Chicken Workers, Comedy Roulette, MTH, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Jul 12, 2019, 2:00 PM

Happy Friday and big ups to all the chicken workers because this show is dedicated to you!  Junior has a poem and the crew share their thoughts and opinions.  How do you know if you went too far with a joke?  Check out Comedy Roulette to see.  Ladies, if you suspect your man of cheating, what would you do?  The ladies give us their answers.  Ever run into a situation that just ain't your business!?  The crew want to throw a party for Fool #2.  Is is down or nah?  Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO tells us how to evaluate our dreams and more.  Have a great weekend!!!

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back all suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the milling Buck things in its cubs. Y'all good it. Steve Hart listening to the movie Together for Stem Handley, I don't join join me. You go with me. Honey. You gotta turn, you gotta turn turn turn, got the turnout, then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back that Uh? I sure will? I come out and everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that? I'm telling you God been big in my life. I'm not gonna kid you. I'm telling you in here do the same thing for you. God. God is a gentleman, you know. I want to I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know, if you say you got it, I don't need you. He let you have it. If you say I need you, come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing. Man. So I always say to people this, if you've gotten yourself into something, and please eason, no I have. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes so when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, Just hope it'll be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope is the beginning of faith. Hope. It's just is there a possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, hope it's okay, man, Because like I say, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change from me, that something could be a little bit different from me, that maybe, man, just maybe for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued, things could turn around, it could head any other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, Maybe somebody will just say all right, I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember. Also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher, she taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mamma used to say, when you get real dark, for your son, prad changes things. She said, when you seem like you lost and you can't find your way, stop and pray, she said, because prad changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more and you just don't know what to do next, she says, stop, suh, pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said. If you pray just hoping, she's saying that God come through for you, that will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while, you quit hoping, She's saying, you start believing. She saying, that's when you're on to something. If you can turn that hope into belief, that hope into faith, the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see. See hoping a little bit different from me Now, I'm pretty sure, Like I say oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you, but just from my side of it being as real as I can be rich. See, hope helps. Man. If you ain't strong enough to have faith, have hope, and then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer, then that hope gains a little confidence and after a while that confidence becomes faith. Now they're just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing in something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here, and not just faith, but my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See. A lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? And then they started going down this whole list of all these different religions out here, but really an essence. Man, When I talk to people about faith, I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? How much do you believe in the things you can't see? How much do you believe in the impossible? How much do you believe see? Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to just oftentimes, if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way, his blessings just poor. They just come. And it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice, see, it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money, and now, man, that ain't it. It's coverage. It's every time my plane lands safe. It's every time they predict bad weather and I get up in the sky and it don't be no bad weather. You know this, This is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody call me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity. You know, somebody say, hey, man, I don't know, but I sent this to you. I thought you might be interested in it. Somebody has sent me a scripture, or somebody will send me something that's favor, and it always comes at a time when I need it the most. That's favor, that's pouring out blessings. Now. I'm also the recipient of a lot of other blessings too. You know, I've been blessed with health. That's amazing blessing. Man. I've been blessed with a spirit of not quitting. I've been blessed with the ability to shoulder huge amounts of responsibility. See, blessed things come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God, once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed what God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on, if you're sitting in the cell this morning, why why would you not change? You have a chance to turn your life around with a relationship with God. What you're waiting on? Are you gonna just keep doing it like that? Huh? Really? Come on, man, why would you do that to yourself? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life so you can get the way He want you to be. God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking up. Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning, boys and girls. Man, have your attention please today's show. It's dedicated to all paltry employee churches, KFC, Popeye, El Poyo, Local Right, and Tropical Delight That's Florida. Things like Oh and Ween Stop. Even though they don't do four chicken pots, you are in the paltry distribution. Big congratulations to all of you today. We're dedicating today's show to all poultry employees of all kinds. Thank you, Thank you for the joy that you've given up. Thank you for the motivation. Thank you for the way I feel sometime when I'm driving down the street and I see that sign. What it means to me? This it's for the chicken lover in you. Yeah, this is for the wing This is for the wing in you, dude, this is the this is for the wing in. You will make a song out of it because that's that's my soul. Boy. Yeah, we are authentic soul. Brother song right after we go right in it. Name it, sing it we deeply, name first and sing it. Don't commit it. Love soul, you would never let it die. I have no reason to buy a new season. Name it, sang it. That's deep right there. No, no, no, no reason to buy a new He'll bring albums downloaded nothing now, yeah, vibes little thing in the middle, with the little thing with Look, man, I just download the common commodores and follow Yeah, what's your favorite commodore is? Jam? May sound funny? Man? I just can't. Man, I'm leaving you to my room down seems to me. Girl, You know, I don't know. I can't And if it dan't you see your big store that I bab room. Yeah? Yeah, yeah, you know. WAMIs my favorite commodore song. Low is fun? Maybe just the food dream Yeah, but