Cardi B. refuses a photo op with a belligerent fan. Will Smith's ex-wife posts a throwback photo of their family during happier times. Oprah Winfrey delivers the commencement speech to USC students and highlights the TRUTH. Sheryl Underwood gives her opinion about the Royal Wedding. The Closing Remarks talks about association and more!
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Y'all know what time. If y'all don't know, y'all bag at all so long looking back to back down, giving them more, just like theming buck bus things and it's tub y'all foul good to the hut listening to me together for stom handle Hobby. I don't you join, yeah, Hobby, join me into beer joining me? Honey said do you turn? Yeah, you gotta turn the turnow turn lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back, Uh huh, that's your will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one and on its Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, okay, here's what I want to share with you. Stop complaining, so I head to let you see how I let that one sit for a second. Stop complaining. Do you realize without us even thinking about it, oftentimes we just complain about stuff and it and it comes up in such subtle forms. Oh man, and believe his clock went off this morning? Man. I want man, I just want a little bit more sleep. And I got to get up going to this job right here. Man, I don't know why they're still in that lady work there. Man, they don't fire this woman. Man, I don't know what I'm gonna do. She driving me crazy. She always got something to say. I bet to day though, the way I'm feeling right now, I bet she'd bet not say nothing to me today. Mm hmmm, yeah, yeah, because day it today it. I'm sick of her running her mouth. Last time she said something to me, I should have said something to it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just giving you a small example of how it starts to snowball. Once you start to complain. It's it just carries over into so many things. Man, Stop complaining about your car, Stop complaining about your bus pass, Stop complaining about your kids can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining about your man can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining. Stop Have you noticed, I'm just asking, have you noticed that in all of your complaining, it has provided not one solution? Oh? May you, Oh you may get a person to adjust to your complaining for a little while, but want you once we settle in, we get right on back to whatever it is. Stop complaining. The reason I'm telling you to stop complaining because God is able. Because God is capable. He is capable and able of fixing anything, Capable and able of curing anything, Capable and able of allowing you to get too adjusting to things, and capable and able to strengthen you to get through and change anything. But the key here is God is capable, and God is able. A lot of times I find myself complaining because I have not used my greatest asset, and that's my relationship with God. You all have one. Now, you may not have nurtured it, but you have one because God created you as your as his child. He's available to you, not the fact that you ain't went to him. Okay, once again, who foughts that? Stop complaining until you strengthen your relationship with God and formulate this relationship. You don't have enough weapons. You don't have enough bullets, you ain't got enough arrows, You ain't got a big enough shield to fight this thing called life. It just keeps coming. Man, And unless you develop a relationship with God, you need a partner in all of this. You've got to have a partner, man. You cannot get through this thing without those this partnership. I don't know, you know, maybe you got another route you're gonna take. But every successful person I know personally has a relationship with God. I have some really really some people that's kind of up there in the success term in terms of business and money and and and statue. I'm just talking about that portion of success. And then I have a lot of people who are very successful in in their spiritual life who have become great men of God and women of God. But look at all of them, and all of them have substantial amounts of you know, possessions and things like that. Also, most successful people I know have that even if you saw him never with a big lot of house and a lot of money or stuff like that. They had so much respect, so much love, so much power was given them from people that their life life was rich in that area, you know, like a man Nuther King or something like that, or Gandhi or somebody who lived their life in service, or Nelson Mandela who came out and just man, people put stuff at their feet because of their service. So all successful people I know have that. Every last one of these people that I know, they have relationship with God. They used the tool that was available to them to give them the strength, the bullets, the arrows, the slings, the shield to fight this thing called life and have the most valuable partner right there by the side, they Heavenly Father God, because he will help you get through this thing called life. Man, stop complaining so much. Stop complaining all the time. It's not fixing anything. Why don't you do yourself a favor and strengthen your relationship with God? Why don't you do that? You ever thought that that could be the problem? Man? Why can I never get over? Well you have not because you asked not. Man, how come I always got problems? Well, you keep trying to solve them yourself and taking them to your friends. You can you keep trying to do them with your own thought process? Who are you? I keep telling you, Man, you gotta get it together with God. You gotta quit tripping. You're going through stuff you ain't got no business going through. And and if it's you're going through something over and over and over and over, and the same problem keep coming back to bite you again. All that's saying is you still ain't strengthen your relationship with God. It's your relationship. He's not gonna make you have one with him. He is a perfect gentleman. He only comes into your life when you invite him in. He don't buffalo his way in. That ain't the way he works. But for those who do invite him men, they have a distinct advantage on their road to success, a distinct advantage. You can do it without him. Trust me, you can. How far you get. I can't promise you nothing, how well you handle it when you arrived at I can't promise you nothing. How long you're gonna stay there, I can't promise you nothing. How difficult it's going to be without him. I can't give you that. It's going to be far more difficult. But you can. Something can happen, and you, you know, receive a measure of success, and you think, is you and this this move you made, And you can describe it as I got lucky. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I got lucky. Lucky is usually how other people describe other people's success. Poor, he was lucky, he was right there. Well, let me tell you what lucky is. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity. If you've been working hard at something, the opportunity presents itself that comes a match that's not luck. But now, if you haven't done that on a repetitive enough basis, that opportunity could present itself one time. You gotta reconnect. Stop complaining, man, come on, listen to me. Stop complaining. It hasn't fixed a single thing in your life. And if your chronic complainer, it's because you really really have not fixed your relationship with God. He's smoothing out for you. That I can tell you for a fact. I know that for a fact he smoved mine out. All right, let's go. You're listening to a ladies and gentlemen, man, have your attention, please just Steve Harvey Morning Show. Every day we started off a little bit different. There ain't gonna be no no different than the rest of them. It's different. That's already done, done being stated. This is already different. It's the radio show with real people on it that talk read self for Sirley. Now, good morning, shre, Good morning Steve. There we go. She disappointed? All right, Colin for real? Is out today? Is she? Yeah? She's in New York. What's she doing in New York? It's her business? Okay, I'm not putting her business in the streets, but yeah, it's company business. What company started notifying me? They probably did have you your million email mails? Okay, how many unready emails? Y'all? Y'all think I got off in the check, right, I mean unread at least five that's a lot of time. I'm gonna go hiding that I'm gonna saying. I'm gonna saying at least both down. I'm gonna say like five thousand five. Yeah, more than that for me to screen shoot it and send it to you. Yeah, come on, I want to see it, all right, let me get to the other page. Is it more than three numbers? But wait, he knows how to screenshot? Do screenshoot? Yeah? I love that time. It's nonsense. I figured Steve can work his phone. Oh he's here for yea, Yeah, for the foolishness. Oh yeah, President and CEO. He got that. Damn no problems. So it's it's got to be like twenty then. Since you said that people tripping with you, you ain't returning it, You ain't responding in nothing good, nothing about you tripping with me? Man? You just think that bothered me. I don't care about nobody tripping with me, y'all. Let me know when you get it, and that's cool because you have to grow to get there. So that means you've grown Steve's you have to grow to get to a place where you don't care you know what people think about you and what people say about you, they trip about you. Yeah, you have to grow there. I still but if I hear you know, I still do something that's gonna take a little longer. I don't have it yet, but anyway, it's a lot I know. Right. I ain't even gonna tell you till they come through because I don't want to think I'm lying. Right, what I'm waiting on did you send thank you? Which? See I sent it, but no one of another one of us had It's the green line is oh no, no, we don't have it yet. Surely does a reason why he don't respond? Yeah, right, remember when remember when turning to say it's thanking, he's think, thank you, thank you. That's what I was. Alright, coming up, we have something funny. Tommy and Junior in the building with something funny. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour. Right after this you're listening to show, all right, it's time for something funny and today it's gonna be with Tommy and Jr. And I think you guys have entitled this things you wish you still had? Ye? What's the why? Say? What do you young boy? As a comedy? Why why the building are with things you wish you still had? J's that boy? If I still had a page, you hear me on my help today, I'd be bawling up in here. But I can't. I just wish I still had a page. I ain't gonna lie. Put your code in? Yeah, cell phones getting people get messed up. Yes, yeah, you want something now, Well you ain't got to worry about all that you know, all that called and all that you want to hit you on the hip. I'll call you when I get rid. Oh yeah, all right. I just had a page when you put your code in. When I used to see sixth in that n I got you someboy, Yeah, that that was the code right now. I just want stuff. I'm more affable about right, stuff that you know now I'm I'm doing stuff. Well, it's a little stress and everything, you know, making a little more money and everything. But lord, I still wish I had a car and took regular games. I wasn't ready for Supreme all the time, that ninety three bus. I just had a call that just took regular You know, if I get back down the ga. No, when I when I bought my truck, they didn't tell me it had to be all the time. If I could just get back to that thing you still have that it had. If I could just popping in a VHS tape. Boy, you hear me popping in some of the greatest movies of all time, right dere VHS to me, that's better than DVD. That's when you go back when the movie meant something. When you went to blockbusting, picked up your tape popping in, and then you had to get it back the next day. You got two days. I was always late with that tape. I actually bought more tape that I had. Pandora stole this idea. Pandora already stole this act. I really do wish I had a tape record so I could just take my song. I don't have to heat the commercial. Pandora come in after every second song. They got something they want to say. Man, just play this the ten songs a row I want to hear. Yes, I don't have time. I'm not interested in socks, shirts, shot past belts. I don't want to. I just want to get to Joda sit fading after that, I want to get to some Luther. I don't really think you had a table card your policy. Let him get that, then play. That's all I want to get back to. All Right, let's go. I don't I don't have it. I'll never have it again. But if I could just have a nice afrow and putting my putting my rake in it with the fists on it, and walk around like that, if I could do that for a day over, I know that if I could have it, I'd wear me a nice throw with a pick in it, with the fists on the top of it. Get a man weave. That's all you have to do. You can do that. Man live in Baltimore. I got a flap there and get it. I'm already called it. He live in Baltimore. He lived in Baltimore. The voice code, what do you do to me? He put hat on your head? It looks real serious. So it looks so real. I'm gonna waiting for about two days just to be balling. I'm telling you watch me. You guys haven't seen it. You haven't I ain't showed you out a video. You gotta you gotta see it. It's unbelievable. It's unbeweievable. It really is. It is some things we wish that we still had what you got, j I'll tell you what that thing I wish I still had. I ain't got that. I wish I had a woman who didn't want so much. Yeah, I wish I had that I used to day. If you care nothing about about going out to expensive place, No, Chilie is cool. I ain't been the chilis and stuff at all. Man. You get the two for twenty un when you get two advertisers, two meals and two desserts, Twitter up. I used to kill him in there. Boy, if I could bring that back Chiles two for Twitter. Y'all don't remember that. Get that out of your mind. Yeah, I ain't going back the over No, because now you know we used to eat restaurants. Now eat restaurants now where all the license low, all that they pay for them. Like I asked him, turn my section there, take you take thirty off my bade you turn me like up, you give me some now you eating the restaurants now you gotta take two elevators, get to the top. Chill it, same flow everybody, even I want to go over there. No, I want to eat two for twitter. Who don't miss that? All right? This is called things you wish you still had? Come on, Well, I can't see it, but I'm gonna see it, but I ain't supposed to see it. Well? Hell what what? What? What from you? Yeah? I'm like, oh what what? I just I wish I had more than go ahead already know what you're gonna say. Go ahead, please, molding woman. Yeah, you are really really, really ridiculous with it. I'm going through the one woman blues. You hear me. I can't run on me over here. Just just I'm just saying that, I'm what you're talking my stuff. I wish I haint got it. I'm just saying, when you're comfortable with saying this aloud. Morman, what's wrong? Why quishing? Ain't? Yeah? You wish and we question. Wow, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what that means. I ain't gonna say that back here. There are no I have no words. He his wife was just on the radio, uh the other day, her Mother's day. He don't he really, but here's something. Sure, this is bored to me dealing with women. Don't I wish I had women whose babies went to sleep? If I if I could just get that I'm dating women that they babies got more energy, they stay up. These kids have no idea about nine o'clock. No, it's ten thirtin the baby in between me and sitting up he mowing too. The movie then us, this baby is a yall that. How do we see that? I can't touch her and nothing because John Job sitting between us. If I just had baby with the sleep all right? Uh? That was good, guys. Things you wish you still had things YBC. That's what Steve named you, guys. And uh, coming up is the nephew with run that brank back right after you're listening to the Steve coming up at the top of the hour, guys. In Entertainment News, Cardie B explains the mall fight video that she had, but right now it is a nephew. He's here with run that prank back. What you got, NEV? What I got? I got six to teen shirt two teen? Uh? Why did you do her like that? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to speak your latrend to please, This is Latrenda. Who is this? Hey? You work at the time with Sean? Yes? I do? Who is this? Okay? Was you were there? Did you work last Wednesday? Like from six to I guess six to close? Yeah? I work every Wednesday? Yeah? Who who is this? Hey? My name is Ralph and I basically, um uh, you know, looked around to try and get your phone numb. I got a bit of a complaint out. Wait wait wait, wait wait, you're calling me with a complaint on my cell phone. Who gave you my number? I've done the research to get your number, man, And what I'm calling you about is, while I was in there getting the sandwich and eating, I'm realizing that you came out of the bathroom without washing your hands, and which First of all, you need to be calling the corporate headquarters if you gotta complaint, or you call that eight hundred number on the back of your receipt. Don't be calling my cell phone. Whoever gave your gave you myself on them a whoof dad. Hey, listen, listen, The problem is is that you're coming out not washing your hands. No, no, the problem I don't never come out and not wash my hands. First, of all, you're working I've been working there for three years. Be coming to me with no books that I hadn't came out and I washed my hands. I guess you ain't been washing your hands for three years, and you you're you're coming out, you know, unsanitizing this way you're treating people. Don't First of all, don't be calling my phone talking behind. I ain't washed my hands, Like I said, I've been there three years. I've been employer of the month six times. Don't be coming to me with another different book like how you employ. You must be the nasty employer of the month because you're coming out you're not washing your hand. I saw you scratch your head. You ain't put I always look gloves on my hand. You we don't know who the hell you think you are. But don't be calling my phone with this. You need to be calling headquarters. If you gotta complaint, I'll tell you what I'm gonna call headquarters. I'm coming at a mom to see if you're gonna be up in there with some gloves on, or you're gonna come out there out the bathroom again with the same thing. Come on up there, I'm gonna be there from six to close, sixty close, and I bet you if you come up to them all, I'm gonna make it stand with you. You're gonna do what I'm gonna make it stand with you out show who's you think you're talking to? Yo? You said your name was around right. Don't be calling my phone with this. Hey, let me tell you something. All I'm saying to you is this right here. If I come up in there tomorrow and find out you ain't got some gloves, oh you're mess. I get all you're gonna with mine. You're gonna want sixty ten. I'm gonna be up there from six to ten, and I ain't gonna call nobody. Ain't calling my brothers, my cousin, my uncle or nothing. I'm a shop by myself. Excuse me. You're gonna you you're gonna try to take on the man. I'm gonna whoop your by myself. That's what I said. You'll need to get your little nassit behind in the bathroom and wash your hands and keep put on your head because you don't be coming up some people food like that. Bring your throwing up there six to ten. You know where I work, six sits in and I'm gonna walk y'all. Who you think you talking to? I don't even know who you are, but I'm gonna know y'all tomorrow. I'm gonna know you tomorrow. Bring your throwing up there six SIPs in and I'm gonna walk, y'all. I'm coming up there tomorrow. Come on, don't I'm not going up to tomorrow. A matter of fact, I'm gonna