Good morning and welcome to the ride! The jets are on and Billy Ray Valentine is singing and splashing in the jacuzzi. The CLO points out the importance of me time. Katt Williams accuses Cedric The Entertainer of stealing one of his jokes that ended up being seen in The Original Kings of Comedy. Fool #2 is now in the fight promotion business. The fellas give advice to those who want to break up to get their freak on this summer. Junior gives a shout out to Jordan Clarkson of the Utah Jazz. It's Black Music Month and the crew talk about the magic that has come from the city of Brotherly Love. Principal Marcus Gause at T. Wingate Andrews High School in High Point, NC sang some Whitney for the Class of 2021 and nailed it! Steve wraps up today with a clear message. Take your time. Have a great weekend.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the million bucks things and the good Steve to movie other for st Please, I don't join jo. Don't give me. You gotta turn you going, You gotta turn to turn them out. You' got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come, come on your thing, huh, I shore will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. I wanted only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I'll do man, God is good. Hey today, I just want to get right to it because this has really been pressing me. I woke up and this was on my mind, and I wanted to share it with you because I know this for a fact. See I've lived this for a fact. And you know the majority of things I talk about in the morning before we get started with the regular show, it's something that I've experienced. I can only tell you what I know. And so I really really understood why God has had my life go the way that is gone, because if I didn't have all these tests in my life, I didn't have all these tests that I passed, all these tests that I failed. If I didn't have all of those, the good and the bad, what could I share with you in the morning? What could I tell you about hanging? What could I tell you about failing and then winning? What could I tell you about hanging in now when all hope was gone? How could I share that with you? Unless I've had those moments myself. I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what you're going through. Don't you dare dare give up? Under no circumstances. Don't you dare dare ever give up? It is the biggest trick that the enemy has is making us think we ain't gonna make it, to water down the illusion that there is a possibility that you might still have a chance to get over. The biggest trick he uses is when you make a mistake and you fall. He gets you to start to thinking it's final, that there is no resurrection, there is no redemption, there is no recovery. He just makes you think it's final. He is the master deceiver. Don't you dare dare ever give up? I don't care what besets you, befalls you, trips you up. What circumstantial situations may arise, don't you dare dare ever give up? Because listen to me, these are tests that you are going through. And these tests, whether you pass the test or the appears that you failed the test, the test accomplishes the mission if you're smart about it. If you pass the test. Let's say you're going through a situation and you get over and it goes the way you want it to do, then what you've learned is if you hang in there, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, mission accomplished. If you fail the test and it doesn't go the way you want it and it goes the opposite and it turns out into a negative result, and in response you were looking for is a no. That's not final. That doesn't mean it's over, that doesn't mean it's time to turn back. It simply means that now you have learned a valuable experience, you have learned a valuable lesson. You now know what not to do. You are now because you know what not to do, another step closer to getting it right. Listen to me, it has to happen this way. You have to have the rain in your life. To get the flowers in your life, you got to have the darkness in your life to appreciate the sunshine in your life. You got to have woes and worries to appreciate the joys. It is merely a test. So when you get through failing, and you get through stumbling, and you get through messing it up, all that's getting you one step closer to getting it right. Oh, my relationship ended. I'll never be able to find another person like that. Not only will you not be able will not only will you be able to find a person like that, you can find a person that far better than that if you don't give up. But see, sometimes you got to go through the bad ones to get to the good ones. Don't you? Dare? Dare ever give up? I don't care what happens to you if you lose a love one. And Lord knows, I've lost some people I've loved dearly with every inch in me. I've lost my mother, my father, my brother, and my best friend. I don't know. I know people who have lost their children. Goodness, man, I can't even imagine that, but they kept on going. What you're giving up for? Oh? I got you miss them? And I got you grieving, but I got news for you. Don't you let the devil make you think it's over for you because somebody else ain't still here. It was their time. Now. I'm not trying to lessen to blow for you, but I'm trying to get you up on your feet so you can stop all this old woe is me because the things is happening to you. You're not the first person that's happened to Come on, now, let's get a grip. Let's wrap your mind around this thing. You have got to move forward, if it's just in memory of those people. I was on one of the commercial breaks the other day and somebody asked me something and I forgot the question, but my answer was, I've always wanted my mother and father to be proud of me, and in that absence and their demise, I'm hoping just somehow man that they watching me, that they see their boy, that I'm down here, that I'm doing better, that I'm making something about myself, that I'm loving my wife, that I'm taking care of my kids. Just want my old man to see that about me, you know, I want my mother to see I'm trying to give my life together over here. You know I'm saying I'm trying to be a better person. My mom was a Sunday school teacher for forty years. She'd been praying for me for a long time. I just hope, man, and that's all I'm doing. It's just hoping that they see me so they ain't be proud of me. See you, you you, you you. You got to understand that when you make these mistakes, that when you fall and stumble and you get it all so wrong, it ain't over for you. Don't you dare dare dare ever? Give up? Don't stop thinking, man, because it ain't happening just the way you wanted to that it ain't meant to be devil. He got so many tricks to deceive you. You know why you're being tested right now, because there is no testimony without the test. You got to go through something. It's all good man telling you. I just wanted to share that with you. Don't you give up out there. I don't care what's happening. Don't don't, don't don't get deceived. The victory's coming, but you ain't gonna get it if you quit. Hang on, y'all, you're listening tow one two three. When you think of love, gotta get it on your mind. When you think of love, gotta get it on your mind. Believer in Valentine. When you think of it, hell God, and get it on your mind. Yeah, that's how we're doing it today. A little bit different. Charley Starberry, Hey, good morning, Happy Friday. Steve. It was a throwback Friday opening for me. Colin Farrell, never mad on Friday. I love it, Steve Mona, never mad, Junior Joda, See Junior, what's happening on? Everybody? King of Pranks? If you tell me you ain't top top is Friday? Baby, let's get it, Uncle, y'all gonna get it? Junger Love. Yeah, now I won't know y'all. Younger Day Boy, Oh the truth boy, put on the show. Huh they do Friday? Yes it is. You're feeling good, it's yeah, gonna get this family feud out the way the day. You know your two days off for the weekend. What' you're gonna do this weekend? Because I have no idea. Nothing is at the top of the list, though, Chill mold, how long do you sleep? I know you're a morning person, but like on your day's off. Oh, Mike, maybe six, it's thirty baby. That's for us deep. I get it in deep on the weekends. Yeah. Like I was up this morning at four thirty wow. Wow. Yeah yeah, because you have to come to work. Yeah, but I ain't got far the drivers. Are you working out at that early? Yeah? I work out first, That's what. It's such a pair working on fat. It ain't ain't it ain't just working on fat. No. I got plenty of muscle. I'm muscular. I don't need that. I just need to uncover them. Only nice man. I'm strong. I'm strong as hell. But doing cardio A lot of cardio? No, I don't doing a lot of damn cardio. Don't like cardio. I do it, but I don't like it. You know, I do a combination. It's lifting cardio coming out. Okay, that's the best way to shred weight for me. Cardio without weight training isn't the best way to burn the fat. I got a tone in shape two as a goal. No, I don't like hit either. Julian, you don't like not only high intensity trainer, You'll like Jim. I like lit low intensity, low intensity training. I like lit COO low intensity training with coffee. All right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the cello, Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. Right, ask me. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, time now to ask the CLO. He is here, Steve Harvey, our chief Love Officer. This one is from Tangela in the Bay Area. Tangela Rides. I'm a thirty five year old mother of five daughters and I desperately need to get away. I've gone above and beyond the call of duty as a mother. I need a week or even a weekend to myself. My husband travels for work, so he gets quiet time away. My sister is stationed in Hawaii and I want to go visit her, but my husband told me he can't take care and he can't handle the girls by himself. Instead, he suggested we all go to Hawaii as a family. Would be wrong to plan my trip and leave him home along with our daughter. Yep, you need a break, you need you need a break. Look, everybody needs me time and planning a trip to Hawaii with the family, it's just taking the girls with you. The guy has to understand that he's sending them to him what he can't handle him by himself, but he leaves him there with you by yourself because he gets some me time when he go out on the road, travel and all like, he go to bed, get to watch, but he won't lay all around you. Don't come on, guy. In all families, he has to allow you some time to yourself. Everybody needs me time. Being a mother is hard, man, and the dude has to understand that it's being a mother is harder than fatherhood actually, because hell, they got to give birth to these children. I mean, look on them, so that tang. Sorry, they got us topped. So yeah, you need me time and you need to just go. And he needs to understand it. He'll figure it out. I can't. I can't, ye bitch, Well what you're gonna do? Right? Yeah? But telling her daughters I'm going to Hawaii, they can't go crazy about the face. I mean, we'll get to looking crazy because I'm out. Because I'm sitting up here with y'all looking crazy. She spread crazy around? Ye everybody get yeah, all right? Schuler and Augusta says, I'm a fifty seven year old man and I'm renting a house to a woman that I used to date. Late, I've been sleeping with her twenty eight year old daughter and we've kept it on the down low because I don't need the drama. The woman has been ill and she can't pay her rent. Her daughter told me, if I don't stop pressuring them for the rent, she's gonna tell her mom about us. This will kill my reputation in town. But I need the money. What can I do? See, old pimp shoe, Look, let me play something to You can't play the game, be the pimp and the player, and don't expect to get played or pimp. It's the game you created. You can't be the player and the pimp in the game and then don't expect the game to turn around. Play in pimp you. Now you're screwing this woman's daughter on the down low, so you thought, but you're pressuring them for money. Now let me let me ask something. So, how are you going to play the young girl for someone for some sex? But now when it comes to some allocation on the rent, you don't want to give a nothing. So now you just she's have to sex you and you're chippy and nothing on the rent. Her mama not only have you messing over her, you used to mess with her and she's ill. Can you let some of the dog and you act like a grown man or you just gonna be dog. It's your whole life. It's just about you, Schueler Shuler. Now, I don't know what this young girl thinks that she's gonna accomplish by telling her mother about y'all, because that's just gonna break her heart. She already sick. Yeah, so that's a stupid thing for her to initiate you with. But yo, dumb man's it is talking about either ruin your reputation in time with the dog. It's all about you. Yeah, you're sleeping with your former girlfriend's daughter on the lower. You won't give him a break on rent because you need the money, but you need the sex from the twentieth year, but you need your reputation intact. Look like they're gonna be staying there for free wall for me, all right, we're moving on. It ain't free Pardner, all right. My husband died in January, and I offered to let his brother and his wife move in with me because I needed a company and I have plenty of room. His brother and I love to watch old movies and we stay up late together in the living room, watching movies, reminiscing and making love while his wife is sleeping. It helped me deal with the loss of my husband, and I don't want it to end. Should I tell him I'm falling for him or not? What they just bear clear? Sleeping with his brother January has helped to deal with his death, That's what she said, because I guess it's like he ain't gone. No, yeah, she imagines him. So I'm trying to and now his wife in the other room sleep. Um how did she say she was? She is? She didn't say Steve. She did not say oh yeah, she didn't say, Okay, y'all watching old movies. H call war stuff? Well know who you is? You know what I mean? How old? Y'all? Gladiator old? I was talking to some people who said today they were talking about Gladiator horse Dad. What what the hell you mean? What is Glad? She told me when Gladia came out hour four? So look, lady, we can't help you. I mean, if that's how you decided to get over the depth of your husband in January is by May to start sleeping with his I don't really know what to say to you because I well d and they are all gonna be in there. What now, they're all gonna be in there making a damn moving in. Yeah, what is going on? We can see you later. Yeah, it's bound to happen. I don't know what to tell you, lady. Sorry, good. Don't tell him she's falling for him or not. That's that's the only thing she wants from. Hell yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, hell yeah, going and tell him, tell your brother law. I don't tell you brother in law that you're falling for him, and asked him to go. Ask him going in and tell his wife how she feel about it, and y'all make some coffee and talk it over. Backs on the wall coming up next, and you run that break back after this. You're listening Steve Harty Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. We got to talk about this. Cedric, the entertainer finally speaks out. He addresses a Cad William stealing joke accusation. We're gonna talk about it at the time of the hour. Yeah, yeah, yeah, SETTI come on, but right now I don't believe it. Right now, the nephew is here, would run that prank back and what you got now, Oh, I don't know. It's so much in the headlines, which but you're just raining off. I'm sorry. Okay, you want to talk about this pizza and these topics. That's what it is. There's no anchovies because black people don't eat anchovey. Okay, you say, okay, you know what we're gonna How can they get something? I was trying to give out my number to him to text me if you eat antio, but I don't want anybody have my numbers. I want to I want a black person and shobies survey and who doesn't? But anyway, Frank is no nd shobies. Let's go get hello, hey man? Who who? Who? Who is the person I need to talk to about? I got a pizza that's been messed up. Who do I need to talk to? Well, you can talk to Micha. What's going on? What happened in pizza? Nobody puts some nantobies on my pizza? Black people? I don't even know nanchhobies. Man, So whoo who? Who? Who would do that? Who would put answer channels that settled down with the language that pal all right? You know if you got answer bobbies on your pizza, he just must have gotten mixed up with another water. I'll send you