Chief Love Officer, Joe Biden, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Mar 5, 2020, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today is Steve's last day in Cairo and he has a story for us. The Chief Love Officer is back with relationship advice for different parts of the country. Spike Lee walks out the door and The Knicks did nothing for one of their most loyal fans. Steve sings hand washing songs that total 20 seconds each while we cleanse our hands to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Dat Damn Joe Biden is The Comeback Kid! Sheryl Underwood is back to talk about the Bidens and more. Miss Carla covers the drama of Real Housewives of Atlanta in Reality Update. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO speaks to us about the obstacles in the road to success and so much more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on the back down, giving them more like the milling buck bus things and the Cubs. Y'all do me good it, Steve Hart, listen to the movie Together for stun Please don't join by join me in doing me. Honey. You gotta turn, you gotta turn the turnown. You got the turnout, turn the water the water, come come on your back. Uh huh, I shore will good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me NW one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Man one more time. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I do, man, I thank God for it every day. You know, Um my message this morning, man's real clear. It's something that's been on me to share, and it's it's amazing. You know, Um, God can do some amazing things for you. But what happens along the way is and I don't know that I mean to say, but but the fact that God can do some amazing things for you, that comes adversity along with it. Every single time. It just goes without saying. And I've I was having a fairly I mean, well not fairly but a hugely successful week. I had never seen this type of hatred before. I hadn't seen it. And it's it's a great trick that the devil does, you know, when when God is blessing you and giving you some some some great opportunities in your life, as all of you have gone through, and it is. Isn't it amazing how some negative thing crops up and that's what you have to focus on. I found out that I don't have to, but you wind up focusing on it, and your energy goes over to that to try to deal with it. Counteract. Wonder why I was happening. You gotta make phone calls? What was this about? Blah blah blah blah blah, and and and it, and it throws you off the course you are on the beginning of the week, I was so grateful, I was so amazed. I was really thanking God for opportunity. For this brief moment, the enemy slides this little factor in there that causes you to and it requires your attention. You have to pay an attention because you don't know. You're going, Wow, man, let me see what this could really be? How much dirt is this really that they're trying to do, and so it requires your attention. But in that attention, you lose your focus on really all the blessings and the good thing that God does for you. That the enemy has an amazing trick that he does that. And it was and it was in my head. I gotta tell y'all all week long, man, and I was doing some amazing stuff. I was having such a blessed week, man, in terms of press and pr and where God was taking me. And then when I got back, I was talking with my wife, and then I was talking to a good friend of ours and they shared something that really helped me out. And they said to me, new level, new devil. You know it's it's it's something really simple, but new level, new devil. Every time you go to another level, every time you go a little bit higher, every time God has a blessing in store for you, every time He moves you in position, do you understand that the enemy's job is to make you not see the blessing, make you not be grateful for it, lose your focus and focus on this that I just threw in your way, this stumbling block, this obstacle, this trickery, and man, I was, I was, I got you. I just gotta tell you, man, I mean, it was so filled with hatred that I had to I really spend some time addressing it, and I got publicists on the phone. I said, what's what's happening here? Y'all not watching this? Y'all not what? What was? What was this attack? You knew that you didn't know these angles? What was it? And you know, Steve Chill, new level, new devil. If you get a promotion on your job, guess what, somebody ain't happy that you got the promotion. So here come to hey. You don't even you don't even really know these people. You have no idea. Every time you make a decision to make your relationship with your spouse better. Man, this is it. You know what I'm gonna start doing. I'm gonna do this, man, so me and my girl can go on and have this on. Me and my man can go on and have this. Watch what happened every single time? Here comes the new level, the new devil, the trick. You don't need to do that, what you're doing that for her? She don't appreciate it. He ain't gonna appreciate it. Look over here, man, look at that right there. Ain't he nothing? You know, he missed, he didn't call you. And he said, it's gonna all types of stuff. It just happens all the time. And I was sitting here talking with this friend, really good friend, very spiritual person, and they said, you know something, Steve. You know, I was talking to Jesus and said I was having this conversation with Christ. And I said, God, for real, you mean to tell me every time that something good happens to me? You mean every time I try to go to the next level, every time you put me on the next level, you mean to tell me that I got to go through this right here? Are you for real? And then my friend said, Jesus said, they did it to me, and we just fell out laughing. They did it to me, They did it to him. They did it to him for him to go to the next level. And you know, I was just I was just going over the whole story about the crucifixion and everything that had to be amazing man, of all the hate he had endured, all the prosecuting he had do it. They thought, ultimately, what we'll do is we'll nail him on a cross and crucified, and that'll be the end of him. And we'll put him in this tune and we'll put this big stone up there, and that'll be the end of him. But what they did not know was all you was doing was setting the tone for the next level. Because eventually the stone got rolled away and he went and got placed with his father where he was headed to. Anyway, he ultimately knew that his ultimate goal was to get to his father. So when you when you when you thought you were doing what you were doing to him, and you put him in a tune and you put the big stone up in there, and the stone got got rolled away, and he went eventually to where he was trying to get to. That story is in place for all of us to remember that when we are going through some things. Could it be because we are going to a place, you know, It could be just a place in life. It could be just a different level in life. That's all it has to be. But there's going to be the adversarial challenges that come with it, and those are the moments we must expect, expect and take them head on and still not lose your focus or appreciation for what God has done for you. So in light of all of that, I'm able to say the day that I thank my heavenly Father, I really do for all the blessing season bestowed upon me and all of the haters and all of the liars, and all of the backstabbers and all those people. When you get through lying, when you get through stabbing, when you get through gossiping and doing what you do, I'm still going to the next level. I'm still going. You cannot stop what God has in store for you. No one can stop that show. Ladies and gentlemen, man, have your attention please. This is is Steve Harvey Morning Show, and anything we do this morning gonna be on and cracking. You know what I'm saying? Everything I mean everything, Yes, everything we do is gonna be wonderful to day. Those are all the voices I know how to do. I've done them all to say good morning and welcome to the ride, y'all. Steve Harvey Morning Show, Sherley Strawberry hasty. Are you sure they heard more? Probably? Never mind? Never mind, you know I did them. I just improbably so I just decided to move on. I ain't even want to do that. Calin for welcome back, Good morning. What's up crew? Thank you girl. Yeah, huh back, let's go. What's up junior morning? Everybody, morning up, welcome back, calling for reals. Hey, hey, that's it, Steve, Yeah, that's