We have The CEO in true form because he is singing a song from Trading Places. All In The Family and The Jeffersons maybe getting a possible reboot.?.? Cardi B. is forced to cancel shows because of plastic surgery complications. Eric Holder is indicted for the murder of Nipsey Hussle, plus more. Whitney Houston may tour via hologram. Ben Carson might have a sweet tooth for Oreos. Memorial Day travelers would rather drive than fly. Jason Mitchell loses his job due being accused of making sexual advances to co-workers. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about are dreams and why they are important.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back, don't have a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like amazing buck bus things. And it's not me true good at Steve Hart to move to other Steve, please, Moby, I don't join by join me to be doing me. You gotta use that turn you gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby at it. Uh huh. I show will a good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got this radio show. Man, Hi got here. I really can't explain it. Only by the grace of God, that's all I can really tell you. I was talking with a buddy the other day and he was telling me. He said, Man, he had an interesting philosophy about it. He said. You know, you can have dreams and visions. He say, but God, God will never show you what all he has for you. He won't show you all of it because he knows you will mess it up. And you know what, man, I thought about that, And how true is that? Okay? I know that I got a radio show. I didn't see it. It's just become this major blessing for me. I didn't see it. But if I would have seen it and known when he had planned on giving it to me, I would have messed it up, because number one, my first question would have been to him, why I got to wait so long? Why don't I go down hill and start on the radio now, and then I be in radio and then tidy see that God? But see, the thing about God is God don't need your help a matter of fact, that he don't really want it. All he want is you to love him and obey him. If you can do them two things I think. I think I could be wrong. I think he'd be really cool with us. So had I known about these blessings that he had for me, I would have messed him up because I would have put my thinking in the figuring process, and that would have jacked it all up. That's the first thing I asked him, why I gotta wait so long? And then if he has shown me what I was gonna have to do to get it, I would have showed messed that up. Man, I ain't gonna do that. I ain't even to do all of that wait a minute, I got to go through all of these mishaps in my life. So when I get the radio show, I have something to share. Man, why don't I just read a couple of books and share that experience with them? Now, See, I want you to know what you're talking about. I want you to be transparent. I want people to be able to identify with your struggle and apply they struggle to it and see that they can get over. See. God never shows you all of it because he know will mess it up. I wouldn't have any books, I certainly please know, I would not be the host of Family Field. Can't tell you that. It is amazing man, how God works. And my invitation to everybody today is allow God to work. You know, you can ask him why all you want to, And from time to time I still do no good for me. But that old why me, old woe is me? Lord? Thing that don't really get it for me, because when I start asking him why, I'm asking somebody who has a thought process so high above mine that there's no way if he told it to me, I wouldn't even get it. You wouldn't need I don't how bright you think you are? Man? You just ain't gonna get how and why he does it his way. You're not going to understand it. But he has a plan for each and every one of us. And if we adhere to the plan, if we submit ourselves to his will and just say, okay, God, what you want me to do, I am telling you it is the best way to live. Now. You can also do it the way I did it early on. You can just do what you want to do and see how I go from now. And I will tell you from personal experience, it's not going to go good. You know. My wife and I were talking the other day. As she said something women, I had to write it down. She says, Steve, you know the funny thing about sin? She says, sin casts you more than you want to pay and causes you to stay longer than you want to stay. I ask my wife where she got them from. She says, some old person told it to it. She says, sin casts you more than you want to pay and causes you to stay longer than you want to stay. That's the problem, man, about doing what you want to do. Because we are all sinners man, all of us, all of us, every last one of us are sinners. You will be a sinner until you die. Now, you could be saved by grace, but you're going to be a sinner man. You are going to make mistakes. You are going to in your life knowingly do wrong. I bet you will. I don't know who you think you are. I don't know who you've been listening to. But get this. We are sinners. We were born into a world that is sinful. Now it's okay, it's okay, it's our world. But we can make the best of it because we can form a relationship with God and we can go to war with this thing, you know, and we can win. You can actually get over. Being born into this world is not an end all. That doesn't mean you're doomed, nah man, because God is available to give you life, and not only give you life, but give it to you more abundantly. I have more of an abundant life than I've ever had. If you took away the finances, trust and believe, I have so many things I could tell you that I'm grateful for. For my wife, for my children, man, for my family, for the few friends that I have, for the work that I do, man for the respect that some people that I feel around some people from the reputation I've earned now, I ain't cool with everybody. I got that I'm cool. I ain't cool with everybody. Everybody ain't cool with me. Everybody don't like me. Man, get past that right there. I don't care what you do. Everybody ain't gonna like you. Some people didn't like Jesus. What did he do? What did he do wrong to anybody? Show it to me where he was just out there, just messing over folks, and you could justify all that happened to him. Just show it to me. But he knew everybody ain't gonna like me. I just come to save y'all. You understand I got you ain't feeling me. You're gonna spit on me. You're gonna hang me up there, you're gonna pierce my side. You're gonna do all that to me. When you get through, I still love you. That's a powerful statement. Man, God will take care of you if you form this relationship with him. He has something for you. He has a plan for you that is beyond your imagination. He will give you the desires of your heart. But he also has some stuff in store for you that you're not even asking for that. He is willing to ship to an address that belongs to you as long as you stay on the right path and are trying your best, God to ship you to blessing anywhere. Because please know He's done it to me. I'm a living witness to this, that God will ship you blessings and you ain't gonna be perfect. But if he know your heart, man, if he know you trying to do better, if he see you trying to change, if he see you trying to get it right, he understands that you're gonna stumble all the way through this thing. But if he know your heart and he know you trying to get it right, and you're doing the best you can, boy, here ships some stuff your way. Man, you really be tripping, man, You would really be tripping. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. It's crazy, ain't it. You're listening? WHOA two one two three? When you think of love, gotta get it on your mind. Come on, when you think of love and gotta get it on your mind. Trading places when you think of love, God to get it on your mind. You like a finality or trading places, man, that's the thing that was a jam boar when they shut that dough who lost Billy Ree Valentine Capricorn. Hey, Steve, how you doing steel? Wonderful caller for real? Well, good morning, I'm glad you feel wonderful. What's up State Junior morning spits, How you doing it? What's up? Boy? Man? I'm good man to a few timings top of the morning. Baby damn man, that started off really well. No, no, no, no, no, no, I'm actually really good. I was just concerned about hood secretary causing yeah. Oh yeah, yeah, I'm still bad because that's what I thought oil was to a cookie bad instead of a real estate term. I feel bad for him. Man mm hmmm, hey yeah, politics, Yeah, that whole ministration having troubles draining. This is it's just everything. I mean, just a master. Yeah, you take a break from I'm no longer surprised now, though, I will say that, Yeah what I will be surprised if if the president gets impeached. Yeah, say that. I would be very surprised if that happened. Yeah, I'm just saying because every day there's something Steve, I'm just it doesn't surprise me anymore. It's like, okay, bring it what now? You know? But I'm at that point now, I wasn't mean while I've never seen anything like it. He's ordering people not to obey subpoenas. Do you know what happened if the court subpoenas you and you don't come. Do you know what happens to everyday people? Yeah? Yeah, seriously, man, But can you imagine if President Obama did this? Oh, I mean please, they would be they would they would you would have been impeached. Yeah. From Game with Thrones. Difference between him and the dragon, Well, yeah, that's the only different. It's just really ridiculous what he's allowed to get away with and just say he's not doing. But the Sad Party is the Republican party, who claims to care so much about the constitution in this country, is allowing him together. And they controlled the Senate, and even if it passes the House, it ain't gonna get passed the Senate. That's why impeachment is too hard to do. Yeah, well, I don't know, Just keep voting, keep fighting, keep praying. Coming up at thirty two after the hour inside something funny, We're gonna talk about all in the family and the Jefferson's Live specials coming on tonight. All right, they are back. We'll talk about it at thirty two after Right after this, you're listening to well tonight, to classics that comes too, that we grew up on, or being revived for one night and one night only, as ABC presents live recreations of episodes of Norman Lear's All in the Family and Jefferson's Yes We're Moving On Up. The special will be hosted by legendary producer Norman Lear and Jimmy Kimmel. Uh now this may you know, beg the question could this be potential reboots? So here's the cast. Woody Haroldson will play Archie Bunker. Marissa Tomay is going to play Edith Bunker. Remember the theme song, take a listen Fresh Rage everybody my favorite part. Yes, all right, now here's the cast for Thejefferson's Check this out. Steve Jamie Fox is going to play George Jefferson. Oh yes, yes, yes, yes. Wanda Sykes is going to play Louise Jefferson. Kirk Carlo's cousin Will Farrell will play Tom Willis yes, uh huh, and then Carrie Washington will play his wife, Helen Willis. Yeah, give me a lionel. Now, wait a minute, Wait a minute. Justina Mikado will play Florence. And she plays in Um, she played in Queen Sugar. Yeah, Justina Micado. Oh yeah, who's gonna play Florence? Okay, uh you remember this same song, don't you. We've been moving on Dodd in the sky. I got up piece of the pie. It's gonna finding the kitchen. I been gone burned on the grill, took that whole out of try hand. I just forget up bad here now up in the big leagues. I cannot turn at blows me lived you and me ain't nothing wrong without for him and moving on. That's classic when you hear that coming on man. Yeah, damn, I'm moving on up. I want to move up so bad, Yes, so bad, man, Damn Jefferson, George jeff my dude, man. Yeah, and that's that was back in the day when families sat together and watched TV as a family. Yeah, that's the best that damn. Archie bunker Man can't tell you something. With the exception, when he went to the funeral, he wore the same exact thing, pretty much the same old day. It was not no, pretty much. That was his hat, that was his jacket, that was that shirt, that was that chick every sing until he went to the funeral and put that black suit on. He wore the same thing every single day. It was the best written show. That show. Jefferson's was a great written show man. And they were all spinoffs good time. They were all spinoffs from all in the family. And certainly when you got that award last year and he was what was that in the name of the world, Oh he was there, I just like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, actually wants amazing genius. Yeah, yep, wow, yep that but that was my my favorite part, just the family being together watching those TV shows. It's just different now, you know, No, it's very very different, very very different. Those are great quality shows. There's some good shows on TV today, but that was something that was some bad writing. Boy, I'm telling you good yeah man. That was some great because they they tackle racism. But what they did then you couldn't do that now because people would complain yeah oh yeah, did not care. And it was a comedy, yeah, and it what made it funny was it was the realness of it. Yes, And you had to laugh at it, man. Yeah, there was no political correctness back in those days. And you think about George and Tom Willis, you can't do that. No, no, you can't do that. You talked about Tom like he wasn't even there during his face good y Well, Florence said, you live in this a former and y'all live in this building. To how come we overcame? It ain't Nobody told me, boy, some great iconic classic TV. Yeah yea, so um. But anyway, so that's tonight, that's tonight. I can't I'm looking forward to seeing Jamie Fox play George George. I want to see its take on that. Yeah, you got eighteen TV. You can't hit record on. I don't know how to do that to me. Okay, it's on your remote, girl, I don't know how to do that. I'm just gonna have one of my kids do give one of your staff. Yeah, one of your staff will do it for you. You know, you never think it'd be good. We just take you back down. Polane wants to every night just to keep you. Man, hold up, hold up, I had I had that exact same thing happened to me on Family for You Today. A guy there was in loss prevention, but they called it an asset management. But asset man Schmidt at a store is lost prevention, which is a security guard. Okay, he was the store security at the ninety nine cent store. I said, oh, you mean like the dollars though. He said, no, the ninety nine cis though. I said, no, Doc, you mean like the dollars store. What's the difference. He said, there's a ninety nine cis though, and there's a dollar s though yeah, I didn't know that. I said, oh, my lord, one penny. I asked him what anybody the nine nine cents though he said pretty much everything you can get t shirts, draws. Somebody's wearing a pair of ninety nine cent rows. That's your conclusion. I came to all right, all right, we're coming up next, not wash them. Hen has run that prank back with the nephew. Right after this, you're listening coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment news, Cardie B had to cancel uh some shows because she had some real complications with her plastic surgery after she had her baby, and Kim Kardashian tweeted that she's not happy with Jack in the Box. We'll get into that as well. Right now, nephew in the building, we've running that prank back. What you got Neah, I want to date your mama. Ain't nothing wrong with it. Mama's need love to I want to date your mama. Wow. Did you call the son? Yeah? Yeah, if you want to date somebody, you know you want to. That's who speaks for me. Wow, I speak for my mom. You've been not called me by mama. Okay, what I will call you about? Orge? That's running cat. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach I'm trying to reach miss Burns. This is James. This is our son. How you doing? Man? My name is Gordon. Gordon just recently joined the church man within the last month, and I was trying to get in touch with Miss Burns. One of the members gave me a number, but I guess they they must have gave me the wrong number, or I guess it is this a home number or what is this a hold of? Hello? Who? Who? Who is this again? My name is Gordon Gordon. I'm a new member at the church. Yeah, this is this your number? Yeah? Man, this is my phone number. I'm James, I'm my son. Oh, that's your mom. Okay, that's your mother, right, all right? Well, yeah, my bad man. I was trying to get in touch with miss Burns. Now is do you have a sale or a home number somewhere I can get in touch with Miss Burns. Wait to time till me tell you. Your name is what? Gordon? Gordon Gordon. I just joined the church, man, so I might not have met you yet. Jane. Okay, Well, God bless you man, Thank you man. I appreciate it is anyway I can get your mom's home number from. I mean, you're just joining the church. I mean I don't I don't see why you wouldn't be able to talk to it. I mean, is there anything there a message I could pass someone to it? Though? Uh? Well yeah, I mean I'm trying to see if it's all right for uh, for me to take her out. I've been seeing her for the last up. Hold up, hold up, hold hold about you. You were just into you a new member to the church, and somebody gave you or they were attempting to give you my mother's number, and you're asking me if you