Shirley opens up the show telling us about her experience seeing Uncle Charlie perform this past weekend. Ray J apparently has a magic hat. There was a unanimous vote to remove President Trump's star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Miss Ann talks about Chi-Town and more in National News. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Juliette VS Tommy. The crew asks The Steve Harvey Nation what they are mad at and we get some interesting calls. Apparently, Winnie The Pooh is having problems in China. The LA Rams make history and break barriers. Today in Closing Remarks, the fellas talk about the nail shop, barber shop, strip club and so much more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all song looking back to back down, giving them just like themaking buck bus things. And it's cos y'all to me true good to the hardy guy. Listen one to move to other for stooar hand clean to hobby. Don't you join yea yeah, well by join me in doing me honey sat turning, Yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn the turn you love me. Got to turn out to turn water water go, comey, come on your back at it. Ah, I shall will good minded everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show. Somebody sent me an email one day that, you know, kind of a nasty little email, you know, I think I said it wants to before Steve Harvey trying to be a preacher man. I'm so far from being a preacher man. I can't even tell you. But what I am trying to do is share information. I understand how haters work, and I understand how the devil was. Believe me, I do you know, sometimes even heat the devil surprises me at the level and the angles of attack they use, you know which, I go, Wow, man, I didn't I didn't see that one. Oh that was pretty slick. I got I gotta get her credit on that. We try to get me, But every time you try to get me, I get saved. I get saved every time, man, because because God got me, God got some angels camped around me. That's what my mom used to always say as Sunday school teacher. Never really understood it, but you know when I was growing up as a kid, but I got it. Now, you got some angels around me. And angels come into form sometimes with people, people who pull your coat to this, or introduce you to that, or reveal some information to you like this. He got them all around me. So see, having a relationship with God has been beneficial to me, y'all. It's not just that what he gives to me, but what he protects me from. And you know, some some people wonder, what if you were God? Why he letting people do that to you? Now, that's not how it works. See, there's two forces in this world, as good and as evil, and if you succumb to good, that's what you become. That's what you do. But everybody don't succumb too good. Some people succumbed to evil. Some people's mission is to hate, to destroy, to tear down, And so that forces at work in this world too. And when that force comes up against me, what God never promised me that I wouldn't see none of that, that I wouldn't see the attacks, that I would not come under fire, that I would not be falsely accused. He didn't say that, a matter of fact, he for warned me that it would happen. But what he does give me in those moments, on moments of comfort and peace, knowing that He's with me, and no, no matter what my enemy does to bring me down, it ain't gonna work. It ain't gonna work. So come if you want to fight, if you will. I have a man that has been attacking me since I owned the comedy club in Dallas. He has been on a mission. Every job I get, he send out all he's he's sending them the people that I'm with. He didn't send it to the w B. He just sent these notifications falsely claiming that he has some information that can destroy me, that he has some audio clips of me saying things on stage that could destroy me and that if I don't give him five million dollars, he gonna do it. You know how long this man been doing this? I mean he didn't call NBC right on up to NBC where I am now. He didn't done everything, man, he has done everything now. You even messed around and got itself now claiming in his letters physically ill and his illnesses and what's befalling his family. He's blaming that on me too, as Steve Harvey not stressed me out and pay me this money he owed me? What? What? What? What? What? Where you get this figure? From? Man? Where we were you coming with this? But every time, and even when I tried to talk with the man to say, man, look man, what is it? What is you really trying to do? This is what? This is? How much I want? I'm not paying you that, man, You know I'm not. I'm not giving you that. He just has kept on it on, it on, And you know what, he the messed around, got itself sick. He'd messed around, man, got himself in some situation. And can I tell you something. It's been going on since night teen h maybe nineties seven. He started the attack when I first went on no before that, probably he started the attacks in every nine and he didn't got six lawyers. All the lawyers didn't drop the case after they come in and they discovered the fact. But he steady trying. But it's two angels that's around. And I forewarned you over times, man, and man, if I was you, I go head on because what I'm not gonna do is being because you cannot break me. Because I happened to be a soldier for Christ. I happened to be an imperfect soldier for Christ as nothing, man as nothing. And oh, oh it ain't like a bunch of people and tried. Now, Oh, y'all been on YouTube, y'all been on the internet. Oh they didn't try. Oh they didn't put some dirt on me. Man, that ain't true. But if you keep looking at me though, and I'm not the prize, but if you put your eyes on God, a's where you go. But if you look at me, He's covered me through it all. And that's been the importance of the relationship I formed with God, is that I know that I'm under his wings, that I'm never under his ever loving protection, that he got me, and I just want to share that with you that if you got If you're looking for some protection, if you're looking for a way to have the strength to get through what you're going through, get some god man. If if, if, if, if you want to weigh out, get some god man. If you've been gangbanging and you're sick of gangbanging, get you some god man. If you're tired of being on drugs and you're tired of drinking, get you some god man. If you're tire to being, if you're sick of tired of being sick of tired, get you some god Man. I'm just telling you now. If you're trying to make your dreams come true and it looked like you ain't gonna make it, and you still believe that that's for you, get you some god man. If you're setting a new gold dream of aspiration and you're trying to get that and you're gonna start out today, get you some god man. I'm just telling you. I'm just telling you it's real. What I'm saying. Man, I ain't no faith, dude with it. You understand. I'm just telling you real. Get you some god man, and be patient, have faith, believe, don't doubt, but Lord, have mercy. Get ready to work your tail off. Did you hear me? Get you some faith, believe, don't doubt, and get ready to work your tail off. God can't blessing. You See a lot of times we go to God asking for prayers and stuff, but we go to him and we don't give nothing. God nothing to bless We won't blessing, but we don't give him nothing to bless. You make one step, he'll make two. You start, he'll finish you come, He'll go you dream it, He'll build you started, He'll finish. See you see you trying everything your way. I'm gonna go to courtdo conversation with him. Man. Yesterday just sitting and just call me man, and was just talking about but Steve. You know, man, I just dude, been on me for four years. I just asked him, have you survived the folk without the hunter? Yeah? Man, how much you think you have spent trying to get to just a few hundred? Now, let me ask you something. Do you have a few hundred more to try to get this twenty three hundred that you've been trying to get for four years? Yeah? I could do that, But do you want to? Man? Do you have the time to dedicate foe more or your years to try to get twenty three hundred. But Steve am out of work right now. I'm fell on some hard times. I could use that money, and I've been praying to God to help me. Yeah, you've been praying to God to help you, but you've been telling God how to do to help. See. You keep telling God that if he gives you the twenty one three hundred, you'll be all right, when in essence, God probably got something way greater for you. But you gotta let go of your own thinking and let God have his way. You understand, you feel me find yourself some God today, You're all right? Good morning. I won't do a yell like Jay does, but good morning. Ye started show at It's too early for all of that. I don't know where he gets that from anyway. Good morning to you. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Happy Wednesday. Yeah it is hoping your back. Yeah, good morning to you, Junior. Let's see Steve's out on vacation. Carlos out today. Uh, where is Tommy? Where is JA? Don't know what they did? Hope they again, They're coming in. They'll be here shortly they will. But um, speaking of Charlie Wilson, I didn't tell you guys that I want to see him over the weekend. Oh my god, in l A at the Hollywood Bowl. Yes, yeah, I forgot. I forgot to tell you guys that there were so many people. He just came out. That was his very first time appearing and performing at the Hollywood Bowl. That was a shock you Mr tweet Yeah, yeah, yeah, for like the fifteen hundredth time. Every time, it's like you've never seen him before, because the energy is great. The show is just fantastic. Junior, it was just a fantastic show. He asked how many people were there to see him for the first time? So many people stood up, just not Yeah, imagine that he's a legend. He's a legend. He had on gold LeMay, go LeMay. You know, he had on the shoes that lit up, that light up. He had on the jacket the light lights up in the dark. He his show. I mean, come on, it's Charlie Wilson, the closer, the opener, and guess who the opener was. You're not ready. You're not ready. Don't even try to think the O Jay's what the Eddie levertn m oh Mark. Yeah, they're on tour. Some people are saying this is the o J's last tour. I don't know if that's true or not. But um Um Walter, while they were performing, said that they have been performing for fifty nine years. Yeah, it's okay, but we got the album. But why would you? Though they have so many hits, they sound incredible, they still do their steps. They're incredible, they really are. Yeah. So if they're on tour in your city, please, if you have not seen them, if you've seen them several times, like myself, please do yourself favorite and do it again. Go see him again. You know. The funny thing about is I ran into Eddie LeVert and o J's in New Orleans just as crazy, just as crazy. General Son with geral Son's at been working with looks just like Gerald. Scared me. I said, what's up? It looks just like what do you want from? Yeah? But they look so good man. Eddie had me done in the lobby. We sat there talk about thirty minutes. He was absolutely incredible. Yeah. So again, if you have not seen them, or if you have, please go check them out. They're so good there. I mean, these are legends. These are our legends, and we love it, America's legends. All right, coming up, we're gonna cover some headlines. Tell you where President Obama and First Lady Michelle are getting like, I mean, they're getting treated like rock stars everywhere they go, but this place in particular. We'll tell you about it when we come back at thirty two after the hour. Okay, you're listening to the stew All right, we are here, Yes, we are coming up in about an hour. We're going to play are you smarter than nephew Tommy with the nephew because guess what he Yeah, you are technically let tip, but I'm up in here. All good, All good, you take it, performing and hands and drugs. Get you've been taking this brain food? What this all? This is brain food. That's what I take. You understand, No, you ain't that smart. That's what the problem. That's why I take the brain food. We need the smart people. We've been calling on them. Where are they'll? Yeao? Who else? Brown, Princeton, Cambridge come on and just Cornelle West come on, Van John, come on, Van Comet, come back, Don Lemon? Who we know is what very smartest, very smartest one of them for sure. Somebody completed Yes, So you're not gonna throw a rocket, my brother, that's what you're not gonna do. No, we're gonna play. Are you smarter than nephew Town? You could win a chance to get some of Steve's grand prize money of one million dollars that could be yours. Okay, go to Steve Harvey f M dot com because you have to register in order to play. Okay, and we'll be playing a little later this morning. Alright, former president and uh former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama arrived in Martha's vineyard, and uh, boy were the people they're happy to see them. Oh, the streets were lined on both sides. Did you guys see this? This was incredible. I mean it was really like the Second Coming or something. I mean, that's how they treated them yesterday. Fans were shouting, they were holding signs, holding cell phones so they could capture it on video and take pictures. Uh, they were just waiting to catch a glimpse of our favorite couple. They show up at the White House, people gonna be laughing. I think I think they opened the gate saying, oh my god, this drew my hair. It was so awful, Thank God, thank you Jesus. Than how they open the gate up and welcome home President. Want to do it? Crowd went while is there? Moticaide passed through the streets. This is according to t m Z. The Obama's had dinner at a local restaurant and they as they exited the restaurant, President Obama waved to the crowd before hopping into the car. You know how cool he is with you know getting out? Yeah. They arrived at Martha's Vineyard on Saturday for an extended vacation. Nice. I have never been there, No, I haven't. I have a lot of my friends go there, uh in the summertime, but I've never been there. I've always wanted to. I ain't ever met Mark. I ain't know. I don't even know. Mom, you thought it was Martha Stewart, didn't you that? That's how she owned it, don't Martha and Snoop? Yeah, okay, that's And since we're talking about vacations, guys, okay, you know we'd talk about it every day. Steve still on vacation, he and Marjorie having a fabulous, fabulous He didn't Yes, he is his best life. He is living the dream for his goal. Yeah, they're they're, you know, sailing in their yacht along the Meterraneanranean and the French Riviera, the Italian Riviera. They're all over the place. So last Friday, Steve was out with his family and then a French speaking family walked up to him and asked them to take their picture. Now, normally, if you're in the status of Steve or something like that, when people say take a picture, you think they want you to be in the picture with them. Not the case. Not the case. Apparently the family had no idea who Mr Steve Harvey was, none whatsoever, so they just they were just kindly asking him to take a picture to help them mount, and they wanted him to take a picture of them and their family. Can you imagine one of Steve's kids took the picture of them with the French family and it's posted on Steve's Instagram. You gotta go to Steve's Instagram to check it out. You know how Steve cusses, so you can only imagine what he was saying. I didn't know, yeah, hello, but most when we were in France last time, everybody knew who he was. But you know Steve, and it still Steve all day. They didn't so now he understanding with probably another star. Yeah, so they were um that it was just funny. It was just funny. I remember that happened to me and at the Bahamas were last year. I think we're at Sand and Salt. This couple came up to me and said, oh, would you take a picture. And sure, because people have been doing that all day. We were standing there and sitting there just killing and people staying, oh, take a picture. You know. So this couple said, would you take a picture. So I'm ready to jump in the picture, probably just like Steve was. They were like, camera, just take it. We just want you to literally take the picture. Lady, okay, whoever, whoever you are, Yeah, exactly, just get in here and take the So Steve had one of those in France. You should have taken it and then had somebody take him. Yeah, the kids take it and yeah, that's funny. Go to Steve's Instagram. You want the chicken because you know he can't hide anything with his facial expressions. We all know him, so we'll know what he's thinking, what he's saying, what he's saying, under his breath and I get ready. Oh tomorrow. Actually we joined Steve in Paris. Yeah, yeah, we're going tomorrow. Yeah, for the third year in an Oh. This has become a tradition now. And if something happens next year where we can't go, I'm gonna have man be mad. We're supposed to bring me back. No, I don't what the blue eye drops Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah, they make the whites of your eyes really really really white clear. Yeah, like if you've been out all night, you know, like whatever, drinking, smoking, whatever. Yeah, I put these in your eyes and they make you the whites of your eyes, and make sure you get the blue ones because they got white eye drops that make your eyes blue. Don't mix it up, you know, that makes the white of your eyes blue. That looks crazy. All right, coming up, run that break back with the Nephew right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, listen. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you. Ray J's knit hat and you guys heard about this trending story. Yeah, we gotta talk about that Donald Trump star on the Hollywood Walk of fame. What's going on with that? Will tell you? And Beyonce dishes on why she chose her own photographer for her Vogue shoot. But right now, the nephew is in the building with run that prank back. He is the king of pranks. What you got? King? Just king of bran. Let me put this out there at first, Schirllett, since I am quote unquote the king of pranks. Uh new c D getting ready to happen. But I want you to go to Thomas Miles dot com Thomas Miles dot com and submit, I'm only pranking teach us. The next CD is nothing but teach us, professors, teach us principles. So go to Thomas Miles dot com and submit, whould you like me for me to prank? Leave me all the information. I'm gonna call you. We're gonna work it out, and your teacher might wear end up on my next CD. You never know. The next one is on teach us. Why are you messing with teachers? Because he is right now. Curry go, Curry, Gordmine Curry good. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your um Mr. Because this Mr Ya, this is Benjamin Dixon. Travel is my son. He goes to school with your son. Now, uh, he went to a birthday party that your son had last weekend? Am I right? Yeah? Well listen, I understand. Listen, I have a problem with you, Mr, because I understand that you all are Jamaican and from Jamaica. But listen, you guys, serve the children curry goat. You don't serve kids curry goat. Everybody's child doesn't eat curry goat pee? What happened to what happened to ice cream and cake and punch and maybe even a pizza at a birthday party for kids? But curry goat? That's out of the question. You mean, But I when I understand we are talk you mean lett's them anything but what you're talking about bridgn So what what you you're taking both? You mean? Oh you mean you have have a problem with me or you have a problem with me. I got a problem. I got a problem with any parents who decides on their own that somebody else's child it's okay to feed them some curry go My child don't eat no goat. We eat chicken, we eat steak, we eat cow. We don't eat curry goat? Yo eat it? Got a birthday a party door he meets that birthday of party. I don't want you. If you would call me, I'll deal with something. Talk so some rude moore call me when you're when you're on buying a room by me in a red riend because you don't know who we are dealing with it all, Okay, I need you to slow it down for me. Man, I understanding nothing you're saying. Tell me, don't you call me? Tell me