Good morning and welcome to the ride! Imagine if he is right. The CLO has a concerned wife writing in about her husbands actions. Kevin Gough is the racist attorney from GA that put his foot in his mouth. Adele is connected to LBJ's inner circle. We have a message from a very eligible member of The Steve Harvey Nation who is seeking the right one baby. God ain't through with Cam Newton straight up! The most EPIC birthday went down at the Staples Center! How do you get people out of your house when it's time? Would You Rather covers cussin', 70's music and deep sea diving. Today Uncle Steve wraps ups the show with his Nephew and just can't see a time when Fool #1 was good looking.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu things and it's not true. Good Steve to mother, stay, don't join me. You gotta use that turn arm. You gotta turn to turn them out, turning, got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come, come on your thing. Uh huh, I sure will A good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. If y'all only knew, I think I'll tell it to you this morning man started off real crazy. But it's just those little mishaps where we as people who are striving to be successful that makes all the difference in the world. When you have those little minor things that come up, you can't let the minor things stop you. You've got to keep pressing forward. Now, Could I have played the role of where is my car? Where is my car? Oh? Where is my car? Instead of hustling and grab a cab? So what am I? Am I above a cab ride? Now? Or do I have to look at the bigger picture? And say, okay, I could act like a little spoiled brat sometimes a star and go I don't ride in cabs or where as my car and then go to blaming people for not having a car, or do I make the adjustments because ain't like I ain't been in the cab before, now slow down. Ain't like I ain't never been in a beat up car before. Slow down? Ain't ever like I ain't never had a carb and roll the bus before. Slow down. Ain't like I ain't never been homeless before, and they't have nowhere to go? Slow down. So in those moments right there, always remember where you come from, but even more importantly, always remember where you're trying to go, because it's important for me that I get here as many mornings as I possibly can. It's important because that's the goal. And so many people allowed a minor things to stop them on their road to success. And I'm giving you this example today not to say hey, look at me, but to say to you, hey, listening to me. There are going to be a lot of things that's gonna happen along your way to being successful. And if you allow the small things to stop you, there's no way you'll make it. You've got to always press forward and stop looking at the situation for what it is and look, sometimes you have to take your offer right now and put your eye in the future. You know, God has blessed me in so many ways. I mean, what can I say? You know, I ask God for this syndicated show. He gives me a syndicated show. Now I act like I don't want to come to it. Hold on, man, slow down. Did not you ask for this? Do I not realize that there are certain people, man, who look forward to this message in the morning. I've heard it from people, so from the hundreds that I've heard it for, that could represent thousands for all I know. So if I think somebody's counting on me, I got to try to get there and give something. So today I didn't have any time at all to think about what I might say. I just walked right in and the jingle was playing, and so I decided to just tell you about my day and maybe you can relate it to something you're going through alone the way, because no matter who you are, you're going to have some moments man, where things are going to happen. And like I always tell my kids, and I just had this conversation with my little girl. It ain't that things ain't gonna happen. It's how you handle what happens that matters. But it don't matter. It's how you handle what happens that's the determining factor on where you get in life and how soon you get there and how long you stay there. That will always be a mishap, something that's gonna throw you off. That will always be something man that could deter you. That will be something somewhere, man, that will make you doubt it. Now that you know that's gonna happen, then let's talk about how you handle what happens, because it's going to happen. So now, what do you do as a person when these moments come about in your life? How do you handle? Oh? Woe is me? Oh? I guess it wasn't meant to be. Well. If the Lord wanted me to have this, I'd have that. How many deal how many times you hear people say that? You know, man, it really irks me. Man. Stop using God as your excuse. God ain't no excuse. God is a reason. He's a reason why the good happens. He's a reason he's not an excuse. God don't have no excuses in none of his scriptures or writings, not that I but he just don't make excuses. I would have done this. But you know there's a scripture that says the poor will all shall always be amongst us. Why that's got to be you. Yeah, he said the poor will always be amongst us, because you know, everybody ain't gonna follow the principles of success. But he also said he came to give you life and give it to you more abundantly. He said that too, But oh no, you don't want to hear that because your life kind of trip it out a little bit. So now what you do with it? Now you twist it and you go to that one little scripture that say, well, the poor shall always be amongst us. Well, that's put in there because that's a that's suggests in case. See, that's a just in case y'all don't want to follow the scriptures. That's just in case you don't understand that faith without works is dead. That's just in case you have not because you ask not. It's just in case you don't believe and shall not doubt. He got all that in there. But in case you don't want to do that, there is a scripture that tells you what don't happen if you don't do it, And here it is the poor shall always be a monster. But then you get that when they say, well, that's I guess that's the lord's will, Lord's will, really, really, really really, that's amazing. I just don't believe that about him. I don't believe that God created your life to be a life of misery. I think that we make decisions along the way that caused us to have lives of misery. But I really really just don't believe that God created you for that. I've heard Nelson Mandela speak, and you know, you gotta go wild all those years in prison? Man, what was it about? When you hear him speak, you understand what it was about. He said he always knew he would be free one day. Now, what he said he never knew was he said he never knew that he would be the president of that country. Oh my goodness, what a long way around. But he could have sat there and got involved in prison activities that wasn't up to pawing things like that. And they said whenever young inmates used to come in. He was telling the story one time of how young inmates used to come into the prison. They all sit around and talk to him about what they were doing and how many kids they had in their lives, and it helped them keep track of the outside a little bit, and it kept a sense of time for them, and it reminded me in to talk about what they left behind, and it kept them going because something was greater on the other side. Had he allowed that to stop him, had he allowed imprisonment, which is a pretty major deal. Oh, by the way, then guess what he would have never been to Nelson Mandela that we know to day, a martyr, a leader, a great force. People want to go around him. Even people that imprisoned him could not understand his staunch strength, his faith, his unwavering commitment. They couldn't understand it. So things are going to happen in your life, but it's how you handle what happens doesn't matter. So keep pushing, y'all. Don't let the little things get in the way, okay, And if you just sometimes you just don't know. I got in the cab thinking I wasn't gonna make it, But at least let's go see, let's try. I made it. Now. Guess what that gives me another piece of information that I have and all I had to see it again to date. Guess what I said today? Man, Sometimes when it looked like you ain't gonna make it, just go head on anywhere. Now. I could still be back there at the hotel time I wear my car, but I got up in here made it. So now what y'all gonna do with it? Let's go you're listening show. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Ride to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Before we get started, I'm allowing my long time old friend of mine, Roscoe Wallace, come in to explain what is going on. He is currently involved in a three trillion dollars lawsuit against the entire music industry for theft publishing rights, writing and recording dudes due to him for having written, as he claims, mostly every major hit ever recorded. Ladies and gentlemen, here is ros Scott Wallace. They very there. Everybody run with the college yal admitted of all the fellows and everything. Here's another song that's involved in the lawsuit that I need credit for. Warmth All she's a brig Oh heart, She might and mighty, but just letting it all hang out whole. She's a brick brick whatnot? Come on? I said, how she's the one, the only one built like an Amazon. She's got everything bad a one what needs what is mine too? Thank you? Steve didn't want to comment to us to know. Sorry Lionel had involved y'all in it, but hell you know the deal, So thank y'all. As another song, I wrote, y'all take it away, have a great day. Bye bye, Yeah, gonna Roscoe boy, this this lawsuit is grown. We're gonna get this money. Three trillion, call up evidence. Y'all gonna get this money. I ain't gonna say no because he's gonna come back. He thinks what it we we we we we Well, I heard you. You don't gonna write it. She listen to the call it? Ever did she evidence in a lawsuit? Roster? It never did? Listen to me? Listen. Do you see how my heart being the songs right here? Yeah? Yeah, I see. But that doesn't make come from somebody that wrote it. It means something to him. So you don't know nothing about that? What once again? Do I tell you what I tell you? What I'm listening. We both know who ain't wrote it. You you, I'm claiming you shaming. I'm gonna turn that into that's a song, right there, man, I we got no time to do it now. Okay, yeah, I tell you tee tomorrow. But you're gonna love it though. I know that these kids need some help. Yeah, the kids. I'm trying to be there for people and everything. That's like, I'm there for Roscoe because you know everybody, you know a lot of people playing him off with this lawsuit. They're not giving him no ad time to explain his position. But on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, I think it's important man to hear people because you don't know and if he if he is right, Yeah, we're gonna remember this friendship. Yeah, you can't whatever all the time. You know, a man, if he get a half a trillion throw, you know, he might he might break me off a billion. All right, that's your boy? Yeah yeah, man. Coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna kick the show off with nephew. Tommy's run that Frank back right after this. You're listening morning show? All right, here we go. Time to start our morning off. We'd run that prank back and the nephew, what you got now? I got a dose? So stupid for you? Fairly, Jean, I got your girl. I got your girl. It's just a nice little cup of doses are stupid, shirt, A cup of teaspoons are stupid. He wasn't gonna be educational. I know that you always say, oh you want to education, he said, just the frank man. Yeah, let's go catch gene. I got your girl. Hello, speak to Jeane. My name Vernon, brother was playing. What's going on? I need to huh let you for a minute, my man. I want to let you about your wife. So you got a minute. Yeah, I'm listening. I don't even know how to breaktice to your dog. I just want to be straight up with you, man. Me and your wife have been kind of seeing each other, and really she want to let you go. But she ain't, you know, she really ain't got it got it up in her to say she want to let you go. So I'm coming to you like a man and letting you know. You know that she really wanted to shut it down with you. We've been seeing each other for a minute now. Uh so I don't know how we can. Will you know, I'm just coming at you like a man brother, trying to let you know she don't even really want you no more. You know, we didn't talked about it, talked about it, and I'm just trying to get it all. I know. I'm tired. I'm tired of hiding with it. Really, okay, okay, Well you know it's a lot smoother than I expected. Player, I man, it is what it is. It is what it is. I mean, as long as long as you as long as you cool, I thought, you know, I just want to be a man called and how I let you let you know? Have you seen her to day? And where are you from? From Jersey? I'm up around Nork. I mean you said it's a lot smoother than you thought it was gonna be. Well, you know, anytime I'm another man from to call another man by his wife, I mean, yeah, you don't expect it to be nothing, you know, pretty simple, that's for sure. I didn't contemplate it a long time by calling you saw you know today, I just said to head with my number. So I've been hand you. I had your number a long time. All right. Now you say you're looking. There's a lot smoother than you thought us gonna be. It ain't that smooth. But you know you don't want You know, the thing is, you got one up on it because you know my information. Now I's gotta come find you. Okay, wait wait wait, wait wait wait wait hold up? Now good? You feel like, oh no, I'm gonna to hold up. Okay, you feel like you need to be looking for me or something. Brother, Look look ahead, let's check this out. This is a decision that the wife has made. You understand what I'm saying. So you have no reason to be mad at me about anything. You have no reason to be coming looking for me or any information on me, because see, when that happens, then it's gonna really get stinky up in here. And I'm trying not to let that happen. That's why I'm calling you like a man. Brother, Trust me, Man, ain't nothing that I'm never worried about. Okay, Well, I'm just letting you know, man, I'm letting you know up front sheet with me and how contemplated a long time. Y'alla, y'alla. So now you know here we are. So I said, you know, what the hell with it. I'm calling it that y'all should have did it on the phone together. I expected both of y'all a lot more. Okay, well you know, and then you know, if that's what it's got to be, we be face to face together. Whatever it's got to be, man, you know. Okay, So, but but let me ask you this here where it's going in. Once we're both staying flat footed and tell you how it is, then what ain't I ain't gonna never be flat footed? Okay? What the flat footed? Or upside down? Ain't the way you want to look at it, bro, I'm trying not to get into this physical part, but it seems like you're leaning that way with me. It could be whatever, you know. It could be on this side of the dirt or the other side, and don't make a difference. It never does, brother, It never does. When two bulls come together, one of them got to go down. No, guess what we are doing? Too much talking? You've got my information. Guess what now I'm blot loaded than hunter for you. You lock and loaded. There's no need for you to say. There's no need for us discussing anymore. Okay, cool, you know why why we're at it. Man, let me go and drop it all on you then, because it's it seemed like we need to gonna get it all out the way. You cool, You know what I'm saying. I think you need you know, a matter of fact, if you want to just keep it all the way real, you might want to go take a blood test about a Lina and make sure you to Papa to that. All right? Feel me? Got it? So I'm gonna have your wife getting your car man, because we didn't contemplate it or too long and it's time. Yeah, you do that. You know my information? Like I said, you said enough, you're hitting enough bones there. Now I'm really hunter for somebody. So you know what I mean, somebody's got to go. What you mean, what was all this? Somebody got to go. What you're saying, somebody got to go. Okay, you try about either me or you. One of us got to go see because you're saying the wrong thing. Because what you must understand is if I've given you as much information as I already have, that means I have enough information to know where you are. Brother. You know nothing about me norway I reside. So if you're gonna talk about lock and load and somebody got to go. Then you're saying it to the wrong person because I'm already up on you. Player. You got to first off, you ain't really annoyed because you've got a country action. So second off, like you've done them on the real street. So however you want to handle it, you know my information. Guess what. I don't reside in the more. I ain't doing the more. That's what. Now you've got to start from the scratch like me. I tell you, he'll go to math. Man, You're ready for that. You're ready for this math, You're ready to play. He'll go to math. This nephew, Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You've been pranked by your wife. I'm a killer, yeah, black man until I but you you kind of had me scared for a minute because you really wasn't flinching. You whatever you eating over there, you never did stop eating on it. Oh, I ain't gonna stop eating. I'm gonna keep eating. I listened to y'all every morning. What's the baddest radio morning show in the land, Steve Harvey Show. Y'all don't feel that kind of stupid mom. I don't know about to feel it. I'll tell you what though he was, I'm concerned about you because he never stopped eating right right right, Tommy Stupid. Sure, I want to thank everybody in Jacksonville, Florida came out to hang out with you. Boy. I acted a My dad is say a star Naded food up in now and the Star Nati Food Nah is on his way to day Ohio, Okay at the convention Center. That's this coming Saturday, the twenty. That's right, Stupid is on his way thirty four to some degree weather. I don't care. I'm gonna put a sweater on, Stupid, and I'm gonna ask as ignorant as I can promise you hit your tickets. Three. You're gonna need more damn sweater, Houston too Damn long. You're gonna be in a hospital in your sweater. All right? Coming up next, asked the CLO. Right after this, you're listening day show coming up at the top of the hour and trending entertainment news. Celebrity couple alert Okay singer Adele and sports agent business owner Rich Paul there in the news. Also in entertainment news, Little nas X is going to appear on the Maury Povid Show and uh yeah, I know right, you don't know that, and we're gonna talk to you about here's this question. Should you go back to your old job, your old employer. We'll talk about that because Cam Newton did, Cam Newton did. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time for Steve's favorite segment, ask the clo All right, here we go. This one is from Winky in Kansas City. Winky says, I'm personal trainer and my husband is a bit overweight and it's bad for my business. I'm not ashamed of him at all because he was ill and gained the way. What I won't do, though, is hang out in public with him because he's bad for my brand. We're both fifty eight and he's a former athlete. He's part of my online wellness classes, and I suggested he let me do the videos until he's in shape. My best friend told me, I'm being a brat and not helping my husband at all. Are my actions toward him offensive? Well, your husband can't being the health videos and he ain't healthy. He can't be in the workout videos and he don't look like he'd do them except for the shoot. So no, you're not being and your husband know the deal. He's an athlete. He know that he got to rise to the occasion, past the tests, make the team. He know all of that. So just say, baby, look, until we get it back together, I need to just do these videos alone. Now. You need to help your husband though. Are you shamed to be with him in public and all that? You know, because something could have happened you little miss cute thing, you know, as soon as one of y'all game. Wait, we can't say damn thing about that, Kenny. No, no, no, no, we can't say nothing. Does this dress fit? Of course it does? Hi look from behind? Oh perfect, baby? You know what I mean? You know you don't have any being in the road to the event with the with their spouse in the cars talking to theirselves. I can't believe you. But oh, don't do that. Say it to yourself. No, that's to yourself. That's yourself, and that's where it needs to stay. Surely. All right, thank you? Moving on. This one's from Tamia in Columbus, Georgia, because Toma says, my husband called me Sunday to tell me he tested positive for COVID and he's been staying at a hotel. He'd be staying at a hotel for seven days. It made a lot of sense at first, until I found out he went to work Monday. I popped up at his job and he had it on. He had on two masks and said he couldn't miss any days at work and asked me not to make a scene because no one knew he tested positive. I asked to see his paperwork and he said a nurse called him and said he's positive. Is he lying and trying to cheat on me? Or is he really sick? Wow? Well, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I just don't know. If he put on double mask and went to work. He's being a butthole and that's not fair to the people. He could have COVID and he's staying in the hotel full week. He could have it. Now, what do you want to do? Go over there and stay with him and catch it yourself? Well, what you want to do? I don't know what your husband is up to. It sounds like it could be true, but he can't miss no work. I don't know how they would do They have law, they protect people with COVID and got and got to go to work. I think there's something in place because it's such an infectious disease. I think there's something in place for COVID where they can't dock your pay great excuse hotel, you need to stay at the well. He really needs to stay home. Yeah everyone else. Yeah, that's the issues. I like the hotel for ten days. I like that. But then why if he had worked with double mask because he can't miss It's something. Here's the wrongness of it. If you have COVID and you had worked with two masks on, that's it. That's the wrongness. Yeah, and she just wants to find out the rightness of it all, all right, Moving on, Cammy and Raleigh says. I'm a twenty nine year old newlywed and my husband and I have a two year old daughter. We're having Thanksgiving at our townhouse and my mother and my in laws are coming. I have told my mother that she can sleep in the baby's room, and I got my in laws a room at a hotel that's less than a mile from our house. I got a call from my mother in law and she said she wants to stay at our house and my mom should get a room. My husband told me I can either cancel dinner or put my mom in a hotel too. Is he right? Her? Mama? Wow, Well, we're having typical young marital problems. I've been involved in all of this. But the best thing to do is to treat everybody equal. That's the best way. Because you're a young couple, this is your first Thanksgiving together and everything. Now your mama gets to come over there and stay in the other room. Now the other lady wants to stay in the other room too, and thank her mama to your mama to get put in the hotel. I think everybody should be in the hotel and just make an announcement as adults. Look, I don't want to show favoritism, won't way or the other. So everybody comes to town, We're gonna have to get everybody in a hotel room because I don't want miss miss Peterson the Field or Mama Peterson the Field slighted. And I don't need Mamma Janice to feel slighted. So both of you, all the grandmothers and welcome into the baby's world. And we want it all to be equal. So both of you are gonna have to get hotel rooms. That's the way it should have worked. The problem you have is you've already told your mama she could stay at the house, and now your husband and came in and said, your mama either got to get to a hotel too, or we asked gonna had to cancel them diner dinner is canceled. Stay there because he too small. Yeah, yeah, I know, but you know, in laws ain't don't fit into the family. You know, the family could stay in the same house, but in laws we don't know, y'all. I thought she puts them in here. I don't know them. His mom and dad at a hotel. Lesson's very close, and then her mom's and she's single by herself. She's standing in there with the baby. That's what I thought. But I thought I think so too. Anyway, Yeah, yeah, yeah, she can help her with the baby. Anyway. Toya and Kansas says, I'm in a relationship with a married man and his wife found out about us. So she went up to my job and told my boss. My bosses are Karen, and she was cheated on. So she said she was going to make an example out of me. I don't know what that means, and I'm terrified to go to work. She doesn't know if I'm really messing with the man. Can she legally embarrassed me like that? What should I do? H No, she can't. I'm pretty sure Karen can't do that. Gonna make an example of it her. You've messed with hearsay. You can't do that, and you can't bring this woman's personal life from a non employee into this office. Are you crazy? Karen probably thinks she can. All right, Thank you, Cielo. We're moving on. Coming up at the top of the hour. We got some entertainment news for you. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go, guys with this big celebrity couple. Alert. They've been seeing each other for a minute, but now they're real, you know, out in the open with it. Singer Adele revealed to Rolling Stone that she met Rich Paul on a blind date following her divorce. Adele also called her relationship with rich Paul the most incredible, open hearted, and easiest one she's ever been in. Rich Paul, of course, Steve was born in Cleveland and he met Lebron, Well we don't we go get the big ones? Yeah? He met Lebron James and two thousand and two back in two thousand and two. Within a year, Rich Paul joined James in his inner circle and started working with him professionally after he was drafted into the NBA by the Cleveland Cavaliers. And now they have their own sports agency called Clutch Sports, which represents over twenty five players that includes Anthony Davis, Draymond Greene, Ben Simmons and more. So what do you think about that Steve from Cleveland? Everything? Well, I mean I don't really know Rich Paul Persley at all, and I do not know a Dale at all. So what I think? Really? The hell ain't connection? Yeah? I don't. Can't embody a little Cleveland connection? I mean, do you Pardner? If you like a nice looking girl and everything else? I'm happy for him. If they're happy, I'm cool. Yeah all right? You know that was your song too? Hello? Hello, didn't you love us? All? Hello? And roll Rodale from a Dale. Sometimes I wonder Wi'm still here. Sometimes I hold on unto my deepest fields, so tired of being out here picking on day long, inside on picking my own I'm tired of picking, okay, staving away, sitting down by the dock step just catfishing, time away, show holding on field. We stand with no more? Got all? My card said it by the the back door. You guys know that Cam Newton is back as quarterback for the Carolina Panthers. Cam said this time last week that he was eating a bowl of cereal and now he's back his quarterback for his old team, the Carolina Panthers. So many of us have been faced with this question before. Should I go back to my old job, Should I stay where I am? What should I do? Maybe the new job wasn't as wonderful as you thought it would be, and now you're able to choose and see your old situation more clearly, so maybe your personal situations have changed. So, Steve, I got to ask you any advice. You know, if people are faced with this going back to their own job or staying where they are, you know, just with Cam. My text to Cam would be God is the architect of some incredible stories. That would be my text to him, because that's just the way it works. Man. You never know. I mean, hide could working, and sometimes what people think is a setback is really a comeback. And people people they write you off, they can't wait to write you off. But but but they don't know how God works. And so for me, this whole story was amazing. Now that's Cam Newton. I don't really care about your job, and you got an other job. Y'all ask got to get some work. So if you got to go back, you guys got to go back. But your ass got to get to work because y'all ain't got that kind of money. Save it though, you know, it's it's hard, hard, hard live like that. I don't give it there. What you got to go back to, You got to get your ass because that unemployment to run out. Lord, you ain't got time to be you. You know, you just need some work, get some income coming in. No, if it's your old job, whatever, you just got to go back to get paid. Tried to go back to one job. Man left Lincoln Electric. I tried to go back to Lincoln and extric I just got harder for me after I left and I went back out there. Man, I didn't really want that damn job, and they didn't give it to me. Either something down or they pulled my records up and with nah, so you didn't get it? Wow? All right, So and H and entertainment news, Little Nasax uh is going to appear on Wednesday's episode of the May COVID Show. Um. Yeah, well, I was shocked when I heard that too. Little Nasax is appearing on Maury Povich with his ex boyfriend uh yay Ariza and a teaser for the episode, Maury says Montero, which is nas X's real name, found the love of his life, but a shot to discover that he was married. Okay, so we've got to watch to find out. But word has it that this episode is filled up full of the kind of drama we've come to expect from the show, like a paternity test and a proposal. I don't do this, but I'm gonna make time to watch this. I think I don't say it. I do watch this episode. I'm gonna tell you something on this new Judge show that I have. Yeah, that's going to add January fourth. Now you moved it up. They moved it up there. They're thinking some great things here. I've been moving it. We're supposed to be a summer release show, and now they moved it up. It's prime time now. Thank you very much. Praise God. Oh I have a go, Steve. I'm learning I have a transgender case. Oh yeah, let's just going and go to break albums. Got ready tailor's doing. I win you too. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. A defense attorney for one of three white men standing trial for the twenty twenty killing of twenty five year old unarmed black man a mod Arbory in Georgia, has issued an apology in court after expressing concern with the presence of prominent black pastors in the courtroom. Take a listen. There's only so many pastors they can have. And if their pastors Alice Sharpton right now, that's fine, but then that's it. We don't want any more black pastors coming in here or other Jesse Jackson, whoever was in was in here earlier this week sitting with the victim's family. Yeah what he was not even believe seriously, man, it came out of his mouth because let me tell you something, man, Racism is deep. Man. So they don't want any more black pastors coming down to this city because it's tainting the verdict and all I watched this gown on TV. I went, you're the most ridiculous. But man, it's he's so he's so racist and bend this way his whole life. He don't even know it right? What are you saying? So let me ask you something. If some white passes came down to support the Aubrey family, that would be okay. According to him, it probably would Steve, it probably would listen to what how Reverend Owl responded um He released a statement saying the arrogant insensitivity of Attorney Kevin go In asking a judge to bar me or any minister of the family's choice underscores the disregard for the value of a human life lost and the grieving of a family in need of spiritual and community support. So there you have it. In every deity, Yes, Eric, get it. Pastor I would be getting a million, Marge Post, Bishop t Djan pastor, your mom, Brian it all, everybody, Bishop Almer, everybody, come on, yeah, I can't man be audacity to say something so offensive and racist saying good for you as a defense. Even man, he had no problem telling no, no, perfectly fine, saying that yeah, yes, we don't want black pastors down. What man, let's hear that again, because can you run that again? Please? There's only so many pastors they can half and in fact, their pastors Al Sharpton right now, that's fine, but then that's it. We don't want any more black pastors coming in here or other Jesse Jackson whoever was in was here earlier this week sitting with the victims family. Man, how can you say so you don't want them sitting with the victim's family and then men of God, that's what they do. They come to people's needs. That's you just so man, You just so sick ass race. I only get one black pastor, all right, that's one black pastor, not a bunch of man. All right. Uh, we're gonna move on that. That was all right. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna check Steve's voicemail eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time to check Steve's voicemail eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve. All right, Steve, here's a message from Miss Wynn. Miss winn is looking for sixteen year old men, say, Steve Harvey, this law yet, Win, I am fifty nine years old, single children, grow all my own house. You'll pay off my car, but the only bill I have the best utilities and cardinal assurance, Whitten. And I was just wondering because I'm up in the age and most people my age that I'm married a happiness so and those that are not have a tendency to be playoff. I was just wondering, again, where are all the good over sixty men at the single ones that is? Thank you for positive checking out that question and giving me some sort of answer. Y'all stayed blessed, healthy and safe at the Steve Harvey Morning Show because we are in crucial times with this pandemic. Thank you, hey man. Okay, so what's her names now? Miss Win? First of all, I don't know where all the sixty year old single men are to share you. They're very spread out, so where they are I don't know. But if you're trying to find one, you're already going about it the wrong way. Here's the best thing for you to do. First of all, stop talking about money. Don't introduce yourself as a woman who's paying steel, paying on a car. No, got your own own house, got some bills and stuff, got a couple of things you're working on. Stop stop, that's not how you date. Stop doing that first thing you do, miss miss Winn. Get yourself together. Be the best version of fifty nine that you can be. I strongly suggest dating sites because it opens up your pool of availability. No one knows you're out here, single and available unless you put yourself out there. You don't have to go online seeking people. Get somebody who knows how to do dating profiles. Get on the right dating site. Now, the right dating site cost a little bit more. Harmony e harmony. These costs a little bit more. Now are the scammers online? Of course, you can meet a scammer just in real life. Thou ways to protect yourself get yourself to cell phones, miss all. When and when you meet a guy online that act talked to you, the only number you give him out is the burner phone, the one that you bought a Walmart that you put the minutes on. Never give away your real number and get in a chat and see if you could become friends with some men first. That's what you do. That's my suggestion because dating online increases a woman's pool of availability. The hunters are going to hunt. The players are still out there. You just does not make you player proof, but that's life. Stay preyed up, miss when God bless you and it's gonna be all right. But stop talking about your car note in your house, all right, let us know how it goes, MS win all right. Uh, here's the question for Junior. Question about Junior, Casey, I was just calling to see um if nephew, Um, I mean your nephews Junior, if he's dating? Okay, we ain't nah, Nah, Tom is gonna be upset. It ain't called you, nephew firmly Hill, ask my junior. Is na Steve nephew? What do you mean? What nephew Junior? We'll go ahead, Well, gonna ask nephew Junior, little Junior, what listen to me? Junior is available, he's available for dating. Nah, you need to pick when you call in. Ask him about people. Get your energy up. You sound old and I'm scared. Is he seeing any somebody won't name. We're gonna be able to gather that meet at the church grounds. Junior is in his forties, all right, see that eight seven seven, twenty nine, Steven leave a message. We just may play yours on the air. Coming up next with today's prank phone call. Right after that, right to sound. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject is sorry, The subject is I want my boss so bad. We're looking into I was laughing something else. We'll get into that a little later, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Enough? Y'all like them, we all love them, We've all had them. This right here is Girl Scout Cookies. What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie? Stop? Let's go Cato? Hello? Hello? Who's this? Hey? Um? How are you doing? Man? My name is Glenn Man. I'm working. I work in building too. You work for Nudia? Right? Yeah? What? What's fun? So we probably met a couple of times. Uh? Do you have a girl? Do you have a girlfriend? Uh? Why? What's up? Do you guys? You guys live together? Or or what? What? What is this your business? Like? What? What? What's what's what's the deal? What's what's what are you asking about? My girl? Well, let me ask you this here. What's what's what's going on with you and at the job? Uh? What what do you? What do you mean? What's going on with like? Like I mean you you know you know right? I mean so what like what what's what's the deal? What? What? Who are you? Like? Who the who the are you? Like? What's what's what's the what? What is this for? Like why you Like I don't even know you? Right? I just calmed down, bro, just calmed down, Like I say, my name is Man. I work at Gila too, you know, And I know I'm just telling you now. I know you. I know what you're doing, Okay. I know what y'are doing at the job. I already know, and a couple other people know what's going on. And I know you got a girl. I know you got a girl at home. I know that. What so so what? What? What? What the what? What is this about? Like? Why why do you call my phone trying to harass me about the book? Like? Who are you? Like? What? What what is your problem? Like? Hey, man, hey, hey came down. Man, I ain't finished. I ain't trying to tell you a little secret or nothing like that. I ain't trying to do that, all right. But but but I'm gonna be real with you, okay, all right, Like I said, you know, I got one of your names. I got your number from one of the co workers. Okay, I got your number. I say, I want to I want to give the call and you talk to him about something. That's how I got your number. So yeah, who gave you the ten? We'll get to that. Okay, we'll get to that, lady. But let me but let me say this though. I know what's going on with you and to the job, all right, and I ain't gonna say nothing about it. You know, that's just our little secret or whatever. But I do have something I want you to do. Though, what do you want? Did? But what do you want? You call me, bugging me about and all this book like what do you want? What do you want? But here it is, man, listen, I ain't gonna say nothing about what you got going on, all right. That ain't that ain't even I don't even care about that. But here here's what I do want you to do. I do need some help from you, all right. Listen. My little girl is selling girl scout cookies and I want you to buy fifty boxes of them all right, will be a cash out because she got to have them sold by tomorrow morning. Are you kidding me? Bro? You okay, so you're on some black mail's books and listen to who the gave you my number because you're gonna call me asked me to box them cookies and you should just bet a man and ask me about it, Like, don't be calling my phone trying to give me that book, Like come on, man, like I ain't got no time for this. Like all I'm asking you to do is buy TODAYMN cookies. Man, That's it, you know what I'm saying. I'm just saying, I do want you to buy my cookie. I need you to buy fifty box Little Girls Scout cookies. Can you do that? No? No, no no no no no no no no no no. You ain't gonna call and try to manipulate me and defying like you're you're you're talking? Are you trying to make me fice think? But you're nothing for you disrespecting me, calling my phone, trying to act like you like just trying to manipulate. I ain't down with that, bro. I ain't done you. You don't want to buy my cookies though, so do you want me to call your your girls and ship ship on my cookies? So you gotta say the away from my girl, man like, don't don't come near her. Okay, you don't call her, you'll come near her. Son't come near me. You just get get them out of here. I'm about to start this ninety figure out who you are, and come right after you, man like, because I ain't playing bro, I ain't all right. So I'm gonna tell you what, man, I ain't gonna argue with you. I'm gonna argue with you, but I'll get off the phone right now. I'll get off right now. And I'm a girl. I'm gonna call your girl and see if you want buy some cookies. No, no, no, no no, you ain't call nobody. You just get you get I try to God, I'm gonna find out who you are. I'm gonna find out who gave you that number. I'm gonna call you up like Jo, you'nna call me trying to right me? Okay, Hey, man, hey, hey, you know what angrean cool? We're still talking about it, all right. I'm gonna get the right. I don't like you so so so I'll get off the phone like you want me to, Adrian, I'll do that, but let me let me ask you this though. Let me ask you this though. You sure you want me to call you? Sure you want me to do that? Right? Ain't that? Isn't that her name? Man? You something? Individuals? I ain't Look how much of these cookies? How much you want? A man? Tom Me told me you would buy the cause Keith Tommy, Yeah, Tommy told me you would buy the cookies. Tommy Tommy an hey, man, check it out. Listen, nephew tom Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your co worker got me to pray for call. Yah my god, I'm gonna kill him so so, oh god, listen, so listen, Adrian. We have beat. We have beat all the names, so nobody knows the things at all. Okay, you're good, bro, You're good man, and I you got me. Oh God, I'm I'm gonna go. I'm gonna take a nap, man. I just used up all my Yeah, I'm done. Oh God, Like, hey, where you go? I am going? You up? Man, I can't believe you got me on this. Tell me this man one more thing, what's the bad? And I mean the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvard mortingshill Man, which is why he got played every morning. He'll never let you, never let your coworker know what you're doing, never let you many than that. Though he was at the end of how much is the cookies? He can't get his information back to the house. That's pranking at his best, y'all. I mean, I don't know if y'all y'all ain't in the pranking visit, but that's prank. Tell me Tom, sir, when you were gone, we have a question for you. Hold on, hold on. So when I was gone, y'all had a meeting by me? No, no, we have a question. It's not a meeting. It was done on the air. And when I'm going, y'all talking about go ahead, let me hear no, no, no, no, you know you dog. That's like when I'm going, how y'all talk about the same damn thing. Don't miss your day. If you miss your day, you got to pay. Yeah, that's the rule. The concern we have is after the pranks, do we have to have praise and worship service every time you do a prank and that we had that on the ad. Do we have to praise and worship you after every prank? What is that? What's the what's the proper? Are coming back after the prank? And we ain't gonna prank, praise worship? Why not? Yeah, well we don't want to do that though. No. I hear what he said, But what I'm saying is we don't want to do that, no more. No nobody wants so okay, but I show up he has on the zoom who don't want to prank praise after the show? Who does not want to? Oh? Don't nobody? Like I ask everything all the zoom cameras is feel with hands, two hands. Oh, it's like, oh, we got