Browns Lost, Yolanda Adams, GHWB, Magic Johnson, Fight Talk, Games You Can't Play and Why, NFL Pimpin', Closing Remarks and more.

Published Dec 3, 2018, 3:45 PM

Steve opens the show with no Fool #1 and is a bit hurt from the Browns loss to the Texans. Yolanda Adams posts a picture of herself and her late friend President George H.W. Bush only to get backlash. Magic Johnson's daughter Elisa escapes from a home invasion robbery attempt. The show talks about the controversial heavyweight boxing match. We also have the games that you can't play during the holiday season and why. Pimpin' returns to do his picks for NFL week 13. Today for Closing Remarks, Steve talks about physical violence and why there is no excuse for ever putting hands on women and much more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back all suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the Millian buck bus things in the cubles. Good it, steh listening to the movie together for Studley, I don't join join me, be doing me, Honey. You gotta turn you gotta turn to turnow, got to turn out the turn, turn the water, the water go. Come come on your fa uh huh I shall well, good morning, everybody. Excuse me, you're listening to the voice. Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Arvey got a radio show, man on man o man something going on real good today. You ought to feel blessed today. The fact that God woke you up and gave you another opportunity. You know, every day you wake up, it's another chance. It's a chance for all of us to get better, to get it right, to get on the right path, to stop heading the wrong way. Every day you wake up, that's your opportunity. See, because he's gonna keep waking you up because he has a plan for you. You know, I don't know, h you know, I don't, I don't. I don't know. When he makes his call and you know who gets called home when I can't explain it, I don't have that answer. I'm not him, I'm not God. I don't claim to be. I don't. I don't understand it all so times. But God has an amazing way. But as long as he's waking you up, I do know this, God ain't through with you yet. God has a plan for you. Your job is to identify identify the plan. You know. That's that's clearly what I need for you to do. You know, um oftentimes the thing that you're looking for, it's right there inside of you. You know. I can't tell you how many people I meet. Mister Harvey, mister Hart, speak to you for a minute. Yeah, Man, what's up with you? Man? I was just wondering. Man, I've been trying to and I want to know, man, can you give me a good agent? Can you give me a good lawyer? Can you give me a good Now? Look, if you got some legal problems, I understand you're gonna need some help right there. But the majority of questions I get asked is about their future, about their place in this world, about their mission, about what they're trying to do, how they're trying to figure out and then how to go about doing it. But the answer I'm must remind all of you is always within yourself. It starts right there. See a lot of people burn up a lot of time looking around trying to find someone. If I could just meet them, if I could just get on her show. Man, if all, if I could just get to his show, I beating made It's not That's not necessarily the case. Because see, just like every time you put your put your faith in a person or an event or currens or some type of thing that you imagine yourself being, and then that'll do it for you. Imagine of all the people who've made it without you know, I look at everybody telling man, if I could get on so and so show, that will do it for me. Man, somebody else got on that show and they blew up. Man, if I could just make it to that show, do you know how many people have made it without that? So see, when you start focusing in on what your idea of how to make it is, and your idea of how to make it does not include your relationship with God, you're spending your wills. Man, It's a vicious cycle you're in now and I'm asking everybody to get out of that cycle, get out of looking for someone and something. The answer is within you. God resides in you. That burning thing that you have that you just can't get out your head. That's a seed. God planet that that. That's a seed. It needs watering, nurturing, fertilizing, and that's what it needs. It didn't it. Don't ever say, man, I need that other person right there now. Now, people you will meet. That a compliment you, and I can assure you that God will put you in the right place at the right time. I'm almost certain that God will introduce you to everybody you need to be introduced to to make it to wherever it is. You all are trying to get to him. Talking about you and God now, But the moment you're taking into your own hands and you make the decision as to who you got to get to just clouded and muddied the waters. See God's plan for you don't really need your help. It needs your attention, it needs your focus, it needs your faith, and it needs your hard work. But it needs you to listen. Needs you to listen more than anything. Listen, keep the faith and be willing to work your tail off. I don't know how you think it can happen any other way, But then again I do because I try to make it another way. So I had to come to the conclusion, Hey man, listen here, dog, this ain't working for you. You gotta get some more God, here, man, listen to me. The answer was always within me, the moment I sat down with myself and told myself the truth that a partner you ain't really all that they a partner, regardless as to what people are seeing and stuff. You ain't happy. Hey Pardner, this really ain't about you. Hey Pardner, you really ain't all that good at this. God is keeping you for a reason. Okay, hold up, Steve, quit tripping. What I need to do. I just started talking to myself and then I heard Bishop Jake's say a couple of things. Then I was watching TV. I heard Joel Oldstein say a couple of things, and I went wild, man, Okay, cool, that's pretty slick. I'm gonna try that. And when I did it, it changed my life. I am telling you, man, it has been God this whole time, and the God has been residing inside of me, just like the God resides on the inside of you. That's him talking to you, telling you, man, you are to get it together. Man making you feel bad. It's sending you on guilt trips, you knowing you wrong and you out there wrong, and something telling you you all not do it. Here's how you know. It's God. And Bishop Olmer taught me this in his book He's Got I can't think of the name of it right now, but it's a really good book. But it says in that man. Bishop Alma was talking in this book and he was saying, the way you know is not God's voice. It's if it ain't no sin in it. See how many times have you made up in your mind, I'm gonna show this person or I'm gonna show that person. I'm gonna get this person back. You hurt me, I'm gonna hurt you. You know the Lord don't like ugly. I'll show you well, the Lord don't like ugly. But no way in that doesn't safe for you to go show them. It doesn't say that. See, so when you strike out on that mission, you know the God knows in my heart I loved you, but I got to do this because you did me. Whoa whoa ain't got nothing? To do with God right there, you can take him out of it. If it's God, has no sin in it. So anytime somebody come to me talking about the Lord told me to do this to you and it's the only reason I'm doing it, you need to get yourself right with God. I heard all them threats right there. That ain't God talking to me through you. What are you crazy? If it's God, it has no sin in it. So you got to be careful man, when you're talking to people and we're gonna go down here and we're gonna do this because this is the right thing to do. If it has something wrong going on, then it can't be the right thing to do. Took me a minute to learn that one. But please get that through your head so you can quit spinning yourself around and remember everything you're looking for is within you. It's all right there. Quit wasting your time looking around all the time. Go to your God, man, talk to him. Go to that spirit that's on the inside of you that's calling you. Stop letting people shake your treat You know, every time I turn around, man, somebody got a camera in my face. That's a freelance for TMZ or something, And they all come with the same thing. Now lately, you know I'm an atheist or you know what I'm You know, there's an atheist group that's going door to door. Now I totally do the day port to other day, I said, I don't care. You know, they try to antagonize. He said, hey, man, how do people with aggravating voices get radio shows? I said, I don't know. I never I don't know anybody with an aggravating voice. Well do you know that atheists go door to door? I said, man, that's cool. Man, knock yourself out. And I just kept on walking because I'm not gonna get tripped up in that game. Look, atheists have the right to feel how they want to feel, and I had a right to feel how I feel. I'm not stopping you from going around saying you an atheists. You can't go around saying I stop me from saying I'm a believer. Let's just gonna live in this world. At the end of the day, somebody gonna be right, somebody gonna be wrong, whichever one it is. Well, suppose it ain't no God, Well then I don't live a pretty cool life thinking it was. And I'm gonna just ride with that one. That's pretty cool with me right there. Okay, all right, y'all we're gonna have good day tripping a little bit going through something. You're listening show, Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, let me have your attention to Steve Harby water Show. It's kicked in right now. This is Steve U, the one that brings it all in or you know, intro level stuff. That's all it is. Ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strong, Hey Steve, good morning calling for real? Good morning, Steve. What's up? Prove what up? Junior? Morning? Ug? I guess I could come to work today. Yeah, yeah, yeah, y'all would come when I cut the game on by the time I cut only with half time Danny Brown, Yeah, Steve Harvey's yeah, you can come to where the Browns didn't be, Houston. And I want you to know that y'all really pay your ties this week. Yeah, maybe I would throw in fifteen for sin if I was you, because what the Lord saved y'all for? I know, thank you. And and let me tell you some something. I was watching a football and watch a lot of games. I always watch NFL Game Day Lives so I can keep up with all the games. When I cut the TV on, it was halftime twenty three nothing Texans over the Brown. That took a lot of pressure off my Sonday. I will say that because I didn't have to worry about it no more. It wasn't even worth worried about it. Yeah. Then I cut on here and watch this food dropped two damn touchdown. Yeah, so the Texas one, they didn't they were thirteen. Congratulations man, Well, he said, I couldn't come to work if they man, Thank thank the Lord for that whole different open. I couldn't even I couldn't even sit in here. No, no, we'd be saying to score every break, that's good, good game. Well yeah, and uh shout out this morning, Yeah to my sister, Yulanda Adams, A big shout out, A lot of love to Yulanda Adams. Yulanda Adams on her Instagram. She had a relationship with the Bush family because every they used to do events and that they love Yolanda Adams singing and they would have invite her to a lot of different things to sing and her and h the late President Bush who just passed, had a relationship and she used to call him Daddy Bush and I mean, you know that's because she's a Christian. And uh, she posted it the backlash that she got on her Instagram. I found it appalling that people would attack Yolanda Adams for sending out condolences to the family of a man that she had a relationship with because he was a Republican president, and they talked about Yolanda Adams man like it was something ridiculous. Landa Adams is one of the finest people I have ever met. Man. Yes, yes, sir, yes, she think nicest women, but a person. I'm gonna tell you a true story about Landa Adams when we come back. But Yulanda Adams, I text her and I'll tell you what I text her. I can't tell exactly. All right, we'll do it right after this, Steve, at thirty two after the hour. You're listening, all right, Steve, we didn't mention the nephews out todays. Is it Monday? Oh okay? But before before we left it out, Hey, Tommy, hey nephew. Before left out you're trying to represent. But Steve, before we left, you were talking about some of the backlash that our friend Yolanda Adams has received because she posted a picture of her and the late George HW. Bush. Yeah, it was a group picture, and she had a relationship him, relationship with him. You know, they all lived down there in Texas and Yolanda lives in Houston, and she just she she missed him. They had a great relationship. She used to sing for them all the time. And she posted a picture of condolences and I miss you. She used to call him Daddy Bush. The backlash on her page, I just happened to be going through it, and I said, wait a minute, man, I could not understand people's response to Yolanda Adams, who happens to be a gospel singer, who is a Christian and who did a Christian And then you know people saying stuff like, so you're a Republican. Now, wait a minute, Republican or not, you can feel remorse at the loss of a human life. How have we become so polarized? And how's the internet so damn hateful that you can't even send out condolences right to a man who was a president. But let's just talk about the fact that maybe they was just cool with each other, yes, and it's okay. It's okay if she is a Republican. I don't know what what her political she is, but if she was, it'd still be okay, and it would be okay. Then you're exactly right, Shirley, because man, it really pissed me off when they attacked her like that because she's such a Christian, she ain't gonna say that. Well, then that's where you need Christians like me come here. That just you know, that's kind of like, you know, I'm a Christian, but you know you ain't. If you slap me, I'm not turning another chief. That's that I'm that Christian. So y'all get up off her ass. Quit talking about her quick quick, like you know, man, like she's done something so deplorable. She's a Christian. That's what Christian people do. You know what really kind of takes me off. It's supposedly why are you following your London? Why do you follow up? I mean, if you're on her pay, you usually be a fan of hers or you follow her for some reason, right right, So I'm thinking, you know, should be a lot of Christians following her. She's a gospel singer, so they're Christians your thing acting very Unchristian like. Well, let's let's put it like this. Rap fans follow rappers. Who's judging? R and B fans follow R and B singers, they do, they do. People who love comedy follow comedians. So I'm just assuming Christians follow gospel singers. Amen. Boy. But when asking on that internet though, oh, just all of a sudden, all that Christianity. When when can't nobody put your face to a name on your little fake page? You got set up. They talked about this woman, and I just wanted to come to the defense of Julanda Adams and say, I told my little sister, I say, from your big brother, keep your head up, don't you. Don't you change who you are wearing about these people? Because she was thrown off with the hatred. I bet she was. I bet she was. But she said, Steve, I'm just gonna love him and pray for him anyway. Yeah, and you do the same. I told her, I wasn't praying for nobody. Stop that. You were saying that in Houston. People know that Yolanda and the Bushes were friends. You were saying, yeah so this, Yeah, people other than Houstonians that were saying this sort of thing on the internet. And yeah, because people in Houston, they know Yolanda Adams. She has a relationship with George H. W. Bush, who in Barbara Bush who they both lived in Houston until they passed away. So there's a lot of people in the black community that have relationships with the Bushes in the Houston area. And then the picture it's Yolanda Adams, former President Barack Obama, former President George H. W. Bush, and former President George W. Bush in the picture that she post. I just I just don't understand where people are coming from and really feel good because the thing is, if Jesus was alive today with the internet, they would still try to find a way to cross today to this day right here, with the internet, they would talk about him. Now you know that's right, you know that walking on water, walking on water. No, he ain't making blad people see it again, come on, that's so yeah. Yeah, But I mean, the the Obamas are really good friends with the Bushes, now, I mean, first Lady Michelle and and former President George Bush are really tight. Yeah, yeah, I mean they're good friends, you know, first Lady, like you said, surely Michelle Obama. She's postponed her book tour to attend to attend the fee. There you alright, see, President, you can get it. You can be okay with a person from a different party. Yes, yes, you really can't. You each only get one vote. That's it. Your few don't change the world all my dog on life. You only get one vote. You can disagree with a person and still be all right with Yes, we do it every day on this show. Let me tell you something. There are some good Republicans in this world. There are some good Democrats in this world. I got news for you. It's some bad Republicans in this world. And it's damn show. Some bad democrats in this world. Yeah, so get past it, man and live your life and let your live her life. All right? Um? Coming up next, Uh, we're gonna talk about um, the Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury fight. Um. And then you wanted to talk about the football situation. Steve going on too? Boy, You don't. You don't know how I was. I watch all this, okay, all right, now, all right, all right, we'll talk about it when we come back. Right after this. You're listening to coming up at the top of the Hour, Guys and Entertainment news. Beyonce's performance was so beautiful. Did you guys see her? Yeah, at the Noble Citizens Festival in Johannesburg, South Africa. We'll talk about that coming up, but right now, Steve Junior and Jay are here with Uh. They're gonna talk about the heavyweight fight between Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder and Steve, you got to talk about, Uh, Deontay's outfit Okay, I'm throwing Game of Thrones when he walked into the a chicken. What he was doing here looking like a chicken? The worst? Damn. I don't fit out. I'm seeing some bad outfits on boxers before. But but the but the superior chicken, George. You know, I don't blame him, Steve. I blame whoever put that together sold it to him. I know they had to say, you think it's gonna look all right? At one point he said, ain't enough feathers. You know, I actually thought it was going to be a draw at the moment in end, Yeah, I thought it was going to be a draw because I was scoring the fight as I went along. And what happened was Tyson Fury was outpointing him. Yeah, so if he had accumulated too many ten nine rounds, so they give if you went around, they say you went a round ten nine. If you get a knockdown in a round, that's a ten eight round. If you score a knockdown, it's a ten eight round to the person that scored a knockdown. Now, Wilder had two ten eight rounds, so you tried, you gotta do it like that. So it's twelve rounds in the fight, right, So let's say seven of the rounds Tyson Fury one because he was outpointing Wilder. He was just outpointing him because you know, he was throwing big punches of Wilder was but he was getting outpointed. Surprisingly to me, he was getting outpointed. He kept that jab in his face, he did, he kept So I had him winning seven eight rounds. I'm gonna be honest with you, man, I had Tyson Fury winning seven eight rounds. So when so, okay, let's say seven rounds and then you got the other foe rounds that went the other five rounds that would go to him, So that's twelve. But you got a ten eight round and a ten eight round, which would give him the points of seven. I'm doing this wrong, but any got it for a draw because I just can't. Yeah, yeah, I thought it was a draw. I was not mad at the draw because both of them