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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them like theming bus bus things and it's not good. Steve to mother, stay don't joy. You gotta turn arm. You gotta turn to turn them out, turn love, got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your thing. Uh huh, I show will a good morning everybody. You all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. How good is God? Hum? Think about it? Just take a slight inventory of your own life and say it to yourself when you get through, how good is God? Think of all the small things, all this because that's him. You breathe him. That's him. You steal him. That's him. You got another chance, that's him. You ain't out of here. That's him. You got any measure of health, that's him. You think it's more to it than it really is. That it already showed up to be. That's him. All of that. You got any dreams or aspirations, you dream of other things, that's him. All that, that's him, that's him. Him, clothes you got. That's him every time you eat. That's why they had this thing called you say your grace. That's him. That's him, man, that's him. It's amazing when you take a small inventory how you find out how big God really is in your life. Now, the more you turn yourself over to him, the bigger he can be. For you. See, he'll only be as big as you let him. It's one thing about God. Now, he's a gentleman. He can make you do anything. You know. You get too big for him, you know you you you you lose your humbleness. He can humble you. Now. God created man with the power of choice. We're the only creature he created that. He gave us the total power of choice when we mate, who we mate with. You know everything, all of it. Man, it's a choice. What we want to be, how much you want to make, Where we want to live, what climate we want to live in. We can live in cold climates, hot climates. You know, we speak different languages. You can go learn another language. A bear can't do nothing but be a bear. Is he can't go learn how to be a fox. He can't go learn how to be an otter. He just can't an ostrich is an ostrich man. He can't come out of here and fight like a lion. A lion is a lion. A lion eat meat. He can't eat vegetables. I don't care how much meat ain't around. He'll lay down and pull up out of here and die because he can't eat grass. He just a lion man. You understand this that God gave us. We are the one creature he created that has total power of choice. You can make every decision in your life. What kind of watch you like, that's the one you can buy. You want to live in Switzerland, go ahead. You don't like Switzerland, you can move to Miami. You want to live your life a crime, Go ahead. That's you. He gave you the power of choice. You want to do right? Come on, So now look at this thing. We are all the results of a series of decision that we have made. If we could just identify that the problem is us, we could began the solution. See that's the problem, y'all, it's us. It's what we do. I threw my life down the hill. I can't tell you how many years based on some decisions that I was making. Now I can justify my decision with I wasn't happy and I was doing this and I was in miserying y'all on that ye yes to you when you get through. You made the decisions though, and you can look at this anywhere you want to, y'all. But at the end of the day, I'm just talking to people that's really really wanting to improve their position in life. And how do you do that? You got to have a solution. How do you come up with a solution? You got to identify the problem to even began to solve it. But if the problem ain't ever you, how are you gonna solve something that ain't you? See? Okay, let me look at this one. If somebody said, like I got a child of mine, man, I just do right here. Man, I don't even wanna get into it this morning while I'm struggling with this this boy. But man, you go to people, you're asking why they do so? I just I just wasn't taking care of business. Why I just didn't take care of business? Boy, do you understand that your life is gonna be filled with you got to take care of business. So when you're gonna start, you know what I mean, you can't you can't. You can't go through life blaming everybody. It's got to be you. See, you can fix you. You can't fix nobody else if you keep getting married and the marriages don't work. Hello, Hello, Hello, could it be you? South? Finally had to sit down and just make that decision. They don't need to be coming on the radio talking about nobody else and what they did to me, and y'all just don't know. No, no, no, man, what about the part you played at it? Because see, if you got a good marriage, you got a part to play in that. If you got a bad one, you got a part to play in that. Even if you just get down to you to want to pick them, how about that, mister, mister, I made a decision. The problem is usually within yourself. Do you know That's the quickest, an easy way to fix your life. That way, you ain't got to check with nobody. Here's the beauty of going on and admitting that is you. You don't have to check or clear with nobody to start the repair process. You don't need anybody's permission. You ain't got to put it before the review board to see if it'll pass. It ain't got to go through Congress. You ain't got to hope that your local politician get their hands on it to make a phone call for you. You ain't got to ask any counselors to come in and sit with you. You don't have to check it in the rehab. All you got to do is decide the problem is me. I'm gonna start change me. Identify the problem, and start with the part that you can own up to. Once you identify the problem, you can start planning on how to fix it or how to get to accomplishing something. But remember this planning is important. If you fail to plan, then please plan to fail. If you don't know how to make a plan, let's just start with the basics. Just make a list of what you want. Make this list and then go to God in prayer with an open mind and open your mind up to all the clean opportunities that are available here. Why a lot of people won't succeed because certain opportunities come along you don't want to do them. That kills me. Man, when I hear here, I ain't doing that. I know young comedians that come to me all time talking about Man, what you're not saying. Man, just take every gig you can no matter what they pay. Well, listen to me, son, you can go make that money that they pay, or you can make the decision to sit at home and make nobody. It's a comedy, a hard business. They ain't paying but one hundred dollars. You gotta drive, drive fifty miles. But if you drive fifty miles and you make the hundred and you stand on that stage for thirty minutes, you are now thirty minutes better than you was the last time you went on stage. Oh, man, you ain't man, they don't pay me, I ain't coming. You ain't gonna be a comedian, man, not not, not like this hill. A lot of people just don't want to do what's necessary to do. So when the opportunity presents itself and you open up your mind to it, man, then get ready to go on and do it. Man, identify your problem today, start with the part dash you, ladies and gentlemen, without further dude, it is time. It's moaning time. Come on, No, we gather today six o'clock or so hm. That's right. With uh intentions of eye lightening, intentions of comma comma deicalness. We come to you with intention informatization. We are healed in the moaning time. In spite of the crisis that's going on around the world, we that are here are blessed and highly favored. Right, walking that walk, yeah, talking that talk yeah, and jay walking when I walked. Sermons ain't gotta have no meaning. They just got to sound like his wom I say, little bit hill, welcome or to the bad its moaning short you the lad I know there as others, but then his invitations. I