tell you how to be sanitize. I'm gonna be what some gloves on? Do you hear me? You're gonna be mine? And you steady talking about woman that's the loose? Bring you up there and we're gonna see who's gonna get woll What kind man is you? Anyways? To be talking about fighting? A walk? You will? And you what what you called me? Um see tee? And you I'm coming up there to see you tomorrow. Is you is? You're gonna be ready when I get up there? What kind of you? Anyway? Your car friend? How about you gonna fight female over some hand washing? Bring yours and I'm gonna show you what it is. Sixty kids, I'm gonna be here six. Matter of fact, I'm gonna be there at five forty five, bring your sup for five o'clock in and I'm gonnahoof y'all. Who your third talking to? I'm gonna I'm gonna talk to bring up for tomorrow six to ten. You're gonna see, You're gonna see what's up. I don't got one of my friends to say to you for her. Come up there tomorrow. I don't you got to say, I don't care. I'm gonna whoop yo, say that I got I got one more friend. Listen to me? What do you listening? What? What? A few Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Shoot. Who you you say? Who? Hey, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got franked by your co workers? Man? You man see man, y'all got me? Man, I'm like six in the mall. I got something for her. She's gonna have to watch her back every hour, every hour on the hour. I got something for her. I ain't gonna hurd of, but I'm definitely gonna do it in tomorrow. Believe that well you read it. Oh, I was ll yeah, I'm gonna man, you don't even know what you had a story for you You're like that your uncle's gonna pull me off, and that probably wouldn't have been enough either. Hey, I got one more thing to ask you, baby girl. What what is the baddest radio station in the land. You already know Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, y'all might not want to run by subway right now. You might. You might get jumped over running it out. Oh my god. All right, nephew, thank you, thank you, thank you hip hop. Yes, Steve, I was wondering if you're gonna say something, yes, excuse me, yes, you got to do the prank. Yeah, that's me. Good You Tommy, I am Tommy. What can I do for you? Hand clap? Yeah? Oh it's coming, Yeah, it's coming. It ain't coming, all right? You think it's coming? Do you think? Whoa hol Hercle Hercules, Hercules, Amazing Grace Conservatory presents Hercules. That's my girl. Wendy rock Hall Robinson host Yours Truly Sunday May. Yeah, as we told you yesterday it was sathing you were thinking of seven thirty Sunday night. I'm hosting it. Come hang out with me. It is Hercules. It is at the Nate Holden Performing Arts Center. That's Nate Holden Performing Arts Center, Los Angeles, California, eighteen West Washington. I could be hurt. I'm not hurt, but I could be hurt. You could play herculegue. Well, do you think I can play Hercley with your shirt off? Yeah? Man, I just got the vision? Man with your shirt off? Shirley, what's so dug gonna finnhing? Nothing? What's that fun? Nothing? She got the vision? Nothing? Nothing? Take that shirt off? He don't you take your shirt off? You look like you just had pupplic I could play hercles, Thank you. I can play herclegue. Okay, all right? But did she ask you to play it? Or did she ask She didn't ask me to play her She asked me the host. Well, he could play Hercules if we was talking about Hercules as the strong baby. Look at alright, guys, we gotta get out of here. Coming up at the top of the our Entertainment News, Cardi B explains the fight in the Mall footage that we all saw over the weekend. Okay, fight yeah, pregnant? Yeah, what's your point? You're listening to the Steve alright? Coming up in twenty minutes, we will discuss is it okay to post a picture of your ex on social media. Well we'll talk about that, but right now, today's entertainment news. Pregnant women are supposed to, you know, try and stay stress free during that time of the month. So you know that won't transmit trans late into the baby. You know, the baby won't pick up on that. But Cardi B keeps getting into drama. She just keeps getting into drama. Not always her fault, though. She was doing a little shopping at a Las Vegas mall recently when she got into it with an over zealous fan. After footage of a verbal altercation hit the internet. See it was verbal, guys, and not physical, the woman featured in the video spoke out. Her name was Lolita Beckford Hawkins. She said she bumped into Cardi B outside the Fendi store and asked for a picture. Cardi ignored her request, so Lolita yelled, f Cardi, you ain't nothing. That's what the woman yelled out, right, Okay, so listen. Cardie explained to her that she didn't want to take a picture because she didn't like how she looked that day. Okay, But Lolita felt Cardi was acting fake and only gave her the time of day. After she turned up, Cardi B went on Twitter to address the footage. She wrote, I walked all the way to the store and they still follow me, trying to argue with me if I respectfully told you I don't want to take a picture of your drunk but drunk a You know what she said, You shouldn't get close to me and disrespect my decision, space or privacy. That's what Curdie B said. Okay, well, look, Cardi B is one thousand percent correct for two with you, Steve right here for two. No, I mean you know, first of all, this is a woman asking another woman for a picture. Now, women don't like taking pictures if they ain't on points. Now, just because you want a picture from a celebrity does not mean that that celebrity has to oblige. But now after she tells you kindly no, I'm not up to taking pictures today, I'm not on a picture to day, f Cardi B. Card B ain't blank for what's really man? No, man, the woman has the right. See that's that's what makes it so difficult. And then you know you stuck up, you thank you all that. Wait a minute, hold up, she don't think she nothing. She was in the mall minding her business. She didn't go to the mall and say, CARDI b gonna be in the Vegas mall taking pictures today, and then y'all got on there. She said, no, right, and Curdie Steve said, I always take pictures with fans. If I don't have no makeup, I'm in a rush, or if I'm not in the mood, I'm not obligated. And not everybody is your fan. Clearly that's what Cardie said, and she wasn't a fan because she turned on her so quickly. If a person don't give you a picture, and all of a sudden you hate him for that, something wrong with you. Something is wrong with you, and you've experienced that a lot. Steve man out of head it so many times. I can't even tell you because it's just that I had I've been accused. He just ignored me. I don't hear you, right? How about that? He didn't even speak to me. I didn't see you because you're focused on where you gotta go. Where you're going. Yeah, I get I got a phone call, I got people standing around me. It's so difficult man to try to have to be something for everybody when they wanted when you didn't come that for that right, and after the show was with, I'm doing a meet and greet. I'll take pictures with everybody in line. Take the picture, we shake the hand. We keep it moving. They know how to work their cameras and a lot of them don't, and a lot of them don't. So I help people. So what I do is you give your camera to my guy with it on shoot. He take it handed to you, You walk off. That's how we do it. No, you ain't got it. And if your camera ain't ready when you get to him, you're going go on to the next person in line, and we keep it moving. And that's that's all you can do with people after that. Man, come all right, Steve, take us to Mrsan please, ladies and gentleman, missaying Trup. Thanks Steve. Good morning everybody out there. This is a trip for the news. They send. An intelligence committee says it finds nothing wrong with last year's conclusion by the U. S Intelligence Agency said Russia interfered with the last presidential election with the express purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton. Republican led Committee made that an ehouncement after a closed door meeting ended with three Obama administration intelligence chiefs not the investigation, led by House Republicans criticized the Intelligence Community Committee conclusions, claiming that they failed to meet analytical stands, but again the Senate Republicans disagree with that. President Trump is now acknowledging the fact that he paid his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen more than a hundred thousand dollars bucks last year, reimbursing Cohen for the hush money he paid out to Pourin star Stormy Daniels just before the twentie election to keep her from talking about the affair they had. Meanwhile, the President's urging the US Justice Department looking to goings on in Oakland, California, considered a sanctuary city for illegalstruction of justice. I would recommend that you look into obstruction of justice for the mayor of Oakland, California. Trump claims that Oakland's Mayor, Libby Schaff may have broken the law by allegedly tipping off residents about a plan immigration and customs enforcement operation in the Bay Area. Thousand teachers took to the streets of Raley, North Carolina yesterday to demand highest salaries and more funding for public schools as state legislators begin their annual budget season. By the way, North Carolina is a sixth state where teachers have walked out this year and demonstrated for more money for schools and salaries. Hundreds of the young women and girls who say they were abused by the now incarcerated former sports doctor Larry Nasser with Michigan State University. They've gotten a five hundred million dollars settlement to share that was the nassa's employee of Michigan State. The deal does not reportedly include nondisclosure or confidentiality agreements. Nari Nasa Course sentenced to hundreds of years behind bars. The U Supreme Court struck down the law that makes sports betting illegal in most states. Megan Markle's father underwent a cardiac operation yesterday, where it is everything went