could take a hout man. Well, I wasn't asking you. I thought I had her phone number. I guess they give me your number. Bout mistake, you know that's my reason for car. I thought I was gonna get her. I want to take her out, you know, maybe to dinner or something. Well, I'll be quite hotest man. I just came back home from overseas, from fighting and everything. Man. And uh, I mean you know my pops just passed away not too long ago. And I ain't you know, I ain't too keen or my mama going out with somebody and beside you, you don't even sound like you. He Hey, she in the sixties? Man, older you man, I'm thirty six. The hell out of you? You how old man? I'm thirty six, I'm thirty four. What is you doing? You do realize my mom is pushing sixty? Right? But you know what, man, I look at it like James, right, James, I look at it like it's you know heyes, ain't number the number? Man. This wasn't your heart man, And how you carry yourself? You know? Yeah, but my mama. Hey, but my mama ain't no cougar like that. And I know she ain't coming after you right now. I remember telling me that she trying some new things at this church. But going out with some thirty thirty. How do you you do a baby? Man, I'm thirty. I'm thirty six. Dude. Man, you like my brother or something. Man ain't nowhere in the world. My mama gonna be da okay than Jane. Let me say this man. First of all, I ain't even know I was calling you. Second of all, I'm calling and speak with her. I'm not calling trying to get permission from you. Miss Burns is a grown woman. Whoa whoa? Whoa talking about now? I don't think you're every man. I just came back from fighting overseed. My pops passed away not too long ago. I am the man of the house. Let's get that straight right now, all right, I don't care if I'm still living at home or not. I'm the man of this house, all right. You calling the ass my mama on a date, you might as well just stick the church dog, because you know, as I said, be blessed, but it ain't gonna be no blessing from me to you. I tell you that right now. Okay, I'm not looking for a blessing from you at all. Bro. You might no no blessing, but I respect the fact that you've been overseas and you've been fighting for this country. Okay, But if I decide I wanna victor miss Burns about going out, I think missus Burns has every right to decide if she would like to go out with gordons a note, and Gordon wants to take her out, I took up holding up. Look, bro, I don't care how old you say you are, all right, Number one, you're too young, as I already mentioned. All right, this ain't going down with you and my mama. I'm straight up, hey man, that's for your mama to decide. No, No, you you bringing up my mamma. You're letting the word your mama come out your mouth again. That's gonna get you up, all right. I don't know where you're from. I don't give how old you are. I'm pretty sick. I know what church my mamma go to and and it ain't gonna be her, and you you ain't gonna be asking her out, all right. I don't give what it says I would show up on Sunday, catch up in the pulpit or wherever you're gonna be sitting in the back of the choir. It don't matter something is going down. You will not gonna get with my mama like that. You got that. That's up for your mama to decide if your mamma want to go out with me down dinner. Ain't nothing wrong with this, man, I'm deciding it right now. It ain't gonna happen. I told you before, be blessed or get your who. You got two choices, all right. I didn't fight sees three years to come back and also deal with my daddy did and then come back. But I'm suffering from PSD. Dog, I don't know what I'm gonna do unless you want to get it like that, suffering from one a PSD post traumatic stress syndrome, and I will release all that on you. You got that. I don't play hey, man, listen, I don't want no trouble. It don't matter to me. You can count you. Okay. Look man, listen, I ain't trying to have no trouble out you. Man. All I'm gonna say is this right here. I'm I'm gonna I talk to you mama on Sunday. Okay, you ain't gonna tell them? Are you not hearing me? Man? I'm okay, I'm crazy right now. Okay, Can I say this? Can I say one more things to you? Man? So you explode, you ain't got nothing else to say. I got one more thing before you explode. Man, is you listening? Yeah? Man, James? What hey? Man? I want to tell you this. Man, This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning to Show. Your mama, Hi, got me the frank phone call you get out of here. Who hey, man, This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. Your mama told me. She's saying, my son been overseas, he's been fighting. I'm glad to have him home, she said. We got back in the spirit of laughing. Man, my mama, are you Are you kidding me? Man? We got you good. We listen to this show overseas. Man. First of all, I gotta say thank you for fighting for this country. I want to ask you one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Nothing but the Steve Harvey More Than Show. Get it overseason in the States, though, Thank you? That is okay, Mama, say it like that your mama. Memphis. Y'all get ready to nephew coming, Baby Friday said, it's Sunday two too too. That is too Friday, too, sad, too sudden Day Chuckle's Baby Chuckles Comedy Club, Memphis, Tennessee. The mor Day Weekend, It is here. What you got, big dog? When you was talking about dating your mama, I had a kid on the show yesterday. There was a sitcom call something about your mother. So he said, yeah, Steve, so like you know, like how I met your mother. As he said that, we had to stop taping black people. We know, boy really say girls? Wow? All right, guys coming up at the top of the hour entertainment right after this, you're listening and today's entertainment news. Complications from recent cosmetic surgeries have forced Cardi b to scrap all her shows this week. Cardi has canceled shows in Baltimore, O Passo, and also two shows set for upstate New York. Cardi disobeyed doctors orders earlier this week and returned to the stage early rather than taking time off to rest and recover and to heal from her lipol section and her breast augmentation surgery. This is crazy, Cardi. You gotta take care of yourself. She got she got her breast done, and she got some LiPo, was already pretty much. Well. You know what she did say when she went back out to perform, that she was disobeying orders, doctor's orders. She said that on stage. I remember her saying that when she went back out there. But now she's paying for you know, after the baby. Yeah. Yeah, she got light bo and brest. Oh oh yeah. Yeah, and she looked great. She looked great. But she's really young, you know, but yeah, how is she said, still in her twenties, like twenty five or something like that. She was young. Yeah, she's very young. I like her, man, I like her. Yeah, and right, and we want her around for a while. So please get your rest, take care of yourself. Can y'all do it? Can y'all say? Oh? Can you? She says, yeah, Oh, I don't know what you're talking. No, I don't. I've never heard it. I'm I'm in the signature thing. Yeah, I'm I live somewhere else, y'all. I don't I be at work. I'm sorry. I'm trying to tell you we got take you like when I don't know, we just got to pull you up. You just need to for a minute, just ain't his praycheck though. Well, he's just away from the rest of the world. We can are you still over fish Frish? You don't do fish friend? Come to it? He just come to my girl fish all time. No. No, we're talking about it out in the yard with people. Yeah, at a house people. Yeah, it's real people. What people. Yeah, people, I have my family. No, it's gonna be some black people. I don't know. You don't know. I don't know. Yeah, kids running by your knees. It's a kid's table, it's a card table. Some dominoes jumping off baby. Yeah, Memorial Day weekend. Let's just yes. Alcohol is music playing, and you know how you love some barbecue, mister v People getting cutted out in public, you know the vegan thing. Ain't you're gonna hear the last two dollar? You don't hear that fast, some bobby. I'm gonna just be real with you, man, I've probably done more of that than all of y'all put together, I believe. And so I'm out. You just ain't done it in a while. I know, I'm out. O you out. But the funk is fun, is good, laughs, the show was. But and you also said when I said about the barbecue. You said you're not the vegan thing isn't working for you. I saw you look great, I know, but I've had to add meat. I'm like eighty twenty. Okay, I'm eighty twenty. I'm pagan. Will you have some reels this weekend? Yes, I will change. He's still black dogs to me. I'm gonna just be honest with you. I'm gonna say this. Somebody probably gonna take it the wrong way. Yeah, I'm riding all the way out with my