I don't care. Mm hmmm allse I know my happiness is waiting somewhere. I'm searching for that seal line ris runs that I never see. I wish the whey bake call coming up? Something funny? They who coming up? You don't like you're listening show? All right, okay, time for another poem from Junior. But before we get to juniors. You know before he was so talented whom the talent's first of all, and and and you know, first of all y'all wrong, first of all, but even hindering my growth. Okay as an artist, it's not huh. Now you are an artist. You're a comedian. Hey, hey, but I'm a comedian poet. No, you don't come to say what I'm doing. Okay now because you want to remain short. That's your friend. He ain't got nothing to do with me. I'm gonna go ahead and do what I do. Bit okay, Well, before we get to your your fabulous poem, Junior, Steve, you know you've been rocking your beard for a couple of months now. You wanted to grow because you're getting ready to go back on TV, and you cut it off. Yeah, I know, let's just go anyway. According to a new study led by Burnaby Dixon, men with beards are better boyfriend and marriage material than clean shaven men. Okay. The study of bodacious beard straddles the line of masculinity and femininity and essentially alters the face shape of a fella, making him attractive. All right, guys, would would you grow a beard? Steve already did it? Uh? If you knew it would get more dates with ladies if you weren't married, Because it's I'm just sitting my glass over here to him once again, Junior, if you're throwing rock in a pack of dogs, the one that hallam is the one you hit anybody. But now all of a sudden, you're the only one that took a fish to the day. So you know I hadn't had the beard, took the beard on when you said that I'm not I'm not an attractive person, but you know I ain't Junior, Tommy, let's get to this poem before. Are you saying Jay I didn't mention Jake? Honestly, you have a problem with the way he little. Yeah, well, I know I work with anything about all right, Junior, Let's get to this poem. All right. This poem is for people who want to know, sir. You know it's you know, there's motivation for me, is that when you put them calling to put them in your pocket. Tightle up Today's poem. Somebody needs to tell me something. Somebody needs to tell me something. Here we go, somebody needs to tell me something. We go to Trible No no shirt, you mess it up. The first line of my poems are always the type. All right once again, somebody needs to tell me something. That's the tyler the poet not not do. Somebody needs to tell me something because I'm not gonna let it go. I've already asked one time, but I'm gonna ask you some more. You may think I'm stupid and that I shouldn't let it slide, but no one has come close. Some of y'all ain't even trap now. You might say, Julia, where the head is just gone? But somebody needs to tell me something because it's driving me crazy not knowing. But somebody need to tell me something, because damn it, I need to now and I need to have to answer by the end of this his show. Somebody tell me something. Thank you, I sell you something. Somebody need to help you write the damn poet because I'm with Tommy. Now. You ain't no poet. You just rhyming, and that ain't even run. First first of all that did Ryan, you cheered them all that first. You said it ain't go nowhere. But you're missing the question of the poem. He finished the poem. He did the whole poem. Now what y'all told him? A damn thing? Yeah, somebody, And I'm told what I told you was that you need somebody to help you write your next poem. And this is what I have to say. You suck what you know? What you know? How I expects you like to hear you do it? Surely ain't know like poetry, like poetry, and it sucks. Somebody need to tell me. Let's name of the point? Now you ready, my boy? Ready at Somebody need to tell miss something. This is what I'm trying to say. And this ain't being done today. What somebody need to tell me? Some what? And I read sexual room and don't know that I didn't know, but I need to find out something for the end of this show. Somebody need to tell me. So let me tell you some poin great somebody gonna be looking for work. Oh god, he's gonna get fired, ja. He wrote it on coming up at the top of the hour. Things that women want from their men will be bad. So bad. You're listening Morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have today's headlines. But right now, of course it's Tommy's run that prank back. Come on, they' moved, Big Mama. They moved so stupid name. Moa mo Big Mama. Oh it is they move, Big Mama cleaning service. I'm trying to Can I speak to the owner the company? This is he. There's just Robert. The owner is Robert. It's just Robert. Yes, sir, this is this is mister Robert. How can I help you? My name is Carruthers. Y'all y'all clean. Y'all clean my uh my, my house last week? Okay. And when y'all moved the further toure to clean the carpet, somebody, somebody moved my grandmother off the coffee table. He not in there. No more hold on, sir. Do you know what what data we clean your house on? Sir? Last Wednesday, y'all clean my house. He came to your house on Wednesday of last week. What's your address, sir, Big Mama, it's it's bim. Sir. Hello, you said your name is corrupt and we came to your house on Wednesday. If you don't mind, can I have your address? Leave yo? Brung? Okay, mister Crutts, listen, if if if we if your grandmother now with your grandmother laying on the carpet, I mean, my guys, don't move people, sir, uh, we would not have my grandmother, my grandma, she was on the she was on the coffee table. Her urn was on the coffee table. Oh over, grand mother, pats bite lad, y'all if somebody moved it and now the vase is still there? But udea okay, okay, I'm sorry. So you're saying that you're very well mister, mister Cruther, I am so sorry. Um, I just longed my grandmother not too long ago, sir. I know how you feel. Now I'm now, I'm listening. My guys would not have knocked over a vase or something like that, or they would have told me if they are knocked over something. Are you sure that it was my cleaning service? Yeah? I ain't have no nobody have no two different carport cleaning services to come by in the same week. Man, y'all the only ones came by there, y'all, the ones that did it, y'all, the one more, my grandmama and now my grandmama. Go, mister Carus, I'm a girl man, mister Caruthers. I'm sorry about it, but if you would give me your address, I can confirm that that's actually was my company that came by you. I apologize, sir. Uh, I'm sorry when I was out. Oh I'm so sorry, sir. Now, if can you please just give me your address, sir, let me let me full some information up in my system and we can we can straighten all this house. Hold on for one second, please go and ask Wayne and Robert Juny to come in here for a seconds. They have to be the ones to clean that man carport on last week. Hold sir on his grandma Earth. Now we keeping on that corfee tables. But yeah, we're shaping on that coffee table year. It's in my yard. God, mister brothers, I'm sorry. I'm trying to find out this. You know what, when I give myself together, I'm gonna come down there and I'm gonna kick something and that damn place in here, do you hear me, mister Caruthers. And I'm just now listen, I'm gonna do everything that I can to help you. But now don't don't uh, you're gonna prend me on this phone, tell you you move my grandmama, and I'm gonna move you. Now you hear me. I'm gonna I promise, I'm gonna tell everybody not to use this damn carpet clean the service because y'all don't know what the hello. Now let's listen. Nah, Now, it took me a long time to get my services together. Certain we do a real good job. Now you're not gonna threaten