Good morning and welcome to the ride! The Hitmaker Roscoe Wallace is back in studio making it do what it does. Sister O'dell stops by to share her opinion about the divorces of Ray J and Cardi B. Carole Baskin from "Tiger King" made her debut on Dancing With the Stars. The city of Louisville has settled an historic wrongful death lawsuit with the family of Breonna Taylor. A radio DJ from Chicago lost his job over sexist comments he made about ESPN's Maria Taylor. The Denver Nuggets eliminate The Clippers in 7. Lebron James was challenged by the L.A. Sheriff to match reward to help find the gunman who ambushed two deputies. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells us if you want Black Lives to Matter, then you must vote. PERIOD!!!!
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all looking back to back down, giving them just like theming bus bus things, and it's not good. Steve Hasten to mother for star, don't join jo. You gotta uta turn arm. You gotta turn to turn them out, turn got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your bad uh huh, I sure will a good minding everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, dig me NW one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, here we go today, folks. This is a good one because today I want to share with you something that affects every living soul, and that one thing is your attitude. This affects everyone. It is your attitude. You know. I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but I mean many of you who listen know this. But there are a lot of people who don't understand a positive attitude can bring about a change. A positive attitude can bring about a change. Well, now here we go with the nay says well, Steve, what you mean if I'm just positive being chained? My mama gone, what me being positive? Got to do with that. Okay, Now listen to me carefully. A positive attitude can bring about change. Well, okay, Steve, I hear you saying that, But they didn't fired me. So now what does my having a positive attitude have to do with the fact that they fired me? Well, one more time, A positive attitude can bring about change. Or Steve, I set up in here and gave eight nine, twelve years of my life to this man and he just he cheated on me and walked out. Now what does me being positive have to do with him cheating on me? How that's gonna change that? Okay, here we go again. A positive attitude can bring about change. Now listen to the whole thing. Now, the positive attitude and the change that can happen starts just to start. It starts within you. See, life is ten percent of what happens is what you do about what happens. Okay, you gave twelve years of your life to this man. He cheated and left you. Hold in the bag, the kids and everything. Now, what does being positive have to do with changing that? Or they came in and they fired you. You lost your job that you was a stellar performer at. But now how does you having a positive attitude? How does that change things for you? So far? You can use any example. Here's what happens when you have a positive attitude. What it produces within you is a positive approach to life. And when you have a positive attitude and a positive approach to life, it causes you to be optimistic, to have a positive out look, to expect things to eat virtually turn around, and and and and turn into a positive That's very important because as the law of attraction comes into play, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive things. If you think evil thoughts, you attract evil to you. You know, if you want for nothing, then nothing comes your way. If you want for a positive attitude, if you want for positive results, if you want for a great outcome, that's what you attract to you. The change will begin within you. So let's take the man that walked out your life and left you hold in the bag. Here's a positive attitude. Okay, two things have happened as positive here. Number one, you've ridd it yourself of someone who is obviously going to be, if not already been, toxic in your life, cause you many restless nights, a lot of uncomfortable feelings, an uneasiness, not sure security. You've been going through it with this person, whoever they are. Number One, that person has been released from your life. Number Two, it allows you now to have the someone who will treat you just the way you want to be treated. That's the positive outlook, that's the optimistic way. That's when you're a positive person. You see the positive in things that happened to you, instead of burying yourself under the hor's wrong with it, a old woe is me? Now? Concept see a positive attitude. When they came in there and they fired you and let you go, Could this not have been just the opening you needed to finally start on a new career path that you've been talking about doing anyway? Could it possibly be a brand new chance for you to get the dream job or dream career of your choice. Could it not possibly be the perfect opportunity now for you to finally finally do something about that gift, about that talent that God gave you, that thing that you love to do. Could it not be the perfect time for you to pursue that? But if you don't have a positive attitude, then you lay there. Oh, they Finn' come getting my house. Oh what I'm gonna do now? All this unemployment ain't enough. Oh Lord, when this unemployment run out, what am I gonna do? Then I won't have nothing? And you old woe is me until you become old woe is me. But if you take it from the positive approach, some amazing things can happen in your life. I will tell you on a personal note, that's some of the most some of the best changes. Some of the biggest moments in my life came after a loss. So I don't want to go down on the list, but boy, I could tell you. Let me let me tell you something. When they didn't want me on the radio anymore in La, when they didn't when they went it was sick of the way I did radio out there, and they wanted me gone. And on May twenty third, two thousand and five, when my when when when my deal was done? With the beat out in La? Okay, look what happened though, y'all was gone in May. But in September nineteenth I started to Steve Harvey Radio Network with four cities. You see. But I didn't go old woe is me? I said, Oh, okay, God must have something else from it then, because if he didn't remove me from this, that must be something else. Same thing can happened when you lose and you and you and you break up in a relationship. Same thing can happen to you. You never know the one God God for you. Now Here you go, Here you go again. Now you get put into a situation with somebody, treat you just the waere you want to be treated, provide you the whole lot of aspects of your life you knew nothing about prior to that. But you gotta stay positive. If you stay positive, that positive attitude, that optimistic outlook, that that always thinking God got me no matter what happened to me, some amazing things that's going can will happen in your life. It's a fact. I don't know how it works that way. I just know that's what it is. Positive attitude is everything, y'all. So get off the old woe is mean negativity train because it ain't gonna take you nowhere but down and get get your outlook up. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. Altitude is determined by your attitude. How high you go, how big you become, how far you go. It all depends on how you think. It all depends on what type of attitude you got. It ain't no, ain't no very very successful, super negative people. It just doesn't coincide that way. If you see that something happened to them along the way, and don't weary. You ain't gonna wearr about it because you ain't gonna see them long because you can't stay up there like that. It's just too hard, all right, that's the conversation. You're listening to morning show, ladies and gentlemen. Your undivided attention is necessary at this moment. We have taken over your radio. There's no need to trip. Here is the law. If you have sunglasses, wear them. If you have reading glasses, put them on. Ladies and gentlemen. This has been a public service announcement and a damn warning. That's what's about to happen right after this hill. It's about to be some ignance legend gentlemen, welcomes all of y'alls to the Steve Harvey moaning, shizh, I'll be lighted by you know, come on this hell on everybody in the morning. You know who we get his order. This is Roskowallers everybody world famous loud singer, right of all hits, everybody else who wander singlers over you. I wants use everybody will take on for Steven. Jennifer free Bread, Good morning, Shirley Strowbaby, good morning, Roscoe. Ain't maby what's going on? Beautiful wastle calling for red? Hey Roscoe, what's happening? I know you ain't really feeling me, but hang on hold some of them don't any beginning