Christmas Eve, Unhappy People, Memories and Traditions, Slick Harvey, Being Single, Airport, MTH, Gifts We Hate, Evil Things To Do, Reasons To Lie, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Dec 24, 2018, 3:45 PM

Twas the night before Christmas and we dedicate this show to unhappy people. Uncle Steve talks about favorite Christmas moments and traditions. He even has a memory involving his father. We talks about the stereotype of being single. The airport can be a turbulent place and the crew share their stories. Fool #2 murders another one. Bitterman also talks about the gifts that we hate for Christmas. Do know evil things that can be done at Christmas? There is a list of depressing reasons to lie on a date. Plus, Uncle Steve shares with us memories and a song from Shirley Murdock. Have yourself a great weekend!

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back all suit on the back down, giving them more like the milking buck things in its Cubley good it sEH. Listen to the movie together for Studley, I don't join join me in doing me. Honey. You gotta use that turn you. You gotta turn the turnow. You got to turn out, turn the water the water. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. Steve Harvey got a radio show because God in the blessing business. Yeah, that's all. I'm just a recipient. Steve Harvey got a radio show because God is in the show you favor business. He showed me some favor. Steve Harvey got a radio show because God is in the forgiving business. God and forgave me thousands and thousands of times, you know. And I say that as a big number like that, because it's probably true. I can't even began to count the amount of times He's forgiving me for things I knowingly did and for things I've unknowingly done. You know, I've unintentionally hurt some people without even knowing it. He forgave me. That's amazing, man, that's amazing that he would even forgive me for that. But there's the biggie though. All the decisions I've made in my life, the deliberate mistakes that I've made, that he's forgiven me for. That's the big Man. You can only get that from God. Do you know? Man, there are people out there that you've done something to, just a little thing, and they just have never forgiven you. There are people who've done little things to you or big things to you, and you just can't seem to forgive them. I am so glad God is not that way. God is a forgiven God. That's how I exist today, and that's how you exist today. And one of the things I want to remind you about even in existing today. You know, Joel Oldstein had a has a book out called It's Your Time. I love this boy. It's called It's Your Time. And that's kind of what I want to touch you on today. And I want to remind you all that it's still your time. See, you know, there's look, you know, they've got unsuccessful people have created a lot of sayings to justify our failures as people. Well, my ship has passed. That that was created by a person who did not quite make their goal in the amount of time that they had set for. So to justify it, here comes this great, seemingly very clever saying, and a lot of us adapt, Well, my ship has passed, so we adopt that. Here's another one. Well, I guess it just wasn't meant to be. That sounds good, don't it, because they mix it up with a little bit of faith based in it. I guessed it wasn't. Well, here's another one. I guess if God wanted it for me, i'd have it. Are you serious? Man? Are you serious? You're actually gonna use that one to to to justify where you are in life? Man, that's that's so, that's so not the case. I want to remind everybody today that it's still your time. That you know, your ship hasn't sailed, you didn't miss all of your opportunities. There's others. It's still your time. You know you still got a chance, you still have a shot. Here's a good one. You still have hope, you do, all of you as long as God is who he is. There's always hope for you. You can never lose sight of that. You can never let the devil win that battle, that there is no hope for you and cause you to do something that's unthinkable. I'm just gonna cash in the chips. I'm gonna take my life. I'm gonna commit suicide. No no, no, wait a second, wait a second. Are you for real? That's not God talking to you. That's something wrong and it's not coming from him. It's still your time. You still got a chance. There's always hope. But listen to me. You got to move and you got to move on it. So many people are not getting the full benefit of their life, and so many people are not getting all the blessings that God has for because you keep waiting on the perfect time. Man. How many times have I heard people come to me and say, hey, man, I'm just waiting on everything to line up. Right. Man, I'm waiting on the perfect time to get can't tell you something. If I were waiting on the perfect time, I wouldn't be hardly any of the things that I've become. And one of my greatest blessings was marrying Marjorie. I wouldn't even have married Marjorie if I was waiting on the perfect time, because I had gone through what I thought was enough misery to cover my entire lifetime. And so when I was first divorced, I just said, man, it's gonna be five six years before I do this again. I said it. Two years later I was married. But guess what, man, it wasn't the perfect time. I didn't have my ducks, all my ducks lined up in a row. It was still some things I needed to clean up. I even told her, it's some things I want to clean up out of my life before you know it's it's I want I want to make sure I got all the stars are lined up, you know I want to I want to wait until all the ducks are in a row. I was waiting on the perfect time. If I had not stopped, and Marjorie and I had set out and said to each other there will be no perfect time. And then she said, I'll go through with you whatever you're going through. That was it. I took a chance. The ducks were not lined up in a row. I had a lot of baggage in my life, man, I wanted to try to clear up I want to do some things financially different. I wanted to just get rid of some residue I had in my life. She said, no, we'll do it together, because they ain't no perfect time. And guess what it wasn't. So if you're out there waiting on the perfect time to do something, it may not come. There is no such thing as waiting on the perfect time. I've said this a hundred times, and here comes one on one. The road to success is always under construction. You ain't gonna go out there and there ain't no barrels on the road. You're not going out there and not running to deet to a sign. You're not going out there without seeing the men working signed to get off. You're not going out there to see it. So guess what. Stop waiting on the stars. I got man, this is a perfect time to do it now. If you're waiting on the perfect time, that could be one of your biggest problems. You're still waiting. You have got to move and you've got to move on it, and you've got to make a decision to go now. God will get you through everything necessary for you to get through. But you can't quit though. See it is as apart. You can't quit just because the road you're own is under construction. You can't get off at the exit because you're tired of all the bump of the bumper traffic. It's that way. Get you some God, like I said, get you some God, and go on and go see what your life can be like. So stop waiting on the perfect time, Stop waiting on the stars to align themselves. You got to move and you got to move on it. Get you some God, apply some faith, and get started. And remember when you get out there, coming towards your goal, the road to construct, the road to success is always under construction. If it was easy, everybody would be it. Stop expecting it to be easy. Come on out here, get up in this thing. It's funky out here. Yeah I got all that. It's hard out here, Yeah I got all that. But what you wanna do, Man, what you wanna do? You're gonna push your chips up to the window. It ain't time for that. You still got time, You still got a chance. There's always hope, there's always God. That's my conversation to you're listening to show ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. Listen to me. You are listening to the Bad and Morning Show. What kind of team is a Jay Championship Day? You better know it? Man. This is radio live, vivid and in color all day, every day technicolor. Today's show is dedicated to unhappy people. Oh do, I'm gonna listen to this show and get yourself so unhappy people. John Moore, Dude, I grew up with John Mole better known as Onion. This show is dedicated for your miserable ain't unhappy day? Unhappy? Always something wrong? Man, Kelvin Sanders, what's happening? Boy? Tell me who you got? Always unhappy? Larry Rockamore unhappy, asked Larry Jay, who you go? Some of my X wives? You know who you're talking amongst yourselves and hit one out. Yeah. I don't want to call nobody the name, but one of them would really unhappy. Talk amongst