State. We're so appreciative of your help and that so many others who have stepped up. So congratulations, And he got a shout out That's not what he wanted to say. What do you mean starts well. In other news, guys entertainment news, actor Miguel Nunez, best known for his role as Juwanna Man, was arrested for shoplifting. Um mcguel was checking out at a Ralph's grocery store in Los Angeles when his credit card got declined, so he just took his groceries in the cart and walked right out of the store. Then a few days later, Bill Yeah, he returned to the store, say grocery store and was arrested, but the cops just gave him a ticket for the misdemeanor, because, as we all know, during this pandemic, the cops are not jailing people for minor offenses. However, according to Miguel, he was in a long line at the store, standing six week feet away and decided to leave with his groceries and he planned on paying for them on another day. He should have went in as Joanna Man and not the gel. I don't know why. I don't know why you would steal something as Miguel dressed up as Joanna Man. It's your character. Go down there, steal come back and said, my sister in law just stole some stuff from here, and I'd like to pay for it. But you know, Joanna man. That just don't make sense to me. Why he went as that don't sound like mcguel either. Man, No, I don't sound listen to me. He didn't all no and not run walk as a black man. You know good hair. Well, you can't take no stuff out to stove tekment. You're gonna come back and pay for lest man, Come on, dog, no how long he been black, not going for this right, make no damn sense lost show rabbit ass Man's two strikes you got against you first. You didn't dress up like one man and you looked at as a black man to steal show. Damn man, dog, you should have dressed up like a white man. Don't you want him? Dog, I'm not I'm not going some of this stuff right here, Damn foolish. All right, coming up, it's our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. Yes, and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey, and we'll pay tribute to a fallen civil rights leader, Joseph Lorrie coming up right after this. You're listening show. Before we get out of here, Stephen, get to your clothing remarks. Um, just got to say a few words about Reverend Joseph Lowry. Um. He was a key figure in the civil rights movement. Of course. He passed away on Friday in Atlanta of natural causes. They were unrelated to the coronavirus. Coronavirus. That's what his family, uh told the Associated Press in a statement. Reverend Lowry was ninety eight years old. He was hailed as the Dean of the Civil Rights movement. Upon his receipt of them Double ACP's Lifetime Achievement Award. Doctor Lowry had assumed and executed a broad and diverse series of roles over the span of his lifetime. Yeah, he was one of the founders of the Southern Leader called SCLC s CLC, and just a powerful man in terms of civil rights. For for young people who don't know, civil rights was a movement man, it was, it was, it was. It was a gang of older blacks. Yeah, and and some whites who fought really really hard to get the things that we benefit from today so so easily and readily that we take for granted. These a lot of these things that we benefit from today would never it just wasn't a part of the makeup for the African American back in the day. You know, you're sitting down eating lunch where you want to. That was not the case. He was here fighting for that, you know, the riding in the bus, that was not everybody couldn't do that. That that some people fought for us to be able to do that. That's the importance of your history. And Joseph Lowry's one of the great leaders of our time and he's ninety eight years old. That's a full run. Our condolences go out to his family, But I'm sure look we all would love to see ninety eight maybe, you know, hopefully so, you know, God bless him man in the work and the contribution he made to black people. Absolutely. Yeah, My closing remarks today is going to be interesting because I'm taking them from the message I saw yesterday. Marjor and I will watch the TV and we cut on Joel Olstein and he was live from his church, Lakewood Church in Houston, and he was recording it. And that wasn't a soul there, That was not a soul in the compacts of it. He gave a message man, that really resonated with me. And these were some of the points I'm paraphrasing it. Of course, you can go to joel ostein dot com and get it for yourself. But the message he was talking about was to use your faith man, in this time that we're all going through, because we're all going through it. Everybody's affected with this, whether you realize it or not, We're all affected it and we all eventually will know someone who is suffering from from this incredible virus that's attacking us, you know. But in through all of this, if you are a person of faith, you have to remember that God is in charge, that God is still on the throne. I keep saying, this too shall pass. This moment was created and has come about, and it's given all of us a moment to pause, a moment to reflect, but a moment to absorb what it is. And you know, every time God is gonna do something great. You know sometimes in your life. I've found that some of the greatest moments in my life were in troubled times. God has brought me through some incredible storms, and He gonna bring us through this one too. This wasn't God made or anything like this, but it's a situation that's happening, and the world has to pay attention to this. That are people unifying who have never unified before. That country's talking that have never talked before. But you got to understand how God has worked in the past through some of the stories in the Bible. When He was bringing all of the Israelites out past Pharaoh and all of this, and they were and he parted the Red Sea. He was describing how they were walking across the Red Sea after God had parted the waters, how afraid they must have been. The sound of the wind that God pushed down through here to keep that water at bay, and walking through here holding on to their children and they loved ones and looking at that water hoping that they could get there. And they was rushing across and they was carrying the elderly, and how they were just hoping that water would hold up, but not really sure. And Joe Losteen went on to remind us that you ain't in the middle of a crisis, that you were in the middle of a miracle. That something good is going to happen for those that believe in love God. You're gonna come out of this on the other side. It's like walking through that water when he held it back on both sides. When you get out on the other side, you gonna have come through something. Man. You you could be right now in the middle of a miracle, but you got to stay positive and look forward. Man. You know it's it's like Isaiah fifty four and seventeen for me, which is my favorite scripture, scripture no form and we formed against me your prosper I just have always believed that. And I'm telling you I've lived my life as people have attacked me and come after me and and and said things about me. But man, God just keep on holding me together, and when I come out on the other side, I'm always better. The same thing can happen for you because God is doing a new thing in you. This time of being in the house and quarantine, that could be God could be working on a new thing in you. Man, you just got to give it an opportunity. You got it. Dare's something new going on if you believe it was your faith. Man, stop going to church and don't apply your favor or we're going through something right now. We're all going through something right now. It ain't just you. Now. Some people are gonna come out of this on the other side and gonna get the blessed. They're gonna get the understand it and they're gonna be all right. Man. But always remember this now, God can do what medicine can't do. So if you're in a crisis and you got God, you got more than medicine because God can do what medicine can't do. And I know what some people on this show can tell you that, and you know somebody that could tell you that. So y'all stay with it, man, don't give up. Hanging there just too chapads, those are my closing remarks, Yeah, it's gonna pass for all Steve Every contests. 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