Carla Bday Talk, Career Change, Marriages, George Lopez, Will Smith, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update, Tommy Gig, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Oct 18, 2018, 2:45 PM

Miss Carla has a fun birthday party planned out. Nephew Tommy is excited for his new gig. Marriage advice is given by The CEO. George Lopez is having issues at Hooters. Will Smith opens up on Jada's Facebook special. Sheryl Underwood stops by to talk about voter suppression along with other topics. Miss Carla's Reality Update will review the season finale of Braxton Family Values. Today in Closing Remarks, Uncle Steve shares with us tips on how to get to the next level plus so much more.

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Y'all know what time is. Y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit looking back to back down, giving them mong like theming buck bus things and it's tub y'all to be true. Good to Steve Hyeah listening to me together for Stuart money. I don't join yea by joining me, honey, said Dot, turning them go, yeah you go. You got to turn the turn at the time, lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shall will Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah man, one more time. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Why because God, God is in the blessing business. If you go get in line, he has something for you. If you go get in line, he has something for you. God is amazing the plan he actually has for you. It's so far greater than you can possibly imagine. It's really mind blowing. And as I look back on where He's brought me from and what he's currently doing for me, all I can do is tell you is God, That's all I can tell you, Because I tell you right now, I didn't foresee it. You know. It oftentimes amazes me when I listened to celebrities when they interview how they say. You know, I always always thought that this would happen for me and not just you know, it could be true, but for me, it's not that way at all. I didn't imagine it this way. I had a dream of becoming famous one day, but I had no idea it would it would ever get to this. It was a very very simple desire for fame. I just simply wanted to become one of the premier stand ups in the country, one of them, not the but just one of them. Because you know, humor is um you know, it's I don't know the right word, but it's an opinion. Some people, no matter how funny you are, think somebody else is funnier than you. I get that. That's I don't have a problem with that. It's some people that did not like Richard Pryde. They just did They didn't find his brand of humor to be funny at all, because it doesn't It didn't tickle their funny bone. So, Milly, what I wanted in the beginning was to become one of the premier stand ups in the country. There is no way I could have seen all this. There is no way I am telling you this is. This has been nothing for me but the grace of God. And all the times I failed, every time I had fallen, he picked me up, he dusted me off, and he kept me moving. It has been an amazing thing to watch God do what he do. As I look back on my history and you sometimes look back on your history, you've got to see, man, wow, what God has done for you and what He's brought you through to enable you to be where you are. It is amazing because really, I mean really real talk. Now, had he allowed all of the decisions I had made to play all the way out, I can assure you I wouldn't be here today. But God, through this grace and mercy, who had a plan for me, who was just waiting on me to come get in line, and then he was gonna start empty and now he was gonna start shipping out all the boxes in heaven with my name on it. And man, what a great God he is, What a great God he is, And you have boxes of blessings with your name on it that he is waiting to ship. But he needs you to go down there and get in line. That's what it is. It is not that he has more boxes for other people than he do you. He got boxes with your name on it who have never been shipped. Because you will not get in line to go get him, you will not ask God for him, you will not do the things necessary to attain them. We stop our own blessings. Man, I have been the biggest stopper of my blessings than anybody else. I can't really get mad at nobody. I got nobody to blame for my existence but me. But then at the same time, I can't take credit for this, I really really can't. I kid you not, I cannot take credit for And if you ever see me taking credit forward, tap me on the shoulder, say Steve, pull up. You Remember you said this ain't about you. If you catch me taking too much credit, you have my permission to stop me. Now Here is the deal, though, and and this is what I want to get through to today, moving forward while under attack new level, new devil. You know, every time you go somewhere, every time you try to progress, every time you make a decision to be better, to do better, that's gonna be a confrontation you're going to have because it is the enemy's job to not see you go forward, do better, won't more, behave yourself. There is a force that is operative out there that has people working on his behalf. I mean, just do dirt all day long. You got a computer, go go read a blog. Just go read a blog. They're busy man, not knowing, but just saying evil stuff constantly. That's the job. Well, here's here's what happens. I you. We have to always keep moving forward while we're under attack because the attack it's going to always come. If you allow the attackers to stop you, you will lose that particular battle. And you cannot afford this. You know. My father used to say, be careful when you're trying to kick somebody off the ladder, because you got to take your foot off too, and you might slip. And so when people are taking their feet off the ladder, most something more, the majority, the main em up own a ladder. They just at the bottom throwing stuff up at you. They are just shaking your ladder. They ain't even they ain't even on your level. Really tell you the truth, they're really not you have moved on far beyond them spiritually, physically, everything, but they are still shaking your ladder and attacking. You. Keep moving forward while under attack, because the attacks are going to come. If you take the time to stop and address it, you are impeding your own progress. This is very important to understand. Go on about your business and remember Steve Harvey and remember those of you out there. There is a Bible verse that helps me out every time. And I don't know why. I got it on six different plaques sitting all around my offices. Everywhere I go, I can read it Isaiah seventeen, No up informed against Michel Prosper. That because this is that he will put me under his wings of protection. And this is my inheritance as a servant of the Lord period. I'm his boy, he my man, so so did so. So when you're coming for me, I have to just rest on that Lord right there, that he got it, that no weapon formed against Michel Prosper. I'm just like you. Sometimes, you know, we know better, but sometimes we don't do better. Man. Let them say what they're gonna say when they get through saying it. When they get through right now, when they get through talking about you. When they get through line about you, guess what they're gonna have to do. They're gonna have to step back and watch your rise. They're gonna have to kick back and watch what God got for you. Because nothing God got for you. Can't nobody stop it. I don't care what they do. Keep moving forward while under attack. You know something about to a something. Minister Louis Faircan taught me something very important one day, he says, Steve, remember this. He said. It is a common thing for a dog to balk up at the moon. But if the moon box back at the dog, the dog becomes famous. You feel me, the moon was talking to you. What did you? How did the moon stop and talk to you? Don't give them that. Let the dog bark up at the moon. Don't you be up there? You go where God got you going. Don't bark back at this dog because the dog come famous, because they ain't gonna be able to get to you. But the dog is famous. Now They want to interview the dog, not a dog. Guess what he's gonna do more bark and guess what about you? Man? Going about your business? Y'all? God is in the blessing business all day. Long man. Go, get in line, get you something, Get them packages and boxes ship to you. They got your name on it. Waiting on you, ladies and gentlemen. Let me have your attention again. I asked you for your attention every morning. I don't know what's something y'all be walking around how and making luncheon, getting these kids out, and keep asking for your attention. The reason I ask for your attention so you don't miss nothing. To cut these radio ups and pay attention. Hey, we're doing a pop quez at eight. I asked you question. Yeah, good morning, good morning crew. Was having to see you. So okay, junior, morning, nephew, my dog, let's go. What so Carling? When the birthday party? Now? My birthday party is this Saturday? Yes, this Saturday. You want to come? You wanna come to the party? Boy? Now you know I got a feel little party being you know how many people minute? You don't hand him no cash? Gotta plan out. It's gonna be a casino night. Fun. That's gonna get fun. You gotta roulette. We gotta roulette. Tape yup? All right, like jack table, craps table, We got it ready. Sure you don't want to come Steve here, ain't got no real money. You're not mad? I bring real money now, I'm gonna won't real money back to the house that you're gonna break the house there cussing at your cousins and no good. Well, I ain't gonna fight the wood and go to host