Steve tries to mentor Tommy. Bruno Mars gets slammed for cultural appropriation and is defended by Big Dog and Stevie Wonder. Blue Ivy gets her bid in at an auction. Make sure to get Steve's Closing Remarks Release and more!
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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit on looking back to back down, giving the mother just like themaking buck bus things and it's cubs, y'all do me true good at Steve Hyeah listening to move to other for stobarten money. Don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, well by joining being men sat turning, Yeah, you go. You gotta turn you to turn at the time, lovey got to turn out to turn water water go, comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on now dig me if you will. Wanted only Steve Harvey got radio show. Okay, sure'n be honest with y'all. Was rushing rushing this morning. So but that's what it takes. Sometimes sometimes you have to put forth a different kind of effort, you know. One of the things about being successful. And I was sharing this just the other day with a young man and he asked me. He said, hey, man, I just don't see how you get up that early in the morning. I just don't see how man, it would it would kill me to get up this early in the morning. Well, I sat there and I'm listening to it because it's just a thou sometimes I've heard it, you know, and my life is, you know, not too different from a lot of people's lives. There's a lot of people out there that rise early. And I guess I don't know. I don't know what he wanted from me or how he wanted me to take what he said. But I just said there, you know, just indifferent to the tones because I've heard it so many times. I don't know how you get up that early anymore. I don't know how you do all them jobs. And I just sit there, man, because I remember, first of all, I'm grateful to be able to have a job. I'm so grateful to be able to do one and several that I happened to enjoy doing. I mean, you know, it's work, and it's difficult at times, but it's I mean, you know, I wanted this. You know, you gotta you know, you can't ask God for not then he give it to you. Didn't be mad that you got it. Don't make no sense. You know you're asking for something, me give it to you. The problem with asking God for stuff is a lot of times we're asking for stuff. We don't really know what all it encompasses, what all it really is. And I asked for this. Now along the way I've gotten far more than I asked or I want you to do. Understand that, and um, you know that's that's his grace at work in my life. But I get up early and I go to work because I do understand something that it is not walking up to you. Nobody walks up to people normally and just hand them checks all the time, and enough checks to sustain your life, and not only sustain it, but to have a life that where you could enjoy and do some of the things you want to do. That's I don't know the person that walks out hands out that money just to be doing it. And then with a lifestyle though, where you can you know, give your kids a Christmas, you know, take your family on vacation, you know a year once a year. I don't know. Nobody passed not to kind of money. So I get up early in the morning. I get at it. I was taught to get up early in the morning by my father because my father says, ain't none gonna come to you? Why are you laying now? And you know what it's just true, man, it's just little common sense. Look, old people smart man, they've been around long time. You don't get you know, some old foods out there, but you know you don't have to deal with them. But the old people are pretty smart man. They've learned a lot along the way. And waking up early and getting out of it is one of them things. And I ask everybody man to think about this scenario of your life. I just want you to just I want to show you some numbers. If a day has twenty four hours in it, and let's just say you choose to sleep eight of those hours because they tell you you need eight hours sleep, so you sleep eight hours. That's a third of your life asleep. Already, just a third of your life is spent asleep. If you're gonna do eight hours a day, you understand that a third of your life is spent asleep. Now, let's say you have a job that you work eight hours, and it's not the job of your dreams. It's not your dream career, your dream profession. It's just the one you took, like all of us, to get its stalled it and then, like all of us, some of us end up having the state there because we've created these bills and we can't because we check the check. So we can't leave it because we'll lose what what we worked for. So let's just say you got a job that you go to work too for eight hours. That's another third of your life. That's two thirds of your life spent doing something. M How do I put this to you? Oh, let's all right, like Steve, just leave it there. That's two thirds of your life. Feel how you want to feel about your two thirds? When I like sleep? Okay, cool, that's a scripture about that too. But now you spent two thirds of your life one on a job you don't care for if you're not happy there, or one that just pays the bills and it's not your dream job of career. Another third of your life is sleep. Oh now, let's hold on. Let's talk about the one hour of preparation that it may take to get to the job. Let's just say you wake up, you know, brush your teeth, show, will have a little breakfast, get dressed. Let's just say that's an hour. So now we're talking sixteen hours, eight hours sleep, eight hours on your job. That's sixteen hours you got already time one hour. That's seventeen hours. Let's say your drive time, let's say getting to your job for the average person is anywhere between thirty two an hour. That's an average of what it takes the average person. Now some people out there hustling the way harder than that, but let's just say your average is an hour getting to work. You had another hour to that going to work. You've now spent eighteen hours out of the twenty four doing something that's either nonproductive, you're not happy with, you're not pleased about. It's not your dream job, it's not your dream profession. And the rest of the time you sleep. Eighteen hours that's going to work. Now you gotta come from the job, So let's just say it's another hour to get back home. That's nineteen hours. Nineteen hour was out of a twenty four hour day. A third of it you've been asleep. A third of it. You've been on the job that you're not happy with. You took an hour to get ready to go to the job that you're not happy with. That you've just been a third of your life sleeping to get ready for. You spend an hour getting there, and you spend an hour getting back. That's nineteen hours out of twenty four hours. You now have five hours left in your day. Oh you watch TV two times, two hours a day. Okay, excuse me. Let's put now you put two hours of TV on that you've just been twenty one. You now have three hours in the day to do something super productive for the development of yourself and the future of your family, and your future as a person and what you can provide for your family. Oh, I need to chill, I need to smoke one. Oh I needed some time and happy How seemed like all I do is dry to work and go to work. I'm gonna go out with the fellas drink one. Okay, Let's say you spend two hours at happy I nobody go to a happy hour, just four hour. Let's say he's been two hours at happy Hour, all smoking, awesome video games and throw that in there. Two hours of smoking, chilling, reading the paper, video games, and that's twenty three hours of your day going. Don't you see how your day slips away from you? So why would you get up early? You get up early to get a jump, You get up early to produce, to plan, to become productive. You get up early in the morning to care about every single minute of your day. You wake up early in the morning because you have a plan, a mission, You have something you want to accomplish, So you wake up early, and you as the earlier you get up, the more time you have just for you to devote to your plan. You map it out, You make some sense, some emails, you do some Google searches, whatever it is you need to do to get your dream under way. Then you go get ready, Then you get in your car and go to work. Then you go to your job. But on your job, instead of sitting at your lunch break messing around with a bunch of people laughing and talking about nothing, playing dominoes, why don't you take that hour to do some more research, to do some more Google it, to send out some more emails. Do something. Man, with all these precious hours that God gives all of us in the course of a day, take advantage of every minute of that. No human being has more than twenty four hours a day, including myself. But if you care about every single minute of that day, you'd be amazed at how much you could get accomplished in a twenty four hour day. But you can't get none of that happening because you sleep and you're chilling and you're smoking. Okay, what has that done for you? Your family or your future? Care about every minute of your day? You're listening to ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls are people anywhere in this world? Let me tell you what's happening right now. You're tuned in to the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Here, if I may say so myself, Pere, Good morning, Shirley, Good morning, Steve, Good morning, Carla, Hello, good morning everyone, Hello, Junior morning, Thomas Smiley. Wait a minute, you're not gonna say anything about how Junior said good morning, strong morning. Yeah, that's that's that. Ain't gonna last. He can't stay it. That registered way too. I can't stay it. I'm back right there. That took everything out of you. I can do Good morning? Uncle? Ye did everybody? So? Somebody asked me, how to mintring is going? Hey? How the minting? Honor? Go with you? Junior? Tommy splendid with Tommy? Ain't heard from it? Talk to St. Patty's day. That can't go. Okay, wait a minute, maybe