Cardi B., Doc Rivers, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Aug 27, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is proud of the NBA players, the protestors, Major League Baseball and the Herschel Walker comedy still stands!!! The Chief Love Officer has an issue with a cheatin' @$$ brother-in-law. Cardi B. apparently is very attracted to her husband's mathlete abilities. Clippers head coach Doc Rivers had an emotional message on social injustice. Steve speaks out against what was missing from the RNC. Sheryl Underwood calls out Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron and tells us how she really feels about what happened in Wisconsin with Jacob Blake. Miss Carla reports that someone got fired from Real Housewives of New York along with news of a new co-host for The Real in Reality Update. Click here to help out our family in Lake Charles, LA. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve calls to question the morality of the Republican Party.

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Today's show is pre recorded, y'all know what time. I don't know, y'all all suit giving them like the million bus things and a good Steve to the mother for st I don't join. You gotta use that turn, hur you gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out to turn turn the water to the water. Go come, come on your bab uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on now, dig me want and only Steve Harvey, God, what radio show man? What you're doing with it? Trying to do the very very best I can with it? I really am. You know, I get tired sometimes on my journey. I'm not gonna kid you. Um. Trying to make something about yourself is a task. If you want to attempt to do something and and and understand going in that that If the thing you're trying to do is to improve yourself, to better your position, to better your relationship, your family, anything, you're trying to be a better you. You're trying to make more money, you're trying to get it together, you're trying to chat change. If any of those things are in your hopes and dreams, know this right here. You are about to face some challenges. But you might as well go ahead anyway and face those challenges, because if you don't, you have a whole other set of challenges to face. You know. It's a it's a It's an amazing thing. Man, How people sit around and they watch other people strike out to become successful. They sit in the stands watching these people play out these games, and they and they and they criticize, They boo, they laugh at their efforts and everything, and they talk about the fairies. He missed that game when it shot. Boy, he sucked. Man, he did this. He ain't worth that. I hear people who sit and stands who criticize people who are out there on the playing field. Now, when you're on the playing field, you have a set of challenges in front of you. You're going to be open to criticism. You're going to be open to ridicule. You're going to be talked about when you don't know the people who are talking about you. Now, here's the upside to being the player on the field that's facing all the challenges, to criticisms, the laughing, the joke, to being talked about. He has something going for him. This person, boy, woman, child girl, man has an opportunity to win. They have an opportunity to win. And then the game of life. Just because you lose one of the games, or you lose one of the matches, it don't mean you've lost. You don't get put out. You keep playing. And when you're playing, here's the upside. You have the opportunity to win. And but guess what, You're gonna win some of the matches. You're gonna win some of the points. You're gonna make some of the dunks. You're gonna hit some of them over the wall. You're gonna hit some of them out the park. You're gonna score some goals. You will if you're playing the game. Here's the problem with the people who don't face criticism, who nobody boos or cheers for, who sits in the stands and knows neither victory nor defeat. Those people, without realizing it, are facing a set of challenges also. And the challenges they're facing is how I'm gonna live with myself, What I'm gonna do? Now, what direction am I going in? Where am I gonna live? Wonder what job will hire me? Wonder if I can get paid for criticizing. Oh woe is me. I can't find the purpose in my life. And man, I'm just waking up in a state of confusion. I don't know what to do. Now, let me ask you something which one of them said, of challenges you rather be faced with. Because if I'm on the flow playing, if I'm on the field playing, if I'm out on the court playing, then guess what I got a chance at winning? But guess what I'm doing every day while I'm playing. I'm strategizing. I'm waking up with a purpose. I'm waking up trying to come up with another angle. I'm in pursuit of a goal every single day, versus the people in the stands who know neither victory nor defeat. Get in the game. Face the challenges. Better yourself, better your wife, better your children, better your condition, better your employment status, better your job, better your career. Take a shot. Come on, man, what you're waiting on? Because the alternative is to watch other people play the game? You know? And I just do Sometimes Sometimes I just I get Forbes magazine or Money magazine, or sometimes I still grab a copy of rob Report. I just flipped through it just to see I used to get these this book called Unique Homes. Unique Homes is a magazine that just has a lot of extravagant houses that's on sale across the country, across the world. I used to just flip through. Man, let me just see, man, what the people that's playing the game out there doing. Stop watching other people become successful when you could very easily be you if you make the decision. But when you make the decision to become successful, get ready for a series of challenges. I think it's more difficult not to accept the challenge. I think it's for me. This is just for me. It may not be the case for you. For me, I think it's far more difficult to wake up and just see how life gonna go today, because man, it could just deal you any kind of hand today. You understand, I don't like, you know, spades. Let's let's talk a card game, folks, the game of spades. Really, man, it ain't a whole lot you can do if you don't get no spades. Really, it's a little couple of little strategies you're gonna do. But you can have all this age keen, queen diamond all you want, But man, you ain't got no spades, they're cutting them. You're in trouble. Be it whist. Different game. You can create what's in your hand. You got dealt a hand too, But you can create a hand. You can call a trump. You can make diamonds your spades. You can make hard to clubs your spades. That's what I'm saying. That's what it is. You can do something with it. It's a different game, man. You can strategize. I would rather have a say so in my life than to wake up every day and just see how it's going. I think it's more difficult to not accept the challenge to be something than it is to accept the challenge to be something. I think it's more difficult to sit around and not be nothing. I think it's harder to watch everybody's life going somewhere but mine. I think it would be very difficult for me to sit here and hear them talking about other people and never mention my name. I would be difficult for me to see everybody rise and getting promotions accept me. That would be difficult for me. It may not be for you, but for me it would be quite challenging. I would rather accept the challenge of making something out of my life than to sit there and criticize those and then watch and see how my life just may go. Okay, just a thought. Today you're listening tow ladies and gentlemen. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're on social media. We would be trending, but we're so good. We is all day is to talk about ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve. Happy Thursday. Whoa A whoa Colin Farrell? All right, whoa whoa whoa Junior Morning up board? Everybody call ahead off a whoa nephew, Tommy m I'm here, Stay in there, stay in there. I can turn a gray sky, blue, naked ray whatever I wanted to. WHOA. I can't buy the castle round my single, play the side. I can make a ship sail on dry land. But my life isn't completed. I'm so blue because I can't get next to can't get next to you, curtain, can't get next to you. Can fly like a bird in the skies. Whoa. I can buy anything by that came by. I can build a river into great big fire. I can look forever. He felt so desired. That was my damn jam right there. I don't even know where I got that from nine. That's where you got to either. It just started. Whoa, That's what I just needed that for myself this morning, because you know why, I'm sick. I am sick of talking about what these police is doing. I'm sick of it. I'm proud of the NBA playoffs. I'm proud of the protesters. I want to thank the non African Americans who have joined in with the fight. I want to thank Major League Baseball for getting it. I think the NBA forgetting it. I think Kenny Smith on T and T forgetting it. And I still me and Tommy still stand by what we said about her funking yesterday and damn joke we wrote. We wrote the joke anyway because a lot of them was comedy. But for those of you that wasn't feeling what we said about herschel Walker, stay tuned because we're gonna talk about that getting date. Yeah, gonna run it. WHOA hey, Man, to think about humor is uh, it ain't for everybody, and uh we do it on this show and we get it. But man, today is another day. We're all grateful to be here. We will continue to fight. We will continue to get you to register to vote. We have got to change things in this country. And after watching some more to r n C last night, a more committed than never. Okay, Steve harm On the show, Come all right, coming up at thirty coming, it's after the hour. Asked the clo the clothe the Chief Love Officer in the building right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, time now for ask the clo. Oh you have to do is go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to submit your question for the Chief Love Officer. The close. Steve Harvey is in the building. Ready, clo Ready, here we go. All right. This one's from Lionel in Richmond, Virginia. Lionel says, I'm the oldest of three children and I have two younger sisters. They both are married, but not happily. I hear the complaints often, but I never got involved until recently. Over the past year, one of my brothers in law has been cheating and he is being sloppy about it. I saw him out with a woman a week ago, so I made a point to introduce myself to her as his brother in law. He tried to dap me up. But instead I pulled him to the side and let him know how foul he is. He told me to get the f out of his face and mind my business. He may not be so lucky if I see him out again. I don't play about my sisters. Should I have knocked him out? Wow? Well now, but the next time, yeah, says he didn't told you his face. I'm gonna get right up in his face next time and mind your own Uh you know, No, No, we see the problem as she is my biss see my sister, my wife, my daughters, then my busins. I don't stay out of none of their buss I don't give a damn feel how you want to feel about me. I'm pressing forward if you if you want, if you want my opinion about there's nothing to ask. I'm gonna get it to you. If you don't want it, I'm gonna get to you so when it go bad, you can't say my father didn't tell me. No, I'm in your ass now, and if you if you, if if I see you playing one of my kids, I'm gonna knock your monkey ass out out your mate. Okay, all right, m monkey ass? Yeah, it's all of them go together. You ain't you ain't ugly ass. Anything you want, I'm all of them, say s, sugar, honey, dash, wow, b a ba ba black ass, all of it go. Any initial you wanted that, I'm knocking your blank as a's easy. Anybody with anybody? Another initial, Ta Ta ta, I'm knock your turn ass out. Another initial, why ain't why A. I'm gonna knock your ass out. An initial g A. I don't knock your yo yo yo gamy ass out because you probably stank. I'm knock your gamey asss out. Next letter b b A b b b b b b b Oh you want double initial, I'm gonna knock your big black yes out. Let's go to the next question. All right, Leah, We're going to the next one. Courtney and Saint Louis says. I'm twenty six years old and I'm messing with my landlord. I live in a duplex that's in a nice area. I'm very close to my job. I often struggled to pay my rent, so my landlord made me an offer I couldn't refuse. But now I have an even bigger problem. I could be in the shower or asleep, and if my landlord pops up, it's time for sex. He's even been waiting for me a few times when I came in late at night. He's a handsome thirty six year old man, and the sex was passionate and exciting at first, but now I'm over it. My lease isn't up until January. What should I do? You got to go to January? Cut? No, why don't you cut it off? You'll be quiet? Tommy, See why don't you cut it off? Because she can't pay her rent? He ain't gonna throw you out. Have y'all thought that if you put it all? Why would he throw her out? I see where you go? Who do that? You got to understand me? Why would he throw her out? And called se? Guess what he the apartment manager or whatever he is or whatever he is? He got somebody Facebook? Hey, landlords got Facebook. Landlords have relative landlords have memberships, landlords got other women. Maybe they need to know that he running you know, rentfree duplex? Hello, you ain't the only one got something somebody to me? Come on, Courtney, come on, okay, you better get ain't to January and then homestead laws. By the time he get the viction notice one and that thing. It'd be January Lisa Boom, Okay, hey please, so that's what you should do. I hope you took that, Courtney. I hope you got that girl. Jorgey in La says, I work as a delivery driver. Since the pandemic, I've taken on weekend shifts for the extra money so my wife and I can buy a house. On the weekends, when I'm at work, my wife will go hang out at the beach with a male coworker of hers. I'm not crazy about it, but I trust her. Last week, I gave my female co worker a ride home and I told my wife about it. My wife went off on me and accused me of doing all kinds of things with my coworker. I don't get upset with her about her co worker, So why is she upset with me? Do you think it's because she's guilty of doing something? Or Hey, what's wrong with you? No? Come on, there's man to man. What's wrong with you? How you okay with you going to work? Is she going to the beach with a co worker? What? I'm out here busting my tail trying to buy us a house and you down at the beach with a co worker doing what doing what? During the damn COVID. Why y'all social distancing that none of the you giving a female co worker ride home and then you tell you what your telephone. See, You're stupid on both fronts because it's my fain't going no damn where with no dude, I'm at work. I don't give it a damn who you is. Now, you go down there and let me find out. Bring that whole truck down there, be on that beach with y'all. Run your ass in that water, run that prank back with the nephew coming up right after this, you're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here to have today's national news with the latest on this mon mister Wendy storm Um, Hurricane Laura Wow, plus an entertainment news guys will tell you about Cardie B's number one turn on really and we'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now the nephew is here with with run that prank back what you got for his nap. We're saving souls again this morning, Charlotte. We are saving souls. We are are we really Aphew years a really baptismal the mobile Baptismal Mobile baptism I come by, I save you and then you're going on to work. Let's go catch Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Wilson. How are you doing? My name is brother springwater Man. Listen. We uh, we we got paid to actually come by and do some services to you for for you by some friends of yours, and we wanted to actually call and see about scheduling and see what you had available. Uh, some some services where y'all playing on cust right, which I do? What kind of services you had? Actually, sir, you've got some friends that have actually spent a great amount of money on you. And what we do is UM we have a Baptismal Owned Wheels servant and what we do is we go and we um we baptize people at their home. And Baptismal Wheels has been it's a new UM company, but we've we've baptized over a thousand people. Now we have a truck with it which actually has a baptismal pool on the back of it, and we actually come to your home and we will baptize you in your driveway and and make you hold again. So we've hostess here, brother water, brother again, I'm sorry, I ain't fringwater freingwater. What you want to come to my house and give me a baptism in my front yard. We want to baptize you right there in your drive where your friends are paid for the services. And my friend, what a friend will pay for me to get baptized. I think baptized are already well from honest and sir that, but then that you you had some some bumps and bruises and and and they seem to believe that you need to be Washington conag. I mean, that's all good, that's all, that's all. It's all good. But I mean things are I mean, thinks matter that it made man, I mean, I've been baptized, I go to church. You know, Uh, me and the Lord don't have no problems. I mean, we all have setbacks. But for you to pull up with your pool in front of my house to say you've been a baptize me that that doesn't make any sense to me. Doc I mean s sometimes when some people are not able to go to the house of