getting my drawls. Beat up you dog. You don't come up being coude party talking about you won't all your money? Man getting all your money? A man to dollar it all? We get sevent me fine, okay that house three go to the house. So what do you have, Carl? You got what roulette? Black jack and a craps table? Just to be real hood calling you are to really add a dominomino. Let me tell you that when Gerald Burt was living gerald House in Pepper Pipe, Gerald had pool table. Gerald covered up all the holes in the pool table, put some sides on it, put a new felt on it. Made a crap table. I'm talking about be down that gamblets so hot. That's fun. Yeah, celebrations, we were Yeah, we are probably do something funny in a minute. Yeah we got something something cute. Okay, well look good too it Okay, Well that's all you wanted to talk about. You're good. I ain't got nothing. I ain't got nothing, you know, I mean you know what else like no, yeah, huh, I don't talk about well yeah yeah yeah, And were behind you on this one. Yeah that was your boy man. Yeah. Yeah, we've been uplifting you in prayer. We got you in the family. All right, coming up at thirty two after the hour, guys that we're gonna talk about starting new careers. What right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show. All right, Steve this new TV show. It's called The Rookie. It stars Nathan philly On. Uh. He was. He was from the TV show Castle. I don't know if you remember that from his Castle was good. He was a writer and then in real life he liked to solve murders, yeah, with the police, and he ended up marrying one of the police officers. Well, anyway, he's changed TV shows. Now he's on a show called The Rookie. Like I said, he plays a forty year old rookie in the l a PG. Okay, it does look good, doesn't it yet? Because he's struggling because he's working with all these young people and right right criminals. He can't keep us. Yeah, so we wanted to ask everyone, Uh, did did you start a new career after the age of forty junior? You just made four? Yeah, but I started a new career though, what's your new career? Went from being broke to making some money? It's a whole different careers. You look different, look a little different. J it's that struggle man. So I don't think anyone over here, Well, temmy, you started something different, something started a new career, just old when just kicked in a new gear. That's what happened this week. It kicked in a new gear you're talking about. Yes, yes, yes, yes, it is here. Your your new TV show, Ready to Ready to Love, And I am not gonna miss this. That's new. Yes, that is new. Yeah. What about you, Steve? I mean you have so many jobs? Do you have made a career change at fifty five? What I retired from stand up? Oh? Yeah, thousand twelve? When did you start stand up? Snow, that's a long time. Well let me see if seven you could do a new career. You still and you know what else? You grew some facial hair, a beard. That was a career. But I mean it affects your career some someth I need to know you look deferently. I mean, you know, you just made a change. That's all I'm saying. You made a change with You've never liked the beard. No, that's not true, Steve, that's not true. I've always felt that you never liked it. Excuse me? Why did you feel that way? Because you never said nothing? Here? You usually say something. I said, I liked it. I know I said that to you. Y'all heard that. I didn't hear here this week? Yeah you college? Did you ever hear say it? I didn't hear her say it, But I didn't hear and say she didn't like it either, though, And I see that what I'm talking about. She said that mess. She didn't like it. Steve, I do like I tell you something and it hurt me. Oh my god, A victim and victorious victim. Well, you know, after you said everyone else liked and everything, I didn't think you cared about my opinion. But surely I have always cared about your opinion. You have given me your opinion for eighteen straight. Name one thing. Sure, Let me tell you this, how I knew you was in my best when I got a divorce. You said, I'm so happy for you together for so long work. You know, we had like a brother and sister type of relationship. So I mean, I feel perfectly comfortable saying whatever to I walked Shirley down the aisle. I gave away, just like what I did at the wind. What I did I didn't done. Sitting the corner drinking. You read from First Corinthians chapter thirteen about love looking at that with a Bible. Why was he pushing his glasses up like he was real. But he's all into it, like he's serious. I got to watch she got this fool reading this Bible passage. Because it was important to me to have everybody in it. I want to you know, I just wanted everyone to feel a part of it. You know. Baby five, Carlo's baby Tasha was in and she was one of my best little flower girls. That's Tasha. You ain't got in your way. So he feels comfortable. But it was it was important to me to do that. It was like having my family and my wedding, and here was a deal. Every see, everybody don't know Time me like God. So Time was up there reading the scripture. That was going yes, no moving. I was going, if you how big a fool he was? Don't you know the scripture ain't fit to help him? They said yes, it was reading the scripture was going, yes, boy just ain't church. But Steve, I really appreciated you walking me down though, because I was so nervous. I've never been that nervous in my life. And you talked to me. You calmed me down. You really calmed me down. You were like, take it in, enjoy the moment, just drink the moment in. You don't have to walk so fast. Because I thought you were saying no, no, you were down. I was nervous. I've never been like. She was running up. You ain't walk really well. I was so nervous. That's because I was so nervous. She was like, slow down, man, this was not a stroll up. The drink the moment in. Drink it in. That's what you were saying. You're going to get married, You're not escaping from slavery. I was nervous. Yeah, right, I was so nervous. Oh my god, I was nervous. Did you have a big wedding before? It was pretty It was pretty big. Oh wait a minute, first winness what she is. I guess you can ask those because enough I'd have asked that, I would have been in tro I would head. It's not a secret, wasn't it. Everybody knows this is my second marriage. Everybody knows that it's not at all. Right. Listen, coming up next, we gotta go this who you had run that prank back? With the nephew coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and Entertainment News Steve A saying you love, don't let your president get your behind whipped. We'll talk about that, but right now the nephew is here with run that prank back? What you got? I got your drunk us, That's what I got. Let's run it. Hello. Hold, okay, I got your phone. I'll give your wife a call. Hello. Hello, right right now, you're inebriated, sir, okay, right now to be taking you in, But I'm not gonna do that. You let me. If he's able to come and pick you up, I'll let her come get you. Try all. I'm ran it's gonna Officer Brian's gonna put you in his squad. Car. I'm gonna call your wife. I've got the phone dolling now all right, okay, Hello, Hello? Who is he? Whom? I? Who am I fushing with? Please? Who is this? This is Officer Daniels out for Daniel. You just called from. This is my husband number? Who is who is Ouficer Dan? I am Officer Daniels, ma'am. He's your husband's actually being pulled over and he's been uh actually he's in another officer's car. He's he's a little bit of debriated here and we're trying to see about getting him picked up. I'm trying my best not to take him in today, so I'm trying to be a good Samaritan. I'm trying to get someone to come and pick him up. Hold on, hold on, hold on Becca Beca, you got my husband? Uh? What I got here on the driver's licenses Kenny Kenny, and he's with you now. He's actually an office to Brian's squad car right now. So he was actually uh bobbing and weaving out on the road and we pulled him over. He's not creating any problems. The young lady wasn't creating any problems. So what we're trying. What we're trying to do is get somebody to come and pick him up. You don't help my husband because my husband has had worked so he can't be in No, Officer, Brian in your car and did you say tim again, did you say somebody's with Kenneth? That was a young lady in the car. Man, we're actually letting her go because she's not inebriated. Uh from the look though at somebody, she's calling somebody to pick her up. Now, man, No, no, I can't believe it. Kenny, and I know that dirt is song gotten a back in my car. That's my car. And you said that he had timed this. Officer timid this look at that and telling what she looked like. If that'd not be there, that'd not be the one I think she No, excuse me, ma'am, I don't really cruise you're married about in my because he's supposed to be working. I'm sorry, jo Jasmine, okay, you're Jasmine? Okay, no, just there. We'll talk to you a moment. Yeah, her name is Jasper. I'm not sure, but keep keep keep it. Yeah, holding that tid. I get there. I'm on my way. I'm on my way right now. Hey, Bridget, I want you to watch these children from the time I get back. I'm going to see if I can give me a rat up to the truck stop and I'll be back in a minute. Hello. Yeah, Hello, I'm here. Yeah, I'm here. I'm here. Okay, man, listen, I can't. I can't stay here too much longer. I can. I can say you maybe another fifteen twenty minutes. Somebody come to get the car, but I gotta keep moving here. I'm just trying to do a frivor nothing. I'm on my way. I'm all my way. I'm all way. I got my parents in my hand, um, all my way to that. So stop. Please