maybe we can. What are you doing with Junior that maybe you can. Well. First of all, Tommy wasn't gonna show up on St. Patty's Day because he was busy. What do you mean busy? He's not. You know, they had a lot of Leper cars. Short, I'm not gonna do this. I'm talking about y'all don't know nothing. Body tried to keep that gig secret from it. One show your dog like Leper Car Magic could be on the seventeen. Okay. Still, then there was the yeah what happened? Then? Okay, whose fault is it? Now? Well, I'll tell you what it show, ain't you He he don't really feel like fooling with me. He likes to get on this radio and do all this, but really, ain't My uncle ain't interested in doing nothing with me. He he loved me, you know, but he he loved me from a distance. Yeah, he loved me from what part? He didn't say that much. What part? But hands down, see I would help him. It's so easy for me to do, but he ain't asked me one time. You can call text, you could do anything. We're in a tech text society. Now, he ke won'ting this sit down, But at that time I turn around. He got family duty, his family duty, damn new jury duty. He had the park, he had to school. It was, it was, it was, it was spring break. Ain't got no problem with that, will be full spring break technology. U. Let me ask you a question. Somebody offered me this, what's your thoughts? Then I could text him back. He well, maybe that's showing the kind of that is something funny. I'm gonna show you how mentoring works. Okay, and we have something else planned for you on thirty something funny. Alright, So, uh, Steve just mentioned we'll be back with thirty something funny at thirty two after you're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. Now, before we went to break, we were talking about the mentoring between you and your nephew. Steve nephew tell me, of course kind of hasn't happened yet. You know, you guys are both busy. We are, but you know he know where Nil as busy as I'm not. I'm not closed, but I'm about half of that though I'd been moving and shaking that I'll be trying. I got off you had a few days off, Steve. Didn't you just tell us you had a couple of days off and heard from it. What happened? Tommy? Want break? But call when when he when we got off Friday, the words in the microphone after we left, Well, don't nobody blank with media's weekend? You didn't hear that? You? Oh, it means me first? Well, why didn't you just send a text first? Why he's supposed to get mentored if he don't win the call? Hey, hey, hey, he could have called if you look and look here when he won't passes to universal? He called, okay, so what you're saying the V I P for for Universal? He called, you know, we need something like that. He need take his in somewhere. He called, shirt, ain't Marjorie out of town right now? Steve at home by s if I show up at the gate, and they called him, do you know if he gonna really let me? You know you got Yeah, you have to you know you can't. Yeah, you can't. But it has happened before him. I'm not showed up to that gate and he said, he said nothing me by coming out here today. No, you didn't let him. Okay, So we need more from you, Tommy, and we need heid riding by each other household bike and we need more from you Steve, we need to get in the house. We need a little deftive. He get in. But as zero, if you're don't go to the yeah, you have to exactly definitely, So he did. He didn't did a zero. We're gonna like, we're gonna put that like prayer the gates though, and this is James. We're gonna quit this. So doing that ain't Nobody said nothing about them. They're not. Just go Tommy, but you should call for you. I'm gonna go to this gate one mo tag are you gonna call first? Text? Because that's what he don't want to. Don't pick that up. Remember, there's so many different things. You gotta remember a lot of rules. But it's always gonna be a lot of red taping rules and you know all that. If you want something, really, could you could you text him before you go and say, hey, I'm on my way like a normal person. Yeah. Not now, I'm probably not supposed to say now. I didn't sent him three sitcom Listen, Steve, I sent three sitcoms. Incredible sitcom. They just didn't make it to him. They didn't make it. No, I'm just saying now, okay, okay. So he hasn't got the incredible in the sequence coming out soon. All right, so we're we have to work on this. Okay, let's let's set a goal for the meeting. Let's gonna do it. I'm gonna go on. What else you got, We're gonna set a goal before that. He run over this morning, is Tommy? Text me whatever you want to talk about, why we while we we got four hours, we got three hours left. Text me while we're on the radio, what you want to talk about or what you need? Just text me. I'm telling later that I ain't got to tech. I tell you right now, I want family feud. I just tell you right now. I want what you want to be on family now? Hell no, I want the job. You want to host it? But they already have a host it right, But he's doing too much. Isn't he a gonna tell the current host? You take it face? You want to on his heel? Okay, thought nobody. Why do I do family feud in another country? Going over there? You don't even speak the language, and don't matter. He ain't gonna get this all right. Listen, man, we walk his show and they see it ain't me. Yeah, all that clapping gonna stop the gentleman your host a family fear. Well, I'm assuming who I'm assuming you're going to pass the gauntlet, you know, give him a proper introduction if you. If this does happen, Steve, you're throwing to the wolves. Oh man, I'm gonna be doing this about I probably do family feud probably eight eight more years. Oh well, Tommy, you take that off your list. Yeah? What else you get? Ye? Cratch? That? Go ahead? All right? Do we have time to get to this? Okay? Um. In a recent interview, we all know who Warren Buffett is. He's a billionaire. He said, the doubling your net worth won't make you happier, okay, he said. Warren Buffett said, I wasn't happy when I had ten thousand dollars when I got out of school. This is uh. During an interview on the CNBC, he said I was having a lot of fun. Buffetts said people often think that having more money will make them happier. Yeah. I can agree with that. Most people do think that, he says, But unhappy people will probably stay unhappy no much how, no matter how much money they have. Buffett says, if, for example, you have a hundred thousand dollars and you're an unhappy person and you think a million dollars is gonna make me happy, It's not gonna happen. It's not going to happen. So Steve, you know I have to ask you this question. How has doubling in your case, tripling, quadrupling, whatever the case, how has that changed your life? Has it made you? What? Buffett and he's in the top ten billionaires right in the world. I would have to disagree to Shaw. Yeah, what article? If he did this in an interview with CNBC. Let me let me tell you this, he made a true statement. Honestly speaking, if you're not a happy person, you're not a happy person. Money does not make you happy. I am at the happiest I've ever been right now because my life is in the most peace. But it's not because of money. It's because of my mate. Oh that's nice to say. That really is sweet to say that my life is at his happiest and most peace because of my mate. Coming up next is the nephew with run that break back. You're listening Steve Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk to MSS and she's gonna be here with today's national news coming up at the top of the hour. I'm gonna ask you a personal question about me. Okay, to ask me about you. I've been around for I want to ask somebody, ask somebody I really know you. What is wrong with you today? Nephew? Oh no, no, because we didn't mention a thing in that started. We've been rated. Actually, thank come on, get to the prank. Go big, go big in your go bigger go. Oh it is hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Darnell. Darnell. See do I know how you doing? This is Scott saying, with bigger, bigger and better, where we make you larger in charge? How you doing today? Scott? Whom? Scott? So, I'm with bigger and better, where we make you larger in charge. I'm good, Scott. What's up? We were actually, uh giving a phone call by your wife? Your wife? Is that correct? Yeah? Okay, well, um, you know your wife's um your wife's birthday is coming up pretty soon, is that right? Yeah? Yeah, so a couple of weeks. Yeah, it's coming up. Okay. If you have you decided on getting or anything, or have you purchased anything yet? No, no, I got a couple of days in mind. Um well, actually, uh, we got a call from from I think we've got something that's gonna that's gonna really help you guys. And and something I think that she wanted to recommend that something that you probably wouldn't wouldn't think about. Getting racking my brain. So is actually gave us a call. She's actually had an idea you know what she would really really like for her birthday present? So what's her name? You're coming Bigger and Better. Um, like I said, she called you. I'm sorry she called you to give me idea on with I should get for her birthday. Uh yeah, well this is this is something that's a little a little different than something that you probably would never in a million years think. But here at Bigger and Better, where we make you large and in charge, we actually do some things that we definitely know you wouldn't have thought of. So I I definitely understand her given us, man, what's your what's your name against Sam Scott? Scott Scott, get to the point what you're selling? Actually let us know that there are some things that that are really really lacking between you guys, and she would very much like for her birthday, where you can be a lot more well endowed. So you know that's what we do here at Bigger and Bad we actually hello, what I could be more well? Doubt? Sir? So, I think really what's going on is Bianca is really not satisfied right now? She called you to tell you that I'm not when you