Cardi B., Police Reform Bill, NFL, Verzuz and more.

Published Jun 17, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today's show is called "Y'all Must Have Forgot" because Uncle Steve told you so. We are open for business. The Chief Love Officer talks about whether age matters or not. Cardi B. gets more ink. Trump signs an Executive Order aimed at tracking law enforcement misconduct. Rayshard Brooks was honored on Monday by family and friends during his memorial service. Roger Goodell talks about the role that he sees Colin Kaepernick having with the NFL. Police Departments across the country are losing officers. Juneteenth Alicia Keys will battle John Legend on the piano. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about his obligation to The Steve Harvey Nation and reflects on the challenges of today, plus more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all sit looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu bu things and it's not good at Steve har to sty don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come come on your back, Uh huh, I sure will come on and everybody, y'all listen to the voice. Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey. Uh how a radio show? Yep? Yep. Sometimes I saw all I can say. Yelp, Man, how far I've come is really unbelievable. But you know I finally figured it out. Man. God allowed me to have the life I've had so that I can become experienced at so many different things. And then this experience when I'm talking and sharing with people, I will be able to relate to a lot of different circumstances, not exact, but just the circumstances. You know. You know if a person comes to men, they say, man, I've been down and out. Okay, Well I know what that is. Man. I didn't I didn't have any direction, Okay, got that been there man. At one point, Ti Man, I just kept piling mistake on top of mistakes. Okay, So you know, I think what I'm trying to say to everybody is when you're going through life and life is dealing the cards that it deals, I want you to understand that life deals everybody these cards. The disappointment card, the setback card, the failure card, the mishap card, the unexpected misery card. Everybody gonna get, the grief card, everybody gonna get, the rash of bad decision card, everybody gonna get them. Understand that going in that everybody is gonna get these cards. It's how you play them, though, you know, from time to time, one more time, it's how you play them, you know, from time to time. When watching TV, I love to watch the World Series of Poker. I like watching poker tournaments on TV because it's it's really weird, what's happened to a sport? To a poker they're actually trying to call it a sport, you know, And as the everyday guy that doesn't have to be athletically inclined to anything, who has a shot of winning a title if they play their cards right, the best poker players in the world don't have the best hands. They just make the best plays. I've seen guys win a hand with nine two in their hand, that's nothing, and win their hand because they knew the bluff, they knew the odds, they calculated risks, they made the stakes higher than the other person was willing to pay. They gave off the illusion that they had something with an actuality. They had nothing. So what I what I enjoy about poker and watching it is that these people, these people here, played the hand they dealt and it ain't always a good hand. But it ain't whether your hand is good, And it ain't whether you're gonna get dealt bad cards or not. Because you're gonna get dealt some bad cards. Everybody ain't gonna get two bullets in their hand. You ain't gonna get two aces when you get dealt. Uh. You know, when you play a draw poker, some of your cards gonna be nothing. But you got to turn that nothing into something. So when you get dealt these cards in life, it ain't the fact that you get keep getting them dealt. I was talking with a young person yesterday and we were talking and we keep having the same conversation over and over and over, and they could not understand why they were not moving forward. But I said, you don't understand. Every time we talk, we have the exact same conversation. It is simply because you keep getting your cards and you playing them the same way. See. Until you make a conscientious different, the conscious decision to do something different, the results will continue to be the same. See here's the way this works. When you're dealt to disappointments in life, it's how you handle the disappointments that determine the outcome and who you are. Because everybody gonna be disappointment, Everybody gonna lose a love one, everybody gonna make a bad decision, everybody gonna end wake up one morning they have done something they regretted. Everybody gonna get caught at the wrong time, every everybody gonna make a mistake. It ain't just you. That is how you play your cards when they get dealt to you, that determine who you are. Na, how do I play my cards better? First of all, it's a mindset. Quit looking at everything as just the end when it happens to you. Oh lord, woe is me? Nah, everybody got your cumstances somewhere. It ain't old. Woe is me, it's hold on, man, Okay, let me play this out to see how God then connected this to something else. See. As soon as a person have a setback, what's the first thing a lot of people do, they go straight negative. I can't see him to get a break. I can't see him move forward. Hold on, man, do you realize this could be connected to something? See? You got to understand, man, that this thing is all connected. That you're not having these mishaps and these spills and accidents and falls for no reason. It's so you can become experienced at them. So when he takes you to the next level, when it happens again, you have no how and how to handle it. If you keep throwing yourself off the cliff every time something happened, you're just gonna be a cliff diver. Man, Stop tripping yourself out. I was talking to this young person. I kept saying, and you know what they tried to tell me. I'm trying to stay positive. But the people around here, they're just killing that. Oh. I see. So when you learn something and then you know something, you don't take ownership of it. You allow other people to come into what you know and believe and shake it loose from you. I don't care who you are. You're not doing me like that. Here's a deal. I have a gift that was given to me from God. That is the gift of comedy. That's what I've done. I've made the bulk of my living on that skill set. Right there. That are comedians who are supposedly friends of mine, who I've worked with, who get around in huddles with one another and they say, man, Steve really ain't funny. I don't see what they'd be laughing at. He ain't funny to me. He wasn't the funniest king to me. Excuse me, you're irrelevant in this conversation because it regardless as to how you feel about me. That are people think that I'm knocked down kill over funny. But more importantly, I own the gift that God gave to me. I take ownership of his blessing. Because you don't think it's so. You ain't taking that from me. Stop letting people steal your Stop letting people take what you're supposed to know. Look, I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a kind person at heart. Man, you ain't nothing now you said if it going, Man, I guess I ain't what you're tripping for. You are a kind person, own that take ownership of it. Stop letting things God has given you be taken away from others. The devil's a cold player, and he got cold players working for him, just shaking, just taking stuff from you. You know, I'm a hard worker. I really am intelligent. You stupid man. I thought I was a hard worker. Man. They came in here and said I was stupid. Man. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. What excuse me? You're a very bright person. Hey, y'all, take ownership. When God gives you something, blesses you would have gifted talent, a skill set, a mindset. Own it. Don't let people come in here and take it from you. Man, Okay, I probably shouldn't have with that. You're listening Morning show ladies and gentlemen. It's about that time. Steve Harvey Morning Show is open for business today. Welcome to the ride, y'all. We will uplift, we will inform, we will inspire. At the end of the day today, I am going to take it upon myself. I'm just gonna call this a day of ignorance. So prepare yourself because I'm just gonna act. I'm gonna let y'all have it. I'm gonna call this show y'all must have forgot. The title of this show is y'all muscle for good. Sirley Strawberry, I haven't Good morning, Steve now right, Yeah, you know he just a game show. Hope calin for rel just about to find out Junior, Okay, good morning, Junior. I ain't forgot, I ask to the mic man. It's a lot, a lot of perfections in it. Jathony Brown and uh nephew, Tommy ain't here, so watch this. Just watched this all I got to say, Yeah something, Junior, what's up? I told with you. I know what you're capable of. I watched it night after night after night. But you know, Junior man, I was looking at um, they're doing that. They're doing this app. This company's doing an app for me. And I was reviewing footage today and if I may say so myself, the comedy career that I had, I'm proud of mine. Mine boy, I had some Hello moments. That's really really good that you can say that. Yeah, you know me. You know, look, man, if I was still active as a stand up comedian and it didn't have the restrictions that it has with the exception of Dave Chappelle. And Dave Chappelle has no restrictions because he he does nothing in television or movies that requires any sponsorship dollar. So he is free. And I'm telling you, man, this boy is brilliant. Dave Chappelle, absolutely brilliant with it. And that the freedom that he has to say and be Dave Chappelle is what I really really miss because he has the freedom to say anything however he want to say it, and there are no repercussions because he has no sponsors. That I envy that about him. Speaking of Chappelle, I remember when he quit a show. Everyone was upset about that because I think he turned on like a fifty million dollar contract or something company Central. Yeah, right, because the show, which is brilliant, which was absurd money. Yeah, But I mean look at him now. He believed in himself, he knew what he was doing. He just stayed with it. Man, he's a good brother man. He walked away from that pressure and that he did he did all right, Well, you heard Steve. It was from his own mouth. He said, today will be a day of ignorance. Well, we're gonna get it started, coming up at thirty, coming up at thirty, two minutes after the hour, the CLLO. Steve, he loves everybody get out to wait, I might not only advice you won't everybody stay back. That's the CLLO coming up right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So Steve, today we're gonna start off the show in a lighter note. Um, you know, people still need your relationship and okay, still quarantined together. Okay, but let me say this now, what since today I'm going to act a fool, I don't know if I can recommend the advice I'm giving today, ready said, God, don't even recommend it. This one's from Felisa and Gary, Indiana. She says, I'm twenty seven years old and I'm falling in love with a forty six year old man. We started hanging out a month ago and we're taking it slow. May twenty seventh, My twenty seventh birthday was Friday, and we met for dinner. He said he knows a man should never ask a woman her age, but since it was my birthday. He was curious. I told him I was twenty seven. This man flipped out and said, he's glad we didn't have sex because he has a daughter that's almost my age. He thought I was at least thirty five because of the way I carried myself. I'm so hurt because I never had a problem with him being older. What does my age matter? Why does my age matter? Don't you don't have a problem with him being older. He got the problem with you being younger. You know, let's just talk about a couple of things. You know you said, he said he thought you thirty five? How you dress it? What you got on? Got this man thinking you thirty five? How is your half style? You have bangs? Ain't then went wrong with bangs? But do you have a bang and flip coming back? They're making a comeback? Are your heels maximum two inch heels? I'm just saying there's some things that would make him think you was old dirt. I would if I were you, I would be a little hurt. The hurtful thing is a man thinking you much older than you really are. Let me at one last question, do you drink heavy? Thirty five? But if you twenty seven, then look thirty five to the fart six year old. That's all I'm saying. Nick, all right. This is from Beth and Charlotte, North Carolina. She says, I've been dating a man for three years and I know he loves me, but he doesn't trust me. Last year, he admitted to putting a tracker on my phone and a camera in my house when he suspected I was cheating. I have a I have limited freedom, and he goes everywhere I go. I love the attention, but sometimes I feel like he's smothering me. My friends say he's only going to get crazier if we stay together. How can I get him to relax and give me some space? Relax? He got a tracker on your car and cameras in your phone. You're gonna relax? It right where you gonna relax. You're taking your clothes off. He watches, you're in a bathroom, he watches you go to the stove. He watches. But if your friends are right, is only gonna get worse. He gonna take you down to the vet and get that little pillet put in you that you put in your dog. You're gonna end up. Yeah, you're gonna mess around and go outside and gonna have a visit fence and what a visit fence wherever? When you walk over there to the neighbor, then that shot hit you out. Yeah, well she wants her space. How can she get him to give her? It ain't no space. You got a tracker and cameras. Yeah. Next, next he gonna buy you ordered them police bracelets and put it on your ankle. Yeah, your friends are right, it's going to get worse. You can't get him to relax. He's what's called insecure. Right, We had one of them on this show. He did a whole movie about it. Right, Right, Tommy's insecure in his life. But he doesn't go that even Tommy doesn't go this far. He he don't go that far at all. Yeah, she needs to get out. Don't don't make any serious future plans with this guy. You're right, Steve. This one's from Michelle. She's an iHeart radio app listener. Hey Michelle. She says, I'm a forty five year old woman and I've been married to a man child for six years. The quarantine has brought out a side of him that I can't stand. If things don't go his way. He pouts for days. If he wants to have sex and I'm not in the mood, he would hold sex from me for days. If I cook and it's not what he wants, he leaves and picks up food. We always have to watch the shows he picks. And I've been asking him to clean up behind himself, and he always tells me if I come help him cut the grass, he'll help me clean up the house. How can I get him to grow up? Really? Divorce? No? Wow, wow, leave him? It's over. He's not gonna change. You don't think why would he for six years? Yeah? Well you know you want six more years? It is. Well, she's thinking it's the quarantine Steve that's brought out the side of him. Well, you know, quarantine can't bring out nothing that ain't there. Hello, you don't develop nothing in quarantine. Now you're just in there with yourself. You have been allowed to see more of who he really is. YEA, quarantine ain't bought out nothing. It's just you got to sit there and see it up close. Now he ain't at work, But after six years, keep in that way, you just couldn't see it because y'all was busy. Quarantine, peeled back the curtain. Baby. A lot of neckd bananas walking around now, no skiing on it. M yeah, praising. Why do they always have to watch the shows he wants to watch? They only have one TV? I mean, you know, and even if they did, what I'm saying is that's selfish, right, that's crazy. You probably want together together. Okay, listen. Divorce has is for reason. That's why I got it. It's when you get it moments like this and you realize you're married to a man child and you just want the man. Uh huh he powdon calls he don't have sex? Did he with whole sex from you? We're playing this game at the house that is so childish. All right, all right, we gotta get out of here. Thank you, Cello. Coming up next, Uh, nephew Tommy's out today, but the junior is here to run that prank back for the nephew that's coming up right after this. You're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna standing by with today's national news and uh. In entertainment news, Cardie b got an upgrade on her hip tattoo, and Barbara streisand gives George Floyd's daughter some Disney shares. How about that. We'll talk about these stories at the top of the hour. But right now the nephew is out, Junior is in with Run that prank back what you got for his junior? You know, Shirley, You know, as I think about what I was going to do, and you know, because I'm the king of pranks, so I might as well, gee y'all this one. And y'all, boy, you know what I'm saying. I mean, you buy with just you because I am the cake. He it is cake lady, listen, go ahead, run a cat o cake? Did this is Barbara? Oh? Yeah? I need to ask you what kind of cakes do y'all make at this place? Well, sir, we make all occasion cakes, birthday cakes, anniversary cakes, wedding cakes, pretty much whatever you need what you're looking for. Did y'all be making a dult cake? Yes, confu, adult cakes, you know, bachelotte parties and uh you know when Well, what exactly are you looking for? Sir? No? No, no, The problem is this right here. I ordered a cake from you off on Saturday. Huh. They were supposed to be delivered to my daughter's school on Tuesday, and you know she and junior High school, thirteen years old. The cake was supposed to have hand them on towna on it, and it was supposed to say