it. That's it for today, all this last day in Cairo, Egypt, believing today, all praises to my heavenly Father. You know what, man, Sometimes man, I just go, Steve, sometimes I really have to. I was at a meeting right in Cairo, and I'm sitting at the head of the table with this head of this institution or something I can't say. She is his head of this institution, and everybody was going around the table introducing themselves. And the guy said, and would you please state, because you know, Egypt is on the continent of Africa. Africa really really pushes education. Man. It is not what we've been taught this content it is. And so everybody was going around the table listing their education. There was so many Nigerians there, and Kenyans there, and people from side of Africa. They were all around the table. Several of them had gotten educated at Cornell, Harvard, n YU and con come back home to bring their talents back to the continent. It was impressive. Man. They were going around the table and everybody was naming their names and their education. It got to my side over here, all my team, Molehi Housing, you know law degrees, and you know in bio chemists and all this here everybody. I was last. I'm the only one and to meet. Ain't no damn any last piece of paper, I said, All ladies and gentlemen, one and only Glynnville High See introduced yourself. Come on, one and only Glennville High School. One of the greatest entertainers of all times. Yes, Steve Harvey, Yes, voted most difficult. All right, I don't agree. Great intro, Steve, We love you for it. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, Chief Love Officer is here. He's been here all week, just blessing us with his great answers to these relationship questions. We'll have your questions coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to show. All right, Chief Love Officer in the building. If you have some questions for Steve Clo go to Steve Harvey FM and submitting your question. Steve, here we go. This one is from Lorette and Memphis Lorette says, my daughters want me to start dating again. I've been a widow for five years, and I guess it wouldn't hurt if a man friend. If I had a man friend to hang out, but I'm saved and I will not be having sex when I meet men. Should I tell them this upfront? Chief Love officer? What say you? Well? First of all, let's just be honest. You said if you had a male friend to hang out, you are saved and you won't be having sex. Should I tell them that upfront? First of all, let's just accomplish first things. First, you don't have anyone you're dating. Your daughters want you to start dating again because you're a widow, So why don't you start the dating process first? Ain't nobody ask you for no sex? That ain't even issue right now? She knows it's something. Yeah, okay, I understand that. But you're anticipating a problem that you don't have. So in anticipation of the problem, you will then attract the problem. But since you saved, come on, man, But he since you saved and you waiting on God to send you the man, he could send you just the right man. Amen to that. Because you have sex before you marry, ain't gonna make you the worst person in the world, and you show ain't gonna be the first. You are human. People want to overlook that fact. You are human. You are subject to air. Now. I appreciate you wanting to hold onto your values and your virtue and as you should, but don't beat yourself up when you do make a mistake. You got that, right, I mean, Steve, I hear what you're saying, and God is a forgiving God. I got you, And I'm not saying she's wrong in anything she's saying at all. She has every right to want to do what I want. But Darlans right, but don't attract the problem that don't exist yet. That's what I'm attraction is worth he said, works, okay, all right, Laurette in Memphis, I hope you took that advice, Pat, And Charlotte says Steve. My husband and I will be married for five years in May, and I am the breadwinner. Now, I make a lot more money than my husband, and I'm afraid it will be a problem in due time. How can I keep my marriage on good terms despite this good question? Right there? Now is she's saying her husband isn't working or she just makes considerably more. She's saying she's the breadwinner now, which makes it kind of implies that he's not working. And then she says, I make a lot more money than my husband. So it's kind of ambiguous the way she put in anything. Okay, I've probably given this answer a hundred times on this show, but it bears repeating because it's the answer to the same question that are women who make more money than their husband and how do you keep that from being a problem. This is what a financial planner told me. His name is Roger Salt from saying my financial in Chicago. He said, this is how you have less situation. You have to have four bank accounts minimum. If you are in a relationship with another person that's committed. If you're in a very committed relationship, that should be four bank accounts. So here's what you do. You the bread winner, take your check and allow him the bread winner of whatever level he's at, take his check. You all put that money in a joint account. That joint account pays all household necessities and deals, car notes, electric gas, groceries, the things that have to be paid to maintain life, food, shelter, clothing. Then then you need to have one savings account where you all agree that that joint money that you all have melted together, so it doesn't always have to make him feel bad because he don't have the same as you put agreed that we're gonna save x percentage of money or x amount of dollars, and you put it into a joint savings that cannot be touched without two signatures, So you and him have to sign to move the money. That's the second account. The third and fourth account that you both need are individual accounts. You a lot and you a lot, a allowance to each party that they control those account themselves. Now, nothing in the law says that those individual accounts have to be equal. My wife's account, My wife's individual account is bigger than my account. Why because it takes more for her to be a woman than to take for me to be a man. It just do. The cost of their clothing is more, hair care, nails, spa treatments. All that stuff costs way more than a man's day to day. All I need is cigars and some golf clothes. But woman gonna need all that other stuff, and so I'm not saying it has to be equal amounts. So she decides what her allotment is, and they both decide what his allotment is. Those moneys from the joint account gets sent out to those individual accounts. Everybody gets to keep their individuality and everybody has a sense of dignity because they feel as though they've made equal contributions. If you if you don't want to do that system right there, you will struggle. And next question, that's for Patton Charlotte. Here's Jessica and Philly. Steve, we have um this question. It says, Uncle Steve. Why do the littlest guys have the most confidence? Uncle Steve, Why do the littlest guys have the most confident? Let me ask you this question. Why are the littlest guys always bodybuilders? You very rarely see a professional bodybuilder over six feet because we ain't got nothing improved, and not at Tommy's at work, Tommy, why the littlest people seem to have the most profits. The fact that Junior and I can admit that we're not attracting men, and you constantly keep telling people how pretty you are, Tommy. Yes, she is that. Yep, y'all ugly. Hold on, hold on, he didn't hear that because he gotta get up to the mic. Hold On, I heard it. We gotta come back, though, we gotta come back. Uh, this is too good. Uh talk about good time. Nephew, nephew. Tommy's run that prank coming up after this and then we'll we'll revisit this question right after this. You're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour, we have some entertainment news. Spike Lee is not going to any more Knicks games. Plus Miss Ann is standing by with today's national news. We can get the story. We got Tommy standing by with today's prank. But you wanted to finish your chief Love Officer question. It was from Jessica in Philly. She said, Uncle Steve, why does the littlest guys have the most confidence? Yeah, yeah, yeah, ugly as wants to know. And so why do y'all call yourself ugly? Why do you do that? I'm confident in anything that I do, But why y'all not confident to not be hug Why y'all we tall enough to look at see y ourselves in the mine. I can see I'm not I'm