me, y'all. I'm gonna shape for grandmama. That's what y'all do. You move people's grandmama? We shot. We have never had this kind of incidence. A matter of fact, we haven't had any incidents at all. So I'm gonna everything that I'm I'm sorry about your grandmother. Sir, We're gonna get everything we were away from home getting in the newspaper and tell everybody not to use this damn service. I problem that I just told you once. Now you're not gonna trap me about my damn company and no more you understand me? But putting on added no newspaper and you're not gonna shit there. Tell me what you're gonna do how to call my sons in here, how to calling that you did the owner ones that clean that got dog gonna coffee? Now, I'm gonna find out what happened, But you're not gonna threaten my company. You understand. That's how I make my Listen now, I don't know how you make y'all living, but that's how make don't make y'all learn my moving people grandmama's man. You move my grandma when my grandmama ain't on the coffee table no more, sir, sir, it's I'm sorry that you're come out not on your coffee table no more. Look, I'll try to find out what happens. We're gonna get this fix for you, but you gotta work for me. Well, I'm coming down now, writing down to do. Damn I wasn't start kicking some how your boys? Then? How you still too? Oh? You should have come down here, come bring you, come on down here right now. I'm not kidding you. And you look, I'm trying to help you, and you want to go off on me like that. I don't give a less a come down here right now. You don't getting even your enters. I don't even know where you are, and I don't even know if you se. I promise you I'm whooping your boys. He yo, y'all to move my grandmother. You move my grandmother. Man, Bro, mister Carrubb, don't threaten me or don't threaten me by my boys. That that's my son. I don't take that too lightly. I will come fersonally to your house right now, beach up and then come back and clean your house for free. Do you understand me? Don't you talk to my children? And don't you trick me? Let again? My damn fine. I one more thing I want to tell you, man, what is you listening? What is it? Man? Nephew tim me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got plagued by your wife? Dog? Hello, hey, play up? Say man? Ever ever, um, don't anybody that that wasn't there wasn't nobody that timing man? You ain't right now right? You caught me. Now you got myself into looking like like the did some I'm gonna go bump up a fast head. Man. You wanna tell me what you're gonna do with my coming man? You know how long he's been? Say? Am I coming to start to man, you're rough for that. Ro Man, Hey man, Robert, I got one more thing there? She man? What is what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Hargling Morning Show playing Man, I'm listening to y'all every morning. Man, y'all every more. Look here, why don't you tell Doc Steve Man, y'all need to put a copper cleaning the water over in the hoodie wards? Man, we need cleaning. You mean a corper cleaning in a category? Corper cleaning category, Man, y'all need to go and put one in there. I'm do y'all have any relatives that? No, I never I never experienced that. Did y'all have anybody that was creaming ya? Friend? Now? Oh yeah, you got one? Yeah, my grandma she was cremated. What they do with who had? Who gets to earn? Who gets to keep that? They had? One of my uncles got cremated. Yeah, he got cremated and they put him up on the mantelpiece. And my other uncle didn't know it and opened it up and then what And he thought that because I see he had done it, nobody know. So when he opened it up in front of everybody. They was mortified and didn't he said that way all of them go, Why aren't you going? All right? More of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jack, it is time for comedy roulette. Here we go with comedy roulette. Very simple. Give us five subjects. Put them on a wheel. Fund the wheel. Stay it with me, Shirley, fun fund the wheel, the wheel, fund the wheel. We're not gonna spend the were gonna spund the wheel. We stop, We'll do the damn thing. What you got? All right? Here we go. Number one, you know you can go to jail for that. That's one. Number two. Number two you need to cut that off. A need to cut that off. Okay. Number three, I don't know what she looks like without a weird I don't know. Number four, really, Jay, Number four, get your butt out of my roofer. And number five, you know you went too far with the joke. Win baby, cat, spun it cat? What you live for that? Oh it stopped to number five? You know you went too far with joke. That's a good one round, all right, guys know you went to know you went too far with the joke when that that that that that you know you went too far with the joke. When you see the fruit talking to you and saying, my brother, can I speak to you about that jokey, my brother, you need to really stop. It's surrounded about bot. When surround joke, you know you went too far with the joke. When it's very simple. When Shirley Caller takes off because you far, they won't never let him go far. You can't go too far with y'all. Stop that every day nothing when y'all you know you don't went too far with the joke. When your wife pack a bag and said, I'll be at my mama all right, Come on, you know you don't went too far with the joke. When all your friends say damn dog, damn dog. You know you don't went too far with the joke. When someone says he's not looking at you because he's blind. How about that he that's why I'm not looking at him? Dog. I'm over here. I'll tell you know when you went too far the joke. You telling Joe the only one one l I tell you that your boy that wrote it. Yeah, come on, you know you didn't win too far with the joke. When the person sitting in the audience say, I'm on my way up down you far with You know you don't went too far with the joke. When she says, no, I'm not expecting a baby. Whoa, whoa, I got one, all right. You know you went too far with your joke. When you tell a joke and you go is this thing on and the audience, yes, it's on. We can hear you. It's just not funny. I Missanne's here with today's headlines. Please introduce here, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Trim Trimm. Thanks you guys very much. This is answered with the news tropical Storm Barry has formed in the Gulf of Mexico. It is now headed for Louisiana. Thousands of people living in low lying coastal areas were ordered to evacuate yesterday. Meanwhile, the US Army Corps of Engineers keeping a watchful line on the already swollen Mississippi River, which is breaking records this year for weeks and weeks of floodstage water levels. And another Trump turnaround, the president now says he's changed his mind. And will not keep pushing for a citizenship question to be included on the upcoming twenty twenty census forms. He says, is going to go about finding out how many undocumented residents there are. In another way, I am here by ordering every department and agency in the federal government to provide the Department of Commerce with all requested records regarding the number of citizens and non citizens in our country. And Trump says he's completely confident about the Administration's ability to get the info he wants knowledge in many of our agencies. We will leave no stone unturned. Speaking of that great knowledge. These Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security have already entered into agreements reportedly to provide the Department of Commerce with info on non citizens. Meanwhile, looks like its promises kept. On another matter, immigrations, Customs Enforcement expect to begin carrying out a series of rays this weekend on unauthorized immigrants, those who already received removal