don't take that nowhere because I got something for his And when I get there, I hope like hell and they say they's been calling me, so with me all through the nice leave where they attack. Get there because I got some things that I need to take care of. This thing. Don't move the squad car to I get there. I'm all wait right now, right now, I have to be there in a minute. I well, that took my time picked up there. To date, we don't had arguments over this. It better not be that. It's better not. I bet you if bet not be here, it's better not be here. I'm all my way. I'll be there in a minute. I beat there that I get there. Okay, God, that was let me call you can hear me better? Man? Uh, there was another gentleman that was in the back feet of the car that was riding with Kenny and the young lady. I don't give it no other rather with Kenny. Just make sure he's there when I get there. Okay, okay, Now do you know who this other gentleman? Do you know? Uh? Nephew Tommy. I don't care, but I know you. Nephew Tommy. Nephew Tommy sent to you. This is nephew tom Me from the Steve Wave And morning's your baby, your husband. Kenny got me to pray for call you. Yeah you got you got you ain't kiddy just gonna happen to Kenny. Nephew Tommy going to go down to back head in two eight And when he gets home, he's still, Oh my god, you are. Oh God. Now I'm gonna check what you at toimes. Oh man, he told me, he said, man, my wife, don't play, he said, man to prank my wife. You all, I'm dood I'm doing it. I'm doing Korea though, he did. We work here in your call at work. He works. You better be it work. Hey, baby, tell me this. What's the baddest radio show in the lands? Steve how they show? That's all you need to say? Y'all with me on it? Oh, he's gonna happen. Yeah, we're always with you. I don't worry. I don't see it. No time soon, Julia, I don't see it. No time's gonna happen. First for episode Tuesday. You're gonna be visible and everything so famous. Now let me say this. Let me say this, Tommy, you my work husband, now right there, right there together. Now we've got to go. I love you. You're tall. Look at my man worker, go get it. And he could say those double s canny girl? Now is cute? Y'all going too far? He tall? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, he's got a TV show. You know. TV makes everybody look tall, you know. Yeah yeah, all the clips I've seen sitting down small. But at that time he had on glasses too. He wears class. Oh. I thought he was trying. He was trying to look I was gonna tell him they's some nicely glasses. Oh man, that's nice. I thought I thought they would props. No, no, I can't see. I didn't know that. I thought I thought they would props. I said, boy, they didn't found a way to make him look small. Michael get Lazick, though, been thinking about it. You can't see good. Lace ain't gonna help you, everybody. I thought lace was like if you needed for reading. You can't see cross the street. You can see cross for what You're gonna put some lives on to tell me talk about your TV show before we get out of here. Ready to Love. It is happening October on the own network. You do not want to miss it, hosted by your boy yours truly, it is going down Tuesday night, October ten p m. Eastern, nine Central. You do not want to miss it. That's the premier. All right, catch me Tuesday night, Ready to Love? All right, thinking of you coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news, Stephen. The guys I have been saying, don't let your president be the very reason you get your behind whipped. Well, now, Steve, your friend George Lopez, the comedian, agrees with you. Right after this, we'll talk about it. Okay, you're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Alright, so Steve Tommy Jr. Here's a story from the saying Steve, you love the saying don't let your president get your behind whooped, except for you don't stay behind. But anyway, say that. This is according to t m Z, Steve your friend. George Lopez, the comedian attacked a man in a Hooters restaurant who simply wanted a picture of George and only used a Trump reference to get George to smile, so says the man. Now TMZ spoke to the guy who George Lopez grabbed by the neck in a video taken at Hooters Hooters in New Mexico. So he grabbed him. He grabbed a guy by the neck. This is all on video. Sources close to George initially told TMZ that George went off after the man had allegedly followed and egged him on all night with Trump references. The guy in the video tells a different story, however, saying he only approached George at his table once that day to ask for a picture. He says George grabbed his phone and started filming his own crop. But but he but he never hit records. So anyway, t MZ was told George eventually gave the phone back and wanting to make him smile and ease an awkward situation. Then the guy said, on account of three say make America great again. Then George clearly didn't find the comment funny because he was on his way out of the restaurant when the video started. So, and I mean, you get two different versions of this story. So yeah, well, I think the guy is probably gonna file charges. Ask for for why the guy chose a Mr. Trump reference. Um, he says he was aware of George's disgust for Donald Trump and just wanted to crack a joke. For what it's worth, the guy in the video says he's a Democrat on paper and police confirmed they got a call about the scuffle and are looking into the incident. But what's more sure, what's more importance are the who the girls? All Right? We don't want them to be discouraged from coming to work the next We need that they are they Okay, they're okay, Okay, let's just keep let's make sure we check on them. Okay, did you hear anything I said about George Lopez, did he has a TV show Ready to Love? Who does need a little too? Who? Who does? In a minute? Ready to Love? That's your new TV show right on own. You don't let me say nothing no more? Okay, tell you so, Yes, sir, your livelihood is now it's like it's shot. Listen to your uncle. Now is sponsored driven. But Steve, you've managed to get around it badly. And by the way, you're welcome. Say you're welcome, Carla, welcome, You're welcome. You're welcome to Steve, You're welcome. They tried to get me with everything he got me. Yeah, they tried to give me. Yeah, we definitely try to try to protect you because we know you. We know you. But back in l A, back in the day when we first started on the show, anything he thought about you, man. I got a call one time from Susan to pass and Samuel L. Jackson within five minutes. Okay, look we got we got to say that time for today's headline. See let's move on before you say something else. Crazy, ladies and gentlemen, here she is miss and shrill. Thanks to you, monting everybody. This is an trip of the news. President Trump says that his administration has asked Turkey for an audio recording of what is believed to be proof that Washington Post reporter Jamaica Shogi was brutally tortured and murdered beheaded as well inside the Saudi consulate in his stumble. They say within seven minutes. However, Trump referred to the recording by telling US reporters a quote, We've asked for it if it exists, and then he quickly added, oh, it probably does exist. Up till now, Trump has been indicating that he believes the Saudi's denial of any involvement, warning of a so called rush to judgment, while at the same time insisting that he's not trying to provide any cover for him. I'm not giving cover at all. With that being said, so, the Arabia has been a very important ally of ours in the Middle East. Me While Secretary State Mike Pompeio was back from his business Saudi Arabia, where he supposedly spoke to the Prince about what happened. It itches of him on the newspapers and stuff, shaking his hand, but when asked about what he found out, Pompeo pretty much said he didn't fire anything, and I want to talk about any of the facts. Uh, they didn't want to either, and that they want to have the opportunity to complete this investigation in a thorough white Meanwhile, the headline in the Washington Post today reads wait and see amid global outrage over because Shogie Trump tries to protect the saudiast. Okay, here we go again. This time a white woman in St. John's County, Florida, call the police on a black man who was simply cheering his son on at a soccer game, claiming that she felt threatened. However, another white woman who witnessed the woman's unnecessary actions posted a video of her calling police as she sat in a golf cart and dubbed her golf cart gail. Local cops did not arrest the soccer dad because he wasn't guilty of anything. Since the election of Donald Trump, there's been a rash of white women calling the police on black men, women, and even children basically doing nothing but trying to live their lives. Some of these women have ended up losing their jobs. Golf cart gail and not. Today's aversary of former track and field superstar Bob Beamon's record setting long jump at the Mexico City Olympics, a record that's too for twenty three years and is still an Olympic record to aspire to. Mike Powell broke Beamon's record at ten eighteen this morning. Folks, Polks are gonna people are gonna be taking part in the largest earthquake drill ever. People in California, Ohio, and Indiana are going to be participating in it. You know, it's the drop cover whole thing they're gonna be doing at a ten eighteen this morning. Finally, the death toll from the Hurricane Michael is now up to thirty three lost lives, very very sad folks trying to get their homes back in Florida, parts of Virginia and Georgia. Finally, today is Love your Body Day. So if you love it, you know what to do