Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is in be still mode. The CLO has a confused lady that is torn between sax and sex. Cedric Richmond is the Senior Advisor to 46 and is here to talk about child tax credits and has great news for HBCU's. The Sheryl Underwood Inquisition has begun. Carla gives us the highlights of Ready to Love Reunion Part 2 in Reality Update. Babyface hits the End of the Road with his and Don Cheadle finally tied the knot after seeing the numbers. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog reminds us about the obstacles we all will face on our journey to success.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like amazing bus things. And it's not through good Steve har to start join Jo. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come, come on your thing, I shall will jip morning everybody. You're listening to the votes, come on dig me now one and only. Uh, Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah you do. Steve Harvey got a radio show. But like I said the other day, you got something too, though, don't you. God hadn't done something wonderful for you. You just gotta thank Him for it, you know, in the midst of all that's going on in my life and in your life. You know, I always use myself as an example because well, I mean that way. I guarantee one hundred percent I know what I'm talking about. Um, here's the situation, you know, with everything that's going on in my life and all the things I'm asking God for in the midst of a taxing and a very trying situation that's very challenging for me right now. Man, God just keeps on, keeps on surprising me. He keeps doing things, And I want you to look at your life. Or for a second, let's make two columns here. Let's make a column of all the things you want from God. You know, just do that throughout the course of the day. You know, you know, run down the list of all the things you're asking God for, all the things you're praying for, the things you aspire to, what your dreams, your visions, whatever it is. Just make a column a list of all those things. Let's make three lists. And then the second list, I want you to make a list of everything that you've been asking God for, so I guess that could be a little bit of the same. But this third list, I want you to do a check off point. I want you to do a make a list of everything that God has given you that you've asked him for. Just think about it like that for a second. I may be explaining a little wrong right now, but I'm gonna pull it together for you. Make a list of everything you're asking God for. Just just listed, you know. It's okay, it's a dream board. You can call it that. I got one. It's a vision board. You know, every everybody's got something you hope for. Make a list. Now. I want you to make another list of everything you've asked God for that he's given you already. See this is a good list because sometimes and what I've been guilty of, and maybe you two in my request list on my dream board. I keep focusing so hard sometimes on the what I'm yet to receive. I keep focusing so hard on the what I hope he gives me. I keep focusing so hard on the things that I yet not fulfilled in my life that sometimes, as he starts checking off my wish list, the things I've asked for in the past that have come to pass that he's given me, I sometimes, in praying for what I want forget to thank him for what he's done for me. And I'm currently in the middle of that situation. And this morning when I woke up, I really, man, I just got on my knees this morning and I quit tripping for a second. I said, Man, hey, God, you know what I really do need all them things I'm asking for, and I really am believing that You're gonna give it to me. But in the meantime, though, man, have I overlooked some important details here. I had to really look at what he's done for me. I mean, look, man, take yourself out of it personally and look. Or you can leave yourself in it however you want to be. Some people can't do that, so just leave yourself in it. Then. But man, I started looking at the eye part of me, and I started looking around at what's happening overall. Like, man, he has kept my family together in spite of the attempts to tear it apart. I look at all of that. I look at how he's blessing my children with the desires of their heart, which I pray for my kids. You know, I want my kids to have a better life than I've had. I really really do. I don't want them to take as long as it took me to get it together. I really really don't. I'm trying to say, hey, man, if you go to college, this is what you can be. Don't do like your father did. Don't go three years, drop out, throw yourself into a spiral and then got to start to scratch all over again. You know, And for the most part so far, you know, they're doing quite well of it. You know, you know they they're getting kicked around a little bit, but that's life. I started thinking of the blessings that he's helped me overcome with some of the previous mistakes I've made in relationships in my life, and then I started looking about the things he's blessed me with that I've been asking him for. But since I've moved on from it, I forgot to keep thinking him because I gotta always thank God for a roof over my head, because guess what, when I was asking for the roof and I didn't really have it, then he gave me one that since he gave it to me, what, I'm just cool now, I can't ever go back to him and go, hey, man, I really do appreciate this roof over my head because that was a time when I was living in a car. But see, so every morning I wake up, I gotta remember the fact that I have a home now because I gotta look back and go, man, that was time, Steve, when you didn't have no home. But see, we forget what God has done for us because in our column that won't column, the need column, we oftentimes forget for the columns and the check marks. As He's already fulfilled in our life. You've got to take inventory every now and then daily if possible. But I know we're humans. We're not gonna do that. I don't. But you've got to take inventory of your life to say, hey, what has God done for me? You know? And remember something else too. Change is good, but change is challenging. Accept the challenge that it is. Look a lot of you come up to me all the time and say, Steve Man, man, boy you in the morning. Man, I really be needing that, Like I under said it a hundred times, but I'm gonna say it again, y'all. I'd be needing it too. You know. You understand sometimes what God is dealing with me is for me. But now I'm in a sharing position where I can open up and if I just if I just quit being so about me and become a little bit more transparent, I can maybe some of me that's happening to me is happening to you, and you can see some of this in me. That's why I use myself as an example, because man, I'm catching it too, y'all. I ain't perfect either. So for those of you that come up to me and say that I want you to understand these these talks in the morning. Man, this is important for me because man, I need these conversations from God. I need God to continue to strengthen me, to show me the way, to help me understand what's happening to me. And see, as we've all those of you who have may the decision to change, to become a better person, a better woman, a better boy, a better girl, a better man. For those of you have made the decision to change, change is a challenge, and accept the challenge because it's gonna come. Because right out of that here come to haters. It ain't come people you don't even know, discussing your life and your change. If God see you really really mean what you say in spite of what they say about you, God will raise you above the phrase. He'll keep promoting you. He'll keep blessing you, He'll keep moving you up. He will use you as a show off point. He'll show your off man. He'll make you. He'll make you look good to people, man, who wish you'd fall all day long, and so to all your haters, all your haters will end up just watching you rise. Man, They will watch you continue to grow. That's what God will do for you. Man, you can fool the world, but you can't fool God. God know your heart, He know your every thought. Man, you're listening to Steve Morday Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, it is upon us. The arrival of a new day is here. The Lord has blessed us to come along. We are great fault, were respect folk, and were ever watchful. I, for one, would like to say that God is in control and I'm gonna let him do it the way he gonna do it. I am in be Steel mode today all the way through Friday. I'm in be Steel mode. I am just in a position where I just got to let God handle. Listening is bigger than me. So I'm in be Steel mode. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Sherley Strawberry. Don't move, Steve be Steel. Good morning, Colin for RelA still good morning. What up, Junior? Oh blessing? Highly favorite movie in the right direction, Nephew, tell me your side? Still wait on, wait on, wait on. That's hard to do. Sometimes I ain't gonna tell you know what because you want to raise your voice in your hand and do something, to say something, but ain't you ain't a long time. Yeah, he ain't taking a smite it them know, you got the pull. I mean I ain't saying like smite hasn't killed, but you know, like a light stroke them up a little bit. Like you know right now, fall down some steps, get your hand ran over by the bus. You know you you know your hand, you know how you break your fall with your hand and the bush just run over both your wrists stuff like that, you know, not his hand. You're waiting on him to bless you, remember, I am, I would just you know, That's why I was saying, this is why I don't do that other stuff. I don't ask for stuff like I get the fitting that you are not one of these people that pray for your enemies. You're not. You don't do that. Oh I'm not at that level of Christianity when that's gonna happen, I know. Yeah, when you look at that with it, I having sixty phob Yeah, you're talking about that advanced Christianity, basic Christianity, basically Christianity four or five no, no, the one no, no basics like you know, stuff like you know, doing to others as you would have and do one to you. Now that that's a look. That's that's it. You're getting into advanced now. Once you throw them enemies in there, that's advanced Christianity to pray for you. I shall covet that neighbor's wife, and I'm stay I can honor that when I do that, you know, but you know thou should not kill that basic. I'm good with that one. Ain't gotta kill nobody, you know, but nine you know, oh the chief, Oh no, that's it. Fans, you're asking it. You're coming strong school right your life at PhD right there? All right, listen, I still doing one old one. It is time when we come back for Ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for Ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey is here, Steve. This one is from Diamond in Baltimore. Diamond writes, my thirty three year old boyfriend has been in jail from most of our relationship. We met four years ago, and he's violated his probation twice since we've been together. When he's gone, I can't lie, I sneak around with my ex boyfriend, and now that I am Now that I am pregnant, I'm not sure who the father is. My boyfriend already has three children, so he won't be happy about this. My ex just got married, so it would be bad all the way around. If it's his child. Should I stay with my jailbird boyfriend and let him raise the child? Or tell my ex ain't raising from? Where? What does he do? What do you zoom me? You've been winning four years. He's been locked up most of the focus. He keeps violating probation. He can't he can't stay away from nothing. Now, so you've been seeing your ex. Now you pregnant. You don't know who baby it did X man, But your ex is married. So let me get this right. You just can't get the right kind of dude. The one you won't, you say you won't is in jail. The one you went is madder. Yeah, now you pregnant. You don't know which one it is? Right? And she says her boyfriend and jail won't be happy because he already has three kids. The hell you're worrying about him being happy? For about the pregnant Why he can't worry about him. He got other issues. He feen to be mad because you're pregnant. Yeah, he ain't out here taking care of none of them. Homeboy, I gotta get itself together. He gotta quit violating. He got he gotta come out of here and do right now. I know, I know. Don't get me wrong that that violation. Probation can be for anything. I mean, they can come set you down for anything. You can't be in the presence and nobody would a weapon, you can't be in the president, nobody would a record. You can't be within so much distance of this, that and the other. You can't get a ticket. You can't do nothing me on probation. It was easy to violin, you know, but you got you need to start picking better, baby, Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, all right. Moving on, Kelsey and Richmond, Virginia says, I'm a thirty year old hairstylist and one of my clients is messing with a married man. That man's wife comes to another stylist in the salon and threw other gossiping women in the salon. They found out about each other. While my client was under the dryer. Saturday, someone keyed her car and wrote on it with a permanent marker. My customer thinks me and the other stylists should pay for this damage because she's too ashamed to file an insurance claim. Am I liabel since it was on my property? No? Whoa, No, you're not liable for the car get stolen on your property. No, she has insurance. Her insurance is liable for that. You're not liable for that. I don't see how you liable for that on your property. Anything. Cartels usually happened somewhere around somebody property all the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah, So I don't know what to do something to. You're tripping, you know what. You you're worrying about car. You're trying to get liability put on the what the little girl? Come on, you get your life together, y'all worrying about the wrong. Yeah, that's right, That is exactly right. Yeah. Okay, So let's see what Sherry and Cincinnati is saying. She writes, I have a weird situation with my next door neighbor. He plays his saxophone all hours of the day and night, and I've complained to him and management. He came over the other day with a peace offering, and it was not what I expected. He said, clearly there's sexual tension with us, and he gave me a long and passionate kiss. He said he's ready for sex whenever I am, and he left my apartment. I want him so badly now. But I've never been in a situation like this. Is it a bad idea to have sex with a neighbor? Movie? Just go away? You think it was gonna go I thought he came over, there was some weed or some heathen came over there, tom kissing. I like, then he left. Well, one thing she ain't gonna call down there about that damn sex. That's for damn blow all You o't, baby, you better blow that thing. Will be glad when you come back over. But her question is is it a bad idea to have sex with a neighbor? Well, I mean if you single and he's single. He just came over and just mouth kissed your real hard I'm talking about hard anybody. And and he what instrument is he blowing? Oh? Yeah, yeah, he had his tongue way down your throat, his tongue being on weeds and stuff all here. War girl, girl, you've been a saxophone kids, you've been going up in here all of a sudden, you girls, it's inevitable. I don't even know why you wrote this. You already noticed what you do. You just said you want him so bad? What's stopping you want? Already noticed? Gonna pop all but I don't like he blow one more damn note and I'm gonna go over there and straighten all this out. You blow that hard again, and see, don't I come over there. We'll see who can kiss hard? But what about yeah? We are everybody gonna yeah, yeah, I caught myself now, I stopped myself and I ain't even get it. Everybody listening right now, I probably know what it was and didn't write your own joke. It's gonna good morning radio, Yeah, good morning, all right? Well, uh wow, look at the time we gotta go steel, Oh thank you? Coming up next, the nephew would run that prank back right after this you're listening show. Then the Entertainment News NFL star Richard Sharpman, Oh my god, was arrested on burglary and domestic violence charges. No on Entertainment News. Yeah yeah, Junior, yeah, rich Riches, yeah yeah, sad, all of that, all of that CARDI Richard Richard Richard Richard, Yeah, let me threatened to kill himself. Yeah, he did that too. It's yeah, It's a sad, sad, sad situation. All right, And moving on, Cardi b explaining why cultures her baby girl Culture's lavish birthday party. Was all of that and more coming up in twenty minutes President Biden's senior advisor, mister Cedric Richmond. Cedric Richmond will be our very special guest. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew is here, would run that brank back? What you got for a nap? Your daughter bit my son? I was sad again. I'm gonna say your daughter, I bit my son. Let what happens? Hello? Hello, I seek? This is this is Look do you do you do your daughter go to the little academy? Yes? Who's this? And her name is? Yes? Who's this? Listen your daughter and bit my son? Uh. Joshua went on the back. This is Wilton, your daughter the bit my son. You can't just call my house and tell me my daughter bit your say and be cussing at me. Lady, I just said, your daughter Sakira bit my son. Joshua in the back, and I just let no. I just said no two things. One my daughter wouldn't bite nobody, and two, don't call my house with this tone. I called with any kind of tone. What I want to call with. All I'm saying is your daughter then bit my son in the back. And I'm gonna tell you. All I'm saying is don't call my house with this attitude, saying some that my daughter beat your child in the back. My daughder has manners and she wouldn't be biting nobody in the back. Did you know, somebody, how the hell you know what your daughter gonna be doing? If you ain't there my daughter, you're raised she ain't you just come in one month and trying to do some kind of daddy work, nor dad? But four years old? How nailed you? Don't you know how that? Damn well? I've been with her for four years? What you being? My daughter does not be biting people around in the back of the neck or