Good morning and welcome to the ride! You made it! Bitterman reminds a lady writing in that she has a YP issue (yo problem) and nothing can be done. Congrats to the power couple on headlining the latest campaign for a very BIG name. J. Anthony Brown just wanted to put a little something out there. There is round table discussion about the reasons a particular gender cheats. Is NIKE talkin' Sugar Honey Iced Tea? Pfizer's vaccine has now been fully approved by the FDA. Ever been dumped for being too stoopid? Today the show closes with the importance of cheating awareness.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like a million bus things and it's not doing me good. Steve to mother star, don't joining you gotta use that turn you gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come come on your bad, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and all is Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, today is simple. I want to tell you. I want to just talk to you about effort today. Just about effort. You know, it's it's it's it's a word that people use to describe sometimes trying. But what I found out about trying is trying is just a noble way of saying you didn't get it done. I tried when and then everybody go, well, he tried, that was the best. Well that's that's not exactly true though, that that's that's not exactly true. You are and I want to talk to you about that because I don't want you to be one of the people who just try. See trying, I mean, I gotta tell you to attempt something. You're gonna have to first try, but I want you to change your mindset from trying to getting it done. See that's a big difference. I'm really more apt to listen to the person that says to me, I'm gonna get it done. I'm gonna try. What try does is it allows you to fail. It's the person that has the mindset that I'm gonna get it done is the person who changes the complexion of things. I'm gonna get it done. It's very different than I'm gonna try. You know. Look, man, I know, I know this sounds a little harsh, but you gotta stop feeding yourself these little old wise sayings that ain't It was a valiant tribe. Hey man, you talk to anybody that took second place in the super Bowl and see how they feel about their valiant try. The only way to gain God's real blessings is you have to try something. Stevie backpedaling. Now, listen to me close. You have to put forth an effort to allow God to put his finger on something to bless on your behalf. You must start to attempt, now insane getting it done. And I'm gonna try. That's a different of two different faiths to me that I'm just talking about me. Now, you may be different, so I can't. I can't say this about you, but I can't say this about me. If I say I'm gonna get it done, I have a lot of faith in it. I am going to get it done because I just don't see failure as an option. A lot of times now, if somebody says to me, like the Olympic team invited me out to curl one day, which is throw these stones on the ice. If you're not familiar with it's very simple, man. And so I said, man, I'd like to give that a try. I went in full well knowing I may not come away from this little curling lesson as a person who could make the Olympic team. I just wanted to try it because I thought it looked cool, and I always wanted to get it done. Well. I failed twice. I threw a stone completely into the other lane. I lost that little ice shoe it shot out under me. But you know what, I kept trying though. I kept trying until I got four of them stones in that circle right where I ain't. But now had I give it up after I failed, after I threw that stone in the other lane, after I shot my shoe down all way to the bottom side, the little ice shoe they give you. I never would did it. But because I was trying. Something got me together a little bit because of my effort, and it caused me not to fall the next time, not to throw it into other lane, not to shoot my shoe to the back of the wall. All of a sudden, my trying became something. Now had I stayed out there and it wasn't so cold, and I went back week after week after week after week, I promise you I could get it done. I could at least know how to compete in a game of curling. Might not be the best. I might not win the championship, but I could have got it done to the point where I could have competed in the game of curling. So sometimes if you're scared to say I'm gonna get it done, just go out there and get started. You know, learn from every attempt that you make. See, don't quit writing yourself off as a failure every time something don't go right. And when I failed on that ice, I could have said, man, I can't curl, but I hold up, man, I'm watching for other women out here, curl, for other dudes out here, curling, little kids out here, curling. Hold up, Pardner, You know, man, So I learned when I threw that stone on the other ice, when I when I fail, when when my shoe shot off, I learned from every attempt a little bit more about it. And then I said to myself at one point time, man, I'm gonna get this stone in that circle. I'm gonna get this stone in this circle. And guess what I got it done. Now what you're saying to me, Steve, I'm saying to you that you gotta get started, that you gotta put forth an effort. Give God something to bless. Oh God, bless me, Oh God, bless me. Bless you? What? Bless you? Where? Bless you? How? Stop basing your results on what you're thinking. You gotta think higher. You get God in your life, man, He allows you to think higher, bigger, better more. I'm sitting up in my debt. I came up with a plan to get out of debt in five years. I came up with this plan right I was sitting up and I was tripping on it. Now I said, wait a minute, man, hold up, this is what I came up with. I said, God created heaven and earth, all of it, the mountains, the sky, the valleys, the oceans, trees, the birds, the Indian Ocean, all of it, made all of it in six days, and then he rested on the seven. So why am I taking to God the five year plan? If he can create heaven and earth in six days, why am I walking in there talking about helped me in five years? How is it gonna take God five years to getting me out of debt? And he made heaven and Earth in six days? Dude, the math hill man, I ain't that big. You ain't that big. You ain't in that much trouble. I ain't in that much trouble. See, God got a way of showing you some things, man, but it's gonna take some faith, and faith gonna take some effort on your part. Man, Get out and do something. Man, you God will bless you a little bit and give you a little bit more courage. And then all them attempts you making is gonna and all this so I'll try you know what that turn into. I'm gonna get it done. And at the end of the day. That's what you have to do. Because trying to pay your rent and not paying your rent, it's two different things. You can try to play or pay your rent, or you can get it done. Now, how long you think you're gonna stay in that house trying? You got to go with the mindset of getting it done. And if you can put some stuff out there and give God a chance to put his finger on it and bless it for you, the most stuff he can do for you. Quit looking around and what everybody else got and gonna get some of it for yourself. Okay, all right, you're listening. Good morning everybody. Look at you, Look at you. You all up in a tuesday. Can you believe it? You did Monday? Now you're in a Tuesday. If you did Monday, damage you God Tuesday. Ain't that right? Shelly Strawberry. You can do it. You can do it. You can. Words have never been spoken. Jay Anthony Brown, good mornting, good mornting to you, Good morninging. Let's talk proper all day today. Good mornting and good mornting to you. Call it for real, good morting, good morning mornting. How are you today, j Anthony? I'm doing great, great, I'm doing great. How about you, junior? Are you having a good mornting today? Good morning to all God's Children's good to see you all today in the house of the Lord Amen, in the house of the Lord Amen. Won't he do it? Willy? Won't whatever? And house God treating you today, mister Thomas smiles. Ah, God is in the blessing business, of course. Is you showing our favor? Showing favor to you and your family? I cannot complain matter fact. In the words of Paul Jones, I won't complain. All right, all right, we all have that's church. That's that's church. We just had church says three or more have gathered, and so you might not have to go to church Sunday because you did it to three or more have gathered. And what else? Though, Jay, it's a lot. I don't know the time. Don't press don't press me for the other pod Is that what we're doing that we're doing the other part we're Christian shaming. Oh no, Bible scripture okay, okay, start start a scripture, but but you can't finish it, don't Yeah, don't throw the scripture if you can't finish it. All things work together for the good, for the good of God, and God is good all. Now he tried to run off, That wasn't it. He ran over? Yeah, he tried to run