Good morning and welcome to the ride! He married to The Blueprint. Do you know his steez? The CLO recognized something and also addressed a wide load. There is a dark skin/light skin standoff inside The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem. We have an update from Jussie. The crew is playing a hard game today with Big Dog. Shortly after the divorce of her parents, the billion dollar princess got married. Let's just say that the skrippa turnt rapper has a future in another arena! How can you be facing 40 years and still be free? A more than famous lottery winner apparently has a brain and Steve approves. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks to us about his Therapist.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit like the don giving them like the million bucks things and the stuffings not true good it hasten to other. Please, I don't join jo. Don't give me turn ing you're going. You gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you love, got the turnout the turn turn water the water go. Come come on your thing. Uh huh, I sure will come on everybody, y'all listen to the voice. Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey. Uh how a radio show? Yep? Yep. Sometimes I saw all I can say. Yelp, Man, how far I've come is really unbelievable. But you know I finally figured it out. Man. God allowed me to have the life I've had so that I can become experienced at so many different things. And then this experience when I'm talking and sharing with people, I will be able to relate to a lot of different circumstances, not exact, but just the circumstances. You know. You know, if a person comes to men, they say, man, I've been down and out. Okay, Well I know what that is, man, I didn't I didn't have any direction. Okay, got that been there, man. At one point in time, I just kept piling mistake on top of mistakes. Okay. So you know, I think what I'm trying to say to everybody is when you're going through life and life is dealing the cards that it deals, I want you to understand that life deals everybody these cards. The disappointment card, the setback card, the failure card, the mishap card, the unexpected misery card. Everybody gonna get, the grief card, everybody gonna get, the rash of bad decision card, everybody gonna get them. Understand that going in that everybody is gonna get these cards. It's how you play them, though, you know, from time to time, one more time, it's how you play them, you know. From time to time when I'm watch TV, I love to watch the World Series of Poker. I like watching poker tournaments on TV because it's it's really weird, what's happened to a sport? To a poker they're actually trying to call it a sport, you know, And as the everyday guy that doesn't have to be athletically inclined to anything, who has a shot of winning a title if they play their cards right. The best poker players in the world don't have the best hands, They just make the best plays. I've seen guys win a hand with nine two in their hand as nothing and win the hand because they knew the bluff, they knew the odds, they calculated risks, they made the stakes higher than the other person was willing to pay. They gave off the illusion that they had something with an actuality. They had nothing. So what I what I enjoy about poker and watching it is that these people, these people here, played the hand they dealt, and it ain't always a good hand. But it ain't whether your hand is good, And it ain't whether you're gonna get dealt bad cards or not. Because you're gonna get dealt some bad cards. Everybody ain't gonna get two bullets in their hand. You ain't gonna get two aces when you get dealt. Uh. You know, when you play a draw poker, some of your cards gonna be nothing. But you got to turn that nothing into something. So when you get dealt these cards in life, it ain't the fact that you get keep getting them dealt. I was talking with a young person yesterday and we were talking, and we keep having the same conversation over and over and over, and they could not understand why they were not moving forward. But I said, you don't understand. Every time we talk we have the exact same conversation. It is simply because you keep getting your cards and you playing them the same way. See, until you make a conscientious, the conscious decision to do something different, the results will continue to be the same. See here's the way this works. When you're dealt to disappointments in life, it's how you handle the disappointments that determined the outcome and who you are. Because everybody gonna be disappointment, Everybody gonna lose a love one, Everybody gonna make a bad decision, Everybody gonna end wake up one morning they have done something they regretted. Everybody gonna get caught at the wrong time. Every everybody gonna make a mistake. It ain't just you. That is how you play your cards when they get dealt to you, that determine who you are. Na, how do I play my cards better? First of all, it's a mindset. Quit looking at everything as just the end when it happens to you. Oh lord, woe is me. Nah, everybody got your circum stances somewhere. It ain't old. Woe is me. It's hold on, man, Okay, let me play this out to see how God then connected this to something else. See, as soon as a person have a setback, what's the first thing A lot of people do, they go straight negative. I can't see him to get a break. I can't see him move forward. Hold on, man, do you realize this could be connected to something? See you got to understand, man, that this thing is all connected. That you're not having these mishaps and these spills and accidents and falls for no reason. It's so you can become experienced at them. So when he takes you to the next level, when it happens again, you have no how and how to handle it. If you keep throwing yourself off the cliff every time something happened, you're just gonna be a cliff diver. Man, Stop tripping yourself out. I was talking to this young person. I kept saying, and you know what they tried to tell me. I'm trying to stay positive. But the people around here, they're just killing that. Oh. I see. So when you learn something and you know something, you don't take ownership of it. You allow other people to come into what you know and believe and shake it loose from you. I don't care who you are. You're not doing me like that. Here's a deal. I have a gift that was given to me from God. That is the gift of comedy. That's what I've done. I've made the bulk of my living on that skill set. Right there. That are comedians who are supposedly friends of mine, who I've worked with, who get around in huddles with one another and they say, man, Steve really ain't funny. I don't see what they'd be laughing at. He ain't funny to me. He wasn't the funniest king to me. Excuse me, you're irrelevant in this conversation because it regardless as to how you feel about me. That are people think that I'm knocked down kill over funny. But more importantly, I own the gift that God gave to me. I take ownership of his blessing. Because you don't think it's so. You ain't taking that from me. Stop letting people steal your joy. Stop letting people take what you're supposed to know. Look, I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a kind person at heart. Man. You ain't nothing now you said if you're going, man, I guess I ain't what you're tripping for. You are a kind person, own that take ownership of it. Stop letting things God has given you be taken away from others. The devil's a cold player, and he got cold players working for him, just shaking, just taking stuff from you. You know, I'm a hard worker. I really am intelligent. You stupid man. I thought I was a hard worker. Man. It came in here and said I was stupid. Man, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. What excuse me? You're a very bright person. Hey, y'all take ownership. When God gives you something, blesses you would have gifted talent, a skill set, a mindset. Own it. Don't let people come in here and take it from you. Man, Okay, I probably shouldn't have with it. You're listening show ladies and gentlemen. Man, I have your undivided attention. Please. This is the beginning of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and it will begin immediately as soon as I introduced this person here, Shirley Strawberry, And now we're rolling on to the next person, which is junior. Here spates Mounc. I'm here, last, but not least, the King of Pranks, nephew, Tommy Yah and undeniably the forefront. Then entitled name on the show, which is not the most important component. But it's pretty good though, Ladies and gentlemen. That damned Steve hark Well, we're all here. Yes, yes, everybody's been coming to me telling me how fly. I just had to say that right out the gate, how fly you are? Everyone? I mean, hands