orders but haven't left the country. Legal landlists with the American Civil Liberties Union reminding the undocumented that under the US law, they do not have to let immigration agents into their homes unless those agents have what's called a judicial warrant. In fact, the ACLU says the plans to hand out information cards to people living in immigrant communities and send lawyers there ahead of expected rates. According to New York Times, some of the cities are being targeted include New York City, Baltimore, Miami, Denver, and New Orleans, which is dealing, of course, with her tropical storm. Barry, the attorney representing regious sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, tried to convince a judge yesterday that Epstein should be granted bail because he's not a bail risk. To prove that, the lawyer offered Epstein's Manhattan residence up worth seventy seven million dollars and one of his planes one of them. Epstein also reportedly owns a couple of islands. Ask you to say Epstein's flight is a flight risk because he has tremendous resources and owns islands and stuff. R Kelly under arrest today again, this time the unfederal charges of child porn and some other things. He's being brought to New York. R Kelly was arrested while walking his dog. The singer's public says say they knew the charges were coming, and they've scheduled a press conference in Atlanta later this morning. And finally today is eat Judge Yellow Day. Everybody can spell yellow. Now back to the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. You're listening to show? All right? Yahoo is reporting, guys, a new pole that finds fifty nine percent of couples say that they suspected their partner of cheating, they would discuss the matter with them rather than jumping to conclusions. Okay, let me ask you a questions, Shirley and coler No, let me ask you a question. Just listen to this question. If you suspected your husband of cheating, and it was not on the internet, nobody knew, none of your co workers, it was not it wasn't made public. If you suspected your husband of cheating, would you bring it up calmly? Would you bring it up with anger? How would you do it? Probably? All of the above for me, without the calm though you already nowhere. I'm coming bigger. All of that, All of the above for me without the calm. Anger. If I suspected that yet? No, well, I mean, if you had suspicions, you ain't had no proof, you ain't you ain't heard nothing, You ain't got no pictures, ain't no, ain't on internet and none of that. But Steve, you know we have intuition. You know we have intuition. You know. Disappointing to you, mister Harvey. I don't know. I'm just trying to see what y'all would do. I don't really And and the word discussion I have a problem with. There will be no discussion. Well all, you gonna just find out on your own first, like little CUSI let me ask you a question. Suppose you discovered that you were wrong about him and that he wasn't cheating. What happens at that point? Oh, then I'm apologizing and begging to his forgiveness, begging for his forgiveness and threatening him he better not do it. You see what happens? Yeah, you God in the heart, you gotta do that. Yeah, you apologize for your wrongdoing, you know, make it up to him. You know, anymore question, We're here for it. No, y'all's answers just short, yeah and truthful, And there's no one. There's no one in between, ain't no. You know that's I don't like talking, y'all. If were you expecting something else. I don't know what I expected, but that wasn't it. You've you've obviously been through this before. I'll tell you what I found out. Though I'm fine out, I ain't fired up to have a discussion. Once they find out, I'll cheat. It's old your lass sitting up here? Got the lyricy chat? No you did, But Junior, don't you know that money changes thing? Yeah? Yeah, how you get the nerves that was before? Look at you now see Tommy saying dang Junior, like you can't believe Junior called herself Tommy your og. No, I am not am not gonna let your stop doing that. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Show. All right, Steve, come on, Jay is here to murder another hit before he murders the hit. Yeah. I'm just in a matchmaking movie today and you found somebody. No, I think you should talk to man seriously because you need a little stabilization in your life. You should date. And I don't know if she's fully available anymore. I don't see how she's could be on the market at this point, but you really should look into talking to miss Anne, Miss Anne, miss Andrew. Ja, that's a good, good matchup. What about Marla, Gie, your news will be a whole lot different. It all be about you. Ja, let me tell you about this. You're gonna get your trump in a minute. It up. But first of this bad black black Wow, well maybe not say it has a great laugh, Ja, go to church, act like, well, you know, he could be he could be real. Then a bit. Let me let me tell somebody know about me. I'm the type person that once you get hooked up with me, I make you go Jesus Christ. I can bring that out in a fris could be a good thing. Jane. No, no, no, no, wow, I'm good anyway. Let me get to this all right, it's the j Spot Comedy. We got this thing called Taco Headliner Tuesday goes down every Tuesday, literal event. Bright and get your tickets. It's every Tuesday Taco Headliner Tuesday. Jaspont Comedy Club, fifty five eighty one Westminchester Avenue, Los Angeles. Y'all had fun challenge. Oh yeah, it was really nice. We had a great time, but the food che yes yes wore Steve Shirley Collin everybody. You got familiar with the challenge, the Pea challenge. Oh yes, I did the challenge. It's a rap song about things you would do for the P for the So the men did one for the P. Ladies did one for the D. My song is for the C. Well you heard about the Pea Challenge and the D Challenge. This is the C challenge. You see him down for the comedy, Brown for the comedy. Since death, Jem, I've been around for the comedy. Take for the comedy, right for the comedy, Think about it, morning, noon and night for the comedy, Hit for the comedy, Fit for the comedy, had a good job. I had to quit for the You see him smoke for the comedy, Joke for the comedy. Been to divorce Core three times for the I got love for the comedy, Club for the comedy every nine and then. I need a hug for the comedy. I hope for the comedy. Note for the comedy. Did a cruise ten years on a boat for the talk, trash for the comedy, got cash for the comedy, even got some real good ass for the condue. Black for the comedy, White for the comedy, or City Your Hall. He let me write for the team, and I go back for the comedy. Make stacks for the comedy. Got much love, and that's a fact for the car. Take appeal for the comedy, feel for the comedy. Don't get mad when they still for the comedy. I'm about for the comedy. They shout for the comedy. Gonna drop the mic here because I'm out for the comedy. Man jail, I won't pay. Yes, oh my god, I'm putting I'm putting that on my show. That gonna be my thing. Coming into jail. But come in jail, coming in. That was good, ja, Yes, yes, there was lost to all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after don't forget today. Strawberry letter is on tap. But first, the nephew in the building with the prank phone call call them, Yes, triosity bringing ok, triosity, I'm gonna get married. Come on, hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Marvin Police. Yes, speaking Marvin High. I'm calling you from doctor's office. I'm actually the lab technician um, and you you came in and I got it physical. I guess about a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, okay, and my understanding this is for your for your occupation correct. Yeah? Okay, you're what do you do for