happy birthday. Now the cake get delivered over there today and I can't, for the life of meek believe that this is opper. Were in her classroom, all the classmates in there, some teachers in there. The principle that came down. We've been to have cake and ice cream for the kids, but when they open up the cake, it's a man's private part on the cake. What oh, No, sir, No, sir, no, sir, no, suthing. No, we have never made a mistake like that. JA made that mistake that I've been calling this place all damn day. Y'all didn't made this damn mistake. And somebody gonna pay for this. I got thirty, I got thirteen year olds. No, you're gonna have to low it down now, okay, because we can't get nothing if you're yelling and I can't hear you. Okay, I need the lord that you should have lord that private part off that cake. That's where sir, what is your name? My name is trouble. And now where was the cake supposed to be going? Middle school? Middle school? Now when was it delivered to? I just don't see them stas there right there. You can't remember. That's how y'all made the damn mistake. Sir. Please just answer the question so we can get this settled. Sir. No, what who is the owner there? Excuse me? I am the owner. My name is Boba. Now if you give me the information, I'll try to make this thing right because it couldn't have been my company. Are you absolutely sure, sir? I'm positive y'all are the ones that delivered the damn Okay, listen, I got all these thirteen year old kids in their chromatized and the teachers and okay looking at me crazy, I can, sir, but I need to calm down just for a minute. Let me ask you this. Wait wait, wait, you want me to calm down. You should have took that private part down. Then I can understand. But I don't think it was my company, okay, because we've never made a mistake like that. Now, we're very careful with that kind of stuff. Now, cirtain, hold on one night, come here, do you know anything about a cake? Delivery a Hannah Montana cake going to middle school today? Y'all did y'all make any deliveries? Okay, thanks, sir. I just talked to my driver and he's been with me about eight years, sir, and we've never had a problem like this. He's never delivered a cake over there, sir. Are you sure it was my cousin? Damn show this place, lady, it's this play your driver line. You know, you know mistakes can be made, but I can't. You got a man's private part in front of a bunch of thirteen ye old kids out of I can't understand. I would be upset too. I have children too, so I can understand what you're trying to say. But sir, what I'm trying to tell you is, this is not my company you're talking about. We wouldn't have done anything like that. I've been in business with thirteen years. What is your name? My name is Barbara. Okay, so you're the one behind all of this on this damned cake was full to be handa Montana and want to be an a man's private party on the cake, So come on, stop and think about it. You deliver high school and a duck cake to a school. Now, I understand you. Ups, lady, do you understand what has happened at my daughter's school? And I apologize parts, sir, but I don't believe that you ordered the cake from my company. Okay. As a matter of fact, we made cakes on Friday, sir. Wasn't no cake delivered today? Sir? It's a Tuesday, and what the hell I mean it's a Tuesday. Ain't nobody in cake on Tuesday? Sir. I have told you that that couldn't have happened here at my company. Okay, okay, let me know. I'll be happy to make a cake for you, sir, and to send it to your daughter. But sir, it wasn't my company that I won't won't no more damn cake. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you what I'm going to do, Lady. I'm gonna call my lawyer. I'm gonna get with the police, and I'm coming over there to shut that down. You won't sell a cupcake when I get through with y'all, sir, you know what't? You don't go to fun? Me tell you something. This is my business that I've worked for thirteen years to build. You ain't gonna come up here doing I'm gonna shut that dud. You come over in the sand more icing up your Your mammy won't even know who you are. You need to get off my phone with this. That's something ignity in the first place, sir. I dare you call me with that? That's what the is your name? I already told you my name is trouble whatever. Bring you. It's up here, and I got something for you. Bring you and the police. Do you think I'm gonna let some go like you come jeopardize my business? I've been a business too long. I know what I'm doing now. I don't know who you called it, but it will show up money company. Do you understand me? I don't understand everything you're saying, and I understand when I get over there, I'm gonna shut it down me and the police. You won't come mine here and get your step dialing and you're gonna have a dot. I'm crying over your Now, I'm teking. Wasn't my company? Now get off my phone? Do you an? I got one more thing I need to say down lady, this thing to tell me talking about shitting down my company? I got one more thinger is you're listening to me. I ain't listening what you got to say to me. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriends. Oh my god, oh oh yes, I gotta get up this moll Oh my god, I'm gonna killer I'm gonna kill her by hello. Oh my god, Oh my god, please kill me. I'm not on the radio. No Oez. You ain't on the radio now, but you're gonna be on there in the morning. Oh lord, no, no, my preaching. Everybody else gonna be on it. Oh my god, I'm gonna kill it. I'm gonna kill it. I'm gonna get me a cake and got hard job up. Lord, Oh lord, I'm gonna get somebody stop playing like that. You know, she's gonna have to look out every day. She ain't gonna never where it's coming from. I'm gonna be like the thief in the night on hers. I gotta ask you one more thing. What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve hard and Morning Show. Y'all. What can you make it? Can you make a socket to the cake? Yeah, I can make a socket to your cake, but but I hope it ain't got him done in it. Y'all around, get round. That's what somebody like that they business there, see see y'all guts to come on. I need all this anniversary. I need this. Come on. I praise an honor you, thank you very much, because can't nobody else to do this what I'm doing now Ever, others try, but they never succeed because I ain't you. You know, nephew thinks he's cute. A let's go to coming up at the top of the hour entertainment and national news right after this you're listening to show well. Cardi B has added an extra pop of color to her iconic hip tattoo, you know the one. Cardi showed off her updated peacock ink on Instagram, revealing the latest intricate details. So after ten years, she says, I gave my peacock tattoo a makeover. Cardi caption the side by side image the hot new pink butterfly and several new peacock feathers and flowers, and Cardi's body art is also significantly brighter and more colorful thanks to additional touch ups. Okay, yeah, I saw it. Yeah, it's yeah, it's bright. It's bright for sure. Yeah yeah, yeah did you guys? Yeah, that's resolutely junior. You see it? Yeah, I have sick or sell. I've been stuck with enough needles. That's enough. That's pain. I see pain when I look at this, that's Do you have any tattoos? Junior? No, you see do you have any us? Private? Us? I said it's private. What your tattoo is private? I don't discuss them. Oh you don't discuss them? Okay, anybody markins I may have. That means a resounding yes. Oh any really? So I mean you got tattooed. No, I doesn't. I didn't get tattooed at a tattoo parlor. But I've been tattooed. Oh so I was asking, but it was not at a parlor. Yeah, I know we're talking about. Okay, I got you. You don't You don't have any carlor, I don't have any No call you know how you don't call that one because see we've been to the spa together, but we hung out. Okay, a lot of things. You don't know. You want one? I want one? Yeah, I want to get some eyes. Why because my eyes are small. No, They'll just be white dots and a little black pupil in the middle. What would that mean? No, because you chocolate, just get white eyes and black dots in the middle and with everything in you right call but right on your ass though. Somebody seeing so somebody seeing you? Go you you looking at it? It's looking at chick. I hate you. What is the dots? I don't called their eyes? Where did you looking for? Moving on, Shirley, I'm sorry, I said, Yeah, I saw Cardi B's test and I absolutely have no comment. M yeah, okay, as long as she's happy, it makes her happy, all right. And other trending news. I can I say this though, I actually happened to be a fan of Cardi B. I actually like her. Man, Yeah, who is? I like a lot? And Marjorie be talking about the way that girl dressed all the time, Marjorie saying that girl be hidden it Cardium comments and other trending news. George Floyd's little daughter, gianna I received the most surprising gift from singer Barbara Barbara streisand uh St streisand made the six year