Breonna Taylor, Carla's Reality Update, Sheryl Underwood, Brand New Junior and more.

Published May 14, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Junior has a new role today. The CLO has the truth for a sidepiece. Kylie Jenner has a challenge for Stormi. Tommy does a wellness check in DFW. Breonna Taylor is the EMT from Louisville that was shot by police in her apartment. Can Sheryl Underwood handle the new Junior? Miss Carla has the finale of Real Housewives of Atlanta to talk about in Reality Update. Junior is graded on his performance today in a new role. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve encourages us to find the good in this pandemic. He has found the good by being in solitude and has gotten more in touch with himself and more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all a suit looking back to back, giving them like the mos bus things and it's not good. Steve Star, don't join with me. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, huh, I sure will. Good morning, everybody listening to the voice. Come on dig me now. One and only Steve harbin Man got a radio show. M Yeah, I do. Man. God been so good to me over the years, in spite of all the mistakes I've made, in spite of all the dirt I've done to myself. I'm talking about when end no one I was wrong. His grace and mercy has forgiven me for all of my sins. God can forgive you of all of your sins. Everything you've done, God can forgive you. He can wipe your slate clean. Now. Might you might have some you know, things you got to deal with because of some of your actions. Understand that. But you can wipe your slates. You can wipe your slate clean with God and start again. You can repent. God has mercy and grace. You could be forgiven by God. Now people answer another story. Some people may never forgive you, for you've heard them all, or maybe they're accusing you of doing something else. But you know they may never forgive you. But God, God is in the redemption business man. God will forgive you for every sin you've ever committed. But you gotta want forgiveness now. And then you got to come correct because what you can't do is you can't shoot him the crap. Now you can say that conversation with him. You know, whatever you told your lawyer, whatever, whatever you told the victims, whatever you told, whatever the story is you got going if it ain't the truth, you could say that with God, because please know, he know, and he know your heart. He know if you're trying to manipulate somebody just for the system, if you're trying to say this just so you can get out, You know all of that. So if you're planning on shucking him and jiving him, save your breath before you wind up digging yourself in a deeper hole. Just let me give you that piece of advice. Because he ain't nothing to play with. He's too great to be played with. And so with that in mind, I want to share some positive stuff with you. This smarting man. I want to say this now. I want to remind you not to let your circumstance and your situations dictate your future or your results. I'm gonna say this again. This is important information. Man. Don't let your circumstance and situations dictate your future or your results. Do you know that in order to get a different future or some different results, you control that entire situation. It is you, It is your thoughts that control the entire situation. It is how you look at the situation that will determine how the situation is for you. See, the same situation can be only different for two different people, because you can say you look at the examples of history, just just look look in your neighborhood. How can There was a book that a guy wrote one time who had the name. He had a name, and he did some research and he found a guy that grew up at the same age in the same neighborhood as him, with the exact same name. He went on to become a corporate CEO. The other man was an inmate, and they had the same name, grew up in the same neighborhood. They were both brothers, you know not, I'm just saying brothers men, and they grew and they went to them. Because how can two different two people the same situation and the results turn out so different. It is because of the thought process of one was completely different from the thought process of the other. You control it. You don't have to let your circumstances and your situations dictate your future or your results. Here's the way it works. This is so you can understand this. Your mind. It's the controlling factor of your thoughts. Your thoughts are the controlling factor of your outcome. The Bible says a man is as he thinketh. Please don't short play this scripture here, because this one is the real deal. This is the basis of every self improvement book you'll ever read. It's already written in the Bible. The Bible has all the information you need. But in case you need a little bit of clarity in some simple modern day language, then they have self improvement books. They are all based on Biblical scripture. A man is as he thinketh. That's why Norman Vincent Peale wrote the book The Power of Positive Thinking. That's why a book came out called The Magic of Thinking Big. That's why a book came out called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hell that all of you, all these titles that I've read that have mattered in my life the most, these three major books that I've read, they all say one thing. Think thinking thoughts, because that's what controls the outcome. Your brain works one of two ways. It works positive or negative. It works good, which is under the column of positive, or to work evil, which is under the column of negative. It will have faith, which is under the column of positive, or you will operate in fear, which is in the column of negative. That is the only way your mind works. Your mind is a factory that's comprised of workers. Those workers are controlled by two formings, forming positive and forming negative. But guess what the CEO of the company, the head, man, the boss is you. You come to work in the morning and you say, man, today is a great day. I'm going to take steps towards brightening my future. I'm going to take another step into making that dream come true that I've been thinking about. I'm gonna take another step forward in the development and the changing of my life in a positive, good direction. If you come to work and say that every day as the CEO, the boss, the formans can only obey you, so that what you just said was a series of positive statements then forming positive steps to the forefront. He said, I got your boss right away. He turns around, he blows the whistle. He alerts all the workers in the factory today as a good day. Today, we will take steps towards our future. Today we are putting ourselves on track to get a little bit closer to making our dreams come true. Today we will be assembling all the things we need to make our dreams come true in our life better in the right direction. Everybody break. The workers in the factory turn around and manufacture thoughts to justify the orders given by the boss, which is you. You are the CEO of your corporation. If you don't own nothing else, you own everything that's going on between your two ears. You are the CEO of that corporation. If that corporation is a good one, it's because you set it up that way. If your corporation is a bad one, it's because you set it up that day. If you trying, if you pushing towards your dreams and you see, the possibility of things happening in your life is because you, as the CEO, set it up that way. If you ain't got nothing popping, if you just want to be a criminal taking stuff from people, throwing your life out the window, you're gonna be an inmate. You're gonna be sitting there there, and you're gonna be mad at everybody. You've got nobody be mad at. But shoot, you understand what I'm telling you this morning? Huh? You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I can make a gray sky, blue, nigga rain whatever I wanted to. Oh. I can build a castle from a single greater sin. I can make a ship sail on dry land. But my life isn't completed. I'm so blue because I can't get next I can't get next to you. I can't get next to you. That's how you wake him up. And he was like, I don't know. I just don't know where that came from. I ain't even really have it together. I just did it because I felt like come morning caller, Pharrell, Good morning Steve. I love the temptations. Every morning. You can do that, baby, that was all good. Yeah, that I going, Junior, boy, I got surprised for you today. I got surprised for you, Junior. What's Tommy and the building on this beautiful? All? Right? So I was thinking, I said, Okay, we've been on quarantine, we zooming each other. Shirley's off this week, yes, all Monica's out this week. Yeah, but nothing's wrong, They're just out. And so I was thinking, what could we do on this show that could be different and interject a uniqueness? Junior, This is what I thought of. Carla, who designs the show on the daily basis, creates the format and direction of the show, puts the bitch together, the autumn and everything about She sends out to all of us the show order. Tommy gets it, surely gets it. Junior gets