the Lord and get baptized, you know we're making a lot more convenient for you, but we can actually need no convenience. I don't need no conveniance. What I need conveniance for you asking me to come to my house on a Tuesday to baptize me in my driveway? Does that make any sense that you broke of water? I mean, come on, if you really sit back and think about it, does that make any sense to you? First of all, so that that that's brothers spring water. But what I'm trying to what I'm trying to see the water is holy water, spring water. It doesn't make no difference to me. You can't come to my neighborhood and baptize me in front of my home. So what is all that? I ain't war? This is? This is what your friends are talking about that don't give me? That was my prayers are telling you, man and anybody which which one of my friends gonna recommend you to come to my damn house. So I'm and I don't let me that. You don't even make any sense to me. You understand, I'm not I'm not at any liberty to tell you who actually is uh between the liberty because of my damn house. That baptized me, but you can't tell me who the hell gonna see you? But you're not the man. Come on, you don't even come on that that makes sense for you. Come on, that doesn't make any no where in the world. I'm gonna allow you to come and bring your food in front of my house. That baptize me. Then I'm asking you ask as you you supposed to be a pastor, you supposed to get back tized. I'm asking you, okay, what's a friend of mine? It's sending you, you know, letting you know I need be down. How you'll tell you? How that liberty to all I wanted to. Basically, I've already been paid. I'm I'm coming. I'm baptizing me. Then back time. I'm going to baptize you on Tuesday in your driveway. Man, I tell you, if you come to my house in front of my driveway, you better bring the old congregation. You understand, you better bring the deacons, the brothers, the sisters, and they have my head as you think how many you got ties. This is a problem. This is what your friends are talking about. This is why you need to be baptized and cleans it again and washed in the blood of the lamp. This is what's wrong. You need to be cleansed. That's what's wrong with you, mister Wilton. What's wrong with me? Now? What's wrong with you is clarly in the little my house day telling me I need to be backtip in front of my house. If I need to be BACKTIF don't get the only water I go down to the church. I don't need you come in front of my house looking old cherkers. We aren't you afraid of some white sheets trot backs after me that romma in the say, from my understanding, From my understanding, mister Wilson, you missed two Sundays already this month. This man, I can't go anywhere and get the water. I don't need you coming here because you telling how I missed too damn sundays. I'm gonna miss sending the two because the sunbe I ain't coming off, sir. All I know is I've been paid to do a job. I will be there Tuesday morning at seven o'clock and we will baptize you before you go to work on two. Before you will I tell you what you curting my seven o'clock and morn, I swear on your lord, I'm gonna bust you. You understand me. You will not cutting my house telling me you would a backtipe. I don't give a damn who paid you. You understand I will drying your award man. Stop bringing you your teachers, everybody else. We're gonna don't fool party left. You understand I'm done all of this anger and all of this. Did these problems you have within you? We are going to burge your body and get it out your system. I don't want your CLEAs to me. I tell you what. I tell you. What rout the swinging water? That water you're gonna get baptized Tuesday morning. I don't give a dam who pays you, who calls you, blame you. I'm gonna I can't kill you. I'm gonna dry y'all side. I got one more thing I want to say to you. What you listening to? Got a matter? I'm bussy. You ain't got to say to me. I gotta go. You understand you ain't little man? I want to say to you, is you listening to me? Whatnot? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy Mason, Hello, man, let me tell y'all something, Man, let me tell you something boy, y'all, y'all was by Bridson man, I said, head man, I was about to act a fool on y'all because y'all to show to be by crib. You understand me what Tommy, y'all ain't got de better to do? Didn't sit around here and just with people during their day. Man, I ain't enough. I thought y'all could give me with this goes around baptize people. That's like middles A will baptized people with a pool on the back at your fifty. I gotta ask you something, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? You know it's the Steve Harvey Morning the Show Saving Souls. It's what I do. I saved soul. I have the same reaction to this prank I had yesterday and what was that? Remind us? Please, that's all I'm saving. So let me help me out now. I'm trying to go to heaven. You know, I just saved souls. That's what I do. You know I got you know, you just played too much pull up at four one fifty. I got that little you know, baptismal pool on the back, bringing on outside the driveway. You dip you down, you saving now dud, All right, thank you. Coming up by the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news that's coming up right after this. You're listening to show In entertainment news, Carti b recently revealed the number one thing about her husband offset that turns her on. Cartie tweeted, Okay, this might be weird, but one of the things that turns me on about my about my man is that he is really good in math. LMAO. Like that is so sexy to me. Sounds like Carti is a satio sexual and those are people who are turned on by a potential partner's intelligence. Okay, I've become one of them since code Yeah. Oh really, I didn't know that you're a sapio sexual too. Just found oct want anything that turned me on my nose? A woman walking by with a code only Yes, sir, you just say safeo as you want it to be. Yo. I think my nerds, Shirley, you like, yeah, yeah, I do. I do like smart guys. So he knows physical what how cold of a man? As we talk about? Well, that's what she said he's really good in math. M. Yeah. Now, study see a lot of people good at math. To me, why you say that? Because because I wouldn't. Yeah, because you Yeah, anybody you gotta see yeah and make it. Hey, let me tell you something counted better than anybody on earth, and you know how to make it a shout me and see what happened. We kind of talked about this story yesterday, guys and other entertainment news. NBC News is apologizing for the mix up, and this was a big one. They mixed up Kevin Hart and you saying Bolt, how how we all look alike? Yeah, you're saying recently tested positive for COVID nineteen but you They used Kevin's picture on the post about the story. So here's part of NBC's correction statement. They say, the social image on this post mistakenly featured a photo of comedian Kevin Hart, and the system reverted to an image of Heart from an unrelated video, and it has been corrected. Well. Kevin Hart took it and stride as always. He posted, I must have gotten really fast and tall overnight. I want to take advantage of this moment and race anyone in the world. Sidna we're looking at somebody to six six five six. It's just a foot off, y'all. Just a foot. Yeah, Kevin A tripping what I can. And I don't think you saying had anything that he wasn't mad about it either. Yeah, I mean he's more concerned that he has COVID nineteen right now and taken care. I would be upset, but I would be upset if you've mistaken me for somebody shorter like you and your and your nephew, like if they if they were talking about you and they put a picture of Tommy up there, you would be upset. I'm sure I wasn't going there with it, but you said someone shorter, Thomas. I'm gonna tell you this one more time, man, Please don't make me say it too much, too many more times. Your saint sexy? Sexy? What is I'm sexy? That's what That's what I miss him? I'm is it maybe sexy? All right, listen, it's time for today's headline, Steve. Please, ladies and gentlemen, miss an trip. Okay, good morning everybody. This is a troop of the news, starting out with a saggy part. Hurricane Laura made landfall early this morning along the Texas Louisiana coast as a category four storm, packing winds as high as one hundred and fifty five mile an hour winds also called unsurvivable winds, and they cause storm surges. Right now, it's high is maybe ten to fifteen, maybe twenty feet, according to Texas Governor Greg Abbott. This has been categorized repeatedly as an unsurvivable storm surge where it will be hitting and that storm surge could continue inland for about thirty miles, which is what it's doing. It's going northward right now. It's down to a category three, but that's about one hundred and twenty miles per hour winds. About a half a million Gulf residents