meet willing doubt my junk. So you're you're you're you're you're you're inadequate. You know what I mean? You're you're Uh, I guess maybe maybe very impotent. I'm not sure, but kidning me? What's your name of this company? Bigger and Better where we make you larger in charge? And right now you know you're not You're not larger in charge, and we want to get you that we're able to come in for a consultation, good consultation. I'll tell you what. I'm gonna call her right now because it usually right now. Okay, I'm gonna call her and we're trying to do do you not do you not think you need to come in? I don't even think I need even be talking to you, Mr Scott about whatever is going on in my bed room. I'm king so I'm not even I'm not even I don't even know what going on. Whatever you whatever, first for me, it's gonna increase me. In the bedroom is the first sign of denial. Right, I don't have no no, I don't have no problems in the bed room. Well, well you know, I don't even why am I even still on the phone with you? But sir, I mean, and you only have to worry about hearing from Merk. She gotta something to kind of account with you. Then you you ain't got go ahead and close that out. Let me say this. You have a you have a very big ego, sir. What I want to do is is you know, but you're not You're not as big as your ego. I want to get you to that point. This is some crazy I've heard some crazy things people say online. But you're gonna call me talk about my wife called you saying that I'm an act with in the bedroom, sir, you know what? And and and once again, I'm trying to know You're just you're just doing your job, Scott. But I'm gonna have to call her right now. Okay, don't work umber. You're in denial. I'm in denial. You Hello, sir, I really want to help you as much as I can. Listen, man, listen, I'm trying to get my wife's on the phone right now. Okay, I know you you've got a job to do, but what I need you to do right now? Stop calling me? All right? I'm trying. I'm trying to be nice to you because I'm sure whatever it is she she called you and you're just doing your job. They're trying to get you in here to get a consultation so we can get you further along the way. You are consultation a consultation. I don't even know consultation. I don't need no assistance from you. You call me no more. Man, Hey, you're small, and I don't want to make you bigger. You want to make me bigger? What? What? What is this seeming like bigger? Huh? What kind of job is that? How do you even get a job like that? You apply to this job any when you're in high school? Job? I'm trying to me, Stop calling me, man, Mr Darnell. I'm still trying to help you get through this situation. Okay, are you willing to come in for a consultation? At least we're coming in for a confltation. We can get your further along. Where you are. Are you listening to me? The only consultation we're gonna have is my sister in your place. As you call me again and tell you what. I will come in for a consultation. Give me give me your address and everything like that, all your information, and I will come down for a consultation. You're gonna be there. I'm here, I'm here, I'm here the first eight hours of the day, sir. What I want to do is get you lined up and get your let me work, Let me call my wife. I don't need no damn procedures. Give me your info, and you got to work by here from us. No more, okay, but right now to get up call me. I don't want to hang up on you. And I understand. We're trying to do your job. You're small. You're small, and I'm trying to make you bigger. Youkay, sir, you know what I'm trying to a little small guy. I'm trying to help you with your problem. Now. If you're not gonna be appreciative of it, then I don't even understand why your wife knows you're having yours. Why we can have this conversation face to face. You don't know what why you It doesn't matter. If I can get on the line, I can figure out why she calls you gonna because you're adequate. Man, sir, here's the problem. You're tiny and you don't want to admit it. I let me get you know me, man, you never see me. You don't know anything about me. Ian I can't even believe my wife's be even called you. But just this is just how you do business. You don't call me and call me up tiny, sir. So I'm just playing something to you. I'm not only the president, but I'm also a client, Sir. I don't give up what you are Okay, okay? And there are some other things that let us know as well. What the with that? She also wanted me to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey more than this show your wife just played for called you bad Man's funny man. Come on here over here looking at in the mirror. Kind of I thought it was good, but I got nervous. Man, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Come on now, you know it's just see your Harvey radio show. That's me go home, that's how you pray. What But in the meantime, Friday said the Sunday the Nephew was in Memphis, Tennessee. Chuckles, comedy club tickets are going fast. Get yours right now. The nephew, the food, it's come to town, Bobby, Quel nephew all in the same city at the same time. You don't they don't sell red neck. What should I take? You're the one want to be mentored? Mentor what say it against Steve? What he needs help being man? That's crazy. He was helping y'all to get mentoring from me. Tommy, he's not a stranger. That's your act like a stranger. Call I love it, We gotta, we gotta go. Um you just girls know that. Okay, they're no more perfect bracket. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna is gonna be here with Today's National News and the Sweet sixteen March Madness. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, so you were saying about um, you know what what Warren Buffett said. You know, I was gonna ask you to make a statement about me, But I've changed my mind. Let me just say this, warm Buffett is correct in that money does not make you happy. If you're not a happy person, getting money not gonna make you happy. Now, I joke said that it made me a lot happier. It opened up. But what it did was I was really already a happy person. I may have been in some dark places and some dark spots in my life, but I was basically a happy person. So being a little bit more well to do has just created an opportunity to do more with the happiness. That's what it does. The real thing about money is it just takes all emergencies and turns them into me or inconveniences. It just makes your life a little bit more convenient. Well what about when you said, um, having more money just makes you more of who you are. Yeah, that's a true statement. So like, if you're an unhappy person a lot of money, you're gonna be more reasons to be unhappy. Just rich and mad, Yeah, just rich and sad. There's a lot of very rich, sad people out there, you know, who know the principles of sense, but for some reason can't pull that part of their life together for very reasons. So I've been generous. I've been overly Dreiner generous at time times. I've had to learn how of late to cut that back because people take advantage of it. I've been more than generous in my life because I'm a generous person. My father was he'll give you the shirt off his back. I got that from him. My mother always told me, she said, you just like your daddy. Your daddy do anything he can to help somebody he care about. He said, you just like him. Me. You just like him too, because you'll fight. You and your daddy just fight. Come home some night, just shirt toe off. He had changed his shirt and go back down there. So we know where you got it from you. I'm cool with that. But that's what I wanted to say. And let's talk about the NBA for a minute. I mean, not the NBA d n C double A. Let's talk. Let's we got the brackets. Has been a lot of upsets. Uh. The Sweet sixteen is in out in the West, I think out west in the South bracket. Excuse me, in the South bracket. Uh, we got Kansas State and Kentucky. I predict now Kentucky is number five in Kansas State is number uh nine, I predict Kentucky to come out of there the next one the big upset like Loola Chicago shock Tennessee, which I kind of saw that coming. I was thinking that I didn't pick them early, but I got on the bandwagon against Nevada. Now they ain't leven Nevada number seven. I think Loyola Chicago, the boys up there gonna shock. Yeah, I think they're gonna shock Nevada. To your right, Tom Xavier in Florida State. Now, I told you Florida State. I told you the team from Florida. I couldn't figure out the name of it, but here he is. Though. Yeah, but they're going to go up against Gonzaga. Now, now they're going to against Oh yeah, that's right there, against Gonzaga because they beat Xavier. That they I told you all. That's stunned man. Now, Gonzaga hard to beat because they go there every year. So I'm just in proud with Florida stick. Houston had Michigan. Man had had Michigan. Michigan beat Houston. So they against Texas A and then that's time is Old College. So automatically I pulled for me. They gave y'all Johnny Manzilla every since they gave us that quarter and we'll finished to bracket up on the East when we come back. Yeah, introduced miss and and trip Thank you very much everybody. Good morning. This is Andre for the News. Police and Austin, Texas are looking for a serial bomber, perhaps one with a racist agenda. The first three devices were package bombs left on three doorsteps, but Austin Police Chief Brian Manly says that the fourth bomb was set off by a trip wire along the side of a road in a residential neighborhood, leaving two men injury. What we have seen now is a significant change from what appeared to be three very targeted attacks to what was last night an attack that would have hit any a random victim that happened to walk by. So we've definitely seen a change. And now a package blew up they say this morning, and a FedEx outlet near San Antonio, Texas, and they say that package was being male to Austin, Texas. Chief Manly says, is the Texas field that all the explosions which have