anything like that. What the hell is wrong with you? Don't call my house with his attitude? You where I get? What? Who? I don't? Hell? You figure I'm a weekend daddy. I'm calling you about what's going on with my child. But I don't think you got your facts straight. So next time you call somebody to tell them about the child, figure out everything about your child first. All I'm saying is that the people at the academy said, Sekia bit my son. Joshua were in the back. Well, I can't understand what you're saying because I don't like your tongue. So don't call me about my baby. Have her mama called me? It does ain't no difference for mama or daddy called long with somebody, call hello, call her back down? Hello? Is this Carol? This is Why are you hanging up on me? Why are you still calling me? And why are you yelling at me? My child didn't bite your child in the back. When I picked up my child, they didn't say to me your child is body in the back. My child with my child every day, Like I said in the first lady, you must be some kind of weekend daddy. How can I know my child? I'm with my child every day? How you are you? I'm with my I don't even know who Joshua is. She should have just hit him in the head. Ain't what you ain't gonna do? And city and talk about my baby. Now you asked me to lower my child. I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna hang up one Hello Hello called call her back cat Hello, don't hang up on me no more, Lady again, I'm gonna call you until you tell me why are you yo? Child is to bite my child in the back. I am not in the moved to play with you right now. You're gonna miss d did you and your child shoop? You and your child? Who you don't? Whoa? Whoa? Guess what Shakira got? He? Daddy? You talking about whipping somebody? Daddy? No, don't you else to say? You can't call my house and threaten me and my jo If my child beat up child, that's what your child deserved. He got whoop daughter? Whooped your son? Just finally want me to laught trying the little fast not in those kids? Isna be talking about? When fake facts? She didn't bite them in the back. She might have whooken, but my dadda don't play now like what keep talking? You found my phone number, find my address and have kids? Daddy beat you? What I said? Bring your phone over again? My babies the sacred with your babies, my baby. Daddy gonna whip y'all. Bring it on. I'm coming over there, beat you and your child. You don't call a woman and telling you coming over to beat behind child. You come up here and beat her. Daddy, Come over here and be shakis. Daddy. He don't he don't want nothing to me. You don't want it. I'm on my way over without nothing. Bring somebody gonna get day daddy. He ain't got no damn job. He got a job. Y'all gonna make me come over without a night. Bring it on right now. You know you know what. I'm gonna tell you something. I'm gonna tell me something else. You're gonna get bit and your baby gonna get bit too. You gonna me and my baby gonna whoop? Yo? Can I say something to you? Say something to me then, nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank? You? Oh I am shame. Ye just got prank. Your sister Glinda told me she said nothing, but they could give me. She said get She said you always and never get me that. Oh I told that wouldn't happen to me. But you can't call somebody talk about that baby. That's that's where kim mad. Don't don't call nobody about that. How you got my hearth hearted? Look? Can I ask you something? Let me ask you what is the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show? You how y'all think I did? I mean, you know, you know, on a grade from one to ten, you on a scale of one to ten, you know what how I do? Okay? You broke the scale. Okay, yeah, on the stupid scale of one to ten. I just like to know I'm doing good, you know. Oh, by the way, I did add a show, a two o'clock PM show in um Um, Virginia Beach at the Funny Bone. I added the show Sunday at two o'clock. Yeah, Matt Nate, that's the chron folk ten. Come in, get on in, get only, get on out like that, all right. And they're going fast, all right. They're already halfway sol lot, so we ain't got much time, all right, Sunday almost round the corner. So get your tickets. Way to getting as good. The nephew, his own way, stupid is back moving around the country. Doesn't feel good. See as soon as COVID died, down, Stupid, come back out. You see what I'm saying. That's how it worked. That's how it worked. COVID died down, Stupid, come back out. But stupid wasn't stupid. When Kovid was here, Stupid had some sense. Stupid satday last smart. Stupid was small. Stupid was smart. Stupid learned how to sit down and wait your turn. Everyone has. Stupid was watching the news. Stupid got some sense, y'all. I'm just telling you, back out on the road again. We are there, but then you beat Funny Bone and Nephew is there. Added the show for two o'clock on Sunday. Tickets on sale. Read now that's right now. Oh my god, you have no idea. I'll never leave again. The pandemic. Stupid gonna be out of coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and national news for you right after this. Yeah, you're listening. Hey, everybody, we want to give us special congratulations to our special guests. We told you we'd have him today. Uh. He is now the senior advisor to President Biden and the Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, and he's joining us this morning to highlight some of the points from the President's recent voting right speaks, and he's got some great news for our HBCUs and we're looking forward to the child tax credit checks. We're gonna find out all about that. So let's get to it. Please, welcome back a friend of the Morning Show senior advisor, mister Cedric Richmond. Yes, yeah, yeah, Steve and the team. Thank you all for having me and thanks for what you do. Oh no, man, thank you. Hey. Listen, let's get right to it, because on Tuesday, President Biden he gave a major voting right speech in Philly, and he spoke about the big lie with the twenty twenty election, and he called it the most examined and most undemocratic election in the history of this nation. So let's let's let's talk about that for a second. What was the takeaway for Americans who were listening to this speech? What should they walked away with on this thing? But part of the purpose of the speech was to highlight exactly what's going on. People who live in Georgia they understand and they see its. People in Texas they feel it. But you know, and I know what our community. We have so many families that are just busting the butts every day to keep a roof over their head, close on their back, and food on the table that they may not know. So part of it was for the President to let everybody know the vicious attack that is on the right to vote, and that it is an insult on our democracy, that we're not gonna take it, and that we are doing stuff about it. The twenty five million to the DNC to fight voter suppression. That Attorney General has doubled the size of the voting Rights section in the Department of Justice. We have he initiated suit in certain states, and we're going to take every tool at our disposed of approach to fighting what the Republicans are doing. But people need to know so that they can be prepared. Let me ask you this, sir, where are are the Republicans getting this much support from Is it just that the Senators are pulling this off, or do they have the wheel of their constituents behind them. I'm just gonna give it to you, is honestly as I possibly can. It is for the most part, these Republican legislatures that instead of arguing ideas, they're appeasing Trump and his supporters to think that somebody stole this election. So these elected officials that lack ideas and substance, the way to get popular is to just adopt Trump's mantra, his story, his lie, go hug Trump, and it's working. It's part of what we want to do is educate people on it's just not true. He's you know, don't drink the kool aid. It is what he's saying. It is not true. And these state legislators around here are trying to do exactly what Trump did, just so that they can ride to popularity to a bigger office. You know, that's the sad thing about college today. Man, this really has a sour taste in a lot of people's mouths. But I will say this about this voter suppression that they are pulling. Here, we are listening to our leadership, such as yourself. We are in a holding pattern, ready to act and activate. We are on the radio, myself, Ricky Smiley, deal, Hughley. We're all committed to this on one accord. We are not enemies in this cause right here. We are because they woke up a sleeping giant in Georgia, in Detroit and Milwaukee, in Philly. They woke up and now we know that our vote really does matter. So whatever they do, it's not going to work. We're going to register and we're going to get the right documentation. We're gonna be prepared. So I just want you to know that we are listening to the leadership and what we need to do to counter what's going on up there in DC. This is crazy, man, it really really is. I'll just tell you that if anything like my family or even at the dinner table, I may not want it, I may not use it, but I'm not gonna let you take