Good morning and welcome to the ride! All the fellas are singing today and they are in rare form. The Chief Love Officer helps a man deal with braggart for a girlfriend. Pastor Motown has some words about 45's supposed $750. Celebrity Family Feud went down with Big Boi going up against 2 Chainz. Is Trump really demanding a drug test from Joe Biden? Fool #2 tells us how he has become his parents. 45 nominates judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court. Junior has a special guest host in Sports Talk. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve warns about what will happen if 45 gets another four years.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them just like amazing bus bus things. And it's not me through good Steve had listen to mother for star. Don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn out. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your back, h I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve harber Man got a radio show. Yeah I do. Man. God been so good to me over the years, in spite of all the mistakes I've made, in spite of all the dirt I've done to myself. I'm talking about when in no one I was wrong, His grace and mercy has forgiven me for all of my sins. God can forgive you of all of your sins. Everything you've done, God can forgive you. He can wipe your slate clean. Now, might you might have some you know, things you got to deal with because of some of your actions. Understand that. But you can wipe your slates. You can wipe your slate clean. With God and start again. You can repair. God has mercy and grace. You could be forgiven by God. Now people answer another story. Some people may never forgive you, for you've heard them all, or maybe they're accusing you of doing something else. But you know they may never forgive you. But God, God is in the redemption business man. God will forgive you for every sin you've ever committed. But you gotta want forgiveness now, and then you got to come correct because what you can't do is you can't shoot him the crap. Now you can say that conversation with him. You know, whatever you told your lawyer, whatever, whatever you told the victims, whatever you told whatever the story is you got going if it ain't the truth, you could say that with God, because please know, he know, and he know your heart. He know if you're trying to manipulate somebody just for the system, if you're trying to say this just so you can get out, you know all of that. So if you're planning on shucking him and jiving him, say your breath before you wind up digging yourself in a deeper hole. Just let me give you that piece of advice, because he ain't nothing to play with. He's too great to be played with. And so with that in mind, I want to share some positive stuff with you to smartn man. I want to say this now. I want to remind you not to let your circumstance and your situations dictate your future or your results. I'm gonna say this again. This is important information. Man. Don't let your circumstance and situations dictate your future or your results. Do you know that in order to get a different future or some different results, you control that entire situation. It is you. It is your thoughts that control the entire situation. It is how you look at the situation that will determine how the situation is for you. See, the same situation can be totally different for two different people, because you can say you look at the examples of history, just just look look in your neighborhood. How can that? Was a book that a guy wrote one time who had the name. He had a name, and he did some research and he found a guy that grew up at the same age in the same neighborhood as him, with the exact same name. He went on to become a corporate CEO. The other man was an inmate, and they had the same name, grew up in the same neighborhood. They were both brothers, you know not, I'm just saying brothers men. And they grew and they went to different Because how can two different two people the same situation and the results turn out so different. It is because of the thought process of one was completely different from the thought process of the other. You control it. You don't have to let your circumstances and your situations dictate your future or your results. Here's the way it works. This is so you can understand this. Your mind. It's the controlling factor of your thoughts. Your thoughts are the controlling factor of your outcome. The Bible says a man is as he thinketh. Please don't short play this scripture here, because this one is the real deal. This is the basis of every self improvement book you'll ever read. It's already written in the Bible. The Bible has all the information you need. But in case you need a little bit of clarity in some simple modern day language, then they have self improvement books. They are all based on Biblical scripture. A man is as he thinketh. That's why Norman Vincent Peale wrote the book The Power of Positive Thinking. That's why a book came out called The Magic of Thinking Big. That's why a book came out called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hell that it all all these titles that I've read that have mattered in my life the most, These three major books that I've read, they all say one thing. Think thinking thoughts, because that's what controls the outcome. Your brain works one of two ways. It works positive or negative. It works good, which is under the column of positive, or to work evil, which is under the column of negative. It will have faith, which is under the column of positive, or you will operate in fear, which is in the column of negative. That is the only way your mind works. Your mind is a factory that's comprised of workers. Those workers are controlled by two formings, forming positive and forming negative. But guess what the CEO of the company, the head, man, the boss is you. You come to work in the morning and you say, man, today is a great day. I'm going to take steps towards brightening my future. I'm going to take another step into making that dream come true that I've been thinking about. I'm gonna take another step forward in the development and the changing of my life in a positive, good direction. If you come to work and say that every day as the CEO the boss, the formans can only obey you, so that what you just said was a series of positive statements then forming positive steps to the forefront. He said, I got your boss right away. He turns around, He blows the whistle. He alerts all the workers in the factory today as a good day. Today, we will take steps towards our future. Today we are putting ourselves on track to get a little bit closer to making our dreams come true. Today we will be assembling all the things we need to make our dreams come true in our life better in the right direction. Everybody break. The workers in the factory turn around and manufacture thoughts to justify the orders given by the boss, which is you. You are the CEO of your corporation. If you don't own nothing else, you own everything that's going on between your two ears. You are the CEO of that corporation. If that corporation is a good one, it's because you set it up that way. If your corporation is a bad one, it's because you set it up that day. If you trying if you pushing towards your dreams and you see the possibility of things happening in your life is because you, as the CEO, set it up that way. If you ain't got nothing popping, if you just want to be a criminal taking stuff from people, throwing your life out the window, you're gonna be an inmate. You're gonna be sitting there there, and you're gonna be mad at everybody. You got nobody be mad at. But shoot, you understand what I'm telling you this morning? Huh you're listening Morning Show. All right, ladies and gentlemen, let me have your divided attention. It has begun. Steve Harvey, Morning Show. Full of information, this day, full of joy, levity information. We're getting close to the end of the election we wanted to be over, but most of all, we want him