over. Now, that wasn't it. That purpose, friend. I think Jesus Web is in there somewhere, and Jesus Web and then Jesus Web he tried to run over. You got to know them all. We got some strong Christians on this show. I did not know that. I wasn't a web. You didn't know. You know, well, I come from east speeches. Boy, I don't know what Christ the Lord has just did mine. Christ the Lord has risen today. Yes, that was my man. You know how he used to do the kid. Haven't you heard? He rose? He rose, he rose, go tell from you and far he rose. That's what. Here, here we go, here we go, get up this see Jesus wept, get up to answee. Jesus wept. I didn't have an Easter speaking. Oh you didn't, Oh man. My grandmother was like, just getting here and sit down and eat this. But come up in this area, up here, call it it was up in here, candy up in this area. Here yea in the purse because she was in the nurses and the person in the handkerchief. All right, listen, we're gonna do ask bitter man coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, right after this. He's not trying to help you. Don't even think of books. You're listening show. All right, guys, time now to ask bitter man for what we don't know. But it's gonna be. You asked me. If you won't you, it's on you, okay, all right, all right? And to help you get will be to help you find because I'm not trying to deliver no help. All right ahead, chin, and they see what he got. Let's he's yet? All right? All right, Jay, here we go. This one is from Vannie in Richardson, Texas. Vannie writes, I'm a forty seven year old divorced woman in a situation ship with my ex husband's friend. After my divorce, he started mowing the lawn and he wouldn't let me pay him. I figured i'd repay him with sex because I had me and I had heard he's good in bed. It was like one of my wildest fantasies come true. But the sex is so good that he's gotten caught up. He's been hanging out at my house for hours after we finish it. I don't like that the excitement is over and I'm done. How do I break the news to him? Well, you got a problem on your hand, lady, because wants a man mows the lun. He wants to cut the grass, if you know what I'm talking about, Okay, and wants the man mos your lun. He's gonna want to cut the grass, and he's gonna be hard get rid of, you know, like you said, he's gonna be using all the garden tools, the whole the back hole, um, the whole back I can't think of another garden break, yes, and the edge of so until he goes through all them tools, Lady, you ain't gonna be able to get rid of that man. He's gonna be there for a while. That's your problem that you created on yourself. I wish I could help you, but I can't and I won't. All right, how about Nate, Maybe you can say something that Nate says. My girlfriend is from the town we live in and I moved here a year ago. We've been dating for three months and she said her last relationship ended very badly I met her brother and he told me why her relationship ended so badly. She shot her ex boyfriend in her home because she thought he was a burglar. Her brother, Joe kingly told me to always call before going to her house. She laughed it off and said he's still alive and that's all that matters. How can she joke about something like this? Should I be worried? Yeah? You should be. If you found out yet the person you having a relationship which shot the last person, and you sit down and write a letter, you are really stupid. You are really stupid. You are narrowed down. Yeah, you are the stupidest person that we've come across to day. If you know that the last dude got shot and you're going to write a letter to see if you okay, you need to get you behind the out of that and not write letters and move out. Yeah he didn't already identified himself. He Nate in Tennessee. That narrated all the way down. Yeah, we know what you are. Yeah, but I don't understand this. Y'all been dating three months and you moved, Man, why would you move then three months without this information? Yes? And then when you get the information, you want to write a letter to ask us if you're okay, he'll know you ain't okay. Write us. We'll be here. We got shot advice, We got that, we'll be here when you get shot. Terrible gonna say. We appreciate you having that confidence in us, but never mind make you feel at home? Ha ha, How how about that bull wounds? Are us all right? We're moving on for obvious reasons. Anonymous in Queens says, I'm a big, beautiful black woman and my boyfriend is upset with me because I accepted a gift from his uncle. I asked my boyfriend for a deep freezer for my birthday and he told me it was too expensive. He got me an air friar instead. We little girl. Come on a week after my birthday, his uncle called and said he got a good deal on a freezer and he was bringing it to me as a gift. My boyfriend is so upset with me. Yeah, and I said he should be mad at his uncle. No, I don't want his dirty old uncle. Was I wrong for accept you? If you was not wrong for and you know the uncle the uncle sea opening and he took it. That's all he did. Uncle. So what now? First of all, the question is was then meet and the freezers? Because nobody wanted to empty ad freeze? All right? Was the steak slice and meet? Uh neckbone, ham slice, ham slice cheese? Was the freezer full? And your boyfriend has a right to be mad, but he can't do what he can't do what you can do, Uncle, Yeah, he go get it. I'm gonna get it. And it started all that a hood. You needed a freezer, Jake. She can't get a call every day about that freezing me cold? And ain't it me calling? You know? I got neck bones down at the bottom. You look down at the bottom of some neck bones down below that. I got some soup bones, you understand. I got bones, and I got something that most players don't get a bunch of some cornish hens, a bunch of love cornish. I love ya me too, Jake, got all of me in there, everything you can think up. You see that venison in there and some bad bad man. And I don't know if I don't know, I don't know if you like it or not. But I bought you a pack of liver. I don't know if you like it. But if you like liver, it's in there. Okay, you don't I know of a man really loved you unless he put some ops tails. Now, I don't know if you want them, but the end if you ever decide to cook him in some chicken feet and next in there, I don't know if you go that way. They in there, but gumbo bay. Wait a minute now everything, oh oh oh oh, one more thing, one more thing in a big bucket of vanilla ice cream because it's some blue bell in that just want a little desert. All right, thank you better man for not helping people. We helped on that one. Now we really did help on We'll revisit. We'll revisit the last one later in the show. Next the nephew. We run that prank back right after this. Yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna is standing by with today's national news. President Biden is urging unvaccinated people to get their shots after the FDA gives full fiser approval. Plus an entertainment news Beyonce is the first black woman to wear the iconic Tiffany yellow diamond plus the milk traits. The milk Crank challenge is still trending, and we'll talk about these stories at the top of the hour. But right now the nephew is here with run that prank back for today? What you got for his naff I am considered the Kang of pranks. I didn't give myself that title. You are You are nobody Kang as k A n G Kang the king, Oh Franks, all right, list one right here is you hit my car? You hit my high car. Okay, we're gonna run it. Now, We're gonna run it. Everybody, all minds Claire Claire, all right, all right, there might be one today. Let's go catch off. Oh you waste out of place. Hello, I'm trying to speak to a dels. This is Do you live in apartment number seven eighth? That depends on who asking. My name is Herman Wales. I live in building three, apartment one on five. Do you live an apartment number seventy eight? What you want with where I live? Look? Man, do you drive a camera or tokyo? The camera light blue? One? Yes? All right, your next do neighbor then told me that you ran into my car. I got a beans a block one of two thousand and five C two forty Now I got light blue scratches on my My neighbor told you what your neighbor. Matter of fact, his name is Brian Kendall. I told cross side up, the little across the hall. What the cross side the little cross the hall told you what? Man? Listen, all I know is he say he lived in apartment eighty. He lived next door to you. You live in a supposedly apartment seventy age right here in Cambridge Court apartments. Now, all I'm saying is he told me your car is, which is the light blue car? Hit my back into my car? And I ain't trying to create no problem, but somebody got to fix my car and I got light blue scratches on my bends. Uh. Last I checked my light blue claming. Wasn't the only light blue camera they made. Ma'am, you're the only light You're the only light blue car in the parking lot. Anyway, the only light blue car in the parking lot. Right now, I