Good morning and welcome to the ride! "You know it's serious when white people say they wish Barack Obama was back in the White House." Uncle Steve also tells us the safest place in the world. The Chief Love Officer gives the true breakdown of a man's situation with his lady. A cheating man gets coronavirus after seeing his sidepiece. 45 made some very offensive comments about China. The fellas give us the best slept on foods in the grocery store today. Sheryl Underwood is willing to shake what she got for some toilet paper. You better ask somebody! Miss Carla gives us the latest from Real Housewives of Atlanta in Reality Update. The Nephew and his Rich Uncle may have the best business venture yet! Today in Closing Remarks, Uncle Steve reminds us that whatever you are dealing with, whenever it ends, you will come out of it, plus more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all at all. Suit giving them like the Milan Bu Bu things and its good Steve listening to other sty don't join jo. You gotta turn you, you, you gotta turn turn turn. You got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back now, h h, I sure will. Good morning, everybody. Are you listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, I got something for you today. I'm gonna have a conversation this morning about my understanding of grace now that I've gotten older and I've come in to a better understanding of a lot of things I didn't know about when I was younger. This is just my interpretation of grace. Now once again, y'all listen to me. I ain't nobody's pastor, I ain't nobody's minister. So you know, I'm pretty sure you can go to church and get a far more extensive definition of one I'm giving you. I'm just talking to people. You know. Grace is this thing that that God provides for us, and Grace's just things that you get that's really undeserving, you know. I mean, I look at my life as it is today. You know, Look, I work hard and I have faith in God that I do so things are going to happen in my life. But the way my life is now, I don't. I don't. I don't deserve all of this. I don't don't. I don't look at it that way. I have been the beneficiary of God's grace. I have aligned myself in a position to accept whatever grace God has for me, and it will be far abundant and exceedingly in anything you could think of. His grace supersedes anything you could possibly imagine. You know, the goals that I set and the aspirations that I shoot for, and the things that I have on my dream board. I have the faith that God will give it to me. But what He does with grace, he gives you far more than that. He gives you what He has for you, not what you can see. You can't see all he has for you. It's impossible. Who are you? How can you possibly imagine what he can imagine? How can you possibly think? How he can think? How how can you possibly do what he can do? How can it be that isn't a single mind living or a collection of minds that could have thought of Earth? What in your wildest imagination could have made you think of Earth? The stars, the heavens, the oceans, the galaxy, the constellations. What in your mind? What in any man's mind? We can point at it and analyze it, but we show it couldn't have thought of it. So come on now, I'm talking about lining yourself up with God's grace, which he will give to you if you if you want some of it now. But now, his thing about grace, it can't be bought. If it could, if it could be bought, I'm telling you I would pour all the money I have and dump it into grace, because, after discovering what it is, it's this goodness that God shines on you simply as a reward of some type for his love for you and for you attempting for you, attempting to do right, not because you get it right. Because if He judged us purely on how we are the right and wrong of it, we would all be doomed, all of us, every last one of us would be doomed, because we all fall short, we all make mistakes. We all sin, we all get it wrong from time to time. Nobody's perfect. Man. Now I understand what my mother was saying about cleaning the house. All I want is a little more grace. All I need is a little more grace when the last time you ask God for some grace. Now I'm not talking to you like I know everything. If you just benefit from His grace, which you already have, but if you're not aware of it, you don't know what's going on. Become aware of grace, Get aware of the fact that God does things for you simply because He loves you. He does things for you that you don't even deserve. Somehow, you just wonder how you just got over when you didn't even do the things to get over. Sometimes you don't even know how you got that job you got when you ain't even really do the things to get the job. How you end up where you are? All education you thought you went and got, and hey, how you end up where you are today in a much better position than your education could have ever gotten you. That's grace. How I get every place I am today. I didn't plan this, man, If I could have planned my life the way it is, don't you know how to done it? When I was living in that car, if I knew how to do it, No, I benefited from his grace. I'm just a beneficiary of his grace, of his goodness and his mercy. God's goodness is better than your goodness. God's goodness is better than your mother's goodness. It's better than your wife's or your husband or your booze goodness. God's goodness is different. His goodness man covers some stuff you can't even imagine. So why are you trying to put your life together when the last time you asked him for just a little bit of grace? When have you thought of your life in terms of the grace that it has already benefited from? Have you ever done that? Man? Just thought about you know you hear songs like my soul, looked back and wonder how I got over. That's grace. That's all I can call it. Now. Like I said, you can go at church or somewhere ever you want to, and ministers that the wind at school to teach this thing way better than me. I'm just giving you from a layman standpoint. Man, have you thought about his grace? Would you not bewailed to be a beneficiary of his grace? Would it not say? Now, check this out. The better you try to do, the more grace he'll give to you. And that grace can't be bought, Like I said, it's free. You can't purchase grace. But the better you try to become, the more the more grace he gets to put your way. So man, just try, why don't you just try to do better? Look, man, quick tip minda. I'm gonna start next week. I'm gonna start at the new year. Now you now you do that every year, you know, the evers at the new year, we eat better at the new year. I'm gonna I'm gonna gonna get in here and the new year. If you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it now. Man, you're gonna do not stop trying to do something, do it, stop talking about it, do it now. The best way to benefit from his grace is starting action now in old w now right now today. What you're waiting on. All you're doing is delaying his opportunity to bless you. You know, man, you know, do you know how many times we do that? We delay his opportunity to bless us by not starting now. If you're gonna get healthy, why don't you start now? Now? You're gonna trip a little bit called the holidays coming, But you ain't got to eat bad all the time. You could start eating correct today you could. You could, and then guess what that could be? Some grace on the end of that. I'm just giving you a little cheap analogy. But do you feel what I'm saying to you? Start thinking in terms of grace, what He has done for you and provided for you that you ain't even see coming. That you know, you keep calling them blessings and I got that a lot of it, and us all it is. But man, have you thought about the stuff that didn't happen to you? You can't account for I. For me, that's been grace and I'm beneficiary of it. And that's available to everybody that won't sull Next time you're talking to him, just check in with grace. See what that is. That's that's better than money. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, let me have your undivided attention, because it's real now, It is real up in hell. I don't know what day this is of the quarantine or the cutbacks, but it is in full effect. Ladies and gentlemen, Steve Harvey Morning Show is not the center for coronavirus information. We are here to give you a break into action. Now. Of course, Colin gonna make us say something about it, Yes, but I have coinspired with my man j Anthony Brown. And if we're gonna talk about it, we got a special way we're gonna do it today, Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Colin for real, good morning, past three times, Saint Day number three. Shirley's out again today for precautionary measures, ladies and gentlemen, food number two, let me two Jay, Yeah, President and all accounted for watch out there now. Yes, And the King of fools, Nephew Thomas, Yes, sir in the building, Uner State, Let's let's get it, Junior is out today for precautionary measures also, right. So this this this thing is real joke. No, it's not. We have something about it, but the situation is not a joke. Serious. Yeah, you know it's serious. When white people say they wish Barack Obama was back. When it's seriously, when you hit it just got real, It got real man, I'm gonna tell you something, man. According to a stats I've been eating, the safest place on the planet right now, in terms of large countries, it's the UAE United Arab Emirates. It is the safest place to day. They have conducted more coronavirus tests than anybody. They have the lowest death rate, they have the lowest infection rate. They jumped on this thing right away. It has a lot to do with the leadership over there because they're serious, they love their people, and they do everything to protect and keep their their people safe. If our leadership had a jumped on this instead of calling it a hoax, instead of having the past bills and all is here. Thankful for the Pelosi gang who got together and passed the bill in the House. Of course, down Trump, it's gonna take credit for this bill, but you know they passed it. But the safest place, according to statistics that I received from a close friend of mine, is the UAE. And it has a lot to do with the leadership over there. So I'll call behind schedule. All we we know we lost two weeks because he played with him being the hoax. We know that we two weeks in the hole for sure. So well, okay, when we come back at thirty two after we got a lot to discuss today, plus it's time to ask this CLO. We're gonna switch things up and answer some questions right after this. Let's do it. You're listening show, all right, guys, It is now time for ask the CLO. And the CLO is the Chief Love Officer. Now this is missus Steve Hi bad You ready, Steve? Yeah, Okay, here we go. This one is from Sean in Columbus, Georgia. I am a forty five year old man. Me and my girlfriend were together for sixteen years. I cheated on her in the beginning. I knew it was wrong and I apologize. We moved on. Fast forward to three weeks ago. She goes to a friend's wedding back in our hometown, and she was acting different. After the wedding, I caught her texting an old friend of hers and she told me she ran into him at the wedding and he texts to say it was good seeing her. A week later, she told me she wanted to be alone by herself to work on herself. She has cut all ties with me. Won't answer my text or my cause, and she blocked me on social media. I'm scared that she has left me for good. What do you think, clo, Well, certain, let me help you with understand something. If you've been with a woman sixteen years, she went to the wedding, a guy contacted you cheated on her, and you apologize. She didn't forget. She may have forgave you, but she didn't forget. Something came up. She still don't trust you, but she forgave you. Something came up. Now she has told you she need a week to get herself together. She won't call you, text you, talk to you, and she didn't block you on social media. You're scared and you should be. You don't see now, dog. She could be up in the mountains getting herself together, but she probably ain't up there by herself. And I doubted there in the mountains anyway. Yeah, Black people don't do mountains that money. This club is Georgia. She's somewhere quarantine with somebody. Steve. Yeah, I mean that's real. Mountains have rocks, and I think she's getting hairs off you. And mountains got lions, and I think she's got one that's roaring Steve yes, all right, next one. Here we go Patricia and Harlem. Oh, Harlem World, Steve. I'm a sixty two year old woman and I've been trying out for America's Got Talent for five years now, but haven't got chosen yet. I attended one of their tapings this past weekend and on a commercial break, the host of the show invited anyone with talent to come up from the audience. I ran up there, I sang a song, and the audience loved me so much they gave me a standing ovation. Steve. I always listened to your motivational talks on line. You gave me the encouragement that I needed to keep keep auditioning. I'm an attractive older woman and I still have all my teeth. What do you think I should keep pursuing my goal to become a big time singer. Well, now here's the deal. I think you have to just decide what it is you want to be. If you're hoping to get someone to sign you to a record deal, I think you have to look at the record industry now, take a close look at what they're doing and who they're signing. That's not to say that you can't have a singing career on cruise ships. That's not to say that you can't do performance at certain reviews and shows and stuff like that. Maybe allowned singer, you know, on breaks or something like that. That's not to say a record deal at sixty two, I'm not sure of. But the dream of being a big singer can still be had. It's just you may have to adjust how you where you're gonna sing that. So, you know, just start the process. You've waited a while in life. I'm assuming and I'm pretty sure they loved you at the audition and they gave you a standing ovation, and that's great, but now you have to remember what the moment was. You didn't get selected around other people. You are sixty two year old woman that came about the crowd and they gave you a standing ovation. That's a different setting than ladies and gentlemen. You've paid fifty dollars and here she is, here's Gretta. Now Greta coming out there after somebody had bought a ticket. That that's a different level of expectation. So I'm being encouraging to you. I think there's a shot, but I think you're gonna have to start the process of singing in certain smaller venues and get on with some shows and look at doing some cruise ships and make some tapes and stuff like that. But it's highly possible it's going on cruise right now. Can I say something to add to that? My answer through I don't. When I be quiet, I already know what's coming. So Jake, don't add to it. Just make your damn steak. You want to separate, you know you want my answer separate from your answer you I want to damn disclaimer with Joe. Here's what she could do. Listen to some of the look up some of the names that out there that people are paying, say, fifty dollars to go see. Does Gretta sound like any of those names you hear out there? That's that's all I'm saying. And you Patricia, and she's from Harlem, Patricia Steve well even that even that either Patricia, that's that's even better. Have you heard people laying down big money and she and Harlan why don't she go to Apolo and saying you already know, don't try, boy, I have seen a lot of dreams dying. That's the last place they don't give the damn who you are? So all right, we gotta go coming up new Timmy is here. We run that prankback right after you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, fellas. Okay, I'm gonna need you guys to give some of the players out there some advice. This is a trending story from overseas. A British man visited his mistress in Italy, and now right he has every hour plus in Italy. That right there. I don't know, ignorant, but we can talk about it at the top. Let me get the busts and the standing by. But right now, I'll come on, nef you run that frank back. What you got I got it, I got it, I got it. Must it baby, must baby. A lot of them not there right, let's live right now, everybody at home and how a lot of musty baby. Let's go yester yester do come? Okay? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach the Banessa place. He sh I's my name is Robert. I'm mean one of the owners. You know, my wife Michelle. We own there. Yes, yes, yes, yes, I help you. Okay, we've been uh I think we've had your son Malik probably close to a year now. I'm all right, yes you have is everything? Okay? So everything is fine, Everything is fine. I don't think we have a problem that we can't clear up. Um, I have a question for you. Have you been noticing anything different about Malik? Um, like, concerning hygiene at all? I gene no, not that I can be called. What are you talking about? Okay? How old is Malik? He's too? Okay, Well, we soon have come across a little glitch here that we're going to try to take care of here at the at the daycare. Actually my wife didn't. I told her I would make the phone call and leave her out of it. I know you see her every day once. Yeah, but what glitch are you talking about? What? What is this glitch? I'm sorry, glitch? What is this glitch that you want to talk about? I'm confused? Okay. Well, actually, what we're having is it seemed like every day here lately for the last two months, Malik has been you know, very musty. You know, he hasn't been really sweaty, but just real musty. Okay, you clearly have the wrong child, because I give my son a bath every night and most Martin is before he leaves to school, I give him another bath again. So yeah, I'm pretty positive you have the wrong child. No, man, your son is Malik, right, and he's two years old. You guys have been here with us right close to a year now, correct, Yes, Okay, and he's a cute little kid with the curly hair. I know exactly which one is. So what I'm what I'm saying to you is that we are having problems. He's just he's just reaching. You know, he's real musty. Okay, you know what my son does not reek. I don't know what child you're talking about, but you're not talking about my child. I just told you and make sure that he gets a bath every night. So that's not my child. My child is very clean. Okay, Well what hang on, Vanessa. What I'm trying to get you to understand is I'm trying to This is why my wife didn't want to call. Okay, and I'm glad I'm actually the one that made the call. What we need to do. This is what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna child a little experiment for the next month or so. Experiment. No, I'm sorry, Well, what do you mean experient? What kind of experiment. Well, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some male deodorant on him for the next well just for the next month, and we'll see how it plays out. No, no, no, you're not You're not gonna put anything on my child. That's not gonna happen. Okay, Well, man, I'm trying to I'm trying to fix the problem here. I just wanted to call it doesn't have a problem. I already told you that my son is clean. You're not gonna put any ordering on him, and if you do, it's going to be a problem. Do you understand me? Okay, man, I'm not trying to have an argument with you. What I want you to know is I'm not trying to have an argument either, But you're trying. You talked about putting the I'm gonna tell you easy, you can't do that. I'm not gonna have to happen in Please don't make me have to come down to that school for you and your wife. Okay, man, listen, we're gonna have to do something about your child. Your child is musty okay, And you're sitting here getting an attitude with me, and I'm trying to let you know your child is much nonsense. Maybe you're the one that is musty, maybe you and your wife or musty. My child is not musty. I keep telling you that I bathed him every night. Which part of that don't you understand? I understand everything that you're saying. Maybe it's the soap, maybe something that is not taking effect. I'm not sure. Okay, maybe he doesn't smell a m because I don't know what child smell on my child. You are not using that on my child. Do I need to come down there for you with the comps and suit your entire establishment. You don't want that to happen staying away from my child? Are you crazy? You know? Matter of fact? Great my son? Man, you're satisfied your son in there with the rest of the kids. They're playing. You know, today is the first day I sprayed a little bit of mail the odor and under how that works? Cheryl? Can you come up for me for a couple of minutes, I was I'm reading right now. I'll be there within the hour. Because you must be crazy. I mean, you sprayed my son spram. I just sprayed a little bit of the odor and on it. Just to see if we can get me commission to do that. And I keep telling you. I said there's nothing wrong with my child, and you took it up on her chalk to go and spray my child, and you weren't about to jo are you? I'm reading right now? Okay? Well, what are you coming here for? The boy is? You're the son of Malik? Is fine? Why are you coming here? He's curling? That fine? If you're going around spraying? How don't you say? Because clearing is you're smelling and riaking and funky as hell. I didn't give you no child. I'm gonna I promise you. I promise you. I'm gonna ah y'all because you crazy. Okay, let me say this man. Your son is Musty. He's been king for the must because you must you know what. I didn't even try to hear you, because you're you're clearly crazy. How are you going I'm spraying people's kids? Hello? What's my child? Did you smell? Be ever kidding? You know what? I'm about to get in my car. Come on there for your because you must be crazy? Hello? Hello, Hello, why did you hang up on me? I'm trying to fix the problem. Ma'am, well, I told you that I'm coming down there. I'll be there and telling one but I needed to let you know one more thing that's going on here. What could you possibly let me know? Because I'm on my waist right now. Where are you? Now? Are you in your car? Where are you? I am heading to my car, not to get in my car to come down there for because you must be crazy spraining my child before you get to your car. I need, I need to tell you one more thing about your stid. Okay, please, you possibly have to tell me. I want to tell you that is Listen to me, this is nephew. Tell me to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend sherl got me to play fall. Don't call you. I stand here in the back lot about been coming out. I never knew exactly what I was about. I'm gonna get her. I forget it because I'm nigga. I know my child and musty. I know my child is clean and he don't smell. I anna get her. I just talked to right here in her cubicle. You gotta call her right now, I said, Okay, just chill out, I'll call her. You don't know is Malik nice and clean. Malik is always nice and clean and smelling right. So I don't know what the hell you were talking about. I was like, got my child? You got the wrong child. You are about to get it. You don't even know. Oh man, Vanessa, you gotta tell me one more thing. Baby, what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, the one and only Steve and there you have it? Play too much playing with these peoples. I think, what's your guy going on? Joe? If you're traveling and before the President stops that, you're going through Atlanta, you're going through Mobile and you're going through Birmingham, Alabama. Stop at hunters Is Hunt Yeah, and check out your boys hot saucers in three airports. Soon be more. Yeah, thank you very much. Man. Coming up at the top of the hour, we got entertainment and national news at the top. You're listening to morning show. Okay, guys, you're going to have to give some of the players out there some good advice after hearing this story. So a successful British businessman has contracted the coronavirus and it is about to contract I think a butt whooping from his wife. Now, this man who was a jet setter, he caught the virus while he was in Italy visiting his mistress. His wife thought though he was traveling within the UK for work on business. But when he tests positive for the virus, he had to let the doctors and health officials know that he brought it back with him from Italy. Now the officials say that the guy, the patient, said that his wife has no idea about his infidelity and would like to keep it that way. Meanwhile, well, meanwhile the wife has been forced to quarantine, which is probably a good thing for his cheating behind. But anyway, days, well, he probably told her that he got it within the UK. See, he didn't tell her that he was in Italy. But though we could be quarantined in the same house together, he's just probably she's probably in a different room and he's in a different room. My lie is I got it on the plane. Somebody called dead in my face. Yeah. See, I don't even know why he talking about Italy. I don't even want he bringed Italy up for now. You said he's a successful business man. Successful don't stop you from being stupid. Who takes the ass to of all the places. Who the hell go to Italy? Man, he ain't watching Italy. He was already there. His mistress lived in Italy. Yeah, but he told his his wife thought he was on a business trip in the UK. Yes, he flew his ass to Italy. Yes, to see his girl. Now I understand it. Now listen to me. Listen, listen to me. Sex is a powerful thing. It's it's it's so power and mean. You walked to Italy. Yeah, so it's a damn show. Make you get on the plane and fly into virus central. I'm on flying to the damn good. Yeah, you will do it. And let me tell you something. He might not even got it from the girl just on the way. Tough in the cab the ooh boy he him anyway, Man, itly got hit bad. But how see why he he's stupid? He should have he didn't allow Why did he we told too much of it. Why did he have to say he was in Italy and went to see his mistress and his wife. Don't know? Why would you let that come out your mouth? Okay, okay, cool. So they got proof that you