replaced. Let us begin to get the replacement in order, Ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry and full of gratitude this morning, Steve, Good morning, and calif Real, good morning. What's up Steve, Hey, crew, This is where the show takes an ugly turn. Here, Junior states, take my money, my house, and oh boy, singing this heart out right then, ladies and gentlemen, Jay Anthony Brown and dum when ladies and gentlemen, Nephew, Tommy, stop what you do one because I'm a mother room one. The image in the style that his favorite top top were you up here? Usually start with a song ja ja, let me make love? What you had on with your bad self? And he got hurted us but man, man, yeah, everybody waste no damn town. You gotta dudes, ask me again, due again the dr again, dr dr let me make love? Do you yeah? Is that one turned away from the MIC's note? Did you hit that from the mike? You got to back down? All yeah, just like damn you stay saying that you had a secret here, Yeah, secrets, secrets with a glass shirt on and diamond shoes. He saw his diamond shoes. Boy, I have some shoes I used to walk out. They go this boy right here? Uh huh. Nick Cannon still weird when after he got the okay, sorry, all right, listen, coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna find out. Um. Maybe we'll talk a little bit about what we did over the weekend, but really we're gonna ask the clo that is coming up the cloth the chief Love Officer in the building. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show time, Steve, We're just gonna skip straight to the clo. Uh And because you always help our listeners with their love questions, so it's that time. If you have some love questions for our Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey, go to Steve Harvey ATM dot com. Are you ready, sir? Okay, Carla, you said you had a quick question. Yes, I want you to finish, and he's gonna love my question. Okay, all right, So Carla and j all right, So this one CLO is from Cornell in Philly. Cornell says, I'm dating a beautiful woman that's an attorney. We're getting serious, but I need your advice on one issue I have with her. She loves to talk about herself and brag and boast when we were around others. I've checked her on it and she says it's because she's the first one in her family to accomplish her goals and she's not going to dull her shine to make others comfortable in her presence. I get that, but can we just dim it a little? How can I respect How can I respectfully shut her down in public when she starts bragging? Well, I think she has to be reminded of just one simple thing. You don't have to dumb it down or him your shine. But it definitely can't all be about you, And it just doesn't look good in a conversation when you dominate the conversation about just you. Let somebody else talk. What's saying that last line? One more time? Let somebody else talk? Yeah, I think we gotta Cello. Thank you. Be In Louisiana says I've been married for four years and my cousins warned me about marrying this horrish man. I found out that he's cheating on me, and all I have to do is check his phone to see who he's meeting and where they're meeting. I want to bust in on him like they do on the Cheaters TV show and have my cousins beat his tail, but my cousins won't do it because I meet it clear then I'm never leaving him, no matter what. I've always dreamed of being married, so I'm in this forever. I just need him to stop cheating on me. My cousins think I'm crazy for staying. What do you think? Yeah, he's not going to stop cheating, right, because what are you gonna do? You're not gonna leave him? So if you're not going and you made it perfectly clear to your cousin, what are we whipping his ass for? Uh? Oh? Yeah, you know you said you're not leaving and you're in it forever. They warned you not to marry the Horrish man, and you married him anyway without the requirement that you've got to stop being Horrish. Yeah, well, all you gotta do is checking wrong and you don't even care. It's in his phone, where he going, who he went? You're gonna bust in like cheetahs? And then what you gonna stay with? Hell? What's wrong with you? Right? She's always dreamed of being married, feeling now you're married? But is it a marriage that you dreamed of out right? No, it's something wrong with you. You can't get him to stop cheating? Wasn't requirement for you? For you, Maddie, Oh, that's kind of crazy right there. She watches a lot of cheaters um on TV too, going up in there with a camera. But if a conse question what you're gonna keep hind camera crews every weekend. What's the host name? Kid? Yeah, we're down here again. We're about to go in. We're down here again. It's just what you want. Did you want us to walk in? Every please stay close. Here we go, folks. We were here last Friday, Friday before, last two Saturday school and last month the same guy. These are different women. Here we go. Hey, Jerome, how you doing? Man? This us again? He ain't no problem. Hey, Sheila, right outside? You dream? You want to bring on in cony and everybody step back, keep cameras rolling. He ain't done. Gonna help all right? Yeah, yeah, be come on now be Talicia and Golfport, Mississippi, says I've been married for Yeah, Talicia, I've been married. Oh is it? But she doesn't live in Golfport. Junior. He gotten a little nervous. I've been married for thirteen years, and I've loved another man for half of that time. My marriage has run its course and we haven't been intimate in two years. I've stayed in the marriage for our two children, but now I want out. I've had a special friend on the side for six years, but we've never had sex. What we have his friendship and a deep connection without intimacy. He's the most romantic man I've ever known, and I get goosebumps whenever I'm with him. He says he'll wait for me forever if he has to. I don't want to stay unhappy in my unhappy home. Can I get a divorce? Okay, you can get a divorce, But I want you to understand something and what this man is saying. He's the most romantic man. It's been seven years in y'all a hand set to here. Y'all had an intiqur you know, so sevenn you ain't that amazing? For seven dan years? Get ain't nobody that damn amazing? And secondly, seven years you ain't had six in seventy years. You ain't been with your man in two The dude that will wait for you. The reason he can't wait because he busies somewhere. Okay, So now you could get a divorce because your marriage has running course. Sound like you ain't been intimate in two years? All right, So you get a divorce, but you might not get what you think. All right? Come on, Carla, you have a question for the clo Well, actually it's a question for the CPA. What's that? What's that? It's about Texas? Oh oh they counted, okay, yeah, yeah, I was just wondering. You know, the president paid no income taxes for ten to fifteen years. And and I do recall saying this, Oh, go ahead, go ahead, CPA. Come on, yeah, he's not paid any taxes. He's not paid any taxes. Well, because he's telling you that he has losses that are greater than his games, which have offset. But explain to me how you still flying around before you president in the Trump jet, How you still at my law go down in Florida, and how you still got them condos and high rises in Trump Towers? The fixes folks. Right well, listen coming up next Church complaints with Reverend Motown and decon def Jam. That's happening right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss and will be here with today's national news and entertainment news. Two Chains versus Big Boy went head to head on celebrity family feud. Steve. Also, we'll talk about that also, and Donald Trump ain't paid no taxes and you had that's right, y'all, gonna vote for him again, like like it's something wrong with you. This is the most unpatriotic president ever born. He has paid zero taxes. You can't lose that much money? Yeah, yeah, how how is that possible? Show me how to lose that much money and still stay while I'm staying I'm smart, man. You all of us are idiots. Man. We're getting raped over the colds by the RS. Hey doc miss a payment? Yeah, and all these people out of work now because of COVID and everything. Come on, man, all right um? Yeah. In entertainment news, also, Disneyland unveils Chadwick Boseman's The Tribute Mural. You gotta see that. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But today, of course, is Monday, and it is time now for Reverend Motown and Deacon Depth jam with today's church complaints. Yeah, let me get most health. Good to you. Switch your hats. Preparation is the key to divarations of innolations. Yeah. We later, coming off of oh political weekend of rumoiendom. Yeah, and we come to the collusion. Yeah that a certain government official, yeah in the White House ain't paid no damn taxes. Not a coin. I do believe one point that said he paid seven hundred and fifty dollars. I mean, well, can I mail my seven hundred and fifty today? I want to mail a man anti fan. I want a man well who takes seven hundred and fifty from a proclaimed billion naw billion whatever. And he continued to live in a luxuria lifestock that he do. Yeah, I want to know when do I seeing my seven hundred and fifty? But today? Yeah, I don't want it to be the late go ahead before all right, let's get down the business. Pastors, the white the white Christian zoomers for christ would like to know if you would be willing to give them their own sermon. All these amens and hallelujahs that throwing them out, it really is that they can't follow it. AM trying to Amen, Yeah, Amen, hallelujah. Won't he do it? As you scanning ot the white w Christian zoomers, there's gonna halfter WCZ mute day system because we don't float this boat without encouragement. Amen, pastor Amen. The only way I'm gonna stop here and amen's and palla luis and come on nine preach doctor, say that one more time. I hear you now better. YEA said the only way, and I'm gonna stop here. And that is all zooms that don't want to hear well. I have an address you can mainly in your seven fifty and we'll stop. We'll cut your section out a whole. I passed you. Donna have to talk to the brother Slater. He is zooming while he's on the toilet. I thought he was feeling the spirit. He actually is. He actually is grunting. You're gonna have to talk to him. We can't do this next time. No, uh what. I am familiar with brother Slater, and I'm aware that brother Slater zooms from his toilet. I told Brother Slater it was fine because brother Slater mail did his seven hundred and fifty something that the president seemed to have started. When you're right, we'll go ahead. This boy is not wrapped too tight. Please have a talk with DeAndre Marshall. He poured the gun on Zoom and told everybody it was a stick up, and the cash apped him some money. You don't have to talk to this boy. I don't get it. What did that boy name again? Beyandre Marshall? Oh, that's sister Peggett Marshall grandson. That's her grand baby. That's right. DeAndre is probably responding, oh to the request for seven, and tried to do a viral hold up. Oh, he's a dumbass boy. We've had him in the special class for quite some time now. He just been in that not special ad. He'd been in the alternative school because he had robbed two check cashing places. Oh, the same check cashing place or fifteen minutes apart him him went one am and came back at one fifteen am. Felt as though he didn't quite get enough. Yeah, you know I ain't pass that. God. They are asking that would you be willing to shorten yo salmon and put it on TikTok. A lot of the older members think it'll bring you in the younger members if we can put it on TikTok, I love it very or strong ideal, But you can't get the wood across in fifteen said oh yeah, okay, we collect offering in fifteen seconds. Send us your seven hundred and fifty dollars to pold Box, seventeen seventeen, Willing cam Avenue, Soft Boulevard, Atlanta, Georgia. We do that in the fifteen second. But that's all. That's all it took for the President to pay his damn taxes with fifteen seconds. Damn President United States filled out his tax returns. Old TikTok. Yeah, yeah, listened past that. We're trying to spice things up a bit. Would you be I would you be willing to add a strobe light to your service just to spice it up? You know that maybe a mirror ball hanging. There's something that spice with that. Bringing next Sunday that would be just fan, that would be just fan like that and have boll some of the solid Gold dancers or coming back out. Always tried to get next to that tall girl Nevill Cooper. What is she doing now? Wonder? And the Chinese girl on Soul Train. Whatever happened now? We gotta go. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, two hip hop heavyweights I'm talking about Two Chains and Big Boy from Outcast went head to head Steve on celebrity family feud that had to be fun. Two Chains featured members of his record label TRU that stands for the Real University and Big Boy had his family, including his mom, on the show. Take a listen to two chains during the fast money round. Name a creature that can get into your house through a small crack lace on a scale of one to tea and how happy was your childhoo seven filling the blank with one specific word ear blank? Broke, who gives you the best hugs? Mom? What size bed do you sleep in? Come on, yeah, let's go chang. Yeah, all right, let's see name a creature that can get into your house through a small crack and you said the rats. Survey said yeah, on the scale of one to ten, How happy was your childhood? You said? Seventh? Survey said, filling the blank with one specific word ear blank? You said ear throat. Survey said, who gives you the best hugs? You said? Mom? Survey said yeah, all right, look get back I needed that. Yeah. What size bad do you sleep in? You said? King surveys saying vote it was good man. I mean, you know I know him, so you know back anytime somebody's on the show that I know, you know, it's kind of cool to go back and forth, you know, say it on the Anthony Anderson on that can't you really know Ray Romano? You know, Brad Gary, stuff like that. It's kind of cool, you know, you know, man, but they'd be trying to win. They don't be playing. Yes, well you know they reminisced doing the question, but game time they be looking inside each other head. What you say that for? Man that ain't really asked you. Congratulations to Two Chains and Team they won the big money prize of twenty five thousand dollars to its charity of True Foundation, which aims to create life changing moments and build positive outcome for the next generation. Congratulations again. Yeah, make sure you check your local listings for new episodes of Celebrity Family Feud, hosted by our very own and very very very fly Steve Harvey, Looking Good Steve and other trending news. Disneyland is paying tribute to Chadwick Boseman in the Downtown Disney District. Concept artist Nicholas Smith did an amazing mural of Chadwick that was unveiled in Anaheim, California. The former Disney imagineer Nicholas Smith posted a statement on Instagram saying, sing Chadwick's heart for people in person, and later discovering his courageous battle with cancer, I was inspired to create this tribute to honor his life and legacy to us. He was and will always be to Chala, Long Live the King. Wow, what a nice media need. They don't exhibit though, black panther exhibit. Yeah, that would be great. Yeah, yeah, that's a small world. It is a small world. Is a small world. But all right, Steve, time for today's headline. Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Trip, thank you, thank you, Good morning, everybody, and here we go. They probably won't listen, but Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is urging the Republican dominated US Senate to hold back on confirming President Trump Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett until after the presidential election. It's because you have the power to do something, doesn't absolve you of your responsibility to do right by the American people. Uphold your constitutional duty, summon your conscious. Judge. Barrett is scheduled to us at meeting with individual senators this week, with the Senate Judiciary Committee slated to begin formal hearings on October twelfth. Protests continue over the weekend over the Kentucky Attorney General's handling of the Brionna Taylor case. From New York to LA to North Carolina, people took to the streets to show their anger and disappointment over the lack of charges against the three white Louisville cops involved Brihanna Taylor. They chanted me while seems like the one person who claimed to hear those three white Louisville cops shout police before using a battering ram to break into the young EMT's apartment, initially said that he did not hear them say anything. Miss Taylor's boyfriend and eleven other residents said they didn't hear the police say anything either, But one person identified by Vice News as Aaron Sarpee, has since changed his testimony or mind. And it was Sarpee's flipflop that the Attorney General Daniel Cameron used to back up his contention that the cops involved in Brianna's killing only shot to protect themselves. And now, according to USA Today Get This, the Kentucky State ballistics report does not does not support Cameron's assertion that Brianna's boyfriend his warning shot hit one of the cops in the leg. The ballistics report does not support that, and that, of course that assertion prompted them to shoot back. That's what the Attorney general said. Well, the report says the bullet was neither eliminated nor identified as coming from Bianna's boyfriend's guns, so it could have been friendly fired. We don't know. And on top of all of this, there's a report that says the Attorney General Cameron was put on the case despite never having tried a criminal case before. Reacting to the lack of charges in this case, filmmaker Ava du Verney said, quote, we live in a world of crooks with titles and criminals with badges. Colin Kaepernick's calling policing a white supremacists institution that has to be abolished. A number of other celebrities expressing their feelings. George Clooney says he was born and raised in Kentucky and that he's ashamed on the lack of indictments in the case. Rihanna also says that a cop shot of black and it was only charged for the shots he missed. Finally, on a much lighter night today, note rather today is National Drink Beer Day. You love it. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show? Okay, Steve, you hired him. Introduce your friends and gentlemen. It gives me much feel and intrepidation to introduce this next person, because ain't no telling where this is gonna go. The very dog, the demented and often builded mind that damn Jay Anthony Brown, that painless pass I've noticed for myself. I don't know about you guys. From being locked down on COVID, I have become my parents full full, my mama, I'm both parents. I'm my mama and my daddy. I'm my mama and my daddy. I asked my son when he came over to put a coaster down on the coffee table. I mean, I demanded, damn it, you put don't just set an empty glass on the damn table like that. Get you a coaster, Okay, get a coaster. He was in the refrigerator, for my opinion, way too long. Yeah, way too long. I have a time limit on high A long. You're gonna be opening my refrigerator, you know what I mean? Look in there, look in there, and you don't see nothing. First of all, you ain't putting nothing in there, betting in there. I don't know what you're looking for. Brown, Yeah, that's me. Now here's the other thing. I'm saving containers to put other stuff in. Mama Brown. You nothing gets nothing gets thrown away, Steve, I mean nothing the other day or that I had to catch myself. I don't know what happened to me. Man, I folded a bag. I swear to God, I said there immediately. I mean, get the creases out of I have to come man, my medicine, my parents, my medicine. And there's a lot lined up peeled by peel heel bye peal on the nightstand, okay, on the nightstand. I was driving the other day. I got nervous. I mean I got the shakes, chill on our head, A half a gad, half a take a gas. I'm like, oh lord, I'm gonna run out. I'm gonna run out. I haven't I have become my parents the other day the other day. This is really ship I'm throwing. First of all, I'm ball hitted, but a hair is growing in places there should be no help. After doing an afro on my knuckles, on my knuckles grows, thank you coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour President Trump officially nominates Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. On Saturday, as President Trump spoke from the White House Garden, he officially nominated Amy Coney Barrett to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Senator Lindsey Graham confirmed that the nomination hearings, the information hearings for Barrett, will begin on October twelfth. And attention, Steve Harvey Morning Show Nation. Okay, when we vote for a president, please keep this in mind. Okay, if there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court, the president gets to nominate judges who agree with him on constitutional issues. That is a lifetime appointment. We also vote for senators who confirm Supreme Court justices. Joe Biden called Trump's nominee Amy Coney Barrett, a jurist with a written track record of disagreeing with the Court's decision to uphold President Obama's Affordable Care Act. So you see how your vote really matters here, not just for the President, but for the Senate. For you know, judges for everything, So you got to be aware of that, right guys. I mean seriously, Yeah, he's dangerous, She's really dangerous. Yeah. He he only cares about this word thing. And all he's doing is in the event that he loses and it's close, he's gonna contest the results the lecture, and then he's gonna go to the court and he's gonna run it up to the Supreme Court and they they got sitting Jilly just five to four that will side with him, right, yeah, I mean that's all it's about him, only Kennon about none of that. Yeah, And that'll be his legacy too, that he nominated what three Supreme Court jes Yeah, yep. It is thirty six days, no one, Yeah, thirty six days until the November third election. It is not too late to go right now to get registered to vote at vote dot org. Please, if you haven't done it, what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for it? Don't wait until the last minute gets your date so you can early vote in your state. Please, we gotta do this. Thirty six days left. The taxes, Yeah, Donald Trump has not paid any federal income tax in ten years. Seven hundred and fifty dollars two years in a row. You've been man taxes year after man. Some of us paid twice a year. But you know, the President is saying that's fake news, that that was a New York Times article. He's saying that's fake news, and he's saying that he paid quote a lot, a lot. What all you got to do is prove it. We'll show us. It's known what this guy has done. Now the stuff is leaking out. There are some people, believe it or not, who are not happy with this guy, and so they're leaking information. I'm telling you, man, the reason he won't show you his taxes is because he doesn't pay them. I'm telling y'all, man, you're paying more money than this guy. And wait a minute. We have to pay taxes all the time. And if you don't, yes, you, I mean you could end up in jail. Yeah, under the jail. Yeah you look at all yeah all this yeah, come on, this is just not right for everybody knows the middle class. Yeah, anybody knows that if you don't pay taxes, what's going to happen. But listen to me, why do you think you hear every democratic candidate say, we want them to pay their fair share. What they're trying to do is close some of the loopholes. They're not going to be able to close them all, but they want to close some of the loopholes. And and what Donald Trump has done, it's smarter than than the average guy, because most people can't take that chance. I just I have to pay my taxes. All my friends have to pay their taxes. Yeah, or else you can't lose more than you make