down, they're talking about all your outfit. This is what started at all. First of all, when I'm not on TV, who I have to walk next to? The blueprint? Yet that's who I have to walk next to. Secondly, here's two things. Here's two things that happened. Facebook Watch said we don't want you to dress like you did on your talk show because what we saw two years ago on NFL Honors. We'd like for you to dress like that. I said, well, I got plenty of that stuff. I said, I'm just not allowed to wear it because I was trying to fit into the mode of a talk show host. You know, take late night and put a little splash to it. And then when Marjorie convinced me to hire Ellie. Ellie is a person who's really a stylist and he knows everything is coming out beforehand. He only asked me one question, mister Harvey, what would you like to be different? And I said, i want to go back to colors, man, because I'm tired of war navy, blue suits, pinstripes, allright, this because and I won't go back to colors like I did. Kings of comment, right, He said done, and then he started going out and pulling things of that nature for me, and it really changed the whole game. But let me say this, it's more than the fact that you are fly and what you have on and everybody likes the pictures. It's like a movement in that you're showing older gentlemen you know what to aspire you know to what to aspire to and all of that. They like the fact that you've created this niche for you know, these zaddies, for lack of a better word, to just look good and in old age, you know, in their older age, as they get older, instead of going the other way, you're going the opposite way, which is what they're talking about. Ellie said it was in the interview he did was you should not fall into a category because of your age, not stuff age appropriate, Like if you're asking sixty four, you really should not be in skinny jeans. Let's stop this dog. That's not for you. You really shouldn't be in sneakers that's not tied up. That ain't that ain't me. I'm I don't, I don't, I'm not. I'm not fit to do that. You know, I'm not fit to wear a head red, right, but I still want it to be fly and do the things I would do. But his ability to go out and see what's out there and introduced because I don't go to stores. Yeah, so, Steve, all you have to say now is you're welcome, really so much very You're welcome, shouldn't. All right, I'm coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLLO. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, time now for ask the CLLO. The Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey is in the building and this one is from Mary Anne and Elmo, South Carolina. Uh almost said, yeah, I never heard of Elmo. All right, send all your love questions to the celo and he'll help you out. By the way, mary Anne writes, there's a boutique in town that I go to all the time, and the other day I walked in and my friend's husband came from the back of the store with the girl that works there. He whispered to her, I thought you locked the door, and it was very awkward for a moment. I asked if he was there shopping for his wife, so the wife would know he's married, and I left the store. His wife called me later and thanked me for helping her husband pick out a dress. I wanted to tell her he's lying, but I didn't. I wasn't gonna tell on him. But since he told, should I tell her the truth? She's going to find out. And see, thought you locked the door. That's all he had to say to that, you stupid food. While you said loud enough for her to here. That wasn't a whisper what you come out to front folk, right, She just a lot of what you stupid? I thought you? I thought you boy? Yeah no, but definitely don't say anything. She's going to find out because he's stupid. Okay, question question, Yes, where are you pleased with the fact that he did take a dress home to his wife and drug her friend in it. Yeah, she said, I saw out, thank you so much. That was cold right there. That was straight gangster me. But that ain't gonna last them typing. What listen to me, fellas, Listen to me. Dragging your boy into the lie is one thing. When you dragged her girlfriend into the lie, that's that's not that's unintelligent. Yeah, she's considering optional. Your boy would just go, hey, man, let me know what you need me to say. I thank you for Oh yeah, no problem. Hey dog, you were down the mind dress. You told your wife I was helping you. Yeah, okay, cool. Now you don't involve her friend. You're stupid. Yeah, yeah, yes, stay out of it, Marianne. According to the CLO, all right Michelle and Irving, Texas says, I have a problem with my husband's mom talking about me behind my back. She has told my eleven year old daughter that she needs to watch what she eats because she doesn't want to be wide like her mother. She told my sister that I must take after my father, who I do not do. I don't know because my mother is splendor. I know I'm wider than I've ever been, but I don't need this kind of ridicule. My husband said his mom is doing an out of love and concern for me. Am I overthinking this? Or is she wrong? Oh? She dad wrong ed it out of love and concern. Stop eating, baby, before you end up like your mama. Your mama must take after her daddy because her mama slim. I don't know what she's doing. Why. I don't even know your daddy, So you think that's being helpful? Yeah? And then you said, I know I'm wider than I be. Well when you use wide, ever, why what size is that? Please excuse me? I'm looking for dress. Can you point me to love seat? Second? Yeah? Yeah, you're not overthinking it. Your mother in law's dead wrong she is, according to the CLO. All right. Moving on, Tia and Jacksonville says, I'm in a situationship with a man that I went to high school with twenty five years ago. We reconnected and things are going great, but he doesn't know I'm married. I spend a lot of time at my parents' house, helping them out because they're in their late eighties. I see my side dude whenever I'm there. So it has worked out so far, but now he wants to take a mini vacation and I don't think I can. Should I tell him I'm married and see what happened? Yes, because this man needs to know that he's in the death zone. He could get killed, not even know why. You gotta at least tell them. Man, the risk he is what you want to know if he was married? Yeah, give him the option. Don't nobody want to wake up dead and don't know why? God, for no reason. I was just I was just dying now and you try to what Hey, dogs, so you've been sold? So you the want to sleep in my wife? Man know you lie? So now he assumes you lie because he assumes you know. You have to tell this man. And I don't know if you see anything. She's saying that they see each other at at at at her mom and Neil. Yeah, when she well, not at the house, but when she's in town to take care of them. How you ain't told us, man? God tell us man, you mar This is normally the U from a male perspective, it's always oh yeah, that's why he's so he wants her to tell the truth, right, You got to end Like dudes, if you're married and you see any girl, you have to tell the woman that you're married so she can assess the damage. Man. Just let them figure out if that's what they want to do or nothing. But you got this man in the death zone right here, right, yeah, yeah, all right. Shannon in Florida says my husband and boyfriend are in the same local chapter of their fraternity and it's causing me a lot of stress. I've been with my boyfriend for several years and recently he's been trying to break it off with me. My husband and my boyfriend, Yeah, they're in the same frat in the same chapter. I'm hearing this oh he and oh this hill I heard it, and I just go ahead. Shit, I don't know if we're gonna have time, but anyway, all right. I've been with my boyfriend for several years, and recently he's been trying to break it off of me. He won't come out and say it, but he's been doing weird things like joining the same chapter my husband belongs to. Is it a coincidence or should I be worried that he's getting close to my husband? He's tripping. What do I do? He getting close to your husband? And the same chapter you understand what this is. They didn't pass the cup? Oh boy, I ain't clubs. They're in the same chapter. You don't even know? Men? Did you little girl to go? All right? Coming up? Oh, y'all in the death zone. Church complaints. Right after this, you're listening the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Jessie Smollett's legal case will move forward, and we've got celebrity baby news. Yeah, we'll talk about it at the top of the hour. But right now it is time for the pastors. Deacon Death chairman, Reverend Motown. We we bulgariously galbol own due whims when and that he is the one maker of all distributors. He is the stick man at the crap tab yes line, yes, he