Good morning and welcome to the ride! If you are glad for some reason then this here show is dedicated to you. Cedric The Entertainer has holiday music lined up for you. We have a holiday treat just for you in the form of Roscoe Wallace. Cardi B. is making money move with Pepsi and Oscar winner and Tommy's main squeeze Halle Berry injured herself slightly while doing her own stunts for her upcoming film. The Steve Harvey Morning Show Turkey Giveaway continues the giving. R. Kelly faces more trouble from Ms. Savage. Is there a specific date in the year that breakups must happen by? Fool #1 has some holiday tips for the ladies. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve shares with us his most eye opening experience EVER, plus more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them mo like the milician buck things and it's not me true good it Steve has listening to the movie together for ste Please, I don't join joining you doing me. You gotta u turn ing the You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn't got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water. Come come on your faddy. Uh huh I shore will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man, o man o man? How many times I got to say that before I get tired of it. I think it's gonna be a minute, folks. I gotta be real with you, because, boy, that Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Clear indication of how God can do some unexpected, wonderful things for you, how he leads your life in directions that you never ever saw coming. You know, I was talking with somebody the other day and they were talking about how man, they were young and they were doing things and they never knew that the things that they were doing as a youngster would come and helped form who they were today as an adult. This guy's fifty years old, and you know the same thing. You If you look back on your life and all of the things that you've done, it helps shape you into who you are now. This is provided now that you take the positive approach. Now when I say look back at your life and see what you've done, that doesn't mean dwell on the misfortunate moments, because the misfortunate moments were necessary. I know it. It's hard to see that when it's happening to you, But the unfortunate moments are necessary. You know, what really makes you appreciate summer vacation is winter work. What really makes you appreciate a walk on the beach, it's when it's cold, it is raining outside. What really makes you appreciate when you're up, it's because you've been down. See if you are up all the time. Just the nature of us as human beings, we would lose our appreciation for because it becomes case Sarah, whatever it is, well, it is, what it is is? What what what you take it for? Granted, it becomes expected. But what happens in life, say, is it has so many twisting turns, and then you learn how to deal with those twisting turns, which makes you now a more experienced person. And then when the sunny days come, man, you go wild. It's really nice outside. You really want to appreciate how warm weather. Just stay in a bunch of cold weather all the time. I'm you know what I'm saying. I'm just this is really really simple and now analogies, but it helps you along the way. Now here's what I came to say today to everybody out there. And this has helped me in my life. I can't tell you what it's done for me, But a lot of people are struggling with moving forward with their future, their future plans, their future goals, their future aspirations, their future hopes, their future dreams, just simply your future wants. A lot of people trying to have a hard time mapping out their future. Even what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna be, what I'm gonna make ham or go about it? What do I do next? I want to share something with you that I had to come to terms with the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your past. You know, It's like I said at the beginning. You know when I say it's wonderful to look at your life and review it, because if you look at it, it'll tell you it really helps shape inform you today as the person you are now. If you look at it in a positive sense. But if you dwell in harp on the negative that's happened to you, then that keeps you from seeing the good in the incident, every bad thing has happened to you, that was a silver lining behind it. I know people who were on drugs who finally, man just got sent to prison for stealing because of a habit. I know cat that's sold dope. Well, he went to prison. He told me one time. He said, Steve, it's man, this is the best thing ever happened to me to save my life. Now, most people would think, how in the world is going to prison helpful for you? The brother said, it saved my life. First of all, it got me clean. He said, I've been cleaned for five years from sitting in him. That's for starters. I'm cleaned. I ain't still in no more. I ain't putting myself in jeopard and I ain't jeopardizing nobody else. He said, now, man, I don't went to college. I didn't got a college degree while I met him. Then he was released from prison, and the brother's life was completely turned around. He married, he got a family, he got a great job. He'd go to work every day. He's a productive citizen. I mean. So he looks back on his incarceration, even his drug abuse, and it taught him how to appreciate the things in life that he had taken for it and was missing because he said, man, my life was just in a blur. I didn't even know what was going on. He said, Now I appreciate every day I wake up. That's what I mean. Even in your missteps in life, there is a purpose for the missteps. Every time you fail, there was a reason for the failure. See what I had to do was I had to learn that all of my failures taught me how to get back up. So I became a very strong and tough person in getting back up. And then I was down and out so long that it taught me how to really appreciate the up. And so I've taken all of that and used it those experiences that happened to me, and I became a more experienced person. So next time when people talk about me who don't know me, it don't shake me because everybody's not gonna like you. Man, you might as well gonna get on this train right now. And so what I'm saying to you out there is the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your path. Let it go. Yeah yeah, yeah, he left. But like I told us lady on my TV show the other day, sometimes the breakup is the blessing. I know it's hard to break up because now you're loaning you by yourself. But man, but when you're in misery, when you was in that, weren't you in complete misery in that? Now you kept asking God to fix it. But it takes two people to fix a relationship. It don't just take one. It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight. You really do have to have two people wanting a relationship to work. It can't just be one person want a relationship, so you can pray about the relationship all you want. If the other person don't want you no more and ain't gonna act right, you can't make him do that, or you can't make her do that. But you steady asking God for a new relationship. But you are yet to be grateful that you are in a position to have a relationship, and you keep harping on the pass. You don't think he hear that. I'm just a dude with a show, and I hear it all the time. Let it go, go forward. It's over. You made it, He bought you through it. You survived it. Why are you dwelling on it and making it the cross around your neck when clearly He had removed it for you. Now, all you got to do is come on. So if you're sitting behind them walls, brothers and sisters, I'm talking directly to you sometimes. Man, you just got to get it right. All this repeat offender business, that's for? Who is that for? How ignorant can you be to keep giving your life back to the penal system? Be free, man, walk the streets, do the right thing. Ask God to help connect you. He could do anything. You think he can't give you a job? Are you serious? Man, put some faith on it. Let's move forward, y'all. Let it go. Let's move Ladies and gentlemen, man have your attention, please, this is the Steve Harvey Morning Showing for us you're listening to is none other thing. Tight. Love the show, but this show would be nothing if it was just me. I can't do this by myself. Well I could pull it off maybe one for two days, but that's it. The rest of the three hundred and sixty three days. I need some help. I got plenty of you right here. Once again, this show, this entire week is dedicated to the grateful, those of you who are glad for some reason and you ought to have plenty ladies and gentlemen. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Land of the grateful. Shirley Strawberry. Thank you, Steve, Good morning to you. Thank you to our audience too. They listen all year long. We're grateful to have them. We really are, have you, and thank you always. On a three second delayed Colin Pharrell, I am not and I am very grateful to be here you got at that time that day. I'm not going into twenty twenty like that. Another room. When Steve talks to her, no shit, right for real, dog, I mean calling it's always his only delay, I mean, essentially, because all of us be going ladies and gentlemen here, junior boys spaces morning up. I'm here again, grateful ladies and gentlemen, without further dude, the most grateful of us all. You know, you know, I'm free out in new streets. Chem on, free up in these streets, boy, jamfy brown man and got a job? What got the next person I'm about to introduce and needs no introduction because he is the one that you all have in your family A fool nephew. Yeah you ain't. Everybody got one. I just happened to be the one. And to hear on the radio top of the morning, back you here on the radio, you one in our family? You got two spots still lan Ghana representing over here to the fullest. Hey, what you're gonna eat when you come back over what? Yeah? Well, actually, man, food, it's really really good. Ghana is right on the ocean, so the seafood is off the chain. Man, I have some prawns to day. Hey, man, do you know that they have prawns over here? Lancastein's over here that's a foot long dog steak almost dog No, no really lancasteins and and prawns that are a foot long over here. Yeah, a restaurant that specializes in them delicious, unbelievable prawn shrimp dog. It's seafood. It's kind of like a shrimp Lancastein is a little bit longer, and they have them over here up to a foot long. Zy, I've had some food over him. That really No, that's boy. Stop being a country you know, and okay, okay, let me stop your man bringing us a couple of dozen back with you. Yes, so you think that you can bring food back from another country through customs? Coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll get the answer to that question from Steve. And also inside of something funny, Cedric the Entertainer is dropping a Christmas ced Steve Rusco Wallace, Uh, it'll probably be here to talk about this, and we're gonna talk to you, Steve and Roscoe about Yeah, you're listening to Steve Morning Show, all right, Steve, your boy, your fellow king. Cedric the Entertainer is getting us all in the holiday spirit, lending his unique voice to a brand new Christmas album. He's taking his first crack at singing um. Cedric's already conquered the world of comedy. We know that Mute Movies. He's in TV now and he's making his singing debut on the holiday EP called a Power Bass Christmas. Take a listen, sleigh bells ring Ah you listening in the lane? Snow It's glass snip a beautiful side. We're happy tonight. Walk went to secrecy the first part, Jay, that's crazy and we're going on everybody. Oh no, Roy, it was what's up? Rosco? Do baby? You? Roscoe was a man, ain't it? We haven't been a minute, Jammy Brown, you know water player? Rosco? I love you love It was up j Collo Roscoe, welcome back and spend him man did you miss me? Well, well he be gonna come on he little chack. We're going to Hey, Roscoe, what's up? Happy holiday? You know you don't seen the lay Steve. We're talking about whatever, Roscot. I know you do one no baby, everybody, everything, everything, you know, I just want to pop you. And I heard my man said you didn't say that saying Cristosome. Yeah, yeah, you know, you know, you know it's amazing, you know because I wrote you know, I wrote so many Criptosome, You're amazing, you know, I gain say you the permission. You know, I didn't save your hand as they said, save your com SA day he rockcoll I said, what he's in mind about you? Cover zone? Go ahead, ain't boy man? I told him go here. I don't know what you just saying. Roscot say that should tell him what I said. So Cedric came to you and asked you could he have your permission to use a couple of your Christmas songs album A power based Christmas We just heard went to Wonderland that was your show? Did wrote it, wrote it, recorded it. Only everything got the mouths at my house. White people wrote that you ain't you white people and doing everything you wrote? You the very reading black people. Can't you know where now you want white credit for everything? White? White? They were white people right, white crislal and they white? I wrote that, damn okay, really yeah, I wrote it. I wrote a wrote long you know, because I knew my friend Jacket Jacket Clause. That's Santa Claus Daddy jackets jacket jacket jack Well. I met Jacket. I met Jacket. We was down at the soft pole. Jacket had got this girl pregnant down at the soft pole, and he didn't want to pay child port. So he left and went all the way to the north pole. That's how you get away from child. He didn't want to pay in soft pole, so we went all the way enough pole and then he met him. He met the woman up there and it had a little baby, and he said, well, I don't know what the name, and he said, I'm the name Santo, and he named the little baby sat in the clause and then you know that one I started writing criminals home. You went to sounds. You wrote some of the other songs. You wrote dashing through the snow one horse over slate, Hell, yeah, that came from the black man right there. You wrote that she through the snow. You know, one horse open sleve right there. What a white man would write that line right there because they got mold in one hall. Took a black man, black man, they have a one hall. That's how you know black man wrote that song in a one horse open slate because all we had with one hole. You also route route off the red note rain there? Didn't you write that? I heard that you wrote that man? What about you? Thank you? They wrote that I got to come about? How did that come about? Santa Claus ver Limited though Jacket told me to come over to the north Pole. I haven't seen you the low down, Jackie. Clause Jacket claude and Jackie, you're sitting up drinking the hot air of the egg. No, and I would have damned you know. I didn't really care for the no poker cold hill. Ain't no black people up there. I told Jackson, I ain't gonna be a sneezed stay long. He said, I didn't begin your ride back, but I can only tell you to Alaska. And I said, when you give me ride the laughter, let me catch Alaska and then I catch a ride on down from there. So he put me on a slate and wherever I be, damn. He had the rainiers out there. He said, on donal won't blissing on't comment, And I said, a man who who the little skin the rainiouver the red no, and he said that's rude off. And we were riding on the slate and then I it. Jack came to me. I said, rude off the red nod rain due a very shine. Then no, thein't never let whole rude gold every where he wanted to go all of the rain. Dude hated hill because he had a nose dead glow. We stuck his the last in the front. He could show the way to go, and that's how I wrote the soul. They had to take the cussin nowt for white kids, but that's originally what the original soul was because his little last knew which way to go. Black head cool with it, but the white kid. Cedric's album is called a power Based Christmas and he didn't sing on all the tracks, but he produced the whole album. It will be out black Friday. Congratulations to him. Coming up next, it is the Nephew. Yeah, we'll run that prank back right after this. Steve Breaking you're listening coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment news, Curdie b making money moves with Pepsi for the holidays, and Halle Barry injured during the fight scene filming the movie Bruise. Who hurting my baby? Who I knew? Whatever? Who hurt? I got my hand over my chest. Who hurting my baby? You can't do anything. You got one arm, but that one belongs to But you got to understand that that's my baby right there. We'll talk about all these stories at the top of the hour. Right now. Time for the nephew one arm Tommy to come in and run that what you got nef the prankers, go big or go home? Holley, I love you, Hollee. Whoever hit my baby on that set, I'm whooping your ass when I had okay hurt. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Darnel. Darnell. Let see this, Darnell. How you doing? This? Is Scott soon with Bigger, Bigger and better, where we make you larger in charge? How you doing today? Scott? Who I'm Scott? So I'm with Bigger and Better, where we make you larger in charge. I'm good Scott. Look what's up? We were actually, uh given a phone call by your wife, your wife is is that correct? Yeah? Okay, Well, um, you know your wife's um, your wife's birthday is coming up pretty soon? Is that right? Yeah? Yeah, so a couple of weeks. Yeah, it's coming up. Okay. Have you have you decided on getting or anything or have you purchased anything yet? No? No, I got a couple of days in mind. Um. Well, actually, uh, we got a call from from I think We've got something that's gonna that's gonna really help you guys. And and something I think that she wanted to command. That's something that you probably wouldn't wouldn't think about getting. I'm only is okay and racking my brain, So I'm on is actually gave us the call. She's actually had an idea, you know, what she would really really like for her birthday present? So what's her name? You're coming Bigger and Better? Um, Like I said, she called you. I'm sorry, she called you to give me ideal on what I should get her for her birthday. Uh yeah, well this is this is something that's a little a little different than something that you probably would never in a million years think of. But here at Bigger and Better, where we make you large and in charge, we actually do some things that we definitely know you wouldn't have thought of. So I definitely understand her giving what's your name against Sam Scott? Scott Scott, get to the point what you're selling. Actually let us know that there's some things that are really really lacking between you guys, and she would very much like for her birthday where you can be a lot more well endowed. So you know that's what we do here at Bigger and Bad. We actually hello, what I could be more what more well endowed? Sure? So I think really what's going on is Beyonca is really not satisfied right now. She called you to tell you that I'm not what do you meet willing doubt my junk? So you're you're, you're, you're, you're you're inadequate. You know what I mean? You're you're. Uh. I guess maybe maybe very impotent. I'm not sure, but are you kidding me? What's the name of this company? In Bigger and Better where we make you larger in charge? And right now you know you're not. You're not larger in charge, and we want to get you to that. You have to come in for a consultation, your consultation. I'll tell you what. I'm gonna call her right now because it usually right now. Okay, I'm gonna call her. We're trying, we're trying to do. Do you not do you not think you need to come in? I don't even think I even be talking to you, mister Scott about whatever it's going on in my bed room. I'm king so I'm not even I'm not even I don't even know what's going on. Whatever, whatever service the first for me, that's gonna increase me in the bedroom is the first sign of denial, right, I don't have no no, I don't have no problems in the bed room. Well you know, I don't even why am I even still on the phone with you? Okay, but sir, I mean you, and now you don't have to worr about him from she gotta something to kind of account with you. Then you ain't got go ahead and coose that outfit with mister done. Let me say this, you have a you have a very big ego, sir. What I want to do is is you know, but you're not You're not as big as your ego. I want to get you to that point. This is some crazy I've heard some crazy things people staying online. But you're gonna call me talk about my wife called you saying that I'm in ask within the bedroom, sir, you know what? And and and once again I'm trying. I know you you're just doing your job, Scott, but I'm gonna have to call her right now. Okay, don't worry. It's my I'm You're in denial. I'm in denial. You Hello, sir, I really want to help you as much as I can. Listen, man, listen, I'm trying to get my wife on the phone right now. Okay, I know you you got a job to do, but what I need you to do right now? Stop calling me? All right. I'm trying. I'm trying to be nice to you because I'm sure whatever it is she she called you and you're just doing your job. I'm trying to get you in here to get a consultation so we can get you further lng on why you are consultation a consultation. I don't even know consultation. I don't even know assistance from you, sir. You're so call me no more. Man. Hey, you're small and I don't want to make you bigger. You want to make me bigger? What what? What is this seeming like bigger? Huh? What kind of job is that? How do you even get a job like that? You apply to this job? You're idiot when you're in high school. Job trying. I'm trying to stop calling me, man, mister Darnell, I'm still trying to help you get through the situation. Okay, are you willing to come in for a consultation. At least we're coming in for a consultation. We can get your fur where you are? Are you listening to me? The only consultation we're gonna have is my assist in your face as you call me again, tell you what I will come in for a consultation. Give me give me your address and everything like that, all your information, and I will come down for a consultation. You're gonna be there. I'm here, I'm here, I'm here the first eight hours of the day. Sir. What I want to do is get you lined up with get your let me go, let me do all my wife. I don't need no damn procedure, give me your info, and you got to work out here from us. No more, okay, right now, I need sure to get up. I don't want to hang up on you. And I understand with trying to do your job. You're small. You're small, and I'm trying to make you bigger. You. Hey, sir, you know what I'm trying to help. That's a little small guy and I'm trying to help you with your problem. Now. If you're not going to be appreciative of it, then I don't even understand why your wife knows you're having your address, Why we can have this conversation face to face. I don't know what. I don't want your wife's call here. It doesn't matter. If I can get on the line, I can figure out why she calls you bluna adequate man, Sir. Here's the problem. You're tiny and you don't want to admit it. I get you know me, man, you never see me. You don't know anything about me. Ian I can't even believe my wife's even called you. But just this is just how you do business. You call me and call me up tiny, sir. So I'm playing some to you. I'm not only the president, but I'm also a client. Sir. I don't give up what you are, Okay, okay, then there are some other things that let us know as well what the what that means. She also wanted me to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey. More than it show. Your wife just prayed for called you bad man. That's funny, man. I'm on here over here looking at up in the mirror. Kind of I thought I was good, but I nervous. Man. It's the badest radio show in the late Come on now, you know it's just see your Harvey radio show man, all right, thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to morning show. In today's entertainment news, Cardi b is making money moves for the holidays. She's got a new ad for Pepsi that features her favorite things. Missus Offset is on board to promote Pepsi's holiday campaign. It involves newly designed twelve packs equipped with QR codes that, when scanned, give Pepsi drinkers a chance to win and then give some money to their friends and family. Cardi was excited to do it. I always see like big stars working with Pepsi, so for them to pick me, she says, it just makes me feel like, oh I'm up there. I love that. Yeah, you didn't want last year? Yeah all right, Tommy, oh yeah, yeah, nephew, brace yourself, Okay, take a deep breath. And other entertainment news. Halle Berry. Now this is during a fight scene of the movie Bruised. Who was she find she she sustained some injuries. In the movie Bruise, she plays the role of Jackie Justice, a disgraced MMA fighter looking for what some justice. Hallie took to the Graham to update us on her condition. After thanking everyone for their concern, she said, it's part for the course when you do your own stunts, and I wouldn't have it any other way, all right, But don't think she's down, she added, just know that I'm far from tired. I'm wide awake and I'm just getting started. My baby, don't, my baby, don't tap out. Okay, my baby don't never tap out. Well, that's good as she don't tap out, because after surgery, you ain't been worth a damn. I resent that, I that I resented. I'm with you. That's double resentment. We have three arms up in the air that that was disgusting about it? Wow, all right, Yeah, she's she's all right. She's all right, and she's letting you know she's all right, and I think that's amazing, you know what stunts. Brad Pitt is one of the producers of the movie. He was the one that said, maybe she's tired, and that's why she said, I'm not tired. You know, it's just par for the course. That's what happened. So she's trying to squash what he was saying that she's been doing a lot with the movie. Yeah, did she get hurt? Yeah, the movie John, Yeah, she heard herself in that movie. Yeah, yeah she said that one too. Yeah. Let's quit doing all these damn stunts. Yeah, let's stunts? Yeah yeah, Well who doing your time? She's just getting started up, Junior. Repeat that, Junior for