for flot I'm like, phen you're calling it up. Look man, all I'm saying is this. This is disrespectful to the child, to people's parents. You're going out on your own liberty. Decide on what you're gonna feed somebody. You gotta feed them normal stuff. You can't do that kill a birthday parties here in the States. Man, it's pizza, it's ice cream, it's cake, it's punch down it hot dogs maybe, but not no damn curry goat. Man, I'm run the shore bredred. Don't tell me what I'm me run this, Oh, y'all come tell me you both disrespect you would disrespect me. I'm like, I'm a ditches talking you boy, calling your phone. I wanna know why it is you're doing something like this and I bet you these other parents don't know you've been serving goya. Man. Oh you is you are meeting me? I'm sure you all telling Oh you want? Oh you wanna hungry? Oh you you I don't know you're from brig come to on my for and kind of waiting, Yo? You know you know, you know you know somebody on the sprinkle up knowing all? Are you do? You want to meet me somewhere? Is that what you wanna do? Me? Me too, me, me, me me to write. Now you're unsund me, me, your friends and I know who ya. You're gonna make me hurt you man if if if I come over there, you're gonna make me hurt you you hit me that I mean this man. Now, I call you because I'm a concerned parent about my child. Uh and then you got a nerve to head to tell you're the one that's in the wrong. Yo. Man me you don't help me? No, no, no wrong brigand no wrong you're gonna fund me? Come tell me be the big money I'm telling me about me? No wrong? You porn yo? Just killing the way end and oh I'm gonna meet you I'm ill feeding something. Cory go, Yeah, your family the kind of sleeve you ain't benna feed my family? Now, you don't bring my family in this man. You don't bring member. You don't bring my wife and my kids into nothing. You hit me if you wanted, I got I got one. You know what, man, I'm gonna tell you I got something. I want to tell you. You're listening. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey and Martin Show. You just got pranked by your sister Patsy, man like that? You you Hey, hey, you just got pranked by your sister Patsy bad. She put me up to this dog boy, I tell you, man, I'm so sweat. Boy, I need to get a blood pressure check. I got a low. I got a little tolerant, tolerant, very low. I tell you that. But anyway, I'm gonna still feed you and your family from cornicoles. I bet it's good to you or nothing. You know, when you get angry, American people really can understand what you're saying. You went on you went on a Jamaican run, like that boy said. We gotta give a shout out to all of the Jamaicans. Out there, baby? What is the baddest radio show in the land? Steve rb Morning Show, New York City? Curry Good? You got him without Curry Good. I'm telling you, man, it's gonna have time. Let's go home sooner later, but I'm gonna ride it out to the end to jumped on, maybe by the end of the year, before the year is out. Now you in a national pranking that September and twenty nine, the nephew would be at Zaneyes the comedy club, famous comedy club in Nashville, Tennessee. I'll be there September twenty seven, twenty nine. That's Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Tickets on sale right now. The nephew is coming through. Hot Chicken. It all here, I come. What is hot Chicken? What hot Chicken is? Uh? Famous and uh in Nashville. I don't know the name of the place. I just know it's hot. It's all get out, it's hot and good, Shirley, it really is you mean hot? Spicy? Like hot hot? Yeah, it's supposed to be hot. Oh yeah, yeah, but no, it's hot. Is in temperature, but it's hot. Is that the name of Gusts? I don't know the name, but whatever it is, it's good and it's hot. You can only eat about wanting yep, I only eat that. But it's good. And aren't you going going to Birmingham Bingham? Actually, I'm on the run for three days actually next week and I'm doing I'm doing I'm doing Zane Is on Tuesday. If next week, then I'm gonna slide down to Huntsville, Alabama, and then I'm gonna go to Birmingham on that Thursday. I'm doing a run because I'm on the run the U and then plus i gotta do these days. Now we're starting TV back up. Oh yeah, yeah, I did my own run to for three days. An all right, thank you guys. Coming up next ray Ja and Beyonce. We'll do some entertainment news when we come back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right. Coming up in twenty minutes, We're gonna play are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy? You could win a chance at Steve Harvey's grand prize of one million Dallas. Come on say it with me, J one million. You can't play if wor unless you registered Steve Harvey f M dot com. Steve Harvey FM dot com. And we need the smart people. Where are you? Tommy's killing the game right now? What are we talking about? Shirley? Are you? I'm not gonna keep saying it. Don't say it? No mo to him? Okay, shorty, what is it about a game? You st the nephew? Tommy isn't the game? And where can the people go, Shirley, Steve Harvey FM dot com. Tommy registered today, Steve Harvey FM dot com in the cup today. You know he's cheating off the paper. Nommy off air, off air. You're gonna get it for that one, alright, It is done for entertainment news, guys, you just got it. Singer, singer and Love Hip Hop Hollywood star ray J. We all love us and ray J. Ray J explained the mystery of his magical moving hat in case you guys didn't see the show on Monday night, Love in Hip Hop Hollywood. Ray J was in a scene with Safari asking him asking Safari if he uh smashed a one's wife Lyrica, and every time they cut to ray J, his hat was in a different position, so it looked like his hat was just moving magically on his head. Hilarious. Hilarious. You just type in ray J ray J's hat even and you'll see what we're tying him. Serious. Yeah, and he's really serious trying to get this man to admit on the back it's on the star still the scene sixteen times it's up, it's down. Okay. That that's what's trending on social media and ray J. So he was on TMZ yesterday he said that the reason his cap kept moving around him like that was because the scene was actually shot for much longer. He said, it took him much longer to actually get the truth out of out of Safari. Finally he did get the truth if you saw the episode, but um, it took him a minute. He had to you know, use psychology and all that to get lie. He had to lie to Safari to make sure he said, you know what he needed him to say, and he eventually told him, yeah, we smashed oh oh oh yeah. So that's that side of the story. But it took him a long time to get that, so they had to edit it. And when they in editing, that's why ray J's had which like that did a want to say anything? He's saying that he doesn't know yet. He didn't know. He doesn't know yet that he wasn't in the scene with ray J. Was just ray J and Safari. So that's gonna play out later. So if you look at the clips, ray J's had is in six different positions on his head. Uh, it's a short scene once they edited it down, but it's be quickly moving on to the President at his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. At West Hollywood City Council passed a resolution who remove Donald Trump star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. This is by a unanimous vote, but j it's said to be justice symbolic gesture, meaning that Trump star probably won't be removed. The star has been vandalized, as we know, numerous times since he became president. So Jay you're here, Please introduce miss Anne with our news. All right, everybody to sound for the news with miss and Tripp, and thank you very much to everybody. Good morning, guys, this is entered for the news. First of all, let's go to shy Town. After the most violent weekend in Chicago in more than two years, they say almost seventy people was shot or shot at Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson's announced that several hundred additional police officers are being deployed in the neighborhood's most affected. Superintendent Johnson says the four in the thirty extra officers are being added to patrols in five of the hardest hit districts, which are in the West and south sides of Chicago, thereby increasing the number of cops in those areas to six hundred. Fires are still reiging in California, with now two blazes north of San Francisco joining into one and blackening some two hundred and ninety thousand acres. That's more burned land than any wildfire and the California state history. Seventy five homes have been destroyed. More than eleven thousand other structures are threatened. They say the fires about thirty contained. Federal judge in Kansas has handed been handed has handed down three consecutive life sentences to a white man who pled guilty to hate crimes for killing one East Indian national and injuring two other people. Adam Purrington was convicted of first degree murder and attempted murder. They say that Puritan walked up to two friends, both the East Indians, who were having drinks at a bar back in February seventeen and demanded to know where they were from, and then shot them after shouting get out of my country. Both men worked as engineers at a local tech company. While one of them was killed, the other was injured, along with a bista and who tried to intervene. The sense ensures that fifty three year old Perrington will spend the rest of his life behind bars. Testimony resumes today in a trial of former Trump campaign magic Paul Manaford. Manafort's longtime deputy, Rick Gates, took the stand for a second day in a row yesterday. He said that he spent years disguising millions of dollars in foreign income so that Manaford could avoid paying US taxes. Gates says, for instance, loan documents were created for loans that didn't exist, and that money was wired to businesses in the US from secret bank accounts overseas, all at maniforts direction. The Trump administration has reimposed sanctions on Iran those that were lifted under the Iran Nuclear Deal. Trump signed off on the renewed penalties this week by way of an executive order that targets financial transactions that involved US dollars, Iran's automotive sector, and the purchase of commercial planes and medals, including gold. President Trump has reportedly said that he wants to speak with the head of Iran because it would quote be good for the world, But so far the president of Iran doesn't seem interested in speaking to him. Yes, as Shirley said, the West Hollywood City Council has unanimously approved a resolution seeking to remove President Donald Trump star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Trump received the star for his work on the reality show The Apprentice. The star vandalized twice since Trump has become president. It's been fixed again. Now the l A lawmakers would have to decide. So far they've never really gotten rid of a Walk of Fame star. Here we go again with another redo. They now saying to the old TV show Fantasy Islands about to become a movie. No word on who's going to play Mr Wark or this character tattoo. We'll be back with more entertainment coming up twenty minutes after the hour. Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Find out on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's time to play. Are you smarter than nephew? Tommy? Tommy, let's meet our contestant. Let's do that. Good morning. Who is this Mrs Juliet, Mr Juliette? How you doing what our at USC? I work in the administrative offices as an office technician. Okay, what city is that? It's in Los Angeles? All right, and you think you're smarter than me, tom Sorry, al right, miss Juliet, we're gonna see about that. Here's what's gonna happen. She was gonna ask both of us some trivial questions. Whoever answers the most questions correctly in sixty seconds will be the winner. That he is. You're ready. I'm ready, Juliet. I'm stepping out. Well, stim tell you want to hear the questions, Juliet. The clock is gonna start after I read you the first question. Okay, it's going to be sixty seconds on the clock. Here we go, Juliet, you're ready? Yes, I am. In the Peter Pan movie. What was the Fairi's name? The seri in Peter Pan is um bail um no my veil. I don't know how many sides does a hexagon have? It has ache. What does the word bella mean in Italian and Spanish? Bella? You said bella means a woman, a beautiful lady. Which former president is pictured on a dime? It's m Hamilton's in Which city was Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Born? He was born in um well Ec, Atlanta. What sport is Arthur ash famous for tennis and the Flintstones cartoon? What is Fred and Wilma's daughter's name? Keble? What I thought you did? Think? One? Correct? Yeah? It's just yeah, you just took a long time a right, that's what un well. I think I hear nerves in your voice. I hear confidence, but I also hear a little nerves. Yeah, that's for sure. What's you think do you think? Jack? I think the clock is money. You will listening to the clock, and you got a little nervous and you always calls you when you pay attention to that cloud. Yeah, sorry, Carla's okay, that's okay. We don't know how smart he is, so Juliet, we we still got that's right, girl, all right? When we hang on, Juliet, when we come back, we're gonna find out who is the smartest. Will it be you? Or will it be the nephew. We're playing Are You Smarter Than Nephew? Tommy will be back at thirty four after the hour you're listening to the Steve. We're in the middle of playing Are You Smarter than Nephew? Tommy? Tommy is back in the studio and our contestant Juliette. Juliette is smart, Tommy. She's smart, she's confident. So are you ready, nephew? Let's see all right? The clock will start yes, after I read the first question. As you know, it's sixty seconds on the clock. Here we go. In the Peter Pan movie, what was the fairy's name? How many sides does a hexagon have? Six? What does the word bella mean in Italian and Spanish? Which former president is pictured on a dime ye? In? Which city was Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Born? What sport is Arthur ash famous for tennis? In the Flintstone cartoon? What is Fred and Wilma's daughter's name? What is the world's largest land animal? What the hell dinosaur? Keep going? Which popular fast Chaine specialized ones in the Frozen Street the Blizzard? Which legendary Dutch painter cut off part of his ear. Oh god, I noticed card basy Just everybody knows the answer? Everybody, all right, we gotta tally, We gotta tally. While can I say something? No, you can, Folks don't tell it. So I'm going to read the questions and the answers. Well, our team Tally's okay. In the Peter Pan movie, what was the fairie's name tinker Bell? How many sides does a hexicon have? Six? What does the word bella mean in Italian and Spanish? Beautiful? Which former president is pictured on a dime? President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In Which city was Dr Martin Luther King Jr? Born Atlanta? What sport is Arthur Ash famous for tennis? In the flint Stones cartoon? What is Fred and Wilma's daughter's name pebbles. What is the world's largest land animal? That would be an elephant, But they are here, but they wove here? Can I finish place? Which popular fast food chains specializes in the frozen treat the blizzard dairy Queen? Which legendary Dutch painter cut off part of his ear Vincent van Gogh, Yeah, all right, we're seeing right now. Hold on using that word. Hold on, dinosaur, Hold on, dinosaur, hold on all right, Juliet, Juliet, you got four and the dinnosaur got six. Oh my god, you were answering really slow. You really got more quick. Yeah, you're you took too long? You was you came from? For me? I'm like, wh you don't know what the answers came from? Your question? I don't know who on that, damn I tell you that. I don't know that's the one I want to miss. I don't know who's going to dime either. We would have asked, h um that was involved. Maybe I would have known. Juliet. You did not badly, Okay, you did, alright, keep your head up, Julia. If you girl, I still have a twenty five dollar cash gift coffee. You just for playing all you smarter than nephew Tommy. All right, well, I appreciate who's on the twenty five dollar. There ain't no twenty five dollar. If you think you're smarter than me, Nephew Tommy, you want a chance to win my uncle Steve's grand prize of one million dollars, go to Steve. The dollasall is bigger than the elephant, and it was here, but they were. Juliette, thank you for playing our game. Don't forget to go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register to play. Are you smarter the nephew Tommy Elephant? Which one to pick? Which one? Mama beat all? Both? Brak phone called coming up next. You're listening to Steve Harvey show. He did it again? Oh my goodness, are you smarter than to listen to me? Dona saw? Is the biggest thing animal ever been on Earth? Now? That question? What was the question? Say the question again? What's the biggest animal that's on planet Earth? Yeah? Okay, what's the biggest land animal on planet Earth? That was the question. Now what is the world's largest land animals the world? That's the question. Now have you seen talking today? Right now? Okay? I knew he was stupid, and we let you go because the answers George Wallace's mom, that's the real answer, that shade. Yeah, oh see Jurassic Park. There you go, Tommy for you there that proves it. It's just been in movies. What last couple, mirk, What that's that's George Wallace's mama alarmed in the morning. Anyway, Juliette lost Tommy one again. Don't I'm not mad. I'm not mad about it. I'm really not all right. Well, uh yeah, your prank is coming up, King of pranks. Maybe you want me to be a little smarter with that. You're taking all the fun out being smart, you really do, man, I got a good one for your Chopper's funeral at the club. Chopper's funeral at the club, y'all trying to reach your James James, Yeah, yeah, what's up? Hey, this this is Gerald. I was a free and uh your free and chopper. Yeah, and the Chopper just uh passed away last week, right, Yeah, I know they posed a hell the funeral and stuff over at uh at my Baptist church. And uh, I don't really know you, but me, me and me and Choppola and a bunch of rest of us. Man, we used to hang out at the club not too far from the house. You know. That's pretty much with Chocolate World all the time. And at the club. Any way, what a bunch of us was over at the club talking, man, and I was we was really when he reached out to one of the family members, you know, and then somebody said, you was, you know, kind of a good friend of Hells. And when we we we we decided to call you and see if you didn't mind. Do you think that you can talk to uh some of the family members and see if they don't mind having the funeral at the club. At the club. See what, let me let me try to explain something to you, Jane. What we're trying to do is, see, we believe that we believed at the club. Come on then, and that's when understand it. But see, see, chop Chopper ain't really go to church a whole lot. You know what I'm saying. He didn't really really go long as I've been knowing it. Now, he loved a Lord and stuff like that. Well, but there's a church going folks. But I understand. But see, Chopper wouldn't choppola one. Chopper went to the club. So what I'm asking you will less how the funeral at the club? Hell? No, bro, come on, we can't have no funeral at no club, man, come on? No, no, okay. But but what what I'm saying is, though, is that he wasn't really he wasn't really no church going person. I believe that a person ought to be Uh. The last words are to be said over him in a place he's more familiar with. You know what I'm saying? Player, No, I don't. I don't know what you mean. Playerut No, just just gotta be a funeral. This, this is this is church for I go to church and all my folks go to church. Now we we we gotta do this thing up in church. This is a church thing. But you don't, you don't feel But do you understand where I'm coming from? No, that man ought to going on and and the last words are to be in a place he mote familiar with. Not if he went to church, then I understand that. You see. Bro Hell no, no, See it's his chance to get it stuff right. And we're gonna we don't have them up in church