Capitol Aftermath, MSNBC Joy Reid, Elizabeth Knoxville, WTH and more.

Published Jan 7, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today is like no other day in the history of our nation. There is much to discuss to say the least. The domestic terror attack on the capitol yesterday made Big Dog say, "WTH!" in sheer disbelief. Joy Reid gives us the breakdown of "White Americans" and WOW!!! Anthony from South Carolina makes an interesting point and Big Dog quotes his father-in-law. Rhonda from Memphis points out something that leads Steve to saying this, "You have the right to protest in this country, you don't have the right to trespass, you don't have the right to vandalize, that's what you don't have the right to do." A Trump supporter finds out what happens when you try to start a revolution. We have a reenactment from His Flyness. Our boy Walter from Columbus, GA points out the most powerful word in the English language and drops the mic. The FBI is seeking information that will assist them in identifying the individuals that instigated the violence at the capitol yesterday. After being maced at the capitol, Elizabeth from Knoxville, TN is looking for Attorney Benjamin Crump and has been redirected. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve points out how the curtain was pulled back on another side of the American culture.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have all sung the don giving them like the million bucks bus, things in the cove sto me through good it sting to move to other stole, I don't join joining me. You gotta turn hur you are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you lon't got to turn them out? Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your fad uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man, Yeah, I do. Man. God been good to me. Man, He's been so good to me. Wow. You know why I say it like that. What makes it amazing is because it's been in spite of myself. I mean you know what I mean by that. I mean I mean that he's been good to me in spite of all the craziness I've done, all the foolishness I've gotten myself involved with, and not only got but knowingly got myself involved with, all of the stupid decisions I've made. Put all that to the side, and he's still been good to me. Bring it all and put it on the plate, and he's still been good to man. That's amazing man. And I'm sure there's a lot of people that can say the exact same thing. I mean, come on, man, I got you, ain't famous, I got anybody, got no microphone in your face, I got nobody, ain't got no spotlight on you. I got nobody, ain't got no came in your face. I got nobody problem. Ain't your body blogging about you. But let me tell you something. If you break it down and be real about it, Oh, you haven't done something outside the box. You haven't done something ladies included. You've done something out the box. You woke up and went what did I do that for? Oh? We've all done it. So when all that said and done, God still loves you, man, God still loves you, still wants you the best for you, still considers you his child. And and it's willing, it's willing man to show you your future. He is willing to show you your life. He is willing to let you take a peek at the blueprint. Man. That's an amazing God right there. Because I don't I know, I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. I'm glad it's him, you know. Today, Man, I want to encourage brothers out there. And when I say brothers, I'm talking to everybody that's of the male species. I don't care about your color. I really really don't. I don't even have time for that in my day. A matter a matter of fact. Sometimes when you get to discussing race, I just get tired of it. Sometimes I just wish, you know, some days I just want to wake up, just do me. You know, I got what what the skin tone is. I got that. But I just want to wake up some days and just going buy my business and do me. I don't want to have to deal with it. Sometimes I get tired of talking about the issues. Ain't gonna make them go away, But sometimes I get tired. So the damn talking to brothers, all the brothers of the male species. I'm talking about men today. Man, If if you ain't doing it all, if you're feeling empty, man, start today completing your process and your journey. And you know what I'm saying by that, if there's a part of you just missing as a man, and and now, man, I'm talking to you. So you know, some ladies listening. But you know what I'm talking about. It it's some part of you that's missing as a man, if you ain't really been in touch with your kids like you supposed to now for whatever the reason is. And please no, I do understand how sometimes women can use children as pawns. It happens all the time. I've been through it. I've been through it, man, I know what it feels like, man to want to do something. But because you ain't got this, or you ain't doing this, then I ain't gonna let you have this. You gotta fight through, fellas, you got to fight through. You got to fulfill your end of a deal. And I got how difficult they're making it. I got how man, it's gonna come with some drama, but you gotta fight through it, because man, we need fathers to be fathers. That's really what we need. If you're a man out there and you are a father of a child, we need you to do your job. We I'm talking about the our community, our situation, us as a people, all of us. We need you to be a father. Period. Hey man, I ain't coming down on you. I'm just your boy. I'm your man, and I've been in the same predicament, in the same hole myself, where I couldn't get to them, where they were used as pawns, where they were told things about me that wasn't even true. I've been through it. You can't see them, you don't come okay, okay, I got all that. You ain't sent this. You ain't okay, Hey, hey, got all that. If if you can call them sometimes, tell them you're thinking about them, Tell them you love them. If you can get a letter to them, if you can get a message to your children through one of your relatives, start the process today. Be a father. It's your job now. Because you ignoring them, or you acting like they ain't over there, or you don't back him out of your mind because the situation got too difficult. I got that, I got that. But you got to step up and be fatherless. You got to write a letter. You gotta send the money if she talking about it. If you don't send all the money, you ain't gonna see him. Send what you got if she if taking it over there's too much drama, Send it through a relative, Give it to a mama, give it to her sister, ask her to take it over there and do something for the baby, because okay, okay, you can't deal with the drama. I got that, and I know it's much to pay when you have to deal with that, because clearly I know hell have no fury like a woman scorn. Please know. I know that. Please know. And that's a real statement. That ain't no saying. Steve got that, that's the truth. But do what you gotta do. Sometimes you have to apologize. Sometimes an apology goes a long way to your children. Just hey, look, because I've made this apology before. Hey man, look, I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you. I was out grinding and hustling, and I wasn't paying attention to you, and I should have been. And I apologize now. I imagine, man, there's days where you was telling people I was your father up at the school and they wasn't believing you. I apologized for sending you through that. But now, ma'am, I tell you what. I made some mistakes, and I got it together. I want me and you to move forward as father and son. I want me and you to move forward as father and daughter. I want to be in your life. I ain't got a lot, but guess what I know a lot, because if you're a man and you a father, please know you know something that child don't know. You have information, you have experience. That's all they need sometimes to have somebody to talk to. That daughter yours just needs to know from her daddy, how should a man treat me? Dad? What should I look for in a man? See, they'll take that information from you because they know it's coming from the right place. And then you know that your son needs you because you know how difficult it is if you're trying to be a man without your daddy. You already know how funky that is right there. So come on, man, admit your mistakes and move forward. Call your kids, write a letter, get a phone number on them, send a text, drop a message, send a note up to the school. Do