with That's right, move your body. But stay right there and find out if Uncle Steve is smarter than his nephew. Moving back twenty minutes after the hour and Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Dave Harvey Show. Alright, guys, Will Smith, we love him, uh and we're getting to know him even better. He's going in deep in season. In the season premiere of Jada Pinkett's Red Table talk show on Facebook, he opens up to Jada, his daughter Willow, and his mother in law about the worst time in their marriage. Will recalls the time when Jada would wake up and cry every single morning. Take a listen, and there was a period where mommy woke up and cried forty five days straight. I started keeping a diary. Damn you miss some days. It was every morning. I think that's the worst I've ever felt in our marriage. I was failing miserably. That's deep. I want you all to know. There's a thing to be no treeing. That's something though. I mean for him to be that transparent and for it to have actually happened, because we would hear about them going through um, but never that. Will and Jada got married back. They have three children. Daughter, Willow is seventeen. They have a son, Jaden, who's twenty five, and a son, Trey, who's Jaden is twenty Trey is twenty five from a previous relationship. We've all heard the split rumors, like I said, multiple times over the years, but Will and Jada have made it very clear they have no plans to ever divorce. I love that. I love them, man, j absolutely, But I'm gonna tell you, man, it's so hard to be married and famous because of the Internet and cyberspace and anybody you know, it has something has to be done about this. That you can print a story about a person completely false does nothing that you can do about it if you go after them. They don't have money. So now you're just sitting there and you don't have the time to waste to go after because you're busy trying to hold your life together. And it's it's very very difficult, man. So a lot of times when celebrities have difficulties and it gets out to the media, Oh man, you you can't heal at the house because here it comes. Then you got off in you know. I saw y'all ain't gonna make it. Yeah, yeah, I had a cousin called me a couple of weeks ago. Bro, you all good man, wam I thought you was gonna make it with this one. What you're talking about? I saw on the cover after uh check out count of man y'all getting a four hundred million dollars to votes un million dollars. All right, Well, Margerie Marjorie cracking me up. She said, Steve, let me ask you something before we split up. Do we have four hundred millions? I said, gonna sit your ass, she said, because we got four. I'm not leaving exactly. All right, Coming up next at thirty four after the hour, we'll talk some more about marriage. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Earlier we talked about Will Smith and Jada Pinkett and how Will said the lowest point in his marriage to Jada was when Jada cried for forty five days straight. Will is going to appear on the season premiere of his wife's Facebook show. It's called Red Red Table Talk, and he's going to talk about his marriage. So, Steve, we were kind of getting into it a little bit about marriage, and I just wanted to ask you, um for for just some honest conversation here. What's the one piece of advice you think all couples need to know for a successful marriage. Well, even though you're married, I think it's important that you maintain a level of individuality. Absolutely. I think a lot of people go into marriage and think, Okay, we do everything together with all our money is together, all our time is together. Uh you got And then here's the other mistake. You got to make me first and make me happy. Um, you have to. First of all, let's addressed to the part about individuality. A person has to be able to have some hobbies that they enjoy, whether you like it or not. You know a person still. You know, if you married a guy that likes to play dominoes with his boys, and now you're married, now you want to shut down the domino with his boys, that that ain't right. You got a wife who love going to whine night with her girls. Now you're married, now you don't want to out with a girl cause some of them single. Hold our partner, she still has the right to have some form of individuality. So I think that's the biggest mistake man, because if you try to spend every way, com minute with a person and and lose yourself in it, you're going to be resentful and you're going to be unhappy. Second part, I learned this from a minister. It is not your job to make another person happy, nor should you make it yours, because man, that's an impossible task man to be to deal with that be to be responsible for another person's happiness. Man, do you know how hard that is hard? And man, let me tell you something I lived that I felt totally responsible for a person's happiness and it killed mine. I had none because it's hard enough keeping yourself together. Life is hard. So those are the two things that I think you know you can get into financing all that. But man, if a person is not allowed to be still, hang on the pieces of who they are, Like like if Marjorie didn't want me playing golf anymore, or didn't want me going to Vegas gambling no more, hein't hold up. Now if I told her she couldn't travel with her girls no more, or she loved going places, well I'm working. You can't go because I'm working. Well, hell, I work all the time? Right that I feel you, Steve, Because if Nest all of a sudden wanted me to cook, Jesus, are you serious. I haven't been cooking, not cooking, cooking, killing many at cooking all of a sudden, right, just it's just dealing food that you'll have, just just sandwiches. Well not right now, not right now, we have to go to the grocery store. But ain't nothing at unless he bring it. Just said it, Steve just said it. Don't lose your sense of self. Thank you, Steve. Okay, all right, tell me I want to hear from you. What do you have to say? Let's say something. Yeah, what's the best space of advice you can get for me for my marriage? Compromise all the fellows that listen, compromise me for you giving in not being right all the time? That's right? Uh huh, all right, listen. Hit us up on social media Steve Harvey FM to comment on this subject. Coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry letter. That right, the prank all the time? All right, Hit us up on social media at Steve Harvey f M to comment on this topic. Up next, the nephew has a prank phone call coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after my Strawberry letter for today subject I'm a star but my friends say I suck. Right now, though, it's the nephew here with today's prank phone call. What you got next? Right now? Hell lunchtime date, lunchtime date. Hello, Hey, I'm trying to speak to uh, speak to Alan. It is Alan. Who is this? Hey? Alan? Yo? This Derek man took us out. Bro you are Rachel's Rachel's husband, right yeah, yeah summer wrong? No no, no, no, no no no. I work this like I said this, Derek. Now, I work with your wife, Rachel, right you you you are supervisor or something. I mean you just this about work something. I mean, she's doing a good job and everything. She ain't back Oh no no, no, everything is straight, man, Ain't nothing wrong with your job. Everything is cool at the job. This this right here, man is like what I know? This man? And if you know, it just seems like every single day, you know, while she's on her lunch break, it seems like you know, you would call and and and uh and then blocked off the whole hour of her lunch break and actually, you know, just be real, man, I'm just trying to come correct with you. It just seems like you just cut in on all the time that I have that I had with her. What well, whoa whoa whoa? Hold hold hold up on, hold on, hold up, broke way you what are you doing at lunch with my lady sons. Like I said, you know, we're just we're just spending time, you know, doing lunch time. But it just seems so rude, you know that rude rude you you Okay. First of all, that's my lady, Okay, I can call her whenever the I feel like calling that. That's what I pay for them phone, Jill. I bought that iPhone five I could get whenever please. All right. Secondly, you ain't got no business being with a married woman alone at lunch. There ain't no date. You're supposed to be at work. No, we are at work. We call im saying we call workers. You know. Here it seemed like half the whole time I'm sitting in front of her, you know, we're supposed to be having LUs together, and she talking to you the whole Uh. But what's what's your name? Beeting? Derek? There? All right? There? You are at the same building up? Okay? You you would work right now? Huh? Yeah? I mean yeah, I'm me as the job and you'll work in the same flow. Because I can't come and see you, you have to jump off way way different for you straight up. Okay, So let let me ask you something, man, what is the big deal? Understand? Okay? You act like you don't see her. You look like you don't see her when she gets home, you know. So why is this so important that you waste a whole hour of lush and holding up? And you wasted? Ain't wet? I'm talking to my lady. Okay, you understand that. Why don't you go out and and then you ain't got to worry about sitting up in front of me, lady, that's my wife. I walked down the hour with that. We got kids, we got a house, We take care that. He helped me hold it down. And you you you ain't you know if like you you don't ever want to come in and do but they got stuf always want to come in somebody else? Wife? And why why don't you do this? Take take this vice and see what it works. Have works