another pizza. It ain't a big deal. But I ain't asking anchobies man. A matter of fact, let me ask you, so, what the is the ant showby any damn way, Chardine, That's what a Dan schoby is, okay, pal Chardine? Hey, hey, hey, let me tell you something. Man. First of all, what's your name? What is your name? I'm Gino. I'm Gino. So you're the owner of the damn pizza places? Yeah, I owned the damn pizza place. And I don't need people calling me that cursing in me because there was a mistake, and all mistakes happened, Pal, where things go on in this life, and then you're getting some anchovies on your pizza, right man? Okay, So here's the deal. I didn't had a bunch of guests coming to mind or all the pizza, and every last one of them got manchobies on them. You know what I'm saying. So I got an issue with it. I have spent over fifty dollars with you with these pizzas, and in the right wrong that nobody likes anchovies. No, but I black people, you know an chophies man? Okay, hold on, I'm a want certain I've served antchovie peacha black people before. Okay. The black people that I know don't eat and shobies. Okay, well then we'll thank you some pizzas without any damn chovies on them. You know what I don't like your I don't like your attitude. What man, you didn't cut me with so much attitude to start with? You wouldn't get no attitude? Okay, okay, look at don't get show up. Okay, don't get shore. What did you do? You know what did you just did? You just threaten me? I said, don't get show Do you think you're talking who the do you think you're talking to face? I'm talking to Gino the own right? Please there, that's right, that's right. You don't tell me you go to kick my phone? Okay, pound you know where the pizza is? You know you just calm down, do you do you? Okay, that's it. I'll tell you what, man, in the next three to five minutes, open to walk down there and kick your little fine putting a man showers on here? Man having a little pump at attitude like you thought you can't get through you. Come on down here, okay and we'll see. Do me a favor, go yourself and the no once you wrote in on. Okay, I'm bringing it on down here, all right, we'll take care of it there. Stops talking, Anchovies up, It's all right, thou Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, cool, all right, cool, okay, okay, okay, you'd like to say, okay a lot? Do you out of your words? Okay? You need to have somebody there which you when I get there, because I promise you, g yeah, you don't shake it in his boots. Bound me and my aunt Chovies. We're sitting here scart out of our minds right now. Okay, you're giving me up dealt with clowns like you my whole life. Please let me tell you this it do you? Do? You know who you're talking to? I pocketed something, an idiot who don't know how to talk. That's what I'm talking though. No, you're talking to Nephew Tough from the Steve Harvey Morkli Show. Mister Gino. You just got freak. You're telling me I'm throwing a bombs all over the radio. You're dropping the bombs all over the radio. Baby, who I want to know who did this to me? Because they're getting some f bumps. You have a guy that works for you, he says, he works five to clothe Andre. You gotta you gotta Drede that works for you. Yeah, I gotta Drede that works for me. And Dred's gonna be spending some time in a walking freezer. Un people don't need anchovies, huh. Black people don't need your ANTOVII. Baby, Hey, I gotta ask you this with Zeno, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Your show, the baddest radio show in the land is the Sive Arvey showing none. I man, I'll be sad. I'm gonna send you some pizzas. I'm sending that station dozens of pieces with anti double anchovies on every one of them. All Right, there you go. No Anto, he was about it, about it though, he got real Italian, he got real attack. Yeah, I'm shaking, yeah, dropping f bombs all over the radio. He was embarrassed afterwards. He was, yeah, that's one of his employees got me to do it. So hey, you know who works for you. You know how I go. Baby, Okay, so here we go Tampa. I'm sold out, no tickets, no more shows. We will see if they will add some. I'm working on it, but I am just don't sell now. In Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach at the Funny Bone, tickets are on sale right now. That is July, ladies and gentlemen, Okay, that is the month of July. So uh, if you're in Virginia Beach, it's gonna look like Tampa in a minute. It's gonna be sold out. So that's July sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth at the Funny Bone. Pick at you're on sale right now. The food it's coming to town. The country is opening back up. The microphones are open. Thing. Guess what I am grabbing that microphone. Okay, come watch me, watch me work. I didn't wrote so much during the pandemic. It's but nanaus. So it looks like people are up for comedy right now because oh yes, laugh you know, yes, yes, yes, yeah. So they're receiving you well huh, oh my god, they're they're glad to receive. I'm receiving them and they're receiving me and it's a beautiful thing. I missed them, they missed me. Let's laugh, let's have fun, and everybody leaves out with the bank. So I'm like, the shows I've done already. I did Birmingham and I did Orlando off the chain, and I promise you I'm not going this long no more. We can't hand them a pandemic, y'all. We cannot. And you can control this high I can't. The people dressing up tell me they're dressing what Yeah, but then they're also they're also my pick out that's got the warm up zone. You'd be like, don't nothing happen, don't nothing fit? You already know that COVID fifteen. Yes, yes, yes, it is real. All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and National News. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So Cad Williams said that Cedric the Entertainer stole his joke Steve. You know this one the one that said did H in the Kings of Comedy movie during an interview cat Williams. The one about having to park a large spaceship Cadillac. Uh yeah, Cat Williams is saying that was his joke, and uh, that's what he's saying. Listen, he said. When it initially happened to me, this is Cat talking. It crushed me just because the comedian was at when he said. The comedian he was talking about said was already bigger and more famous than me, and he took my closing joke and made it his closing joke on the Kings of Comedy. This is Kat Williams. Well you know what I'm said. You're talking about cutie producing the quarter. Uh huh what don't first he was saying to say, okay, said, responded Steve hold only all right, so said, responded, yesterday, take a listen. Look, I have no idea what this brother is talking about. It that joke is over thirty years old, close to thirty seven years old. I did the Kings of Comedy in nineteen ninety nine, probably had been doing that joke six seven years before that. I don't even know if Kat was doing comedy then. So you know, again, he in talented brother. I have no idea that he talking about. I've never seen Cat do a space show joke. So, uh, you know, there may be something that he believes is true. I've written a lot of jokes. I've had a lot of comedians still my jokes as well, So I understand if you feel, you know, slighted by that. But that's my joke. That's my joke. Dog driving space shops to the mold. See the red cutie pie rocking in the background. Apparently a parking space shop. It's my joke though, So that's that's what I believe it to be. So all right, that's all I can say about that. Man, I'm not gonna being no back and forth about this. I'm I've been I've been doing this dog, So that's all I can really say. Got a lot of jokes throughout the career, a lot of a lot of heming, a lot of doing it on different platforms. So you know, keep rocking, cat. Do you think I'm a grown ass? Man I knew said when he was doing the joke before we did the Kings me and said toured together before that was at Kings Listen. Man I met said in eighty nine at Steve Harvey's Vookoo Ray, which turned into Steve Harvey's Caravan of funny, funky friends in Dallas, Texas at a club called Vodkou ray As I met Saying in eighty nine. We hit it off that weekend. We've been friends ever since. Before The Kings was formulated, me, him, Bernie and Sad was doing three five thousand, seven thousand seat us alone. When the guy came to us to do The Kings. We had