something. Man. If those of us that are fathers would just be fathers, I could shut the mentory and camp down. Now. I will say I apologize because I don't want you to think I'm coming down on you. But I've been through this myself. I ain't really coming down. I'm just reminding you this is our job. These are our children, this is our responsibility. We all men. There is no excuses you don't get you don't get cut a break on that one. Sorry you're listening. Well, well, well, well, well, good morning everybody. This is Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh huh. Well today is probably like no other day in the history of our nation, as they say, and so let us begin this day. We got a lot to talk about today, I mean a lot to talk about. We got a lot to cover before we get started. Pray for me. Why as your feel as leader. I don't say nothing crazy, I'm doing it right now. Pray Hey man. Funniest me my saw of the new year was Bishop Getty's my buddy down in South Carolina. Bishop Getty sent me a mean at the beginning of the year, and he's a pastor. He said, for those of you that prayed in twenty twenty last year, we're gonna need y'all to sit this one out. Yeah, everybody that prayed twenty twenty years last year, we need y'all to sit this one out this year. That was your year. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Your prayer don't work to leave. But we got a lot of time. But what's up. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve Harvey. How are you I'm good. I'm good calling for Rell. Good morning, Steve. What's up? One and only one time? Kill Spage Junior? Morning? Everybody morning? Uh that damn nephew, Tommy Top Top whoa boy? Let me tell you Saturday yesterday, y'all time watching that off? Oh many caller. I couldn't even go to bed. I fell asleep watching it. I woke back up at two. I've been up since too, Like what I miss Yeah, recap, I missed the ending of it, them coming to the conclusion. Tell me what you need Tommy, because I saw it. I got that this morning. I just couldn't stay up that later. I was like, okay, now seven of the after after the riot, Yes, and they came back. You know, they had planned on dealing with Georgia Arizona, Pennsylvania, and it was gonna take break two hour break after each one injection objection, and they had quite a few senators after the riot, and they came back. Dy't have but seven and Ted Crews is the ring leader. This Howard his whole speech. Do you know what they hanging the hat on that this happened, that they pulled this off? They done this once before and that's what they was going on? Do you know? Do you know it was one hundred and forty years ago the example that they're using. I was going what But anyway, man, we got a lot to talk about. You know, I would prefer to take calls today if y'all eight seven, seven twenty nine, Steve, watch all right, We'll be back with more popcorn television in a minute. Right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, here we are Steve Harvey Morning Show. Good morning to you. The day after attacked terrorists. I'm sorry, hold on, somebody said what I was dancing in the dustry. Somebody told me that it mustood not being me. Foods in the street, people climbing walls. What the hell hell's going on? A dog sut them down? People climbing a straight up wall? Why was I sitting there washing? One of them would fall at now? Man, y'all, but really, don't I mean we we as a people had to be sitting there looking at this yesterday, first of all, in sheer dis belief that it had been allowed to go on this far and this long, because we listen, that wasn't a black person watching this, That wasn't going well when when when five? Yeah? Yeah, what a rubber bullets? What a five gas? Yeas and tag somebody? Black people were sitting there going and we wasn't. We wasn't hoping it would happen to them. I don't want to say that what we were sitting there was wondering why it wasn't happening to him, but at the same time knowing full way or why it wasn't happening to him. Even the white commentators were saying that enough, this were the Black lives movement out here, Even they were saying that and acknowledging that yesterday. You're absolutely I've never seen it take so long from the crowd starts pushing on police. You know, first of all, this is the same the exactly these are these people right here who was so adamant, these types of people who were so adamant against the Black Lives Matter movement. These are the same people that was whipping the police ass whose blue lives they said mattered? More? Come on, they just yes, And I'm just aren't these the same people who said the black lives don't matter. Blue lives matter? But oh but it only it only matters what unless you mad right. And see, this was the shock of yesterday was that it was well, Steve, it was they were protesting because he was no longer in office because he lost. We protest because police are killing us, our armed black men and women in the hell. I mean, you know what I'm saying. That's a major difference. Our protest is because you killing us your protests and your looting and breaking in and rioting. And let's put it all in perspective. This was a mob who was rioting, looting the highest building that represents our democracy. There wasn't the wind is that got set on fire? No, no, no, They went in there and told up the Capitol Building, the Building of democracy because their leader told them, told them that this was an illegal election. The sad party is they believe him. He has really convinced all these people that this was an illegal election. Man, This dude right here sent those people up there. Yeah, and he said he was going to walk with them. He said that too. You sent some people down there who was dressed in camouflage, had on vests and war helmets, twist ties, they had batons on them. I'm sure a lot of them were armed. Caused their license to carry and you sent those people dressed in so many had on fatigues and camouflage, and it looked like an army and military where military gear, That's what it looked like. But when we protested, just like Shirley said, for a police officer putting somebody on a man's neck minutes and killing him, you're comparing. You're comparing that. There is no So what happened yesterday because your president is throwing a tantrum because he's lost, because he lost lost this madman in the White House. Yeah, that's all it is. We have real issues here, real life and death issues. Broken phone calls we have. Yeah, yeah, let's go because I could talk about this almore. Yeah before you we will. All right, Line one, let's go to Elliot out of New York City. Elliot, good, Come on, Elliott, tell me what's on your mind. I am to us that man coward either a joke and I'm glad he shot it. M hmm. Yeah. You know, man, we all know every black person watching was sitting there going if that was us, Oh yeah, this wouldn't go nothing like this. First of all, it wouldn't took that loan to get no reinforcements. We wouldn't have got up those steps. All right. First of all, dog, somebody gonna get shot. We're gonna stop this right now. Yeah, all this pushing back and chase, and when they chase that brother up them steps, and he kept turning around trying to hold them back. And the little the little uglass heeled billy with the beard kept walking towards him. Man, I don't know, but now I knew wasn't gonna happen. But I kept sawing the video. I just man. Yeah, let's line too. Joe out of Brooklyn for he started Joe, good morning, Joe had what's up? Go ahead, Joe got one minute. What's on your mind? Bro? Donald Trump should be charged with treating They could charge him with treas him because you went against this country, country, right, and the people walk with him or more dumb and stupid? Yeah, yeah, you really, man, because listen to me. Just because this man said he got robbed in the election. You you you don't have to be stupid enough to believe him. Right now, I know why the politicians did it, because they trying to stay on the side of them. Send me million people that voted for exactly they got a higher, they got a higher wrong, and they right. But the regular people I fell sorry, I think the lord, I'm not that ignorant. All right, the prank phone call. Run that prank back with the nephew coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, Congress certifies Joe Biden's victor. Actually, don't worry about that. I got comment for you. Okay, go ahead, y'all see the picture or the white man that's in