taken place in smart second are linked. President Trump played a visit to New Hampshire yesterday to host an event dealing with the nation's opioid crisis. Every day, one hundred and sixteen Americans die from an opioid related overdose in New Hampshire. The overdose really death rate, I mean, can you believe this? The death rate is double the national average. It's got difficulties like people wouldn't believe. And the President said the country needs to get tough and officially proposed that the death penalty be meted out to certain drug dealers. Yeah, they said. He said the penalty of certain drug dealers should be death. Meanwhile, she has a Facebook took a nose dive on the market yesterday, one day after it was reported that a data firm that did work for Donald Trump's presidential campaign improperly used data from fifty million Facebook customers. Facebook has since suspended Cambridge Analytica that's the name of the firm, for holding onto the personal data collected after claiming that it was deleted. According to former employees and Facebook, the breach allowed Cambridge to exploit the social media activity of those voters. The Tennessee state legislature voted last week to kill a resolution that would have condemned the alt right, neo Nazis and white nationalists as terror groups they need to vote on the measure. The U. S. Supreme Court has dealta legal blow to Republicans in Pennsylvania by keeping in place a revised map of the states congressional districts, one that allows Democrats to probably pick up as many as four seats in this year's elections, while making some other races in that state more than petitive. The High Court refused to hear the GOP's request to place the new map on hold. Aretha Franklin has canceled two upcoming concerts, reportedly on orders from her doctor. Before say, the Queen of Soul has been in order to stay up the road and get some rest for at least the next two months. And happy birthday to Spike Lee. Please that it please, that it please please. Oh you're such a cutey Spike. We'll be back with more entertainment in today's trending topics twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening too, all right. See, there's some who believe the reason Bruno Mars took home the Album of the Year award at this year's Grammy Awards is because he's a non black musician who singes predominantly black music. But what is he the Filipinos, Well, that's what they're saying because there's been this ongoing debate surrounding him. He's being accused of cultural appropriation. UHM, what is it? Yeah, it's like, you know, you're taking your taking our music, black music, making it your own. Yeah, we don't own nothing. Well, you know, listen to this. Steve, Stevie wonder Is is pretty upset about that. Uh. He was asked how he felt. He said, this is what Stevie Wonder, the true legend of music said. He said, music is for everyone to enjoy, so we cannot limit ourselves by people's fears and insecurities. He's a great talent talking about Bruno Mars now the other stuff is just bull. So I gotta ask you, Steve, what do you think that's exactly right? Weren't hurt? Just Stevie wanted to talk and mad at Bruno Mars because he's doing black music. Hell, we don't do our own music. No, damn mo oh? Did he say that? It's this new generation has built careers off of samply. He's just the baddest thing out there walking right now. The band, the harmony, the lyrics, the moves, the whole thing. I could be wrong. I don't know of any young musical you know. Look, I'm not talking about that like John Legend and and and and and and these people out here. Look, I'm hip hop is making tons of billions of dollars. I'm talking about real music. Bruno Mars is playing real music that's in a throwback to what I grew up listening to. That's why I love him, That's why Stevie Wonder loves him. That's what they're doing. But this generation has made billions of dollars off of samply So why would anybody be upset about Bruno Mars telling about he's still in some culture. Music is for everybody. These as notes A B C, D D flat E shop FG dese is notes. That's what you can. You can. Don't play them notes to oh dall a man at Bruno Mars for that's ridiculous. That's the dumbest thing. We got a president uphill, we got a president up here. We're about to move dreamers out this country, about to build a damn wall. Then put it bear the tax plan that don't help none of y'all's asses. And we set up here worrying about what the hell Bruno Mars is playing. All right, listen, Steve Man coming up at thirty four after the hour, we all know about the Blue Ivy Carter nineteen thousand dollar auction story. Plus we'll tell you about spending your parents money right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I see this is a story. It's so cute. It's been trending for a few days now. You were actually invited to the Wearable Art Gallery here in Los Angeles. It was hosted by Beyonce's mom and her stepdad, Tina Knowles, not Lawson and Richard Lawson. So this year's theme was from Waco to Wakanda, and well, Beyonce and Jay's daughter, Blue Ivy stole the show, as she's been doing lately. Huh A little Blue Ivy she bid it. Check this out, Little Blue Ivy bid at nineteen thousand dollars on a piece of art would have backhanded mine so hard, would have been twice the size. They already how to raise my black ass? Can you ain't working no where? So this is what her daddy jay Z did. He just kind of playfully pulled a little paddle away. So so here's the question for you, Steve. Have you ever tried to suggest how to spend your parents hard earned money? Man? Well, I think I know the answer to that. Ques what money? Let's let's start weird handle extra. But if I took my man imitation, I took my ass to the Stoke and bought the Mary Jane and that one piece of candy was too sick. If I came back with five Mary Jane a dad, I got a twit it all I asked, and back in the sixties, that's a long long ass. Oh you're down here spending money. Are you're working now? Oh? Okay? Or that what you're doing? Or you're taking money without asking that? I just bought you because I had to marry Jane. He try talking to my mouth full of Marry James slob and not the corner of my mouth. I had two of them in there one time. He's a he's a boy. How come you didn't bring a pound of blown it like I am? Huh? I said, you have no money that? He said, what's that in your mouth? M He says, So I said, that's canny. He said, how much can do you buy? I said, huh, how much? Now I'm trying nothing. I want to swallow this, but how to kill myself? How to joked him? I wanted to swallow him like two rocks a crack, but I couldn't. It was too much from me. So I was trying to put it in the side of my mouth and act like I didn't have it. He said, let me ask you something so you don't went out on to the stove and instead of getting what I told you to get, you didn't bought damn candy with your money. Huh. Another U two in a row. But I'm starting to chill up because I see where this is going. So then I said, Daddy, we just ain't have enough money. He said, we get some change. That's it right there. How much change we get? What's that? Whoa? How much was the belogny? Ain't the blogning a pound? Yeah? Huh, you can't get that price. So now what you didn't did is you didn't bought a dime war for candy. So now we can't get the pound of belogne it. But you're don't about the money back, but you got mouthful of candy. Now you come back, Timmy, we don't have enough money. Now, how do you think they're fit to go? Right here? He asked you first, I said good, don't say another huh. I don't want I don't want to get no whooping daddy. I know you don't already know you don't. Who told you to buy that damn kenny instead of bringing that damn belogny back to this. Huh another huh? Go down stairs to wait on me? Trying to go to the basement. Standing by the furnace, he took a bath. Eight read the newspaper about it. Yeah, that's death right there. That was all right? Well answer your questions, spinning your parents, Yeah, yes it does alright. Nephew tell me he's on deck. Up next with a prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's Today's Strawberry Letter. But up next it's the nephew right here with the with the prank phone call. What you got? Invitation to the party. Okay, that sounds nice. Invitation to the party, sound good? Yes, it does sound good? Matter of fact, yes, uh, you know I'm trying to reach Danny. Yeah, what's up that, Danny? Hey Danny, how you doing. My name is Paul Man. How you doing today? Rob? I'm good, man, I'm good. What's up? Hey man? I wanted to reach out to you, man, um bout your wife. You you you're married to Nicole, right, and I want to make sure I got the right person. Yeah, yeah, this again. My name is Paul Man. I know Nicole. Nicole knows my wife. My wife is Regina, and uh you know, we know we know Nicole real well. Man. We just trying to uh were trying to actually see about getting getting you guys. Uh come out and uh maybe maybe go out on a double day. Man, we all go out into town. So you know my wife Nicole? Yeah, yeah, yeah, she Um, I got your number out of Nicole's phone and okay, hold on wait wait wait what you mean you got my number out of Nicole's phone? You you got you you you. I'm not understanding what's going on though. Okay, line, let me let me let me try to break this down to you man. Uh, myself, my wife, Rugina, and the cold. Uh. We we've all actually been hanging out lately, you know, in the last last six weeks or two months. You know, Now, you ain't hanging up with my wife. Okay, My my wife with me all the time. Bro, So you know you might want to you might have the wrong number. No, now you you you Danny right, I'm Danny, okay, and the cold is is your wife? The cold is like about five for four or five for five light life. Yeah, but you ain't. You ain't hanging out would Okay? Man, I'm trying to explain to you what's going on, and now if you want to listen to me, school, I'm just trying. Okay, here, here's what's up. Get to your point man. Me, Nicole