a living when you're a river? Okay? Now I was giving you a call about I'm here looking at your records and all the testings that you actually went through. Um wow, let's see have you had any have you had any activity or any problems around your naval area? Na fine? Okay? It was saying, all right, uh yeah, everything's fine, But I mean if you haven't had any any type of nothing, no breakout or anything around your navel or whatsoever? Nah about my navel? Now everything's going straight, man, Okay, to see what's going on? Man, what's happening? Okay? Actually, you've been diagnosed with um oak triositis and oristriositis is actually a fungus that comes out of South America. And you have no activity whatsoever around your NAVELO. It's otriositis, sir. And what what that is is actually you're you're if you haven't had it yet? You say you haven't had any activity. There's gonna be like a small little tree that's gonna be growing from your navel. And it gets about six inches long and it probably bears about probably about twenty five to thirty leaves on it, but it's very small. You see a tree gonna be growing out my navel, It's gonna be a small tree. And Uh, what's gonna happen is I'm gonna have to get you to come back in, probably in the next month. We're gonna need you to come in so we can check it out. But it's got to grow its fullest potential before we can actually do anything to it. No, I can't come in and on mind, I got to come in to hey, man, somebody got we we we get this problem to resolved. Man, I'm tryna get married. Man. Well, we can't. It has to grow with fullet's potential, sir. And the full term is actually like about four weeks before we can act. Man. I'm not waiting for those four weeks. Man. Somebody got to come till me something right, Nah, Man, I ain't gonna go married. Man. Have to fly the time, man and have something going out of my neighbor. Man. Y'all going crazy, man, Sir, o Triosa. This is something that's very rare. We're actually getting this assignment from overseas in South America on how to treat this. Man, I don't get it down. Where is it? Man, somebody's gonna have to come give me some help, right nah, Man, I'm gonna get ready to get married. Man, I'm not gonna be putting up with it. Man, somebody in this office maint got to come down and then do something for me. Man, And what you say, as you said, I can cut it out myself. So the best I can do is probably trim it a bit, you know, and maybe knock a few leaves off. But I cannot touch the full stock at all. Man. You can cut this for the bad day, do something, sir. I cut it right now. You cannot, Sir. If you cut it, there's a possibility of hemorrhaging, and you're gonna really create a bigger problem than what you have already. Man, I'm trying to get this cool a doot. Man, you didn't tell me. Ain't nobody never what I've dried on there and get this put man, I'm gonna get married in two weeks. Man. We're gonna fly to Jamaican. It can't now. Somebody can do this for me. So you cannot pull it out. You're gonna create good man, You're gonna create a bigger problem if you try to pull it out. Sorry, problems are already up. I'm trying to get this problem. Man. Give me tell me a big hospital. Ain't now me you want me to do that. It's not something I poke out of my summer and you're tilling it. Ain't you can do, man, sir. Oak triositis is not something that we treat all the time. Like I said, it hails from South America, so we got I don't give it from Great Britain. Somebody that I feel for me to come down and help me pull this, man, sir, I understand what you're going through, but we have to let it grow. It's full term, which is four weeks, sir, the full root of it to grow. Man, I ain't woa man gonna go right nah man, y'all gonna have to do something, man, sir. There's nothing we can do. We can probably trim it a little bit, the trim, get some training, song man, do something, sir. There's nothing we can do at this point but sit back, and wait and let it grow. It's full term. Okay, can we get you do the waiting? Man? Somebody helped me, right, nah, man, Sir, can we get an appointment for you in the next four to five weeks and we do that. Now you got to get appointment for me to dating. I'm gonna give man. Man, I'm gonna fly to Jamaica. Now, I can't have them chicking out of me. I can't see it the apport. Man, you're gonna embarrass me like that man chicking out my neighbor. Sir, I understand it, and like I said, oh, triositis is very rare, and it's it's something that we haven't treated that many times here in the States, but overseas, the message that we're getting is that we need to let it grow. It's full term. So man, tell me, ain't nobody in the Mirroricans got what man, it's otriositis, sir, So I get it. I nobody else got it, Sir. I could not believe that you were coming up with outriositis here in the States. It's it's something very rarely seen here. There's been two people in the past has been diagnosed with this and they actually passed away. So now you tell them dive and you're gonna chip me three weeks. Man, I'm coming down another day. Man, somebody could do something for me, Sir. There's nothing that we can do today until four to five weeks or I gotta go get married. I'm fine to Jamaica. Man. I just said, Man, I'm hearing what you're saying, but I can't do anything if you don't see the tree already coming out of the navel yet. Somebody got to do something, mind, Man, I'm saying what you want me to do. Man, I don't know what I want you to do, sir, but I have one more thing I can tell you what you got to say. Man, are you listening. I'm listening to you. Man. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Hoppin Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy, earl Man. You gotta be damned out my wig. Man, you too, lift you tomming man, Man, y'all he'll be going crazy here. Man, I'm looking at all of my damn neighbor things. The truth fell out. Man, Hey, man, I got one more thing to ask you, Marvin Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Hard Morning Show that is calling that dedicated. I appreciate it, y'all. I ain't nephew. Thank you as always. Okay, Steve, you you were gonna tell us about the tidy bowl commercial. Oh in the bathroom again about everything in this. I was flushing the toilet right and our toilet water was blue. You know, I was just a little boy, So I decided to open up the lid to see why this water blue, and that dye was all over my hand. And then my mama said, Steve, get out that bad food. So my hands was wet. So I grabbed the towel and wipe my hands off. Now it's blue all over the toe. So she go in the bathroom. All I heard was, who, why don't towel? Where's my good towel? Oh? Yeah, we had our name family initial on that she had just got them, and I had blue all over this top. She came out there and said, little Stevie, did you wipe your hands on them A good time? Yeah? And I said, U did? I lie? I could tell by the tune this, I asked, just wiped my hands on? I got to lie. Somebody else had to. She said, hold your hands out. I held my hands. I blew all under my nails and everything. Yeah, she said, barn and you just lied to me. You'd have put that blue all over them good time. I just bought them tied. Said, I tell you what, tell your daddy when he come home. But you didn't do that to them, tied because slick like them tied like this, quid my black hairs, Daddy started. I ain't never heard him mention it that he I know he liked watermelon with pepper on it, but I didn't even kid about no damn towel in the We will be back. You're listening Harvey Morning Show. Well, right now it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on your relationship, on dating, on work, on sex problems, parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter, Right Steve, Did