old a Disney stockholder. How about that? Meaning that Gianna now owns a piece of the most magical company in the world. Okay, the happiest on Earth. Gianna showed up her certificate from Barbara streisand in an adorable Instagram selfie, grote is Yeah, that is all right, Steve. It's time now to get caught up on today's headlines. Missanna's going to update us on the shooting in Dallas. Another one here with the facts and bring us all up to speed as our very own miss An, thank you very very much, And we got to start with some other stuff that they're also equally as upsetting. The FEDS are reviewing the local investigations now and to the depths of two black men, each found hanging from trees in different areas of southern California. So far, local authorities in Palmdale and Victorville are listing both as suicides. How their families don't buy that, and neither do the protesters who turned out over the weekend and continue to turn out to voice their opposition to that diagnosis of that conclusion. The California State Senate, in fact, began its session this week with a moment of silence for both men Robert Fuller and Malcolm Harsh by the way, it's folks and for the Harsh family, and a GLI says quote, there have been at least three other reports of the supposed suicide by hanging of black men found near Victorville, California. And that's an area, he says, has a large population of skinheads, white supremacists and clansman. And he says, nobody saying anything about that. And if that's not enough yet, another black man was reportedly found hanging from a tree in Houston, Texas the other day. Police they are labeling in an apparent suicide apparent homicide, though not a suicide. And now a fourth young a black man named Dominique Alexander, found hanging from a tree inside a park in Harlem, New York. Investigating that one. President Trump me while unveiled his version of police reform yesterday. It came in the form of an executive order signed in the White House. Rose Garden. Many believe that proper training might have prevented the tragic deaths of Antoine Rose and both of them jan As part of this new credentialing process, choke calls will be banned, except if an officer's life is at risk, while neither Antoine arose a boff of Jeane. Some of the other people that he mentioned died as a result of chokeholes, but both were shot by police. Critics note that in case after questionable case, cops always claimed they felt their lives were at risk, even when killing unarmed black men running away and not toward them. So some Capitol Hill folks say the President's ideas may be well meaning, but that they're very modest. In fact, Trump spent much of his time yesterday praising law enforcement people instead of talking about the victims of police brutality. House Democrats, meanwhile, have already introduced a bill that would, among other things, banned chokeholes. Five years ago today, a white man named Dylan Rufe murdered nine innocent black men and women as they attended Bible study and Mother Emmanuel Church in Charlotte Chalton excuse me, South Carolina. A top Walt Disney Company executive has been suspended while investigations supposed he taken a place about her alleged racist behavior. ABC News executive Barba Fedida accused in a recent Huffington Post article of making system walks referring to Robin Roberts of a Good Morning American. Finally, shades of Miami vice the FED season more than two million dollars right off the coast of Puerto Rico. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show well President Trump's police reform bill that was yesterday. He signed an executive order aimed at tracking misconduct by law enforcers and creating incentives for departments to improve their practices, and he banned chokeholes unless the police officer's life is at risk. The Trump Administration's order rejects calls to defund the police that have gained traction from within the nationwide protest movement. Take a listen. But I strongly opposed the radical and dangerous efforts to defend, dismantle, and dissolve our police departments, especially now when we've achieved the lowest recorded crime rates in recent history. Americans know the truth. Without police, there is chaos. Without law, there is anarchy, and without safety, there is catastrophe. The police reform bill comes as lawmakers of both parties pursue who wrote there for him exactly, and he said, he said, defending it's defund Yeah, come on. The Police reform Bill comes as lawmakers of both parties pursue legislation to reform law enforcement in the wake of George Floyd's death in police custody. President Trump also said that his predecessor, President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden didn't know how to do police reform. He just got to be yes, he got to He said I saw it yesterday. He said eight they couldn't do it. And now he's putting Biden's name in it, because that's going to be if you listen to the reform bill, it's not much. Most police department is now because of that. Have already said we're going to ban the chocole. He ain't thought a nothing new right, better ways of policing and and all of this here David trying to figure that out for years. He ain't gonna do nothing because he got back to right to what he wanted to just say, we're not disbanding police departments. This man has said nothing about healing this country in any way to make the protesters feel better, to make black people feel better, to make white people feel better. He has not made a single statement as the leader of a country ravished in turmol steady rising numbers on this COVID thing. He to quit talking about that. He just liked the rest of them, stupid ass Americans that think COVID just overcause they tired of being in the house. Right, And he didn't have a mask on or anything. He's never won a mask. He didn't have one on. He've been taking that drug. Surely he cooled. I'm telling you he's not leading by example at all at all. You always have to take a hit, a swipe. But his predecessor, he is meeting by example. He don't wear a mask. A whole lot of people they wearing that's true. Yeah, he says nothing to heal the nation. And people have been more hate during this administration than ever before. I thank god for these protesters that's out there, white and black, red, yellow, green, blue, black, white. All right, Coming up next thirty four after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this you're listening to show. Richard Brooks's family and friends honored him Monday night during a moving memorial service in his Atlanta neighborhood, the invent The event was in Southwest Atlanta. It lasted about four hours. It saw three to four hundred people show up to pay their respects. It was held about ten minutes away from the Wendy's parking lot where Richard Brooks was killed. The ex Atlanta officer Garrett Rolf, who fatally shot Brooks, had twelve previous misconduct complaints, including use of excessive force. The Brooks family attorney said he wasn't surprised by Rolf's record. See right there, twelves back to the police reform, I was saying before, Steve, Because if they're not going to do anything on the local level, you know, with the police and their their bad records, or they should be reprimanded, we're back to where we started. Yeah, yeah, he's allowed to work continue there with all with twelve previous misconduct complaints. If we got so many complaints, we wouldn't be working anywhere, right. But if we don't start policing the police, nothing's going to change. Listen, with all these people in the streets, this man still shot this brother in the back. Right, doing all these protests all over the world, all of the world, he still shot a brother in the back. Yeah, it didn't think what thought twice about anything that's going nothing. Yeah, five black dudes have committed suicide by lynching themselves. What where? Yeah? Where where that rash come from? What movie they immulating? Yeah? What free black dude hangs his self? What? Yeah? Ible dog. I've been around a long time. I've never heard that get out, and now all of a sudden, five and they all committed suicide through hanging. That's a hard way to kill yourself, bro. Yeah, anywhere you're thinkable, Yeah, it's unthinkable, it is. And we're supposed to buy that and just take that, take that like, oh oh okay, that really five? Yeah, this is it's just I mean, what can you say? It's like, I don't when is this going to get better? Thank God for the people that are out there demonstrating. Thank God for them and keep them safe and everything, and I hope you know they stay peaceful for sure and wear their masks. But oh my god, this we're in trouble. Yeah, and it's time for a change, it really really is. It's time. Well, I mean it has to happen. I think this is I think this is a turn because it's going out a rate that I've never seen protests go ever in my life. Yea, and things are starting to happen. Three and four weeks of protesting going on. We need something meaningful