and my wife have been swinging. That's some boys. That's some boys. You know what. You're walking up the wrong feet though. You just some buy you, you you know, just just just some buy. Hey, man, I want to go. I wanted to call you and tell you what was going on and see if you wanted to. You know, my got the wrong number for show. Trust me. Let's just break this down. How many Danny is it? Dog? It ain't that men? So I mean, dude, I mean, you're gonna be in denial? Are you gonna go? And except what I'm trying to tell you. I'm trying to me. What I'm trying to bode you to come hang out with me and the girls. You know, do you wanna? Do you want to? I mean this might be something you might like if you tried, man, because I mean, we don't have a lot of fun with the color. What what the you mean that fun with you? Ain't no guy fun with the pole? So what you're trying to tell me? You try to tell you we had fun with Nicole? I explaining you. We We're gonna explain. No, that explain man? This some buoys? Okay, Well I want I know my wife and I know she a boy like that and I never heard but I ain never heard of you and your wife and we've been up over a year. So this some boy? Okay, Well, here's something to do. Something you need to understand. Man. You know your wife understand nothing. You need to understand your wife. But I know what to I know, I know, I know the code. Now I be the coldest you know what where you at? I'm I'm rolling through the city right now. I got to work. I gotta do. But I'm just trying to get I needed to put my eyes on you. I need to put my eyes on your money. Okay, hey, man, do you want to come do what we'll be doing. And so you're trying to tell me that my wife and been with another woman? Yes, man, it is beautiful. Dog. You gotta see it, man, you man, dog, I'm just trying to keep it real with you. Dog. I was just trying to alet you. Man, let you know what was going on. See, I'm thinking you might want to be a you know, you know, try it yourself. You know, That's all I'm thinking. Man, I ain't I ain't trying to start nothing. You know what, I don't know know him got Paul, I don't know him more keen And I don't know what you're calling my phone? And I tell you what when my wife did home, I'm gonna find out for this. Some boys this some boys. Man down problem. Okay, dog, calm down though, man, Now call my you know, call mama number out here. You're gonna tell me to calm down. You tell them you get my wife. Your wife's thinking with my another My wife was another woman. And man, the time me is the one that told us that Nicole was down. Tom Me, Hey, nephew, timing from the Steve me more on this show. Hey a few times me man from the Steve Bove Morning Show. Your wife and Nicole got me to pray phone all you dog man? That ain't even funny. Wow, Wow, You're all right, You're all right, man, man, I'm played. I'm blamed. I glad this was just the Morter show. Man. Y'all just met me. Look here, somebody you know, boy, somebody gonna get your You gotta go sh cy. Gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, ain't number one man show? Anybody want to go? I'll pass. I'm out. Ah, y'all. Ain't never been to the swing a party. I don't know, but I don't want to go. You're the only one. Only one? Yeah called it STD. I heard it be a lot of ugly. What did you say, Tommy? I heard it be a lot of ugly, Like, hey, you did? I did pray you there? Uh no. But for what I have to understand it is, I heard a lot of I got a partner that goal he swam down. They'd be fine, but I don't understand it. Yeah, you don't understand what that they're fine? Or I can't believe that some super fine chick that's gonna lay and let everybody walk in this room for no money, none, for no money? What what you know? Let's do a case study. Why don't we all go and you know, let's just you know, we just go off. We just take moll sir. Let's two reasons. I'm not going. Were you hard? You know? First? And famous? Famous? I can't do that, but we could have had down on that head we course, I can't even go for the of course study. Secondly, tie, I've lived longer than I got left. Who too close to get in there? The gospel song to turn back now? Too clue? I thought we're gonna swinging. No we're not now, no, not no back Now, Lord, I'm too clue, too close, and I can't turn back now. Nobody's gonna go with me now? Too close, m Yes, aren't trying to get to happen. I'm too close. We can't make a stop close. Yes, I am. That's why you can't get an entered right there, said too clue. All right, Well, so there's your answer no, coming up at the top of the hour, write about four minutes after. It's the Strawberry letter. Okay, you don't want to make it. So you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, We're inviting everyone to take a little trip with us. Come August thirty, Labor Day weekend. August thirty through September three, we are going to Punta Con, Dominican Republic Stand and Soul Festival. Yes, Saying and Soul dot com. Yeah, that's it, Steve Harvey, Sand and sold dot com. You got to go and check it out. It's what's the dates, sirman. August thirty through September three, Labor Day Weekend's Labor Day weekend. We have rooms at the Real Hotel remaining. But here's the deal. If you stay next door, all the are still included in all the events. Your tickets there, you will have coverage to get into all of the events two seven at the hard Rock Hotel, but the Real when you stay there, it's all inclusive. Also, all your food and all your drinks is included. So that's the big difference in this year's trip. I made it all inclusive, so you can leave your wallet at home. You ain't got to bring nothing. I'm gonna have a cigar bar, kannak bar. I'm gonna have you in here just doing it like I'm doing it, big ball of shot caller, ain't making no mistakes and leaving it all down at the lake. That's how we do it. That's from the words of my man Don King. Yeah, so we got a great line up DJ's I'm gonna Steve Harvey will be live at the golf tournament and we'll be hosting showtime and dear Pop Pollo, I'm gonna be hosting in that. So that's the way we're doing it this year. Y'all come on and join us. Go to Steve Harvey Saying and soul dot com for information. All right, go ahead and buckle up, hold on tight. I have it for you the Strawberry. Thank you, nephew. Subject my husband pays for sex dis Shirley and Steve. I am forty five and my husband is forty six. We've been married for almost eighteen years and have four children. Sex between us was really good and often. My husband wanted sex any time he saw me. I thought it was borderline neurotic, but my ego and my husband made me believe it was all about me. For a few years, it was every day, but eventually I got bored with it, and kids came along and life required that I do other things. This became a point of contention for us. I tried to accommodate him as best I could, but eventually he started cheating on me, and for the most part, I forgave him. We remained together and then had our twins, but from that point forward, sex was something I did because I had to, or when I felt the urge to, but never when he wanted it, and mostly with an attitude. Recently, I've found out that he was having sexually explicit conversation Asians with women on Facebook and exchanging naked pictures of himself, even some people who were friends with me. I never expected that part, but here we are. In the past few months, he has been having a lot of difficulty paying his portion of the bills, but when I asked him about it, he couldn't explain where his money was going. Then one weekend, after he missed the payment for our kids karate and dance lessons, we had a big argument and he blurted out that he had been paying for sex. I was floored. He blamed me for not satisfying him like a wife as supposed to, and stormed out of the house. Under normal circumstances, this would be it. But here is where I am confused. In the past few years, I have become spiritual and a practicing Christian. I know I took vows to be with this man, but that was before God and Church and Christianity was really a part of my life. I loved Church, and I love God in a way that I never did before. And I want to do what is expected of me. But I can't believe that God wants me to stay with this man who has done this to our relationship. With my help, I guess anyway. I know I have to forgive him, but I don't think I can ever sleep with this man again. Do I have to stay and try to work this out. I'm at my wits end. He barely even acknowledged what he has done and still tries to sleep with me every night. I'm hurt and insulted, but I want to do what is right in a faithful way. Please help. You are married to someone really ridiculous. In my opinion, he has no priorities, no loyalties, no appreciation, no commitment to you, to the marriage, to God, to anything, to nothing. I mean, this is just stupid. You forgave him once, it beant nothing to him. He just made everything worse. Uh. That's why forgiveness is really not for the other person. It's for you, so you can move on. This is a marriage on paper only, it's not a real marriage because no husband would would, or even should ever treat their wife like this. I mean, I say, get out of this mess. I know you're struggling with being a Christian and getting a divorce. I know that's what you're saying in the last part of your letter, but I gotta tell you there are many divorce Christians who have moved on with their lives. So if you want out at this point, you know you you have to get out. I mean, you deserve to be happy, not only for yourself, but to show your kids a better life too. Steve, you know you had a husband. You're always having six every single day for damn the eighteen years? What who got dicuss? Somebody ain't working, somebody, somebody ain't doing nothing going wrong? Eighteen year, every damn day I mean, man, come on, kids came along and you got boyed because you know, when kids come along, there's other stuff you gotta do. So you tried to commodate him best I could, but eventually he started cheating on