black I gotta ask you something as we go to break, did you mean did you mean Pscytian? I'm just I'm just curious, pagan, paleo vegan. Okay, let's let's get to that. I'm a big gold cal Christian. I don't know who I am right now. You are the man that's going to take us too to miss ann trip. Here we go. Good morning, everybody. This is answered with the news the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee says he's prepared to hold former White House Counsel Donigan in contempt for failing to comply with a congressional subpoena. Yesterday, Began was scheduled to testify before his panel, but apparently took the President's advice and didn't show. But Congressman Gerald Nadler says subpoenas are not optional, so Agan could face consequences. Now. The panel has issued two new subpoenas, one from Agan's former chief of staff Annie Donaldson and the other one for former White House Communications director Hope Hicks. Hicks is work for both the Trump Organization and the Trump's presidential campaign. The committee wants to hear from them as part of its investigation into potential obstruction of justice, corruption, and abuse of power by the Trump administration. Washington lawyers are trying to work out a two year budget deal for the federal government send a majority. Leader Mitch McConnell says he's already spoken with the President in field positive opul and optimistic that the Secretary of the Treasury speaks for the President in these discussions and that we will hopefully soon a region agreement. McConnell says that this deal will most likely include an increase in the death ceiling, removing the threat of the nation's defaulting on his credit obligation, severe storms and the like wreaking havoc in several states in the southern plains. Nearly all the rivers in western and central Locahoma are at or above the floodstage. In fact, Oklahoma City fire Captain David Macy says his people receive twenty two high rescue calls from people trapped in their homes or their cars. You'll be in areas where the water ankle deep, and then two feet from you it's le deep and the back to sankle. So it just depends on the terrain, and that's going to be really soaking there for quite some time. He says it could take several days as a matter of fact, for the waters to receive over the country. Yesterday, the protest of a wave of new Republican sponsored anti abortion restrictions. A lot of protests twenty three state and local governments challenging a federal rule that makes it easier for doctors and other medical people to refuse to provide abortion services on either religious or moral grounds. Trayvon Martin's mom is running for a political office for the first time. The highly educated Sabrina Fulton formally announced her candidacy this week for a seat on the Day County Board of Commissioners. Trayvon Martineau was the unarmed and innocent black teenager jumped on and shot to death by an unemployed security guard named George Zimmerman. Zimman acquitted by a mostly white female jury jury, and Sabrina Fulton says she has no choice but to be a voice for her murdered son. This is a shock. Actor Jason Mitchell, who stars in The Shy, is not going to be back the next season because of charges of really a sexual impropriety. And today is Sherlock Holmes Day. Yeah, Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. Eric Holder, the alleged killer of Nipsey Hustle, has been indicted by a grand jury and new charges have been added. Now according to TMZ, Eric Holder, the man suspected of killing Nipsey Hustle and injury we gotta say that, oh man, this country cute all right? Anyway? He was he suspected of killing Nipsey Hustle and injuring two others. He's now being accused of violently assaulting another man by pistol whipping him an hour before shooting Nipsey Hustle. Two women have submitted statements to the DA's office saying Eric Holder attacked their male friend. They say Eric Holder accused their friend of selling him laced marijuana. So, along with the previous charges of murder, two counts of attempt at murder, and possession of a firearm by a felon, the grand jury added two new charges, two counts of assault with a firearm for the victims who did not die. Nipsey Hustle, as we recall, was killed in front of his story of the Marathon clothing store on March thirty first. Yeah, wow, man, young people, we've really we have really really got don't I don't. I don't know what to do. The only thing can fix this is prayer. I mean, it's really no other alternative. And I and I feel a little different saying that because the people who need it are not even accepting or in the prayer line. Yeah, you know, that's what makes it hard to deal with, because man, we've got to change this. We we've we've done a number on ourselves for so long that we're not and and and and it goes it's it's it seems, you know, not not just the killing, even though that's the ultimate. Yeah, but we die in so many other ways, y'all. We can't be happy for one another. We've got to convince as many as we can to just slow down with the hate. Yeah, just just start there, man, because it just creates such a vicious circle that the devil is absolutely winning. Man. It's so much sadness in this world. So many people are being robbed at their destiny because we just got so much hate and eager wheel towards one another. Ain't nobody happy for Nobody knows? Oh man, I mean you're right about that. I mean, if you're happy for somebody, that ain't no news. But if you haten somebody, headline headlines. Yeah, all right, coming up at thirty four after the hour, some trending entertainment news for you. Whitney Houston her Hologram will be on tour. They're they're trying to make that a thing. Uh, they're trying to make it happen. It's in the works. We'll see what happens, all right, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Whitney Houston Hologram tour is in the works. Whitney Houston is the latest late artist to get the hologram treatment. In an interview with The New York Times, the singer's estate revealed plans are in the works for Whitney houston Hologram tour along with the posthumous new album. Before she passed away, there was so much negativity around the name. It wasn't about the music anymore, says Pat Houston, the executor of Houston's estate and Whitney's sister in law and former manager. People have forgotten how great she was. They let all the personal things about her life outweigh why they fell in love with her in the first place. Pat Houston says the Hologram has taken presidents over everything and would also be backed by Whitney's original band and backup singers. The album is expected to feature yeah, unused tracks from her nineteen eighty five debut album. There was also the possibility of a Broadway musical and Las Vegas style showcase. Wow, that's a lot of work. Yeah, that's a lot. I don't know about that. Yeah, yeah, Steve, I heard your breathing. Think about what. No, I didn't understand it. To be honest with you, what didn't you understand nothing? Oh? Okay, you want to you want to move on or you want me to explain it. Okay. Well, her her sister in law, who was her former manager, Pat Houston, Um, she's just wants to put together a Whitney Houston hologram tour. She says people have forgotten how great Whitney was, and yeah, I definitely disagree with that. She said, they let all the personal things about her life. You know, what Whitney was into, they left that outweigh why they fell in love with her in the first place. So she's saying, this hologram tour is taking over everything, and it's going to be backed by Whitney's original band and her backup singers and all of that, and they're going to put out an album, a posthumous album on Whitney, featuring some songs from her debut album Back. You know something I kind of agree with her sister and that there are a lot of people who have made the negative things the focal point of Whitney Houston. Because you all have to remember now, that is a millennial group of people who don't know the great Whitney Houston. Oh yeah, that's true, you know, And that's what I found out, man, You know, like, you know, we gotta remember that stuff that we love just twenty years ago. Some people who hate on it were nine ten. Or we might work on put Luth and Marvin and jail levreate. We might put a hologram tour to go with there, le Row Yeah yeah, yeah, and uh, moving on now. Kim Kardashian tweeted at Jack in the Box, alerting Jack in the Box that she had emailed the company with a serious complaint. Kim simply told her sixty million Twitter followers that quote, Hey, Jack in the Box, I have a serious complaint, but I won't fully put you on blast. Check your corporate email boxer, send me a DM with direct person for my team to contact pronto. All