those of us who didn't hear it, Stephen down all. That's Steve on the floe. You can get about the flow in Ghana. Mister laughing your ass out, Get up out. He's laughing like he asked me, who do who do your stunts? When you jump off to Curt that's risky, Judie. Oh boy, else, I'm funny to me at all. Not funny to me. You are two times that last friend, though, Jay, because you'd be talking about time when he around you live. No, I don't, Steve, if you're talking about me when I very loyal, I don't recall that you didn't really Rudy Giuliana. All right, come on, Steve, time to get to those headlines, please, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Shrimp, thank you very much, and good morning everybody hears the news. A federal judge has ordered that former White House counsel Domigan must comply with a congressional subpoena to testify before the House impeachment investigators. So the Decision and Effects says that the President Trump cannot block witnesses who have been subpoenaed by congressional investigators from testifying. That's a real setback for the Trump White House, since its lawyers have used the same argument of presidential privilege to keep several high profile witnesses from cooperating with impeachment investigators. Nevertheless, Trump's counsel is expected to appeal. Also, the House Intelligence Committee, by the way, is expected to release a report on the impeachment investigation after Thanksgiving. That's what they're saying. Committee chairman Adam Shipp says his panel is summarizing all the evidence accumulated so far looking into where the President Trump leveraged military aid to get the president of Ukraine to investigate his potential reelection rival, Joe Biden. However, Shift doesn't rule out future hearings or depositions. He says that legislators he feels have enough to make a decision a lot of evidence. The Secretary of Defense is defending his and the President's actions in the case of Navy seal Edward Gallagher, who was accused of war crimes interact. The Secretary of the Navy was ordered to allow Petty Chief Officer Gallagher to retain his potential retirement status as a seal a Navy seal, despite his conviction for posing for pictures with the dead body of the teenaged Isis prisoner. He was acquitted of stabbing to death. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer, however, still sought to punish Gallagher in some way over his behavior. So Defense Secretary Mark Esper says he was told by the President to step in and fire the Secretary of the Navy, and he did. I'm the Secretary of Defense, I'm responsible department. My view is we will follow our processes, and that is what we agreed to as leadership, to follow the processes. That is a position to the White House. The President is the commander in chief. He has every right and authority in privilege to do what he wants to do, and that's what happened. There was supposed to be a review by the way or Viewboard of Navy Seals next week to determine whether Eddie Gallagher met the standards of seal behavior but now that's like a departmental trial with the police. But now that will not happen. Voting rights advocates are pretty wary over the State of George's decision to purge more than three hundred thousand names off that state's voter rolls in advance of next year's presidential election. Advocates are worried that the plan purging may purposefully target and intimidate minardies and young people. These three hundred thousand amounts to roughly four percent of the George's registered voters, and officials say those identify for removal will receive letters at their last known addresses, and they must respond using one of several forms of communications in order for them to remain on the bout. So if you get a letter or something like that, please answer it. The legendary American jewelry company Tiffany and Company is about to be sold to a Parisian company LVMH LVMH like Rihanna's fenty Bulgari. So for all that good stuff. Finally, today's National Good Grief Day. Back stew, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time. Now for tell me something good news. Here is more good news Today. The giving continues with the Steve Harvey Morning Show Turkey Give Away Bay Bay k R seven. Yes, in Dallas they are back works in Cornerstone Church in Arlington, What a Dallas and in the Helping the Helping Hand Ministry. Also in Charlotte v. One nine, we're teaming up with the city's local food banks. There. In Norfolk ninety five seven, we're working with New Jerusalem Church. In Tampa Bay ninety five seven to b we are teaming up with West Shore in conjunction with Humana v n O three. In Chicago, we're working with My Block, My Hood, My City. In Houston, we're teaming up with the succeed In Life Center. In Las Vegas one oh five seven is teaming up with the Salvation Army. And in Detroit on Mix ninety two three, we are teaming up with Focus Hope and again Carla will be in Birmingham with Hot one oh seven. Alright, alright, right, right, yes, yep. Wow, it really hard. It really is hard to believe. We say it every year, but this year has gone by so fast. I mean, well, the reason your year is going by fast is because you enjoy what you do. You had a job which I have set before. Man, I had a job that I hated that year was dragon Man. So when you enjoy what you do, that happened, and then it seems like when you get older, they go by fast. Yeah that's what I heard. Yeah, like R Kelly ya is real slogans. And the next year gonna be slower even stop counting the days. Okay, you're gonna be wow, don't don't y'all have an R. Kelly story later on? Yeah, we do have something about it. We'll tell you about it. We'll tell you yep. One of his girls is speaking out, one of his exes is speaking out, as should say, coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour since you mentioned that, Steve, we do have an R. Kelly story, um, and we'll tell you about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So this is some trending news that's going around, Steve. One of our Kelly's alleged sex slaves his living girlfriends. Her name is Jocelyn Savage. Well, she's been silent for quite some time, never speaking, you know, a harsh word against our Kelly always appearing, you know, somewhere in the scene when he's around, like for instance, when he was doing the Gail King interview. Well, now she's breaking her silence on the nature of her relationship with R Kelly, who courses in jail. Yeah, it seems she's turning on him too. Yeah. Jocelyn Savage, who her family believes has been under R Kelly's control for about four years now, posted on Instagram over the weekend. I believe it was Saturday that she met R Kelly at a concert when she was nineteen. She went on to say that it was a fun experience that left her with mixed emotions. Jocelyn also reportedly added that R Kelly promised her a music career, allegedly saying he'd make her the next Aliah. Jocelyn then goes on to say that she dropped out of college and moved in with him, but says things turned ugly fairly quickly, as she claims he became incredibly controlling, she wrote, giving me commands and making sure I call him by certain names like master or Daddy. Jocelyn also claims that R Kelly threatened to torpedo her career if she ever left him or tried talking to her parents in private. Our Kelly, we all know it's currently incarcerated and facing several sex abuse charges from different states. Are Kelly's lawyer, Steve Greenberg said it's unfortunate that Jocelyn chose to exploit her loving relationship with our Kelly to make money. Wait, let me, I'm gonna read that again, because I think I said loving relationship? Did I say loving relationship? Our Kelly's lawyer, Steve Greenberg said it's unfortunate that Jocelyn Savage I chose to exploit her loving relationship with our Kelly to make money. There's that word again, loving, master and daddy. I just believe she's at a point now where she can finally tell the truth and talk. That's just what I believe. Yeah, because I think he doesn't have any control over her. He doesn't have control over her anymore. Yeah, Yeah, don't you know? People are all, well, you know, I can't see that. You know, I think a lot of people are mad at these women, because especially the adult women, you know, where you should have known better than all this here. But let's let's not overlook the part that angers most people, the part that people are really upset about is if the accusations are true about the underage girls, they are so easily influenced. You can use your age experience and gain to get them into a position. And then once you start the brainwashing process, you can control a person. For persons fearful in it, I'll do this, and I'll do that, you can start believing that you know. And so that's the part that I think the majority