I leave anything out? Need to leave nothing? Hell and anybody just not clear too. We don't need Joe letter cause you slow right here show all right, buckle up, hold on tight, beget it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter subject something ain't right with my fiance and his bff. Dere's Stephen Shirley. I reconnected with an old high school flame in January, and we got engaged a couple of weeks ago. Well before he asked me to marry him, he told me about his female best friend. He told me that he had sex with his best friend years ago, but they didn't have any romantic feelings whatso ever for each other. Now, of course, I was very uncomfortable with their friendship, but I didn't stress about it because I overheard him telling her how much he loves me and that I'm the one. This past weekend, my fiance invited his best friend to lunch so I could meet her. Lunch was going great, we were talking and laughing, but then the best friend just got quiet. I looked over at this heffa and she was sitting there crying. My fiance asked her what was wrong, and she said, she feels like he is going to forget about her when he marries me. My fiance has a nerve to tell her that that would never happen. She stood up and told him that their friendship was over, and she stormed out of the restaurant. My fiance and I sat in silence for the rest of the meal. He hasn't talked to this woman for a couple of days now, and I can tell it's bothering him something. I'm right here. Why is my fiance stressing about another woman? Can men really have male best friends they're not attracted to? Wow? I mean, I guess you know, and in some parts of the world that can be the case. But um, you know I have, if I'm honest with you, every male male friend, quote unquote friend that I've had in my life, there has been some sort of something going on. You know. You could tell, yeah, I mean you could. You could tell that they liked you, or you could tell that you know something, there was some sexual tension going on there. Yeah that that doesn't mean that we acted on it, but you know, male female that dynamic. Yeah, you could tell that company. I'm sorry, stupid sexual harassment case. What a stupid because you might say something else ignorant, right, But far be it from me to argue with your intuition. If you're all ready feeling something isn't right, then it probably isn't. I mean, yes, they've been intimate in the past, but as your friend told you, he no longer has romantic feelings for his best friend. But this is I think where your intuition is really on point. I think the best friend has some unresolved issues, as she displayed at lunch. I mean, if she didn't wasn't emotionally connected or tied to him still, why would she storm out? Why would she be crying. There's something going on with her, And I think that she's jealous of your relationship and she probably wishes that it were her, and she does feel left out and she does want him so and he may feel some kind of way too because it's bothering him. So before you decide to walk down the aisle with him and set a date and do all of those things, you guys need to get this together. And I don't know if it's going to be that easy because his best friend has some serious issues and if he's bothered by it, he may have some unresolved feelings that he's not acknowledging or telling you about. Steve. Well, well, thank you, Shirley for that warm, fuzzy rendition of the letter. You're so welcome. Now here come the ignorance side. Let's just gonna get it. What really hell going on here? Some ain't right by my fiance and his bf L. We have renamed the b F to big Fat Freak. Oh yeah, that is right here, thank you, Colin. Some ain't right with my fiance, big free that's just b F. Any day out is happening to hire. I reconnected with an old high school flame in January. We were engaged a couple of weeks ago. Oh that's quick, January, Mabel, yeah, bam, all the crack January February, March, that ninety day went out the window. Okay, cool. He told you about this female friend, he guy, that's it b f FL, who would be referred to from now on in this letter as BF after Big Fat Friend. He told me he had sex with his best friend years ago. But they don't have any romantic feelings whatsoever for each other. You ain't got to have romantic feelings to have sex. That's not a requirement romantic feelings to have sex. What y'all? You just lady? You ain't that old because you're hooked up right after high school old high school flame. I don't know how yet. They're pretty, they're young, of course, I was very uncomfortable with a friendship, but I didn't stress about it because I heard him on the phone telling him how much he loved me, and that I'm the one. What nobody on the other end. You heard him on the phone, but she wasn't on the phone. See, I know this is this is a good game. Here. Let me tell you how much I love her, and she is the one she had been a home. You got fair a line, lady, we come back. I'll tell you the rest of it. We two of Steve's response. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, let's go with purchase. There's a letter, Thank you, Shirley. Some ain't right with my fiance and his bf l You love this letter, which is referred to her as the big fat free All right now. They told me they had sex when they was best friends. God, but they don't have romantic feelings whatsoever. You ain't gotta have feelings to have sex here. Boy. Of course, I was uncomfortable, and I didn't see see stress about it because I overheard I'm telling her how much he loves me, and then I'm the woman she had already hung on the only person got that message that's funny. He had hunger. Wow. See I know how this go right there. This past weekend, my Fields invited his best friend to lunch so I could meet r. Lunch was going gray. We was talking and laughing, yeah, but then the best friend got quiet. I looked over this hell fuck and she was sitting there crying. What happened? The only laugh? What you remember that time we do that? Girl? You pray that like what? He help to start crying? Yeah, because she couldn't hold up the line no more. See, she wasn't on the phone when he told her you was the one we're talking and laughing. My fielance say asked her what was wrong? She says, she feels like she forgot he was going to forget about her when he marries me. My Fields had to never tell her that that would never happen. What, Oh, that's why. Ain't no monna laugh? See, I'm look at what happened to all that laughing? Daddy your feelings? They told her. She stood up and told him their friendship was over, and she stormed out the restaurant. Oh man, my fiance saying, I sat in silence for the rest of the meal. Now he ain't talking to you because he trying to get himself together. When a man sitting in silence, his brain ain't solid. It was a right going on in his head. The German shepherds was loose, and four people had fire holes and he was only black against the wall at the Chriskys. He ain't talked to this woman for a couple of days now, and I can tell is bothering him. Something ain't right here. Why is my fiance stressing about another woman? Because she the other woman? This ain't another woman? This the other woman? Can men really have female best friends that they're not attracted to? The answer to that is if they ain't attractive. Let me let me read this question and answer for your kids. Can men really have female best friends they're not attracted to? Yes, if they're not attracted? Now? Was to be really a bit that freak? Or was to be a big fan m Yeah, see, that's what you need to ask herself. Was to be really a big fact free or was to be a big fan freak? I'm gonna go with. I'm gonna find to see that what I'm gonna go with. That's why he said in silace. He watched her walk out the