it. Now this for so we can go along and know what's coming. I never get it. I'll never look at it. You get it, and I don't get Tomma. They don't even send it to me, dog because they know I know. Now that's years. I haven't got a run of the show in years. So Junior, you have the run of show. Ladies and gentlemen today on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I ran this by caller, got her permission because you know, come on dog cool, you know. And so Julia all day today, Junior, you will be taking us out of the breaks and bringing us back in off the breaks. Oh all day. Wait a minute, Yeah, we're gonna get your answer, chance to participate? Hold on? Oh we here, hold this. This is gonna be great. Here, I got a hundred dollars. Say you missed this up, Tommy, that's where you're wrong though you okay, okay, Tommy will be looking for errors today. Me and Carla will be officiated. Let's go to break. Julie all right here there coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, the Chief Love Officer is in the building. We'll be right back with the Steve Harvey Martin Show. One down, you're listening show, We're back, Steve had show, Julia ConTroll, Go ahead, car thank you, Junior. All right, Steven's time for your favorite segment. Chief Love Officer asked the c l oh and you can submit your questions at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're ready, Steve, here we go. Yeah, before I say this, just for you all, it might be just joining this junior. I have sent out a directive. Julia is gonna take care all the in and out breaks on the show today. This is first time, never been done, never rehearsed. Juniors, the showrunner today, go ahead, calling all right, here we go. This one is from Sarah in New York. Steve, I've been dating a married guy for seven years and he is my best friend and everything I wanted a man. I don't care that he's married because his wife knows about us, but I am worried about a new woman he's been texting and calling on the side. I'm so angry. I want to confront him, but I don't want him to know that I have the password to his phone. I need to know how to approach this new woman and tell her to leave my man alone. How do you I think I should approach her? Three's a crowd? Wow? First of all, the reason that's a crowd is causing you. Yeah, three is a crowd. It's foe now yeah, really, it's a quad. So you are sleeping with the married man for seven years, he's your best friend and everything you want it in a man, right, everything you want? And you ain't really messed up because his wife knows about y'all. Okay, that sounds a little different. But you're worried about this new woman. How do you text this new woman and tell her to leave your man alone? First of all, he not your man, that's a he. Everybody man appariedly at least three people, Yeah, minimally. Yeah. So I don't know what you claiming to be yours when clearly is not from day one. So I have no help for you. I have nothing for you. This is this is all gonna go downhill if it ain't worked out for you in seven years? What make you think it's been to work out for you again? Obviously there ain't nothing he tends to because now he got somebody else too. Yeah, this is Sarah. I just can't believe that the three of you are going along with it. Okay, this is what's amazing to me. So no, I don't know what to tell your sister hanging now, you can't I what can I tell you? I just want to I can tell you that can help you so that you want to hear. So thanks. Next question, all right, this one is from June and Savannah, Georgia. I've been dating a guy for two years, and he moved in with me a month ago. We've been quarantined and he only goes out to pick up food and groceries for us. Everything was fine until I got a call from a girl that says she's up with my god. Last Tuesday. She said they had unprotected sex and he didn't know she had got over the coronavirus. Oh my goodness. My man swore that he hasn't had sex with anyone else and that it's got to be a prank. Nephew, I'm not taking any chance. I'm not taking any chances. So I asked him to leave my house. Am I crazy for believing a random stranger? What should I do? What? I don't know? Not? You don't know what I mean? I don't know what you know? Unprotected sex? First of all, they said early on that corona cannot be transmitted by sex, right, it has to be you know, airborne transmitted like that. So, but it's hard to have sex and not breathe on a person. It's very, very hard. I don't can't hold your position you choose to be in. Even if you turn around and say something to him, you got the you know, breathe. They weigh or something like that. Wait a minute, you know something. You got to some type of breath unless y'all have a mask. Uh. He says he ain't slept with anybody. Why would she call your house make that assertion? Uh, you say, he goes out to get food and stuff? What did your gut tell you? Obviously you believe this, so you put him out. You got to go with your intuition. I don't know you know. Now the question is when you told him to get out, where did he go? You ain't hear it from him? Answer? All right, I get out, all right, say no more and that's it, all right? All right? So I don't know, man, I really don't. I can't help you with that. You obviously believed him, so you got to go with your tu issue. Here we go. This lock one is from lou and Mesquite, Texas. I'm a married man. I got fired early in March, right before the pandemic hit. I didn't have to tell my wife because the whole country went on lockdown, and I just acted like I was working from home. When my paychecks stopped coming, I lied, except my company was having financial problems because of the pandemic. Now my company will be back open on Monday, and I'm out of excuses. I know my wife will be disappointed in me and furious because I lied so much. Wow, what should I do now? Why don't you just come clean? Dog? Look, I got fired right at the pandemic, so I came home like everybody else, My check ran out. I didn't want you to know because I didn't want you worried and stressing. And now the company's opening back Monday, and I'm out of work. I don't have anything, and I can't get no work while the pandemic is going on. Because I gonna go down here and get this twelve hundred dollars stimulus checked it up, Trump passing out and sign up for this unemployment. Yeah, forgive me, But I was just so ashamed. Yeah, that's all you could do is come clean. How do you think that's gonna go though? You think I ain't gonna go good? Ain't gonna good? Oh, he's gonna pay for nine? Why didn't you just tell me the number one question? Yeah? Because I thought that I could get through it. What was you doing to get through it? Well? I came on home with everybody else that you haven't fight from the Clo going up next. Nephew, Timmy running that prank back? You know this boy ignorant? Here we go that you're listening. Hey, come up at the top of the hour here on the stee hardy born to show you already know it's miss Anne Trip. She's gonna have your national news dealing with COVID nineteen plus. We're gonna talk about Kylie Jenner, but first we had run that prankback. Nephew, what you got? I gotta Can I borrow yo pool? Can I borrow yo poo? Please? That's so stupid. No, don't don't be stingy with your pool. It's my boy. Can I borrow your boo? You know calling? If my pool go out, I might want to drive out of you. I can't borrow your pool. Let's go cat though. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Dobba. Hey, Dobba, how are you doing? This is Kendrick. I live in the neighborhood. I got got your number for one of the neighbors. What what neighbor do you know, Louise that lives I guess a couple of a couple of doors down from you. Okay, listen, I got a bit of an issue here. I'm not actually on your street. I'm anna the next street over. But Louise told me that you might be willing to help me out due to the whole uh you know, yeah, all right, due to the pandemic situation. The clubhouse is actually closed it and you know, nobody's able to use the gym, nobody's able to use the pool or anything like that until all of this kind of passes over. But my son's birthday was actually his birthday party is scheduled for this coming weekend, and we now don't have a pool to use, and we wanted to see if you didn't mind letting us bar your pool on Saturday and uh and have my son's birthday party only a couple of hours. You know, they've been like fifteen twenty kids. Twenty kids. Are you in the States? Do you understand what's going on. I don't know why Louise told you that. I'm so hard. I'm just gonna apologize for her. I don't know why she told you anything like that, but I'm not linding out my pool to no fifteen to twenty kids. That we had a small gathering the other week, but it was only three people, and I guess she saw that and I told her that, you know, it was a birthday party. But I don't mean I'm lending out my pool to people. That's not what it be. And that was a family member and I don't even know you, So for her to even give you my number, it was kind of goofy, you know what I'm saying. So okay, okay, So so wait, wait, wait a minute, wait minute. We already knows it's that we in the pandemic. I got that. What I mean, you