not I'm not ask something looking at me. You might find that your ass is unattracted too, I'm not unattracted. You all might say that y'all are unattracted, and you do that, you condemn yourselves. But I am not ugly, I'm not unattractive. I am smart, I am kind, and I am peculiar is sport? Peculiar is right over there one, yeah, because cut if you look peculiar, Tommy, that's the same thing as up Junior. This first time Junior ever use peculiar. He ain't never been strange. Now I've told you look strange. What Tommy is the same person that challenged Dion saiders to a foot race and loss. Tommy is the same person things he's attractive. Tommy is the same person that ch Junior to a foot race at loss as the latest. Am I not attractive? Lateist? Am I not attracted? Here we go. You're you're cute, You're cute, Tommy caller, all right, calling, I'm all right you alright, all alright's the words you say, called unattractive? Pee caller, don't do this, do not do this right? All right? Peculiar a right strange? Damn you know he good people. Yeah, he got nice personality though, great spirit. Come on, come on, temmy, run that brank back girl. The pranks relationship departure. Okay, that's what you're running back. But I'm not gonna sit here and be ugly for you. I would not do it. I would not fall into yoursef. I am sexy, I am kind, and I'm in corse. This is a relationship. This is a relationship. Good body told you was fine? Anybody relationship departure. Come on, Cato. Hey, Brian, Hey, baby, I was um, I was calling to tell you baby. Look, I just I just can't do it. I got it. Huh oh, hello Brian, Brian. Hey, this is Greg. I know, I know you was just talking to voun, but this is this is Greg talking to you. It's Brian Greg who Yeah, this is Brian Greg. I was just talking to my wife. Did you put it back on the phone. Uh no, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be are to do that. Why can't you do that? Man? Hey, let me explain something to you. Uh all right, there's some things, you know, long conversations about this. Oh well, well, how you know my wife on the first name basis like that, man, how you who are you? Like I said, man, my name is Greg. Uh all right, at the airport? Okay, well airport? Where the airport? And why you were at the airport with my wife? Sport? Hey? Let me Hey, all of this is complicated. Okay, it's really yeah it is. Yeah, make it simple for me. Okay, So what I want to explain to you. Let me explain to you. Man. No, We've got a lot of long conversation about this. It's something that's what when? Where was this? Why? Why are you rest the airport with my wife with me? And why is leaving with me? Okay? What we're leaving and we mean leaving leaving me? Oh hell no, put it on the phone. And I don't even want to talk to you, man. Put her on the phone. Put her on the phone, man, and look, you need to put her on the phone right now, leaving. I don't believe that. Now. I want to hear her say that you want to talk to me. Oh here, you're staying here. Let me talk to my wife, man, because you you feed the babe baby? Yeah, yeah, yeah, what's up? What's this dude talking about? To tell you? This phone? While so you think everything but hasn't been Okay, why are you telling me this phone? Why can't you just come home and tell me this? My just tell me this to my face. Hey, hey, hey bro, come on man, my wife. Hey hey hey bro, I know this is painful. Man. Now you don't know, you don't know nothing, but I know this, okay, the ladies, I just put my wife on the Oh if you if you got any ounce of a man and you just put my wife back on the phone. All right, bro, let me, let me let me say, let me can I say something to you manment it left my wife on the phone, but you ain't got I'm gonna put it on in the second. But let me say this to you man, EXPERI same man and wrap it up, mar because I need to talk to my wife. I just want you to know this. Brian, this is let me. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Marning Show. Got me to prank phone call you what you hold on? So so okay, if you point to me what's up with the airport and stuff in the back, then when y'all at the airport, No, bro, your wife is here at the studio. Man ain't not happening. Man, your wife, hold on, I'm gonnat you talk you all right? First of all, you all right? Man? Oh man, it was about to be a murder sing man. Look at now, who's a deg Finally you could have been a little bit more than you and y'all. Who your brother? You think? Y'all the only ones can playing? People say you and your brother be branking all the time? Man, man's life stuff though, girl? Happy birthday baby? Oh you got a birthday coming up? Happy birthday, Brian? This yeah, man, looking great? Gifts right, yes, man, let me tuck to my wife. Man, I got ain't got no dude, wife, hold on, please, you got me all right? Don't don't you ain't gotta go this far? Alright? Time supposed to be funny. I did feel bad you kind of started tearing up. But I'm glad to know you fight for me like that fight. It was gonna be some fight. There wasna oh girl, just a ringo black home. Don't even stop at red like? Was that? Was that a sexy prank? Was that a sexy all right? Listen, we gotta go. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and National news right after this am I sexy and not Shirley? You all right? So for damn quite asking me. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Steve, you wanted to hear This story still trending in sports news. It's no secret that's Spike Lee is a diehard Knicks fan. We all know that. In fact, he pays three hundred thousand dollars a year for courtside seats to the games. However, a recent incident at Madison Square Garden has him vowing not to return for the rest of the season. Now, Spike showed up for the team's match against the Houston Rockets. Now according to them, According to him, he used the same entrance he's used for over twenty years, and then he got stopped by security. According to this is crazy. According to them, it was the employee entrance and he couldn't use it. They wanted him to go out and use the VIP entrance. He refused for two reasons, one because he'd already had his ticket scan and two because he knew they wouldn't let him in again. Also, he questioned the new policy and told the guards, you want to arrest me like Charles Oakley. While it was originally reported that Spike and team owner James Dolan had kissed and made up. He disputed that claim on ESPN's First Take and Fact. When he asked Dolan why he hadn't been notified about the change, Dolan said, much to spike chagrin. Now you know, Spike said he is done going to Knicks games for that reason and for the season they've lost. Yes, they yeah, why can't they fix this? Why won't they fix this? It's it's the owner, guys. This is the guy that had Charles Oakley thrown out public. Yeah, he don't care how he abused black people. He's not a good owner. He doesn't know basketball. He's a billionaire with money to play with and he's playing with an NBA franchise. He doesn't He doesn't have people skills. He always does this type of stuff. He is a complete narcissist. We have a plan example of that we've been dealing with for four years. He doesn't know how. He's not a people person. This is a spoiled rich boy that just wants his way all the time. Why why crap on the man like that? Spike ain't doing nothing crazy. Spike been going through that interest for twenty years, man, twenty years. They got a new policy. But now he can't go back out because his ticket been scanned already. Just left the three hundred thousand dollars a year. It's Spike, he at every game, y'are yeah, Because they were saying yeah, and they were also saying too that the other celebrities that come and watch the next they go in that vip entrance, so they wanted Spike to go in that way. Well, he's y'all number one fan. What difference doesn't mean? That's no problem, right, he's been going through the same employee and employee is now when the policy got changed and they didn't tell Spike they had scanned his ticket. One thing. Ye people, we know, bet Steve, that's right, that's right. I'm telling you man, we know. Were you the scammer ticket? Man? Y'all just let me through. They hassled it. That was crazy, man. Yeah, that's the owner. Man. That's not a good and the owner could have straightened his whole thing out. A die hard Nick fan putting the Knicks ain't one and god knows that's right. Matter of fact, Spike, don't worry about it. The Knicks record, they're not worthy of your presence. Right over to Brooklyn. Yeah, there