Today we show love to all the chicken workers who bring us so much joy. We get into story time with Uncle Steve as he tells some Candy Stories. Studies show that making a certain type of list before bed actually improves sleep. Junior has Truth Be Told and talks about how he deals with bad news. Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Erykah Badu. J. Anthony Brown fills us in on the ignorance that drive thru workers deal with. If you are planning on sharing a living space with someone, then you must get Steve's Do's and Don'ts to that particular situation. Find out who is the most popular sports media personality. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks about valuing yourself and its importance, plus so much more. Have a great weekend!!!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit looking back to back down, giving them more like a million bucks things and its cub me true good it Steve hard to move to other, ste Please, I don't join join be you doing me? You gotta turn hur you are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn got the turnout? Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your fad h I sure will. Good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one and only. Huh Steve Harvey Man got a radio show? M Yeah, I do. Man. God been so good to me over the years, in spite of all the mistakes I've made, in spite of all the dirt I've done to myself. I'm talking about when in no one I was wrong, His grace and mercy has forgiven me for all of my sins. God can forgive you of all of your sins, everything you've done, God can forgive you. He can wipe your slate clean. Now. Might you might have some you know, things you got to deal with because of some of your actions. Understand that. But you can wipe your slates. You can wipe your slate clean with God and start again. You can repent. God has mercy and grace. You could be forgiven by God. Now, people answer another story. Some people may never forgive you, for you've heard them all, or maybe they're accusing you of doing something else. But you know they may never forgive you. But God, God is in the redemption business man. God will forgive you for every sin you've ever committed. But you gotta want forgiveness now, and then you got to come correct because what you can't do is you can't shoot him the crap. Now you can say that conversation with him. You know, whatever you told your lawyer, whatever, whatever you told the victims, whatever you told, whatever the story is you got going if it ain't the truth, you could say that with God, because please know, he know, and he know your heart. He know if you're trying to manipulate somebody just for the system, if you're trying to say this just so you can get out, He know all of that. So if you're planning on shucking him and jiving him, save your breath before you wind up digging yourself in a deeper hole. Just let me give you that piece of advice because he ain't nothing to play with. He's too great to be played with. And so with that in mind, I want to share some positive stuff with you to smartn man. I want to say this now. I want to remind you not to let your circumstance and your situations dictate your future or your results. I'm gonna say this again. This is important information. Man. Don't let your circumstance and situations dictate your future or your results. Do you know that in order to get a different future or some different results, you control that entire situation. It is you. It is your thoughts that control the entire situation. It is how you look at the situation that will determine how the situation is for you. See, the same situation can be totally different for two different people because you can say you look at the examples of history, just just look look in your neighborhood. How can that was a book that a guy wrote one time who had the name. He had a name, and he did some research and he found a guy that grew up at the same age in the same neighborhood as him, with the exact same name. He went on to become a corporate CEO. The other man was an inmate, and they had the same name, grew up in the same neighborhood. They were both brothers, you know not, I'm just saying brothers men. And they grew and they went to different Because how can two different two people the same situation and the results turn out so different. It is because of the thought process of one was completely different from the thought process of the other. You control it. You don't have to let your circumstances and your situations dictate your future or your results. Here's the way it works. This is so you can understand this. Your mind. It's the controlling factor of your thoughts. Your thoughts are the controlling factor of your outcome. The Bible says a man is as he thinketh. Please don't short play this scripture here, because this one is the real deal. This is the basis of every self improvement book you'll ever read. It's already written in the Bible. The Bible has all the information you need. But in case you need a little bit of clarity in some simple modern day language, then they have self improvement books. They are all based on Biblical scripture. A man is as he thinketh. That's why Norman Vincent Peale wrote the book The Power of Positive Thinking. That's why a book came out called The Magic of Thinking Big. That's why a book came out called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hell that all of you, All these titles that I've read that have mattered in my life the most, These three major books that I've read, they all say one thing. Think thinking thoughts, because that's what controls the outcome. Your brain works one of two ways. It works positive or negative. It works good, which is under the column of positive, or to work evil, which is under the column of negative. It will have faith, which is under the column of positive, or you will operate in fear, which is in the column of negative. That is the only way your mind works. Your mind is a factory that's comprised of workers. Those workers are controlled by two formings, forming positive and forming negative. But guess what the CEO of the company, the head, man, the boss is you. You come to work in the morning and you say, man, today is a great day. I'm going to take steps towards brightening my future. I'm going to take another step into making that dream come true that I've been thinking about. I'm gonna take another step forward in the development and the changing of my life in a positive, good direction. If you come to work and say that every day as the CEO, the boss, the formans can only obey you, so that what you just said was a series of positive statements then forming positive steps to the forefront. He said, I got your boss right away. He turns around, He blows the whistle. He alerts all the workers in the factory today as a good day. Today, we will take steps towards our future. Today we are putting ourselves on track to get a little bit closer to making our dreams come true. Today we will be assembling all the things we need to make our dreams come true in our life better in the right direction. Everybody break. The workers in the factory turn around and manufacture thoughts to justify the orders given by the boss, which is you. You are the CEO of your corporation. If you don't own nothing else, you own everything that's going on between your two ears. You are the CEO of that corporation. If that corporation is a good one, it's because you set it up that way. If your corporation is a bad one, it's because you set it up that day. If you trying, if you pushing towards your dreams, and you see the possibility of things happening in your life is because you, as the CEO, set it up that way. If you ain't got nothing popping, if you just want to be a criminal taking stuff from people, throwing your life out the window, you're gonna be an inmate. You're gonna be sitting there there, and you're gonna be mad at everybody. You got nobody be mad at. But shoot, you understand what I'm telling you this morning? Huh? You're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Please welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, the greatest morning show on Earth. Today's show is dedicated to the reliable, dependable, unconquerable chicken farmers. All of you out there to take care of chicken who have given us years of joy. Who don't love chicken. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all. Chicken stew, chicken, breaked chicken, bobbenque, chicken, fried chicken, and miss chicken and chick Yes, dice, chicken, chicken salad, chicken frequency and soup chicken soup, Yes chicken aubordeen chicken with almonds, hot chicken coal ass ship shake. The Asian community range chicken a favorite, damn oh no, not the held pe pe chicken tips of the Yes, yes, flat flat, that's a heck of a morning. Congratulations all the chicken farmers your thing. I love you, love you love you love the lights man, And look what's on commercial on TV? Just pop, y'all gonna let's go a hand clap for the colonel. Put your hand gown for churches. Come on, put it up, put it up. That's mean that you go and look love. Put your local crazy chicken down south in front the tropical the light, Come on the light. Buffalo Wayings Buffalo Wayne, stop mys well throwing stopping, yes, yes, and Lord have mercy, come on now, don't forget this one. I don't this ain't national, it's local. Yeah. It was on Saint Clair in Cleve. Yeah. I used to cut class to go wayans was five for twenty five. Tell you love for dipperest Oh man, good morning, sir, how are you dear jerk? Chicken can't chick for late lord man, greatest chicken sandwich ever invented them all time? Whoever decided to put a pickle on that what? Yes, who is your genius? A pickle? Didn't killing? Killed it with a pickle? We split the time break Thank you chicken to break it up. I didn't even know you could talk. Six black people talk four hours of the show. Shout out to Tucking Cucker. All right, we'll be back with Steve Harvey's Daytime Stories at thirty two after thank you, thanks, thank you, thank you, thank thank you. You're listening show our ceo, our beloved one. Yeah, has a daytime story about the morning crew. But Jay, you want to explain it for me? Oh, what are you gonna do? Is take very well known candies describing each person on the show. Real, can we have some little timmy music because you sound like uncle Steve. Right now it's time for yea. We got to well, well, well, welcome to Steve Harbis Daytime Story, Boys and girls. And today's Daytime story is all about calm baby, don't like can and it's wonderful. It decays your teeth. It's the reasons dentists are as rich as hell. It's all right about that. That ain't the last time you gonna heal? Where do you do something wrong? You're gonna get cuss smooth. Well, gather around, boys and girl will work on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'll be using names of actual candidate, and I will describe everyone on the show. Let us begin. Let us start with Shirley. She's a pepper mit pat. In order to get that kit cat, you got to have a big pay day. Yeah, he's using that baby talk. You gotta have a big pay day, like a hundred grand. I ain't got the money. You just a milky. Let's move on. Then there's Collar my little armad George Chocolate a joy and she's married to Old and they got together and compulated and had themself a little baby roof. Your baby roof is at the house. But some days if you cross her, it can go really bad for you. She becomes a real sour path. But on her best days you can hear her in the background just being a jolly red Well. Then that's Junior. We like to call him Junior Mint. Most days he just sits over to Andy Snickers bust out an old laughing tag. Is a part of the three Musketeers. That would be Tommy, Jay and Judy. Yes, everybody speaking of Tommy, Tommy can be a real dumb doge. Yes, it is all from time to get the attitude, just a real sour talk. Yeah. Then when he snapped extra hardy becomes a salted almond. Then there's the new comer to the show, Jay Anthony Brown. He's a diabetic. Oh yeah, that makes him hot a sugar day. Surely you're ruined in the bidin about to land. This is candy that he don't care for, the black cow, all the Tussie rolls. That boy just like white chock or and that leaves me used to be my favorite candy too. I'm just a big old box of good and plenty with a lot of zeros behind my chick. Some days I'm an almond joy, I'm Jay's I'm just a nuttle. But but no matter what, I'm dyning Mike v e O, which means I'm the big ball. This has been Steve Harvey's daytime stories. The candy a dish, I'm hungry. Yeah, how'd you like that? Interpret man, good man, man of the papers to the mouth. That's that's why this is what your baby. Have you always been a diabetic chair, no but me for forty years ago, so you had your share of candy. Yeah, well, oh my god, yeah yeah. And Halloween is coming and I have a sign to keep a sign in front of my house. Folle who sounds it says, I'm gonna diabetic if I can't have candy either. Can you take your ass on down? I love it? Come up here with that? What your kids can't come and get candy? I'm gonna diabetic? I mean, you can't have any If I can't have candon either, it's like alcoholic. Look, you know what was your favorite candy though? Before? I can't think I'm enjoying Yep and pat No my number one candy all time. Oh yeah, I'm right there. Which we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right now. It is time for the King of Pranks. He's in the building with run that prank back? What you got? Now, surely every church got one thick and shutting stick and shutting and list? Everybody got shutting? Yeah, been on that list for you. You make me so nervous when you do the church thick and shutting in. So I'm trying to you got him? How you joy? I'm doing I ain't doing too good. You've been over there praying for my wife again, right right, right, yes, sir, you came over here three times in one week. My wife had already went through the operation and all that she's gonna be prying. I don't need you over a praying three times a week, because honestly, I think it's something else on your mind when you come over here and praying for my wife. I ain't stupid, brother, kind of hold it, brother, this body, this is well. Your wife was on the second shot. Then lift iver actually come by. Revere man requested that I come by. Okay, he ain't requested for you to bring your black to my house for no three times in one week, man, So you cut that down with me. You can cut that. Hold it, brother. I came with sister Georgia the first time. The second time I came by myself because she wasn't able to come by, and I only stayed fifteen men each time. So what's the problem. Because I already know what you what you do. I know you're trying to holly my wife. I ain't stoop how put your wife? I have a wife? Why would I help at your wife? He's part of already know what you already know what you're doing. Man, you up in here my wife whine, whine, whine, nobody at the house. I already know what you're doing. Let me tell you something. Keep your black away from my house. If you want to pray for my wife and play my wife, I'm gonna wait. You ain't wait, man, Oh, you can't talk to you about lay hand. That's what you're gonna now. Brother, ain't gonna be none of that, and ain't gonna be none of that. You're talking to the wrong brother nine. Okay. Now, first of all, you're not gonna dis expect me and curse me out. Okay, that's not even the way brothers should be talking to brother. Second of all, if there's any laying on the hand, it's gonna be my hand laying on you. Okay, you ain't been the lady the lady. I know you're trying to lay my wife. If I find that what you know that you mess around with my wife, it's gonna be, I know, trying to do crazy. I'm I'm just letting you talk. I'm gonna say it one more time. Keep your black stop around my First of all, I told you once again. You can't be talking to me like that. Now. I'm trying to be cool about the situation because I know you may be just upset. Okay, I can appreciate that. Okay, I have a wife, and I'll be upset if somebody's coming