have belt. One of them is the Millennial whatever they called the Champ and the other one is WBC. So they need to unify these belts. Everybody got a belt, so in order to take somebody else's belt, you got to beat him. Now, when he knocked him down that second time, I thought it was he got it. I don't know how he got it from them in the twelve. I thought that was when he got up though, didn't he He ain't look grave he got He don't know how he got up. Yeah, but I saw it, man, it was. It was. But and can I say this, man, I love Wilder, but he needs a trainer. He doesn't have a trainer. He needs a real knowledgeable corner man in this corner to train him because he's still throwing his punches too. Loop. He threw a couple of them. Them them swatted punches with his with the palm of his fist. I saw three of them yesterday. Farmer boxer Steve Harvey by the way. I mean, he just he needs real He needed to go get Tony Atlas or he needs to see if you know, somebody had come out that really really know the game. Man. He needs Floyd's daddy. He need Floyd daddy or Floyd Floyd uncle uncle. Yeah, Roger, Roger, Yeah, he needs he need a fight guy. He needed a guy who's a fighter, right, because he got Mark Breland in his corner. But Mark Breenland obviously, and I'm just I'm just going by what I saw in the corner. He's not a good fight. Mark Brelan wasn't that great of a fighter. As long as he was winning on the outside, he was good. But if he got inside, he didn't know what he was doing saying, ain't James Wilder looked like and from the fight part of Steven watch the whole fight, Tyson really could have knocked him out. I thought a couple of times, if he had really pressed it, he could have knocked him out. Bro he had him. If if you look at Wilder's face, he took the worst end of the whippit he didn't. Yeah, and Tyson Fury got a nasty faint man, you know, man, he know how to throw like he's shaking and nervous the whole time that you know, man, he had he had the better looking boxing jobs, he had the better faints. Yeah, Tyson Fury, That's what I'm looking at. I'm just saying Wilder needs somebody real in his corner because he ain't got enough knowledge in his corner. And I'm sorry, but the white guy that's puts the body bag on the showing him the stuff to do, he don't know enough. He does not know enough, man. He needs a new trainer now, Steve, I got a sound bite for you from Floyd Mayweather. Floyd, what is your assessment of what you're seeing here? Well, what I see is Deontay Wilder. He's depending on He's depending just on one shot. He's looking for one big shot. And as a fighter you have to use other weapons. Fury using combinations and you know, a very very fast jab and taking his time. So I think that if Deontay Wilder don't do something else, it looks like Fury is gonna win. If it goes to distance. You have all the round so far to Fury, five olds so far. Deontay Wilder a hell of a fighter, you know. I love Deontay Wilder. Fury a very you know, unorthodox boxer, a good matchup. He's right, but he need a trainer. He needs somebody to show him how to get that warm punch in. He quick enough to have a nice jab, and he tall enough off jab jab jab jab jab. That's set up all that stuff. You just got your right hand cock here. He saw it coming all day. He need a trainer, man, He needs somebody to teach him to fight game, because his fighting skills are not good. He couldn't have whipped Riddick Bowl. He couldn't have whipped Buster Douglas. He couldn't have whipped Lennox, Lord Raiser, Ruddick, Mike Tyson. Maybe Mike Tyan would have killed his as. He couldn't have that dude, Joshua ain't that good either man, performance No them dude, that dude josh Win ain't none of these new dudes and forming Frazier Norton Holmes would have whooped this boy ass and all these boy ass fight ain't no, ain't no he better fighters now, nor the hell it ain't all right. Listen Steve Harvey and tell us your opinion on the fight. Fury Wilder, Who do you think one? And do you want to rematch up? Next? Entertainment news right after this? You're listening to this day show. Global Music Festival this weekend, guys. Mandela one hundred took place over the weekend, like I said, to honor Nelson Mandela's work to end poverty. Mandela one hundred. It was an all day event in Johannesburg, South Africa. It included musical sets by Beyonce and Jay Z for Rell ed Sharon. Chris Martin of Coplay Usher was there and other African artists. South African comedian Trevor Noah and also Dave Chappelle were on the stage to support the cause. Beyonce's performance brought the crowd to their feet, and before the event, Beyonce wrote an open letter dedicated to mister Mandela, saying, in part your kindness and gratitude for every experience and your ability to forgive our lessons I have learned and will pass on to my three children. My entire family holds you in high regard. What nice words. Yeah, And in other news we talked about this and excuse me and right does surely yes, Beyonce said, your willingness to forgive. Yeah, yeah, See if you you when a person passes, you have to learn from situations. If you can't forgive, you're doing number doing damage to yourself. One of the main lines in the Large Prayer is forgive us. Our trust passes as we forgive, those who trust pass against us. That's how it's done. If you don't ever start forgiving, folks, I got news for you, man, your your life in trouble, for the other person as it is for you. Keep that ascid attitude inside of you for the loness. Yeah, it really does. And you can move on with your life. You can move on. And I'm stuck back there, yes, Steve, and you are going to require forgiveness yourself. Thank you shortly, thank you. Thanks. It won't be no long term for you, right. And also another news, as I was saying, we talked about this earlier, Steve. George HW. Bush George Herbert Walker Bush, the forty first President of the United States, died Friday night at his home in Houston. He was ninety four years old. His passing came less than eight months after his wife, Barbara Bush died after seventy three years of marriage. Jay Anthony Brown, Yes see seventy three. President Bush served as a president for one term, from nineteen eighty nine to nineteen ninety three. There will be a four day tribute to President Bush. He will lie in state from five pm Monday until ten am on Wednesday, a funeral at the Washington National Cathedral, and his burial will be at the George Bush Presidential Library. Rip George HW. Bush. No one said an unkind word about this man. You look at all the tributes that were going on over the weekend. Now they saved unkind words for Yolanda Adams. Yea picture what they funking behind? Yeah? Now tell people because if they may not have heard, you talked about this earlier with Yolanda Adams Steve. Yolanda Adams posted a picture of her and a few other former presidents, and George Bush was one of them, and she admired him because he used to hire her a lot to do the events to him and his wife, Barbara Head, and they were so close that you know, he called her, She called him Daddy Bush, and she wrote that on her post, and all of a sudden, the hate that was sent towards Yolanda Adams, well Oh you a republic looking now, you know, did you realize what he did? Wait a minute, I just didn't appreciate what he tried to do my little sister, and y'all ain't gonna do it because I'm all right, Steve. Let's go on to headlines now, plice, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Trip Bush was one of them, and she admired him because he used to hire help, said him and his wife, Barbara had and they were so close that, you know, he called her, she called him Daddy Bush, and she wrote that on her post. And and all of a sudden, the hate that was sent towards you, Linda Adams, Well, oh you a Republican now you know, did you realize what he did? And wait a minute, I just didn't appreciate what they tried to do my little sister, and y'all ain't gonna do it because I'm all right, Steve. Let's go on to headlines now, please, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne trip thank you very much, Thank you very much, Steve, going everybody, this is entered with the news, and yes, tributes are pouring in for President Herbert worker Bush, who died on Friday, at age ninety four. Ceremonies are planned in Washington and Texas for the first President Bush. His body is to lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda today tomorrow and till Wednesday morning, when there's to be a funeral service for the forty first Commander in Chief of the National Cathedral. Bush is then to be taken to his home in Houston form royal services there, and the forty first President is to be late one rest on Thursday next to his late wife Barbara at his Presidential Library and Museum and a place called College Station in Texas. President Trump has declared Wednesday, by the way, a national day of mourning for the president who was a navy man, a vice president, and CIA director before becoming elected president. Politicians from all over the world and both sides of the political isle paying tributes. Former President Obama says, quote, America has lost a patriot and a humble servant. He described the tremendous good that mister Bush accomplished, from helping new immigrants, to reducing nuclear weapons, and to ending the Cold War without firing a shop. By the way, the former President Obama was supposed to be on a book tour and he said he's canceled all his dates to make sure he can attend the funeral for the former president. Is that time again? The federal government apparently runs out of money on Friday. President Trump's been pushing for his promised boarder wall again. However, in the wake of the death of the first President Bush, Trump stands seems to have softened a bit where it pertains to signing a short term budget extension. What's happen to talk about an extension because of the President was just passing. I would absolutely consider it and probably given. At ten pm tonight, HBO check out a new film on the death of Sandra Bland, the black woman arrested by a white cop in a small Texas town and found hanging by a noose in her cell. Her sister, Sharon Cooper, tells me the project's been in the works for a while. Yeah, she started filming this actually shortly after her passing and we were just able to wrap things up. And so what I view it as it is an opportunity to bring a will love awareness to an issue, not just that Sandy happened three years ago, but the fact that there has always been a consistent adverse impact on Black women and girls. And the film is entitled Say Her Name, The Life and Death of Sandra Bland, HBO ten PM. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, These are definitely some scary times we're living in right now. Magic Johnson's daughter had to flee a San Fernando Valley house where two armed men staged an early morning home Um. Magic Johnson's daughter, Elisa, Eliza Elisa Johnson. Yeah, she was at an airbnb over the weekend. It was rented by some friends. Sunday morning, two men got inside and started terrorizing the ten people who were staying there. Elisa was in a bedroom and hurt the commotion, and this is according to TMZ. They reported that she fled through a siding glass door sliding glass door at the back of the home and ran down the street to escape harm. Meanwhile, the suspects cleaned out the home and fled before police arrived. We're told that they made off with the rolex and other jewelry, cash and electronics for a total hall worth about between thirty and forty thousand dollars. Thank goodness. Lisa Johnson is Okay, no one else in the house suffered any physical injuries, and yeah, police are on the case. Of course, you got to really be careful, man. Yeah, this is at an airbnb, you know that was rented. So yeah, glad she's okay, and you know, no one harmed. But let me say something to young people. I don't know that this is the case, but it seems to me like it just so happens that these ten people are at this particular Airbnb and some robbers show up. I don't know that this is the case, but a lot of times these dudes follow people on Instagram. That's how a lot of basketball players get jack on on NBA weekends and all this shame because they follow where they're going, what they do, and they look at their stories on their Instagram and they show up. And I'm not saying this is what's happening, but it's really strange that this one particular art B and B airbnb gets hit with these kids in it, and all of a sudden, this type of stuff is taken. Yeah. I just want people, yeah, yeah, I want I want people to be careful about that. Yeah, and and they should absolutely, You're so right. Yeah, as as parents of you know, young adults teams. You know, you constantly have to remind your kids. Times are just different now. They're just not like it was when we were all growing up. It's just really different. With social media, it brings a whole other element into the situation. Yeah, it's horrible, man, Yeah, I have to pay attention to Yeah. I've heard on the news that they even said to everyone, don't even post when you're going on vacation, do right, don't none of that. Yeah, so you're right, Steve to give morning. You're right, so thank you for that, Steve. Yeah, all right, listen. Coming up next, Uh, Steve Junior and Jay are gonna talk more about the fight. You guys are into this fight up. It was a draw though, all right, coming up thirty four after we'll be brack. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, you guys talked about the fight last hour very passionately. I might add a junior. Uh. We we asked last hour and Steve Harvey FM if people wanted to see a rematch between Fury and Wilder. So far it's a resounding yes. Yeah. They want him to get after it again. Okay, they have to draw because it was a draw. Yeah, winner heard the heavyweight division into something. Yeah, like it used to be. Right? We watch middleweight now yeah yeah heavyweight? Yeah, now you watch more Walter Wait, Welter? Well, yeah, who's Walter? Walter? Wait? Y'all can say what you want to say, but at least know what the hell I'm talking of course, ya ya, y'all call it well to wait, that's what it ends. We didn't make it up. It's Walter. Wait. Were you talking to fighters? You talk to any Walter wait to see? All right, go ahead, we'll let you have that. I mean, this dude and the thing about when he got up, he got up and started whipping on Wilder, Yeah, I mean, but you could see where Wilder was just gas because he rolls. Hey, no, someone has to train him how to go in for the kill without blowing yourself up. He could have went to the body a few times just to get his hands down, then cracked him in the head. But he just started throwing from his other side. He was putting his right hand back on his right ass, putting it on his left ass and with it I mean, and then he was just gas. The dude has talent, man, He has charisma, he speaks well. Wilder man if he had a real trainer in his corner, because the dudes he got is too young. They don't know nothing about boxing. When I saw Mark Brilin in there, I said, okay, Mark Brelan used to fight. Okay once again, Walter Waite that good? Well, you know he was. I think he fought Olympics. I mean, you know what, he was good, but he was never gonna be you know the question for you what what division is that that he fought in Wales? You heard him time, Steve I got Walders. I got out of the game playing a little bit because I was trying to get him out. And I know when I tried to get a guy that never happens. It never happened. I know that that's a lesson. That's a lesson I learned a long time ago, and I just result back to it. I could never you know, get out of it. I wanted to get him out. I wanted to get him out. I guess it was just the building up to the fight, you know, just really just wanted to knock him out, you know, for the fans. First pay per view, just you know, all that stuff, all that stuff take accountable. But like I said, I'm a man, I'm a man with a few excuses. You know, I'm very happy with the performance. I'm happy with the outcome, and we live to see another day and do it again for you guys. You know, the fans win, the fan win, and this one, you know, this is a hell of a fight to really just determine who's the best in the heavyweight division. And the heavway division is just on fire right now. You know, I think that I think this takes it even more farther to the top. First of all, the heavyweight division is not on fire. It had caught him five years ago. It didn't burn. Yeah, pizzled out Mulgary. Now yea, all you wes asses right now, we didn't even know you were champed till last week. Heavyweight division ain't been on fire since Tyson was in it. That's the last time the heavyweight division been on fire. Let's stop this. And you got to get another trainer, bro. Your team cannot get you to the next level. You might be thirty nine and old, thirty nine and one, but you you will. You need to train a man all right. Up next we're gonna have the prank phone call from uh, well, Junior, you'll have to introduce it because the nephew is not here, but we'll do it coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry Letters subject My neighbors are ghetto fabulous. We'll talk about that, but right now then the nephew is not here, but we got the cousin. We got Junior in the bay already. Yeah, Hi, y'all want me to be really your Christmas decoration? Well, I'm trying to read cecil. Yeah, this cecil was going on. Hey this manny man, I live like about four fire streets over from you. How you doing, brother, I'm doing good man, How you doing? I'm good? Hey? Uh I see you. You You got your Christmas life up right? Yeah? Yeah, I got him up. I got my whole of them, theverything set up. Man, it's just looking real good. Okay. Let me let me ask you something, man. The theme you got in your yard? Where you get that idea from? What you mean? Where I get them from the idea? Like you got the snow man? You got Santa Claus, some reindeals, You got your whole house decorated. You got Jesus with the Manger and the wise men around him. Where did you get your idea from? I'm I'm lost what you're talking about? Man? You ask me where I got a theme from them? I mean you try to imply from them. I'm I'm asking you a question. Where did you get the idea from? I made this up. I made up Jesus, Jesus and the man you know that represents Chrystal Man. You go with a team that's Chrystmas base Man, and that's that's Chrystmas base Jesus there Chrystmas Jesus, and in just in Jerusalem and Beth Lamb and hey, what's what's going on? Man? Who are you? Where you getting my number from? Any I'm I'm I'm manny man, I'm manning. I got I got your number from one of the people that live on your street. And I'm just asking you on the reel, where you get this idea from? I made this idea? If I made this up, man, I made this up. Get the second time you ask me why I get this idea from? What are you trying to import the real deal dog, the same thing you got if you come four streets over. I got the same thing in my yard, and it looked like you to stole my idea. And see what you ain't gonna do is try to win Christmas yards of the season and you don't stole my idea. That's the problem I got with you. Now, the problem you got is like to twist it. Okay, to see I put this together without here. I never even heard of you many begin with. Secondly, I've been doing this particular theme in my yards as I've been standing over. I've been stand over in six years. You ain't had that. You ain't had that theme last year. You ain't had that lad this team last year. And to give before and I put my stuff in the same place every damn time I put it down. You did not have this last talk about who are you to call me and tell me about my theme and about my yard and what you got going? I know you ain't copying there. Man, I'm gonna tell you no, and I ain't gonna go no further. You need to rearrange your theme and get a different thing, because you got the same theme I got. No you need to rearrange your okay, because I ain't rearranging Jack over here. Hey man, let me tell you Jack, tell you something, man, And I'm being really as real as I can be with you. If I got to come over there and unplugged, if you got to come out, if I got to come over to your house unplugged some stuff, no