to come from the administration, but we can quit looking for that. He's already done all he gonna do. He passed that little week as reform bill. They've gotten, and he's still saying, even with that, that he's the law and order president. He's still saying that which Nixon said many years ago. He didn't get that from that, y'all. Somebody wrote it from that rights this dude, if he took a history test, promise you he'd flunk it. Yeah, Yeah, I know we have a lot of work to do, we really really do. But I'm just glad that a spotlight is on it right now. You know, this systemic racism that we've had to endure for the majority of our lives, our parents, our grandparents, you know, at least it's to the forefront now. And I do believe what you say, Steve. It's because people were at home and they had a chance to actually see it for themselves. You know, I just believe that. I believe it too. You know, it's a shame that we that had to happen for you know, people to really take what we were saying as truth. But we're here now. I've learned this in my life. When pain goes away, it always leaves a gift. Tragedy brings about change. Pain always leaves a gift. If you want a gift, go through some pain, and if you get to the other side, you'll always notice it always leaves a gift. Yeah, this will be the gift from twenty twenty in the middle of a crisis. All right, time to switch gears again. It's time for today's prank phone call. We'll get into that right after this you're listening to coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject torn between two lovers, Torn between two lovers. Wow, right now, Nephew's out, the Junior's in with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Junior? You know, you know I have to do this because you know I'm the greatest, and you know, I don't even know if y'all notice, but preachers have why yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's why this one is called the Preacher's Wife. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a sister Angela, Sister Angela, please, how you doing? My name is Brother Clayton. I'm calling you from a greatest Baptist Church. How are you doing this morning? Oh I'm fine, I'm fine. Yeah, listen, I know that your husband, Reverend Reverend Jonathan, is actually one of the candidates that we may be choosing to be our pastor since our past pastor has stepped down. Yes, yes, yes, I'm very proud of my husband. I think you'll make a very good candidate. As a matter of fact, here at the church, we've been asking a lot of the deacons and and and assistant ministers here have been asking different questions, different things that they would be doing once they became pastor. You know, like your first one hundred days. What would you try and change here at the church? You'll try and make better so to speak. Yet, But but what my husband he's not here right now. Do you need to speak to him? No? Not right now? What what we decided to do? Uh, sus Angela is actually called the wives and ask them a few questions. Oh, okay, that's a little different. Sure, And we don't we don't want to take up too much of your time. You know, a lot of times. Uh. If a pastor is stressed at home, nine times out of ten, he's likely to be stressed at the church. So I guess, my, my, My biggest question to you is is your husband stressed at home? Uh? No, not that I know of. He eats regularly, he's on a good diet. You know, he gets goes to the doctor regularly. He gets his physical um pretty good at home. I don't have a reason to believe that he's stressed it. He certainly hasn't brought anything to my attention. Okay, No, No, I don't. I don't. I don't. I don't, I don't. I don't think you follow me, sister, since Andrew, what I'm saying is he's stressed behind closed doors? Is he stressed in that fashion? Um, I'm not. I'm not too sure I follow you. You say behind closed doors? What exactly did you mean by that? Is he is he stressed in y'all's relations? Is he stressed? Are you asking me about my personal business? Brother? Well, what I'm saying is if he's stressed at home, he'll be stressed at the church. And if he's stressed at the church, then the members are stressed. Then the congregation is stressed, so the stress start with you. Excuse me, if you are making sure that he's all right at home, he's gonna be all right at the church. Um, I'm sorry, brother. What was your name? Brother Clayton, Brother Clayton. I appreciate you m conducting whatever interviews you guys need to conduct with the candidates wives. I do think that's pretty much personal territory and I really don't want to answer those kind of questions. It's not personal since the Angela when so many other people involved. See, that's why I'm asking you the question, is your man stressed behind I could assure you, yes that my husband is not stressed at home. If I get your drift, he is not stressed behind closed doors. Brother, And I would appreciate you if you don't call. What these kind of questions are you asking other candidates? Why these kind of questions? Well, I was the one dedicated to call to give you a call, and that's the question that I decided to come up with because I want to know if a man is gonna be stressed, because if he's gonna have tension at the church, then then the congregation is going to have tension. The church is gonna have tension, and the church cannot move forward in the direction on Rayton, my husband and I have been married twenty five years, and they've been twenty five good years. If you get my drift, Okay, he is not stressed at home, and whatever goes on at home, my husband has sense enough not to take it to the church. That is not something he's going to do. So you don't about anybody else being stressed at the congregation in the pulpit nowhere. Okay, we have together at home, and I appreciate if you don't ask me those kind of questions. Sometimes ask me, well, sometimes a woman does not realize that a husband is stressed. You understand that there's a possible way that you don't know that he's stressed. So how can you get Let me get your phone. A matter of fact, let me get your full name. What's your first name? Let's just go with brother Clayton right now. Could you please answer this question? How can you guarantee that he is fully not stressed? Brother Clayton? How calling the Lord real quick? Hold on it, Brother Clayton. I'm an honorable woman. I'm a woman who stands by my man. Okay, but you are asking me some questions that very personal, very private, very confidential. You are asking me questions that a question is the safety of my marriage? Okay, my husband is not stressed and if I don't send him away from my home stressed? Okay, how do you know? But what are you doing to make sure that this is less stress? Clayton, I'm about to end this phone call. Okay, now, if you know, we're not gonna end this phone call until that we know we I need to know the Reverend Jonathan is not stressed at home. They put they assign me to talk to you, and that's what I'm going to do, and I'm gonna love he is not stressed. I don't know who told you that the man is not stressed. If he had to stress around you, I bet you. I bet you his stress because you're stressed, ain't me right now? Now we're both stressed out. How can we understand that that man is not stressed. That's the end of this conversation. Do you understand me? Give me your full name right now, give me some intimate details, and then I'll give you my number to cross the mind. You wait till my husband gets here. If this is gonna cost him a candidacy, does this so be, We'll find another church. I'd have some choice words for you right now, Brother Clayton, I will give you my name right now. Do you have a yes, I'm gonna writer right now. The letter N N is in Nancy. I know how to spell N E P H E W. Name is that? Nephew? Your name is nephew Clayton. My name ain't nephew Clayton. My name is nephew Tommy. From the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your husband, Reverend Jonathan hold you said, this is nephew Tommy. This is from the Steve Harvey Morning's your Your husband got me to prank phone call you. Oh Lord, I'm gonna kill it. Oh Lord, I don't mean that. Oh I didn't trust me, trust me this morning. I can't believe I let him. You know, thanks before? Oh my god, Timmy. I will tell you if this was twenty five years ago, brother, I cussed up a storm. I'm so glad I'm a safe woman. Well listen, listen. Can I ask you one more thing? Yes, what is the baddest radio show in the land? The Steve Harvey Morning Show, where that is Preacher's wife. Yeah, preachers have white twice called praise yourself. You know how long I had to come up with that. It took a while to come up by by by by by by a month, a month, thirty days. It took thirty Yeah, come up with preacher's wife. That's genius. That's why I do. I come up with just thirty days by by by thirty man. Let me mash you something. Boy. You must have prayed on that hume. Hey, O my knees every night? Did it? Did it hit me? I opened my eyes? I said, Oh, preacher's wife, it hits you just like that, just like that. Oh, I don't ahead do this or you check that off your list? Check it? Ah? If you out of you guys you know had anniversary? May have you anniversary? Yea happy anniversary, Tommy, you and Jack, you and your beautiful wife. I'm gonna spay you today. We ain't gonna do you all name preacher's wife? All right, Junior, thank you. Coming up next, it is the Strawberry Letter, the subject torn between two lovers. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read that one right now. Okay, we're doing it all right, ladies and gentlemen, it's that time. It's time for the Strawberry Letter with my good friends. Shirley straw Berry. Thank you my good friend Junior. Subject torn between two lovers, Dear Stephen, Shirley. Two years ago, I met the man of my dreams and he loves me, motivates me, and we can't get enough of each other sexually. We've been talking about marriage and starting a family soon. There's just one problem. Recently, I've been thinking a lot about my ex boyfriend, and I decided to call to see how he's been doing. I wanted to let him know that I've found happiness again. We're good friends despite how we broke up, so I knew he would be happy for me. He was very happy to hear from me and said he wanted to see me so we could catch up since it's been a while. He suggested that I come by one day after I work out, since he lives by the gym we both used to go to. I told my new man that I was going to stop by to say hi to an old friend, and he was cool with it. I ended up skipping the gym and went straight to my ex's house. We talked and laughed and went over all of our good and bad times. He said he wanted to hold me one last time before he would let me leave. He pulled me up to him and gave me a long, passionate kiss, which led to a lot of passionate for play. I gave in eventually and we made love. Needless to say, the sex was all that and more so. Our sexual relationship has continued. I am still in love with my new guy, and I know I'm playing a dangerous game now. My ex is saying that he wants me back and he wants to marry me, But all he's been showing me is wild and crazy sex. How can I figure out if he's really making plans to be with me or if he's only being selfish to make me leave My good man. Okay, come on, now, you already know what this is. You already know, and let me tell you something. You're just as guilty as he is. There is no better sex and break up sex. Okay, everybody knows that. Everybody knows that you didn't have to go over there. You know you're playing with fire. You know you want to get burned. You said you've been thinking about him anyway. All you needed was for an excuse. You didn't have to tell you knew boo, you were going to say hi to an old friend. You couldn't wait to get over there. You didn't even go to the gym anything like you said, and you certainly didn't have to allow your ex to hold you one last time? Really before? Are you fooling here? Not us? Not us? You know that led to sex, and like I said, break up sex is the best. I mean, what did you think was gonna happen? That was his plan all along? And now that he has you, he do you realize he has you right where he wants you, and he's gonna string you along. He's gonna try to get you to agree to marry him and not your new man. You know it's an ego thing for him now, I mean, no one or nothing is more attractive to him right now than you. Okay, all his energy and everything is gonna go into you because you're with someone else. Because you're with someone else, so that you're a challenge to him. Now you're, like I said, you're way more attractive and he's gonna do whatever it takes to get you. So don't fall for that. Don't let him play you. You have a good man, you have you know, you've been with him for two years and everything. Keep the good man and let this X go. He's your X for a reason. Come on now, girl, let's be smart about this. Don't lose a good man messing around with this X who's just playing Steve Torn between two lovers. I knew the moment of the title. This was a woman who wrote this, No dude right and then torn between two lovers. Now we just got two women, that's all. Ain't nobody told up about that? Only time you told up about that? And if you get busted or one of them leaves, that's only told Now. Here's the first line in the letter that makes the rest of this letter soul dog gone stupid. Two years ago, I met the man of my dream right there pump your brakes. What's the rest of the light of four My god, lady, you meet the man of your dream. He loves you, he motivates you. You can't get each other enough to each other sexually. We've been talking about marriage and starting the family. Bam, straight stop writing, right, dude, Like I tell me sometime, if you're really trying to get your life together, go home, dog, just go home. Yeah a man. I said this all the time, and I ain't trying to sound righteous. It took me a long time to figure it out myself. I'm just be real with you. But if you really want to get your life together, go home, go home and let COVID work it out. Because I'm gonna tell you right now. If you go home, COVID gonna let you know if you need to stay or leave. Yeah, Steve, So now, recently I've been thinking about this is the problem though, been thinking about my ex boyfriend. So you call and see how he was doing. See you you're thirsty little something now been thinking about to call. We're good friends, really, really, we're good friends. I'm gonna show you how that you lied in that letter right there, despite how we broke up. So I knew he would be happy for me. He was very happy for me, and said he wanted to see me, see how I could catch up. Since it's been a while. He suggested that I come by one day after work. Wait a minute, he wanted to see you so you can catch him since it's been a while. I thought y'all said y'all was good friends. Just go back the lie. That's a lot. We're good friends, you know. I just called it. Check. No, No, you hain't talked to him in a while. You've been wondering what's going on, and you wanted to catch up. You're good friends. Hold on, Steve, hold right there on that friend's part, the good friend's part. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Today's strawberry letter, subject torn between two lovers. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letters subjects torn between two e lovers. Yet this is crazy. Crazy lady in this letter that met the man of her dreams. He loves them, motivates her. They can't get enough enough for each other's section. Ven I'm a married and having defendly Jack Pott women. There are so many women wanting just that. But then she said there's a problem though. I've been thinking about my ex boyfriend, so I decided to call see how he's doing. And I also wanted to let him know that I found happiness again. You know, because we're good friends despite how we broke up, so I knew he'd be happy for me. He was happy to hear from me. He said he wanted to see me so we could catch up since it's been a while. I thought you said y'all was good friend, because you know what the deal is. He suggested that I come by one day after work since he lives by the gem that we both used to go to. Here's the other lot. I told my new man that I was gonna stop by to say hi to an old friend, and he was cool with it. I'm pretty sure you didn't say my ex. That's why she set us up in the letters say were good friends? Did y'all ain't friends? And you didn't tell your boyfriend that you was going to see your acts? You said an old friend and he was cool with it. Now I told my new man I was gonna stop by and say how the old friend I ended up skipping the gym. That's because you ain't want to get sweaty twice, one more time, one more time, one more time. Come on, I ended up skipping the gym. That's because you didn't want to get sweaty twice two times, because you know good hair well, while you skipped the gym because you wanted him to see you, see you in that outfit. You didn't want to come over there, no gym clothes. You wore a dress over there with easy access. You know what you did. I've had it done to me. How you stop over for I go to the gym? Cool? I'm thinking while I'm in that making that extraciality. Damn that gym. We talked and laughed, went over all our good and bad time. Then he said he wanted to hold me one last time before he would let me lead. Which is why you skip the gem, which is why you wore that outfit. That's why your makeup was all and that's why you didn't go to the gym, because it's what you He pulled me up to him and gave me a long passionate kid, I bet your tongue with just as far down his third as his war was down your promise you that right there. Needless to say, we made We had a lot of passionate folk play. I gave in and we made love. Needless to say that sex was all that and more. Now that's the second time. Every time you have sex is good. In your first man, you said we can't get enough for each other sexually, So every time you have sex, it's good. It's