back to my wife. Won't you? Won't you and show out with your wife? I do stand down with my wife. I do you know what I'm saying now, I only cannybody about your house. Maybe I need to come out your house and how let your wife? Were you welcome to but maybe come come and come lay something over the old huh God trying to do with my holder? Holy one man, Holy one man, I told you before being disrespectful. Now, that was a very idiotic statement for you to make. Okay, that's what's going to happen. If I get your black drip my house again, I'm gonna play this man, and then I'm getting on the phone with you. You your plasters, any more of them? Because if anybody comes by my house again and I ain't there, I'm kicking your black. That's a prodest you know, just that said? Look him, brother, If there's gonna be any whooping going on, I'm gonna be kicking your I'm gonna lay my hands on you, and I'm gonna give you a good sanctified whooping, and then I'm gonna pray for you. I'm gonna pray to heal you by this foot I'm gonna put up, okay, because I've had it with you, you know. And I only went by it to visit your wife because I was asked to go visit your wife. Now that was a problem you should have caused the pastor. Okay, but you're not gonna disrespect me my wife to church on the phone. Life you want to do somebody, you can meet me any place. Well, I've been man. As a matter of fact, I can go anywhere I want it in this town. If I be at your house talking to your wife, if the path asked me to go, I'm gonna be there. Okay. How you you know you just you know it's you know, a stupid brother. Okay. You need to come to church, to church the one. You need to come to church more often. That's the problem. You don't come to church more off. If you come to church more off, you wouldn't be talking to me like that. You wouldn't be worried about me and your wife because it must be something wrong in your house. You'd be worried about me fooling with your wife. Okay, so you need to check. Hut, Okay, you need to check. How about that? Why don't you do that? Why don't you? Why don't you just check up? Okay? Tommy said, you're the one that's cheating with my wife. That's all I know. Who Tommy Harmy said, you Tommy the one. Tommy said, you're the one that's cheating around with my wife. Tommy who the fool? Who is Tommy? Tommy who? This is nephew Tommy man, But this is never your Tommy from Steve Harmen Morty show man. Your church member got me the brankball, but not long for that. You know you're long, You're long. You know y'all know high Way to Hell, all of y'all. You know stop no, you know y'all just you know, y'all just go. You know, ain't gonna stop size. You know, I'm funn go. I'm gonna play for all of y'all, all of your brothers. And if you Timmy, Steve Hobby brother wrong for that. Okay, I'm gonna check him. I'm gonna check out. I'm fuldn't go. I don't talk to you in the moment. I'm pretty I'm gonna say, hey, brother, brother, you go, man? What you gotta tell me? What's the baddest radio show with the lab Man Steve Hobby Martin Show? Do you have a will? Thank you? Great? Question? That's done? And are we in it? In it new? I have no wheel. I gotta they got life insurance on me. I do know that. Man. I have to sleep with one eye open. I'll be thinking something going down over here. Wow, a man, can I get that used room? Second? Y'all, the Nephew Friday night, August second, w DA as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania sounds like Philly to me, are throwing a summer square hosted by yours truly and a few time of a Steve Harvey Morning show. And it's all going down the same weekend that the Kappa Cotton Clay will be in the city. Baby k we'll beat there, y'all. Come hang out with your boy August second, Friday night. It's a summer square. It's a party, y'all. The Nephew is hosting that thing and we're gonna have fun. August the second, August the third, I'm on a plane headed to Saginaw, Michigan. That's right, Saganaw, Michigan, Michigan, Huntington Event Park at Dow Event Center. Seven o'clock. The show jumps off. You don't want to miss it. Saganaw the Nephew coming to town. Been years since have been there, So get ready, get your tickets in on sell right now. August the thirtieth and thirty first, that's Labor Day weekend, Bethesda Blues and Jazz. That's what I was waiting for, waiting on When are you singing? And what instrument are you? When do you start the comedy set? Because I want I don't want to miss any of it. I don't do my first number, surely I do all. You'll never find renother love like mine, you know what? Let me throw this in following weekend after that, September the seventh, Saturday night, I will be in Greenville. That's right, Greenville, North Carolina. That's at the Greenville Convention Center. Take its own sale right now. I'm on a roll y'all. Soon as I get through, we're taping this. Ready to Love my second season of my TV show. I'll be back on the road slanging chokes. That's what I say. Joke. But you told everybody where the ghoop your after? That's all I got. Now, let me tell you something. Everybody that run up and try ain't gonna Winna, I got it all you needed, one ass woman. All right? Thinking of you, you're listening morning show I knew. Study suggested writing a to do list before bed could improve sleep all right. Study participants who spent five minutes writing a list of things they had to get done fell asleep nine minutes faster than those who wrote a list of things they already accomplished. It is believed that making a to do list may offload those concerns, resulting in less worry before bed. All right. Study out of Baylor University split fifty seven university students into two groups, with both groups asked to take five minutes before bed to make a list. One group was tasked with writing a list of all the things they had to get done in the day or days ahead, while the other had to write a list of what they completed the previous day. Both groups were told to go to bed right after making their lists, so Steve here's your question. Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you constantly kept up worrying about things you have to get done? We think we know the answer sometimes, you know, I do have trouble sleeping about the worries of you know, my life, what I need to do, what I'm trying to accomplish. You know, I have moments like that. It's not often, but I do have moments like. When I have it, it's usually the reason. Okay, I don't know what else you're dog, I got a lot that I'm trying to company on your dream board this year though good questions, good question. To revamp and reorganize my company to make it more efficient. But one of my goals is to hire really top flight people because I've been generous to a fault. I've given people opportunities who've taken advantage of that. Uh And then you know, I feel sorry for their families and stuff, and I keep them on way past when they should be gone. And for the first time, I'm having a system put in place where people are accountable for accomplishing certain things and if you don't, then you lose your job yourself, and it takes the onus off of me having to fire somebody. If you don't perform up to the requirements, then you lose your position. So so so will you actually tell them or you have someone you have someone to say, you know I have fired I mean, you know I have things in place now. I'm not so bogged down with the technical aspects of my life. And that's one of the things that I've been doing wrong. For years. I've been involved in every aspect of my life, which helps no, because I want to have no but it worried it just too much, kind like micromanaging in terms of being involved in everything. Right, I don't micro manage because I do give people to freedom, but in giving them that freedom, they've taken advantage of my business and so now they know I'm busy, so they never perform and they just keep getting their check, you know. Or woke me up, I realized, I said, in my company, I'm the only person who has to come to work. Other people can miss. I have to perform and I have to make the grade other people don't have. I have no one else in my company has to do that. That stops. That's on the tree. Does that answer your question, nephew, Yes, all right, Steve. Time for today's headlines. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Tripp you, thank you, everybody. Good morning. This is a trip with the news. In Washington, the House Oversight Committee has vote to authorize subpoenis for business related personal emails and text messages, part of a wide ranging program to whether Trump top level of members of the Trump administration of broken federal records laws by using private accounts for official purposes. Committee chairman is Elijah Cummings my own August and make it too hot to handle for the Senate not to take up. There are serious questions about this White House is use a personal email and tax accounts, and we must issue the subpoenas to get our answers. Among the top targets our first daughter of Vanka, Trump's son in lawd Jared Kutchner, and former White House advisors Steve Bannon. Republicans claim the move is merely political. However, Democrats remind them about how the GOP treated Hillary Clinton for conducting some official business via her private email account. Donald Trump's campaign rallies, you may remember, often ended with his supporters chanting lock her up, Lock her up, Lock her up. Sixteen Marines from Camp Pelton in California arrested for their alleged involvement in several crimes, including human smuggling and drug crimes. Those arrested ranging and rank from private, first class to corporal. Meanwhile, authorities say another eight marines about to be questioned on drug related charges as part of another case. Entirely it's at time. Democrats are marking two hundred days since they regained control of the House, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi says her colleagues are not letting the people who sent them to Congress down. We will own all, I guess to make it too hot to handle for the Senate not to take up our bills. We promised to lower healthcare cost and have sent ten bills to the Senate to reduce prescription drugs criss, protect the pre existing condition, and reverse the GOP sabotage of healthcare as he Pullosi, by the way, was on the White House steps and that's where she was getting those laugh that laughter. Lawmakers are preparing to leave Washington for a five week break. By the way, Okay. Donald Trump is reportedly forcefully objecting, he says, to Sweden's decision to charge rapper asap Rocky with assault. He's asking the government of Sweden to let a Saparrocki go. Rocky recently charged with assault and connection with a fight he got into with a man he says was following him and taunting him. And asap Rocky has other support besides that the video supports him, that they show that this guy apparently was following him. However, some of his support from people chipping away fans remembering some of the things asap Rocky said over the years. For instance, some black folks are remembering how a Star Rocky responded to the killing of Michael Brown and Ferguson, Missouri. Asap Rocky said, quote, I don't want to talk about no f and Ferguson and stuff because I don't live over there. I live in FF and SOHO when Beverly Hills. I can't relate well. One form of fan tweets back asap Rocky said he didn't want to talk about police brutality and Ferguson because he lives in SOHO in Beverly Hills and can't relate well. I've never been to Sweden, can't relate. You're on your own chief. Finally, today is tell him all about a day. So if you have anything to say, tell him about it today. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show you're listening to. All right, it's time for something funny, of course, and we're gonna go Junior year up. First truth be told. Play the phone call. I can't help you take a phone call. I got this weekend. You know, I love I love people in old neighborhood being going to the doctor. Got some bad news. But I'm not a person to call. When you get some bad news, you get me bad news. I get you right off of me, right back on to you. That's what I do. I can't bad dude. So Tommy Pete calling man, he's like man, dog got a bad heart, he say, duck to say, I'm gonna have to have a heart transplant right there. And I said, hey, Pete, breathe slow. Really, hey, hey, you got the information for the bad heart. We can't upset you no kind of way. Your heart not good right now, so you need't take your time, make the last as long as you can't. Just breathe slow. You got a bad He got a big yeah, look at him. They ain't got to be just take a step for I gave some good right having big lips. I can not kill you. We didn't make it that far. Whether he died or nothing, we didn't make it that far. But I understand bad heart and hard tramp because I think you won't mind right. I just want to let you know, as a matter of fact, Pete, you don't find nothing else funny, because if you get rapped up, you're taking time off that heart. As a matter of fact, the next relationship you get into doctor work because you can't afford no heartaches, can't you can't have none of that. Matter of fact, pet when you go to sleep, sleep light because of deep sleep might be too much work on that one hole. Just won't you understand? I understand where you're coming from. I just ain't one to help you. Got a bad hole, No, you got a bad heart. Ain't my phone, none of them. I can't help you. Got on it off the line with no. I'm sorry to hear not, Pete. Have you seen a doctor if you knew what Pete did, he don't gonna read your bill. You can't get rammed up. No kind of weight are you on any medication? None of that came to mind. No, surely you can't have this one. That's all I thought about. If you knew what Pete did to get the man he was calling you in the first place. I thought. I thought he's looking for hard Yeah. Back to ten Man. All people doing a lot of bad things. Now he's talk about dog Man. They talked about I need a new hearty Pete. Breeze slope, Breeze Slope. Now you ain't getting it over here in your life. Truth be told. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on, Steve introduced Jay It's time for murder another hit. Yeah, man, take offense, I take a spence. I know you do. Take total and we all probably gonna take ye. This song song, Ladies and Gentlemen's time for murder. The hits with one of the best and regretful decisions I've ever made. Ladies and gentleman. Okay, see you now, this is the song is not thank you. The song is not that bad today. I'm not I'm not really insulting anyone, am I actually making a dedication. The song is dedicated to all the side dads, all the hot pappas, the sugar daddies, blend the daddy. It's time for you to step up and help out. And I took took Eric aboutdo song. I can make the phone down and and to say a message to what you need to do to help out. Check it out. Here we go. I can help you with them school clothes, clouds. I can have you. I can have you. I can have you with the school cloths, clouds. I can have you with them school clowns, clouds. I can't have you. I can't have you. I can have you with them school clothes, clothes. If I can get your kids some fool shoes, oh, I can get them. I can get them. I can get your kids and through shoes. If I can get them pinning paper. Oh, I can get them. I can get him. I can get them pinning paper. Yeah. Yeah, I can get your kids backpack, back back. If I get a little bitty and new school bookies. Now I am I getting that cookie. I can get your kids some busta. Oh, I need it ever, and I can get your kids and bus. This goes out. All the brothers out there, You're gonna get that can you help me call, especially around back in school time. Can you help me? I can get it if I get it simple, I can get it. If I get it, I can get it. I don't get it. I ain't with it very simple. The worst time I've ever heard bookie. Sometimes you gotta force the worth a little bit. I can get it if I get it. Yeah right that change ain't no robber, Daddy, shame you, James, ain't no robbery right that time of year. Because they were