yourself, talk amongst yourself matter, which don't matter to me. They're just gonna be talking about you calling you know somebody unhappy? Yes I do, but they're listening, so I can't get specific. Go ahead, who well the picture? Yeah, my ex? Oh, I know who we're talking about? A junior ex. Let's not speak about doing your name. I don't know you call a name. Well, if you don't think, I shoot it our board right now, that arrow be on the way, That arrow would be in the eye on his way to you some damn radio station. I'm happy. I just don't know what name. Moment I connect the name his ass fitting to get it. Mess with my girl caller, I protect Hull, Joe, Punk, she calor Hanna those things. He killed that call and Shelly names John mo Kelvin says, Tommy, I'll tell you who I think I'm a boss? Oh yeah, who that This show is dedicated to the t JM. Man. I can't do that. I like that. I like that. He wasn't Jack. He just goes there, doesn't he? Man? Oh my god, yes, you get all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, So Steve, let's talk about some of your favorite Christmas memories, um, you know, and your favorite holiday tradition. I want to ask you like Poe memories? But that was good though, you know it because I didn't know, you know, no difference yeah, I figured just the way it was right everyone else, you know, everybody get a gilt. What did you sitting around for? Thank you for the open multiple packages. Just damn gift man put the tearing off of the wrapping page. Yes, yeah, we're gonna use that paper next year. We had that, I know. And my mom wrapped like the grocery store wrapped. That was her thing. She loved wrapping. Oh, yes she could. It looked just like it did at the at the department stories. My mom could wrap. Yeah, man, girl, I got an easy bake oven one year. Oh yes, the lord with the light, with the light I wrapped you to knew it everything I wrapped into the exact shape or whatever the dog dog if you if you thought it was a truck, that's probably what it was. It was obvious going over under the tree and just feeling on the gifts trying to guess what it was. The man if I wrapped it, you knew, Wow, I gotta bowling ball. You know exactly what it looked like. He gave I remember when I got a tape recorder one year. Oh, that was always a good at the beginning of my career, right there, tape recorder. Yes, oh, I got a sting rewind fast forward. Yes, ye, yes, good good stuff. One of my most frightening Christmas was because of that tape recorder right there. Oh yeah, well happened to what you pressed play and recorder frighters to get it done? Yes, yes, my mama got me mine for Christmas. I took it upstairs and recorded Rudy ray Moole signifying the Monkey down in the Joker that signified market, damn shouted, got it walked through the trees and all open market old where you Steve. I was in elementary school. He was cussing. He was seven, six or seven. Don't you know about Rudy ray Moore where my dad and them used to play it? Ok, And I used to sit on the steps in the hallway and listen to it. Be in the hallway hollyday. Everybody had the albums man, but I remember right album the whole signifying monkey, and I could sound just like it. So when my mama got it, I went upstairs and I'm recording wear down in the Jungle d signifying monkey, cussing and everything I'm talking about cuss just like that's when you first look you fell a love like this, So everything going good. We go to church that morning. We come back. A couple of sister Porter and sister r Bell came over to see my mom and they was in there in the living room, and I had my recorder on the coffee table because I say, saw a cookie on the down room table. I went to get a matter of fact of rice crispy, and when I came back, my mama had to recorded her. Now my stomach, she said, what did They was all timing out. Uh, sister Harvey, what is that? That's these new recorders that you buy. We bought one for Steve. I'm just looking at head man. Don't hit that, sister or to say, what's on it? My mama pressed play. I opened it up like this were down in the jungle. D that's signifying market that did ever sleep? Yeah, I'm cussing it everything, but I mean it's on the record. So my mama trying to find the button, but she can't cut it off. She can't control the volume or nothing. She's steady hitting the plate button. Well that's already down. Your baby talking at the church, say, oh that's that's Rudy ray Mo. So I said, okay, that might help a little bit, they say, She say, but who is it though? Oh? Who's saying this? Yeah? Everybody looking at me. I'm just trying to figure out how I can make this recorded disappear and bleek enough. If I stay here and look out the window, maybe they won't notice this. Man, I was sitting there in trouble. Mama's finally cut that thing off. She said, Boy Lord Jesus, when your daddy get home? Oh no, man, so they left. My daddy came home, she said, snip. Listen to what this boy didn't put on his on Christmas? She pressed, playing again, wear Down Jungle d My daddy saying who is that? My mom was saying, that's your son, boy, and then my daddy listening to it, and the star smiling boy, that's you. Uh huh, yes, sir, I'm just shrinking. I'll tell you all right, and the bring phone call coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show, all right. Before we went to brake, Steve, you were telling us the story about when your dad heard you recite Rudy ray Moore on your brand new car. Mama, come home on Christmas. Look at what your boys doing. Yeah, so she pressed on way down and show that blankly blank didn't ever sleep walking through trees and swinging in the sand. That black it. So my daddy listened to it, and he smiled. He said, boy, that's you. Oh yes, you're in trouble. He said, where your cold a go, get your coat, Come on the cold as confidence. I ain't never done. I used to go on in the basement. The come. He puts me in the car, he gets the machine. We back out. We drive right up the Earl's gas station about five minutes from the house. He got walking there on there, man, Christmas slick. What's up a little boy? Man, Christmas boy, I got something for y'all. Get it right here, damn me? Who this is here? So all the men and that boy that rooted right mote. No, they ain't that sky you lying by that boy right here? This boy sound your life rooting right mote. So mister Wales say, we do some of it? Oh man, you can't you think you about in front of y'all life. And I got the cussing from y'all. Did you do it? Hell? Yeah, way like that right there? Oh man, I love it, I love it. I love it. My daddy thought it was the greatest thing. You here now, he said, the woman get back home, tell you mama. We rode and talked about it. Okay, well they ain't gonna whoop your cause it's own Christmas. Oh little bit of twenty six you got toe up in the well. He didn't want to whip me no way, because he thought it was greatness. He thought that was the greatest thing. Yeah, you're great. You take all that cussing off of that machine. You ain't even where you to learn tease words from. You're playing that all the party album is good? Yeah? Yeah, wow? Who else you listen to? Dog good Christmas memories? Right there, Red Fox, that's no This country comedian named Jared Cloud. Jerry Cloud. Oh yeah, that's what we listened to. He'll be many Yeah, I love it, no that he'll be funny funny man. See, I was still a Richard Pryde. Oh huh, I'm doing Richard and Eddie. Oh yeah, that's like Delirious was my my stand up, specially that Eddie did Delirious. Who Richard Pryde wanted? That's the one? Yeah man, wow, I mean that that was back in the day when you when your parents had parties, and weren't those called party albums or something? Yeah? Absolutely the album So they were playing, you couldn't listen. You had to come in in dance for him, and you had to go them back. Yeah, come on. And the record player was right next to the steps leading up to my room, and it was behind the wall. I sat on the steps and I learned how to cuss everything. Yeah, the good old day, Gus Gus Gus goody Google that said American classic right there. For that red level outfit, that was classic. Oh yeah, yeah for sure. What was that red that was delirious with purple? Yeah, purple leather. All leather was wrong? Yeah, was wrong? Yea, no, man, when that food was doing that, that food was doing that dog man, Oh yeah, got damn when he got shot when he was doing the hitts. We see the mine me nine my name the number dude three times said you uh why me times? A lady the nine N I knew knew that boy saying three times, I was holly. Yeah. He gave us some great laughs. And man, yes, Velvet Jones, mister Robinson's neighbors day answered the who is the absolute best sketch artist man. Yeah, that damn ed it man, James Brown in that hot tub, dog Man, he don't get in the hot tub. Wait a minute, boy, that was it? Boy in the in the movie Trading Places, What is your name? Valentine? Valentine? Boy, when they finally got him off the street