Good morning and welcome to the ride! This show is brought to you by ignorance, tomfoolery and heavy doses of black-ish mixed with a spoon of hilarity. The Chief Love Officer advises a young lady to take the high road with her parents situation. Our family Charlie Wilson stopped by to discuss quarantine, social uprising, getting back in the studio, plus more. Three officers in Wilmington, NC were fired over what was seen on a video. The DNC has officially scaled back its presidential convention. Do you know Erykah Badu the midwife? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about the things that have changed in him recently and so much more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the MILLI buck things in the stubbings not true good string to the mother. Please, I don't join jo. You gotta use that turning you are you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you love, got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby now. Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey oh Man got a radio show. Man got a radio show and a whole lot mold too, man. God is good to me. I have no other explanation, if I have no other explanation of my existence and where I stand in this thing called life, except if it was not for the goodness of God Almighty. If it was not for His grace and his mercy, There's no way I could exist the way that I do. I would not be who I am or where I am. I am who I am and where I am simply because God is who he is. If it was not for God, I would have no testimony for you, because I would have failed every single test plain, pure and simple. I can sit here today until you flat out that it is purely because of God's grace and mercy that I exist today because of His favor. See now He shows us favor in life because of a combination of things I've discovered. And this is not the whole answer to life. I can assure you as not. But this is a combination that I've grown to understand better and better, and I wish I had gotten it earlier in my life. But here it is. If you take faith and you combine it with an incredible work ethic, then God has the greatest opportunities to show you favor. That's the best way I can explain success to you from my standpoint. It is the combination of faith and work that produces the most opportunities for God to show you favor. See a lot of times we want God to bless us, but we ain't doing nothing for him to bless So now we sideways in the equation a little bit. But see, if you had the faith in God that God can do anything but fail, that God will get you through, that God will see you through, that that God is the God you serve as the greatest gift of all good things, if you kept that faith intact through it all, and you produced an incredible work ethic that allows the most opportunities for God to show you favor. See without that what you want God to do? See, you can have faith and be sitting at the house watching TV. There's nothing being produced, no opportunities for God to show your favor. And you got to do some things man, that you are uncomfortable doing or don't feel like doing, or something that don't have the right payoff right in front of your face, with the faith that it will payoff later on. See, too many people are working for the right now reward, and the right now reward is not how it works. Sometimes the reward is coming later on up the road. But the only way you can know that is if you got to You got to apply the faith and see the reason you don't know that that's coming like that, or you have to have faith to believe that it is coming. Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. That's what faith is. You know you're standing at let me give you them. You're standing at the crosswalk with a walk sign on it and the sign flashing on the corner don't walk then that the signs say walk, What do you think your chances are making it across that street? Is well, pretty good because guess what the signs say walk. You can see the other side. There's other people in the cross walk walking, So guess what you strike out blindly? It don't take a lot of faith to get across that street. That's that's That's not why I'm talking to you about. I'm talking about the faith, the belief in things that you cannot see, the faith that what I'm doing today, I believe in my heart of heart that God wouldn't bring me this far to leave me. That God is a true and living God, that he keeps his promises, that later on, there's things that I'm working towards right now gonna pay off later on. See, too many people want to reward right now. See, that's not the exhibition of faith. If it's the right thing to do, if it's if it's a good thing to do, if it's a just thing to do, see if it's seeing in it it ain't God. You can just clear on up right there. You can stop all the wandering. If that's his voice talking to you, if it's the right thing to do. If it's sin in it, it's not God talking to you. Kill it. You you you can shut it down. You ain't got to wonder about it. Go down there secrevenge. That ain't God. Go tell him off when you see him. That ain't God. Anything that's God's sin in it, is not God's voice telling you to do it. So you can you can kill that conversation to date. That's how you know. But if you align yourself up man and you and what you're doing is just and right and correct and pleasing in the sight of God, it'll pay off for you later on. And see here's here's here's the best way I can tell to it. Here's another one. When you're going somewhere, when you're when you're on the road to going somewhere, and you know the somewhere that you're trying to get to. Let's say you've set a goal of vision for yourself, you know where you want to get to, You got a good idea, and you own your way to going there. Listen to me when it gets hard, and it is going to get hard, when it gets difficult, and it is going to get difficult, when it becomes challenging, and it is going to become challenging when it becomes all three of those things. When it don't look like it's gonna happen, don't stop and complain so much. But see, I know he didn't bless me. But in the middle of it, man, I felt a little heavy. And you got to be careful when it gets hard for you, because you'll find yourself complaining. And when you're complaining. See, what you can't do is you can't complain so much that you forget that the place that you're trying to go to, you actually own your way there still. See, don't get caught up into complaining and then lose sight of your blessing that's actually happening. It to you, what real man of all the times to register a complaint to God to sit up and go, hey, man, I didn't want wanted to ease back into this thing. Ease back in, man, you in it's it's a tornado world around you. You ain't got time to ease back in. You got it going and jump back in it. It is what it is to whom much is given, much is required. Always appreciate the blessings. Don't get so caught up into complaints that you lose sight of the blessings. Man. God got a lot for you in your life, man, but you gotta have them two things, y'all. You gotta take that faith and you got to apply a crazy work ethic to it. And that creates the most opportunities for God to show your favor. And when God starts showing your favor, man, all of them seeds you planted, all of that, all of that wheat you've been sewing, all of that hard work you've been put in, God will pay it off. And he'll pay it off in ways that you don't even see coming. Okay, cool, you're listening. Morning show, Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your undivided attention. It is time for the Steve Harvey Morning Show, brought to you by ignorance, Tom Foolery, heavy doses of blackish mixed with a spoon of hilarity. We might get to some motivation, but we tied this week, Ladies and gentlemen, Steve Harby Morny Show was happening to everybody. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Happy Friday to you, mister Hardy Stan callin prell what's up? Hey? Crew. What's up Steve, Well, ladies and gentleman. Here by popular demand, one of the great recovery artists of all times. Better than the Pony Express, rain, sleet hell or snow chrisis. He comes through and in other of you gett at work tonight, Junior. This is for you. The Champers Hill, the Champers Hill. That damn Junior, that was fast for y'all. Don't know what this boy go through to come to work. I'm proud of you. Boy. Appreciate this boy right here showed up. I showed me, y'all. Oh man, I buy, I buys into it. Some little young kid out there watching boy Junior for all of you, the stuff stuff with sickle sale. Junior had a crisis, and Junior is back at work the next day, still in pain. Yeah, but do but strong, fighting through like a soldier. Lady Jim and nephew Thommy, yah ya ain't in the building. I'm here Friday morning. I supposed to do. Yo. We love our Fridays, don't we, even though not really even though yeah, they feel just like a wind together. Yeah, it's all, it's all the same. But today, yeah, I am going to play golf. Nice mask. You heard her her already struggle with the game, but I can't do it wheezing through that damn thick as man. Yeah, I'm gonna be social. I'm you know, it's it's different way they do it on the golf courses now. A lot of times you have to walk and everybody has their own card. You can't know two people on the same car. That's good. And the starter sits there and watches you take off, and you gotta stay certain this is away from each other. Just go to your ball and hit. I enjoy it. So it'll be fine that my golf tournament is tomorrow, and so I'm gonna play golf one day to get ready for I won't be ready. I'll play the same as I do the day to mom. So okay, just be careful out there, Steve, All right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, ask the CLO for this Friday. Right after this, you're listening to show coming up next hour, Charlie Wilson. Uncle Charlie will be our special. Looking forward to that, right, Yeah, but uh huh, it's been a minute. But first it is time to ask the CLO. The Chief love officer Steve Harvey, Steve, Here we go. This one's from Millicent in New Orleans. She says, I'm thirty years old and my dad came in my life six years ago. My dad was already married when my mom got pregnant with me, so I grew up without him in my life. I met his wife a few months after I reconnected with him. His wife explained how my dad kept me as a secret for years because my mom was a one night stand after he'd been drinking one night. I was furious because my dad was with my mom for four years and they went on trips together, and he was in the delivery room when I was born. Should I show his wife the receipts? Or should I let it go? Not well makes Walks brown. She wants to have a story to tell that makes her see her adequate for some reason, cause to rum and meet a young woman who hasn't had a relationship with her father in twenty four years, and that's the story you want to tell. You were kept a secret because you are one night stand. I mean, come on, lady, what's what's your purpose for trying to mess this young lady's up relationship up? Like that that's foul within itself. Now, with that being said, do you return the foulness that she put out too wrong? I don't think so. I think you should take the high road. I think the important thing for here is for you to have for whatever relationship you can have with your dad. You know, it doesn't matter me and make a lot of mistakes. I make mistakes as a young man myself, me and make mistakes and have the right to get it right and recover. What she didn't have the right to do was coming here and bust your bubble with all that information that she should have the bigger woman. But because she not a big woman, don't mean you shouldn't be either. I think that God will keep you in a better place if you take the high road myself, That's what I would suggest. But you know, if you're one of them days and you're just feeling funky, go ahead, go ahead. You know, good advice, Steve. I like that, Thank you? Yeah, Now I have for you was the one night staying right right, all right? Moving on. This one's from Verna in White Plains, New York. She says, I've been married for fourteen years and I love my husband dearly, but he stinks. Uh, he's in shape, he has a healthy diet, but he smells like hot garbage. I told him whatever he's eating isn't agreeing with his body, so he switched up his diet and supplement. I got him. I got him to take a shower as soon as he gets home. But the smell comes back twenty minutes later. It's not coming from a particular body part. It's not his feet or his butt. It's just an overall odor. I can't get in the mood for sex anymore. And he thinks that because of other reasons. Should I tell him he's funky? I mean, you told us the world to him. I don't even understand how you ain't had this conversation and you told us. And I'm gonna tell you what he needs to do. He needs to take one of those allergy exams, those that tells you what your body is allergic to. It's a test that you can take and you find out if you your body doesn't respond, will the gluten is something and it could be something that's subscreting out of his body that just don't agree with him. But he's doing it anyway, and the way it comes out is through his pose. He stank. I don't know. I'm not standing nobody fourteen years on. That's fourteen years that stank. That's funky. You can stak this evening, but by tomorrow you need to make some type of compection. We're not gonna do this every Christmas, all the birthdays, in the New Year's Eve, by sad to here you come again? They ain't a staink up at the church? Now? Kind level of stinking? What kind of level of stink is it? Though? Is it medium? Low stain? You stink? You're a Bible study? You as stink garbage? Why hot garbage is high stain? But if it's a low stink, you might be at a time. No such thing as low stink. Your ass s thank you? Stink ain't no low star. I smell it. That's too high and too damn much sitting up. Didn't hear my eyes watering up? You just sitting over that drinking coffee? What is the hell I'm in here for? Sitting over here? We're in the car, it's winter time, it's thirty thirteen degree where I got to get this window down because I can't stay locked up here? Nothing worse than home. Fucking ass frozen popsicle sitting up here. We all can't go nowhere. You have to stow staking just walking through the mass. Think it all right down at the movies? People turn around? Who's back here? Is all right? Anonymous in DC says, I've been working as a warehouse manager for three years, and I have a big problem because I've fallen in love with one of my employees. He is married, has children and a nice home. I know all of this because I stalk him on social media and I've driven by his house a few times. I'm a sexy woman in my mid thirties, and I know he sees me, even flirts with me. Some days I can't get him out of my mind. Should I approach him and see what's up? Or would that be going too far? Since I'm his boss? What damn? You stalk him? That's scary you to drove by's house? Yeah, and he's married. Now, let me say something to you, lady. And I don't know how this go down on the radio, but you're being his boss and everything with all the me too stuff that's out there and HR Department and racial injustice that's going out there, all of this here in COVID nineteen, having broken up so many homes lately, in all of this here, and I can go on and on and on simply to guide you down this park way, to get you to understand that you can drive by his house and get your natchal ass. It's what I need you to understand. His wife bet not to see you driving by the damn house stalking him. You gonna get Joe natche date all right, coming up, thank you, Cello. Coming up next. The nephew in the building would run that prank back right after this. You're listening so excited about this. Coming up next, our uncle Charlie Wilson will be our special guest. He is family around here and we love him. Also, Miss Anna's standing by with today's national headlines. Plus Carlos gonna tell us about the beet Awards happening this Sunday night. Right now. The nephew is here, would run that prank back. What you got for us? Now, I've been to the penitentiary. I'm out. Your brother promised me some things while we was in now and now I'm calling you. It's time to pay the piper. I'm Kate Dog ladies and gentlemen. Ladies, ladies and gentlemen. It's long. Hey dog, let's go cat dog? Hey dog in the build. Hello. Oh yeah, I'm trying to reach I'm trying to reach Terence. Yeah, this is Terence. Who's this? This Kate dog? Uh? His Brandon? Your brother? Yeah, that's my brother. He locked up? While what's up? Who call you? Cool? Hey? Look I just got that. I was actually, uh, I was locked up with your brother. We was on the same tier together. I was, uh, you know, that was kind of like most boy right there. I took kill of uh. He told me that he was He had been writing you to tell you, and you was, you know, letting you know. I had been taking care of him. You know, uh, we was locked down or whatever. I know, he don't get off for another couple of years. But like he told me that when he was writing you that you know, y'all had already got is situated it. You know, you was gonna take care of me when I got out, So you know, I, like I said, I just got out last night, and I wanted to come by and pick up the first ten grand you know sometimes this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, how much did you just say Kenny grand? Yeah? You know, I mean he told me he had already wrote you and told you what was up. Oh