Brady Retirement, Steve's VM, Kanye's Look, Janet Documentary and more.

Published Jan 27, 2022, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve explains what really happens after those wedding vows are exchanged. The CLO discusses sponsorship packages for those in need of a little assistance. Big ups to Cardi B. as she gets another W and Steve cannot help himself but ask Tommy about his "expert" opinion on the upcoming Disney movie. His Flyness gets something special from WV and The Steve Harvey Nation stands behind Our Fearless Leader. Brady and Peyton have sparked the retirement discussion and Big Dog talks about Judge Steve. MLB Hall of Fame may not be in the cards Barry B. Get ready for Janet Jackson's documentary on A&E! Is change always a good thing? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve focuses on NOW being the time.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a suit on back down giving them like the million bucks things. And it's not me through good it. Steve Hart to mother to please, I don't join join me? You turn you are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn? You haven't got to turn them out to turn turn water to the water. Go come come on your thing. Uh huh, I shall well, good morning, everybody. Excuse me, you're listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Arvey got a radio show. Man o man o man something going on real good today. You ought to feel blessed today. The fact that God woke you up and gave you another opportunity. You know, every day you wake up, it's another chance. It's a chance for all of us to get better, to get it right, to get on the right path, to stop heading the wrong way. Every day you wake up, that's your opportunity. See, because he's gonna keep waking you up because he has a plan for you. You know, I don't know, Uh you know, I don't. I don't. I don't know. When he makes his call, and you know who gets called home when I can't explain it, I don't have that answer. I'm not him, I'm not God. I don't claim to be. I don't. I don't understand it all sometimes, but God has an amazing way. But as long as he's waking you up, I do know this. God ain't through with you yet. God has a plan for you. Your job is to identify, identify the plan. You know. That's that's clearly what I need for you to do. You know, um oftentimes the thing that you're looking for, it's right there inside of you. You know. I can't tell you how many people I meet, mister Harvey, mister Hart speak to you for a many year. Man, what's up with you? Man? I was just wondering. Man, I've been trying to and I want to know, man, can you give me a good agent? Can you give me a good lawyer? Can you give me a good Now? Look, if you got some legal problems, I understand you're gonna need some help right there. But the majority of questions I get asked is about their future, about their place in this world, about their mission, about what they're trying to do, how they're trying to figure out, and then how to go about doing it. But the answer I must remind all of you is always within yourself. It starts right there. See a lot of people burn up a lot of time looking around trying to find someone. If I could just meet them, if I could just get on her show. Man, if all, if I could just get to his show, I beating made It's not That's not necessarily the case. Because see, just like every time you put your put your faith in a person or an event or currens or some type of thing that you imagine yourself being, and then that'll do it for you. Imagine of all the people who've made it without you know, I look at everybody telling man, if I could get on so and So's show, that will do it for me. Man, somebody else got on that show and they blew up. Man, if I could just make it to that show, do you know how many people have made it without that? So, see, when you start focusing in on what your idea of how to make it is, and your idea of how to make it does not include your relationship with God, you're spending your wills. Man, it's a vicious cycle you're in now, And I'm asking everybody to get out of that cycle, get out of looking for someone and something. The answer is within you. God resides in you. That burning thing that you have that you just can't get out your head. That's a seed. God planet that there. That's a seed. It needs watering, nurturing, fertilizing. That's what it needs. It didn't it. Don't ever say, man, I need that other person right there now. Now, people you will meet. That a compliment you, and I can assure you that God will put you in the right place at the right time. I'm almost certain that God will introduce you to everybody you need to be introduced to to make it to wherever it is. You all are trying to get to him talking about you and God now. But the moment you're taken into your own hands and you make the decision as to who you got to get to, You've just clouded and muddied the waters. See God's plan for you don't really need your help. It needs your attention, It needs your focus, it needs your faith, and it needs your hard work. But it needs you to listen. Needs you to listen more than anything. Listen, keep the faith and be willing to work your tail off. I don't know how you think it can happen any other way, But then again I do because I try to make it another way. So I had to come to the conclusion, Hey man, listen here, dog, this ain't working for you. You gotta get some more God, here, man, listen to me. The answer was always within me, the moment I sat down with myself and told myself the truth that a partner you ain't really all that they a partner, regardless as to what people are seeing and stuff. You ain't happy. Hey Pardner, this really ain't about you. Hey Pardner, you really ain't all that good at this. God is keeping you for a reason. Okay, hold up, Steve, quit tripping. What I need to do. I just started talking to myself and then I heard Bishop Jake's say a couple of things. Then I was watching TV. I heard Joel Oldstein say a couple of things, and I went wild, man, Okay, cool, that's pretty slick. I'm gonna try that. And when I did it, it changed my life. I am telling you, man, it has been God this whole time, and the God has been residing inside on me, just like the God resides on the inside of you. That's him talking to you, telling you, man, you are to get it together. Man, making you feel bad, it's sending you on guilt trips, you knowing you wrong, and you out there wrong, and something telling you you all not do it. Here's how you know. It's God. And Bishop Olmer taught me this in his book He's Got Oh, I get get a name of it right now, But it's a really good book. But it says in there man, Bishop Alma was talking in this book and he was saying, the way you know is not God's voice. It's if it ain't no sin in it. See how many times have you made up in your mind, I'm gonna show this person or I'm gonna show that person, or I'm gonna get this person back. You hurt me, I'm gonna hurt you. You know the Lord don't like ugly. I'll show you well, the Lord don't like ugly. But no way in that doesn't safe for you to go show them. It doesn't say that. See, so when you