for ten years, which is what his claim is, and still live the lifestyle that he lives. Come on, man, all right, yeah, we'll be talking about this all morning for sure. Coming up next, the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. That's right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subject her parents heard everything, everything, All right, we'll get into that, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, nev garnish your wages? Oh yes, it could have appropriate for you, darkness. If you don't, that's what we'll do. Let's go catch Hello, I'm trying to reach a place. My name is uh from the District Attorney's office. Yes, Hi, How are you giving you a call today? Ma'am? Trying to get some updates from you. Your husband, mister is he uh still not working at this point? No? Okay? How long has he been out of work so far? Ma'am? Could you could you give me an update on this January? Okay? All right, here's what we're having. The problems that we're having. You have a son, I think it's his name is as Well, fourteen years old, am I right? Okay? The child support is not being paid for from mister for the for mister young and we're trying to get this thing rectified. Now. The problem that we're gonna have in the reason why we're giving you a call is considering that your your husband hasn't worked since the first of the year. And I haven't done the research yet. I'm just I'm just not pulling up your file. I haven't done the research to see how many months in the rears he is on child support. It just started once, Um, he lost a child. Okay. Well, the problem that we're going to have is they're gonna start taking h child support actually, and I hate to give you this news out of your check until I don't understand how that so, because I have my own kids. Understand that. I understand, But they're gonna be garnishing your check, ma'am, until this until your husband can get this thing back on his feet and get it rectified and get him up to parts four of all the payments that are hurt. And when will this be taking place? Because if that's the case, I'm not gonna be working because that's not gonna happen. I have my own children, so I don't understand how it is that so I don't don't have anything to do with child for it or anything like that. And if that's the case, I'm not gonna be working as a right now. The garnishing of the check is gonna come from you. And you are at the hospital. Correct, No, that's not it's not where you work. I don't. I'm not gonna be working as of right now. That's what I just told you. So y'all do whatever you got to do, and I'll do whatever I have to do on my end. Okay, well hold on it. You're willing to quit your job, I'm not understanding this if you're sure white, because I'm not gonna be taking care of someone else's kids and I have my own, so how that's right? So somebody else can take care of my eyes then because I'm not going to be doing it, you're so right? All right? Well, I mean I'm just saying, you know, don't. I don't want you to be upset with you. I don't want you to be upset with me. I can be able to contact you, Okay, you know I'm gonna I'm gonna let you know this. It's a bit of information. You're still gonna if you're quitting your job. Man, you guys are still gonna be liable for the child's support. Okay, Well that's fine, not you guys, because it's not my children. Say okay, it's not your guys. He will be liable, Okay, Okay, because I don't, I mean, can't I step Can you hold my moment because I need to temp outside If that's okay, or if there's a number I can contact you back. Okay? Are you able to step outside right now? Um? Yes, but I'm gonna get on there all of later. And it's kind of kind of so call Okay, let's do this. Why don't you step outside and I'll wait for you to call give me about forty five seconds, but I'm gonna give a call to my manager on this situation. Okay, please, sir, all right, thank you? Hello, Okay, miss yes, sir all right again from the District Attorney's office. Okay, you can hear me now, yes, I can? Can you hear me? Yes, ma'am, I sure can. Now, let's get to the bottom of everything. I couldn't get my manager on the phone, but I'll keep trying. I just want to know. I mean, that's I'm just a meninger letting you. I know you are, and I hate to be so short with you, but I don't understand because we're not even getting enough. Ain't come. I'm coming in as of right now, and you're speaking of I have three children that I'm struggling to take care of. All my owners trying somebody from the district. But and you're speaking of that, you're going to be deducting money fro I'm gonna share my check for his child worth? What's this something? What's your name? Man? Who is there someone else I need to speak with? No, we're on the phone. I have. That's my sister taking care of some bis. We're part of the District Attorney County, ma'am. Yeah. She then the Officsive Child Support service. She works with the Offficive Child Support Okay, man, I speak with your let me speak with your sister. Man, So what do you I mean, how is this going to be done? Because that's not gonna leave me to cast to be had to support my own kids. Well, John, I mean in my own home. I understand that. You know, maybe this is a problem with having a person hanging around. Not a person has raised the seat about his kids all their life. This is a jealous mother that decided to opt them eighteen years that she wanted to know Aundy, because that's the support order. That's my support order for what. What in the hell is going on with those people in the background? Hello, this nephew. Time it didn't hit the fan. No, I couldn't get to go out with her. Sister was there. Don't say nothing to him? Made her get off the phones. I need you to call on three ways. They was calling somebody. They probably calling downtown, gonna get themselves in more trouble. Okay, Holloa, what's wrong? I called you back. I tell you about it. I'm about know you want You're gonna talk to her right now? Who is this? And I told you you're gonna pay this child support, not me. Get the best way you can't. He's talking to me, called me. I'm gonna pay this half. You're gonna make me. You're gonna make me whip your behind this money. You will find out who he is. You want you want to try it to my lawyer's past? Yeah? I want to. Where is your You don't have a lawyer? You know well you don't have one because I know I don't. Who happen? Harver? You got my novel Holland's Posy for your job to go to? Who is it? This nephew? Timing from Steve Harvy Morning Show. Y'all just got a frank bob baby because you don't call the foodie. Well, you just found that finished. Give me a black mole out. I gotta ask, I gotta ask all y'all something. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Wow? What the hell was going on? She was nice when she was at the job. Huh when she stepped out? Get out this elevating get outside and get me a black mile and crush your asside. You didn't know you was calling them, and then you kept it into thunder control like he was losing it. But then you like regroup and got it regroup. He bring it back a little bit. I love her sister. He needed another card order for that rank King of Pranks. Hey, somebody got to do it. Mboy, got to keep stupid going on. We get it to him. If there's anything, everybody, we give it to him. What king is high as we can go, We're gonna go with that. Lord Prince, I kind of like that Lord of Prance. Lord Lord from now y'all call me Lord. Okay, Lord the Franks. Let's get this straight right now for we leave his break, Lord of prank, let me hear everybody do it. Go ahead, Lord, you got your team. You got your team everybody, Lord of Pranks. Look, I'm King of Pranks. I say, okay, you got one side. Lord, y'all don't want me to be y'all. Lord. Oh look at the time, Thank you, Thank you. Tommy. Coming up next the Strawberry letter. The subject is her parents heard everything. We'll get into that right after this you're listening. Well, it is thirty six days until the November third election. I feel like we say this every day all day. I hope it's getting through to somebody. I really really hope it is. I hope it is, because we really are just trying to get through and let you know how important your vote is. You know, you're absolutely correct. I would be beyond disheartened if voters don't turn out in this election. Trump said this is the most important election in the history of our country. He's saying that because it's him, right, it's the most important election for him, because he got to become president so he can stay out of jail. Okay, all right, all right, So get registered to vote, people, Okay, we'll get registered to vote. Go to vote dot org, go to vote. But and listen to me. Donald Trump is doing everything he promised to make America great again. He's doing everything to get this country back to a place where it used to be, where his kind was in charge of everything. He's doing exactly that. All right, Well, we're gonna move on. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. That's for duj. Buckle up, hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter subjects her parents heard everything. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm twenty five years old, and I'm in big trouble with my girlfriend's parents. My girlfriend and I got pretty intense in the bedroom last week, and I pulled out my phone and started recording us. It was dark room, so the video was not that good, but I kept it anyway because I loved to hear my girlfriend's whimpering and how softly she says my name. She didn't care if I deleted it, deleted the video or not, because you couldn't see her face or her body. I played that video over and over again that night. The next day, her parents invited us to dinner, and I offered to drive since I have a new car. I've always had a great relationship with her mom and dad, so I was looking forward to it. My girlfriend and I went to pick up her parents and we headed to dinner. They complimented me on the car, and her dad said he needed to check out the sound system. I wanted to impress him by playing some jazz. To do so, I had to plug in the auxiliary cord to my phone so I could access my playlist. Bluetooth connected instantly, and the first thing we heard was my girlfriend and I'm moaning and breathing hard. Right before the cord out, we all heard my girlfriend yell out my name through the speakers. There's absolutely no way to deny what they heard. Her mom started crying. Her dad told me to take them back home. When I got them home, he yelled for my girlfriend to get out of the car too. I try to call her the rest of the evening, but she wouldn't answer. I can't believe how careless I was. All I had to do was delete the video. It's been a week. She still won't talk to me. How can I fix things with my girlfriend and her parents? Okay, you call it careless, I just say this was just really stupid. I mean, we've all done stupid things, but oh, mge, this was really a stupid mistake. Huh. And it's odd because you're both grown. And I'm assuming your girlfriend has grown. You said you're twenty five. I'm assuming she's, you know, somewhere around that age as wealth. But does she live with her parents because her her dad yelled for her to get out of the car too, I wasn't clear on that. But anyway, no parent, especially a father, come on. They don't want to face the fact that they're a little girl, his little girl, you know. I mean, we all know she's grown. They don't want to think that she's having sex. They just don't want to think that. I mean, I'm a parent, I don't I don't want to think that. But we know it's true. They don't want that visual, they don't want to hear it, none of that. And yes, they know it's probably happening. And like I said, and as long as they don't see it, they can pretend that their precious little princess, you know, it's still a virgin or something. So yes, of course they liked you in their fake virgin world. But you know, all that's over now and you're the villain. You are the villain, you're the enemy. They won't answer your calls, so maybe you just need to give it some time. You need to give them some space for a while and let things cool down a bit, you know, just leave it alone for a while. Hopefully you know they believe in the power of forgiveness or else you're just out Steve. Well, you know, it's really nothing. This letter is really short, really because it's you know, man, I mean, what do you want me and Shirley to do? Here's the key to this whole damn letter. And I may do some form of reenactment after this. Please, I will think of something that I want to do. You said at the end of the letter. I can't believe how careless I was. All I had to do was delete the video. Wow, that's that's the whole letter in a nutshell. What is wrong with young people now? Y'all got to have everything on tape Now Instagram is a story. Let me tell you about my stupid as kids. If I want to know what they at, what they did, all I got to do is watch their damn story, thank their masters telling everything. And if they ain't telling it, all I got to do is know who their friends are. I ain't never seen nothing like it. Man. The desire to watch me, see me, feel me, look at me hearing me see me Hang on, Steve stupid as two, Come yeah. Part two of Steve's response coming up with twenty three minutes after be our my strawberry letter for today, The subject her parents heard everything. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Subject her parents heard everything your stupid at twenty five year old boy and recorded him and his girlfriend having set because he played over and over. He loved the way she say his name and she whimple and all this. Hire you just oh you the magic man, you fifty cent? I got the magic stick? Yeah, oh you fifty cent? You know, oh you all that it's your birthday? Is oh you fifty cent? Well, your dumb mass got a new car and plugged the cord up in the bluetooth. Kicked the head right away and instantly as soon as you plugged it in with her damn mama and daddy in the car. Let me check out your sound system. Boy. You decided to play some jazz bob and the first thing we heard was my girlfriend and I'm moaning and breathing hard right before I yanked the cord out. All we heard my girlfriend yell out my name through the speaker, Dmitrias. It's a long name too, Taylor James Jackson, government name, Sean Jackson, whatever it was. That was absolutely no way to deny what they heard. Hit a part where your ass got in trouble. Her mother started crying. Yeah, you know why her mama started crying, dacause she sound just like her. Now her damn daddy, take us back home. We don't want raging, little nasty ass car take us home. So now they don't know if you made the recording, your brand new car. They don't know what they want out to live an ask the ass car now now your daddy told her, and you get your ass out of the car too. Ya. Right now, you've embarrassed the girl in front of her parents. I mean, you put her in a position man, and she can't explain it away. Her mother is crying because they grown. They know what that is. They probably farted five years old. They send They was just they know what that is. Damn dog, you stupid and in your own words, all I had to do was delete the damn video. That's all you had to do. Now, you think what we've learned is you don't have to delete the video if you don't make the video. But y'all so busy recording stuff. Y'all gonna let y'all tell achnology even got your all today. So now I ain't got nothing for your dog. There's no way to fix this. It's no way to fix it. What you're gonna say, I'm sorry? Yeah, what what you're gonna say? Um? He thinks it's just being careless. I'm sorry. Yeah, that's terrible. You ain't na spank nobody before. Come one here, okay, here we go, here's the reenacting. Oh no, this is the father. I'm gonna be the father. Okay, and you're gonna be the boy. Be good? All right? Um? What can I do for young man? Sir? I just really want to apologize for what you heard. Boy, boy boy, you know you got a lot of nerve board listen to me, you got a lot