ain't gonna say I've been the only light blue car in the damn parking lot. Man, I'm done. Look and I'm in the middle watching tea. What can I do for you? What do you mean? What can you do for. I mean, you didn't hit my car. I ain't touch your damn car. If you got some cameras out this sparking lot that saw me hit your car. No, I don't have no cameras. But then I believe this conversation is over and I don't give a damn what's a cross that man across the hall told you? Look, let me tell you something. You didn't hit my car. Now you gonna hold on? Hold on? Player? Uh? Is you yelling at me? I'm not yelling at you, but you didn't hit my car. You the only touch your down. You're the only light blue car in the parking lot, the only light blue car in the parking lot. Nah. And as a matter of correct, my car ain't eat me in the parking lot. My I suposed to bar my car go to the stop. Well, is it possible that your sister is the one that hit my car? Now? Nah? What okay? Is your sister when is she coming back? Maybe she hit my car and didn't tell you she hit my car. Now, she ain't hit your car. She ain't hit your car because she would have told me she hit your damn call. Look, Uh, I said, ain't nobody to hit your damn car. My car ain't got no damn scratches on it. What you ain't gonna being at me? Don't? You don't give a what kind of as you got on your car? But I can't do a damn thing about it. And even if you did, let me just be clear, I ain't got no insurance, no way, so I can't do nothing for you. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, let me tell you something you ain't got to tell me. You ain't got to tell me. Fine, and as far as I'm concerned, this conversation is over. Wait a minute, let me ask you he call it back. Mister. You act like I ain't got you about. You had them scratches on your car all ready, and you ain't going to use me as no more an excuse to get you no new paints. I had no scratches already on my call. Yeah you had him, Oh yeah, you had no I'm gonna tell him an insurance is just if he come over here, nah, because you're gonna be using your insurance. I now re told you ain't got no way. Don't make me come over to your apartment No. Seven standing in the door. I'm on my way to the doll Nah, I'm standing in the door. Come out, come out. Look, I got thirty five hundred dollars worth for scratches on my car that you need to pay for. You the only You're the only worth thirty five one hundred dollars. So you already doing better than me? What? What? What? What? Look? I already told you I'm tired of talking to you. I'm watching TV and you ain't got stiff talking to me about. I need to talk to you about this car, lady. I got thirty cut your call. My car ain't bumped up against your call. I ain't even park next to know BMW's late. It's a bens whatever, it's a ben C two forty, a black Give a damn If it's a being seven seven to seven, I can't help you. They don't make a seven seven lady. Look, you know what? Can I say something to you? No, you can't say you know what you can say to me? You can say by I just want to say one more thing to you, one more thing. I'm gonna give you one moment and thing it on all. I want to say this. Nephew Timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister robbing out of DC. Put me off, make me you know what, I don't even have y'all show. I listened to the show on the internet and this. Oh you wait till I talk to her. Hey, mister Dale, will listen before you go? Can you tell me what is the baddest radio show in the land? The Steve Harvey Morning Show? All right, nephew told me you knew you didn't run into nobody. Damn well, I ain't hit nobody because I'll be trying to pull my stuff out there Fox, So won't nobody hit me? You know? All right? I'm the only light blue camera in the parking lot right right now, right now? Who told you that? Only one in the pocket lot? Right now? You're talking about the cross side across the She gives me life. Oh my god, oh my god. Breaking. I'm gonna tell y'all something. Pranking ain't ease. No, it's not. That's a nice little shirt right there. Pranking ain't easy. You know that's somebody had to do it. Yeah, by the fact, Will Packer, that's a new TV show. Breaking ain't easy. You know what I'm saying, Will Packer? You list easy? Breaking ain't it? Ain't easy. I like easy. By the fact, breaking ain't easy. Will pack if you're listening, Pranking ain't easy. To come on right after ready to live or right before however you want to do it, But pranking ain't easy. Get ready to love and then you know everything else. Are you having a meeting on the air? Either it's either meeting or he's bigging the hell team. All right, stay tuned, Stay tuned, man of fact, go to my website. Just good Grits. That's g R I t Z Just good grits and try Time's flame was all right, see if you like it, hit me back and tell me what you think. All right, Thank and nephew coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, we gotta say congratulations to Beyonce and jay Z. This couple, this powerhouse couple. They're in the new global Tiffany and Companies All About Love campaign. Beyonce has become the first black woman ever to wear the Tiffany iconic yellow diamond. Also, guys, did you see the photo of the Carters in the bright blue U basketat painting in the background. All we saw the job jaw dropping tiffany yellow diamond around Beyonce's neck and it is all we saw it. That ain't all we saw. I saw jay Z have hell. You mean that's how we saw. You don't see jay Z had what what? I don't know what I'm with you timing. It cannot be a calm or brush on his side of the dress. I mean when you go to the bar. But what do you ask for? How you asked that a line? Jay Z? Anyway? Think think what he's doing it he producing TV show. What's happened to Jake? That was? That was Thomas smiles and to be mad about it. Let me just say this, Me and Timmy a hair hating it. Trust us if we had that much hair, we wear hat hating. I bet I beat impressed this side over and then our curl is side on this side press curls. That's a lot of him. Man, mean things, beauty, they'll get ready, get ready to men because black people are coming now. They on their way. Treat us right, treat us right. They'll be following us around the store and all of that. You are different type of customers'll be actually crazy Wenna, some stuff like ya, how much you might hear some things like that, You're gonna hear stuff like this. Can I just have one of them bags that's all blue bag? Yeah? Yeah, all right. So we talked about this yesterday. As we move on, but it is still trending, the milk crate challenge still over social media. Yeah. So here's the deal. A person has passed over a pyramid of plastic milk crates stacked high above the ground without falling. While the crates individually can hold up under pressure, stacked up into a pyramid creates a situation of instability for the person trying to get to the other side. Did you see the prison inmates doing the challenge. Yeah, I'm like offitted see people A people are getting really hurt on this. They really are. Yeah, yeah they are. I saw Snoop dog posts. Uh forget COVID, y'all gonna go to the hospital. Somebody posted that I figured that Snoop behind this milk crate challenge. Behind if you go in Walmart or any of the stores their own sale and the dollar stores, so people to bind them right doing the challenge not in press. If I dude, it's gonna be too there's gonna be too craze. Half one, two more five? Hell did it? What about the scholarship challenge? We also talked about that yesterday. It's the one about the young person um talking about their inspiration to get a scholarship. Oh my god, that's so funny. Roster to what I'm talking about. It's okay, everybody know, all right, we're moving on. We're moving on. Time for today's headlines, Jay, let's go all right, everybody, it's time for the news with miss an Trip. Okay, thanks guys, and good morning everybody out there. This is a trip with the news. The Fiser anti COVID serum has become the first vaccine to be fully approved by the FDA, and not just for an emergency condition, which all of that, the Fiser and the Maderna and the Johnson Johnson they were all approved on an emergency basis because we were trying to fight the pandemic as quickly as possible, but the full test had not been run. Fiser has gone through all of that and it's fully approved by the FDA, the first of the serums to do that. The others are probably follow fiser Sera will now be marketed as being for the prevention of COVID disease for individuals sixteen years of age and older, but is still to be available under emergency use authorization for twelve to fifteen year old people. The new official designation could also prompt people who felt that the vaccines were a study weren't studied enough to finally take the shot. Because fiser at lease has gone through the rigors in Afghanistan, authorities say that sixteen thousand people have been airlifted out of that country over the last twenty four hours, a majority of them by the US