is the owner or the liquor stole with the Google prinks that thing back. Come on now, he is the drob oh, the garbage truck that won't stop at your house, controlled that get your churches. It's time for church complaints. It's the honorable Deacon death jail. Yeah, pastor, are you in a in agreement with our ushes going door to door getting offering from our members since they aren't coming to church full time? Can we get out about us just to go door to door and pick up our offering because we we we were lacking in offering right now. I just want you to know, Luck, I don't mind them going, but if they're gonna go do the door, please take my nieces girl scott cookies with you, because if I'm tired of buying boxes and I'm just buying boxes, make some girl Scout cookies with you and let it be some type of exchange from giving. Well, but y'all ya all the ones, don't nobody you know that new girl Scout cookie? I like the chocolate Mitch, Yeah, and then this is my favorite? And what another one? Or what's the other for the peanut butter? And like that other cooking? Don't that the old man's cup? The triful sketchy, it's sketchy, very triful tastes like raising bread to me, pressed raising bread. Other than that, I'm pretty sure sister Carlin was here. She want to take that out. Car brother calls her baby selling girl. But that ain't one of my damn proper alright, when we do have we dog in the cookies that don't taste all right? Battle, we got a situation. We want to ban all chilly the ribbons in the top of their head too. I don't care for that either. She's not here. I'm getting something. Take them here in the hair bowls out the let him flip. All right, it's Deak and it's not Timmy. It's two different people. We have a light skinned, dog skin stand off about who sits on the front pew. Well, let me just stop you right there. I got all my money on the dog skinned people. Yeah, get down to an ass. I'll tell you right up. Well, let me tell you. Let me let me tell you who's arging past. Like I said, we have a dark skinned, light skins standoff who sits on the front pews. He had to check our interest ever, but and Terrence Howard are at odds. So who you think win that? Right there? I don't care gonna be Howard, Go ahead, Nick, Well, the problem is is that they are about to come to blows. But they won't. It ain't gonna last anybody else now, it's just tearing and and Edrid well all my money, Well, we want you to talk to him. Before. I'm putting money on mine right here, that boards straight out of here. He gonna he gonna beat the slave on the auditives. Anyway, move along. I'm sorry, I didn't know gonna go that way. The old right over this, you sneaking in the quarters that night. Anyway, this church, and yes, I'm sure I'm cool with that. Run it on all right. I don't really want to be the bearer of bad news, but the congregation is asking for me to be their new pastor because they don't think you're taking the church seriously anymore. Would you consider stepping down? Right? We all know the elswer to that why we're bringing it forward. She's not gonna be the first of all, we're leaving the podium the same height as it is now. I'm putting it in head. Don't get the overseas. I guess. I guess I'll take that back to the take that back to take that back our three white members, that members he had to change. We're at the capital on January six. They won't I support and asking if we can get Benjamin turning Benjamin Crump to plead their cases. It's not gonna happen now. And as far as your ass being a member here. Now you can stop saying that while he was climbing over that wall, you should have found a new church to climb into because you out of the jackpot joint of Jerufe, you might have will a head on. That raccoon had falls uncles. One of them is one of him is the biking guy. I just thought I exactly who I thought it was. And the other white one had his feet up on their SI polotic desk. Get his ass too. A matter fact, we're cooperating with the FBI and the Special Department of Justice or committee on or January sixth. A matter of fact, I'm breaking nude. I'm heading up the committee. Amen. But well they dont a trouble in trouble too. I got the whole tape for him telling them we all to go down there. Why they act here in this tape is everywhere now passed it? Do we want to pay pray Donald Trump? Did we want to happen? Proud for him? Already have him so far as working. The indictments is coming in, Thank you Lord. We gotta stop committed for God. Indictments good coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment and we'll have some national news right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Philadelphia native iconic rapper, actress and television host Eve Our Girl, Eve is expecting her first child with her husband, Maximillion Cooper. Max has four children from a previous marriage, but he and Eve have been trying to have a child for quite a while now. They've been married since twenty fourteen, and we're happy for them both. That is really really good news. Eve is due in February. He was a nice person. Yeah, so first you do not succeed. Keep trying, keep trying. And congratulations again to Usher and his girlfriend on the birth of their son, Cyre Castrello. The couple welcome their baby boy on September twenty ninth. Sire Castrello. Yes, they also have a one year old daughter, Sovereign Bow. Sovereign Bow. You know, I'm gonna have a baby named Mystical Equation. Mystical Equation. Okay, there's two things wrong with that with that. First, first, you have you having a baby. That's wrong. I kill muscle a creole, a creole spurping Steve about a bassinet. What Courcy communicating with no words, we cry, you mean whole met stroller? Stroller all right? Also in other news, we're gonna move on here. Actor Jesse Smalett his last ditch effort now to have a judge dismissed his criminal case was denied. It has been denied. A grand jury indeed a Smallett in March back in twenty nineteen for disorderly conduct after he made a false report to police about being the victim of a racist and homophobic hate crime. All charges were unexpectedly dropped just weeks later, sparking outrage. We all remember this. The case, however, was revived by a special prosecutor and Smallett was again charged with disorderly conduct. Jesse's attorney said his rights were being violated since he had already performed community service and forfeited a ten thousand dollars bond under a previous deal to drop the charges in Cook County. In court Friday, Smallett's attorney said, hey, a deal's a deal. That's ancient principle. But Judge James Lynn said the case is now being led by a special prosecutor appointed by another judge. He would not upset that arrangement. Therefore, Jesse's criminal case will move forward. Wow. I thought, you know, yeah, yeah, I thought he had a deal myself. So you know, once he did the deal and did the community service and pay the money, I thought that was it. But they were so angry with this guy. They just gonna they're gonna try to make an example out of them. But you know, y'all, y'all, y'all letting police officers go with killing black thoms. So I'm okay with Jesse's smully going home. Man, y'all were sitting a bit, we got way. Look and it happened a while back, and he did a deal and he paid the money and he did the community shop and he was wrong very much so because you know what I mean, started a firestorm and it was a victimless crime. So what he had American said he had a mega hat on when you know what they say with the hat on actually saying, do they driving the crowds and kill people with cars and it and they climb over walls at the y'all do that fix? January six, Instead of trying to fix the Jesse Smullet case, I want to see some convictions at some time, sir, for breaking up into that building. If there was black people man want, they still be locked up for that. Yeah, all right, Steve, We're gonna move on here. Time for headlines, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne trip okay, thank you very very much. Authorities say that a group of American Christian missionaries has been kidnapped in Haiti. According to the BBC, at least fifteen men, women and children were abducted from a bus right after visiting an orphanage. Haiti has one of the highest kidnap rates in the world, with powerful gangs exploiting the currently unsettled political and chaotic situation down there to make money off ransom payments. Since the assassination of President Moisse, rival gangs have been trying to gain control of the country. The Biden administration right now working with Haitian authorities as they are to get those people back. Jury's election begins in Brunswick, Georgia today for the three white men accused of murdering an innocent, unarmed black jargon named Armed Aubury back in February twenty twenty. Aubrey chased