no, no fee. If that thing my foot will be getting unplug from your First of all, you ain't gonna come on my street, in my house and just expect me at all about anything that I got set up in my yard, Telly, I ain't that way. I'll tell you what. Then, I'm just gonna do this ship. I'm gonna just come over there and take Jesus and take them and take them wise men at your yard. That's what I'm gonna do. Come over this way about messing with Jesus in the manger, it's gonna be some real piles. Because football, that's like thick with it, that's that's the center other things. Now, if you want to come over here, you want to kind of do something like that, you gonna need Jesus to help you because it's gonna be some rolling around going on like, Yo, what the bottom line is this? Right here? You got the nerve to do the same thing? My god, I'm full streets sober. I'm driving through looking at everybody's man, looking at everybody's the only one I've seen, same way, the same place he adopt long year. Ain't nobody ever call on me? Your stuff look like then? It from four five six? I would have heard this man in any Wait. Man, it ain't got no right coming on my street because you don't stay on this st you going around living at people, trying to get your ideas. Man, you're not a rich No, No, I'm very original. I moved to this neighborhood and fol you did I've been here. I've been here ten years. You've been here, boy six I lone. You've been living over here. I've been living over here six years. This fub the vision was just coming up when I came over here. How are you gonna tell me? You've been running your team long and I've been running mine? Who you clay? Hey? Man? And it ain't I ain't got time to go back, man. You know what, I got better things? So I still got some more lights put up? Hey, I gotta want to class to go back and forth. What I'm going to tell you us right here, I'm gonna come take Jesus off your yard. I'm gonna take Jesus and the one I take Jesus out my yard. I see now you're signing like when I'm crazy, people come about thinking Jesus out of my life. That's where he's got life and mess up. Come on over. I got somebody, man, and that's what you look here. Don't turn your life on the Light's gonna be on the nighte tomorrow night and every other night. Tell about taking my Jesus into mankers. I'm original as a written that can be. Come over if you want to. I got something. You have stole my ideal and we're talking about this steeling idea. Come on, aunt's hey dog dog, let me tell you something right now. Jesus and then wise men is coming out your yard today. Now you know what, man, I'm through with you. Man, I'm through with you. You know what, Come over here if you want to touch my massa, Jesus, touch my mainjer touch Meving Joseph and the wise Man, and I'm gonna put the North Star over your literary. Hey man, I don't know where you get my number from a night? Who are you? Anyway? Who is it? Who are you? Man? I tell you what you tell about? Coming over here? Listen with anything on coble Okay, set to go off every evening at Duff's started getting dark. My going let mine come on the nights for yo? Anyway? Why why are you like you can't come up with your own team? Man? Why you can't my own team? Look at it? I'll tell you what man for you? Anyway? We're just squatted right now? You stay four five three over? What kind of color you got your God? Why I come fire you little? Come deal with you right now? Where are you at? Right now? Where you are you know what? Don't worry about where I'm at. I'm a I'm a red on your life about moment literally now I'm gonna come fine, No, your life ain't coming on tonight. What never not come on the night. There's gonna be some files in your life. It's gonna be on the breeze and you I don't let you know this? Man, man, man, fruit you who for you? Anyway? Man? You can caused me out of the blue telling me that you're gonna come disconnect my life and still my major and take my baby jeess out the man? Who are you send up here accusing me of steeling your thing when it's been my theme or all these years six years I've been doing this Night of War best yard three years or three years running in this season. Now I think you're trying to get mine. But see the calling me. You didn't want the best yards because you're still in my idea? How can I be sitting your man? Man? You know what you and your and I'm ready to deal with your right Hey, dog dog, I'm not gonna go back and forth with you. You stole my Jesus theme. Dog. Oh wait a minute, how can I have warn that's yards three years running? And you're saying I got to think and you you should have been getting you must not be doing it right? Let me let me, let me let me go on on say this to you right now? Dogs, what Larry on your streets told me to call you, Larry. Larry told you to come up. Larry gave you my number. Larry and Tommy told me to call you. Larry and Timmy told you to call me. Do you know who Tommy is? Nothing that ain't there ain't never missing. Ain't Tommy to me? Who I'm Tommy, I'm Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planked by your boy Larry Man. Nephew Thommy meant the show told me to call you. It's a you win every single year, the Christmas Yade. But it's Californna. Yeah. Let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the lane? Oh? Man hands, I don't know, doubt the show with Nephew is huh? What come on, y'all give you give me, give it to me, Shelly call out here that yeah you were still yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeahbody better than you because man, and come around. It's like he's here. Yeah, exactly. Hi, thank you Junior. Huh, I'm not even your child? All right, thank you Junior. Up next, it is today Strawberry Letters. Subject My neighbors are ghetto a fabulous. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now, guys, for the Strawberry Letter for today. If you need some advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. Junior, Are you ready, Yes I am. It's time for the Strawberry Letter with my good friend Shirley straw Man. Yes, it is. Thank you so much, sir. Subject. My neighbors are ghetto fabulous. Dear Steve and Shirley. I am a thirty two year old single black man. I am a college professor, and I just bought my first condo in a nice new development in a quiet suburb. I come from a family of educators, and I was taught to be well behaved and to mind my manners at all times. For this reason, I'm having a big problem with my new neighbors. They're a young, married couple and they are pardon the expression, ghetto as heck. So far, we are the only blacks in the community, and they are just too much. Even though we have central air conditioning in the building. Their windows are always up so you can hear everything that's going on at their house. The TV is up so loud and they talk loudly. Twenty four seven. I can hear the guy yell to his wife from across the hall, Shamika, Shamika, girl, you hear me when they are going down the stairs outside. It sounds like they're about to tear them down. Whenever they pull up to park, their music is blasting. I don't know what's wrong with them. Two other neighbors have complained about the noise, but they are afraid to talk to the guy, so they asked me to do it. I tried to talk to him and told him there have been a few complaints, but he was not trying to hear it, and he said he will do as he darned well pleases in his own home. I call the cops a couple of times to report a noise disturbance, but nothing's changed. I don't want to come across as being uppit eat, but I am embarrassed by them. They are living up to every stereotype about our race. I may have to rent out my condo and move somewhere else. How would you handle this well, I would definitely rent out my condo if I could. If I could do that, I would. I mean, your home is supposed to be you know, your sanctuary. You're safe. Hey, then if you can't have peace and quiet in your own home, you would have to make some changes. I would think you could definitely choose where you want to live, and I'm sure your condo wasn't cheap, and you shouldn't have to tolerate this sort of foolishness. You know, I think you should. I really do think you should rent it out this way, schimikinem don't have to find out that it's you the police on them, because if they found out, I don't think that would be pretty because you already know he said he you know, he had words with you when you went over there to tell him about it. So I say, leave them alone, try to rent out your place, or try to take a different approach. Maybe maybe invite them over and practice some of those manners that you grew up learning, you know, being well behaved and all of that. Yeah, invite them over. You never know, they may change, They may change. You never know to change in him, Steve Man, I don't know how how would you handle it? Not the way you is? See, you don't let me. I don't know how to put this to you. Man. I understand you thirty two single, you're college professor. You know he bought your first condo and a new development. Quiet. You know it comes from family, educated, well behaved, mind your manners. But you got these neighbors, man, the young couple, but they get old as hell. They're hooding them to mood in. And I understand the dilemma you got, man, because what you do man sometimes Man, you work hard, you try to better yourself and you try to put yourself in a better position. It's a common thing for a lot of people to move out the hood, even though there's a lot of good in the hood, man, a lot of great people. There are a lot of great churches, businesses, teachers, police officers, a lot of good stuff in the hood. Now the hood get a bad rap. But you know why we get a bad rap. And you know who give us the bad rap? Because it's just enough for us to stay there. Two of them to mood out with you. Now they lived, y'all got central al but they wonders is always up. That's the hood move. You know that. You know in the project, you over your wonder you run this air bill up. We know we essentially and we're gonna let just add here, say some of the money. So they got the winders up because they got a hold down on that central