Bun B, Wendy Williams, Sheryl Underwood, Miss Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Apr 25, 2019, 11:00 AM

The opening of today's show is about getting paid!  New York is the first city to ban processed foods.  Bun B gets the best of an armed man in his house.  Lori Laughlin is still catching shade.  Wendy Williams got some choice words from Chris Breezy along with divorce talks being turned right back at her from Van Jones.  The man who murdered James Byrd, Jr. was executed in Texas.  Sheryl Underwood talks about Biden, Budweiser, Democrats and more.  Miss Carla really goes in on Episode 3 in Reality Update.  Chicago honors iHeartMedia executive with 'Angela Ingram Day' and the show gives her a big shout out.  Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO speaks about God's promises and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back all suit on the down giving them move like the milking buck bus things and it's tubbles. Y'all good it. Steve listening to movie together for stum Please, Mommy, I don't joy by joined me to be doing me. You gotta turn you gotta turn the turnout. You got to turn them out to turn the water. The water got me. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I shall well, good morning everybody. You'll listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Arvey got a radio show. Man, old Man. Old Man symbolizes just one thing to me. Man, It's just a constant remind of exactly how good God has been to me over the years. And I'm thinking for it too, because I realize every day that I wake up that I would be nothing without Him. That everything I am that's any good in me, I owe to him. Now. Have I made some mistakes along the way, yep, bunches, bunches and bunches. And will I continue to make mistakes along the way yep? Not as many, hopefully as I have in the past, because a lot of stuff I know better now, but you're still going to make mistakes now, you know. Hopefully I've limited the amount of intentional in my life. I've wiped quite a few of those out, but from time to time, because we're human, we're going to make a mistake every now and then. The trick, what it is, y'all's not to let the devil deceive you into thinking that once you make that mistake, that that's it. You can't do it. You're falling off the wagon. You can't reboard it. That's the biggest trick that he uses. He makes you think that if you keep stumbling, that you can't run the race. It kind of reminds me of a marathon runner. From time to time I watch him on TV, and you'll see some people who finish the race, you know, in a in a nice pace. You see people finish the race sprinting towards the finished line. But every now and then you'll watch a marathon and you'll see a runner and the runner is in really really bad shape and getting close to the finish line to the point where you see them fall, and sometimes you see them crawling and you see the people, the aid people that work there trying to encourage them on. Now they can't lift them up and walk them across the finish line because they'll be disqualified. But you see people staggering from side to side, I mean wobbling really really bad. Legs are completely shot, and you're thinking, man, I hope they make it and hang on. And a lot of times, almost every time I've seen this person or these people manage to somehow cross the finish line and then the aid workers running in and wrap them in the luminum fall looking blanket and start trying to get some water to them and get an IV in their arm and get them in an ambulance. The key is they finished the race. See, you don't get disqualified in the marathon because you stumble, You don't. They don't. They don't take your opportunity to finish the race because you keep falling. That's not the key. The kid is finishing. And a lot of times what the devil does is he makes you think that because you keep stumbling, because you're swaying from side to side, that you know you out the race. Well, that's not the case. And see, and in this thing called life, let me help you understand something. Everybody falls. Nobody sprints to the tape in this one, nobody just runs free and clear as some people running faster than you and all like this, and some people gonna get to the end before you let them go ahead. And when the end come, the end come. I ain't in the rush to get to the end. But in this race, though, when you're stumbling and you're falling, it's a part of it. No one gets through this race without stumbling and falling, swaying from side to side. So don't let the enemy deceive you into thinking that it's over. I try to be encouraging to people because I don't want people to get stuck on this thing, you know. And my walk is very different from a lot of people's walks. And then I know a lot of people who walking in faith the way I'm walking in faith. But my thing in the morning is just to remind those that is not a perfect walk, man, that it's not something that's set up where you're gonna be skipping through life scot free without any pitfalls. You know. I keep saying it over and over and over again, because, like I said, when I was in DC, my boy Hondo said this to me, and it just kind of stuck with me that the road to construct, the road to successes always under construction. You have to figure and count on the setbacks and the pitfalls. But it's those people that that that that fight through will be the victors in the end. You cannot give up, man, Stop going somewhere sitting down. Every time something goes down. It's going to go down. It's a part of it. It's going to happen. It's going to occur that are going to be setbacks. If you go and sit down every time there's a setback, that's not how this works. Please understand it is designed that way. If success were easy, everybody would be successful. But success is just reserved for those who are willing to fight through, who refuse to settle for mediocrity, who wants something more. Now, don't get me wrong. Success is defined by each individual. So what I may consider to be successful, you may not consider that. You know what Bill Gates considers successful. I might not what Michael Jordan considers successful. I might not consider what you consider successful. Your boss might not consider. You have to define what that is for yourself. It may not be monetary at all. You know, your level of success could be tied up in community service. It could be tied up in family. It could be tied up into church. Your level of success could be tied up into boys clubs. It could be any number of things. Whatever your level of success is, you have to determine what that is you and the best way to determine that is to get in touch with your maker, who created you, to find out what your mission and your purpose is so he can put you on track. I just had this conversation with my son and we were talking about getting on the path that God has set up for you. So many times we find ourselves fighting through life because of so much much uncertainty, because we have no idea where we're headed. It's like one of my own sayings that I have at my mentoring camp for boys is is that a boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map. See if you don't have a map laid out in front of you of where you're going when you wake up every day, that pretty much explains the feeling of confusion. The laxidaisical attitude, the lack of purpose, to not understanding your mission because you don't have not gotten in touch with your creator. To find out exactly what your path in life is. What are you supposed to be doing? The moment you can identify that is the moment that you get started waking up with purpose, with a sense of direction. When you kill the sense of I don't know what's next or what to do. Now, there's going to be some confusing moments no matter what happened, it's going to be some uncertainty. But at least you'll know where you're going. So if you're tied a waking up feeling loss, abandoned, confused, don't know what to do, don't know what you're supposed to be doing, refer back to your makeup. Because when he created you, he had a plan for you. When he created you, he had a path for you. Now we've made some decisions to get off of both of those, the mission and the path. But God can get you right back on track. Do that today, Talk to him about it, ask him what you're supposed to be doing, and listen, God has all the answers if you form the relationship. Okay, all right, let's go show, ladies and gentlemen, but have your attention please. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show and it's about to be like this hill in case you thought, you know, we're about to do something different. What's up, Sherlan? Hey, Steve getting no prehill? Call what's happening Steve Crew? What it is? Junior Morning, Lorning, Tommy, tom nephew, Tommy coma. Yeah, three or for him to come to work, y'all. Way, don't about which one. We're gonna get them? Three different people, a lot of people going around. Oh this boy is Tripola? Goodness, I care to night? Yeah? Here a little different, y'all. It's been interested. Oh man, Yeah, who is that person that's sure when your money misses? What's his name? You're seeing him? Yeah? For everybody in the room. Say the promoters say they ain't they ain't got the money? What what now? Come on, you can do it better, Junior. That's how I said it. I came back and real I had just started coming. Timmy had took me out of the road. I ain't been doing maybe about maybe a year and a half. Hey, timing, timingmoter say he ain't got the money? What we do? What what? Boy? Stay in this room. This is the instructions he gave me. Stay in this room. Don't come out until I knock on this dought like a hurricane. Ye it was. I'm sure it was hurricane. Man. That's probably the one thing you can't do to us standing up, because the only reason I'm out here for this check. This is how we at man. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't come out here just to entertain. I need this check. I got some stuff I got to do back at the house. But you know what, Steve, they used to say. They said that that's how Aretha Franklin was. She got paid in cash. That's why you see that person when you pay her in cash. Let me tell you something, the old school, right, they don't play that. But the Queen of Soul. You wouldn't even think that about. You think they'd have won. Why the show has not started? Yeah, the money has not been fast. I was amazed one time in the Bahamas. He didn't go out. He can't go out. Got his money? You don't give him his money before need to rest up. I walk out that out before I let go, Before I let go, I got to just take this half and going back to the house. We got round trip tickets. We're back. Before I walk up here and start nothing, No I've only not gotten paid twice. Have you ever held out like, wait, let me made the show? Wait, have you ever done that? No, because the audience doesn't know. Yeah, and so I always had to respect crowd, so I'm always gonna go out. No. I had a guy named Paul that didn't pay me. He said, I just didn't make enough. I'm not paying you. JT came in there, said dog. He say he ain't paying me, and Bone went in. Now, oh goodness, yeah, coming up with thirty thirty two after the hour, guys and trending stories. New York City is banning hot dogs and process meat. Wow, we'll talk about it when we come back right after this You're listening show, Did you guys hear that the city of New York is banning hot dogs now, and not only hot dogs, process meat. Okay, I'm worried because we lived in New York a long time. Yes, And that's all I ate was those hot dogs off the street. And there was a certain bick his hand. You ain't got a lot you got you're gonna be all right, but you're gonna be sick. Why you hit it? And then when you were living uncle used to boil the hot dogs soup and give me the water. I told you it was a soup. Yeah, yeah, And he got crackers. He gets crackers with it. History with sick a long time and day. So anyway, they're banning hot dogs and processed meats to improve the climate. Now hot so hot dolls killing the climate. You know what it did to us this Yeah? Yeah. New York City will be the first city in the US to eliminate processed meats. Mayor Bill de Blasio approved an ambitious fourteen billion dollars Green New Deal on Monday, April twenty second to combat climate change. The plan will cut purchases of red meat by fifty percent and it's controlled facilities such as hospitals, schools, and correctional facilities. The new commitment bills off of the Meatless Monday's campaign that was adopted by all New York City schools in twenty seventeen. The mayor said that livestock farming produces twenty to fifty percent of greenhouse emissions. So now hashtag meatless Mondays are in full effect. More fruits and vegetables. What do you think, Steve Well, I mean, you know that's crazy. It does help you the more fruit, fruits and vegetables you add to your diet, it just helps you because meat doesn't have fiber. Fruits and vegetables have fiber. Fiber is really good for your digestive track. It helps it a loan great. If you don't have an adequate amount of that, you're going to suffer with digestive problems. Meat is more difficult to process. So I think it's a good thing. You know, you can't force it on everybody, but I do think it's a good thing. Well, I'll say this, Steve. I agree it is a good thing maybe to eliminate some meat in your diet, But then a lot of times they cook the vegetables till they're beyond dead, I mean, until they have no nutritional value whatsoever. Well, is it the same thing when you cook a steak and they say you cook it well done? Isn't it like completely Yeah? Yeah, But I'm just saying, you know, if you're gonna eat fruits and vegetables, yeah you got, you gotta took them differently. I think the city of New York will not a hot dog steak that don't make no thing. I wish a Philadelphia be not to do it. Yeah, I think it's gonna be a little tough to enforced, but well, out on the street you could do it. But there's so many other things they have out their chicken uh yuros, you know, beef products, you know. But but we lived in LA you're telling me you're taking a lot of jobs when you can just a lot of jobs. People that sell the hot dogs. Yeah, those vendors, I guess, well years ago if you saw how they store it through hot dogs. I haven't eat the hot dog up the street in New York. I can't even tell you with and I saw that special about how they stored all that food underground. Whoa, I'm out. Well, you know, I grew up in Chicago. Steve so Polish sausages real big in Chicago, with all the onions. I haven't eaten one of those since I was a small shop. I just had a Polish boy three weeks ago. They used to be so especially from the West Side and the great Yes girl, yes, yes, yes, where you going Chicago? After the club Club? Well, we used to go to u Booth Island right, hey, Yale, Yeah, Jewishtown though, right, Yeah, to get the shrimp Maxwell Street. They call it. The shrimp looked like your whole throne. Yes, steve from the base all the way to the tip top. That's the But it was mostly battered it. It was mostly batter You're right, it was mostly bad dogs. But I used to get the frog legs out of that. The thought of a frog, I can't eat it. The thought of chidlings. I mean, let's you have before when I was little kermit. It's not kermit, right, yeah, but everybody says they taste like chicken. Yeah, what does frogless? Not really? But I've had them a couple of times in New Orleans. Okay, okay, you know in New Orleans you're supposed to be to eat anything. It don't matter. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. I had frog legs in Paris when we were in Paris. Yeah, I had rabbit and frog legs. I ordered double dish. I had rabbit and at the at the hotel that Chal came over, I was standing, yeah the last summer rabbit y? Yeah? And how was that? It wasn't frog? I was did a little bit of Parish frogs like these must be no jumping as I was even with my front teeth that was it? How was the rabbit a rapper? Was pretty good? Rabbit on? What else? Yeah? Gator? Yeah, gator though plentic wildhall was like a boar boar here. Yeah, I've seen a frat brother. Who what people don't eat squirk? No, people don't eat squirrels do that? What? What must be out your mind? Shill squirrel? Big business sheryls squirrel? Stuw what? I've never cursin to? Raccoon? Raccoon? What about? I know what I was gonna ask you? What about opossum? You've had that possum? Groundhold wood, Chuck, I've never had that. I don't know about look like a red Matt. He doesn't look like he a rad Matt? You mean a mad rad. As fascinating as all of this is, we gotta go and uh coming up more fun with the nephew and run that break back right after this. You're listening ste show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news. Houston hip hop artist bund stands his ground against a home invader and the coach who faked Lori Laughlin's daughter's athletic profile. Pleads guilty, but right now in the building Oh, yeah, he's in the building to run that prank. Fact, why taking so long? Why are we waiting on that so long? Yeah? You know they got to build and get their case just and R. Kenned it was immediate. Why is this taking so yeah? Yeah, just wait right? What you got PC Prostate chuckle? Hu, anybody need it? It's a new business. I got one, but I check you anyway from State Schucker running cat. Thank you. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a H Roger Roger. My name is Greg. I'm a PFC. I got you on my schedule. I'm supposed to come buy of your house tomorrow morning about seven fifteen. I just want to give you a call and give your heads up and let you know we will be there about seven fifteen. From my understanding, you go to work yet, Oh you say you who? I'm a PFC, sir, I'll be there. I'll be there tomorrow. I got you on my schedule for Monday morning, and I'll be there at least about seven fifteen. From my understanding, you go to work at seven thirty and uh, my procedure is only gonna take a couple of minutes. But I wanted to give a friendly call and let you know that I will be by there tomorrow morning. What's the PSC, PFC? What's you said? PC? PSC? Sir? PSC? I will be there tomorrow. I've been in business probably for the last I guess about thirteen fourteen years. Now. What does PSC specialists? What you do? Oh? You're not I'm sorry you're not familiar. How you got me on schedule? Why ain't trying? Oh? I got you on my list here. I don't know who puts you on here, but you it's been paid for and everything for me to come by and and do my job. And like I said, only taking a couple of minutes and I'll have you on your way. How do you get my number? Say again, how did you get my phone number? Sir? Everything I have I got, I got twenty stops tomorrow and I got you scheduled as uh as my as my first stop tomorrow morning. I don't know I got your phone number. I do have your address. Are you at drive? Yeah, that's my head, But I ain't my schedule for nobody to come to my house in the morning. I gotta go to work in the morning. I know I'm i gonna be here right right. My understanding. Well you from my understanding, you pull out about seven thirty and I'm gonna get there ten fifteen. Like I said, you know, the procedure only takes about two three minutes, and we see about it around my information, you know when I leave home and everything. Who is this? Like I said, my name is Greg, I'm a I'm a PSC, and I'll be there. Okay, you said that, I ready, you'll you'll see me tomorrow. I'm sorry. I just wanted to give your friendly call here on Sunday and let you know that I'll be there. I'll be there about seven fifteen and we'll get you taken care of and then I'll let you get on the way to work. You still ain't telling me what I was supposed to what you're supposed to be doing, sir. A PSC is PSC. I'm a PROS state checker and what I'll be doing is coming in and checking your PROS state tomorrow. Oh hell, now, you ain't coming here check my FRIST state. I get my PROD state checked by my doctor. Who who was you talking about? Come to check my frist? Stay now at my house? Ain't come and check my and you know what I get this all the time. I get