bro, I ain't talking to my brother over a year, dude. So hold on, hold on, hold on long right you know? Okay he told nah. You know Peter told me that you you got me straight with the first ten grand. When I first get out and dine A couple of months later, you will hit me with the list ten grand. It's just twenty grand. Wait wait, hello, over that's twenty grand. Bro. I got a wife and kids. I got a families take care of. Ain't no, I ain't got ten grand to deal with. I gotta feed four kids and the wife. Okay, okay, so what you hold on? Hold? How how old? Hold them up? Man? So what you're saying Brandon was lying to me the whole time. What I'm telling you is just locked up eighty man to say anything to say to the ain't no ten grand over here? You know, twenty grand over here? You want to get it, Brandon, gonna need to wait two years till you get out and deal with that. You get grand? No, no, no, it ain't it. Ain't it ain't been. It ain't been a fall like that. Play nigga, hear what's sas to go down? Okay, Nah, I'm coming over the frag so you ain't coming over here ten grand? The first ten grand is old old ride. Now what I ain't got the first. First of all, what you need to know is just right here. I don't kill nothing about going back. My thing is just right here. Just pay for supposed to be rid and took care of your brother all these years while I was up in there keeping people up off of him on the third till. And now you've been to come to me. You're friends to come to me nine gos. How to put it in his work is now y'all ain't been to play up. It ain't been them like this. Yeah, that's what I'm telling y'all. Doesn't put it in work to provide my family, me and my wife work. And you telling me that you're trying to come over here Friday to get ten granted, I ain't even got for that's locked up. Hey man, Look I'm not I'm not. I'm not feeling first of all, all this back and forth like this zill that this ain't nothing I do you understand. I don't do that. I don't go back and food. I let you know what it is. It's ten green being on Friday now if you need to try to reach out to your brother's uh locked in. You didn't talk to him. But like the zeal, I'm coming looking for Terris, you know, looking for my ten green. That that that's this, that's all that is ten grand. I put some tims up yond you come over here to my house, to my family, to about you're gonna get ten grand with my no gred brother that's locked down. Hold on, cul hold on because see you're gonna you're gonna reve around and take this you know way what First of all, what did you just say on him? When I get over with us? What you say? You? You bring your to my house with my family here, I'm gonna put some tims up yea, how about ten thousand dollars and then another ten and a couple of months you lost so damn blind. I ain't got m grand. I've worked my often. You're gonna tell me that you want ten grand? Another ten grand in a few months of taking care of my brother while he locked up. Nobody to tell you take care of him. That's a girl. Man. Let him take care of themselves. Me and my family and the bell just out of so much I'm dumb. Hey, hey, hey, god, look at I understand how it is that you've seen. But what you what you got to looking on mine for the land three and a half years, I've been over here taking kill and he telling me, y'all gonna take care of me. So here, I don't know what's going on. What I do know, well, dope Fried, this frid I'm coming to get team Graham from Tim. So you got the six this right here. Anyway, you're gonna feast so I and that just is right there. Come Friday. I'm in. I'm in front of your house. Down what wait? Hunt on? What? Hunt on? Kate dog? You say your name, Kate dog baby from the third decade? Down from the third till three tills on the side of my left. I don't done three deadcades. You probably don't work the everybody in the street and then jail. You got my But I'm gonna tall something you bring over here to my house. Try to me my wife and my kids. Thing gonna go down like you think it ain't gonna go I'm gonna get the aad thing I got. Then some you come over here, you're gonna be laying down. Bro, I'm gonna be what gonna be laying down? You come over here and try to me and my family and my kids. It ain't gonna happen that way. You okay? Then that's then that that's where we are to him. Baby, Then we just we just gonna say this up a Friday. And then because they don't make me know, I ain't already talk. We gotta wait to know Friday, Kate Dog, we gotta wait to fight. I'll meet you somewhere. You're gonna well like you think it's gonna go down. Once I get you any thing I got and lay you down, I'm gonna be in there with my brother Brandon whooping his putting me into he doesn't got your I'll call you hey. You know, first of all, if you ain't got the ten grand, you might well going on brand now anyway, get this. You need to get your out here and get a job like everybody else. I don't care how long you've been in and everybody got a job. I'm busting you won't ten work for that ten grand and get you out here and wash cars such Grand. Hey, man, you know what I'm gonna tell you. Know what your your brother? One thing ain't about him? He was right about you though, he was right about you. You know what I'm saying. I'm gonna tell you what thing else he told me about Joe? What? What the hell did he tell you about me? He told me to tell you who I really was. This is nephew Tom and from the Steve Harpin more than show your sister. The feeder got me to point pall call you who the is this? This is? This is? This is nephew jommy man for the Steve Harvey born to show your sister the Vita got me the prank phone call you get them. I didn't. I didn't let up a cigarette in the house. I come smoke in the house. I'm gonna get hut you all right? Man? I am? You had me on ten. I'm like ten. Grand, I'm gonna come to my wife. Man, it's all good, man, I gotta ask brother what bad and I mean the saddest radio show in the lane. Man, you know what it is is Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't make me go see my brother now? It is holidays. I'm gonna have to go see that man in jail man and now you have it, whoa and there you have it. Nothing. Yeah, I know he will come Friday. I want I want my teen king up. And I don't know who you talk to. I got the wiving kids me. I ain't got no tingred. All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour entertainment of National News right after this. You're listening, Hey, y'all, that's promise. We got a very very special guest, uh former lead singer or one of the great groups, the Damn Gap bandy something to you. If you ain't Damn the Gap Band, that's your damn problem. We don't even have time to explain it. But you don't know nothing about you dropped a bomb on me. You know nothing about humping. You don't know nothing about burn rubble on me, Charlee shaw Lee. You don't know nothing, and about uh, what's my jam? That's my favorite? Got my heart? Yes, y'all don't know nothing about this hill. These boys was let Robert, that boy holl out rock And if you ain't seen this boy live, you don't even know. You don't even know, you don't even know stellar career, forty years in the business. He's a living legend, he's a family members got working on a new album. He just released the second single, one I Got. We're gonna hear that music. We're gonna get his thoughts on a few other things. Uh. He's also doing and and Ask Anything Chat today on Steve Harvey F Film. That's how ask Anything chat. So if you want to talk to Uncle Charlie, come on today over to Steve Harvey F Film and talk to Uncle Charlie and you can ask him anything. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together. But Uncle Charlie, that damn Collie Will Charlie Wilson my O. We love Charlie Wilson got him. Kanye came and got him. They know, yes, yes, If you ain't never, If you ain't never asked us with Charlie, you ain't never. That's how you us with Charlie. Chryler, man something. Man, You've been used to being on stages and performing almost every weekend. Man, Well, how's it been like since the quarantine? Well, you know I needed to rest anyway. I've never had a vacation. I've never been off. In all of those years I've been performing and making records, I never had uh, like a vacation. So you know, me and my wife was figured out. Man, our body was hella tired. You know. We just fell asleep and clept for four five days the first time we went to sleepy five years of that. You know what It's like, Okay, okay, it's time to just relax a little bit. In the week we rested out for a little wilder than wee. We jumped up just get ready to go back to work. I was like, what do you mean work, get back in that studio, let's go. I was like, oh, okay, So that's what I did. And I've been doing that ever since. But it's been great because people don't ever see me too much, you know, because we don't go anywhere. So home is what we always We always here anyway, So all right, go back there and swim, go back there and work out, get over that to the right over there, and go make some music. We come back and handsome go to bed and do the same thing the next day. That's pretty good. I mean, you know, you're handling it like a lot of people are a lot of people are handling it the wrong way. I mean, just take advantage of the time. I've looked at it as an opportunity to relax and refreshing it sound Yeah, that's what you've done. Read you man, that's it right there. Hey, Charlie Man, then you're from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Man, with all of this that's going on, the uprising, the president coming to Oklahorea coming over, and U supposed to be twenty thousand, supposed to be a million on it in but that head fake coach, of course he can't count good, no way, so he had all this, With all of this that's going on, man, and with Tulsa. You you you probably, I mean, I know you're more than familiar with the history of Black Wall Street and everything that happened in Tulsa. What's the climate for you now? How are you looking at this social uprising for justice on behalf of black people. What's some of your thoughts on the Childie? Well, you know, you know I ain't very political, but let me just say this. The way I've been watching um uh Black Sands and everybody protesting and marching, I'm never all of the years I've been living that I knew what I was looking at. It's like I've never ever seen white people almost more than black people, marching beside black people and got signs in their hands, white people saying that black lives matter. I've never ever ever seen that in my whole life. So I just said, you know, I hope that this is the generation could probably make a distance connect to change. I mean, you know, we have to vote, we have to do all these things to help make this thing go on. But you know, it just it looked it looked sexy for me to a point, you know. I mean personally, I I wasn't ain't all this sh about the looten, but you know what I'm saying, sometimes that go with it. You get something one out boys and it's like that go with it. Some of it that just go sorry. But we personally, I don't. I don't know too much. You know, I ain't that ain't sect it for me. But hey man, it's looking it's looking upward a little bit. I just think what happened need to happen now is that you know, those heads need to get together and these kids that's loving what they got their signs, they're living what they're saying and living what they're watching about. I just think they need to keep on, you know, uh very carefully and and uh and and and and and peacefully and just make their point, just continue to set the thing is is getting wrapped up because I think you know, they just kilt they just kilt us over this last time. This was it. This was the one that just tilt over, just crashed and and it burned. To people, it's like arm enough is enough, you know, it's just come on, man, It's like you just think about all of the other kids that didn't got the footing, the neck did Nobody don't know how they died. It's so many. I'm not political, so I'm gonna go the I'm gonna shut up in a minute because my people start getting nervous. Okay, he's going on a rant, so I'm gonna be quiet. You know, they got my support, you know they got my support. Hey, Charlie, hold on right there, ladies, and Jimmy, we'll be back with more. Charlie Wilson, run after this. You're listening, all right, y'all, we're back. We are on the phone. We're talking to the legend, the hit maker himself, one of the greatest living performers of all time, still to this day, legendary Charlie Wilson. Now, Charlie, we would be a miss if we did not talk about what the hell your ass been up to in that day studio. Yes, I want to hear all listen mess out right now? What is it? Man? What you got coming off this new album? Well, you know what, man, you know, Steve, I've always celebrated women in all my records, and I'm still celebrating women because I got a woman that deserves celebrated and and and I know a lot of brothers got women to sell it that they would love to be celebrated. And you know, because they're holding down the home and and uh there's are a center home and said love that center. That's that's sitting. So that's what I've been doing. Man. You know, I gotta just say this, I gotta I gotta pop my collar one time, because I mean one time I would say I gotta eat number one and this and that. You said you got four. Man, was like, wait a minute, I know I got level of stuff like that took. He was like, you got four, Charlie, I was like, got four Billboard number one. But you know what wild spiece is that we had a guy doing radio for us and doing all this stuff, and four those we had we had uh four and four of them was was ended up number two. And we talked that they had got the number one time didn't We didn't kind of check into paying attention. I was just going around bragging. But when I found out, I said, Okay, I got to catch up and I gotta break some records. So this is what I'm gonna do. So it was like Lucivangels. This was got billboard had the number one, most number one records, build Luther Van Ross, it was R Kelly and Maxwell. It was three guys that the most number one. They had seven number one records. So I creeped up on them. Your boy right here got seven with Forever Forever, Valentine Somber eight right now and Uxe you No, no you Lutheran. Maxwell could be battling it out. He ain't coming too fast like me. I'm coming. I'm nigging the point. And let me tell y'all something else. I don't seen the show Beyonce is out there with with with the level of show that is out there and young people can get to it easier. Oh yeah, but if you want to see the greatest legend show on Earth, you got that, damn Charlie Wilson. Before I go see that, I don't give them who next? That ain't gonna roll the beat next. You need to go in front of him. Don't don't go after once he blow the whistle, move back, Hey Charlie, hang on, Hey, y'all, we'll be right back. We got more than legend. The BAM is in the building of the black ass hidding maker. Right after this you're listening, y'all, were back with BAM with who the Bam? And who is that? That's the black ass hiding make that? Damn Charlie Wilson, Hey Charlie. So this new single man, it's uh. The first single off that album was Forever Valentine. It was a collaboration with Brunal Mall. It went to number one and joy. But the news single is called one I Got Yeah. How would you describe I Got Yeah? It ain't that part of it, that first part of you. I got debate up for the flummer So get ready for that job. All right, let's go. Let's play this the new single, y'all, This is one I got when she walked through the mall. They'd be turning their heads when she puts on her dress and know she's knocking them. Dad, it's fine as guy can make them. And whenever she damn she never listens a bead and holding onto the hands. She knows that I never love. I'm noting her vibration. After all, this time, it just gets bad. It just gets bad. Believe when the same and fandoms. Food ain't normalman Nickel Plack, because you can have rolies, improf is by ain't normalman nic You can have models. Love ain't no woman, Nickel. She can have everything. You've everything, but ain't no woman. She can have what she wants to put it all in her bag. I like the way that she flown. She gotta work where she has if ain't o't come. Blood is shown and at the end of the day she give it us a hellove. She always knows what to say. I play somebody above her and love hers mind this show, the roll, This time, it just it's bad. Just it's bad. Believe when I see you can imagine and fandom. Bloods ain't normalman Nickel Plack, because you can have Rolies improf is by. Ain't normalman, Nickel. You can have models, get the live. Ain't no woman Nickel when you can have everything you've ever seen, But ain't no woman. She's amazing. Her love locks me all those good conversation. She got the heart, she got my soul. I'm telling you all, fandom blush. Ain't no woman Nickel when you gonna roll it trompes. Ain't no woman when you're gonna get Ain't no woman n when you can everything you even seen but a woman. Last name with the name run over. Somebody said you can fantom one as the model rum Lotto. Hey man, I'm gonna rename you. Say anything, man, it don't matter what it is. I'm gonna call you. Bam Yeah you bam b a hm, bam bam from black Ass hit Maker. I love it, I love black You are black ass hit maker. That's damn Charlie Wilson make mold damn hits. Anybody that's been in the game, this one. Not everybody's been doing it for the years, still doing it at this You can't, man, Charlie will stay all stay safe. We're waiting to save you. Live and Steve Harvey morning, showing the whole Steve Harvey Nation in Little with Charlie Wilson, Ladies and gentlemen, the legend bay All Black Michael on the phone, Legend Charlie Wilson. Yeah, by ballo 'all, I love you, Thank you, Uncle Charlie, We love you too. Coming up next, the nephew is here with the prank phone call you're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for this Friday subject. My husband switched from hymns to Hennessey. All right, first, the nephew is here for today's prank phone call. What's you got? Neff okay in b if you wait what NB, I'm note blacks for you, not right now, You're not doing now. I'm doing it right now in the middle of everything that's going on, n B L for you. Let's go cat. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Nicole. Please, how you doing? Listen? I'm giving you a call. You you happen to be um uh in a relationship with a with a black man? Am I am? I right? I'm sorry? Who is this? I'm sorry? My name is Brian well, I don't want to give my full name, but it's Jiadiah Jiadiah Malcolm. Okay, and and I'm sorry, why are you calling? Okay? Now you you you are a Caucasian woman. Correct, Okay, Why I'm still trying to get to why are you calling? Well, what's going on is, um, I'm with an organization and we're calling people who are in interracial relationships, and from my understanding, you are in a interracial relationship. Correct, Yes, okay, I'm with n b FU and that's uh NBFU is no blacks for you. And what we're doing is we're trying to get uh racist to go back to dating each other, you know, which means Caucasians going back. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I first, I don't know who do you think you are calling my house? But that's just not gonna happen. And I don't know where this organization is based out of. I mean, you must be some country bumpkin or something and you have just really called the wrong house. Okay, Well, no, when uh NBFU ma'am has been around since the early nineteen forties. Yeah, I can imagine. I can imagine that. Now, I'm sure at some points, you guys have to shut down because this is just ridiculous. Do you know what I mean? Obama's mother was white. Are you gonna go knock on his door too? What the hell are you? I'm not gonna have time to knock on Obama's door. He's business. I'm trying to do was get the rest of the country from black and that's what I'm playing. What I'm trying to try to tell us we can't be together because you're black and I'm white. He's kind yo, what's up? Who this? Uh? Okay? Who? Who? Who? Who is this? This is a I'm a man? Who this? Okay? This is Gada mancol And what I'm doing, man, is well, you know, I'm with an organization called nb FLU and NBFU. Man. There's no Blacks for you, which what we're trying to do is we're trying to get all racists to go back to each other. What you're tellingly tripping? Man? You are what? What? What kind of organization is that y'all are tripping? Okay? Brother, let me ask you don't feel you don't feel empty without the sister on your side. You don't feel empty without loving black woman on your side. That's what I'm asking you, brother. I got I got plenty of black woman on my side, but that don't mean that I had to be in a relationship with a black woman. I'm in a relationship with a woman I love. So that's what it's about. And now I don't feel empty. That's the first problem with your organization right there, that the premise is wrong. Okay, okay, okay, but brother, what we're trying to do, man, we don't want to lose our rate. We don't want the blacks to lose the strength that we have. And if blacks continued to date and mate with blacks, then we would be as powerful and stronger than any other race in the world. Where did you get this number from? That? Excuse me? How do you get this numbing in the first la? Dude? I mean, I ain't got time fall this man. This is a nonsense bro. How you Why are you calling? Uh? Hey? Man? Because all y'all interracial or couple? It was yeah, but what business does that? Man? That ain't not in your business, hey, but it is my business. Is I'm with if I'm with n B L for you know that you and you you're a black person that are integrated within another race. And what we're trying to do, man, is get you to understand to come back to your race and be comfortable and happy in your race. Oh you really now, do come back to my race. I ain't never left my lazy dog. You are tripping, yo, and be you you. I'll get off our phone. Man, don't call hit no more with that? Did you think that you are happier with a Caucasian woman than you would be with a black woman? Man, I don't even I don't want to entertain it. Don't call hit no more. Don't call hit no more. Do you let me ask you brother? Be a man and answer the questions? Oh, dog, you know what you got to get you up? Well? Dog, you know you really? You really gonna get you up? Will be a man? I'm ask' you know what if you bring it over here, you'll find out how much of a grown man I am. Hey, man, don't get you. Don't man while I'm in the middle of asking you these questions, because I ain't got no problem coming over there. I got your phone number, I got your address too. Bring your gowne over and see what you're frying. I'm asking you about these relationships. Man, are you more comfortable in a relationship with a Caucasian woman than you are with a black woman? Dog? I told you, man, it ain't even about that and weren't even going into that. So look, just please, brother, can you stop calling him? Don't call my mother. We're calling all inter racial people around the country. That's what nb F you, Doug. We call all of y'all and we try to talk some sensing to you and see if you can change the world and go back to the racist from which is you came. You're tripping, yell, you're really tripping, man. You know what. Obviously just a mental institution you're calling from because it there's something wrong with you. So look, don't call him no more, and we ain't got no more problems. Say this, I say this to you. I'm going to your your girl's job and I'm talking to her face to face tomorrow about this whole situation. You know what, And you're gonna get your No, I ain't getting my fo I'm going tomorrow and I'm talking matter of fact, I ain't even call to talk to you. You put her back on the fall, damn with you show up at her job demands, he will happen. I'm showing up at her job, put her back on the phone, show up at her job tomorrow, see what happens. You're gonna mess around and get your to You the guy with this white girl. And you know what, man, you can change. Man, you change. Don't know me from the beginning. Dude, how he's gonna come them down and change? You don't know me? Look at me. I know how your brothers get. Man. I'm as black as I ever was, and you can't measure my blackness because of who I'm dating. You show up at a job tomorrow, You're gonna get your You ain't gonna sit and threaten me. Man, I am with you. Don't work him up, and now I'm work that year. You're done. You're done, so you can stop calling the housing women to your job tomorrow. Do you want them say I'm coming again? Please? You all you need to me? Matter fact, you can have your man at your job at lunchtime. Not only am I gonna talk to you at lunchtime. I'm a whoop hitter. Wow, there gonna be any talking. You show up, There's not gonna be any talking. Yeah, it's gonna be any black man. You have a discussion to uphold and just help. You won't say okay, you know what, there's a saying. Are you on with the fool? Makes you a fool? So this conversation is whatever? Could I say one more thing to you? Watch? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. My goodness, wow, Okay, he's about to take his blood press. What hey, hey, nephew tim Me, I ain't never like knowing it. Gotta ask y'all before I leave, and I need to hear this from both of y'all. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Come on, baby, give it to me, y'all. Gotta get it, tim men give too much? Yeah now I went over Yeah? Okay, So so y'all saying I went over the land? What you're saying? Yeah? Right now? Do you think Thomas Smiles dot com? Baby, let's do it. Thomas Smiles dot com. Go to Thomasmilese dot com, click on the prank button and leave me all your information. Let me know what you want to do. I give you a call. We talk and we figured out and then I called and try to make magic. Sometimes I hit a home run. Sometimes let's strike out. We don't know it yields what it is. And b if your uncle proud, Oh I know he was proud on No. I just so I thought that was a lot. Oh, yes, he says it's a lot. I didn't think in this clam Yeah, that brother was about his business. Yeah, it ain't got to do with that, all right, nephew, King of Pranks. Coming up next Strawberry Letters. Subject my husband switched from Hymns to Hennessey. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey F M. Duck and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject my husband switched from Hymns to Hennessey. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty nine year old Latino woman, and I'm married to a fifty three year old Black man. We've been together for seven years and we've been married for three years. We met at church and we're both in the church choir. When we started dating, I saw an edgier side of him. He wrote a motorcycle drink Hennessy on the weekend, and he cursed whenever he talked to his friends. It was different from the church man I met, but I liked it. He told me that he didn't want to scare me away because I was his queen. Whenever we'd go places in his car, he'd have his satellite radio on rap music, and the lyrics were so offensive that I asked him if he could turn it off. He apologized and said he'd never play that type of music around me again. After we got married and got our first house, he turned the garage into his man cave. He'd go out there and sit for hours, watching TV and listening to music. I'd be in the house, cleaning up, cooking and singing along to gospel music. Once we had to be quarantined, he would stay in his man cave all day and all day long, he played very explicit rap music very loud while he sipped on his hennessy. I could hear it through the house, so I know the neighbors could hear it too. He said he dared our neighbors to come say anything to us. It was so embarrassing. My husband is so different when he plays this music, this awful music. I jokingly asked if he was too old to still be into rap music, and he said it's a cultural thing, and I wouldn't understand. He may be right about that, but I do know when something is offensive. How can I get my husband to grow up and stop being a disruptive neighbor? Neighbor? Please help well this letters, I don't know. It's a little confusing to me because you say you've known him for seven years, you've been married to him for three, and he listened to rap during your dating period, and you did say you saw his edge your side with the motorcycle. You said he drank hennessy, he cursed with his friends, but you said you liked it at the time. You did say that. Now it sounds like since the quarantine, it's a little different, and maybe it's gotten a little worse. You say he's playing more offensive more explicit lyrics in his music. Now he stays in the garage all day, all night. He's drinking all the time now, whereas before he was just drinking on the weekends. So I'm trying to figure out, what are you really upset about that it's gotten worse Because you did say you liked it at first, You have a lot to choose from you. Are you mad about the music? Are you mad about the fact that he's playing the music too loud? Are you mad about him being in the man cave all day? The hennessy, I just think you're mad because of all of these things, and especially because the music is loud and it's offensive to the neighbors. That's a good point, that is, Okay, You've got to remind him. Remember back when you guys were dating and he said that he didn't want to scare you away because you are his queen. Well, you know, you got to remind him of that, and maybe he'll remember saying those words to you. Maybe that'll click something in his head or something so that he can turn this music down. Loud music shouldn't be played to the level where it disturbs the neighbors. I don't think so while you're added, you could tell him to, you know, ease up on the hennessy a little bit too. Maybe that contributes to the loud music, So you know, take him there and see if he'll remember and turn it down. Steve going in and said, man, that hennessy not why he drinking it? That ain't the time y'all to bring it up on the way from home after choir rehearsal. Now you met the man in the choir, y'all singing. Y'all started dating, you started seeing an edgy aside. He wrote a motorcycle drink Hennis in on the weekends. He cussed, when he talks to you with friends, this is my dude, man, you should this ain't one of my partners, are you show? This ain't walting Neil, He cussed whenever he talked to his friend. It was different from the church man, I mean, it's gonna be different. Kirk Franklin taught this to me when we were on two together, because I was concerned about the church crowd not being able to adjust to my jokes out He said, Dog, your fans and my fans, it's the same people. They just went to different mask. So the dude you meet at church, He got that mask on and when he get off, he put the other mask on. Now he a motorcycle, hennessy riding, cussing, hip hop loving, fifty three year old dude. Now you said, whenever we go places in this car, he'd have his satellite radio rap music and the lyrics so officive that I asked him if he could turn it off. He apologized that he never played that type of music around me. Again. Well, after we got married and got our first house, he turned the garage into his man Kate. I ain't mad at that. He didn't mess with none of the house. He went out there in that damn garage. All he wanted to do is have a little place. So now he go out there and he sit for hours watching TV and listen to music. You in the house cleaning, singing to gospel music, to gospel music and Volga hill pop. Is not a good match, trying to figure out what the I you want? I want to go together crazy and all of your friends. Wow, my love the Lord, Wow love the Lord. So it's so hang on, hang on, Steve. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letter subject my husband switched from Hymns to Hennessey. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject my husband switched from hymns to Hennessey. Thirty nine year old Latino woman match your fifty year old man. They were together seven years, they've been married three. They met at church. They both sang in the choir. Started dating. She saw a different side of it. He wrote a motorcycle. He drank hit it seeing it because when he talked to it friend, I told him that was different than the man I met at church. He said he didn't want to run me away because I was his point. And you go play seeing all this him anyway, y'all got married in your first house. He turned to garage into a man cave. Right. He got that sitting for hours watching TV and listen to music. I'll be in the house cleaning up, cooking and singing along to Godspel music when we quarantined. He's staying the man cave all day long. He played explicit rap. How do you want it? How do you want it? How does it feel growing up in the fast Ain't living in the Fast man for real? I know, Jesus, he how do you want it? Jesus? How does it feel? So? I think y'all, bat, I think y'all on a call Swiss beats and it's gonna be you against your husband. In the weekend of battle get marriage and Blige and Gil Scott and they had Teddy and baby Face. I think it's time for you and your husband. I was Erica and Jail Yeah yeah, yeah, Erica bad yeah all right? So now, and this rap music is very loud and he SIPs his Hennessy. I could hear through the all through the house, so I know he's a bad neighbor. Jokingly asked her he was too old and still being rap music. He said it was a cultural thing. That's not true and I wouldn't understand, but I know music that's offensial. How can I get my husband to grow up and stop being a disruptive neighbor? Please? Hell, first thing, you need to go out and shut that damn garage though, to get some of his head. See his problem is he listening to the music on the car radio with the car running, and if he shut that garage though, that's carbon monoxide. You got to get him by him a bluetooth speaker so he can cut that damn call and let that damn doe down. That's what starts. Secondly, I really don't have no answer for you for this. You married the black dude here and the hip hop he not fin to stop. You can't ask a person not to enjoy the music anymore. But now, when you told him that the neighbors would come by, he had I wish you would moment, you know, you know how you want somebody to come out, come over, you know, And I think that's about where he was at with him. So, lady, he is a deal and I know surely said that, but this he don't. He don't care. He is church people disturbed the peace too. Shirt. I can't tell you how many times I would be sitting up on a Saturday morning enjoined myself and then he didn't come. And so you know, I've had a lot of times interrupted by Christian people. So I understand your problem interrupting people. I really don't have no answer for this letter. I don't care. You know you're not gonna leave your man. He's not a bad husband. He just got a man cave and he like loud music. It's the