getting that helped me. They don't throw it out there on the show. I hear them school. Oh yeah, I can help you with the school clothes. Little man be dressed, Yeah, looking just like just like it. They always looked like who bought the clubs? Know you so cute? Man? Yeah? Can't be you walk into the room calling your daddy. I had a girl that one time by me have her little boy three years old. This girl, the boy came say hey, daddy, I ain't got no kids. I'm so scared of that. I got I got him, never went back and she was fine too, Daddy, I ain't got nothing to help nobody with. Coming up next, nephew, tell me's prank phone call we'll be back. You're listening show all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after Don't Forget Today, Strawberry Letter is on tap. But first, the nephew in the building with the prank phone call, what you got king of pranks? Uh? Work husband, y'all understand that, don't you? We're work? Husband? Wow? I said you did you hear that? I did you? Yeah? I did. It was so natural. I didn't even notice it until you. He didn't notice. It scared him. He focused and said, now, quark one more time, quark husband, it's not the husband, where you have the issue? Yeah, you've got to say, husband, quirk, where where you are? No? I was quark, husband, work stopped blowing for you? Say it? He went to class. He went to class to try to Yeah, he went to that. Yeah, he flung. How long was the class a week? Quork husband? How was that? It was? Yeah? That was almost there. Yeah, I didn't hear it, quork husband. You may start Oh damn, we got to hear the plank. Yeah, let's play it. Play, just play it. You play you can and you can stay husband. Man. Hello, Hell, I'm trying to reach out. Gary Gary, Who is this? Hey, this is Tony Man. I work with your wife, Pam. It's oh yeah, she's fine, she's fine. Man. I'm I'm one of a co workers. Man. I wanted to reach out to you. You know, I've been working with a quite some time. I'm kind of like what they called her work husband. Man. You may have heard her mentioned me before, Tony. Wait wait wait, wait, back up, back up, because I may be a little sleep. What did you say a husband? No? No, no, no, no, no no no, nothing like that. Man. It ain't one husband here, Okay, No, I got that. I'm a work husband, you know, you know like that, you know, just something playful at the job. They'd be saying, work. What are you talking about? You know, just just something you know, playfully be saying, you know, uh, when you hang around somebody a lot. This said he should work husband or your work wife, you know, something like that. But nothing nothing, nothing heavy, nothing heavy at all. Man. All right, what's what's up? Man? I mean what's up? Well? I was calling a man trying to ask you how long, um, how long have you a Pam been married? Wait? Wait, what's what's your name again? My name is Tony? Oh Okay, Um, we've been married about eight or nine years. Let me what's up? How long do you do? Uh? If you don't mind me asking, how much longer do you see y'all y'all being married? Who? I kind of do mind you that? Okay? What hold up? How did you get this lumber again? Man? Like? No, I got to I got the number out of out of Pam's phone, and I wanted to call you myself. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa back out of my wife's phone. Yeah, dog, I don't I don't even ask whoa whoa? Why are you doing my wife's phone? Mah no, dude, I mean I just got it off of death man. I wanted to. I wanted to, Um, you know, I wanted to reach out to you man and kind of have a black a private conversation with you. That's all. First, Why are you in my wife's phone? You calling me? Dude? I mean, this is this, this is how this this husband thing this is really is really blowing me right now. No, it's just no, it's just a word. It's a work husband, man, that's all it is. What is a work husband? What are you? What are you doing with my wife? You know that's just like you know, like you know, I'll bring us some coffee and donuts to the job, or you know, get us some lunch and stuff. Man, if she don't feel like going, My wife don't even like don that if we got a new coffee machine just two weeks ago. So why are you bringing my wife? Who? Hey, man, listen, really, I really, I basically I just called for this year. I love. I loaned to you foresee y'all being married to death? Do I fart? What do you mean? How long are we gonna be married? What shoulet me get to Tony man? Tony, Tony, Tony. I don't give a damn you you're asking me this. Hold on, let me, let me let me call my wife. Hold on, hold on, so holo. Hello Hello Gary, he'am Gary, look tam. You better call me within two minutes. Right now. It's ten thirty eight. You better call me my ten party and you're black be sleeping outside? Hello Tory? Hello? Yes? Are you why you call her? Man? This? This wonna be a conversation me and you having together? Hello? On? Are you talking about you? You want wife's work? Husband? It ain't but one husband up in here what my land name? And she don't keep it till death do us part. Now, I'm glad you called me on a Friday. I'm so glad because I got all weekend to think about that. I'm gonna give you because this out here now, he man, Man, I'm trying to figure out how much wrong would do you think you want to be married to her? Oh? Yeah, this been gonna be phenomenal. Like you better get right with Jesus on Srinday because I get dance tea. You're gonna meet him Monday morning. Hey, if I'm taking my wife up there earlier and I want to see you black, I'm just trying to dog. All I'm saying is if you didn't want to be be mad too any longer than maybe we could work something. Now. That's all I'm asking men, No workout, partner. All we need to work out is be there Monday, because I'm sure the hell's gonna be there question early Monday, waiting for your work husband mine. Okay, look, man, I'm not gonna see working. I'm not trying to look. I don't trying to do it. Help a deeper man and man conversation with you. Man, all right, you don't call me telling a boss? You bringing my wife? Don't. That's some coffee and I all open up on this. Ain't no deeply conversation. Hey man, I'm her work husband. Dog. Everybody, everybody. Most people have a work husband or work wife. Man, that's that's known in the corporate world work husband. You hear what I'm saying, what a work husband and you. I'm gonna be there Monday eight o'clock. He man, I'm not gonna saying go back. Look, you know what I'm gonna just call Pam. I just called Pama, called me back in about a minute. In fifteen seconds were known wait behind to call me back? Work husband mine on a Friday? Okay, Well that's it was just it was just a question. Man. I'm just trying to see if you didn't want to, maybe we could work something out if I find out if there's any truth to anything you're saying. Oh, it's gonna be the late night to night. You ain't nobody's gonna do nothing to my baby. I mean, ain't nobody gonna do pa? What did you just call my wife your baby? No? No, man, I'm donare Monday and mister work husband. Hey man, I'm not gonna I got one more day I need to say to you. Man, No, you ain't got nothing to say to me Monday. No, no, No, I got something else I need to say to you. Are you listening? You better talk to Jesus because I'm gonna be up there on Monday at eight. Okay, I got I got one more thing I need to say. It got to say to me itself Monday. I do got one more thing to say to you. Go ahead, go ahead, I say that you're listening. I'm listening this for work has well? Just what I want to tell you. I mean, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your brother Eric love that I put you up to this. I'm so glad this is a joke because somebody was about to die. So you are right, man. Oh man, that's a good one. You are right. Oh. I need a drink, man, man, Yeah, Man, Hey, I got one more thing I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the lane? Man? The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Y'all crazy? All right? What y'all think it's crazy callins my work work quite yes, yes, boy. One, you can't say work is your word. That's got an agent Carlos embarrassed. You can't say work, that's a work wife, and you're struggling with wife and what and you need air for that one? Well, I'll tell you what. I got something that's gonna be a little more pleasant for your second Friday. I got a party, a full fledge party that I am hosting for the one and only w da S Summer Suarege. Sounds like Philly to me, babies, So come, if you're coming to Philadelphia, you're gonna be there for the Camp Alpha Side Attorney Incorporated, the Conclave going on that weekend. We will be up the Grand Ballroom, thirty eight oh one First District Plaza in Philadelphia. It's a party. It is a comedy show. It is a party. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. You're listening to show, all right, Tommy, this time, buckle up, hold on time. We gotta fun here. It is the Strawberry lett up. Who this is my account? Let's go No, it's not subject My mom my, mama, my mom might be a side piece, right, Dear Stephen Shirley and oh hey Tommy, that's what it says. Hey Tommy, Okay, let's get to it. I don't think so, though, I think you will. I think you'll find something different in this letter. My mom is fifty two years old and she's been dating this guy for ten years. He's very good to her. He winds and dines her and spoils her with gifts and money. He also attends our family events and holiday celebrations with her. Whenever I need anything, He's been there for me. So here's my issue. He lives three hours away, and when he comes to visit my mom, he rarely stays a full weekend with her at her house. He has two children, but my mother has never met them. He says he is divorced, but I don't believe him. My mom has visited him many times, but she's only stayed at his condo once. He's a doctor and he works long hours and he's often on call on the weekend. Because of this, he insists that he stay at a closer hotel, at a hotel closer to the hospital, just in case he has to rush into work. She usually talks to him when he's at his office, and he always calls from a blocked number. He rarely calls her from his cell phone. That just doesn't sound right to me. How is my mom okay with that? And why does she get upset? Why don't Why does she get upset when I bring it up? My mom is a very smart woman, and she's usually a great judge of character. So Code Cracker, please tell me how I can get through to my mom. I don't want her to waste another ten years of her life on this man. Please help. Well, I gotta tell you this, daughter, You love your mom. That's quite obvious. You want the best for your mom, just like I'm sure your mom would want the best for you as her daughter. But this is your mom's business and you're her daughter. You know you're gonna have to stay out of your mom's business. You can suggest and let her know how you feel, but this is your mom's issue. I mean, you know what's up. I think you're very insightful as a daughter. Guess what your mom knows what's up too? She really does. She knows, but after being in it for ten years, and yes she's known it for quite some time ten years, she's in it. Okay, she's used to it. She doesn't want to stop it. She doesn't want to leave, she doesn't want to change her life. This is a life she's become accustomed to, she's become accustomed to and grown into. She's comfortable with this life. As parents, yes, we set examples for our kids. We do. Your daughter, you, as her daughter, You're you're seeing her actions loudly and clearly. You're wondering where her self respect is. You're wondering how and why she signed up for this situation. Uh. Yeah, it sounds clear that this man is married. Your mom has never met his kids after ten years. You know, the hotel situation where he stays, the excuse he gives her for staying at the hotel. All of that sounds like this is a married man and your mom is a side piece. But only your mom can decide, you know, whether or not she wants to get out. All you can do is her daughter is suggested. But you know she's a mom, you're the daughter. You got to stay out of her business. Steve, Well, my mom may be the side piece. Well, all right, your mom will fifty two years old, she grown, she knows what's going on. She's been dating a gay for ten years. He's very good to her. He winds and dians, spoils and with gifts and money. He also, now here's me. He also attends how family events and holiday celebrations with her. That is usually a telltale sign that a man is married. When you never see him at the family events and you never see him at the holiday celebrations, that's usually the telltale sign. But he's at these events, and I know why. Whenever I need anything, he's been there for me. So here's my issue. He lives three hours away. When he comes to visit my mom, he rarely stays a full weekend with her at her house. He has two children, but my mother has never met them. He says he's divorced, but I don't believe him. My mom has visited him many times, but she's only stayed at his condo once. He's a doctor. He works long hours and he's often on calls on the weekend. Because of this, he insists that he stayed at a hotel closer to the hospital just in case he has to rush you into work. Good doctor, right now, let's stop right here. Let's just back up a little bit. If he's so concerned with being called in to work that before he stays at the hottestpital hotel closer to the hospital, why didn't he buy his condo so far away from the hospital. If that's your concern, you would have bought a house closer to the damn hospital. But it's only a concern when you come to visit and you've been to the condo once. That's because all the coast was clear that one time. He lives three hours away when he visited. He rarely stays a four weekend because he didn't told somebody he on't call down at the hospital. That's what that is. He attends family boots and holiday celebrations with hub because he's a doctor, and you can say I'm on call. I'm working over the holidays, so you can make it if you a doctor. Now, somebody back at the house has had to understand this because they are the beneficiary of a wonderful lifestyle, so they putting up with it. Now, your mama is also a beneficiary of a wonderful lifestyle, so she putting up with it. I want you to know that everybody knows what's going on. Except his wife. Oh did I say, why everybody know what's going on except the wife, because mom certainly knows. I hope I'll be may just killing this man life perfectly. We'll be back in twenty three after the hour you're listening morning show. Let's go, Steve, come on, let me get back to this letter. Unlike my nephew, who is not the thankingest person I've ever met, who is insisting that I'm killing this man's wonderful life, I totally disagree. I just hope you never any medical assistance. This man's life will continue just the way it is, because the only one that has to keep going along with this is this letter writer's mama, who is fifty two years old, who already know what's going on, and the reason she's angry with her daughter When her daughter brings it up, she gets upset because now you know what she knows, and she don't want to deal with it, which you she wants to deal with this problem in situation all her own. This man is giving her lifestyle moments of happiness that she's unable to find anywhere else, and she'll never find it anywhere else because you'll never be able to meet mister Wright. Why are you dating mister wrong? So look, Tommy, regardless as to how you want to put this, let me try to save your marriage or you mess this your stupid ass, just shut up. It is because he always want to be supportive of the cheetah. Then when one of them getting busted, now he looking at all crazy to talking about what he did wrong. This man right here, this fifty two year old woman knows what's going on with this. Ten years of dating a divorced man and you ain't met his kids yet in ten years. You mean that none of the holiday and none of the family reunions, family even have you met this get what do you want? What do the chearing have to do with their relationship? That is