and took him to the house and they had him in the back and he was taking the bath and they was coming out shitting and dope and he was in that singing when I showed that to my dad, and my dad in Hollyda Lad, when you think of it, bye, when you think got it? Get him by War used to open this show every day with that, right, Yeah, yeah, that's where I got it from many good memory, I tell you, man that that that what's what's what's the best? Forty eight hours a Beverly Hills, Oh what's forty eight hours about? When he was with nicknoted, Oh, yeah, Trading Place, Coming to America, Coming to American, Funniest comedy movie I've ever seen. Yeah, yeah, it was great. It was cool. You're listening, all right. The stereotype of being single during the holidays usually brings looks of pity from people, but really, really, it can be cool. It can if you're single. What being single for the holiday? Yeah, and I'll look at people for you need to find somebody. Get up, don't don't. I'm telling you someday, wake your ass somewhere by yourself. Yeah, wake up, Oh Christmas Day, by yourself. Ain't no noise in another room? Wow? Okay, okay, glee. Well, there there are a lot of things, junior, that single people can do that someone with a significant other can't. How about that? All right? All right, I'm gonna tell you your time is your own for one thing. You have that freedom. But guys, here are ways the singles have it better during the holidays. Check it out, junior. There are no fights waiting to happen, No fights waiting to happen. Someone's good thing. Yeah, that's a great thing. Or break ups. You know a lot of people break up over the holidays. You don't have to worry about that. Can't. Can't break up if you ain't gotten no more by yourself. Yeah, okay, here's another one. You don't have to buy a lot of gifts. Think about it. You ain't getting none. Okay, I'm just looking at the bright side of this. There are no mandatory spouse holiday parties you have to attend. But your ass ain't got nothing on the stove. You don't have to ain't no spells in the house. Okay, here's another one. You don't have to choose which family you're gonna celebrate with. There's always a fight about that, you know. Yeah, but you need to find somebody, house stuff. And then here's a good one. New Year's Eve. You can go into twenty eighteen focusing all on you. Okay, you ever brought into New Year's by yourself? When when you do single, when you do blowing that horn, don't nobody here, don't nobody here. You can focus on just yourself bringing in the new year. Okay, what but you couldn't do that the year before because you still buy you. We're looking at the positive sight of being single, ste that's all. No, there's no positive side. No, you don't think so you need to find somebody. I remember the first time we moved Atlanta. First, I didn't go home when I moved Atlanta, all right, when I woke up and there was nothing, nothing, no food, no nothing. I called home. I heard all that joy and laughter and getting passed around on the phone ain't fun. Who is that? All these damn questions? I'm coming in? Who is that? Let me talk to you? Who coming in? What y'all doing it? Now? Who is that? Who is that? Now? Is that the doubt? What? Baby? Is that? What y'all look at that? You don't want to do that? Wow? I like all of that. You yourself? You like being by yourself during the holidays? No, jack ye Listen, listen, listen, listen. That's what it sounds. So what that's what I'm talking about? Okay, Christmas morning is like what at your house? Listen? Let me listen. Don't you just love that? No? Pots rattlings? Listen again? You maybe to hit who that joint? You got to be lonely, got to be pots rattling, no noise, no, let you hear it again, listen, not a damn that you love it? No company at all? Kind of my house? You ain't in the neighborhood because I ain't gonna let you in. You know that I was just in the neighborhood. Yeah, when you outside because you ain't coming in? What is it in your house? About your house? Me? That's just better man. I don't even I don't desist the Christmas morning. It just means something, yeah, beautiful thing. Can't youroduce Smiths Anne, I can't, gentleman without further ado, our very own voice of reason. In fact, no fake news here, folks. This and Trip, Thank you, thank you, Steve, Thanks everybody, and a happy Christmas Eve everyone. This is ENTERP with the news. The current partial government shutdown continues in a top White House officialist quoted as saying that it may stretch until next year, since Democrats and Republicans remained at an impass over funding that President Trump's border wall requires. According to President Trump, he wants over five billion dollars from US taxpayers, while the Democrats say they're okay about maybe one and a half billion, and Acting Chief of Staff Bill Vaney tells Fox News Sunday that Trump is not moving away from his stated position, not entirely. We had given an offer a counter offer to mister Schumer, and immediately, I think thereafter the Senate went into recess until at least Thursday. That doesn't mean it meet before Thursday till we get hear something back. But I don't think things are going to move very quickly here for the next couple of days Vaney says that the offer may to Senate democratically to Charles Schumer, is between the president's request and what the Democrats are willing to sign on to. So, in other words, he's willing to come down a little bit, and they're hoping that the Democrats will come up a little bit. So right now, a quarter of the government is affected by the shutdown. Eight hundred thousand federal workers have been furloughed, while others are working without pay. The effects of the shutdown, though, won't be what'll be most noticeable, we can sing on Wednesday, when federal employees are scheduled to return to work after the Christmas holiday, So we'll see. President Trump has named a new Defense Secretary to replace General Jim Mathis, who are resigned last week over differences between himself and the President over Trump's plan pull out of American Truth, some Syria, and some other foreign policy decisions of some regarding Afghanistan and others. Mattis says he'll be stepping down in February. That's what he said. However, Trump says Defense Secretary the Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan, will take over as acting Defense Secretary on January first, or he's selling. He's basically telling Maddis you can leave now. The President went on Twitter, as he so often does, saying that quote, I am pleased to announce that our very talented Deputy Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan, will assume the title of Acting Secretary Defense starting January first. Patrick has a long list of accomplishments while serving as deputy and previously at boeing he will be great. Lebron James is saying that the NFL owners have a slave mentality. Lebron on his Friday night HBO show called him a bunch of old white men who tossed players aside who don't follow orders, and he made that statement during a discussion over the treatment of players Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid who knelt during the playing of the national anthem to call attention to this country's racial injustice and who can't get a job. James added that he's so appreciative of the NBA and it's commissioner because he says, quote, he doesn't mind us having real feelings and allowing us to express them. Dog lovers praising this move. Chief of Jackson, Mississippi Police Department currently checking the whereabouts of all his departments, form police talks as one guy actually gave his dog up. This has been a trip with the news. Now back to the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. You're listening to show, Steve contained when you first started traveling and you're doing the road, you don't have good legging. It's really cheap. You don't have Sampson. No, no, you don't have none of that. Oh man, I got real bag. Get You'm at the bag exclaiming I see a ship come around. I'm like, that looked like mine. And then I see some shoes. I got some shoes. My bag bust overstein, all my stuff coming around. Hey dog, now you gotta pick yourself. That's too embarrassing. He was the last one of Yeah, so so mine is just because I'm a German fault. But I have been at the at the bathroom you're on with too much stuff in my hand, and accidentally, you know, you got your phone in your hand, your keys, and you got too much in your hand. You know you're trying to put it somewhere. You don't want to lay it down, your phone in your head. I'm trying to go. I have had I haven't had my glasses in my hand and accidentally dropped them. And where did I drop them? Mike in that damn wow? Did you get him out? Yeah? Go ahead to see on the rest of the ask that initial question. Yeah, but I'll tell you what. I need both hands. I can't helping my money. I'm start because I got poor. I got I need both hands. We're not going to bathroom lights, keys, the phone glass, everything is his hand, Virgil, but with a water bottle. But when you dinner with as much as I'm dealing with you, I guys kept both hands because I met him. Man, you know what to do if you stop. No, I want my stuff on the floor. I got to have both. I got some handle. Damn this phone, Okay, that zip my damn myself because the ladies room we have a hook. We got a hook. We have a look for our purse and the second and yeah, in the ladies room we have all that. Oh no, no, that's none of that. After after, ain't got none of that. I wasn't in the stall. I was at the stand up. Yeah. Yeah, you had one with his glasses and dropping stuff. I don't know. I got to put all this stuff in my I gotta leave something on the sleep. I damn I need a hammock around my neck. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve introduced him. He's here. Well, I don't feel like being in the Christmas bid he is, No, I don't. I don't write happy Christmas songs because there's enough of those happy, happy Christmas songs getting lost in the shopper, alling deck the halls. Who the hell want to hit that over and over? Saturated right for the sad and down track, grint all the way, hit it. Hello, it's Christmas time again. I can't believe it's him, man a soul on the time, just sleep by stealing from my Halloween, by having take damn, it's Christmas over friding, friding, people inside fiding. I'd rather last week on the show, Lady, please nobody. My father today can't even put the mobile. It just says, no way, O damn is Christmas? That shock? Christmas? Love far Christmas. I've been pro Christmas. No hose house homes. You're a mean one, mister grab Day singing the subody. Somebody if you hear some notes. Too many happy Christmas songs out there every year somebody got a Christmas album Happy, Happy that I'm in. I'm in the lane all by myself. You are I want to be got a tree up, Jane? No, did he insult you? I can't imagine my house on no tree. Especially grandchildren, well that they want to see tree, go to the other granddaddy house because ain't got one. Tell me, ain't buy them gifts? Jay, Please tell me that, yeah, gifts at Happy You don't put it under the tree though. It's just sitting up on the coffee ten. It's just sitting up on the coffee ten. It ain't wrap the gotta recet on it that Hey, yea laptop over there, that's yours. That's how Jay pass again. It's stilling the bag, Jake to take it back? You never know? You know who won the iPhone? All right? Well, keep myself so sad. That bike over there, that's yours. Man, You know, guessing nothing. You you have to do better. We're gonna we're gonna have to help you working on. Yeah, celebrate Chris. I'm gonna tell you right now I have known him way a longer than all y'all. You can stop. It's deep ending. Have you have you ever invited him over to your house, Steve for Christmas? Maybe I don't know. I haven't his unhappy as mess my damn holiday. I'm trying to shoot his old by himself, Steve. Where is he gonna eat him stuff Christmas? That's where it needs to be. Unhappy asswer house. He's gonna eat Christmas dinner, Steve. He don't have a Christmas tree and he got diabetes. I'm nothing because you know he can't eat them yams. You know that he over here said, we can't hand Okay, it's too much, all right. Coming up next is the nephew. He's got the prank phone call. Right after this you're listening show, I try we back. Coming up at the top of that, we got strawberry letter. Uh, nephew got to prank phone call. You ain't gonna want to miss it up and hold on tight. This is Christmas decorations, trust me, mister. I'm trying to read cecil. Yeah, this cecil's going on. Hey this manny man, I live like about four five streets over from you, this Manning. How you doing, brother, I'm doing good man? How you doing? I'm good? Hey? I see you. You you got your Christmas lights up right? You know? I got him up. I got my whole of them, theverything set up. Man, it's just looking really okay. Let me let me ask you something. Man. The theme you got in your yard? Where you get that idea from? What do you mean where I get them from? The idea? Like you got a snow man, you got Santa Claus, some reindeals, you got your whole house decorated. You got Jesus with the Manger and the wise men around him. Where did you get your idea from? I'm I'm lost what you're talking about? Man? You asking me where I got a thing from them? I mean you try to imply from them. I'm asking. I'm asking you a question. Where did you get the idea from? I made this up. I made up You go with a team. That's Chrystmas base man, and that's that's Chrystmas base Jesus there, Chrystmas Jesus, and and just in Jerusalem and Beth Lamb and hey, what what's going on? Man? Who are you? Where you get my number from? Any I'm I'm I'm manning, man, I'm manning. I got I got your number from one of the people that live on your street. And I'm just asking you on the reel where you get this idea from? I made this idea. If I made this up, man, I made this up just the second time you ask me why I get idea from? What are you trying to go? The real deal? Dog? The same thing you got if you come four streets over. I got the same thing in my yard. And it looked like you have stole my idea. And see what you ain't gonna do is try to win Christmas yards of the season. And you know stole my idea. That's the problem I got with you. Now the problem you got is like to twist it. Okay, to see I put this together without it here, I never even heard of you many begin with. Secondly, I've been doing this particular theme in my yards as I've been standing over. I've been stand over a six years. You ain't had that. You ain't had that theme last year. You ain't had that, man, this thing last year. And to give the four and I put myself in the same place every damn time I put it down. You did not have this last talk about who are you to call me and tell me about my theme? And about my yard and what you got going. I know you ain't copying. Man. Man, I'm gonna tell you right now, and I ain't gonna go no further. You need to read arrange your theme and get a different thing, because you got the same theme I got. No, you need to rearrange your okay, because I ain't rearranging jack over here. Hey man, let me tell you, jeth Man, and I'm being really as real as I can be with you. If I got to come over there and unplugged stuff, if you got to come if I got to come over to your house um plugs some stuff, no no, no fee. If that thing my foot will be getting a plug from your First of all, you ain't gonna come on my street, in my house and disrespect me at all about anything that I got set up in my yard. Tell I ain't that way. I'll tell you what. Then, I'm just gonna do this ship. I'm gonna just come over there and take Jesus and take them and take them wise men I your yard. That's what I'm gonna do. Come over this way, cabody messing with Jesus in the manger. It's gonna be some real powers because football. That's fake sign it, that's that's the center other things. Now, if you want to come over here and you want to kind of do something like that, you're gonna need Jesus to help you because it's gonna be some rollings. I'm going on. The bottom line is just right here. You got the nerve to do the same thing. My god, I'm full streets sober. I'm driving through looking at everybody's man, looking at everybody's the only one, same way, the same place. Good a doubt. Long yere. Ain't nobody ever call on me? Your stuff look like? Then in from four five stres? Who the head? This man in any wait? Man, ain't got no lights coming on my street because you don't stay on this street. You're going around looking at people. I'm trying to get your ideas. Man, you got a rich No, No, I'm very original. I moved to this neighborhood and folk you did. I've been here. I've been here ten years. You've been here by six. I lone. You've been living over here. I've been living over his six years. This fuff. The vision was just coming up when I came over here. How are you gonna tell me you've been running your team long, has not been running mine? Who you clays? Hey, man, and it ain't. I ain't got to go back, man, you know what, I got better things, So I still got some more lights put up. Hey, I gotta want to class and go back and forth. When I'm gonna tell you just right here, I'm gonna come take Jesus off your yard. I'm gonna take Jesus and then one take Jesus out my y'all. And I see now you're signing like when I'm crazy people talk about thinking Jesus out of my life. That's where you've got life and mess up. Come on over. I got somebody, man, and that's what you look here. Don't turn your life on. Light's gonna be on the nighte tomorrow night and every other night. Tell about taking my Jesus into manker, I'm original as a written that can be. Come over if you want to. I got something. You have stole my ideal and we're talking about this stelling idea. Come on around here. Let's hey, dog dog, let me tell you something right now. Jesus