was in Italy. I got on the damn plane. You get on the wrong plane. I don't know what we're not fitting to do. It's say I would have got on that to my mistress, that ain't that ain't what we fit on the plane that I'm here with. That don't win How I got on that. Hours on that they re routed the plane to Italy. Okay, that's what app and then that's how you got it. Yeah, the pilot gave it to me. Just stop cheating. You wouldn't have these problems about Listen to him, Carlin, that's nothing to happen. That's nothing to happen. There are a huge, huge number of men who do not cheat, right, but down some men that's unhappy. Now, I'm gonna tell you something right now, because they are. Women are cheat and we just had a clo question about a woman that's cheating. So let's not make it like it's only men who cheat. Here's what I think. If people are married and they are unhappy, I think they have a propensity to seek happiness when they're not happy. Now I'm with the propensity, whatever that is. I'm with the propensity. Let's go Steve, Ladies and gentlemen, miss and trip. Okay, thank you guys. I'm gonna take a little serious right now. President Trump has signed the first Coronavirus Relief Bill into law, providing for paid sick leave, added unemployment benefits, free coronavirus testing, among other things. And Trump's also employing the Defense Production Act, that's a federal provision that allows the government to marshal the private sector in response to the COVID nineteen pandemic if needed. In other words, that he can get private companies to start making masks and stuff like that, he can just order them to do. That. Mean, while the President said it's all hands on deck with the Federal Emergency Workers, FEMA now is fully engaged at the highest levels. Today, FEMA is activated in every region. We are at level one, Level one being the highest level. The Treasury Department's calling on Trump to authorize two two hundred and fifty billion dollars bills, two of them to provide cash payments to folks affected by the virus for the first checks going out next month, the second wave in May. The amounts will be based on income and family size. And the presidents also announced a fifty billion dollar aid package for major airlines in the US. By the way, Trump says he gives himself a ten over the way he's handled a situation thus far. At last look, nationally, there were eight thousand, seven hundred and thirty six CORONA infections in the US. One hundred and forty nine Americans have died. Globally, there have been more than eight thousand Corona deaths, eight thousand US officials trying to prevent things from getting bad here as they are right now. In Italy or where the situation is a nightmare. Officials in Rome have announced a huge single day jump in Corona infections in just twenty four hours. Italy's recorded a whopping four thousand, two hundred and seven new cases, with four hundred and seventy five more people dying during the same twenty four hour period. Also, no funerals are allowed over there to avoid large gatherings of people, so folk can't even bury their loved ones. Things are that bad. All told, there have been more than thirty five thousand COVID nineteen cases in Israel. In Italy rather with almost three thousand deaths for GM, they've temporarily shut down their factories. They're cleaning them up. That will government sending one of two hospit little ships to New York to try to help also, and they are going to have about a thousand beds on the ship, and they're gonna offload people who are not really critical or don't have COVID violence the virus on the hospital ships, so that there will be more hospital beds within the city of New York because they're really going to be needed. This is important. Doctor say four out of every five people who get the virus contracted it from somebody who didn't even know they were infected. Finally, check out Gloria Gainer's TikTok video. She sings a bit of a mega hit, I will survive. She's singing at a sink and she's saying, hey, washing her hands because we will survive. That's right. Check out the video on my Facebook page. By the way, Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show you're listening to. Show. Yesterday, President Trump said he doesn't think calling COVID nineteen the Chinese virus or the kungue flu, as one of his administration officials reportedly called it puts Asian Americans at risk of the targets of hay crime. Now take a listen to the president when he was asked about it at press conference yesterday. Why do you keep calling this the Chinese virus? There are reports of dozens of incidents and bias against Chinese Americans in this country, your own age secretary as Arm says, he does not use this term. He says ethnicity does not cause the virus. Why do you keep using this as it comes from jost It's not racist at all, No, not at all. It comes from China. That's why comes from China. I want to be accurate place, John Great. I have great love for all of the people from our country. But as you know, China tried to say at one point, maybe this stuff now that it was caused by American soldiers, that can't happen. It's not going to happen, not as long as our president. Let's change that. Let's try to change that. Wow, do you believe he's that's the first thing that came out of this because it comes from China. Hey, man, listen to me. I don't understand how as a country that we've accepted this behavior from the highest office in our land possible to achieve the President of the United States, and how the Republican Party one backs this guy with rhetoric and tones like this completely wrong. You, this is so wrong on so many levels. How in the world has the Republican Party got behind this, man, one is beyond me. Well, I know exactly why. I know why. I'll just say it like I've been saying it, because of position, power and money. And that's a sad state for people that we put in the office to want to be in at all costs, even at the integrity of our country. And when you when you make I'm not racist at all, that's a racist thing to say. Yeah, Now, this is not what to say. If it was a Chinese disease, then only Chinese people would have it. This is a worldwide epidemic or pandemic whatever they want to call it, and it affects everybody, pandemic whatever. I'm I'm so secreted right. The virus doesn't respect any borders, right, And it's not like from a certain race of people. You don't know where it comes from. Man, they have not determined that yet. This is sad. Man. I can't believe it's well, y'all can't. Y'all can't. That's That's what I'm about to say. You can't believe it come on. Man, Yeah, we gotta go coming up at thirty four after the hour, we gotta switch a little, gears. You're gonna tell us about food that people are sleeping on. That's still plenty of influxury stores. There's plenty of it. Lenning right after this. You're listening Steve Harpy Morning Show. Okay, guys, so you're here to help out the listeners with a list of food that people are sleeping on, and there's still plenty in stock at grocery. Running down, Steve, run something down, Run something down. Man, I don't know why anybody is sleeping on prune juice. Anybody want it? You know why? Okay? Because we ain't got enough toilet paper. That's why Lenny prune juice in there. It's just sitting there waiting to be picked. And there what else in the store, Lots of I was in there and I saw the call of flower, lots of it. Man, it's sitting right there. Nobody's buying it, is right, one of my favorites, one of my all time favorite. You're going there right now, get all the damn cream or wheat. You won't, but you want to eat this stuff. Y'all talking about man, you're missing it talking about let me too, where the old black dude on it? You know what they're sleeping on? Pickle pig feet, Man, they're sleeping on the man that right there. Yeah, that's a meal right there. Call and while you in the pickles sets and get them pickle eggs. They're sitting right there, man, right, get you many. You won't pay dog this high. No, we ain't in no crisis because you can get all the damn spam you want. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I've been to the stores. Y'all know the shelves. Yeah. Yet though they're sleeping on stuff, let me tell what else is in the store. Can spinach? Can spinach? Is plenty of it is there? And if you I don't want the man's a sound crowd. That's that and all the damn bock choy you can put in your it's that. There's so much damn bock choy at it's over there by yourself. Listen, listen, listen, listen. If you go over with the chicken normally normally go over there ain't no chickens there, but the gizzarts is right there, hommy, you're absolutely right. Black Neighborhood yeah. Yeah, And if that's what you like, another selection of meat do with your chicken gizzarts? I didn't meat is right down, boy. Hey man, I'm gonna tell you what else you could get plenty of because the kids ain't buying none of this. You won't dry beans and uncooked rice loaded. Hey man, all these young people work for me. You know what they were complaining about the other day. I was talking with the man. All my snacks is gone, snap snacks, snacks. Man, you better make a pot of something, some beans. Dog, do those of us that's been without know how to get through this pot or something? Yeah? Stretch it, stretch baby, right here, right here. This is it. Now we in the house, so you're gonna have to deal with this. I'm not going outside. Sardans get you as many kids and and some and some crackers. Boy, Hey, hey, dog, I got a partner that eats sardeans and said crowd every single day, every single day he eats sardeans. And now his body is amazing. His breath is too, though. Whip whip, Now listen, listen, here's something you can get. And I ain't never handed when I see it, It's always there. How tongue right there, man, it's the right there and everybody ever get that. But it's right there, it's right now. What else? But but you're hungry though you're going through somebody, I'll tell you. I'll tell you something. They got plenty of come can lie my beans? Kids? All the rolls up lo Joe Carter can't get away from them quick to okay, hold on, let me think, oh, let me think. I can't top that? Can Thank you for the list fellas covering up next and every time he's here with today's frank phone call. Right after this you're listening Steve coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's strawberry letter. The subject is his mouth may be a deal breaker Steve this letter, yes, uh huh. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got there, Well, call everybody inside, so you know, let's give you one of them inside prank. This is thick and shutting, thick and shutting, really, I mean everybody inside. Ain't you think it's time do this relate to all everybody going through sick? You trying to be topical. Let's go okay, so I'm trying to speak. You got him? How you I'm doing? I ain't doing too good. You've been over there praying for my wife again, right right, right, yes, sir, you came over here three times in one week. My wife had already went through the operation, and all that sh gonna be prid. I don't need you over a praying three times a week, because, honestly, I think it's something else on your mind when you come over here praying for my wife. I ain't stupid, brother, kind of hold it, brother, this brody, this is well. Your wife was on the second shot and lift reverting to come by. Revert requested that I come by. Okay, he ain't requested for you to bring your black to my house for no three times in one week, man, So you can cut that down with me. You can cut that. Hold it, brother. I came with sister Georgia the first time. The second time I came by myself because she wasn't able to come by, and I only stayed fifteen men, he's time. So what's the problem Because I already know what you what youre doing. I know you're trying to hill my wife. I ain't stoop how put your wife? I have a wife. Why would I happen to your wife? She's part of already know what you already know what you're doing. Man, you up in here shot my wife wife whine? Why nobody at the house. I already know what you do. Let me tell you something. Keep your black away from my house. If you want to pray for my wife and play my wife, boy, I'm gonna wait. Wait you ain't wait man, Oh, you can't talk to you about you lay hand. That's what you're gonna now, brother, ain't gonna be none of that, and ain't gonna be none of that. You're talking to the wrong brother nine. Okay. Now, first of all, you're not gonna disrespect me and curse me out. Okay, that's not even the way brothers should be talking to brothers. Second of all, if there's any laying on the hands, it's gonna be my hand laying on you. Okay. You ain't being the lady the lady I know trying to lay on my wife. If I find that what you're out, you know, not you mess around with my wife, it's gonna be I know, trying to do crazy. I'm just leting you I'm gonna say it one most time. Keep your black stop around my First of all, I told you once again you can't be talking to me like that. Now, I'm trying to be cool about the situation because I know he may be just upset. Okay, I can appreciate that. Okay, I have a wife, and I'll be upset if somebody's coming back to my wife. Won't you won't you and show out with your wife? You stand my down with my wife. I do you know what I'm saying now, I don't anybody with room about your house? Maybe I need to come out your house and how let your wife? Were you welcome to may come come and come lay something over their own? Huh? God? Now trying to do with my holder? Holder one man, Hold one man? I told you before being disrespected. Now, that was a very idiotic statement for you to make. Okay, that's what's going to happen. If I catch your black drip my house again, I'm gonna play this man, and then I'm getting on the phone with you, you, your pastors, any more of them, because if anybody come by my house again and I ain't there, I'm kicking your black. That's a promise. You know. Just that's it. Look him, brother, If that's gonna be any what's going on, I'm gonna be kicking your I'm gonna lay my hands on you, and I'm gonna give you a good sanctified whooping, and then I'm gonna pray for you. I'm gonna pray to heal you. Just put I'm gonna put up, okay, because I've had it with you, you know. And I only went by it to visit your wife because I was asked to go visit your wife. Now that was a problem you should have caused a pastor, okay, but you're not going to disrespect me my wife to church on the phone. Life. You want to do somebody, you can meet me any place. Well, I've been man, you know, as a matter of fact, I can go anywhere I want it in this town. If I be at your house talking to your wife, if the path asked me to go, I'm gonna be there. Okay. How you you know you just you know. It's just a stupid brother, Okay. You need to come to church. To come to church, the one you need to come to church more off, and that's the problem. You don't come to church more often. If you come to church more off, you wouldn't be talking to me like that. You wouldn't be worried about me and your wife because it must be something wrong at your house. You'll be worried by me fooling with your wife. Okay, so you need to check hut. Okay you how about that? Why don't you do that? Why don't you Why don't you just check up? Okay? Tommy says, you're the one that's cheating with my wife. That's all I know who Tommy Hammy says you. Tommy said, you're the one that's cheating around with my wife. Tommy who? Who is Tommy Tommy who? This is a nephew Tommy man, but this is never your Tommy from Steve Harmit Mortan show man. Your church member got me the prak ball, but not long for that. You know you're long, You're long. You know y'all know Highway to Hell, all of y'all. You know none stop, no, you know y'all just you know, y'all just go. You know I ain't gonna stop signs. You know I'm funa go. I'm gonna pray for all of y'all, all of your brothers, nephew, Tommy, Steve Harvey, brother, wrong for that. Okay, I'm gonna check him. I'm gonna check. I'm fuldn't go. I don't talk to you out in no more. I'm pretty I'm gonna say, brother, brother, your man. What you gotta tell me? What's the baddest radio show with the lab man Steve Hobby Martin show? Now you have baby pick and shut in too much time? Minute? What was the hold? What was the word god it? Last week? What was the word being that? Everybody? Thank you? That one? Phenomenal? Yeah, phenomena, that's what I need to hear. Phenomenon that one. No, now don't really apply here, but okay, right not listen to the Duke says, can't you be phenomenally stupid? Can't you be that? And it was phenomena? It is phenomenally stupid and he can spell it, spell it fol ilf. Oh you know last week we had problems with him full with this phenomenal Okay, if a m if he made it better, he corrected himself. Go ahead ahead, man if if a n O M I n I A phenomenal? Oh nama nail yeah, nail n ai l yea nail? Thank you sounded out. The best way to spell the word is to sound it out out the origin of the word. Please. Phenomenal, Yeah, hell yeah, I can spell phenomenal. Let me hear you got something helping him? Listen, you're just as serius serious. That's how I spell everything. Now, don't waste no damn time hurting my head. Okay, I can use it in a sentence. Go ahead, okay, sir. How many nominais would you like? I would like phone nominails please? Boy? How welcome to phenomenals? How many phenomenals would you like? I