of nerves coming up in this house with this foolishness. Afterward, and and and and my wife was crying, m oh, I'm so sorry. I know what you heard was what you heard, But the ropes were not that tight on her wrist and I don't know. Hold on, hold on, holdness, So you're gonna bring your black ass up in here and you couldn't talk to me about some hot tights some damn I know, I know, I know, I know. But what we was using, the toy we was using, it was brand new. I just got it out the box. It was yeah, it was it was Oh my god, it took her. It took a double D, like eighteen double D batteries and I had to use that. You know, it was just unbelievable. The fun we was having sounded like, yeah, so you said you want to come to my house to talk to me, and then and this is the foolishness that you're coming up in here with. I'm just trying to explain to you that what you heard, the sounds you heard, it wasn't that at all. What was happening was there was a mouse in the room, says, So it wasn't saying at all. Boys, listen to me. You think that me and my wife is a couple of damned foods. No, I don't think that at all. And that's not even in my head. None of that is in my head. That y'all, Where did you get my daughter's voice from and and how was it coming through? I said, where did you get my daughters from voice from? And where was it coming at? How was it coming through? Them? Speak? Because it was her? We was we was we was doing a play. It was I'm we gotta go post your comments on today Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M on Instagram, on Facebook, and please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, it's Junior and Sports talk right after Junior Junior. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. You ready, Junior? Time for you Ready? You're not ready? Junior Monday's hard to come in here. Who is that talking in the background? That would be your deput Cleveland Today, Cleveland start with show Chicken Little Land. That's how we're gonna starts. Oh, Shirley, remember a week and a half ago, I remember running his mob nig how they gonna do the Lakers? You know he gonna bet come on up? You scared the best scared. I tried twenty five, honey, I tried to get him up to five trunk. You understand he chicken, little guy scared, Denver Asses gone to one one little close. I want it, I want and I will make another. Now I'm gonna make a couple of things. I'm gonna come back to you, Tommy. But why are you in the middle of junior because this ain't about junior today, this junior sports, and I'm on the Junior Sports Show. I'm his special guest settlement of the one and only demand, the myth, the legend, Steve. Thank you, thank you. Hey. Let's get first of all, Lebron Cleveland Lakers, which I call him the Cleveland Lakers because Lebron is from Cleveland. He gave us a title for he gave the Lakers a title. He my boy from up down. So it's the Lebron Cleveland Lakers. We did. Tommy would have lost that bet. Now let's move on down the line. Cleveland Brown one they again again, thank you, thank you. But all I needed was our counterparts to lose. That was the Pittsburgh Steelers. I needed, they asked to lose, and them damn Houston Texas couldn't hold on to a league and they lost. This a ugland ass weekend. It is man, I mean man, but the Browns one to tell his loss, the the Nuggets loss. Tommy Cowboys lost the Atlanta Falcons. What another game by a tremendous lead. Tommy and I have made several bits. Tommy has never won a bit against his uncle. That's a sports Thank you for your segment today, Thank you, thank you. We'll be back at the top of the hour with more of right after this. You're listening to show, all right, guys. So, President Trump tweeted yesterday that, uh, I will be strongly demanding a drug test of sleepy Joe Biden prior to and after or after I should say the debate on Tuesday night. Naturally, I will agree to take one. Also, his debate performances have been record setting uneven. To put it mildly, only drugs could have caused this discrepancy. What the first presidential debate, of course, is tomorrow, and he tweeted that what come. Yeah, I would strongly I wish a drug test. I really wish they would let me moderate it in Cleveland. Yeah, Chris wall Chris Wallace. The thing about Chris is he don't like Chris Wallace. Yeah. Trump doesn't like ms. Trump does not like because Chris Wallace checks him, He facts checks him in every wire. He over there demanding the drug test for Biden, were demanding, Yeah, hey, your damn you know what how about we do how about we do a pregnancy test on some of your girlfriends and see what that? How about a lie detective test? How about that go through pollygraph man? Uh? Yeah again. The first presidential debate is tomorrow in Cleveland, Steve from nine until ten thirty pm Eastern. The moderator, we said at Chris Wallace from Fox News. Also just a reminder, the president recently refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses his reelection bid send a majority leader. Mitch McConnell said on Fox News there will be an orderly transfer of power in January, just as there has been. Yeah, it's gonna be ardly. He's gonna get a bottle. Then he's not gonna say it's gonna get your neck all I see neck. I hope it do be disorderly. And they had to go up in there and drag his order out ted is suiting everything like an ugly put out. Right, He said, there will be an orderly transfer of power in January, just as there has been every four years since Washington was elected for a second term in nineteen seventeen ninety two. The inauguration next year will be January twentieth. Okay, so if we don't want President to Trump to be inaugurated next year on January twenty, we gotta go vote. Okay, simple as that. Thirty six days left. Dot org vote to register. Let's it only takes like two minutes, two minutes, find out when the YEA, that's right. I've been doing that, Jay, Yeah, yes, vote dot org. It's really simple. It's it doesn't take any time, any efforts and people to post office, yeah, removing mailboxes. And if they reelect this guy, I will be beyond disappointed in this country because I don't care if it's electoral vote or how I will bla. I will be more disappointed this time than I was the other time, because at least now we know exactly who he is. Yeah, I mean, man, there is no doubt right now. Like I used to say, the problem I thought with him was I thought he didn't know he was racist because of the circles he traveled in the room. But no, no, that has it's deliberate. He knows it. It's on purpose. One hundred and ninety eight judges appointed, not one of them is black. That's deliberate. That I mean, I mean nothing in you says, you know what, we should try to put up one hundred and ninety eight at least a percentage number of black to reflect the country, and a percentage number Latinos to represent the diversity of our nation. No, no, no, you could even get blacks and Latinos that think like you. You can sign them. Yeah, all right, coming up, we'll have more trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Junior, you got more sports news for us. You're thinking, ain't by football. We got a whole sport, all basketball. I don't know if y'all saw it, but the UFC middleweight fight went down in Abu Dhabi this past Saturday night. Man now on Israel. I didn't Soigna retain his uf UFC middleweight title and his record is perfect at two and oh wow, I saw it. It was great. It was great. I've been telling you guys, man, but everyone thinks, Hey, like Roy Jones said, I said, you'll must have forgotten. Y'all must have forgotten because of what happened last time. You thought, oh, he's so boring blah blah blah blah blah. And I see you media people as well, with your little click bad headlines. But trust me, I had to make y'all remember, not to remind the world why were the best. I didn't see it second round, second round. I watched the whole fight. You know, I don't. I don't miss him big fights on UFC. I'm a big, huge fan. I'm a huge fan of his. He's from Lego City in Nigeria, and let me tell you