right, Yeah, that got the corporate offices. Yeah, because she knows the president. Yeah, she's influenced. Yeah and check this out. Though the company stock plummeted minutes later right after she sent that tweet that got the corporate office's attention, they replied in a tweet quote, Hi, Kim, we are unable to d M you. Please send us a DM with how we can get in touch with your team and someone will reach out immediately. Eight hours later, eight hours later, Steve, she thanked Jack in the box for their quick response in handling the situation. Get killed on the phone now, Yeah, we don't know. We don't know what happened. We don't know what supposedly, Yeah, we don't know what happened. She didn't say she didn't want to put them on blast, so they fixed it. Yeah, whatever it was. Whatever it was, might have been the taco the taccoles good after the club, might have been the tacos. I don't know. Growing up in Chicago used to have a triple cheeseburger. Yeah, yeah, did it? There were two junior on my cheat day? Is it bore baking up without baking up? No? I don't back. Have you ever had their strawberry shakes? Though? Man? Who? All right? The nephews coming up next with the prank phone call. That's right after this forty three after you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Guys, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject my doctor has great hands. We'll get into that, but right now, nephew Tommy is here with today's prank phone call. What you got now? My bones is weak? Great road cat. Oh, you gotta do that more than once. My bones is weak. Little breast milk might hire. Oh, ain't been attacked enough, running cat. Hello, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to speak to Ron. Yeah, this is Ron. Hey Ron, how you doing? It's folly man? How are your brother? I'm doing folly? Hey. Hey. I want to congratulate man on the on the baby. Man. I wasn't able to make it to the baby shower, man, but I want to congratulate you on the baby, man and and all of that. Man. Much success to you, man, you and the wife. Thank you, thank you, You appreciate that fully. Yeah, well you're fully man. I didn't get to you know, my my wife, Denita, she came to the to the to the baby shower man, so you know, she was telling me how how how nice was how successful it was. Man. So I just you want, you know, I wanted to give you big ups. And I heard the baby came and everything, and I wanted to just do a little girl, a little girl. You'll had a little girl. Yeah, yeah, all right, we'll congratulations man. Congratulations Ron. I wanted to definitely call and congratulate man and um baby real quick. What, um what baby shower? Was your wife there? Because we had two We had one from my side of the family and then one from my wife's side, because you know, they lived different places and stuff. Man, So which one do you think she was there? Uh? Probably on your wife's side, you know. Okay, okay, she knows my wife. Well. Now see see Denita is actually friends with with Kendra. Now you know Kendra, right, Oh yeah, I know Kendra. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good thing. She was. She was with Kendra. Okay, yeah, she comes, they play cards, you know. Okay, okay, yeah, she she was with Kendred Man. And um, she was just telling me how successful man, how nice it was, and you know, laid out baby shower. I wasn't able to make it. Man, I've been a little under the weather, bro you know, and uh, you know, with God's help, man, I'll be able to get back on my feet, you know what I'm saying. That's all right, hey, man, I just you know, congratulations again, man. You know a beautiful baby girl. I man, that's a beautiful thing. Yeah, thank you, thank you. M I'm sorry, man, brot Her, I just I can't told me. I'm trying to remember you and trying to place you in I just I can't do it. Have we met na na na, no, no, no, no, my bad man. I'm sorry job nah me and you we haven't. We haven't met at all. Um. Like I said, you know, my wife knows Kendra and they hang out, and uh, I guess she's she's dabbled a couple of times and been around you know your wife because uh, your wife is Maryland, right, Yeah, that's no wife, Okay, Yeah, I guess she's been been in the presence of Maryland. Man. So you know, you know, I kind of got your number from uh, from my wife, man um, and she got it from Kendrick. So I kind of wanted to hol a you you know what you want her? I need to actually, man, Like I said, Man, I've been I've been down for a minute, you know. And I uh, actually you know, came from doctor yesterday and and my my bones, man, they my bones are deteriorating. You know. Uh, that's that's kind of what I'm what I've been going through, man um. And if I don't uh get the proper medication that I need, man in the week, you know it within the next three months. Here though it could it could get pretty bad. You know what I'm saying. Well, and then I'm sorry to hear that, bro Um. You know, all I can do is pray for you, man, and you know well, man, I the doctor told me that, bron The doctor told me man that you know, if I get the right medication, man, that you know, I could get back up to seventy five healthy again, you know what I'm saying. So you know, it's just a rare type of thing that I need to try and get. And I think that you might be I think you can't help me. Be strong, man, be strong, just man, see down. Man, it's gonna be all right. But I think it's gonna be all right. God is with you. I pray for you. I do all I can. You know, I don't know well actually actually, uh, the doctor told me man that for six months, if I drunk breast milk, it will it will It would put enough calseum and stuff back into my bones that would get me back up to seventy to eighty five percent healthy. Yeah, I ain't got no breast, but you know it's not it's not you wrong. You you don't you know, but you know your your wife does thought. Whoa, you're talking about my wife's breast. Man, I'm not not directly man, I'm just saying that chickens, you know. I mean, if I had her breast milk for like six months straight, man, I could get back hole again. Man. Oh you'll talk about a man's wife or her breast now, I just gotta, I just gotta. I'm just just all. I'm asking for my wife breast milk. Man. Man, I'm just asking y'all to share it. For six we get no breast milk with you. Man, you got the wrong one, man, the wrong one, and you said your name was but the vow is wrong. Man, it's wrong. I go. No, We're just talking about six months of breast milk, man, six months my wife's prest milk. We were talking about just nor best mom. And I understand I ain't press little man. I understand that. Man. But we're talking about you saving a life, man, a life. I ain't the one. Okay, let me ask you this one. If y'all would have had twins, man, y'all would have been pressed and two babies. Just look at it as if we're twins. What the man, I'm getting them up this phone because I don't know who you are. You need to chill, man, You need to go get on your knees, trade that your bones get healed or whatever. You got the road number? Man, Listen, man, all I'm saying is I got one more thing I want to say, and then I'll have to get one. I just want to get off the phone called Kendra and find out why give you my number? Because that's how you got Can I say one more saying? Man? Go ahead, go ahead? Can I say it? Damn? Man? This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Kendra and your wife Maryland got me to prank phone call you Hello Rock Rock. Yeah. Man, y'all are good? Man? Whoa man? I'm white man, Man kens Did I get you? Man? Yeah, y'all got it. Man, y'all got me. I got them too. They don't started something. Hey, one more thing. What's the baddest radio station in the land? Man, Man, it is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. Wow, man, I mean everybody knows milk does the body good. Right, Yeah, that's what they say. Okay, breast breast milk is good for the body. Correct, It's for babies then who who know who? Who who says that? Though? You know who made that judgment? The little body, Tommy, nobody, the lord milk is good man, everybody when it's just a dolt. Yeah if you calf, Yeah, breast milk is for a baby who is thirsty, needs cass se yam not just. I can't stand him. All the nutrients and baby needs the same nutrients adults need as well. I'm right around there are adults are already developed. They're adults. He don't know s Yeah, he ain't really developed. There goes that argument out of the window. Melphis tenn a same baby this weekend, sunny, two shells each night. I'm gonna sell right now Tuckle's Comedy Club. Come on out and have a good time with your boy. The nephew is there, oh holiday weekend? Yeah, breast milk, all right, thank you? Is the best? All right? Listen up. Next it is today's