strike out on that mission, you know the God knows in my heart I loved you, but I got to do this because you did me. Whoa whoa ain't got nothing to do with God right there, you can take him out of it. If it's God, has no sin in it. So anytime somebody come to me talking about the Lord told me to do this to you, and that's the only reason I'm doing. And you need to get yourself right with God. I heard all them threats right there. That ain't God talking to me through you. What are you crazy? If it's God, it has no sin in it. So you got to be careful, man, when you're talking to people and we're gonna go down here and we're gonna do this because this is the right thing to do. If it has something wrong going on, then it can't be the right thing to do. Took me a minute to learn that one. But please get that through your head so you can quit spinning yourself around and remember everything you're looking for is within you. It's all right there. Quit wasting your time looking around all the time. Go to your God, man, talk to him. Go to that spirit that's on the inside of you that's calling you. Stop letting people shake your treat At the end of the day, somebody gonna be right, somebody gonna be wrong. All right, y'all, we're gonna havel going day tripping a little bit going through something. You're listening, Ladies and gentlemen, this is to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Make no mistake about it. I think we've passed the deadline of saying Happy New Year, but we are still saying greetings to twenty twenty two and expecting this year to be the best year of your life. But you will have the best year of your life if you put out the expectation. If you think it's gonna be more of the same, get ready, because that's exactly what's gonna happen. I'm expecting great things in twenty twenty two. I invite you to do the same. Charley Strawberry Colin for real, that girl named Mississippi, Monica Junior better known as Killed Space, and the legend nephew Tommy Junior. What's on your mind? Let me ask you something, Nah, I need some help. Let me ask this, Huh. How many unwritten rules is it in a relationship? And how fast do they change? Well, there's not as that's some unwritten rules in a relationship and they have never changed. They just there's ad ons. And let me ask you a question. Since you're the one that's new to this relationship. That what have you learned that you think is an unwritten rule? Shut your mouth, that's rule number one. Shut joe mouth. But if you can't seem to understand that though, Junior, because you keep talking about stuff that happens with us, we can't help you. So because we have one of those ourselves, we can't help you. Dog. Just shut joe damn mouth. Appearing to be happy? Is that a rule? You mean for her to appear to be happy now? Or you have to appear to be happy? No, no, your AS's better get to appearing to be happy. Let let me give you a big one that you're not gonna believe if you ever get into serious relationship and you take when violes right after they say them viols. They have some lines in there that they just say. They don't. They ain't got nothing to do with what's fitting to happen. It's just rich. It's just ritual. You know here, here's one better off or worse. You just better get to being better all day, because ain't nobody to finished. Sit here with this worst mess too long. You can have worse moments, but you're not finish it. They just not finished. Sit there and watch you be worse. I get past that. There's another one, obey. They need to take that out. Some of them have. I don't. I don't even know what that. Yeah, they might as well take that out that I question it, hope for it. I've I've hoped for obedience. Yeah, yeah, actually wasted a couple of prayers. Only happening yet. Question But even when I asked, God, could you make called bay heat chuckle? All right, okay, coming coming coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour with the nephews. Run that frank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, we're gonna start the morning off with the nephew and run that frank back. What you guy for his nap. I'm gonna run it back and run it back for you. Want me run it back? That's rewind. I'm gonna hit rewind and run it back for you. This right here is your daughter, bit my son, your daughter, bit my son. Let's run that thing back, cat though. Hello, hello, sweet, this is look do you do you do your daughter go to little academy? Yes? Who's this? And her name is? Yes? Who's this? Listen? Your daughter and bit my son. Uh, Joshua went on the back. My daughter know this is Wilton, your daughter and bit my son. Well down, You can't just call my house and tell me my daughter bit your say and be cussing at me. Lady, I just said, your daughter Sakia bit my son Joshua in the back, and I just let no. I just said no. Two things. One my daughter wouldn't bite nobody, and two, don't call my house with this tone. I called with any kind of tone. What I want to call with. All I'm saying is your daughter then bit my son in the back, And I'm gonna tell you. All I'm saying is don't call my house with this ad to saying some that my daughter beat your child in the back. My daughter has manners and she wouldn't be biting nobody in the back. You know, somebody, how the hell you know what your daughter gonna be doing? If you ain't there my daughter, you're raised, she ain't you just come in one month and trying to do some kind of daddy work. Your daughter but four years old, high nailed. Do you know how that damn well, I've been with her for four years. What you being my daughter does not be biting people around in the back of the neck or anything like that. What the hell is wrong with you? Don't call my house with his attitude Where I get what? I don't hell, you figure I'm a weekend daddy. I'm calling you about what's going on with my child. But I don't think you got your facts straight. So next time you call somebody to tell them about their child, figure out everything about your child first. All I'm saying is that the people at the academy says, so, Carol bit my son Joshua were in the back. Well, I can't understand what you're saying because I don't like your tongue. So don't call me about my baby. Have her mama called me? It don't make no difference. If a mama or daddy called long with somebody called hello, call her back down. Hello is this Carol? This is Why are you hanging up on me? Why are you still calling me? And why are you yelling at me? My child didn't bite your child in the back. When I picked up my child. They didn't say to me your child is body in the back. My child with my child every day. Like I said in the first lady, you must be some kind of weekend daddy. You know my child. I'm with my child every day. How you are you? I'm with my I don't even know who Joshua is. She should have just hit him in the head. Ain't what you ain't gonna do and sit there and talk about my baby like you asked me to lower my child. I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna hang up one lay hello, Hello, called back, then call her back, cat Hello, don't hang up on me no more, lady, numbna