the best ever in the world. So our sexual relationship has continued. I am still in love with my new guy, and I know I'm playing a dangerous game. But now my ex is saying he wants me back and he wants to marry me. When when did he When did he want to do that? Did he want to marry you when y'all broke up the first time? Or is he saying that because he knows now you can't found happiness and now he gonna lead you on so he can cap having his cake and eat it too. You know it. But all he's been showing me is wild and crazy sex chessca. He ain't got nothing else place. You're not feel to have no future. So what I got to show you my bank statements for all my damn credit report? Or why do I have to show you a plan? You're not in my future? That's why we're just having this wild and crazy sex. How can I figure out if he's really making plans to be with me he's not with you, or am I or as he or he's or if he's only being selfish to make me leave my good man? He Ain't nobody make you leave your good man. Ain't nobody make you skip the jim. Ain't nobody make you call him to check on him. Ain't nobody make you go over there? Ain't nobody make you have all that damn for a play. Ain't nobody make you give in? Ain't nobody make you and now you continue it because it's good sex to have a sexual relationship. Ain't nobody made you do a damn thing? Right? So, now, how he gonna make you leave your good man? You haven't already left your good man? What you're tripping for? You've already left your good man. You lied when you said you were stopping about to say how to an old friend that you ain't y'all ain't even friends. I hope he find out. A matter of fact, if I knew him my team and you will never tell. Yeah, she's gonna mess around and lose a really good man. I really have nothing. Yeah, right, because he doesn't know all the good times and the bad times, and y'all talked about him, and you're trying to make sure if he'd write one of you all, y'all hamming is wild and crazy. Sit because that's all y'all had before. Right, And he didn't even call her the ex she called him. He wasn't looking for you. You walked up. You walked into the trap. I okay. Poster comments Thank you Steve on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on Demanding Now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. The NFL commissioner says he supports NFL teams to sign Colin Kapern. Oh really, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to morning show. Okay, so you guys know this. Recently, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell admitted they were wrong for not listening to players sooner about racism and injustice in the black community. While on ESPN, Roger Goodell was asked what role does he see Colin Kaepernick having with the NFL. Take a listen to this, please. If he wants to resume his career in the NFL, that obviously is going to take a team to make that decision. But I welcome that support the club making that decision and encourage them to do that. If his efforts are not on the field, but and continuing to work in this space, we welcome to that table and to be able to help us and guide us and help us make better decisions about the kinds of things that need to be done in communities. We have invited him in before them. We want to make sure that everybody's welcome at that table and trying to help us deal with some very complex, difficult issues that have been around. Unfortunately for a long time. I see it's some other issues because the first of all, Roger Goodelle works for the owners. You understand that the owners decide who the commissioner him is player, so he works and he represents the owners. This is the only thing they can say at this point. I don't know that Colin Kaepernick has a football career after this long being off. And I don't even think that's the important thing here. I think the important thing is recognizing and acknowledging the all of the sponsors who wanted to pull and the rest of America who got hoodwink and bamboozle by this president who formed this little mission so he could seem like he was defending the flag and the military. He's never defended the flag or the military. He refused induction into the Army bonespers Steve, he fought it off with a rich boy medical excuse. He has no record of defending American democracy and the flag. He has filed bankruptcy more times than all of us on this show put together and probably keen listeners and shout out to our listeners, we love you so dull unifiled bankruptcy. That's really the type of business man you are, because you know how to manipulate the system. You can try stuff, throw money up against the wall, see what stick, and then with some main working you file bankruptcy and leave all these creditors holding and Steven. As you know, President Trump has lost two allies in his anti kneeling crusade. Nascar, are we know about that one and now the miracle so much? Why don't you marry one? Oh? Coming up at the top of the hour, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening too well. As anger bubbles in parts of the country, some US police departments are facing their own crisis, and some officers have now opted just to walk away. Atlanta Police said in a statement that eight officers have resigned from the department this month. The Atlanta Police Foundation earlier had reported that nineteen officers resigned since the start of the social injustice protests or demonstrations. The foundation has since retracted that incorrect number. In South Florida, ten officers resigned from their city SWAT unit over concerns about safety, saying they feel restrained by the politics of it all by their tactics. That's according to documents obtained by CNN and Buffalo New York. Nearly sixty officers resigned from the Forces Emergency Response Team over the suspension of two police officers who were caught on video. We all saw this pushing down a seventy five year old man. His name was Martin Gugino. And this man, this older gentleman has suffered a fractured skull and he cannot walk as he continues to recover from home, he can't. He's unable to walk. Now. Yeah, so you say police officers in that city resigned, Yeah, we know about that, sixty nearly sixty officers. But they were from you know that special team, the Emergency Response Team. That's what they resigned from, from the police forces, Emergency Response Team, Steve, because those two officers were suspended when they were caught on tape for pushing the man down. This is well, when that mortgage dude, they'll be back. Yeah, this be mad right now. But when we first get here. Yeah, and we told you earlier that President Trump signed an executive order on police reform as he tried to address the national outcry of police brutality. He has he's made no attempt to address it, not that I've heard in tweet all speech. No. No, I think he met with some of the families. I do think he met with them, but he still maintains this strong law and order stance. Now check this out. Ben Carson said that he has been working on the president's public displays of hostility, uh towards at least towards the professional athletes. And he said the president will get there. Well, he got to November. He got to get that because we're not having this another fact exactly, So he needed to hear up and get that. Yeah, but you're asking a man to get somewhere. He don't know the way too, that's the problem direction. You're right, You're right, Steve, But he's he don't know no black people. What is an issue though with the community, though, there needs to be some kind of reform and more communication and more dialogue because I'm telling you, on the local level, this police reform bill, if they're just gonna lie and not remand these officers the same, yeah, Yeah, it's a it's a vicious cycle. It's just a vicious cycle of the same thing. Um, I'm saying for the twentieth time mandatory police sentencing, it's the only way to stop this. They that has to be written and concise consequences for illegal behavior as a policeman. Policeman do not have a bag to do anything they want to do to the citizens of this country, right right, And I'm just saying citizens of this country to sound like I'm being more inclusive. It don't happen to nobody but black people, right. I ain't seen no footage of them whipping no white boy. I ain't seen no footage of them putting some young white man at the car, shooting his ass in the back. I ain't seen no damn footage of none of it is happening. You know why, because there is none. It's just us. We're tired, man, We're tired of it. And if it was happening to your ass, you would be tired too. Let him shoot two of your kids and see how you feel and what you would do about that. I bet you do something. Then, all right, Steve coming up more trending stories and more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Carlo, what you got time for some music news? What's happening? All right? So you know how they've been doing these versus battles, So the stage is set for the next versus