prank haters up in here. We don't have to prank haters. We have we want to praise and worship the Lord, Thank you, but not each one of y'all. I'm out for I'm out for all of y'all, not everybody getting prank'll be ready, you've been warned. Coming up next Strawberry letter and the subject is I wear boots. Subject is I want my boss so bad that right after I'm gonna stop this damn you're listening to show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter because you never know, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now, to be yours. You never know. Let me put my sexy on, buckle up, and hold on tight. Here. It is the one and only the Strawberry Letter. That's another thing, another meeting, another meeting. Yes, all right, here we go, Thank you, nephew. I want my boss so bad. Is the subject this Stephen Shirley. I am a female in my mid twenties and I started a new job a few months ago. While I love it, I'm planning to put in my notice because I found a better paying job. My work environment is very challenging for me because the entire time I'm at work, I'm fantasizing about my boss. When I'm at home, I'm always thinking about him. When I get dressed for work daily, I dress to get his attention. My boss is almost as old as my father, but I am so attracted to him that the age doesn't bother me. He's very sweet and loves his job and all of his employees. I feel like we have a meaningful We have meaningful We have had meaningful conversations alone and occasionally flirt with each other. While I'm with him, my mid my mind sometimes drifts off, and I can't help but imagine us in various sexual positions all over the office. You missed the line back up where you say while I'm with him? You say, wis win? Oh okay that when I'm with him, my mind sometimes drifts off, and I can't help but imagine us in various sexual positions all over the office, at my house, outside, any and everywhere. He's made it clear that our company's policy prohibits coworkers being in relationships or hooking up. I'm pretty sure he told me that so I would know he wants me, but he can't have me because he might get fired. I can't wait to see his reaction when I tell him that I plan to leave and get another job. The way he responds will tell me if I should pursue him. Once I'm working somewhere else I hope that he feels the same way about me, because I would have left a really good job over nothing. I'm thinking I should test the waters before I resigned. But how do I do that? Do I come out and tell him that I'm head over heels for him? Or do I play it cool and brush up against him and see what he does. He has told me that a man will let a woman know if he wants her through his actions. But if I'm the only one that wants to have sex, how should I proceed here? All right? The first thing I'm going to say to you is you need to come all the way down. Okay, Are you paying attention to what's really going on here? This man, your boss, who you say is several years older than you, has given you no indication whatsoever that he's interested in you. And I'm sure as a man he's noticed you, but he hasn't acted on that. In fact, he's done just the opposite. He's told you, in his cool old school way that when a man wants a woman, he will let her know by his actions. He hasn't done that. He also said it's against couplany policy, and you know this as well. To date, each other to hook up. He's not trying to lose his job. He's not trying to do that. You said he loves his employees and he loves his job. You, on the other hand, are going to quit your whole job because of your fantasies about him. You say you like working there. If you quit, you think you'll then have a chance to date him. I just know where in this letter did you say he had the least bit of interest in you that way. I just think you got to look at the facts here, and the facts don't say that. The facts that that he's completely not interested, and you got to deal with that. Maybe you need to go on to this other job, because I don't see any good coming out of this if you stay here. Steve, Wow, little girl, Oh bye, my lady, you all by yourself. I can't believe that you've gone this far with all of You've played this thing all the way out, and everything is based on your fantasies. You've completed a whole scenario. How long have you been up in your head? Oh bye, my sit How long have you been going up in that head of yours alone, just dancing round naked? You've been all over the office with this. You just you everywhere, and I wish you haven't. You didn't say how long you've been at the job when you're mid twenties. Oh, I see, you started a new job a few months ago, so let's say ninety days and twenty days, and you love it, but you're gonna put your notice in because you found a better paying job. Okay, cool, go do that. But now here comes the rest of it. It's been very challenging for you because the entire time you at work, you're fantasizing about your boss. We're gonna get into this letter on the second half about what's going on. But when I'm at home, I'm always thinking about him. When I get dressed for work, I dressed to get his attention. My boss is almost as old as my daddy, but I'm so attract to him. Age don't bother you. He sweet loves his job, all his employees. You feel like you have meaningful conversations alone and occasionally flirt with each other. When I'm with him, my mind sometimes drifts off and I can't help but imagine us various sexual positions all over the office, at my house, outside, in and everywhere he's made it clear that our company policy previous co workers in relationships from hooking up. But guess what you came away with that. I'm pretty sure he told me that, so I know he wants me right, it's company policy. Yes, hang on, Steve, hang on. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour of the subject I want my boss so bad. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject it is I Want my boss so bad? Little girl. Look, let me just get this out the way. This entire letter has been played out and written in your head. You've been up in your little brain just dancing around in your mid twenties, and you've created all of these scenarios. Now. I don't doubt that you attracted to this man. I know you fantasizing about this man. I don't know if this man has had a thought about you one way or the other. I have nothing in this letter that says he shares the same thoughts as you. You said this that let me know where your head is at in this whole letter, you said, after you fantasize about having these very sexual positions all over the office, at your house, and outside of anywhere and everywhere, he's made it clear that our company policy prohibits coworkers from being in relationships or hooking up. Then you said, I'm pretty sure he told me that, so that I know he wants me, little girl, These company policies were not written so you know, so you would know that your boss, won't you. These company policies were created to prevent in work relationships that were hamper, hinder and cause the company not to be as productive or profitable. This is why these were created, Nan, And she said, but he can't have me because he might get five. So let me tell you something about this man right him. Well, first of all, let me finish the letter. I can't wait to see his reaction when I tell him I plan to leave and get another job. The way he responds would tell me if I should pursue him once I'm working somewhere else. I hope he feels the same way about me, because you don't know that, because I would have left a really good job for nothing. So really, the reason you're leaving this job so you could pursue this man. It ain't the really that you found a better paying job. It said you you want to get free, so you could pursue this man because you said because if I would have left, and really, if he doesn't feel the same way about me, I would have left a really good job over nothing. I'm thinking I should test the waters before I resign. But how do I do that? We're not gonna tell you that. Do I come out and tell him my head over heels for him? Or do I play it cool and brush up against him and see what he does at work? You fitling, go over there, just rub your ass up against this man. Wait, you fit do what little girl? Or your breast? Are you gonna run your breast across his chest? Which one you're gonna do? And then it would let me a woman. He told me that a man will let a woman know he wants her through his actions. What if I'm the only one who wants to have sex? Because he was trying to help you understand something. A man will let you know by his actions, But he shown you no actions. He tried. He could be giving you a little lesson, little girl. How should I proceed? Him. All right, here, go to facts. All this is built on your fantasies. Number two, you're in your head all by yourself. Number three, you want to have an affair. Number four. This man ain't about to risk his