quarantine too, that's what it is, and the reason he's spent all that time inside the garage because you own his last damn ner nowhere else to go. It ain't nowhere, man, So that's we got nothing else for it? What is he in there playing again? Before you get Jesus? All the things? I love? Mix it Jesus. Yeah, how are you wanting? How does it feel? How it feels like? Jesus? Whoa my lord? Go back, go back, go back? How does it feel? How do you want it? I'm not I don't feel bad. Plain living in the bad. That's classic back and forth man. Yeah, I'm telling you. Swiss beats all to have them all DJ versus church her church music gets his hip hop. He gonna win now because the people is listening to the challenge on switch Beats them. They they young people think oh yeah, yeah, that's that's about it. That's about it. I think he should turn it down, though, I do, because he's disturbing the neighbors. If he could play it whatever, but it shouldn't be that loud. Surely he ain't. She hasn't asked him yet. All right, all right, post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, on Instagram and Facebook. Can please don't forget to check probably that type of black dude that if you go down and tell him to turn it down, he's gonna get loud. It's gonna crank it up. Yeah, don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, We'll get serious and tell you about three Wilmington police officers in North Carolina that have been fired after a video recording revealed extremely racist comments. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to this Dave Harvey Morning Show. The three cops from the Wilmington, North Carolina Police Department, Jesse Moore, Kevin Piner, and Brian Gilmore, were fired for violating standards of conduct and using inappropriate jokes and slurs. The racist comments came to light during a monthly inspection video audit in which footage from Piner's patrol car was reviewed, including conversations between the officers while talking with officers Gilmore and Piner. While talking with Officer Gilmore, Piner began criticizing the department, saying it's only concern was kneeling down with the black folks. Piner later expressed to More that he feels a civil wars coming and he plans to buy an assault rifle to go out and start slaughtering them or cuss word black people. He added, I can't wait, God, I can't wait. Pinter also said civil war is necessary to wipe them off. The cuss word again, map, then I'll put them back about that all to put them back about four or five generations. Police say the three officers admitted it was their voices on the video recording and didn't deny the content, but denied being racist. Excuse me, but denied being racist and blame the comments on the stress of the job in wake of George Floyd's killing and subsequent protests. What no, that's in your heart? Come on, Steve, Yeah, that makes no sense. And they said the inWORD and a lot of profanity. Yeah, it was. It was bad, and the police chief took action. It's amazing how but that person tries to play what they said and have an excuse for it. For you to say any of those things you're talking about. They were tired enlightened to Joe. This this is before. Yeah, George Floyd's George Floyd's death made you want to go out of buying an assault rifle and start a civil war and put them back in their place and start slaughtering them, slaughtering because of the protests. Yeah, I can't wait, God, I can't wait. Stop stop, I can't wait. Now, you can't wait to go kill some man? Get out of him now he pull a black person over. That's what we're dealing with it. And let me tell you something. I'm gonna stop saying it's only a few because it's a bunch of them. Yeah, a lot of right here. See, it keeps happening too much for it only a few. Now. It's a lot of good cops out there, I tell you that it is. But it's way too damn many of them that ain't right right now? Yeah, And what can they say? It's on video, it's on a recording that'll put them back four or five generations. What And I believe the police chief was black African American and he took action, all right, coming up of the top trending political news about the Democratic National Convention at the top of the hour. We'll get into that right after this you're listening to show the Democratic National Committee has officially scaled back its presidential convention. The convention is scheduled for August seventeen through the twentieth in Milwaukee, and there will be events there every day, but those events have been downsized or in many cases, made remote. The main convention will no longer happen at the Fizzer Foreign for A Marina, but in the much smaller Milwaukee Center, and state delegations are being told to plan to stay home and cast their ballots remotely. Other events will be broadcasts from satellite cities, locations, and landmarks across the country. However, Joe Biden will still accept the nomination for president in person in Milwaukee. Meanwhile, the GOP still has plans to hold a traditional convention in Jacksonville, Florida, after moving it from Charlotte, North Carolina, when that state said it would likely take social distancing measures, and you know our president is not going for that, you know that, So he moved. Yeah, so he moved the entire Republican convention to Jacksonville, because you don't care nothing about these people. He's only concerned about this win. Yes, yeah, winning this winning in November. You're right, and so it credible to him. We're on in so many markets and so many cities in Florida. If y'all don't get out and vote, Yeah, y'all got to get out and vote, and to help us turn this thing around. We have to do our part. We have to. We can't just sit up here and come plane. We have to get out and put some actions with those words. Please. Yeah. Did you see the president walking from the Air Force Wantage. I seen him walking across the lawn with his tie undone and that defeated hat in his hand. Yeah, oh my god. Yeah, they didn't whoop your hands to date. Yeah, hed every bit of it. Yeah, from Arizona, and it just looked like, Yeah. I think he's greatly affected by the pole. I think so too, even though he tries to pretend like he's not. I think he is. Anything that shows him behind or not in a good light or you know, he's petty like that, and he always wants to be on top, and like you say, when so when he's not, it takes a toll, Junior. You want to say it with me, You about to lose you about it's over? That's that defeat looking. I thought, Man, I just don't want us to get too comfortable because I still have a long way to go. He is a fighter and he will fight, and we saw that. Yeah twenty sixteen, we thought it was gonna go one way and we were surprised and shocked. So you're right, surely we're gonna keep going. He's automatically gonna win, So you don't have to go to the polls. No, that's all the more reason for you to go to the polls and votes. Exactly. I really do not see this guy winning again. And that's a hard statement to make because you know how the Republican Party works in the how and how they react. But I'm just going to tell you I think it's gonna be hard because I think if we can keep the attitudes where they are, they will turn it out to the polls. M. We just got to keep pushing, get through this summer, keep voting in the primaries, doing what we gotta do. Yeah, yeah, we have to right at it to see more of Joe Biden too. If we could you know, I would, I would like to see more. He looks good, though, Shirley. He's been looking better. Yeah. Yeah, and when he first started, when he first he looks a whole lot better. That's good. That's what did you say? I like what he said, even talking about the president and uh not actually being a leader, leadership what the country is lacking. Did you see that, Steve, You're just whining. Yeah, yeah, you're making it about you. You're making it about you. I like what Biden said too, when he said, we're fighting for the very soul of this country. And I feel like that, I really do. I feel like we've lost, you know, a lot under this presidency, we really have of who we are and our strengths and all of that. Yeah. Anyway, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this You're listening show and trending baby news. Tianna Taylor and Iman Shumpert are just three months away from welcoming their new bundle of joy. She's revealing more news about her birthing plans. Since she's considering a home birth, Tianna has um already enlisted the help of none other than Steve Ericabadu as her midwife. Oh, if you didn't know. Ericabadou is also known as Erica Badulla. She has been delivering babies as a certified dula since two thousand and one. Okay, Eric, yes, yes, yes, yes, She's assisted over forty mothers deliver their babies safely. Erica says she loves being a part