down for no reason by white men in pickup trucks, cornered and shot to death. They claimed Aubrey was a thief and that they murdered him in self defense. That's despite the fact that prosecute to say Aubrey had no stolen goods on him and wasn't armed with anything. No charges brought against the defendants for three months, and only after the story went national passor John Perry is the former head of the local NAACP. They were given a courtesy that the normal citizen would not have received, and particularly in the black community, if you were found to have killed someone, you know you're getting handcuffed and you're getting booked armed. Aubrey just one more in the name of his horrific list, including Brianna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, and George Floyd far President Trump has been called to testify under opened by video today in connection with a civil lawsuit. The case in question dates back to before Trump was elected commander in chief, stemming from a twenty fifteen altercation outside Manhattan's Trump Towers, when a group of Mexican demonstrators say they were roughed up by Trump's security guards. They claimed Trump was responsible because his guards were acting on his behalf, and a judge agreed that there was evidence to suggest it. Trump has denied any wrongdoing, and the trial could begin before the year is out. We have no word actually if he's going to testify today or not. The demonstrates were very upset because he had called Mexican immigrants rapists and drug dealers. Police in Houston are still searching for a gunman who shot three police deputies on Saturday, killing one of them, leaving the other two hospitalized. One man in custody. However, reportedly authorities don't consider him the shooter. President Clinton, the former president, been just charged from a southern California hospital where he's been under treatment for an infection since last Tuesday. He's to finish his treatment up in New York and finally, well maybe major Hollywood studios and union crew members tendantly agreed to a new contract, but it's not signed. Stay tuned. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, we're gonna do something different here. We're gonna play a game of would you rather Okay, you know the premise of this game, would you rather be? All right? Steve, let's go all right? Would you rather were the same socks or a month, or the same underwear for just one week. Now take them socks for a month, tie them shoes up tight as I can every day, and walk on out there proud, and just just keep moving. Don't stand around nobody too long. Where where it can? You know what? Where the funk can sim up? Straight up? Intinet, Just keep moving, you know, do a lot of dance steps and stuff like that. I cannot, Yeah, I cannot save brawls week. You know how gay able to have? You ain't even gonna be able to just stand there on zip your pants to take a leap. You ain't gonna be able to do that. Don't you crack that zipper? But you know how some people turn their underwear inside out? Sure that I would what they call a geronimo. I go geronimo before I do that. It's called commando boy. Oh Jesus didn't what geronimo geronimo is? Come man, all right, I didn't know. All right, here we go. Would you rather get one billion dollars today? One billion dollars today? You gotta do or you ain't go ahead or add twenty more years to your life one? Oh wait, wait, wait, let me finish, Let me finish. No way do all I get is twenty fold today? Would yeah? Would you know, like say no, twenty more years period. Say you come to the end of your life and then you can about to know when the end is. Yeah, you don't know, but when it is, just gonna give me that billion today then because dog gonna let me go to one on four. I'm out anyway, but there's one billion, gonna make it. Not give me that one billion, And I tell you, I go out there whatever the Lord called me, So you take you then right now to me and and die the next day. No, no, no, ain't no, I ain't say and die whenever the Lord gonna call me home. Ok okay, okay, if it's at ninety two, I go at ninety two. It's one on fold like I'm hoping for. You know, I'll take that. Well, we all know how cool you are, because he's gonna call you and tell you when it's time. You ain't gonna yours, ain't gonna come, you ain't gonna just it ain't gonna be. He gonna let you know. I gotta come and get you in a couple of weeks. Well, that's what I'm thinking one on four because we've had that discussion, all right, that ends? Would you rather for today? So we found out something about you see coming up at thirty four minutes after be our we'll have some trending headlines where you right after this you're listening to morning show this weekend. And upstate New York, billionaire Bill Gates's oldest daughter got married. It was on her one hundred and twenty four acre horse farm that her father bought her. Design crews and wedding planners created a lavish venue and spared no expense, of course not Reportedly, four new buildings were built on the property, massive pavilions with Florida ceiling windows and a large semicircular stage. Weeks of construction caused a problem with the neighbors, so the wedding planner extended invitations to the neighbors and delivered restaurant gift vouchers and bottles of wine with personalized apologies. So, Steve, you've had two daughters to get married, and we've been to those weddings. Did you spare any expense like Bill Gates? How Well, I ain't got Bill Gates money, of course, probably my maid with my daughters was I promised him, I give them the day of their dreams. What I should have put it was a budget attached to it. What should a wedding cost? What should it? Really? Not as much as they do. Yeah, the problem is you keep adding, and I mean like like, like, what's a good number fifty thousand dollars for yo? Let's let's you're not gonna get away with that. You stop that right now? You can stop that. Yeah, you have rolls royces. Stop uh. Whatever the car costs get up in that range. There's threesome? Are you crazy? But one day watch? Oh oh my god. Okay, I should want to hear when Sydney coming in and tell you that's what she wants. I want to hear your dumb mass say no, I don't want when you held as his baby. I want to hear it. I want to hear no. And she's such a great kid anyway, straight A's all of that. No problems at all with her. None. Ain't like our sons come in to ask for that boy. You wouldn't if he come in here for fifty dollars for what? She didn't fifty dollars fire? What what the hell costs exactly fifty exactly? What about shoot you and you're in your nephew, Why don't Hell no, he an't got no drivers license. He's still uber at eighteen. Hell no himself to the stove. No he ubers everywhere, a lot of kids, he said, Yeah, they do that. You don't have no drive like nothing. He don't need no money. You had any job, but my pay is count No, mom, do you know how much? If what the thrill I had? But my mom would send me around the corner at sixteen in the car. Yeah, get something? Do you know the thrill I had? He was asking, Oh, I forgot some episode. Let me go back and get the rest of you want? You want a garlic pot? I bought garlics out. Let me go get the garlic poder up. Yeah, I get a receipt. Man. Because you everybody had to see you in the dayborhood, everybody to see you. You took the long way around the whole neighborhood. Man. Drive. Oh my god. Yeah, that was such freedom, the freedom. Don't do that no more. Three hundred thousand dollars. Way, boy, I'm not gonna believe high school. Add up the venue the number of guests. You got the plates per plate. Then you got to decorate the place. Then she probably gonna want to have it at the church in the set convenion. Then you gotta get caused. Then she got browed apart. You got a pre dinner. Then you got to have the the coomsmen all got to fly in, and all the bridesmaid's got to fly that's youth. The father had to pay for that. See, Tommy, we got traditional families. You ain't new. Now you hit tag you it three hundred. I bet you it costs more than that. I promise you. Now, I promise you that it's gonna Kate holledge what I just ask? Yeah, they ca they cater, but that ain't that's delicious, But that ain't what they gonna. We love a wedding plan. The dress, Yeah, the dress, the dress, the invitations. Oh you're so hold on, hold on. Then your wife's dress, yes, girl, because it's her big day too, her Sydney gonna this day day. All right, we gotta go already married. He starts saving, coming up next to prying phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, well about four minutes after the hour. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is he doesn't want his X to hate him? All right, find out what that's all about, just a little bit. Why he cared. I know, I know, right, give a damn thing, but right now, uh, it is time for the nephew and the prying phone call. What you got for its nef Yo? Trash stinks it too, right? Yeah, yo, trash stinks Julia. And and I don't care how y'all for you. Here's trash s thanks, And that's it's trash. It's supposed to. Yeah, it's supposed to. But what you was doing just a little, oh, junior, My my trash is naive for my trash, naive for it. Boy. I let me tell you something. When I put my when I put my trash out, because you know, I'm way out in the woods, so I have to pour Clothe rocks all over it, through the raccoons and all the little varmints. Don't don't come get in it. You got to put Chloe Rocks on your trash. You live in a nice ass neighborhood. I know that because I just go out to the dumphin dumb man? How much? How much? How much? Daddy is the post? Chloe ro how you stay in that? Yeah? That ain't what he said, sir. He said how much money that is? That's what he said. That scared me. Your trash, Your trash stinks. Let's go cat dog. Hello. Hello, Hey, I'm trying to I'm trying to read swerve. Yeah. How you doing, man, I'm on it. I'm one of your neighbors, but I'm one street over from you. You over the river n dry Yeah, that's right? Little is this rico? Man? How are you doing? I'm one of your neighbors on the next street though. How are you doing? Okay, I'm doing good? But how you how you getting my Another one of the neighbors on your block gave me the number. Man. We was we were having a little situation. Wanted to reach out to you, Uh, some stuff going on here in the neighborhood, man, and wanted to try to make you aware of it. Well, what what's going on? Uh? It seemed like, um, well, you know the trash man run on on Tuesday, okay and Saturday. Right now. The problem is that that that that a lot of people. I guess since the holiday just passed. You know a lot of people got their stuff out on the on the curve already right right now. The problem is that that that they're saying, man, is that yo yo trash is actually really really fouled. It's smelling and smelling pretty bad. And we wanted to call you, man and see if you do not hold on. You say you calling me because you smell my trash. Well yeah, they say, you're just the one that's really stinking man. And if you could actually maybe put it in, put it back in the in the in the garage and tip tuesday, you know, no trash and no garade. That's why I put it outside. I didn't have enough room in the garage. Okay, see that man, who is everybody saying my trash saying? Hey, listen, I'm saying I'm not paying you know what I want to tell you. If everybody in the hood got a file with my trans, thank you sell another contact? Okay? What what? What? What? We we we've discussed that too, But listen, listen, we don't want no trouble. Man. If we could just get you to put your trans back in, I'm not moving chads, I pay rent over here, my brother. Hey, we're not gonna go back, and I'm not gonna go back. I don't give what you gonna do. I'm telling you where I pay rent that don't tell me to just over here. Okay, Well listen, man, aren't you concerned that you're trans is thinking and reading through the whole neighborhood. I don't give a damn who smell my chances they got a problem with it, telling them come take it out? Still the end, it's saying out there, okay, whether that's the problem. The problem is that you took it out, and you took it out too early. You shouldn't have put this out till Tuesday morning, and now duny inside it. If I put it out there, it's saying out esterday, come get it. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you, man, Okay, even damn what you're gonna do. You ain't gonna call me telling me take my land? I say rent over here, okay. How if everybody's smelling my trad out of everybody on the I don't know for my understanding, it's just a couple of holes in it and some food or something much that got out. I don't know if one of the roads or dog got into the what the case may be. But you know we need to try to get your trash in the backyard. My trash ain't going no down. Well, and how come you the one want you this? How come our next though? Names? I ain't called? How come you around corner? And you called? Who put you up to this? Boy? Everybody's smelling it. I was just fortunate enough to get your phone number. I said, well, look, I just gone and call it myself. I tell you this, you and ain't you my phone? NU? Take what I'm thinking? That sea there, It ain't gonna knowe that? Okay, what we listen, litten swerve, just we we decide on the case we got to this situation with you, How I trust that I just come over there and put the trash in your backyard and just tuesday morning and Tuesday morning, I'll come back over there and take it out that way, all the smell of being in your backyard and you say, you gonna what, I'm gonna come over there and put the trash in your backyard, so to so the smell that fucking I mean, that's that. Let me say let me take it this. If you come over here, you might well call holies. That's who you gonna need. You come over here, bring all of them. They had a father saying my trash to come over here and take it out. We man, you, I mean you. You're trying. You're trying to you're trying to act like it don't smell. Man, I don't give it. If this smell, I'll tell you what I do. I'll go out to pool flu So when that when that when they helped you out of live here? Okay, But see that's not what the people in the neighborhood want. We want you to give a damn what take walk? I'm telling you what I'm gonna do. And how to did you get my phone over y down? I'd already told you, man, I got you number for one of the neighbors on your street that said they don't want to get should have left one right? Which one? Listen? Listen, listen, swerve. Won't you get to the meet of the problem. The problem is your trash? Think don't how is my chand how the hell y'all pillpoint my chad out of everybody else trads on the block, And how the hell you smell. I don't know, man, I don't know what of it. I don't know if you're trads busted, o't open up what the deal is. But everybody's saying everybody's saying it swerve tradsh that's that's think that's too much pads that needs to be gone. Do time and see what I think. It's back chad out there and it's gonna say out there I said it, ain't come get it and you ain't coming over there. Okay, now let's see that's where you run swan out. I ain't roming over there. I'm coming over there and I'm gonna take that trans to put it in the backyard to too. Now you're gonna try to get in my way whatever, but I got to come on, get the chads. And if I tell you what, put y'all over here right now, I'll put on my shoes. I'm standing on the points right now. Bring at the close. Come on, Rico over, Rico. I'm Rico on one street and I'm smelling your nash trash man, take your chash out my make smell. But you ain't gonna come take it out. I set you that. He listen sword. I'm gonna say this word. I call him name. Excuse me talk coming about it? Who in the hell told you called me swerve? I call me man that okay? What that's what they call you? What's wrong? Me called? What's wrong? Me called you? You're gonna call you that name? Now you say my chance thing? Come over here and take the chances out. Hey, man, I ain't I ain't nobody sitting there scatter you swim. I'm telling you I'm trying to get the name. Didn't not just say you talk about of my name and swear? Come over here. I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna do. Okay, way then it is what it is. Bottom line, I'm on my way over at the moon. That damn trash come up, Come over here, come over here, moving. I'm on the points right, Nah, come on over there, meet me at about the mask. Thank you trash you got I'm standing right and doing naw. Okay, Well, I tell you what. I'm on my way, nah, and guess what I'm gonna do when I get over that. You ain't gonna do you what you're gonna do. I'm gonna tell you my damn name when I get over that. My name is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morny Show. You just got planked by your cousin R Reese. Oh thank you out of here. Hey man, I gotta ask you something, dog, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Sildren funking trash. I'm just That's all I'm saying. It's just you know, that's hey trash than your trash. Thanks, that's get yourself together. Hey, I just finished um first episode. UM ready to love. Get emails. I'm getting I'm getting hit up on social media. People are liking it in the Chocolate City, Washington, DC. Keep watching curveballs. I mean every single episode, the nephew is throwing them curveballs. I promise you. But episode number four, I'm gonna throw the hardest curveball you have ever seen. Oh, episode number four, Junior, I'm throwing a curveball, baby, watch me, watch me work. Don't come in low watching mecaps. Thank you, nev all right, congratulations. Coming up next, it is a strawberry letter subject he doesn't want his ex to hate him. We'll get into it right after this you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. You never know, it could be yours, could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it. Poor you here at ease Strawberry lettas thank you enough. Subject he doesn't want his ex to hate him. Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been dating a man for almost two years, and I won't move in with him until I get a ring and he's fully over his ex. He was in a ten year relationship when we met, and he said that he was just looking for reason to leave. He said that he doesn't love her and would never marry her because she has anger issues and she started smoking cigarettes. We became the best of friends and I helped him work through the breakup with her. About six months after he was officially done with her, he asked me to be his girlfriend. We are in our mid forties, so I told him I wasn't going to date him unless his intention was to eventually get married. He promised that his goal for us was for us to be husband and wife. But he has a problem. It's his ex girlfriend. She calls him to then about her problems at work, or she'll call him to tell him good news about her son. Basically, any reason is a good reason for her to call him. I have asked him why he takes her calls, and he said it's because he doesn't want her to hate him. He said he still wants to maintain a friendship with her because he was with her for so long. There have been times that she calls and he will go into the kitchen to talk to her, and if I listen in, I hear him telling her to let stuff go and not let stuff bother her. I've told him many times that she's still got him wrapped around her finger, but he says it ain't. So I have told him that he only needs to worry about me and make sure I don't hate him. I don't think he still wants her because he talks to her in front of me ninety eight percent of the time. But what about that two percent that I don't get to hear. Should I worry about him backsliding with her? Well, I mean there's definitely a possibility because they still have that connection. That phone connection seems pretty strong. But you know you're putting up with this. I mean, you're you're not saying anything or really you know, doing too much when he is talking to him, and I think this letter is really about the two of them, not the two of you, not you and him. You don't need to move in with him because basically, I think if you did at this point, it would be like a threesome. Because he spends so much time with her, it's more like you him and her in this situation. It doesn't matter whether he talks to her in front of you or not. He shouldn't be talking to her at all at this point. He should have let that go. Like he told her to let those things go, he should do it too. I don't think neither of them have let anything go. The truth is he obviously does still have feelings for her and doesn't see or care that this is totally disrespectful to you and you, guys, is a relationship. I think you need to tell him that you've had it with her calling him and him talking to her, and he needs to act like it because he's with you now. I mean, what happened to your plans about getting a ring and becoming husband and wife and all of that. You haven't even talked about those things lately, have you. I don't think it's gonna happen as long as she's in the picture, and she needs to go, and if she doesn't go, you need to go. Steve Wow, Well I don't. I don't get anything about this letter, to be honest with you, he doesn't want his ex to hate him. I ain't wont man hate me either, But it ain't work out like that. The hate is real, as real as it can get, you know, I hate trid to be moore exact. Hate is not a strong enough word that has happened in my life before. Oh repudiate h I'm trying to think a word to despise. Uh yeah, disdained? H hope the worst for you? What praying for your undoing? You die that? Yeah? Oh oh here you hope you die. A matter of fact, I will attempt several attempts on your life. I've had that. So this little punk ass letter, you don't rot? Yeah, this did it? Like? Wait, did a little pooty put letter right here? The ruddy poot right here. Boy, this ain't nothing right. Uh, you've been dating a man for two years and you ain't gonna move an m until you get you ain't gonna move in with him until you get a ring. And he's fully over his ex. He was in a ten year relationship when we said. He was he was looking for a reason to leave. Excuse me, he couldn't think of something. This is what I don't understand this. Right here, he said, you know, he was in a tenue relationship when we met, and he was just looking for a reason to leave. He couldn't think of nothing. I could. He said that he don't love her, would never marry her because she got anger issues, and he started to start smoking cigarettes. I think what the real problem with this letter is he don't want his actually hate him because he's scared of him. I think he's scared of this woman with this anger management. He trying to take cool because she got something hanging over on his head. That's what I think this whole thing is about. Because I don't give a damn how you feel about me, miss me with your love. I don't give a damn if you ever consider me again. Bye for Licia, We come back out be there. I'm an expert on it's right here. Okay, Steve, One thing this letter is not about you. Feel like it though, Bring off to hate him? Who don't? I tried that route. It don't work. All right, Well, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up with twenty three minutes after he doesn't want his ex to hate him. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Uh. The subject is he doesn't want his ex to hate him? Yeah? This man right his he's got it so confused. He don't want his ex to hate him? Man, get in line, homing. It don't always work like that. In a tenure relationship, when he met and he said he was just looking for a reason to leave. Like I said before, he couldn't thank or something. He said he didn't love her and never would mar her because she has anger issues and started smoking cigarettes. So y'all became the best of friends. You helped him work through the breakup. And then about six months after this, efficially down where he asked you to be his girlfriend. Were I med forties and I told him I wasn't gonna date unless his intention was eventually getting married. You're in your forties, he was, He was girlfriend. He was in a relationship with a woman that was a girlfriend, so he liked girlfriends. That's what they was in a ten year relationship. They wasn't married, so Dave was Dave was girlfriends. Now he got you you like he liked girlfriends. Yeah, he don't like wives and commitments. He liked girlfriends, forty year old girlfriends. That's cute anyway. I told him I wasn't gonna date hi unless his intention was eventually getting married. He promised that his goal was us to be husband and wife. But he has a problem. It's his ex girlfriend. She caused him to vent about her problems at work, or she called them tell him good news about her son. Basically, any reason is a good reason for her to call him. I ask him why he wants why he takes her calls, and he said it's because he doesn't want her to hate him. This is the key to the letter. He don't want her to hate him. The reason they broke up is because she starts smoking cigarettes and has anger issues. Ain't nothing worse than a mad ass woman smoking a cigarette. I got that cigarette just dangling on the tip of her time. I'll tell you one thing. When I see her, I swear to God him m keilly. Soon I get my hand. KI got that cigarette, the dangl to tick a tip her lip like your uncle that work on calls. You know, I think with that cigarette, I tell you what I tell what you have? Fred? You have Fred? But I'm here. I walked through. I woked him by the aird. But that but that cigarette, that cigarette just be talking the whole time. She talking, that cigarette going up down, ashes flicking off on her dress and stuff. But she mad. He's scared up. He is scared of Hug. He don't want Hut and hate him. He say he still want to maintain a friendship with her because he was with her for so long. But what they gotta do it if you want to maintain the friendship, she shouldn't stay with her. But he said a minute ago, he was just looking for a reason to leave because he's scared of Hull. He's she crazy. That's why he got to talk her down off the bridge when he called. He got to go in the kitchen. Baby, stop letting everything bother you. Stop talking about killing people. Stop. Baby, can't kill everybody in time to get mad at you. You got to stop this. Baby, stop this to No, you shouldn't kill hum so what she won the same