Nancy Pelosi's office leaning back with his foot up on the chair and left the note that said we will knock back down. Yes, yes, today his whole damn family isn't battery. And I'll take something metal too. This as going to prison. Yes, you gonna have your foot up on the cot in about six months only, that's right, That's right, Yeah, all right. We'll be talking about this all morning because this was this was just the worst anyway, I mean, you know, for lack of a better term, right, but coming up, Uh, A lot to talk about, like I said, but right now, the nephew is here to make us laugh a little bit. Would run that prank back what you got for us? Nap, we got bad potlove, bad potlove though shout out, oh yeah, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to fry on Heather. Excuse me what you say? I'm trying to reach a Heather Heather. How are you okay? Okay, listen, I got your number from from Lois. Look that's my mama. I'm my reach. I'm Lowi's oldest son. Now wait wait excuse me, Lois. Who's Lowis okas? Yes? Yes, yes, Hi? How are you? I'm good? You you you you? You was at a Mama Themes house on on New Year's Day? Yes, yes, was the okay when I got When I got there, you was gone. But what I'm what I'm calling about it is you don't want made the black eyed peas, right I did you enjoy them? No? I enjoy the mother. That's why I'm calling. Let me say this here, let me say this. No, no, no no, come at work. You can't talk to me like this. Don't do that, don't do that. Say whatever you gotta say, but please don't curse that me. Don't tell no. No, your beans got my mom checked up and I didn't have to go down to the doctor. You're my stomach pomp. I ain't got no damn insurance none. This you know this, this, this didn't have me messed up for the last week. Number for the loans to tell you exactly you know how your damn things is? Okay? First of all, okay, I told you ask. I'm at work, I'm around all these white people. I can't talk to you the way I want to talk to you. But let me just tell you this. Don't call me with the dumb. First of all, it was a whole bunch of food there. How do you know how can you single out my damn beans that made you sit with all that got food there. You're not gonna blame me. Get the out of here, mama. Mama Dean says you are the one to make the blase you. I don't give us your mama being said. It was all this food there, and you're gonna single out my beans. Nobody else complained, you know what the day's date is okay, And not one other person called me about the beans, and by the as a matter of fact, other people were complimenting me. So for you to call me with the dumb all late and wrong, gonna blame me pie because you need a doctor's appointment. You should have got Obamacare when it was available to you. And how you want to call me with no no, no, no, no no no, so you could tell or whatever somebody you're trying to blame somebody else's food. Joe beings my stomach up. And that's where then that's where it falls down to. And at the end of the day, your friends, you know the hell, I ain't what doctor bill you said you wan't have insurance, So how does the hell is you go? I had to play out my pocket to get my stomach pumps. Okay, well taking care of if you paid out your pocket, that means the bill is paying so you can get you gonna reimbse reward. No, I'm not going to reimburse you with okay and fast. I got more beans for you since you got a problem with them. I got a whole bowl for you. Okay, how about because you're foolished, so if it made you, that's good for you. Hey, look, look, I'm gonna tell you this here right now. Uh, the bill with four hundred and seventy two dollars, I need four hundred and sent me two yellars for your bulls things no, no, no, no, you're not getting the money from me. And I need to go because I got work to do. I don't know what you got to do. Spend it all this time on the phone talk about something with all that food. So the rice didn't do it, the meat didn't do it. They had some other gravy. Gravy always people up that didn't do it. You want to sing about my beans out of here. Don't be calling me with this dumb you know what? Now? Company who gave me your number? Because I don't even know you. I do know your mom, A little mama Mama Bean gave me your number. I called Mama Mama Dean passing out numbers. Well, I'm gonna call Mama Dean and I'm gonna see if anybody else got sick, which I know they didn't because your ass is fullish. So I'm gonna call her see if anybody got sick. How about we do it that way. And I also I'm gonna call your mother. Okay, I'm gonna call miss Lewis and see why her dad son is calling me on the phone because this is something. I'm sick inside of this phone call, and nothing was wrong with my beans if anything something wrong with you, and so take an accident, clear your ass out and keep it the moving if you're gonna get off my Okay, okay, okay, they say they say Tommy had some problem with the bags through. First of all, I don't even know no God, Tommy, I barely know your mom. I just know her by face. I don't even know her know her. So Tommy, you I'm calling Mamma Deane. She ain't got nobodiness getting my mother number to nobody. This is what you what you want me to I've just told you I don't know anybody named Tommy, So you can tell him whatever you want to tell him. And if you trying to gain other people who want to jump on your side, it's not going to happen because nobody complained about the being Give me give me another names because Tommy wasn't there. I know just about everybody that was there. What nobody named Tommy there? Okay, okay, so you're gonna say nephew Tommy was man. What nephew taught me? This is Nephew from the Steve Harvey Morning Show and hever you just are you crazy? Your cousin got me the plank phone. Call you at what couple walking by me? Looking at me? Because I'm about to get enough? Tommy, are you crazy? Is a good? Oh? Man? You got me? You got me one to take you black eyed peed good? Nobody can play. I'm sitting here like an You get these people fat. You aren't gonna get no money. Tell me this, Tell me this. What is the baddest, the baddest radio show in the land. Oh but you know it, but you know it's Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh my god, huh, this is great. Keep are all right? Thank you? Have a new year. All right, New Year? And next year I'll probably pop up a Mamma Deane house here. You are welcome to come. Ain't Tommy? You know what I love about that lady after she cussed you, smooth out, Happy new year, Have a good one people, black people. One thing about us, man, we know how to come out that ain't goer quick? Oh just a prank? Oh hey, Tommy, ain't time so crazy? A right? Terl Shirley Newby said, I tell you, I'll tell you what wasn't a prank, and it's the people climbing up dawn wall yesterday. That was not a prank blessing. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna go to the phones even twenty nine. Steve call us. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So the US Congress certifies Joe Biden's win after the domestic terror attack on the Capitol yesterday, as President Obama said, yesterday's violence at the Capitol was incited by a sitting president. As a moment of great dishonor and shame for our nation, lawmakers are vowing an investigation into how law enforcement handled the violent breach at the Capitol. We all saw it on social media, videos of police officers letting them domestic terrorists in the building and taking selfies and talking with them. This is craziness. Take a listen to MSNBC's anchor Joey Reid. She broke it down and said what she had to say about white Americans. Take a listen. White Americans are never afraid of the cops, even when they're committing insurrection, even when they're engaged in attempting to occupy our capitol to steal the vote of people who look like me, because in their minds, they own this country. They own that capitol, they owned the cops. The cops work for them, and people like me have no damn right to try to elect a president because we don't get to pick the president. They get to pick the president. They owned the president, they own the White House, they own this country. Wow, she did break it down that part. Yes, what she said. You know something that was an interesting perspective. Yesterday My father in law was sitting at the house watching it on TV. He happens to be eighty five years old. I walked up to him, I said, Pop, I said, how you feel about all this? He said, well, by time and so I