military, Afghan interpreters, foreign nationals trying to get to the airport without having any run ins with Taliban fighters. Donald Trump's been telling his supporters that he would have done things right. However, while Biden's being knocked for the way evacuation is going, a homeland security adviser to former Vice President Pence, Olivia Troy, tells MSNBC that she's got a different take. She says, the Trump administration and Republicans are distorting the truth. It's ludicrous for Donald trying to take around saying that he would have handled this better, and he would have figured this all out because he had four years when he was president to get these people through the system, to get them process to issue these visas. And the reality is that system was destroyed under Donald Trump because of his main enabler and ally and confidant adviser, Stephen Miller. Stephen Miller went out of his way to reduce the refugee ceiling throughout those years. And now we're in crisis mode. We would not be having to purs a system system that's already cumbersome and challenging. The systems is not meant to evacuate thousands of people at once if they had been properly processed to begin with. She adds a quote, you don't get to play revisionist history here. Finally, France about to honorary legendary singer and chance with Josephine Baker remains burn on Monaco, going to be reinterred at the Pantheon monument in Paris. Josephine Baker not only a famous entertainer but also a World War Two hero. She was buried in French military uniform with the medals she'd been awarded for her role in the French resistance against the Nazis. She was born in Saint Louis, Missouri. Baker will reportedly be the first entertainer, first American, the first black person to be so honored. Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tommy introduced the president and CEO of Team Tommy. All right, let's do it. It's that time, ladies and gentlemen. We're going deep, deep into a mine, a mind. It too, probably noble traveling into before. But before we go, you need to buckle up and hold on tight, and please be very careful because the mind is extraordinary. The mind up Jay Anthony bro First of all, let me get this out the way. Tonight, Michael Blackston's at the jays Bot Comedy Club. Tickets online, get them right now. I'll be at the Esher Theater in Middle Beach, South Carolina. Now let me talk to the Beckies, the Karens. We got together last a couple of weeks ago. We crunched some numbers, and y'all's numbers came up real short. Is what I'm saying to say is there's not as many of y'all as they used to be, and the reason being, you're spending too much time in our business marching and protesting and throwing rocks and name calling and holding up posters and stuff like that when you need to get together. You know, y'all need to get together and make more of y'all. We're doing fine because we're protesting, and somehow after protests we get together and we make more of us Hispanish and making more agents and make everybody's making more. But y'all, now, one of the problems that y'all might be having is y'all tend to look alike. Y'all, y'all dressing alike. Y'all. Everybody got on plaid, everybody got on a baseball cap, everybody got on jeans, everybody got on boots. And this is just me. I'm just telling you like it is. You're wearing way too much camouflage. It's way you just got way too much. Damn the camouflage. And it's probably you don't know who each other is. Now I suggest that you get some love music. Now, we have our own love music. Could you play our love music. If you play our love music, that's ours, that's our music. We hit that that means we're about we're about to get in love. Now. I know y'all don't have your own love music, but I picked some love music. Could you play house one more time? Playouts one more time, playous one more that's it right there. Yeah, some people are gonna drive up to the house when they hear that right there, they're gonna drop all right, here we go. Now here's your love music. And don't get them mixed up. Hit it. He's there, you go, there, you go, where you go. You're feeling it, you're feeling it. Yeah, make more people. And then we went too far. Coming up a thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll talk about it. Why do men cheat? Who the hell put that in there? Woman? You're listening? Time now, guys to have a roundtable discussion. And we've had this discussion before, but let's have it again. Here's the topic, the age old question. Why do men sheets? Let me go? Hi, let me go first, Let ja don't let me let me get this. Let me give me some little backstory as to why we thought about this. Um well, Jay, as a matter of fact, you mentioned amber Rose yesterday. You said she's been trending lately because she and uh the fact that her ex and her baby daddy, Alexander A. E. Edwards, admitted to cheating on her her with twelve different women. Amber posted, I'm tired of getting cheated on and being embarrassed behind the scenes. He admitted he got caught and he loves his son, but he said I like women. He apologized, but said he doesn't want to deprive himself of his true nature. So that's why we're asking the question, and it's been asking you guys before. Why the man sheet? Now, Jay, I would love to go first. The first thing I would like to know because we're having a roundtable discussion and we have several ladies that work on the show, and you know, I don't want to embarrass anybody or call anybody else, but I'm sure the guys feel the way that I feel. Who the hell put this question up? That's what I like. The first year which are day who thought this was fun? Carla And they've never asked themselves a question. Always I'm not I'm not finished. I'm not finished comedians. Yeah, and then let me just say this, it's such an it's such an easy answer. Okay, answer the question. It's so easy that I have decided to pass it on to timing. Oh, I don't want to work. It is so damn easy to answer, and that's that's fine with me. That's finely. I accepted with open arms. Okay, challenge problem, accepting your challenge on how to answer questions why men cheat? But you know what, I gotta pay respect to the youngster in the group. I'm gonna answer. Oh, you know what I'm saying to the one and only kill junior space, Go ahead, take why man cheat? Coming to me? But I'm not following the sword for all men? Why all men? That's not my job. But I will answer the question since you pass it to me. It is the reason why all men cheat. They didn't said it in my own Damn if you didn't get it, ain't my fault. Ain't my fault because listen to Let's just be honest. Man cheat for the same reason as women cheat. Hello, the reason. It's the same reason, the same same reason you give us one. Because we can, I can tell you why men cheat. This is the real reason why men cheat. Listen, Come on, I listen, I listen, just listen. I'm gonna say when I say listen, I want you to listen. Listen that right, that's right now, you know what? You know what. I didn't know how to quite well put it. But for you, what you're doing, you're saying something right there. I didn't know how to put every Yeah, you know it used to be quite different. The reason white men and women cheated. Women cheated because they were done wrong. They felt badly. Man have been done wrong that. But I'm just saying that used to be it, and men just cheated because they were just dogs, okay it used to Let me just say this. I'm just saying that men cheating. If men cheat because they're dogs, then why what are women? Because they're way better cheats than we are. Now we're smart cheating. We're smart cheaters. If we cheating, cheating, we call somebody so we ain't cheating by myself. We gotta be cheating with somebody, so so we all cheating together. Yea, So what they're doing that you all just won't give us a legit. They don't. They want to do it because you because you cheat, because we answered your questions we did. I think we're answering. Y'all need to go home and ask y'allselves some questions, ask yourself something coming out. Yeah, I'm through it sucks all right? Coming up next, nephew tell me, And it's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject stay away from that needle. Stay away from that needle. We'll get into that in just a bit. Right now, the nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, naff I'm about to go deep on on today, sir. Oh, I'm about yeah what yeah, yeah, I'm about to go deep right here. You know, you know it's you know, it's time for a birthday party for a child. You know it's time for a birthday party. So you know this one right here is called Curry Gold Curry gord Ma all right, curry god cry. If you never tasted what maybe you ain't never headed called, You've got to get you something curry. They go, let's go bertrand, let's go bertrand right now, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your um mister, because this mister yea, this is Benjamin Dixon. Trevor is my son. He goes to school with your