Brandi Harvey, Sister O'dell, BET Hip Hop Awards, Deon Cole and more.

Published Oct 9, 2019, 2:00 PM

Welcome to the ride and good morning!  Today we thank God for waking us up.  Sister O'dell stops by and makes a shocking confession.  The CEO's very own daughter Brandi Harvey shares with us her new book Breakthrough Sold Separately.  The BET Hip Hop Awards went down and we have the highlights.  Judge Tammy Kemp has been scrutinized for a hug and more.  Comedian Deon Cole has a new Netflix special.  Amidst the negativity surrounding the Amber Guyger trial, Big Dog shines light on forgiveness in Closing Remarks.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have all suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the million bucks things, and its cubbing me through good it. Steve har listening to the movie together for ste Please, I don't join Brady, join me in doing me. Honey. You gotta turning to you, gotta turn to turn them out, turn you love, got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back, h I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve hart Man got a radio show. M Yeah, I do. Man. God been so good to me over the years, in spite of all the mistakes I've made, in spite of all the dirt I've done to myself. I'm talking about when in no one I was wrong, His grace and mercy has forgiven me for all of my sins. God can forgive you of all of your sins, everything you've done, God can forgive you. He can wipe your slate clean. Now. Might you might have some you know, things you got to deal with because of some of your actions, understand that, But you can wipe your slates. You can wipe your slate clean with God and start again. You can repent. God has mercy and grace. You could be forgiven by God. Now, people answer another story. Some people may never forgive you, for you've heard them all, or maybe they're accusing you of doing something else. But you know they may never forgive you. But God, God is in the redemption business man. God will forgive you for every sin you've ever committed. But you gotta want forgiveness now, and then you got to come correct because what you can't do is you can't shoot him the crap. Now you can say that conversation with him. You know, whatever you told your lawyer, whatever, whatever you told the victims, whatever you told, whatever the story is you got going if it ain't the truth, you could say that with God, because please know, he know, and he know your heart. He know if you're trying to manipulate somebody just for the system, if you're trying to say this just so you can get out, He know all of that. So if you're planning on shucking him and jiving him, save your health before you wind up digging yourself in a deeper hole. Just let me give you that piece of advice because he ain't nothing to play with. He's too great to be played with. And so with that in mind, I want to share some positive stuff with you. To smarty man, I want to say this now. I want to remind you not to let your circumstance and your situations dictate your future or your results. I'm gonna say this again. This is important information. Man. Don't let your circumstance and situations dictate your future or your results. Do you know that in order to get a different future or some different results, you control that entire situation. It is you. It is your thoughts that control the entire situation. It is how you look at the situation that will determine how the situation is for you. See, the same situation can be told different for two different people, because you can say you look at the examples of history, just just look look in your neighborhood. How can that? Was a book that a guy wrote one time who had the name. He had a name, and he did some research and he found a guy that grew up at the same age in the same neighborhood as him, with the exact same name. He went on to become a corporate CEO. The other man was an inmate, and they had the same name, grew up in the same neighborhood. They were both brothers, you know not, I'm just saying brothers men. And they grew and they went to different Because how can two different two people the same situation and the results turn out so different. It is because of the thought process of one was completely different from the thought process of the other. You control it. You don't have to let your circumstances and your situations dictate your future or results. Here's the way it works. This is so you can understand this. Your mind. It's the controlling factor of your thoughts. Your thoughts are the controlling factor of your outcome. The Bible says a man is as he thinketh. Please don't short play this scripture here, because this one is the real deal. This is the basis of every self improvement book you'll ever read. It's already written in the Bible. The Bible has all the information you need. But in case you need a little bit of clarity in some simple modern day language, then they have self improvement books. They are all based on Biblical scripture. A man is as he thinketh. That's why Norman Vincent Peale wrote the book The Power of Positive Thinking. That's why a book came out called The Magic of Thinking Big. That's why a book came out called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hell that all of you, All these titles that I've read that have mattered in my life the most, these three major books that I've read, they all say one thing. Think thinking thoughts, because that's what controls the outcome. Your brain works one of two ways. It works positive or negative. It works good, which is under the column of positive, or to work evil, which is under the column of negative. It will have faith, which is under the column of positive, or you will operate in fear, which is in the column of negative. That is the only way your mind works. Your mind is a factory that's comprised of workers. Those workers are controlled by two formings, forming positive and forming negative. But guess what the CEO of the company, the head, man, the boss is you. You come to work in the morning and you say, man, today is a great day. I'm going to take steps towards brightening my future. I'm going to take another step into making that dream come true that I've been thinking about. I'm gonna take another step forward in the development and the changing of my life in a positive, good direction. If you come to work and say that every day as the CEO, the boss, the formans can only obey you, so that what you just said was a series of positive statements then forming positive steps to the forefront. He said, I got your boss right away. He turns around, He blows the whistle. He alerts all the workers in the factory today as a good day. Today, we will take steps towards our future. Today we are putting ourselves on track to get a little bit closer to making our dreams come true. Today we will be assembling all the things we need to make our dreams come true in our life, life better in the right direction. Everybody break. The workers in the factory turn around and manufacture thoughts to justify the orders given by the boss, which is you. You are the CEO of your corporation. If you don't own nothing else, you own everything that's going on between your two ears. You are the CEO of that corporation. If that corporation is a good one, it's because you set it up that way. If your corporation is a bad one, it's because you set it up that day, If you trying, if you pushing towards your dreams, and you see the possibility of things happening in your life is because you, as the CEO, set it up that way. If you ain't got nothing popping, if you just want to be a criminal taking stuff from people, throwing your life out the window, you're gonna be an inmate. You're gonna be sitting there there, and you're gonna be mad at everybody. You've got nobody be mad at. But shoot, you understand what I'm telling you this morning. You're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, here we are again another blessed date. Listen to me. At least wake up in the morning and tell God you appreciate that. I don't know if you noticed this or not, but you don't have the ability to wake yourself up. Alarm clocks will go off all around the world this morning, and people will not arise to turn them off because it's not the alarm clock that wakes you. God wakes you allows you to hear the alarm clock. Can everybody say thank you Lord for waking me up today? Lord, Thank you Lord. Cheley Strawberrett Hey, good morning, STI one and only caller for real. Good morning. What's up crew? That damn Junior? Morning up? My mentor? What's having? Brother? And that food