you go, or he said he wouldn't. No, All right, time for today's headline, Steve hanging their ladies and gentlemen, miss and trip. Thank you everybody. This is an trip with the news. Okay. Authorities say that there are now one hundred and fifty coronavirus cases in the United States, with California listing fifty three confirmed cases, one death Sadie so Now. Governor Gavin Newsom has a declared an official state of emergency out there. There are eleven deaths with eleven with ten in Washington State alone. New Jersey has its first case of the coronavirus is a thirty two year old Fort Lee man. His health information is on the way to the CDC for final confirmation because he's like a presumptive person who they presume, in other words, has the virus, but they have to get it, you know, officially said and oh yeah, this is corona. He's hospitalized in New Jersey. And there are eleven cases in New York, all linked to the same New York shell attorney recently back from Miami. Later today, the Senate will join the House and calling for eight billion with ABEE dollars to be used to fight the virus not just here but even now around the world. President Trump is expected to sign that big money measure the top executive some of the names major airlines mean while saying that they have beefed up ways to better disinfect their planes in the way of the coronavirus problem. American, JetBlue, United and Southwest say they're in danger of losing money if more travelers decide not to engage in any overseas travel right now. European tourism has also dropped off and in two ways for US to Chinese stop traveling. Hotel cancelation rates have reached ninety percent in some parts of Italy. Major concert sporting events, cultural events all being canceled in France and other countries. In fact, the French officials have imposed a ban on all gatherings in France of more than five thousand people in confined spaces. So the treating this real seriously and they should. Almost two dozen people still reported missing in Tennessee after a tornado ripped through Nashville that area on Tuesday. On the political scene, with Michael Bloomberg out of the Democratic presidential primary race, and Elizabeth warren't assessing her options. The focus is now pretty much on Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders and on the next week's voting Missouri, Mississippi, Washington State, also Michigan, where Bernie Sanders to be already laying out his plan of attack. I think some of the issues that the people of Michigan are concerned about our trade and they would devastated by trade agreements like NAUGHTER and Pmtall with China trade agreements which I vigorously opposed, which Joe Biden is supported, and that is certainly one of the issues though I will be talking about in terms of Michigan. Bernie Sanders b Hillary Clinton in Michigan in twenty sixteen, but Donald Trump just barely won that state in the general election. One more thing, because of Joe Biden's super strong performance and super Tuesday, the stocks arising, believe it or not. Finally, today is Dressing Blue Day. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Well, to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, experts are advising people to wash their hands now to do it correctly, you need to wash your hands for twenty seconds, the same length as singing Happy Birthday twice. Steve, we'll get tired of singing Happy birthday. So do you have a short list of songs we can sing for about twenty seconds. So the coronavirus people say that you should wash your hands for twenty seconds, and that's equivalent to singing Happy Birthday twice times. Huh yeah. They told us that at church on second birthday too. You know how you are about music. Set on me, bring your hand, I'll help you. Whoa, I'm gone, somebody to me. That's twenty seconds right now. That's that's that's a good head washing. So how about this? Huh m hmmm. Grandma's hands lap to church on Sunday morning. Grandma, mo, you stake sometimes and swear Grandma, lord, it really came in handy, She say, Billy, don't you run so fast? Might fall on a piece of glass, might be snake. Stay in that grass, grandma's hair. I love the mom. I love that you gotta be at the moans dig Yeah. Yeah, Christmas, Christmas, you don't want to coronavirus. This Chrismas And as we trimmed the tree, how my sun is gone to be that blo Themas fire your side, clean yourself, Carol, Chris, Christmas were hands clean, gold act the house. Yes, some damn happy birthday, he Steve. I felt this way thirty four minutes after Oh about Joe Biden to come back kid? Right after this, take us Steve Love. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So in trending political news, Joe Biden proved to be the comeback kid with big, big victories. Biden is now in a position to challenge Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination. Biden is ready. Take a listen to this. You're in a report. We are very much alive and MCNA mistake about it. This campaign, Well, send down Trump packing. I like it, all right, that's what we want. And Bernie Sanders is optimistic as well. Take a listen. We are going to de seat Trump because we are putting together an unprecedented rats roots, multi generational VOLTI racial movement. Okay, all right, and Bloombergers out too. Bloombergers, Yeah, has tried to hang in. Come on this one. I've said this from the very beginning, From the very beginning, I've told you who wasn't gonna be in there, and they need to come on out because it's March. We gotta get unified. If you want to remove Donald Trump, you gotta be unified because the Republicans are unified. Elizabeth Warren just come out. It's all right. You ran a great race, girl, You was outstanding. You you want some debates, all that come out. Let's over. Give your money and your damn delicate. You don't like Bernie Sanders, get that to Biden. Bloomberg, give all his to Biden. Global chap global aiming Biden Biden. Everybody gonna get it. Anybody gonna get Bernie old ass nothing. Listen to me, Donald. When you hear Donald Trump saying the Democrats are treating Barry Sanders very unfairly, you know why because he wants the candidate to be Bernie Sanders. Because if Bernie Sanders is the Democratic candidate, we are all but handing this back to Donald Trump. Because Donald Trump is gonna scare the nation with the term socialist, just like he scared them with the wall, with immigration, just like he scared them with talking about anti abortion. He scares them with everything the economy. He use fear. He's gonna take that fear rhetoric and ram it down our throats with Bernie Sanders. Now, I like Bernie Sanders ideas, but can I tell you something he is doing. Like all politicians, he is promising something that he cannot pass. America is built on capitalism, it is not built on socialism. And people in the house gonna be going, okay, so that's what this means. This is what this means. Let mask you because disertiue got if you work for something, do you want what you've earned? Yeah, of course absolutely, without saying that goes without saying step and we don't get paid what we deserve, absolutely not. So how about this? Then? How about everybody just make the same thing. That's what they're gonna shape up socialism to be because socialism is tied to communism, Communism is tried, is tied to Russia, is tied to Cuba. They're gonna run that down our throw man. And he's to the left, extremely to the left. And what he's saying is good for a lot of people and for the masses who are under privileged. But if you have any aspirations are becoming privileged, that's a scary conversation. Man, that's what I think that Donald Trump is going to use if it's Bernie said, Biden is our only ship and that's why he wants to run against Bernie Sanders. Coming up next, Nephew here with today's prank phone call right after this. Yes, let's up. It's DJ Cally. You are in no what time? And boy DC young flag. Hi. My name is Carlos Miller and I'm Chico Bean. Hey, it is Kevin Hart. Hold tight. The nephew has another prank call coming up next. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's Today's Strawberry Letter. My subject forward today stuck between two women that I love. It's not what you think, though, It's not what you think. Huh. Yes? Can I say something, yes that my opinion about politics is just my open everybody is. I think whatever you want now, I just won't when people listen to them. Steve sent him at time my he on night, so he gonna vote No, No, No, you have your right to your opinion. I don't speak for the Morning Show. I was just talking to Steve. That's what you want to say that, right, all right, you're Steve Harvey and you approve this message. All right, here we go. H nephew, I will vote. Yeah, I'm about to speak for the people I mean, not ugly. I'm about to right inside. You know, boy, I just came out I'm speaking for stupid people. Now. No, no, you said you you said ugly people. Now that was a mistake. That was the fact that you have a combination. That ain't our fault. I don't have a stupid Yeah, you speaking for stupid people right now? Just kind of girl scout cooking is the stupid prank, not ugly, just stupid. Let's go. He was this, Hey, um, how are you doing? Man? My name is Glenn Man. I'm working I work in building too. You work for Cludia, Right, yeah? What what's fun? So we probably met a couple of times. Uh do you have a girl? You have a girlfriend? Uh? Why what's up you guys? You guys live together? Or what? What is this your business? Like? What? What? What's what's what's the deal, What's what's what are you asking about? My girl? Well, let me ask you this here. What's what's what's going on with you? At the job. Uh what what do you what do you mean? What's like? Like? I mean you you know you know, right? I mean so what like what what's what's the deal? What? What? Who are you? Like? Who the who? The are you? Like? What? What? What the what? What is this? Poor? Like? Why are you? Like? I don't even know you? Right? I just calmed down, bron, just calmed down, Like I say, my name is saying. I work at Gila too, you know, and I know I just tell you now, I know you. I know what you're doing, okay. I know what y'are doing at the job. I already know, and a couple other people know what's going on. And I know you got a girl. I know you got a girl at home. I know that. What so so what what? What? What the what? What is this about? Like? Why why do you call my polte trying to harass me about the boot? Like? Who are you? Like? What? What what is your problem? Like? Hey, many, Hey, comeing down, man, I finished, I ain't trying to tell you a little secret or nothing like that. I ain't trying to do that, all right, but but but I'm gonna be real with you, okay, all right, Like I said, you know I got one of your names. I got your number from one of co workers. Okay, I got your number. I said, I want to I want to give the car and you talk to him about something. That's how I got your number. So yeah, who gave you ten? We'll get to that later. Okay, we'll get to that later. But let me but let me say this though. I know what's going on with you and the job, all right, and I ain't gonna say nothing about it, you know, that's just our little secret or whatever. But I do have something that I want you to do. Though. What do you want? Dude? But what do you want? You call me bugging me about all this book? Like, what do you want? What do you want? Well? Here it is, man, Listen, I ain't gonna say nothing about what you got going on, all right. That ain't that ain't even I don't even care about that. But here here's what I do want you to do. I do need some help from you, all right. Listen. My little girl is selling girl Scout cookies and I want you to buy fifty boxes of them, all right with be a cash out because she got an album Soul by them all morning? Are you kidding me? Bro? You. Okay, so you're on some black man's books and listen, dude, who the gave you my number? Because you're gonna call me ask me to buy them some cookies and you should just bet a man and ask me about it. Like, don't be calling my phone trying to give me that book, Like come on, man, like I ain't got no time for this. Like I'm asking you to do is buy today I'm cookies man, That's it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just saying I do want you to buy some cookie. I need you to buy fifty box little girl Scout cookies. Can you do that? No? No, no no no no no no no no no no no no. You ain't gonna call and try to manipulate me and defying like you're you're talking? Are you trying to make me fight? Think you nothing for you disrespecting me, calling my phone, trying to act like you like just trying to manipulate. I ain't down with that, but I ain't done. You don't want to buy my cookies though, so do you want me to call your your girls and see a ship? But I'm not good, So you gotta stay the away for my bro man like, don't don't come near her. Okay, you don't call her, you'll come near her, son'll come near me. You just get get the out of here. I'm about to start this nine. Figure out who you are, and come right after you, man like, because I ain't playing bro, I ain't all right. So I'm gonna tell you what, man, i'nna argue with you. I anna argue with you, but I get off the phone right now. Get off right now, and I'm gonna your girl. I'm gonna call your girl and see if you want by some No no, no, no no, you ain't call nobody. You just get you get I try to god, I'm gonna find out who you are. I'm gonna find out who gave you that number. I'm gonna call you up like you know, you don't call me trying to right me? Okay, hey man, hey, hey, you know what? Angrian cool, we're still talking about it, all right, I'm gonna get the right I don't like you so so, so I'll get off the phone like you want me to ag I'll do that, but let me let me ask you here. So let me ask you this. Though you sure you want me to call you sure you want me to do that? And right, ain't isn't that her name? Man? You something? Individuals? All right? Look how much of these cookies? How much you want? A man? Tommy told me you would buy the cookies. Tommy. Yeah, Tommy told me you would buy the cookies. Tommy, Tommy, Amen, Amen, check it out. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your co worker got me to pray phone call you. Oh my god, I'm gonna kill him, damn so so oh god, listen, so listen, Adrian. We have beat. We have beat all the names, so nobody knows the things at all. Okay, you're good, bro, You're good man. And I m hmm, you got me? Oh god, I'm I'm gonna go. I'm gonna take a nap man. I just choosed up all my yeah, I'm done. Oh God, Like, hey, where you go? I am going off? You up? Man, I can't believe you got me on this. Tell me this man, one more thing before you go. What's the badest, and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvard Morton hill Man, which is what he got played every morning? Kill me, Bro, and there you have it. Okay, now, was that was that nice? Stupid? Was it nice and stupid? Very? Yeah? He played too much? Wasn't nothing ugly about it? Just stupid? That's it. You too. Don't have to choge together. They don't need each other. It's a it's a tough combination to live with, though. You got ugly and stupid? Yeah, you got it. Dare if if if if someone had that, Yeah, that'd be a tough combination. I don't have that. Yeah, I don't have that yet. I'm gonna be pretty, you got it. I'm gonna be saying you're pretty now. I'm gonna be sexy and pretty and dolphin this weekend. But I'm gonna be stupid at the same sexy, yes, pretty, pretty stupid. It's saying, okay, watch me, have you ever seen yourself? I will not be ugly for you. I would not be somebody him from the side and send it to please thank you of you up next Strawberry letter, subject stuck between two women that I love. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show Before we got to the Strawberry letter, guys, please, this is just a reminder to please pray for and help our neighbors in Nashville. Various organisas zations are collecting donations after they had that deadly tornado a few days ago. Our Nashville homestation one on one one the Beat dot com. You can go there for a list of organizations, including the Salvation Army, United Way and the American Red Cross to see how you can help. And you're in our prayers as always. Okay, time now for the Today Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on work, sex, parenting, dating, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. That's very important that you click that. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Buckle up, hold on tight, we got it. Fall you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject Tommy, subject stuck between two women that I love. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married to my lovely wife for eight years and we have three children. My wife is great and we have a normal marriage and enjoy each other and enjoy each spending time with each other. When my wife and I started dating. My siblings loved her, but my mom tolerated her. When we decided to get married, my wife told me that she could tell my mom was not happy about it. I blew it off and thought everything thing would be fine. Well, it's not fine, and I feel bad for my wife. My mom has had some health issues and can't live alone right now. She couldn't stay with my brother because he is single and he's always on the go. My sister wouldn't let my mom live there because they're like oil and water most of the time, so my mother has been living with us. I love my mom, but recently I have seen with my own eyes how hateful she is to my wife. I've overheard her talking to my wife like she's stupid and criticizing how my wife takes care of our house and our children. I could not believe it when I first heard and witnessed it, because she is all sweet and innocent when I'm around. My mother doesn't know that I am onto her and her evil ways. But I have to put my foot down and tell her how to stop, tell her to stop mistreating my wife. I am stuck in the middle of two women I love dearly. I don't know how to tell my mom to chill out, but if I don't do it soon, I feel like my wife will end up putting hands on my mom. Just getting my wife is not like that, but my mom's mouth is so disrespectful. Stephen Shirley, I may have to put my mother out of my house. How can I fix this? Well, if it comes to that, that may be what you have to do. And I got to tell you you're not stuck in the middle. You're not stuck. You're just looking at it that way. I got that your mom and everything, but your responsibility, husband, is to your wife first, even your siblings. Her own children don't want to be bothered with your mom. And she's really out of order doing it in you and your wife's home, telling her she doesn't like the way she takes care of her children or the house. I just you know she's doing it in your wife's face, right under your nose. I just think, husband, it is time for you to step up. You're gonna have to. Uh. You have all the evidence you need. You said you saw it and you heard it. Um Uh you heard your mom with your own ears. Okay, what more evidence do you need you. You. You can't say that your wife is exaggerating. You can't say that your wife is lying on your mom. Any of that. Your your your your mom changes in front of you. You say, and she's all sweet and innocent. Well, I suggest that you tape your wife on your mom on the cell phone or when they are talking, how your mom talks to your wife. I say, you secretly take her, tape her on the cell phone and replay it for her. And uh, to me, that's how you deal with it. You need it, a way to deal with it. That's how you show your mom you have the evidence right here. You do it all respectfully, of course, I mean, after all, it is your mom. I hope after she sees herself on tape treating your wife like that, I hope this anyway, that she'll see how hateful she is towards your wife. And maybe this will bring about a healing and a forgiveness in your family. That's what you need, you know, for your mom to admit that she's wrong and to ask your wife for a forgiveness. And you said your wife isn't like that. It sounds like your wife is really nice. She'll forgive her so see how that works for you. Tape it and play it back for your mom. Steve, Oh, I don't know, surely I can't. I like what you said. I don't know. This is a spot, and a lot of people don't know how this spot is. But the first woman that a boy ever falls in love with is his mother, that goes on throughout his life. Most boys will protect a mother to the death. I mean so, and he now has a wife that he absolutely loves. They've been married their years. They got three beautiful queens to him and his white kids, and him and his wife loves spending time together. So okay, we got a problem now because he's stuck. He feels between two women that he loves. But Shirley made a great point. You are not stuck. Dog. There is no middle here, not young man, or however old you are. I don't know how old you are, but dog, there is no middle hill. It is very simple. The priority for you in your life now is not your mother. It is your wife. You took vows to your wife, You promise to leave all others and cleave only unto her. Your mama is a trip dog. Your mama is a trip man. Your other. Your brother bachelor, so he can't have mama up been here blocking. I know mama got some health issues and we need to pray about that. But your brother couldn't let your mama move in because he'll player mama up in the house blocking. Your sister won't let the mama move in with the health issue because they don't get along. You know why don't get along? Because your mama is a trip dog. Yes, all right, I'm come back. I'm gonna tell you truth player. I ain't trying to talk about your mama nothing. I'm just gonna tell you s a trip. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subjects stuck between two women that I love. Will get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Your subject stuck between two women that I love. Yeah, heit, this man been married eight years to this woman that got three beautiful kids. He loved a girl. They have a great time together even before they got married. The siblings was okay with her, but your mama never really approved. Okay, never really approved of it. So your mama, in essence, don't like your wife, your selection, who you're very, very happy with. You know your mama can be wrong. Now, your mama had fell on some health issues. Your brother can't take care of acause he'll player. Your mama can't be up in here blocking. I'm in here running them. I got things to do. I got these girls coming over to night. You in that cooking greens. We don't wanna smell no greens in this house. Yes, since I got mama, I got some things going on. I got lexus. I'm on lexus, turned off the lights. You in here, got the lights on playing church music. I'm in the battlet bringing and you up in here playing Mighty Clouds and Joy out of Mississippi, Third version of the Hour. My mama can't stay here now, You're sister don't want it in the house because you're saying your own words. Your sister, and your mama is like all in water. You know why that because your mamma tripped off. I ain't gonna talk about your mama because I don't litybody talk about mama, but your mama tripping. Now, your mama is tripping with your wife. You didn't heard her with your own ears. See, you knew your wife was complained about it, but then you heard her talking to her disrespectfully. I don't know why your fat ass can't keep this house clean. Wa Wow, look at these kids and here hell all over their head. They look hungry. The little baby got dirty, dive on and shitting up in the hill. Well, excuse me. I didn't work and I just gotta and kids get dirty from time to time. But you need to do a better job. And you ain't cooking. I didn't even want this to eat. Well, I'm seeing what's gonna have to happen, is dog. If you don't step in here, your girl gonna tighten up. Now, Shirley, I'm gonna give you a reenac And in the second, y'all, I want you to be the mother complaining about so things, and I'm gonna be his wife checking the mama. But first of all, let me tell you something you didn't heard. Your mother has been living with y'all and heard her, seeing it with your own eyes, how hateful she is to your wife. You overheard her talking to your wife like she's stupid and criticizing how my wife take care of the house and our children. I could not believe it when I first heard it and witness it, because she is sweet and innocent when you around. Because your mama's a trip man. I've told you now, I know, doesn't she don't know that I'm on to her. It's time for you, mama. You can't talk to her that way. This is my wife. I got to put my foot down so you can get out the middle. And she got to stop mistreating your wife. This is your wife house man, Ain't nobody want. Ain't no woman want wanting to come home having to walk around the house. Your wife is the queen of the castle. I don't know if you know it or not, but it's not the king of the castle that kind has the biggest vote. It's the queen. Partner. As a matter of fact, you queen on the chessboard is the most powerful piece I got news for you, partner, You, sir, are creating a dilemma for yourself if you don't come to your wife's aid, because that's who you live with. Now. Your mamma need to go somewhere now. I ain't sound so how much money you got but a small you know a room somewhere, a studio, apartment efficiency, you know, let the bed down out the wall, one room. But she can't go over that with her even asked by