son. Now yeah, uh he went to a birthday party that your son had last weekend. Am I right? Yeah? Well listen, I understand. Listen, I have a problem with you, mister, because I understand that you all are Jamaican and from Jamaica. But listen, you guys, serve the children curry goat. You don't serve kids curry goat. Everybody's child doesn't eat curry goat pee. What happened to? What happened to ice cream and cake and punch and maybe even a pizza at a birthday party for kids? But curry goat, that's out of the question. Oh you mean, but that's something we are talking about. All you mean call you mean middle feed to kidding them curry gords, let me see them anything. But when you're talking about bredren so what were you're talking both? Oh you mean? Oh you mean you have a problem with me? Oh you have a problem with me. I got a problem. I got a problem with any parents who who decides on their own that somebody else's child it's okay to feed them some curry go My child don't eat no goat. We eat chicken, we eat steak, we eat cow. We don't eat curry goat yo eat it got a birthday apart the door, He means start burney a party. I don't want you if you would have taught me to deal with something talk some rude Moore. They'll call me when you're when you're on buying a on guan rum by me and a Regreen. We can't. You don't know who we are dealing with and all, okay, I need you to slow it down for me. Man, I understanding nothing you're saying. Tell me, don't you call me y'all? Tell me for I'm like for on your car and off. Look, man, all I'm saying is this is this is disrespectful to the child, to people's parents. You're going out on your own liberty deciding on what you're gonna feed somebody. You gotta feed them normal stuff. You can't do that kill a birthday parties Here in the stakes. Man, it's pizza, it's ice cream, it's cake, it's punch down it hot dogs maybe, but not no damn curry goat. Man, I'm run the shore Bridgrean. Don't tell me what I'm me run this, So y'all come tell me both disrespect you would disrespect me a car, I'm like, I'm a ditristecon you by calling your phone. I want to know why it is you're doing something like this, and I bet you these other parents don't know you've been serving goat y'all kiss man? Or you? Is? I mean you want to meet short you old farts? I'll come tell me, Oh you want? Oh you wanna hungry? Oh? Oh oh you brigand who the hell is you? Yes? I don't know you from my brigond I come tell my money for them? Kind of wait it yo? You know you know you know you done the spring Club? Know it all? Are you? Do? You want to meet me somewhere? Is that what you want to do? Me? Me too? Meet me brigand me me too? Right? No, you understand me? Merrifriend I know, oh yeah, it enough. You're gonna make me hurt you man if if if I come over that you're gonna make me hurt you you hit me? Then? I mean this man. Now, I call you because I'm a concerned parent about my child. Uh. And then you got a nerd ahead to tell them you're the one that's in the row. Yo. Man me, you don't hell me, no no brigand no wrong. You're gonnastund me. So I come tell me be some mag money off. I'm telling me mean no wrong, you can yo, just get them away in and I'm gonna comn I'm the feed of some cory good. Yeah, your family and kind of sleeve. You ain't gonna feed my family now. You don't bring my family in this man. You don't bring member. You don't bring my wife and my kids into nothing. You hit me if you want you. I'm telling I got I got one. You know what, Man, I'm gonna tell you I got something I want to tell you. You listening, This is Nephew time me from the Steve Harvey and Martin Show. You just got pranked by your sister Patsy. I believe you, man like that. You Hey, hey, you just got pranked by your sister Patsy. Bad she put me up to this dog boy. I tell you, man, I'm so sweat boy, like I need to get a blood pressure. I got a low. I got a little tolerance, tolerance, very low, I tell you that. But anyway, I'm gonna still feed you and your family from Churricles. I'm gonna have chle I better do it or nothing. You know, when you get angry American people really counts in what you're saying. You went on You went on a Jamaican run, Like what that boy saying. We gotta give a shout out to all of the Jamaicans out there. Baby, what is the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harby Morning Show, New York City? Baby, So, uh, anybody help us some carry go? Nobody wanted trash. I'm up for a translator. That's what I need, a trans I loved him. He was upset and when you get upset you really can't understand what I'm saying. You go all the way and boy he did, he did. But you know there's a lot of them Jamaican friends. This zero to sixty real quickness, Oh really quickness? Man. Yeah, it's definitely fast. Yeah yeah. Man. By the fact, speaking of fast, big up to the Jamaicans that on first, second, and third, Oh my god, the girls was blazing. Man. Them girls the track on fire Man and they don't even fix they don't even sweat, They're not sweating. They're just running like like No, they're just killing the game. Man, do they like you? Imagine what practice like for them? Many They race it against each other all day long. Right, it's like hell, like they go to limp just a practice. Yeah. I can't help it get better. But listen, if you're gonna get some curry goes, I must add to it. Get you some just good grits to go with your curry GOLs. I'm just saying it's it's a it's a perfect combination, right there. Grits, get Kurt gos and grits. It just hood grits. What does Z dot com? Just good grits? What does Z dot com? I like the spice, so try that, try to spice it, I promise you. Man. Wait, I see y'all, y'all gonna be y'all calling to me. That's it, T that's how you do it, man, Golden grits. Man, that joy. I don't know how you gonna eat goat and grinch and no hot sauce that did don't make No, I don't know how you gonna do that. I love a shameless plug, but yeah, there's no way you cannot have a hot saucing. Now you might wear sprinkle some nuts on it. Jain't got some nuts by you God. Just Good Grits go to Just good Grits dot com. That's that's grit spelled with a Z at the end. And check out what your boys doing. I think you guys like I want. I want to hear what you think, so you know, email your boy back. Tell me what you think about my grits. Uncle Ben is gone, but the nephew is coming. I'm saying it. I'm I'm putting that out there, all right, nephew congratulated. Coming up next, it's my Strawberry letters subjects. Stay away from that needle. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com. And that's for you, Jay always and click submit Strawberry letter. Who knows we could be reading your letter. That's write your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here It is the straw by letta thank you Nephew's subjects. Stay away from that needle, Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been trying to figure out the best way to address an issue because I love my wife dearly. My wife turned sixty in May, and to celebrate, I took her to Hawaii, and I gave her a five thousand dollars prepaid credit card to use any way she wanted to. When we were in Hawaii, there was a photoshoot at our hotel all weekend and young, skinny models were all over the place. My wife started to feel self conscious in her bathing suit, so I made sure I uplifted her whenever I could. I think it had a negative effect on her, and it made her want to look younger. I must admit that we both gained weight during the pandemic and she refused to work out with me, so this was a wake up call for her. I think she realized that she was not pleased with a short gray afro she's had since a pandemic, and she put her wig on for the rest of the trip. I prefer the afro over the wigs, but it's her decision and I love her regardless. I definitely think seeing all the beautiful girls in Hawaii messed with her head because she started trying to fix her face right after that. She used her birthday credit card to get botox injections in her forehead and around her eyes. Then she got fillers in her cheeks and chin, and followed that up with lip injections and permanent eyebrows. She has used all of that money to look like a clown. I barely recognize her most days. She came home yesterday with magic marker lines on her neck, and she told me she's getting a necklift. She also wants a nose job and a breast lift. I have tried to assure her that she's a beautiful woman without all of that. All she needs to do is lose ten pounds and stay away from that needle. I want to tell her she's ugly now, but I don't want to hurt her feelings. How can I do this? WHOA Well? First of all, the title of this letter stay away from the needle. But it's much more than needles involved. If she's getting a necklift, a nose job, and a breastlift too, Okay, we're talking about scalpels and going under and cutting and all kinds of stuff. Okay, so you know your wife is just really going through right now with her looks. I mean, I'm not against, of course, things that make you look and