Strawberry Letters subject my doctor has great hands. Will get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, work, dating, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Buck up, hold on tight, we gotta fall you here. It is the Strawberry letter subject My doctor has great hands. Dear Stephen, Shirley. I am a thirty three year old single mom of three beautiful children. We recently moved to another state and I had to find a new everything school for the kids, dentist and doctor. I found a great new guy of collegist that came highly recommended by my new coworkers. When I first met my doctor, he took my breath away, Shirley. He is six five and a caramel complexion, with beautiful teeth and nice big hands. I was extremely nervous. Okay, excuse me one second, Shorely, can you repeat the description? Okay? He was six to five and a creamy caramel complexion with beautiful teeth and nice big hands. Wow, what you know something? I just want to point this out on the bookie ends of your description. You the direct opposite of Tommy. How tall you say? Six five? It's what she's saying, Tommy five six? Then what you say he's got nice creamy caramel skins. Tommy got that. Now what do you say? Got beautiful teeth and nice big Tommy got nice teeth. Now what's the last part, nice big hands? I got a coon hand. You've all discovered that. Go ahead on to say. I was extremely nervous after I saw how fine he was. I was also extremely aroused during the exam. I made a point to tell him exactly how I was feeling, and he just smiled and kept examining me. He kept it professional the entire time. By my fourth visit, he was starting to warm up. Yes, I kept making appointments with him to get different consultations, I know on procedures. He finally admitted that he was attracted to me as well and enjoyed our appointments. One thing led to another, and this was by far the best trip to the doctor I have ever had. I'll just say that he knows how to use those big old hands of his. Since that day, I have had regularly scheduled visits with him, and he makes sure I'm his last appointment of the day. The problem is I am getting all caught up, but he is married. We do not see each other outside of the office, nor do we call or text each other. He has made it clear that it is just what it is. He does still allow me to keep my appointment, even though his staff has been side eyeing me lately. I'm addicted to him. Now what do I do? Please advise? Stop? Yeah, you gotta stop you. You gotta change doctors immediately. Uh. Yeah, you gotta stop going up in there. This man is married. What do you want? He can lose his license. There's so much that can happen here. Uh, this is he's being an ethical all of that. Um, you you're you're visiting him too much. The staff could say something, Yeah, you're taking such a risk here. What are you doing? You think he's going to leave his wife for you? No, no, no, no, no, change doctors immediately. Uh, you need to find a gynecologist on your own. He came highly recommended by your new co workers. So if he's their doctor too, is he doing the same thing to them? Come on, come on, you gotta get a new guynecologist period. Steve. Well, well, well, there really no way to go about this except to him. Disagree with Shelley. First of all, I hear you, Shellley. She met this big fine dude, six five, creamy cal mal, pretty teeth, big old hand. You know, she just going in there and she told him. You know this, now, keep in mind, ladies, and I don't want to be offensive in any way. I don't really know what the examination entails, to be perfectly honest with you, I just don't. I'm assuming somebody touches something. That's all I'm gonna say about it. She said she was extremely aroused doing the examination, and then she made a point to tell him exactly how she was feeling. He smiled, and he kept examining me. I don't know what that means, but he kept home. But he's professional the entire time. But by my fourth visit, now I don't know who go to this account of colleges. Yes, yes, she downed there for the fourth time already this week that he was starting to warm up. Yeah. I kept making appointments with him to get different consultations, consultations or procedureus. So now he's doing something with these hands. He finally admitted that he was attracted to me as well and enjoyed our appointments. One thing led to another, and on this last trip to the doctor, all I could say is he know how to use them big old hands or his Now, you know I'm a man with big hands, but I'm not a doctor, and I know based on this letter, I must keep my hands to myself. Yes, but surely I got to correct you with one thing. She ain't taking no risk at all? What do you mean? What risk is she taking? The man is married. She's been in his office four times. Any woman alive knows that you don't go to you a kind of coologist. I agree, I agree times. But what's her risk? And her risk is that she's he's married, Steve, period, what's her risk? What does she lose? She's single mother? Three? Okay, we'll talk about this when we come back. All right, Part two of your responses coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject of this strawberry letter today is my doctor has great hands. You're listening store show. Let's recap today's strawberry letters, Steve, please recap baby saying the same third three year old single mother, three beautiful kids, switch jobs, switch cities, got a new doctor. Ghana colleges six to five, Creamy caramel, pretty teeth, big hands, she and the damming him. She even got all hot and bothered, roused. She made a point to tell him how she was feeling. He kept on examining. He kept it professional entire time. By my fourth visit, he was starting to warm up. I don't know, most women out here don't like going to the woman likes to go to the Ghana College. So they down that. She downed that full time. Probably this week. Yeah wow, so week yeah, now one of the and everybody looking at because why you keep coming down here? Yes? And then I get consultations and procedures. He finally admitted he was attracted to me. Excuse me. One thing led to another. All I have to say is he knows how to use them big old hands, and he is. Since that day, I have regularly scheduled visions. He makes sure i'm his last one of the day. Probably is I'm getting caught up. But he is married. We don't see each other outside the office, nor do we call or text each other. He's made it clear that this is just what it is. He still allows me to keep my point, even though his staff had been side on me. I'm addicted to him. Now what Shirley said, you got to break it off right away because he's you got too much to risk, And Shirley, let's get back into the discussion. She risks, nothing, what does she have to risk? All right, Well, I don't really think that so much. The point of the letter, Steve. The point of the letter is is that she's out of order. She shouldn't be doing getting involved with this married man. Period. He's her doctor. Keep it clinical. I just think, yeah, okay, see this is this, well how many times let me let me put it to you like this so you can understand kind of what women go through. Okay, At the guynacologist, she's this is her fourth procedure, she said, her fourth time going in the fourth appointment. Uh maybe equivalent to you guys going to the proctologist or something. Oh no, it ain't. No, I'm just saying no. I'm just saying, yeah, I'm gonna throw that out. Okay, ruling, ruling, we have to throw that out. I'm gonna tell you one thing right now. I'm just saying, what they're doing to us is violation on principles of man. Who Hey, we don't like going there either. I believe you. I don't take nothing away from it. I don't even know what it is. I'm pretty sure that going to the guy ecologists everything you say it is. Yeah, I'm just I bet you it is. And then something. I'm just trying to give you something to n n now. Instruments yes, and instruments instrument yes, So that's what we're trying to tell you. Ain't nobody signing up for that minutes? Yes? Yes, yes, yes, it is not pleasant. I'll be tripping with this prostate exam. How are we gonna yeah, okay, but I've never been here where you ain't gonna put no instrument. Well, I'm just saying you're not gonna come up in the hill with no plies at all, this hill up around my booty. I'm just gonna put it out there. Well, as much as you hate that women do take a clamp and pride open and then stick something. Now, I'm just this is what I'm talking about, a prostate example. Well, this is what I'm trying to tell you. This is you can kind of compare it to that if that's the only comparison we have. You hate going to the proctologist. We don't like going to the gun. I believe it, surely, But I don't want you to say that. It's like a prostated