of the welcome committee. That I can't, I can't be out there. That's why I called a midwife. Not I fell out, husband, I saw her head. I fell out, Hell at all. I'm sitting there head. Come on, I will shoulders wow, covers as you're so crazy? That is a miracle. To push it back is too much? Ain't number God right there? Well? She was breathing, Who who push it back? Cross? All right? More of this craziness on the Sea Hardy Show. And I'm training new coming up in thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Stry Morning Show. It is time to ask the yello the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. This one's from Millicent in New Orleans. She says, I'm thirty years old and my dad came in my life six years ago. My dad was already married when my mom got pregnant with me, so I grew up without him in my life. I met his wife a few months after I reconnected with him. His wife explained how my dad kept me as a secret for years because my mom was a one night's stand after he'd been drinking one night. I was furious because my dad was with my mom for four years and they went on trips together, and he was in the delivery room when I was born. Should I show his wife the receipts? Or should I let it go? Not ill makes walks. She wants to have a story to tell that makes her feel adequate for some reason, because to come and meet young woman who hasn't had a relationship with her father in twenty four years, and that's the story you want to tell. You were kept a secret because you are one night stand. I mean, come on, lady, what's what's your purpose for trying to mess this young lady's up relationship up like that? That's foul within itself. Now, with that being said, do you return the foulness that she put out? Too? Wrong? So, I don't think so. I think you should take the high road. I think the important thing for here is for you to have for whatever relationship you can have with your dad. Me and make a lot of mistakes. I made mistakes as a young man myself. Me and make mistakes and have the right to get it right and recover. What she didn't have the right to do was coming here and bust your bubble with all that information that she should have played the bigger woman. But because she not a big woman, don't mean you shouldn't be either. I think that God will keep you in a better place if you take the high road myself, That's what I would suggest. But you know, if you're one of them days and you're just feeling funky, go ahead, go ahead, you know what I'm saying. Good advice, Steve. Thank you. Yeah, Now I'll have for you. What's the one night staying right? All right? Moving on. This one's from Verna in White Plains in New York. She says, I've been married for fourteen years and I love my husband dearly, but he stinks. He's in shape, he has a healthy diet, but he smells like hot garbage. He needs to take one of those allergy exams, those that tells you what your body is allergic to. It's a test that you can take and you find out if you your body doesn't respond well. The gluten is something and it could be something that's subscreting out of his body that just don't agree with him, but he doing it anyway and the way it comes out through his pores. Strength. Coming up, it's our last break of the day, the last break of the day. Man, we'll have some fabulous, fabulous closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to show all right, here we are our last break of the day on this Friday. That's right, Yeah, yep, oh, let me say this lords. Yeah, Shirley be Et Awards girl, we're gonna be watching the baby. Alicia Keys, Jennifer Hudson are just a few of the performers at the twenty twenty b ET Awards. It's going down Sunday and it's virtual Okay, so yeah, they have a solid roster of performers. Amanda Seal we'll be doing the hosting duties. Yeah, she's doing a thing. Yeah, she's spotty. Rich John Legend, Little Wayne Megan, the Stallion Summer Walker and be once be Once Beyonce. We'll be honored with this year's Humanitarian Award for her b Good initiative. So that's BT Awards Sunday on. It'll be a little different, but we all still love the BT Awards. So yeah, and oh and it's on b et b et Her and CBS. That's right, that's right. That's big, That's that is big. So we have to watch that. Yeah, we'll be watching right. Well, thank you for that, ma'am. You're welcome to you. Where is the man? It's your turn, mister. Back and forth, baby, back and forth. Yeah, oh m hmmm, I don't know. You know, I've done so many closing remarks over the past two weeks. Man, let me just say this in closing, you know, I've changed a bit. I was, you know, saying you know that I supported the protests and demonstrate, and I do one thousand percent. I say I don't support the burning and the looting, but I understand it now here. I've changed a little bit because I'm watching at at almost like a record pace that keep coming up with incidents of police doing stuff to black people that we weren't even aware of. Cases being reopened and so forth and so on, and it's just happening at alarming rate that a couple of things have changed in me as I watched with such high hopes because so many non African Americans out there protesting, I really think something's gonna happen this time. I think this is a turn. I just think, man, that the way this is playing out, that it's caused me to change a little bit. I actually used to say that there's only a few bad policemen, but that's not true anymore. It's too many bad policemen. Now. Are there good ones? Of course it is. Are the straight and narrow one that's doing it the right way? Of course there is. But it ain't a few bad apples no more. It's a bunch of bad apples. Man. It's just a bunch. Because just like they say in protests, if silences consent, well, isn't that true in the police department. And I just think it's more than just a few bad officers. I think it's a bunch, man. And you can't keep hiding behind. I feared for my life and I felt threatened and in the line of duty, and I followed my training. You can stop that your training is wrong. It's been wrong. It's not enough training. And the things that you have been trained to do are the very thing that kills the same people over and over, or it's your training directed at a certain group of people because all of your targets are black. I have noticed that that every target they shoot that in the movies on TV, it's black and they're all kills shots. There's no training or police how to take a person down. When they do take a person down, it's a chokehold, and how many of us got to die from that? Or it's a knee and the neck and how many got to die from that? So now here's the deal. I do get the burning and the looting. I get it because they're sick and tired and if you're not gonna listen to them, they got something for you. And these young people serious this time. So I don't condone it, but I do get it. Oh, I really really do get it. And I don't want young people out there getting arrested for what they will then deem as breaking the law. And once you break the law, then they get to go on and do they think full fledge what you did? But I get it, and I get that's too many bad police officers, and I get that something has to change. My suggestion and I'm still trying to find out how to get this pushed is mandatory police sensity, And that's the only thing I can think. I don't have no other solution. You know, of course I want you to do bigger background checks and all like this, But at the end of the day, listen, we have some bad people that are police officers. We have a line of thinking that's allowed to get a badge, and when they have this badge, they oftentimes make decisions about whether we live or die. And the sad thing about the decisions that they make about who lives or dies, it's always the same color people that die. It's the same color all the time. They ain't accidentally shot no white person. They ain't kill no white sons. They ain't kill no white man for sleeping at a drive through. They ain't kids had they knee on no white man's neck till he died. They ain't shot no white man because they thought he had a gun when he was on the cell phone. They ain't shot no twelve year old white kids for playing with the gun and then did it in less than fifteen seconds. They've never shot a white kid for that. They keep shooting black people though, And I just think right now, we got to do something about this training. We gotta do something about a lot of things. Man. I'm tired of talking about this, but I gotta keep my voice out there because I really feel it. Those are my closing remarks. Y'all have a great weekend, even though I predict your weekend will be a lot like Wednesday. Let's a church say amen, Amen again, y'all have a great weekend, y'all. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.