a lot of people that that are in denial, a lot of men that that claim that they've stated fine, I heard my pride state check just at the beginning of this year. Man, you don't need to come to my eye checking my pride state. A lot of people, a lot of men are in deniall saying that they got it checked, and they got it. A lot of times we find out they haven't. And and there has to be a reason. If I got you on my list and it's paid, somebody has paid one hundred and twenty five dollars for me to come out there and check it, well, you should be happy you paid Hue twenty five dollars. Just a lest job you have to do then, because you're not coming check my prid state, sir, I'm gonna check it now. I'm gonna be about there tomorrow and I'm seven fift pen. I'm putting my rubber glove on with a little bit of jail on it, and I am gonna check your proper state and then I'll let you get on the work. Well, I'll tell you what the rubber glove ain't gonna know where near meet home? Well, I tell you whether you paid over my eyes if you want to, it ain't gonna be pretty, and it ain't gonna be nice with you in your rubber glove. Sir, might have to stick a rubber glove yell when I'm done with you. Don't be coming about my high talking about checking my prod state? Sir, sir, do you realize that this is the leading calls the black man? Do you realize I understand that all they me and three out of five black men a lost every year, says, So, you ought to be very grateful that someone is sending me by there to check it and make sure you're okay. I'm grateful that I can pay for a doctor that I go to every every at once a year. Man. You don't have to turn to my hot time a boy sticking on rubber glob of me man's phone with you, sir. So I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you. My job is to give you a friendly call and let you know that I'm coming. All right, that's not tomorrow morning, Listen, I don't want to hear anymore. Tomorrow morning. I'm there seven fifteen, and you're gonna get your prostate check whether you like it or not, whether you bay don't buy here, then I should be here you buy her back. Thank you bad enough to come over here and check my Pristay you bang it, I'm gonna check it. So you just be ready at seven fifteen that you're gonna get your prostate checking on the work case. Cool. You come on over if you want. You You know my address and all my wad time I go to work and everything. You you bang your back, don't over me if you want to. I don't care if I gotta come over there, sir and hold you down and check your prostate. I'm coming to check your prostate at seven fifteen to morrow morning, or I'll tell you where you bring your man over him? You do you think you know who I am? What I need over here? You come on over here and you do what you gotta do. Whatever you come on, you're gonna be checking something else beside me. You're gonna be checking your own. You bring your I don't know if you want to shi If I don't get your bot of hell gonna be coming to my house to day. But baby, you you fund somebody talking about I need it prostate check or something somebody on the phone. Somebody need a price stay or something. You bring your Yeah, I'll tell you whether I'll be here when you get here. You bringing over tomorrow fifteen in the morning. You won't walk it over here. You might be whirled away from this you bring if you want to. I'm gonna have my glove on the morrow, and I'm gonna be checking your prop stays. Got tell you where you're been in the morning. Where you want to tell about checking the price stay? You're gonna be checking your own pride stay because I'm telling you where I got something for you. You come over here, you bring your bad You think you're bad enough to come off here and check I'm over here, you come on with it. I got one more thing I need to say to y'all. You listening, But what the are you got to say to me? Now? You told me it's not what you got to tell me. Now are you listening to me? Just baby, don't over here. You're gonna be here. I'm gonna be over there. But I got one more thing I want to say. Are you listening? What you got to say to me? Man? That's his nephew, tim Me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboard. Who who who you say you was? Again? Hey man, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, your homeboard got me to prank phone call you, Chris Harvey and tim me. But man, you are Roger By. Y'all about to make me go out. I don't wonder who the hell donna come out? Somebody either do a prostate check man on regular basis like that. But yeah, yeah, so got me, man, I'm gonna get him back. Boy, I can't believe you do me like that. I'm gonna go check his price State. I don't even think you get here checked on a regular I want to ask somebody to come check mine. Hey man, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Steve Harvey Warning show Man, Steve Harvey Warning Show. Oh Junior, I gotta say you ain't checking, man, I swear you're not going over here, not time State check on. That is what what we're waiting on. All right, coming up in the top of the hour. Thank you that you. Entertainment News right after this you're listening and today's entertainment news guys, Houston Rapper wait till you hear this story. Bunby stood his ground against a home invader who tried to steal his wife's luxury car. The crook knocked on Bunby's door on Tuesday night. His wife Queeney, opened it, thinking it might be a package, and instead of a delivery guy, she found a guy with a gun on the other side of the door demanding valuables. She said he could take the Audie in the garage. Bunby was upstairs and heard the entire thing unfold. He grabbed his gun and confronted the thief as he was getting into the car. The two traded shots, and the bad guy dropped his gun and ran away. Yeah yeah, yeah, I mean it was tricky, but you know, he was protecting his home, right Steve. But they called him though, yeah good, yeah, because he was steal running. But anyway, a few hours later, when someone showed up at an area hospital to be treated for a gunshot wound in the shoulder, uh cops came to book him for two counts of aggravated robbery with the weapon and one count Burglary, Well, I'm being hit him twice. Yeah, but you went to the hospital. Yeah, too serious. Not, it's too seriously. And you know they have to report gunshot. You get shot in the shoulder, you got to go to the hospital. Yeah, your that ain't gonna ride it out. But he was Bunby was protecting his home and his wife. And uh, yeah, Jos's boys, that's what you get. You go into somebody house with a gun. Thank you do one thing? You might you know? Yeah, how dare you? I know? Uh? And then other entertainment news guys. The former University of Southern California USC coach who created bogus athletic profiles for students, including in Lori Laughlin's daughter Olivia Jade, Well, he's agreed to plead guilty in that massive college admission scandal. Laura Jenkie, the ex assistant women's soccer coach at the school, has also agreed to testify. This is all according to BuzzFeed News. Miss Jenkie was allegedly paid to make a crew team profile for Olivia Jade, as well as several other students. Miss Jenkie faces up to twenty years in prison for her part in the scandal. Laurie Laughlin and her husband have pleaded not guilty in the case. Meanwhile, Bob Saget, who starred with um Laurie on Full House when she was on Becky, addressed the scandal and an interview with People People Now, Sagot said, it's personal and that's where I'm keeping it. There are thirty years of love there more than that. So that's all I got, you know, I mean, you know which I'm the coach pleaded guilty, but she pleaded not guilty. That's a problem. Yeah, well that's gonna be an old issue. They think they think that fighting it is the best way to go, and they they may just use them to prove a point. Yeah, you know, and I'm not sure, like I thought, didn't one of the other ones say you know, they're gonna played guilty. Yeah, yeah, she already did. And so they haven't sentenced her. No, I haven't heard of it, so no, not yet. Yeah, yeah, she might get they saying the rumor out there she might get like four months for a month prison time or something like that. See the other lady go take that. But then I don't know, because I thought Jesse should have took a deal of some kind. But then it kind of looks like he did because they took his ten thousand dollars bail and they had some type of reports that he was supposed to do some type of But Jesse's crime wasn't this I'm talking about. Even when they dropped it. They took his bail money in all right, Steve, Time for our headline, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne trip. Good morning everybody. Yes, this is an trip with the news. Well it's official. Former Vice President Joe Biden has officially announced his twenty twenty presidential campaign, and he did it via online video. Everything that has made America America is at stake. That's why today I'm announcing my candidacy for President of the United States. Folks, America is an idea, an idea that's stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant. It gives hope to the most desperate people on earth. It guarantees that everyone is treated with dignity, and gives hate no safe harbor. Well, given his high profile and experience in US politics, Biden pretty much enters the race as a front runner with the largest firefighters union already saying that they're going to formally endorse him, and they promised to invest heavily in his campaign. Meanwhile, the current White House document occupant reportedly thinking about declaring executive privilege in order to block a subpoena by the House Judiciary Committee to have former White House counsel Don Mighan testify before it. Needless to say, the President's very unhappy because he says he thought all questions about him and his administration ended with the Mulla Report. The subpoena is ridiculous. We have been I have been the most transparent president and administration in the history of our country by far, and I thought after two years we'd be