again. I'm gonna call you until you tell me why you your child is just bite my child in the back. I am not in the mood to play with you right now. You're gonna mess try to get you and your child, swoop you and your child. You don't guess what Shakira got her, daddy? You talking about whipping somebody? Daddy else to say? You can't call my house and threaten me, Emma jod If my child beat up child, what that's what your child deserved? He got whooped daughter, whooped your fund. Just finally want me to laught trying the little fast not in those kids you're gonna be talking about when the fake facts. She didn't bite them in the back. She might have whoked, but my daughter don't play. Now keep talking. You found my phone number, find my address and have some kids. Daddy, beat choke you what I said? Bring your phone over again, my babies, famire with your babies. My baby. Daddy gonna whip you'll bring it on. I'm coming over there and beat you and your child for daddy. You don't call a woman and telling you coming over and behind child. You come up here and beat her. Daddy, Come over here and beat your kids. Daddy, he don't he don't want not to me. You don't want it. I'm on my way over. Um now bring it on in. Somebody gonna get date. Yeah, daddy home week, not like he ain't got no damn I'm job. He got a job. Y'all gonna make me come over without a night. Bring it on right now? Do you know you know what I'm gonna tell you something. I'm gonna tell me something else. You're gonna get bit and your baby gonna get bit too. You gonna bite me and my baby gonna whoop? Yo? Can I say something to you? Say something to me? Then, nephew timing from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. You just got prig you. Oh, I am shame, I am ya just got pregnant. Your sister Glinda told me, she said they could get me. She said give me. She said you always time and never give me that. Oh. I told that wouldn't happen to me. But you can't call somebody talk about that, baby. That's that's where I killman. Don't don't call nobody about it. You got my heart hearted? Look, can I ask you something? Let me ask you? What is the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show? You Kara Gotta Daddy? Okay, I'm gonna be this ignorant and mole Valentine's Weekend. That would be February ten, eleven twelve, Huntsville, Alabama, Stand Up Lave Comedy Club. The Nephew will be there. Tickets are on sale right now. Let me throw also a little bit more information. This Friday Night, Baby Back in Stride Again Ready to Love returns with a brand new season hosted by Yours Truly five. That's Friday Night, eight nine Central. Yeah Yeah, The Nephew back at it again, back again? What what old new crew? Looking for love? Come watch me navigate all through uh ten left up soaps, come watching boy put it down. Every Friday night. I'm the hottest thing on Friday, but you understand the hotest thing on Friday night. Check your boy out. Ready to Love. We're back into Potomac again. A new crew now, a new crew, now, new k check it out. I think you're gonna like them. Ready to Love. We'll see if somebody find love. I'm gonna help you get there. If you won't me. You know I'm sexy on Friday night. I don't know y'all know Friday night of sexy. Okay, give me that man, give me I might be ugly to y'all any other stand but let me be sex and we're moving on. Coming up, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news, Janet Jackson says her brother Michael was a bully. Cardie b is awarded three point eight million dollars in the defamation suit against Qui plus Tommy. Now listen, actor Pink Peter Dinklage. You know who that is Terry, and he's upset. He's upset about the remake of Snow White. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of be able to help him out. He's upset. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now it's time for the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey and your Love Questions. Tanya in Saint Pete says, I'm a forty eight year old bus driver. Monday, one of the dads rode to school with his son because his leg is in a cast. I dropped the kids off, and the father told me he missed how good my body felt. See, we used to fool around years ago, but we're both married now. I pulled into the parking lot and I refreshed his memory right there on the back of the bus. Cool. He said he was going to keep in touch, but he hasn't. Was sex all he really wanted. Yeah, everybody moved to the Yeah, and yes, you refreshed his memory. And which reminded him? Or why your asses man and his asses? Many remember that was it? Yeah? I remember how your body cuse So I refreshed his memory right on the back of the bus and it and it reminded him exactly why y'all broke up and why you to marry somebody else? And he to man somebody, thanks for the reminder. Now let me get off this bus. Yeah, nothing like bam bam, Thank you, ma'am. Everybody got what they wanted. You didn't want a new husband out the deal, and he didn't want a new wife out the deal. He didn't even want to keep it in touch. Who I hadn't done it on the bus though. It's a great experience, though, I mean, come on, who on the bus? Come on? Now, there we go. I got one, can do I see two in the zoom picture? How many had it on the bucks? Come on? Thank you? Come on, don't be Shane, Yeah, you spring up everything. Come on, he said, Greyhound crossover. Talk about that Mega, that megabus. I ain't never been on that. I had already made it by the here, but you would have no all right, jamir And Dayton says, I'm in my mid fifties. I've been dating a woman that is twenty two years old, twenty two years younger than I am. I pay her mortgage and she drives one of my cars. She has a seven year old child that I've given her a lot of financial help with her son's father comes in and out of his life, and she doesn't want me to be at the house when he's there. I told her that's my house, and she got upset. Am I wrong about that? Yeah? Yo? See, bro, once you give the money and she returns the money with the favors, that's the exchange. Now, she don't want you over to the house when the when the boy's father come over, she don't because she don't want him to know that. You know, she dating somebody to daging her daddy, so she don't want nobody to know that. So yeah, no, that ain't That ain't your house. Unless you bought the house and paying for it and got your name on it, that's you know. But if you're just helping out, bro side, it's not your house. See dog, listen, know your role, sugar daddy, that's your role. You the sugar daddy. That's your role. Dog. You ain't really her man. You You put together a smile a package. That's all that is. You're the sugar daddy. You're not her man. Next question, all right here, Pam in Brooklyn says, I dated a man for three years and we broke up last month for good. He got close to my best friend and he turned to her for advice when he and I had problems. She seemed to smirk when I told her about my breakup. She's the type that will sleep with anyone's man, and I don't put anything past him because he's hyper sexual. What are the odds that he's messing with her? Now? On next question