doubts because we didn't think we could fill up basketball arenas. Literally did we know for the next four years we was gonna sell out all of them. Now, Sad was doing that joke before we did The Kings. See in what people don't understand when you saw the movie The Kings of Comedy. It came out in two thousand. We was on two or three years before that, right, So what you saw the jokes in two thousand, that was just us doing the movie. That ain't the jokes that never even made it to tape. We was doing them jokes man before that was at Kings of Comedy before twenty one years ago. Sad was doing that joke in the nineties when we was on The Steve Harvey Show twoing together. I was waiting when I was I was look man I kid you not. I was with saying when he conceptualized it joke. I saw that joke being born. I watched it evolved over the year, said said, don't steal jokes. Man, we we we need to back up off this right here. Just let me say so. I think both of these brothers are just incredibly talented comed and we know that they are incredible. But I'm starting to win the ninety. We started this thing a few weeks ago with this big lads and this other young lady. Is this where we hit it now? Where everybody's now coming out with it's my joke, that's my joke. Where time you stole mine? Toil you said high this morning? Hell, anybody but Seve, who we're from a different era of Carmany said, didn't steal the joke. Man, I'm telling you, he'd been doing that joke for a long time. Look, I don't know when Kat started, but Kat and for us, was after the Kings of Carmeny. And he actually said that. He said that. After he Kat said that, he said that, and Kat thinks that, why do you think where does this coming from? I mean, because it just came out of the blue. Look, I don't want to get into nothing with Kat because we didn't have over the years. So I don't. I don't. I'm not my mom ain't got nothing own cat. I'm talking about Cedric the entertainer. I'm telling you now, I was round him when he wrote that joke. I was around him when he did it. And it was before the Kings of Comedy. I'm telling you it was look man, me and said been on TV together since ninety five, ninety four. Even so now I remember when he was telling me to joke. I saw him do the joke. So now seven years later, when the King started and then came out in two thousand, that joke was old. That's why I was such a season. Joe said, put the Cutie power song with it and everything. Yea, what you heard this that before? I've never seen anybody even do the same thing. Said that says joke. That's all I got to tell y'all. Said, they entertained a legend. Man, We need a comedy conference conference. Anybody having no conference? All right? Coming up twenty minutes after the hour, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Show. All right, Steve, come on, introduce your friend, Jay Anthony Brown. Ladies and gentlemen, Jay Anthony Brown. Everybody saw the fight the other nineteen Money Mayweather and the white boy Paul the dance, the hug or whatever do you hear? Whatever it was, it wasn't a real fight. But I've got a card to some serious fights that are coming up. You want to get ready because these are some serious fights. Uncle Ben is gonna fight the Quaker oats Man or a snackdown. So you want to get You want to get in the right place to see this. Snap crackling, pop, snap crackling and pop. They're gonna take on Manimo and Jack. You need to get your tickets to see this. The Golden Girls are not dead. They're coming back. They're gonna They're gonna They're not dead. People think they're dead, but they're gonna whoop the Atlanta Why the Atlanta Housewife's ass. It's gonna be a great match. Get your tickets for that. The Bronny paper town Man, the Bronny paper town Man is gonna take on the Jolly Green Giant. I'm putting my money on the Giant. That's where it is. In the jibs of Bunny wants to get up in wants to get up in the glight. Goo that guy go lizards ass. He's gonna put down the drum and whoop that lizard's ass. You have got to see us. We've got Monique Monique going up against Yanla Danza. Your brother, go out there and hug your brother. But my money's on Lana. George Wallace is gonna take on Michael Blackston. Now we're gonna need a lot of light for us. Woman, We're gonna need lights for all for days to light up this bag. Kurt Franklin, We're gonna have Christians fighting Christians. Kurt Franklin is taking on TD Jake's My money is on. I'm sorry, what what I come on? Come on? My money on. Billy Paul is gonna take on Billy Porter is gonna take on Rufe Paul and who looks best in a dress. It's gonna be a mess. You need to get your ticket. Just the one. I want to see, just the one. It's a grudge match. It's a grudge that Deshonish Child. Deshonish Child is gonna take on Beyonce. They have been won. The will plays alone time a longtime door. The Explorers beat the dog mess out of SpongeBob Square pasts. You better get your tickets to see this. In the last, but not least, the Los Angeles Lakers will take Wait a minute, they already lost anybody. That's it. I'm done. I'm they had a match, but they already back to Bishop Jakes though for real, Bishop, I got my money on days. Yeah, get ready, all right, thank you, crazy man Jake coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Sting show. Tell me, I just immediately think of you when I see stuff like like this. It's uncoffing season. So you know what that means, not for you now, but back in the day when your Yeah, so have you ever have you started your plan to break up to have a guilt free summer? Remember when you used to break up right before holidays and stuff like that. Right, so, this is uncoffing season. People are breaking up right before summer. They say that this year uncomming season will be a busy one because of all the COVID restrictions being removed more and more single will have the chance to get out and hook up. They're saying it's going to be a hot girl summer. So I have to ask you, guys, Steve, Tommy Junior and Jay, of course, what advice or reasons can you give to people who want to break up to get their freak on this summer? Now you see what I thought. Tom you've been here nine months. Oh started out. You've been here nast and that's it. Junior, that's all I don't need say no more. You've been here, na see somebody else. You see me every day. I need some space. I just need some space. I just it's you're just too much for me right now, you know what I mean. I just I just we didn't went through COVID together. I need I need a break from you. I really do that cold We didn't a year and a hand. Yeah, easy, it's easy to just stop asking about her friends when your friends coming over there, when and use the word big booty, Oh she become the one with the big booty. Yeah, come on, see hey, look look it it ain't you. It ain't it ain't it's me. You know, I just you know, I got to you know, you deserve better. And I'm less and I you know I want you to have more, So I'm gonna steps No, you love you love. My application is forever. Yeah, no, you fell in love with my representative. I'm who I really am. You don't want to go let me at let me hang on for this kid out here. I don't. I don't want to start. Well, we've been together for a year and a half. I know you. You try to pride now, all right, and I say something? Can I say something? Listen, I'm feeling I'm finna start preaching. So this this right here, you just got the calling to preach? Yeah I didn't. I feel like I've been called and I'm finna start looking at the seminary school. So I need this to stop, for us to you know what I mean, for me to get my life. I'm a Christian, come on, come on. I had a dream last night and in my dream and I'm just gonna go with it. You are the devil. You are Satan. I see Satan every time I look at you, and I just can't get that out of my mind. I'm much satan you have You're Satan, and no I can't I can't see myself continuing in a relationship, which satan, which is what you are. We're asking the guys for advice or some reasons that they can give people who want to uncuff before the summer gets on, so they can get their frea come before the summer comes. What instantly get out of the house, just going and sad fellas and just geet through it. You know you came into COVID one fifty, you leaving two hundred. Well, we're going through this extra fifty pounds at me? You mad? If you mad at me because you put on fifty I didn't. It's fifteen. I can't tell. I mean you're going through the doe sad way what you mean? Okay, let's leave this. It's over. Yeah, yeah, Mavel getting caught on the doughnuts. I already know how you feel about this, but I'm gonna just go to you. I don't think we're gonna make it because I'm gonna start raising snakes. I love, I love you, I hate Coming up next, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject is watch how you talk to my baby? Okay, marinate on that for a minute. We'll get into it in a little while. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nav? Larunda is my girl? Larunda is my girl. Hello. This call will be recorded and monitoring. I have a collect call from and inmates. If you would like to accept this in future collect falls, please press for Hello. Hello yo yo, Hello. I'm trying to this Ryne Ronnie. I'm trying to reach uh Lrondada? Yeah? Nda? Do I have to round them? No? You you got the right number? Man, that's my wife? Who is this? Okay? Okay, okay, hold hold up, Nah, there's Ronnie right here. I'm calling for Lronda. Who who you know? That was my girl? For I got locked up. I'm trying to hold on, hold on, man. Uh we've been married for about two years. Man, I don't I don't know what you're talking about. Man, you might have the wrong number. Okay, hold up then wait a minute, Wait a minute, wait wait wait wait, wait, wait a minute. I know them. I ain't man, I know them. It's like what say man? Hold up, man, Wait a minute, Lunda Larunda is married. Yeah, man, just in case you to hear me, Laurunda's married. We got a sixteen month old child. Man, all right, and we've been man for two years. I don't know who you calling. I'm calling for La Ronda. I've been to get up about this is six weeks. I've been all I've been. I've been writing letters and all kind of stuff, sending them to our mama house. We're trying to tell me. You trying to see what you've been sending? What to her mama? Else? I've been sending letters. I've been sending letters since to day I got locked down. I mean when you've been saying, how long has been since you've been sending letters? Man? I've been locked down for five years? Five years, and I've been sending letters. I don't miss one week. What I sending something to La Rondo? All right? What's her mama name? Then? Ain't her mama name? Miss? Hold on? Man, you've been sending letters to my girls mama for for five years? Five years. I've been to get out in six weeks. I've been locked down right in five years? No, man, she ain't got no letters from you. Man. You she ain't got no letters. Uh, we've been together for two years. Man, I'm sorry to break your heart. Hold up, hold up, hold up, let me ask you this, hill man. What hold look, because you got me y'all this right here? Now, let me ask you this right here? How I know her mama name? How I know all? Let's hill man? What what I'm trying to explain to you. I got the right personally. I just I'm just blown away by you trying to tell me y'all married? Nah? Yeah, we're married now, happily married. Hey man, hey, you need to take you back to the hill man for hold up, come first about what your wine do? Just come at me round now, that's what I ain't fens to happen. Now. Now, I got a whole lot on my mind and a whole lot of stress. Now I'm gonna tell you this right here, just to let you know how this fits to go, don't. I'm fising to be up out of here six weeks. And when I do get out, I am coming to see Laurent know that I'm fised to come out there. Brother man. Look, hey, you up here calling me with this ignorant stuff. Man. That's what probably got your tell in jail way y'all. Hey, man, listen, you come up here, you're gonna wind up getting both put up in the penitentiary, man, because I ain't playing about my wife. Man. Brother, you just need to gon' chill out after you get out of brother sick somewhere. Man, don't bring all right. Man. Look man, all I'm trying to do is I don't tell what you're trying to do. Trying to keep your That's all I'm trying to tell you to do. So we gonna both end up in the penitentiary, man, or you might be in You're gonna end up in the grave if you keep testing me. Man, I'm telling you, don't bring you here. Bro, just stay there, relax, breathe, and order a man. All right, that's all I'm saying. All right, man, that's it. Hey, what your wife has to do is trying to threaten me for you up here. Time about keep your man. Don't bring you're looking for the run, because I will put two up in your I'm coming to see my girl. That's my girl, two women man for two years. I'm trying to tell you you're gonna take your all somewhere. You we we're gonna shut this down. Thank you, oh you, thank you talking to listen, jail, don't drop tuck your black. Look man, I fished to come home in six weeks and I'm coming to see Larronda, whether you'll like it or not, and I'm going to see our mama. Miss. What you ain't gonna do is get in the way of me and my girl, somebody I've been loving and writing. Let us through all this damn time I've been on lockdown. Man, bring your I will say it slow to you. Bring you, and I swear to God i will put you in the grave. That's why I'm gonna put you, homie. Bring you better stay up in the penitential. I'm coming down there and see my girl, see her mama, and get my girl back. My girl leaving with me. You know, the only thing you're gonna be seeing is a tasking because I'm putting you in there. Man, I'm telling you you bring your I swear to God, man, you knock on and do if you want to. I'm telling you, man, don't mama house. I'm putting your down, homie. I'm not playing with you. Man, all right, that's my girl, man, that is my girl. I want you. Ain't gonna do nothing to me. You ain't gonna do number but release my girl over to me. That's what you fass to do. That's it. No, I'm a release as you come to. So that's what I'm gonna do. I'm telling you, man, by who you chick around? Man, I'll be waiting on you in six weeks. I'm gonna tell you that I don't be waiting on you in six weeks. Bring to my dough. You won't be going nowhere else. I'm telling you that you're talking to all this bad stuff on the phone. You ain't gonna do a thing when I get there, But get me my girl back. That's it. You ain't talking, You ain't listen. I got one more thing I need to say to you, so I go back to my sale. Is you're listening, I'm listening. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank by your boy Devin? What hold on? Dog? Listen? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank by your boy Devin. Man, y'all almost got him I'm telling you, coude, I'm about to hit the jail night. I need to stop playing, man. Oh man, oh man, I'm telling you I was gonna go down. I'm going down in flame. Who let me? I need to breathe out this go get you a drug bag. Yeah, I need to get me something up in me. Bro. I'm about to calm down him. Six weeks on this. If you come up to this dough, you won't go nowhere else. He was so serious. I swear to god, man, I'm not playing about my girl. Man, if you come up to my dough, you ain't gonna you ain't. I'm gonna put you down. Mom. Both end up in the penetry. Matter fact, I ain't going You're going to get it. Boy. You boy, that dude, he told him. Enjoy the as Yeah, man, let going somewhere, don't don't. Yeah you know what somebody who who he tried to loads up in him and he'll nowhere to go with it. Yes, he rubbed in his head. Yeah this man, dog, ain't nobody playing with you freaking out of oh man, man, I've seen people get like that. Uh. July sixteen, seventeenth and eighteenth, the nephew gonna be at the Virginia Beach. Uh Funny Bone tickets on sale right now. That is the Virginia Beach Funny Bone July sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth. And uh yeah, the nephew doing it baby, keeping it stupid. That's what I do. Okay, people with people, we've been married for two years. We got a baby. Sorry to break your heart. Now you already understand he all is yes, coming here letter. You go over to a mama, go over too, a mama house. I'm gonna put you down. You can't come hell and her mama? How either? More going up next Strawberry Letters. Subject Watch how you talk to my baby? All right, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey. F him and click submit Strawberry Letcher. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Who knows it could be yours? You never know. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here, Readee is the Strawberry letter. All right, thank you, nephew. Subject watch how you talk to my baby. Dear Stephen Shirley. My boyfriend and I have been together two years and we had planned to get married soon, but I got pregnant instead. He's twenty seven and I'm twenty five years old, and we moved in together so he could help me with the baby. My family didn't really care for him before I got pregnant, and they really don't like him now since he's still not working and I'm paying all of the bills. Let me set the scene for you. I got a degree in finance and I work in the financial aid office at a community college. I met my boyfriend at work, and he worked in the maintenance department. He was laid off during the pandemic when the school was closed, and they haven't called him back to work. In the meantime, he's taking odd jobs here and there to help me out financially. My parents have told me to leave him, so I try to keep them out of my business, but I am starting to agree with them about him. I have to admit that my boyfriend and his family are very ghetto and I questioned their child rearing skills. I have a one year old son and he started walking and getting into stuff. My boyfriend's pet name for him is a little in word. Got that little in word and he says the word, the actual word, and that's what he calls them no matter where we are. My boyfriend's father has commented to several family members that my son is blessed with a big weenie like the rest of the men and the family. He loves to call my baby. Oh God, little big d MF what I'm like, come on now, it's terrible. This is awful. The baby is one, and it boils my blood every time he says it. My boyfriend's mother loves garage sales and she shots from my baby's clothes there. I told her, thanks, but no things. I love my boyfriend and I've seen a different side of him lately, and I can't deal with his family. Can he change this behavior if he wanted to? Should I raise my child without him and his ghetto acting family? Please just please tell me this isn't really happening. I mean, just tell me that, because your boyfriend definitely needs to watch how he talks to the baby. And more importantly, watch how he acts around the baby. His family needs too too. Who calls their baby in word? Who? I don't know? Anyone? I don't know anyone? Who does I know? And the other one? Yeah? And your daddy. I'm getting to that with Steve. Uh. We all know how impressionable children are. And why why are you doing this? Have you talked to your man about his behavior? And who, pray tell, is going to talk to your man's dad. Who's gonna talk to him? He calls his grandson little big d m F. This is a toxic environment. I'm sorry to bring a child up in. I think all kids should be raised by both parents in a loving relationship, but of course that's not always reality and life stuff happens. And you asked us, can he change his behavior if he wanted to? Well, the answer is yes, he can if he wanted to, Um, yeah, he can change. The problem is I don't think that he recognizes that he should change. I think that he thinks this stuff is okay because look at what he calls his own son and when his dad calls his grandson. If you can't become a better person and set a good example for your child, that you've brought into the world, then it must not be in you. So in this case, I have to agree with your parents. I mean, i'd give him a chance talk to him first, but I don't think it's gonna make a difference because he gets it from his family and it's just in him, and they don't seem to know that they shouldn't call their kid little in word, a little big dmuf. Come on, get ready for supervised custody, unless a miracle happens and he changes, which I doubt. Steve Well, this letter had a couple of problems in it early on that I kind of picked up on it. You're and your boyfriend being together two years. He's twenty seven, you twenty five. Y'allly plan on getting married soon, but you got pregnant instead. Now just listen to that. We were plan on getting married, but I got pregnant instead. He's twenty seven, she's twenty five. You got it, and we moved in together so he can help me with the baby. You know, oftentimes I find out and I'm not judging one way or the other, but I am going to say this as a thought for people who are considering it. People Nowadays a lot of people think that moving in as a solution, and you should all think about that before you do it, because moving in is not just a solution. It's a commitment. And if you've got to make that type of commitment, then y'all to just make the commitment. But moving in as a solution oftentimes comes with the stuff that you learned about people after they move in, because you didn't take the time to learn it before y'all moved in. So moving in amplifies everything. And so now we got it. Your family don't really care for the dude because he's still not working, and now here we go. I'm paying all the bills and let me set the scene for y'all. Got a degree in finance. I work in the financial aid office at the community college. I met my boyfriend and worked, and he worked in the maintenance department. He was laid after the pandemic when the school closed and has and called him back yet. Now all this is good, Hang on, Steve, hang on right there. We'll have Yeah, we'll have ft two of your response coming up to twenty three minutes after the hour, subject watch how you talk to my baby. We'll get back into it right after this you're listening show? All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject watch how you talk to my baby? Well, all I got to was this couple. She's two years younger than him. They we're gonna get married, but she got pregnant, so that they decide to move in so he could help her with the baby. Moving in almost never solves the problem because the problem ain't really the fact that you needed help with the baby, because if you read the letter, you still need help with the baby. So moving in oftentimes isn't dissolution because the problem had nothing to do with him being there. He's not even working, so there's no financial contribution that he's making, and that his child reading skills are quite different from yours, as we'll find out. And when you met him at work, you are in a degree and you had a job at the community college and finance. There's nothing wrong with this at all. What the man does for a living, that ain't got nothing to do with it. Great men do all types of work. Some of my best friends ain't famous, rich or none of that. They're just the best dudes I know on this earth. So you could have had one. Except the problem is you all are incredibly unequally yoke, not just from the standpoint of education. It has nothingness. But you become equal, you become unyoked. The moment one of y'all working in the other one, ain't we got a problem here, because if he moved in to help, where's that help gonna come from. He got laid off, he ain't never been back. He'd been doing our jobs to help me out financial. Now your parents told me to leave him, So I try to keep out of my business when I'm starting to agree with them, because your parents can see stuff because they're not in love. See, so sometimes people who care about you can see things you don't see. I have to admit that my boyfriend and his family are very gather. When I questioned the child rearing skills, We're gonna get back to that in a minute. I have a one year old son and he started walking and getting into stuff. My boyfriend's pet name for him is Luian word. Now, if you want to call a baby of the wrong name, little N word is in yeah, because you're sending the wrong message to this child. Secondly, that ain't his damn made Thirdly, why would you want to impress that upon a child? Now when you all become adults, full grown, me and y'all call each other anything you want to. You can say it's a termy dearmit, you can call anything you want to, but to recall it to a baby, a baby has no idea. And you say in this letter everywhere y'all go, and it don't matter where you are. My boyfriend, you call him lilian word, restaurant, daycare, picking him up, chestising me. How do you chestise the child by calling him lilian word? You're defeating the purpose of trying to discipline him. You undisciplined by calling him that. You disrespect him by calling