and then wise men is coming. I choll y'ard today. Now you know what, man, I'm through with you, man, I'm through with you. You know what, Come over here if you want to touch my baking Jesus, touch my manjer touch Meving Joseph and the Wise Man, and I'm gonna put the North Star over your literally, hey man, I'll tell you what you tell about coming over here missing with anything? Y'alls on top? Okay, sit to go off every evening at Duns. The story getting dark, my going on? Let money come on the night. Cook be yo. Anyway, why why why you can't come up with your own team? Man like you can't look at it? I'll tell you what, man who for you? Anyway? We're just squatted right how you say? Four five three? Over? What kind of color? You got? Me? Good? Where I come find you? Little? Come deal with you right now, where you at, right now, where you you know what. Don't worry about where I'm at. I'm ready on your life. I am literally now I'm gonna come fine. No, your life ain't coming on tonight. What never not come on the night. There's gonna be some files in your life. It's gonna be on the breeze. And you I'm gonna let you know there many many man fruit, So you who for you anyway. Man, You don't caused me out of the blue. You sit up here accusing me of feeling your things when it's been my theme or at least years six years. I've been doing it to Night of War, best yard three years or three years running in this season. Now I think you're trying to get mine. But see the problem is you don't want the best yards because you're still in my idea. How can I be sitting your man? Man? You know what you and your and I'm ready to deal with your right. Hey, dog dog, I'm not going to go back and forth with you. Let me go on on say this to you? Write nowe dog? What Larry on your streets told me to call you. Lads later gave you my number. Larry and Tommy told me to call you. Very Timmy told you to call me. Do you know who Tommy is? That? Ain't they ain't never missing? Ain't Tommy? To me? Who I'm Tommy? I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planked by your boy, Larry Man. Nephew Tommy. You want they show? Larry told me to call you. He said, you win every single year the Christmas kill. But it's kind of funny. Not. Let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the lane? Oh? Man hands? I don't know, Steve show you know what your sir? Your sir? Okay, Steve, you you were gonna tell us about the tidy bone commercial. Oh? In the bathroom again, show out everything in this. I was flushing the toilet right and our toilet water was blue. And I was just a little boy, so I decided to open up the lid to see why this water blue, and that guy was all over my hand. And then my mama said, Steve, get out that bad food. But my hands was wet. So I grabbed the towel and wipe my hands off. Now it's blue all over the towe. So she got in the bathroom. All I heard was, who why don't towel? Where's my good towel? A good? Yeah? We had our family initial on that she had just got them, and I had blue all over this top. He came out there and said a little Stevie, did you wipe your hands on them? Good time? Yeah? And I said, um, did I lie? I could tell by the tone this, I ask, just wipe my hand. I got to lie. Somebody else had to. She said, hold your hands out. I held my hands, blew all under my nails and everything. Yeah, she said, more here, you just lied to me. You don't put that blue all over them. Good time, I just brought them. Time said, I tell you what. Tell your daddy when he come home that you didn't do that to them. Time called slick like them. Time like this, queen did my black hairs? Daddy started, We will be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, right now, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey fl dot com and click submit Strawberry Strawberry Letter. Tell him Steve, Yeah, do like she said. All right, let's go, all right, all right, let's get it, y'all. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it from a strawberry letter. Now, this is a very short letter subject. You can't get anything for free from me. Okay, here, Stephen Shirley. I used to be a working girl, but I've been out of the game for five years since I made this big lifestyle change. I have only dated one man, and he knew about my past and was willing and able to take care of me. Now that I'm back on the dating scene, it's been hard for me to transition to another good man. Dating is so different now. In the past, I sold my body because I needed the money to pay a couple of bills, go out for nice dinners, and get whatever else my heart desired. Now, through the grace of God, I can pay for anything I need myself. But I still want a man that is going to spend money on me if I'm intimate with him. Is it wrong for me to think like this? Nothing is free, So if he's laying with me, shouldn't he pay? Okay? So then the question becomes, are you out of the game or not? Okay, because by the sound of your letter, you're still about that life. I mean, you're obviously in the same mindset from back in the day when you were, as you say, selling your body for stuff. So as long as you're thinking this way, you're you're not all the way out. You're just not. I mean, no real man, no real woman is going to just take money or just pay you for being intimate with them. You know, if you guys are in a relationship and on a date and stuff, that's prostitution. I mean, that's what that is. Doing it that way would mean that you're still in your old life, You're still in the game. I mean, don't you get that how that works? Um? If he's paying for intimacy, he's paying for your services. Which that's what you did back in the day when you said you were selling your body to pay a couple of bills and get whatever else your heart desired, along with some nice dinners. So you have to stop thinking like that. You haven't completely changed, Okay, you just haven't. And until you stop, you probably won't meet that good man that you're wanting to meet now since you and the other guy broke up. Steve, Well, this is a real simple ladder. This is a letter from this lady that was a hooker and a prostitute. Stop all this working girl and all this here. This is a hooker and a prosecuting trying to call it with working girl. Call it what you want to call this is hooking. We are here tricking, oh ja. He said it best. A woman will sell her precious body for a small piece of paper. It carries a lot of weight. Oh that mean mean, mean, mean, green almighty dollar. Oh lord, all this letter is about is about money. She never mentioned love in this letter. Just love. This ain't got nothing to do with love. That subject. You can't get anything for free from me? Okay, cool, Then you're into life, Stephen Shall. I used to be a working girl, but I've been out of the game for five years since I made this big lifestyle change. I've only dated one man, and he knew about my past, and it's willing able to take care of me now that I'm back on the dating scene. So now something happened with this one man. So now she back on the Dayton scene. Now that I'm back on the dating scene, it's been hard for me to transition to another good man. Dating is so different now. In the past, I sold my body because I needed the money to pay a couple of bills, go out for nice dinners, and get whatever else my heart desire. Now, through the grace of God, I could pay for anything I need myself. Okay, that was quick. I missed something here. You used to sell your body so you could go out and take care of some bills and nice dinners and get whatever else your heart desire. Now, through the grace of God, I could pay for anything I need myself now, So that must mean you got a job. Yeah, that's what I think. But I still want a man who's going to spend money on me if I'm intimate with him. Well, you know, in out the Life, Surely said it right. You're in the life, y'a out the life, y'all have the life. Yere into life. You don't make up your mind. The only way this is gonna work is what Surely said. You gotta change your mindset, okay, because all you're doing right now you equating your sex to money. And as long as that's what it is, you ain't heard love in this letter, Compassion, companionship or friend. You know, someone to lean on to share moments with That ain't what You just still paying bills. And if I'm gonna lay with you, you need to pay me something. And I'm gonna tell you something. That thing you're selling, let me help you out. It ain't all that good. I'm gonna tell you that right now. No, no, it's not. And see, let me tell you something you could quit thanking yours is to catch me out the end all because it ain't. Everybody got one. Don't nobody care because you're willing to pass it out for money. Go quicker, go harder? What what? What? What? Everybody got one? Somebody did a whole lot of them betting yours. Yeah, and the reason you could get money for it was was you fitting to sell it for money. See, it's easy to get somebody to buy from you. Ain't