said that. I said what you mean by that? He said, well, they finally get to see what we already been knowing. And I said, I'll be damned. See, this is an eighty five year old black man that has seen some stuff in his life. Man, he said, it's about time they finally get to see what we already been knowing. See, it wasn't a surprise to black people what happened yesterday. A lot of people were shocked. Black people were not, but as so many of the politicians were trying to explain it away, this is not our America. Yep, but it is though, Yes, it is it. It really is the America. Yeah, it's just it's just you just not getting a glimpse of it. Slavery, everything, everything. No, this really is America. Yeah, take those blinders off. We've been forever. And another thing, you know, they keep talking about our forefathers wrote the greatest constitution, the greatest piece of paper for democracy. In some points it is. But I want you to zamine your Constitution because it's pretty old and the original version was not a good version for us. The original version was not a good version for women. Yet it has had to evolve over the course of time, and there are some things in it now that has to evolve. Your right to bear arms, it's then got out of head. See, it should be you should have the right to bear arms if and then a list of things have to be met. Everybody shouldn't have a gun. Everybody can't have a gun. See, so the second Amendment needs to be the freedom of speech needs to be amended. We need to stop giving permits and parades to hate groups to come down my street that I'm a taxpayer owned and you tell me how you hate me because my ass is black. But we then gave you a permit for that. Wait a minute, their taxpapers. Well, I'm a taxpayer two, and I don't have to be subjected to your line of thinking if it's spewing hate against another group of people, and I don't want to hear it. Today. We gotta stop some of the freedoms we have. See, we're so damn free, we two free. Now, we're so free that a storm Joe damn Capitol. Now. Yeah, and you said that, and you were scared to do something to him. But if black people was running up them steps, they'd have been dropping our ass like three foot but seventy it would have been fourteen dead, seventy five hospital hospitalized minimum. Finally, early this morning, Steve Mike Pence declared that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris one what we already knew. He already knew that. But we have a president who tells the same him lie even in his BS concession speech, that the election was stolen. There is no evidence of any widespread anything that would affect the results. Yeah, some dead people voted, They do that every year. Some dad people voted for your ass last time. Some dead people voted for your ass this time. They always do some little tricky stuff here and now a couple hundred times, nothing to affect the election. But he keeps telling his base that they stole the election, and then that punk cast Ted cruise coming on Ted talking about it. Almost half of Americans think this election was stolen, and we have to address that. Ain't no half for nobody think nothing. I don't know a single black person to think this election was rigged or stolen, right, And he wanted to put together a commission to look into it. And the last time they did that one hundred and forty some years ago. And man, if y'all know quick going back to your fae fathers and what they did, because dum, your faue fathers, yeah, they're not offered your fault. Your fae fathers was owned slaves in the constitution. My fae fathers were slaves, thank you. So now quis are talking to me about your faue fathers like I'm post to honor them because now you know your fae fathers owned slaves. That's all I know, and minds was the slaves, Yes, sir, I ain't got to honor nothing. Absolutely tide of that your forefathers, grandkids was climbing over the walls yesterday too. Yeah, we want to hear from you. Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. We're gonna take your phone calls at about twenty minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Congress certifies Joe Biden's win after capital attacks yesterday. Yes, thank you can ask you question. Yeah, we'reking ready to go to the phones. Yes, sir. They said that four people died yesterday and one of like causes. One somebody said somebody failed. One of the deaths was from falling. Now I hadn't heard that. Yeah, I hadn't heard heard that. I just know yeah about the woman who got shot in the chest. It's possible. We had a lot of climbers yesterday, so it's possible for somebody to fault. Yeah, I just want to it's got to be video that because surveillance campuses everywhere everywhere at the state Capitol. Yes, any more questions, I think dement in dub somewhere. It's time get to hell. Anybody went to YEA, Well, listen, we're gonna go to the phone. If i'd have fell off that wall. I'd have had to die because my mama went out have got home? What was your ass up? That fall? Scaring me today? Steve, You're gonna say I'm bad, you know what? Something? Honestly, y'all, I'm being careful. I'm mindful of my steps. I don't want to. I don't. I don't want to, you know, because I am very concerned about what has happened. But I have to be mindful. But now the old black man in me, the old black man in me, has some other thoughts and they just need to stay thoughts. Let's go to the yes keep all right. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, We're going to line for Anthony's been holding for amenities from South Carolina. Steve Anthony, morning, sir, Hey, what's up my brother? What's on your mind? Anthony? Yes, I just wanted to say that I'm just really really disappointed in the elastical tardess on yesterday. Um, we should have been totally more prepared than that. And had it been one hundred peaceful black protesters yesterday, they would have had snickers on the building. The god they have had the dogs out. Yes The one thing I'll say this time, it wasn't us. And you know something, man, Anthony, I go back to what my father in law said, who's eighty five years old, and I understood where he was coming from. He say, America needed to see this. They needed to see it, and it wasn't our fight. They needed to see this because the same preparations like Anthony's referring to to the one hundred pieceful black protesters, they would have had start making your preparation because now you see the other side of America and our protests mean something where they're more there for more than just a president who's upset because he lost. And let me tell you something. Only have a couple of people who burned up a Wendy's doing the Black Lives Matter movement. That's just a couple of people doing that ignort mess. Right here, I saw hundreds of people break into the capitol of this country. That's what I saw. Yep, you're right, Yeah, all right, we'll take more of your phone calls. Hang on eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Sure, all right, listen let's go to the phones. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Yes, Steve, I need you to pay a close attention here. Now she was getting the phone call. Now, okay, Ronda from one five Rondo? Hello, Ronda, Hey, how you doing? Save? Good morning? Yeah, how are you doing? What is you doing? Rondo? Cooking? You keep doing your making everything? I'm doing everything, okay, trying to get them kids out of there. All right, we got your baby. We saw Hey, Ronda, what's on your mind? Well, you know what you had said, I'm sorry for the loss of life. You know, they did say four people are dead now and sorry for the loss of life. But he did this on purpose. He lied, he did. He caught him patriots. I mean, he was a mask cold spreader. They got centered to saying they can't even say certified, but they don't quit their job. And the police handle those people like babies. And you know, there's charges it to be pressed for everybody. And I wonder will the police be prosecuted for her death when they ain't been prosecuted for so many other deaths, you know, capital police. Yeah, you know I was thinking about that too, Rhanda. We were off the air, discussing that because Brianna Taylor and all his hell and this being a white woman having lost to life, which is tragic, It really is tragic. You have the right to protest in this country, you don't have the right to trespass. You don't have the right to vandalize. That's what you don't have the right to do. And once you go into that