m They all catch on as a while, Hey, Julia Roscoe? Right, he wrote, what's going on? Man? Ain't maybe just going on? Just checking in with you? You know, Steve's come in here and time of the show, and then I gotta go time of the show. Then I gotta go that boys zone mill you know. Yeah? O lord, so what're we going on? What y'all need to ask? Many questions? I know y'all miss me? You got me humping day or night? On, Babby, I'll put a hump in your back. You got me humping day or night? Whoa baby? Man here? Put your hum in the back. I like it like that? Oh hell yeah, I wrote that. I wrote that for the Gap. Bad Charlie. Charlie Wilson and Charlie. Yeah, yeah, well I know his whole family. It just doesn't seem like they needed help with writings, because everybody needed help. Baby, ain't nobody wrote all the songs with me. Hell, Michael Jason right on this song. I've been doing the Wilson family ever since they started making footballs Wilson football. You know what I'm saying that back, boy, I knew the Wilson family when number white people playing football. Slow ass game didn't need no to replay when it was all white football team. Yeah, we're running slow. They had to come over rich and replay left black we've played. We gotta see that again. That cause you, mister the first time something else. Yeah. If I wouldn't me, I wouldn't even one to be here. Thanks for stopping by, ros You know we appreciated show hereby night. You think y'all never on in new stage. They ain't never heard of a bad They're getting music game all right, coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour of Russ. You got me open another special guy, another special guy. Sister Odell is in the building and right here let me get out of here. Day right after this you're listening string show. All right, So guys, it is woman Crush Wednesday, and you know that's when we fangirl crush and so over our favorite females for this Wednesday. And this roadell is in the building. My lord who coming on? Oh Jesus now it him makes it? Whoa Jesus. My good mornings. Everyone's how everybody doing today? What what has y'all been doing? Hey, colleague, Hey sister out there, how are you doing? Good? Good Mississippi Monica. I don't ever speak to you, but how honey my sister, Oh day on my favorite. She's a little slow, no she her mic was off? Okay, be quicker next time. Sweet Gray, sweet and nice to make your pretty teeth. Thank you whatever, everything everything on me kicking Junior. Good morning, sister, oh Dan, I love you you too, hush early well, Hello, sister Odell, what a nice greeting. Everything every day? What's being going on? What are y'all doing on the radio? D days? It's so much stuff, Sister Odell. You know what I know, and this is meant to be taken in the nicest of ways. You know about marriage, you've been married before. You know about relations get Yeah, that's right, that's right. So I mean, what's what's happening with our young people? Yesterday we talked about ray J and Prince's Love getting a divorce, ray J filing and now h or day before I think that was. And then yesterday it came out that Cardi B is going is divorcing Offset And these are two young newly married people. All these kids, there's two minut hours going strip clue exact, strip clothed like cancer. Even the little girls now goes to strip clubs for they birthday party. When they started doing that, See the world is strip. You got these little nadas, rappel boys got you're thinking you can party in it? What are you going down to watch the other girls shaking? The tworking folk? Oh? You know about tworking to throw down? Hey, y'all know about trugging. I have tried to save a whole lot of stripples. Ain't never say ain't save the two of them. Two out of thirteen thousand stripples. They ain't good novels. Thousand thou you got out that business. I got out the saving the stripple business. It's hard working. Lord, ain't got nothing offer them. So I was just wondering if you could just give them a word of advice, you know something. Listening, kids, cheers, listen, listen. Man, marriage is difficult, but if you don't stay out there streets, you make it more difficult than it is. It's temptations in their streets. It's it's it's everything twuking. It is in them streets. Man, they're doing everything out there. They're doing doing something. Then when your wife at home don't feel like it. Now you're feeling some kind of way about yourself. What damn it? You twork, work, you us some trucking, you twork, but you know it's out there. You know. Cardie B and Offset like they kind of do the same thing for a litt you know they're celebrities there wrapping. Yeah, that's hard, you know Cardi B. She's a fine little something. I used to look like Cardi be when I was young. You don't have everything, can't too fresh body all that? Okay, well you can't, girl, boy, I've been man let times. I get them. Man ain't no, man ain't never been from Oro, Dawn. I tell you that right now, all this stuff you know she doing that, she's doing a whap video and the trucking all that well, I mean that's a good word for for young people who are, um, you know, seeing the problem with all these whap videos. I did the w SP video. What's the w You know what wapster it for? Didn't you? Yes? Man? Yes, mine was just WF Do you want some? Do you want some? Video? Was whap video? Got your asking under voice? Whooped? What is your question? Wow? That's the words I'm trying to tell you. That's the word, not wasp. Do you want song? That America thirst is all out of Hell's schooling us. You know why they got to know what they feel like? You know, he getting any You ain't gonna tell me nothing about it. I don't want it. Ain't gotta know if it's wet or dry when you go shoot part you just kiss? Well, you know, I just I ain't said nothing. I just said wet all dry. It's like ribs. How do you compare that with ribs? Well, you know you're gonna your barbecue wet or dry. You know, it's just about a preface. Uh. Dry Rims are good kind of like pizcha. You know it's good or it was good if it's hot on cold. Uh, pizcha just like fried chicken. I like it hot, but if it's cold, get hill good cold LASSI with two slices of light bread, rap around and yeah pick nick yes, yeah, okay, Well, sister, you know what about Dancing with the Stars. Uh, they debuted this week on My Girl. Yeah, Tyra Banks as a new host. She's a pretty girl. I like that beautiful. Yes, he looked like a giant. Yes, he don't get his ass off a Dancing with the Star. It looked like it was dance with the dead. And what any where did he twition? Hal Let me tell y'all, shoulder, you got gray hair? Quit tuition on? It calls to dance gray hair on? Need to look like it ain't quit tuition gray hair. Well, thank you, sister Odell. You have certainly enlightened us this morning with the dad coming up next, the nephews out today, but Junior is here to run that brank back. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Well, guys coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news. Plus in the entertainment news, Cardi b has filed for divorce from Offset uh wow. Yeah. Plus we're gonna talk about Tyra, Charles Oakley, Nellie, Tiger King's, Carol Baskin, all of that on Dancing with the Stars Monday night. Um, and we'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now, Junior is in for the nephew with run that prank back? What you guy to Sharon get pranktrow You know this did once, We just did it yet today again, you know, and he's not here. No, man, you know, I listened to the show. I noticed when Steve ain't here time, it talks about him real bad. You know, I've seen that. I know he goes. I'm listen when he's naty, he talks about Steve real bad, you know. But I know what daddy is. But you know, I thought it was just you know, a little friendly nephew uncle. Oh, it ain't friendly, you know what that is. That's just he ain't never been where he's at, and you know when it bothers, you know, in then he got the restriction Skinner restrict restrictions, height restrictions introduced. He fifty years old and has to be on all the rats. It is today's preg mister Wiggins is Howards, says Wiggins. Hello, Hello, Hi, my name is George. I'm with Green Lawn Services. We came out and cut your yard yesterday, and uh, we're trying to make sure that you liked everything thoroughly. That we cut the front, the back. We also did your hedges, put some mulch in the flybds, the weed eating in the whole nine yards, and we also left an invoice on your doorstep when to make sure you got that as well. Y man, I'm not dying around, man, Look dude, with trying to cut it, sir, Yeah, we cut it as if yesterday you were actually on our schedule and we did everything thoroughly. Well, I'm actually just calling as a follow up, all right, Hell I get on the schedule, sir. Are you mister Malone at fifty Zimmerman? Hell