for you. Go to club, church, library, grocery stole, wherever. Find your day, and you get you a chick. You gave her for a minute, you called her for a minute. You romance up for men. That's what real men do. You know what I'm saying. That's what I did. That's how I got my my Rachel. That's stuff, that's my heart. You're trying to sit up there in front of lunch with us every day for the past year. I'll tell you what, bro, it may not be today, it may may be tomorrow, but soon soon you're gonna see me me. You're gonna have none of this phone conversation. It's gonna be a face to face. Through all I say, man, I ain't trying to come between y'all at all. All I'm done, okay, like I'm saying, I'm not trying to come between y'all. I'm just saying, it's every day you call it, man, What do you want wife to talk to every guy day? That's what a dude. You don't know about that because you were You ain't no real All you know about it trying to highlight some treat. You don't know what it is to put it in work like a real man, dude, to actually hold down a home, pay the bills, everything, the family, the kicking, fixing the yards and fences, and you don't know nothing about that. All you know about it is you know roach, wife can't even go to work without like you, trying to step ahead. And I don't mean no guy, because but that's okay. Like I promise you, I'm gonna be there. You're gonna see me, and I'm gonna see you. You know, I'll tell you what this house is gonna go. It may not be the night, but it's definitely not gonna go past tomorrow. Between now and then, you're gonna see me, and I'm gonna see you, and I can't. What's what's your sne herd me? It's I would come see you by tomorrow, son, I mean you Derek. That's your name right, Derek? My name is there? Yeah, you don't always want to people smiling face in my wife's face. I do, Rachel when I see it, he can Please believe that. Please believe that talked to about a little friend at lunch and like the hell getting my nup anyway, I got still know how to rate your phone. But that's besides the moon my birst. So don't ain't that cool? I don't think. I ain't never heard of no dance before the day. And what's sudden you calling me talking about you? Was at lunch every day with wife and you know about dogs. It's a friendly hunch date, just word it is. I don't know how you just do friendly. I know about all that you ain't feeling me. You got no like you who pray on very women all the time because they like you. But that's like I said, it's gonna change, okay does Here's here's what you don't know. What you all know is is tell me, tell me be pushing up on the more than mem Tommy. Tommy is always pushing up on her. Tommy the one you need to be worried about. He left time me who me who Timmy? Dog dog dog? If you Tommy, man, check this out. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife Rachel got me to prank phone called you. Oh y'all did me? Maney, I shouldn't come down to may. I am now gonna well, you know, I think I'm burned that building down. You don't even know, Tommy, is this my prediction? Somebody gonnack you up for real? Y'all? You just you played too, But man, y'all trip it hey mane take it out. You gotta tell me this man, what is the baddest radio show in the lane? Only the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Man Before I don't make sense. If I'm out with this man wife at lunch, why is he calling you know what I'm saying? Why we haven't lunched now that this was anything? He called his wife? Is that what you just as? If we are lunch and it's lunch time and I'm having lunch with her, ain't it rule? They didn't rude for him to be on the phone like this, can be walking around outside with just regular clothes on, no equipment, no shoulder pass nobody how he ain't got a vest zone at time? That's what I'm gonna get you for Christians? What well vests? Yeah? Bulletproof? Yeah? What you want one? Just for knives? Everybody's gonna get up like that. He's stupid. You want that phone? It's Steve. I'm not wearing it. I'm not wearing it, all right. Make make sure we say this at chick Yes, because I did. I not offered to buy you did yeh. We're in the hospital gathering around your damn bed. I'm gonna throw it on your ass then fast. Let me let me drop these dates in Man November ninth and tenth, I am fits Tunica Casino with Hotel fits Tunica casino in hotel that is November ninth and tenth. In Tunica, Mississippi, Noveen, fifteen through the seventeen. The Funny Bone. That's Richmond, Virginia. Get yourself some tickets because the nephew was coming to tap Black Friday. There would be November twenty third. Girl wants the name of the place in Tunica in Tunicas Fitz Tunica Casino and Hotel Fitz Tunica Casino in Hotel z I t Z. Yeah, Funny Bone A fifteen through the seventeen, Richard, Virginia, November twenty three, Grand Rapids, Michigan. That right there is good Friday at DeVos Performance Hall. Good Friday. You're a black fried black fry. All right, thank you black good doing. Coming up the subject for the Strawberry Letter for today. I'm a star, but my friends say I suck. That's coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click Submit Strawberry Letter Okay, right, Steve, that's it. That's all we got today. We're ready neck, Let's go up. Hold on tight. Here it is the straw Baby letter. You're gonna love this letter, Steve subject. I'm a star, but my friends say I suck. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm forty nine years old, but I look thirty. Praise the Lord. I'm an entertainer by nature. I love life, and I celebrated every day. I'm high energy and always the life of the party wherever I go. Recently, I started an Instagram account to showcase my talent, and I have a few hundred followers that like my work. I learned from you, Steve, that it's never too late to pursue your dreams. So here's my issue. It's never too late. So here's my issue. My so called friends told me that I'm not as good as I think I am, and when they come to my shows, it's just for a good laugh. They told me that they have been laughing at me and not with me for the longest time, but they didn't have the heart to tell me. Can you imagine how I felt. I was down and felt defeated at first, but then I said scrow them. I miss hanging out with my friends, but I know in my soul that I'm bound for greatness. What should I do now? I need support and positive input, not a bunch of haters laughing at me. Do I go from here? Should I stay on track and pursue my passion or listen to my hating friend. I want to leave my job and pursue this full time, so please help me. I don't want to make a big mistake. Well, um, this entire letter, you didn't say what your talent is you. You didn't say if you were a singer, dancer, actress, comedian, et cetera. You didn't say, I'm guessing possibly a comedian. Since you say they're laughing at you and not with you, I knew you were gonna say that, Steve, Uh, she could be a singer, though, I'm sure when they told you that. Yes, of course you felt defeated. Not to mention hurt, and you are right. It's never too late to pursue your dreams. You shouldn't give up on your dreams. Uh. Many talented people say, uh, you know they got their starts later in life. And maybe your friends are hating you. Don't know. So what I say to you is you need to get in front of some professionals who can really tell you, you know, if you have some talent or not, and you can and you know, then decide if it's something you want to pursue. But please, Lord, please do not quit your job before you get a professional opinion. Okay, because I hate to say it, but but what if your friends are writing, then you quit your job. Okay, don't do that, all right, Just get in front of some professionals. Um, you know, if you have some tapes, if you have some videos and stuff, send them around, uh to see what they think. Some real people, all right, who are in the business. All right, Steve, you ain't gonna do none of that. Later here to professional right here, Let's just go and get this. Cut the music off, make sure she hit me clear this off. Let me show you line by line how this is not good. I'm forty nine years old, but I look thirty to who I'm forty nine years old, but I looked thirty. Who next line? Praise the Lord? Ready for this one. I'm an entertainer by nature. The hell do that? Meat, I'm an entertainer by nature. I'm assuming nature is an offshoot of the word natural, meaning I'm an entertainer naturally. Now, let me explain something to you. When you're naturally an entertainer, it don't mean you're good at it. Your ass just like a fool around and clown. And then here you come. Just what I thought. I love life. I celebrated every day. I'm high energy. I'm always the life of the party wherever I go. Okay, you know how many people is that ain't making a damn dollar at it? You ready for you next one? I started in Instagram account showcase my talent. I have a few hundred followers that like my work. Uh excuse me. I don't know how long you've been doing this, but a few hundred is like three hundred people that like your work. There's people that sit on Instagram all day and hit that little heart say they like something. Now, it's a lot of people that ain't got no talent that's on Instagram liking people other people that ain't got talent. Baby, that don't mean nothing has any there mask you can they buy your music or anything. She a singing, Shelly, she's singing in a bad wady, but she a bad one now because she stopped singing and just started explaining stuff to people, then jump right back into song. She like a musical, Yeah, she's like a music Oklahoma. Yeah, she'll be talking you know what. And then it's came to me. I been looking