it. And what they're about to find out is if they think they're gonna come in here and take the right to vote from black and brown people in this country, they have another thing coming. And we're gonna put up the money, we're gonna put up the tools, and we're gonna lead the effort to make sure that it backfires. They tried it in twenty they tried it in twenty twenty, and we got eighty one million votes, right, but that doesn't make it right. And we're gonna still fight for it right exactly, and we need that and we appreciate that. Hey, let's talk about another part of the speech, because you know, historically, you know, Black colleges and university you know, which we so lovingly call HBCUs. They've been underfunded for decades as billions have billions of dollars have been with Hell. But that could be changing though, how so uh uh uh Senior Advisor Richmond, first of all, just call me Cedric. Let's I can't do that. The titles too big. I can't let that go side. I got to say it. I don't get to talk to many of y'all. I'm gonna I'm flexing for my boys up in Cleveland that can't believe I'm talking to you. So no, just like your mama got the business card, I guessed to do this. Hell, So go ahead, Senior Advisor or Cedric, you know what. I'm gonna let you get away with that because you're alone suffering Brown's Fane. You know, I want to talk to you about something. Hold on one second, or we got Senior Advisor Cedric or Richmond on the phone. We're gonna take a break. When we come back, I want you all to stay with us because we're gonna talk about something that's gonna affect a lot of the families out there. There's a huge child tax credit for families that qualified. We're gonna find out what that is, so make sure you don't gonna know where. We'll be right back. You're listening, all right, everybody, We're back and we got our special guests this morning. Senior Advisor Cedric Richmond is with us. Today. We've been talking about the voting rights. We've been talking about the huge four point two billion dollar package that has been has been given to HBCUs. The Biden administration has forgiven one point six billion in loans and debt and invested another two point six billion, and which is a huge shot in the arm for our community. And not to mention the relief that's been provided to black farmers and the tune to the tune to five billion dollars. So here's what I asked everybody to hold on for. It's the huge child tax credit for families that qualify. Tell us exactly who qualifies for this tax credit. Most of the families in this country that have children are going to see are going to receive a tax credit. And what we did this year is we're not going to make people wait to the end of the year five taxes to get the money because children eat every month, need clothes every month, and we're gonna meet the crisis that's dead. So what we're doing is for those families that qualify, if you make under sixty thousand dollars to fully qualify, your tax credit will be seventy two hundred dollars. We're going to give you thirty two hundred dollars spread out over the last six months of the year. So starting today, people will start getting checks for three hundred dollars for every kid that they have under six, two hundred and fifty dollars for every kid over six ft under eighteen every month until the end of the year. And part of what we're fighting for in the families plan to not make that just for this year, but to make it to extend it out because just by doing this, Steve, and this is the important part, we're going to reduce child poverty in this country this year by fifty percent. We're going to reduce black poverty in this country this year by thirty eight percent. And so we want to make sure that for those people who file taxes, they're gonna get a check starting to day. For those people who filled out the documents so that they could get the emergency relief. They're gonna get a check today for people who don't make enough to have to file taxes. We want them to know, go on TI tax Credit dot gov, fill out the paperwork because we're gonna start sending you a check every month. And we don't want any family to not take advantage of this seventy two hundred dollars thirty six hundred and payments over the next six months. We want people to get this relief. That's why we did it. We want them to know that government works for them. We understand the pain that they're going through, and we're going to help them through it. And so that's why your show is so important, because you have people out there that are listening that are gonna laugh. You're gonna make them laugh, but at some point you're gonna give them enough information to really make them go on the internet make sure they get this money so that their kids at the end of the day will benefit from it. Hey, everybody, hang on one second, we're talking with senior Advisors Cedric Richmond. We'll be right back with more. You're listening. Hey, we're back. Everybody in our special Guests this morning to Senior Advisors Cedric Richmond, H, this is what's really impressed me about the Biden administration. It isn't just talk everybody. There's actual things being done, actual dollars coming directly to you. You don't have to guess HBCUs you know what that is, Family tax credit, that's your family, that's your family, and so you know these are things, man, that that we benefit directly from. And we're going to remember that in the upcoming mere term elections. We're not gonna just remember it in the primary elections. We're gonna remember it in all elections. We're gonna remember it. Because Kemp down in Georgia just announced he's gonna run up If Stacy Abmans opens her mouth and time and say she gonna run, watch, watch us show you something. So, I mean, what the Biden administration doing is real. Part of what I think we have a responsibility to do is answer what I call the Janet Jackson tests, which is what have you done for me lately? Why does my vote matter? And HBCU is a great example of it. We relieved one point six billion dollars of HBC debt. We forgave it, but we also gave HBCUs two point six billion dollars so that they could recover from the pandemic. And believe it or not, talking to the head of one of the organizations that represents HBCUs, he said he never in a million years our HBCUs will be in a better position coming out of the pandemic than they were going in. But it is our commitment to investing in black communities, black institutions, and empowering us to determine our own destiny. So that four point two billions, which is more than anybody has ever given to HBCUs, we did it basically in our first hundred and forty days in office, and so our commitment is real. And then if you combine it with all the other things that we're doing to be intentional about racial equity, we're not hiding behind you know, rising tide lists or both. We're not saying any of that stuff. What we're saying is systemic racism has kept black and brown people down, and we're gonna go invest in black and brown people. We gave black farmers who've been systemically discriminated against, five billion dollars of loan relief and so those are real, that's smagdab in the black community. And so that's why I that's why I vouched for the president, and that's why I'm unapologetic about this commitment to uplifting all communities. Let me just recap this for you. Just in terms of dollars, they have forgiven one point six billion dollars to HBC debt, erased it gone. They've added and contributed two point six billion dollars into the fun If you add that up, that's four point two billion dollars just to HBCUs. Now the child tax creditors for families making sixty thousand dollars, I mean, let's look, man, and you got children out there six and under, You're gonna get a check starting today for the rest of the year to the tune of thirty two hundred. It's a seventy two hundred dollars tax credit. But listen to this. If you're not sure or if you didn't make enough to qualify for taxes and blah blah blah blah blah, you want to make sure you cut all you got to do is go to Child Tax Credit dot Gov, Child Tax Credit dot Gov and you can find out more about it, and if you haven't setting yourself up, you can register. Everybody can get relief. The Biden administration is serious about that. Our senior advisor, our very own Cedric Richmond's serious about that. We want to thank you for coming on the show and thank you for enlightening us. Thank thank you for having men. I really appreciate it. My man, hey man, keep doing your work. Man, We're watching you. We're proud of you. Thank you, sir, thank you. All right, we want to say thank you to White House Senior Advisor to the President, Cedric Richmond. Now coming up next, it is the nephew with a prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject do you have to watch the babysitter. We'll get into that and just a little bit uh huh. But right now the nephew is in the building with today's frank phone call. What you got for us, nev, Well, let me see what. Let me dig into the stupid archives, see what I help. Here we go wedding oh did you just hear me? Did you hear me? Oh? With the w Oh my god, did you hear it? I said? Wait? What quetty? What quetting in Jamaica? We sweating in Jamaica. Okay, all right, let's get married. Let's go get down. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach ivan place. Hee's not in at the moment. This is Janice. Can I help you? My name is Mark. I'm calling from a travel agency. Oh hey, how are you doing. I'm good, I'm good. Um. I actually have some information for him. He just finished paying his last payment. As far as you alls traveling, you guys are getting you guys are getting married, going on a honeymoon? Is that right? Right? Right? Next month? Than? Congratulations? Yes, thank you. Okay, well, listen, I got your information for you, and I wanted to make sure the million address was correct so I could uh mil you guys flight tickets out, as well as a few forms and things like that to you guys would be pretty much well taken care of. Okay, this sounds good. Okay, are you pretty pretty excited about this? Oh? I'm excited, very excited. I can't tell you. Okay, good, good, good, Well I'll tell you what in April. I tell you, Jamaica Queen's is gonna be a great place here, and the snow will have burned off by then and it'll be pretty much the summer coming around. You know, snow Jamaica Queens. No, we're going to Outarios in Jamaica, you know, the islands to wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, there's no snow. Okay, hang on hand, hang on um. I've been working with Ivan on this for quite some time. I actually have you guys book to go to Jamaica Queens. Now, there has to be some sort of mistake because, oh, you're going to Chario. Okay, but that's not what I am. I have. I have Jamaica Queens. I have New York. Okay. Well, I'm telling you you're wrong. I don't know if you pulled up the wrong person. No, right, I'm sorry, Ivan and Janis and you guys are going out the second weekend in April. Is that correct? That's correct? But we're going to Charia. No, why are you guys scheduled for Jamaica Queens. There's a problem then, because I'm not getting married there. Um, love New York, but I'm not getting married there, So what do we need to do. I mean, I don't know what to do at this point. Right now, I'm in I need you to figure that out because I'm getting married next month. And I understand me and understand that. But I worked diligently with your fiance, so to speak, and I got you guys scheduled for Jamaker Queens. I have the hotels bo I know it was not Ivan. I know it was not him. I love New York, but that's not where I'm getting married. I understanding understand what you're saying. Now, Okay, I'm letting you know because you're raising your voice at me. I'm letting you know that I haven't had scheduled this and you guys are scheduled to make a Queens. Okay, you don't let me know where I'm getting married. We've written you checks. So I need you to correct the problem, and I will continue to raise my voice until you are somebody at your damn wherever you are, corrects the problem. We're getting real. I have to Okay, you're not gonna yell at me. I'm gonna tryservations and now you're yelling at me. No, I'm not yelling. I'm trying to keep my composure. Now, okay, I've been working with you. We're done. I need to talk to your superior. I'm sorry. We spent way too much money. I'm getting married next month, and you're calling and telling me that I I need somebody else on the phone. Okay, I need some You need to tell me where you are because I'm here to come by here where where are you? To give me a moment. I'm pulling up to see if I can get some flights out to utils Okay, okay, I do not believe this last minute. Oh I told him to go. Oh my god. Okay, the flights are completely booked that week. I need to make something trying to Let's just want to get a private jet for fifty or sixty thousand dollars. Man, there's no way I can get you in or out of take dollars. Make it happen. You need to make something happen. Okay, I'm being nice. You don't want to talk to either, so trust me. You need to make something happen. Get back on your little computer called somebody else in the road happen? Can you hear it? How to be nice? Where you would tell you. You continue to raise your boys at me. Now you're using profanity at me. Yo is going to Jamaica, Queen. Listen to me. It was your job to take care of transportation for us to get from the US to Utia, from Ujeria to Matiga Bay. However that's supposed to handle it happened. You were supposed to handle it, and they don't handle it. Young Man said, you guys were going to Jamaica queens, and that's what I took for now maybe I said Jamaica queens. We were very clear, and I know he was very clear. I'm being very clear by now. If you just listen to me, you have one job. How you screw that up, I do not know, but I need you to make it happened. He was not going to happen. You're going to Jamaica, queen. Maybe you are his queen and he's taking you to Jamaica, but that's not how he said. Listen to supple. I'm not getting married in New York. You understand me. Don't mention New York one more time in this conversation. I do not mention New York. Why mention New York when that is the actual ticket I have you schedule for because you screwed that up, and you get ready to correct it. Get on the computer and correct it. Figure it out. Your job is, Listen to me. Your job it is from Ultorel to Montego Bay. Focus on that, work it out, make it off it. I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you. Okay. I need you, first of all, to stop yelling at me. What the kind of customer service do you keep us? Think this is? I asked you earlier in this conversation to get somebody else on the phone if you cannot help me. Now, what I need you to do is figure out how you're gonna get me from Ultra Reels to Montego Bay. And I'm not getting on the boat. Don't bring up boat, don't bring up New York. I need you to work. Don't tell me where I'm going to spend my honeymoon. How to spend your honeymoon in Jamaica? Quis New York? Your fiance made a mistake. I'm not gonna pay for the mistake. Okay, don't have a phone to put you off. Something gets Do you hear me? Are you listening to me? I can't work it out. I've already told you there's nothing about it. Can you get it through your anty out of head? Did you just call Meaty? Look? I need you to get somebody else on this phone. I promise you I'm about to reach through this phone and snatch you up by your neck. How are you talking to me like this? This is the kind of service you get when you make mistakes and don't know where the hell you want to go. We didn't make some mistake, and we know exactly where we want to go, and you are not listening to me. I to my TA base. Do you understand? Do you understand what things? Something? I need you to understand? Are you listening to me? Yes? Worse, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend Cindy, who is your matron of honor. This god funny, This is not funny. It is Oh my hands are shaking. Oh my god, you don't know if I could have found you. Oh my god, I'm gonna kick how stupid was on the scale of one to ten on the stupid at the scale? Whether you place me? Oh, you're always all trash? All right, enough, off the rick the scale. Okay, you're sorry, al right, whether you want, I'm just gonna I'm just gonna tease this right here. You know, as time progresses in this prank moments, I'm gonna be dropping you know. Um, I'm gonna want you to be eating some grits with Timmy while I'm pranking in the morning. Okay, I'm gonna want you to eat a few grits with Life is changing for time. It's about to get gritty. That's gritty, but we're about to get out to the nitty. Gritty. Grit is the key word. Stay whitman, like my daddy says, stay whitman, cup. I'm going somewhere, my daddy say, I'm here to twart at eighteen verse. I never knew what the eighteen birds. Well, I'm here to twarts at eighteen birth. All right, it's gonna get greedy. I'll keep you posted, stay by, stand by, all right, all right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next, it is my Strawberry letter. Subject. You have to watch the babysitter. We'll get into it, Yes we will, right after you get a new sitter. Just get a new center. Why you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. And who knows it could be yours. It could be Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject you have to watch the Babysitter. Dear Stephen Shirley, I need your advice on an issue with my husband. We've been married almost two years and we are parents of a seven month old baby girl. I'm a nurse and I worked nights seven pm until three am. My husband is an optometrist and he has a licensing exam in Maine. Last month he had one, so he had to be gone for five days. I suggested my friend's best friend. My best friend's sister babysit while I was at work. She's twenty five now and I've known her since she was in third grade. I let her know that we have baby monitors all over the house and there's a ring camera in the baby's room. Things went well the first two nights with her and the baby, and on the third night, I logged onto the video and I saw my baby asleep in her crib, but I heard loud noises sounding like wild and crazy sex. I call the house and she didn't answer. My husband called me and said he heard the same thing, but we couldn't