know my son fron Turntine, you know what I mean. So I mean, I don't want to tell my son and we're not gonna have his pool part. I mean, I'm just asking you for a couple of hours and it ain't but twenty kids. Yeah, but you know what I mean to do with you or your son, baby, I'm sorry, Like you're gonna have to find Why don't you go to a hotel or something like that and maybe you can like ring out there pool or something. But I'm not lending my pool to anybody. And right now things aren't cleared up. I don't even know if I'm allowed to. And you talk about fifteen to twenty people in my house and I don't I'm talking about fifteen to twenty. And is she told me you would be you know, you would be straight with me using using your barbecue grill or whatever so I could do some hot dogs for the kids. So well, okay, well, sir, I'm sorry. I think Louise got the wrong idea. You know what this is? What this is what's wrong with black people? Right here? This right here, this what's wrong with black people. Black people. It's about smart people who know that this virus is out here killing people, killing kids and going rambo on everybody. No, no, because my thing is you're not going to put my family at risk for your little son. Now, you can go ahead, like I said, and maybe call one of these hotels or motels. We'll see if they can let you use their pool. You're not using my pool, sir. And like I said, I don't know why Louise gave you my number, but I'm sorry that you have. I don't know why Louise gave me your number either. You're gonna sit here that about it. Excuse me, sir. Okay, I on this note, I'm just gonna end this call because you're taking it too far? Okay, you have you know what? You know what I'm gonna do. What I'm not going to do is deny my son. I'm just gonna come over there I get something. I don't have nothing to do with me. I don't. I'm just I don't understand. I'm coming over that throwing my pool party for my son anyway. I'm notingna not. Louis already told me you was cool, and now you're gonna act like you not cool. Louise said, I'm cool because I am cool. Boo boo. But I'm not cool with you. I don't know you. Okay. So if I told you I'm Kendrick from One Street, Oh, I told you, I will don't give a flying who you are. It doesn't matter. I don't know you well enough to let you use my pool. You're not using my pool. And that's the bottom line. My son, my son Justin don't turn ten, but one damn time. We all just turned ten one time. What are you talking about. I'm gonna have no pool party for my sad. So how about you try to white people and see if they let you use their pool. It's other people around here. You got John across the street from me as them. See if that white gonna let you use this pool, you come to me, talk about this White black people can't due and all this kind of off ain't about being black, It's about being safe. You're not coming in here. I don't know what kind of anybody's you got. I don't know if you had COVID. You ain't even saying no like that. You don't even tell me whether all y'all been tested, all the kids have been tested? Can you tell me? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, listen, listen, this is what I'm gonna tell you. I'm near Sataday at noon, waiting on the twenty kids gonna be with two hours on. There's good luck. Yeah, guess what. I'm a clack clack. Reach you back. You come to my house pulling up with some kids. You want to catch a bad one, and I will have a police airway. What time is the party, baby, because I will have police here. Way. You know I'm coming in my yard. You got people out here getting killed for them less than that. Look, you know what, I don't even want. I don't want to argue with you. Just give me your address so I can let everybody know where they're gonna, you know what, good luck fighting my address, get it from Louise. I can curR up then I'm ana you up to and I'm gonna get kids up to let them little nappy headed kids come in my yard and see what happens. Okay, okay, okay, okay, so so so what about your neighbor, Patricia ask Patricias called Patricia. That's on. Patricia, ain't got nothing to do with me, just like this party ain't got nothing to me. I don't know justin I don't know you you calling people get an adamant and nasty about using somebody pool with all this going on, man, I'm not trying to put my life at risk for you. Louise you okay now, okay, okay, hold on hold, Can I tell you something else? Thought? Can I tell you what Patricia told me? What Patricia told me to call you? This is nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Morny Show. Patricia got me to prank phone call. What wait a minute, but this is this is Nephew Tommy Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your next door neighbor, Patricia got me to prank phone call. You might have fact Patricia and Louise. I hate both of them right now. I was talking to Louisa. She kept saying, Oh, so you're just having parties. It was three little people in there. Oh my god, I love you. I love you. Oh my, I'm so confused right now, I don't go. I was like, I'm gonna get my pool covered, like this is crazy. Oh my god, this is crazy. And You've got me, You've got I got you baby twenty twenty. Baby, tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Who Steve Harvey Morning Show? And now you have it? Can I borrow your pool? Gray? Stupid? You play too much? I played way too much. Thomasmiuse dot com. Go to thomasmiuse dot com, click on the prank button and then you can submit all the information. I call you. We talk, we get our little story together. I go do the prank. That's how this work. That's how it worked, all right, So you want to come over here in high that big brother stupid Yo to Thomasius dot com and hit me up, and I promise you We're gonna do greatness together. That's it. I stop right there. Time. I'm running things. That's it. We're on the brank. That's it all you get right now? Coming up next, miss An she did without National News and plus some entertainment. Dude on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Three domes. You're listening, We're back show Junior by the show today. Thank y'all so much for listening. Uh chur call. Thank y'all so much for giving me to do this. Man, this is so much fun. Uh yeah, I want to handle the junior. Yeah. How's he doing. He's doing pretty good, Steve. Well, it's up to him and Tom's doing the critic criticism of it. You know, you know how that's gonna go. Yeah, he's doing all right thus far. Oh good, that's good. But I'm all right though. Yeah, I'm watched you watch all right. Well, let's get to entertainment. It was real quick, Steve. Here's a challenge that maybe you and Marjorie can try with your grandkids and YouTube time me with your youngest son. It's called the hashtag chocolate candy challenge or the fruit snacks challenge, and that's where parents test their little ones by placing a bowl of fruit snacks or candy in front of their kid and tell them not to eat any of it until they get back. So now the reactions are really really cute. So apparently Kylie Jenner she couldn't resist the challenge and decided to tempt her look cute little daughters, Stormy with a bowl of Eminem's. And so Kylie told Stormy, I'm going to put the chocolates right here. Okay, you can have only three of them, but you have to wait till mommy comes back. So wait for mommy and then you could have three. So as soon as yeah, she had the camera on. Everything so cute. So as soon as Kylie left the room, you can see Stormy fighting the urge, fighting the urge. She even leaned in at one point to the bowl of candy like she was going to take a few. But then she sat back and she was so cute. She said to herself, Patience, patience. It was so adorable. So when Kylie returned, she was happy to find out that our little girl passed the challenge. So would you guys do that, Steve? That would be so cute for the grandkids. Were you thinking the past? I can tell you right now, b J. Yeah, don't give a damn, I'm gonna have some a chocolate around his mouth, now, Rose, Rose or do it? Rolla do it and tell on them. But Noah and Bj, the two boys, Yeah, your grandsons nine, they're gonna do patience, patience my ass eminem's I mean if but but them girls gonna tell on them though, they're gonna tell their cousins. They're gonna tell on their cousins. Hell yeah, because the girls they in charge. Yeah see Ellen Rose is in charge of Noah in BJ and them boys, they'd be just speaking the oldest. Okay, bro hold this ship five five? Oh yeah, yeah, that's cool. But what about you tell Jordan? Jordan will do it, but gonna lie to the end that he didn't eat now on one of them old if you tell him a smile, just chocolate all wear croc I'm that ain't etna one? And color flecks in his teeth look like birthday cake. Yeah, I don't. The boys ain't gonna the boys. Boys say you think it's a gender thing. The girls. I don't know if it's a gender thing or it's a black thing. I don't know what it is with them, Damn boys, It's no way would you could you have done it? You you Steve? You know what I mean. Time. I don't got a whipper for doing what I was what I was told not to do. I can't imagine. Oh I got a whooping for eating the ms in the stove befo my mom about them. Yeah, so no, that's a note for you. What about you, junior? Oh yeah, I got called. I wouldn't when I ate all that. Okay, hat everything in there and put the evidence on my shirt. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm running things today, but right now I got to turn it over. You know what's that? Time off national news, Ladies and gentlemen saying true, okay, thank you very much, and here I am. This is answered with the news. Let's get going. The Wisconsin State Supreme Court has overturned the Democratic governor stay at home or stay home orders for the state of Wisconsin and mandated now that all future statewide restrictions to battle the coronavirus be approved by the Republican dominated legislature before it can be implemented. GOP lawmakers have been pushing to relax pandemic restrictions that switched to Texas. The state of Texas, which began reopening its businesses at the beginning of this month, has now reported more than one thousand new cases of the virus every day for the last five days of fasis on The World Health Organization issuing a rather depressing warning. The who's head of Emergencies, doctor Mike Ryan, says that no matter what we do, the coronavirus may be with us for good, like the measles or HIV. I don't think anyone can predict quinn or if this disease will disappear. This virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away. And since coronas now spread all over the globe, he says, it looks like the only way to defeat it would be to develop a good vaccine. The national death toll from COVID nineteen meanwhile, stands at over eighty four thousand people. There's been another questionable shooting death of an unarmed black person by police. This time it was in Louisville, Kentucky. The victim, a twenty six year old female emergency medical technician, Brianna Taylor's family filed the loncal death lawsuit. The mayor of Louisville and others calling for a thorough investigation into three officers conduct when they burst into her home looking for drugs. Us exchanged gunfire with her boyfriend who had a registered fire roman who actually call nine one one When the cops burst in at around eight am in the morning with a search warrant, Brionna Taylor was shot eight times in the chest. On top of that, Brianna's family says the man the cops looking for had already been arrested by other police officers at a completely different location. On the national election front, presumptive Democratic presidential standard Barry Joe Biden joining Bernie Sanders and forming a joint task force that their campaigns will use to work on gaining a consensus on six policy issues. Queen's Congresswoman Alexandro Occazio Cortez she's going to be co chairing this committee on one on combining climate change. And they say that each committee has eight members and that they're all focused on different things like healthcare, immigration, education, and criminal and education and criminal education as well. Believe it or not, so this is going to be a working working thing between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders before any possible benching. Finally, today is National Twilight Zone Day. I didn't know they had a National Twilight Zone Day, but they do it. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morn Show. You're listening, Morning Show, We're back. I know you're not used to hearing my voice first, but I'm in charge today. I gave you running show, so I'm just make sure I do my job. So now, Nephew, you got some wellness checks? What's going on? Man? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, I got some wellness check. Check this out. I call this lady. I think it's it's um Dallas Fort Work, Dallas Fort Worth. Y'all take a listen. This is the Weldness Check. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Lisa Ramsey. This is Lisa Ramsey, Lisa, how you doing? This is Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is a wellness check. Baby. I'm trying to call and see if you well. How you doing? Oh hey, nephew, Tony, I'm kidding. How you doing? I'm good? I'm good. You all right, I am in there. Thank you for checking on me. I'm king on you going on, and I'm glad to be able to work from home like now, but I just get out to go check on my mother, get her what she needs. I'm still doing the social distancing and I have an event planning business, so of course everything is down you know right now for that. But I'm just you know, the it's been thankful to be here. That's good. You in Dallas for it work, right, yes, and I live in a Planto area, but I'm in Dallas area as well. Planning business. Is that your main job? No, that's my business. But my main job I work for a software mortgage company work digital closing. So we are just really really busy because everybody you know want to do digital clothing. Now, as long as you can do from home and be saved, that's the blessing, right, yes it is. Are you driving yourself crazy? What do you do? How do you pass your time working out? I've been getting out going walking. That's my me time. I get out and go, try to take me a nice walk before I come back and get on the computer. Right, And can I just say one other thing for you. I just lost my cousin about two weeks ago, but it but she did not have you know, the virus, so I just want to say that and her services tomorrow. She was a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful cousin. She was like a sister to me. So that's when I've been having her husband playing everything the last two days. So it's gonna be a we're doing with everything going on. We're gonna have a garden. Everything in the garden, so it's gonna be really beautiful so more people can come and still be social, you know, distancing right well, definitely, my condolences and the condolens from The Steve Harvey Morning Show to you and your family, Darling. So I wish you all well. Nephew Tommy. I appreciate that, no problem at all, Darling. Tell everybody Darling who was doing a wellness check? What is the baddest radio show in the lad Steve Harvey Morning Show with Nephew Tommy. I listened to you guys every every day. When I say every day, I have been for years. I love you all, and thank you so much for calling me. Lisa Ramsay, we love you back, baby, You'd be good Dollar. Thank you you too, Nephew Tommy. That was great, Tommy, that was great, Thank you, sir. Appreciate that all right, coming up next to thirty four after the hour, We're gonna get serious here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. A black woman in Louisville, Kentucky was fatally shot in her apartment by Louisville police. We'll talk about it in thirty four minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Ship. You're listening, all right, Carlins. So what's going on down here in Lexington, Kentucky. Well, it's actually Louisville Junior. And here we go again. We're just sick of this. Back on March thirteenth, and African American woman was shot and killed in her Louisville, Kentucky home by police executing I guess a botched search warrant who they forced their way in, surprising the woman and her boyfriend, who thought the officers were burglaries. Naturally her family. He says in the lawsuit that Brianna Taylor, she was an EMT worker. Now the lawsuit and this is this is just horrific. The lawsuit accuses the three officers of blindly firing more than twenty shots into the apartment and fatally shooting Brianna eight times. Now, the lawsuit also states that Brianna Taylor and her boyfriend Kenneth Walker were asleep in their bedroom when police in plain clothes and unmarked vehicles arrived at the house looking for a suspect who actually lived in a totally different part of the city. They had the wrong house. Yes, yes, Tommy, and this suspect was already Steve in police custody of Yes. Yes, did they knock on the door at all? Well, I've been reading several reports and they're saying that it was a no knock warrant. You know that they entered the home without knocking, and without an you cannot knock, come in and playing clothes. There ain't no sirens outside, no lights flashing, and I'm supposed to know you the police exactly Well, you ain't supposed to know that, because that's why they that's why they call their self surprising. When no knock warn is they consider somebody armed and dangerous and they not. They don't have to give him before warning. That's what that's about. The no knock. Yeah, And like I said, I've been reading several reports that says that. But then there were some reports that said that the police did say who they were and also the victim Taylor and her boyfriend, Brianna Taylor and her boyfriend Kenneth Walker, had no criminal history or drug convention convictions, and there were no drugs found in the apartment. And the family has hired civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump, who was representing the family. Yeah, if you're at the wrong address and the person that you had the warrant for is already in custody, these are two major major mistakes. I mean this, I don't even know how And that's I don't know very much about this story yet. It has a good I haven't had a chance to review all the angles and the different things of it yet. But if those two