that, and then you want him to do what you say, dude, So what they make you the bigg n word? See that it does. It's not gonna help. But then your boyfriend's father has commented to several family members that my son is blessed with a big weenie like the rest of the men in the family, and he loves to call my baby little big DML. Now that's funny as hell to me. But your grandfather's nickname for you is a little big DML. Now, listen to me. I have three grandsons, four granddaughters. Now let me explain something to you. They've all heard me, because I'll admit that, and BJ blessed too. But I'm not calling him a little big DML because first of all, he don't really know what's going on yet, And why would I introduce that to Hill? And first of all, MML is out of the question to refer to my grandchildren. But Whenie Size is so damned ignorant, it's just a level of ignorance on the adults part. It's just high level ignorance. And it boils your blood every time he says that my boyfriend mother hit gonna this the last crawl. The boy mama like garage sales, and that's why he ups, you buy all the baby clothes. Now what I'm like, You know, garage sALS ain't nothing wrong with it, ain't nothing wrong with thrift stores. That's what you do to clean them clothes all like that. That ain't me though, See, I grew up with enough of that. When we're not reverting back, and people like to feel a certain way about their children, and if you can afford to do nice things for your children, most prayers do. Now, I don't gonna get a little white kid clothes off the little table and bring to my little black heads. But you know what I said, I'm sorry. I seen don't go getting on little white kids clothes off this table and bring them over here and putting on my little black head. Baby. We don't thing do that. Just I'm not fitting to let you do that. So now you got your boyfriend, the stupid daddy, this Barfield daddy's stupid grandma did grandmama liked to go garage shopping and buy your clothes off that. I can't deal with his family. Can he change his behavior? Not at twenty seven? Should I raise my child without him? And now that's something to you. But y'all just give you this advice. You should be with somebody equally low yo. You should have things in common. You'd have the same ideals. You should have the same ideals when it come to trial rig and you have common interest. I don't hear none of that left. So now you gotta make your own decision co parenting, all right? Thank you? Steve. Post your comments on today's Strubberry letter at Steve HARVFM, Instagram and Facebook is where you can do that. Check out the Strubberry Letter podcast coming up in forty six minutes after Sports Talk with Junior. Right after this you're listening stew All right here, Rigal Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got, Junior? Yeah, surely I want to give a shout out today. This, This is this is big because this is so much hate in sports and these these these players, man have tad a tough year and I want to, you know, give them Ron Plow for standing on their social justice and UH one in particular Jordan Clarkson, Jordan Clarkson for the Utah Jazz. Uh there's a food truck that was vandalized with the words effing and it was an Asian slur on it. And Jordan Clarkson is part of Filipino and he's also ranging six Man of the Year. But we've been seeing so much hate in in sports this year's you know, with with everything going on to spitting on people with popcorn, all these different things. Man, and these these players are not backing down. Man, They're not coming off. They stand they are they tired of it. You know, at baseball games, they unveiling banners would say Trump won save America. That's happening at three stadiums. Know, yeah, in three baseball stadiums. Somebody got in the stadium unrolled a banner and it's just so much hate. Man. But to find out that this brother here man actually took his own money with the some business men into the city of Utah and they actually got these people truck will redone. They'd rewrap the truck, they cleaned the interior, they made it. Are they gonna unveil it this Saturday. They are not taking us. They're taking a stance. They're not gonna take this numbre man. And you can't force these people to feel any type of way because racism and hate it's too much right now in the country, and we divided along these lines. There's some people that just ain't gonna change. But I just want to tell Jordan Clarkson, congratulations, man. I'm proud of you. I saw what you did, man, and appreciate you for doing what you're doing. I appreciate you because man, it's too much already. Man. Also in other sports news, though, Julio Jones is now Tennessee Titan, which is bad for US Texans because we have to play them twice a year. That's two losses. We can count then for show. Watson, Yeah, we'll have to put them out there. That's two for show. We know we got already. The Shawn Watsonton told John one of his players is you taxas quarterback, told that he wanted to play in Denver. Now now he don't want to be there, no mood. And now he gonna go over here in the AFC. Now we're gonna play them once. That's another loss. I see what this is adding up. And also, man, I want to say congratulations because there was an apb out in the NBA. The Bucks did beat the Knitts last night. Now we got two one series and Middleton showed up. Chris Middleton, good to see you make it to the to the series man thirty five points and the Greek Freak dropped thirty three. So they did win. Oh we man. Tonight's games you got uh Atlanta and Philly series tied at won one and then you as. I also want to say congratulations to the Women's College World Series champions. This fifth national title for the Oklahoma as soon as women's softball team, man, they want a fifth title. They be hidden girls, Girls can hit. I watched you too. Man. Good. That's sports top for today. Thank you, Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour. June is Black Music month, you know that, and we're going to talk about Philly sound, the Philly soul sound. Okay, right after this you're listening to the show. Okay, Steve, you know that June is Black music month, and uh, we know how much you love music. We all know that. So let's talk about the Philly sound. Okay, Philly soul. And UH got to ask you this. Can you name for us like five or six artists and their songs from Philadelphia. Uh, produced by Gamble and Huff straight out of Philly. I mean I produced by Games, Gambling, Huff, But I mean I'm five artists from then. The most recent is Geo Scott that came from Philly. Patties from Philly, Maze, Frankie Beverly is from Philly. Gambling, Ain't no stopping news, n I don't know, we won't nothing, you know, I'm just there Fortune, Yeah, but I don't know who wad Yeah, oh Mac Family white Head. Yeah, but you didn't say Teddie oh from Philly. Yes, Jacob the Stinners is a Philly from Philly. Boy, shut up Philippe when almost cried, don't they say they came on? Sometimes she'd be so happy being with that and that the soul trained theme is a fit. Great, it's just to see it, you feel with the love learning. We learned the wholely story see Chase. Yeah, she will always have inspite the thing terrible? Well can oh said? You know? We love it? Boy, almost cried. What about some of your favorite OJA songs? You know, gambling up? What are the songs? Jess ja ja ja, let me command? I was born for the notes. I'm from the generation of guttural singing. Yes sir, yes you are, Yes you are. What about classic Billy taul me and Missus Missy Joe? It's Joe's Joe Joe boy, we mean every man. I wanted to chick like that so bad. You never did the same, Oh man, I wanted that. I was with that. Yeah, yeah, that's some classics. Jay, what's your favorite feeling? Come on, ja's your favorite? It's gotta be teddy, It's gotta be teddy. Turn off the lights one of my favorite. Yeah, Harold Melvin and the Blue Note, Steve. Yeah, the greatest seven minute two part love songs ever written. Old miss you boy. All right, we'll have more of thet you're listening to show. All right. Hey, did you guys see the principle at the North Carolina graduation in Raleigh singing I Will Always Love You to his graduating class. Yeah, twitching was that though? I mean North Carolina The school was called Wingate Andrews High School. Uh huh. He was singing Whitney right here, Yes he was. I mean