would like phone nominaials? Please? Thank you very much? Oh heated? Could you please heat those up? Heatd ja? What you've been doing at the house? Man? I have mastered piddling everything piddling, get old dog, man. I have folded and unfolded every damn thing. Hey man, I can't imagine house arrest dog. I could not imagine mouse arrest. Man. I washed, I've washed stuff that's already washed. I'm telling you, man, baseball, Hey, do this got this gotta lose? It is all right? Next week? Got today's strawberry letters? You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show Time Now for today's Strawberry Letter and if you need advice on relationship, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click Submit Strawberry Letters. Shirley Girl is out today. Steve Harvey will read the letter. I head just was clearing my throat. That was not you have. Every time you do that, you have to you have to make an announcement. I'm about to clear my throat, y'all. Excuse me. This is just thoat clearing. I ain't trying to clear the room, just trying to clear my throat. All. Right, here we go. Subject his mouth may be a deal breaker a deal Stephen Shirley, I'm a forty five year old woman. I have finally met mister Wright. Also. I thought he's got a steady job, a nice home. He treats me like a queen. We've been dating two years and he recently proposed to me. But there's just one issue with him that needs to be fixed before I agreed to marry him. It's his language, Steve. I know you're proud what you just called me, y'all. Don't no damn better, Steve. I know you're proud of your custing skills, so I need your help. Okay, well I ain't whatever. Whenever my man gets frustrated, he cusses like there's no tomorrow. Shortly after we met, he visited my church with me. Already after we met, he visited my church with him, and while this sermon was going on, he got called from his ex wife. See this bad timing now. He stepped out in the hallway to talk to his ex wife and everybody in the church could hear him cussing her out. I was shamed and did not return to that church. He is an expert cusser and sometimes it's entertaining, but I need him to reel it in a bit. He recently cussed out another parent. He cussed out another parent at his daughter's piano recital for Coffin, and the guy couldn't help it. Not in the days in time, you're gonna get cussed out. His daughter was a shame because the school's security guard put my man out of the recital. The big deal breaker for me now is he cannot refrain from cussing around my parents. Last time we all got together for dinner, my man went to the bathroom, and on the way back to our table, he stopped his toe on a rolling cart. He stumped his toe on the rolling cart. Then ti restaurant came to a screeching halt as he let out the loudest string of cuss words I've ever heard. My parents had been going to that restaurant for years, and they were so ashamed they walked out. My dad doesn't want me with a man like this, but he really is a great guy. He just got a very filed mouth. Is this something that can be changed? Or will I run the risk of being embarrassed for life if I marry him? Please? At five call him? Wow. All right, girl, let me tell you, because this letter is truly truly for Steve. But I give you a little bit. You are going to have to talk to your man and just say, you know, baby, listen. You know you were cussing in front of my parents. You have to start show in some respect. You embarrass your daughter at her recital. You know, you just cuss out of man because he kept coughing. And I know this ain't no time to be coughing, just like Steve said, but you did not have to go to that level. Whether security at the school had to remove you from the recital. You're cussing at church. It's just disrespectful. Just tell him you're a good man. Tell him you love him. But you know some people look at cussing or swearing as intimidating or it's a form of bullying. Actually, so tell him you're not blaming him for his habit. But he has to recognize it and work on it. He tell him you love him and you want to be his wife, But he can't keep relying on profanity and cuss words to express himself. You know, he's got to find another way to do it. He's got to find ways to get out of negative situations and think of something positive that he can do or say in those moments, because it is truly out of hand. You know, you just can't be going firing off at church and in front of the parents and just you got you gotta try. That's not helping. Tell me, I don't know, start a custom, yar, y'all remember that back in the day, punishment five dollars for every cuss word. But you've got to tell him that it's something that he really needs to work on. Steve, I know you want this letter. Well, so here's what I'm gonna do. First. First, I'm gonna read this. I'm gonna give you what an opinion or radio opinion when we come after the break, I'm gonna do the letter a little more justice. Let me just say this right here. You should not not marry a man because it has a file mouth. It can be changed. This is a great guy. He treats you like a queen. He's a wonderful dude. He just cuss. Cussin ain't the worst thing that command could do. He ain't cheating on you. He's not physically abusive. He's not mentally abusive, even though if he's cussing at you, that's a form of abuse. But I think that's not the problem. It's just when he gets frustrated, cusses, and so that can be dealt with and work with by you by cuss constantly encouraging him not to cuss, rewarding him for not cussing, and then at the same time showing your utter disdain when he does. Eventually, a man that loves you will make the necessary changes around you. So here's what you have to do. You have to create boundaries. You can cuss wherever you want, when you're not with me or when you're around me and my parents. I'm asking you to refrain from it. And if I look at you or nudge you, you've gone too far. And I'm not saying you can't cuss, but all these loud cussing outbreaks, if I nudge you, you need to pull up, and you need to work out a system because you don't want to give up a good man. Now, when we come back, I'm gonna read this letter and respond to it the right way. Do we need We'll be right after the hour you're listening. Okay, Steve, come on, recaps. All right, here we go. Here's a woman that has been dealing with this man. And I gave my opinion earlier. Don't leave a good man just because he cuss. Work with him. Set some parameters. You can slowly work him out of this. You can cuss, but not around me. I want you to refrain when you're around me and my parents. Other than that, you want to cuss somebody out, do whatever you wanna do. Let's work on this together, all right. That's what you don't wanna leave a good man just called it cuss everybody got flawsed. Now let's read the letter from Steve Harvey, who ain't on the radio, and I was not trying to give advice, y'all stay with me. Here we go this Stephen Shell. I'm a forty five year old woman. I finally met mister writer, so I thought. He got a steady job at nice home and treats me like a queen. We've been dating for two years and he recently proposed to me. But there's just one issue with him that needs to be fixed before I agree to marry him. It's his language, Steve, so you know why she bring my ass into this. I know you're proud of your cussing skills, so I need your help. I'm one of the best that there is, damn it. Whenever my man gets frustrated, he cussed like, ain't no tomorrow. Shortly after we met, he visited my church with me, and while a sermon was going on, he got a call from his funking ass ex wife. He stepped out in the hall way to talk to her funking ass, and everybody in the church could hear him cussing out. I'm in here trying to say the Lord and you out here calling me. You called me for now everybody asks you for this. Bush. I can't even go to church without your monkeys calling me. That's why I left you in the first place. I hope you go to hell. You make me sick. No call this phone, no more lose my number, ugly mother. Now he's an expert cussing. Sometimes it's entertaining. See I know that's why I cuss because of that line right there. I'm it's entertaining when I cussed, and so I use cussing for entertainment. So I don't do what you're tripping from. But I need him to really the he recently cutted out another pan at his daughter piano sighted for coughing, and the guy couldn't help it. My baby playing cute coffee for your baby playing and start all that coffin. You know when my baby playing the piano. You don't call when my baby playing the piano. Puck, mother, Why my baby playing? When that lord? When little baby your other baby's playing, call again? Cough again? See what happened to yo? All right? And then