in front of everybody. You know, that don't make sense? Who's this again? I mean, who are you? My name is Gerald? But who is Gerald? I mean? How do you? How do you relate to this? Are you preacher? Are you? No? No? No, no, no, no, I'm I'm I was friends with Chopper and see I hung out at the club and still hang out there with a whole bunch of you know, was really good friends with Chopping and we were saying that, you know Chopper, the last words about Chopper are to be said at the club, because see that's what Chopper would. But five six days a week, that's what Chopper was. But what church are you affiliated with? Me? What? What? Why the hell would I try to talk to the family, make me look stupid and front of the family telling them to put the thing in the club? How that's gonna go off? We'll see. See that's what I'm saying. You know him way more than we do, because see that you're talking about trying to move from a damn funn't add a church to a damn nightclub or strip club or something. No, not no strip club, just a nightclub. It's the same thing, ain't it. I Mean you're talking about having folks travel from across the country and meeting into the damn club. What kind of that? But that's what Chopper was. That's what Chopper was. I'm gonna look if I'm the one telling them to the damn club, You're gonna look like somebody that's trying to I'm gonna look like a fool. No you're not. You're gonna look like somebody's trying to keep it real come to the damn funeral if I will do something like that. Okay, okay, let me ask you this shitty Let me ask you this year or Jane, do you think do you think you can maybe get the body and bring it over to the club. Well, I'm just saying before they even do the funeral or whatever. You ain't touching getting the walk in the dog by mylf. Don't touch this body for him. Now we're just trying to say our last words at chopper Man in a place that chopper up. No him again? Who do you you get my number? Somebody at the club had your number said you was printed. But why do y'all call me? Of all folks, y'all called me, They say you good. You in with the family and you can tell me what the family. But I ain't end in the family. Make me look stupid? Hell now, won't y'all I get all of them to the family. Y'all call the family, y'all tell them that yourself. Man, I won't. I just want trying to get you to brain the body by man and let us know I ain't touching. No. We just want to have one last drink with chopper Man. You have one with your boys and you you get together with them and y'all talk about bottom and let him know how Chopper word what kind of person with what kind of person we need? We won't chop up to be there? This Chopper, This is Chopper, you talking about man to the church? Y'all need to be up in the church. We want to have a Chopper at the club. Well, we know, man, y'all full of well, we know c looking like a fool at the damn funeral? What this about chopping though? And then I'm writing about Chopper. You'll break Chopper to that club, y'all tripping, man, I ain't doing. I'm just going to this funeral. I'm gonna care to say with what I think about chopping. And I'm going if y'all want to crave in front of town of y'all call a penny, y'all selling this. Look, I got one more thing I want to see. I don't even know you what what that's this? Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got praanked by your board. This nephew Tommy man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your board told me to prank you. Man. I just know his nephew Tommy. No, man, I can't believe this. No, he didn't. I can't even believe he did that. Hey man, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Moaning Show. Oh, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. I can't for the new one. All right, well, listen, thank you. If you up next, it is the Strawberry Letter. The subject for today is my husband thinks I'm a nagger. M that's it. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at forty one minutes after the hour. In a hump day, and you've made it through half of the week. But just in case you're going through a little something you want to get it off your chest, you can call us and us know what's on your mind today. What is bothering you? Are you mad at someone? Let us know? Eight, Yeah, yeah, we will. That's coming up in about forty one minutes after the hour. Okay, right now, it is time for the Strawberry Letter. Guys, if you need some advice on your relationship on work on sex or parenting. Please submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit straw Berry letter. Okay, we got a good one for you today. Let's go next. Buggle up, hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is the straw subject. My husband thinks I'm a nagger. First seven, I didn't see that a in there at first. I just glanced at I was like, what, But it's nagger. It's nagger, yeah, nagger. H Dear Stephen Shirley. My husband and I have been together for twenty five years, and we've been married for eighteen years. He's a great father and provider, and we have a lot of fun together. But he's as I'm a constant nagger. My husband has done a few crazy things since we've been together, and I let him know when he's wrong, but I don't nag him. For example, one of his many female friends texted him good morning, and I called him on. I called him out on it. I called her his girlfriend and he said she's just a friend. My husband also will go out with a female friend whenever he chooses to. I like to say he's going out on dates with these women but he always says it's innocent. So I have to remind him that married men don't hang out with single women. This man has more female friends than I do. I could go on and on. I've never seen any hard evidence that he's cheating on me, but I wouldn't put it past him. I try my best not to nag, but when something crosses my mind, I have to let him know. After all, is in communication the key to a successful marriage. So here's our biggest problem. The other night, we're about to be intimate, and during four play, I asked him, as anyone else had this today? I expected to hear something like, no, baby, it's all yours, but instead he got mad and pushed me off him. He told me that my nagging has gone too far, and he said I was crazy. I am convinced that I am not the one that is crazy in this situation. It makes me think he's guilty of something. So what do you think? Am I really a nagger? Or is it okay to always let my husband know what I'm thinking? Please help? Alright, A couple of things. Um, yes, I agree with you. Communication is one of the keys to a successful marriage. Yes it is, But communication is a two way street. It's called a conversation. It's called asking questions, getting a response. That's what communication is all about. Right now, it's just you kind of like talking at him, teasing him, and your timing is bad. It's really really bad. You don't go there right before you're gonna get busy, lady. I mean, come on, Okay, that is not the wrong right time to bring that up. Who does that? I mean, what a way to ruin the mood? Okay? Uh So, No, to answer your question, you don't always have to to to let him know everything that's on your mind. Some things, yeah, you should keep to yourself. Now, I do agree with you. I think him going out on so called whatever he's doing with these females, I think that's a bit much. I think I do agree with you, um about married men going out with single women. Um, you know, that can cause problems, that can cause issues in relationships. And then with the added thing of you know, you getting on him like that, yeah, that could push him out there. It could. Now, I'm not saying this is all your fault, because I do think that, like I said, he shouldn't be going out with these single women as a single as a married man without you or without her spouse. You know a lot of people don't even think married people should be friends with single people at all, or that a man shouldn't have any female friends or female friends, shouldn't have a married shouldn't have a male friend. So, um, you know it's it's more than just you nagging. It sounds like, you know, after twenty five years of being together, you guys are getting a little tired of each other. Um and uh, you know you need to have a conversation with him, talk about the things that are bothering you. But again, a conversation communication, not just you know, nagging at him or picking at him. You need to sit him down and have an adult conversation because these things are really bothering you and it is coming out as nagging. Let him know how you feel, be grown up about it, be a grown woman about it, and let them know that things have got to change around there because you don't like it. Jay, Oh God, Jesus, Lord, Father of God, Heaven on the I'm so glad and have switched sides. I don't even dates anymore anymore at all. I us too. I used to date niggers but I don't. I just eliminated that out my life. I switched to the other side. Don't get me wrong, y'all have some fine naggers out there, Don't get me wrong. You see the a right there, That's what I'm talking about. That's exactly what I'm talking about. I don't. I don't fool with them anymore. When they come up to me, I'm like, I'm sorry, I don't date niggers. Okay, I just don't. I don't do that. Nagger, please, nigger, that's my I was married to three niggers and never again. Well I ever, I'm here to tell you ever, Well I did another nigger. But just by the length of your letter. What y'all don't know? This letter like seven pages long. The air we went NEI please give it a break. Yes, yes you are. You are, so stop neigging flee I mean, right in the middle of set and you're going no ne no right, no bad timing, bad timing? Really okay? All right, well listen, we're gonna hear from Junior. We're gonna hear from Tommy on this letter when we come back. The subject is my husband thinks I'm a nagger. We'll be back at twenty three after the hour to talk more about this letter. This is crazy. Right after this, you're saying, Steve, alright, coming up in twenty minutes, we'll take your phone calls on what's bothering you? Get it off your chests, call us and let us know. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. But right now we are in the middle of the Strawberry letter this subject. My husband thinks I'm a nagger, A woman wrote in. She says she and her husband have been together for twenty five years. They've been married for eighteen. He's a great father and provider. They have a lot of fun together, but her husband says she's a constant nagger. Uh. Her husband has done a few crazy things since they've been together, and she lets him know when he's wrong. But she doesn't think she nags him. She says, for example, you know, she has a bunch of female friends. They text him good morning. Uh, you know, she calls him out on that. She called the girlfriend and she said he's just a friend. Or she called her his girlfriend and he says she's just a friend. Her husband goes out with these females and all the kind of stuff, you know, and does she calls them date right when they're getting ready to be intimate. She asked him, uh, you know, where's that thing ben or something like that? Has anyone else had this today? You know, things like that. So he got mad at that point and just pushed her off of him and walked out, because he says she's a constant nagger. Uh. You know, it makes her think that he's guilty of something when he does stuff like that. So she wants to know is she really a nagger? Is it okay to always let her husband know what she's thinking? So we haven't heard from you, junior. Junior, we've heard from Jay of course. Me. What do you have to say? You know? Um, this is really easy for me. Um j oh, you heard J I ain't got time. I don't date naggers and all that type stuff. That's because Ja's old. He can't do that. See, I'm young. I got time for nagging. I don't have no problem. I don't know why the husband pushed you off. But that question wouldn't stop me. I've been asked about everything and kept going. It wouldn't kill the movie. Hell do I don't get the promise, laying that often. But when I but when I do get over, they get around it. I'm gonna keep going. I know that much. Yeah, I don't care what you say to me. This is gonna happen. Nothing case. I've been asked about bills. I've been asked about vacations. I've been asked about buying calls. I have been asked about everything. I have kept going. I don't see what his rob mill. I ain't nothing to stop me that j oh I got his boy. He can't tolerate it. But a young man like me, ask me what you want? Am I seeing somebody else? Yes? Yes, but I'm here with you right now. Not get this shirt off? What you think I don't I love you right now. I'm I don't care what the question is. I'm not stopping. He pushed me off. That's that's way too much. I need a new house. You fish to get it. You ain't get this house. I don't get that at often. But what I do, there's nothing's gonna turn Now when we finished, I might not do what I said I was gonna do. Okay, let's go get that house now. I got gonna work. Still. You don't play that taken off, So therefore I don't know what that's gonna problem. You can ask me whatever question's not gonna keep me at the game. Jay, are you seriou? Are you serious though? Are h? Yes? Yes, I'm home. All right, we're in the middle of the Yeah, I'm not quit. We're in the middle of the strawberry letters subject. My husband thinks I'm a nagger. We haven't heard from you, nephew. What you got. You can nag if you want to, but you can't nack it nag me. You cannot do that. You can't nag me. Why we nack it? And let me tell you something. You don't ask the questions. I'm the button necking question now. I do all as I asked the question question like whose is it? What's my name? I'm the button question now? Baby is a good that didn't make you feel say my name? That's all. I'm the person to do the questionnaire and around here. All right, you nag me later, but you will not nick you as validation. I don't care what situation. Yeah, you're gonna say my name, but I don't do You're not gonna naked nag me. You're not gonna ask me before we start. What's going on? Who? Uh? Anybody else's hands this day? Yeah, and you don't know who that is, so let's keep it like, let's keep it moving. I don't. You don't nick and nag me. You give me butt naked and asked me questions. I don't like questions, but naked I don't. Yeah, I do all the question answer. I'm the question there around. I mean, I thought her timing was off on that, but I do think she had some valid I said earlier, Uh, you know, the married man with going out on dates with the single women. That should bother her, and it's understand it, but don't nag me about it. Naked though, that's my problem time and a place for everything. I think your timing was off. I definitely do. I think she, like I said earlier, she needs to set him down and have a grown woman conversation with him. This bothers me. I don't want it. I don't. I don't know you. You don't take what anymore? J he done because he oh he got patience in time. But if I didn't take you to dinner, take you did heat movies and we get out right here? Isn't that a question. Go stop me here. That's the difference between old school and new school. That's why they'd be taping people up now, taping their mouths and all this. Hear the handcuffs and stuff. That's why Wait a minute, now, guys, she does have some valid points. Now, timing is everything. Her timing was off. I'm in agreement with you on that one. But woman getting naked in the answer me and all these questions before we start, what is all that about? But she wants to know Is it okay for her to ask to let her husband know what she thinking? Not when you nick it. That's not the only time. Basic and shut up and do it. That's what it is. Just shut up? Is it like now? They? Oh? Ja, yeah, they you don't think so. I don't care what you asked me. Don't say it again. I'm gonna beat it. Well, you know what again, Sit your husband down and talk to him, you know, please let him know how you feel. Yeah, don't do it. Don't do it. Then, don't do it? Then? All right, listen, we do have to go. You can email us or instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey F M. Dot Com coming up in ten minutes. We're gonna go to the phones and we want to hear from you. What is bothering you today? What are you mad about? Call us eight seven seven Steve. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we put the question out here. What are you mad at? What's bothering you today? Call us eight seven seven twenty nine Stephen. Before we go to the phones, because we always want to talk to the people. I want to know what's bothering you guys today, Jay Junior, Tommy, Uh, what are you all mad about? Something on your mind? Oh? Jay, oh Jr. You know I'm trying to get fit, right, Yeah, you're trying to get good looking. Okay, I'm trying to get that. But I got this trainer, and I'm tired of trainers who tell you to do something but they can't do just getting on my nerves, you know what I'm saying. You're like, you don't telling me to touch my toes, but you clearly can't touch your toes. You know you're gonna tell me the bitch press this, but you can't. If I could just get a train of that that could do something stuff like clapping like I asked him to clap. He got too much muscles, he can't clap. But what should I listen to you for? This is getting out of hand. That's what you're okay, all right, that's Valet, that's Valot nephew. You know what what's bothering me is the guy in the men's bathroom. You know, I can turn my own water on my own hands. I could do all that by myself. But now nine times me to dry my hands, and you keeping the napkins hostage. Now I need to tip you for giving me the napkins so I can drive my hands off. And I just it just bothers me. The man in the bathroom, I don't want no mints. I don't want none of your colone. I don't want none of that. I don't want to wash my hands. The restaurant that makes you go for mints bothers me. It just bothers He just wants to do. What am I tipping him for? Yeah? These ain't even your paper times, But you didn't come in the club with this. They are already in the third I'm doing so. I'm giving him a few dollar because because he passed them to me, moved by the way, and I can reach up there and get him myself. Man, what I'm in the movie theater a couple of days ago, because I love the movie. You absolutely love the movie. The little boys sitting next to me, bout one of them slurpies, freezies whatever, And when you get down to the bottom, you know what it's. That's just a little bit left and they make that slurping sound just like over and over, just just over and like, hey, hey, heylo boy is ifty. But you can't say that though, too. Yes I did, Yes, I did. I said it. I said, when you hear that sound, that lets you know there's no more, not if you need more. The machine is full of it. Okay, but there's nothing in that cup. Okay, we're here. Was he there alone? Where his parents with his mom and mom and daddy. Don't they don't they don't stop him, don't y'all hear that? That's annoying? All right? Well, you heard what's on the guy's minds, what they're they're all mad about. Let's go to line one and see what Joe is upset about. Joe. Good morning, yes, hey, Joe, good morning to you. How are you doing. We're good, We're good man. What you mad at? Joe? Who getting on your name? Well, I'm kind of upset about the people of this country. I don't know why the people of this country won't see that we have a dictator for a president. Every country has been had at least one dictator. Now that we have one, people feedback back. They want to just you know, look over it ignored and he's trying to We're gonna see the light. What we're gonna see what's going on with this president? So, uh, you know, I just want to call in then force my pain and let's let's let everybody know that we need to get really this president because he messed this country up. Well, Joe, we do see it. It's not like we don't see it. The way we get rid of them to get out and vote, that's what we gotta do. Yeah, So that's the only way that's gonna change this is all we get him, impeach one of the two. You got to show up at the polls, have to show up at the mad enough to vote. That's what