know it's folks with reggio shows. Yeah, but they ain't got us on it. I know of some shows. I think it's pretty good. My damn self a radio and I had turned to one station, Come on, I would pick the same one that you just picked. Yeah, I know your because I'm on it and you hear me. Like I said, other choices, But why make the wrong choice every day? That's right, that's right. I'm knowing that we are healed and they are there. Come on, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce him to you. A man with a large note, great big old lips, bring yourself face has grown in with over the years. Mustache yea world famous true got more more credits. H than than Equifax. He he has told more jokes than these other radio shows have attempted. Yes, ain't nobody on any Morning Moon Funny didn't be And when I come back, I'm gonna introduce me to you and the rest of the Moaning crew. Then you standing by. But I then took off down the road of foolishness, and I didn't know how to get off. Sometime when you go down the road of foolishness, it ain't no exit. So we on the road and I'll be back at the bottom of the hour. In the name or Steve Harvin, Moaning Show. We'll be right back. You're listening right now. It's time for the nephew to run that prank back. My dog Apolo, my dog Apollo. That's my dog Apollo. Let's go count down. Hello? Hello? Uh? Is this apartment A tenC? Yeah? This this atenc Hey man, my name Virgil? Uh? Who who is this right here? Who is who is it? You speaking to? Marcus? What's going on? Okay? Marcus, let me ask you something. Man. Y'all, y'all, y'all are messed up. Y'all, y'all didn't got Apolo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. Man, Hello, I'm lost here. What what what is this you're talking about? You got a polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. Whoaoaoa whoa whoa whoa? You sure you died it right? Number man? No, man, y'all you and you and you and at you and a tenC ah yeah okay this atc no teena No. Now what is this about? Apolo? Who is Apolo? I don't I don't know what I'm talking about. You got, y'all got a polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. You know not he down town and and and and and if there is somebody pressing charges. So now I got to figure out how we're gonna I'm gonna get Apolo out of jail. Hold on, you come in and I need car to go down. Kyle ain't going in charge, so Apolo can come home. Suck the braids. Boss, Listen what you're saying now? You calling me about somebody that I don't even know. I ain't even I don't know, No Apolo, you know your I apologize for your homeboy and and and everything that's going down, But I don't know nobody name Apollo. I really don't know. I don't know what you're talking about. So you know, y'all, y'all, y'all ain't called the police last night. Ain't nobody calling no police. You you ain't called You're gonna sit here in a line to me and tell me you ain't called no police last night. Let's take this back. Now. Now what's your name? Man? My name is Virgil. And now now how you come about getting my number? Don't wonder about how I got you? Know, my guy? Are you the one? I know? You the one got Apollo? A wrest on? These Trump charges don't work, not home. How do you know? How do you know where I live? Because I live a boy of you, I live in nineteen six, nineteen six, nineteen So or you're the one that got the louds barking dog all I don't he my dogs? Apolo, my god, Apollo. Man, you got me thinking that you're talking about some human being. You sitting here calling me about something animal, something arrested my dog last yeah, man, First of all, up charged na ever daily you press in charge? Hey, listen, my dog out of jail man. Every daily you need to listen to what you're talking about, man? You calling me about some animal. Listen, we called the front desks people about disturbance. Every time we look around, we hear your dog. So you might need it to take it over with whoever that's in charge with the apartment complex, because that's who we inform about your loud dog. And now you know you calling me. How you got my numb I don't know, but you need to check this out and and talk with the people that's in charge of the apartment complex. I'm taking it up with the person that the file to complaint and got my dog arrested last night. Now my dog down now? Or some Trump really charge really really didn't even read We didn't read aparto his rights or nothing like that. Really, you really goncause listen to what you're saying. Hold our dogs, man, and it's all let's call for you. Man. I think you need to huh you need some counseling in something about because you're talking about the dog. How can a dog get arrested? You need to Uh, this is crazy. Listen. I I don't think we got anything else to talk about, man, because we got we got to talk about a polo. Man, How are you gonna go down and then get him out of jail, and you need to have him be here back to body this evening. I ain't even to go through this without my dog being here. This man sounds crazy. Maybe this man calling me about a dog being arrested, this is the dog that be walking. Here's a pomolo. Man. Apolo is a family member, and you haven't got him arrested. Man for for what? And man, why would you do something like that? Man? How about this you and that dog. Don't be calling me no more talking to me about some dog that I ain't got no control over. You need to take this out with the police or whoever called. Ain't nobody calling the police. Did you just say a polo? Man? Listen? Did you just say that you heard what I said? Okay, Okay, hey man, I'm not trying to argue. Okay, look look, let's let's just let's just do this. Hell is it any way you could just come down there with me this evening and drop the charge. Come down, well, come to the police station. Man, Well, Polo went dog dog he doesn't listen? Listen, Okay, I'm not trying to hollow he down there on some Trump to him charge you came pick him out in a line up if you want follow clean, they got no problem. I can't. Man, Listen, man, do you really hear what you're saying now? I know they say, man, best friend is a dog, But you're taking this a little bit too far now. You need to really listen to what you're talking about. You didn't have all this. What you got a problem with this at the front desk and the police if you got your dog just really don't make any sense right now to me. Now, I apologize once again about your dog, but I think we have our business finished, right man, because I tell you something. Let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you this right here, okay, monkers, right yeah, okay, let me tell you this. Here. You're trying to testify against trying to testify against against the polo and see whatever. But in the way you tell you listen, man, I'm gonna tell you like this, you Apollo and anything else that you got to say about this situation. Right here. You found my number, You found you know where I live. You just come see me, you you really want that. I'm about to be through with this phone call. Man, I'll tell you what I'll tell you what. Let me say this right here. I'm gonna say this right here to you try to try to try to get on the stand and testify against Apolo, And I promise you dog, you're gonna have some problems on your hands. You listen, you really talk to some nonsense right now? Do you really hit what you're saying to me? Apolo is a dog? I know he a dog? He my dog? You know what I tell you? What? Hey, man, how did how did pretty little wife for you? Is doom? When't it be at home while you're gonna work all day? Just say to me how he is that pretty little wife for you that be gone? That be at home? When you're gonna what's your what's your name? As told you my name? Version take this nineteen see where you are right? Please please believe that's where we're about to meet right now, because now in