finished with it. No, now the House goes in such subpoenaing they want to know every deal I've ever done well. Don Mighan featured prominently in the section of the Mullah Report the deal with a struck into Justice, and Trump's told Pool reporters that his administration is going to resist all post Muller reports subpoenas, and that he's also not ready to return over to turn over his tax returns or business financial records to the Congress. Still there. Federal prosecutors are leveling new accusations against a Coastguard lieutenant. Listen to this who's charged with stockpiling weapons and drawing up a hit list of prominent figures. They say this guy, Christopher Hassan, searched the Internet for addresses of two Supreme Court justices and that he used a racial slur to quote search for the best gun to kill black people. The forty nine year old Hassle already faces weapons and drug charges. He was arrested at Coast Guard headquarters in Washington. He scheduled to appear in court later today. So sad In Texas, a thirteen year old African American girl slipped into a coma and died yesterday after she was jumped and beaten up by two classmates, one of whom A Leslie, kicked her in the head. According to her mom, Kashalla Frances, died yesterday morning at Texas Children's Hospital. A spokesperson for the Houston Police Department says the incident being investigated as a homicide, penning in autopsy. More Americans reportedly receiving tax returns this year than more receiving tax refunds, rather than last year, but in most cases the refunds are smaller. Today is National Sleep Awareness Day. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show listening trending stories about Wendy Williams. Well, Chris Brown has responded to Wendy william shady comments about his upcoming tour. He and Nicki Minaj are going on tour. Wendy implied that both artists were notorious for being late, and she joked that whoever showed up first would go on first. Chris Brown clapped back. He was like, Okay, Wendy, I don't show up late, though I do, however, show the hell out, appreciate the publicity. When you're broken, you live in the shade. Just no, I saw the compliment in between the demons. Thanks, that was a ready, that was a read. Yeah, okay, I didn't understand that I did. Yeah, well, you know she said that they were both uh, they were both late, so whoever would show up first would go on first. Okay, so they're they're hearing Chris Brown and yet Chris Brown and Nicki Minaj they're going on tour together. So then Chris Brown clap back. He said, Okay, Wendy, I don't show up late though I do, however, showed the hell out whenever when I do get there, You're going to see a show. In other words, Steve, he told Wendy that he appreciated the publicity. In other words, you know, because she was talking to the fact that she talked about him, that was publicity. Yeah, and I believe this was to her. When you're broken, you live in the shade. Wow, Van Jones. Yeah. Also Steve. Also Steve Van Jones clap back at Wendy too. Take a listen to this when she mentioned Van jones divorce while he was a guest on her show. Is a breakthrough for the Jones family because Van and his wife, but they are getting a divorce. Divorce is not finalized. You still wear your ring. You got something on your hand too. So I ain't talking. I'm just saying it. I'm just saying, we talk about German. Excuse me. This side of the couch is for the asking him the question towesometime, yeah, all right, coming up at thirty four after the hourand me, yeah, sometime coming up at thirty four after the hour. Trending national news white supremacists executed for killing a black man by dragging him behind the truck. We all remember this heartbreaking story from twenty years ago. We'll talk about it right an. That was yes, yes, yes, yes, sir, you're listening to the show. White supremacist John William King was executed by lethal injection on Wednesday. This was more than twenty years after he killed James Bird, Junior and a horrifying, horrifying hate crime. King was one of three white men convicted of murdering mister Bird, a black man, on June seventh, back in nineteen ninety eight in Jasper, Texas. Right near Jasper, Texas. Mister James Bird was a forty nine year old father of three. He was abducted, he was beaten, he was chained to the back of the pickup truck and then dragged down a country road. John William King, forty four, orchestrated the attack. The other killers were Lawrence Russell Brewer, who was executed in September twenty eleven, and Sean Allen Barry, who was serving a lifetime in prison a life sentence. The Supreme Court refused the last day appeal from King. Two of the victims, mister Bird's sister and niece, witnessed the execution. I remember this story, this horrifying story right here, I mean, really awful. Go ahead, you know, Noah, you know, I'm not really a proponent of the death penalty, but because my thing with the death penalty and not this certainly wasn't the case. But it's so many people on death row who are innocent, and so they get it wrong so many times. And uh, I think there has to be something done, man, when the state gets it wrong and these people give on fifteen twenty two years of their life and then we sawry we let you out. Yeah, man, you gotta have some type of payment, right right, You build your life, rebuild your life. But in this case, it was justified, more than justified. Yeah, man. And his sister, the victim's sister was there and she said it was sad. Yeah, I bet it was. It was just it's just a sad situation at the state of the country, what we're in and what's going on, and what happened to, you know, her brother, and for her to sit there and witness her brother's killer, you know, being executed. That's and this happened back in nineteen nine. We're in two thousan nineteen Right now, now, neither did I Steve. You know, I was thinking really maybe ten at tops. No, it's been twenty years. June seventh, nineteen ninety eight. Mister birds gruesome flaying led to the Matthew Shepherd and James Bird Junior Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which was signed by President Obama back in two thousand and nine. The legislation added crimes motivated by victims race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability to the federal hate crime law. Shepherd was an openly gay college student. He was abducted, fatally beaten, and tied to a fence in Wyoming the same year. But in the month of October. October nineteen ninety eight, you know that just that steel troubles me. Yeah, that a person just because they who they are, and you have the audacity not like a person because of who they are. They You know, this man wasn't trying to make you be black, This young man wasn't trying to make you be gay. They were just they were just being who they were, right. It just sickens me, man, that we around so many people who can hate you so much because you be in you that they want to do something to you, you know, and because you're different from them, you know, because of the color of your skin or your sexual orientation. Man, yep, yep, yep, yep, Steve, it's um, it's really terrible. I mean it really is. And and some of these things are still going on today, which makes it even more sad, you know, and horrific. It just does. You know, in Charlottesville, you know, when the President said they're good people on both sides, you have to denounce hate. Yeah, you can't say things like, well, you know, he doesn't get it. I've given up on thinking this president it's gonna get the gravity, yeah, of his position, the sheer weight that it has, and it calls for I've given up on hope for that. He's not he's not presidential. He's not ever going to be. Yeah, he is. He's not that guy. Yeah, Yeah, all right, guys, it is time to switch gears. Nephew Tommy in the building with the prank. Yeah, you're right, Frank. Phone call coming up right after this, you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, guys, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today subject. He's got multiple women and babies. But right now the nephew is in the building with today's frank phone call. What do you have, nephew? They ain't moved, big Mama. I'm not laughing because of that. Of course, it ain't moved, Big Mama. Running. Can't they moved, Big Mama, Yes, they moved. They moved, Big MoMA. Henty crazy cleaning services. I'm trying to Can I speak to the owner of the company. This is he It's just Robert. The owner is Robert. It's just Robert. Yes, sir, this is mister Robert. How can they help you? My name is Corrothers. Y'all, y'all clean, y'all clean my uh my, my house last week? Okay, And when y'all moved the furniture to clean the carpet, somebody, somebody moved my grandmother off the coffee table. He not in there. No more hold on? Do you what data we clean your house on sir? Last Wednesday? Y'all cleaner. We came to your house on Wednesday of last week. What's your address, sir? Bingg Mama, it's it's a big mom. Sir. Hello, you said your name is corrupts and we came to your house on Wednesday. If you don't mind, can I have your address? Sleep yo, big mama. Okay, mister Caruthers, listen, if it's if we if your grandmother now with your grandmother laying on the carpet, I mean, my guys don't move people, sir. Uh, we would not have food. Grandmother, my grandma, she was on the shee was on the coffee table. Her her urn was on the coffee table. Oh grand mother pass late, y'all if somebody moved it and now the vase is still there, but that is okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry. So you're saying that you're very well mister, mister Cruthers, I am so sorry. Uh. I just lost my grandmother not too long ago, sir. I know how you feel. Now, I'm now, I'm listen. My guys would not have knocked over a vase or something like that, or they would have told me if they knocked over. So are you sure that it was my cleaning service? Yeah? I have no nobody have no two different carbon cleaning services to come by in the same week. Man, y'all. The only ones came by there y'all the ones that did it, y'all, the one more my grandmama and now my grandmama. Go, mister Carus, I'm a girl man, mister Caruthers. I'm sorry about it, but if you would give me your address, I can confirm that that actually was my countany that came by you. I apologize, sir, uh, I'm sorry. Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. Now, if can you please just give me your address, sir, let me let me full some information up in my system and we can we can straighten all this house hold on for one second, please, faber Do, go and ask Wayne and Robert. You need to come in here for a second. They have to be the ones to clean that man carpet on last week. Hold suck his grandmama now keeping on that corfee table? But what's keeping on that coffee table? It's in my yard, mister Ruthers. I'm sorry. I'm trying to find out if when I give myself together, I'm gonna come down there and I'm gonna kick some and damn place for you. Do you hear me, lister Carruthers. Now, I'm just now listen, I'm gonna do everything that I can to help you. But now don't don't. Uh, you're gonna thrend me on this phone. Let tell you you move my grandmama gonna move you, No, you hear me. I'm gonna I promise I'm gonna tell everybody not to use this damn carp and cleaning service because y'all know what don't know? Ho the hell on? Now let's listen. Nah, Now, it took me a long time to get my services together, Sirtain, we do a real good job. Now you're not gonna preaten me. Y'all moves for grandmama. That's what y'all do. You move people's grandmama. We sure we have never had this kind of infidence. A matter of fact, we haven't had any incidents at all. So I'm gonna do everything that I'm I'm sorry about your grandmother, Sir. I'm gonna get everything right away. I come home, gonna get it in the newspaper and tell everybody not to use this damn service. I promise you that I have told you once. Now you're not gonna proper me about my damn company no more. You understand me for putting on added no newspaper and you're not fenna ship that tell me what you're gonna do. How to call my sons in here, how to call me that you did the owner ones that clean that god dog gonna compit now. I'm gonna find out what happened. But you're not gonna presn my company. You understand. This is how I make my Listen now, I don't know how you make your living. It's how nick I don't make y'all learn my moving people. Grandmama's man, you move my grandma. My grandmama ain't on the coffee table no more, sir, sir, it's I'm sorry that you're grandma not on your coffee table no more. Look, I'll try to find out what happens. We're gonna get this sticks for you, but you gotta work with me. Where I'm coming y'all now riding down the dude, Damn I always and start kicking some show your boys there too. Oh you should have come down here, Come on up, bringing you come on down here right now. I'm not staring you, man, You're look I'm trying to help you and you want to go off on me like that, But I don't give a let us come on down here right now. You don't get even your enters. I don't even know where you are, and I don't even know if I promise you, I'm whooping your boys yase y'all to move. My grandma your move. My grandmother made some bro missus Carubb. Don't threaten me or don't threaten me by my boys. That that's my son. I don't take that too lightly. I will come personally to your house right now, beat up, and then come back and clean your house for free. Do you understand me? Don't you talk to my children? And don't you trek me? Let me get up my damn fun out. One more thing I want to tell you, man, what is you listening? What is it that is? Nephew tim me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got plagued by your wife docter playf um. Don't everybody that that wasn't there wasn't nobody else's timing. Man, You ain't right down you right? You called me coming now You got myself into looking like like they did some bump up my fast head. Man, you will tell me what you're gonna do with my coming. Man, You know how long it's been say am I coming to start to man, you're rough for that? Ro Man, Hey man, Robert, I got one more thing there, she man, what is what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land Steve Harby Morning Show playing man not listening to y'all every morning man, y'all every more? Look here, why don't you tell doc Steve Man, y'all, I need to put a copper cleaning the ward over in the hoodie ward. We need a cleaning, corper cleaning and the category corp cleaning category. Many'll need to go and put one in there. I'll tell you everybody, okay, yeah, we're fine, are you everybody else? You don't you don't have any kind of fear when you walk out to George. You got to get some bodyguards coming. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no no no. You do not move big mama. But what you do is you get your tickets for May second through the four Fly and Virginia Beach. How many clubs no no, no, no, no, no no no no no no no. Let's not run over that club. That's that's let's let's let's let's go back to that. When they find who comb is Virginia Beach Comedy Club, May second through the four that is on on Thursday? Who on Friday? And who on Saturday? Saturday is gone, Friday is almost gone, Thursday is just about they are just a okay, I'll buy amen alright, comedy club? All right? All right? Amen? Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, all right, Thank you, nephew, Oh Jesus. Up Next Today's Strawberry Letter. The subject he's got multiple women and babies. We'll get into that right after this. That's what I've seen this performance. You're listening time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today. Bugle up, hold on tight. We got a fail you here. It is that stro Berry. I don't know what that was for, but okay, yo, don't never let me be because what Steve think se straw Berry Letter and often read totals of not sick straw Berry. All right, subject He's got multiple women and babies. Wow, all right, Dear Stephen Shirley. My best friend and I met five years ago and we had a lot of mutual friends. I had just gotten a divorce and she was there to console me through the hard times. My friend's husband is a known cheater in our small city, but my friends act my friend acts as if they have a perfect marriage. I've heard that he cheats with multiple women, and he does it out in the open. In January, I got a chance to see him cheating with my own eyes. I was out to dinner with friends and I saw my friend's husband having dinner with a female. When the two of them left the restaurant, they left in his car. This didn't sit well with me, so I called my friend and told her what I saw and the name of the lady I saw her husband with. My friend told me that it couldn't have been her husband because he was at home with her. Right after that, her husband called me and told me I was a single and bitter liar. My friend told me that she believed her husband, and she stopped talking to me for three months. Then out of the blue, I got a call from her and she said she forgives me for lying on her husband, and she was happy to announce that she was pregnant. I said, congratulations, and I was so disgusted that I got off the phone quickly. You see, while she was not talking to me, I ran into the lady that was on the day with her husband, and she too is pregnant by this man. She knows he's married and a cheater, but she's happy about having a baby with him. I hate that my friend's life is being put in danger because he's having unprotected sex with various women. I love my friend, and I feel the need to let her know. Or should I just mind my business this time around and let her live? Please help? Okay, did you not learn anything from the first time you got in their business? Let these people live, Stay out of these people's stuff. Okay, she doesn't believe you. She doesn't want to hear it. You know, she stopped talking to you for a whole three months when you told her about it the first time. Plus she already knows what her husband is doing and has been doing. Okay, remember you've only known her for five years. Okay, you might think you're being a friend by snitching on her husband and all that but don't you know that some people just rather live in a fantasy world, and you know, think that they have this perfect marriage and everything is unicorns and rainbows and all of that. They don't want to hear the truth. And that's your friend. She does not want to hear the truth. So again, leave them alone. She will end up hating you, and she will end up blaming you, and your friendship will be over. Okay, your job is to be the shoulder to lean on when she needs you, because with all this going on in the letter, his girlfriend is pregnant, and his wife is pregnant, all of that. Trust me, she'll be calling you pretty soon. Steve, Well, I'm tired. I'm listening to all this hill. He's got multiple women and babies, multiple women and babies. Now you got this friend, y'all, friend got mutual friends. You got divorced. She could sold you through some hard Now you say that your friend's husband is a known cheat in our small city. I don't know how big a city we're talking about, but this sound like one of them. Everybody knew everybody cause your friend acted like they got this perfect marriage. Now we're gonna get back to this small city I have heard that he cheats with multiple women, and he does it out and open. But then in January, she got a chance to see it for her own eyes. This woman that wrote the letter was at dinner with some friends, and you saw her friend's husband having dinner with a female. When the two of them left the restaurant, they left in his car. And this didn't sit well with me. So what did you do? You do? What a lot of women do? You got in there? So you went on and you called your friend and told her what you saw with your own eyes. Girl, And the name of the lady that I saw her husband went at this small town, we know everybody because now she not only knows the lady, she knows the lady whole damn name. This was that night. She didn't go check on it. This was that night. I'm a Jean Wilson's who the hell he was