see anything on the camera. When I got home later that night, everything was in order, but I was giving her the side eive. I decided to take our extra ring camera out of our closet and hide it in the den on a shelf. Stephen Shirley. I logged on the next night and got a full porn show. She had some random guy in my house and they were stark naked and going at it in the middle of my den. I called my husband but couldn't reach him. I didn't say a word to the girl about what I saw. I took off work the next night and let her know I didn't need her anymore. When I told my husband about it, he seemed shocked, but then a few days later I caught him in his man cave watching the video. He tried to stop it real quick, but I saw it. Should I be worried that he lied and said he didn't see it. Should I watch the babysitter, please advise? Yes, of course you don't have to watch the babysitter anymore because you fired her. Remember, but you know everybody's lying. Your your husband's for sure lying. And sure if you know if the babysitter comes back, watch her. The receipt is the tape you have that. I say, believe what your eyes and your ears tell you and not anything else. And of course your husband saw it. You caught him watching it. He tried to stop it. I mean, I just think it's real suspicious. You know, everything that's going on. For the first two nights, everything was cool. You heard all this loud noise and everything. You put the other ring camera in there. I mean, just after two nights she brings some random guy in. You know. I think you did the right thing by firing this girl, but you should have told her why, although I'm sure she knows. At this point, I say, you do need a babysitter for when you're working nights and your husband's not home, just in case he has to leave too. But you just need to get one that's more like Missus Doubtfire. You know the movie Missus Doubtfire. Robin Williams play that role, you know, not someone so young and sexy, you know, to tempt your husband and want him to watch the videos and all of that. So, I mean, I think this is kind of an easy fix if you do need a babysitter. But yeah, you need to watch everybody, the babysitter, your husband, what he's watching, the random guy coming to your house, all of this. Just be aware of what's going on in your house. Set cameras up everywhere. Steve surey, where's she going to find though man dress up like a woman? Where is she gonna find a man that's dressed up like a woman? Doutfire, something like a Missus Doubtfire. Oh okay, you had to watch the ads too, All right, Well you have to watch your babysitter. Lady. I'm you know your letter, you knew the advice on an issue with my husband, your husband. Wait a minute, this whole letter ain't really got nothing to do do with your husband. So you your whole letter, you got deeper. You got deeper issues going on here. I need advice on an issue with my husband. Now, when you said that before I heard the letter, we got to watch your babysitter. Course, I'm thinking him and the babysitter got something going on. That's what I'm thinking. Well, the letter unfolds. You got a seven month old, beautiful little girl. You a nurse, You work nights seven pm to three am. Your husband's optometrist. He has a licensing exam in Maine last month, so he was gone for five days. And y'all wouldn't got this babysitter, she twenty five. You known her since she was in the third grade when she grown. Now, all right, I'll let her know that we have monitors all over the house. Man, that's your problem. You told exactly where you had the monitors. Now she knows where it ain't no monitors. Things went well the first two nights or hearing the baby. On the third night, I logged in on the video and I saw my baby sleep in the crib and I heard loud noise that sound like just wild crazy. Six. I call the house. She ain't answer. Well, she was having wild crazy sick. It's hard to talk on the phone when you're having wild, crazy sec I didn't tried it before. It's really hard. I'm talking around, you know. I had a picture coming to the dough one time, and I was having a wild and crazy sex. I hat pitch with cold. It's hell by time I got downstairs. Yeah, it's hard to stop wild crazy sex. That's somebody calling me down phone. I don't give it down. I'm watching the game one time. Start auncing wild and crazy six when I woke up. I don't even know who one wildly got him in here? When you having wild and crazy sex. Why did you call the house? She nothing the answer. We come back, man, I'll tell you the rest of what happened. It really ain't nothing to this letter. I don't even watch she's saying she got an issue with her husband because right now it's just wild and crazy as sex happened in your house. Now, that's all I'm just saying. All right, we'll have part two of your response coming up to the Strawberry letter, the subject you have to watch the babysitter. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject you have to watch the babysitter. Okay, but then the first line is I need advice on an issue with my husband, and I don't see why you do. Lady. Now I will try to get to it. You will nurse your work nights and your husband had an exam to go to. Here, I'm truma, just so you hired her babysity you've known since the third grade. She twenty five. Now you told her your head cameras all over the house and baby monitors man, so she knew where the cameras was. Well you, things went well the first two nights, and on the third night, I all getting on the video and I saw you baby sleep in the creep when your baby saying that's what you hired, the baby sitting fall, the baby in the crib sleep, the baby sitter doing her job. But you heard some loud no, it sound like wild and crazy say, well the baby sleep. Now you have wild and crazy sex and baby being a crib brown the cone because they sleep through all kinds of stuff, fire trucks, whoa, whoa whoa, police everything, helicopters. They don't hit the baby, just be sleeping. I call the house and she didn't aunce. Now I told you get the phone. People having wild and crazy say, you don't need you calling down now. Ain't nobody got time to answer this phone. Then you think that baby wouldn't hit that wild and crazy sex. I don't a problem about promise you that little girl ain't hit that damn phone. Rang it because you got other things to do. When you having a wild and crazy sex. You're trying to get your foot up off that TV. You got your got your knee on the back of your husband lounge chair. Yeah, wild and crazy sex, you probably ain't even hit the damn phone. Right, I'm just gonna be there. Some people probably ain't dobell. She didn't hear that either. I'm just saying that's how wild and crazy it is. When you having wild crazy. Say well, you got to pay attention wild crazy said she didn't. That got one hand hanging on your drapes, trying not to tell he drapes down, and she got the other foot on top of the flow model TV because y'all old, y'all doctors, and y'all ain't updated to TV. So y'all got the flow model. She got foot on top of that console and it's just just wild crazy sex, right, okay? Cool? I called her, how she didn't answer. Your husband called me and said he heard the same thing, but we couldn't see anything on the camera. I got home lady that night, everything was in order. I was giving her the side out of I decided to take out our extra ring camera out of our closet, hid it in the den on the shelf. Steve and shitty. I logged in on the next night and got a four pawn show. Yes, no, what I think that's why you said that camera You already know they had wild and crazy sex. And the name of the poem movie you was watching with babysit have gone crazy. She just in there and that she come talking about she had some random guy in the house. She hadn't a random guy in the house. The same dudees over that last night. You just didn't have the video. This ain't no random guy. This the guy that had a wild and crazy sex. Random guy could be just anybody. Everybody can't have wild and crazy sex. I got a couple of friends can't do that. They too square, you know, they got a little you know they do different type of work. You know, they work at the government. They don't do wild crazy six. You got to be kn't be just random to do wild crazy six. You got the particular kind of Tommy, my nephew, he do wild crazy six crazy like that. He all that time. He ignorant Junior. I don't really think Junior do wild crazy six. I don't really know, but he might. But he got sick of sale, so I don't know if he probably but he probably ain't trying to have no crisis or nothing. He probably just had a regular, good old second. But I don't know if he's gonna had no wild crazy saycause we don't hand no damn crisis. I don't know that. Yeah, he can't get dehydrated. He that's hardly had wild crazy sense and be drinking the old damn tame so that I don't know. So and uh, And they had a random guy in the house. They were starting naked, going all that in the middle of my den. I called my husband, but I couldn't reach him. Well, I mean you couldn't reach him, called your husband. Well, we're gonna leave that long. I didn't say a word to the girl about what I saw. I took off work the next night and let her know I didn't need her