feel better about yourself. I think the problem with your wife is that she's just not happy. She's just not happy with how she looks. She's not happy with herself period. And cosmetic surgery shouldn't make you look completely unrecognizable or like a clown. That's not its job. It's supposed to tweak or enhance what you're already working with and still make you look natural. You're saying she looks like a clown. That's not good because she plans on getting more work done. I'm just asking, could it be the doctor perhaps? Did she do enough research? Does she research and talk to enough doctors and look at their work? I mean, because not all plastic surgeons do great work. What or who does she see when she looks in the mirror. Is she pleased with herself? I mean, you say, she looks like a clown, but does she like what she sees? That's a problem, you know, that's a problem. She could be addicted to plastic surgery by now or started, you know, to get this thing called body dysmorphia when just when you look in the mirror you don't see anything right, you want to just redo your whole self. You got to have a serious talk with her about this. I mean, you say you love your wife dearly. She's got to know that and feel that. But more than that, she's got to love herself. And that's what's going on here, because she's not listening when you're saying, you know, just don't do it. And she's not doing this for you. It's for her self esteem, for her confidence. So the best you can do right now, support her and help her find the best doctors and make sure they're not butchers, and let her know you know that you love her, and hopefully that'll help a little bit. She needs to love herself first, right, Tommy, go ahead, Tommy? All right? I actually I actually have a buddy that that is an incredible doctor that does this. What I will say is what I've seen, this is an addiction that once you start getting something done, you keep wanting to enhance this enhance, this enhance, that you keep thinking that you need to get better and better and better, and and and that's not the case. Your wife has an addiction. This is not going to stop unless you really have a good heart to heart conversation with her. I'm you know you you already at neck breast nose, bro So I promise you this is going to continue. It's gonna be her calves, it's gonna be her thighs, and you know, good and dog gone. Well we own our way to that. But you know we are. We've been to shape that thing. It's been to get like I'm telling you, she's on her way to that. You I don't know what. I don't know if you can stop, but I hope that you can. But I'll be honest with you. I have seen it firsthand, well firsthand, where people are continuously go in one week, get this done, come back two weeks later, injections again. It just keeps going. They just don't stop to they look up, I don't know, a year or two later, and you are just a completely different person. And you know, even Jesus is not gonna know you when you get there. You know you're gonna have to you gotta talk to your girl. Man. That's that's just being real. From Tommy that knows a doctor that does this, and I've seen people that are addicted to going in. I'm sorry, Jay, go ahead, And you know, Temmy, a lot some people actually do have to go to the psychiatrist or psychologists for this, they really do. Um But anyway, go ahead, Jay, go ahead. Well, I you know, I normally don't help people because I'm not in the help. That's bitter, man. I mean, you should encourage you shouldn't encourage your wife to let her know when you know, sometimes people say your day is coming, in her day is coming. Well, she'll really feel good about herself with the look that she has. And I'm talking about the date of October the thirty first, which is Halloween. Hold on, okay, you're crazy man. We'll have part two of the Strawberry Letter coming up. The subject to stay away from that needle. Will get back into it right after you're listening to the Stay Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, let's recap today. Strawberry letter was written by a man. It's called Stairway from that Needles written by a man whose wife turned sixty in May. He took her to a wife as her birthday present and gave her five thousand dollars in a preparate credit card. While they were at the hotel, they had a photoshoot and all these young, skinny models came out, and he said he thinks his wife started feeling some kind of way about herself when she looked at herself and then compared herself to these young, thin models. And um So, when you know, when they got home, she started getting work done on herself. She started getting botox, she started getting lip injections, fillers in her cheeks and in her chin, and now she wants to get a necklift and a breathlift and a nose job, and it's just going on and on and on. Her husband says, she looks like a clown now and she's unrecognizable really, and he wants to tell her that she's ugly, but he doesn't want to hurt her feelings, so he wants to know how can he do this. Um So, Jay, you were saying, I was saying, you invested five thousand dollars in your wife. And I don't know if you noticed, but around the Halloween they have all these contests and they have prize money, and from the way you describe her, I'm pretty sure she could win a lot of this money back, you know, yeah, right, So what you need, what you need to do because she's she's doing her part, she's making it worse. And since you need, what you need to do is look through go on the internet and find out where they're having these costume parties and how much prize money is up, and then you sign her up for these things. And by by the I'm thinking by the first, you could cash in because the ugly you describe in this letter, and you could make close to fifty maybe fifteen to I'm thinking maybe seventeen thousand dollars off the white. He can get his money back with you. So that's that's my a. This is a good you can turn to. Look, dude, you can turn that five thousand. It's an investments. See what the you limp it flip that uglymp you at all? I don't need them. I don't, I don't, I don't, man, this is I mean, come on now, both tox injections and and forehead and cheat feelers, cheers and permanent eyebrows and all the pretty much she didn't erase all her facial expressions. So I don't know how we gonna live with her from here. Now you're just gonna be scared a lot. Dog. We're gonna be confused a bit. You know, keep lights on in the house. Can you turn that collar? You're pretty much married to damn near the bride of chucking. That's what she looked like. That same damn dog just isn't here like a porcelain though. I don't know to tell you, dog, but we're gonna be confused a lot because you are. You're gonna bring flowers home like damn baby, while you're crying. They flowers. You go crying. What are you smiling? But definite? I gotta write that down because I didn't know that was the look I ain't see. Now it's a new look. You know we're gonna be We don't know when she's mad or nothing. The barded Skip school? How you in there laughing and the board of Skip school? But you you're mad? Well, hell, I didn't see that with meither. I gotta love that she's even mad even now. I didn't even have a clue. You're sitting up upset, cry your mama died and she came in and you look at her saying, what the heck? You're laughing for because my mama just died and you just like you ain't laughing. Okay, you up, Okay, you feel Brian right now. The other thing is when you really ugly, the tears don't come down your face. They roll around your back because they don't. Yeah, I've seen it happen through what if you real damn money and you cried the tears like, we ain't going down that face. We're gonna go around. We're gonna go around the back of your head. Ye, she's about to get that neck, dud. So now we're gonna have this longated neck with phillis and no emotion because all this is I don't really know what type of face we're gonna be dealing with, but I swear to God it's gonna get a hell at you. I don't know what's gonna happen. We cannot have coup with you'm over because we don't you think elonely again, because you getting lifted so that means stretched and this facial expression she gave me a participating these conversations. I'm telling you, ain't nobody go no, Ain't nobody go no, She profess tober the thirty first, put her ass in the window with a candle. Put her in the window with a candle. I'm telling you for surely he gonna get frustrated. He gonna buy her a new car. And he said, I'm sick of tired or doing stuff for you, and you ain't never happy? You have you happy? Ain't never seen this face before. I had to write this down. I didn't know that's he's not gonna stop, especially with things like bowtox and stuff. They say, you have to go get those more and get and get ready for this when your partners call you up, when your partners get rid of for this car? Who that was with? Man? Prepare yourselves. That's Barbara, that's my wife. What did you do? Jake? Here going another