herself. But you gotta get your mama out your house, for she ruined your home, Shirley. I want you to complain as her mother, and I'm gonna show you how your wife could check up. Oh, I'm in this bad honey. And when the last time fat ass don't move around enough. Well, I'm sick and I think you should take better care of me. I don't like that soup you brought me last night, by the way, you didn't you like everything. That's why you big ass got diabetes. And that's why you're over here now because if din't take your foot, who check? Go ahead see it against him? And why don't you clean up that nasty bathroom? And there don't want to bathroom because you come in Hill and I'm trying to run your ass off. And the little snotty those kids they used to be cute, but now snotty. Those kids in here sick causing YO fast sick ass in Hill got everything they wasn't sick. Can you move then? All these old last germs walking around this house. I don't like the way you got this bedroom arrange. The bed needs to be over there by the window so I can see outside and see what's going on. Why is it over here next to the closet. I don't understand. What is you worried about? Where the bed is that fault? You want to look out the window so you can get in their business too. Leave my damn neighbors alone. And I don't like this hardwood flooring here. I need a carpet because when I can get out the bed, I want to step on something nice and warm and salt. The reason we got hard flaws, it's because we know you got bad feet and we want to wear them down till you moved. We're not putting no carpet in this house cause old people make the carpet smell old. And it's too too many mirrors in this house. Don't you all know what you look like? I mean, you were gonna say that one Steve All right, listen post your comings on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please don't forget to check out the Struwberry Letter podcast on demand of coming up at forty six minutes after the hour from the Talk our girl, Cheryl Underwood. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's reality show update. But right now, Steve, please introduce that girl from the Talk dun lady and gentlemen, Sheryl Underwood. Thank you, Steve Harvey. And we did it, babe, don't call it a comeback. Joe Biden did his thing on super Tunesday. Don't hate congratulate the youngest that Bernie Sanders was dependent on state home, playing PlayStation and being on social media. Now listen, check up. People come to your little event, don't mean they're coming to vote. That's right. We did our Thank Black Radio, Saladary dot Com. We did our think Bloomberg is out and he endorsed Biden. Everybody that's out if getting ready to endorsed Boden now one, I'm a mean dude. Listen. I can't confirm with Charlie Scarbaby, but I was at the nail salon and one of the ladies doing my nail in her life said that Elizabeth Warren is out, So I think they would know. So because I know the language. I know everybody like I speak with the Tocala, with the Filipino people. I speak enough Spanish to understand what's going on. I got to learn language because I got the ear hustle on other people when they're talking about what's happening. The democracy was defended, and I want to shout out the jail Biden. When the when the protesters rushed his face. Did you see Jill Biden jail vote? Push him off this thing? Now that's the first lady right there, protection she bout that life. She had quick hands, Calar, she had quick hands. Listen to me. This is a great day. And listen, Bernie Sanders, you're still doing your thing. But what we need is Tom Style and Mayor Bloomberg to put all their money behind Biden. Now everybody gonna say, I don't do that. Know what we show was the black vote meant something. And Michael More when he said South Carolina, don cal it countered and it gave Joe Biden the momentum that he needed and he wants that's right. Don't play with us, Junior. You know you excited right now. You're excited right now. Why are you excited. Why are you excited, Junior? Swatch you as like talking because we talked to stay focused, to stay focused. But see, me and Junior are happy together, so me and Junior should go out and celebrate. You know, this is a good catfish fry fish. He wanted to do that a couple of days ago to Tommy when you told me that, man, listen to me, I start fasting and praying and doing sit up and not eating any salt. So I want to be bloated with me, and he hasn't. Junior. We did. We turned up to turnout me and Tunia did it. He don't want to blow the woman. That's right, have not because he asked this not ledge he didn't have. He was gonna get it anyway. We appreciate you, Cheryl. Thank you. Coming up next, we're gonna switch gears and go to Carla's reality update at the top of the hour right after this. You're listening, all right, come on, Tommy, let's go, let's go, let's get it. Let's get it. She is here. It is Carla Farrell with what reality update? All right, thank you, nephew. Here we go, guys. Real Housewives of Atlanta drama drama, drama listen. Kenya told Cynthia that she and her husband Mark were having issues. Boy are they ever? He can't stand her anyway. Kenya and her husband Mark, they hosted a charity mentoring event, if you will. It was a fundraiser type giving back events, and it was a lot of drama preparing for this event, from who was invited, the venue, the speakers and seating chart, what were they going to wear? A lot of drama. So first thing, Cynthia noticed that it was rude that Kenya's husband Mark didn't even holler at her fiance Mike when they first got there. Mike is the MC of the event, so Cynthia was like, what's up with Mark? Then Mark asked Eva's husband to speak about being adopted his childhood, right there on the spot. And Eva was like, well, dang, you want to get somebody some notice if you want them to talk like that. And then Mark was very cold acting toward his wife Kenya. He didn't even publicly thank her at the event. It was really really awkward and just uncomfortable to watch. But then Marlowe, You're gonna have to save Kenya. Well, you're gonna have to mar Lodi. She arrived late. Wait what you ain't got that kind of uncle talking and to brute man. Let me finish this real quick though. Let me tell you guys. So Marlowe, she arrived late at the event with her nephews, and she was upset about the seating arrangements. Kenya's attitude was like, you're late and then you're bringing plus two, so how are you gonna be mad about where you're sitting? But Mark disagreed with his wife. Kenyan was happy that Marlowe showed up to the event with her nephews because he was like, it's a mentoring event, so you know they're never on the same team. Well. Then, towards the end of the episode, Mark was over it. He was going off on the production team. It appeared that he did not like the cameras rolling and filming his entire event. He went off. Mark said he was sick of the show, sick of them filming the event, and he was sick of Kenya's bodyguard, and I think he's sick of her. Someone asked him how he liked being married to Kenya. He said he hated it. He said it hated me and married her. Yes, So now according to But how horrible was that? Though was awful? Well, yeah, well he shouldn't. He was terrible, Steve, he did it was so yeah, yeah, yeah, I really do. Yeah. He was. Yeah. She was there supporting her husband and went all out and he was just he was real. Filed with what he said and I always said it. So it seems to be at the end of this particular episode that day, because you know this was obviously filmed in advance, they filed for separation the very next day. So to this day, Kenya and Mark are still separated and they are just trying to co parent together with that beautiful little girl. But though he say, well, I think he had probably pretty much if some If you ask a man, how do you feel being married to the person you're married to? When he says, I hate it, I hate it. I want you to know something about hell. I hate it means I hate huh, he hates everything about it. How do you feel about man? Well, he didn't. He didn't know what he was. Nobody knows what marriage is until you get in it. Nobody knows you am Amen, marriages work work. This was horrible. He doesn't like her, he doesn't want to be married to her and that was very obvious on this particular episode. We could talk more about it with running out of time on social media at lips by Carla and we'll be back at twenty after he told his wife he yep, with more questions for the cl oh right after this. You're listening all