livelihood. And here's one you haven't thought about it. This man is in a relationship. I promise you he is. You didn't mention that. You didn't mention if he was married. You didn't mention if he was dating anyone. You didn't mention if he has children, grandchildren, You didn't mention any of that. You've totally ignored what you're trying to do here without any consideration for cause and effect. What's wrong with you? Take this fantasy you got somewhere and go happy with somebody that you can live your fantasy out with what you all up in this old player's business fault. This man has someone, this dude, they walk around with all this swag and all this power and money. They ain't got no girl, But you don't care about that. Now, let's get to the title of this letter. I want my boss so bad, girl. You know how many times I've been here. I mean, I just can't imagine. No, I don't get into it now. All this is laughing. You know how many times I've been here. If you can see the looks of these women's faces on this zoom screen right now, let me explain something to you. Girl. Ain't no telling what's going on in their little heads over here. We all know none of this right here, you know no. I feel for them every day they can come in here and gotta see all this. I know what this is. Your boss is going through Monica over here, call over here, share over here, and they can't even do nothing. They got husbands and good dudes too. Got some good husband I like both all I like Nesto and taught they good dude. But you know they ain't always been married to these me And I'm pretty sure somewhere when they found out the big dog wasn't available, they had to go on the move on what they like. Now, one of them could still be hanging on for dear life because Mississippi ain't made a move right now. I don't know what she's waiting on. I'm pretty show this letter ain't about me, But this show feel like because I got a way of turning all these letters around on me. Because yesterday when we said I want my boss so bad they having their asshole. You comings on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. On Instagram and face Book, can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast under Man checking out coming up to forty six minutes after they run up Sports Talk with Junior right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time now for Sports Talk with Junior. What you got Junior? Oh my god? First off, man, Timmy, I think we need to start looking at agents, and I'm available. Uh you need if you need an agent, because I want to give a shout out to my man, my little nephew, Jordan Miles with a two run home run man, little league baseball, Go ahead, Joey, I'm sorry, man, he got it down. Man, he getting used hit no run. Boy. I'm just a proud papa. So yeah, I'm up for any agent, see you, Steve, anybody? Hey man? How did that feel? Man? To see your son hit the home run? You ain't never hear one? Hey? Hey, question was going right now? I can honestly say I've never done what he's done. I can honestly say I ain't done. Okay, you need to go out there and try to hit once so you can see the feeling he got. He can't. No, I'm not I'm not telling my back out. No, I'm not doing that. I'm not trying to get that ball. Okay, I know what I can't do. That's good Man. Congratulations to Jordan Man. I'm proud of him. Man. Now the biggest sports start they talked about. Man. He backed Cam Newton back with the Carolina Panthers. And this is this is really cool Man, because like you said early in the show, this is a great comeback for Cam Newton. Man. I'm a Cam Newton fan. I love Cam Man. Now let's take a journey. He was released from the from the New England Patriots on Tuesday, August thirty, first, twenty twenty one. Front the page he got released from August September October. He ain't even playing footballs like Sae eat a bowler Syria. Last week. On November eleventh of this year, he signed with the Carolina Panthers. Now he signed a one year deal for ten meal. It's worth up to ten meal four point five guaranteed for the rest of the year. Now, I'm looking for the little boy who told Cam he was gonna be broke. Where's this boy had? Now? Where is a little boy who talked to Cam at the football camp said you ain't gonna make no more money? Cam, I'm petty. I'm over the petty committed. Where the little boy had now? We need to interview him. How he feeling this morning? I mean he learned like everybody else. No, you write him off and everything. And I'm sure when he got released by New England, I'm pretty sure the little boys. I told y'all, I told y'all, well, I see God. God is not through. He ain't through. Man, It don't matter how I look right now, just keep just just keep waking up. Congratulations to Cam Man and he showed out, Oh Man, he showed out Sunday Man. He showed him, threw a touchdown and ran for a touchdown and the team Brian had two practices. It came back out like he never left. So, man, I just like the comeback story man not being written off. I think that's important. Less of everybody. I don't care what it is you're doing. You can't ever give up on your dream, man, you can't do that. Now. I proud Cam don't go man, super Bowl, next cam, come on, give me one more, right, what I wouldn't mind? I wouldn't mind it, all right, all right, thank you j you're coming up at the top of the hour. What tactics do you use to kick people out of your house after Thanksgiving dinner? We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show. Well, we all know Thanksgiving is next week, and after the turkey dinner, after everyone's eaten and their waistbands have stretched to the limit, Well, it's time for your Thanksgiving desk to go home, right. Well, unfortunately, you know, everybody's not ready to just leave, you know, they don't They're not ready to go. Yeah. Yeah, So we got to ask you, guys, what tactics do you use to kick them out? You know, we don't want you to be rude or anything, but we have a couple of suggestions. You can stand up. No, no, no, we we got got you. That's better for it all. I started off I actually an hour out, start d robing because you got a nice shirt, nice pay of pants on, that's knife. But I started d rowing about an hour after that. I'm probably the wife beater and drawls that that's a good sign. I'm walking around scratching from yea junior, junior, what you got? I'm telling you this is what I do. First thing I do, get him out the house. I called the police and tell them there's a lot of loading going around in my house. There's a lot of lording happening people just around here. I need them out. Yeah. They pulled up five paus deep. Black people started leading. They see police call, They go, I do this about halftime of the football game. It's my favorite move. Who yeah, oh lord, Yeah, I got mold. Sometimes I got more. Sometimes I just started passing out sheets and louminum fall sconna make your plates, wrapping up one sheet per person. Yeah, because you start putting that food, await. You know they gets the message. Uh, you can just start tongue kissing your spouse right there in front of everybody. I think they'll get the picture right there. I think you'll finally getting I throw up. Ain't marriage green bean cascel roll, ain't nobody ate it. People starting to leave because they don't want a piece of that. What my keys at there, get out of there. They gotta eat that green being castle roll. Don't nobody eat it. Why is marriage cast roll? I touched. I let a mouse loose. Just head across the floor. You're gonna clear a room of black people. I let a mouse loose for show. Yeah there's another one. I do. I know this. You know the people that wasn't invited, which usually to convict, I invite them to say food left when they show up. Everybody started leaving because you don't get robbed. You don't know if you get held a good point, don't care if you family members, they're gonna come. That's child time, child time, child time. Extreme people out the house. But Junior, that ain't bad because I've done two things similar to that. I've had a crackhead cousin of mine just steal a car the football game stark you know, because then you say, you know, because they get like that round here when they's dog let me. I got to get my cap out of here there. You don't want them to stay to watch the game. They can't na na here. Get that car stole? And then people people, I mean you get because yeah, it's been a rash of car thieves round here. Wouldn't get dark, Well get my car to here for get dark. Yeah, you gott oh, you can let your dog out now because most black people can't handle the dog. Let the dog in with the food. Yeah, he run around just sniffing everybody. One last one for me, this was my all time favorite. I go down stairs and cut the power off a little extreme. Do I like that? Black? I ain't no TV and its cove. Yeah, we said, not being rude. That's that. Ain't rude? Power off? Go down that They don't know it's me. Yeah, but