giving you something that you can compare it with. I don't know what the comparative. Okay, okay, okay, okay, that's the closest thing. That's the closest thing. Just stop, because see when this man put this glove on and then tell you to lay on your side, that's one way. Yeah, Relax, relax, relax, stop clinching. Stop clinching. Yeah, okay, same thing. I'm trying to you out the same thing except for our feeder and stirrups. Surely, I believe you, I promise you. I'm not I'm not comparing this making this worse than what a woman go through. Please don't misunderstand me. I have the ultimate respect for whatever it is y'all doing. I'm just telling you respect this over here, towns, because it's the real deal. We do respect it. I'm just trying to give you a point of reference, that's all. I don't like the reference. The fact that you don't like it doesn't make it why we do not see each other outside office. Okay, I don't I don't care what you do I'm just saying, made me think I got to go to doctor. Prostate saying for I go on the trip, don't fit a crap. Yeah, she needs to change doctors and cut out all this foolishness. All right, listen, we gotta get out of here. You can email us or instagram. A's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letters s Steven Harvey FM. You can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast as well. Listen. Coming up at forty six after the hour, Ben Carson, Housing secretary mixes up the real estate term with OREO cookies. How does this stuff happened? We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson got R EO, an abbreviation for real estate owned, mixed up with OREO the cookie. It happened during a House Financial Services Committee hearing. Congresswoman Katie Porter was trying to ask uh doctor Carson about differences in RIO rates. Take a listen to this to explain the disparity in RIO rates. Do you know what an orio is? An oreo R? No, not an oreo an R EO R real estate? What's the O stand for the organization no, sir, go ahead, be roight be it damn no, sir, he works for Trump, is okay? Real estate? He was up there guessing it real ri E is real a state organization. I'll take an oreo for five? What hell cookies got to do with housing? Be you gotta let that mariname? Yes, why would she be asking you about? Yes? The hell you are and you're in front of the House Financial Services Committee and you're talking about oreos. Come on, we'll see. What he should have did was what I did? What he should have stayed with it harder? Come all the way down here, you to be asking me about No, damn cookies would never have come. This is the most ridiculous. Gotta walk right up out of there, man, being that ain't what things come about. I know, but I don't know what to get on out of here on this cookie line. Sometimes when you don't know, you gotta say you don't know. But he should have known that as as HUD secretary. Thank you. But see he's a surgeon. He's one of the greatest surgeons jobs and he took the job in that department. Yeah, oh man. Meanwhile, Oriole just tweeted us something. Meanwhile, Doctor Carson tried to make light of the whole situation by posting a photo of him sending some double stuff oreos to Porter, along with a note that read to represent a port representative. Porter, thanks for your part in today's hearing. Hope you liked the oreos, and OREO tweeted. R EO stands for really excellent oreole. Everyone who doesn't know that right? All right, coming up at the top of the hour. Most travelers would rather drive than fly this Memorial Day weekend. Wow, we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show Junior, got oh call, tell you what a god I got to Steve Hervey Morning Show and Walmart Family Mobile. Want to send five winners and a guest to hang out with me in Los Angeles. You'll tend to taking a family few and get a meal with me. I'm a Fijian. To enter and get rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. Get everything you love about Walmart in Mobile. Switch Walmart's lois price four g LTE unlimited plans and start saving today with Walmart Family Mobile. All right, Thank you, Junior, thank you, thank you. Yeah yeah, I taste people out well, guys, forty three million people will be traveling over this Memorial Day weekend. Now, if you believe this new survey, yeah, that's a lot of people. If you believe this new survey, the average American traveler hate's going to the airport so much that they'd add six and a half hours to their travel time if it meant they could drive and take road trips to their location instead. Wow. Wow, Well, you know, it is a more enjoyable experience to drive for a lot of people, because look, I tell people, it's like I used to take buses. I mean not, I'm talking about who we were touring. Oh yeah. Like for example, if I was going you know, okay, okay, all of us lived in Atlanta for a period, right, Like if I was going to Birmingham to perform, I'm not going to get a plane, yeah we were with you. Or if I'm going to Orlando or I'm going South Carolina, I'm going somewhere like that, I'm getting a bus man. Because if you gotta leave in plenty of time, you gotta pack, you gotta get dressed, you gotta get in the car, you gotta get to the airport. At least I and a happy for and you gotta sit there and wait. Then you got a board, then you fly. Then when you land, you got to go to the baggage claim, get your bag. Then you gotta travel to the hotel. But then you could have been when you was cooled. That's no, you need to stop, Steve, because when you get your bag, that's a two hour wait. That's longer than the flight. Oh man, I'm trying to tell you, oh my baggage claim, I have steward there. I don't know who working back there, man, but when I saw you don't. Yeah, you're right, Steve. All that time when you yeah, all that when you think about it, Yeah, you could get on the road, put your luggage in the trunk and be there and you just get to spend time in a couple of hours, spend time more relaxing. Yeah, I don't want to spend no time. No hum. We took the bus when we went to Albany from Atlanta. Web we had to show down there. Yeah, all it was on there you was. We was having fun. What I thought we was? Maybe just you. I'm glad anyway, he didn't changed again back at that Let's go on college. He ain't been in the damn baggage, claiming a long time. No, damn your bed right up the back of your plane. Sound you know what you're talking about. He stood in, no baggage plans frustration. Ain't got no frustration, roll out there, up to his plane, get out, walk up them stuff, get on his plane. Oh, ain't nobody tending to get off the dawn phone or nothing. He talking all the way through the flight taking off. Ain't no seat belt on and nothing, just sitting down and sitting there, putting out there. And we're gonna say, what kind of cigars I got? Naw, Look, God is blessing. But once get I ain't mad at him? Sounds like I ain't mad. He ain't mad at him? Damn show sound and here you get out of me now, yeah, yeah. At seventy three percent of Americans Steve agree with you. They consider road tripping a more pleasant experience than flying. American's biggest complaint about flying is the delays by dealing with airport security. Uh and all of that baggage. Baggage. Claim you gotta take your shoes off, you gotta undress, you got it, Oh my god. And remember Diana Ross had an experience not too long ago at security. Yeah, she said they were they were being a little too familiar, you know, when they were searching her. Now you know Diana Ross is not a terrorist. Come on now, but anyway, coming up some more music and more fun on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening to show all right, trending entertainment, New Carlo. You watched the TV show The Shy, which is such an excellent show. Showtime Yes, Yes of the show Yeah, produced by Lena de waisum Well. Actress Tiffany Boone Okay, she's being publicly shamed on social media after she accused her costar Jason Mitchell of making sexual advances toward her on set. Wow. Despite the negative feedback, Tiffany Boone has also been swarmed by fans who are defending her. One Instagram user posted, some of you all are asking why did she get Jason Mitchell fired? And they said he got his own blank fired. Turns out Tiffany Boone was not the only one to complain about Jason Mitchell. Multiple women have come forward to speak up about similar interactions with him. As a result, of the recent reports, Jason Mitchell has been dropped from The Shy and from his upcoming role on the Netflix film Desperado. So Jason Mitchell. Yeah, in case you don't know, he played easy and straight out of content. Yeah. I had a young guy on my talk show. Really see wow. Yeah this is um wow in the height of the me too movement anytime, but yeah, this is