problem? You're going another problem here, another one they're gonna have. They're gonna be in the room making love and then he gonna be kissing and he'd be like, how come your lips feel so hard right here? That's my cheak, that's your cheap Okay, I didn't know they felt like the lips. Where are you? Where are you in him? All right? All right, guys, thank you post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve barm on, Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on to Man coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Oh Junior has a fall. I'm right after this. You're listening to show. It is time race yourselves everyone, It is time. Our resident poet, Junior is in the building with a brand new what a brand new poem? Come ahead, hot, Yes, it's coming in hot off the press. You know, everybody saw the race over the weekend, you know, and and I had you know, I just was thinking about it. I'm trying to figure out where we went wrong from from Oregon to to to to to to Saturday. I don't know where it went wrong. You know what it was? You know they have me wait, I'm rooting for so hard. And then you know the commercial before the race, you saw the commercial call. You see the commercial where she was tapping her fingernails talking about I've been waiting, I've been waiting a Nike commercial. It was the Nike commercial like I've been waiting, I've been waiting. It was her finger Yeah. It led up to the race especially yeah, and I was like, man, I got then. I then I had to write a poem, so he hit the poem. The name of the poem is a title of the poem today is why are you so damn slow? Here? Here it is, Hey, Hey, I gotta do what I got to do. I gotta I gotta speak my mind. He didn't go Why are you so damn slow? Yeah, you talked so fast you didn't finish first second or third? No ass came in, lad, Why are you so damn slow? Did the weed do that to you? You said you only smoke one time. I think it's more more than two. So why are you so damn slow? Don't get bad. We got your back, but you came in last place and you was talking all that smack. So why are you so damn slow? You're having to all that speed? You lost the three Jamaicans? Are they the ones that gave you the weed? The end? Why are you so damn slow? This is? This is Juli Nakata. I didn't even know when did we stop pointing at each other? If somebody, dude, I thought we was a team. Here. You don't forget that it was eight other black women on the track. This ain't got nothing doing. I pick it on blackoo, don't don't put me out there like that. It was other black women on the track, the last one. That's all I'm saying. So let me ask you this, what you think Nike said after all of this? Because slow, eat what Nike say We'll put all this money in here? Whatever? Right now? I really done, Poma? You think Poema gonna put that on our feet? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour, we have a question for you comedians and we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this is a question for you professional comedians on this show. Okay, all right? Can someone be too funny in a relationship? We're sure the being in a relationship with a comedian can be fun. It's cool. You know. You guys can laugh all the time. You know, women love guys who can make them laugh, and you know. But but here's a question for you. Have you ever dated someone who ended the relationship because you were just too dang funny? Okay, miss the funny man they love first league. I've never nobody's ever broken up with me for being too damn funny. What I hear a lot? When I hear a lot in my breakups. And I hear this quite often, never heard it several times. Is that you just too damn stupid? Yes, this is just stupid and I and when it's followed with uh, you know you gave that to a lot of this show. Jay. So know, I haven't never been. I've never had some money regularly because I was too damn funny but stupid. Yes, I've been called stupid a lot, stupid, stupid ass And then I get this one a lot. You too old to be that stupid? I mean I've got a lot yet. All right, come on, who's next, Nephew, I'm going next. I've been. My problem is I always it's never too funny. It's it's I'm too serious. Oh I think, yeah, too serious? You know in my past in a relationship, I'll bet too serious. You know. So they get they get Thomas Myles, they don't get to you know what. I'm okay, Oh, well you know what, y'all. I don't like that, do y'all? Not like Thomas Myles? What is the like Tommy way more? Thomas Miles is too serious and we want to break up with him. Okay, I'm telling you I've always been. I have I have a question. Thomas sounds and nephew Tommy. Is that three damn people? Thomas Miles is one and Tommy and nephew Timmy is another. That's the same. They're the same. It's the same body. But it's But my other question is, other question is do they like each other? Do they get a lot? And you know what, they rarely talk, Jay, They rarely talk. What but when they they rarely talk. But when they do, they just try. They you know what. They they they respect each other, but they what they leave it at that, They really do. They leave it at that. And Tommy tells them all the time, dude, you just you too much? Do you see what's up with you? Light up all right? Come on, Junior, you were just too funny. Have I broken up with a relationship because I was too funny? No? No, I'm like Jae, I get this a lot of that. When I lost a lot of raceships, it was because I have no money that you could be fun as head. But when you can't go out nowhere, they aren't going to like being in the relationships. They'll leave as a heartbeat. Because I can tell exactly how long a black woman to believe in your dream and it's only a hundred eighty days. I need that much right now. Because I said I was gonna be a comedian, and she said, you got a hunt of day days to prove it. And if she left on day one eighty one, so because I have no money, then I was just doing it. I had been only three months in and it wasn't happening fast enough. And that's why my relationship laughing. When we was well, we were working in Houston, Jillia, how much as we're making on the weekend, I was making seventy five if if I'm lucky, fifty five from the normal dollars first shot, first show. Remember, I remember being real funny and going to a restaurant and watching the lady or the way more than the head in my pocket. Way damn more than a day. Yeah, on a day that was like whoa or you know what I'm saying. So I'm not gonna eat because you took all the money, I'm not hungry. Yeah, And she left on day one. I want to it that half a year my life was over. I came back to how my clothes on the porch and she had not come out to the dog to see me all. I picked my bag up through it in t like I was wrong, like she was wrong. I said, okay, that's fine, I'll be all right already. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening tow in trending medical news, the Fiser vaccine for COVID nineteen has um full FDA approval now. The vaccine first got an emergency use authorization in December, and the full approval was expected, and officials hope it will help alleviate alleviate concerns amongst the people that are hesitant to take the vaccine. Recent polls said that thirty percent of those who haven't been vaccinated yet would be more likely too were the shots to get full approval. Now they've gotten full approval, so now hopefully at least that thirty percent we'll get um in line to take their backs. And no, it doesn't actually huh what's your excuse? Now, you're right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it doesn't change much Legally, many businesses were waiting for full approval before mandating that people got their shots. For employees, booster shots began for the general public as we know on September twentieth, and people with um compromise immune systems can start getting them now, the boosters. Okay, So that's where we are with this. And if you haven't gotten yeah, yeah, I mean, this is serious out here, and it's just really scary that so many children are catching this delta variant of the COVID. So we got to protect each other. Got to protect our children. Man, we gotta get vaccinated and wear our masks. What about these people that are taking this animal? Um? Yeah, I heard about. This is crazy. This is really crazy. Um. Okay. We'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now to ask bitter man for what we don't know, but you asked me. If you won't do and it's on you, okay, all right, all right? You and they help you get will be to help you find because I'm not trying to deliver no help. All right ahead, Hill, let see what we got. Let's see what we get, all right, all right, Jay, here we go. This one is from Vannie in Richardson Texas. Vannie writes, I'm a forty seven year old divorced woman in a situation ship with my ex husband's friend. After my divorce, he started mowing the lawn and he wouldn't let me pay him. I figured I'd repay him with sex because I had needs and I had heard he's good in bed. It was