there can't come up here talking to me about my wife. So if it's any other dog you got up in the place, please believe that dog is gonna get stuck right along with your Okay, I got I got one more. You ain't to say to me because you ain't took get a little too far round with me and dog. Now you're trying to talk about what's going on in my household and my wife. Please believe nineteentheen is were you about to find me? Let me tell you who else up here in nineteen seats waiting on me? All I'm about to get who else is all up in nineteen Okay, let me tell you who else is here? Is you want to know who else in here? Man, I'm gonna tell you this here nephew Thommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Shows up in here in nineteenth safe. What the hell? Nephew? This nephew Timmy, god, man, you got me cousin man, My mom gonna be listening to this station. Your neighbor Gerald got Thank you about the neighbor town Man. Hey, man, you gotta tell me this baby. What's the baddest radio station in the land, The Steve Harvy Morning Show and nephew time is crazy? All right? Thank you? You're listening sat Morning Show? All right, guys, it is time for something funny. I know you got it. I know I'm ready. Man. I was listening to someone el some old LTD this weekend. Steve Man, what who you know you me. I forgot how bad they were. Man, I was bad dog dog thought, Oh your longest feeling fa your touch, Your touch has grown cold. Ye seen someone else controls your very soul. I'm fooled down, Harden. As long as I can, I can feel the present or another man taking my feet. You would stay just to watch me doally drift away from Lige with can't stop the hurting, leaving on the run, taking off of grahamy like you the only one I know why because you turn you be through, can any time to carry on? So minute by minute by minute by I keep holding on. Who else say somebody? Oh Jane level, I think you anyway anyway, just say man, don't said lass show baby because so let us gab to make you cry. See the man with the Bruno huh you see that he is? Say oh say hurt so bad? So bad? Come on, oh, intruders away. Mamma, she's my favorite girl. Only get one, you only get one? Yeah, all always love Mama, my MoMA. She brought me in this world. They talked about Mama. Come on, come on, I want to know your name? Who steak just that one over? Dab man, I really want to be with you about chance way he got verse two. Come on, s that can't be about chance if you don't you another, don't another. That's the way. Go don out than a down name now with down name now taking the right Carol Melbourn and the Blue Nose. Come on see, Oh you don't know me by now? You never know me who I've been here all the things. Yeah it is that we've been baby, I've gotten mine the woman you know you got your shoe? Boy? What about this right here? Oh the greatest one? Yes, miss you, miss you, miss you, miss you, miss you, miss you. That baby, that's Harold Melbourne. Girl. I know truth the body that I just can't live without you. And that's why I'm confessing my love to you. Baby. Who else? Who else? You didn't do the dramatics? Ye? Wait, now you gave you roll at all? Nobody knows and he wasn't true. He tried and listen to this sweet than you. I never sweet up that shot, said him on the wilds. Change always know what the girl could ever takes. So now he's trying hard to get you back. But you know the fool's hearts made of cell of fane. You can see through that when he had your loves and the palms of his hands, he just wasn't sentience mind I show he jibed and can he hand? I have another girl right that by yourself? Oh, let's give a toe, give to give her toes to the fool who lets you go, who lets you go? You can't hurt you no more, no, no no to the fool who let you go, who let you go? But now we're together your No, let's have another one. I make you drive that news, make you drive a cross country when you got good music. Let me tell you it'll make you drive a cross country for a reason. Yes, listen, that's fun. We got to keep that in the show. That's you're listening to show? All right, guys, here's a question, what product or what brand reminds you of your childhood home? All right? Here's an email from T from New Orleans. It says, Hey, morning, crew. Every time I see the Quaker oatmeal bottle the box, I think of my mom's house when I was a kid. She always had a box of it on top of our refrigerator. When I go to visit my pop's house, he always had a box of frosted flakes frosted flakes cereal in his pantry. In fact, uh, he probably does right now with Brander product. Did your childhood home always have in stock? I got a bunch of I knew it ready for me. What like, what steve you go first? Comment? Comment? Yes, a green asshole can a comment with the peel off top with the eight holes in the top. Yeah, and washed all your sinks in your bathtub out but let it sit thought, Yeah, changed color. Ain't opened up refrigerator while seeing an open box of arm and hammer baker. So yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you want me to keep stove that matchwell or folders coffee can with the grease. Yes, yes, it's real thick memory. Yeah. Yeah. In the in the bathroom crash toothpaste. Oh oh you were cresspeople. No, we wasn't really cresh Yeah yeah we had that too. We was whatever was on sale people camp and say this though toothage though ultra brightness. I thought that was just the greatest thing. Go ahead, if we ran out of that toothpage, then we go to that fridge with that baking soda wood and going in get you that, yeah, and dip that to us. Yeah. I actually brushed my teeth better with baking hello. Yeah, yeah, all right, how about this tide laundry detergent tied tied to have some time? Ivory? Ain't that liquid? That's washing pot? We have that fawn in the big blue box to damn fair. But you didn't. Did you have ivory soap? Though? Did you have ivory soap to take your bath? Die? Dial? You had died? We had we had ivory soap. Yeah, it floated in the water ivory. Yeah. Okay, let's go in the bathroom and up underneath that counter. It's a little rid crip can got some grease in it called raw crown. Huh what all your scalp with that right there? Yeah, that's how I got my hands. We're in the bathroom. We're in the bathroom. Yeah, yeah, we're in the bathroom. Scott Senna ply she got You had to be careful wiping yourself. We get down single plat man. I can't tell you how many times I misjudged and pushed my frangle. Okay, yeah, we got it. Yeah, we got single single. My daddy loved that. Boy. You get a thousand sheets? Yeah yeah, wait, do y'all remember Aim Aim page striping. Yah, yeah, we strip gleam uh huh, I got one that bottle that hung on the back of the door, looked like a hot water bottle tub on it and a spring for me and my nephew got to ask whooping our life? One time, we feel that my mama had went on and we found it on the back of the door. We'd always wondered what it was, so we put water in it, and we found out that it's that the water squeezed through them little holes on that white til so were chasing each other around the house, water urting each other. Okay, Then he filled up the bag and it was my time to have it. And then he had it under his arm. My mama came in that house. My mama said, it's all this vinegar him. Now we didn't even know. We didn't know nothing about no vinegar smell. She said, what is all this vinegar? I smelled in this house? Now we're sawing out. Oh that ain't not cool. We were squirting water. Well, we sat there. My mama got to do in the mouth and went back in now and touched that hot water bottom with the holes on it, and boy, we got our ask. And then so we didn't even know why we got beat. And then my brother was talking to us. Hey, man, yeah, let me ask you something, Steve. What is in that grandmama was walla battle? Baby said, nah, we was playing water gun with it. He said, boy, you know what that act right back? Yeah, I don't know what it is. He said, that's a lady's bag. And then I said, I don't but what what? Because I was clueless what you mean it's a lady's bag. That's a douche bag. Still I'm clueless, boy, because my damn brother told me what that bag was. Man, I shooting water in my mouth. I'm fired full, I asked. I got the bag under my arm, wide over down. That's when I said, that's when I first found out water a little tangy. Now, oh my god, because you know, because you know they had a special solution. They put it in You put vineg in it too, and that's we know. And I had no idea. All right, we're moving on. Thank you. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, We're gonna try to make people laugh during this segment with another quick fast round of asked the clo uh, please submit your questions Okay, So do you want me to go for laughter answers or help people give it to me? Now? Well? They can? You? Do? You do that all the time alighting them? I thought you were asking me. I was asking you what you already know how to? Yeah, it is as here we go. This is this one. This one is Lisa in Oklahoma. I'm a twenty three year old woman. I recently got married a week after my virtual college graduation. My husband and I were virgins when we got married, but we love making love now. I just have one problem. My husband loves to have sex early in the morning. That was great during quarantine, but now I'm back at work and the sex makes me late for work. I heard about doing quickies, but my husband can't do those. I'm new to all of this, so how do I tell him know when he wants sex in the morning. He don't really want sex in the morning. What he want though, it's just a natural occurrence in the morning. That ain't sex, that's just early morning. It happened. We just up. We are, we are, you are, I'm we are what we're gonna do? And he don't really want sex. He don't know yet because if you say he was a virgin, which happened twenty three. Yeah, he wouldn't. But anyway, up up? What boy listening to me? That ain't that ain't no problem. Y'all having sex and can't go to work on time? That ain't no damn problem. She twenty three? That ain't no problem. Say no, it's your body? What is? We're tripping phone? He but he can't say no to his body though. It's what I'm trying to morning occurrence that happens with men up to a certain age, and he can't help it. Just get your ass up, foe, heat up and go to work. You're gonna lose your job before up? All right in Atlanta, says I'm a twenty nine year old female. My boyfriend is thirty two. We've been together three years. He's changed over the years, and it's a lot less sociable now. Uh. He says he's in love with me, but I don't feel it. I post pictures of us on my social media pages, but he won't post any pictures of me on or us on his page. He told me he keeps his private life private, but if he hangs out with his female friends, he posts group pictures of them. Am I being too patty? Or do you think he has something to hide? Yeah? He don't care for you no more, damn it. He's changed his attitude and change. He don't care for you. And he got female friends he posted. But there ain't no pictures of you. Do the math one and one is two. You ain't in nothing but choke picture. That's one. He and all his girlfriends pictures. And why do he hair girl friends? All right, you're listening, all right, Steve, our very own Jay Anthony Brown is always here with the foolishness. Can count on him. He's got details on his brand new book, tell us about it. Just finished my new book, Steve, and it's called one hundred and one Ways to Start an argument. Um. Several chapters in the book. Um chapter one. You know, laugh on the phone for no reason, just just laugh. Yeah, it would start an argument. This is h Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Chapter Chapter seven is a real good chapter. Take a shower in the middle of the day, just to showering. Yeah, where you going? Just showering? That's on Sunday. This is a good one for Sunday. Say say I'm going to a different church by myself. That's what you say he's Ways to start an argument, Yeah, put an empty bag in the closet and just walk away. Just put it up there and just walk away. Yeah, once that, don't worry about that. Don't go up there. Don't go up there. What you mean, don't go up there? Don't go up there? All right, Ways to start the arguments Say this phrase right here, This really words say I'll be right back. Yeah, and leave, just leave, just leave where are you going? I'll be right back. Don't worry about where I'm going. I'll be right back. You mean, don't weary body? Yeah, just walk out of here. You you just praise right here on the phone. This really gets an argument. Say good job, Beckett, I'll see you to marrow. Hang up the phone. Backy with the good hair? Why the hell you got to encourage Becky? Good job Becket? Where she do so bad? Your black starts to be commenting on it? This book How to start an argument? Ask your mate, your lady, when's where's your friend coming? Over the end? You know she's been over. I wish she'd come here. Oh oh no, yeah, that started argument right off the Yeah, he's a pretty good jay argument. Yeah, Ways to started argument no matter what movie she says she want to go to. You say, oh, I seen it already. I see Oh you're you're going the movies? Now, yeah, I've seen that. Well let's go. I've seen that. I've seen it. I seen it. Here's another one. There's another one. Ways to start an argument you own the phone and you laugh real damn loud, and then you stop whisping. And this is why he's divorced. Jay, you know how to run somebody off? Can I get you? Give me one? Give me one. I put it in the book. Buy your wife some running shoes that far? Yeah? Man, yeah, by some running shoes that yeah. All of a sudden, All of a sudden, in the middle of the day, you put on a clean shirt. You woke up in one shirt, put on another. What you change your shirts for? Can I just put on a new shirt? No? No, you cannot. What was wrong with a Can just go in the book? Jay? Can I just had one moment? Last one moment? Yeah? Play to start an argument in your house, guarantee? Come on, what come in from work and pull your pants off and ain't got no draws? All right? Thanks? Jay and Steve? You just command you up next with today frank phone. Right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subject he stole my heart and a few other things. Okay, first, if you're gonna steal man one thing right first time you Tommy is here. You hear right there with today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Nap? Me and your baby getting married? Me and your baby getting married. I called this man and told him that I'm married his daughter, Me and your baby might be a bit too much. It's getting married, you know what, cat do? Let's run that thing. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to read. I'm trying to reach mister. Yes, hey, mister, how you doing. I'm trying. Let me let me make you I'm calling the right person. Your daughter is Crystal. Yes, okay, cool, yo, I got the right person. Hey listen. Oh well, I wanted to do mister Richards's call and introduce myself to you and let you know who I was. My name is Jeff, Jeff, and I've been uh seeing Crystal, uh you know, pretty much like the last five or six months, and I wanted to um, let you know that I'm very very interested in you. And I know this kind of crazy for you to get a phone call for me when I'm very interested in Crystal right now. And I wanted to, you know, I just wanted to do the man thing and just reach out to your man and say I'm really interested in in, uh in marrying your daughter and marrying my daughter. Well, hold on, man, what what? What again? My name is Jeff, Jeff. Okay, Jeff, Jeff, listen. I'm very close with my daughter, and my daughter has never ever mentioned you. I talked to my daughter every day. Wow, I don't know what that's about. But it's been like about five close to six months that me and Crystal being you know, going out, you know, up here at the school. But what I wanted to do is tell you that I really really, really really like Crystal man, and I wanted to call and tell you that, you know, I'm really really interested in man and Crystal. You know, I want, I really do want Christa to be my wife. Well, I again, I've never heard of you before, and my daughter has never ever mentioned you. My daughter isn't dating anybody right now. My daughter is in grad school. I understand that. And you know we you know it's been you know, we've been you know, a little back and forth or whatever. But you know the main thing is me and Christal really, you know, we really, we really do love each other. Mister. I want to But if you love my daughter, she would have told me that she was in love with someone. Well, you know what, you know. And maybe it's a situation where Christa is like a little maybe a little uneasy about talking to you about it. You know what I'm saying. My daughter can talk to me about anything. We talk every day, right right, you like you, I talked to my daughter every day, your daughter? And how did your daughter? My daughter fifteen? Hold Hold on a minute, man, you say your daughter was fifteen? Right right? Right? Okay? Well cold are you? I'm forty six, forty six? You forty six years old? You want to man my twenty five year old daughter. He let me say this right here. Love ain't got no limit, man, And I understand, you know, I was a little shocked at first about the age difference between us, but you get you know what, man, I'm okay and I understand that. But what I'm trying to explain to you man. Is that it comes a time man when you just you just don't know what's gonna happen. Man, Love just love is love, man, And you've been locked up on parole at the University on work releasing that my daughter. Yeah, man, I'm I'm I'm gonna say this, man, Christal is just a beautiful person. Man, hold on, man, you calling me at the Blue down this look, Man, I'm gonna work. I got a lot of work on my damn death. Can you call? Let me telling me up form A gentle bird wants to marry my daughter, my twenty five year old daughter. And you damn that fifty you damn it at my age you want to marry my daughter. Man, I'm not trying to talk to you, buddy. What I need to do is I need to talk to Crystals. Get to the bottom of this. That's what the hell I need to do. Hey, And I understand that miss you was probably gonna I want to talk to and I ain't got no problem with it. What I'm trying to explain to you is that man live ain't got no limit. Man. It's just something that album Crystal Love Me, I love huh and it is what it is. I just wanted to try to get your blessings on this. You can't get my listeners. Love hill Man, he gentle, gonna marry my daughter? Now, my daughter's been a time in school. I love damn life. She was gonna do this. It's all four years of college and she's going to grad school and you're gonna marry my daughter. You man, you're working. Hey, miss, I understand that. What I'm what I'm trying to explain to you that you know what, man, sometimes love is right the second time around. You understand what I'm saying. What the hell you mean a second time? I got kids already. What I'm trying to say is it didn't work out with me on the first time. What I wanted to do, Man, it just called you. It's solidified the culinary experienced got just doing. Dude, What the hell is you talking about it? Look? Look, look, look, look, I gotta talk to my daughter. I'm gonna call Crystal and I'm gonna find out what the hell is going on, because yo, man, I'm not even trying to have this conversation with you and I, mister Paris, I understand all that. I understand what you're saying. What I want to say to you is just right here. Crystal is twenty five. Even if you don't agree with this, here, we're gonna eat Lowe and make sure that we get look at him. You ain't doing my thing with my daughter unless it's mine. Look, yeah, man, you ain't doing. I don't even know your jail bird. You ain't doing. I'm gonna call my daughter final. You really are lost your mind. You think your old jail bird is gonna marry and my daughter. My daughter has not a future. You ain't got the hell is wrong with us. I'm not gonna sity and go back and forth with you. Miss Me and Crystal getting married. That will not happen under any circumstances, not what you think. The circumstances are me and Crystal getting married. That's it. Not to love. I don't know what you think you are, as long as you know that's gotta be. I got one more thing I need to say, and then me and Crystal just gonna come over there and dry down there and tell you exactly what's going on in our life right now. You got to say to me, are you listening to me? Yes? What the hell you got to say to me. I got to say this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your daughter Crystal and her boyfriend. Ain't I'm outside my job. Keep looking at me like I'm crazy. Man, Your baby girl just wanted to put a smile on your face. Man, I gotta ask you, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, man, the Steaming Harvey Morning shuff That's how you do it, baby, oh man, not having it that take your daddy through somebody's little girl. Man, right now, he said, my fifteen year old Yo, what you know? You know the second the second time around? You know what I mean? The second time around? What you talking about? Love is love? Yeah, because you have daughters. Oh my god. That's how you do it. Baby. Go to Thomas Miles dot com. Click on the prank button, all right, leave me all your information. I call you, We talk you, let me know who we pranking. We work out our plan and that's how we do it. Thomas Miles dot com. I promise you we're gonna prank some great ones. That's what I do. That's what I do. Crazy man. That's whoa Tommy. All right, coming up next, it is today's Strawberry Letter. Wait till you guys hear this. When you thought yesterday's was crazy, well this one is crazy too. The subject is he stole my heart and a few other things. He stole my heart and a few other things. We're gonna get into it, Steve and I you're gonna steal, though, Shirley. If you're gonna steal, I mean still a lot. Don't you steal your heart? I mean, if you're gonna fever reck, go on in fever reck one more time. You stole my heart and a few other things. We'll get into the Subberry letter right after this. You're listening to the String Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on sex, on dating, relationships, work, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could well, I don't know, we could reach your letter like we're going to do that one today could be puppet puppet, Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the strawberry letter, Thank you nephews, subject he stole my heart and a few other things. Dear Stephen Shirley. A while back, I met a man on a dating app and it was supposed to be just a one night stand. He came over and we had the most explosive sex. After that, we talked all night. He lives out of town, and when he got back home, we talked daily and spend hours getting to know each other. He came back to visit me because he was dying to have sex with me. We admitted that we were catching feelings. After he left, I noticed that he changed If I missed his call, he called me back to back until I answered. It was so sweet, but I kept reassuring him that I wasn't cheating. He came to visit again, and this time he brought some of his clothes and a few personal things to leave at my house. This made me so happy, because admit we were an official couple. Whenever we got into arguments, he jokingly say, don't make me pop up to see what you're doing. I never thought he would do it, but he did. One Saturday, I