to Semya and and what a friend a best friend? Okay, Semya and Tulsa writes that I had an aunt problem, so I asked my cousin's husband to spray my house house. I'm divorced, so he's helped me out before with odd jobs around my house. I left a housekeep for him, and when I got home, he was laid up in my bed asleep. I told my cousin to come get her man out of my bed. I guess that didn't sound right, so she thinks we're messing around? What do I do? You're so stupid? You called? You call your cousin, whose husband been coming over your house helping you do repairs. You went out somewhere, came back, he laying across your bed sleep. You call your cousin who is your female cousin, to tell her to come get her man out your bed. And now you're tripping cause she think y'all been messing around together. Why did you call her? Thank you? Thank you. If you and the man ain't sleeping together, all you had to do was wake him up. Yeah, excuse me, excuse me, what are you doing? Don't do that no more. I'm gonna have to tell my cousin. You could have started that. You call her in her bed. He didn't got under the covers, He wasn't on the bed. He didn't got into the bed. He took his shoes. See, he thought he thought you was coming home earlier. He thought you was coming home early, and he was gonna wait and have a surprise. But his ass got sleepy. Yeah, rule number one. If you're gonna wait on the girl at her house, sit up, sick up. If you lay across the bed, you got problem. But if you get in that bed, though, oh you go. He was ready though, he was ready for Yeah, they got pillars and beads and cents and fabrics on their bed. You ain't got it. Get real comfortable. It ain't like your bed man bed just got one pillow on it and there ain't no sheet between the confident of dudes. How just just blanket? Yeah, yeah, that's roughing it. You got that blanket that you y'all still got from when the tornado came through. You know that red Cross blanket, that real thick and scraps. That's the one. Yeah, that's the Red Cross blanket. Man. I had one. I know you passing the blankets out with the peanut button and the powdered eggs. Thank you. See that was my blanket. I hated that blanket. Man. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you right after this. You're listening to show well. For the second day, Cardie B celebrated a victory in court. The jury sided with her in a libel case against a vindictive blogger. The verdict awarded Carti one and a half million. Then on Tuesday, the judge granted her one and a half million impunitive damages and another one point three million to pay attorney's fees. Altogether, the judge ordered YouTube blogger Tasha Ka to pay three point eight million dollars. She was found guilty of spreading malicious lies about Carti's sexual history, drug use, and the mental capacity gets this of Carti's first child. Cardi released a statement saying, after almost four years of repeated liabel and slander against me, walking away Victoria's brings me great happiness. I think that's a step in the right direction the Cardi b case, because I think, man, it could be the beginning of stopping some of this stuff that these bloggers and people are allowed to get away with. These are human beings that you're talking about. You know, you think called a person's celebrity, you got free to just use them as clickbait. Well you could just want somebody just on your site, so you're gonna use them as clickbait, and and you damage people and people. I'm so sick of social media just using people for clickbait. You know, just writing malicious stories just could go in the right direction, man, because now it's gonna make people pause when you find out that could be some repercussions. That's gonna cause some people to pause. Yeah, Cardi B Cardi, Yeah, congratulate. I'm real happy for her. Yeah, congratulations. Somebody talk about me and ain't true snatch call money. I don't even know. You can't have that kind of money, right, all right, I don't have to have that kind of money. Whatever she got, she gonna had to pay something. Yeah, I'll have to pay something. Yeah, all right, And moving on to other entertainment news. Actor Peter Peter Dinklage, best known as Terry and Lanister from one of our favorite shows of all times, Game of Thrones, isn't happy, little person? Yeah yeah, yes, yes, go ahead, go ahead, No you get no, no, stay in stayan sorry. Yeah, He's not happy with Disney's upcoming remake of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. On a recent podcast, Peter Dinklage said, there's a lot of hypocrisy going on. Seven dwarfs living in a cave together. What the blank are you doing? Man, I'm angry about the stereotypes of dwarfism that are still perpetuated. And that's what he said. Now, this is what Disney said. Steve Disney responded to him. They released a statement saying, to avoid reinforcing stereotypes from the original nineteen thirty seven animated film, we are taking a different approach with these seven characters. We've been consulting with members of the Dwarf is a community. So that's what Disney said. You know, it's it's it's an animated fairy tale, and it happened. You know. Here here we go, we with part of the council culture. Now now everything in me has to being filed. This one's not gonna be animated. So this is this is this is real. It's real, little people. Uh huh, that's what they don't see what they could do. Then, I don't even know why they messed with that. Then they should have left that alone. Yeah, once you make it real, you turn up the volume. Yeah. So Tommy, what what what's your thoughts? I mean, why are you asking me? Because you the actor on the show. I'm with Peter. If Peter don't it, Peter is ahead of little people. I know what side you on. That's why I asked thought on the side I don't know where Peter said what the blank to? We should move on, Let's get past it. Let's move on. It's a it's a whole lot of other stories we can tell. We don't have to tell the snow White and seven Doors. It's not that necessary. It's got to be some better stories that can be written other than this, not that that summer I went this one. But let's keep moving. We were back, We're in twenty twenty two. I'm like, I understand, Like, look, if they had, if they were doing all you know, snow white and seven big little people, you know, I'd be concerned about this at this point. Now you just you would be in it. Yeah, well you're gonna well, guess who's gonna be in the door. I'm just gonna take a shot. I wouldn't gonna say it, but I do know where you cast to be on his side this opportunity. I have seen me and Peter get together riding on a dragon from the last show. That what We're riding there on a drag. Yeah, but on the same drag. I have my own drag. That's no, No, that would really be cute. Y'all come in on the same drag, moving on that to be cute. Janet Jackson, let's get to this story. Janet Jackson said her brother was a bully. She said he made her miserable with cruel taunts about her weight. Janet makes a revelation about her childhood in the documentary Janet, which premieres Friday and Lifetime and what she says. There were times, well, she says, there were times when Michael used to tease her, call her names pig, horse, slut or hog cow. He would laugh about it. She said she'd laughed too, but then there was somewhere down inside that it would hurt. She says, she's an emotional eater, so when she gets stressed or something that's really bothering her, Wood comforts her. Bottomed out, dude. Things bottomed out when she was eleven and got her first brig big break outside the family. You know, of course, the role is Penny one good time. Yeah, my brothers and done something to me. Man, My damn brother called me fat. That's it. I wish it had a bit, my aunt, the things he did to me, huh, I wish it all? What all right? Lifestory we ought to do Tommy life stid at that time. I pushed him down them steps. That's like that cruel Steve coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we're gonna talk about retirement. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Tom Brady, of course, we call him the goat Tom Brady is talking about retirement now, guys, and after sixteen years in New Orleans, Saints head coach Sean Payton has also decided to step away. The fifty eight year old, who is the winningest coach in the franchise history and led the team to his first Super Bowl win back in two thousand and nine, is leaving the job and retiring for now. I mean, these two are thinking and doing retirement. So Steve, the question for you is do you know when it's time to bow out gracefully? I don't think you're even anywhere near retirement because you're still loving what you do. I mean, look, I mean I've done it before. You know, I stepped away from stand up. Yeah. I do have a real idea of, you know, stepping away or when I think some sum's the right time to walk away from something. As far as now, I don't have any plans of retirement in the foreseeable future. The thing about my work is I like my work, so it's kind of hard. You know. Ain't like I'm outside, you know, putting tarm bridges like I used to, or working at Ford Motor Company on assembly line or something like that. You know, I actually enjoy going to work, getting hit every place that's different. Yeah, you know, so I actually enjoy my work, So I don't really know that I'll be leaving any time. I'm soon you know, they start cutting pay, I'm gonna get out the start cutting money back, start cutting money talk about something else. But you know, as a person who's been in the business quite a long time, and you now have another hit show with Judge Steve on Tuesday nights and ABC and Hulu, who hard to get out? Now? Yeah, talk about it. But but the thing, you know, the saying leave, leave while you're on top top, do you think about that as well? Yeah? Absolutely, absolutely, That's the only way I leave. Okay, I prayed that's how I leave on top, you know. But like I mean, it's such a blessed man because the other thing of it is is, uh, I've been very fortunate and giving a lot of grace in my life to be able to constantly reinvent myself. So I always feel like I'm doing something new. You know, it's hard to get tired when you doing something new. You know. We we've been doing this radio show together Shirley for twenty two years now. Yeah, But because it's different every day. Jerry is different. Yes, I mean like coming in here, man, I don't know what's fitting to happen. You know, it's like cool way to work, you know. And you know we don't turn with you no idea, I say, we have no idea what you're gonna do? No, we have no idea. And that's the refreshing thing about it exactly. You know, you never know what I'm gonna say. You know, I'm predicted, like I'm thinking of something real crazy right now to say. But I and I decided. Look at the time coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna check your voicemail Steed eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine, Steed. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time to check Steve's voicemail and listen. If you would like to leave Steve a voicemail called him at eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, you can hear your message on the radio. Steve. Here we go. This is the caller named Steve from Cleveland talking about haters. Uncle Steve. This is nephew Steve from Cleveland ninety steps of arms or right off superior kise listen, and you talked about the haters. Man, God to make a footstool a lot of your haters because He's gonna put that internal way to glory on you. So you need a lot of haters to hold you up on that way to glory hit you. You can step on up into God's grace and goodness and his purpose for your life. Love your uncle Steve, be safe, your nephew Tommy, and love the ladies, and love Junior as well. Pece My, Man, I'm ninety seven from them down there off the clown who I'm talking about? Where to su found alone? Down now? Boy? You know airport from the heat? What you need to know? Somebody come through there on your bike. You need to know somebody. Okay, Lord, don't have a flat tie over there. Lord you've been there. You're going hold with ass whooping and no bike. That was love. Appreciate that. Yeah, Next caller, Uh, Miss Carolyn, about haters as well about your clothing remark staves this Carolin listening, forget about those haters. I got a lot of them. They don't like me because I dress, I make myself up. I'm seventy four years old and I tried my best and hook good twenty fold step. But when you died haters that keeps telling you that you're not good enough or you can't do this. That owning makes me good, even better. And that's what you have, died keepers. The good words words about that they made you back. I'm talking about your closing remarks. It wasn't last week when you talked about haters, how they've made you stronger. Yeah. Man, you know I was saying the other day. It is one of my favorite closing remarks. Mind you, it's one of my favorite because you know, after turning sixty five, I've learned so much. But I've been around the sun sixty five times that that's a lot of trips, and I've learned a lot. And it took me a minute to learn about them haters. But after I figured it out and saw the purpose that they served in your life, why you have to have them? And Bishop Jake said something about haters the other day. I was watching him on Instagram. He said, you only have haters cause you winning. You don't get haters when you're losing. You don't get haters when you ain't doing nothing. You get them with you win it. Yeah, because they mad as you and it ain't them. That's right. All right? We have one more call from Welcome, West Virginia, someplace you knew what shut up? You better shut up. I know you ain't. Got a call from Welch, West Virginia. Let me hear Hi, mister Steve Harvey, this is Doculon. Here is such a blessing you are and not only to me, but my whole entire family were from Welch, West Virginia. My grandma is going to turn one hundred on April third. Her name is Ophelia Harris, and we just wanted a shout out because she loves watching family mute and hearing and seeing your voice. There's such an inspiration and may God continue to bless you. And just want to let you know your your family