no, man, I'm Wiggins from fifty Man. You cut the wrong house, that's nick do man. Yeah, I guess you need to put you in boards on there though. So so you you're not mister Malone at fifty Zimmerman. Say man, I'll just tell you I'm fifty three and I'm mister Wiggins. You don't cut the wrong do it. Y'all need to go mister listen alone, how to get you one? You ain't cut, you got the wrong No, sir, y'all coming over here trying to collect money. Well, sir, hold on just a second. Head. You're saying, we didn't know you don't cut the wrong yall, So I don't know schedule. I ain't tell you come over here and cut, and you go there and talking Malone get your money. You can't at So there's no way we can charge mister Malone if we haven't cut his yard. Now, let's let's just cut maloney remeroirs and you ain't cut and Sir, I understand this, Sir, nothing want to cut the wrong y he go cut the right year and get the right you ain't got. You ain't getting, Okay, Sir, I say that now, I didn't call U cut you go there. I haven't cut his right and get him boys. You didn't get party. I understand that, sir. Listen, what I want to say is, uh, well, we'll go over and we'll take care of mister Malone's yard. I understand that we've made a mistake, but I understand. I understood you say that you didn't like the services, so wouldn't it be even right for you to actually go ahead and send the invoice in along with the check since you did like the services. Wellever didn't listening like YO retarded, because then I just tell you you cut the room, y'r cut the right yard and get you money. You ain't got nothing but practice here. You're done it. I understand that we cut the wrong yard, sir. I understand that, but you got the services, and you like the services. I don't want to have to come out there and get the money from you. We'll come on. It's determining go on. It's determining I got something. Come on and get you what you said you like. I wouldn't give them if I said the moon was green. You cut the wrong yard. You go get your money from the right one. They ain't get me. Charge you got something, You come on over with you and see what you get. So I cut the room trying to get money money you ain't getting. Now you you could go get you from the right. You're either righting the dough, go cut that can leave that paper over there. I'm coming over there. You want me to start, I'm starting. Ain't some come around and be charging me no money. Now, yeah, I got more he than you want to come get it. You got your yard cut and we deserve to get our money back. You come around here, get some bullet now, I tell you don't. And I'm gonna tell you. Don't make me whoop y'all behind this yard. You come, hold you come, I will whoop you'all behind in the front yard that just got cut. You mammy, ain't your path and you come try to get the money. I'm suing. Hello, you don't you? I check. I got one more thing to tell you. Is you're listening? Are you come stand listen now? I'm you cut the room. I've got one more thing to tell you. Is you listening, mister Wickens, I'm look. This is nephew Timing from the Steve Harding Morning Show. You just got prank? Hello? What seven morning? Look him? Your poor Gary just pranked you? Man? Oh we la Now I'm gonna get Let me ask you something though, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man, it's the Steve Harvard Morning Man. That's a good prank. Damn Tommy, I like that. He one thing a bottom he sho can't pranch people. Yes, man, yes, he can't get it. He don't want him to try to prank me one time though, sister odell, wow, we gotta put that bug in here. He put it in here. He gonna get something put in here when he called me. Yeah, he's but he pranked Steve. Did you know that's its pranks? No, I had never heard that one. Sweet, had never heard that one. I don't listen every day, you know, just four five days a week. You know. Sometimes I don't make I don't make it every day. You know, I dozes off on some of them. Yes, I come down early for the church party. And then you know, I take the nap when we do the rerun because I said, I listened to the prank the day before. You know, I don't listen to the rerun. And sometimes I don't snap out my nap. Well you know why we do that because some people don't hear the one before, so it's popular too. Like I said, he does good job pranking, so it's very properly. And then sometimes I just sleep through the news because I don't want to hear it. I don't give a damn what Donald Trump doing. He ain't the Lord. That's right. That's just make sure you vote, sister Odell, and I know you will, girl. I've been voting for nineteen o eight. All right, now, okay, coming up at the top of the Yeah, you want the man. Coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, Cardi B. Wow, Cardi B has filed for divorce from Offset. She filed the court document documents. Yeah, this is really big, big, big news. She filed the documents in Fulton County and Georgia, indicating she's seeking dissolution of the marriage. Cardi wants Offset to be ordered to pay her legal expenses. Doesn't sound like there's a pre nup or anything, because Cardie is asking for an equitable division of all marital assets and she wants custody of their daughter. Culture. Wow. Now, I know in the past they've had issues with cheating him stuff up on offsets part I remember Cardie saying Off cheats on me one more time. But wow, they haven't you know it just closed the reason or anything. But they were sick would be married back in two thousand and seventeen, So wow, three years. I never man, Yeah I didn't. I was rooting for them too, Yeah I really was, I really really was. They're still cool people. It's just you know, marriage is hard fitting this business, hire man, especially when you both do the same thing. Man, there's no basis time. It's tough, man, Yeah, it's tough. You know. People always want to be judgmental. But Cardie being offset ain't doing nothing. Ain't nobody else doing Yeah, you know that's not to say everybody's cheating, but I'm saying they got mental things like everybody else. It's a whole lot of issues. But they just ain't famous, right right famous, And everything they do is in front of the cameras. Everything. They have no privacy. Look, you can't go nowhere, yeah without somebody saying they know you. That's why it's so hard, you know, if cheating is what you're gonna do, brother, Yeah, I'm telling you, man, there's a camera everywhere, Yes, everywhere everywhere. So we you know, we hope they can come to some kind of I don't know, get a divorce. But they trying to spit up to that they ain't. This ain't Sometimes when people file they go back, you know sometimes. Yeah, we can only hope for the best. Yeah, that's all. We can only hope for the best and be the best parents for the baby. Yeah, yeah, they're Yeah, you can type of wop here and other entertainment news as we move on, Junior and the other. Uh. The other night, we were all on the phone. We were all on zoom and on the phone. As Tiger Kings, Carol Baskin made her dancing debut. Now the family of her of her missing husband, Don Lewis, ran commercials with the family lawyer. It was locally in Florida. They want to they want still want to know what happened to their loved one. They don't. They still don't know. He just disappeared and has never ass out here dancing. Have you seen, man? I know, in this country a person is innocent and to proving guilty, except black people when they get pulled. Don't other than that. In this country, you are innocent and to a proving guilty. Yeah, she knows what happened to that man though, And that's just for me watching Tiger King that's all. I ain't got it based on nothing except the damn show. Yea and her husband Don Lewis, went missing back in nineteen ninety seven. Steve, and we all know that Joe's alleged that Baskin did kill her husband. She was never hurt about it and fed him to the tigers. Yeah that's what Joe exciting said. Yeah, she was never hurt about it and didn't go looking for him. Not now. Time ain't put out, no reward, wasn't on TV crime. Nothing really fade family badly. Yeah, all right, um, we got to move on, Steve. Time for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne True, thank you very much, and good morning everybody. Here we go at last look, Hurricane Sally had just hit. It came ashore in Alabama this morning, about an hour ago, actually, also whipping the coasts of Mississippi and northwest Florida with heavy rain and gusty winds. Alabama Governor kiv says things look bad. Hurricane Sally is not to be taken for granted. We're looking at record flooding the halfs breaking historic levels, and with rising warner comes a great risk for loss of property and life. This is what we'll be watching. And of course, you know just last month that whole region had to deal with Hurricane Laura, and now is