volunteered to feed the homeless, and I couldn't use my phone while I was serving due to the COVID nineteen guidelines. At the place, I went for four hours without answering my man's calls and he lost it. When I got home, he had kicked my door in and he left me a note. I discovered that he took all of his clothes, and he also took my forty two inch TV, two lamps, some of my shoes, some frozen steaks, and the microwave. It was so random, since he has never bought me anything. I called to beg him to come back, but he said it's over and he never wants to see me again. How can I get this man to see that I would never cheat on him? How can I fix this? Okay, I'm gonna read your words back to you and see if this sparks anything in your brain. You say, when I got home, he had kicked my door in. He'd left me a note. I discovered he took all of my clothes, and he also took my two inch TV to lamp, some of my shoes, some frozen steaks, and the microwave. Okay, does that sound crazy to you? I mean, doesn't that sound a little crazy? It does? To me, I'm sure it does to Steve and to everyone else listening. So why why would you want this ignorant man back in your life? I mean, honestly, it sounds scary. I mean, who does this? He sounds like some kind of psychopath To me, I just say, consider yourself blessed that that's all. He took the TV in the microwave and some shoes, and I really don't get the stakes part anyway. He sounds violent, he sounds controlling, he sounds possessive. To me, I'm so glad. I'm really glad you weren't in the house because I think he would have put his hands on you. I really do. And it's really a shame I think that I have to tell you this. It really pains me, honestly, because you gotta know, you need to know this, that you shouldn't be so desperate that you would think that you would have to beg this man to come back to you to do what I mean, let him go, please, girl, you gotta let him go, and don't ever invite him back to your house. I mean, he tried to to destroy your house. He kicked the door in. Come on, he's a thief. Remember that, Please don't forget that. Let's be clear, this man sounds very unstable. I think you need to run and run quickly and get away from him. Steve Well, good letters, Shirley. I see a little something else in here that I probably need to go over and cover. Yes, oh, metis man on this day. Now, this way went wrong. It was supposed to be a one night stand, just a hit it, quit it, sock it, knock it, throw it, catch it. He came over and we had, in your words, the most explosive sex. Now, let me show you what happens after you have explosive sex. Y'all talk daily, spend hours getting to know each other. Came back to visit because he was dying to have sex with me again. You know why, because it was explosive. We admitted we was catching feelings. He left and I noticed he changed. If I missed his calls, he would call me back to back to back. You know why, because y'all had explosive sex. Explosive sex will make you call back to back to back to back. Damn it. Answer me. If you had just had regular sex, none of this would be happening to you. Yeah, you thought It was so sweet, didn't you. I kept with shooting him. I wasn't cheating. He came to visit again, and this time he bought some clothes with him and a few personal things and leaving my house. You know why, because y'all was down there, having exploding sex, just blowing a spoon, just blowing up stove, snatching pigs after nags, dropping it on the side of the bed. This made me happy. It made you think he was an official couple. Whenever we got in the arguments, he jokingly safe, don't make me pop up, see what you're doing. You know why, man, Just pop up, because y'all head explosive sex, explosive. This your whole damn problem. That all explosive. Hold on, Steve, we'll have per two of your response coming up twenty three minutes after the hour of today's subject, he Stole My Heart and a few other things. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steven every morning show. All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject He Stole My Heart and a few other things. Met a man on a day nap, hooked up with him. Posted to be a one night stand end up having the most explosive sex ever. He called every day because you was having explosive sex. He came back because he missed you so much. Because y'all was having explosive sex. He admitted that he wanted you. Y'all had sex. I missed his called. He called back to back to back because y'all was having explosive sex. You thought it was sweet. And then he came to visit. He bought some clothes and left some personal things at the house. That's so he can just have a shirt over that because you don't. After you have explosive sex, you need to have a change a clue explosive sex and put them same draws on you explosive six. You gotta change your side see explosive sex different. Your belt probably don't fasten no more. You need a set of clothes, shoe strings and came all out your shoes. Because y'all have an explosive sex. You open the doors. He diving across the porch. Then when y'all have an arguments, he say, don't make me pop up and see what you're doing. I never thought he'd do it, but he did. You down there trying to feed the homeless. You volunteer to feed him, and you can't use your phone while you're serving because you're different food due to the COVID guidelines. You went four hours without answering your man's car and dog go on it. He lost it. You know why he lost it because he was looking. But that explosive to six. It was not on the phone when I got home. He didn't kicked doe in and left you a note. But you discovered he took all his clothes, took your forty two inch TV, two lamps, some of your shoes, some frozen steaks, and the microwave. Now, after he did all that, this is what you said. It was so random since he never bought me anything. He didn't buy me, no shoeses a, no microwave, and just taking TVs down off the wall. I don't understand he didn't buy none of that stuff. That was your statement after that. Then right after that, you said I called to beg him back. Let's park this letter for a minute. What is wrong with you? See, maybe this explosive sex wasn't just having him do ignorant mess. It's got you doing ignorant mess too. So a man kick your dough in, leave you a note, took his clothes, your forty two inch TV, two lamps, some of your shoes, some steaks in the microwave, and you begged him to come back. What did he miss something? Baby? You got to come back. I can't believe you left all this chicken in this freezing How can I get this man to see that I would never cheat on him? Wait a minute, Shirley had just right, What are you talking about? Why are you concerned with getting him back and trying to prove to this man that you didn't cheat. He kicked your dough in? Yes, come on, he took a flash grow You're not how hard he had? Take a far to two inch TV awful wall, put it in your car with your shoes. Oh damn microwave? How did he get that microwave? About that wall? Can I ask you something? Huh? Why did he take frozen steaks? So because he had to drive home? They keep better? Oh so you know, take that out tofrigerator. He'd be small. It's hot. He put him in a trunk back that that engine, that engine kicking off heat off that muffler, okay, and it'll be spall by the time he get home. Okay, I didn't get it. Okay, and then you know he probably stay out of town because they met on the ALM. Yeah, he spent and they talked daily, and he came back to visits. He came back to visit me from out of time. He didn't come over, he came back to visit. He stay out of town. So you still frozen states because they keep on the highway. You know what, I'm not thank you for bringing it. Yeah, I appreciate it. So you got to think this thing out. You don't when you fit to go back home, you got drive awhile you don't take an out refrigerator. That's