of people are upset with the young accusations of the young girls. And I keep saying accusations because I guess, But I mean, look, it's just too an. It's too many. It's it's too many. And the emo is always the same, the same, you know, they have come on man and everything. Like my mother used to always say, everybody ain't gonna tell the same lit. We're not talking about gossip now. We're talking about people coming out saying something that gossip is different. What's social media? Yeah, right there you go, thank you. Social media is different. You know, people get on the bandwagon, the trolls get to comment about stuff that ain't true. I ain't talking about that. When victims come out and say the exact same thing, the and have different circumstances, and they go the same way. You have to start listening to somebody. You can't write all of these girls off, right. Bet you calling somebody daddy, Donna? I bet you cool? Cool? Are Calley? Yeah? Oh it's some daddy is in there now? Oh yeah, you're calling from call me daddy when I did? All right, that's gonna be in prison for Oh my god, I can't believe. But he knew it in the Gail Keene interview. How about you fighting for my life? Oh yeah you did that? Yeah, yeah, y'all mess who my life? Man? He knew it. He knew it in Gil right, He just didn't he didn't know how true it was. Yeah, all right, we're gonna move on here. Um coming up next the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today's subject, will my man choose me for the holidays? Right now, we'll get into that. Neew is here with today's prank phone call? What you got for his net? Do anything with me? Before? All right to prank. It's too much chicken. Too much chicken, can never have too much never black people. We tired of it. Chicken. Let's go hellos. Hello, I'm trying to reach Jason. Please, it's Jason. Hi, Jason, my name is Remy. I'm calling with bp E t MC. How'd you be going? I'm going fine? But what a VT? Whoever? That is VP E t mc W It's an organization we've been around for the last five years and we're trying to help different things in the black community and wanted to reach out and give you a call and see if you would be on board or help signing a petition that we're gonna have going around with bp E t MC if you don't mind, Okay, what is it about? Well, b P E t MC Jason is uh? Black people eat too much chicken and what we're trying to do is cut back much chicken. What the hell is this? My name, my name is Remy, Sir. Okay, what you mean by if you eat too much chicken? We've we've done a we've we've done a test study and we realized, sir, the black people are the ones that are eating too much chicken. And what we want to do is try to cut back because right now there's time. He's and ask them they eat all tam a chicken, chicken food, young all this, yeah, chicken and white to eat chicken, caligate all the chicken chicken, stir fire rice with chicken, and always say you want to come to me talking about a black person eat too much damn chickens? Did you ask some white people? I bet you didn't know. We're no white folks. I bet you don't go to them y'all out of them. Well, so we're gonna we're gonna get to that. We're starting in the black community. You black people are the ones that seemed to buy the most chicken. Man, you know chicken. Guess what, how don't we eat chicken? And if I did, he's some chicken i' because he man, we go. Are you thinking of something? You? Hey, hi, y'all got my number in it? Yeah, well you get sir. Actually we're getting numbers from the supermarket. Uh, and we're getting a listing of people who buy the most super muney you get come in in supermarket, sir. The main thing we're trying to get you to do is cutback on eating chicken. Now what we want. I don't eat no chicken. And you know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go and eat chicken and don't call him about eating too much. I don't even a calmer moone, So you got that? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach callaway? Is this callaway? Yeah? Who's this? How you doing? My name is Remy. I'm with bp E t MC and uh who who? My name is Remy, sir, I'm with bp E t MC. What we're doing is we have a petition we're trying to get signed throughout the black community, uh of some things that we're trying to actually help out in the black community. Huh. So BP E t MC is actually an organization and we're trying to actually uh save some things in the black community. Where's the what's B what is that? What's that stand for? What's here? Is that BT? What is that for? Uh? Bp he TMC is is uh, black people eat too much chicken? And what we're trying to do is just man, you gotta be kidding me. Man, man, this is this is Remy sir. We're trying to get you all to actually sign a petition. What's going on is black people are buying too much chicken. You gotta be kidding me with this man? This is a right man? Who is this man? I am Caucasian, sir, Yes, Now, why are you calling me with this? Well, what we're trying to do is we're trying to get how do you get my number? First of all, Actually we're getting we're getting numbers from supermarkets that are letting us know the people. Let's look at my phone with this man calling about some beat chicken. Man, you no, man, me get smack one of y'all. Okay, sir. What we're trying to do is get you guys to cut back on buying chicken. Who as you're talking about you guys? Well, the black community is the black community. Hey man, you've got going on with it. We can't get tab of it. Then they'll be calling my phone with that man. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Valerie a valve. That's a shame. How can I help you? All right? My name is Remy. I'm with BPE TMC. How you doing. I'm doing fine and you I'm very well. Man. Listen, what we're trying to do is, uh, if I take a little bit of your time. We're trying to actually get a survey signed by people in the black community. We're actually trying to help out in the black community. But the organization is BPE TMC. And what this is is black What is that? Uh, that's that's Black people eat too much chicken. So what we're doing is we're trying to get what black say that woman time for me. Black people eat too much chicken. You see, there's been a shortage in chicken. So what we're trying to do is get black people in chicken. And you want to do a survey, well we want what we want you guys to do with sign a petition that you're not going to eat anymore chicken this year. Why do we name make sense? We just start eat chicken. You know, we eat beef, we eat steal meat, fish. I don't see you trying to part that off the market. Now, why would you want to telling us not to eat chicken and we eat other stuff too? Why are you getting your d D and from? Because this doesn't make any sense. The test study, man was over chicken, and it just seems like that this study. Who did this test study? Well, we did, man, We're BPE TMC and what we're after doing the test study, we did realize that the black people are the ones that chest. I don'ty just do it after two black people, I mean, just use white people. But white people eat chicken too. And she says that was a diets and stuff. Okay man, well Asian? What about the Hispanics? Did you use them? Okay man, listen. What the bottom line is. Our first study is black people, and what we're trying to do is get you guys to cut back on eating. Yes, study should be everybody. This is some would get my number from man? We got we got numbers from the supermarkets that people that number from No supermarkets. I don't give my number to no supermarket. This is on the Kenny Damn saying you calling me, interrupting me about something like this. This is this one bottom line, ma'am. You don't you don't tell me, not telling me what the hair I can't. You don't mind, you're not nice. Them pushed this survey, Yes, you do push this, calling somebody telling them that black people eat too much chicken? You and your partition, would you like to hear what the survey is actually saying? No, I don't want to hear that the survey is actually saying, because what you're saying about a whole bunch, But the survey is saying that this is Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What Valerie, This is Nephew Tommy baby from the Steak O my god, Oh I'm having some chicken. You ask too much? A masterpiece man, bro bro bro bro bro bro. You brilliant, You brilliant man, brilliant much. You're gonna get some of this brilliance at the Holiday Comedy Jam. We are coming. That's w DS and Live Nation. We would be there Friday, Decent of the twenty that the met in Philadelphia. That's j Andy Brown. That's joying your kill Space Earthquake in the building and hosted by yours truly nephew Timmy. So get your tickets. They don't sell it all ticket Master outlets, or you can get him at the box office and uh race some chicken with full times ignorant Right here this show is old hams ignorant man doing the jingle bells. Time of the year's holidays. How many Philadelphia's Forest coming in town that be on the radio, staying there will be all day thay, Yeah, got nephews about Tommy and shaneil and then till your point they're gonna be that the man whate day is that Linda know everything always one person they called across the whole house to know everything. Left how much to take us to the thing down at the man the common radio point the people to see. Yeah, all right, thank you guys, and thank you Linda too for all that good information. Uh Um. Next Strawberry letter subject, will my man choose me for the holidays? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please please please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here It is the Strawberry Letter. Thanks neph subject, will my man choose me for the holidays? Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a thirty year old, beautiful and successful woman, and I'm in love with a forty four year old, well educated hunk that swept me off my feet when I met him. He told me that he was seeing someone in a long distance relationship, but I still started dating this man despite the news. After six months of dating, I did some research and found out that he proposed to this woman and she has set a wedding date. I never confronted him about it, but it tore me apart emotionally. I figured if I started an argument about it, I would push him away and his fiance would win. So I have kept the news to myself. I'm trying my best to make him fall in love with me and leave her. I know the old saying if he cheats on her, he'll cheat on you, But I believe in love and I know we have something special. The loving is so good, and he takes me on some amazing trips all across the world. We are always together when he's not out of town visiting the other woman. I am overly jealous, so I just need to know how I can win him over before his fiance orders the wedding invitations. The holidays are coming up and I don't want to spend them without him, so time is of the essence. How do I tell this man that I am in love with him and will take any and every risk when it comes to getting him to myself, It's totally possible to be in love with two people at the same time, so he's probably struggling internally with who he should be with. Maybe if I tell his fiance about our relationship, she will just break up with him and go away. It may make him mad, but in the end he will still have me, and I know we can be happy together. I'm head over heels for this man, and I'm planning to invite him to Thanksgiving dinner so my family can meet him. How shall I handle How should I handle this love triangle? Do you hear yourself? Do you hear yourself? Because listen closely. This is this is the sound of desperation, all right, this is the sound of delusion in this letter. So I want you to hear yourself. You are so short changing yourself in this relationship. You are number two. That's it, that's all. You are the side piece, and you're okay with that. I think you're really okay with it because he told you his status. When you guys, you know first got together. He told you he was in a long distance relationship. You even researched it, you did your research and your words. You still dated him despite the news. You started dating him. And that's the problem. I mean, really, what is his incentive to leave his fiance and get with you? Number two? What is it He's getting everything from you without having to change a thing he's doing when when for him he's got the best of both worlds here. I mean, the question then becomes, when are you going to wake up and realize that if he was going to leave her for you, don't you think he would have waited to propose to her. I mean, you know, you did all the research. You know, maybe he would kind of see where the relationship would could go with you and him, or maybe that you would have won him over by now you think it's a competition between the fiance and you because you're you're willing to take any and every risk to get him. You know, I gotta tell you, please, don't bother inviting him to dinner because you know where he's gonna be. He's gonna be with his fiance and her family kicking it over there for Thanksgiving because they're planning a wedding. They're getting married. You are the side piece, all right, Steve, Well, I don't know what Shirley's done a really excellent job with this. All you can do is just get it worded in a different way. So here we go. Well, my man, choose me for the holidays. The answer to that question is noe. And the answer to that question no is simply because number twos don't get holidays. You don't get Christmas, don't get Thanksgiving, you don't get forth of July barbeques, those out of holidays. You don't get the old Valentine's date, you can't get them days right there. You don't get anniversaries. You don't get none of that, Coach, you will never had an anniversary. Number two don't get anniversary dates. Number ones get anniversary dates. And you don't even have to be married to your number one half an anniversity just the third year we've been knowing each other. You don't do that to number twos. You don't go we've been seeing each other for three years. Now, let's go out and celebrate. No, there's no celebration. You don't celebrate number twos. When I met him, he told me he was seeing someone in a long distance relationship. Then you know what you said right after that, But I still dated this man despite the news. Okay, so you stupid, all you just did what you wanted to do. You dated Demand anywhere. Demand told you I got somebody. It's a long relationship. I got somebody. You started dating Demand anyway. Then after some six months of dating, you did some research and found out that he proposed to this woman as she has set a waiting date. Okay, what's the surprise. I never confronted him about it, but it told me a party. Mostly. I figured if I started an argument about it, I pushed him away and this fiance will win. The fiance is already winning. She the fiance. Six months in, you found out they set a date for a when he asked her, she just put this date on Facebook. He asked the woman to marry him. Has he asked you? Has he mentioned marriage to you? He said nothing? By no, damn family with you, stupid. Let him make me sick and to tell the rest of him right after shut up? Coming you're listening, hey, Steve, come on, let's capt today's strawberry letters. Subject, Well, my man choose me? For the holidays. This woman to met, she thirty, She met just for the year old, well for the four year old, well educated hunks swept you off your feet when you met him, he told me he was seeing somebody. You still dated the man. Bam. Six months later you did some research, that's social media, found out that he proposed to this woman. She even said a wedding day. You ain't never said nothing to him about the man. You figure if you start the argument and push him away. Now you want to know in the letter where my man choose me for the holidays? I'm telling you know because number twos don't get holidays. Holidays a reserved for number ones. Uk' be number two and get a holiday. You get some fridays, get sandy here and now wait, what is that? What do they get? Steve? You can get some Fridays and occasional Saturday, but that's it. Usually it's the same day of the week that he then told his wife or number one that he does a certain thing on a certain night, and that turns that night into YO night. I play poker with the boys on Tuesday nights and I be home late, then that night is YO night. You don't get any night you want. Now here's a delusional part, like Shirley say, I'm trying my best to make him fall in love with me and leave her. What Let me ask something, how do you do that? How as the number two do you make the man fall in love with you and leave the number one? I know the old thing. If he cheats on her head, cheat on you, that ain't got nothing to do with this. No, he's cheating on her with you. You the you tell my head, cheat on you? No, you to you? But I believe in love. Stop it. You just say you believe in love. He's marrying a woman, and I know we have something special. You all this is in your mind? You have nothing special. Your number two two's ain't special? Ain't you? A? And all is here? They ain't no two A two plus. This ain't a seat an economy that's ain't in economy super with extra leg room. You're still in the back Economy plus. You're still in the back. But this room is still good. But you in the back door. He's got the first class seat and you can't come up here with the Economy plus ticket. I can sit on the exit row and get you a little bit of Astra if that's what you want. But look at that as a lot