realm of it, and and black people know this, we already know now, all right, we're going too far. You walk, hold your hands up, holy signs. But we know if we start running that police and backing police down, you don't never see a group of blacks backing the group of police down, aggressively walking towards them, because we already know that's gonna be taken as a sign of aggression, and then they're gonna go to their standard line. We felt fearful of our life. But they ran that brother up them steps inside the Capitol. I wanted his ass to spend odn't officer, Yeah, but I did want him to kick him down the steps though. I did want that put your putting his chest and knock his little skinny bearded ass down the steps. You ain't gonna chase me, but for so far, if I'm the police officer, Steve Harvey was running out comedy. Yeah, I'm gonna run a little bit, but I'm gonna draw my gun. But Tommy wanted to do it. Shout out to the to the Vikings. Did you guys want them? Oh, the brave hard dude. Yeah, Oh, with painted face and chats and all of that. Yeah, he is going to prison, and this is what he's gonna be in prison, your freedom. He's gonna have a brave hard answer moment. He gonna be hitting at jail Sell crying like a little girl. A hell nil, don't care. Hey man, put that paint on this weekend. Had put the little fur cap on again that you had at the Capital Building when you stormed. Whoa. I love it when you do Brave Heart. That's my favorite movie. All right, line fixed Jamie out of Laurenceville. I think, hey Jamie, Yeah, this this is Janey from Monks Bill, Georgia. I don't want to say that I'm very sad about what happened for yesterday, and it wasn't It wasn't humor to seem Jeah. Can I ask you, I know you said you said, but why I sound like you smiling at all because you saying, you know, I know what happened yesterday was tragic. Yes, it was very tragic. But that prosident is a SMA again. Yeah, the word is tragic. Tragic. Yeah, well, Tragic is a singing group in Cleveland in nineteen seventy. Ladies and Jenny, we appreciate your call coming up next to nephew with today's frank phone call right after at least you're listening show all right, coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after the hour. Uh, it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject Steve, You're gonna love this one. What is he doing in that bathroom all day? That is not what you think? You think. That's the subject of the Strawberry letter. But right now it is time for the nephew and it's praying phone call. What you got for us? Christmas? Lights? Expiration? Oh Christmas? You go there? Yeah, expiration, let's go Cad. Hello, Well I'm trying to reach James. Yeah, hey, James, how you doing? This is great? I want to get neighbors. I live a few streets over from you. How are you doing today? I'm doing fine. What's up? This one makes sure I got the right person? You six? Uh north Willow? Ben? Yeah, okay, why are you calling? Man? What's up? Okay? I'm on I live on a shadow ben. Man. My name is Greg and um I wonder I want to reach out to you. Uh, we seem to have a bit of a problem. Man. You still have your Christmas lights up on the house and what what? What's what's going on? You know? We you know, some of the neighbors have had a conversation. When are you gonna take these down? Man? We go through this every year and uh, it ain't no problem. Man. The lights are gonna stay up. Oh what what? What? What do you mean they're gonna stay up? Did I start up? I said the lights are gonna stay up, you know, no go down? No hold on, bro, Christmas is over. The lights ain't finn to stay up? Okay, you nights and tell you that the lights need to come down. You know, I don't. I don't even Why do you have your lights up after Christmas? Sounder Claus and the whole Christmas thing is over? Wait? Wait, wait to go man? Man, what's your gain? Grego of the name my name is Greg. My name is Greg, and I live on Shadow being. I live post its over from you. I don't give a about where you live. Man. You know how did you get my number? I got your number from the h o A. You know, the President. I doum the one gave me your number. But that's but that's neither here nor there. The big issue is these Christmas lights just got to come down. You sound like a joke man, You sound like a guy fool What you're gonna take my Christmas? Like? You know, I keep those lights up. You know why I keep those lights up. I'm gonna listening. My mama loves those lights. She she keeps the lights up a little bit longer than usual. But we don't give a fuck about that as long as she's happy. So okay, okay, okay, let me say that I'm hearing you with your mama. Understand that. You know you gotta love for your mom. Cool, but check this up. The whole neighborhood wants your life down. So I'm gonna tell you this here from neighbor to Nate. You got to the Morrow evening to take them to lights down. If not, I'm gonna take them down. My damn sir, What time are you coming? Bro? What time are you coming? Okay, I'll tell you what. I get off at five. I'll be at your house about six to take the dinner Lifetown. If you're not, yeah, I'll be looking for you too. Man. You know we got a big family. I'm gonna call my brother and we're gonna meet you. We're gonna meet you because you ain't taking down under lights are gonna stay up. Bro, Okay, I don't care give you and your mama got to take them damn Lifstown. Hold up, brother, what you say about my mama? I said you and your mama can take them life down, but somebody got to take them down. Mom. You're talking about my mom. We ain't taking down. Where did you say you live? I'm going on shadow being. I'm gonna shawn you just you're trying to you're trying to sign you up DAP sentence. If you come over to my crib and talk about taken down I mother Christmas lights you Man. If I come over there and you and your mama ain't on the ladder trying to get the lights off that house, then I'm taking them down. A man. You you're talking about my mama taking down the light. I've got a face fall back for your mother and everybody at the h o A. I heil. I don't everybody at that club you in or whatever h o A and whatever. I'm you up, mother, I'm you up? Okay, Well if you if you meet up, you're gonna have to You're gonna have to tie me up too. He's the one told us you had the lights on the house and hadn't taken them down commedy one time. Who I mean you? Can you get over here right now? I didn't come I'll tell you what. I come through there, Me and tim me both will come through there if that's what you want. Come on, mother, yaf silly? Okay? So, so can I say something? What? Mother? Can I? Can I say one more thing to you? Man? You ain't gotta say hell you say that when you get over Yeah, you're talking about my mama. Man. Okay, hey, hey, hey, hey hey, calm down, dude, Calm down. Okay, I'm down about what can I Can I say something? Can I say one more thing? Just that? The one more thing? What all I'm gonna say is this nephew timent from Steve Harvey Morning Show. Did you say, oh you you got to be kidding me? Man? Yeah, Man, you got James? You all right? Man? No, man, ain't all right? Man? What you got my blood pressure up? What he? Wow? Business? Hey, hey Jame, you got some labors Russell and shot Nie Russell and shot Nise. They are the ones that got me the prank. Call you back. They ain't gonna get no Christmas present for me next year as some bulls man. Who wow? Oh you was heated for Oh man, you was heated man. One thing I do know about you, Jane. You love your mama, don't you? I love I love it to death. Man, you you you had to take it there. That ain't right man. Oh man, you gotta let me know. Man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Let me hit Oh god. But Steve Harvey in the Morning Show, man, he was he was mad. But when you when you said somebody mama okay, he took them. Yeah, your mama ain't on that lotter. When I come right now, take yea take mama. That was it right time, said the mama. Paul. He got so serious, he was so cool and calm with it though at first. Yeah, well the lights ain't coming down farm a little lights, so yeah, yeah, that's why we leave a mom like yeah. But know how we all about our mama's You know, I know I would may be nervous for your nephew. Somebody got to do it. You know you felt his pain. And I can't even. I can't even because I know how I am to this day about my mama. The majority of fights I've been in in my lifetime, the number one subject is you couldn't never you couldn't say nothing about my mama. I don't care if you was playing joking, I ain't mean it. I wasn't talking about chill mama. If I thought you was talking about my mama, I didn't give a damn dog. We're going to start thumping. We stopped, don got my ass whooped. I can't, I can't. I can't even tell you, but we're gonna thump though. Soon as you say something about illos Via, we thump it. I don't give a damn who y'all how big y'all? Man, little man, I ain't say nothing about your mama. Was talking about but your mama Okay, all right, sorry, sorry, my dad, he said, I ain't meaning to bust your mouth like that. That's all right. I took it though, Yeah, went there on that one. And what a cussoer he was, Steve. Huh, that's what I joyed him so much? If you if I tell you something, yeas all right. Strawberry Letters coming up next. Thank you, nephew. What is he doing in that bathroom all day? It's the subject. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up. What's wrong, Steve, I don't hand letter. I'm so sorry. Go here. I asked you did you have the show? Did? I'm so sorry. I know what you were doing though, I know what you were doing practicing climbing bill and what are you doing? I I'm watching videos from yesterday. I know social mediant clip. I'm sorry, got straight jet strawberry, all right, thank you, thank you? Subject? What is he doing in that bathroom all day? Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a twenty seven year old man and my best friend is causing issues at my job. I recently got him a job with me after he was fired from his last job because of COVID nineteen. It was going really good until my coworkers began asking me is something wrong with him? Because he disappears a lot during his work shift. I kept an eye out for him and noticed that two times during a shift I couldn't find him for about thirty minutes. We work in a very big retail department store, so it's easy not to see someone for a while, but I thought it was weird. Then one day a guy we work with came up to me and said, while he was in the bathroom, he heard moaning and groaning coming from the stall next to him. He said he could not tell if the person was straining to use it or if someone was in there having sex. He said, a few minutes later, my friend walked out of the bathroom and he was sweating through his face. Mask and his shirt. Long story, shut up, Tommy. Long story short. My best friend has been using time at work to take care of himself in quotes in the men's room. And I saw it for myself one day when I followed him into the men's room. I sat in the stall next to him, and his headphones were up real high, and I heard the porn sounds and other sounds that let me know what he was doing. He dates a lot of different women, so I'm not sure why he's doing this at work. Our co workers are joking about him and taking bets on how long he will disappear each shift. I don't want him to get fired if management finds out, and I'm afraid that this will all fall on me. How do I talk to him about this? Man to man, Well, you just got to go to him and talk to him. You gotta tell him, and you gotta tell him today. I mean, everyone knows what he's doing. You said, they're taking bets and all of that on how long he's going to be out. Well, you gotta let your co workers know that you told him and that whatever he does has nothing to do with you. He must be a sex addict or something. Because it sounds like he can't control himself. I mean, you're doing this at work. I do not like the fact that he does it at work, and at the job you helped him get. You could be in jeopardy of losing your job because your friends can't keep his hands off of himself, you know, because hey, you hired him. You hired him, you had us hire him. What's going on anyway? You could be in j P. They could look at you it's crazy. I mean, this has happened. He's not bothering anyone else at the job, just himself. He's even loud with it, so they figured out what he's been doing. I mean, so again, I say, please tell him a SAP as soon as possible so you can get this off you. You don't want them looking at you crazy. You don't want them following you in the bathroom checking out what you're doing any of that, you know, because right now you're guilty by association and you don't want to lose your job. You just don't want to do it. So now you know it wasn't just COVID nineteen why he lost the other job. I'm sure it was something else based on this letter, Steve Well, I think I should start by saying, I really don't care about this. Let him and I have no desire to help you are him in any way? To start with, Let's just I'm just being honest. I mean, really, this is not I I don't even see why you wrote us or really, dog, it ain't none our business. H It's not that dire of a situation to me. I just don't see it. Now, how much time do I have, Shirley about how many minutes I got, I would say I got about two minutes. So let me just briefly go through this, and then when I come back, I have a surprise for you. I'm gonna decide I'm gonna do this letter different way. You got a best friend that you helped him get this job because he got fired from his last job CAUs of COVID. Just say that sentis to yourself. I got fired from my last job cause of COVID. What how that happened? Are you saying to me that you had COVID and the job fired you cause you brought COVID to the job, because that's illegal to do. So what you're telling me is that he didn't lie to you. About why he lost the job exactly. You get laid off doing COVID, you get furloughed doing COVID, your company clothes is doing COVID, but you don't get fired doing COVID. They can't fire you because it's a global pandemic. Okay, so we all know, like Shirley got around to say, he got fired for the same reason, he gonna get fired from this damn job because he can't keep his hands off his damn self. He's so damn sexy, he irresistible to his self. So when I come back, this is gonna be me and Timmy gonna do a reenactment. Tommy trying to talk to me, okay about this problem or vice vers Tommy or Tommy gonna be the man with the problem, and I'm gonna be asking him some question. All right, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three after it is the other friend, what is he doing in the bathroom all day? As the subject? Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap. You have a special reenactment you're going to do. So first of all, let me just tell you what the letters about you doing in that bathroom? All? What's he doing at bath this Steven Show. I got twenty seven year old man, my best friend, causing issues down in my job. I recently got him a job with me after he was fired from his last job because of COVID nineteen. It was going really good until my coworkers began asking me if something is wrong with him because he disappears a lot doing his work shift. I kept out for him and noticed that two times doing the shift, I couldn't find him for thirty minutes. Now, we work in a very big retail department store, so it's easy to not see someone for a while, but I thought it was weird. Then one day a guy we worked we came up to me and said while he was in the bathroom that he heard some moaning and groaning coming from the stall next to him. He said he could not tell if the person, why did my phone do that? Here would go? He said that he could not tell if the person was straining to use it or if someone was in there having sex. Well, then he said in a few minutes later, my friend walked out the bathroom and he was sweating through his face mask and his shirt or a long story short. My best friend has been using time at work to take care of himself in the mill's room, and I saw it for myself one day when I followed him into the mill's room. I sat in the stall next to him, and his headphones was up real high, and I heard the porn sounds and other sounds that let me know what he was doing. He date a lot of different women, so I'm not sure why he's doing this at work. Our co workers are joking about him, taking bets on how long he'll disappeared each shield. I don't want him to get fired if management finds out. I'm afraid this will all fall on me. How do I talk to him about this? Man to man? Well, like I said, Dog, I don't I can't help you. Man to man, I don't know how to do this, and I really don't care about this letter. So what I've decided to do is, let's see if we can find a solution to this problem through reenacting it. Here's the situation. I'm the dude at work that's in there with myself. I'm in the star. Tommy and Junior are