nephew? Tommy? Yah, you ain't you in the feeling baby a? Yeah? Fool? But hey man, you know hump day? Yeah, yeah, hump day. I'm living my best line. Little Duval hosted last night. How you do good? Good, good God? I did too. On the red carpet, he said he will always be living his best Nah, keep going, boy, make another here. Yeah. So let me ask you guys something I never asked you. Shirley, Yes, watch on the dream board that you're looking forward to accomplish it? Uh something with my daughter? A project I have going on with my daughter Carla. Uh um, having um adopting a child. I'm not gonna have another baby? So oh you Oh, I didn't know that. I want to we want to grow our family. Yeah. Wow, that's pretty slick color collin Junior, Uh, one day have my own want to show. Really, Junior can do that. It's called Junior in the morning claimant. What about you? Steve Harvey, Tommy me Winton made man ain't and they ain't had nothing fall off of me yet. Jesus. Uh, that's nice. No, I'm just saying it's still on their call. It ain't like it ain't like I got some of them yet. That's what I mean. Oh no, no, Tommy, Yeah no, Tommy, No, Tommy, you have them. They just having arrived yet they're on the way. All of it's on the way. I believe in them though. Yeah. I got two shows right now. I want a third show. I want a third show. My Mike College Quiz Show was back. It starts in January, and then I got of course, I got ready to Love. I want one more show. I want I want a third show. That's that's on my board, just like uncle. That's I got somebody to file up now, I got somebody at leading me right, your mentor we do fight? That's all, idiot, All right, good questions. I want to yeah him back. Yeah. Coming up at thirty two after the hour, Steve's going to tell us what he's working on, what's on his dream board, and from what I understand, sister Odell may make a visit to the morning show as well. We'll find out what's on her dream board as well. That's coming up, right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Our special guest will be Steve's daughter, Brandy Hardy. She has a word for us this morning, Yes she does. Brandy's gonna tell us about her brand new book. It's called Breakthrough, sold separately. Brandy will be here at the top of the hour. Right now, it's time for something funny. Before we left, Steve asked us what was on our vision board that we're working on, and he got around to everyone, but a time ran out before we got to you, Steve, and we want to hear what you have to say. And then sister Odell's coming by too right here, and that we want to know what's on her dream board as well. I don't know. I'm just I'm just working on a couple of things in the motivational space. I think that's, you know, got a bunch of other stuff on it, but that's one that's been like popping up surprisingly to me. You know, I've done a few speaking engagements. I did one in Jamaica this weekend, got another one coming up in Duebaye. I do another one in Boswanna, So it's kind of gotten global. From me without me even what do you speak on? Just motivation or whatever like them. The theme in Jamaica was getting to the next level. Of course I happen to know about that. Has I've been at all the level. So the story was compelling from homeless to Hollywood. Yeah, that's that's that's been a ride, man, I guess that's our Q. Yeah. Move for Jesus, Jane Moon, No, Jesus, m ain't it good? No, Jesus Good morning everyone? Morning, Hey Collie, Hey, sister Old Dale. How you doing? Brutal for brutal for brutal for hey Junior, morning, Sister Old Dale's good to hear from you this morning. Did you did you jest your voice? No, ma'am? Oh, Daddy day pop seeing it out, it's like it's gotta shout in it. Hi boy, yes, ma'am. So how good you back to being respectful. That's mighty kind of you. Thank you. Hello, Shirley, Well, Hello and welcome, Welcome, Welcome, sister Odell. Where girl a good to be here? Now? God, it's good man. You just ran right through me. J man. You know what we were just talking and normally, you know, we don't ask people, Uh, and I don't want to be disrespectful, like of age what their dreams are? You know what I mean? We usually reserve that for younger people who have the majority of their life ahead of them, but we wanted to take some time since you're here, to ask you, because um, surely you still have some dreams. Well. See, when people gets around my age, they don't call them dreams anymore. They call them bucket list. Oh yeah, all right, good. See that's the difference. They ain't just what you want to help them do. At this age you need to start scratching stuff off. You ain't that kind of build now tell us? Yeah, yeah, all your building us is done. Yeah, you didn't need to get some money out the bank and gone and going over there and see it? All right? So what's on your bucket list? Sister Adell? Well, I was thinking maybe before our leaders world, thinking about man Lebron James James. Though you're just thinking, yeah, old Dale James. You know they said it to be easy if I married that wide receiver from the Browns, old b j. Because then my name is already old, and then his name junior, Old Dale Beckham junior, and she will be just old Dale Junior. But I like old Dale James, big old strong buck come down to float that basketball y' up that high. Yes, ma'am, I know it had never happened though. You know it's just a bucket list thing. Okay, Well, what's what's something on the list that you know, um is attainable that you think you can Wait a minute, hold on, sweetie, that's bucket listens can happen. You know it's it's not up to you. It's not it's not okay, yeah, it's not up to you, sweetie. You know I'm trying to change it, become a better person. So you know what you're not gonna do is Timmy's not doable. No, I didn't say that, but no, that's not what I mean. But I'm just one. It's married, sister Odell. He's married and he's old. Things happened. I've been married. Let times things happened, sweetie. Okay, because I put it on your list and see how I go? Okay, what else is on your last? Now I didn't say I was happy, But wait a minute. Every you know, every you know, every week you come, you know, just always you know, you just get on your tippatoes and you just start talking. It's just amazing how you just won't shut your mind. Okay, I'm sorry. I don't know how Kate doesn't. I'd have been and put your lips in so far back down, y'all. So okay, what else, Sister Dell marrying Lebron. You know I was listening Geesus Strawberry letter yesterday, yes, ma'am, and you had the letter where that food had jumped on a fifteen year old girl who was tussling in the floor like they were like they were two dudes in the street. Girl. That reminds me of that time Harry Tubbman, father the slapped urn of mouth, we were sitting on the porch, Harry tubmy poor that gun I shot him. We gotta come back. I want to ask us. I just wanted to throw that out for your little history black history, that little known black history fact in October. We love it all right, Well, thank you, Sister Odell. Coming up, it's nephews run that prank back. And before he gets to the prank, he said, he wants to ask you something. You're welcome, darling. Right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour. Our special guest will be the one and only Brandy Harvey, Seve's daughter. She has a brand new book out. We'll talk about that with her. That's real nice. That's real nice. What did Tommy want with me? Yeah? You know you brought up sister, miss Harriet Tubman. You brought up he knew very well. Yeah, when we were talking to you earlier, I just wanted to know. I just want to know how you know? So? Are you a free slave? I don't because i've well, how was you that when Harriet daddy? You know, I said, we were sitting on the poach talking. Okay, but Harriet was a slave. So where did you read that Harriet was a slave? So you was free too? Is I'm free? Naw fo? I guess I was back sitting on her punch taking care of her daddy. She shot it in the leg. She just went down there and told everybody, come on, if you turn around, our shoot you. If you don't believe he will. She can't, damn my, damnadd I got my daddy, I know. Damn Well, I shall y'all for having me to see you next week? Yes, many, Hey gee, nephew, Now was gone? What you got run that prank back. Once you get sleeping security. God, sleeping security God, here we go security both man help you, hey, y'all. Uh this circuit this barely hear Is this? Is this a security booth down by the by the gate? Yes, sir, this security booth. Yeah. Listen, man, it's some people, uh next dough to me. They