right, Steve, can you bring the Chief Love Officer in please the CLO. We have another question from him. This is from Marshall in Tampa, Okay. Because you know how you and your characters are, you know, hello, Steve. It says I have been with my man for fifteen years and around Christmas he told me he was ready to get married. So we picked out a four thousand dollars ring and I bought it for myself. I posted it all on my Facebook page that he had finally put a ring on it. A few days later, my man said he said he felt rushed and called the whole thing off. He said he still wants to date me and we will get married soon. What is soon? Should I walk away from him some time? That's really all it is. He just buys some time. When he told you he wanted to get married, he didn't say now he was buying time with the I want to getting married statement, y'all been dating buy anything teen years? She bought the ring fifteen years. You jumped a gun, bought a four thousand dollars ring and posted it. He didn't buy you a ring. He just said he wanted to get married. He did not make the two things you need to go with I want to get married, it's three things? When to who? And he didn't say you. We'll have moore with the Chief Love Officer, our CLO Steve Harvey coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. What am I? What am I? He? The chief? I don't understand without in this you the fool prankster king of pranks. You're listening all right? Here we are with our Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. If he love officer? What am I? Yeah? I got to be something? Ain't nothing? Dog? You? Ain't you the king of pranks? Yeah? I'm the press us just just stupidity, were standing up comedian and then stuff like that. Nobody's ever written in to ask you a love question. You have nothing to do with the clo. Or wait a minute, Steve. He is the host of Ready to Love on own don't forget that the host are ready to love, not how to love. That's the same stupid. No show is about people that's already ready to right about to ask you to love. This question for you was from Marshall and Tampa. She said she's been with her man for fifteen years. Around Christmas, he told her he was ready to get married. So they picked out a four thousand dollars ring and she bought it for herself, posted it on her Facebook page, saying she finally he finally put a ring on it. Then days later her men said he felt rushed, called the whole thing off and said he still wants to date her and we will get married soon. It's what he said. She wants to know what a soon and should she walk away? And Tommy said, then I agree. He bought some time. He bought some time when he said he was almost ready to get married, he bought some time. Then you jumped the gun, bought a four thousand dollar ring, posted it now. He said he rushed and called the whole thing off because he didn't ask you to marry him, and then I told you before. The three things missing with that almost ready statement was when to who? And he did not say to you. So now she wants to know should I stay with this? Well, you fifteen years, fifth team, that long years and you bought your own ring. That's tough. Yeah, So now about should I stay? Here's what women do. Women say, Well, I don't put fifteen years in. I don't want it to be for nothing. You have nothing. You just have fifteen years of something. You don't want what you what you do want? He's not willing to give. So the simple question I've said just a hundred times in the band's repeating, do you walk away? That's up to you. But if you stay, do you want fifteen more years of this? Because nothing's changed and he's not going to change. He's been talking about getting married for the longest fifteen years. She needs to go, So you have to make up that decision for yourself. All right, we'll be back with our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening, all right, Steve, Here we are our last break of the day. It's been a good day, break up the day, Yes it is, and it's been a good day. We've had fun today. Yes, we had Carlo's back. It's all good in the hood back. Yeah. I feel so bad for you, man, because I ain't. You've got damn dog dog. I got ready to say, I feel so bad for you because you got a great career working in everything. Y'all don't have an ugly career though. I have a nice, sexy career. That's happened. Wow. Hey man, I'm tripping because I'm actually trying to pay you a compliment. I know, but you're gonna put ugly on the end of it. Doan't. Let's see her? Let me it's a movie about his life. Insecure. You know that there's a movie. And why is people insecure? What's the number one number one reason why people are insecures? What? Junior? Because they un't that's the number one reason for security. Insecurity? Love you whatever? And if you shot like troll, Steve, no other I'm a troll. You got that troll? I I said, if you shot and ugly, that's like a troll. Then he said, I'm a troll. You remember what my father told you, Tommy, You remember what grandfather told you that if you keep talking, he gonna make you stand outside and hold and landing. He oh, he had known he was gonna put Tommy in a jackie suit and make him holding a lamp. House, Oh, God, party, and the church people was coming over, and they said, so they'd know the house. My daddy said, you're gonna put timmy jockey suit on and have him stand out on the steps and hold a lamp. Steve, I'm sure this is not gonna go with your clothing, so not at all. All right, I'm sorry, all right, let's go. Here's the closer monks, Damn, sorry, but listen, you know, crazy big church party. Oh. I think a lot of times, man, those of us who are people of faith, we often ask God for certain things, and in waiting for it, we get tired. And I'm the same way. It's some things that I've been talking to God about for a while and it just doesn't seem to be happening. But He has ways of doing it that's so high above our thinking level and our concept level that it actually could be happening. But because we are so focused on it not happening and not going the way we perceive it, that we don't even notice the things that he's actually doing on our behalf, and a lot of it is unbeknownst to us. See, man, faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. That is the essence of becoming successful. If you could see it, how hard would it be. It would be fairly simple. If you could see where the Finnish line was, that would be no need to get tired and stop. You know it's right there. Just keep going, It's just right there. But faith ain't set up that way. The finish line ain't set up that way. Your goals and dreams and visions are not set up that way. It is cloudy on your way to your dreams and visions. It is rolled blocks on your way to your dreams and vision. It is detours on your way. It is peaks and valleys on your way. It is traps along the way that are setbacks along the way. If it was a straight line from here to where you wanted to go, do you know how simple that would be? And if you could see it, how simple that would be. Listen to me, everybody, This is the concept of life for all of us. I don't care if your name is Bloomberg. I don't care if your last name is Zuckerberg. I don't care if your last name is Jordan or Woods, it doesn't matter. Your last name can be Winfrey. Do you understand that it is set up this way for everybody. You have got to be willing to fight through to get to the end. That is your success. And the biggest mistake we make, man, is we compare ourselves to other people. Man, you ain't gonna ever be happy like that, because that's always somebody with a bigger boat, a bigger call, a nicer watch, a bigger house. If you don't learn that in this process of life, that God is taking you through this journey, and if you can keep the faith, that is a bright side for you waiting for you. And a lot of times you're actually in the middle of the sun coming up, but you don't see it because you keep turning around looking at the darkness. You don't even see the sun coming up over the hill because you keep turning around looking at your life in total darkness. Man, faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. Understand that that that is for everybody. Keeping the faith is keeping the belief that God is on the way. As hard as it may seem, he always come and he ever too late. He's never been too late. Those are my closing remarks. That's it. Hey, y'all, have a great weekend. Man, we're getting close. I'm getting on the plane. I see y'all. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.