passion. You get it frozen so it can last. I don't know why I would not want to see him again, all having all this exploding sex and he he's still is stuffing it. He didn't explode it so good. I don't even know. He's still is stuff to kick the whole Damn dough. And you ain't got a lock no more. You ain't that trying to go to bed to night. You don't leave some cardboard up get showed, dough. That's crazy. How can I fix this? What did you do wrong because I'm looking in the letter. I'm trying to figure out what you did wrong? Lady, lady, what's wrong with you? Don't you? You are what's called from don't get on this explosive sense and get yourself hurt. Something wrong with him from you? Don't answer the phone. He kicked a doe in the stars stilling and she just matter but the whole damn doughe when you kick the doe in dog, you know how hard he is kick a dough in man. Everybody can't do it. So yeah, all right, thank you Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. You're listening to the stew All right, guys, it is time Steve for comedy roulette. You're ready. Jay explained it again. Let me break this down. Comment very simple, give us five subjects. Put them on a wheel. Yeah, spun the wheel. We stop. Yes, spun spun it around as in to be spunt around as in spin that's totally different. Red. Spun it around. Stop, We'll do the damn thing. Here we go. All right. Number one. Things you say to yourself when you're mad at someone. Number two, you know it's time to go to the store. When dot dot dot. Number three stuff you don't like to watch, but you watch it anyway to keep them happy. You know we all know about that or him. Whatever. Come on, let's go cat, let's be Jesus. Whoa it came on? Number one. Things you say to yourself when you're mad at someone. Say to yourself when you're mad at someone, I canna. Here's some things you say to yourself when you're mad at somebody. I'm gonna let it go this time, but the next damn time. Oh, it's gonna be hell. Hell, it's gonna be hell. This is when I always say to myself when I'm mad at other people. I'm trying not to go jail. I'm doing my best. You say, I'm doing my best. Right now, I'm trying not to go to Jake. You're really mad, No, now you're mad court dates everything, nephew, you know what, you know what? That's all right? Drink that water, then I put up in that drink that drink that something that all right. Things you say to yourself when you're mad at someone. Steve better go head on, You better go head on. Now. This is black, that's all it is. God thing you say to yourself when you're mad at somebody. Lord, please work with me, Jesus, please, Father, Father, take me down so I don't kill us. That's why I always say that I'm always mad. Somebody's just something you said before. Do somebody always? That's why your ass broke. Man. Now that hurt, Junior, that hurts, but you say it to yourself. Yeah, show glad that ain't my bag. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Show. The guys are here. They're gonna break down. You know you've had good sex when dot dot dot I'm gonna do a couple and then I know the guy's gonna jump in. I know a lot of people have been getting used to one another, rested damn them so that they've been thrown down some good loving. You know you have had some good sex when you wake up with one sock on you like, damn hell, what the hell happened? Where's my sock? There's another one. You know you've had some good ass loving when both of y'all wake up between the two mattresses, like, yeah, the mattresses on the top. I got two more, I got two more got you know, just for the men, Just for the men. You have had some good a loving. When you wake up you look in the mirror and you got on her eyelash like, damn, this was good boy good Yeah, I got woman, I got woman. Yea right, you know you have had some good loving, good ass loving. When you wake up and both of y'all is at the bottom of the bed like, how to hell? What is? I know? You got one? Anybody got one? Job and bring it, bring it, bring it? You have? You know you had some good love it when you knock all her medicals, medication off the night's thing. It's all the pills is everywhere. We don't know which one to take. I love it. I love it when you got you know, you know when you have some good loving and you just look at her and say, what your mom man? What generational love it my back? You know you know you didn't have some good loving when you wake up the next morning and call into work and you your job ain't been open. I ain't gonna make it a day, all right? You know, no, you have had some good loving when you wake up and there's a hot blue gun in your hand and it's still on, like what day he blu. You know you had some good sex when you kick over candle in the middle of sex and y'all turn into fire fighter. Alright, alright, alright. You know you had some good loving when you in the middle love it and look hooey in my eyes and said, you know what, I'm gonna buy you some money. I got god, I'm gonna buy you some money, ain't me. You know you didn't have some good loving when both of y'all jump up and start washing your hands and it ain't got nothing to do with corona. I got one more. I got one more, and then you close that one more. You know you have had some good loving when you wake up and there's a happy face on your ass. You like load it out, Steve, loaded out. Man. You know you didn't have some good loving when the family is down there having breakfast doing quarantine and you and your wife looking at the kids and go, what y'all looking at us for? We're looking at off grown folks? All right? Coming up next here right after this, you're listening to how many friends do you guys have? I'm not talking about social media friends. I'm talking about real friends. Now. According to a new survey, the average American has about sixteen friends. Of these sixteen friends, yeah yeah, this got no damn sixteen s. This is according to a new survey. Yeah yeah, and they say of these they say, of these sixteen friends, three were described as friends for life, five were people they really liked and would hang out with one on one, and the other eight were people the respondent said they liked but would not spend time with them one on one. The survey also found that the average American adult has made a new friend hasn't made a new friend in five years. Because, Steve, I gotta ask you. It begs the question, how many friends real friends do you have? Sixteen or less? Probably got five? Five? You can kind them on one hand? Friends, Yeah, I'm talking about ride or die. Don't give a damn. Let's go top five. Yeah, I'm talking about whell with it? Five maybe or to make new friends at the and I ain't made a friend in five years? How well? At work? At work, Steve, that's where you are all the time. How many friends you got Tommy. I always say three conversation when we come back. Three and you playing spades. All right, we'll be back. We'll pick this conversation up when when we come back at thirty three after the hour. You're listening to show, All right, Steve, we were talking about how many friends do we have. There's a new survey and it says that the average American has about sixteen friends. Of those sixteen, it's impossible. Well, well, this is how they break it down. Three were described as friends for life, three you have for life. Five were people you really liked and you would hang out with one on one, and then the other eight were people the respondents said they liked, but they wouldn't spend time with them one on one. And that's not your friend. Yeah, that's you wouldn't consider that. People you really like don't necessarily mean that your friends. Yeah, that's true as well. Yeah, and then they say, the average American adult hasn't made a new friend in five years. And you know why, you don't have time to learn nobody else didn't learn