dope that she full figured dough all but she got it all right. See she had curved model. But when she walked out that dough and he saw it moving under that dress. Yeah, ha ha ha him see high work. I'm just trying to show y'all high work. She started crying because she won't mote because she had and she had allowed him to see more, and he gave her more. She was hoping to be yes, naw that she go after dough And what fault because you don't bought this up in here telling you gonna give her the more that I had before? Ye ye ye huh, that's all this was playing. Well, it's not gonna happen now, is it. Yep, it's still gonna happen now. Nobody getting up her friend. Yeah, because the friend gonna get over it because he gonna tell her she don't really mean that much to me. She's just get another friend. But I got to marry her because she's sick. Just let me marry her. Coming up. She's sick, she got a terminal illness, and I'm gonna marry her so she can have that. That's gonna wish. Oh my god, Now I'll tell you what he Okay, Steve, we gotta get out of here. You know that you can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my Girls surely, and we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. This segment is called none of your darned business? Kay, please explain. Okay, it's very easy. You need to stay out other people's business. You see something going on that don't bother you, that don't concern you, your damn nues. For instance, you see somebody steal somebody's order at Starbucks, Daniel, just take it right on the end. You know what it put and they take it then your damn bunutes. But they put your name anyway, they put your name on away. Yeah, you don't know what that person going to the left him head that call. They got some mold back there. It's fourteen dollars a cup. Anyway, let him out. Your name name is on the cup and don't change inside the cup. And it ain't but an eight cent loss to stop. Write it off, really write it off. Want to tell you what you know if it's the fifteenth, uh huh, and you go to your mailbox huh, and you see somebody else opening somebody else's checks. Yet none of your damn business. I ain't got none of it. You know, if the fifteen you know the check coming, ain't toldly gonna take the money they did when you get Yeah, you had to, you had to mall. Uh huh. You see your best friend's wife, uh huh switched cars. Yeah, she get out of her car and get in another car and they drive off. That ain't none of my dad. That ain't ain't gonna do with me. She might be test driving. I don't driving a business. Yeah, this happened to me before. Huh. If I'm standing in line at the bank, uh huh, I go up there and I and I'll give her a withdrawal slip. Huh. And she give me too much money, right, that is none of my damn bid. Count your blessings and go home. Excuse me. Yeah, I'm gonna get into a whole lot. Now. You that extra time walk away, and that ain't your bills. I hate to say that stealing. Okay, that's not stealing. That gave it Timmy money was given to him. But it's not your money. It is I can't slide her a note. I slid her withdraw all last league. Now, how much you put in? Now, that's none of my bids at all. That If it's not enough, it's my bills too much, nobody, I just I won't spend it for your find. Right, you at work, and you know one of your co workers ms smoking Jill. Just don't sit. That's dumb, point your fan towards the they're going through. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show. Okay, it's time for something funny, Steve. Now, it's normal for people, you know, to get nostalgic about things from their past. A lot of us do that. Like the Slinky, remember that toy, the Walkman, Remember the Walkman arcade games and even suits and hats for men, Remember pac Man and all that. Yeah, I still play pac Many. I can't play the new games. They too complicated. I can't play none of the sports game like NBA Live or Madden Football. I don't know the the A B they jumped, the ad they roll, I can't do or you know what about being nostalgic about how you raise your kids, you know, with discipline and all that, things like common courtesy, like manners, things like that whop to come back? Yeah you're gonna get a whooping? Yeah yeah, did you? I'm telling you're gonna get a whoopping? Did you whip your kids growing up? What I'm asking? H Yeah? Well you think they ain't in jam? You saved him Tommy, I tried to beat him worse than my mama beat me. Oh that's pretty bad. Ain't none of my kids got it like I got it. I ain't none, but our parents before us really got it too. But we got it. I think we were the last of the kids that got serious beat downs. My kids, my kids and got generation well some more. I really I really pledged my son. Yea, I pledged. So what frid is here? They ain't cused, but they could. They could go ahead and get it? Do they could? They could? Technically they should actually be in But I Jewish manners were more prominent like they used to be. I mean, you know what, I'm really proud of though, I think all of my kids are very very manner. Manners are important used to everybody she's so sweet. Brand daddy, you know you have great kids being on your answer? You know it. She got a clapback going on. You ain't heard nobody come up to you. I can't talk get your daughter. Well, he's talking talking crazy. It's never I ain't seen it either. You've just heard. I just have people coming over. Can I talk to you for I just can't do it. No serious about her business stuff, y'all. Brand, she runs your foundation, so she's serious about what do you? What else do you guys wish will come back? Like products because they said iPad but I mean, you know, I wish Carol free marsterizer would come back. What actor curl for yellow bottle red? Right? Yeah? Come about chance King ye yos chess King Mary go around. Yeah. I want them to come back, but I don't want to have to have the money our head back then, don't I want to come back? Poverty? Yeah, I have no desire for that to come back. What were the famous what was the famous advice your dad gave you about being poor? The best thing you could do for po people's son is not be one of that advice. I listened to that real close, especially coming out of homeless people gonna tell about, man, why you work so hard? Because I'm running running for what. I ain't running fun nothing, I'm running from. Yeah. I'm not gonna be back in that position no more. Right. So, now what I did was if I become homeless and have to live in a car, I now have cars you can live in. Yeah there you go like it. W Yeah, so you can put bottle, You got shelter, air conditioning, okay, TV, you know, and you got one of your car. I got computers in it. Yeah, WiFi? All that all right? Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to stew Carl what you got? I'm laughing. Well, I was thinking, you guys. I was kind of mentioning this to Shirley off air. So Tommy Junior, you know, I think that we should just maybe throw a party for Jay at his house. We've been talking about it. No, no, no, Ja, let her finish Jay. Look, look, we can all bring something. He could be a pot luck. Monica's in on it, the whole staff. We love you, Jay. We don't have to worry about cooking or any of that. We'll bring everything we got. The decorations. We can go to party City. We could decorate what what do? I love it? I love it and I'll even something I'm in. That's big for me to thank you. I know what you're doing, but I just don't think I'm a party right now, you're feeling so good. We just want to celebrate. I think I'm coming down with something else. I just want to kick it at the house. Okay, this is really bad. I won't want you to get Yay. Seriously, why don't you like company? I don't like people? How about that? That's good? And I love company. I'm at my happiest at home when I have a house full of people. Oh well, it's the weekend. I thought we could do it this well a right anyway, come on? Yeah? More than Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay, it is time for comedy Roulette. Here we go with comedy roulette. Very simple. Give us five subjects, put them on a wheel. Fund the wheel. Stay it with me, Shirley, fun fund the wheel, the wheel. Fund the wheel. We're not gonna spend it. We're gonna spund the wheel. When stop it. We'll do the damn thing. What you got? All right? Here we go. Number one, you know you can go to jail for that. That's all right. Number two, Number two, you need to cut that off. A need to cut that off. Okay. Number three, I don't know what she looks like without a weird I don't know. Number four, really, jay, Number four, get your butt out of my roofers. And number five, you know you went too far with the joke. Win. Here we go, baby cat, bunnet cat. What's your look that you would stopped to? Number five? You know you went too far with joke. That's a good one round, all right. Guys know you went to know you went too far with the joke when that that that you know you went too far with the joke. When you see the fruits talking to you said, my brother, can I speak to you about that joke? Hey, my brother, we have a Thomas. You need to really stop. It's surrounded about who surround joke? What you got? You? You know you went too far with the joke when it's very simple when Shirley's caller says off, because we don't went too far, they won't never let him go far. You can't go too far with y'all stop every day nothing. When y'all you know you didn't went too far with the joke when your wife packer bag and said, I'll be at my mama. All right, Come on, you know you don't went too far with the joke. When all your friends say damn yeh, damn dog, you know you know went too far with the joke. When someone says he's not looking at you because he's blind. How about that, That's why I'm not looking at him. Dog. I'm over here. I'll tell you know when you went to fold the joke? Have you telling joke that only one leg coming up? Steve's closing remarks at forty nine after the hour, Gather round everyone, you're listening to Steve. We're here at the last break of the day. Just one more thing. You're closing remarks. What do you have for us today to take us into the weekend? Steve? Well, I think I should talk about dreams because there's such a major component to your success. Dreams are such an important component to success. You can't underplay dreams. See, let me tell you something. Education is necessary for certain fields and professions. You want to be a doctor, a lawyer, a dentist, a pilot, a scientist, a teacher. Education is so necessary for many professions in this world. But there is nothing, and I repeat, there is nothing more important than your dreams. Your dreams have value. Your dreams wake you up in the morning. The dreams give you hope. You know, I'm not saying education doesn't do that. But education don't wake you up in the morning. It's what you dream and hope or becoming with the education that wakes you up. It is your dream that causes you to even get an education. If you want to fly a plane, and that your dream, Your dream will cause you to do the things necessary to accomplish the dream. That's why I tell people educators in all, if we spent more time talking to our children in our school system about their dreams and visions, we could reduce the dropout rate. But what we're doing is we keep talking to kids about the education, and we're not talking about the kids for the reason for the education. You gotta get your education because you got to finish school. Finish school for what we have got to take time out to talk about the dreams and visions. I tell parents all the time, if you're not talking to your kids about dreams every ninety days. That's a mistake. Man, that's a mistake because young people change more often than you think. But if you're not revamping your dreams every ninety days as an adult, you're making a mistake because guess what you change Awesome Now, you know may not change as often as your children because you become a little bit more subtle when you're older. But you've got to refurbish these dreams. You gotta dust them off. You gotta keep reminding yourself or what the purpose is, because the dream provides purpose. You wake up in the morning because of what you dream to be. You get excited when the lawn clock get all goes off because of what you dream to be. Man, don't let nobody fool you. Now, listen to me. I'm gonna say this again. Education is important and it's critical to certain things in life, but you can actually make it in this world without one. Now, do you need to have some basics under your belt? I strongly suggest you do. And I'm not saying at all that you don't need school, because you do. School offers you a way to become well rounded. That's the thing. That school does for you a great deal not only educate you. It gives you social ills. It teaches you how to be well rounded. It teaches you god to adapt. It teaches you the tool of memorization. So I'm not knocking it at all. But what I am saying to you, if you are like me in any way and you're just not a school person but you're gonna do, you can still be something. If you've blown your education opportunity in life, you can still be something. If you just don't feel like you can do school again, you can still be something. Because the scripture says, a man without a dream or visions your parents. I hold the Bible inside out. I don't know it. I didn't go to the theology school anything, so I can't quote it like people can oftentimes. But I don't really don't recall ever going to Sunday School or any service I've ever been to and read a scripture about how necessary your education was. But I have seen repeatedly that a man without a dream or vision shall perish. See the reason, You'll die without the dream of the vision, because without the dream of the vision, you'll give up hope. You've heard that, so many people say, keep hope alive because it's necessary. The dream, the vision, what you see for yourself, your hope for tomorrow, that impossible thing that nobody else can see except you, that thing that floats around in your imagination that keeps pushing you to make you think that's something out there other than this. For me, If you wake up in the morning, then you keep saying yourself, man, that's got to be more to my life than this. That's because it is. That's because it is. Your visions and dreams are out there. And let me tell you something else. You've got to make your dreams and visions so big, so big that it causes you to overcome all of your fears. See, the fear of failure is a number one cause of failure in this country because people are afraid to fail. But you have to have dreams and visions so big that it just overcomes all of your fears. You've got to want something so big, so dynamic to happen in your life, man, that you've got to make this happen, and the fear is secondary to all of it, and it will cause you to push through. You've got to dream of something so outstanding that an order for it to have to in order for it to happen, you absolutely have to have God's help. If you're dreaming of only stuff that you can accomplish yourself, I got news for you. You ain't dreaming big enough. Start dreaming big. Increase your dreams. They would change your life. It would change your perspective. It would cause your hope to grow. All right, those are my closing remarks. All right, all right, y'all have a Google. Hey, and can I say, have a great weekend? Yes you can. Finally, yes, if you work at all, you're leaving us to dream. That's right for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.