they keep I'm hearing a bunch of scuffling and stuff going on, but I ain't, you know, I ain't really show what's happening. I know, I know I'm hearing this lady scream or something. Man, But I I just okay, suns, you can give us the unit number that you're in. We could have somebody come right over there and check that out. Hello, sir, sir um Hello, yeah, sure, okay, yeah, uh, I gotta I gotta sleeping disorder, man, So I'm okay, honest. People next door to me, man, they was, I mean, they were sitting there. I heard this lady screen and I just didn't. I ain't want nobody to, you know, start shooting or nothing, because I know they was arguing pretty pretty heavily then I heard it. I know they must have been fighting because I heard something. I understand, sir, sirry, what what unit are you in? Hello? Sir? Are you there? Hello? Hello? Hello, Yes, I'm here. Are you okay? You you're security guy? Right, yes, sir. You called us about ten minutes ago and we've been trying to find out what unit you're in. Well, yeah, man, the people up here, man, they arguing and I'll be I'm hearing more people over that night and they're fighting. Man, I know, I hear too. God be too mean and they're fighting. This lady over, sir, I hate you, but tell un sir, are here some kids over that? To sir? We need need to know the unit so that we can come out and investigate. Hello, hello, sir, Hello, Hello sir. H Hey, hey, look I cannot do this all day. I am trying to work. I cannot be around with you on the phone. Could you please give me your unit number? Sir? Argument man? I know you. Yes, you have said that they are argument. I heard you when you said that they will arguing. Sir, Just give me that unit number that either you're in or the union number. You hear the no it's coming from. We could have somebody to come over there and check that out immediately, so what the union number are you in? Again? Sir? Do you do you? Do? You? Do you hear them arguments? See? Let me put no, I only hear you snore. I need the unit number. Let me see. Listen, I'm gonna put the phone up. Do you hear, yes, sir, But I don't hear the unit number. I need the unit number. Without the unit number, we're just there in the conversation. Hello, hello, hello, Hello, sure are you there? Yoh yeah? Oh a man, you checked on the people, No, sir, we have not checked on the people because we have not been able to get the unit number from you. Sir, dud pall, please, every time you get ready to tell the stuff fall, you got to hear it. Following the sleep, Hey man, come here, dude, this guy following a sleep on the phone. I think it's unit out of him to keep falling asleep. Hello, sir, Love sir, sir, hey man, I don't know what unit he's in. Keeps following asleep every time I asked you something. If he falls asleep. He keeps telling me that over that fight. But I don't then he won't tell me to you. I don't sorry, I don't know to you what's the would you wake him to sleep? Hey? I got a guy on the phone that he says if they get to hear some screaming over his highest unit, but keeps following asleep. I don't can't get him on, get him to tell me what the unit number? Hey, dude, come in listen to this. Listen. Hello, I'm gonna you to wake up? Sir? Okay, sir? Could you please give me the unity? I gotta ask you something? How come y'all all, y'all, dude, just sit on y'all to watch cars come in and out that door and stand of helping people that need help like you want the number? You shut your housing at me. You didn't do your damn job. You rent a cop. I'm a read a cop. I'm a rend the cop fall asleep. Would you just give me the you don't number? Please? I give you the number new yo, the number you're ready for the un the number? Are you? Are you listening to me? Yes? Listening to you, sir. Death is a few timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got crank by your co worker. Y'all crazy, y'all, y'all got me out here walking around this complex looking for people's hollering and screaming, and you're sleeping every Let me let me ask you something, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? All right? Taking up you coming up at the stop at the hour, I special guest Steve's daughter, our friend, our girl, Brandy Harvey. Right after this, you're listening, light you out. We got a special guest today. Uh this morning is my firstborn child. This one here, Lord Jesus, this one here grew me up. For real. I was just twenty five years old and I was, you know, doing my thing, and then her and her sister came along, and oh God, Lord Jesus, oh God, what have I done? I had no idea what I was in for. They grew me up. This is one half of my twins. I'm really proud of her, though. Brandy has been doing some incredible work over the years, really establishing herself as a speaker, as a motivator, as a nutritionist, as a workout guru, philanthropists, and just an entrepreneur. Well, now, she didn't took after her daddy for real. She's an author. Come on, you know, all of all trying to be good like your Damn Daddy on. Her new book is entitled Listen to This You All or Breakthrough Soul Separately. Breakthrough Soul Separately. It's a guide for anyone who needs a push to move past your past and to step into your divine destiny. And as her father, I'm pretty proud of this girl right here, she's here, Lady Jennery, Please welcome to the show. My first bring daughter, Brandy Harvey. Oh yes, made me cheer up on that one. Well, welcome back, Brandy. It's spent a minute since you've spent time with us. Well. First of all, before we before we get into the book, Brandy, I just want to say you did found You founded your active wellness brand Beyond Her, and you're all about empowering women to eat well, to give a darn, and to care for the mind, body and spirit. So what was your inspiration for starting your wellness brand to begin with? You know, mom, my inspiration were starting beyond Her that every woman takes the journey beyond and beyond is where a power lies, is where the infinite is. And so what we can tappen to that mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually we could eat well. We can live well and we can be well in the world. M No, seriously that that's good, and it really is. And you wrote a book. You wrote your new book. Your dad just talked about it. He gave us the title Breakthrough Sold Separately. It serves as a guide to help us to stop dreaming of the life we want and align with our purpose and live up to our full potential. So tell us more about the book. I can't wait, you know, I'm so excited about this book. And really the title of this book was confirmed when I spoke at the Vault Empowerment Conference in Los Angeles. I have done this message Breakthrough Sold Separately, And I think so often we think that the breakthrough is included in our lives, but it is the thing we have to work for. We are going to have to eventually get out of the boat of mediocrity and walk on water in our lives. Absolutely, walk on water. Wow. How proud are you right now, Steve Harvey? How broad are you right now? Listened over the years to a lot of things I've saying, but she's put her own twist on it. Obviously, like the title of the book Breakthrough Soul Separately, because you know, that's that's all that captures that old saying that the dream is absolutely free. The hustle is sold separately, right, so I think that ties into the breakthrough is soul separately. I think that's a smart title. Steve, this is great. You should really be proud. We're going to continue with more from your daughter Brandy at twenty minutes after the hour. But right now, let's get a quick check on today's headlines. What you got, bakies, gentlemen, miss a and trip. Thank you everybody, This is a trip with the news. Well. Dallas police claim they've solved the murder of the key witness in the Amber Geiger case, twenty eight year old Joshua Brown, who was expected to be the best witness in the promised investigation into law enforcement's actions a night that Geiger murdered that Amber Geiger murdered Botham Jean. He was found shot and killed in the parking lot outside his new apartment complex, only ten days after he testified in that trial. Dallas Assistant Chief of Every Moore says they have three suspects. We have identified three suspects and the Joshua Brown murder. All three suspects came from the Alexandria, Louisiana to purchase drugs from Joshua Brown. Thaddeus Green shot Joshua Brown two times. There's been speculation and rumors claiming that mister Brown's death was related to the Amber Geiger trial and somehow the Dallas Police Department was responsible. That is simply not true. Well, some members of the community are still doubtful about that, though, insisting the cops have planted drugs and set people up to be killed before one suspects and custody while the other two were still being sought. A West Palm Beast judge who thought it was appropriate the sentence a gainfully employed young black man who took care of his grandfather to ten days in jail just because he overslept and missus first day of jury duty, claims he had a change of mind. However, there was a national outcry over that decision. Most lawyers pointed out that when something like that happens, the penalty is usually just a fine. Judge John Costa Nakis called himself teaching twenty one year old DeAndre some Ofville a lesson by giving him a quote taste of jail. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar not the only legislator to see Costa Nakis's action as one of the ways the criminal justice system tries to give young black men records as soon as possible. In the wake of intense national criticism, cost Nakis now says he'll have some Ofville's sentence vacated. Before this, some Ofville had no record. The Trump Whitehouse says it's refusing to cooperate with the quote baseless on constitutional congressional impeachment and curee. That's a quote from the letter. Yesterday, the State Department said that US Ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sandal, would not be allowed to testify, even though Solomon, who was a big Trump's political supporter, had flown here from Europe to testify, and Elliot Ingle, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, tells NPR, that's the wrong attitude. Obstruction of Congress was one of the things that impeached Richard Nixon. We'd rather not use it or anything else. We would rather find out the truth, and we demand that they not stop people from coming to or to testify. We're not accepting what this administration has done, and if anyone fails to cooperate with this inquiry, will consider it obstruction and we'll presume they have something to hide and we'll move on from there. The sentence for these these they sentence for Disease Control says more than a thousand cases of vaporing related illnesses have now taken pack. Today is moldy Cheese Day. That's right. Now back to more Steve with Steve's daughter Brandy twenty after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. Well, our special guest today is Steve's daughter, Brandy Harvey, and we're talking to Brandy about our brand new book. It's called Breakthrough, sold separately. We'll also talk about some interesting father daughter stuff. So Brandy, let's get back to it now. Tell us a little bit more, you know, thank you. It really is not just about you know, there are so many ways that we can have breakthroughs in our lives, you know, and they come from really first taking one hundred percent responsibility for your life, you know, losing the victims story, the woe is me, they did it to me story, you know, and taking control of your life. And that's the mental control, and we all have that ability to find that power within us. But it's gonna take some faith, it's gonna take some water walking in our lives. Girls. That's so wonderful. I am so proud because what really makes me proud is not just that this is just a body of work that I've I've really spent you know, so many years, you know, and my wellness Journey says I was nineteen years old, you know, enhancing my wellness journey. But you know, I took the healing journey. And I think that when you began to uncover and heal your life so from the inside out, that it's not just about how you show up, you know, physically, but how do you show up and be well in the world. You show up as a light in the world. And I had to go do some real healing. I committed to therapy. You know. I made these very like really acute changes to my life, you know, so I could dig up the roots, uncover the problem, and I show up that's the highest version of myself, you know, I really just wanted to show up. That's the best version of me. And this book is a how too, because it's how I did it. But it's not to say that your journey is gonna look like mine. It's supposed to be accustomed to your life because everybody's boat is different. But when you, you know, get out of the boat, God is there to meet you on the water, you know, for your destiny to propel you to the next level. And I'm so thankful that my dad, you know, gave me the push. You know, he let me go. He let me go as the executive director of his foundation. But he knew that there was something that I was supposed to do. I thank god. Yea, if her damn brother make one moment stakes, I ain't got no problem the surprises. I ain't fired time ass. I cut my own daughter loose. But it was because Brandy had other things in her And what I had to let Brandy go and discover was what it was to beat like you know, Marjorie says this all the time, and I had to understand it. All of our children wings work, They all all your kids wings work, but you got to let them get out the nest to see. Okay, wait, let's keep this breakthrough conversation going at thirty four after the hour, Okay, we'll have more with Steve's daughter, Brandy Harvey right after this. This is good. You're listening, all right, Proud Papa, Steve, your oldest daughter, Brandy Harvey is our special guest. We've been talking to Brandy about her brand new book, Breakthrough, sold separately, and you guys were talking about your father and daughter Breakthrough. So come on, Steve, Okay, So Brandon, let's get back to this part right here. Releasing her allowed her to become what she is to day. She didn't need to be the head of the foundation. She needed to be the head of her life, of her part of a big part of Brandy's breakthrough, And what can help a lot of people in this book is you got to quit being the victims. And we had a moment in my office one day where she was sitting up there and was the victim and I was just sitting there looking because I didn't raise them to be victims. No, No, I raised them to be champions, leaders, absolutely, entrepreneurs, feel as people you know, you know, And that's what I did. And August twenty three, twenty seventeen, I was I would let go from the found But August twenty third, twenty nineteen, I sent this book off to the publisher and so there is nothing but God in this story. You know, nothing God two years to the day. And so I'm so grateful because my dad's pushed propelled me into my destiny. And so to even see here now, to hold this conversation, I feel extremely honored. But I know that there's a supernatural divine power that is working in my life, and that everybody has that power within them to transform their lives from the inside out. Yeah, and you know, we as parents sometimes because we love our children so much, we do have a tendency if we don't let them go or in your case, Steve, you know, release them as you say, fire them, or whatever you want to call it, we will have a tendency to enable our children and they will become dependent upon us and resentful in all of that. So in this instance it worked. Sometimes firing is good, you know. And like you say, you can go on and reach your destiny. And Brandy, You've always been deep and we love you. I love the relationship you have with your dad. She's such a great speaker, Brandy. You know, I've always told you that I have always pulled Brandy. I want Brandy to run for office. Where is this girl there's a lot of girl. Your dad says the same thing, Brandy, your dad says, great, we're gonna hold up. She a great speaker. Yes, you haven't heard her spend No, you have here. You think she did it from like this, like like like this a new sprout. We're just letting her have her shine, see shine. Nothing in this. You know, he's a band one so much. I've learned so much by watching my dad, you know, being such a peakt of light in the community. But also you know, you are signing an example of success. And so I've had the blueprint in front of me. And so with this book, you know, of the breakthrough. It really speaks to my own personal breakthrough of how I had to get out of the boat of mediocrity and walk on water. And we all have that christlike potential. And I'm so excited because the book is available today on Amazon. You can once plick this book to your how I love it. I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna do it right now too. The book is called This by Brandy Harvey Steve's Baby Girl Breakthrough sold separately. Okay, that is the name of the book. You cannot and we can get the book Queret. Let me get everybody to get this