ass. So they can stay there. You can't lose your house because you can't pay for the m so you hear everything they're going on TV liud day lived who people talk loud usual because it's real crowded in your house. There's a bunch of other people in there talking. Man, hear me, I got out of Still you gonna stell you lost time? A damn stalker? Are the store? Yeah, gonna have been nowhere? Where you going away? Asking me? N somebody? Nothing? You an't gonna stop? Ain't going no nos gonna stop stop. Can't you use your car? Yeah? Now you can't use knock car? It Steve on the fair right, I love fan of fear whatever? Rightw what do you got on? That's that's it? Like that right there, Steve. That's y'all anyway. Rather so now huh he Yetta gonna ship me out. You don't hear me? You don't hear me? Yeah, she hear you. She ignoring you. Now. The two other neighbors don't complain about the noise. They're not black, because y'all didn't say y'all are only blacks out there, So some non blacks didn't complain, but they're scared asking, so they didn't want to the other black and ask you to go talk to that black because maybe he'll take it better coming from your blackness. Yeah, but see, black and hood is different things. Yeah. Now, you don't want to come across as umpany but you went over there and you tried talking to it, and what did he tell you? You said, Hey man, I'm telling you know, trying to tell you, there's been a few complaints. I ain't about trying to hit that do the hell. I won't don't, Hey all, I don't don't get in my house. Famous hood words in my house. I've used them before in suburban neighbor how a lot of neighbors who have said stuff to me. I don't want to come across as being up at it, but I'm embarrassed by it. Yes, you are. They can't be embarrassed, especially when you trying to act like you so and dy ain't trying to act like nothing said who they is? All right, Steve, hold on, hang on to that thought. We'll have part two. I may have to rent out my count I'm not written out of your your response coming, I'll tell you what you need to say. At twenty three after the hours, subject of my Strawberry letter forward today, my neighbors are ghetto fabulous. Will be back right after this you're listening to all right, Steve, here we go, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, and then let's get on with part two of your response. My neighbors are ghetto fabulous is the subject. Now. He don't want to go over there and talk to this food because they loud. They ghetto. They represent every stereo about the race. The other neighbors didn't complain. They didn't ask him since he black, because he acts like he must know him or no, a special way to break it to him. He didn't went over there and talk to this foolish food and got loud with him, told him ken about Timan what dude? He hid? Damn? So you know now do professor dude young thirty two and got his money together, moved out. He trying not to come up at him, but he says, I'm embarrassed by him. They all live into every stereo type about a race. I may have to rent out my condor and moved somewhere else. How you handle this. They're not running me out of my house. I'm just gonna say that to you right now. They're not running me out of my house. I got to at least take one most stab at this. I got to go over there and just tell him an amen, Agham, hey, Metris, and then let me talk to you. And man, can we go somewhere? Did you go for a ride? See? You got to get his ass away from his house. You got to get him somewhere away from his house where you could talk to him, take him down to the park. Said, hey, looked, bro. I know man, you and your wife man probably moved out here, man because y'all doing good. Y'all just want to get a taste of good life. Man, probably come up hard and everything, and you're just trying to make it better for yourself. Me too, Man, But you got the wife folks in here looking at a crazy right now. I'm gonna just be real with you. They're looking at a straight crazy man, and they're looking at crazy because of your ass to me. You were speaking hire man, and I'm telling y'all, man, I bought this place right here. Man and dog man. They just think, Man, they just think all this is this way. And I know you won't better than this. Man, y'all probably won't have some kids. And how your kids come up, man, But damn, dog we gotta do better. Man. We can't let to you. Man, dog Man, we can't let him feel this way about us. You feel me? No, hell no, I don't feel no no, no, no, no no no. I don't know why. Oh put the shitting you up here. So you may have to do it a different way. Dog. I would have some people talk with him, you know, my cousins and go visit. Yeah, that's I'm just telling what I do. Now. He's not gonna do that. He probably gonna have to rent his little place out because he bulls. You don't know, college defensors. He'd man whoop for nothing. So he gonna go with his as. He probably need gonna get out. Yeah, he probably need gonna get out. So let's do a re enact. No, God, I'm Demetrius Jane. You come over to the house to tell me I'm live. Yeah, I was gonna be huh, don't want to be SMA, you know he does. Okay, well you this this is gonna be after the couple. We're going over there. Yeah, we're the couple, and this after the dude didn't talk to me about you coming back to tell me what he said, yeah, that's that's it. Yeah, just yeah, bab what hold on, hold on, let me turn this chicken over. I got chicken cooking right now, and turn that over. Hold on, hold on. I had that dome so I know you smelled it all the way down the hallway. No no, no, uh oh, black bounced that's me see that? What that what Demetro? We're talking about the meeting now? Baby? Let me tell you something to Metros had Us told me, man, we need to bright down a little bit, baby, were talking too loud up at the ass to meet. Yeah. Yeah, the one that wear his sweat around his shirt like yo, anybody else he said something to you. Yeah, baby, he gonna he gonna take me down to the park and talk to me. Told me to him and the white folk up in here trip car because we'll be talking loud our TV lie and we go down to step like we tanned him up and all got to be lying to me. No, no, I want happened today? That mort it? You know, I ben't want to whip his ass just on PG. You see that crazy, ain't it? I know? Said damn you know what I'm saying, that damn doll. So we so we bros. You know what I'm saying, I'm trying to get him, you know what to understand you know how he is and everything he said, Well we wasn't you know. I think he think he beat enucause he drove him say without say bendiness. He got uma sady bendings. He driving said his bendiness right, So he think he bet enough because we still drive him to stand. We got the same money. Were in here, right and we in Hell? Yeah we got the same money. But see the whole problem is though he probably just trying that, you know, trying to fit in where it get in. You know what I'm saying, probably got application and down the country club and everything. I said, damn dog, should you just come on over in Hell? Look, me and my girl be drinking farties on the weekend on let folk come on up the old people. Hey, yeah, you know, we got this degrill out on the balcony. I'm talking like you gotta smell what we cook it. Come on up and get something. Dog a meek a meek getting into this hill. Then he coach on about that gives policy You really pulled head, no grill, say that where you both WoT where you gonna barber you act and where you're gonna dry your delicate things? But out on the balcony, man, man, that's crazy. Man, this dude, man, I said, damn d then never foolishing and I'm a foolishing man, stay fooling. And he told you like that like a man. The man he thought you man to man like that. You know what I'm saying. They're gonna like damn, don't you know we can't even get up in like be ourself no more? You know I'm gonna I'm gonna say, I know he upstairing that Hey the mission, you got something to say? Your ass down here and talk to me and my husband. See back bag here water you see we holler people here that that's gonna want you to communicate with his ass. You gotta hol at it. Wait, hold on one second? Who are you? What are you at the do funk? I can hear y'all? Who you can hear? If you weren't in that damn don't where you wouldn't be able to hear what you get? Your airwakness? Do you know what? All right? Sho't know the one of them name. We just came up in here coming up at the top of the hours. We gotta go, guys, sick ass. Later state aund standing games you can't play over the holidays. We'll discuss right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour. You know who will be here to discuss week thirteen in the NFL. Pimp in him. Yeah, right now, though, it is time for games you can't play. You can't play over the holidays. Jay, please explain. Okay, oh here this again. All right, here we go. The holidays are coming around, and you know gonna have folks over to the house. So what I'm gonna do is set up the game, tell a little bit about it. Steve and Junior're gonna jump in and make and explain how the games get worse. Start off good, sound like a good idea, but then as the game progresses, problems a ride. Let's simple game spade. We're gonna play some spade. We're gonna set up the table. We're gonna play some spade. And then everything happened. Somebody started cheating. You know you got that problem the first time somebody renegue. You swear it was a dead body in the room. So you can't play that. You know, people don't know how to lose and just take it. You know, they take it personal, you know what I mean. All Right, so you're gonna go outside, play some touch football. You're gonna get vamine everybody. Just play some touch football. You got a grown ass man think it's cool to run over a third grader. Just run over here. Funnish, Yeah, just just punish it. Damn man with playing football is a kid. You haven't been putting them on me? You know how you put him to check me? So what I'm gonna do to remember? Want you out here for black? A little as all I got to shake, you know, if you can't, you can't handle the heat, get out this kid. I don't care if your age, I