something, man, that that's a tough place. And I love the dude. Man. I want to meet him because man, he's just my dude. Man. Man, I was trying to get somebody to bet, but they don't know enough about him, so I couldn't take nobody's money. Is this is this getting bigger than boxing? They're great, It's not as big as it's I mean, I mean it'll never top more money, all right, guys. Coming up, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to This Day Morning Show. On Saturday, as President Trump spoke from the White House Garden, he officially nominated Amy Coney Barrett to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Senator Lindsey Graham confirmed that the nomination hearings, the confirmation hearings for Barrett, will begin on October twelfth. And attention, Steve Harvey Morning Show Nation. Okay, when we vote for a president, please keep this in mind. Okay, if there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court, the president gets to nominate judges who agree with him on constitutional issues. That is a lifetime appointment. We also vote for senators who confirmed Supreme Court justices. Joe Biden called Trump's nominee Coney Barrett, a jurist with a written track record of disagreeing with the Court's decision to uphold President Obama's Affordable Care Act. Um, so you see how your vote really matters here, not just for the President, but for the Senate, for you know, judges, for everything. So you got to be aware of that, right, guys, I mean seriously. Yeah. I mean he's dangerous. She's really dangerous. Yeah. He he only cares about this one thing. And all he's doing is in the event that he loses and it's close, he's gonna contest the results the lecture, and then he's gonna go to the court and he's gonna run it up to the Supreme Court and they they got sitting joy just five to four that will side with him, right, Yeah, I mean that's all it's about him, ken about none of that. Yeah. And that'll be his legacy too, that he nominated what three Supreme Court judges? Yeah, yeah, yep. It is thirty six days, no one, Yeah, thirty six days until the November third election. It is not too late to go right now to get registered to vote at vote dot org. Please, if you haven't done it, what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for it? Don't wait until the last minute. Get your dates so you can early vote in your state. Please, we gotta do this. Thirty six days left. That's not about these taxes. Let's yeah. Donald Trump has not paid any federal income tax in ten years, seven hundred and fifty dollars, two years in a row. You know, the President is saying that's fake news, that that was a New York Times article. He's saying that's fake news, and he's saying that he paid quote a lot A lot. Is where all you've got to do is prove it. We'll show us. It's no what this guy has done. Now the stuff is leaking out coming up. It's our last break of the day. There will be no more Okay, okay, but that is it. That no no, no no means no no more breaks. All right, and we'll also have some closing remarks. Wonderful closing remarks from our fearless leader Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to all right again. Thirty six days until the November third election. We want you to go right now, if you haven't registered to vote already to vote dot org. Get all the necessary stuff you need so you can make sure you can vote in this upcoming election. We want you to vote early, vote dot org. Thirty six days left. Wow, time is flying, man. We can work to do. Yeah, we done. Let go the thirties. Yeah, the world. I'm so eager to vote. I know, I really already know what I'm aware and everything. I'm gonna record the whole flush the media plan like playing everything who yes? And I thought about Shirley, what you what you wear? Everything? Everything? Yes, candidates, listen, get your camera recording my whole process, Get your polling place together, get your parking space, all of that. This is serious, Steve, serious business right now. I believe that you know here's the deal. I don't. I don't see how we could not be through with this behavior that we've been privy to and subjected to for the past four years. I mean, and now with the latest things of his tax reports coming out, finding out he hasn't paid taxes in ten years, y'all listen to me, that's probably one of the most unpatriotic things that you can do as a person to hold the highest port so highest position in the land. How can you not support the system and the constitution that you so vehemently claim to want to uphold. Where is evading your taxes a patriotic thing to do? You have found a way to slip through the cracks. And just because it's a loophole, all of these things aren't quite legal because let me let me just say this, man, I don't know how you can pay no taxes. I really really don't, man. I don't know how you could pay no taxes and still live the life that you're living. I mean, look at his lifestyle. But you should be far more angry before you heard about these taxes. No reaction to Brianna Taylor, nothing about George Floyd Aubrey, these little statements he made, but doesn't call for the Department of Justice to look indeed, any of this, to get real justice for any of these families. Nothing about black lives matter, to calm the restlessness and anxiety that that that black people feel. Nothing, not one remark. We've got to change things. We've got to do something about this section of our American fiber who feels this way nothing, and you know what, he ain't gonna do nothing. He has appointed more judges than Jimmy Carter one hundred and ninety eight, and not one of them has been black, not one, not a single one. Listen, y'all, this man right here, if you give him four more years, what he's gonna lay down to harm and hurt people of color, it's gonna be alarming. But what he's going to do to help rich people. It's gonna be even more alarming. You all will not have a program. He is going to get with this judge he wants to appoint. He is directly attacking Obamacare, Affordable Healthcare Act. He is directly going after that with the point of this woman who has written letters against the Affordable Act. Because, man, you all don't understand. These rich boys on these insurance companies. They want to get back to business as usual, and this preexisting conditions is causing these insurance company to lose hundreds of millions of dollars because now you can get insurance and there's already something wrong with you. Hey, man, they're trying to get rid of all of this. If y'all don't get to these polls and vote, this man is going to run all of this down your throats. Man, it's going to be ugly in this country. This is a sad thing we're looking at right now. We've got to get to the polls. But we are the one demographic that can make the largest difference. We are the biggest group that can make a major difference, and everybody seems to know that. Accept us. So while we're walking around talking about black lives matter. It's not gonna matter to them ever, until until they started realizing that black lives matter at the polls. They don't care about you marching. What has it changed? Were still marching. They're still killing us. We keep marching. Police is still putting their knees on black people's necks. They still choking us. Were marching. They still doing it. They're throwing people down on the ground in Atlanta, They're throwing people down the ground everywhere. They still do it. We was marching when they shot the brother in Wisconsin. We was marching. They don't care about us marching because until we show them that black lives matter at the polls, they're gonna keep doing business as usual. I'm tired, man. We have got to get to the polls and do something about this man. This has to change. I'm so sorry, but this has to change. It has to. You got to vote. He has to go. This is the worst president we've ever had. This guy is the worst we've ever had. All right, for all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Visit Steve Harvey fm dot com you're listening to