his daughter wasn't bads caused the school's kid to God, putting my man out to the cital. The big deal break was me. He cannot refrain from cussing round my pants? Who is your pants? Here we go? Who? Who is your Mamma, Daddy, Joseph and Mary? What? But how they ain't that? How the old lass ain't here? No custom? We go together to dinner. My man went to the bathroom. On the way back to our table, he stumped his toe on the rolling caught what the put this card? And this? This is the worst place you can put the rusty car? This the dumbist. Oh to suit everybody in this mother, I didn't come in here though, he have no cart? Tell him this bush. He loved this too, but oh too. But he let out the loudest cuss words I've ever heard. My parents have been going to that restaurant for years, and they were so ashamed they walked out, walks out by what My dad don't want me to man man like this? What you want me to wear? What you want an old man like your daddy, same restaurant for thirty years. My dad don't want me to man man like that. But he really is a great guy. He just has a very filed mouth. Is this something that can be changed or will I run the risk of being bass for life? Now? Is he going in bass? You? Sometimes? But you can get some parameters going. Say, listen, you're cussing is a real problem for me. It's embarrassing and I love you and I don't want you to embarrassment though, So I'm just gonna ask you not to cuss around me. And if you cuss around me, I promise you I'm gonna slap you about you. I'm an haul off cock, slap the monkey out of you. Now cuss again your black Now see, sometimes you got to embarrass or cusser to get him to stop. And that's my suggestion, and that's my reading of the letter. Yeah, and let that. Can I say something? You made me so moth I'm proud. I ain't gonna ja jaye, how about you? I just would like to say that was the funniest man and a lone mother. Thank you, Ain't you man? That means a lot to me? That was that was phenomenal. Thank you? Hain't this letter so call? I guess you don't want to say nobody who is? I don't know why I've ever heard calling me back? Y'all. We got mold right after that you're listening Steve Morning Show. All ain't come on. Steve introduced our girl. Sure under one, Steve Harvey, look him, it's going down. Baby. Let me say something. These streets is hot. The coronavirus and said Jathan Brown, I hear you laughing over man was halfing. My brother was having. We got the cap us, we got the omegas, and we got the sigmas at the zai. Ain't nobody shaking nobody's hand? Nobody nobody is. But here's what we're gonna need to do. First of all, we need to go back to the old fashioned telephone tree that the old Saras and the old frad brothers call each other on the phone. You all right, now, where is Junior? Where's Junior? Because I noticed I don't hear my baby voice on this He's out today, shirl. He's out off well off well because listen, Adris help us, God listen to me. And his lady was the quested, you win him. I need to know where Junior is. I swear I sweat for Lord. I punch a coronavirus in the face if you try to get up old Julior. I gotta check on my food. Shirley Scrabberry when you no shoot. But I'm sorry, cat beat that because I'm gonna tell you something. It bet not be Shirley and Junior together, Mary bad listening. We will fight over this coronavirus. I'm telling you, Tommy, now, men, you we gotta get on that stroll. Now. You say you're doing it for money, right, Tommy, is that what you say? You're doing it for money? I'm out dad shaking that ass for toilet paper. Baby, you can't. You can't find a roller. Damn you want to do something strange, but the color paper. I never I never shook so much. But listen to me, you better ask somebody. Dudes. I give you fifteen thousand dollars now, I just need two rolls of shot. Brother, listen to me. It is going down. No makeup, all nothing, no wig. This is what it is. We're keeping it real with the coronavirus out there. But I'm gonna tell you something. With all due respect, we I prayed up. We know Goddess in control. What we need to do is be prayed up and prepared. Get on lockdown for two weeks maybe three. If you show on your money and your food Let's start helping each other as neighbors. Let's dig together, let's do some good in the neighborhood, and let's use the radio airwaves to send messages to people let them know they are right. All black radio need to let everybody know you are right. And all advertisers need to be advertising through black radio because that is where the people hear us and we talk to the people. I'm out, Steve Harvey. But if you got a twelve pack of toilet paper up your girl, Thank you, Cheryl girl. Reality Update at the top of the hour you're listening to it is at time. She is here the one and only call a Farrell with Reality Update. All right, well, thank you, nephew. Well Steve Jay Tommy. You know everybody home watching TVs. Yes, they are watching TV. Real Housewives of Atlanta Reality Update. The girls went on a trip to Greece and the ladies went to dinner on this like skylift Landmark. It's a restaurant where you're up in the air, a hundred and something feet up in the air. And anyway, while having dinner on this attraction, if you will, Kenya decides to throw shade at Cynthia and quiz her about her wine knowledge, you know, because Cynthia has that wine cellar business, a Wineloft back in Atlanta, and it wasn't cool. So the ladies were like, you know, looking at Kenya like you're wrong for that. You know, she was just trying to see how much she actually really knew about wine and it just wasn't really cool. Anyway, portiona Nini, they chopped it up. They kind of made up. Porssia decided to forgive Ninie and they both apologize to each other because you guys, remember last season, Porsche, you know she was through with Ninie. Remember when she grabbed Porsche when she tried to run in her closet y'all remember that when I was talking about closet GA remember that, yep, yep, I hear you, Steve. Anyway, Ninie and Porsche they talked it out. They didn't Neednie body shamed Porsche right after she had her baby. She called a fat, she called her a big pig and all of that. But Niangster though, yeah, dog didn't he rude? Man? I mean, man was she broughtly shaming the girl for But at the end of the day, what they got to do though they got to tell Porsche she frying, yeah, it's beautiful. Yeah, you know, when you get through it all that now. But anyway, Jay, they made up, so they're cool. So anyway, Kenya got mad at the producers because they were like, you know, they asked her questions. You know how when they do their little testimonial and they're talking and kind of talking about what happened. Well, one of the producers asked, Kenya, you know you were mad when Tanya publicly said that you wear wigs, but then you went in on Cynthia's knowledge of wine publicly, so you kind of embarrassed her, you know, because Cynthia, you know, and all the rest of the ladies was like, hey, you messing with this girl's business like that. You know, she makes money off of this. Why are you trying to embarrass her like that. Kenya got mad at the producers, saying it was not the same thing. So, you know, Kenya didn't own her part and her responsibility. She has to own her actions because Kenya condition it, but she can't take it. So later at the party, the ladies they were at this house in Greece and they had to keep it one hundred with the each other and they had to pass around these little crown Greek goddess wreath. Did you see that time he see you started throwing that popcorn. That's when Nini started throwing that pop Yes, that's exactly it, Nephew, your way, that's it. Yes, So Kenya and Ninie they got into it. Can you call Ninie by polar Nini went in and said, that's why your man don't like you, and that's why he left you, because you know, Kenya and her husband Mark just got a divorce. And you know, child, I slipped off my couch when she said that, it just got a well you know wow, yeah, pretty pretty much, Steve. It's it's the marriage seems like it's over. Nini threw popcorn just like Tommy said at Kenya, and it looks like it's gonna be some more fighting next. It it ain't over now, you know Tommy at home watching it, folks. I'm one of my wife. I can't touch the remote control in the room. When you watch you stop it, just stop. You saw me, that's right, Steve. So I want you guys to follow me at lips by Carla on social media and you can check out the best of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We got a reality update podcast. I got I got it, I got something. I want to talk to Stephen Jay when we come back. It's good. Oh, no problem, Let's do it twenty after the hour. We'll be back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. What's