don't care if your eight. I don't let him cry. Let him cry. You got to learn this a man's game, girl, it is. It's another game you can't play. You want to play dominoes. But you got that dude that been You've been been away for a while, and he takes this game a little bit too six, you know what I mean, he'd been in he'd been away, you know, he'd been in the system. He even like Dominoes is a different game than him. Uh huh yeah, yeah, you shouldn't have been here. Man, Now you want to play old old wait man, hold of dog, Hold dog. I just sent you to the yard on new trail. Hold on dog. You just went to the yard on the trail. You ain't had no trade minute goal. What you're talking about? What I'm talking about, I'm talking about your ass up all you're trying to get shite. What's gonna happen to you? Pard? You're out, now, You're out now? No, no, okay, okay, I'm gonna need two packs of cigarettes for that at the holiday party. That's all I'm saying. And I'm gonna need get two packs next time I see you in an under shake. We can't play that. We gotta play another game, all right now, we're gonna we're gonna go back outside and try to play just a simple game, family game. I'm dodgeball. It's the same guy. We'll think it's a lot of fun. He hit the third grader nine in my own ball. He ain't fa when he out here playing for CA. It's called dodgeball. It ain't called standing there and get hit. Hey, why you gotta hit him so hard. Ain't what he up? I bet he nah' gonna cock back with that little weekend so like I ain't seen that coming. I get him in the face. In the face, that's why he need to pay attention to me. Oh we go back in the hospital, decide to play chess. But here's what happened. The man who think he knew everything about chess get his ass dusted by that eighth grader. Now he really upset the little boy than told his ass chis he can't make it. That's where all the pieces gonna be on the floor. Yeah, he picked them up. Hold on, hold on, dog, you can't say, checkmate, we just got started. How are you gonna How are you going to do? Dog? Don't don't No, we even number four, five, six moves? What did you talk about? Checkmate? No, that ain't our chess. Go chess thinking man, game right, You ain't had time to think, David. He won the game, man, he damn game. He just said check mate. Yeah he beat you. How show me how he told you? He showed you that? Ain't you can't do that? See you gotta do look, man in chest, you have to make a minimum of twenty moves. He didn't have to do that for you. Dog. That's how it's done. Dog. Now you ain't procha unless it's been twenty moves. Maybe try to something else. I don't know. Man, See y'all need to play chess with white folks. Everything is racial with you. Last game, last game, we can't play checkers. It's the same guy with the dodgeball. Really enjoyed beating a third Ready he gets such bam, brown brown, brown, brown, king me yours crying for the white ash. No, no, no, no, no, no, no no, man, you can't jump bad. You got the red pizza, red red pizza. Can't jump bad, child. Man. All right, the end of this game. Okay, let's move on. Pimpin in the building coming up next with Week thirteen of the NFL. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, Week thirteen of the NFL. Pimpin is making his way to the microphone as we speak here he comes. Keep me wait back then, uh huh. I think he's gonna be what's up? What's up? What's up? And buddy, Hello Pimpin? Happy holiday, Oh, happy holidays? You marry Christmas, happy Honka, and that other one two qualms. I don't know what they'd be doing on us now because we can't spell it. Pimps can't do what pimps can't spell. Ain't up, chocolate was happening, Ain't nothing everything? Okay, j you are right. I'm good. You shot something man? Yeah, I know that's right. I tell you about that. Uh hey, they ain't here a little timmy. He don't want them little last shows or something. No, I always got to do that. Let's everything. It's up, Junior in my hero your voice. Man, any time I head, I tell you know what I'm saying. This boy got it and you boy got it. So what y'all think of this outfit right here? Nice? Yeah, you're doing it. You know all the whole jacket is just bills. Yeah, they Christmas bells, but without the live danger Land in it, because I don't want to be noisy. I just got bells on without the dan. I'm just bail, you know, shoes coming in the rain. I'm cool, jamp in here. Bells you know what I'm saying. The gold and silver bells, you know what I'm saying. Got these missile tooe cuffs on. Look like a cree you say it again, you look like a Christmas tree, look like a gift. O. Man, that's rain up in here. Man, let's get it this week. Man, you know what, everybody had bad week's Junior, even a pimp can have a bad week. And you know, I just felt like laugh. We just got rushed to do these pics. Then you kind of feeling that way too, Pip, because you couldn't talk it out and figure it out beating now. I couldn't. I couldn't ask no question. Yeah, you know, I ain't pick all. I ain't even getting me a pushy game. I ain't. You know what ildn't damn he didn't get your push game last week? Pimpers cleans all right, pimp his Baltimore beat Atlanta twenty six to sixteen. I thought I picked Atlanta. You did? You did? Yeah? Uh, here's a good one though, Diver beat Cincinnatti. Got that? Come on, yeah, you picked it? Yeah that's all I did. Yeah, Los Angeles Rathers beat Detroit. I told you that though, Yeah picked it? Picked it? Arizona beat Green Bay. I ain't h Yeah, then I think I picked Green Bay. Yeah, pimper a man, and then the Packers five day head coach Mike McCall that after that, right after that, he you can't beat the Corners. I was saying, I ain't. Pippot Miami beat Buffalo. You know I picked Buffalo because we on the arm. Yeah yeah, yeah, I ain't got no faith in Buffalo drilling truth. Well, Pippot Higg another one, the Pippot the New York Jazz beat Chicago thirty. I was just like when I'm beat damned over time. Yeah, I was like, well, I be damn day him. This what it sounds like. Pepper Baby beat Carolina paths Man twenty four to seventeen man. Yeah yeah, yeah that threw me off too. I went damn that went Nutt too, Yeah, man Hig goes another one man. Jacksonville beat Indianapolis and they don't bind it this year. I was surprised. I liked Jacksonville too. They've been hurting my feelings, that dude all hurt my feelings this week. Now I can't believe they won't. But congratulations to DJ Hayden. Yeah yeah, a little part and now I used to text him all the time. Yeah, I used to text him all the time. You know any quint I guess he ain't want to hear from pimps. No text him. He got love for you, No, no, no, he's a good little dude. I just laid him go. I got busy. That's all. Congratulations to the Jaguars might be too late for congratulations, all right, Hennessee Titans beat the New York Jets twenty six to twenty two. Oh the Titans came back. Yeah, damn, the Jets was winning. I picked the Titans. Yeah, yeah, you did you pick? Must have been a combat. Yeah. Kansas City beat Open four to thirty three. Kansas City beat Opening. You know I picked down? Yeah, he knewbody was in Kansas City. A man. New England that Minnesota twenty four to ten. They won't. Yeah, I know, I'm tried, and you know, I just I just don't pick New England because I hate him. Man don't getting here and we go then no, damn, But you know you gotta do what you gotta do. Pimp had a tough one, that dude. As Seattle bet San Francisco forty three to sixteen. See, I told you that. Then you show me talking to all that noise. But you know you gotta go on here till about Russell Wilson got c he real quieted. Yeah he was what happened? You know? You know he was always talking that talking, all that noise. He throw four five interceptions a game, and all this is what damn done. What they got to do with it? You ain't getting no four five interceptions again. If he throwing him, he ain't throwing them to you. You know what I'm saying that. Richard Sherman quiet as a camp He real small dude. I like him when his hands needed handcut man, I pipping at You know. The Charges beat Pittsburgh thirty three to thirty. You nah, nah, I ain't even see one. What was day in Pittsburgh? Yeah? Yeah, they was in Pittsburgh. I've always hated to steal as anyway because they're in the same division as the Browns. So whatever. All right, Well, listen, we're about running out of time, but we have two very important games to talk about when we come back right after this. You're listening Steve Show, all right, Week thirteen of the NFL, pimping steal in the building. Two more games left, Junior. What you got well him? Well, it's Monday night. Football night, Pepper, And how you got Washington? That Philly? Who what you're thinking? You know, I don't really care, but I had picked Washington, But I don't know what they're gonna do, because, like damn, Doug William said that dumb as messed this week. Ain't no one here. You know, you would think with all this meat too stuff going on, you would send your ass down some way. V Quine. These people ain't playing with you no more. You can't say nothing like that. Doug had to come back out and apologize his grandmama, Mama, his six daughters, everybody on that. Just Doug ain't mean nothing, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, Douglass, you know Mississippi ass boy, you don't even know. Well, pepperbig hither what I'd like to talk about, Pepper because you're at work? Yeah, how that works? Uh huh? Steve told me if they lost, I bet not show up. Man. Houston, Texas beat the Cleveland brow twitting nine to thirteen. Nine in a roll. Pimp, you pick Cleveland? Yeah, I gust to pick Cleveland. I'm a pimp, ain't it? Yes? Yeah, ain't no pimps in Houston. It's too hot you can't even gonna be a pomp in huge. You can't war first ye at the point, you know what I mean, you put a front corn on there be like a egg. We done this. Hot weather stopped pimping. I gotta do that. Pimping is a cold weather sport, you know what I'm saying. So I just you know the Browns loss. You know the Sean Washington passed on him in the draft and took the drunk ass. I don't know how we posted to get past that to get junk ass man