yeah all right, uh wow. I just hate to hear stuff like this because a young man of the talented young man. Yeah, we have to be very very conscious. Yeah, she said she didn't feel safe at work. No, you gotta go. All right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hour you're listening to show and today's entertainment news. Complications from recent cosmetic surgeries have forced Cardi b to scrap all her shows this week. Cardi has canceled shows in Baltimore, Passo, and also two shows set for upstate New York. Cardi disobeyed doctors orders earlier this week and returned to the stage early rather than taking time off to rest and recover and to heal from her lipol section and her breast augmentation surgery. This is crazy, Cardie. You gotta take care of yourself. She got she got her breast done, and she got some LiPo. She was already pretty nice. Well, you know what she did say when she went back out to perform, that she was disobeying orders, doctor's orders. She said that on stage. I remember her saying that when she went back out there. But now she's paying for you know, after the baby. Yeah, yeah, she had LiPo and breastment. Oh yeah, yeah, and she looked great. She looked great. But she's really young, you know. But yeah, she said, still in her twenties, like twenty five or something like that. She was young. Yeah, she's very young. I like her, man, I like her. Yeah, and right, and we want her around for a while. So please get your rest, take care of yourself. Can y'all say? Oh? Can you says it? Yeah? Oh, I don't even know what y'all talking about. No, I don't, I've never heard it. I'm in I'm start signature thing. Yeah, I'm I live somewhere else, y'all. I don't I be at work. I'm sorry. I'm trying to tell you we got to take you somewhere like where I don't know. We just got to pull you up. You just need home for a minute, just just pray check though. Well, he's just away from the rest of the world. We are you still over fish frish, you'll do fish from He just come to all my girl fish all time. No, No, we're talking about adding the yard with people at a holf people. Yeah, it's regular people. What people? Yeah? What people? I have my family, It's be some black people. You don't know. You don't know. Yeah, kids running by your knees. It's a kid's table. It's a card table. Some dominos jumping off baby. Yeah. Memorial Day weekend, let's gus if alcohol is music playing? And you know how you love some verbecute mister v people getting cutted out in public? You know the vegan thing. Ain't you're gonna hear the last two dollar? You don't hear that. I'm gonna just be real with you, man. Will you have some reels this weekend? Yes? I will. He's still black. I'm gonna just be honest with you. I'm gonna say this. Somebody probably gonna take it the wrong way. Yeah, I'm riding all the way out with my black cat all right, coming up our last break of the day, and Steve will give us our closing remarks. We'll be back at forty nine after the hour right after this you're listening to all right, here we are, last break of the day. But Steve, now it's time for you to drop some knowledge with our closing remarks. What you got for us today? Yeah, today, I want to remind everybody of something that gets overlooked from time to time. But if you want to be successful and you want to be happy, if your happiness is sometimes as it often is, tied to your success, and if your success oftentimes as it is, it's tied to your happiness, the two kind of go hand in hand almost. But now you have to be using your definition of success and not somebody else's. If you use someone else's definition of success, you're never going to be happy, whether they've aimed too high for you or they've aimed too low for you. If you're using somebody else's aim, you're never going to be happy because those two are, I'm sorry, tied together. I'm happy if i'm successful. If I'm not successful, I'm not going to be happy because I'm gonna feel like there's something else I could be doing for my family, as something else I could be doing for my future. It's something else I could be doing to make it work. And so my success is tied to my happiness, and my happiness is tied to my success. Now do I take times off from all of it and just sit around and be grateful and happy for where I am? Of course, all the time. Gratitude is a huge part of the principles of success as oftentimes to overlooked. Yeah, I'll often sit around and just smell the roses, just take a breath of fresh air and go mad. I'm awful grateful for where I am. God, not meaning that I don't want more, but I oftentimes stop and thank Him for right where I am, because where we are is pretty good compared to where we were. But now, with all that said, let me share something with you. If you want to be happy and successful, you are going to have to put out a massive effort. Period. Stop thinking it's going to happen any other way. You have got to put out a massive effort. You gotta get at it, you gotta grind, you gotta want it. It's got to burn a little bit on the inside of you. It's got to make you uncomfortable, not being you want to be. You got to have a I'm gonna get it attitude in order for it to get got period. You gotta have a I'm gonna get it attitude in order for it to get got period. That's the deal. No substitutions, no alternatives. This ain't sugar. You can't use splendor instead. This ain't sugar. This is life. You have to go get it now. All no alternatives. Well, you can pick some alternatives, but you're not gonna be happy and successful. You got to get a little bit of dog in you. I'm sorry. Everybody got to have some dog in you. You gotta have some bit back. You gotta have some fight. You're gonna have to have a little bit of kick, and sometimes the kick has to come from yourself. You can't to quit looking for other people. Always give you that little kick in the red to get you started, that little jump started in the morning to encourage you. What if they need encourage it. What if they didn't get they jump start for the day and you waiting on they call and they're encouraging. Word, man, let me tell you something. These are people that you're waiting on to help you. People fail all the time. Every person needs to go Lord, God Almighty. So that might be one of the morns where they need him and they don't have nothing for you. Take your faith out of man, put your faith in God and get at it. You and God can make it. That'd be great if you had a friend along the way. Of course it will be. But sometimes you're in a pattern where you got to learn that it ain't nobody but you and him. Sometimes sometimes you just need to know it ain't nobody but you and God. That really ain't a bad place to be. It really ain't. I've got some of my best results out of my life when I just asked God for the help, when I didn't call nobody else and see what they thought about it. When I've went to God, just God, I've gotten my best results. I'm just gonna be honest with you. But you got to get added though, squid. Quit expecting God to just bless you with something and you ain't giving him nothing to put his finger on the touch. You make one step, herell make two. You got to be a producer out here. You gotta go out of here and get out something. Quit asking God for a job, and you ain't putting no applications in. Stop wasting his time and yours too. It's like the story of the Man said, you know, I've been praying. I've been praying to God to hit the lottery. I've just been praying to the Lord to hit the lottery. One day, the man just kept hearing him say that. He said, well, do you play the lottery? He said, no, What kind of prayers are You're praying to God to hit the lottery, but you're not playing the lottery. What that don't make no sense. If you want God to touch your life, give him something to touch and effort put in a request, be sincere. But I've decided that I'm gonna attempt so many things that's within my gift and in my realm that I'm gonna ask God to bless me with his grace. He got something to blast. He just keeps on making stuff happen for me. He just keeps on opening doors for me. He just keeps on putting the right people in front of me. All it may look like the deal ain't gonna happen, as oftentimes many of them do. But at the end of the day, it always works out. But man, you got to get at it, y'all. You got to get off your butts and get at it. Ain't nobody for in the walk now checks up to you and hand them to you. You got to get out here and get at it. Dreams ain't nothing but dreams. Until you put some work behind them, they become goals. You gotta put some work behind these dreams. That's my clothing moms today, drop it, drop to Mike. That's how you do it. We out of here too, checks boy. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.