another one brewing is called Hurricane Teddy. Hurricane Teddy's already a Category two and have got about one hundred mile put hour winds, and Teddy didn't come ashore yet, but it's whipping and whipping around. It's been six months since three white Louisville cops mistakenly staged in the early morning raid on twenty six year old Brianna Taylor's apartment, shooting the young black emergency medical technician to death. Yesterday, the Mayor of Louisville, Greg Fisher, announced an historic settlement of her family's unlawful death suit. The settlement includes a payment to Brianna's estate of twelve million dollars. Brianna's killing has become a Black Lives Matter caused celeb along with that of George Floyd and Ahmad Aurbury. But while the payment is the largest apparently in Louisville history, family attorney Benjamin Crump says it's significant in another way. They have been so long get into this day where we could assure that Brianna taylor life wouldn't be swept under the rug like so many other black women in America who had been killed by police. The question of criminal charges against the cops involved in her murder, however, is still unanswered. Grand jury's reportedly being impaneled in the case. So far, only one of the cops involved has been fired, the other two was still suspended with pay, and the one who was given the pink slip is suing to get his job back, So stay tuned. President Trump preside over the signing of a new agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates yesterday and also the Jewish state in Bahrain. The agreements basically renewed diplomatic relations among the parties. Actor Chadwick Boseman was buried near his hometown of South Carolina, less than a week after he died in Los Angeles. Authorities say that the Black Panther star was laid to rest September third at Welfare Baptist Church Cemetery in Belton, South Carolina. That's just a few miles outside of his birth city of Anderson. And Sabis conducted the first ever sale of items dedicated to hip hop by the major Arkenhow auction house and Board in a three three hundred million dollars. A lot of stuff went up, this stuff owned by the notorious Big Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. Six months after the tragic death of Brianna Taylor of the twenty six year old EMT who was shot and killed by Louisville police in her home, the city of Louisville has settled an historic wrongful death lawsuit filed by her family. According to Attorney Benjamin Crump, along with the twelve million dollars civil settlement, a secured comprehensive police reform program for the City of Louisville that will bring progress and reform out of this tragedy to protect other black lives. However, Attorney Crump also said he's not backing down from his demand that the Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron file charges against those cops shot and killed Brianna tayl cool I was fit to say that. Don't sound like my man, No, no, no, no. Justice is when you have to pay. See, you know what justice is. Justice. The definition of justice is when you get what you deserve. That's justice. Mercy. Mercy is when you don't get what you deserve. Still fighting ye, yeah, man, because someone has to pay for killing this woman. Yeah. Her family said they're not stopping, they're not backing down. Yeah whatever. See but see they just came with this settlement, like take your money and go head on. Yeah yeah, that's exactly what that problem is. Now I'm gonna take some money, but we're gonna go and press the charge. Yeah. Yeah, somebody still has to you know, pay for you know what they did. This is horrible. This is how money doesn't bring back. Yes, yeah, that's just it's not everything. It just wants to up. We're still still fighting for justice for her because she did and she didn't have to be y'all killed period. Yeah you brought them line, yeah y'all. Yeah. I mean that's progress in the right direction. You know, takes some some of the financial burden off the family. But um, they're still fighting, they still want justice. Um. So there are forty eight days left, forty eight now seven weeks, forty eight days left until the November third election. So um, we're urging you, we're begging you, whatever we have to do, please go and register and vote as if your life depended on it. Go to vote dot org. Please. It takes less than a couple of minutes to register, Plus you can get your dates as to when you can early vote in your state. This is important, um vote dot vote. You vote for attorney generals, you vote for mayors, for presidents, president, senators. You know. I mean, it's a lot of things on this day. That's why it's so important. That's why we're urging you to please get out and vote. Exercise your right. You know, it's we haven't always had a right to vote. We just haven't. You know, people lost their lives, so don't let their deaths be in vain. I mean, you know, we could go on and on, but the bottom line is, please vote. Vote Vote. Coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, a quick round of asked the clo. Right after this, you're listening to show time now for a quick round of ask the clo, the cloth, the chief Love Officer. Are you ready born? This one is from anonymous in Pittsburgh CLO. It says, I'm a forty seven year old woman and I've been married for twenty two years. My husband is terrible in bed, so I had an affair with my coworker. I was hooked on the great sex, but he abruptly cut me off and stopped taking my calls. So I popped up at his house one evening after I had a few tequillo shots. Yes, yes, yes, he was very rude to me, and here he threatened to call my husband if I didn't leave. Fifteen minutes later, my husband pulled up. I have lied my way out of it with my husband by blaming it on the alcohol. But I can't believe this guy snitched on me. Why did he do it, Steve? Because you was in front of his house to hear wrong with you? You was in front of his house. He's gonna let you ruin his life. Y'all had an a fair, a mutual, consensual relationship. He had every right to stop seeing you if he wanted too. You ain't his wife, you was his thing. Now you're gonna go over there and do what you better? You better come out here, Yeah right, yeah, that's right. I'm out of here. Hey, if you don't call right now and leave him from I'm gonna call your husband. WHOA. So that's what he did. He called yours and yours pulled you know, she blamed it on the alcohol, she said, because you know, and you know why she lied, because she got a good man at the house. She just don't like the sex because now you already know you ain't gonna get the man he was kicking it with. And if you, if you don't convince this man, you ain't gonna have no man. And little miss good sex, little wop, just you know you're gonna be out with your own ass. Hey, you mass around, You're gonna have to come out with a son called Opes that stand for that old ass. Okay, sorry, I asked Sonia, and Baltimore says, I was with my son's father for three years, and I worked to support us while he was in school. As soon as he got his degree, his personality changed and he started staying out all night. I found out that he's been working at night at a restaurant across town, and he's been looking at apartments close to his job. His own cousin told me this. She said, she knows I've been good to this man, so I needed to know that he's planning to leave me. My son's father said it's all a lie and his cousin is a hater. I don't put anything past a man. But this is crazy. Who should I believe? First of all, I wanted to cousin tell him, and if he is looking for an apartment, what you waiting to do? What you're gonna make him stay? Because if he wants to leave, he gonna leave. I think he's gonna get to the apartment he's moving in. I think so because it's close to his job and everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right. So wow, don't let her man have to tell you twice he don't, won't you If he does believe you, make sure you get some child support. Oh she can't get that, Ain't no doubt about that. But don't make a fool out of yourself trying to hang on to somebody that don't want you to. Mike needs to let it go exactly. Thanks. Yeah, all right? Tyler and Chattanooga says, I've been dating a female for four months and she has a male roommate, but she told me he's gay. After a few weeks of dating her, I saw a picture of her and the guy on her Facebook page from a few years ago, and they were hugged up and looked like a couple. I confronted her and she started crying. She told me she used to date the guy, but she can't move out of the apartment until their lease is up. She swore nothing's going on between them, So I told her I want to meet him so I can feel the vibe between them. She doesn't think it's a good idea. Why not, Well, well, because he's gonna whoop your hey, that's what what happened. Yeah. Yeah, because the dude she'd told you get he ain't get it. All. You don't come over his house and feel the vibe, you're gonna feel that assman. That's why I want to meet him and his house. Thank you, Cielo. As always, Junior's up for the nephew with today's prying phone call. Right after this thank you, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject what did he just say to me? That's the subject. Yeah, uh huh uh huh. Right now, Nephew's out. Junior's in with today's prank phone call. What you got for us today? Junior? Ah, Today, Shirley, we have a stolen call. Oh yeah, yeah, stealing cars, Junior. Yeah, stealing cars today Tommy is doing a prank now about stolen car running cat. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Trevor Please, sir, you purchased a two thousand and one Navy blue from a used car lot dealership called a car Lot, I don't know, maybe six or seven months ago, am I right? Okay? Now you've been paying notes on this car, I know, for the last six months. And you know, I hate to be a burden of bad news. Actually my name is Detective Justin, and I'm giving you a call to let you know that the actual vehicle, this two thousand and one Navy Blue that you purchased, is actually a stolen vehicle. And we've actually been looking for this car for the last I've been pretty much close to a year now, maybe a little over a year. We've been looking for this I work in the Auto theft division, and uh, who you say you arguing Detective Justin, sir, and I'm in the auto theft division here at the police department. I think you got the wrong I think you got the wrong god Man, because no, sir, it's it's it's it's And I've done the trace on on And I know this is probably a shock to you, but we're right on point with this thing. You's got a two thousand and one Navy blue you did buy it. You did buy it at the car lot dealership and that uh and it's the exact one that the license plate, sir, they do match up. And uh, I know this is a bit of a shock to you, but your car is actually a stolen car. So the dealership, sir, actually sold you a stolen car. And I know you did not know that. I know that it was not any information that you already knew. And I know you thought that you would just per just sing a legitimate car. But you have a stolen car, mister Trevor. And no, man, no, I think you got the wrong person, because this this car is not stolen for real, this is not stolen, sir. I can go all day with you and try to make you understand what's going on here, and I know it's probably some some blurry information that's not clear to you, but at the end of the day, your car is stolen. I am gonna have to either get someone to come out and impound it or you No, no, I think y'all might need to go back over y'all records, man, because I think y'all on the real, I think y'all got the wrong person, sir. For real, I'm gonna tell you once and I'm gonna tell you again. You have a car that's stolen that I have to have in my possession by the end of the day. Now, by the end of the day, for real, Man, you got sir, you have a stolen car and you're gonna need to bring that car into the police station so we can get this thing rectify. I'm man, for real, man, hold on, let me talk about this. Man. I don't know about all this she's telling me. For real, Sir, I understand what you're saying, But do you realize you're talking to a police officer here. I am detective. I am detective Justin. I am who you are, man, I'm salk. Hold it's no longer, sir. We've had to actually shut them down for the time being until we get quite a few cars rectified that I've got more than just your vehicle, sir, that's been that that has auto theft tied to it. Hold On, that's two things. Either you're gonna bring it to me or I'm gonna come get it now. Which one do you want to do? You ain't coming to get for real, sir. I don't want to have this to have to get go to a level of where it doesn't need to be. But I need to get that card in my possession. Okay, look, look, look, listen while I'm telling you. Okay, you're listening. I'm listening, sir. Okay, look, list somebody gonna take me my three hundred fifty two cents I've been paying for the last six months unless you're gonna pay me that, give me back my trade and said, get this now, I ain't out here you're talking about for real? No, this is you're coming at me with. Man, I went too hard to be keeping up see notes like here, Man, I got that and my rit to take care of, and you come to talk about you saying take my car because something that happened before I bought it, and what I don't even know if this is true? Like I said, I thank you, missing. I think you've got me mixed with somebody else. What y'all just not coming at me talking this. I ain't heard nothing about this before. Sure, it's taking us a while to actually track down the car and actually find out exactly where it was. I I've tracked this car so for the last eight nine months, and I finally found it. You are the one that's actually has it in your possession. It happens all the time. It's an unlikely situation, but I gotta get you to bring it in. And I'm I ain't bringing you, hear me, I ain't brilliant. Y'all not coming to get from me unless somebody give me my three hund at seventy seven dollars fifty two cents. I've been saying for the last six months plus in my back. Sure, I'm sure you're probably long gone by now. It's probably I'm stoping. Okay, then then y'all can need to at least just come with the money. Come with the money. I just don't get in another roster somewhere them, sir. I'm not I can't sit here negotiate with you. I'm just a detective that's on this actual case, and I know it's a trying situation, but I am going to have to send some officers out there that that do this type of thing. They pick up these cars and bring them into the I wish you would send somebody out here to get my car. And if you can't go here with me, you need to find somebody can. And no, you know, you bring somebody out here if you want to, don't bring somebody. I got the hell. I've been working too, Oh man, I'm working a great ship. I'm putting all the time. They got to stay late so that man, I'm I'm working through and try to get this car. Man, it's gonna bring God here if you want to for real, sure, sir, sir, calm, I gotta get your calm down. I mean, you're getting a little out of my car stolen, and y'all talk about tending to get it from me. I know this is a surprise, and I understand that, and you gotta great. You got an honest living, an honest job, and I understand that. But some people have done some dishonest things. And that's what's happened here. Somebody does my problem right there, that ain't problem. There was a dead when I first got it, so right from a problem. Now, I'm not understanding that. All I'm saying is is your cub with my car. I'm gonna y'all, look, that's all I'm saying, you know what, I don't want to go any further. Can I say one more thing to you? Can I do that? What this is? Nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked my young cousin, Eric. Who did you to say? This was? This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Us, Man, you got pranked by your cousin. Man, truvor you all right, I don't even name the cigarette running? All right? Man, let me ask you something. You gotta tell me, baby, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Man? Is that Steve Hardvery Morning Show? Ignorant shout told you bring your effing with my car. I got something, prey she told up to call me working this grave yard ship man, trying to make all the payment. I got my ring coming up. Man, I'm working hard doing you ain't coming. I ain't bringing in or I ain't bringing in or breaking in black seven dollars seven times. I felt this working hard, he trying to make and that rint yeah, he working grave yard ship and don't you I'm gonna take you something from him. He didn't give a damn what police you want, I'm gonna send two officers down there, send them down. I got some for him. I'm not playing. Oh man, good, I'm no bathend. Yeah. That one tense right there. Man. I can understand that, man, because man, you've worked so hard have been man, this smash you talking? No partner? Oh man, No, I'm sorry? Who? All right? All right? Well, thank you junior in for Timmy coming up next Strawberry Letters. Subject what did you just say to me? That We'll get into it right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Strawberry Letter with my Defference Shirley Strawberry. Thank you, junior. Subject what did you just say to me? Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a forty three year old man, and I'm a manager at my job. I have a new regional director that will be working in our office. We are both black men, but he's older than I am and he has a PhD that he brags on often. When he first got there, it was hard to warm up to him because he's so entitled and thinks he's better than all of us in the office. Then things started getting tense when he began to critique the employees on my team. I let it slide. Then he critiqued me. He told me that he didn't realize I had such a strong East Coast accent and I sound rude when I'm speaking to customers. He said, I need to soften my accent and work on my public speaking. He also said he reviewed written documents that I had prepared in the past for customers and they contained a lot of grammatical errors. The other day, I walked into the office with a blue bandanna over my face instead of a mask. He stepped to me and said, I need to pick a neutral color mask so I won't look like I'm in a game. He then told me that I dressed to ethnic and it'd send an example of my age and my social status. He suggested I wear flat front slacks and invest in Taylor dress shirts tucked in with hard bottom shoes. This guy is not my boss, but he does have seniority over me. I don't care who he is. I'm not going to let him talk to me crazy. I told him he was out of line, and he claimed he's trying to coach me on how to assimilate into all cultures. I want to curse this guy out so bad, but I need this job and I love what I do. I have a master degree and I have been at this company a lot longer than him. How can I get him to stop talking to meet crazy? Well? Is he talking to you crazy? I mean, is he really or is he talking to you like the regional director, an older black man with more education and life experience and seniority. Like you said, he has more seniority than you. I don't know the tone of what he's saying to you, but it sounds like he's trying to help you be a better employee, a better person. That's what it sounds like. I mean, he's old school with it. I think that's obvious. But like I said, I don't know about his delivery to you and the rest of the gang there, the guys, your employees. I don't want to use the word gang because he already said you're blue bandana, looks like you might be in a gang. But I think you know, you have to put your pride aside in this instance and take in, you know, try to try to put that aside and actually take in and listen to what he's trying to tell you. You know, his delivery again may be off. He could be all the way wrong, but it doesn't sound like it. It sounds like he has more experience and he has seniority over you. Although you say he isn't your boss, Okay, Well he's still an older gentleman. So maybe he just sees something in you and he wants to help you, because it sounds like that's what he is. I mean, even when you when you said something to him about it, he says he's trying to coach you. So you didn't ask for it. It's unsolicited. We get that. But he's older and he just sees something and he's trying to help you. If you don't want it, that's one thing. But I think you should maybe take a moment to listen to what he's saying and lose the resentment. You may learn something you know he has something to teach you. May you may learn something, Steve. I disagree with this letter one hundred. Let me proceed because I want to get into as much as this as I can. I'm gonna tell first of all, let's start with how can I get him stop talking to me crazy? You gotta pull his hand to the side out all hey, man, can we go have a drink? You need to get him out the office, not cross the street. Y'all need to have to drive somewhere. Now, I'm gonna read the letter. I'm gonna tell you how to dress every point right after y'all drink. I want you to talk to him in a nice tone, firm, but you ain't got to Yale. And this is how you do it. I'm a forty three year old man, I'm a manager down at this job. Though. Now you're the new regional director and you're working here. Now both of us is black. Now now I know you're old, and I'm trying to be respectful, and I know you got a pH D. Now in the hood. pH is an F sound so and while I'm talking to you, we're gonna pH d this here. We're gonna f that you know while we talk it. You know, you know we go, we're gonna that while we talk it. You know you're always bragging about your little punk and pH D. There ain't got nothing to do with me, now, bro, stay stay calm, just like I'm talking to you, just how I'm I'm reading the letter about. I want you to address every point. Now. You know when you first got here, man, you know, it was a little hard to warm up to you because you know, you kind of come up in here man like you entitled. You think you better than everybody. You know, now you did not know the reason stuff. It's tense open here, see, dog, it's because you just start critiquing employees on my team. You know we're doing fine, man, you know, look like till you came up in here. Well, I let it slide and everything. Then now all of a sudden, you critiquing me. What's that about? Black? You know you have told me you didn't realize I had such a strong East Coast accent, And I signed rude when I'm speaking to customer how I signed Now while I'm talking to you, though, huh humph, I'm right here, dog, this sound rude to you. Then you come talking about I need to soften my accent and work on my published people we need in public. Now we over hit this ball. You see all these shot glasses sitting around us, say something, Steve. No, No, this conversation he never had with his old as. Now look here, bro, you know I've been trying to be cool and everything, but now you all opinion, you know, tell me I need to soften my accent into that thing. And when we come back off this break, when Charley Steve go to this break, we're gonna talk about all the reviewing my documents and making all the grammatical that's what he's mad about up in your ass. Right after this commercial, all right, all right, hang on, Steve. We'll let part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the our subject what did you just say to me? We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter subject, what did you just say to me? Say? I talked to this brother man he for the three years old, and told him how to address this hill, everything that's going on with this boy, you know, And he didn't got this older dude, probably sound like he in his sixties. You know, he got a little PhD and everything now here and talking to people crazy. So I've been just trying to tell him in a way to address him. You got to get him outside of the workplace. Y'all got to go. Hear drinks and you gotta talk to him coming. And I told him, you know, I ain't with that PhD. You know, PHS or F sign. So you know what I'm saying, like to you and your PhD. I'm just saying I that the D is for that, you know, PhD, f D you know. Now you know what I'm saying. Now Now I got to everybody where we need to be. You know. Now I let it slide, you know, and now you all up in here critiquing me and everything, come talking about you ain't having Now he realized I had a strong East Coast accent? What accent on post have on front of East Kobe? Now you want to be down here hanging like some little country as bunkering like you and the restity. But I ain't do all that on front of each coach. This is how we talk. You're like this hill. Now look a here then you're gonna review some of my ridden documents. You're talking about how prepared for customers. They contain a lot of grammatical as in it. What they gotta do with it? Yeah? What is gramafucker airs got to do with it? What a flocker? What demafra crafford. Don't be all up in here talking to me about no course who they ain't correcting everything? You know, you got your little pH out and told you the phs f side that. You know. Then the other day, dog, I could walk him to the office with this blue band down over my face instead of a man. You know, I'm trying to, you know, have a little swag and everything. You don't talk about me. I need to pick a neutral color so I don't look like I'm in no game. I'm in a game. I gotta degree. What game banger? You know? Got a man? Man? You racial profile and your own people, because okay, you know, I need to pick a neutral color so don't look like I'm in the game. And then I told me I dressed to ethnic? What is that? What is ethnic? Like? I dressed that way? Don't nobody dressed ethnic round here? Ethnic? Talk my ken about you tell my m ef Nick dog, dog got me is ethnic. I remember I got news to your asses. F Nick two. You know now then he gonna talk me and it's an example of my age and my social status far to three man you're talking about. He suggested I wear flat front slaxing invest in Taylor dressed shirts. Don't want run this shirt I got on to me. Just wants to make him, try to help him be better. Girl. I got this girl, I got down dog. All my shots come from Bason shot message in the men's department, right basis in the men's department. That's junior story. You know what I'm saying. Tucked in with some hard bottom