book with. The book is on Amazon. The books on Amazon, It's on Kindle or on paperback, or the book is available on Amazon right now. Listen up, everybody. If you need a breakthrough, if you've been struggling to find your breakthrough, the braver of the book is a breakthrough soul separate. Now listen, y'all, go to Amazon and get it, get it on Kindle. Give it to somebody that you think might need to break through. Give it to yourself. Give it to somebody that that you want to leave your house staying there too long. Maybe they need a damn breakthrough. Maybe you got somebody in the cubicle next to you that you really want to just go get another job. Get the book for them. You know what this book is for everybody? I will go down because all right, thank you, Brandy. Wow, that was great. Coming up next, Nephew Tommy with today's prank phone call. Hello. Coming up right after this, you're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my Strawberry letter for today's subject, I'm too sexy to have male friends. Yeah. Wait, till you hear this letter. Okay, right now, the nephew in the building with today's praying phone call. What do you have for us today? Now? Yo? Drug? Husband? Yeah? Yeah, yo drug us. That's ready here it is, come on, can't down? Hello? You got a hold on a minute. Okay, all right, I got your phone. I'll give your wife a call. Hello. Hello, all right, right now, you're inebriated, sir, okay, right now, to be taking you in, but I'm not gonna do that. Man. You let me. If I'm able to come and pick you off, I'll let her come get you. All right. All Brian is gonna Officer Brian's gonna put you in his squad car. I'm gonna call your wife. I've got the phone dialing now, all right, okay, hello, Hello? Who is he? Hello? Whom whom I fushing with? Please? Who is it? This is Officer Daniels out to Daniel, U is Kyle from This is my husband? Now? But who is it? Who is outfer Dane? I am Officer Daniels. Man, here is your husband's actually been pulled over and he's been uh actually he's in another officer's car. He's he's a little bit of kneebriated here, and we're trying to see about getting him picked up. I'm trying my best not to take him in today, so I'm trying to be a good Samaritan. I'm trying to get someone to come and pick him up. Hold On, hold on, hold on, Becker, Becker, you got my husband? Uh? What I got here on the driver's license is Kenny Kenny, and he's with you now. He's actually an Officer Brian's squad car right now. So he was actually uh bobbing and weaving out on the road and we pulled him over. He's not creating any problems. The young lady wasn't creating any problems. So what we're trying, what we're trying to do is get somebody to come and pick him up. You'll have my husband because my husbands and worked, so he can't be in the Officer Brian in your car. It did you say, Jim again, did you say somebody is with Kenny? There is? There was a young lady in the car. Man. We're actually letting her go because she's not inebriated from the look though. As somebody she's a somebody to pick her up now, man, No, no, I can't believe it. Kenny, and I know that dirty song gotten a back in my car. That's my car. And you said that he had timid officer timidus look at that at tell what she looked like. If that'd not be that, that'd not be the one. I think you have no idea. I know about it in my cause he's supposed to be working. I'm so sorry, Jack. Jasmine okay, you're Jasmine? Okay, no, just there, we'll talk to your moment. Yea, her name is Jasper. I'm not sure who keep keep keep it, yeah, holding that time I get there. I'm on my way. I'm on my way right now. Hey, Bridget, I want you to watch these children from the time I get back. I'm going to see if I can give me a ride up to the truck stop and I'll be back in a minute. Okay, man, listen, I can't. I can't stay here too my longer. I can. I can say maybe another fifteen twenty minute. Somebody come to get the car, and but I gotta keep moving here. I'm just trying to do it for another because here I'm all my way. I'm all my way. I'm all my way. I got my purse in my hand. I'm all my way to that fuck stop, please don't take that nowhere because I got something for his And when I get there, I hope like hell, And ain't they they's been calling me to with me all through the night. Leave for the attack. Get them because I got some things that I need to take care of. This thing. Don't move the squad car to I get there. I'm all wait right now, right now, I be there in a minute. I well, that took my time picked up the to date, we don't had arguments over this. It's better not do that. It's better not, I bet you if better not be here, it's better not be here. I'm all my way. I'll be there in a minute. I be there. Keep that I get them. Okay, regard that was Kenny, Let me was not? She can hear me better? Man, there was another gentleman that was in the back seat of the car that was riding with Kenny and the young lady. I don't give a I know other riding with Kenny. Just make sure he's there when I get there. Okay, okay, Now do you know who this other gentleman? Do you know, uh, nephew Tommy, Oh I know, nephew Tommy. Nephew Tommy sent for you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve waved morning, your baby, your usban. Kenny got me to Frank fall call you man, got you've got you at Kennedy just happened to Kenny. Nephew Tommy happen to go down to bank Head in two eighty five. When he gets home, he's still on. Oh my god, you are my Now I'm gonna check. What are you at time? Oh man, he told me. He said, man, my wife, don't play, he said, my man to pray my wife. You aren't say I'm doing time. I'm doing. I'm doing what Karia though he didn't work, saying work work here in your car at work? He worked? He din a bet Worth. Hey, baby, tell me this. What's the baddest radio show in the land Steve Holland shows. I don't know? How was that right there? How was that right here? Did I put some stupid I don't know? Did I sprankle some stupid junior? Don't say nothing? All right? Let me I gotta make sure I put my stupid. I wanted, you know, I gotta do that. Let me let me make this announcement, Jackson, Mississippi. I'm supposed to be there this weekend. The club is not opening this weekend. I was the grand opening this weekend, because that's how you grand open. You grand open with somebody like me. All right, all right, that's how you open. But you stay tuned. I keep you posted on when the show will happen. But it's not happening this weekend. They're working on some things. But nevertheless, the Nephew is still coming. As soon as I let you know, I will be there. I guess where I am gonna be ask me, ask me, well a, Mississippi. October eighteenth and nineteenth. I'm in Chicago, Illinois at the Airy Crown. That's two nights, the eighteenth and nineteenth, along with me one of the craziest ones in common Laville Crawford, Corey Holcom, Tony Roberts, DC, Young Fly Country Wayne, and it is hosted by yours truly nephew Tommy. That's two nights at the Airy Crown, the eighteenth and nineteenth of October Friday Insideaday. Tickets are on sale right now. You can go to all ticket Master outlets, so you can go to the every Crown box office and get you some tickets. Once again, that is a lineup right there, Laville Crawford, Corey Holk, the Tony Robbers, did see Young Fly Country, Wayne and Yours truly the Nephew holding it Down hosting the Whole Show eighteenth and nineteenth tickets on sale read now, no, surely I have no camp tickets? Thank you? Okay, well then I won't be there, stay right down, thank you? Answer was I will? That is settled. Next and I want you to pay your sick ticket and come see me and support me. Okay? Is it going to charity? The money this show? Okay? Not this show right here? Okay? See if it was going to charity, Okay, that's when you absolutely that's for charity. And how much do you give to charity? How abounds? That's where we're going. I thought at some point we were friend. That's why I'm not buying the tickets you. I'm looking at you and holler that people. No, I know, I know your cuss when you get made a lot. People don't know that. God, Oh say you don't say it. I don't, Shirley, See why are you looking at the ground. I'm not Look okay, look me in my eyes and say I don't curse when I get made. No one on the radio can see me, do it? Look at you in your eyes. We gotta go, we gotta I know they comment all the time on my I g all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my Strawberry letter for today, and we'll get right into it. The subject is I'm too sexy to have male friends. Right after this, you're listening to show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please please, please, baby, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM. Okay and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. We're baby, Baby, buggle up, but hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject I'm too sexy to have male friends. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have a problem with how men see me. I was married for twenty five years and I got divorced three years ago and decided to move to another state for a clean slate. I'm not looking for a serious relationship right now. I want to enjoy being single awhile, but I would like male companionship occasionally. So here's my problem. I look younger than I am, and apparently I uz sexiness. No matter how I'm dressed or if I have a makeup or not. When I meet a man, all he does is compliment me on how I look, how sexy I am. I'm an all natural woman, from my hair, to my breasts and to my behind. Every man I meet in person or online is only interested in seeing me naked. There is always an innuendo about my body, or my lips or the way I walk. I feel like a fantasy more so than a woman. Men don't take me seriously, and I'm not used to this treatment. When I was married, men seem more interested in what I had to say to me. I am average looking and I have a few flaws, but I am funny, smart and loyal. Everyone who knows me knows that I'm not a wild woman that seeks attention from men. I don't know how I can turn this sexy vibe off, but trying to find companionship has been a disappointment. How do people not start out as friends anymore? What can I do to get a man to see pass my sexiness and pay attention to the entire package? Wow? What a problem to have, a problem to have all sexy and stuff. I mean, well, you know men are visual, yes they are. But um, the stuff you describe in the letter, all this sexual stuff, these these things they're they're pointing your way. I think it's uncalled for. Okay, it sounds like you're an attractive woman, you're sexy, you're well put together. Um, you're confident, but you just keep running into some real losers. I guess at this point people that you're not interested in uh, and what you want is a nice gentleman to take you out to dinner, just to you know, maybe go to the movies and stuff like that. So, UM, I just think you need to change your game up, you know, online, maybe go to UM because you say, these guys online only want to see you naked, and the guys you meet only want to see you naked. I'm not one to um to blame the woman for what she has on or anything like that. But you did mention your your bud and your breasts and and and all of that. So what are you wearing. I'm not blaming you. I'm just trying to figure out, you know, what are you wearing? Are you wearing? What are you what are you wearing? I just want to know. But anyway, you can be sexy, you can be attractive, you can be all those things. I just think this caliber of men that you're attracting, you probably need to go to other places. Go to places where you can meet different types of men. That's what I'm saying. If you have girlfriends, check out your girlfriends, see where they're going to meet a different class of men. I think that's what the issue is here, especially this online dating site you're on. So talk to your friends, your female friends, things like that, and even your male friends, because you want to meet some classier guys, more gentlemen. So you need to get in a group that where gentlemen are basically Steve Well, you know, this letter is a bit confusing because I agree with a lot of what you were saying, Shirley, but we don't want to read this letter. I'm too sexy to have male friends. Now this woman has a problem with how men see her. She told us that she was married for twenty five years, divorce three years ago, decided to move to another state for a clean slate. When you get a divorce and move out to state for a clean slate, it's because everybody knew y'all was married. Everybody knew him or something. Y'all was popular. People don't get a divorce and move out of state normally. So I'm assuming you were in the spotlight or something to that effect, and you maybe the word got out about the divorce. Maybe that was some embarrassing things and you just wanted to startle, which is a good move. Now, I'm not looking for a serious relationship right now, so I want to enjoy being single for a while. This is the key in the whole letter. You're not looking for a serious relationship and you want to enjoy being single. Well, if you're not looking for a serious relationship, how can you attract a serious relationship? And if you want to enjoy being single, welcome to the single world, because this is what it is now. But here's my problem. I look younger than I am, and apparently I ooze sexiness no matter how I'm dressed or no matter how I'm dressed, or have makeup on or not. When I meet a man, all he does is compliment me on how sexy I am. I'm an all natural woman, from my hat to my breast to my bead. She said, I ooze sexiness. Yeah she did, she did. Yeah, you can't turn off six Hell, I can't. Come on. I've been struggling with this problem girl, But that's where you are. What did he say? Nothing? Go ahead? Go ahead? No, she said, you can't turn it off. He said me either with confidence, But he didn't mean it. No, he didn't mean that. It just came out. I'm so I just needed that's what you said? He No way in hell he could have meant that. Yeah, we'll be back with what the rest I think. All right, we're gonna have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject of this very confusing letter is called I'm too sexy to have male friends. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject I'm too sexy to have male friends? Well as far as we got was this woman been married twenty five years, got a devote and she just got a problem with how me and Sea. She moved to another state. She's not looking for a serious relationship right now, and I want to be enjoyed being single for a while. Well, this whole letter does just that. Doug, You're not You don't want a serious relationship now, and you want to enjoy being single, Well, this whole letter is giving you that. See, ma'am, you can't. You can't won one thing then when you get it, then don't want it. So here's the problem. I look younger than I am apparently who's sex And it's no matter how I'm dressed or if I have on makeup or not. When I meet a man, all he does is compliment me on how I look and how sexy I am. I'm an all natural woman. From my hat to my breast to my behind. Every man I meet in person or online is only interested in seeing me naked. Let's stop right there. Every man you meet online or in person is only interested in seeing you naked. Now, I'm like Sherley, what do you have on? Now? Listen to me. It don't take much I'll give it to you. Look, men, we can be also ignorant at times. I got it. So I'm not blaming you for what you wear, but you're drawing, you're attracting the same comments over and over and over. If you're attracting the same comments all the time, I want to see you naked. You know then what you what you got on? That's damn near got your naked. See something that's happening, man, And I don't know what it is, but I want you to think about this. Then you say, as every man I meet online, there's always an inny window about my body or my lips or the way I walk. Now, if you online and somebody got something to say about your body or the way you walk, it's cost that's what you posted. Now. I'm sorry, man, but that's just all to it. Now, I feel I feel like a fantasy more than a woman. What Wow, Wow, that's that's a pretty cool problem to have. Yeah, I say, men don't take me seriously, and I'm not used to this treatment. When I was married, men seem more interested in what I had to say because they knew they couldn't get to you. To me, I'm average looking, Okay, stop that. That's the way to try to bag it down a little bit. But if you was average looking, you begetting average ass request And I have a flute, few flaws. Man, we don't see him. But I'm funny, smart and loyal. Everyone who knows me knows that I'm not a wild woman. That's probably true. That seeks attention from me, and I don't know how I can turn this sexy vibe all but now, see, listen to me. You don't see the attention to men, but you keep getting it. Now, if you online and they only want to see your neck and they're always complimenting the way you walk, I want to see your neck and all this here, right here, right here, somebody is attracting the same thing because you're exuding the same