at? Now? Here where it get interested? Right after you told her what you had just saw, your friend told you that it couldn't have been her husband because he was at home with her. Now I think your friend is lying for him, just flat outline, because of you. I don't know how long it was. Let me see if I see. So I called my friend and told her what I saw, saying, I don't know if you was on your cell phone. I don't know if you waited till you got her. I don't know what you did. But somehow he got this crazy woman. He married you thinking he was dad a whole damn time, So it couldn't have been because he was home with her. Right after that, her husband called me. Now here where it gets good? How her husband get your number? How small is this town? Y'all? Y'all stay in the same apartment? And then your husband hear her husband call you and told me you were single and a bit of lie. My friend told me she believed her husband and she she could talking to me for three months. Okay, you need to break off this friendship. Now she crazy? Then after Blue, Now this is what crazy people do. Don't call me, stop talking to me. Then after Blue, I got a call from her and she said she forgives me for lying on her husband in your ass one line though, and she was happy to announce that she was pregnant. Who did I miss something? Hey girl? How you miss you? Hold that thought? Steve? Uh, well, we'll have hurt two of see response coming up at twenty three after the hours. Subject of today's Strawberry letter he's got multiple women and babies. We'll get into it right after this. Uh, guess again, you're listening, all right, let's recap today's strawberry letters Steve and uh who the subject is he's got multiple women and babies? Low, it does make you tired. The woman says she's got just beautiful friendship with this girl. Helped it through her divorce. She tends to have a perfect marriage, but she's dating to cheat her. Everybody knew it. In this small time. She'd been hearing rumors befindly. She saw it for herself. Saw her husband out, saw this woman's husband out having dinner with another woman who she knew exactly who. The woman was called a girlfriend, and toller, I just saw your man having dinner with a girl. She told her. Can't be right here this house with me. Now you're sitting up in here like you'd lost your rabbit mind because you know good here. Well, you just saw him stop having dinner and drove off in his car together. This is crazy. So yeah, this woman tell you it wasn't him because he was at home with that. Then her husband call you on the way, he got your damn number, fun told me you was a single gonna in a bitter lie. Then you got another call from her. She says she believed her husband, and she stopped talking to me for three months. Okay, now, I say, let the friendship go. But then out the blue you got a call from him. She told you, now, this is a crazy person. Now that crazy person and stopped talking to you for three months. Then out the blue calls you and tells you she forgives you for lying on her husband when you know, being hell well what you saw, and she was happy to announce I'm pregnant. I said congratulations, and damn nil threw up. I got off the phone quickly because see, while she was not talking to me, I ran into the lady that was on the date with a husband called this is small ass time and everybody go to that restaurant anyway, and ran him into the lady and her husband that she was with said she too is pregnant by this man, and she know he married Anna Cheetah, but she happy having a baby with him. That is who is these people high The Cheetah never gets created on now hear where she go. I hate that my friend's life is being put in danger because he's having unprotected sex with various women. That's that's a good point right there. It is okay. I love my friend and I feel the need to let her know you were a small time You should find your damn business. And because what you think gonna happen when you go in there and tell her this other woman pregnant, you think she's gonna believe that, She's gonna go right back to hub and she's gonna talk to you this time for the duration of the pregnant. Right at least now you got a chance of being God or something. Man, just stay out of it. But she's gonna show up at your baby show pregnant. Y'all gonna be splitting gifts. They're gonna be splitting gift. You got the call set, I get the bass in that. But Steve, really, what how is this man able to get away with this? Go ahead some time to cheatah wins? Let him have, I asked Steve, I just want the record to show not your ignorant behind. I asked, man win a cheatah win? Why is that? If you think this cheatah winning? You're stupid. That's why I asked you. Women pregnant at the same time, do you find to take an a homie? I forgive you for lying on my husband and guess what, I'm pregnant. Well, I got new i'd have broke her heart right then, what would you have say? Go ahead and tell me what she said? Oh? The uh yeah, tell me how you forgive me? Well you're talking to me. I'm your girlfriend. Hey, girl, I just thought i'd call you. Know what. I know it's been a long time since. Well girl, you know I've just been thinking. You know, I've got some good news. Um, yes, yes, I just wanted to say. First of all, I forgive you for lying on my baby. I forgive you. You know you probably didn't really see what you saw. Told you he was here with me. I don't see what I saw, but don't forget don't don't worry about that baby. Baby girl, I ain't see what I saw. Okay, go ahead, No, because he was home with me, remember, oh yeah, oh okay, So you forgive me for telling you what I saw. I forgive you because you had you were lying because he was home with me the whole time. The girl, I got some good news. You're ready for what you read? Girl, I got some good news. Girls. Guess what you know? Me and my husband were so happy. Girl, we're so happy together. We're so happy. Girl. I'm pregnant. I know, I know, I know. I couldn't believe it either. Girl. I know you, I know, I know. You don't have to say anything. No, I won't. Oh, you don't have to say anything. I know you're happy. I feel like, oh, I'm girl. I'm thrilled to you because you know what your girl, Thank you? You know, because you know I don't have any children, uh huh. And what I always wanted with twins huh? And girl, your husband he had twins. I'm just having one. I keep telling you that now you just got back our friendship back together. Now all the fisher bank from the lands. You know the girl, I tell you you haven't din it with yeah, Erma Jane Wilson. You know the night you said he was at home with you? Uh huh, Yeah, he he was with that night both y'all praying that same time. Fertile. That's what fertile the end? All right, Look, if you need advice, um, you know what you can do. If you have thoughts on this letter, uh go to Steve Harvey FM. And don't forget to check out our Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up in ten minutes. Our girl from the Talk, the one and Only Sheryl under One. Right after this you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, here we go. Coming up this October, Yes, October tip through the fourteen. Say that that is an event called the Sand and Soul Festival, Dominican Republic. Poo Tuck Hana, Yes, location exact, Tomndo, Hard Rock Hotel, everything he soul, including ya free food, free lical, free credits, gift shop. Did I say molt free food? Yes, yes, delicious Curl restaurant. I'm gonna head at pizza with y'all this time. Oh yes, Lord, yes for me, because I'm gonna eat the glue be free. That's gonna kill it, but I tried anyway. Anyway, saying the Soul y'all is happening to this October tenth through the fourteenth. We have some rooms left. Please come and join us. You will have the time of your life. And my right, lady, that's right, over one thousand rooms Steve have already sold this event will sell out. It's going to sell out, so listen, reserve your room now, go to Steve Harvey stand and Soul dot com. Okay, we want to see you there. We have so much fun, I mean really pictures. There was some fun people. Yes, excuse me, you're not gonna do is just say October tenth through the fourteenth. Carla Ferrell Marjorie Harvey's birthday winked yeah, yeah, yeah, birthday saying Soul twenty nineteen. We gonna be from my girl. Alright, all right, Steve Harvey standing Soul dot com or you can call eight hundred and six eight four twenty eight twenty five. We want to see you there October ten through the fourteenth and put Takana, Dominican Republic. Thank you, see see you there. All right, Steve, it is time now as we transition introduced their girl from the talk, the one What's happened to Save Harving? Steve Haven't wanted Joe, Steve his family girl share h ro man. Listen, it's about to be on and Poppa why Joe by the same, what's up? Son, I'm in the race. It's about it. It's gonna be old white man. Against old white man. They ain't got enough to relate us for this five it's gonna be good. It ain't enough blood wiser in the nicetion for this fight. Right, I'm so happy right now it's own and popping. Listen, everybody. First of all, the Democrats, they just need to stop talking because some of this. Everybody know they hustling. Everybody know they hustling. Okay, Bernard Sanders say, uh, if you're in jail even for a Hanish crime. Now you know you lost all the white people when you said the Boston Marathon, Obama can vote, Yeah, you know, right, then ye don't do that. Stop handing them to vote. See, I know how the Republicans act. It's used to be willing horton. Remember they had to will it or it stuff. That's how they did do cocus. They did do cocus. They did the thing where the boy got out he killed some people and they blame that on do cocus. Stop handing it to him. And then the Democrats need to get in the room. And then y'all need to figure out how we gonna beat this dude together. Now, some of y'all ain't gonna get elected. Some of y'all needed could say, well, I just need to be in the cabinet. You know what I'm saying, because Elizabeth Warren, You're not gonna be able to go get money