cheering the cheers, it's just another issue which solidifies what the daughter is thinking that something is wrong that you dated a man for ten years and never met his kids and he divorced. You would think a man who was in love with you would want to say, hey, kids, I want you all to meet this woman that i'm in love with. I'm considering having a life with her. But he ain't gonna make that announcement because he can't have a life with her because he got a life with Tate Mama. Yep, now you get it, nephew, your stupid steven man right now now, whatever I need anything, he's always been there for me. Yeah, that's why you've let it go on so long. Oh letter writer, you got something to do with this too, because it was good to you. Na, you'n't got a little bit older and you ready to stop. But the problem is it's easy for you to stop because you ain't in love with the doctor, but your mama is. Though. The fact that he lives three away, three hours away, ain't got nothing to do it. He said, he divorced, But I don't believe him. Your mama don't know. Your mama know he ain't the more. But your mama liked what she's eat He's a doctor, he worked long, a good though. Why does she get upset when I bring it up? I told you that my mom is a very smart woman. Now when she's thinking with her heart, only when she's thinking with her head, is she's smart? So cold cracking? Please tell me how I can get this through to this my mom. You can't your mom in love? Your mama noticed I got news for you. Your mama actually smarter than you. Ain't til she until you get sick and tired of being sick and tired, Ain't nothing gonna change, all right, Steve, listen, we gotta go well enough alone, Email us or Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at My Girls, Shirley and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand? All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to stow all right, Jay, Anthony Brown, it's time for something funny. Now you put this together? Driving. I thought it might be cool that we salute different types of workers. A lot of workers listen to the show, cafeteria workers, doctors, muticians. So today was gonna salute the people who work to drive through the stuff they hear, okay, any day they hit us everyday? All right? All right, for instance, let's go no need to cuss, sir. Breakfast is over, okay? All right? Why because this is two o'clock, Sir. I wouldn't have servant breakfast anymore. June. You get this is something that live drive through workers go through, that they have they day, every day, every day, Sir. You're gonna have to get that muffler fixed so I can hear you. I can't get this order in if you don't get the muffler fixed. Its every day, Sir, I cannot tell you two nuggets by themselves. We sell them in ten twelve. Come on now, I can't just get your two nuggets. I can't do that, man, Sir, did you read your order on the screen. It's we're dealing with drive through workers. What they have to hear every single day? Miss you bought one large fry? You want twenty catchups? Really, that's me you want? You want twenty twenty? You are just wasting, Yeah, just wasting catch up. I tell I'll tell you what. This is one that I know they deal with. Pull up that The lady started talking to somebody else talking about ma'am. Look who's ordering? You are the baby. I can't hear both of y'all who is ordering? We salute people, Uh, ma'am. I can't give you thirty extra napkins so you can change your baby. I can't do I can't do that, man, I can't do that. Okay, we can't just give away these napkins like that. Wow, you're wrong for that up. We McDonald's. We all make woppers. Now that has happened to everyone everyone. Yeah, come on, Steve, close it out, drive through workers. What we feel you now? We really do, yes, come on, close it out. Just a damn tort. I don't pack all right? All right, yeah we feel your pain. Drive through workers. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. These are Steve Harvey's rules for living with someone until you get on your feet. These are dudes, and don'ts Okay, some things you need to keep in mind. Here's one right here. Your goal every day is to make it seem like you there but you're not. That works, Yeah, that's your goal. That's when you wake up, get it in your mouth. You have to wait him, but look like I ain't because you I get asked to me. Now you don't want that. Here's another one. This is very important. Your car should never block me in. I can't want to go out and I go out there and your car in the day where you in that sleep. Yeah, in fact, I got news for you. Your car shouldn't even be in front of the house. Park up the street and walk down to where you live. Rent free round the corner. Yeah, park at the up the street, at the parking lot, at the grocery store, if you're watching TV in the other room. Yeah, your laugh should not be where I can hear lay down the good bucket. This should be learned how to laugh like this. Let me show you how you laugh from your other people's You can't be enjoying their TV and all this because how you leave what it is real funny. That's gonna be hard. Yeah, steve to put me out. That's I don't give a damn what you want. Here's another one. Don't let me walk in the house and have to tell you to get out of my chair. You should only sit. I'm gonna tell you the areas you are to sit there, kitchen, your bad ruler, and occasionally in the band. Don't be taking read material in that what you hear? Focus? Focus, stare at the toilet tissue role, How do your business? Get up? Get out now. You didn't put it in the fridge, don't touch it in the that's the man he bought one colt. That's all you reaching the touch. Don't be shifting stuff around looking all in the back read labels. You didn't. You didn't put it in. Now get your hands off. Man. When you come home from work, go right to your room. Nothing in him, Straight to your room, all down the hallway, looking at all, looking at where is this in the picture. Ain't that's my damn grandmama? Quit asking about her? Why are you roaming around? Right Roman, Listen to me. If I'm watching TV and I get up, walk out that room, don't change your damn. I don't mean I'm gone. Don't change that damn sitting there watching it together, and our dolls are watch what I was watching for our doughs. Let me off my eyes and natural geographic is gone. I should wake up to when I went to sleep. Let me here's one more so serious. Yeah, this has happened, not a matter of fact. Let me make this laugh. You can only have company where the company lived. Come over and I have a company. Hell yeah, wherever they stay. You're going be in the company of your company all you want, but your company. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steam Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening to show. All right, guys. So there's this website called morning consult dot com. It came out with the most loved sports media personalities, like a list of who's the most beloved On down the list, they found that Peyton Manning is the most beloved personality in sports media right now. Now, would you guys beg to differ without Okay now I don't. Yeah, well you know what it is though, his commercial commercial exactly right. Yeah, people really love his commercials. Media person Yeah, the most loved is Serena. Okay, all right, I'm not mad at you about that media personality personality. Yeah, that's Serena out to me. Yeah, people love Peyton Manning's commercials. Tommy and Serena has a couple of commercials out. That Lincoln commercial is really cute. But anyway, they love his guest appearances and his shows. Now rounding out the top five are Al Michael's, Dan Patrick, Jim Nance, Charles Barkley, What yes, my man? Charles top five? Yes, if he was here, he probably say funk about this. Ernie ain't mate the top five all right now, Shack ain't making in the top five. Henning not in there. I'm only in the top five. That's how I need to know. Hey, what about stephen A. Smith? Finish? Stephen A. Smith not in the top five? Ain't none at him? In the top five. Thank you, Charleson