things are true, wrong address and the person that they were looking for was already incarcerated, that's a that's a huge. Uh, that's huge. And then you kick somebody's door in I've heard a porch that was shots fired on both parties. I don't, you know, but they always say that, Hell they I don't they always say that. Now. I haven't read that too as well. That Kenneth Walker, the boyfriend of the victim, Brihanna, he fired at the police again thinking they were burglars. So he did shoot an officer. Once you see, once you hear your dog get kicked in, what you're supposed to do to do? I can't wait. That makes no sense to me. We can't eat ice cream, We can't go look at a construction site house, we can't go jogging, We can't be in the backyard, Steve, like you said, we can't sell cigarettes. It's always us. This one can't be sleep. You can't be sleep in your own bed, in the right house, with no criminal record, with no and the search one ain't even ain't even for you. If this is not open and closed right here. Oh well then that that's crazy different. But the police that won't be no, and they shot a police officer too. Oh. They working their way through this right now. This story that got so good man. And what day to just supposedly happen March something, Yeah, like March thirteenth, and she was working on the front lines. She's an EMT worker in the city of Louisville. Her family was like, she was working helping people March thirteenth. Why are we just hearing this, damn near May thirteen. It's pretty late two months later. Yeah, because the story has got put together. Yeah, we gotta move on. We're gonna switch gears. Coming back at forty three after the hour. Nephew Tommy with the prank call for to day. Yeah yeah, you're listening. Yeah, uh huh. I just want to just let everybody know this is Junior. I'm running the show today. Thank y'all so much from tuning in. Right now, we're at the prank for the day. Big Doll had a great idea. I thought it was great when he called on me. Anyway, thank you. At the top of the hour. I wanted to just give you a shot because you've never done it before. I've never I've done it, Tommy, don't done it, call and do it all the time. I've never done Shirley's job. Yeah, yeah, we are about to take it. This is why people I can't take sure job to have somebody. I'll try to get your job up. All right, we'll coming up at the top of the hour. We got the Strawberry letter for the day, the subject my husband likes pictures of big butts. But right now we got the nephew, what's the prank for the day? Now? I need you he'll wash me. No to what I don't know. I need you to wash me. I need you, He'll wash me. O God, he tore it up. Do I need to say it again? No? No, I need you. He'll wash me. Let's go, kay, watch me work. It's a great day time nursery. This is Felicia. I'm trying to get somebody to come out here to five on one. I'm sorry, five one. I need somebody to come down here to five on one and and clean me up. Sir. I think you might have the wrong number. This is this is the nurse. I need the nurse to come down here to five whole one to clean me up. Sir, this is the nursery, not the nurse. I think you might have died the wrong number. Lord, ain't I need to talk to the one nurse sitting ye, that's who normally clean me up. I need to come down here and clean me up, sir. I really do think you have the wrong number. Where are you calling from? Who? Who? Who? Who is this here? This is Felicia. I'm the director here at the nursery. That's what I say. I need the nurse to come down here to clean me up. I'm the bad playing and every all this stuff to clean me up because I've been sitting here a long time. I ain't nobody call, sir. I think you died the wrong number. If you tell me where you are, I can try to help you. But ain't down the wrong number. I need somebody to come down here and clean me up. This ain't right. Y'all, pose the pill, y'all, pose the guinea. Who ever pol come check on the Ain't nobody come check on me yet? Okay, well, I apologize, but you have the wrong number. Try hanging up and then dialing This the nurse station, Sir, this is a nursery. We take care of children here. This is not the nurse station. I'm not a child, I said, it's this the nurse station. I'm sorry you're not listening to me. This is not the nurse station. This is a nursery. We have children here. We take care of children. So I think you dial the wrong number. No, they said that they posed to come clean up every hour. They posed to come check on. Now I be here. I bet on might need three hours. Ain't nobody comes to check on me yet, and none that. I need somebody to come clean me out in the bad playing a fool and they just think they they just don't come check on this like they pull the check on them. They I am check on it. I'm really sorry that they have not come to check on you and your bad pand so why would they learning suit you're like they do. Okay, so just listen to what I'm saying. This is a nursery. We take care of small children. This is not the nurses station. Soon, oh my grandkid. I got small children as my grandkids. I got about forty two grandkids that comes in on Sunday. But soon did they leave there? The people at the nurse stairs, and that they treat me a bad leave me here like there's here two three also a boat? Come check home? Can you come down here check this bad play? Sir? I can't do that. I need to get back to the kids here that I'm if we take care of etty my kids. No, my kids don't come till they come on Sunday. They come and every Sunday after church and they come sleep do they okay? Okay, Well I'm glad your kids come see you. And I'm going to get off the phone now when I hang up, you just down the number right when you get off. You're gonna come down here and come thick and clean me up. I'm not going to do that, but I'm going to let you call back. Why gonna come clean me up? Why gonna do that? Brothers do it so? I'm not a nurse. I'm a teacher. When when when? When? When? When? When? When I was coming through people proposed to do the job? You do? What the job or whatever your job or that what you do? I wor father two years straight, and I did my job. Okay, I'm a teacher. Why come on down here and do what you're supposed to do. I don't clean bad pain. You know why I got y'all young phone. Don't do your job. The damn it. You're gonna make me mad. If you gonna get you down, you get your down here. I'm going to ask that you not talk to me like that. You get your dot he come clean this bad penny, clean me up. I ain't supposed to be sitting here like this all the time. What's your name again? It's Felicia, and I have Nicias really really nice down here right now. Please do not speak to me like that. I'm trying to know that you're gonna calm down and quit talking to me like that. I'm trying to help you. Now, that's just rude speaking to me like that. Now this is a nursery. Read no as I'm talking to him. But David, you're not gonna talk to me like that. That's just rude and disrespectful. Don't teak to me like that. You you're talking about kick, I will kick yo in the wheel chair. This seems to be the only language you understand. Is me talking to you crazy Saince you're talking to me crazy is not coming down that you stay in that stank? How about that what you heard me? I said, you stay in that stank. I'm not cleaning. No, I've been trying to tell you for the past five minutes, but you won't shut up long enough to listen. You get idiot. I am not coming down there to clean your I'm not. I've been trying to tell you that is not my job. You dial the wrong number. You talking, I'm talking to you. Who are you talking to like that? Who gonna make me? Who? We'll bring it on if you think you've been hitting your wheelchain't make it down here to the nursery to whoop and come the hell owned listen when you would take a message from it and give it to somebody. What what what's your what's your message? Write this down? And he an e pe uh huh what else? Am? Uh huh uh huh, y'all what? Okay? You go? You got that part? Yeah? I got that far? Okay? Due? Oh m m m why what is that? What doing spell? I don't know what is it? Must spell it off. I'm not spelling that. You tell me what it is? What doesn't say? I don't know. Nephew taught me. Nephew Timmy. This is Nephew Timmy from the Steve Morning Show. Baby, you just got break by your sister renedad Well. You were sitting up there like what in the world? Yeah, yeah, then you got me, you got me very I got you, I got you. I got one question for you, though, What is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You got me? Good? I do anybody anybody anybody want to watch me? You played way too much. You just won't even draw the line. I draw it, but I stepped right on the other side. Yeah, you at that edge. Now you just jump. Are you somebody coming down here and watch me clean? Clean me up? I'm not I'm not right right now. I just need somebody coming down here and take It's gonna happen. But it ain't gonna happen to Day Junior. But I'll tell you what's gonna happen. People are gonna go to Thomas Smiles dot com and click on that prank button and submit your information and get a phone call from me, and we're gonna prank somebody and you won't me to prank. That is going to happen, because that's how it works. Thomas Smiles dot com. Thank you, Thank you, nephew. That's enough for you. We gotta go, got gonna break right now, tomus me think I knew that. After the Hour with Strawberry Letter coming up next right here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, five downs. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, everybody'll be back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationship, day, work six, parenting, or whatever else you got going on in your life, submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click on submit Strawberry letter. All right, big dog, so on you bill dude, good on the letter that I did. Good on the lect Come on, Steve Junior, Junior is done. We didn't We didn't want no intro. You know. That's why I quickly feel that Junior do it again. Okay, all right, here we go one more again. Time for the day Strawberry letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenton or whatever else you're going through, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click on submit Strawberry letter. Yo, were going up big dogs on you pill. Yeah, see right, that's why I didn't. Right, okay, real quick, yo, get your subject though you will write a little mark cat down on two times. Y'all got yo, get go, he said, Yo, we got go ahead the subject. We would be greating you at the end of the show. You my husband's like pictures a big butt, did Stephen Shirley, My husband and I've been married for fifteen years and got two children. I was helping my daughter at home school video. I was helping my daughter with a homeschool video three weeks ago and my husband's phone is top of the line, so I was using it. I saved the video on. When I went in to edit it, I saw a lot of pictures of breasts, booties, and feet in my husband's poom. It seems that I'm married to a real creep that randomly takes pictures of women when they are not looking. The pictures were taken when we were on family vacation, when he's at the grocery store, when he's driving, and even when I'm sitting right next to him in public. Luckily for him, all the women had clothes on when he took the pictures. But this is still weird as heck to me. I told him he needed to get that mess off his phone, and he said he deleted it all. A week later, I checked his phone just in case he lied, and he had deleted the old pictures and replaced them with some new pictures of the young and flirty cashher from the grocery store. I went off on him this time. It was more serious to me the second time, because it's not normal to sneak around and take pictures of only breasts, feet and booties. He said it was. He said it was completely normal, and he defended his actions by telling me that he's been a faithful husband for years, but he likes to admire big breasts, booties, and pretty feet of other women. I told him I had plenty of breasts and booty, but my pictures are not in his phone, he saying, ain't the same. He must be crazy because I've never heard of this. Am I married to a pervert? What should I do? Wow? Oh? Wow? Okay, So you've been married fifteen years to your husband. You guys have kids, two kids. You've been helping your daughter with a homework video project. You used your husband top of the line cell phone for the school project. While using your husband's phone, you find pictures of women's breast, butts, and feet. Not naked pictures, just pictures. He even took random pictures of women while on vacation, took pictures of women at the grocery store while you feel like it's creepy, and you asked him to delete the pictures. A week later, you check his phone. He deleted the pictures, only to replace them with new ones. So you confronted him about it. He says, it's no big deal. He's never cheated on you. But you want to know why didn't he have pictures of you and his phone? And he says, don't worry about it. You know it's not the same having pictures of you in the phone, And you want to know, are you married to a pervert? Well? I think it's weird too, But let me say this. I also think that men send pictures and videos to each other to talk about stuff. It could be anything. It could be bread but feed, They talk about haircut, sports, videos about the culture, violent stuff. It could be anything. So, however, you know your husband did say he's not trying to holler at these women, He's not cheating or anything. So I wouldn't go as far as calling him a pervert. I don't think that. But what you need to do, you really need to talk to him and you have to ask him to stop. Or maybe you can say to him, how would you feel if I had a bunch of picture of men's shoulders and chests and muscles in my phone and none of you. What would you say to that? You would be he would probably be jealous about that. So maybe you know if you present it to him that way, he'll see it. You know, from your point of view, Steve. Nah, Nah, that ain't what's gonna happen, Hill, What's gonna happen your husband? It's moonlighting as a photographer. Obviously, it's something that's been irking him for years, and he's taken That's why he got this top of the line phone, Okay, because it's got to take great pictures. Now he's been taking these pictures without your knowledge. Now you think the man is a creep, but you bet you ain't say he had any accent fidelity and mistrust me. Can't say he wasn't a good father, you say, can't say he can't find him. He always at home. He was helping with the kids home. That's how he had phone at first place. He doing everything he knows how to do. But when y'are riding in a car, when he downed at the grocery store, when you're on vacation, he got that zoom leans he hit click and he slicked. Because you had no idea this was going on, so he handed you the phone. Now, obviously to him, it's innocent because he handed you the phone. Now you want to know if you're married to a real creep. I'll get into that. Why he's randomly taking these pictures. And then we're gonna get into what he told you right all right, back with part two answers right after this is Steve Harvey bought the show. You're listening, all right, We're back up part two. What's going on with this boy? Here? Man? Well, here we go. You got a husband that like taking picture of women, big butts, y'all been married fifteen years, two kids. You're helping your daughter do this or schoolwork, and you needed his camera because he got top of the line. So if you got ready to edit the video, you went through his phone and you notice all these picture with these breathlets, big booties and pretty feet, and I'll be damned, and they pictures when these women ain't looking, so ain't like he engaged. When hey baby girl, hey sweetie, let me houll at you for me, and hein't doing none of that. He click click got you, So he's a slash us got you, but he's saying got you. So see in his mind, he is a closet photographer in his mind and peeping tom so he is kind of but it ain't really creeping because he ain't doing it, ain't engaging with the women. That's what I was. He ain't doing nothing rude people taking my picture without asking me all the time. My ass ain't really big. It's heavy, but it ain't. Yeah, but he taking pictures y'all on family vacation. He shouldn't. He had the grocery store even while you sitting next to him in the car to click got you. He hid no cold with it now, lucky for on him. All the women had on clothes when he took the picture. But you say, this is still weird to you, So now hear where we go to let it go. I told him he needed to get that mess off his phone, and he said he deleted it all. A week later I checked to see if he lied. He had deleted all the old pictures man right there, dog and replaced him with new pictures. You asked the man to get rid of the pictures. He honored your request. He didn't tell you he wasn't gonna take no more. All he you said, get this mess off your phone, baby, I showed will. He did not tell you he ain't goin to take no more. So he went out there to get some food during the quarantine, and he got these new pictures of the young flirty cashier from the grocery store. He knows where to go. This time I went off on him. Now you say it was most serious the second time, because it ain't normally sneak around and take pictures of only breastfeeding bootists. Now here we go. He said that it is completely normal, and said that he has been a faithful husband for years, but he likes to admire big breasts, boodhists and pretty feet of other women. What he said being forthright, tell me the truth. That the all the way. Y'all always say to just tell me the truth. Now he had come, this is why we don't tell the truth. Be called the second time with the truth, it was most serious. I told him I had plenty of breasts and booty. Well, we see yours all the time you're at the house. You're right there, fifteen years. I've been looking at it. A matter of fact, it's a bigger booty than the one you had. When I marge, I don't say that. No, he ain't gonna say that, but that's what it is. Yeah, yeah, he ain't stupid, but you don't. But my pictures are not in his phone because he gotta picture you in his mind. You live with him. It's not to say he must be crazy, because I've never heard of this. I'm not married to a perfect What