the dudes that got me the job day, my friends day outside the stall. I'm in there taking care of me, just me, and they come up to the door to try to talk to me about it. All right, here we go, Yo, Barrett, Hey, this Kenny and Regie? Man, what what's what's what's what's what's happening? Too much? Steve? Too much? Hello? Hello? Many? What's up? What's what's? What's what's up? Dog? You're good? What what what's you good? Good? I'm I'm good at what I think I am? Why are you? Are you sweating? Dog? You know? Ain't ain't sweating? Dog? You gonna see me? How are you gonna see me sweating through the dope? Uh? Okay, okay. Are you breathing so hard? Man? Anybody breathing hard? I'm I'm I'm hardly breathing. Man. Are you are you sick? Oh? Man? You need us to get you something? Nah, man, it's just hard. Yeah. I'm in the bathroom with his mask on, you know? Yeah, I mean did you did you eat something bad? You're all right? Nah? Y'all eight already? Yeah? We didn't have lunch of them give it in about forty five minutes. Man, bad, Why don't your shoes off in here? What's your shoes? We see your shoes under the dough dog, Hey dog? Hold up, hey man, kick that shoe back under hill. I'm need both them shoes. Man. Who getting out of hand of me? Here? What is what is that? No? What't ain't? Hey dog? Hey dog, Hey dog, ain't no? No, I's in here now. What's that coming out your wheel piece? Your head phone? What is that? What you're listening to? What that's? You know? Row? That's biggie bad. You've been off the floor thirty minutes. Man, we're trying to cover. Amen. Why are y'all at my dough man? I'm in here? You break? Hey dog? Dog letting me? Didn't my private time? I'm by myself. You got two customers looking for you. Man, Come on, man wait, hold man, man, Oh baby baby, what you're saying? Oh? I like it? Like that? You like what like? What? Bear? Somebody in there? Uh huh? Somebody in there? What if y'all keep knocking on the dough poe? Stop knocking on the door. You're messing this up. Wow? What we're messing up? Man? Dog? I'm in here. I'm just in here, man, just ha come down there. Do ain't nobody win, I mean, ain't nobody in here just me. Look I watch. Yeah, it's unbunning a little bit. Okay, so it's only your feet under the door. Who you talking to? Don't talk to myself? Man, do whyle? Y'all still at this dough man, Come on, man, get waving the dough while y'all messing with me on the damn man, I can't open the dope. I cannot open it. Damn dope. That's what I can't. Damn I can't open this dope that came up. I'm telling you right now, you're open this dovie gonna tell his dough off. I'm telling you, but hold up, manute before you tell it, doe open, give me about five minutes. Please don't tell it. Dope been in him forty five minutes. Man, I know I was all offended. Come out, man, But y'all the messed up. Why don't you get working the dope? Man? We gotta go. Damn kind of friends, as y'all post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey, Femine, Instagram and faces, can't hand no damn job in peace coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, we're talking about the cap on, the knocking on the dough yesterday. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, I'm sure you've heard by now thousands and thousands of Trump supporters stormed the capitol yesterday. Um, you know, we just got a few of the highlights that that some of the things that went down. Here's one of them listening to this comment. Later, I got nada, and what happened? You were trying to go inside? I made it like a foot inside and they pushed it out and they maced me. What's what's your name? Where you find her name is Elizabeth? I'm from Knoxville, Tennessee. And why did you want to go in? We're serving the capital. It's a revolution. That's my favorite. One white girl could not believe she had got made. She didn't compete another, so she only made it a foot. End she took that mace. The revolution was over. Hey, we have y'all excuse me, we have the unedited version of Elizabeth being interviewed you after she tried to break into the capitol and she got maced. We have the unedited version right here. Here we go this is Elizabeth cry, ma'am. Excuse me, ma'am, ma'am. Why why are you here? What's going on? I got got mace. You got maced What what do you mean? You got mad? They based it me in it faces your name. I told you that. Why are you crying? Elizabeth? They ain't mace to me. They used the wrong, mate. They used the mace to day spray the black people. I was white, lady. I've got the wrong. Why were you here in the first place? Because it's a real starting the capitol. The gotta funny, y'all? Did ask police just macedon me and say what's your wrong? Mate? I was supposed to get the lights all, just a little lights all, is all. I was supposed to get just a disaffected thankful yourself together, listener together, your black ass. Don't tell me what I've got a wrong. This is the mace for the black people. What's the white lady? Mate? Well, Elizabeth, gets you up together and pull y'all. I got to go back in there. I think you need to stay out all right. We're gonna go to the phones after this. Thank you. Elizabeth h eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve eight seven seven twenty nineteen. Call us, we're talking to you. Right after that. You're listening Harvey Morning Show. We are Steve Harby Morning Show. All right, Steve, let's go to the phones. Let's talk to the people. Eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, Let's go to line one and talk to Walter out of Columbus. Hey, Walter, Hey, what's up about morning show? Hey? What's up Columbus? What Columbus, Georgia, Columbus, Ohio? Where you at, Columbus, Georgia, right there next to Fort Benny. I got you, I know where yet right on the border over that right from uh sitting over that a cross street from Alabama, Phoenix City, Yes, sir, across the bridge just an hour earlier. Yeah, I got you. What's on your mind? Man? We're really all right? Um, thank y'all for real though, believe it or not. If we want for the radio to get by it and in Harrison and y'all putting y'all word out there, that's what really got it this all of the radio stations who help get it out. And and I was listening to what Carler said when he said Trump is like a wine and child. It couldn't have his way until he had to go get his friends and see if they can help him. And that's all they did. Um. I think he's just really a big car man to Connor's way into the White House. Yeah, yesterday I saw a lot of people that was you know, going up on the Capitol and they called us this word all our life. But it was a lot of in words running all up inside the White House. All it was got blood on his hands. Yeah, that's it, man. Yeah, thank you Walter, Thank you Walk for listening. Thank you and voting and getting out. Absolutely. Let's go to line three. Talk to Vale out of New Jersey A Vale. Yes, Steve, what's going on man? What's on your mind? A couple of things, Steve. Okay, you know, the white people are seeing what we've been seeing since the end of slavery. I called you when Trump was about to be what was running for office, and I told you at that time we have the second generation of George Wallace. M right, George Wallace didn't make it to the White House, but uh, Donald Trump's daddy and his mama and his uncle were arrested in New York City for being a part of the klu Klux Klan. So what do you expect out of Donald Trump? This has been his agenda, says birth M. He don't like to lose. Sure, I know that's take you know so many things. I think this guy, he's proven to be. You know, he doesn't understand it, like even his concession speech. So about this early transition and even though this is the end of the greatest presidency in our history, No, what are you talking about? Do you haven't been a great president for this country in the least bit anyway? No, you know, we were in trouble with make America great again. We were in trouble with that statement right there. So what part of history do you want to go back to? And it's when you say that to black people, that was a preferred time when it was greater than it is now. Because I don't want to go back to any parts of my life. Why I can remember having it better as a black person. I'm sixty three, God willing, I'll be sixty four. I've been here a long time. I can't think of the fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, early two thousand. I don't want none of him me personally. So what what period of time are you