zale in Sean. Listen, the damn y'all ain't know him. Wasn't thought because he was white, he was gonna do something white boy can't throw me. He can't throw in Canada. You know what I'm then they want to put his hands now if you ain't gonna win in Canada, Damn. He might love a junk, but he lital though he maybe he should go back and play poal football. Ain't try that. He an't even had to do nothing up in here. So congratulations in Houston. Yeah, you know the Browns inside, but we was in it the least week competitive you know, yeah, yeah, no, meaning it wasn't a blow out. When did you know the game was over at halftime? When I cut the thing on and I saw twenty three to nothing, I went, damn click and lead to me missing my Sunday up that click don't can out out of him? Nice time, Andy Man. So next week, man, I won't be so rushed and everything. Some of my picks can be a little bit better because I damn show would have picked Jacksonville had I been thinking, and I would have picked a Baltimore because Lamar Jackson then took over for foul code. But I forgot that. You know, I've seen out to pick that down out to pick one upset game, Cardinals over the Packers, they to five day coaches ass ain't coming to work no more and kareem hunt for the hands of c don hell you do dude, horrible man, You messed up. Man. You don't do nothing like that. Anybody raised you better than that. Just let me get on out of here. We'll be picking better next week. This is what it sounds like when pims. You're listening to This Day Morning show Global Music Festival this weekend, guys, Mandela one hundred took place over the weekend, Like I said to honor Nelson Mandela's work to end poverty Mandela one hundred. It was an all day event in Johannesburg, South Africa. It included musical sets by Beyonce and Jay Z Farrell. Ed Sharon Chris Martin of Coal Play Usher was there and other African artists. South African comedian Trevor Noah and also Dave Chappelle were on the stage to support the cause. Beyonce's performance brought the crowd to their feet, and before the event, Beyonce wrote an open letter dedicated to mister Mandela, saying, in part your kindness and gratitude for every experience and your ability to forgive our lessons I have learned and will pass on to my three children. My entire family holds you in high regard. What nice words. Yeah, And in other news we talked about this and right does surely yes, Beyonce said, your willingness to forgive, Yeah yeah. See if you you when a person passes, you have to learn from situations. If you can't forgive, you're doing number, doing damage to yourself. One of the main lines in the large prayer is forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass a givest us. That's how it's done. If you don't ever start forgiving, folks, I got news for you man, your your life, and trouble for the other person as it is for you. It keeps that asset attitude inside of you for the longest. Yeah, it really does. And you can move on with your life. You can move on, and you are going to require forgiveness yourself. Thank you shortly, thank you, thank you. It won't be no long term for you need Right as I was saying, we talked about this earlier. Steve George HW. Bush George Herbert Walker Bush, the forty first President of the United States, died Friday night at his home in Houston. He was ninety four years old after seventy three years of marriage Jay Anthony Brown. Yes. President Bush served as a president for one term, from nineteen eighty nine to nineteen ninety three. There will be a four day tribute to President Bush. He will lie in state from five pm Monday until ten am on Wednesday, a funeral at the Washington National Cathedral, and his burial will be at the George Bush Presidential Library. No one said an unkind word about this man. You look at all the tributes that were going on over the weekend, kind words for Yolanda adamphood picture what they funking behind? Yeah, now tell people because if they may not have heard, you talked about this earlier with Yolanda Adams. Steve Lana Adams posted a picture of her and a few other former presidents, and George Bush was one of them, and she admired him because he used to hire her a lot to do this events to him and his wife, Barbara had and they were so close that you know, he called her, she called him Daddy Bush, and she wrote that on her post. And all of a sudden, the hate that was sent towards Yolanda Adams, well, oh you a Republican now, you know? Did you realize what he did? Wait a minute. I just didn't appreciate what they tried to do my little sister, and y'all ain't gonna do it. All right, last break of the day coming up. Stay close, you don't want to miss it. Steve Harvey's closing remarks coming up at forty nine after the hour. Right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, Here we are last break of the day. This was Monday. Not a bad Monday. Start off the week in the Christmas spirit, you guys in the Christmas spirit as I am. I am as well. I still hurried, Donny have the way nowhere? I heard it a couple of times. Yeah, that's what makes you, what put you in the spirits? Yeah, yeah, I heard a couple of Christmas songs, but it wasn't that one. I am heard the temptations I haven't heard now that I haven't heard, I haven't hear. Well, I heard a white lady doing it on watercolors. What this Christmas? Yeah? I got man, cut it off. Okay, we're gonna you're not gonna ruin this. Damn, We're gonna move on. It's time for us. You couldn't have saen jingle bells. And it's time for closing remarks. Steve Harvey. Okay, let's go. And in light of some of the stuff that I've been hearing on the news, I wanted to take a moment to address. Let me start with a basic thing that if God allows you to finally get to where you've always asked him, could you be whether it's in the corporate ladder, whether it's a certain promotion on the job, whether it's a career in entertainment, a career in sports, whatever the situation is. You know, you would think that once God got us to where we asked him, could we please be, that we would be just a little bit more mindful of it and take better care of the opportunity. Too many times I see us, especially men, get to where we've always wanted to go in sports and entertainment, up to corporate letter, and then we get that and then a couple of judgmental errors cause us to have to lose it all. Now, listen, I'm not saying that we're not gonna make mistakes, because we will. Every living person makes a mistake. But my goodness, man, some of these mistakes can be avoided. It's just some basic core values that you have to hold on to. Now listen to me. I don't know what happened to chivalry. I do know what happened to shivalry. It's men and my generation stop teaching it to the generation behind us because we were so busy climbing the corporate letter. We were the first ones to benefit from the civil rights movement, first ones, and our families go to college, climb the corporate letter, get a position at the post office, own a company. A lot of us benefited from the civil rights movement, and we were so busy benefiting and taken advantage of the new laws and affirmative action and all of this stuff where we could get a piece of the pie that we forgot to teach the young men, the generation behind us, the rules of manhood. And there's a real simple rule that should always come into play. Men don't hit women. Now. Look, man, you can call that old fashioned if you want to, because I've had a couple of dudes in my camp accuse me of that. They've actually said that to me. They say, mister, h you don't understand. That's old school. That ain't high. Do no more because sometimes these women up here is hitting men. Well, let me explain something to me. I got the there some women right now hitting men. And I've tried to teach all my daughters keep your hands off anybody, because everybody ain't raised like your brothers. See. I raised my son's not to hit women because my father raised me and my brothers never to hit a woman under no circumstance. So that's how I raised my son. But everybody's child ain't raised that way. So I've always taught my daughters to keep your hands to yourself. But if they don't keep their hands just as a man, what does it really cost you? Man? Really, young men, what would it really cost you to walk away? How hard can she really hit you? How really? Man? Her best shot? You ain't took a shot no harder than that before you took a shot from that, harder than that from most boys and had to get your butt out the way because you didn't want no more. I'm just saying, man, look, incorporate this real simple rule in your life that men don't hit women. I watched this young boy, Kareem Hunt on this video in a hotel in Cleveland, push this woman, strike this woman, and then when the woman was kneeling, he kicked up. His football career is gone. The Kansas City Chiefs immediately released him his foot, and this is his second year in NFL. He didn't learn nothing from the Ray Rice incident. Ray Rice football career is gone from the domestic violence he portrayed to his wife on an elevator. But video or no video, if you just live by one simple rule that you don't hit women. I was looking at ray Rice's video on the thing. What does she do that she was supposed to get that? The repercussions of it is too great. What it's on video or not, the repercussions is too great, man. But when it costs you your career? Real? Was it worth it? When you get locked up? Was it worth it? When you get charges? Was it worth it you have to go to court? Was it worth it to see the look on her face of a woman you supposedly say you love to see a bruise on her? Is it worth it? I don't think so. I don't think so. Real men don't hit women. I'll just say it again. Real men don't hit women, period. Feel how you want to feel and say what you want to say, but real men don't hit women, period. That's enough. Drop the mics. You're right about that, you're don't. I don't, and I already normal catchhand on behind mister r I already no take us home, Okay, we'll go home for all Steve every contests, no purchase necessary, void, We're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show