for love and I find did in. That's what I did, girl, I found loving that Okay. Then this is where the letter takes an ugly turn. I learned from you, Steve. See. I don't like getting drug into this type mess right here because I ain't seen you. So if you're for the nine, I definitely ain't told you you look thirty. Ah. I'm an entertainer for real, not by nature. It's what I do. My Instagram. Ain't got to three people on here liking my work. M I don't know, lady, just say looking good. So here's my issue. My so called friends told me I'm not as good as I think I am, and when they come to my shows it's just for a good lad. They told me they've been laughing at me and not and not with me for the longest time. But DATA had a heart attend when they just told you. Helen. Now I'm here to tell you too. Surely talking about a professional opinion. I'm gonna give it to you right after we get She asked for it. She needs that. Um. All right, Look, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up. The subject of this letter is I'm a star, but my friends say I suck. Uh. We're gonna get into it at only three after the hour when we come back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's somebody think they molding I'm a star, but my friends say our sun. Now, if this is all this is a contradictory, see this. This this letter goes downhill. I'm forty nine, but I look thirty. Right there. She's been in the middle a lot. I'm entertained by nature. I got a few hundred followers that like my work. You're farty nine. You got three hundred people. You're farty nine. You ain't got the three hundred people you're farty nine. See Tommy fit, Tommy Phillip, comedy clubs, venues sell out all over the country, kills selling our shows. These dudes is frame us. You can't go no damn well and fill up a round. No, she needs a professional opinion. See, you can't go no what anybody about now take it to see you. The fact that you won't tell us what you do is a sign that you must not do it. Well. I'm entertaining and I'm with Shelly. Now do you tell jokes or do you sing? Or is it a combination? Or is it when you start singing? It's a damn joke. My so called friends told me I'm not as good as I think I am, and when they come to my shows, it's just for a good laugh. They told me that they've been laughing at me and not with me for the longest. So you might be telling jokes or trying to do something, but they didn't have a heart to tell me. Can you imagine how I feel? Let me tell you I can't. I can't relate to this story here at all. Now I don't know what you're talking about. He comes my show laughing at me. I had you had houling and rolling. I make people get up, run to the back of the room and come back and try to sit down. I make people balled up in a knot. I have people face hurting, spitting drinks out. Ain't that what we do? Tommy junior side. Now can you imagine how I felt? Now? Hell, no, we came. I was down and felt defeated at first, but then I said, screw them. I miss hanging out with my friends. But I know in my soul here, well, here go my favorite. But I know in my soul that I'm bound for greatness. You know that's probably heaven. That's probably what you're bound for greatness. Yeah, you've brought up soul and bound. Your soul is probably bound for health, and you probably real nicely so you'll sound that you think it's bound for great Now you're just gonna go to heaven, which is even better than being down here and being a successful entertained by nature. What should I do? I need support and positive input, put not a bunch of haters laughing at me. Okay, cool, here's some positive input. Shirley told you, whatever you do, don't quit your damn day. John Shatty told you that I agree with Shirley. What Shary said, whatever you do, don't quit your job. You said, where do I go from here? Should I stay on track and pursue my passion? You are not on track. You ain't got no track. You got three hundred likes on Instagram. Don't don't base them on that or listen to my hating friends. I want to leave my job and pursue this full time, don't you do? Shirley said, whatever you do, don't you quit your damn job. You're gonna starve. Let me explain to you what you're gonna do. Listen to me. If you quit your job, You're gonna have to find a refrigerator box. What you're listening to me, You're gonna have to find a refrigerator box. Then you're gonna have to find an open space under the bridge. You have to find yourself a grocery car. Gotta have that car. You gotta have that car. Then in that grocery car, you're gonna have to find your air conditioning to put in it. Then you're gonna need to start collecting clothes and put all of them on at the same time. You got the layer. Then then you're gonna become record Nasable, Act one. And then you're gonna be sitting somewhere at the bus stop talking to your day. And then some of your friends gonna be in their car on their way to work and look over there and they're not gonna be showish you because all of a sudden your asses fitting looking every bit a sixty nine. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you what's happening. She says, she learned from you. It's damn thing for me. Learn this from me. Learn it's never too late to pursue your dream. Just change your dream. You're not gonna be an entertainment if you're forty nine and you ain't made a check. First of all, they don't give fifty year old people record deals. Ye she's a singer. Yeah. See, if you're a singer, they're not gonna get your record deal because they give you record deals for three records. Ain't even no promise you're gonna be here to do the third album. Hen, I'm just trying to tell you how they don't do it. Now listen to me. Now, you got just gross your card next to your bus stop and he talking to yourself. Your friends are driving by time out. Damn you know what that sho don't look like her. It can't be because it ain't that you didn't gain weight. It's just you got everything you own, everything you own, you got it on. Now listen to me, stop this. You're not feeling. Be no stop, she already is in your mind. Just be a great person. Try to make it to heaven. Your reward is in heaven because it ain't down at the feeling. We gotta go at your Instagram, your thoughts on Today's Strubberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM coming up in ten minutes from the Talk Our Girl, Cheryl Underwood, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla is going to spill the tea with Carla's reality update. But right now from the Talk it is our girl introduced her Stay, ladies and gentlemen. I'm hoping she heard what I said to the Strawberry Letter and she can reaffirm and fix Sheryl Underwood, You're absolutely right, Steve Harvey. Let me tell you. Let me tell me how I write your eye, then listen to me. Um in my mid fifth is close to sixties, two hundred and fifteen pounds. Let me tell you the things that somebody should have told me. I was never gonna be in the figure skating out. Don't even at the black girl used to figure skate whippo. Lord, I thought I was gonna be that listen to me. You are right state. I thought I was gonna be shall you know, a Van Dela or some Remember I told you I thought I was gonna be in the caravans. I thought avote the walkers and listen, you give up drinking a cussin. You can't sing with nobody. You know. I had to shout out appetite walker. Listen me, Seve. You A lot of people would would save a lot of time and energy if they focused on you. Got to know where the blessing from God comes. And sometimes the blessing from God is clarity. There are things that I would never be a gymnastic person. First of all, I can't get on that little piece of wood and give it you around. It don't work. Don't work. I'm too fat for that. I can't. I can't do that. Oh, let me tell you what. I'm never gonna be ready a vegetarian because you got to be real. Your friends be real with you. Listen. I love vegetables, but I like a pork chop next to my green, next to my cabbage. I'm gonna keep it real. The Lord directed me to where I need to go. So Steve, you're absolutely right now it may be harsh, but some people want to project. They fantasy on you for you to coach side. It ain't gonna happen. No, sir, No, sir member, Steve member. I came to you and I said, listen to me, Steve me, you could recreate Sam for the Sun. I said, you gonna be. You're gonna be fred Gie. I said, I got woodrowed down. Id. Yes, man, I could do a good wood or graded. Listen to me. Remember slapping White was on that. I said, oh, I didn't do slapping right because the one the page is too good for me to try to duplicate. You got to know limits. You got to know what your talent is. And then don't step out on something and then say God don't want you to have it. God didn't tell you to get it. You can't sign you ain't. Everybody don't need to sing in the qua, so you're messing up the service right there. Everybody's saying sometime you need to be in something else. A deacon. You know you need to be on the usher board. Everybody can't sign that. You're telling people right, and you're saving people to not get taking advantage of. But before I go while we're talking about taking advantage. Voter suppression is real. So I'm just gonna tell you why we truly here making you laugh and making you think. Now, what's going on in Georgia is letting people know where they got something. Where your names to look exactly the way it is on your driving licenser. But they can't put your name all on your driving lins So when you do register to vote, you may have a slightly different name because all that don't fit on your car. Why am I telling you this. We got to vote, and it's your state. That's why your state assembly