from rich people to pay for education. I'm not gonna say that right now. I just got the wealth. You can't get off the money from Listen, she needs to be secretary of education. But stop doing that because that ain't gonna work. That ain't gonna work. And then all the other boodolge. You need to deal with gentrification and everything else that's going on. What is for? But see why am I listening to them talking about? If you how they're gonna pay for all these kids education? Is they gonna take more taxes from everybody making over That's right, that's right, that's right, that's and that's not the way to do it. Man. You can't keep punishing these people for doing better. That's right. It has to be another way. You can't punish people who who are trying to be successful, who how people? That's right, That's that's exactly right, that's exactly right. You can't punish me for achieving. But in all, these people care about education so much. I ain't heard nobody talk about why people, these new gentrified people seem to think Howard University is a dog park. See anybody talking about that at all? Where they walk their dog up the Howard University and let the dog defecate on the land of Howard University. And then the dude in the video say, why don't you move to school? Damn that. See everybody's going to the outskirts. They're going to the outskirts, They're going to the talking point. Why don't you get real? Why don't you talk about how somebody driving in the car do what the police say, they still get shot. They don't care what color the police is. Why don't you deal with that? Don't go to the platitudes, go to the plausible and the real. And I want to tell Joe Biden, don't try to change yourself for nobody. Be what we need to get you elected. Then I need you to pick Kamala Harris as your vice president. People say you ain't supporting Kamala list. I need a winning team. I need her to be trained, and then I need her to be ready. Then we keep the White House. We're gonna do what we need to do. Kamala don't get mad at me, girl. I'm just saying I think, you know, white man, white man, I think Joe Biden got the best shot. I think I think white man, white man. I think Joe Biden got the best shot to beat Trumps. I do. Sorry, did I go too far? Call? All right, Cheryl? Thank you. We gotta get out here. Coming up at the top of the hour, it is Carla's Reality update. Right after this you're listening getting ready to getting ready. She is here, the one and only Carla Farrell with what Reality up? All right? Thank you that for you. Here we go what episode three O the Real Housewise? Great? Put us going on a vengeance? Don't have this many episodes? I thought we was at the reunion. Yeah we are, part three. This is this whole season right right, Tommy the conclusion? All right, So recap of the Bye Wig party and closet gate. So I remember when Porsche and Katie wanted to go into Nini's closet and Nini pulled the cameraman's shirt to stop him from going into her closet. Well, what we didn't see was that the cameraman had to go to the hospital after all that he had scratches, his tooth got chipped. And then Nini she's watching the clip. You know how in the reunion show they showed the scenes from the season, so she's watching the clip and after that she said, well, the one thing I regretted was that I was cursing so much the man went to the hospital. Yep too, you say, we got old weak as cameraman. You regretted profanity. That's what you crazy do it for me, Junior. No, no, no, that's exactly like what in the world, Ninie, And she was mad at Andy for even bringing it up. And then finally, well, you guys, Cynthia and Nini they have ended their friendship. Yes, no, yeah, come on, And Cynthia seemed to be just fine with it. She was like tired of it. Yeah yeah, she said, you know, she's just tired. It's exhausting Beannini's friend. Nini felt betrayed by Cynthia because Cynthia didn't tell Nini that Kenya was coming to her cocktail drink launch party. And then Cynthia and Candy they were It was a scene where Candy was miked and she was saying, hey, I'm being miked and Cynthia was trying to say, I just want to make sure that we're on the same page, and we're gonna say, you know, the same thing to Nini about agreeing that Cynthia really did not know if Kenya was gonna come to the party. She invited her to the party, but she never confirmed that she was going to actually be there. And Andy's Andy said, well, bothered him was that Cynthia whispered in her boyfriend's sky and Steve, you know, Mike Hill, she whispered in his ear at the party that she was supposed to act like she didn't know that Kenya was coming to the party, right, Cynthia just basically said, it doesn't matter what it looked like on camera or the editing or anything like that. It may have looked like betrayal, but that's not what it was. So they're not friends anymore. And it's a rap. It's a rap. Whisper reality TV breaks up more friendship friend No, it's horrible and those they've been through a lot, Cynthia and Nini, And so here we are again, and Cynthia seems truly hurt by the friendship. She was very loyal to Nini and for Nini to end it like that. So we're abruptly on a misunderstanding it Cynthia saying it's a misunderstanding, miscommunication. I don't know, that's just just a little rough. Yes, I think that Cynthia should have told Ninie, yeah, your girl might stop by. Yeah, I'm not mad at Nani's point on that. You could have told me that your girl might stop by. So but I don't think that's the reason to end the friendship. So that's that. We will wait till next season for that. So let's go to We talked about being Mary Jane yesterday, but let's talk about and I was great. You know Mary Jane at the end of the day, she's a mom and she married Michael Eally justin character, and I was the series finale of that show. Gabrielle Union's married to Dyne, Mary Jane Paul is married to justin play. Yeah, yeah, before we run out of the time, Game of Thrones, we all love the show. Here on give it to me. I am going to pass it to my partner crime, mister Steve us Hell. We are welcome to the Game of Thrones Review, better known That's got We got it as we passing into it, and we're preparing for episode number three. Let us review Episode number one was nothing. It did absolutely nothing to wait an entire all season set up to get caught up. No one cares about the setup. Damn the setup. Let's get on with the killing. Well, it's damn damn whitewalker. There. I've noticed that it has begun to snow in Winterfield. Yes, o, Lanisters and John snow, and some things have been discovered that John know. It's now the awl to the Golden So now he found out his mama wasn't his mama, and his daddy wasn't his daddy. And he got these two other people that he thought they were named aunts. Well, and your uncle that ain't your uncle, that's your damn daddy. Just don't sound like a black family, you tell me. Then, on God, little man around trying to organize everybody, keep everything straight. He struggled to do with the one hand is gold and Jamie the fingers that don't move. How he think we don't know that's a fake hand. He had never seen him scratch his head with that standing hand. He's about to get his whole ran out of town and hung possibly and out of know where, the queen of Game of Throne, the biggest game on the throne, Big Huger, steps forward and presses legitimacy upon the Golden handboy and legitimizes him with authority and says that I vouched for him. He's a good man. So the Lady Dragon, which was gonna put him out there in front of them dragons and let him fry his hand, decided not to fry Hill. The little man came over there and predicted that someone else will be wearing the hand, probably the dude that got all his Johnson and stuff then cut off years ago the ball here, dude, that's the little dude that ain't got no pass. You're talking about the eunuch. Yeah, yeah, now that ain't the little one, the pretty boy. This is the old one, you're right, yeah, yeah. And so as we approached the end of this break that brings us up to where we need to episode three. Yeah, and let's be looking old. By the way, in episode two, the little boy looking girl and took her clothes off and still look like a boy. Moving back with more of this ignorant show. Right after this, you're listening to stew all right, Carla, girl, what you got Okay? First of all, we gotta tell everybody Reality update everything. Make sure you follow me at lips by Carla on social media. We'll talk about it. What you think about Steve's got Reality Update all of that. Wives of Atlanta right at lips by Carla and I have to give a shout out in congratulations Steve Shirley, Tommy Shirley, everybody. We have to say congratulations to our girl in Chicago. She's the senior vice president of communications at our home station in Chicago and V one of three. Congratulations to Angela Ingram. It is Angela Ingram Day in Chicago. Yeah yeah, Angela, give us some love a love that yes, yeah yeah. So congratulations to my friend Angela Egram. It's your day today. Girl. We go way back to Chicago. All about you, Angela? Yeah, all right now, speaking of Chicago, Steve, check this out. This is a social media post from our Steve Harvey FM and V one h three Chicago. It's from Mocha Blue, the Poetic One. Now, this comment was about your closing remarks yesterday about your friend Cedric the entertainer. Mocha Blue goes on to say this man gave a tribute to his friend, longtime and fellow comedian, the one and only Cedric the Entertainer today meaning yesterday on his birthday. Happy birthday, by the way. The tribute that he gave was so moving. He spoke on their long friendship, his integrity and gift of comedy, among other compliments. It is so rare to see people lifted up like this nowadays, and this was very refreshing, and you could feel the love, respect, loyalty, and sincerity in his words. I think he missed his calling, Steve Harvey. This as a motivational speaker, he mentions God often and credits God with his success. He always speaks positively to people, positivity to people. I admire that and I don't