should I do? He's not really a pervert, that's what you know. We got him. Maybe got a little foot fetish it. He liked breast and booties on women. That's damn near every man, I know. That's damn nil everything the box. Single man. I know, man, I know like one of them, yes, at minimum most of us, like all three of them. So now it's here, pervert. What should I do? Well, listen, you can ask him not to do it anymore, tell him that it offends you, and ask him to be respectful of you, and see where it goes from there. Now, I don't think he's gonna stop taking his pictures. Click click, got you. She looks at this all he got, he in quarantined. He don't get out that much. This all he got, he didn't. He didn't gave up the life he had for you. He ain't got. Hein't out here, he ain't staying out all night. He ain't got no side piece. He just taking pictures. I probably making show. Dow don't look anchor down. Probably don't even want him, oh man, So click click got the graces. But look here, clicker, got you, man, I got five on Meta Grocery store. And then he's sitting back in the house and mind his photography work. He zooming in editing them, yeah, putting selfie lights on him. The good thing is he ain't in none of the pictures. He got a little hobby going on. As it's strange and offensive to you, probably talked to him about it. Calmly, tell him how to make you feel oh man, appreciate it, man, But then you haven't as Steve Harvey fil on Instagram and Facebook. And don't forget to check out the Strawbery Little Podcast on demand coming up at forty six after the hour, our girl from the Talking with Me, Sheryl Underwood, will be here on the Steve Hardy Waters Joe Click click got you. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, everybody, we back to favorite play cousin junior know, just running the show for the day right now, Uncle, Now, your girl from the Talk is here. Ladies and gentlemen, without further dude, you put your hands together and anything else you feel like put that damn Sheryl on the wood from the Talk that's man. Let me show you my Let me show you my cup. Let me show you my cup. This early in the morning, it ain't coffee in this now. Who the hell ideal wasn't to put me on zoom early in the morning unless this the gap bad. Don't nobody need to see me early in the day, Steve Harvey. There some people to have a face for radio. We're not naming them. We just saying some people don't need to be on the zoom bro. What is doing? Wow? Who's out there? Hey, Junior, this is what it's gonna be when we get together and I rolled over in the morning. Goes to what you're trying to do. Listen to me, Califarrell, this is not a game. Got to sleep starf on You see it looked like I just well I did. That's what. That's your rag? You got your here my dude rag for real. This is my real pajama. Because I was fighting with myself. I was having a romantic interlude with myself. Listen to me, White women, you cannot go to red lobster all the fighting nosing Califarrell, talk about the white women fighting over the red lift. So she went again some food to go and it was taking too long and she wanted to get her money back, and she started fighting the people that ran Loster. They put her out right, It show is ignorant. Now this I got to speak up about people. Shout out to all the black people that go to the rest Lobster right across from the rights track, if Inglewood, we will never be fight. It's some biscuit a biscuits. Biscuits will making whip a bit ass. I'm solid if you don't bring me my biscuits hot because when they get cold, they crumbled, and then they in your purse. And then because you gotta fold one of the napkin and Pennsylvania too white women fighting doing you know they're doing. Hey, shout out to the brother what's his name, Judge, I think his name is Judge. Emmett Sullivans went to Howard University, Baby HBCU gonna rule on that Mike Flynn case. I did not know that you could plead guilty in something and't go. I was jack kidding. Now let me out. This is some book. Yeah, because he's he's holding he's upholding that right. I don't you need to stay here butt in jail. You don't compass to it. Stay your by the jail manafot get out because he's scared of coronavirbus. Now you got all brothers and Sizer in jail trying to give each other coronavirbus so they can get out jail. This is ignorant. We need to stop this stuff. But hey, Junior, hey jail, Hey Underwood Love, I got to stop you right there because I'm running the show. Stop you can't never stop movie. Right back from old Steven. Junior stood up. You're listening to show, all right? Timing now you know what timing is? Not a clock, Timmy. You want to do your part now, see I know that part we're just supposed to do right here. Okay, let me write that down, dude. Yeah, hurry up, coming, Why are you taking notes? All right? Lad? Right now? Get him Junior fucking Love. It's that time. It's that time. She is here. It's Colin Farrell with what reality update. Let me just say this, thank you, nephew. Let me just say this to the guys. You know, Shirley's out. It was a lot watching Real Housewives of Atlanta. The reunion show. It was a lot so due to the coronavirus pandemic, the ladies did reunion show virtually and child it was a mess. The ladies now they were looking beautiful. They had on their white lots of cleavage, lots of that. Yeah, okay, whatever in the pandemic, it worked. You're not mad at y'all, not mad at it. So yeah, they did their own hair, some of them did their own hair, some makeup. Anyway, it was, you know, set up like zoom, like what we're doing the whole. Instead of it being the bretty bunch, it was the shady bunch because it was it was too much. Andy Cohen. He started off, he bought a Ninnie. She was doing these accusations and rumors about Kenya, with Kenya's fatility issues and not. That wasn't her egg to have the baby Brooklyn. It wasn't. It was. Yeah, it was horrible. It was horrible. Then Ninie called Kenya the B word and Kenya was like out the gate, you know, we're doing this and then Kenya, you know, lots of women they had their receipts. Kenya pulled out her marriage certificate to show that her marriage to Mark Daly is not fake. Then Ninie and Eva got into it and they were arguing, and all these folks are screaming at the TA. They all of these Brady bunch boxes or yeah the series finale, Steve, and they were just all screaming at each other. It got to a point where Andy Cohen he even had to mute Ninie's microphone because of the screaming and some of the things that she was saying. She left, she got mad, walked away. They were just looking at her laptop for a little while. Then she came back and then it was just a mess. Then Porsche Kenny is trying to say that she's not understanding how Ninie and Porsche or back cool with each other. So she was like, what's up with that? Y'all are back cool with each other? First y'all were beefing, and then Eva taking shots at Porsche talking about she Now this part I don't understand. Eva said that Porsche's baby looks like Dennis with a boat. Now, Dennis is the father of the baby. But for some reason, Porscha was offended by all of that. She was going off, but Porscha was drinking. It looked I don't know what she was drinking on, but she was sipping a lot during the reunion, so I will have to say it was a lot. It was too much exactly, So was it Shade? Was evil trying to say something else? Was it Shade? And the thing about Eva, she you know, she may dunk on you, but then she kind of forgets what she said. So it's like, you know, how can being how convenient? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so is it? You know, That's what I kind of notice about it. So it was just too too much. It was just really too much. And so they're gonna have a part too, and I guess we'll see more of the same with this. I mean, Corona then messed up the reunion at least at least when they were sitting on the house, well, at least they was viral. You know, you can't climb over that nobody as you know. But I just don't. I don't get it, you know, I don't. I don't really see it. I'm not a fan of it. Such beautiful women, yes, beautiful to behave that way in evening gowns and cleavage, and and then to not to say the things they say about each other and then show up next Friday and we're taping again. But I guess, entertainment, I guess I do get it. They can't seriously feel that way about one another, but they do to a degree. But that's ridiculous. Yeah, it was a little much. Okay, you know what, I'm gonna take us out of this break. But that's okay, I do it. Right here. We got more to see Harry Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour six down. You're listening, all right, man, Yeah, I'm driving show. Well, you know, h it's pretty good. You know, the energy is good. Yes, you know, it's kind of new, refreshing. H A little scared for the listeners on show. Um don't have a real radiol voice, you know. Yeah, but then neither do I. You know, we got a show full of non radio voices on it, and me and yours Junior is probably the most unradioish radio is they've been. They've got used to me over the years, and you Junior coming out in the twenty five break right there, you know, you know, and you know that