you need to do, enough to vote. All right, Joe, thank you, thank you for letting us know what's on your mind? Line three, Shay is on the phone, Shay, good morning, Good morning morning. I wanted to start up by saying, I love you that so much. I've been trying to get through forever. I'm so happy I got this morning. I'm happy for all good. But what's on your mind this morning? Okay, so I'm mad this morning. I was in a three year relationship right with a female. We broke up in November. I didn't talk to her for a host seven months. We had a really bad break up. The whole time, she was trying to get in touch with me, telling me how she missed me right, but she was on social media, posted with another chick. I never never gave yain. Well, after seven months, I finally gaze in. We were around each other front month. So we're gonna work it all, getting married and everything. Well, a couple of a couple of weeks after we started talking, the girl that she was talking to d and me on Instagram some screenshots of the text messages. So the whole time, she's still been talking to this girl telling me that she got the graub block. Can I just say this? Can I say this? And I've said it once and I'll say it again, and there's no reflection on your relationship. It says this same sex, same problems, No damn problems. I believe you got the same I'm back to the seven months no communication. I'm like, well, I tried, I did my party sex. You know it could have worked out. Yes, sometimes they're not the one and you have to move on. All right. Well, thank you, thank you for letting us know what's bothering you? What's bothering uh Stevie online six, let's find out. Good morning, Good morning, Steven, real quick, baby's real quick. I'm a principal in high school and it's just interesting as I begin my new school year. UM, how we really encourage um, you know, success basically in our black and brown community. And just to hear the comment that was made by our president regarding two of our African Americans, UM, successful men and very disturbing and just trying to figure out how it is educators, how we can avoid that and you know, make sure that our students are always looking for success regardless of comments that are made by higher office. We don't turn the TV on. Very well said I like that, Stevie, very well said you gotta educate them like you're doing, and teach them that when they become old enough, they have to get to the polls. And that's right they can. Yeah, all right, thank you. I will take more of your phone calls. What's bothering you? Eight seven Steve? When we come back. You're listening to the stew all right, you guys know how we love talking to the people. Well today we just want to find out what's going on with you people. What's on your mind? What is on your mind? What's bothering you? I didn't tell what was bothering me. It's something really, it's just something really simple. It just bothers me. Sometimes. You know, when you put something in the microwave, you push the time, you know, one minute, two minutes, whatever, So sometimes you know it gets done before two minutes or whatever and it's like fifteen seconds left. Don't just open it and take it out and don't push clear. I'll get it back to the time. Yeah. No, I like it when you clear it out and the time goes back on the microwave. That's yeah, that's how I like it. Damn it that bothers me. It just bothers me. I'm sorry. Is that equivalent to what's what's the what's the little machine that makes coffee? What's your name? So that's like I get upset when I get I want to get some tea and I'm ready. I'm getting ready to put mike uh thing in there to make tea and it's already one in there. The person that had to be folded and throw it away. Yeah, yeah, that's exactly exactly that happen though. All right, let's go to line four and talk to Rick. We want to hear from the people, Rick, people. What's up Rick? Listening? I listened to the Morning show every morning. I love all you guys. I this gets me through my day. Thank you, Thank you so much. Rick. What's on your mind is more? Listen, man, I'm mad about when you're driving and these a little crazy people want to pull out in front of you, and then when you get to the light they get to look at you because they knew what you're hearing them. Right, independence you know what, Rick, Rick, definitely right, and you know who to do the dumbest things. People in smart cars do the dumbest the contradiction because they not all left smart and bring you. They brought to your car on a dialing. You know, that's the last guid a minute in front of me. But I appreciate you, Rick, because you're nice and calm about it. No road rage. I know, I don't want to. I like it. I like it. Rick, Thank you. That's what's bothering Rick this morning. Let me see Let's go to line one and talk to see me see me. Good morning, ladies, Good morning, gentlemen, Good morning. I just wanted to say that I am really annoyed with the senseless sex trafficking and the missing of our children and the massacring of our children, of our youth. UM. Just recently, UM, there was a young d you see, artist by the name of Mike D'Angelo who recently lost his niece, Makagan. He walked from DC to Philadelphia. And it's just really disheartening that we're supposed to bring up the youth and we can't do that if we have our own people going into our community and killing our youth or you know, just they're just going missing. So it's really disheartening. UM. It just makes you me, being a twenty year old, he just makes me not even want to have children in this Dame and age, and I'll have something to do with these kids being separated by the government. Like, we don't know where these children are. Man, I'm not saying that's what's happening to them, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's happening because they don't know where these kids are. They have no idea. Yeah, we have to keep our eyes on that for sure. Yeah, right, thank you seeing me, Thank you. What's bothering you. Let's go to line three and talk to Mike. Mike, good morning, tell you we're good. We're good, man. But at least these politicians would having this gun control law is really frustrating to me right now. They don't act on this thing sooner. You know, people getting killed out here in the streets and they're not doing anything about it. You know. I think what we need to do is gather a few of the black Americans who that are wealthy, have them buy up all the short rifles weapons they can, and pass them out among black people. Within a year, actually within a week, I think you have a gun installation law. Put all the guns in the hands of black people, and they'll change the laws because they don't want the black people to have the guns. That's what you're saying, Mike. Right, millions of black Americans have guns. They will have a law of any sect within a week, and then we gotta worry about that week. Thought, Mike, that we're sitting there holding that gun. Trust me, we're gonna have issues coming at us. I mean, I know some black people shouldn't have a gun at all. I don't need an All right, Mike, thank you. Let's go to line five. Talk to Lewis. Looking good, Lewis, how are you boys, How are you? What's on your mind? Good morning? Well, I'm I'm a little upset about all this racist talk about our president. Did you guys get me an example of how you're feeling being racist? What he says about Congresswoman Maxine Waters, lebron Lemon, Lemon, The list goes on and on. Lewis, he's just defending himself. He's an equal opportunity slayer. I mean, he's lay a white boy, just a black man. Don't you asked us for an example. We gave you one. Three? Yeah, he he seems to to you know, really yeah, and insulting, you know, uh, not to mention he loves a lot suit where he was keeping blacks out of his bill. Didn't he was suited fun? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah that was up in New York. Louis up in Brooklyn as a matter of fact. Yeah, today's topic. Today's topic is what's bothering you? I call you guys a hundred times today trying to get through and the phone just makes these weird noises. Well, you, Louis, we got you know. It's great. Thank you very much, you guys. I laughed so hard I cry listening to your boys in the morning. It's just so funny. Thank you boys, boys. Take you boys. If you can't take this, click you thank you, we'll take the boys. But if you listen to this click, we're beat to get you. We're equal opportunity radio show. Everybody can call. Thank you, thank you. I almost with them, Texas. Something's never changed, that's right. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning showing more of your phone calls about what's bothering you? Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, all right, here we are asking people what's bothering them. We always want to hear from our our loyal listeners are beautiful, beautiful listeners out there. We want to know what's on your mind. Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Let's go to the phones. Let's talk to line three. I mean, let's talk to James online three. Okay, how about that? Good morning, good morning, how y'all doing today? We're good, James? What's going on? So, if you'll recall I called you on Monday with my weekend confession about how I told my friend I was atructed to her younger. Yeah, we remember. Turns out, later that day she textually and she actually heard my seton all y'all's radios. Now she wants to go out, but it gets that she doesn't want to tell her sister, and I don't know how to feel about that. Stas out the phone. That's what you needed, and your name and your name and everything you can just truthful. So James, you want to go out with him? Yes, sir? I mean I had to twist myself, but yes, okay, So how are you gonna work it out that? I don't know what something that needs your help? Oh no, get through time to get you through it. Okay, So you want to go out with the baby's sister and don't want older sisters to find at right, right, Okay, now what's you what's what's your hobby and what you got any kind of hobby? Do you play golf? No, sir, I m football? Um? You know politics? Really you're still moving? You still play football? Well, yes, you know, you know defensive line. Okay, is there somewhere somewhere you can say you're going for a few hours, that a cab you that you'll be out of pocket for a few hours. You're helping him cheat. You're not supposed to help people. I can't really take a nothing, right, James, where your mama m out of him? My mama cheating at home? Go to the house. Why are you all encouraging him to date his girlfriend? What is wrong you at your mama house? No? Yeah, you can't bother me at my mama house. How about you got a bunch of stuff to do at your mama house. How about that? How about he doesn't do it? How about that that's not what he want to do. Trying to get in the head always you know, I hear what you're saying. Surely I hear what you're saying. But the heart once when it was, you know, but need we need to tell you going someplace people don't normally go in and wna tell if you go into the library to do some research, don't nobody go there and damn so that was gonna get me caught up there. I haven't mentioned no library because that was probably turn to help you, man, you're turning on to help h Let me think I got a wait for you to do it. We'll tell him of fear. We'll tell him fearing call you with an emergency and you gotta go. All right, James, I'm not helping you with that one. Thank you, though. Let's go to line five. He's gonna get in trouble. You guys are gonna get him in trouble. Let's go to line five and talk to Kevin. Kevin, Hey, we're going on, man, Hey, man, we got about twenty seconds. Man, give it to me. Okay, I'm mad at caller for real. I'm gonna keep you short. Talk about power every Monday and every every day. My girl can't stop about the power about great shirts. That's are you Are you cut like James st Patrick? Are you cut like James sat Patrick? The problem is you get in the gym. You didn't shape all right, Kevin, thank you, Sorry about that. We'll let Carlin no. Coming up, we'll have more of the Stave Harvey Morning. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh oh my god. Yeah, it's really crazy. It's a whole another show. All right. You know, Disney's movie Christopher Robin is out. It's been banned in China. Though, yeah it's in the theaters here, but it's been banned in China. And Winnie the Pooh seems to be the problem, according to the Hollywood Reporter, Yeah, the blame goes to China's crackdown on images of the Winnie the Pooh character. You know that Winning the Pooh is a featured character in the movie Christopher Robin. Well, last summer, authorities in China began blocking photos of Winning the Poo on social media after bloggers began comparing China's president uh zing ping she xing ping to Pooh. So there you go. Don't make it fun of Winnipoo. Moving on, Jay Anthony Brown, I don't think it's so all the time. A little bit of oni biscuit. He's a good but al right, two guys, it seems the ladies are gonna have more reasons to watch the NFL games this season. The Los Angeles Rams and the New Orleans Saints. Both those teams will become the first teams ever to have male cheerleaders on the sidelines in two thousand eighteen. How about that? Take that, fellows, Okay, Winton parn and Napoleon Jenny's will be the first males to join the l A Rams cheer squad, making history and breaking barriers in the NFL. What do you guys think about that? I think that's a great I'm about to bring a lawsuit. I'm about to suit for because these guys can lift their legs and then shape. What about the fat guys we cheer? We like to cheer hunt. You had to be in shape to be a cheerleader. The people up, Yeah, that's the idea. Jay, Yeah, take some of that out. Hold up, burgens and chickens. You got do way more than that. They don't be a hater. You know they got cheerleaders in college. Push was a cheerleader, Tommy, who was George? I think President George Bush was a cheerleader. M I know that that's that's a fun fact we didn't know. I'm a bring it up somewhere to day, Jay act like, you know, what are you gonna say, You're gonna see the gas face. Just get some gas whoevers to crawl from me, gonna get this information. You didn't know and we didn't get to this story earlier. I wanted to tell you that our girl, Beyonce, yeah, explain why she insisted on choosing Tyler Mitchell as her photographer for her Vogue cover for her Vogue cover shoot, and she had a very good reason. She said that until there is a mosaic of perspectives coming from different ethnicities beyond the lens, we will continue to have a narrow approach and a few of what the world actually looks like. It looks like. Tyler Mitchell is an African American, of course, and he's the first one so and Beyonce, Yeah, twenty three years old, that's right. And Beyonce personally picked him. So that's why she says she wanted to work with this brilliant photographer. Yeah, so congratulations to her. Will be ready, I'm going there with the little Kodak. It's already done. It's already done. Okay, name, are you back on that? Jay? All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Will be back to close out the show with one more break right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Listen, everyone, don't forget tomorrow. We'll do it again at seven twenty eastern, six twenties Central. I'm talking about the game, our favorite game. Are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? We need one loyal, very smart listener, uh and our nephew. They're gonna be given sixty seconds to correctly answer our trivia questions. If you are smarter than the nephew, you'll win a one hundred dollar gift card. Plus you'll be given the chance to win the grand prize of one million Dallas j Anthony Brown one mill in. How did I REGI, Well, they have to go to Steve Harvey f M dot com. Nephew, just saying that because you can't play if you don't register. Okay, yeah, and all you thousands and thousands of people out there who have registered already, thank you so much. Thank you to the ones who have played our game, and we look forward to um yeah playing again. One of somebody's going to be room room set in the room, heylans. So it's been a good day, right guys. Yeah, uh yeah. Steve still off on vacation. Carl is off today. Of course tomorrow after the show we will leave to meet Steve in Paris for the final week of his vacation, and we'll all be over there in Paris doing the show from over there, broadcasting over there. Yeah, the ladies, the laties, lady something but a lady. Uh huh. Check out my Instagram today. I'm going to get a manny, petty. I met my girl Shirley sexty compression sucks. I want to I want to know what you think about this panty. That panty we think, Wait a minute, petty that I'm thinking about getting. It's my girl, Shirley at my girl, Shirley checks what are Yeah? We just say. We just say what's up? Next? Thought to hear what your girl out here doing? He knows I'm getting my manny and my petty today. So anyways, I want to know what you think. That's all I gotta say. Two girls, you know. But if we weren't, we wouldn't have a show. What else will we do? Guys, what else would we do? What were we doing? Think about my pain? I've worked with you, ma'am feeling I'm feeling uncomfortable. Now try to move on, guys, R What have we learned today on this show? Today? Yeah, the phone calls. Yeah, we we asked people to call in and tell us what was bothering them. Got some interesting responses. Yeah. So we'll be here in the same place, same time tomorrow. You guys going to close us out with some enlightenment please? I doubt that seriously, but no, this is serious today. Alright, let me have a time and let me have it. We were talking earlier about what we were mad about, and we just want to go into that because these things never get discussed. Nobody ever brings them up, and then they're not there little things, but they're big things, and they stay with you for the longest, for the absolute longest. Like when you go you're talking about getting your panties, I mean getting your petty many petty. It's not that easy to say now, is that you're getting your manny petty? When they cut off a little more cutical than they're supposed to that, Yeah, yeah, when they go up there by that knuckle for your hand back. Yeah, I don't like when I go to the ball, but to get my beard trimped up. And I don't know why he has to use his mid section to turn the chair. You hate that, you know why? Why do you have to take your pelvic to move the chair? Take your hand and turn. I gotta beard. We don't have to do that much turning man, you know, but for you to take your mid section and and my hand is right there, so now I got to keep my hands almost folded. That that that bothers me. Hands. I understand you got clippers in one hand, but you know what, put both w in one hand and turn the chair. Quit taking your mid section and almost like a little a slight hula hoop. Uh you know turn? Come on, man, don't do that. My hand right there though, yeah, you know you know what, you know what bothers me. I'm serious about this. I'm top of going to the strip, plumb, and if I do, if I do, get that dance when you finished, don't turn to me and saying how was my dance? Listen, if you don't know how you did the next triple, that tells me how was my dance? I'm asking for management. You're not long to be working in. You don't want you don't want to criticize. You know that ain't my point if you should know how well well you did? Look on my face? Yeah, you turn to me and say so how it wasn't wasn't good? Hey, listen, you don't need to be working here. We spend way too much money here. If you ask me, I'm calling management. Wow and give me another chicken. Here's what upsets me when you when you go to church and you're trying to stay focused on the word right, and the person in front of you has a baby and they're holding the baby and the baby is facing you and you you see the baby, yes, and the baby is like drooling a little bit. You know, he's so young and he won't stay up and you can't stay focused. Guys, that's it for today. Thank you, We love you, see you tomorrow. Bye bye. For all Steve Every contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey morning show h