you. Yeah. Yeah, And there's a there's a trust factor. Yeah, say something that right, I can't believe. Yeah, you get quiet I noticed you get quiet, but it was right you at some point. Yeah, you ain't got damn to learn nobody name. But it sounds like with us, this group right here, we don't use that term loosely, like when I call you a friend. Yeah, come on, yeah, yeah, I can count on you no matter what. Yeah, that's it's five of them dudes in my world. I'm sixty two years old, and it's about loyalty too. It's and and and my good ones didn't die. Yeah that's what's cold. But you know, look, I know, like my friends for life, Butcher Ricardo, So you know, you look at Butcher Icardo. I've been friends with Manny since I was four. My best friend from from college is marvel Is Marven Horn. We steal boys the ride doc. I'm talking about Biggie Wig, Okay and Blue I'm talking man, dudes that to walk off the edge for you. Yeah yeah, Biggie Wig and Blue Prue. Yeah they walk off the edge for you. Man. Yeah, that ain't no lie. Rickie Lewis Gould ask brother to man. But I got dude friend that I called, like like Steve Perry, doctor doctor Perry. Oh this is my dude, man, he could he climb down and hold it. Yeah, what do you call that group? That's after friends? But they still cool with you, you know what I'm saying. But you're not in that top, you're not in that five. Well maybe it's levels of friends. Yeah, I think right, I think that. I think that, And that's what they were saying. Uh. Some people are with you ride or die, and then others are I know, spend time with them one on one. You know, Yeah, I think they're different levels of friendship because I mean, you know, I call them like New York like short for New York, a n y K. That's what I call. Just put him in the n y K group like New York. I know what he's saying, nyk um. All right, Well we'll be back with more of the Harvey Morning Show, I know, coming up at forty nine after some closing remarks coming up as well. Right after this you're listening to all right, Steve, last break of the day, please leave us with some closing remarks like only you can. This is to help you make ready for your blessings. Now, what I'm gonna give you is gonna be hard for most people to do. I already know that it was difficult for me to do. But a very very wealthy person taught this to me. I didn't think much of it until I did it, and boil boil, boy, did it help make room for what God had for me? Not only that it freed me up. And I'll tell you what this very very successful people person told me. If I told you his name, you probably wouldn't know him. He's not famous. He's just extremely wealthy. And when I tell you extremely wealthy, I mean it. But if I said his name, you wouldn't even notice guy. If I showed you a picture of him, the average person wouldn't even know who he was. But he taught this to me. He said, in your journey, if you want to really clear the slate, get a fresh start, and prepare yourself to receive what all God has for you, you have to take inventory of the people in your life. And when you take this inventory, you are going to have to act as though you are a gardener. You are a gardener with a grove, and your grove is your life. The things you want to bear fruit from God your trees. You want apples this season, you want lemons, you want grape fruit. You won't peaches, you won't pass plums. You've got to take care of your archerd. In order to take care of your archerd. I notice you've all noticed that from time to time you see the gardeners outside pruning trees. They cutting them back, They're clipping dead ends off. You know why, because that maximizes the growth of the good and the tree. If you take the dead, unnecessary branches off, the withering ends, it allows for the tree to bear more fruit. So, Steve, how do you take inventory of people? This is what he taught me. He said, you have three kinds of people in your life. He said, you have people who approach you with nothing but bad news. All of us know them. Everybody has somebody that walks up to them and every time they start talking something wrong, or every time they give you a phone call, they you bad news. And the bad news don't just be about them, They bring you bad news about you. Did you hear that though they were saying about you down here and you just go mad. Have you ever had a person that every time they came up to you, you just felt dark because they just bought bad news. Those people that you have in your life, you don't need them. I want you to put go through your phone contacts and everybody that is no good, that never moves your life forward, doesn't give you any helpful advice, doesn't help you aid you in any way, has nothing but bad news and want something for you. One side of friendships, I want you to put a dot next to that contact name, a black dot. The next person you have in your life are called sometimy people. They the fifty fifties in your life. They cool over here as long as you're doing this, but they're not cool over here. You can take them here, but you can't take them there. You can discuss this, but you can't bring up that. You can lead them that way, but you can't show them the other way. Sometimes they cool what you about stuff. Sometimes they ain't. Those are called sometimey people or what we're gonna call fifty fifty people. Everybody got them in their life. When you have a fifty fifty person, what I want you to do is put an asterid by their name that contact. Put in asterid, remember all the bad news people that's always bringing you bad news in darkness or black dot next to their name. The next person is the fifty fifty person they sometimey they cool here, they ain't cool that put an asterisd by their name. The last person that you know are people who are very supportive of you, people who are willing to pray for you, people who always try to be uplifting, people who when they got news for you, they try to make it of the positive nature. A person who comes to your aid and your rescue. A person that picks up the phone just to see how you're doing, and you bet not mention that something's wrong, because here they come. It's people in your life, man, that you don't even have to talk when you're around them. You could just sit and be steal and y'all just cool like that. Everybody got that ride or die that I don't care what you tell them. They don't pass judgment. They just your friends. Well, when you have that person, and I'm gonna be real honest with you, it ain't a whole lot of them, I want you to put a check by their name. So you got a black dot next to the dark people who bring you none but bad news, negativity, something wrong. Every time you got an aster it by the name of the people who are fifty fifty sometimey people and you got to check by the people that's always supported prayer for you good news. Now here's what you do. I want you to take everybody with a black dot next to their name, and everybody with an asterisk next to their name, and I want you to block them as your contact, block them out your phone, and block them from your email. If the family, block them from your phone and block them from your email. All I want you to have is people who have your phone number that have a check by your name. You're gonna lose a lot of people, but guess what, you're gonna gain a lot of ground. You don't have no idea how much time you waste with people in your life who are fifty to fifty and always got bad news. If you eliminate them, you've cleaned house, Your inventory is cleaned. You now have cleared room to receive the blessings God have for you in this year. I dare you to try it. It works. It sounds cruel, it sounds like it's hurtful, but man, if you want to win, you gotta do it. Those are my closing remore. Drop it BA like that. That's a very real thing, y'all. Have a great weekend. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.