you didn't know he was gonna do that. He just got up and his his um captain down and everything and just serenade it the entire class. Yeah. Wow, that's from point okay singing folks, Right, I didn't. I didn't see it at all. I wish I had. Oh yeah, it was very touchy. Yeah it really good Black Music Month Yeah, and Black Excellence the graduates, yes, for sure. So I mean that has to make them feel good graduating, to know that their principle felt that way about them. You know, some extra confidence, self esteem, you know, extra boost to get out here in the world. That's stuff right there, that's stuff from high school out That next step is a scary step. That stuff there it's the biggest thing in the world. Are you at that time? Oh my god, it is the biggest thing in the world to you at that time. Every moment you get to in life is the biggest one at that time. Yeah, yeah, all right, we'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening to show, all right. So Cad william said that Cedric the Entertainer stole his joke Steve. You know this one the one that said did uh in the Kings of Comedy movie during an interview Cat Williams, the one about having to park a large spaceship Cadillac. Uh. Yeah, Cat Williams is saying that was his joke, and uh, that's that's what he's saying. Listen, he said. When it initially happened to me, this is Cat talking, It crushed me just because the comedian was at when he said. The comedian he's talking about said was already bigger and more famous than me, and he took my closing joke and made it his closing joke on the Kings of Comedy. This is Cat Williams. Well, you know said you talk about. Uh huh, don't let okay, Sad responded, Steve hold On, All right, so Sad responded, yesterday, take a listen. Look, I have no idea what this brother is talking about. That joke is over thirty years or close to thirty seven years old. I did the Kings of Comedy in nineteen ninety nine, probably had been doing that joke six seven years before that. I don't even know if Kat was doing comedy then. So, you know, again, get talented brother. I have no ideaity talking about. I've never seen Cat do a space show joke, so, uh, you know, there may be something that he believes is true. I've written a lot of jokes. I've had a lot of comedians still my jokes as well, So I understand if you feel, you know, slighted by that. But that's my joke. That's my joke out driving Space Show to the mold. See the red CUTI pie rocket in the background, apparently a parking space shop. It's my joke though, So that's that's what I believe it to be. So all right, that's all I can say about that. Man. I'm not great being no back and forth about this. I'm I've been I've been doing this stop. So that's all I can really say. A lot of jokes throughout the career, a lot of a lot of heroing, a lot of doing it on different platforms. So you know, keep rocking. Cat, do you think I'm a grown ass man that I knew? Said when he was doing the joke before we did the Kings me and said toured together before that was a Kings coming up. It is our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. I'm watching some of these graduations. The singing was nice for y'all, just way too much. Damnation. Gotta stop at some at some point, you gotta stop it. You just can't have everybody did do a dance. You just can't damn dance. Okay, get your card and think and move the Hello. We'll also have some closing remarks at forty nine minutes after the hour from the one and only, our fearless leader, Steve Harvey. Right after this you're listening to show all right, guys, here we are, last break of the day, last break of the week, on this Friday. It's been a good day. Yeah, were a good day, of course, Yes, always right, anytime you put in a full's day work and the data, it is a good day. How did it go by so fast? Look at the time, yea, we must be having fun, right hey. We got to remind everybody to check out the new season please of Celebrity Family Feud, coming on this Sunday night at eight pm, seventh Central on ABC, hosted by the one only a Little Cha can be addressing that I've probably never said. I mean, yeah, I don't get me wrong. If everybody got a show, well three of us have a show. Can y'all watch my show sometime? I mean, ain't never hear y'all talk about his sister living and we in our secon because you ain't here, let me show all the damn time. Yeah, he just about it. Tell us about a chair, well, thank y'all, Thank y'all for mentioning it. We'll tell us about it now. Good to have a show second season, baby, thank you so much. Ain't god good? Won't damn thing you see it fairly? Tell us about the show is in its second season. We've added three new characters in the show. Uh second season. We're praying for season three, and if you pray for season three, throwing a prayer for season four, five, six, seventy eight, nine, ten eleven. You know something, well, Jay, Jay, you know something. The key to a great conversation is the ability to listen. Shirley Staid tell us about the show. For people who haven't seen Assistance to Living, They don't know. Do you just adding two characters? Just told you about the chilther You just know? You just told me. Okay, but you just got the show picked up for two more years. But what is the show about? Is what she's saying. The show centers around me. Here we go the show. The show centers around me. The character Vinnie, his wife passed away. He left she left some retirement money to my grandson. Well, I spent the money and I bought a pretty much like Jay Jay would do. I spent the money and bought a retirement home. So when he comes to get his retirement the money has been spent. We got this raggedy ass retirement home. So they decide to So they decide to stay and help me get it up and running. I've spent all the money in order to make extra money. I'm growing weed in the backyard just to make a load show. Pretty much my life up. I'm growing I'm growing weed in the backyard. But I've ran out of money. So mister Brown and Tamlaman show up and they put in fifty thousand dollars to help us get to the retirement home up and running. It's called assistant Living. It's nine thirty BT. Congratulations, jay Ja, come in bat of the day to make sure you take your medication. Okay, come through that help you out right? All of you guys have great and everything. Oh oh good good. And Steve tell us about your show Family Feud, so on Sunday nights at eight o'clock. And if you pray for it to have another season. All right, that's our assignment for the weekend. Now what season und season nineteen fifteen, season twelve. Wow, wow, I remember when you first got it, yearned for that years. The highest syndicated show in the country. Yeah, everyday is Who Doesn't Fud? Is massive? Man, It's massive. It has afforded me a chance to relax acts a bit too. It because of his success, I've been able to, you know, stop doing as much. Yeah, we kick back compared to what I used to do. Yeah. Yeah, actually enjoy a day off, man. Like I like I Now, I won't work six days a week anymore. I won't. I won't do that anymore. You know, you gotta give me some weekends off and then on my dark weeks. I don't schedule my Facebook show on my dark weeks anymore. I have dark weeks. I take my dark weeks. I just COVID really made me become more aware of something that I was missing, and that was time. You know, I was so busy, man, I wasn't. I was busy being busy, and I wasn't taking any time to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Man, I've done really well. God is really bless me, man. But I wasn't really taking the time to enjoy it. I was grinding, then grind and grinded more and more and more and more and more. But you don't need more if you look at what you have. It's really sufficient in a lot of you know, you don't need more if you if you take a look at what you have. And that was one thing COVID did for me. COVID made me focus on what I had. It slowed me down and made me realize, you know, you can actually live like this. Speaking of vacation. I'm gonna holi that chop from the nephew piece to the piece. Well enjoy me and the wife's anniversary coming up and we headed out of the country. So the anniversary to the momuse thing one more thing, yeah you know, and Cat Williams joke was mine and y'all have a great weekend. We'll see y'all. Na. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show.