thing. See this sexiness that just uses out you, that loses at you use it out of me. You know, honey draw flies, But then so do sugar honey iced tea. Now you got to make up your mind, because you could do something about this. But if you're saying you're not interested in a serious relationship, then guess what nobody's gonna treat you seriously. If you say you just want to enjoy the single life. This is what single life is now. They're hitting on people. They hooking up on apps, they hook it up on line. See you've requested this in your letter. I don't wan't no serious relationship. Antybody trying to get you one. They just want to see you naked. You just said you ain't want no serious relationship. See, words are very powerful. I think people lose the sight of how powerful words are. Stop saying things, and then when it comes back to you, you're mad because you got it. I'm not looking for a serious relationship. Ain't nobody offering none. I just want to enjoy the single life. This is what they're doing now. They're hooking up on tender, they they sex online apples. That's what you ask for. How can I turn this sexy vibe off? Why don't you change your request? Why don't you change your ambition now? If you don't want to be in a relationship right now, I can understand that, then don't get in relationship situation. You're sitting down a cross dinner from a man. He's gonna have, so he's gonna want some kind of relationship now. So if you're tired of being married, and tired of twenty five Just go do you for a while? But you didn't invite it all these men in because you want to have some fun and all this If it's twenty five years later, baby champ, fund and change. What can I do to get a man to see past my sexiness and pay attention to the entire package? Tell these men that they can only get they that you're only interested in a package. Quit going on these meaningless says dates meaningly, meaningly meaningless meaningless dates is going to result in meaningless results. Yeah, I don't know how else is said to you, sir? All right, Steve, we get it. Poster comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM and on Instagram and Facebook. Don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six. After the hour, we'll talk about some of the highlights from last night's b ET Hip Awards. Right after this, you're listening to the show and trending hip hop news. Last night was the twenty nineteen b ET Hip Hop Awards. It was hosted by the one and only Little Duvalvo I know. Performances included Little Duval Chance, the Rapper, The Baby, Little Baby, Little John, Megan Dust Stallion, Offset Anderson, pok Rick, Ross t Payne, Little John. It was a music celebration including some really fly fashion. Shout out to Little Kim the Queen Bee. Yes she Rocket Park. Yes, I mean, how can you not. She definitely is a Queen Bee. Rock day pink Gucci outfit by Dapper Dan on the red carpet. Little Kim also took home the I Am hip Hop Award. Also shout out to be Et for their first ever comedy Cipher to bridging comedy and hip hop featuring Chico Bean, Carlos Miller, Afion Crockett and Little Dude Duval. That that was funny. That was funny. That was funny. Yeah, yeah, I like that. I like that school though. Yeah, I mean hip hop they got a lot in common now these days. Yeah they do. And congratulations once again to Queen b I mean, who's more deserving than Little Kim when you talk about I Am hip Hop and the Hip Hop Awards, So congratulations to her. And she rocked that stage too, yes she did. I love him and Little ceas reunion with him, yes, yes, yeah it was really good. Yeah, it really really was. And and congratulations to little Duval too. He did an outstanding job. I'm happy for Yeah, I really am. Yeah. He said he's always going to be living his best life. It's cool, dude, man, right, yes, yes, yeah, it was cute. Tiana Taylor Shirley, her hair cold, Yeah, short haircut. It was good dress too, and she's got the bang in his body. I mean okay, yeah, man, go ahead when you want the papers, papers draw this weekend, Monday, Monday, So it's safe to say though. Kim was rocking the Gucci outfit and the big old Gucci bell, and Tiana was we're good. Yeah, he did her outfit. He dressed Doctor Dan is a legend. If he thought with it, we got to all get in line. My sneaks is clean. I just didn't know I could put them on again. My st been riddy. I had missed some cold outfit. I didn't wear my leader. So he's cool with it. We're cool with it, right, yeah, all right, listen, coming up at the top of the hour, the judge and the Amber Geiger murder trial defends hugging her at the sentencing. We'll talk about it at the top of the hour, right, after this, you're listening to District Judge Tammy Kemp, who was a sister who presided over the Ambergeiger trial. She's come at her fire for the compassion that she showed last week to Ambergeiger. Of course, Ambergeiger was convicted of murdering both of both of John. During Geiger's sentencing, the victim's brother, Brent John, also wished her well and hugged her talking about Amberg Geiger. Both Judge Kemp and Brent John's actions have angered some in the African American community. Judge Kemp said that Ambergeiger asked her twice for a hug. She hesitated the first time. Judge Kemp told NBC News, I could not refuse that woman a hug. Take a listen. I'm trying to look at the person beyond the act. This morning, District Judge Tammy Kemp speaking publicly for the first time, sharing how the Amber Geiger murder trial changed her and her courtroom forever. Yes, moments like when Brandt John asked the judge if he could hug the woman who killed his brother, not surprising an emotional hug, leading to another from the judge yourself, I just said to her, Miss Geiger, mister mister John has forgiven you. Please forgive yourself so that you can live a purposeful life. And she said, do you think my life can still have purpose? And I said, I know it can. We the jury. After a jury convicted Geiger of murder and sentence her to ten years, Kemp stepped away and returned with a Bible, handing it to Geiger, who asked for a hug before going to prison. Your job is to do justice, to love, mercy, and walk humbly. So how can you not hug this lady? So we hugged. I felt somebody who was incredibly fragile. Wow, yeah, yeah, See, you know it's things like this. Uh, we are in such a world of hate now that any acts of compassion and love it's almost startling. Because we've accepted hate and and and boycotting and lawsuits and and and dislikes and all this, we've accepted it as the norm. We accepted from the White House now that that's the norm. So when you see in any act of compassion, any act of love, any act of forgiveness, what we're we're appalled. How dare you that that's what the world we've come to man, do you do you realize that we're in a world now where any act of love, forgiveness or kindness it we are apart. The world is appalled at that. When it used to be we were appalled at evil doing Now do good, and not only do we get appalled at it, you get hated for doing it. This is a different day we're living in, man. That's that's what I gather from this. That's what I see when I see this, man. I mean, because man, they can't wait till lace to judge both of them's brother. I mean, they're talking to this boy like he ain't lost his brother. R. You don't know how he feels. You have no idea. That's hard, man. Yeah, we definitely as I saw that that interview too as well. And a judge was saying she thought the embrace was okay because the trial was over as well. You know she didn't do it during the proceedings. Oh that's right. You know she's been sentenced. You know this ain't no. I'm gonna hug you and then now let me get you a light a sentence. The sentence was passed down by the Jewelry. Yeah, there's nothing you can do. What did the judge do wrong? And the judge gave her a Bible so you can have a purposeful life, She said, do you think my life can steal? Have purpose? This woman just killed somebody? Man, don't you know the hell this woman? Fitney catch. She's going to prison as a police officer. You can't have a worse state going to prison as a police officer. Man, yeah, disc man please, wow? Yeah. All right, Well we're on the switch gears here coming up, more music, more trending topics on the Steve Harvery Morning Show. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, some trending comedy news. All you comedians we love comedian and black and star Deon Cole love me. Well he's not man, No, he's so funny at the gas station last week, did you really? Yeah, he's back with the brand new comedy stand up special. It is on Netflix. It's called Coal Hearted. It's funny. I saw the advertisement of it. Yeah, I saw the advertisement of He's just a kid from the Chicago. I've been knowing him. I've been knowing him a long time. He's really man, one of the really, really good comedic minds in the business. Man. He puts some unique spins on his work. Man, I think y'all should check out this Netforce. I've seen it. I plan to watch it. I haven't seen it yet. I've seen it. It's really really funny. Man. You have it on the plane Netflix on his phone phone on. Oh, we got to catch yours. You can download on your iPad. Huh, you can download on your iPad. You know that. No, you don't know that. I didn't know. I said all these private jet plays. You ain't watching nothing I got. I got a lot of movies downloaded on my iPad. I just watched the Book of Eli again. I mean it was stated all right. Look anyway, congratulations to Dian Cole. We love you, din Cole. Uh Cole hearted Marva. Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I guess that's our Q. Yeah. Oh move for Jesus, Jane Moon. No, Jesus, ain't it good? No? Jesus. Good morning everyone going, Hey Carlly, hey, sister Oldale, how are you doing? Brutal for brutal, for brutal for hey, junior, morning, sister old Dale's good to hear from you this morning. Did you did you jest your voice? No, ma'am, Oh, daddy's dudy pops he in it out. It's like it's gotta shout in it. Hi boy, yes, ma'am so odal? How you good? You back to being respectful. That's mighty kind of you. Thank you. Hello, Shirley, Well, hello, and welcome, welcome, welcome, sister, oh dell, where girl? Are good to be here? O? God, it's good. She ain't man, you just ran right through meet you. You know what. We were just talking and normally, you know, we don't ask people, uh and I don't want to be disrespectful, like of age, what their dreams are? You know what I mean. We usually reserve that for younger people who have the majority of their life ahead of them. But we wanted to take the time, since you're here, to ask you because, um, surely you still have some dreams. Well, I'll see, when people get around my age, they don't call them dreams anymore. They call them bucket list. Oh yeah, all right, good bye. See that's the difference what you want to hear them do. That's what at this age you need to start scratching stuff off. You ain't that kind of build that tell us yeah all your building us it done. Yeah, you didn't need to get some money out of the bank and gone and going over there and see it all right, So what's on your bucket list? Sister Adell? Thinking about man Lebron James. Now James though, you're just thinking, yeah, Old Dale James. You know they said it to be easy if I married that wide receiver from the Browns, Old b j. Because then my name is already old and then his name junior, Olddell Beckham Junior, and c be just Old Dale. Coming up our last break of the day, and of course some closing remarks from the one and only, our fearless leader. He's so smart, we love him, Steve Harvey right after this, you're listening to show all right, it's been a good hump day. Huh yeah, yeah, I think so right, Dirt, Yeah, that's what I was waiting for, a Steve, that's what dirty Where Well, we're on our way to Canco yeah yeah, yeah, And so going back to Indian Indiana. Here Coon yeah, yeah, thank you. I appreciate I need this, man, I see you down there. Let's get on out of here so we can get going. Get these steaks going, all right, Steve, Yeah, you know I kind of mentioned it earlier, but you know, just as a closer remark, I want to say this, And you know, I've been thinking about this, both of them, John thing for so long, the reaction of social media to this young boy who offer gave this police officer for killing his brother and then ask for a hug. And I've read a lot of the things and watched the comments about the judge coming off to stand and hugging this police officer who killed this young man, and everybody, I mean, man, everybody's upset about this, and it seems like but you know, I just wanted to say this, and let me tell you something, Man, if you want to be upset about it, I understand. If you're a person who couldn't hug somebody who killed your brother, I understand I do, because I don't. I don't even know that I would have that in me. I know at that particular moment I probably wouldn't, but the fact that I didn't have it in me don't mean that that young man can't have it in him. And as we were talking the other day, and I kept listening to a lot of men say you're a better man than me. And the dude that said it was forty eight and wanted to do said it was thirty, and another dude said it was fifty. And I'm sitting up here at sixty two and I'm listening to everybody talk about, well, he's a better man than me. And that made me start to think, Wow, at eighteen, he's already a better man than us. Man, what have we been doing wrong? And I just started thinking about that. But the outcry of hatred and the social media that's going towards this judge, it just caused me to think about this thing again. Man, our world is so filled with hatred. Now. This is probably the most hateful this world has ever been. I know, it's the most one of the most hateful times I've lived in, even though at times for blacks weren't great. When I was a kid, I was sheltered from it to a degree. You know, I saw it on TV. I knew my parents were sitting in at lunch counters and my brothers was nationalists and panthers, and you know, I was feeling some kind of way, especially when they killed doctor King, and I started feeling a disappointment and a dislike for people who didn't like us, and where everybody went through that. But this is the most hateful, outward, hateful time and for us as black people, we've seen many of these years. I don't know which is worse, you know, because slavery was definitely one of the greatest atrocities ever perpetrated against a human group of people. Ever, that's not to knock any other trocity because the Holocaust was certainly right there, and I'm pretty sure the Asian Americans feel the same way about being in the encamped in prisons also doing the war. So I'm not comparing it. I'm just saying slavery was vicious. Now we live in a very hateful time today, and it's so hateful that and we've accepted the hatred as normal to the point everybody where if anybody does anything kind, if somebody hugs somebody, if somebody forgives somebody, if somebody gives somebody a Bible, if somebody tells them they love them, guess what that's not the norm anymore, and it's actually frowned upon. You actually get hated on for doing something that's an act of love. Now, what this young man did. It shocked the courtroom. There were people crying in that court. The judge was crying. He was crying. She was. But man, he forgave her. Whether he forgave her at the trial, if he gave her ten years later, he did it that day. He was a better man than most of us. We all keep saying that. So let's give him credit for being a better man. What's the hate for? What's the hate of the judge? For the sentence had already been passed down. The jury came back and gave her the years. The judge stepped out the thing hooked and gave her a Bible and told her that she has a chance to make something out of her life. That woman said, you still think I could make something out of my life? Do you know that this woman is going to prison as a police officer. You know what's fitting to happen to this girl. It ain't no way around that. That's the rules of prison. This girl friend to pay. And the fact that you don't know what's gonna happen, and you want her to pay with more years and all that. It ain't really up to us all the time, y'all. We have got to start treating we have got to stop treating acts of kindness, love, and forgiveness like it'sn't like it's something evil, like it's something wrong, the very thing we should be applauding. It's the thing that we've now grown to hate kindness, love, and forgiveness. It's supposed to be the other way around. It really is. Just think about that, y'all, because I've been forced to think about it since I said he's a better man than me, And how he got to be a better man than me at eighteen and I'm sixty two kind of threw me a little bit. I'm gonna just be real with you. Those are my closing remarks. Yep, drop it, baby dropping like yeah say that. Yeah, y'all have a good kids. Think I'm not. Yeah, see all your golf scores when you get back. You understand me, sir. We gotta man put put ease. Everybody hit the balls. I don't even know what for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.