Welch, West Virginia's in the house. We listen to you, We love you, we support you. All the Harris family. Thank you. Steve Harvey talks now. We knew some harses when I lived there. Really if if if it because Welch you're small, ain't on the thousand people. Nothing like that. It's small. If if her mother will feel your hairs is one hundred years old. I promise you she know my mom and daddy and that whole linkage down there. So happy birthday, miss Oi, feel your hairs. Slick Harvey better known as Jesse, better known as Slick and it lost very hardy. They said, have birthday too. Hollow number one, Hollow number nine. What coming up next? Coming up next to it is a nephew and today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today and the subject is this cannot be my life. We'll get into that just a bit, but right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us, Nash? I got repoll Man. Repole Man, you've been at the photo. You came out side and it was gone, Let's go god dog. Repoll Man. Hello, I'm trying to reach age please this hill. All right, y'all. My name is uh Robert. I'm with the collection agency you do on a Sierra two thousand and three GMC truck, Am I correct, yep? Okay, we don't show that we've had any payments within the last I guess about three close to four months now, and we want to try and stop having to come in and repossess it. Maybe we give you a chance to bring your payment in, but we haven't had a payment from you in about four months, siRNA. Financial with the other another thing, I don't don't. I don't know what's in the moment. Yeah, I'm a playing all time directed party from our call, we're about that. Well, I'm with they've they've turned you over to us. I'm with collection agency, and we haven't gotten anything from don't. I don't show any uh any paperwork here on the computer at all that we've had any payments made within the last four months. So that's why they've been paying it already turned it over to y'all without my permission. They can't never turn tis my truck over to y'all. To pick y'all. I don't even know it. Well, I understand that. Sure. What happens is if you haven't paid it in a certain amount of time, it actually comes over to the collection agency. And that's what they've done. They've actually sent it over to us, and they've given us, uh pretty much all the information on you. I guess it's a gold this type of color uh CR two thousand and three GMC truck from my understanding, Am I correct? Yeah, that's truck. Okay. Now, what I'm gonna need from you today, Jeremy, is for you to come in uh and make a payment to us this evening for four months so we can see so we don't have to come in and repossess your truck. And I don't want to have to do that. But if I have to send a record out there to you, I have your address on file as well. I don't want to have to send anybody out to pick it up. Paris learning y'all not coming here my truck. And I'm not paying y'all for no full month. I'm paying my truck no all time, every month. That's a done deal, sir. I don't want to get in a back and forth with you, but I'm telling you exactly how it's gonna go. Now. I come out there and repossess it myself, but I'm telling you what the fight. Look slow, no, look that's not that's not even where we gotta go with that. Don't be you don't need to be screaming and fussing and chaotic and come get it yourself and all that stuffy M truck, M truck that's gonna be that? What hang on, Let's back up, because I'm a man just like here, man, what do you mean it's gonna that's gonna be that? What are you saying? What are you? What are you? What are you saying to me? Son? I'm telling you. Look, look, I'm telling you that I'm paying my truck note and and that's a fun I don't know. I don't know. Let's get I've already stated to you before. I'm with an agency. And let's get one thing straight. You don't tell me I tell you now. Hey, Hey, dude, calm down a lot of foul. It don't make no sense talming, you know, over the fall and whatnot. You can come, you can come get the truck, my truck right here I work. I'm right here, you can come. You can come. True how to get my truck? Sure, I'm already aware of where you work in the whole nine yards. Now, I don't I'm trying to be as uh cordial with you as I can. Now you can cloth you're ting about Conna, get my truckle and I'll tell you I'll be playing. So you know you should have dropped and being like all right, I'm gonna check with somebody else, check with somebody else to make sure I'm right. It didn't call me batter. I'm telling you you haven't paid anything, That's what I'm telling you. I've got it listed on the computer. You've been turned over an agency and you haven't done it. You haven't done a thing. What are you? Stupid? You? You you're raising your press scream in the hall over the phone like that because they ain't gonna do me me? Are you no good? But you ain't get no money from me? Then you ain't coming from my truck? What a matter of fact, you could come from my truck. I'm gonna be on my truck. I'm gonna wait on you. What you gonna be there? It doesn't make any difference, sir. You gotta get repossessed tonight. If I don't get four months payment Brook, definitely, if I don't get four months payment brought into me collection agency, your truck will be taken care of. No hold on listen, man. Look you kind of kind of serious truck part you quick cursing at me. That's what's wrong. Man, You got me Look look right outside. You come over here and get it obviously that way for you. Look, you know what. I'm at the point I don't give a about this job. I'm ready to come kick your That's what I'm ready to do. Call him back, Kay, I don't need a little scared hanging up the phone. You're standing here like a man, and you handle your problems. Hey, hold on, I'm man. I make the work, bro. You stopped telling me. I'm at work too. Doing my job the same way you're doing yours will make your money. Do you do your job, truck? I got one more thing I want to say to you before you go. You're listening. Listen. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by you got you got on? My man? You are you all right? Man? I'm gonna talk this roof. Man, I'm talking about cool. I'm got me about job I'm trying to get. She told me, she told me, man, she said that boy loved that truck. Yeah, that's my choice. My only repetation, man ain't man, Yeah, yeah, you gotta, but you gotta be goody. I gotta ask, I gotta ask you. Man, Tell me, brother, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane? No doubt, Steve, no doubt, Baby, no doubt. But nice little teaspoon is stupid for y'all all this morning. I hope you all enjoyed it on your way to work this morning. That's the nephew. Yeah, that's all. That was a tea spoon. It might have been two tea spoons. Wasn't no more than too, wasn't no motive too. It's a little the small dosage of the stupid. The big doses comes when I hit the stage grabbing that microphone. That would be in Huntsville. That would be February, Huntsville, Alabama, actually, and that would be February ten, eleven, twelve, February tenth. My son, your birthday, boys coming up trade the