anymore. When I told my husband about it, he seemed shocked. What But then a few days later I caught him in his man cave watching the video. He tried to stop it real quick, but I saw it. Should I be worried that? He lied and said he didn't see it? What he pulled up the cameras that was watching it. He didn't want you to know he was watching it, so he lied and said he ain't seen it. What you're worried about that fault? You gotta get another damn baby said it, Sherley, What is she worried about? That fault? So? What? So? What he saw the video? What you want to tell you, baby, I've been watching this hoo, this little girl right here. I'm trying to tell you, is that what you wanted him to say? Cut the video? You don't want your wife to know you watching that. That's why he lied. Let me ask you something, Sherley. If you thought you could cut the video off that you was watching and your husband walked in on you and he said, baby, where was you watching? You wouldn't lie? Probably not, that's a lie. And so he well, see we men and we gonna lie. I it's an issue to her. And if he she saw him and he lied about it, that's an issue. Why are you lying? Wow? All right listen? Yeah, and I still don't like it. Girl, Please post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM, on Instagram and paper Just tell the truth for what Tell you the truth and check out the sty I did last night and I lied, do you know? Coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, we'll have our girl here from the Talk Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we got Carla's reality update. But right now, Steve, please introduce that girl. Put your hair to kee. Here is Rylo. Thank you Steve Harvey, and you know what, I love everybody. I just want to not sound Hostel, Tommy and Carla and Sherelie Scrobbie Areas and Steve Harvey. But Junior, huh where if you've been for two weeks? What where you've been for two weeks? I've been um on vacation. Dumb mambo, dumb mambo. Be a man. You've been on vacation. You'll say it was I on vacation with you. Now, wow, Junior, we're supposed to be a couple. Where was you and you didn't answer your damn phone? I know you didn't answer your phone because my best friend worked over at the phone place. And no, it's still long, So what the what's going on? I just went on vacation like everybody. Steve went on vacation. You ain't miss, I ain't wet. Steve is right shirt, back me up? Short, describe baby. Don't try to bring nobody else in this, Junior. I'm very upset. I had on that barbecue and potato solid ice. You know how much butter become ice cream? I waiting, No, you ain't know where to be? He like he like butter become that's his face. That's right, that's right. And here I am shut. Describeberry. I'm up his season and meat and everything, and I'm waiting, Tommy, and you know I'm embarrassing. It is no underwood. Wait a minute, damn now, listen. Okay, I was well cussing that. Okay, I was. You have to take that base out, your boy, I was, I was sure the wait a minute, hold on yea, you tell me what the hell I'm doing my time off now I see him when I see my time is our time. I told you that we got two weeks. My ass was off the west our time. Who spoke to me? Guys? What today? But wait, man, it isn't sexy. It isn't sexy, though, I tell you, keep keep harping on this and watch my hands be gones the whole time, and watch my ass find it nap nap, I find you, you'll be gone and I find it. See, but it is sexy. But don't try to threaten me with a break up. Don't try to threaten me. I'm a grown ass woman. You can't threaten me with no break up. That ain't gonna work. You'll never be without me. Matter of fact, I'm like candy man, I got new to say my name. Three man and a trick will show up, Julia, You'll never be without me. That's how they do you. They be ghost for a couple of weeks, then they want to come back. Tom we broke up. Damn that damn. Oh my god. All right, well listen, thank you, Cheryl U coming up next my back. It's Carla's reality I'm taking Cheryl will be bad. You're listening Harvey Morning Show. All right, tell me it is that time. Introduce that girl, Ladies and gentlemen, It's that time. Buckle up and hold on tight. She is here, the one and only carl A. Farrow with what reality update coming in hot baby? Come, I thank you, Sirley girl. All right, let's get to it. Let's get to it. Let's get to it. We're gonna talk about by now everyone has seen Ready to Love You your part two. All right, nephew, So Carr and a j they are not together. That's what we have. What have we learned? They are not not together? Um? I think Carr was still in shock. I don't think she can believe that Jason didn't choose her forever. I think, you know what. I think she tried to stand in the middle and play both sides and it just did not work for her. Jason. Jason's like, hey, you know what, I got to move on, Jay, some moved on not him and Liz look like wedding veils. And they looked like they look like wedding veils. Okay, I'm over here with my fingers crossed. That that's my first set of wedding veils. I got a couple of them. I got a couple of them, so I have I have those two. So do y'all remember Mario Um season two Mario and Um, Yes, I remember Mario and what was the young lady's name? I think those are wedding bells that are possible as well. Yes, yes, So I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I got a couple of wedding veils, and it's you know, I'm just I'm just I need that, I need that. I need to see that we're going to we are we gonna We're gonna bump Rushica wedd that's it, wedding crashes. That's a new reality show anyway. So Liz basically said that the thing that she loved about Jason was that his honesty, his he was consistent, and that what Jason said that he loved to buy Liz, that she positioned herself to be pursued. So they are together. They are a couple. We were really really mad at Joela the way he treated Vernetia Shirley, you know, my boy from the n O. I was rooting for him, but then you know, my husband and I you know, cle she's from New Orleans. He was watching. He said, don't know about to say baby that much. In New Orleans. He from them. It was perpetrating. Yeah, yeahs like way too many humbras, baby, all of that, all of so he said, yeah, he represented if he didn't do nothing else, that she represented the the big easy. So there you haven't. Let's move on. So we're ready for the new season. You were in DC quickly, nephew, you were in DC season shooting five and six, So y'all whole titem right at the episode number two headed the number three right now. So it's cooking. So I think probably around September, you'll probably get this particular season dropping. Y'all get to check it out. And I'm gonna be here a little long with shooting another season. So that's two in Atlanta, two in Houston. Now I'm shooting two in DC. What's next? I don't know, you know what, y'all. I've been like, is it time for LA yet? Is it time? But that's not my decision, you know, that's above my pay grade. That's a Will Packer decision right there. Yeah, all right, all right, Well we're gonna move on quickly to marriage to medicine. Speaking of reunion shows, Reunion part two, I just don't know what to say about Doctor Contessa and her husband, Doctor Scott. My man be lying. He didn't came out. He bum rushed the stage, act like he was surprised when his wife said she filed them papers. He was like, what papers? And then she was like six months seven months ago, so you knew about the papers? Boy? He be lying, He said he didn't know what dms on Instagram. He just doing too much. Jesus doing way too much. Doctor Scott, shout out to quad. She did her things. She was actually she took over as a moderator of the reunion show and Andy Cohen was cool with it. So it was all good. So we will watch and see what's going on next week. It is Reunion part three, Doctor Contessa, Doctor Scott. They are having some serious marital problems. My girl was crying the whole time. It was just really really heartbreaking to see. Yeah. Yeah, so hopefully we're rooting for him to get it together. That is reality update. Hit me up on the gram at lips by Carla. What you guys, Shirley going out hot? Thank you Carla for him. Today's trending stories of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening to show. Celebrity couple break up news. Oh um, Kenny baby Face Edmonds. Wow, and his wife Nicole Attenburg. Yeah, they're divorcing. They've been married seven years. They're divorcing after seven years of marriage. The couple issued a joint statement. It was published by TMZ, saying, after much thought and great sadness, we have decided to end our marriage. We continue to care and have respect for one another and share eternal love for our daughter and her well being. Oh man, he didn't wrote all the song secrets listen to himself? Wow wow, Sorry to hear that. Well, moving on, Okay, here's some good news. All right, yin and yang here we yan and yang and all right. In celebrity wedding news, Congratulations to actor one of the greatest that ever did it, Don Cheetle and his fiance bride now bridget culture. They are married now. But guess what, they've been together twenty eight years and they finally decided to get together to get married