give a darn what anyone says. With that being said, thank you for the inspiration this morning and many other mornings. May God bless you and the host of hilarious folks you are surrounded by that make the Steve Harvey Morning Show what it is. Wow hashtag Strawberry letter love at Yota Loyola University, Chicago. Wow. Nice. That was really nice, Steven. It was so nice what you said just about eighteen. Let's see what you're saying. Man, Oh, it's got a unit. I'm sorry, it's been a tribute. Yea tribute. He's gonna stop the whole show because you think, Well, I ain't just nothing. But that was nice to see. Friendship, loyalty, all those things. Me and his brother, Man, Wow, just been together some critical times for both of us, but especially for me Man because I needed him, because I needed a friend on that show. I ain't really know that much about Hollywood. But then when we toured, Man, we just bonded. You know, we just brothers man, just like all of us. So it was it was good deal. I enjoyed that. I'm glad people appreciate that. Yeah. Yeahs Man, that's what we're all about. Love, friendship, relationship, loyalty, respect, all of that. Those are all good things characteristics. Yeah, all right, Steve, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening show, lazy gentlemen, Here we go coming up this October, Yes, October tip through the fourteen. Say that that is an event called the Sand and Soul Festival, Dominican Republic. Who tuck Han Yes, Location exact to Mendo hard Rock Hotel. You better everything including ye free food, free, yes yes, free credits, gift shop. O lord, yes, just gonna kill it, but I tried anyway, anyway, saying the Soul y'all is happening to this October tenth through the fourteenth. We have some rooms left. Please come and join us. You will have the time of your life and my right, ladies, that's right, over one thousand rooms Steve have already sold. This event will sell out. It's going to sell out, so listen, reserve your room now, go to Steve Harvey stand and soul dot com. Okay, we want to see you there. We have so much fun, I mean, really pure, some fine people. Yes, excuse me. What you're not gonna do is just say October tenth through the fourteenth, Carla Ferrell, Marjorie Harvey's birthday waken Yeah, yeah, yeah, birthday and his Soul twenty nineteen. All right, all right, Steve Harvey sandonsoul dot com or you can call eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. We want to see you there October tenth through the fourteenth and Potakana, Dominican Republic. Thank you, see see you there, all right, Steve, wait till you hear this story. Houston rapper Bunby stood his ground against a home invader who tried to steal his wife's luxury car. The crook knocked on Bunby's door on Tuesday night. His wife, Queeney, opened it, thinking it might be a package, and instead of a delivery guy, she found a guy with a gun on the other side of the door, demanding valuables. She said he could take the audie in the garage. Bunby was upstairs and heard the entire thing unfold. He grabbed his gun and confronted the thief as he was getting into the car. The two traded shot, and the bad guy dropped his gun and ran away. Yeah, yeah, I mean it was tricky, but you know he was protecting his home, right, Steve. I mean, you can't say nothing. But they called him though, Yeah, they called him a good yeah, because he was still running. But anyway, a few hours later, when someone showed up at an area hospital to be treated for a gunshot wound in the shoulder, UH cops came to book him for two counts of aggravated robbery with the weapon and one count Burglary well being hit him twice. Yeah, but you went to the hospital. Yeah serious, it's two seriously and you know they have to report gunshot. You get shot in the shoulder, you got to go to the hospital. Yeah, that ain't gonna ride it out. Brunby was protecting his home and his wife and uh but US's boy, that's what you get. You go in somebody house with a gun, they do one thing you might you know, Yeah, I know. All right, Steve, we'll come back with our last break of the day and some closing remarks from you right after this. You're listening here. We are last break of the day. Guys. It's been a pretty fun, crazy, crazy ignorant day on this Crazy Ignorant Show. A lot of fun today. But Steve, now it's time to get a little serious and sons something. I got a closing remarks today today. I want to talk to you about something. I was talking with Keer about it and he sent me something and I thought this would be good because this is more of a spiritual a piece of motivation for you. Because I'm talking to people right now who believe that there is a god. I'm talking to people who believe in God. If you're an atheist and all that, I ain't talking to you nobody, you can just turn off right now because I'm pretty sure you won't get this. But if you're a person who knows God but you ain't really that close to it, or you know Him and you believe in Him, but you know, I mean, look, just maybe you ain't been down to church in a while. Maybe you ain't been around no spiritual people in the wild. This is who I'm talking to. I'm talking to myself today. I'm talking to myself about a subject that I need to remind myself of all the time, and I want to remind you of this too. Listen to me. Don't allow God's promises to fall on deaf ears because he talking to you. See this is real when y'all don't allow God's promises to fall on deaf ears because he talking to you. See all of God's promises offer each and every one of us. He's talking to us. Don't get fooled and faith out here in life. That God doesn't forgot about you, that God don't recognize your voice, that God don't seek what you're going through, that God ain't got no feelings for you. That's a trick of the devil. God loves you, man, He created you. God has a space for you in his heart. But you got to call on him. You know how many times even showed up on your behalf without you calling. Imagine what would happen if you had a relationship with him, because all of you know that, no matter how bad your life has been, don't you know, it could have been worse. I talk to inmates all the time. That's man, I'm just feel grateful that I'm sitting here because I could have been dead. I know people in prisoner who have said to me, man, if I hadn't come to prison, I would be dead. I know people man, who just badly escaped going to prison. If it wasn't for just something that happened, I would have been locked up today. Don't you know that was him? Who else was it? You think somebody put a call in? It saved you? Who put a call in and stopped you from getting in that car? Little Steve Harvey, when you were sitting on them steps broke and your boys came by to do this robbery and told you all you had to do and drive. All I had to do was gonna get in the car and they were gonna give me fifteen hundred. That's all I had to do. I wouldn't have to get my coat. My partner's met me on the porch and say, hey, man, this ain't what you do. You're gonna be somebody harve. I don't know what you're gonna be, but you different from us. Let us go on down there. If I get somebody, give you a little something on it, man, but don't get in this car with us, because this ain't you do you know who that was? That was God saving me. That was God administering some grace to me. That was God, man who spared me. Two of them dudes that went down there, they still in prison. I'm on the radio. I'm trying to tell you, go back, take inventory of your life. You can find some way that God has done something for you without you asking. Now suppose you had a relationship with you. So what I'm going to tell you real quickly is don't allow God's promises to fall on death. Is because he talking to you. When he God promised to come to give you life and give you life more abundantly. He talking about you. That's a promise of his He talking about you. When he says that you that you have not cause you asked not. He was talking to everybody. Most people don't have what they want in life because they never asked God for it. It's one of the most important scriptures out there. You have not because you ask not? Why don't you ask him? You keep trying to figure your life out? Why don't you ask him? Trying to figure out the next move? Why don't you ask him? You want a better car, better home, better job, better family? Have you asked him for it? When he said he would lead you beside the steal waters, he was talking about you. Jesus promises he keep making to us, don't let him fall on death. Is because he talking to you. He said he'd be there for you in times of trouble. Who you think he was talking to He was talking to you in his word. He said he would never forsake you. Who you talking? Who you think he talks He was talking to you. That mean he will never leave you. He'll never leave you, man, But we leave him all the time being wonder where he had we left him back over there? He said in his word that he's a healer. He talking about you. Don't let these promises fall on death. Is because he talking to you. He promised that he would make a way out of no way. He talking to you. Hi, this little boy on this radio with this stuttering problem, the one that flunked out of school, the one that's on his third marriage, the one that lost everything you ever owned twice, the one that lived in a car for three years. Hi, He on the radio the day and all over the TV. Because God will make a way out of no way. That's a promise he made. Don't let it fall on death. Is because he talking to you that he would give you the desires of your heart. He talking to you. He wasn't just talking to me that he would never leave you. He talking to you Jesus promises he made that he would protect you from your enemies. That's Isaiah fifty four seventeen. Who you think he was talking to. He talking to you, y'all, have yourself a good weekend. He talking to you. Don't let these promises fall empty, y'all have a great weekend. Hello. Okay for all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve harveyfm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.