of people on the exit row. The loving is so good, and he takes me on amazing trips all across the world. You'dn't been to the bug who ain't been there. She's making it down bigger than it is yours across the world? Stop San Diego. Ain't all across the world. Then here's another line. We are always together when he's not out of town. Hello, do you understand this? You're always together when he's not out of town. You just said he take you all around the world. Girl, when you're out of town, he would hull you ain't been nowhere, fly to Atlanta and across the world when he's not out of town visiting the other woman. I'm overly jealous, So I just need to know how can I wear him over before his fiance orders to wear an invitation? Way too late for that. They the sect the date they wanted, putting money down on places she brent dress shopping. Damn these invitations. The holidays are coming up and I don't want to spend them without him. You are this is your first holiday, it's only been six months. You've never been to the holidays before. You're spending those holidays alone. You're number two. It's only been six months. Hell, it's November, so you met him prior to the summer. You're not. They don't get holidays, Sweetie. I'm sorry, and I don't want to spend them without him. So time is of the essence, girl, Thanksgiving, Dawn Giving, after tomorrow. Yeah, but if he said nothing to you about Thanksgiving, Yeah, because he ain't gonna be Hell, he got he gotta go out of town. He gonna tell his fiance I ain't coming to wonder what is your fin to do? Then? How do I tell this man that I'm in love with him and will take every risk he can to getting him to myself? You've already taken the risk. The man told you was in a relationship, and you dated him in away. You took the risk. You've taken all the risks. Now, then you go right here. It's possible to be in love with two people at the same time. So I know he's probably struggling internally with who he should be with, little girl. The struggle isn't with who she should be with. The struggle is how to tell you he's with her and Finn to getting married. Remember that he has not told you this for a reason, because the only struggle is when and how to tell you this is over. Because I'm Finn to move this woman in my house. That's the struggle to struggle. Ain't with your little system. You pack your bags up, He ain't coming over for Thankgiving, And do not call that woman because you could get shot. All right, those are my closing remarks today, y'all have a great weekend. All right. You can post your comments on today's Struwberry Letter as Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and book and please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour. I think Steve had more to add to this Strawberry Letter, write Steve, We're gonna do a little bit more. Let's let this you're listening to, all right, Steve, you said you had some more to add to the Strawberry Letter subject why my will my man choose me for the holidays? For those of you that don't know, this girl is thirty years old dating this forty four year old man. She swept off his feet day he told her on day one, he's in seeing someone in a long distant relationship. But you dated this man anyway despite the news six months of dating. Did some research found out the woman has setting wedding date with He proposed to this woman. Now, this girl who wrote the letter hasn't said anything to him about it, but she's torn up. She's scared to start our argument because it to push him away and his fiance will win. So she's kept the news to the saying to kept it all to himself. He's trying to figure out the best way to make this man fall in love with her and leave her. I know the old saying. If he cheats on her, here cheat on you. But I believe in love. Now that she's talking about the man take on some amazing trips all across the world. The girl had been in San Diego, and now she been all around the world. San Diego, it's just close to Mexico. You did you saw the sign, see, but you didn't actually go to Tiawan And he don't want to go there, No damn way, because it's crazy. Now anyway, how do I wear him over before the fiance orders to wed an invitation? Holidays is coming up I don't want to spend him with him, so times of the elsenes. How do I tell this man I'm in love with him and would take every risk into getting him to myself totally possible. Well, now he's probably struggling with who he should be with. Then here was the line the girl said, maybe if I tell his fiance about our relationship, she would just break up with him and go away. It may make him mad, but in the end he would still have me, and I know we can be happy together. Pump your brakes, little girl. You've obviously never gone to a woman to tell her that you are the other woman. They do get mad, and it dud messed the dude up with his girl for a while, but they usually recover. Now he is going to hate you for the rest of your life and you will have no relationship with him, none whatsoever. And it is due. So long as you know that, good luck. I'm planning on inviting him to Thanksgiving. Don't do that, that man. Don't do that. When I damn turkey over there by yourself, they're gonna have a place sitting with somebody ass ain't gonna be there. And baby, and when thanks Giving up Thanksgiving after the moment, Thanksgiving the day after the moment. They can't have Thanksgiving to me. Ain't saying nothing to you about I like my Thanksgiving on thanksgive you if you do, Westy, you don't have no turkey though. All right, listen, coming up, we're gonna talk about breaking up. It's all ties in together. We'll do that right after this. You're listening show, all right, last day to break up. Some say if you do not break up with your significant other today, you are stuck with that significant other until around Martin. Okay, can get out right now? You need to get today. Well, you should have been out. You should have been out, You should have Halloween. Halloween is a great time to league. Yeah, ye's scary you've been Halloween come back like late February, trying to work it out if you ask you guys this first of all, this is the best way to break up on Halloween. Baby, we're breaking up, boot I told you it was scary walking away, but now it's bast Halloween. What what's the what are you all breaking up for? Though? I need to know that gifts you gotta bat gifts, you gotta you know relative you want that want but you stud it intimental. You want something everything. You know, it's bad in holiday, everybody want to be held. They want somebody to hold, yeah, and cuddle the fire and stuff. Yeah, it's really hard to be at somebody's house that you want to break up with and they family. Yeah, it's so good and they like you and like you. Right, you want some power. I don't even I don't want to say bye bye. That's what I want to say. Not. I want to say bye bye and pick ups, pick ups to all the marriage dudes that still go by the girl house and visit with the yeah up to them. Wait, wait, why are you crazy? For real? I mean they need tips, Timmy, What they need is tips. I got a tip. I got one tip. Year's a tip. You gonna go over there and she gonna have a plate for you on tilate all everything. You Soon as you get in the car and you drive pass out, you throw that damn plate out the window. Okay, right on the highway. That on the freeway. Gotta be on the freeway, gotta be. I have a question I have If you're going over to the Number two's house thanks Giving, what time do you go over there? Oh? Nine thirty. But Steve, when you run to the stove, that's part of your run to the stove. Yeah, and you gotta come over there like you in a hurry to lead ze. He's going on there. But how y'all doing? What's happening with ye? Ain't nothing done, ain't nothing done yet, ain't nothing ready. It's nine thirty in the morning. We just yeah, but look, I'm gonna be right back. I just can't. I just can't want to stick my head and do say hate everybody back. I think you some more optimal. I think another option too. I grie fellas here. Okay, here's another thought. Halftime or the football. That's a good time too. Yeah. Yes, that's about thirty minute because you can get out your house clean. Yeah. And how is that? How's that? I'm trying to figure this out. Yeah, we'll see the dealers go to the stove to get some liquor, and liquor stole is open, is deep in the hood. Yeah, but she can't stay that far. You know, your two got to be two miles away. Though you got to do. You can't put you are got take ten minutes to get that. See what you ladies don't understand, twos are not always women. Sometimes the two is a man and it's dealt with different. She just call you on the phone. I don't need you to bring ass over here today. Okay, you mean her approach with it because women are such better