dress to work with you. Baby, Stop baby, baby, Baby, Hold up, baby, Baby, stop smoking him damn cigarettes now, baby, were talking the phone up, Baby, Baby, we're talking. Don't blow the smoke in my face. Don't do this. I know, I know, I know, baby. I'm still cool with you. Don't I'm still cool with you because because me and you were cool, you ain't got to say all that. You ain't got to You ain't got to call my job no more. Don't call down no no mold. Stop saying stuff like that. Baby, I look, I'm still okay. Just don't download nothing else on Facebook around me. Leave. I'm gonna talk with you. I still love your son. You know, still I was. I was saying his life for ten years. I know he's twenty five. That's okay. He can still call me that. Baby. I promise you ain't gonna change. Baby. Hold on I'll be off in a minute. Look I'm talking. I was talking to talking to my to my, to my, a woman in here because she she my woman and me and you broke up. Baby, I said, give me a minute now, Look, she and that tripping. I just let me talk to her because you know, I'm child. I'm trying to maintain this friendship with us because me and you we've been cool all this time. Huh. I know. I know you got something on me. I know that, but you ain't gotta keep saying that dough. Oh my god, baby, looking, wait a minute, baby, I was talking to her now, but I can't make here. She always tripping about this. Two percent of the time. I talk to you in pride because i'd be trying to talk you down off the bridge because you always talking about killing somebody. I don't nobody want to die all the time. Baby, That's why you got to work on that. You still ain't trying to get yourself nor help. I'm sorry. I'm just talking on some help, baby, just some little help, baby, just so you can talk somebody. Don't where that wild card? Kid? Baby, hold on, you want to you want to be dead? Hold on all right? You gotta go crazy. We gotta go all right. Hit us up on Instagram or Steve Harvey FM with your thoughts on today's letter. Please check out the Strung podcast. I hear you Load, I hear you load. N I know what She'll stop putting Bill listen and let's just talk. Coming up next more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this running your you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The National GOP came to Cardi B's defense after Cardi tweeted last Thursday that she's going to stop sharing her political views. Carti tweeted, I was tired of getting bullied by the Republicans and also getting bashed by the same people I was standing up for. Paris Denard, a National GOP spokesperson, told TMZ that Carti should continue talking politics because if she stops, young people will also be scared to express themselves for fear of backlash from Democrats and Republicans alike. Denard insists that having an influencer like Cardi B sets an example for others, particularly young people. So here's the question, what do you guys think about that Cardi B is an influencer because she has been, especially during the last election. I may not think she's an important voice. All voices are important because we have to combat what's going on. And you know, listen, man, you have to combat the lies. You can't just sit still and just let the lie get told the election was stolen. No it wasn't, it wasn't. And here's a deal. The right has some some some some decent viewpoints, the left has some different viewpoints. We got to find the ground where we both can exist. Everything Joe Biden do ain't wrong just cause you a Republican. But they're making but they're politicizing stuff they're politicize and the vaccination they politicize, and you know, the vaccine, what hies that a political a person to have the right to do what they want to do. Man, y'all miss me with that. But then you turn around and you tell a woman what she got to do with her body when it comes to and to come so everything else, you get your pick and choose what you want to do with your body. But now when it comes to abortion, you're gonna try to ram that down everybody's throat. But the hypocrisy of that statement right there is right. It is a known fact that Republicans get just as many abortions as do Democrats. This man, stop this acting, but you get them evangelicals all fired up. They ask gets abortions to right, put it down on paper. Promise you they do them people is gay to y'all sitting up here an act like something wrong with being gay because you're evangelical. But you gay too, So stop this foolishness, man, and then y'all will not stand up for anything that happened to black people. Evangelicals don't raise their voice against racism or police brutality. So miss me when you raise your voice against anything else, because all y'all doing that too, every last one of y'all. Bet you send me the facts that say you ain't, because I bet you is. Uncle Steve said, yeah, so curtiebe keep doing what you're doing. Girl. Hell yeah me too. Watch this after that hour for of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Shown in Baltimore County, Maryland. Recently won one hundred thousand dollars on a scratch off ticket. And get this, this is his third time winning. I haven't even won one. But yeah, this is third time winning. He's won the lottery three times. He's forty seven years old, unmarried, works as a cook. He's won thousand dollars earlier this year, ten thousand dollars last year. He picked up his latest winning ticket at a Walmart near his home. He told lottery Officialty was shocked. But although he's one a hundred thousand dollars, he has no plans to retire anytime soon, and he's gonna use his winnings to purchase a rental property. So what are the odds of winning the lottery three times? One time? I can't get out with a hundred yeah, hundred million. Yeah, so you're gone. He got a hundred thousand When he cooking, I bet you got a different attitude. These eggs bad. When I get him down, he ain't rushing. It's smart to see for him to purchase a rental property. Smart, I think, take that money and make that money, make money. Real estate is always a good investment. Real estate land land is great to buy because guess what they're not making no more? Oh, what a ballplayer that won a lottery a couple of times? Do you mean a football player? Football that's who it was. That's exactly who did he keep it from the big ones where you get about four hundred and thirty five meal. The way you talk about this, this is really serious for you. Hen he gonna be naked away, He's just gonna be just naked airway you go just watch and then what are you gonna do? Though? What are you gun? Me? Yeah? I'm naked with my uncle? What is your talking about? I tell you four hundred and thirty five million, That best dressed title is mine for that show titles met? Now you said a little more than that had your uncle even going wild. Oh yeah, I'm I'm gonna get shot right in front of my family. I'm telling you, right in front of them, I'm going out. You're gonna fake your death? What Why wouldn't I? I can't. They can't. They can't. They can't see where I'm going with this money, ain't no where they can handle it. Ain't new tom Ain't no meeting you coming in house, trying to blame where you be? Not? No, No, there's gonna be a scene out of a movie right here. I got makeup artists, all kinds of time. Dog just Tommy, how come you have a been home in three days. I don't live animal. I don't live over there. What do you mean I don't. I don't live there with you and them kids. No more, I don't live there. No. We a family, Yeah, we have a family, but I'm a family from over here. I don't live there with y'all. Know what are we supposed to do? You're supposed to enjoy life. I'm gonna make sure you have that. Well. I don't live over there, Okay, but you just hit the lottery for five hundred millions to take home. So hold on, hold on, hold on for a minute. Hall I being in a minute, I'll be there. You and j Lowe sit down till I come in there. Go ahead, go ahead on what is it you want now? So out of the five hundred million cash that you got, do the family bottom million? Just enough to get them gone, just nothing to get them whatever they need to keep. Hello, if you don't sit your butt down, quit dancing all the time. Damn who I got my hands full over him? On? What? What? What do you need? What is it get a family? More than a meal? One million? You got five? I have five? Hun you think we gotta go? Stop? The million, How much more? How many millions can we give one per year? All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show twenty minutes after. Right after this Jay Lo Quick Dancing. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, So, guys. Michael Riley, a US Capitol Police officer, was arrested Friday for obstruction of justice charges related to his communication with a person criminally charged for participle patient in the July. In the January sixth Capital riot by Trump's supporters, Riley allegedly told the other person to delete Facebook posts and also deleted his own Facebook posts, according to a charging document. Riley appeared in US District Court on Friday and was charged with two counts of obstruction, each of which has a maximum possible sentence of twenty years in prison if he is convicted. Yeah, twenty yeah, Yeah, you're both of them then, yeah, yeah, But that's not as much as he served with the Capitol Police. He served with them for nearly twenty five years, and the judge allowed Riley to remain free without bail on the condition that he does not possess any weapons. Okay, all of them. Races man all of them. Let's go, let's give some jail time. Pass stout because they was black, they'd have been convicted. Let's go, and it wouldn't be free walking around free. You know that? Damn your good right? No, yeah, but he's been with the Capitol Police for twenty five years and you're doing this, yes, telling people to take down the Facebook post? You helping them? All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up. We'll do some more would you rather questions at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are with another game of would you rather? For the guys? All right, tell me you're the prankster on the show. This one's for you. Would you rather be pranked about your wife going to jail? Or would you be rather be pranked about your wife cheating on you? Oh no, no, don't send her to jail, man, jail, three to five jail. I come see you. Any kids be down there on Saturday. Look that thick ass glass. Yeah yeah, yeah, but nah, I ain't no cheating on me. You can't can't prank. Okay, come get up in here and this on, jump on and get up against this window so I can seek. I just pick that phot up time and start bring you some half color. Everyone, all that all I'm these grits. All the inmates gonna hear grits, all these good chris is all the No, No, I'm going with jail time, yail. I put your wife j what I am now, she ain't had not been doing what she did, able to go to jail down the cemetery. This is a prank. It's a prank. Prank, king of pranks. The prank can get you killed. Oh no, he knows how to feel or prank gets you right, Okay, tell you that one day somebody man gonna get to you. Man, you're ready, Okay, you got that out. You want your wife to go to jail if you were pranked? All right, here's another one for all of the guys. Would you rather have your kids? I know you don't have any kids, Junior, but just say that if you did, would you rather have your kids look like you? Or would you rather have your kids look like your spouse? Yeah? I'm not doing Hey, this page the shout, I come here, everybody. I'm not doing good with it now, I could I could really go without mirrors period. You know, tell me you're the one that thinks you're cute on the show cute. I'm cute to a certain extent. All we're talking about is that extent. That's the part we're talking about. Right after you get to that extent, let's talk about the stench. Up, it's the stench that we got do dude, let me ask yourself. Do ugly people know the ugly? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, you really? We see each other and greet each other just like that, because let me tell you something. Have you ever seen an ugly person that don't know it? Don't they look ugly to you? Man? You see the stomach on that girl dog love? She had four kids? Right why? Stomach? Like yeah, you ain't got baby week? All right? You got? All right? That's our version of would you rather for today? We'll be rather to close out the show our last break of the day coming up, and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening show? All right, guys, here we are on this Monday, last break of the day. A lot of football tonight, Junior, Yeah, yeah, oh, man, I can't believe as Shirley, that question just through me without Rather my kids look like me or my spouse. You better put them kids over there with that spouse. Yeah, that was because that'd be a strange looking little girl. Man, she has some pretty hair, though. Damn, baby, you look jail like Junior. I don't string you look jes like your uncle Steve. Yeah, but Tommy would send his wife to jail? Man? Really, guys, I'm gonna go see ya on the weekend. What is the problem. Would you rather sending your wife to jail? I have her cheat on jail, Frank, Frank, but she's going to jail. I'm sorry, that's the one I'm choosing. Okay, thank you. If I have to go to jail, right, somebody's gonna end up in jail during this prank. I see that now. Yeah, and I bet not find that you in there and then and hooked up with somebody. We then we really got another problem. She's coming to the window introducing you. Who is regainer? Who the hell is Regina? Your friends were regaining that? Huh? Yeah, we're free for the body. My bad, My bad, my bad. That's exactly what I need. To go ahead on now ignorant. You know you get out in six months your old locus. Let me put let me, let me put something on your books. Dog my bad? Okay o, man, I like spice, say how I cheat those hey? You know inclosing? Let me say this to people. Yeah, just try to I don't know how when people ask me for advice on success career, on my marriage, on my ability to reinvent myself, on my ability to remain relevant, I don't know how I can answer this question and not mention faith. I just don't know how. Uh and so. And I can see the look on some people's face when they come to no, no, no. I was talking about, like, what's my next move? Who should I talk to? Your next move should be to talk to God. I'm telling you man, somebody came to me and they attend therapy, which I have no problem with. I think it's really greatful a lot of people, So please understand what I'm saying. And I'm saying this up top. And they said, Steve, have you ever gone to therapy? And I said, yeah, man, quite a few times. And they said, well, who did you go? See? I said, I see, I went to God. And he went, no, I'm talking about when you going to therapy God, and my faith has been my therapy. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't go see a therapist. Please don't understand, because if that's working for you, that's fine. But when they asked me about and I told him I had gone. But my therapist has always been God. I have not taken a problem that I've had to God and he didn't have a solution. I've not needed to talk to God in prayer and he was ever too busy to hear me. That has been my therapy my entire life. I've had some people close to me talking about will you go to therapy for me? I've talked to therapists for people. But do you know what, and I kid you not. I'm not making this up. I'm not saying it's just because we're on the radio. Every therapist I've ever talked to you know what they told me after we got through talking to me, you won't have to come here anymore, mister Herber. You seem to be fine, thank you. But I knew that before I came here. But I went for the person because I care about the person, and they felt like it would help them. So I went to a session with it, and I got no problem once again with going to therapy. I think it works for a lot of people. My therapy has always been my Heavenly Father, my faith, my understanding of prayer, my understanding of meditation, my understanding of sitting down and writing down my dreams and visions. But nothing, nothing has helped me more in my life than prayer. Nothing, not a single thing. So when you come to me and you ask Uncle Steve about success, what he did, what's your next move? I just don't know how I can ever talk to a person without mentioning faith. I just don't know how, y'all. I really don't. And I'm not telling you once again before you start getting in an email bag and dealing me and all this your comments about therapy. Don't worry about my comments about therapy. I'm telling you about mine. If you have a therapist, I'm one percent down with you, and I think it benefits a lot of people. I am not knocking it, but there is no better therapist than your heavenly Father. If you have the faith, he's available. If you need somebody to listen, he's always available. If you need somebody that got a real answer for you. His answers is immediate and fail proof. He will never tell you wrong, and he already know what you need. He ain't got to wait on you to tell him what's wrong and then feed the information back to you. To y'all both come to a conclusion. He could tell you right away what's going on. It's about faith. Y'all develop a relationship with God and it can change your whole trajectory in life, and it starts immediately. Your faith works. Now those are my clothes remarks. Y'all have a good one. Man. We'll see y'all tomorrow. Kate for all Steve Every contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.