nobody got to have no conversation that here go fad it. Now, let's go on to get it. That's not dating. Oh you don't know what dog dog dog, She says. She was an escort girl. She was a working girl. Now, if you were solo, or you had a pimp or whatever, I understand how all this go. Or if you're doing it yourself. I don't know how you was doing it. But you didn't equate it all this to money. Anybody got time for this hill? Now look until you start talking about love, companionship, friendship, warm and tender moments memory, sunset walks on the beach, Then don't write me because I don't know what to tell you. Because you want to lay with somebody and get paid. So you you want to stop being a hooker, but you want to keep hooking principles. Right, So now go ahead on what you just said right there. You want to stop hooking, but you want to keep the hooker principle. Now that don't make no damn sense to me. And we're not doing a part two on this, damn mad Yeah, because we threw with you. Do you think she take cash? Apple squire? How do you think? But see that you is stupid to me because dating is so different now you we own a dumb as a damn don't know. Why do you have to tell him this every day? All right? We have to take a little break right here. This letter is called you Can't Get Anything for Free from Me. We're gonna come back and wrap things up at twenty three after the hour. Okay, you're listening, all right, Steve, here we are part two. I know you don't want to do a part two of this letter. Uh. The subject is you can't get Anything for free from Me. It's about a woman who says she used to be a working girl, but she's changed, she's out the game now. But the men she meet, she wants them to pay her for being intimate with them. So she's not really out. What why why are we still talking about it? Yeah? She probably old school, is probably Western Union. She says, nothing is free. So if he's laying with me, shouldn't he pay? Wow? Well yeah, why don't you charge him? Then? Just going back to what you just charge him, that relationship is over. See, she doesn't understand. She her idea of dating is just to go out with a man. It ain't She ain't looking for love. She ain't trying to find a warm memories, try to have a future, raise her family. She's not trying to do none of that. All she trying to do is is date. Now. She used to be a hooker. Okay, cool, Now you think every man take you out? If you lay with him, you post to get some money. Okay, lady, Until you want a relationship, don't call him, just keep hooking. Well, she's not the game. She not a gage physically not mentally. Yeah. All right, well listen, um, we gotta go. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, and don't forget to join us this Thursday for Facebook Live for the Strawberry Letter Live After Show and coming up in ten minutes, we're gonna discuss what is best what is the best kind of sex? Okay, we'll talk about that in ten minutes. But I did for a minute, I did want to tell you this. Mariah Carey's in the news now. Remember when she was engaged to the billionaire guy. He gave her this diamond ring, Carla, Remember that that was worth like ten million dollars. His name was Jane Packer. He was from Australia. Yeah, right, right right, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, um, she pawned her diamond ring. She pawned it. Okay, that's didn't kind of pawn shot? Pawn shot? You pawned a two million dollars ring, ten million dollars, thirty five carrots? Okay? Whoa? And she took it to a Los Angeles jeweler right here. How much do you guys think she got for it? Pawn shot? Do they keep that kind of money? I've been to you're probably gonna get back about eight exactly. Anybody going on? You got different? All right? Well, Mariah got two million? Okay, she pawned a ring for two million. No, the ring costs, yeah, she she got the ring costs ten million. It was a thirty five carrot ring diamond ring. She went to the to a Los Angeles jeweler. He gave her two million dollars. They supposedly signed a confidentiality agreement and we'll never dive a details about the transaction. Mariah's publicist basically confirmed the New York Story Post story, saying that Mariah has been very vocal about moving forward in her life, surrounded by positivity that requires leaving baggage behind, including an old engagement ring from an ex boyfriend. So there you go. Wow. Yeah, so she came up. He spent ten millions. She pawned it and got two pawnshop really came up, That's who came up. But Mariah didn't spend anything. Yeah, this is not a pawnshop, guys, she said. Jeweler, a Los Angeles jeweler. Yeah, promise you is not an Ain't no pawn shop. Got no two million, that's what left that. Okay, well she got two millions. Are they gonna resell it? I guess the jewelia. Yeah, resell the ring and probably reset it. Yeah, everything, take it out, take a stone out, thirty five harrot diamond ring. Can you imagine thirty five carrots, going Wow. Hell, I wouldn't have messed up with that man if I was with him. What she did? She said something, she said, the people are coming to dinner. Then huh, that was after the fact, But that's what she told that man, Michael coming, friends coming, They coming to dinner. Baby. That's why. That's why all this broke apart, because you had all these people who hadn't passed away coming to dinner, talking about Whitney coming to dinner and set the table and put food out the scarf. I'm talking about the people are coming to eat, Steve, that man looking at her time where deep people are going on the glory? How the heller they coming to eat with up? No, no, tell me how this possible. You just set the table and got the butler there about a cooking around him for these people that ain't coming. Everybody dressed in black and whites and all the fine clothing for sir, and there ain't none of these people. Sure, she keeps looking out the door like they coming. Y'all, don't see nothing wrong with this. He's not that crazy though. Come on now, he got two million dollars for her ring. Yeah, probably to go by and get some more dinners. You're waiting on these people to come. Guess who's coming to dinner. I can't believe you're just sitting there singing, because you know, I like to let him do stuff like this. Can wait the next week, Marvin Gay and Luther's dinner. You're crazy. You're crazy. I give you two million dollars. Get the hell away from me. It's something problem with you, Tommy. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Stephen. When I really to start doing this, when we saw talking about that, we're gonna have to get them some heill. We got to get them down there to the doctor. When we say that, I just want you to be finished. Yeah, okay, okay, touch for y'all. I'm sorry, It's awesome. That's us. Steve's always no no, no, no no no. Rick, you ain't be your friend now, no, Rick, you ain't be a frac no no, I I can say that, y'all cool with it? Rick, you ain't be your frac? Cool with that? Did you cool with that? Rick? Gonna be your Friend's who's coming? Give it to my baby? Give it to me? Idiot? What's wrong with them? All right? Guys? We gotta go. Please email us or Instagram us your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at Steve Harvey at them, all right, more of this crazy ignorant show, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, fellas, Jay, what you got? Mcrematon. But some people don't pant a lot of thought into gifts at all. They just don't. They could kill lass, you know. And these are list of gifts that we just don't want at all. Don't give me I'm just speaking from myself. Number one of them a diabetic don't give me no damn chocolate cup of cherries. I don't want that, Okay, you out, don't wrap it up, don't. I don't like that gift. I don't. I don't like that's too much damn sugar for diabetic. What I can't speak for? The top ten gift that people hate. I don't do till I hate because I've already got it before. Why would you give me a jerry box? You don't? I don't. They put no thought into this. This came from an aunt of mine. Here's somebody that don't know you at all at all at all? Right, they got the mirror in it when you open it up. The look the little box sectionals I don't want I ain't got a ring on my face. Don't get me a holiday sweater? Why would you buy me a Christmas sweater? But when am I gonna wear? I gonna wait till next for nothing. I don't wear that because after today it's all. I ain't never been with the ugly sweater thing I don't have. Okay, Steve, what you got? What are we doing? Top ten gives people hate? People hate, Yeah, yeah that they hate what he don't buy me no damn medicine. You know, you know, I know how much your knees hurt. And you're gonna from ad veal from celebricks and you can keep it close by. Man. I just man, I thought about you, and I saw this big two hundred peel bottom Christmas man and they went to Salms of Cosco, got you the big bulk a vill don't none of that. I don't want to let me jan something about me. I