like one of my wildest fantasies come true. But the sex is so good that he's gotten caught up. He's been hanging out at my house for hours after we finish it. I don't like that the excitement is over and I'm done. How do I break the news to him? Well, you got a problem on your hand, lady, because once a man moles the line, he wants to cut the grass, if you know what I'm talking about, Okay, and wants the man mose your lin. He's gonna want to cut the grass, and he's gonna be hard to get rid of. You know, Like you said, he's gonna be using all the garden tools, the whole, the back hole, the whole, the back go. I can't think of another garden break the rate. He's gonna be using the rake, yes, and the hl the edges, so until he goes through all them tools, lady, you ain't gonna be able to get rid of that man. He gonna be there for a while. That's your problem that you created on yourself. I wish I could help you, but I can't and I won't. All right, how about Nate, Maybe you can say something that Nate says. My girlfriend is from the town we live in, and I moved here a year ago. We've been dating for three months and she said her last relationship ended very badly. I met her brother and he told me why her relationship ended so badly. She shot her ex boyfriend in her home because she thought he was a burglar. Her brother jokingly told me to always call before going to her house. She laughed it off and said he's still alive and that's all that matters. Oh, can she joke about something like this? Should I be worried? And yeah, you should be if you found that yet, the person you have in a relationship which shot the last person, and you sit down and write a letter, you are really stupid. You are really stupid. You are Yeah, you are the stupidest person that we've come across to day. If you know that the last dude got shot and you're going to write a letter to see if you Okay, you need to get you behind out of that and not write letters and moved out. Okay he hadn't already identified himself. He Nate in Tennessee. That narrowed it all the way down. Coming up. It is our last break of the day. It does it. We ended right here. It's good. How about get out and of course at forty nine minutes after the hour, we'll close up the show right after this, Jay, you're listening show all right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Tuesday. It's been a good day, really good, Yeah, crazy that day. Will you help you close to to Thursday? That's when my weekend starts. Thomas, I gotta do this. We are ja Tommy. Then let me just say this fellas guys listen. Um, you know early in the show when we were talking about cheating early in the show while you man cheat and everything, and you know we all had discussion. But I just want to just commend you guys and say how great you guys answered that question and the way and the professionalism you all answered it. For Carla and Shirley you guys deserve awards, and I'm giving your flowers while you're here. You guys understand, thank you. I think I thank you, Junion. I think the way I answered it it was straight on. Just go you know the question was asked, and not try to dodge it or anything like that. Just go right at it and give the answer, because that's what people are looking for. They're like, well, what you're gonna say, Jay? So I went at it. Timmy went at it, and that is what we did, where I ran an audible and pasted it. I think way I threw it down field to Junior, That's that's that's that's that's classic right there. That's that's Pittsburgh Steelers, Plee Flecker. You understand I'm saying I threw it. Why don't you guys answer the question again? Ask the question because a lot of people were on their way to work and maybe they didn't care it. It sounds like a winner to me. Go ahead, Shirley asked, why, man, Chet, It's simple, why do you Okay, Now I've already answered this and I'm not gonna change. I'm not gonna change my answer so people will be confused. Who heard the show it in the beginning and go, well, that's not what he's said in the beginning of this show. He has changed his answer, So I'm not gonna change my answer. I'm gonna go straightforward. It's such an easy question, and it was an easy answer that I'm going to pass it to teams Timmy because I know he's more he's better at he's better equipped than answering the question than I am. Right, tell me, go right ahead, and Timmy and I don't have no problem. I appreciate you Jay passing it to me because I'm not scared of it. I'm not scared of it at all. All Right, I take it the way you give it. Tell me, I'm gonna say it just like this. I will take this. If you really want the answer, and you really want it the way I mean you want it, you want it legitimately, you want to get it in the raw, I'm gonna give it to you. I'm gonna let you know exactly what is the reason why men cheat. This is what you want to hear. You want, you want to really get it, and and there's no way to get it then from a younger. You know what I'm saying. So Therefore I passed this on to the one and only kill Junior Space. I didn't. I didn't, I didn't ye see early in the show. I've already done this. I've answered this already. Why are we going back over stuff that we already covered two hours ago? Listen, Okay, I'm gonna tell you why me and cheat on tests because we don't know what the answer that is? Why we cheat on test when it's cheating on tests though, people, I don't know why because we don't have the answers that seems but don't understand why we cheat. That's why you gotta go back to the older generation leofore passage to Jay, because they know that Jay was here when the first person cheated on Earth should have it. I can tell you why men cheap When they get a physical bills, they go in there thinking they've got one weight and that's not the way that they want. So then when it's have a chance to write the weight down, they're gonna write down the weight that they really believe that they are without getting on the scale and denying getting on the scale at all. So that's a form of cheating that they will go through. And that's all I gotta say. In fact, I'm gonna pass it on to Tommy because Tommy can't answer this question much better than that. Can't go ahead, and I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you why men cheat in spades because guess what if we don't listen, if we only have three spades our hands, we got to figure out how to get these five six books. You understand I'm saying, because we have three in impossible. So I'm just trying to tell you why men cheat and spade is because we do not want to lose. We want to make sure that we are beating the people that we're playing opposite up. That's when that's when it's necessary. I'm just saying, if I don't have the big joker, I'm cheating, Julia, you understand where I'm coming. Dog, let me tell you something I was surety and carb again to answer you've been looking for why men cheat? And yeah, why men cheat? This is the reason why, the reason why men This reason why men cheat in sports because they want to win. See, I blame public pressure. Public pressure has that you have to have a winning attitude. You gotta win, win, win. That's why we cheat. That's why they take the steroids all the time. That's why they cheat and do all the enhancement because they want to win. And you know what, society has put that pressure on them to win? Am I right? James? You absolutely right? And let me ask you this because the question that most people are asking is why do men cheat on their diets? Because there is a food that they can't break away from. You know, you're not supposed to have fried foods and pies and cakes and cookies like that, so you sneak and cheat and eat that because that's what you want. That's what your system is calling for. That's my answer, and our passing on the time. And because I'm sure he can close it out for right ahead, Timmy, Well, I didn't mean I didn't really want up DoD God close it out. But you know, five men cheat. You know we cheat because we um. You know, if I'm playing dominoes and I got dumble training, I can't get it out of my hand, then what else am I going to do? I have to cheat. I got to make a bogus move and hope that you don't realize that I played it where doing it where it really didn't fit that's why cheat while we win. I'm gonna tell you why man cheat. And this is what you need to understand, you know, you know, because I didn't get everything I wanted growing up. See, I got cheated out of a childhood that I should have had. I never got that. That's why men cheat, That cheat emotionally out the childhood I should have. It should have been mad, I should have gotten my night broy a Car, I didn't get it. I didn't get it. So that's why man cheat. Car that is got it. I hope we answered that over a jay take us out. I read everybody's see you right early tomorrow morning with more food and his own the Steam Harvey Morning to Show, and don't ask us to this, and don't ask us this. No money for all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.