congratulate, Thank you very much. Thank you. You're one of the most loved sports media personalities. Okay, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. You're listening, all right, it's time for something funny, of course, and we're gonna go. Junior. You're up first. Truth be told, Truth be told. I can't help you, but let me take a phone call. I got this weekend, and you know I love I love Pete people on old neighborhood being going to the doctor. Got some bad news. But I'm not a person to call when when you get some bad news. Now you get me bad news. I get you right off of me and right back over you. That's what I do. I get a bad dude. So dog Tommy, Pete call man. He's like man, dog got a bad heart. He said, Doctor say, I'm gonna have to have a heart transplant. Right then, I said, hey, Pete, breathe slow, really, hey, hey, you got the information for the bad heart. We can't upset you no kind of way. Your heart not good right now. So you don't even take your time make the last to load your just breathe slow. You got a bad he got where? Yeah, look at they ain't got to be taking a step first. I gave some good invite. Huh, havn't been lips? I can I kill you. We didn't make it that whether he died or nothing. We didn't make it that far. But I understand bad, hard and hard trampact. Because I think you won't mind right now. I just want to let you know, as a matter of fact, pet you don't find nothing else funny, because if you get rapped up, you're taking time off that heart. As a matter of fact, the next relationship you get into got to work because you can't afford no hard ain't you can't. You can't have none of that matter of fact. Feet when you go to sleep, sleep light because of deep sleep might be too much work on that hole. Just won't you understand? I unders that where you're coming from. I just ain't the one to help that. You got a bad hole. No, you got a bad heart. Ain't my phone, no, none of them. I can't help you. Got it off the line with no. I'm sorry to hear that, not, Pete, have you seen a doctor if you knew what Pete did his heart rate. Don't even read your bills. You can't get wrapped up. No kind of weight are you on any medication? None of that came to mind. No, sure that is you can't have this. That's all I thought about. If you knew what Pete did to get you bad, that he was calling you in the first place, I thought, I thought he's looking far hard t man. All people doing a lot of bad things. And now you talk about dog man, they talk about I need new heart. They breeze slope, breeze slope. You ain't getting it over here, all right? Your life truth be told? All right? Coming up, it's Steve Harvey and his closing remarks. You don't want to miss it. At forty nine after the hour, you're listening. All right, Here we are, Steve, last break of the day. It's been a great day though, Steve. Now it's time for you to take us home with your closing remarks. My closing remarks today are going to be based around the value of yourself. I think this is important. Tommy sent this to me, you know, a bill board, and it really triggered me to thinking I'm gonna share that with you, but it all pertains to the value of yourself. This can pertain to you in terms of reaching your goals, your dreams, all in business, and this is for you to consider in the relationship of love. It is amazing to me why I talk to people and people talk about how they're being treated and handled and represented and dealt with, and how they can't seem to get nobody to see they value and their worth. And I'm sending a bit going, wait a minute, wait a minute. You can't try to get someone to see something in you that you don't see in yourself. It starts with you. You know, you've all heard the saying beauty is on the inside. It's not just skin deep. That's true. Confidence is not an outward emotion. It's something that starts from within. Everything starts from within, and it exudes and and and and manifest itself in the outward shape or form. So if you want people to value you, you must first value yourself. I tell my daughters all the time, you can train a man how to treat you well, Daddy, how do you train a man You just don't accept bad treatment from him. If you don't accept bad treatment from him, little girl of mine, then guess what he can't keep giving it to you. A person can only treat you the way you allow them to do it. If you don't accept a man coming to pick you up late all the time, but you stop going with him every time he late, the next time he want to go out with you, he got to be on time. Now. If he don't want to be on time, then guess what. You don't go out. You've trained him how to treat you, and if he don't line up with what you want, then guess what he not for you. At least you don't have to be mistreated the way he want to treat you by simply not allowing him to treat you any way he wants to. You cannot have high value for yourself and affect someone else to have a high value of you. That goes into the same thing with business. You can't go in and ask for a raise if you don't think you deserve one. What would cause you to walk in there and ask for a raise if you don't think you deserve one, If you don't have the facts to back up a raise, You can't want more money just because you don't spend all the money you had. You got to go in there and ask for a raise because you can show value to the company. You're worth this much more to the company. The company has become this because of you. Then you can show your value. Then you can go in there with a raise, and you can go in there with some confidence with the raids. It happens with goals and dreams. If you aim too low, your problem is you might hit it. But I'm gonna say that for tomorrow. So it's what you think of yourself, how you value yourself, that matters most. Now, let me tell you what was sent to me. I listen to this real careful, because this is gonna register with a lot of people. Listen to me. If you aren't being treated with love and respect, check your price tag. Maybe you've marked yourself down. It's you who tells people what you're worth. Get off the clearest rack and get behind the glass where they keep the value. It's you who tells people what you're worth. Get off the clearest rack and get behind the glass where they keep the value. Stop acting like you a sidewalk sale. Stop acting like you can be picked up at the swap meet. Stop acting like you belong in the junkyard. You're a new car, don't act like an old car. I don't care how old you are to somebody. You got to be a new car. Stop putting yourself on the sales rack when clearly you deserve full price. If you lure the value for yourself, that's what we'll pay for you, and that's how we'll treat you, and that's how we respect. If you don't respect yourself, if I see you constantly disrespecting yourself, then you're gonna turn to me and demand respect. How does that work? That be a coat where they got the lock on it. See, you can't take me off the rat and just try me on. No, that ain't how this work. See. But now you go over that to that valuable section in the store. You everybody been to Mason's. You got that stuff where you got to go get a salesperson to come and unlock it for you to even try it on. That's cause they to put a value on that. Or you're going over there and just put the little shirt on. T shirts ain't locked up. Anybody can get one. If you're steal his T shirt, It ain't that bigger loss. They before dollars pack of three. Come over here, body's swaye, Come over here, body's fur stuff. We got locks on this stuff right here because it has value. We know it has value, so we can't just let you try to stop letting people just try you on. You got it, put a value to yourself, maintain it, you determine your value. Don't let other people do it. You do it all right. Those are my closing balls. Drop the mic, drop the mic. Baby, thank you, Tommy, appreciate pimp needed that, but that I just need thought stars. Yeah, hey man, can I tell y'all something announcement. Have a great weekend for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to sw