well and that he's recuperating. Wedding course is. Wedding is Saturday, and by the way, her half siblings are not winning any brownie points from the public over the way they've been acting. Their father reportedly says that's why he got so sick. Us has vote to Retainey Obama Administration's net neutrality rules. But the House and they're not even going to discuss it. So that's gonna change anything. But today is international. Sink about your money, dad. Everybody needs money. That's why they call it money exactly. Being back with more entertainment in today's trending topics. Twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the sty Show. All right, this is a story from our home station in New York City. One of seven point five w BLS Instagram's page. Will Smith x Sherry Fletcher. Uh beautiful, beautiful woman posted a throwback picture of her Will and their son when he was a baby. She got a lot a lot of comments saying it was inappropriate for her to do that. So the question is is it okay for an ex to post a throwback picture, especially when you and your partner have moved on. Now he's married to Jada Pinkett Smith, they have two kids together. He's in a you know, he's in a whole new space. You're in a whole new space. Why are you posting, you know, old pictures of when you guys were families. That's what people are saying they thought it was inappropriate for her to do that. Steve, Yeah, you know. I mean, you know you got a million throwback pictures. Yeah, I agree. Keep it to yourself. I mean I think it's a bit disrespectful, you know, keep it to yourself. You don't have to post it for the world to see. M h. But you ought to be ad at least keep all your naked pictures to yourself. You ought to be at least growed to a see them when you're want to old friends. You know what I'm saying. I mean, if you can't have an leash, you'll be looking, don't you think, Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I agree with you for really he agrees with us. Steve, don't don't post it, Yeah, I just I just don't think you should post it and make it public because it could make you know, Jaya feel some kind of way, or the kids feel some kind of way. You know, it could it could happen like that, and you set yourself up for all kinds of negative comments. Can you show them to people? Can you just show them you like this is well, I mean that's not a public forum. You know. You could do with the pictures whatever you want I just say, don't put don't post him publicly. I just want to say that this is what we back in the day. That's not gonna happen. But he's not that stupid. You beg to different with me, Steve Temmy. You know you can't do that, right What Junior just said, tell your naked pictures to your current wife. No, okay, that is sound convince at all at all. She run across something in my phone, and I'm gonna say, Junior just said that. Oh, You're gonna blame it on Junior. Hey, oh yeah, he gonna have to take the right. Yeah, the boy code. I forgot about the boys code. Ye. All right, Well you can hit us up on all social media. Steve Harvey f M and comment. Coming up next, Oprah Winfrey tells the University of California graduates to pick a problem and do something. We'll talk about that at thirty four after the hour you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oprah Winfrey UH delivered a powerful, powerful speech that called on USC and Berg School of Communication graduates to seek truth and help others. Oprah offered practical advice, She shared personal anecdotes and challenge students to take real world problems. Take a listen, let me tell you something about the truth. The truth exonerates, and it convicts, It disinfects, and it galvanizes. The truth has always been and will always be, our shield against corruption, our shield against greed and despair. The truth is our saving grace. And not only are you here usc Ninburgh to tell it, to write it, to proclaim it, to speak it, but to be it. Be the truth, be the truth. Pick a problem, any problem, and do something about it, because to somebody who's hurting something is everything. Wow. Oprah and her speeches, hush, Steve, She's been getting better and better and better, I mean just more powerful truth. Wow. What do you think? She spoke for more than twenty minutes, and she quoted the likes of Maya Angelou, Michelle Obama, and Albert Einstein. He urge graduates to use their degrees to find the truth. Of course, we heard to say that challenge cynicism and use their gifts to tell their stories that make the world a better, brighter, and more just place. So there you go. Ever, since the Golden Globes, though, remember after her speech with the Golden Globes they were saying she should run for president. You know, go ahead. I was listening to her speech at open got me, I got up my speech game. Really yeah, yeah, I gotta up my speech gag. Yeah. I mean I like that she's giving so many great speeches lately. I mean when when she gave the one at the Golden Gloves Golden Globes, they said Golden Gloves, two entirely different speeches the boxing match. But you yeah, they wanted her to run for president. Okay, she don't need to do that. She didn't know was way more effective if what I learned. What I learned is that the government, man is it's a game that I'm unable to plays, no man, because it's all political. If it's not a if it's not a bipartisan idea to help, it's not gonna go down. Those are really hard, it seems lately. If they can come up with the way to hurt somebody, then it don't have to be bipartisans. Whoever got the majority vote can go on with the hurt. For example, they have not signed over the deal for these Doccer kids to stay here. That's the Republicans doing that, and they're not gonna sign it because they use them kids as a political toy in this hole. Yeah, and then after they said they would sign it, that's what you know, because they found out that they could hold it over the Democrats head that was supposed to have been and done this, and they change their minds. So they don't want to help us with housing unless it's a bipartisan decision. And they still want to destroy President Obama's legacy as well. But here's the thing, they are doing it the wrong way. They don't understand it. They think, simply put, by destroying his legacy, it makes theirs appear to be greater, and it doesn't. All you're doing is hurting people. All you're doing is trying to undo what's been good for a lot of people. And now you want them to look at you like, wow, he's better than Obama. No man, No, Dr Field said it best. You can't blowing blowing out my candle ain't gonna make yours brighter. Donald Trump's White House politics will not be better because he destroys Obama's. It won't be. It's just not man. We're in a real crazy situation. I'm done with politics. I tell you my new party is that I Rep. DEM. What my new political party is that I Rep. DEM. I'm an independent Republican. Nobody else just called you. That's right, all right, nephew, Tommy is coming up with his prank phone call. That's right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry letter. Subject my freaky friend and his wacky wife. Yeah, your wife? Wha, yeah that that that That's not a word I want to describe my damn wife wacky. Yeah, my freaky friend and his wacky wife. That is a subject. But right way, right now. Who wants to marry a woman that's quack? No? That what a woman wants to marry a man that's quacking? Alright? Uh, you're here with your prank phone call? What you got yo? Does h like? Does like doors? Running? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach a Mr. Paul Please call Virginia Senior, probably senior. Okay, this is man. How are you doing to that? I'm good, I'm good. Listen. My name is Mark. I'm actually calling from a company called Doors. Are you? Are you a good court? Correct? You guys? Just built that home. Right, Yeah, I'm like I said, my name is Mark Stevens. I'm actually calling from doors. We're actually the company that uh supplied the doors that are actually throughout your house. Okay, great, what are you calling from? A follow up? No, this isn't a follow up. Actually, we've got a couple of glitches we want to try and get get straighten out if we could find uh, well, here's here's the problem, sir. The problem we're having is at the tractor that actually built you alls home has not paid for the doors. You guys have been there two and a half months, and uh we we can't seem to get the contractor to come in and pay for the doors. Try to call them. We tried to call them several times and we have not been able to get number. The yev on him because you have a good number, to give you a number, because uh, I really don't have anything to do with that in fact, to get my number. Well, actually we had your number of files as the homeowner and that's pretty much how we had you. But the problem we're facing here, sir, is we tried to get this guy for the last couple of months and we can't get him. So, Actually, what's what's gonna happen here in the next day or so is we're probably gonna have to come and get all the doors. O ways can do what? We're probably gonna have to come and get all the doors in your house, take them off and bring them back here to the plant until we get get out of my doors. We're gonna have to get those doors until either we get a contractor or you know, we get paid for the doors. Now, what could happen is you could pay for the doors. No, no, no, already paid for the doors. That's that's that's past tense. I've done that paid. You say't paying? That means I got a double back. Well, sir, we haven't been paid, sir for the doors as well. No, no, no, the contractor was paid for the doors. That's who paid you. Okay, And what I'm trying to explain to you, sir, we haven't been paid at all here at doors, not at all? Oh okay, well at doing they should have received a check from my contract and you, sir, is that that hasn't been done. Since you have not been paid, You're gonna come back and get my doors out? You said, we now who's all this you do? And who are they gonna come? Here's the problem