battle. Okay, girl, the juneteenth edition, Alicia Keys and John Legend going head to head. Girl on that piano. Oh really, what that's the first time male versus female? Yeah? Yes, yes, Yes, that's gonna be good. Yeah. Man, Lord, that's gonna be a good one, right there, that's gonna be that's gonna be a good one. And it's going down Friday, June tenth, on June nine, Yes, a p m. Eastern on Instagram. I can't wait. Yeah, that's gonna be a good one. I look forward to. Yeah Legend, you know that, And I love Alicia. Let's battle, Let's battle, Let's beata. I don't know. That's a tough one. That is really a tough one right there. It's gonna be a treat, though, is that to hear all of those hits? And you know we've seen artists, producers, groups going at it. Bragger writes on this piano, New Keys, you gonna sue it's gonna be good. It's gonna be good. Yep, Alicia Keys, John Legend, Its R versus Battles. Okay, yeah, black Fist right now? Yeah on zoom, Yes, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. Well, Cardie B has added an extra pop of color to her iconic hip tattoo, you know the one. Cardie showed off her updated peacock inc on Instagram the latest intricate details. So after ten years, she says, I gave my peacock tattoo a makeover. Uh Kardi caption the side by side image the hot new pink butterfly and several new peacock feathers and flowers, and Cardi's body art is also significantly brighter and more colorful thanks to additional touch ups. M Okay, I saw it. Yeah, it's yeah, it's bright. It's bright for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, did you guys her body? Yeah? Absolutely, Junior, you see it? Yeah? I have sick. I've been stuck with enough needles. That's enough. That's what pain. I see pain when I look at this. That's Do you have any tattoos? Junior? Noah, you see you have any us? Private? Huh? I said it's private. What your tattoo is private? I don't discuss. Oh, you don't discuss them? Okay, anybody, maul can I may have? That means a resounding yes, oh for any Really? What I mean you got tattooed? No it doesn't. No, I didn't get tattooed at a tattoo parlor. But I've been tattooed. Oh so I was asking, but it was not at a parlor. I'm not. Yeah, I know we're talking about. Okay, I got you. You don't. You don't have any Carla, I don't have any. No, cal you don't. How you know color? Because see we've been to the spa together, but we hung out. Okay, a lot of things. You don't know you. I want one. I want one. I want to tato. Yeah, I do get some eyes? Why because my eyes are small? No, they'd just be white dots and a little black pupil in the middle. What would that mean? No, because you chocolate, just get white eyes and black dots in the middle and with everything in you right, they call it, but right on your ass though, somebody to see it. So somebody seeing you? Go you you looking at it? It's looking at you. I hate you. What is the dots? I don't call their eyes? What is you looking for? Moving on, Shirley, I'm sorry. I saw Cardi bees tests and I absolutely have no comment. M yeah, all right, coming up our last break of the day, this last break of the day. Are you anywhere near the mic. Aw off, mike, are you anywhere near the mic? So it to sound like you know I'm distant? It did it really did? Thank you drunk, Steve, you sound like yeah, and coming up Steve closing remarks, And that's coming up at forty nine minutes after Wait till you hear this. Don't go anywhere right after this you're listening or anybody on last break of the day, last break of the you know what you want to call it? Week nine? Not anymore. No, I ain't on playing where you're going. It's too sick to go to a movie. My wife keep reminding me, Steve, you're not doing anything, and nobody's coming off. I said, baby, will be good that you're over sixty. She keeps dropping at age on you. Hey, you're gonna quit telling me, you know, like I'm just decrepit or somewhere. Wow. Yeah, man, the closing remarks, I don't want to. I just you know, I need a break. Yeah, sometimes you do. This is this is a lot, everybody. Because I was talking today and my wife said, Steve, you know what, I'm gonna be getting ready to go on vacation right now. I said, I can't. She said, why, I said, because it's it's a crisis going on, and we got a radio show, I said, and I just have an obligation to talk my listeners through it with information and inspiration and comedy, you know, because I think if they didn't have our voice. And I'm not putting so much importance on what we do, but our voice is important to a lot of people, you know. Yeah, it's like families, people that count on us to give them something. And so I told, I said, I probably won't be taking a vacation like that this year because of other virus or because of the obligation. But you know, it's it's kind of heavy on all of us, you know, And I think, yeah, I just feel for so many people because you know, look, we're working from home. At least we have a job. There are people man whose companies are closed and that's it. It's people who are waitress in bar backs and and and and bus boys and valets and hostesses and working companies. And got clean up services that go to office builders and provide a cleaning services where all the offices is closed, so the cleaning services is down. You got people daycare centers that's gone it's restaurants that will not recover from this, because if you're a small restaurant owner X amount of people come in, you got value food restore. Those people are struggling. Man, it's a lot going on. I don't want us to look at what's happening in this White House and get it confused during election time. Look, I got that people want to go back to work. And like I said the other day, if I was in that position where I had to choose risking my safety of going back to work and going back to work to provide for my family, I might have to face that decision and go back to work and put my mask on my gloves and be prayed up and you know, and go to it. But I would do it. And I understand where people are coming from, and I understand the need to get the economy back rolling so people can go back to work, because unemployment don't pay the same as your check for the average person. It just does it, And so I understand it. So with all of that being said, it's a challenging time. But man, oh man, as heavy as I feel with it sometimes and as bad as I think it is, it's a lot of people not doing as well as you are. Can I say something, Steve, Yeah, you know as much as we You know, we're on the radio. We have fun, and like you say, you give information. But this is this is to a lot of people, this is the one thing that's there every day. Well, you know, they get up in the morning, maybe they can't go to work, but they say, well, I can listen to the Steve Harvey Show. I'm gonna get lets some lads, I'm gonna get some knowledge. So it's very important that we take what we do very serious, and we do, we really do. That's why I know what people are going through. We know that people are hurting. And you know, we do this radio show. We don't know how many people we touched because we don't see you guys. We don't see you guys at all, and we know you're listening. And just know that we feel your pain too. Because everybody knows ten people that ain't working, and those ten people, no ten people, and those ten people who know ten people, and so on and so on and so on. So forget what this guy in the White House is saying. People are dying, people are not working, and people are in bad shape. Because they can't pay their bills and they want to work. They want to They don't want that little check. They want to work. They want to get out and work, and they were working. They could go back to work. In that choice, I'm gonna die or I stay at home. I don't know. I might have to make it. I wouldn't make it because you know, going to work gives a person a sense of value. Yea. The average person that I know doesn't want to hand out. They want to work. They want to feel value. You know. Men want to come in and and they family go, hey daddy, and like he come in, like he saved the day. Women want to come home, hey mommy, and mommy been out there making money, like she's saving the day. Don't nobody want to be sitting here waiting on no mail man to come with a check that ain't gonna that that's not gonna cover this stuff, right? You know, you know your job might have been checked the check, but you knew at least you could cover some things that unemployment check don't cover enough. Dog. Yeah, man, So y'all keep y'all head up. Man. I know it's tough, it's challenging, but prayer works I'm just telling you it works. Man. If you haven't done it, tried it, I'm telling you it provides you with a level of comfort and confidence that you may need in a time like this. That's just a suggestions anxiety. Well, those are my closing remarks. That's it. I would say, have a great weekend, but have a great weekend which would be just like Saturday. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.