me. For the most part, I forgave. I guess he explained to you that the reason he started cheating on you was because you wasn't putting out. Though we remained together and then we had our twins. From that point on, sex was something I did because I had to or felt the urge to, or when I felt the urge to, but never when he wanted it, and mostly with the attitude. I don't won't know mad sex angry. I don't like it. It's just looks like what you're looking at me like that fun. I don't won't no mad angry sex. It's like having if if your if your sex life was a video game, it'd be angry at burg angryper. You're just flying over there, just knocking stuff over. I don't want no mad sex. Get your nails out, my damn stop like that. It's angry right here? Why you slap me that damn hot? I hate you? He baby slap me in my mom. I slap you on your ad. We're wrong. Did you finish yet? What did Theay? No, I'm not, but the hell I'm about to be forget it, Just forget it. Yeah, don't, no, don't. Nobody won't all that? All right? We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, come on, Steve, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. Let me splain to you, man pays for sex, bit your baby karate. You don't spend the baby's money though, Steve, Come on, now, I know, I know, but let me tell you what the man what if me and you ain't kicking it no more, then the baby don't need to be kicking. If me and you ain't kicking, if the baby's gonna be st you are wrong. I spent the baby karate. Here a part where to let a turk a little turn. You try to go spiritual. I become spiritual and a practicing Christian. I know it took vials to be my man, but that was before God Church and Christianity was really a part of my life. I love church. I love God in a way I never did before, and I want to do what's expecting to me. But I can't believe that God wants me to stay with this man who has done this time relationship with my help, I guess any way. I know I had to forgive him, but I don't think I can ever sleep with this man again. Do I have to stay and try to work this out? I'm at my what's in? He barely ever knowledge that he's done, and and still try to sleep with me every night. I'm hurting and sold it. But what do I do that what is right in a faithful way? Please help? First of all, let me stay, so don't drag the Lord. And because see the Lord wasn't on Facebook, The Lord wasn't spending the kids karate money, you know, the the the Lord wasn't having sex every day for a team yet, and that's that's that's let's let's stop making him the because you didn't found him. Now listen to me. Voals get taken by two people. See two people take them vials, not just you. Two people take them violed. So now as two people have got to hold up the end of the deal. Now, if he's gonna hold up his end of the deal, then it ain't no deal uphold. Now what what? Whatnot? Now? What that gotta do with you being a Christian? And now? And Charlott's correct about that. A lot of Christians get divorced. I know ministers that get divorced. If you don't pick the wrong one, you pick the wrong one. What you want to do? You wanna stay with? Go ahead? You haven't mentioned in this letter that this man a good husband because he ain't a good father. He ain't got no time. You ain't really saying nothing. The problem with this man is, ah, this man won't. It's all right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. You can email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter. At my girls surely switching gears? Now, Tommy, did you want to ask Steve for me? Yeah? You know you stated that you you want to make a billion dollars in the next three years. No, I think I can beat that. I think I can beat that by one year. Six Listen, Tim, and now I predict I can make a billion dollars in two years. Now. Only thing is I'm gonna need your help. Yeah. Uh, the question I got for you how getting a bill? You asked me that wrong? Now, if I got to help you get your two billion, ain't that gonna take away from me trying to get mine three? But don't be greeted like this, Well, is this a mentoring question or I don't know? This is confused? Still, okay, what do you want? I just want to know? How do I make the billion dollars in two years? That's how I don't want that's your mentoring question. I mean that's many millions, do you But we can't I can't expose that jumping up? So we know you got a minimum of one. That Ain't that a good start? So you understand what you're saying. Steve says he's gonna make three billion dollars I mean one billion dollars in three years. Okay, So you're saying you can beat his three years to make your billions if he hit me. I just want to know how you get that. That's your first mentoring question for you. Why why I go small? He always say shoot for the star. So here here's my question to you. What can you do right now that could generate ten million dollars over the next year? Oh, man, me and you? What can you do right now? You yourself generate ten million over the next I'm gonna have to link it to you though, No, no, no, listen to me. You cannot link me. It's to be something because listen to me. Boy, that's the problem. People always tie their dreams and visions to somebody else, when an actuality security is only that which you can provide for yourself. What can you do yourself? So you know? And what nobody? Man? If he had to showed up, Man, if he had gave me this, it would have happened. Now, you don't need that. What can you do to produce ten million over the next year? I thought I was utilizing my resources. You wanted my resources. Man, go ahead and just tell me how you're gonna do it? Him, How are you gonna make ty? I'll tell you. I'll tell you what we do. Okay, I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm gonna I'm gonna. I'm gonna shoot a movie for five yeah, and I'm not I'm not paying for that. Why not? How's we're gonna get somewhere? If you had the center animal time, the question was, how can you produce ten million dollars. Now you already need my five, and that's how I can do it. But listen to me. You still don't have ten million. You didn't took my five, and ain't no guarantee this movie gonna do a damn thing. But your track record, that's just look at who stole Populard money. It closed in the same weekend where we're gonna get distribution for this movie. You then wrote, we're gonna get it just ride with me. Wow, from Papa, raised, from some of these people you got on your phone, you got talking about me? How we go? You don't have a clue how to get ten millions? Does he have a million? With Carla? Does he have a million? He has eight? Me? He said that, yeah, he got a million. Okay, it's the various thing. We ain't been spending my million and that's not gone right. But yeah, yeah, we're using your million, right, Okay, cool? Cool? But to how the hell are you gonna use my five? Because you have so many more of them? All right, listen coming up in about ten minutes, Um, Carla, you gonna have a special edition of Reality Update. Yes, alright, fellas are gonna want to get into Okay, all right, that's about ten minutes. Okay, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen. We have a special edition of Reality Update put your hands together, the one, the Only Carla Farrell. All right, thank you, nephew. Okay, so we got the special edition of Reality Update on Okay, what happened? Okay, So first of all, let's just say this, your show is back, Steve. Last Night, Loving Hip Hop a t L Atlanta is back, season seven premier Steven, Mimi, Rashida, Kirk, Tommy and them. They are back. I'm really sick of Kirk and Jasmine the baby. Rashida is such a boss. I don't understand Kirk. Yeah, what happened to my boy? Josh, Lyna, Steven, Steven, Ja, He's still on the show. He's still on the show. And there's some new people. Eric Amna, she's on this. Josh. Lyn ain't on no more, not just Lynn. You know she kind of tripped out last season. Yeah, yeah, she had the baby and yeah she kind of tripped out. But this is what I want to talk to you guys about. We'll talk about Love and Hip Hop Atlanta later. We'll let people get a chance to catch up on it if you didn't get a chance to see it last night Sunday's episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta. What do you guys about? Now? The ladies were back from from Spain, and we know that Nini is pursuing a career in stand up comedy. Well, she did an event. This was not televised on the show or on the particular episode on this past Sunday, but while on stage they talked about this. On the show, Nini addressed a heckler and she basically went there with this heckler and then she said, she told the heckler, I hope you get raped by your uber driver. That yeah, we talked, we did. We talked about this when we heard about it happening. So last night, I mean Sunday night, they addressed it on the show. So now take a listen. Nini is telling Cynthia and Marlowe some of the other cast members, what happened and how sorry she was for saying what she said. Take a list So as I go into the joke, the person on the front is, you know, talking while I'm talking, she says, kill yourself, you know, killing yourself does she say me to kill myself. I'm so quick to fight back. I gotta have to to learn to not fight back. This is hate and that said what I said. Just listen. Oh my god, I know, but listen. Nobody okay, Nini, listen knows that to you. I know, I know, I know, I know. It was a mistake. You didn't know. Nobody cares what she says. But the person to say what they said. That just to list though, you apologize, you're gonna make a state some on Wow. First of all, she got to get out of comedy. Yeah, yeah, because brow I ain't never crying thirty three years and fired off some zingles. She got kill yourself, broke her down, kill yourself broke her? Yeah, well kill yourself. Yeah, there's a lot. I've been called it in word. You ain't funny. Ould have done everything. She got to get out of comedy. It's not fun her. That's gonna break you down. What kind of advice are you? What would you do