here? Like, no, no, the ain't no problems. We're gonna we're gonna resolve this very peacefully. But who who is we? Okay, So what's taking place here? My job is they've taken this money out of my check that hasn't been paid for the doors. Oh yes, I can't understand that. But why would they take it out your check? He did? The man out was you? You've done your word? But I don't understanding, sir. But since the company hasn't been paid, the company is taking it out on me and it's not gonna come down on me. So either I'm gonna get the doors, well you need to quit your job because then because they need to give you a not just give you a bonus, but give you some only word because bottom line is you're talking about coming to get my doors. Now that's not gonna happen. Either we resolved this peacefully as if you paid for it, or I come out and get the doors and I'm not fin the city and go back. You need to go in and come get these doors. Gas up and come get these doors, because you're not gonna come and get I'm not gonna send you no money, okay, sir. Then then then what we need to do is get a schedule time where I can come out and get all the doors on your time. I'm sorry, I'm on your time now, so you got you must be paying me. Not since I'm on your time, what are you talking about? Because you're talking about you're gonna set up a time with me. That means I have to leave and do what I do to be met you here to get something don't belong to you, which is my door, so you don't have to be there at all, because I'm gonna I'm gonna come here and take the front door off, and I'm gonna keep keep moving through the honest and get all the doors and get them back here to the player. I don't think you hear yourself now first and almost how you when you come to the front door, I'm gonna be without waiting on you as you as you taking off that I'm gonna be on you behind making sure you realize you're gonna have to take this dough or take this and I'm taking I'm pretty show from coming to you need get that first door, so I can't keep going back and forth with you. Let me say this to you. I'm coming to get them doors, even if I got to take a because I gotta get my money back from the company that they have took from me because some damn contractors did not pay for the damn doors. Hey, you better. Hey, bringing your turned down when you talk to me. You're talking to him. Man, I'm gonna I'm gonna pet this on you. I'm not gonna allowing you to come to my hearts and take these damn doors and you ain't coming to getting no money. But I'm coming to get them doors that I'm coming to get them today. I need every low. What time you're coming, tom Are you prepaid when you come back with these doors? Because I make so. Please what time you're coming. Don't don't worry about when I'm coming. You don't know what I'm there. When I take the first dough off the heads everything, we're gonna meet at that door and who that and tell you what I'm gonna pay you. I'm playing dollar pipp Now take that checking and they kiss that inside. Whooping a night. I'm gonna take that, hope. But if that's what they take. But I gotta take this door. You want to get my money? I mean, do next time, get your damn money. Stop. Get a job that pays you better for this women, you're gonna get it in fed well, I'm not sure. I'm not gonna keep going back and forth with you about you whooping by any more. That in the end, right take that moment and take it on hand. Tap. But I'm bringing them doing every door that I you should have been calling a contract killing doing some though from from my damn Come on, I tell you what you need to be calling him. He got combo to get hippy dough. You got in that? How may I tell you what? You know? What I do? I just want do you go to work? I just coming in and get them? Does we're gonna ask Junior? I wouldn't la a second now. I just told you you ain't coming to getting the doors. I just got to telling you, jun get it from your mama. Get doing and you know what else I'm coming to do what I'm coming to tell you? Who I am? You do? You know who I am? You do I know who you want? I'm not sure I do to myself. You aren't get it? Come get these doors? There. That ain't really who I am? Who are you? I am nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got prank phone called by your wife, Fae. That's why I shot raining damn number. You know I'm getting it out your down sails. Oh brother, you got me. You know I'm a ummer typical negro. I got with the red door. You know who can do the red doors? You're doing something. Hey man, I gotta ask you, man, Paul, what is what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Oh the show because I was just praying man fate on braining number now, but his moving so I'm thinking they're looking forward, but they him. I love. That's one of my favorite. Yes, that's one of my favorites to right. That was really really good. But you've been paid by right there. He was smart. You come and get what, don't. I'm gonna meet you at each dough. Yeah, hey, you're a dollar but very smart. He was smart. Man. You know you can come down here and take what dough? Oh man, his wife, his wife told you that to get him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, she set it up. That's funny. Oh Man tad he was gonna go off to trust me. I mean he's he wrote a sixth trust me. I got the mike in my hands. Sunday night, Amazing Grace Conservatory presents Hercules. I am not Hercules, but I am hosting to play Hercules in Los Angeles, California. They got two shows Saturday. They got two shows Sunday. That's Saturday, May nineteen, seven PM show Sunday. There's two shows. Three o'clock pm. Is sold out, seven thirty pm. I am hosting last show. Come hang out with your boy and watch the great show Hercules done by Wendy rock Hill Robinson and the Amazing Grace Conservatory Presents. And who knows, I might just step in and be Hercules. You never know. Alright, listen, we gotta get out of your Coming up next, it is the Strawberry Letters subject my Freaky friend and his Wacky Wife. That's coming up next. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter. Guys, and if you need some advice on relationships, on eating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit Strawberry letter, right, Steve, Yeah, that's right. I love to get you send it in if you want to. If you don't, you know, we're gonna keep doing the show. Yeah. We we've had some great letters though lately. Huh yeah, that's how awesome listening. We all keep doing the show. But thank you guys for submitting your letters. We're here to help. We are. Come on, buckle Upberry letter subject my freaky friend and his wacky wife. Here's Stephen Shirley. I'm still best friends with my high school sweetheart. He's happily married now, and his wife and I are good friends too. Here's my problem. For the past couple of weeks, he's been making a lot of inappropriate comments of a sexual nature to me. I always politely tell him that he needs to say those things to his wife. I don't need any issues in my life, So I told his wife that he was making me uncomfortable. This half of said, well, you know you're his first love, so you should take those comments as compliments. You heard me, uh, he told she told his wife that her husband was making her feel uncomfortable. The friend did so the friends said. She called the wife a helf, and she said this HELFI said, well, you know you're his first love, so you should take those comments as compliments. That's what what her best friend's wife said. She said, Um, I had to do a lot of praying after talking to this woman. Since then, it's gotten worse. He just came out and told me that he and his wife don't have sex anymore. I stopped the conversation and told him that he needs to call one of his male friends because I could not help him. We didn't talk for a few days after that. And yes, yes, you hear it, Yes, we didn't talk were a couple of days after that, and I started to feel guilty like I had let my friend down when he really needed a true friend to talk to. So I called him and apologized and told him that he was welcome to come to my house so we could talk. This fool had the nerve to ask me if I could be naked when he got there, because because that would be the best way for me to help him with his problems. I smoothly cussed him out and told him that our friendship is over. His wife has called me several times begging me to mend our friendship. She said that her husband was only joking with me. This is all too weird for me. I do miss my friend, but I don't understand what's happening over there with him and his wife. Maybe our friendship has run its course. What do you think? Uh, this is some crazy, freaky and yes, wacky too, a whole lot of stuff going on at your neighbors. Okay, he's crazy, his wife is crazy, and um, you're crazy too if you think you can still be friends with them. Okay. Uh, your relationship with him, as you know it is over. Uh. He just wants to do you right now, and and that's unacceptable of course. So stop feeling guilty about not talking to him and feeling like you owe him something. You know, if you go a few days without talking to him, feeling guilty because you don't think you're being a good friend to him, you don't. You don't owe him anything. Okay, you really don't. You have been a good friend to him since high school. He decided to change and mess things up. I really don't understand why his wife isn't more angry and upset about everything. She's way too cool for me, So I understand why you say she's wacky and this is weird. Um, I think this friendship has run his course. I agree with you, it is time to move on. You should not have to be in the middle of this craziness. You really shouldn't as a friend, Steve. Um, I have a lot of questions in this level. Okay, I'm just gonna be honest. I got no real way to go with this itself. Let me read it and interpreted as I see it. Tommy kill y'all go, dear Sherylan, Steve, I'm still best friends with my high school sweetheart. He's happily married now, and his wife and I are good friends too. Here's the problem. You're