person, that's where they start the suppression. We must be ready now. You must get your absentee. Ballet fill it out right, don't mess it up. Use black and blue ink. Do what you need to do. Why did God put us here? Because we are the new messengers. You must be ready because voter suppression is real, and it's real for black and brown and disenfranchised white people. So, Steve, if you're telling people something, if you are alive, do what God bless you to do. Do what God bless you to do. Don't make no fantasy in your mind, but what's real. We gotta get out there and vote, because that's your quality of life right there, your quality of your vote. Vote. So you can't sign standing on stage thinking your ass is something by nature. Because you go down to the apolo they still booing people down there to tell you something, I can clear it up for you in the one night night come on with me. I got down there. You ain't got to want to know more. If you got no more, let you know and let me tell you something. I want to take you to Apollo, not on the TV show. I want you to go on Wednesday night. Night is amateur night. Wheen'sday night is amate night. Oh it's it's the stuff that can't get at. That's right, that's rude, that's right. You got to know these things. You got to know what you could do. You know, Getting Graham Central Station with Larry Graham, and Larry Graham said, look, only one of us can have a mustache, only one in love. We have good from passion, that compassion one to you here the seat ready you sound like sound like? Sound that good here? Crushing dreams, crushing dreams right now. I thought I was close to Larry Graham. You were, You were right, man, listen man, me and Steve, were gonna do this bit where I was gonna be offense Trilis dog man. Let'm say something, y'all the most fun I need? Why could that need? Sound with a buckle? We gotta go. We thank you so much. As always coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's Reality Update. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tommy, let's get it. It's that time, ladies and gentlemen callers Reality Update. Thank you that few. Here we go season finale. By now, you guys have seen the season finale of Braxton Family Values. Did you guys see it? Surely? Did you see ya? Yeah? Wait, okay, so Eya tried to have to Braxton come on see you was on that lett him have it play. That's right, Steve, you saw it, and you know probably with probably thought wasn't gone wrong with huh. Yeah, in the beginning, you are absolutely correct. In the beginning it was a two part uh series or episode a season finale. There was some some some ongoing issues, you know with the sisters. They've been beefing and uh during part one of the show, your girl Tamar, she wasn't having it. She was just upset with because you know how Iyana, you know, on her show Fixed Fix My Life. You're know she can get in your face and you know the way that she tries to get people to open up. Yeah, and Tamar really wasn't feeling that. She wasn't feeling her method and how she was trying to do that. But ian La, she was kind of sick of the Braxton's to Uh. There was a part of the show where Tamar was late, Tony was late, and so Sheila ian left and say, y'all need to get your stuff together and when you're ready to get it together, then we'll talk. Next day rolls around. Uh, Eyana talks about the issues and trying to get to the root of the problem and what's really going on with these women, with these sisters. And Tamar was being disrespectful to ellan La and you know how she does with her her man Torhysm and yes, yes, well her mother Evelyn had enough. Take a listen, where calm down. Whether you agree with a yell not, you cannot disrespect her because none of you were raised that way. Tell her what you feel, but it's a way to do it, baby, So I'm not doing respect your eldest. Let's go with what the word you want to go with the word, I got this train. Not say anything when I'm sorry. We will. I'm telling you right darned now, you say one more world and I got you. We will respect her. I make myself clear. I see the hurt. I know you're hurt. I'm disrespected him. You're going to come. She's frustrated for a lot of things. There's a lot that's going on with Tamar, and that's why we're here. Give yourself a chance. Whoa n that's a black mom, right, you got one more time? Yeah, I got my disrespected, respect your elders. That's how we were always. You can't get your as she said, I got you got she said, you got one more time. And then Trina, the other sister, was gonna say something. You heard her mama said I got this train. And she was like, oh, I'm sorry, MoMA, sit back, I got this. If that ain't my mama. At that Thanksgiving table, somebody say something else that I got some quiet up in there because my daddy looked up from eating. Now let's let be all say say something else. And then you say something damn false. So man, my father, Hey dog, my dad at Thorpe played it with your food on it. Man, I'll something, man, it's something wrong with my damn dad, I'd man not. Yeah. So, you know, back to Ian and the Braxton's, she talked to Miss Evelyn and Mr Michael, you know, the parents and their marital issues. They were saying. She was trying to get them to understand that is a problem that was a problem with the children, with the daughters and how they are behaving and treating each other. And then Tony Tony dropped the bombshell. She admitted to Illanla that she didn't like her family. Really, Tony Tony said this, yes, yes, the one. That's what she said at the It's been times where she just did not like her family. And that was just a moment where Iyana had them do like an exercise and they had to confess. I think about it. He having these moments, Carla. Yeah, didn't Miss Evelyn say that? Um when when they had the one on one that she didn't know the man talking about her her current ex husband. She didn't know him now he was dead to her. Yeah, because of Miss Evelyn said that about Mr Michael, which is you know, the father, her ex husband, and you know, they got a divorce. He cheated on her, and so what Yalla was saying, y'all's relationship has affected your daughters and your behavior and and and the messiness of the divorce. And so she was saying that he was dead to her and that because he cheated on he he crushed her, crushed Miss Evelyn, and she never it seems like it's been a very long road for her to forgive him, you know, for that. So it was it was a good episode. Tracy, she had some issues too because she you know, the sisters, I don't know if you know this, but they held out for midseason contract negotiations with the WEE TV network, and so they all decided that they weren't gonna go back and do the show Braxton Family Values. But Tracy went back to work, and so she said that she felt like the sisters labeled her as a trader. But she said she needed the money, she needed her check, and she needed to go she needed to go to work, and and you know, that was pretty much it. At the end of the shower, Well, they showed her family for a few episodes in her life, and what she was going through and then you know, finally that was it, and then Tamar did at heartfelt apology and assistance. Yes, yeah, she did a very hardfelt apology and some of the sisters that they finally believed her at that moment. So I guess child the practice, they're gonna try to work it out. Go to Lipspark, Carla, if you want to comment on more, we will be back at twenty after the hour. That is Reality Updates. You're listening to morning show. All right, nephew, we're gonna make this this segment right here, all about you. You have a brand new show called Ready to Love Us on own congratulations, tell us about it. Ready to Love this is. This is what I like about it is. It's a dating game. Now it's a it's a dating show. It's in Atlanta. Okay. You start out with with twelve beautiful ladies. You start out with eight men. They go out on dates with one another. They come back, we talk about Me and the fellas talk about it together. Me and the ladies. We sit down, we talk about it. They get they get to bounce things off of me on each side, and they get to let me know what they're going through. But what's bad is when you got the fellas who actually who actually want to go out with the ladies, tell them a whole bunch of stuff that they really ain't feeling. You're lying to them, you're running game on them. And it's my job to stop all the game. Cracked the whip on these boys as hard as I can so they can go over there and actually try to find true love and treat these ladies with the utmost respect. The ladies they tied up it. They and their thirties, they forties, They hadn't been around the block before, some of them been married, some of them have children. And you know they they you know, their career driven. They got it going around the girl women man. And the main thing is they're not for your game. And they and they're letting them out, letting they're calling them out on it. They calling these brothers to the table about running this game. If this is really what you're looking for, put up a shut up. This one right here is completely different because when you see, you might see a guy go out with this girl one week and you said, you know what they're gonna make. It's gonna beat them too. And then you turn around the next week and be like what I there he didn't want a whole different direction, or she don't even want him no more. It changes a lot. That's a lot. You go tell me what's your role? What exactly do you do on the show? I mean, I'm the host. I am the person that that that navigates you through the entire show. This season, it's me. I'm letting you know what's going on. Who went