when they when they asked Don Sheeta why he said it was pretty simple. Their accountant proposed to both of them and he showed the numbers. Showed them the numbers, and they said, oh yeah, we should probably do it more on the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after right after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for ask the CLO. Chief Love Officer. Steve Harvey is here, Steve. This one is from Diamond in Baltimore. Diamond writes, my thirty three year old boyfriend has been in jail for most of our relationship. We met four years ago and he's violated his probation twice since we've been together. When he's gone, I can't lie. I sneak around with my ex boy friend, and now that I am Now that I am pregnant, I'm not sure who the father is. My boyfriend already has three children, so he won't be happy about this. My ex just got married, so it would be bad all the way around if it's his child. Should I stay with my jailbird boyfriend and let him raise the child or tell my ex I ain't raising from where? Or does he been do? What do you zooming. You've been win him four years. He's been locked up most of the focus. He keeps violating probation. He can't he can't stay away from nothing. Now. So you've been seeing your ex. Now you pregnant. You don't know who baby it is x Mary, but your ex is married. So let me get this right. You just can't get the right kind of dude. The one you won't is in jail. The one you win is married. Now you pregnant. You don't know which one it is? Right, And she says her boyfriend in jail won't be happy because he already has three kids. The hell you're worrying about him being happy for about the pregnancy? Why you can't worry about him? He got other issues. He's been to be mad because you're pregnant. Yeah, he ain't out here taking care of none of them. Homeboy, I gotta get himself together. He gotta quit violated. He got he got to come out here and do right now. I know, I know. Don't get me wrong that that violation probation can be for anything. I mean, they can come set you down for anything. You can't be in the presence and nobody would a weapon you can't be in the president nobody would a record. You can't be within so much distance of this, that and the other. You can't get a ticket. You can't do nothing on probation. It was easy to violating. You got You need to start picking better, baby. Yeah, all right. Moving on, Kelsey and Richmond, Virginia says, I'm a thirty year old hairstyles and one of my clients is messing with a married man. That man's wife comes to another stylist in the salon, and through other gossiping women in the salon, they found out about each other. While my client was under the dryer Saturday, someone keyed her car and wrote on it with a permanent marker. My customer thinks me and the other stylists should pay for the damage because she's too ashamed to file an insurance claim. Am I liable since it was on my property? No? WHOA, No, you're not liable for the car if he gets stolen on your property. No, she has insurance. Her insurance is liable for that. Coming up, it is our last break of the day, and at forty nine minutes after, of course, it is some closing remarks from the one and Only our fearless leader, Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening morning show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Thursday. This week is rolling by. First I thought it was slow. Now it's getting fast, going by fast. It really is, Yeah, it really is. Yep. But it's been a good day. It's been a good day, all right, Steve. You know, Oh, I guess I'm gonna kind of stay in the mode of motivation because I want to inspire people because you know, look, I think so many people can get so discouraged by so many different things. I mean, you know, for some it seems like bigger items than others. But you know, it's all in perspective. It all depends on the amount of experience you have in life, on how well you handle setbacks and trials and tribulations. So it's all relative. When you see a person that's thinking about giving up for a lesser reason than you would, it doesn't make that reason not valid. It's very valid. It's just they may not have the experience with grapping or coping with situations like you. But I want to say something to everybody that's on their road to success. It is a tough road. It is a tough road. It is a difficult journey. It is not easy to become successful. It's just not. And I think when people start running up into those obstacles, it's easy to say, Wow, this is really hard and give up and quit. But I want to tell you something. See, whenever God is about to do something great for you, I've found that in those moments, the devil is also aware of your future too. He sees when God is doing great things in your life, and he sees when God is blessing you. His job is to rob you of that destiny to get to where God has all has ordained a plan for you to be. So what he does is when he looks into your future and he sees that God is about to do something big for you, he throws at you the opposition. Have you noticed that it comes from people you thought you were cool with that, It comes from people that you've done so much for that it comes out of the side, out of the bushes, almost out of a dark your hard where you just go, Where did that come from? Why they tripping? After all I did? It always seems like it comes out of nowhere, because that's one of the devil's best tricks. He tries to blindside you with it. And the more hurtful he can be towards you, the more he can throw you off the course. So he presents, of course, people that you know, you care about, that you thought was your friends, that you thought was all right with you. And it comes from that angle right there. What I'm saying is, on this journey to success, be prepared for opposition, because it's going to come. It is a part of the process. None of us will get to where we want to be in life without going through the process. Now you know how you hear motivational speakers talking and you hear the audience member go oh that's good, that's good, that's good, and they start writing on it. Oh I like that, Or the preacher be talking and go oh that's good, that's good. That's good, that's good. You know, people get inspired by that. I guess I'm the same way as anybody else. But when I talk to people about success, I try to make it instead of good, I try to make it understandable. I try to get you to grab this thing that I'm talking to you about. In the simplest form of fashion, so you can move on with it. I'm just saying this to you as plain as I can. On your road to success. The devil gonna throw them obstacles at you. Every time something good is coming your way, they got to throw something bad at your way. Something's happening in my life right now to try to throw out my progress. But I'm aware of it. That don't mean that that's that is easy. And it doesn't mean that because I'm aware of it, I know how to cope with it better I do. But it still bothers me. It still bothers me to somebody that I did so much for can turn so easily because they see a buck and they can turn. But you know what I've also learned about this road to success. God don't put more on you than you can bath. Do you know sometimes that you're going through stuff not only to show you something, but to teach the person that's around you a lesson to you know that God uses your strift to teach the weaker or the evil a lesson through you. Have you ever noticed that. I don't know if you have. That's a hard one to come to the realization that you're going through something and you're not enjoying it, but it's gonna teach that person that's trying to do something to you. They've been to learn a real valuable lesson. It's gonna cost you a little bit, but God, I already know you got the strift to handle it, because he'd have done so many things with you and for you throughout the years. He knows you can handle it, so he allows things to happen to you. But he's also gonna show that person that's trying to do you, he gonna show him something. He's gonna teach him a valuable lesson. You're just the vessel to get it done, but you use that way because you're strong enough. So in this case, I have to remember that about myself, but I also want you to remember it about yourself, that you are strong, that everything you've ever gone through, every hardship, every every struggling moment. Like I always say, your track record for surviving hardship and struggling moments, your track record for surviving that. It's one that's pretty good track record, y'all. So all you gotta do is keep on waking up, keep on believing, keep on praying, keep on working, and You're gonna get through that too, just like me. And at the end of the day, the person is trying to do you the most. Hum be careful when you dig a grade. You might have to dig too or you might end up in that hole yourself. You got to be careful. Remember that, y'all. Have a great day. God loves you. Hey, y'all, talk to God. He loved to hear from you. We'll see y'all tomorrow, y'all, Stay heavy, stay blessed, Stay big. In the words of my married judge, Greg Mathis, you can't be big and small at the same time. 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