right right there, right there, right there. I'm still best friends with my high school sweetheart. He's happily married now, and his wife and I are good friends too. Here's the problem. You just listed it. You're exactly right here lies the whole damn problem. You still friends with your high school sweetheart and your friends with his wife too. That's a damn problem. For the past couple of weeks, he's been making a lot of inappropriate comments of a sexual nature to me. I've always politely told him that he needs to say those things to his wife. I don't need any issues in my life. So I told his wife, what, yeah, so now you don't went over there, he's making these inappropriate mark. You went and told his wife. And and the woman on the show is gonna yep yep, she told as she shared according to the woman code, I guess you're posted to tell it. So I told his wife that he was making me uncomfortable. This helfer said right here, see now, right here, you're the one went over there and told her. So this helfer said, why this, why this? What? This helfer said, well, you know, you his first love, so you should take those comments as compliments. Thus, the subject of the letter my freaky friend and he whacky white. I had to do a lot of prayer enough to talking to this woman. Since then, it's got worse. Now here's where the letter takes it to him. He just came out and told me that he and his wife don't have sex anymore. I stopped the conversation that told him that he needs to call one of his male friends because I couldn't help him. I don't know if I'm reading this wrong. But if he calls you that him and his wife don't have sex anymore, you stopped the conversation, told her he needed to call one of his male friends because I could not help him. Why would he call his male friend to tell them him and his wife ain't having sex? No, what is you saying about the man? Is this something this letter? We don't know, because if you're insinuating that he should call this one of his male friends to get, you know, some type of satisfaction, then I must go back to the line where you said he just came out and told me that he and his wife. Should there have been a commed No, Steve, you're reading too much into it. If you said he just came out, shouldn't that be a comma right there? No? No, No, okay, because I got scared. In a lot of time, I got quiet when you read it, it's made difference. You need to call one of your male friends because I can't hear one hand. I'm gonna call Haiful alright, hold that thought, Steve. Okay, we're gonna have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subject my Freaky Friend and his wacky wife. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter, My freaky friend and his wacky wacky wife. This letter right here, This woman's best friends with her high school sweetheart who happens to be happily married now. So she friends with him and the wife. Alrighty past a couple of weeks, he started making some advances to her. He told to take that in there to his wife, and you know she don't need no issues. So she went and told us former high school sweethearts wife, who is her friend? At your husband making me uncomfortable? He making uh, you know, advancements towards me. This helper said, well, you know you was his first love, so you should take those comments as compliments. After doing a lot of praying talking to this woman, since then, it's gotten worse. He just came out told me to hear and his wife don't have sex anymore. I stopped the conversation, told her he needs to call one of his male friends because I couldn't help him. Well, we didn't talk for a few days after that. And I started to feel guilty like I had let my friend down when he really needed a true friend to talk to. So I called him up. I apologized and told him that he was welcome to come to my house so we could talk. This food, this fool had the nerve to ask me if I could be naked when he got there. Bam jack apology and come over bing Bibi bing bi. Being booty called previous question though about him because that would be the best way for me to help him with his problem. I smoothly cussed him out, told him that our friendship is hopeful. Smoothly. His wife has called me several times begging me to mend our friendship. She said that her husband was only joking with me. So this food then went back in the house to whack It and told whacking she won't even answer my call. I told him when I got over there to be naked, I was just joking with her, right, wacky wife. This a whacky ass couple. The husband Whackett, the wife Whackett, and you whack it from being friends with him. Okay, but it don't stop here. This is all too weird for me. I do miss my friend whatever, but I don't understand what's happening over there with him and his wife. Maybe our friendship has run his course. What do you think, lady? This is not a friendship. This is a situation, that's all this is. This is not friendship. This is a situation. Friends do kind things for each other, friend and support each other. Y'all ain't doing none of that, y'all just up in here tripping. You ain't saying nothing good about neither one of these people, not now one of them. You ain't said one good thing about even one of them. Pete, but cooking tea to get on this, you know what? She don't see him that way? What did he say? And she said she could give him some cookie till he get himself the best friend? Who she? It's crazy? I'm so sorry. Yeah, this friendship, though, is over. I mean the wife excuse the wife is calling her. You need to be here Free. So now I'm thinking there's something going on over here. I think they Swanley think because she too, she's too okay with Yeah, wifeie, That's what I'm saying. Why wasn't she more upset? I don't know. Yeah, the free and more upset than the one he was just joking with you when he said, nicked, you know how to play. They've been over there talking about getting her. Yeah, yeah, this is it's what you do. I'm gonna do this. Yep, that's the only way this work is. Whacky would have to go over there. But when she first told Wacky that he was making sexual advances to her, Whacky said that she should take those comments as compliments. That's right, because you his first look. Yeah, because your first love, So wacky has been wacky is in the first paragraph. Surely either they swang us or he's white looks. Huh. Either they swang or his wife is a. I'm gonna go it's a probably probably both, because that's how ugly people talk. Really, yeah, yeah, this this is okay, Okay, okay, see this is let me, I'm gonna read you several ugly person lines and come on, these ugly people line starting with I'm still best friends with my high school sweetheart. He happily married now and me and his wife is good friends. That's an ugly person person would say that, ain't nobody fine if the dude Okay, next next ugly person line, this half of said, where you know you his first love. You should take those comments as compliments because of my old ever get a compliments I'm gonna take. I think that's the ugliest comment in the entire lotter I ever get a couple that I'm gonna takes. She's really really unattractive, isn't nothing enough? Yeah? Let me let me find yall can read hug Yeah, she said her husband was She said, my husband was only joking with you when he asked you to be next and when he come over, because he played like that, right, I wish somebody would have Oh wait, what about my wife and I don't have He told me his wife they don't have sex anymore. He just came out and told me that he and his wife don't have sex. And you can't look at hood. Okay, alright, well listen, do you did you see any more lines in there? Because all right, all right, well that doesn't for today's Strawberry Letter subject my freaky friend and his wacky wife. Please join me today for the Strawberry Letter Live after show. We'll get into this letter on Facebook Live at one thirty pm Eastern time. All right, uh, thank you so much. Coming up, um our girl from the top Caryl Underwood will be in the building. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the Our Guys Comedy Roulette. You guys crazy. But right now let's ask our girls. Sheryl Underwood. She is here, Steve. We want to talk about the royal wedding and her thoughts on the midterm elections. Sure, Woods, you have it. What's good? String? Mom, I can't call it, call it, can't call it. Listen, Listen to me that what you're talking about. Man, I'm so heavy right now that the black side of Mega Marco family is not embarrassing us. Hey, man, brother, is the white side that's causing all the shenani Kans. Listen. If you're gonna marry into the royal family, I'm gonna need to Underwoods to make as much money as we possibly can. I need you to sell T shirts. I need you to make baba heads, I need you to be selling fish in US because I need you out in my pocket. This is to all the Underwood side of the family. But I'm so happy that the young girl gonna marry her prints. Someday your press will come and this weekend is today. Girl run on down. You ain't gonna have nobody walk you down. Well, I would want to walk down with Prince Charles, you know, making a family reunion of things like that. But they don't like Prince charl I don't know why they don't like press. You think right on, Listen to me, Game of Thrones. Everybody drinking something at the wedding. Listen to me. You know what I'm talking about. But listen, I just think it's a happy day. I hope that mega mark of father to get the healthcare that he needs, you know. And the other girl, her sister, the sister, the better one. She like John, but they ramsey mama. You know, don't she look crazy like that? That's like telling all their business. Yeah, but you can tell they're salty. Man, they stay salty. They man maga mark on to come up. That's that's what it is. So when she go over there, because British people they like a royal wedding, that's they think. That's what they do. You know what I'm saying. We had a royal wedding. Since Hazel Gordon married Jamaine. Did I go back to did I come back to five? Five Michael's brothers wait, remember