cheaters, Yeah, because she got something else going on her. Straight up, I want to give women some advice on cheating. They need to do that I got when we got some profound I want to say, well, you know this that that ain't gonna happen. Say it ain't gonna be profound. All right, coming up Nephew's break Up Tips for the Holidays at twenty minutes after the hour. We'll be back right after the O God You're listening show. Before we left off, we were talking about, you know, when the best time to break up with someone is during this holiday season? You guys said it was definitely, and even Steve agreed after Thanksgiving? What did you say how to do it? Steve? I think you should break up. You know at Halloween it's the best time to break up, and we missed that window, and you break up on Halloween called that's the way, Hey, I'm leaving Boot and then do it like that? You scared me. Yeah, get on out. I thought you was playing. And then if you if you're gonna see your number two on Thanksgiving, then you got to go early in the morning. Nine thirty. Just stuck my head in check on, y'all. I'm gonna come back and get a plate and don't ever come back or go over there at halftime. Halftime you're making a liquor stoe run that deep in the hood. Craigs is open selling, all right, and then Tommy had some tips as well. What do you have Tommy? This is for women. If you catch your man cheating, don't leave him, keep back, show him you support what he does. You see what I'm saying, Show him you support what he does. That's that's new. I hate that. I love the stupidity that comes out of the show. That's why Dallas brought us back. I hate that about myself. Yeah, all right, Look, we got more of the shenanigans and stupidity coming up on the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to this Stave Harvey Morning Show all right. Time now for tell me something good news. Here is more good news today. The giving continues with the Steve Harvey Morning Show Turkey Give Away Bay Bay k R seven. Yes, in Dallas they are back works in Cornerstone Church in Arlington, What a Dallas and in the Helping the Helping Hand Ministry. Also in Charlotte n O. One nine, we're teaming up with the city's local food banks. There. In Norfolk ninety five seven, we're working with New Jerusalem Church. In Tampa Bay ninety five seven to b we are teaming up with West Shore in conjunction with Humana V one O three. In Chicago, we're working with My Block, My Hood, My City. In Houston, we're teaming up with the succeed In Life Center. In Las Vegas one O five seven is teaming up with the Salvation Army. And in d Troit on Mix ninety two three, we are teaming up with Focus Hope. And again Carla will be in Birmingham with Hot one oh seven. Alright, alright, right, right, yes, yep. Wow, it really hard. It really is hard to believe. We say it every year, but this year has gone by so fast. I mean, well, the reason your year is going by fast is because you enjoy what you do. You had a job which I have set before. Man, I had a job that I hated. That year was a drag man. So when you enjoy what you do, that happened. And then it seems like when you get older, they go by fast. Yeah that's what I heard. Yeah, like Carl, like Carla R. Kelly. Year is real slowest and the next year gonna be slower even. All right, coming up our last break of the day, and of course, of course it's the last break of the day. You're always surprised me with that, but I love it, right, And some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to show all right, here we are, guys, last break of the day on this Tuesday. Steve, you have some closing remarks for us. I know you do. I was talking about the goodness of God and all the opportunities that he'll create for you if you just walk up the hallway. Don't get frustrated when doors close in your life. Just walk up the hallway. And I was mentioning that I thought that Muslims always they make going to the Holy the pilgrimage to the Great mecca one of their life's ambitions, and they all try to go. I've seen a Netflix special own. It's really really amazing, man, very very respectful. Religion is not what people think it is. Islam is about love and peace, it really is. It's not the propaganda. Islam is not isis. That's not what that is. That's some people who have taken it and been it the other way, just like there's some forms of Christianity that really ain't Christian at all. And so in my travels and coming to Africa and the reason I'm saying to African Americans who are listening to my voice, it's an expensive flight. I got it. I know it is. It costs more than going to Atlanta or something like that. But let me tell you something, it is so worth it for your soul. You will be forever changed if you go to Africa. It has been the most eye opening experience I've ever had. Other than allowing God to come into my life and be a major interest part of it, going to Africa has been the most significant thing I've ever done in all of my years. Let me say something to African Americans. You know what makes this play so special? It's when you get off the plane. There's an adjustment you have to make. It's adjustment you have to make because people who look like you are everywhere. And after you make the adjustment of wow, these people are everywhere. I'm talking about everywhere you go, every restaurant, every hotel, at the airport, positions of power, the supervisors, the people who run the hotels that they're not the maids, they're the managers, are general of every hotel, everywhere you go, every restaurant, they own things. And for the first time in my life, I walk around and I cannot tell you what it feels like. For the first time in my life, I've discovered what it feels like to be the majority and not the minority. The feeling of being the majority has encompassed me for the past few weeks, and it is an incredible feeling because in America, and God knows, I love America. Man, My opportunities have been there, my family's there, my grandkids are there, my friends are there, my homes are there. I love it. But man, let me tell you something. It is a different feeling you have when you come to a place and you are suddenly not the minority. To be able to walk around for the first time in your life for an extended period of time and not be the minority. It's hard to explain how it feels, but it's such a feeling. Man. It's such a feeling that when you walk in a place that they don't stare at you because you're the only one in there. And every African American knows what I'm talking about. And this is not a knock on anybody else. I'm just talking to mine right now. I'm just talking to the people who can relate to exactly what I'm talking about, because I have friends in all racist walks of life, so this is not about that, but this is just directed to people who are just like me. It is an amazing thing to feel what it feels like to be a majority, not in your neighborhood, but everywhere you go on the streets, in the offices, in the restaurants, at the hospital, at the bus station, at the whole tell, in the neighborhood, at the store, at the gas station, you are the majority. It's an awesome feelings. It's like it's it's such a weight that comes off of you when you're here because you don't have to be a certain kind of way. And if you after an American and you hear me, you know what I'm talking about. If you're real or now now, if you're faking the game and you're trying to fit in to the point where you didn't gave up yourself for that, that's another thing. But I'm talking about those of us who have maintained who we are in spite of it all. And this is a very very positive closing remark, but I want you all to understand that when you come here and you feel what it feels like to be a majority, finally, it's gonna be eye popping, it's gonna be soul quenching, it's gonna be heart rendering. You are going to feel like you've never felt before. You should come to Africa to see what it feels like to be the majority. It's off the chain. I want this for everybody. Not only do I want you to come to see your motherland, I want you to come to see where we're from. This weekend in Ghana, I met the first king I've ever met. I met the king of the Ashantis, which is the biggest tribe in Africa. The majority of Africa is Ashanti. From what I understand, it's the largest. Let me tell you something, I met a king for the first time. I have an even richer understanding of who we really are. Every African American should find it and make it a mission to come to Africa. Those are my closing remarks. Wow, that's it. Y'all. Have a great weekend. Everybody good. I am talk goody. Love to hear from y'all. Y'all have a great weeknd. Steve harveyant Hill five, Hey have a happy Thanksgiving to y'all. Look for all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.