have not worn suspenders in years, okay, any years in years, and you're not the ones that clamp on, not the one that you put a button on it. I don't want suspenders, the plastic work, I don't. I know they look nice in the box, and they got a little both time. I don't want that. Okay, I'll tell you something I don't want, Jake, and I mean this, I mean it. Don't buy me nothing off of information. I don't want the flashlight. I don't want noneing of that. I don't want. I did buy you that flashlight, though I did. Well, I don't want it. They have some stuff on that information, y'all go ahead and have it. I don't want it. What the hell do I want with subseal? What they call it flexile? You never know? Right if I get a lot of I don't want to know conflicts just cause they shiney. I've been watching your teams that I saw you be waring conflicts all the time. Jesus real, all right, all right, No buy me no spank shirt. Why why would you buy me, you know, a form fitting shirt? What are you trying? Yeah, yeah, don't buy me that. I don't want that. I might need that, but I don't want it. No, he don't. He don't want them tight shirts. He hit body any ready? He got buddy? If I see time me to take your shirt, I need the pict anywhere in the country. You see him take that? Hey man, I put one on in front of Margie one time. She laughed so hard. I looked at I said, I ain't really there yet. I'm just checking it out. Okay. See, I'm under the impression if you put one of them shirts one, Steve, it makes your body tight, and I think it's the shirt that makes you like you in shape. That's what I think, and that's why I'm no, you gotta keep the shirt on. You know what I'm saying. I'm definitely gonna give me one. But what I don't want for what I don't want is a popcorn coupon. Please, I'm going to the movies. I can't get my own popcorn. Okay, all right, you don't need a cupon. You don't want the gift card? No, No, you love going to the movies, Jay, that's a good cover. You love going to the movies, don't. I ain't want them ow the movie passes. I'm good on movie pads, hair cream. They give me a set and it got a cre I'll be just looking at people. Yeah, you know you ain't got no hap to use it for your mustache case. Yeah, yeah, I'll tell you what I know. I'm sicking in. Yeah, well, I tell you people like to make fun of your situations and stuff. And I know I have six said, but what I don't want for cry is a bag of sale. Give you that the bag of I don't want the bag of salle because you dehydrata. Yeah, they think it's Christmas. I ain't in the hospital. I we're in the living room. I don't want the bag of sale. I would report you first because you stolen here. I don't love here. The one I don't like people get. I know you like cigars and I found these here. They had these Coheber's for six dollars about hobby does come here? Is no man? No? Look that that ain't the right label. Yeah, thats they called he was. I asked, what about you suppose that they bring your box with flaging mile did something? I had that too, I've had that'll make you sick. They brought me a pack of big lighters one time. You're always looking for a lighter. Here's a lighter. He's a pack up break. I'm how long it take for a big delight? A sick on man? Yeah, and your hand on that but that long. Yeah, you're gonna burn inside of your pub and we're not ungrateful. This is just what we don't like. That's all. Well, it's hard to shop for y'all. That's what I'm keep coming up with. Okay, Christmas, Steve Man, Christma calling. Thank you you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, all of us here at this Deep Harvey Morning Show, we can hardly wait till till Christmas, most of us, right, uh, except for you know who bitter Man slash the Grinch. We call him the Grinch around Christmas. J Anthony Brown. Steve is here your friend now. Uh, this is his segment. He's calling it Evil Things to Do for Christmas because I don't know why I have been dubbed the evilest one on this show because I'm not the evil. Oh but you the only one? Yeah, yeah you are, j not the evils. You fell evil, We didn't have evil. Yeah, you brought evil in all. These are evil things to do over the holidays, by your tuli Jane Brown. Number one, get yourself a launch, uh huh, and go to the one of those stories electronic stores and just sit outside and watch people try to put a big ass TV and a little ast evil. That's so much fun. Bring a lunch. Yeah, your best parts when the guy who works at his serve gotta go back in Shyeah, that's the best part. That is your best even last thing to do for the holiday. Load up four or five baskets. Load the like you're gonna shop, and you walk out and leave because you know somebody got to put that stuff back. Leave it at the store. You're not buying any of it. Oh, this is a real good one. Come out of the store, go to your car. Okay, back out, put it back in, b back out, put it back in, and then then get out. Go in and then come back out, back out, put it back in. Get your friend. Some people think they got a parking space. Oh my, got just to look on the face that he not leaving. Let out. There there's another one. This is so much fun. Put all your trash in a big box, wrap it up in Christmas paper, put a bow on it, go to the moll set it on the hood of your car, and just watch people steal it. It is so much I like that to see them drive around like, oh there's a box on the car, and get it. Get it. Get on the elevator. Wait do you see somebody with a whole lot of packages? And hurry up. I'm come on, I got it. I'm holding the elevator. I got it. And when they get there, you let that dope close writing the it's gonna I tried. I tried to hard, right I do I do that? Nobody. I try to act like I'm trying to press Sorry, sorry, here's another one. Get in line, but Santa Claus is sit on Santa lap, hold up the line. Just pull out a long ass list, just to the kids get irritated when they start crying, and just and then I hard. I didn't want to get a new house. Just as long as you can talk to Santa the better. Oh, hen, get you a stuff. This is a good one. This is a good ahead. Get you a stuffed Santa Claus tied to the hood of your car, and then drive around like you hit Santa Claus. Hey, that's evil, one of them inflatable Santa Claus hold and drive by schools and hey, what's going on? The little kids are there's a real good with him. It's kind of tricky. What is what are we doing here? Little things to do over the holiday brown find your ex girlfriend. Yes, right on the back of her car. Merry Christmas. Ho ho hochen. Here's the catch. Two of the whole holes have been written by paint that will wash off when it rained. So in the back of the car, just said Merry Christmas. Hop the two come on and last but not Lea. You know these people associate you gotta go to a quanza party. Huh dressed like Santa Claus. Oh, man, They're gonna lose. I don't gonnerstake real. Let me go, man, I got the man who celebrates do not. They did not play seriously, Man, I gotta I gotta family member to do that too. Man, I just what you know, I'll be trying to be respectful of me, I said the dog. I can't. Hey, man, why don't you get back to your African roots, I said, bro, I'm in touch with my actual rooms. But I do like Christmas. Yeah, yeah, you don't even understand what Christmas is. I might know, but I shouldn't understand what quansy is. So let's you, I said, But just understand, dog, my whole life I grew up with Christmas. I just kind of like it. I ain't Finn to stop? Yeah, you should stop. Every black person should stop. Dog. That's a hard see it. Yeah, I can't celebrate a holiday the same age as me. Christmas way older than Yeah, me and Quanza both got he had? How long is quansa is? It's a certain amount of day? Seven days? Yeah, it's cool for the people that do it, man, but they' be on such an angle man for you not joining in. Well, for those of you who celebrate Quanza, happy Quanza. For those of you, yeah, celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas, and for everybody to celebrate, happy honka all of that. It's happy holiday. Yeah to everybody out there. Do you I do want to see Santa Claus go to this this Quanza party though? All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, A really few depressing reasons someone will lie on a date. All right, I'm depressing reasons. Give you some good reasons, all right. You want to hear these and then you give it out yours. All right. They don't believe they're good enough, so they'll lie. Makes deite they think of love if they think of love, of dating, and of relationships as a game, so they lie. They don't know any better. They just don't know any better, so they lie. Yeah, I'm I'm I'm planning. I'm gonna lie. Yeah, and I know you guys have I'm not gonna tell you if I want to be with you. Yeah. That's just three reasons. Yeah, yeah, yeah, those are the three main ones. They don't believe they're good enough. They think of it as a game, and they just simply do know. It's not that