what Jermaine had that that pressing girl. Remember he had the press and girl and he married up. That was back when he was saying, let me take your fans. Let's get serious now that Yeah, that was the cut. That serious. That's right, I get citious, simply love. Oh, by the way, I need somebody to break my hands sand so oh you man, you sound jeff like Steve coup Mom. Let's get series. No right, yeah, I'm sorry. Right now he got to sing all his far that must be. It's right there my quest. No, I need somebody to break my hair for saying so who they need to call? Shirley, you're gonna make it. I need a braid over there and get there. She needs somebody none person, right, I need a little sofa eight on my scalp. Are they doing? But they's gonna come loose? Oh yes, it can't come loose and saying you sleep, they come loose. No, I can't. I can't have that, And then I can't have where my um my George Jefferson spot. I can't have the hair tour out of that was left Shirley Carlin, What what what you're gonna do to y'all? Air's saying its own. I'm just gonna wear it like I always kill getting in the walk. Donny can't come one Tarry got in the water. Really, that's right, that's right. I ain't getting in the water. I didn't come here for that. Somebody splashed an ocean. Now it was little white boy came by kicking yes and splash water. Shelly said, what is he out here splashing for? To know the rule? You mean, look at all the water? Well, if anybody knows anybody who braid? And I want some good braids, human or synthetic. But I'd rather have human hair because I got to get ready for saying this out? What am I sir? Because I thought heard there was a different price for synthetic. Isn't that different? Is it cheaper? But I can't go by no flame. You used to get in your hair braided? Yeah, listen to me, hey, without without my wig my hairline is I got the nick ash for the girl. Why are you just so crazy? Wh what I have asked? You asked? Come on, look, I got the long wavy Jones I'm around, but I got a little George Jefferson mixed in the front. So it's thinning in the front and then all the way around. I'm nick Ash for baby, I'm vampire and Brooklyn Eddie Murphy Baby on my hair long all the way down my back. But the front is thin, the front of thin. So I need my braids to I need to brick lay. Then McDonald's best hair makeup man in the business said, I need to brick lay so it covers up my thinning. And then I shake a little black paper in it to cover up the ball spot. It'd be shiny or or you know, just took it all off. Ryl. I can't take it all off because I'm a look like the women in black panther and I ain't got the head shape. See they look dignified. They love beautiful. See. I got about three rolls in the back of my neck, look like a pack of hot dogs a hot link be like sel ready for saying it's so barbecue because she brought the hat lits on a net. No, I'm not doing cut your hair off. You're gonna be Steve Harvey, listen to me, but I saw this move out, Damn. Listen to me. Hey, Steve Harvey, you write about it, maybe like four and fourth man you'd be winning them Academy Awards. Now you're an empire alway with Shirl Hill. You could be the other brother, the one that was mad all the day. Yes, yes, yes, the one that got killed, the one that got killed. Yeah, Sterling K. Brown, I could be Sterling K. Brown. Listen, it's the best day ever? Is you know what you look? You can't play the dozens if you can't play the dozen with yours, that's right. So we got off a good nick Ashford Forest Winter right A, Hey, I love you, I love you that but real is real. But you know how to run? Ronald gotta go. We love you so much. Coming up at the top of the hour, and the guys in comedy Roulette, you're listening to the Steve Show. Alright, guys, before we get to the craziness of comedy roulette, that is comedy roulette, check this out. We're a little less than two weeks away from Memorial Day weekend, and well, if you're looking for if you're looking forward to getting away thanks to the extra day out of the office, know that you will not be alone. Okay. According to Triple A, forty one point five million people will travel this Memorial Day weekend. As for where everyone's going, according to Triple A, booking is the most popular domestic destination for Memorial Day travel is any guesses? Any guests? This guy's vague travel the most popular domestic destination. Okay, Junior says, Vegas, Florida. Okay, what do you say, Steve, New York. It's Orlando, Florida. Everybody's going to Disney World. Now, everybody's not going to Disney World. Why I'm going to Vague? Keep telling you I'm going to Vegas? Why I'm not going? Where are you going? Steve Junior is going to Vegas? Where day weekend? It's in two weeks, It's in two weeks at the end of this month. I might go to Vegas, though, Juni're gonna go to Junior. Why would I not? I'm just close four hours away. Do you want to go to damn Vegas? First of all, I'm going to Vegas if I go with you? Did I'm doing Vegas the best way to Junior doing Vague? Pack your techedo, let's go man. All right, well, speaking of Roulette, it is time for comedy Roulette. Please let us know what's happen planet. Let us planet. We have new people every day by the hour. No one, they have no idea what we're doing. Comedy roulette. Here it is. Take five subjects, Shirley, put them on a wheel, spun the wheel, wedge stop. We will do the damn thing. That's how do we up? Alright, your comedians, here we go. Number one, like the lady in the commercial said, ain't nobody got time for the time? Yeah, here's number two. I'm supposed to act like the blank in your car doesn't work. Okay, okay. Number three, your daughter likes girls, deal with this deal. Okay. Number four, you don't really need to change this fishure alright. Number five the people who never have anything but a underdollar bill and they can't break it. Oh my god, all I got everybody, all right, spending gets come on? Oh no, it stopped on a. Number two. I'm supposed to act like the blank in your car doesn't work. I'm gonna sit there and act like that don't work, Like I'm the only one that don't bother. We're driving from l A to Oakland and you ain't got no radio in the car, right, and I'm supposed to talk to you. There's not a problem okay eight dollars. Yeah, I'm just looking at the window. I'll tell this this get on my nerves. We were in the car you over. They're just driving like I't nothing wrong, but both my hands it's touching. You see it it. I got the whole yo siling, all this fabric in my damn face, in your car working. You know we're doing here. Stuff is filling out. Yeah, like the fabric ain't coming. It ain't tacked to the roof. Man, something we've been around. We've been on the road for about four hours. My hand is at this, my whole arm to win because the wind the broke and it's raining my whole right shower like your window. Come on, man, I'm gonna play this. You win that bro Come so I gotta climb over this seat because your damn back doors don't work. I'm like, it ain't really kind of suit on the five of the three hours, got to climb over the damn seat and they're just gonna climb over the seat. All that tripping you got old does over here. Okay, I'm supposed to get in your car seats five, but you only got one seat. Yeah, that's all you got. I'm on the floor knocking my eyes is right at the side level. People think I'm a little boy in Okay, I'll tell you what this really happened this party and it's still up to date. Okay, I didn't, I didn't wasting something on me. The center console don't live up. But as for that, like you ain't got a paper wide to paper tie irack sitting right here out on your ashball. It's a whole paper tie rack. So I'm just spinning. I'm not gonna say that. He's gonna say that. Let me get this right, man, there's degrees outside is eating something degrees in this car. We're both sitting here, sweating, soaking wet. Man, we're gonna both sit here and act like this don't work. That's what we got. We're just gonna sweat on all the way, all the way, I see. Come on and close it out. Now. We ain't got clothes a chicken, Yeah, yeah we do. Yeah, let me pick I got a few. I had all these cars. He had a lot of cars. Okay, So let me close with this. The cardboard on the floor over here on the passenger side, he's soaking wick. Because you won't see that the floating. Got You won't tell nobody that I'm seeing the road by looking at going to stop this car like the flip stover, and your ads won't go on and admit that the flow eight out over here? Oh man, do I set my drink on the floor. I looked at the back. I see my drink coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, We're gonna tell you the sacred to a man's life who has lived to one hundred and twelve years old. He's a veteran too. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show in this past week. Richard Overton is his name. He is America's oldest man. Uh he happens to be a World War Two veteran. Tommy, he turned one hundred and twelve years old. Okay, now they asked him. Of course, you always ask people who have lived managed to live this long? What is the secret? Richard explains Steve. You're gonna love this. You're gonna love this. This is what he does. His favorite drink is whiskey and coke. He also, yeah, he also enjoys waffles, pancakes, cinnamon rolls, ice cream, and dr pepper. But the one thing that he does every day consistently. Steve, he smokes twelve cigars a day. He got time, he got some time, white man born in nineteen o six. That's like two hours or something. He putting them up. Yeah, there was a cigar. He's chain smoking. Man. Ain't got nothing to what I mean. He's lived his life whiskey and coat he killed. I wouldn't care about. This is what I would eat too. I'd love he's got some good jeans. Yeah, oh dog, I have no dietary strictures at that. You're heading home anyway? What what? Let me get bone of Chiden down, pointing butter par right, I'm back. You know what I had in about seventy years foot? You know what? Because he guys, why do you know what I had about for the year? What was that? You don't give me what I don't give me a can of spail whatever you do, and I want on that new one either with a little pop top, I go give me what I got the killing. Yeah, I'm gonna go in here and make me a vienna saucy pap roll out. We'll roll out and crush. They're gonna let a bunch of vienna and put put the crunch top on it, and I'm gonna bake it. It would be Viana soldier everybody. That's what everybody eat that right there? You know what? So you know what, you're good girl. You know what I think about getting me Toma? What old Steve? What? That's because he's old Steve. Now give him with hand me a rabbit sandwich. Rabbit. I've never had rabbit. You never had rabbit. Everybody says it tastes like chicken, and that's fine. I don't want to eat it good some real old now, but I want me some fried drummer from Fried Drumming Us, some buffalo fish and a piece of cop man. What is jo so long? Well you got to be old eating damn call? But when did he eat it? He's smoking all these cigars, you know. You know, hey, one thing about smoke Ture you smoke with you? Is he married? It didn't say she's sometimes. Yeah, she passed about twit year ago when you were a hundred. That the hundred birthday party. And I will put it on all right, we'll be back with more of this foolishness ignorant show right after this. You're listening to the stew Today's Entertainment News. Pregnant women are supposed to, you know, try and stay stress free during that time of the months. So you know that won't transmit trans late into the baby. You know, the baby won't pick up on that. But Cardi B keeps getting into drama. She just keeps getting into drama. Not always her fault, though. She was doing a little shopping at a Las Vegas mall recently when she got into it with an over zealous fan. After footage of a verbal altercation hit the internet. See was verbal, guys, and not physical. The woman featured in the video spoke out. Her name was Lolita Beckford Hawkins. She said she bumped into Cardi B outside the Fendi store and asked for a picture. Cardi ignored her request, so Lolita yelled, f Cardi, you ain't nothing. That's what the woman yelled out right, Okay, so listen. Cardie explained to her that she didn't want to take a picture because she didn't like how she looked that day. Okay, but Lolita felt Cardi was acting fake and only gave her the time of day after she turned up. Cardi B went on Twitter to address the footage. She wrote, I walked all the way to the store, and they still follow me, trying to argue with me. If I respectfully told you I don't want to take a picture of your drunk but drunk a You know what she said, You shouldn't get close to me and disrespect my decision, space or privacy. That's what Cardi B said. Look, Cardi B is one correct, two for two with you, Steve. No. I mean you know, first of all, this is a woman asking another woman for a picture. Now, women don't like taking pictures if they ain't on points. Now, just because you want a picture from a celebrity does not mean that that celebrity has to oblige. But now after she tells you kindly, no, I'm not up to taking pictures today. I'm not on a picture to day. F Cardi B. For what, That's crazy. See, that's that's what makes it so difficult. She was in the mall minding her business. She didn't go to the mall and say Cardi B gonna be in the Vegas mall taking pictures today, and then y'all got on. Then she said no, right, and Cardie Steve said, I always take pictures with fans. If I don't have no makeup, I'm in a rush, or if I'm not in the mood, I'm not obligated. And not everybody is your fan. Clearly that's what Cardie said, and she wasn't a fan because she turned on her so quickly. If a person don't get of you a picture, and all of a sudden you hate him for that, something wrong with you, Something is wrong with you, and you've experienced that a lot, Steve oh Man out of head it so many times. I can't even tell you because it's just that I had I've been accused. He just ignored me. I ain't hear you right? How about that? He didn't even speak to me. I didn't see you because you're focused on where you gotta go, where you're going. Yeah, I get I got phone calls, I got people standing around me. It's so difficult, man, to try to have to be something for everybody when they wanted, when you didn't come that for that. After the show was over with, I'm doing a meet and greet. I'll take pictures with everybody in life. Take the picture, we shake the hand, We keep it moving. They know how to work their cameras and a lot of them, and a lot of them don't. So I have people. So what I do is you give your camera to my guy with it on shoot. He take it handed to you, you walk off. That's how we do it. Now you ain't got it, And if your came ain't ready when you get to him, you're going going to the next person in line, and we keep it moving. And that's that's all you can do with people after that. Man. All right, Steve, coming up our last break of the day. Closing remarks, Okay, get ready people, you're listening to Steve Show. All right, Steve. Before we went to break, we talked about a hundred and twelve year old Richard Overton. He's America's oldest man. He happens to be a World War Two veteran as well. He has lived to be a hundred and twelve years old. Of course, you know people are going to ask him, Uh, how did he do it? What does he do to live that long? He says he drinks whiskey and coke. That is his favorite drink. He enjoys waffles, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, ice cream, dr pepper, and he smokes twelve cigars a day. Before we get to closing remarks. Anybody got any questionable? What were the fashions like back in the day when you were a young man? A lot of burlap, A lot at a burlet short sit had the top end shut both on burl burn left socks and burn lap. Shoot, Oh, Steve, it's been great chatting with you and getting to know you know what I did when I when when you called me, got my head and the wood and head and no go north, hear me. Can you bring back young Steve so we can close out the show, please, sir? All right, night talk with Joe. Yeah, have us the girl? All right? Um, Sureley today the closing remarks. Today, I've chosen U to talk on the subject about your association with people. M hmmm. Uh. My mom used to tell me all the time, she says, son, association brings on participation. She said that to me all the time. Association brings on participation, she said. She said. Your family is your family, but you get to pick your friends. She said, pick them carefully, so because your because your friends are who you really are, and so sort of funny. But growing up, all my friends lived on the street. I like Manuel Calhoun, Ricardo Pooh Butcher, Meredith le Brown, uh Amp, Tommy Cameron, Peintut, Stop Piss Jackson, Floyd Jackson, Lloyd Jackson, all the Valentine's the biggest family. We all knew each other, But association brings on participation. For the most part. These are some really, really great guys. Man. All of us came from parenting homes that had a father in it. That was the thing about it. The old school neighborhoods. Fathers were so active in our lives. And I found out where a long time ago, to my mom was telling me the truth that association does bring on participation because I was just like my friends were because that's who I associated with. So when they all got in trouble, we all got in trouble. When we all was in team sport, we was all team team sports. When we all went to school, we all went to school. We just stayed like that. So I learned throughout life that that's a valuable lesson. So my suggestion to you is watch who you pick as your friends, because association does bring on participation, and do yourself a faith. Surround yourself with people who on a on a like minded mission. As you surround yourself by people who are on a like minded mission mission as you. Now. People say, was suppose I can't find nobody's tee. You can. You can on the same mission as you if you're around people who are trying to be successful. That's what I'm talking about. You don't have to be successful in the same thing. You just have to be on the path to success. And it's easy to find people who want to do better. But if you choose to surround yourself with people that ain't going nowhere, all they doing is gossip and all they're doing is playing cards. All they're doing is talking trash. All theyre doing is gossiping. All they're doing is watching other people's success on Instagram. That's what you're gonna become. So surround yourself with people who are on a like minded issue. If you can't not find those people of like mindedness, ride solo. Just stay alone, because you don't need to be persuaded. You don't need to be thrown off track by people who are not like minded. Find you some other people who want something out of life and pick those as your friends. Find someone that you can find in your life who's going somewhere. Find someone who wants more. When you do that, you'll find that you will have what's called accountability, friends, because people are going somewhere. When they see you sliding off track, they might go with my man, you don't want to do that, dude, I thought I thought you were talking about being something. Let's stay focused, man, come on, let's go here. They got a siminar down here, the power of positive thinking. Let's go to that and they'll just help you out in a great way. You can have accountability for you. And here's a good one, y'all, I want to share with you. Stop asking people who have never been where you're going for directions. Oh like that. Stop asking people who have never been where you're going for directions. Come on, who, I'm gonna just say it one more time. It needs no explanation. Stop asking people who have never been where you're going for directions. Come on, man, those are my closing drop. Man, I get to the stupid dome. Ain't never been all right, y'all, that's my closing remarks. Y'all have a great weekend, okay, And I'm working this weekend, so I just said, y'all have a great week. We'll be thinking about you. On our day thoughts. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.