you got, Nephew? You want to ask you boys question. I want to talk to Unca, Steve and Jay. I got a business that I think this is the right time for. No. I think you gotta hear me out man, you gotta hear me. I think it's perfect. I don't think we have to invest a lot. She right right here, right, here's two things going wrong. I think kiss perfect and we ain't gotta invest a lot. Okay, it's perfect. We do not have to invest a lot. Okay. Tell me what you think a drive through like strip strip joint drive through, strip joint drive through, Get your dance, put your money in the window, keep on moving. Who do Yeah, it's called peep shows. Already got it. They ain't gonna drive through. Dog. Yeah, listen to me. Listen to me. When you drive up to the window, you think you're the only one gonna see it. But then you don't think nobody like walk by your car can see it. You gotta put Yeah, we gotta block, so we gotta we gotta work it out. Would you drive through, get your dance and keep it moving. That's we're missing. Some way that will work is if you do a drive through car wash strip club where you can stay in your car and instead of brushes niked people wash your car and then they stay inside the building when you go out, people with clothes on drive. All right, we'll be back at thirty three after the hour. I have a stupid you're listening to morning show guest. Today, President Trump said he doesn't think calling COVID nineteen the Chinese virus or the congue of flu, as one of his administration officials reportedly called it puts Asian Americans at risk of being targets of hate crimes. Now take a listen to the President when he was asked about it at press conference yesterday. Why do you keep calling this the Chinese virus? There are reports of dozens of incidents and bias against Chinese Americans in this country. Your only aide Secretary Azar says he does not use this term. He says ethnicity has not caused the virus. Why do you keep using this because it comes from It's not racist at all, No, not at all. It comes from China. That's why it comes from China. I want to be accurate place, John Great, I have great love for all of the people from our country. But as you know, China tried to say at one point, maybe there's stuff now that it was caused by American soldiers that can't happen. It's not gonna happen, not as long as I'm president. Well, let's change that. Let's try to change that. Wow, he do you believe he said, That's the first thing that came out of his mouth at the President, he said, calling it comes from China. Hey, man, listen to me. I don't understand how as a country that we've accepted this behavior from the highest office in our land possible to achieve, the President of the United States, and how the Republican Party one percent backs this guy with rhetoric and tones like this completely wrong? You, This is so wrong on so many levels. How in the world has the Republican Party got behind this man? One is beyond me. Well, I know exactly why. I know why I'll just say it like I've been saying it because of position, power and money, And that's a sad state for people that we put in the office to want to be in at all costs, even at the integrity of our country. And when you when you make I'm not racist at all, that's a racist thing to say. Yeah, if it was a Chinese disease, then only Chinese people would have it. Yeah, all right, guys, coming up, we got the last break of the day, the last it's the last break of the day. Apologize and stop apologizing. Just get it right. Damn. Hey, hey, hey, what who just cough? Tommy? That was me? Okay, okay, I heard a call. That was me. I'll be back, you know what, won't be here to morrow. Talk about last break? All right to your last day. You're listening show, it's the last break of the day. Said good, That was good, Jack for the man. Be careful. You know what you have to announce a cough now, yea, well you you have to say this. Hey, hey, y'all, excuse me, excuse me about to clear my throat. Yeah, even weed smokers, we're not trusting y'all either. When you hold with their coffin. Okay, time tim hold hold Timmy, you said it right? Oh my god, I did, I said, big celebrations, said well, I said, we he listed it again one more time. Noah, oh man, But you heard me the first time I said it. I said, even please, oh man, y'all heard me. Thought, Hey, here's a closing remarks today. I thought about this and this really really helped me when I came to this understanding about current circumstances or situations. And I want to help you all understand something I need. I need every body, count of foot stay with me on this. I want you to understand that your present circumstance or not your outcome. This is really important. Your present circumstance is not your outcome. Now, you know, I've always viewed the word outcome real simple to me. It simply means how it will be when you come out. In other words, whatever you're going through, whatever you're dealing with, when it's done, what will be the outcome or how will you be when you come out of it? Because the fact of the matter is, whatever you're going through, you're gonna come out of it, no matter what it is. Now it may be lasting. This situation or circumstances might be last aston a little bit longer than you want it to, but it will end. I mean, you know, it's like old folks say, this too shall pass. So with that fact, you've got to learn to resist the thinking that your present circumstance is the determining factor in who you are or what you're going to be, because you are not at the actual outcome. Now, y'all, this is very important information because see, one of the devil's best tricks is to actually get you believe that there is no outcome. His best trick is getting you to believe that this is it, that this won't ever get any better than it is right now. The devil don't want you to believe that there is an outcome. See, the devil actually wants you to believe that this is permanent, that this is as good as it gets. Now. His only mission now I'm talking about the devil, y'all. His only mission now is to rob you of your destiny. But listen to me. Listen to this. Your destiny is on the other side of the situation. It's on the other side of this set of circumstances that you're going to your destiny is in the outcome, and the devil don't want you to see it or believe it. He wants to rob you of your destiny. You cannot let him win this battle. You cannot, folks. You have always got to understand stand there is an outcome. There is something that you are going to come out of whatever you're going through, there's something you're trying to get through the other side. Now, I want to tell you something. Now, it's three things. Three things can help you win this battle of getting to the outcome. I'm gonna give you three quick things that can help you win the battle of getting to your destiny. All right. Number one, this is the best one. Your relationship with God. Here's a cool thing, y'all. God don't care who you are or what you've done. He just wants to have a relationship with you. But you gotta want one with him because he God ain't gonna force hisself. Only because he gives you a power of choice. You have to decide that you want him. That's number one. You've got to form the relationship with God. I'm telling you how to win the battle of getting to the outcome. I'm giving you what you got to do to win the battle of getting to your destiny. The second thing, you need all the incredible stories and verses in the Bible or the Koran. All these incredible stories and verses that's in the Bible or the Koran, whatever your faith is, these writings of truth. They were given to us to inspire us, uplift us, and motivate us to our destiny. So you got one your relationship with God, and you got to all the incredible stories and verses in the Bible and the Koran. The third thing you need disabiguity your past history. If you could take an inventory of all your past experiences and really admit to all the things He's done for you, everything he's gotten you through, I mean, like real, like to take your normal negative view of life out of the way for a minute. Think of all the times it could have been worse. Think of all you could have not survived, all the times they wrote you off. What about the times they laughed at you. What about the time when you didn't see no way, And how about the times when you thought you wouldn't go make it? Take inventory of everything God done for you in the past, and that's how you get to know that this too shall path has that will help you win the battle of getting to your outcome or getting to your destiny, that will work every time. Those are my closing n morns for all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.