asked to evacuate the area in advance, but some stayed. Some three hundred thousand residents are out of power this morning in the area. Laura's already responsible for at least two dozen deaths in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Demonstrators out again last night in Kenosha, Wisconsin, calling for justice and the police shooting of a twenty nine year old father of three named Jacob Blake, unarmed and shot seven times in the back remains in critical condition, and his family says he's paralyzed from the waist down. Is now report this morning and said that Blake had a weapon in the car, supposedly a knife. However, there's no camera or footage of that shows him getting it, grabbing it, or intending to do so. Meanwhile, the white teenager is the only one who's really charged with killing somebody. A white teenager charged with fatally shooting two protesters. He's identified as seventeen year old Kyle Rittenhouse, described as a Blue Lives Matter activist. Rittenhouse charged with first degree intentional homicide. Last night was day three the Republican National Convention. Among last night's speechmakers where they now departing Presidential Advisor Kelly Ann Conway. She's the inventor of that term alternate facts, remember that, and her husband and daughter are both proud and Trumpers. And Vice President Mike Pence, who was really featured. He used the right phrases and code words to satisfy the GOP base. Last week, Joe Biden didn't say one word about the violence and chaos engulfing cities across this country. So let me be clear, the violence must stop. Whether in Minneapolis, Portland, or Kenosha. Too many heroes have died defending our freedom to see Americans strike each other down. We will have law and order on the streets of this country for every American. And he said, that's why we need formal years of Trump. By the way, Democratic candid Joe Biden spoke to the Jacob Blake family and did condemn the violence by police and some of the protesters, number of athletes, some sportscasters demonstrating their anger and discussed over another cop shooting of a black man. Didn't go and work. The Milwaukee Bucks refused to play last night. There was a lot of stuff in lebron James trying to get some more poll workers as well. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening day Morning Show. Well, yesterday the Milwaukee Bucks boycott at their NBA playoff game against the Orlando Magic, and shortly after that, the NBA announced they were going to postpone all of their playoff games and protests of the shooting of Jacob Blake. Take a listen to Clippers head coach Doc Rivers. Oh, he had some powerful comments. Take a listen what stands out to me is just just watching the Republican Revenge Convention and this viewing this fear right, Like all you hear Donald Trump and all of them talking about fear. We're the ones getting killed, We're the ones getting shot. We're the ones that were denied to live in certain communities. We've been home, we've been shot, and all you do is keep hearing a fear. It's it's amazing why we keep loving this country in this country does not love his back, you know, man, that's a that's a profound statement. I've known Doc for a while. We're not close or anything, but I've known him for a while and he's always he's always spoke up. He's a he's truly a players coach. But see for Kenney Smith to walk off TNT. I get it, man, He's a former NBA player, he played even Shock and all over, but he gets it, and he he just wanted to do something to help with the protest. People don't understand how black people feel. Now. There are millions of non African Americans who are participating in this black live movement matter, black black lives matter movement, and it's a great thing to see for those of you who don't that are sitting at the Republican National Convention and ignoring, ignoring the Black Lives Matter movement like it's some Marxist theory and people who are coming up to destroy the fiber of America. I want to remind you of something. Black people built this country. This country called America is what it is because of four hundred years of free labor that allowed you to profit in ways that no other nation could. That's how you became the richest nation in the world and the most powerful, because you enslaved a group of people for four hundred years and had them at your beckoning, whim and your call to do whatever you needed to do while you stacked up money. This country is still benefiting from slavery because all these tobacco companies was built on the backs of black people. Then you turned it into share cropping. The slavery was over. We built this country, but we ain't ever really been a part of it. I got something else save when we come back. Okay, all right, he fixed his ass too, got something for him, all right, hang on, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty four minutes after Right after this you're listening to show, all right, Steve, when we went to break, you had something heavy on your mind about slavery and how black people feel in this moment. You've got to understand the fatigue. You've also got to You've also have to understand the protest because we have no other way to get your attention. You're not paying no attention to us, even in lou of the Aubrey case, in lieu of the George Floyd case, in you of Eric Ghana, in loeu of all the men Brianna Taylor, y'all still shooting us. Yeah, And all the Republican National Convention can talking about is blue lives matter. We're not shooting the police. There's no there's no outbreak of black people killing police. That is an outbreak that has been and broke out of black people being killed repeatedly. If you don't understand why we're upset about that, something wrong with you. Now you consider this Republican National Convention, and you can ignore the coronavirus. Ain't nobody talked about it, but Milania, you can sit up and talk and praise him for the way he's handled it. And how can you think he's handled that wonderfully, and you can ignore the Black Lives Matter movement and keep acting like we're some militant group who are out here. Let me explain to you what happens when people the protest turns violent. It's because the Republican not the Republican Party, but governmental institutions. There are certain institutions who know how to put plant people in that to help start it. So you can derail the movement for the intent the instigators that you put in there, and and it derails the movement, so you can change the narrative from what we are talking about, the injustice that black people are under the thumbs of your police departments across the country, and so you put this other thing in so we can derail it. But you're not going to derail it this time. Just like you derail what Colin Kaepernick was doing. You're not going to derail it this time. This time, some white folks saw what you've done, and they upset about it too important. In Seattle, in Phoenix, in Detroit, inclusion in DC, in New York, a lot of people are sick of it. And so you can have your publican national convention and never say one calming word to the Black Lives Matter movement to even say to them, hey, you know what, we need to work on some things so you all feel better about here in America because you keep wanting us to honor the flag, which we do. But we're tired of singing a song that ain't about us. Oh say, can you see can you see what y'all keep doing to me? But you acting like its rain where we standing under pa, and we're tired of it. We're sick and tired of it, man. And if you can't see how we're sick and tired of it, imagine if it were you. But why you can't imagine? You know why you can't imagine it issue because you can't imagine it. It's unthinkable that your child, Yeah, that your son might not come home because he had on the hoodie yea, that he went to the start to get some skittles under iced teeth. Your son don't come back right, yea. So I know it's hard for some people to imagine it because you can't imagine it happened. You can't imagine the police having the knee on your neck for eight minutes and forty six seconds. You're an American. You can't do this to me. Yeah, I just said I can't breathe. But Eric Gardeners said the same damn thing, I can't breathe. He said it over and over. Now you have shot all of us this year, Brianna Taylor, Aubrey, George Floyd, and now the man Blake. You keep killing us. I'm just talking about all of you. Kill all of us, and you have a Republican convention. You don't mention it because your president is so worried about Blue Lives Matter. We're not killing the police. To police is killing them coming. I've been pissed off. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Struwberry letter. My subject for today my wife keeps leaving me and coming back. But right now we'll talk about that. But right now we're talking about this. The nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Ne? Can you do my makeup? Oh? Can you do my makeup? Sound pretty simple, don't it? Yeah? All right? Cool? Cool? Watch this here, Let's go kill Hello, Hello nights to Brandy Police. Yes, by Brandy. My name is Carl. I'm calling. I got a you can't highly recommended you actually you're you? Actually are? I'm sorry? That is it? Man, I'm I don't know if I'm saying r as a makeup artist, makeup style, that's what you what do you call it? It's makeup artist. I'm a professional makeup artists okay, and you work at them, you work at the makeup counter and correct. Okay, listen, I gotta I got a photo shoot coming up and I wanted to see about um sometime this week maybe the following week. You could actually come and and I hired you to actually make me up with my photo shoot. Is do you do a lot of photo shoots at all? Or you? Yes, I should do. I've been in the business for ten years, so I've been around. There were photoshoots. Okay, good though, So what's I mean you have any time this week that I can actually just come in and we can do like a trial run or something. Yeah, I'll actually be here Friday for about six hours with Friday work for you. I'm here, I start at eleven. At eleven, I mean I could come in maybe like around three on Friday, if you if can you squeeze me in at that time? I sure can? Okay, What's what's so good? Is there a certain makeup for men? It works out the same as for women. In photoshop. You just need some type of crane foundation something to even out the skin tone. Uh, powder you down to take away the oils, cover up any blemishes or anything like that. It's pretty much the same. Of course you don't get the whole eyeshadow and lashes and stuff, but right, right, right, right right, Well I'm not but I just try to, you know, just trying to look good on camera. UM. Let me ask you this. How much makeup have you done? As far as um men? You know what I mean? Yes, okay, I'm very comfortable with it. You'll be fine, trust me. That's what I was really worried about it if you were going to be comfortable with it, because I mean, have you done? Um I'm a little conscientious about a few things, you know what I mean? And um, have you have you how many butts have you done? I'm sorry? How many what like like like butts? You know? How many? How many butts have you made? Up? I haven't made up any butts, like are you like you mean like asses, Yeah, I mean you could seem I'm actually doing a nude photo shoot and uh, you know, I gotta scratches and you know, some old scars on my butt and you know, because like you said, you know, I'm a little shy about you know, some of that. So I was you could actually hope you can actually make sure that those cars don't show and you know you said you kind of um, you know, uh make sure everything is doesn't look oily, you know what I mean. And I just need to get my own money out. Well, but I didn't when I didn't understand what you're talking about. I may not be the makeup art. I don't. I'm not seriously, I'm not gonna do your okay, but I mean were just talking about makeup though, I mean you know you're talking about yeah, but I'm not about to put my makeup brushes that I use on people's faces on your ad like to tell your photographers to like photoshop that because okay, well that's where I'm coming in to see you on Friday. I want you to do everything and make me up there in the store so I can see what it looks like. I want to see what you were going to come into my job and make me do your like? What are you? What? Planted? Are you? Where did you think that was gonna work? You cannot come into my job. How are you gonna come my job naked? Seriously? I mean well, I was gonna wear a robe. I'm not gonna just you know walk. Don't you even think about coming into my job? Who referred you? Who told you need to delete this number? Do not? I'm not about to get this job done, okay. I don't wander about why is the problem with you doing? What is the problem? You're doing my butt and putting some makeup on it? Not I need to buy you some brushes. I buy you some brushes and you can take wants you to buy me anything. I don't want you coming into my job. I don't want you calling me ever again to do any kind of work. I'm coming in there and I'm now listen, I have my professional makeup artist. Clearly you don't know what that means, so I don't need relational Then you will take out the part that's bothering you and do the job. Lady, You know what I mean? If my stories art and I want to clear, I want to call on you before I get real ignorant. I'm not about to finish this conversation. Do not come into my job. Do not call me to do your That's not gonna happen. So so so, I guess it's say to go around and let people know that Brandy is not professional, because you can't through part. Reputation is good in the streets to boo. You can't go around and tell anybody that I'm not professional. Nobody ever called me to be there. Get some skincare for your How about that? And then you won't need any makeup? I know you. Then you're not gonna sit here now start talking about if I told you some my deepest secrets to let you know I want to come in there and get somebody. Well, that's when you're bad for telling the stranger your deepest secrets. Okay, you know what. I'm coming up to your store anyway on Friday, all right, and I'll talk to your boss. I'll let them though. Don't let it fool you. You heard me, don't come in my job. Look if I lose my job over your foolishness, I guarantee you will be paying on my bills. Okay, Spottom line is I'm coming in there with my robe on Friday. Somebody gonna do my butt. You your manager? You're not coming you know what? How about you come up here right now? How canuld I go ahead and take care of the situation right now? I'm here now? Can you come right now? I'm up there right now, whip my robe? Well, bring bring your butt up here right now. We'll see if your buck gets done. I'm not doing it. Okay. With the bottom line, who's your manager anyway? What's she? Is? She there? I am the manager? Now what? Okay? See that's what the damn problem is. You got your little self a little position at your job. Now you're trying to throw your weight around if you if a person wants to get their butt done, okay, Look do you see avatar? Do people have makeup all on they butt all on their back and everything where not? You call them? You call them and ask them to do your butt. Don't call me. I'm hanging up. Do not call me anymore. They are makeup artists. What are you look? This conversation is over. Yeah, it's over because you know what Let me tell you something. You do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? I know who I'm talking to. I'm talking to Brandy, But do Brandy know who Brandy talking to? Clearly somebody who is ignorant. Okay, well let me tell you who I am. This is Nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got franked by your girlfriend, Carmen. You are lie yea. I'm getting off the phone. I'll get do that. I hope nobody's listening. You just made I got you good. I got you good. Good with the butt, Yeah, for real, get you some skincare get problem. I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land all the damn Steve Harvey Morning Show. Girl, wasn't that was pretty funny time? That really was up make up for my man. I ain't the only one. Oh, everybody got nice seeing on their butt. Everybody on this show. You but just move y'all. Y'all ain't got no imperfect man because he's seeing stroke. Wow. That yes, you know, little but work, you know, little makeup? Right there? I saw make that thing happened. Come in there with my robe on d robe. Let's get it, she said, you mean what put it on your Yeah, she didn't say that is let me speak. I am the manager now now yeah, black people get a position. Here we go. Hey, can I say something that ain't got nothing to do with the prank? Right now? What's that? Yes? Of course it's your show. Yeah. Act the Republican National Convention last night. Where do they find the black people that there ain't nobody never heard of or talk to in years? Herschel ain't been on nothing in years. He and doing converc Walker. Yeah, and now I don't know where they find where they find the other football player for ain'tbody never heard of. Ain't find these people that nobody ever know his name. You know, I'm not against black people that are Republicans. I'm not at all. You can be whatever you want to be. But what a find of for Trump? All a sudden, they're coming out of the wood Parish. But it ain't We gotta get out of here. Coming up next Strawberry letters subject my wife keeps leaving me and coming back. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click on where it says submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Might be Buckle up and hold on tight. We got for you here it is stroll every let him thank you. The nephew subject. My wife keeps leaving me and coming back. She keeps leaving me and coming back. Just Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty five year old man with two kids and a stepdaughter by my wife. I love my family, but I have come to a breaking point with my wife. For the second time in four years, she has left the home and cut off all contact with me and the kids. The first time she left, she ran off with a man that she met online. She bought a bus ticket and rode out west and didn't contact us for a month. Eventually, the guy dumped her and she reached out to me. I ended up sending her four hundred dollars for her to get back home. Earlier this summer, I was grilling and the kids were in the pool. My wife said she had to run to Walmart to get a few things. We have not seen her since then. The kids and I rode all all around town looking for her that night and the next day. I kind of figured she'd left us again, but I didn't want to upset the kids. I filed a missing person's report with the police, and the police told me since she'd left before, they wouldn't open an investigation right away. I posted pictures on Facebook, and instantly I got all kinds of messages saying that she'd been seen around our city and a few cities close by. I wasn't surprised, and I waited for her to call home. After forty five days, she called, saying she needs to come back home and she is ashamed of what she keeps doing to the family. I told the kids she called and it's ready to come home. They said I shouldn't let her come back, and we'd be just fine without her. We've been married fourteen years, and I've kept the marriage together for the kids, but now they're saying to throw her and the whole marriage away. Do you think I should take their advice or give my wife one more please advise? Well, I mean, you know, the decision, of course, is ultimately up to you. What you do. Should you take the kid's advice or give your wife one more chance? Is that what you want to do? Well, it's certainly not what the kids want you to do, because they're sick of her. They really are, and they let you know so you can let yourself off the hook. They want you to stop feeling guilty about all this, your wife leaving and coming back and running off with some man she met online, and you know, just not hearing from her, no contact for forty days and a month, forty five days? What is all of this? And then you have two kids, and one of them is her stepdaughter. She's sick of her mom too. They want to divorce from her, and really so should you. At this point your wife doesn't care about you, She doesn't care about the kids. And your kids, I don't know how old they are. You said they were in the pool while you were grilling, but I mean they're cool just with being with you. Dad. I just say I'm saying sorry here, but your wife is trifling and she's a horrible mom. I mean, is she on drugs or something? What is going on with her? Who just walks out on her family and comes back like nothing ever happened. I'm sure this is devastating for your children. I'm sure it is. Who does this? Why should they have to continue to go through this time and time again? They can't be secure, they can't you know, they're unsure of themselves. And why should you have to continually go through this? Who can live like this? I just you know, you never know from one day to the next if you'll have a mom, or or if you have a wife or not. I say, pack her bags, put yourself and your kids out of this revolving door of a marriage, and tell your wife that you and the guys will be just fine without her. She's selfish and that's what the kids want you to do anyway, But unless you really want to do it, and I don't see why you wouldn't, I don't know, don't let her back. Okay, she she's a source of misery for you, guys. Steve, Well, let me start by saying this to you. It ain't a good look when your kids are smarter than you, right, you know, it just ain't a good look. Let me just start there, okay, all right, here we go. You're thirty five year old man, got two kids on a step daughter. I love my family, but you had a breaking point. For the second time in four years. She had left home, cut off all contact with me and the kids. The first time she first time she left her, she ran out with a man she met on land. She bought a bus ticket and rolled out west. Who trifling this badass decision? Who buys a bus ticket to ride out west? You know, like she in a Western or something. Go west, young man, fortune out there. And she left you for a dude that sent her a bus ticket from a man that has a house with a swimming pool in it in the backyard grilling. She left you for a man that sent her a bus ticket. Your wife is not a bright person. The kids are, the wife is not. So let's try to make some sense of it. And she brought a bus ticket road out. She didn't contact us for a month. Damn man, that's hard. Eventually the guy dumped her. She reached out to me. I ended up spending four hundred dollars for her to get back home. Now, you obviously bought a plane ticket. Hold on, We'll hold on, Steve, hold that thought, just hold it, hold it. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject my wife keeps leaving me and coming back. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve. Look's recap today Strawberry letter. The subject my wife keeps leaving me and coming back. Yeah, yeah, she's been doing it, second time in four years. She didn't left the first time she left with a man she met online. She bought a bus ticket and rode out west. I knew this relationship was doomed. You mean to do online, He's buy you a bus kicking all right. Eventually got dumped her. You ended up sending four hundred dollars for her way to get back home. Y'all s threw that ball airline ticket. Clearly you care more about her than the dude online. Now hit a good one right here. Earlier this summer, I was grilling kids, was outside in the poop. My wife said she had to run to Walmart to get a few things. We ain't seen her ass see horrible, What did she Why happened at to Walmart? The kids and I rode around town looking for her that night and the next day and the next day. Then the dude said, because he got tuition, I kind of figured she left us again. I ain't want to upset the kids, so I filed a missing person report. Police told me since she had left before, they wentn't over an investigation right away. Then you put some pictures on Facebook, and everybody started calling you, telling you I saw that he down that Errol Turners. Well, I saw up at Abigails she was at to speak easy too, that she came into tavern Friday. They just saw her everywhere. Yeah, you know, she an old broad that go dude country stuff. You know, this ain't no big city chick okay because the bus So I wasn't surprised, and I waited for her to call home after Fardy Dave this health a call back home says she's ashamed of what she keeps doing to the family. Shirley said, something right, Is she on drugs? Because this guy crackhead rode all over Yeah. Yeah, a matter of fact. Let me let me, let me, let me, let me back it down a little bit. Is she on math? M? Let me tell you what when you see her look at her teeth? Real good? Why? Because if you on math, your teeth is shot. Oh you ain't seen the tiger king? Yeah? Yeah, his man. Did you see his mouth? Oh? Oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah. I don't care what your sexual preference is. You got to want somebody was in better looking teeth than that. You damn you got to have your mouth right. You have to, you have to. Now. I told the kids she calling ready to come home. The kids say, don't let her come back. We just fine without it. You know, you messed up when your kids don't want their mamma no more, your blood daughter, your blood daughter. We've been married fourteen years, and I've kept the marriage together for the kids. Now this is interesting because now they're saying to throw her in the whole marriage away. So she had a stepdaughter. The stepdaughter got to be at least fifteen, because y'all only been together for fourteen years. Unless she had the baby while she was out of the bus trip, she could have is do you think I should take the advice or give my wife one more chance. Let me ask you something, Give your wife one more chance to do what to leave a third time? Yeah? Please advise, brother. I don't even just why you struggling with her. This is not a sign of a person that's no longer any in love with you all her family. She loved something else. Now. I ain't saying she owned drugs. It do sound like drugs to me because she go on these ben just I don't know what's wrong with her, but the kids deserve better. You seem like a good man. You probably get you a good woman. Yeah. Me personally, I'm just this just Steve Harvey talker. Please don't tweet and facebook me about my responses because you know I don't really care. No, Mom, I really don't. I didn't got sixty three. I ain't got real comfortable with what I'm saying on this show. I divorce. Yeah, I'm divorcing her. I don't think choice. I'm divorcing her. I'm not living like this is clear. You don't want me and these kids. I don't want to keep sending the kids through it, and I want somebody to gree with me and the kids and be in the pool, right, you can leave your husband and your kids. You will be for somebody that bought a bus ticket. That's what I'm old offair. Hey, I can see if you came up. You didn't even go lateral. You just took a step down. You wrote a bus out west. We don't even know where that is. I mean, yeah, we we just west. Yeah, yeah, probably just went west of the Mississippi. Ended up ended up in Mississippi. Oh wow wherever. Yeah, she's a she's a bad woman. She's not a good person. I'm done with it. You can't do what you want to do. But kid, Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. It is our girl, Cheryl Underwood from The Talk. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, please introduced our girl from the Talk. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up, don't play around. We didn't no more. Here she is on the show. Surely the under who you know whether I answer to that? I answer to that, you know, and even you know, I'm gonna tell you something. Culturally, in the worst of times, you know, we try to have some levity. That's our culture, my right, brothers, and listen, man, Yes, that's right, that's right, that's right, because we ain'ta let the devil know, he ain't getting nobody down. That's why we're seeing prayers that everybody in Texas and Louisiana because of the hurricane. You know what I'm saying. We want people to get on the bus, get the shelter they need. You know what I'm saying. We're playing for everybody. You know what I'm saying. And what's going on in Wisconsin. You gotta write as an American the peaceful protests. But okay, this is why people say, well why y'all, man, let me tell you why. Okay, I'm about to say a bad way. I'm sorry, calling for real, y'all catch anything I'm bad, I say. But the little white boy shot two people seventeen walked past the damn police and ain't nobody shot at him. Another black man going back to his car where his children are right, get shot in the back and now he paralyzed. See that's why we're mad because the little boy white, he made it all the way back of fifteen miles back over the state line. So don't that make it a federal crime? Of Tommy? That make it federal? Junior? You know what? Do you remember when he was me and you was talking about this, and we was well, never mind when we were talking about how the fact that it's a federal crime when you go across state line. So now you're into state terrorists, right, Still a lie, Still a lie, okay. And this is why we're mad because it's a difference between how black people get treated by law enforcement then how white people get treated by blah blah. White people get taken to Burger King after you then shot up at church with some black people and get it. Sorry, I'm sorry, lord, I didn't mean to say that. I didn't mean to say that. Get a sound. Well, I'm trying not to cuss because I could. I could let loose a string of cuss words right now, you know what I'm saying. But I'm very happy that the NBA, especially Milwaukee, the Bucks, the Brewers, the w NBA, Maze League Baseball, everybody decided enough is enough. We're gonna protest this. But now what we gotta do. We gotta get ready to vote people out this negro. And I see I did good this negro Daniel Camera, Kentucky Attorney General got time to go speak at this book. Okay, I'm doing good. I'm doing good. I'm doing good, competed. But he ain't got time to bring the justice the people who murdered Brianna Taylor. But I'm gonna shout out one person that y'all need to know. California State Senator Steve Bradford is putting forward a bill in California to decertify unfit police. It's called Senate Bill s I've been thirty one. This bill went ensure victims of police crimes get a fair day in court because we must have a mechanism the whole police accountable. All right, thank you, Cheryl. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's reality update right after this. You're listening, all right, come on, tell me get ready to get ready to get ready. She is here, Carlin Ferrell with what reality update? Thank you, nephew. Let's talk about Real Housewives of Potomac. So, Shirley, you text me while we were watching this all right, So did y'all see Karen. Did you see Karen rock that all pink suit when that pink had given her inner Beyonce at her Potona home coming party. That's it, that's right. She and her husband Bray have moved back to the Potomac and so she gave a party. Now, Gazelle and Robin, they were at the party, but they felt like Karen's husband, Bray, was not included and that the party was just for Karen. And I think Ray had enough, Honey. He went upstairs. You know, he's olds. It's an old Legitiman drink. It went upstairs. Yeah, it's getting late, yea brother. Ray was over it. Also, Giselle, she had a conversation with her friend Cal, he's a friend and hairstylist about her daughters having issues with her getting back together with their dad. Pastor Jamal Bryan's uh Gizelle's friend Cal though, he pointed out to Giselle that her daughters have been through a lot and on the show Gizelle Gizelle, she talked bad about their dad and the cheating and all of that that went on in their marriage. So he's telling Giselle that you have to give these girls time to adjust and deal and try to digest what's going on with their parents getting back together. So it was very emotional for Giselle. She was crying. You know. Of course she doesn't want you know, she wants her family to be together and if her and her ex husband are working on things, trying to get it back together for the sake of the family. But the kids are like, like, you doing it now right m mmmm, because they went through a lot when they were younger. With all of that, and then finally Monique, she told her husband Chris that she wanted more date nights and that she wanted more effort from him since she handles everything else, she wants date nights, and not to mention, she recently gave birth to their third child. Yeah, So after that episode, air I saw on social media that fans were saying that, oh, one person was saying, oh, Monique is not happy at home, and then Monique tweeted and responded to that, saying that married couples have to be able to express how they feel and that viewers need to stop idolizing fake couples on social media. She says, this is a real marriage that her and her husband and they go through things, but they are still married and they're still you know, a family together, trying to work that's it, trying to work things out. So let me know what you guys think about Real Housewives up atomic. What do you think? Shirley, you watched it, Carla, you started off with the grand Dame, and you know we love the grand Yeah. Her, Yeah, and Monique, I was feeling her, but I didn't. Her husband's response was a bit crazy. Yeah, I don't have kids. Well, I pay for everything. Yeah, like I'm a provider. So yeah, so she's babies out. Hello, I want. All I'm asking for is more intimacy with my husband. So that just kind of rubbed me the wrong way too. I like, yeah, I liked um my girl Ashley and m Candice. I like the fact that they could communicate and talk now with all all the other stuff going on. But it's since I Candice and Gizelle are beefing a little bit. They were beefing at the party, So we'll keep yeah, we'll keep an eye on on that. So let me tell you this guy's more real housewives stories. Real Housewives of New York, The Star Derenda Medley. She was fired from the Real Housewives of New York. No, yes, Junior, I was wait no you thank you, Junior? Why Carlo? Why because six page six says that the executives were sick of her, and then other folks they said, it's a rumored that she was a mean drunk on the show. And that's all true. That's all true. The thing you have it and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Garcelle actress, she's an actress to garcel Boubat. She is now one of the new co hosts of the talk show The Real So congratulations to Garcelle. And that is reality update. You can hit me up at lip Spark Carlo on the Graham Twitter and we'll talk more. All right, Sherley girl, all right, thank you, Carlo. Love it. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening to show, all right, wole this hurricane Laura just I mean keeps coming, all right. It is slammed into the Gulf coast one hundred and fifty miles per hour. Wins Carla. That's right. Last night or well this morning actually early this morning late Charles, Louisiana. It is unbelievable that we have this, yeah, twenty twenty hurricanes pandemic and to have to evacuate doing a pant during a pandemic that is a lot lots of power out of just win damage um trees down, yes, roots off, yes, But here's the thing. You have to stay indoors. A lot of times for hurricanes, people think while the storm has passed or it's been downgraded to A two, so it's safe to go outside. Absolutely not. Stay put. Stay where you are to local authorities can assess the day, which is just now being you know, daylight. The sun is out. So hopefully organizations like Salvation Army, FEMA, Red Cross they are ready to assist the residents that need help. The number I Cross if for information. If you want to make donations, you can text the word Laura. That's lau r A. Text the word Laura to nine zero nine nine nine. Text the word Laura to nine zero nine nine nine to make donations. And we're praying for you, We really really are, Like Charles, we're praying for you in all of the Gulf Coast part of a love lake. Jeff, we got you. We're praying for you. Like Charles, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to this day show. In entertainment news, Cardi b recently revealed the number one thing about her husband offset that turns her on. Cartie tweeted, Okay, this might be weird, but one of the things that turns me on about my about my man is that he is really good in math. LMAO, Like that is so sexy to me. Sounds like Carti is a sapio sexual, and those are people who are turned on by a potential partner's intelligence. Okay, I've become one of them since code. Yeah really, I didn't know that you're a sapio sexual too. Just found out you want anything to turn me a woman walking by with a code on. But j yes, sir, you just as safe as you want it to be. I think my nerds, Shirley, You're like, oh, yeah, yeah, I do smart guys. So he knows physical how cold of a math as we Timber, Well, that's what she said, He's really good in math. Math. Yeah, Now, study see a lot of people good at math to me, why you say that? Because he cause I wouldn't. Yeah, because you, Yeah, anybody you gotta see yeah and make it. Hey, let me tell you something counted better than anybody on earth, and you know how to make it. All right? We shout me and see what happened. We kind of talked about this story yesterday, guys and other entertainment news. NBC News is apologizing for the mix up, and this was a big one. They mixed up Kevin Hart and you saying Bolt, how we all look alike? Yeah, you're saying recently tested Polo positive for COVID nineteen. But you They used Kevin picture on the post about the story. So here's part of NBC's correction statement. They say, the social image on this post mistakenly featured a photo of comedian Kevin Hart, and the system reverted to an image of heart from an unrelated video, and it has been corrected. Well. Kevin Hart took it and stride as always, He posted, I must have gotten really fast and tall overnight. I want to take advantage of this moment and race anyone in the world, anybody art, because we're looking at somebody to six six is probably five six. It's just a foot off, y'all. Just a foot yeah, just a of Kevin a tripping. What I kill M coming up? It is the last break of the day, last write off the day, and we'll have some clothes remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to show all right, guys, it's dwindling down these days. Man, sixty eight days left until the November thirty election. Sixty eight Now, wow, where does the time go? And it seems like it's taking forever for this year to get over. Um, listen, man, Yeah, go to vote for one one dot org please and get registered. It takes just a couple of minutes, really quick in and out, and then um you can get all the information you need for early voting in your state, all of that. Just make sure you go to vote for one one dot org. All right, that's it. That's all I have to say, Steve. You could take it away from twenty you know, man, Um, I'm a pretty positive person, you know, and I try to be motivational. I'm an optimistic person and I try to keep it real. It's sort of funny how people are. You know, Junior, it's probably the youngest one on the show in terms of being on the show, and probably just the youngest. And he got a text yesterday from a listener, but not a listener who listens often, and was kind of messing with Junior about the fact that he felt like we shouldn't have said anything about herschel Walker, that we were racist for discussing herschel Walker, and where's your leader when it comes to this black lives movement? Meaning me? Of course, So I knew right away by the tone of his text to Junior that he wasn't an advid listener of this show, because if you're an avid listener of the show, you know full well where all of us stand in terms of Black Lives matter. You realized that we dedicate a huge part of our show to the support of the protesters, the causes, the issues. You would know that we are on the front lines of this voting issue and trying to get our millions of listeners registered to vote to probably get rid of the same person that you're probably defending when you call us a racist because we were doing something about herschel Walker. First of all, it was Tommy and I are doing a joke about hershel Walker. But if you want to be sincere, I don't give a damn that Donald Trump got on the ride with your family on the It's a small world after all ride. And how dare we think he's a racist because he got on the ride with your family? See herschel Walker. You keep forgetting that you had on the jersey that you played professional football, and that's probably why the only reason Donald Trump even know you. And so the fact that he got on the ride with your family does not quail or the feels of the rest of us who watch him divide the country. Riding on a ride with your family does not excuse the fact that he has divided this country, and that's what he's done. I watched the Republican National Convention. I watched their last ditch attempt to actually act like they care, to act like they swiftly acted about the coronavirus thing, when clearly we know that's not what has happened. I've watched them through the entire convention, not mentioning one thing to make the protesters of Black Lives Matter feel better, to even acknowledge the fact that that is a need to protest when all you can do is to roll up your bass come up with the blue Live Matter campaign. Yeah, we think police lives matter, but we're not killing the police. The police is killing us. And for you, as the President of the United States, to never acknowledge the fact that is a problem here that's directed at black people, you are sorely mistaken because we get it, and I got a lot of news for you, mister President. A lot of white people get it. And I know it's angering you because you keep wanting your base to feel the same way you do, and they do now as optimistic and as positive I am. That's the sad part of this whole equation, because I know that on voting night, forty some million people will cast to vote for Donald Trump, which means forty some million people agree with him how he is, what he does, how he says, and what he represents, and they will vote for him. Forty some million That ain't but three hundred and fifty four million Americans here, so over ten percent gonna vote for him. But that's just the ones who vote. The rest of them who don't vote for whatever reason, who are still feeling the way he is now everybody that votes for Donald Trump isn't a racist. That's not the statement that I'm making. But if you're the Republican Party, which is supposed to be the party of morality, how can you have this guy as your front man who clearly you know is not moral. That's like having this dude, Jerry Farwell Junior the head of Liberty University. Oh really, all the super righteous evangelical Southern Christian people got flaws too. Yeah they do, Yeah they do. But I want to share something with you all, because you are in the Southern Christian community, are awful quiet when it comes to Black lives matter. You get real quiet because I guess it don't sink and jibe with your belief of what God is all about. But God created all of us, and he created all of us equal, and whether you believe that or not, that's the truth. But I don't really know if you believe it because you accept the mistreatment of black people as it's supposed to be normal. And now you're mad at the NBA and the Major League Baseball players and the soccer players for not wanting to play sports on a certain day. You know why, because they tired too, and now, a lot of white people got tired of it, and we're tired of your administration not acknowledging the problems of a large group of your people as a large group of your peers have. And for that, sir, it will cost you your position in the White House. That's what's going to happen. Vote for one one dot org gets the website to go to, and we're gonna vote early, and we're gonna vote often, and on November fifth, you will not be in the White House. For all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.