talking about? And he showed us for four years what period he was talking about slavery when Black's Muslims nobody could move around without his say soul. This dude wanted to be king. He didn't really want to be president. He wanted to be king. And now he's a mad king. More of today's trending stories on the se Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour when we come back, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. So the FBI guys is seeking information that will assist them in identifying those individuals who were instigating the violence yesterday and DC. The FBI is accepting all kinds of tips and digital media depicting writing and violence in the US Capital building and the surrounding area as well. If you have witnessed unlawful violent actions, we urge you to submit any information, any pictures, you have videos to the FBI dot gov slash US Capital. That's FBI dot gov slash US Capital. Now they really are looking for the Viking, right, No, they didn't found him. They're gonna find the Viking. The Viking he got yeah, now got a picture of him? Uh with with with Juliano alert. They found that on Baller alert. Hell if it's well, if it's on World Star starball Alert, TM, tang you in a little bit later on y'all. Uh uh, Elizabeth is coming back. Elizabeth? Who was Elizabeth? If people miss Elizabeth is the white lady that they maced, she's gonna be. She's just coming in the show for a minute because she found out that we helped we got Benjamin Crump, and she wants to know if Crump can help her. Oh, okay, more of the steam. He's busy, though. I'm gonna tell you more of the Sea. Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after read After this, you're listening to morning show. All right, we've been talking about it all morning. Thousands of pro Trump supporters storm the nation's capital yesterday. Uh, here's one of the protesters. Take a listen. I got name, and what happened? You were trying to go inside. I made it like a foot inside and they pushed her out and they faced me. What's what's your name? Were you from? Elizabeth? I'm from Knoxville, Tennessee. And why did you want to go in? We're serving the capital. It's a revolution. He im water show. Yeah, what can we do for you? Alice? Tony, I shoulder risen. They a't maced it in me. Didn't want to speak with I won't talk to your attorney Crump. Okay, well listen, Benjamin Crump is away. We can't give you him, but we can give you. Why can't you because they use it the black people made so I won't should have got my lady. But we can give you Junior Crump. That's that's actually Benjamin's nephew. We can give you him. Tommy, Tommy, I'm here time with the shot. Tom I'm here, Tommy. They didn't do it again, Tommy. They did include it again. They Mason. White people died at the capital. Yas this, Elizabeth, I'm here for your test. Tell me what happened? How is it gonna horrible? Attorney Crump? First, I got on the wrong bus. I thought I was getting on the on the megabus to make American cin't give us. But I got on the megabus. You were black without see see that she's already stuffing right there, Tomma. Now, when you got to the Capitol, Elizabeth, tell me what happened when you got into the Capitol. We were going and just just got in the door. As soon as I walked in, he put this straight at Nate. Stop crying, you can't can't use the wrong mace out me. Stop catting me. The stock crimes comment. They knew it anything. They gave her the black people mas when she clearly supposed to get the white people. Can you help her? Can you help her? Junior crump? No, I can't help her. But that's the wrong mace. Though. For show. You don't say that you helped me. You helped me. Clients shout, don't you have to tell me? Stop crying? No, both your black ass dake. I ain't coming back, lady, I can't get bake. Our last break of the day. Closing remarks from Steve Rovey. String you're listening to all right? Here we are our last break of the day, Steve. Time for some closing remarks. You know, um, these are the remarks I want to make. Yesterday was another eventful day, uh in this country. You know. Twenty twenty was interesting because COVID bought a lot of things to our attention. But it's amazing, man, when the world, when we get focused on something, how things are being brought to light that have normally been covered up. If it had not been for COVID, the George Floyd death would not have resonated the way it did because everybody was still having to sit there and watch it on TV. Because nobody was at happy hour, nobody was at family reunion, nobody was on vacation, everybody was home, and it caused them to see, well, something happened yesterday that made everybody see the curtain was pulled back on another side of the American culture. Now, it's been interesting because I've listened to all the senators talk and they say, that's not who we are as Americans, but it is. It is. See that half of the voting block that you say are Trumpians. That's who was storming the walls of democracy. That's who was hijacking the constitution that your forefathers wrote. That's who was doing. And it was all at the urging of him, him, his son, his lawyer. They pushed those people that he even Donald Trump even said he'll he'll go down there with you. Rudy Giuliano used the term combat. Donald Trump Junior said, and if you don't go along with us, you'll see me in your backyard and you're not going to like it. You're talking to a group of people dressed in fatigues with helm on body armor vests, some of them had to be carrying, and they had organized this on the website and you made these types of inflammatory remarks and they acted on it. They planted two pipe bombs. Four people died, one of them a woman. Four people died as a result of injuries on yesterday. This is not our America. It is it is. It's just you saw it on television yesterday. You're watching it on social media. It was strange, man, because my father in law was watching it, and he was sitting in the living room watching it. I walked up to him, and he's eighty five years old. I said, Papa, how you feel about all this? He said, well, seem like it's about time time for me. I said what you mean by that. He said, well, it's about time they get to see what we've been knowing all alone. That was a profound statement from a really old man. He say, it's about time that they finally see what we've been knowing all along. Now I'm sixty three, my father in law is eighty five. Joe man, that's twenty two more years of this that I got. Do you know what he's seen that I ain't seen? And he just now being able to say, it's about time they finally see what we've been knowing all along. This is the America we've been talking about. This is the America that we've been protesting against. This is the america that we've been trying to get you all the seed that we've been dealing with since we got him. And all we've been asking is one little thing. We're not asking you to shoot them like you shoot us. We're asking you not to shoot us like you don't shoot them. We saw it yesterday. That's all we're saying to you. See, black lives matter. What's not saying our lives are the only one that matters. What black lives matter is saying is can our lives matter just like everybody else life. We don't want more, We just want the same. We ain't asking for extra, We just want the minimum. We want what you get. We all know, I don't care who you are. You know getting well, if them was black people yesterday, you know what would have happened. And I'm not saying nothing profound, right, now everybody know that, but we had to take a look at it yourse today and this country has to change now. Is it going to No? Is it going to any sooner? No? But we learned a lesson and all can keep following this man stronger than you follow your God if you want to, and you can be hide behind your political party based on Christianity. But what was Christian about yesterday? What was Christian about telling them people to go down to the capitol? What was Christian about mentioning combat and rhetoric like that to some people that you didn't lied to and told that you got an election stolen from you. And you claim that half of Americans think you got the stolen Where they get the notion from you? Ain't produced no evidence, and so here we are. They don't storm the capitol. Really, I'm not surprised. It's really sad that you are. This is our America. Welcome to what we've been knowing all alone. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.