shoes. I like soft bottom shoe. You know this guy is not my boss, but but he got seenyority over me. You know, I don't give damn who he is. I ain't gonna let him talk to me crazy. I told him he was out of line and he claimed he trying to coach me on how to ask him or late in the all culches. I don't want it all the damn coach that live matter. Dog, I don't want it all of him. Call. I'm in the couch, Y'a'm in okay, just to coach y'all like this court. I'm a man. I want to cuss your dude out so bad, but I need this job and I love it. I love what I do. I'm good at it. I've been here a long time. I got a master's degree and I've been at this. Come to a whole lot longer to here. How can I get him? Stop talking to me crazy? This is in today party? Yeah, that's all I gotta take. No look at say something crazy to me. A matter of fact, though, when we get back on that job, don't don't say nothing to me correcting me. Don't be up in here correcting me. Dog, you got something to say to me? Just keeping about your job, to keep it moving. You say any look look him, look him, man, look him man, Man. Main, listen to me, dog, just real talk. I'm trying to help you, man, I'm trying to keep you something real bad happening to me. Why are you threatening him? Now? Well, we off to him. I'm just telling you, dog. Now, let me tell you something. Dog, when we get back come on his job. Just how we'll just how we're gonna do it. Don't say or damn thing to me. I don't kill what and if you report me, I'm gonna reproach you. Ye that are yeah, yeah, it's all I got to save him. That you handle it how you want to. Now, I'm gonna pay for these drinks because you ain't drinking nothing. You look at the bar. I didn't even still at the bar. I'm gonna pay for these drinks. And I'm gonna drink you because you ain't took a swallow water down. Because I got your monkey ass attention. Don't act now. I see you at work to mom called Michael. All right, listen poster comments and don't say nothing to Squeaky Deek when you see him. You hear me at Mike Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, we'll have Sports Talk with Junior. Right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, come on Junior with Sports Talk. When it was game seven last night in the Western semi Chalker, he's a shocker. Oh my god, what shark. Congratulations to the Denver Nuggets they beat the Los Angeles Clippers. Sccer, what happened here? I can't. Kahlon took his braids to La like I told his just run over the corn rolls and played for them Lakers. I congratulations, man, don't matter. Even gave him a shot man seven games and won it in in Nate drawls Man. They fought to the end, didn't they. Yeah? Yeah, man, well you know the boys right there. Man, I was not expecting that to happen at all. Hella is down three one and they came back. You win three one, three straight? Chocker? What is his name? Is shocker? Seventh rictor? What is the What are the Clippers doing this morning? Uh? What are they doing this morning? Oh? Loard hacking. They leaving the bub They're leaving the bubble. Koala is gonna take his kids, go right on over the dens and yard rad it down then going over there, ain't you kay? I thought you supped people, shut up, checked the scene. Let it's gonna think you on these rocks. That's funny be asking us, Oh so dinner in La huh the Lakers? Yeah, that's a different matchup now, because the matchup is different with Denver. I don't think they match up real well with the Lakers. No, no, no, I don't think they match up real well with the Lakers. See you know that big seven footboy to shoot them three pointed C A D can check his hands out there. Yeah, he got him out there joking. We're looking at bout five, this up to six and they ain't gonna play Miami. Oh you think Miami gonna be Boston man, Boston bawling. But they can't even know what Miami is the dangerous team man, Yeah, Jimmy Butler, Man, that's he's the new sharing for the East boy because he played with too much hard. He like he might fight over the game. I think he'll fight. Yeah, man, he goes strong to the whole This is what what is this again? Shocker? That's funny, Thank you, Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour, La Sheriff via Nueva is getting slammed for challenging Lebron James to match our reward. We'll talk about this right after this. You're listening to the show. So during a recent radio interview, Steve La Sheriff Villaneueva challenged Lebron James to double the hundred and seventy five thousand dollars reward for the information leading to the arrest of a person who ambushed two deputies. This happened on Saturday, September twelfth. Two La County deputies were shot multiple times by an unknown gunman near the MLK Transit Center in Compton. The sheriff has received backlash on social media for challenging Lebron James. Even Kobe Bryant's widow, Vanessa Bryant, posted screenshot of a social media user saying, how can he talk about trusting the system? His sheriff's department couldn't be trusted to secure Kobe Bryant's helicopter crash scene. Oh wow, His deputies took and shared graphic photos of crash victims and deceased children. Okay, all right, okay. Sheriff Villaneueva also said to Lebron, I want you to match this reward because I know you care about law enforcement. You expressed in a very interesting statement about your perspective on race relations in an officer involved African American shooting, and I appreciate that. Well, hold out, It's not Lebron James's job to solve crimes. It's the police, Sheriff's Department, FBI, that's whose job that is. Now, if you want to double the reward, let the city double the reward because the person who ambushed these officers needs to be put in prison. That needs to happen. I mean, look, man, what we're what we're protesting is against police brutality. We are not advocating violence towards police. That's not what we're saying. We're not that people. Nobody us two people sitting in their car and hear this butthole come up criminal and just shoot them like that, trying to kill these people. Man, nobody wants that. That is not what this movement about. This is not what the protest is about. And that's not how we want to get back. It's no getting even. We don't want to be able to perpetrate brutality against police officers. We need police officers. Ain't nobody trying to defund the police or none of that. That's garbage talk. Y'all quit petting and that we need to get this guy behind bars. But and y'all gonna get him because y'all not gonna rest. But putting Lebron on the spot that ain't know what Bron gotta do with is Yeah, keep planning a series right now, Hey, sheriff, you do your damn jab exactly right, Bubble. That's why Vanessa Brian had to speak out. She's outraged. Brother, you double the one seventy five right, ain't three fifty? Y'all got? It's so horrible. I mean, I don't know you building football stadium? Right? Just let you know their mentality, you know it, Just lets you know their mentality, Like it's wrong for Lebron to be for black Lives matter and speak out against police brutality and all of that. That's basically what he's saying. That's exactly what ye sir, and almost are you trying to get people to turn on Lebron? Like what's your purpose of saying that? Stupid? At what does Lebron James have to do with this? Lebron James is not law enforcement? Right, that's your job, sir. That's right. Damn do yo, damn job you to reward double go to the city and doublet y'all got this city got more money than Lebron James. Yeah, well not not not a lot of it's clod thank you Lebron yea. Yeah, but that was real stupid for him to say that just real insensitive Lebron. Lebron spending a lot of money opening up schools, trying to improve people's lives. Lebron James got a lot of philanthropic money out there, man, that's what he's doing. He's doing above and beyond his share. Y'all just be law enforcement, enforced the law, and I know you will. Y'all not gonna but make sure you're pinning on who did it though. Let's just not get somebody in there. Let's just pin it on who did it. That's right, all right, Steve, coming up, we'll have more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and we'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show today as women Crush Wednesday and today we're crushing on our sister, ESPN's Maria Taylor. Maria fired back at Chicago radio host Dan McNeil, who said she was dressed to host Adult Film Awards instead of Monday Night Football. Oh really, Maria clapped back on Twitter, Well, Danny dearest, if you would like to continue making sexist comments about me, please bring your misogyny with the to the NBA Countdown double Header. I'll be hosting tomorrow night. Hey, ladies, remember you can wear whatever you feel confident in. Okay, Maria, she's a beautiful sister. Yeah, black girl Magic. Yeah, he is