sounds a little different coming in. It's not the calming voice. I'm surely that the show has been branded with. You know, but twenty minutes after the hour, coming right back, Mo branks fire. You know that type of shocking sometimes. But he's been cute, been a lot of time. Gotta come back and another right back Steve Hardy Morning Show. I'm junior, sitting in number six down And what is that about the county Brake County breaks? That's all he counting his breaks. I count just like it's like Jay hid it now it's last breaker the day, counting yourself. Tom, you got a lot on the paper. Any things I tell you later, I tell you for the show. I will okay, Man, all right, well we'll be back more to Steve Harby Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harby Morning Show. We're back Steve Hardy Show. Julia control, go ahead, call thank you. You're all right, Steven side for your favorite segment. Chief Love Officer asked the clo and you can submit your questions at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're ready, Steve, here we go. Yeah. Before I say this just for you all, it might be just joining us, Junior. I have sent out a directive. Julia is gonna take care of all the in and out breaks on the show today. This is the first time, never been done, never rehearsed. Junior is the showrunner today, Go ahead, calling, all right, here we go. This one is from Sarah in New York. Steve, I've been dating a married guy for seven years and he is my best friend and everything I wanted a man. I don't care that he's married because his wife knows about us, but I am worried about a new woman he's been texting and calling on the side. I'm so angry. I want to confront him, but I don't want him to know that I have the password to his phone. I need to know how to approach this new woman and tell her to leave my man alone. How do you think I should approach her? Three's a crowd? Wow? First of all, the reason that's a crowd is causing you. Yeah, three is a crowd. Its foe. Now yeah, really, that's a quad. So you are sleeping with the married man for seven years. He's your best friend and everything you want it in a man, right, everything you want and you ain't really messed up because his wife knows about y'all. Okay, that sounds a little different, but you're worried about this new woman. How do you text this new woman and tell her to leave your man alone? First of all, he not your man, that's a he. Everybody man arriedly at least three people minimum. Yeah, So I don't know what you claiming to be yours when clearly is not from day one. So I have no help for you. I have nothing for you. This is this is all gonna go downhill. If it ain't worked out for you in seven years, what make you think it's been to work out for you again? Obviously there ain't nothing he tends to because now he got somebody else too. Yeah, Sarah, I just can't believe that the three of you are going along with it. Okay, this is what's amazing to me. So, Nah, I don't know what to tell your sister hanging there. You you can't matter, I mean, you can't advise wrong. What can I tell you? I just want to That's nothing I can tell you that can help you so that you want to hear. So thanks. Okay, everybody, it's the last break of day coming up, this last break out of the day job, Junior, and we're gonna have more of Steve's closing remarks full up at forty nine after the hour you're listening show who all right? Try to call you time? Driving hard? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, see, junior'll thought of this. I called Carl, I said, I'm gonna do something different. What you think of that? She said, Well, does he feel like he's not active in the Shu said no, he ain't. Never said nothing like that. I just want him, you know, case one day he needs to do it. Let's just push him. Hold out there in the street today on his bike, because you know, I push you right out there. I'm you know, rush out, I show Yeah it's right out there. Yeah yeah, yeah, you're training, be hard, try cycle, rush out for lane, cross him, stay on the bike, don't get off. Steve will push you in the deep end of the pool and say swim back. Okay, Junior, you won't you want you? Yeah, give me the report, So Tommy, tell everybody what you would have been doing. This is what's happening. So you know, Uncle Steve Kate junior job the day to go in and out, and my job is to grade him on how well he did and make sure he did it on point. Okay. He the first stumble was when we got the national news. You know, it was a pause pre suck. And then he said, he said, you I don't even know how you spell that with that? You the un and he threw with the unk. He did that and that was one and and then then he got up. He did good on the level, did real good on the level. All right. Now he was late on the on the out going into nine twenty. He was late right there, call, but he picked up, picked up. Yeah, so put the most part, I did pretty good. I think we need to work on this pitch. If we can bring it, you can hang up that? Can we can you try low? Can you try low? It on dog not on the radio? Kills out. I'm gonna be said it. So let's try try this, Junior. It's the last break of the day. It's a last break of the day. It's a last break of the day. Wait, Junior, that's as low as you can go. That's as it's it carved down here. It is all the way down. Knock knock, junior. Oh man, So what are you giving? What's his evaluation? What's his good job? Thumbs up? Up? Good job overall? You know? In closing today, let me say this in spite of all that's going on, find the things in this that are positive because it is. Look, we can all go over what's wrong, and I'm pretty sure everybody has a list of things that can fit into the what's wrong category. But let me ask you something, Really, if you look at this a little bit different, what's going good in your life? I mean, listen, everybody wants to get back to work. Nobody wants to lose the things they've worked for, and I understand wanting to ignore the stay at home so you can get back to work and rescue your family. If I was in that position, y'all, I ain't gonna tell you knowl I feel the exact same way. You know, my crunch is different from your crunch. You know I'm out of work right now. Just do to radio, y'all. TV is shut down, so you know, I'm feeling some things, you know, But everybody got to carry they across their own way. But I've tried to find the positive in all of this. You know, the time to reflect, the time to gather my thoughts. I spent more time with myself in solitude than I have in a long time. I've really enjoyed getting back in touch with myself because I'm a public figure. I'm out in the public all the time, and people have opinions on me, man, I don't even ask for And what's even crazy, as some people have the audacity to come up with you and share an opinion of you that don't even know you, that doesn't even fit you, and give it to you. So being in this quarantine has been a benefit to me because it's really really allowed me to get back in touch more with myself and not have to deal with the outside interference of it. I think there's a lot in this for all of us. I know your place may not be as spacious as some other people's places, but ain't you blessed that you got a space? What are the homeless doing during this time? The people who are out on the street panhandling, when ain't nobody out on the streets to give to them for panhandling? What are they doing? I mean, Oh, my goodness, man, as bad as it is for us, can't you imagine that this could be worse? For you? To sit up and think nothing could be worse than this, so sadly mistaken? If this is the worst thing that's ever happened to you. Now, if you've lost a loved one than this thing, I'm not talking to you. I'm just talking about people who are in uncomfortable circumstances. If this is the most uncomfortable thing that's ever happened to you, keep living. I promise you it's not as challenging as this is. I've had way worse times than this, way worse times. Man, I'm stuck at home. I can't go nowhere. I was stuck in a car for three years. I'm okay staying at my house. I'm okay with it. What about the inmate, the person that's incarcerated that's serving time for a crime he didn't commit. What about the person that's incarcerated that got a little healthier senses than possibly should have. What are they doing? How is that going for them? And I know you can complain about your house in the side of it, but man, you ever thought about this. You free, You can go outside, you can go to the park, you can go for a walk. There's no law saying you can't go outside. Put your mask on, wash your hands, practice social distancing. Go on and do yourself, man, and get on with this. Look for the positive in this. God is good. If you're still here, God is good. God is good. Man, find a goodness in this, because it's not all bad. If you just look, you can find a blessing. But to look for the blessing, you got to look up. Stop looking down. Ain't nothing down there? All right? Those are my closing remarks. I normally that I would say this time, have a great weekend, but all these days it's the same right now, and we blast though to be here man. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.