you go back up staying unk, like you didn't even know. I go back upstairs and it's getting dark. I do a while it's still a light with you, like you know, we tell about Steve Harley. Yeah, they know it's you. You've done this before. I want to stay. I go outside, I shut the generate off and everything. Happy Thanksgiving one. We'll have more of days trending stories and more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up. And twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening to the morning show, so our friends. Kevin Hart's son Hendrix, was treated to the most epic birthday ever at an LA Lakers game. First, Russell Westbrook took off his shoes he wore during the game and gave them to Hendrix. Then Anthony Davis gave Hendrix his jersey. Then Carmelo Anthony followed suit and gave his sneakers to the birthday boy. Kevin posted, he is taller than me and already cooler than me. Happy birthday son. Wow, that's pretty epic right there. That's really nice. That was cool. You want my sneaks, June. That's how small they are. They're booties. Let me have what I take them time and just just hang them on my review minute. You want my sneakers? That was pretty cool though. It's nice nice, Yeah, celebrating birthdays and these kids. Your call is some of your shoe? What you say? He said, Shirley, give Carlin some of yours. Yeah, we can exchange. That's different for sure. All Right, here we go, coming up and coming up in thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll do a round. I would you rather right after this, Marjorie? You can give me a bag too if you want. You're listening to all right, it's time for around him. Would you rather with the guys? All right? Here we go? Would you rather always say everything on your mind? Or never curse again? Oh? Hey all day. That's my whole goal in life is to get there. Who I ain't got the call no more? Yeah? Everything, oh, everything that's on my mind. I can't wait and and I want to do it in my last comedy special when I Ain't got the kill no more. Oh but if you do that, then you can never curse again. You can never curse ever? What what? And we said we wanted to do a Yeah, everything that's on your mind. But you can't curse, not not an ore. You can't do it if you either say everything that's if I say everything that's on my mind? How you don't think of no customers? You can't. Would you rather do that or never curse again? A? Right, I'd rather cuss right now on my response to this? Do that? You can't? Can't you do that? Can't do that? Well? Next one? All right? Would you rather listen to music from the seventies? He uh huh yeah or listen to music from today? That was easy? Oh well, then give me a you'll take it. You'll take a give me a. Have you heard the music today? Yes? Today, I can't do all the South No no, no, no no no, Tommy said today And I can listen to Bruno Malls. I can listen to Anthony Hamilton. I can listen to Charley Wilson. What you're talking about? What's wrong with today? Beyonce today? What what's wrong with releases? Current music today today? But you can only listen to the stuff that's released today. Yeah, I'll take the seventies, said okay, An, I can't, all right, I would die without that? Would you rather? Would you rather live in Antarctica where it's cold, or hear a desert? Be? Definitely be? Okay an anglish and lass, I'll be out there. That's where I stayed in the hospital. I wouldn't even go. I wouldn't go outside. Just pick me out. I gotta get Okay, how high he is the desert, I'm gonna be out right. I'm gonna work with this, this desert thing. We had a similar one to this one. Would you rather go deep sea diving or bungee jumping? Where I changed changing my side out that side, But he said, see there is anything else. Yeah, you can see diving jumping, deep sea diving or budget jump. I'm gonna do that. Bunget I'm gonna do that. I ain't fooling with that water, man, I'm gonna do that bunge you all, Oh yeah, like that water. I ain't fooling with that water, right, Thank you guys. Coming up next, our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening Steven Show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Tuesday. Yeah. Yeah, anybody learn anything today and they're great getting up on it. Yeah. I learned I don't want timy shoes. I know, I don't learn you call them booty. I learned I will bunget jump before I go deep sea diving. I've learned that I don't know. Man, that's a tough one because I ain't can't do either one O that core can't break either though. I know that ain't a thirty second story. You're not long. We're gonna before we get to the bottom of it is deep sea would be secure, everybody. I also learned that I don't have to worship Tommy after every prank. I learned that to day too. I'm thank you, Father God. I just wanted to reduce everybody from that, you know, after every praise and worship. Thank you, I mean why you was going toime? Okay, want to do it no more and want you to stop asking us what do y'all want to do after the prank is over? Just let you sell your dates, talk about Ready for Love, promote your shows. Yeah, it's the praise and worship we don't want to do any more. And also, Tommy, can we please stop? Can you please stop saying you sexy? Can you do that for me? I'm not gonna do that now, that's not gonna happen. Now that one right there, you're not gonna get I don't even understand why you insist on saying that, because you never get anybody to co sign that. Ever, I never get anybody on this show to co si. We don't about believing in yourself and you know and all that all that motivation. Yeah, just in yourself. Yes, look in the mirror. Believe in the outside of yourself too. And the outside of you does not say sexy. So so are you saying my mirror is lying to me? Saying you're lying to your mirror. Yeah, he marr shows you the fact because it bothers a lot of people who don't. You just got to thinking you was a sexy boss or doing the star. No, I just think I was a sexy boss. I've been wanted as as as a boss. As a boss, yes, that's a fact, making please understand crystal clear. But now that that's a fact, you being sexy, it's not a consensus. I've never heard anybody, anybody say, man, your damn nephew, that boy's so sexy. I ain't even never. Hey, hey, let me to tell you sometime, tell you something that's true. Okay. Not a single girl ever came with me and said, could I meet Tommy? Oh? Stop that stop? Okay? Who who? Okay Tommy, Tommy? Have I ever introduced you to a girl? Is this a thing? Right now? Years and years ago? But years me? And what did I introduce U to you? For? I forgot? It wasn't about a relation that long ago. It wasn't about not about a relationship. So it was called she wanted to learn something about plays, and I said, let me introduce you to Tommy. Let steve. He came on here and that very premise, the sexy nephew Tommy's tips for ladies. Remember he used to do all that stuff. You notice we don't do that no more. All this point this is gone. It ain't gone. It never took. Oh we tried, ladies, ladies, try to for fire Man is five, but nobody time a time. Ladies, ladies, lady remember okay, ladies come, ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies, lady be Yeah, how my ladies doing out there? Fun? You know, you know, you know how long we tried to push that down the public's throat. But Steve, remember when we used to do our live remotes. We go around the country, we travel so much on the show, and Tommy would come out and he would do that what did you call that jump thing, Tommy? You do when you that African the African death stroke? Yeah, the African death Remember you know the ladies went crazy. Now he know about that because everybody in the family do that. Ask him? Do we know about the African death stroke? Steve, you have to learn the African death stroke because we know we're not sexy. Oh, there's there's a story behind the tradition. You got to learn that type of stuff, man, because you can't. You know, it ain't nothing. You can't just be you already ain't attractive now you ain't got no skills yet, attractive. You gotta gotta do something. Remember when he okay, what about when he used to drive the Maserati and all that he raced? You know, I remember the Maserati talking about that car you're talking about? No, no, no, here we go go. You're talking about the car told him not to buy. Yes, remember that? How many times was he on the side of the road and couldn't make it to work because that car stopped at the red light? Man, everybody was looking at me. I just I cause you bought a used MASAAETI. Oh yeah, that's sexually that's what he could afford back. No no, no, no, no, no, no, no, oh no no, no, oh no no. It's nothing wrong with the pre home car. The problem is coming to always ladies, and they'd knock forty grand off of it because it's lost forty thousand in value. Y'all have a great day. We'll see y'all tomorrow. US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.