beautiful. How dare you she's dressed like she's going to host the American the Adult Film Awards. Oh really, the nerve you Dan Dan McNeill, Yeah, he has a great, great question. We don't know who the hell he is, but we know Maria Taylor though. Absolutely. Isn't she beautiful? Yeah? She is, and know her and knows her business. That's it. She knows and she went to work. I saw this on her Instagram post last night. They gave her flowers. People at her staff some flowers. Yes, yeah, Jayla Rose gave her bouquet flowers, told him graduations. Hosting your first Monday night football game. That was great. Yeah. Yeah, we take care of ours, that's it. Yeah. Always some dude that ain't no damn body. Yeah, I mean ain't no damn body. Yeah, well, whoever he is, he just got fired Boom for his horrible tweet. And we'll be back at thirty three after the hour. You just lost your job. Get this dance Danny Dear You're listening show and Today's in her time at news Cardi B. Wow, Cardi B has filed for divorce from Offset. She filed the court document documents. Yeah, this is really big, big, big news. She filed the documents in Fulton County and Georgia, indicating she's seeking dissolution of the marriage. Cardie wants Offset to be ordered to pay her legal expenses. It doesn't sound like there's a pre nup or anything, because Cardie is asking for an equitable division of all marital assets and she wants custody of their daughter. Culture. Wow. Now, I know in the past they've had issues with cheating and stuff on offsets part I remember Carti sand off offsets, She told me one more time. But wow, they haven't you know, disclosed a reason or anything. But they were secretly married back in twenty seventeen, so wow, three years another man. Yeah, I just I was rooting for them too. Yeah, I really was. I really really was. I like, you know, they're still cool people. It's just, you know, marriage is hard for in this business here, man, especially when you both do the same thing. Man, there's no basis. Sometimes it's tough, man, Yea. It's tough. You know, people always want to be judgmental. But Cardi being off said, ain't doing nothing. Ain't nobody else doing Yeah, you know that's not to say everybody's cheating, but I'm saying they got mantal things like everybody else. It's a whole lot of marriage with this issue. But they just ain't famous, right right, And everything they do is in front of the cameras. Everything they have no privacy. Look, you can't go nowhere, yeah without somebody saying they know you. That's why it's so hard. You know, if cheating is what you're gonna do, brother, it ain't. I'm telling you man, there's a camera everywhere, Yes, everywhere everywhere. So we you know, we hope they can come to some kind of I don't know, but sometimes when people file, they go back, you know. Sometimes. Yeah, we can only hope for the best and be the best parents. But the baby, yeah yeah yeah, different type of whop here and other entertainment news as we move on Junior and the other. Uh. The other night, we were all on the phone, we were all on zoom and on the phone as Tiger Kings. Carol Baskin made her dancing debut. Now the family of her of her missing husband, Don Lewis, ran commercials with the family lawyer. It was locally in Florida. They still want to know what happened to their loved one. They don't. They still don't know. He just disappeared and has never have you seen? Coming up our last break of the day, last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to show there are forty eight days left until the November third election. Please go right now to get registered to vote at vote dot org. It only takes a couple of minutes to fill in your information and you'll be registered. You can vote, Your vote can count. We can do our part. That's what happens, all right, that's our civic duty. You can get the dates when you can early vote in your state. Go to vote dot org. Seven weeks left, getting down to the wire. Now, I am too. If you want black lives to really matter, you have to vote. The way to get them to really really respect us is to show them that we have the power to elect officials that care about the country as a whole. We have the power to determine who is in office and who isn't. See. Let me let me give you my take on this whole thing. I believe that there are a lot of Republicans in office in the Senate, in the House, in Congress that completely disagree with Donald Trump. I really believe it is because every nine and then they raise their head and they say something. Now they go back in the hole because they're scared of him. But every nine then they raise their head and say something. But I think, man, there are a lot of Republicans who are sick of Donald Trump, but they're gonna ride with him. And you know why, they're gonna ride with him because he holds their position, their power, and their money under his thumb. Because if you don't go along with him as a governor, if you don't go along with him as a senator, he takes it out on you. Man. He starts tweeting about you, he puts you in his speech, he goes after you. And nobody wants to lose their position, their power, and their money, so they're going along with it. I refuse to believe that they are all okay with the way he is conducting the business of America and the way he's treating the office. Now, with that said, are there plenty of people who's perfectly fine with it? Absolutely? Absolutely, But we have a chance to send a message, a clear message to all love them. Who is okay with diversity for all of them? Who thinks that there's good people on both sides. How can you be in a hate group and be a good person. Help me with that, man, there's no such thing. Man, that's a statement that doesn't You've gotta be brainless to make that statement or racist to make that statement. Pick either one. But we've got to send a message to these people that no, man, enough is enough. Black lives really do matter. Latino lives matter, man, Native American lives matter. People who join in with the Black Lives movement protests of all colors, their lives matter. See, that's the real nugget behind Black lives matter. It's not saying that our lives matter more than anybody else's. Just can our lives matter just like yours? That's all are we saying. But if you want black lives to matter, you have to vote. Steve Harvey is telling you loud and clear, if you want your black life to matter. You have to vote. You can send a message to the White House this November. We have had enough of you. We have had enough of this divisiveness. We don't care how many, all twenty five of them little black people you didn't found to run over here and hold up the flag for you who are ignoring you can get all the little that little pocket of Latinos for Trump together. I don't understand that Latinos for Trump, Blacks for Trump. What has he done for black people? All Latinos? He building the wall and he destroying doctor Oh you just talking about the ones that's here that we're born here, who feel like if they stay on that side, that they're better than the rest of them. Oh you talking about the few blacks that are not affected by his policies in this country that have decided that he is good for America. Oh and screw the rest of them. No, man, See, let me tell you something about celebrities and and and athletes and stuff like that who have been doing well for a while, myself included. We have enough to survive for a little while. The common man don't see. So whoever in office, we're gonna take our people and we're gonna find a way to make it work. We got staff members, we qualify people. We're gonna find a way to make it work where the average person is affected deeply by policy. That's why when the Republicans wanted to come up with this second stimulus package, they wanted to go from six hundred dollars a week to two hundred dollars a week. Then Democrats got to fighting them and they got up to four. But they wanted to go back to the six. But the Republicans Senate didn't want that. Donald Trump didn't want that. Enough is enough. Republicans don't care about helping the underprivilege. Pour yourself up by the bootstraps. COVID took the boots. COVID took their relatives lives too. Now the Democrats are hanging their hat on preaching this COVID thing, and that's good. But I hope Joe Biden has enough sense to fight the way they're fighting. Make him tell the truth when y'are debating. Don't wait on the fact checkers to come up after the show, because they don't listen to that check him. Every time he lied in the debate, you're lying, say it. We gotta change this. We got to vote. Go to vote dot org. Go to vote dot org. Early voting starts in October. We're gonna keep you formed. We got to vote. Enough is enough. That's nice, you said it. We've foughten for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.