out with who, what happened I bring I make these guys sit down and tell me. Explain your day to me, tell me what happened or and when it's time for someone to eliminate someone, I put it on the guys or on the girls. Ladies. You guys have to let these two men go. Whoever it is you want or fellas, you gotta take them out and tell them they gotta go. So it's it's it's it's tight, it's twist and turns about the whole ten weeks. I can't yes, I like, is the premier ten Eastern nine Central? You do not want to miss it? Only on network? Well, how you feeling it's good? I'm gonna give you this one free. Tommy. You should inform men because once you get to these grown women that then't had enough of games and they're really looking for something serious. There are women you can just play with their own Instagram, their own Tender. They swipe white, swipe left, look for hook ups. You know it's some women out there that's for this, but they're probably gonna be younger. So take your old thirty five forty year old behind down on Tender and get to swipe and ripe, swipe left because they know it's called the hook up app. And there are a lot of women on that is just looking for casual date. Go play with them. There's women who really want to play nowadays. It's sad, but it is. I don't recommend it, but you should say to the fellas, stop playing with these grown women. Man, exactly, get over there on tend to play with somebody that want to play because they're young and they all know no. All right, Uh more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So Steve Tommy Jr. Here's a story from the saying, Steve, you love the saying, don't let your president get your behind whooped except for you don't stay behind. But anyway, this is according to t m Z, Steve your friend, George Lopez, the comedian attacked a man in a Hooters restaurant who simply wanted a picture of George and only used a Trump reference to get George to smile, so says the man. Now TMZ spoke to the guy who George Lopez grabbed by the neck in a video taken at Hooters Hooters in New Mexico. So he grabbed him. He grabbed the guy by the neck. This is all on video. Sources close to George initially told TMZ that Orge went off after the man had allegedly followed and egged him on all night with Trump references. The guy in the video tells a different story, however, saying he only approached George at his table once that day to ask for a picture. He says, George grabbed his phone and started filming his own crop. But but he but he never hit records. So anyway, t MZ was told George eventually gave the phone back and wanting to make him smile and ease an awkward situation. Then the guy said, on account of three say make America great again. Then George clearly didn't find the comment funny because he was on his way out of the restaurant when the video started. So and I mean, you get two different versions of this story. So yeah, man, somebody filing charges. Well, I think the guy is probably gonna file charges. Ask for for why the guy chose a Mr. Trump reference? Um, He says he was aware of George's disgust for Donald Trump and just wanted to crack a joke. For what it's worth, the guy in the video says he's a Democrat on paper and police confirmed they got a call about the scuffle and are looking into the incident. But what's more sure, what's more importance are the who the girls? All right? We don't want them to be discouraged from coming to work the next We need that they are they Okay, They're okay, Tony, Okay, let's just keep Let's make sure we check on them. Okay, did you hear anything I said about George Lopez or a TV show Ready to Love? Who does need a little too? Who? Who does? In a minute? Ready to Love? That's your new TV show right on own. You don't even let me say nothing, No, more can tell you. So, yes, sir, your livelihood is now it's like shot listen to your uncle now it is. It's sponsored driven. But Steve, you've managed to get around it badly. And by the way, you're welcome that You're welcome. Carla, you're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. Steve, You're welcome. They tried to get me with everything when they got me. Yeah, they tried to give me. Yeah. We definitely try to try to protect you because we know you. We know you. All right, we're coming back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. As a matter of fact, this is our last break of the day. Steve's clothes thing remarks. You don't want to miss it. It's been a good day. We'll be back at forty nine after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, here we are, last break of the day, Steve. I know you have some closing remarks for us today. What you got I mean, man, um, I've I've read some good books, man, Bishop Jake's books are basic instincts. Great book, man, just a great book. I really, for the most part, only have the time to read certain types of books and the types of books I usually choose to read a self help books, you know, books where I can improve myself. You know that would include the Bible. But there are some books out there that I've written spiritually base that are very very helpful. Also, and Joel Olstein has a book I think I told you a little bit about it earlier this The name of the book is Next Level Thinking. Next Level Thinking says it all because let me explain something. I don't care who you are. If you want to get to the next level, if you don't want to stay where you are, if you want to elevate yourself and get to the next level, you're going to have to change your current thinking. See listen to me, y'all. All of us have thought ourselves to where we are now. We ain't got nobody else to blame. Oh, you can choose to do it that way. Well, if they hadn't done me wrong, if I hadn't lost my job, I got all that. Things do happen in life. Admittedly, things come along that we have no control over that can set us back at times. I am fully aware of that. But in order to grow, you've got to pick up the slack and take the aim because you can't change another person. You can't make another person be something you want them to be. You can't stop everybody from hating on you. You can't stop the plant from closing. You might not be able to stop foreclosure on your home. You might not be able to get that child of yours to graduate for nothing in the world. So there are things that are going to happen that you have no control over. The one thing you can really control is you. You can do something about you. So here's the deal. If you are somewhere in life and you desire to go to the next level. In order to get to the next level, I don't care who you are, you have to change some thinking. If I want to get to the next level that I'm trying to accomplish, I have to change some of my current thinking. Because we've all thought ourselves to where we are right now. We are all a product of our thoughts and actions, all of us, all of us, every last one of us. We are partly responsible and greatly responsible for where we are now. Thank you for the grace of God that many of us are in places that we we couldn't have possibly worked ourselves into. And I want to volunteer my hand and stick it up in the air because I am one of those people. My life is covered with God's grace. I'll give him that. But let me explain something to you. If I don't put the work in, what can God? What does God put his finger on to bless? So what I'm saying is, we've all thought ourselves to where we are, and thank God for his grace that we are all. Some of us are further long than we even should be. I'm included. But if you have any intention of growing, expanding, developing, being more successful, being happier, being uh more well liked, being more meaningful, more impactful of a person. You want to be effective in more people's lives. You want to be a catalyst for change, you are going to have to change your thinking. It will not happen unless you change your thinking. So as well as you might think I've been I'm doing, I want you to know something. The plan that I have for myself, the one that I'm confiding in God with on a daily basis, has required, as Joelo's Things book says, that you're gonna have to develop some next level thinking. I met with a billionaire one time, and I'm feeling okay about myself, and I'm at this house and I'm realizing, Man, this dude right here is on some whole another. And as we got to talking after hours and hours, he says, Steve, Steve, you're gonna have to elevate your thinking. I said, man, I'm a really positive person. He said, yeah, well, you're gonna have to. Let me see the phrase he used to me. He's I can't think of the exact phrase he said to me, but I got the message. You're gonna have to big up meaning you're gonna have to supersize everything. If you want to change ten thousand boys lives a year, you gotta start thinking of how you can change a million of them a year. I went wow. He said, if you want to send ten thousand kids to school, he said, you should change your thinking. How do you send a million of them to school? He said, Man, if your goal is to make a thousand millionaires, how do you make a million millionaires? He said? That's how billionaires think. They just they level everything up. Everything goes up with them. They think up, therefore they act up. Therefore they become up. Therefore they come up. It's crazy man. You've got to develop next level thinking. I recommend Joel Olds to so I kid you enough. That's just greatful, But you gotta change the way you think everybody. If you want to do better, you're not a change. Those are my clothes. Drop it Davy, just necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For Pleek contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.