comedy? Oh? I handle heckless. You're gonna kill me? Oh, we were all gonna die this eating. Everybody's gonna have a little deft this even a matter of fact, I'm gonna nail you to the cross. As soon as you say that to me, you can start. You can lay on the ground and lay on this wooden cross, and we're gonna start nailing your ass to it. But oh, it's since you want to be in the show. Oh, now you're fitting to be the show. Oh, and you're fitting to stay in this show a little bit longer than you want to. I'm gonna humiliate your head, that's the thing. So that was her clap back when she said, I hope you get raped by an uber driver, and that controversial clap back that she had she lost her with with Escape they Escape tour. She was supposed to be booked on the tour with Escape. You remember Candy's group from the nineties, they got back together. She was supposed to open up for that, and the group members felt that they didn't want her a part of it. But listen to me, at no point in the seventies eighties, nothing, it's rape a joke, subject, right, listen to him. Here's a deal. This is what I teach all young comics. There's two hundred and fifty don'ts in comedy. After that, you can do anything you want to. But you need to learn the two hundred and fifty don't. After you learned the two hundred and fifty don't, you can do anything. Rape is not a jokable subject. It's just not no, it's it's not a clapback. It's not a comeback for a heckla. Rape. It's too vile of a word. It shouldn't be used period. Now, if that comes out your mouth, what does that say about you? You're not a comic. Well, you know what, another thing too, the girl could have said, because you wouldn't it wasn't going good. She the girl could have said, y'all just kill yourself. Yeah, we don't know what you have that dying anyway. It could have been boy, I know you want to kill yourself right now. Yeah, And and Nini felt extra badly because you know, she's done work, you know, with domestic domestic violence and all of that, you know, so yeah, she she she really felt bad about that. First of all, comedy is nothing that you go and become. You better say that. Let me just help you all with this, being a comedian and being a stand up comedian, it's nothing you go and become. You are born into this. If you're not born into this. This is not for you. Everybody, don't use it. But you can't. You can't learn this. This ain't teachable, ain't no classes for this. This is not what she do. She can be a host and MC and actress. She can't be all you're gonna take acting lesson, you can't take commed lesson. She gotta get out of this here. Alright, she's hosting more now. I think she's on the road again the other day. Yeah, all right, coming up at the top of the hour. This story is straight out of the UK. Prince Harry, no pre nup? Whoa, we won't pretty you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, what were you gonna say? Where are you gonna ask? Steve is on stage? He's a stand up right now, Stevens right, I'm the hell cloud side in the audience. Okay, I don't know nothing what you're gonna say? Time? Okay, I'm on stage. I'm working. I ain't even let me okay, okay, right quick, let me get in my zone. I'm working. Okay, go ahead and start. You're dying up down. Why don't you just kill yourself? Okay? I will you first? Okay, yeah, no, I'm I'm with it. I'm with it. I'm with it. If you that's what we're doing, I'm dying with it. You first ready said, go hey, that joke fell flat as a pancake. Why don't you get out of here? Kill yourself? No, it's flat like your mama's behind. Come on, Tommy, tom Tommy that you ain't gotta say kill yourself, you just haul out in So whoa? This show is ugly right here? And nobody what's ugly? He is ugly? It's your date. You rolled in with that. I don't know. Are you evering trouble with me? I do? How much? Lord? Can this show get? Pal? Wow? Well are you shocked? So I'm getting down that way at? Oh my god, it's in time? Show stinks? What are you doing? That's your breakfast smell? And another thing? Yeah? How to quick talking to you? To ask me right over? Oh my god, I've been to a circus that's way better than this, man, You've been to a circus that's better than this? Yes, but hey, go back. Ain't that why you're working anyway? You don't? Lord? Girlfriend jokes? But never once did he say that other lack ver one. That's that's all you gotta do. Man. You just gotta be clever. You gotta come back. You know, flap back is real. I specialized in heckless. I've made a fool out you man. I had bitch written on what else you got? All right? Listen. Prince Harry and Megan Marco are all set to get married in May of this year in St George's Chapel at winter Castle in the UK. The two are extremely excited to be saying their I dudes, but with some shocking reveal, Prince Harry is not interested in having his fiancee sign a prenup. Okay what queens? Uh? Where they're gonna get married in? In England? Oh? Yeah, over there? You can't getting under rawalty money? Okay some outlets. I don't know. I'm just saying. Some outlets have claimed that Prince Harry's net worth it's forty million dollars or more, while Megan Markles net worth is around seven million. But the youngest son of the late Princess Diana doesn't care about his fortune when it comes to his future wife. He's determined that his marriage will be a lasting one, so there is no need for him to sign anything. A lot of people go into marriage believing that yeah yeah, no, free up, yeah no, free up. So Steve, what do you think that you know he's he's it ain't his money, it's his power, it's his reign, is his family, his lineage here, Okay, he's set for life. Oh yeah yeah, she can't get none of that money. That that money ain't lined up like that for him. His network farting all you god man. And she's seven, so it's not like you know she's coming in with nothing. Good. They love, they're good. I ain't got no prenup. They look like I don't know. Me and my girl going to the tape doom. You got a prenup when you make your billion, You're gonna have a prenup when I make my being. I'm staging my debt. Here we go with that, Gonna be at my funeral and everything. When I get this beat? What everybody getting out? My damn life? Man? See if help? Now, this is what you can mentor him on right here? What you can't change that part? And I get that beat, I'm getting shot in front of them kids and everybody right there on the patio. What what dad died on the patio. They're gonna pack my ass out of that. I'm gone thanking your death as elite. When them get down the street, I'm jumping out walking, going to get my beet. Man. I ain't mad at you, though you should be mad at him. In your mask, he said, I'm staging my deal. I'm getting shot in front of my kids, in front of him kids. I thought you were saying, if I get this billion dollars, I got to get rid of about that's funny. If he was going to win the lottery, Steve, Now, yeah, but this bill he got time to get a billy. He gotta get rid of. There's no other way around. Yeah, because they came bad, witness to what I'm going to do. The last time they say daddy, they will be screaming. This is awful. This is really bad. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Right down that Pattio, I'm out. Stop saying that. Yeah, that's horrible. Stop saying that. I don't know if it's horrible. The show is. It's horrible, Junior. It's a show I don't like. I don't like it. I'm staging only the men. Think, kid, it's not fun. You could go to your own funerals. We're changing the subject, but we will be back. We're changing right, y'all gonna go to my funeral. You're calling gonna make my fun just to help you play it off. I'm gonna need I'm gonna need ten million. I'm gonna tell your assisted. Yeah, I'm gonna need. I'm gonna need twenty million. I'm telling you, you'll be lying the next morning if I don't get twenty five millions to take the family to him. Man hit Er, Jackie. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hi, Steve. We're inviting everyone to take a little trip with us come August thirty, Labor Day weekend. August thirty through September three, we are going to Punta Con, Dominican Republic. Sand and Soul Festival. Yes, Yes, I can't wait, saying and Soul dot Com. Daddy, Yeah, that's it, Steve Harvey, Harvey Sand and Soul dot Com. You got to go and check it out. It's what's the dates, Shirman. August thirty through September three, Labor Day weekends. Labor Day weekend. We have rooms at the real Hotel remaining, but here's the deal. If you stay next door, all your food and all your drinks is included, still included in all the events. Your tickets there, you will have coverage to get into all of the events twenty four seven at the hard Rock Hotel. But the real when you stay there, it's all inclusive. Also, all your food and all your drinks is included. So that's the big difference in this year's trip. I made it all inclusive, so you can leave your wallet at home. You ain't got to bring nothing. I'm gonna have a cigar bar, kannak bar. I'm gonna have you in here, just doing it like I'm doing it, big ball of shot caller, ain't making no mistakes and leaving it all down at the lake. That's how we do it. That's from the words of my man Don King. Yeah, so we got a great line up DJ's uh. The DJs that we do uh will be Bars Markey, we got DJ Mars, we got DJ So those are the DJs, the comedians. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen. Precious that's my girl. Definitely kill spit your headliner, the incomparable earthquake. Shake it up, sir, that's the host for the events. Shirley Strawberry will be hosting, Colin for Real will be hosting, will be host, Chryl Underwood will be hosted. Monica Mississippi Bonds will be hopeful. Oh yeah, the artist Montell Jordan's This is how we do Get Fresh six minutes and the big headline Up, the One and Only Kill for the special appearances, Marjorie Harvey's Beauty Bar, and letting y'all have all of them secrets, get your skin where you wanted to be. I'm gonna be this. Steve Harvey will be live at the golf tournament and we'll be hosting showtime and dear Poppolo, we got this at night. I'm doing it nobody host Apolo. Also, we're gonna have a live Q and A. It's to act like a success master class. I'm gonna be hosting in that. So that's the way we're doing it this year. Those are the events. Y'all come on and join us. Go to Steve Harvey Saying and soul dot com for information. We'll see when you say a live Q and A two that's with the morning show crew. That's with us. The phone number is eight hundred six. Yeah, that make it change to a master class. Well, we do have a master class, act like a success master class, Sherlenkle. Yes, I was gonna get y'all some swimsuits for the weekend. Y'all want bikini or y'all we gotta go. Uh, we'll be back. We'll be back with more of this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's Today's Strawberry Letter, but up next it's the nephew. Alright, Steve, So you were saying about um, you know what what Warren Buffett said. You know, I was gonna ask you to make a statement about me, but I changed my mind. Let me just say this, Warren Buffett is correct in that money does not make you happy. If you're not a happy person, getting money not gonna make you happy. Now, I jokingly said that it made me a lot happier. It opened up. But what it did was I was really already a happy person. I may have been in some dark places and some dog spots in my life, but I was basically a happy person. So being a little bit more well to do has just created an opportunity to do more with the happiness. That's what it does. The real thing about money is it just takes all emergencies and turns them into me or inconveniences. It just makes your life a little bit more convenient. Well what about when you said, um, having more money just makes you more of who you are. That's a true statement. So like, if you're an unhappy person a lot of money, you're gonna be more reasons to be unhappy. Just rich and mad, Yeah, just rich and sad. There's a lot of very rich sad people out there, you know, who know the principles of sess but for some reason can't pull that part of their life together for very reasons. So I've been generous. I've been overly dreiner generous at times. I've had to learn how of late to cut that back because people take advantage of it. I've been more than generous in my life because I'm a generous person. My father was he'll give you the shirt off his back. I got that from him. My mother always told me, she said, you just like your daddy. Your daddy do anything he can to help somebody he care about. He said, you just like him, and you just like him too. Because you fight, you and your daddy, just fight. Come home some night, just shirt toe off. He had changed his shirt and go back down there, so we know where you got it from. I'm cool with that. But that's what I wanted to say. And let's talk about the NBA for a minute time, I mean, not the NBA d n C double A. Let's talk. We got the brackets. There's been a lot of upsets. Uh. The Sweet sixteen is in in the South bracket. We got Kansas State and Kentucky. Kentucky is number five in Kansas State is number nine. I predict Kentucky to come out of there the big upset like Loonla Chicago shot Tennessee, which I kind of saw that coming. I was thank thinking that I didn't pick them early, but I got on the bandwagon against Nevada. Now they ain't leven. Nevada number seven. I think Loyola Chicago, the boys up there, gonna shock. Yeah, I think they're gonna shock Nevada to you, right, Tommy Xavier in Florida State. Now, I told you Florida State. I told you the team from Florida. I couldn't figure out the name of it, but here he is though. Yeah, but they're going to go up against Gonzaga. Now. Now they're going to against Oh yeah, that's right there, against Gonzaga because they beat Xavier. See that they I told you all that's stunned. Now, Gonzaga hard to beat because they go there every year. So I'm just in proud with Florida's stick. Houston had Michigan. Man had had Michigan. Michigan beat Houston. So they against Texas and that's time is old College. So automatically I pulled for me. But they gave y'all John every since they that you're listening to show. All right, we are back. This is our last break of the day. Good day this Tuesday, Steve. We're ready for your closing remarks. Today, I want to give you all something that came to me. Uh, it came to me this morning. I was been in really over the weekend. I was doing a lot of prayer for meditating over the weekend, you know, just trying to recenter myself. You know, sometimes I get a little off, you know, i'd see myself sliding off. Course, I'm forgetting to be grateful as I should. I'm I started working on some things that I want to happen so bad. I keep pouring a lot of time into it. I keep, you know, reviewing my plans and goals, and sometimes you know, your second guest stuff, and sometimes you spend a lot of time just scratching your head trying to figure out your next move. I'm sure everybody can relate to that. How you sit up in here, man, and some of your best laid plans seem to be going a ride and you just can't figure it out. Uh. I was sitting up and somebody sent me this this morning, and then it's entitled Release, And as I read it, I just want to share with you the thought that I was having when I was reading this thing called Release, and it says, Heavenly Father, I released to you the burdens that I have been carried, burdens that you never intended for me to carry. You know what I read that. It meant something to me because a lot of the stuff that's on us that we can around here, he don't even in tear for us to carry around. We're just canding around because we didn't took it upon ourselves to worry about it. We don't took it upon ourselves that this is now this albatross around our neck when God really didn't intend for that. You know, other people's problems really ain't your problems. They can bring it to you, but that don't mean it's yours. So you end up carrying around stuff that God never intended for you to carry. You know, like you hear your grandmama used to say, don't let other people put their trash in your trash care because you need all that room for your trash. But now you can't around somebody else's. Then it goes on to say, I cast all my cares upon you, all my worries, all my fears. You have told me to not be anxious about anything, but rather to bring everything to you in prayer with thankfulness. Man, I had forgotten about that, and when I read that, it reminded me that I shouldn't be anxious about these deals. I'm working on my next move, what I need to get done. Why am I tripping about that? I don't know how it's gonna turn out anyway. I'm anxious about something that I actually have no control over. So I just con said to me, Steve, just turn this over to who got all this in control? And let him have it, and be grateful for what you have. And then it says, Father, calm my relentless spirit, quiet my anxious heart, still my troubling thoughts, with the assurance that you are in control. Man, Ain't that cool? When you turned something over to God and all of a sudden you have a calmness or quiet and the stillness because you ain't got to worry about it no more. Then it says, I let go of my grip upon the things that have been I've been hanging on too. With open hands. I come to you. I release to you, and we are all that I am trying to manipulate. I release to you all that I'm trying to manipulate. So if you let go of stuff, if you let go of a lot of stuff that you're hanging on to y'all, you can go to God with open hands. If you go to God with open hands, he got something to feel now. But if you're hanging on and got a deaf grip on a whole bunch of stuff that you can't do nothing about it, and it's really meaningless, you ain't got room to receive what He got for you. So I release to you all that I am trying to manipulate. I release to you your authority, all that I am trying to control. I release to your timing all that I have been striving to make happen. Everything I've been trying to make happen. I'm gonna let you make it happen everything I've been wanting to happen at a certain time. I'm gonna let that happen in your time. You do it in your time, when it's your will. For me, it's called release. Just let it go, man, because you're tripping about stuff you really can't control. That's an amazing Then it says, I thank you for your promise to sustain me, because that's his promise to sustain you, preserve me and God all that I have entrusted to your keeping. So now when you turn it over to God and you let him have it, and you release this grip on this stuff that you have no control over, and you ask for his calmness and your quiet and you release everything to him, guess what, Now you can just trust that you didn't put it in the right hands. You got it in the best hand, So he gonna protect that now he watching over it instead of you. Watching over. Now, who would you rather hand watching over something? You are God, protect my heart and mind with your peace, the peace that passes all understanding. Father, May your will be done in my life. That was powerful to me, man. And I read that this morning, and I said, Wow, I'm gonna share that with everybody because that really helped me today. Man, that it allowed me to let go of something, to let golf stuff that I've been hanging on to, trying to make stuff happen. When there's so much stuff that's out of my control, if you just let it go, turn it over to God, and be all right with it, because he's been having you. Why would he not have this? But we grab ourselves and we want to be a part of it so much that we end up getting in the way. So I asked that this will be done in my life, in your time and in your way, however he want to do it, and whenever he want to do it, I'm cool with that. Stop being anxious for everything, y'all, step back, turn it over to God and let him do what he does. You feel me, feel you for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal u AS residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.