you don't thank you good enough. You just making show you good enough. Yeah, Bob, Bob, build it up. Oh yeah, No, it ain't that you don't thank you good enough. I stacked a deck. How much you make a year? Four hundred thousands, you know, you know you make forty a whole about four hundred thousand, you know, I get it. It's a bonus at the end of the year, and then that keep a hopeful of things gonna be. Yeah, I just got this job, so I'm on pace. Yeah, my bonus check at the end of the year be three hundred and six and nothing yet because they think it's a game. They just think, you know, dating loving relationships. They think of it as a game. It's just a game. So well, for guys in the throwback business, it is a game. You mean, some girls into it for game too. They just want to see if they can run their little situation and make it work out, you know. And a lot of women are playing the game now. So a lot of people do think it's a game. It sounds to me like you're justifying all this line that you're. No, I'm not justifying nothing. But a lot of people think as a game. Me and and women now treat dating like a game. That's why so many that's why families just broken the air. But everything jacked up now because TV show man that Catfish. That's unbelievable to me. Three years on line with a person, then't you going to meet him? But I'm in a damn stranger color Carter playing Man, this little dude, good looking, little black kid was on Catfish. I went to see this girl when it Man, you should have seen this girl. Dog, I ain't gonna lie to you. Dog out of whoop the dude on Catfish? Nonh Why I swear to God out of star because they know what the person looked like for this. This big girl came to this dobe. Man, it was Lyne, told my she not here, come back later. And the little dude, good looking, little black dude. Ro. I couldn't understand it, man, where you could you? He got to have plenty girl friends back in Saint Louis. You're gonna caught this plane down hill. It's me that little dude looks She finally came clean and said it was me. What's what she looked like? John Wallace, Mamma, it was you. Don't show called Mullett. Mama, Joe. You're proud of yourself right now? Wow? Wait no, no wait, no wait no wait, all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. The stereotype of being single during the holidays usually brings looks of pity from people, but really, really, it can be cool. It can if you're single. What being single for the holiday? Yeah? And I don't look to people. You need to find somebody, don't don't. I'm telling you you need to find someday. Wake your ass by yourself. Yeah, wake up, oh Christmas Day, by yourself, ain't no noise another room. Wow, okay, okay, go ahead. Well, there there are a lot of things, junior, that single people can do that someone with a significant other can't. How about that? All right, all right, I'm gonna tell you your time is your own for one thing. You have that freedom. But guys, here are ways the singles have it better during the holidays. Check it out, junior. There are no fights waiting to happen, No fights waiting to happen someone good. Yeah, that's a great thing. Or break up. You don't want a lot of people break up over the holidays. You don't have to worry about that. Can't can't break up if you ain't gotten nobody by yourself. Yeah, okay, here's another one. You don't have to buy a lot of gifts. Think about it, You ain't getting none. Okay, I'm just looking at the bright side of this. There are no mandatory spouse holiday parties you have to attend your aunts. Ain't got nothing on the stove, me, You don't no spells in the house. Okay, here's another one. You don't have to choose which family you're gonna celebrate with. There's always a fight about that. You know, yeah, but you need to find somebody house and then here's a good one New Year's Eve. You can go into twenty eighteen focusing all on you. Okay, you ever brought in the New Years by yourself? Singles when you do blowing that horn, don't nobody hit, don't nobody. You can focus on just yourself bringing in the new year. Okay, but you couldn't do that the year before because you still buy you. We're looking at the positive sight of being single, that's all. No, there's there's no positive No, you don't think you need to find somebody. I remember the first time we moved Atlanta. First, I didn't go home when I moved Atlanta, all right, when I woke up and there was nothing, nothing, no food, no no I called home. I heard all that joy and laughter and getting passed around on the phone. Ain't fun? Who is that? All these damn questions? I'm coming in? Who is that? Let me talk to you? Who coming in? What y'all doing it? Now? Who is that? Who is that? Now? Is that the doubt? What baby? Is that? What y'all look at that? You don't want to do that? Wow? I like all of that? Yourself? You like being by yourself during the holidays. No jack, Listen, listen, listen, listen. That's what it sounds. So what that's what I'm talking about. Okay, Christmas morning is like what at your house? Listen? Let me listen. Don't you just love it? No pots rattling? Listen again. You maybe to hit whoo and that joint. You got to be lonely at pots rattling? No, no, no, let you hear it again. Listen, not a damn thing. You love it? No company at all? Come to my house. You ain't in the neighborhood because I ain't gonna let you in. You know that we were just in the neighborhood when you outside, because you ain't coming in. All right, coming up next to our last break of the day, and Steve will have some closing remarks. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, here we go. Here we go, Steve with the last break of the day. With just one more thing. I'm gonna just play this for your short version of it. This is my reaction listening to Shirley Murdock's As We Lay. This is the reason I'm ticked off because this happened to me eighty I was at a girl's house all night long, and I don't know why. I surely thought all necessary write a damn song about such a bad memory, for that's cute. Can't wait eight hundred miss called its morning, and we slept the night. Now we can't too back toime. Yes we still this morn the chip to face one simple fad. Ain't a woman. We we ain't just slept no night. I ain't been in your bath. You just go heave me over your across your oh here, yes here we always go to sleep. But we but you taste to be No. This still posts the last night we're supposed to be the gone, our separate way. I'm a story hard. We were just supposed to have a lovely few hour the whole night you got some love to scar. I forgot what sho knew. I was late snowing. You can't sleep when I'm snowing like leg hanging all mine about the price we had to pay, no book in this daylight. I can't find my drawl stay down my shoe in the kitchen. Wow, I don't know where my ties jacket turned inside out. I'm trying to get to this car. What is you saying about my wife I had when you met me. You don't want to hurt it. What you tain't different to do. She's gonna understand you, damn right. She fron Upstay you know it's crazy gonna Shirley who you want? I can't stand that biled right there as we slept ding What is the veil going off? Was the veil? At one thirty? You forgot about your funk? As you know, count is upon. You ain't got to deal with the calls. I know the one got drivers in and explained it that it is nothing helped like Tomas says eight hundred miss owned calls, seventy nine texts, all of them from Huck you better be dead. I'm driving home trying to think on what I'm my mom classic. What was the bel at one thirty? Dude, you don't centip looking at me talking about that as the sunlight cross your face. You don't post me no light on me? That was the wild though jacket. Why need to find my hanging off over? He shoot out the stairs in the kitchen. I went home. I ain't got no shirt. I just got a town I couldn't even find. I know you gotta go home and face your I never counted up to calls. You know you ain't got going here to do? I old you want this? Damn old women? You can't explain that university? Why is your drolls? Oh see? What had well say? I'm not taking the pants off if I ain't got no draws on the pants? Stay all night? Where are they thought? I didn't wear? No? How did you misplace them over there? I was able toilet at the airport and I didn't make it, and I had a little accident on them, so I just left them in the stop. You're lying. It's time to get out of here. We lie as we lie. Hey, MANU, y'all have a great holiday. Yeah, we're going away for the holidays. Man, We're gonna enjoy our time without families. We're gonna see y'all the man every day. But we're gonna be showing y'all some moments from the year. But but thanks to our audience too, because thank you stay right with us ever, thank you thank you for all Steve every contest no purchase necessary, avoid were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete content, US rules. Visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.