third. That's my man. Okay, what else I got anything else? I need to sell? Everybody? Ready to Love? Ready to Love? Friday night, Baby, It's a brand new season in Washington, DC. One more gain so that's two in Atlanta. That's two seasons in Houston, Texas. Two seasons Washington, DC. What could possibly be be out the DC. I'll let you know soon. But right now, this Friday, get ready, we're watching DC brand new season hosted by yours truly nephew Tommy. That's Friday Night nine, eighth Central. Did you hear me? Now? Eighth Central the Nephew. I'm I'm couldn't pretty much the loved doctor. I'm sexy. I got some sense on Swab. I'm helping people. Oh my god, you ought to see me. I can't believe myself sometime when I look at it. But that's me, you Swab. I ain't used that in a while. Suave devil man Old you know, I'm you know what I'm trying to. You know, I'm trying to, you know, being supportive of you brought everything because you know hard. It's hard hearing you say these things about yourself. What I'm not lying about? Nothing? But what's wrong? Really? When I know better? It's the other word star with ask that could start with the truth, you know, like in this format Ready for Love, I find myself for the first time not being short. I'm swag. Oh, I find myself I said, not not being short all swage. That's how you promoted You don't promote it with short. You don't do that. See you don't think so I find it refreshing that there are those people who couldn't sit on my me being short sexy. You know, it's a way to put that word in that where it has me and I don't like that. See how hard that is if you as a woman, Decker, there's a lot of short and sexy women. Ain't no short sexy men though, hard to be a short sexy man, I'm gonna tell you that right all right, listen, Coming up next, a handsome is the running thing of most women. Coming up next Strawberry Letters subject this cannot be my life. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve harveysm dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Because what we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. You never know, You never know. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a strawberry letter subject this cannot be my life. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty five year old female with a cute face and a small waist. I haven't had any trouble meeting men, but I've had trouble keeping a man. That's all behind me now because I'm seeing a man that caters to me, respects me, and will do anything he needs to do to put a smile on my face. He thinks ahead and is a great planner. We've been dating almost a year and he wants to go on an anniversary trip, so I think he might be ready to propose. I got rid of all my exes and I changed my life around to make sure my past is in the past. I stopped hanging out and I stopped posting suggestive pictures on social media because I wanted to have a queenlike behavior for my king. Our first date was at his house and we had grill steaks, a lot of wine, and a lot of great conversation. He told me up front that he wants to be married, but he wants the option to have more than one woman in his life if it's okay with his wife. I love women too, so we have that in common. Throughout our relationship, We've had six different girls in our bed. I submit to him in bed and do whatever he tells me to do, and it drives him wild. We've been, huh, we've been. We've been to counseling together because his last girlfriend got jealous and flipped out on him, so he thought it would help me. Here's my problem though. My mother and I are very close, so she is aware of what's going on in my relationship. She doesn't condone it, and she told me if my boyfriend proposals, she will be out of my life for good. I told her, I cannot believe this is my life with such a handsome, caring and open man. I may never find another man that I'm this compatible with. Why is my mother being so judgmental and why is she forcing me to make a choice. Well, I don't think she is. But if your mother is forcing you to make a choice, as you say in the letter, she wants you to choose you in this instance. She doesn't want you to marry a man who wants other women. Your mom doesn't want her beautiful daughter having three sons and being some man's sex slave. That that's just how a parent thinks. That's that's just a parent. I mean, do you honestly think this is the way to keep a man? Now? Does your mom wants you to be happy and live your life and all of that? Of course she does, yes, But she wants you to be your own woman on your own terms, not because that's what this man wants. You say you like women too, right, But can you spend time with them alone? Can you? You know? And not with him and all of that. I highly doubt it because it doesn't sound like he cares what you want as long as you submit to him and continue to drive him wild. Like he said in the letter, no parents ever gonna give their blessing to this kind of marital arrangement. It's just to one sided. All him know you, and for that reason, your mom will never like him. That's why she says she's out. She doesn't want to support this. And as a mother myself, I can tell you that there may not be anything I can do about it, but I would never agree to my daughter being with a guy like this either, No, Steve very very well sick being a mother, y'all. So I liked your response to this letter has so many yeah, ignorant statements in it throughout the letter that I almost don't know how to respond to this letter. But I want to go to the very last line of the letter. And after this letter, this girl says, why is my mother being so judgmental? And why is she forced me to make a decision? After this hignant asks letter that I'm about to read, That's what your takeaway was, right, why is my mother being so judgmental? Well, let's read this letter out loud, Michelle. I'm a thirty five year old female with a cute face in a small waist. I haven't had any trouble meeting men, but I've had trouble keeping a man well. And after you read this letter, we're about to find out why. Let's go here we go. That's all behind me now, because I'm seeing a man that Kate is to me, respects me, and he would do anything he needs to do to put a smile on my face. He thinks ahead and it is a great planner. So let me show you how great of a planner he is, and how far he think ahead? Let me go skip down to this line in the letter. He told me that he wants to be married, but he wants an option to have more than one woman in his life. If that's okay with his wife. Yeah, that's what I call good ass planning in now. Oh yeah, he was planning side. Sound kind of like a plot, but if you want to call it a plan Okay, lady, he was planning in ahead and he thinks ahead. Yeah, he then told your stupid ass this piece of information to see how it set with you the first Okay, Now let's go back up the letter. He thinks ahead is a great planner. We've been dating almost a year and he wants to do an anniversary trip, so I think he might be ready to propose. Now here's what the line where she starts telling on herself, I got rid of all my exes. Wait a minute, if you have an X, why would you have to get rid of them? See but with dealing with somebody who keeps all her exes in her life, so she keeps God to get rid of all my exes, I changed my life around to make sure my past is the past. That means she hadn't done a lot of sketches stuff. I stopped hanging out and stop posting suggestive pictures on social media because I wanted to have queen like behavior for my keen. He come back, I'm gonna close out all. Yeah, hang on. We'll get part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject for today's Strawberry letter, this cannot be My life. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening morning, Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject this cannot be My life. Well, let's get on with this netty ass letter entitled this Cannot be My life. Thirty five year old female got a cute face in the small ways, has never had trouble meeting men, but you've been having trouble keeping them. And I'm about to tell you why she met this guy. She says, that's a great planner. We'll get into that. We've been dating almost a year. He wants to go on the anniversary trip, so I think he might be ready to propose, or she ain't. Got the cart in front of this horse right here, horse in front of this car, Why she's etna mess right here. I got rid of all my exes, not like I said before, If they're your exes, why would you had to get rid of But this is a woman that hangs on to a lot of people, and I changed my life around to make sure my past is in the past. See, you can't all of a sudden eratial pass. I can tell you that right now. So I don't know what you think you'd been done to make sure your pass in your past, But it don't work like that, lady. You just can't wipe the slate clean yourself. I mean, God can't forgive you for anything, but you can't. Just too many people go. And then I stopped hanging out and I stopped posting suggested pictures on social media because I want to have queen like behavior for my king. Now, let me explain something to you. I'm pretty sure the way y'all met was on social media. So this man that you're going out on this date with, on your first date, that you're about to describe before you took the pictures off and found out he was your king. That's how y'all hooked up. He saw the suggesting picture he been on your Facebook page. He know how many friends you got. He know you why, that's why y'all out on this date. So now, on our first date was at his house and we had grill steaks and a lot of one. They'll kill me when women go over man house and they get a steak and they think that's high end. It's just food, that's all it is. It's just a damn piece of me. We had grill steaks. You. The only person that balls is steak in the croc pot is surely Strawberry. The rest of us grialized steaks, so that ain't nothing new. And you had a lot of wine and a lot of great conversation. He told me off front he wants to be married, but he wants an option to have more than one woman in his life. This is okay with me. Then here's the line that sets it off. I love women too, So we had that in common. That ain't nothing to have in coming throughout our relationship. We have had six different girls in our bed. I submit to him in bed and do whatever he tells me to do, and it drives him wild. You drive anybody wild, hell if you do everything I tell you to do. Here who ain't fit to go wild for that. I can't even get my wife to watch the damn same TV show I want to watch. Hell yeah, that'll drive me wild. Try that on. We've been to now here's the other part. We've been to counseling together because his last girlfriend got jealous and flipped out on him, so he thought it would help me. Here's my problem though. What Wait a minute, y'all went to counseling because his last girlfriend flipped out on him and he thought counseling would help you. What kind of swinger counselor he going to to help y'all get through this? Right? Here? Here's the other part. My mother and I are very close, so she's aware of what's going on in my relationship. Wait, man, Holder, you told your mamma. You told your mamma that she doesn't condone it, and she told me that if my boy boyfriend proposes, she would be out of my life for good. I told her, I can't believe this is my life with such a handsome man, caring, an open man. I may never find another man that I'm discompatible with. Why is my mother being so judgmentally? Why is she forcing me to make such a choice. Wait a minutelo later. All this craziness in this damn letter, and you're worried about why your mama being judgmental. You don't see the craziness in this letter. The six girls in y'all's bed, this anniversary trip, y'all going on? Where you think he fitting and proposed, proposed to you for what? Let me ask you a question, why would he marry you when he getting everything he won't from you? What's to marry? He'd had six different girls in y'all's bed, he told you to beginning. He wants to getting married. He loved to getting married one day, but he wants a woman in his life. That's okay with him having other women. He didn't say he wanted to marry you. Once again, he is a woman plugging herself into the equation. He did not say he wanted to marry you. And even if you do get married, what are y'all's vows for? Yeah? To cleave only unto her? Which which one of these vials y'all want to break first to love and honor? Which one you want to break first? For better off? For worst? Y'all already in the worst relationship you can be in. So all you can do is get married and hope it get better. Marry him for what? What is the you? What do you need? A holy match? Um, a ceremony for to bless what? Married? For what? Girl? You're crazy for your mama don't want to talk to you no more, and don't write us no more. Egan, Are all right? Thank you? Steve. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hours Sports Talk with Junior Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right time now for Junior in Sports Talk. Junior, what you got? Oh? First of all, we gotta say congratulations to Big Poppy for making it to the describing of the Hall of Fame in baseball. But there was some sad news. Man. My heart goes out to Barry Bonds this morning. Man, he's no longer on the ballot. That was his tenth and final time. He will not really yeah, man, he has a one more shot at it. And let's go through a committee, the Golden Age Committee, who will have to be the ones that select him into the Hall of Fame. But it was age committee. Say yeah, to yourself, you know what that means. You know what that old, old as white man. That's the Writers Association for years. Yeah, damn, the former slave owner. And I don't understand this man because just look at his resume and you tell me he don't deserve to be in the Fourteen time All Star, seven time Natural League MVP, eight time Glow Gold Glove of Winning, twelve times Silver Slugger Or Winner. That means he had the highest bat average for the season, career Major League Baseball home run leader with seven hundred and sixty two, career Major League Baseball walks leader with two thousand and five hundred and fifty eight walks, and the single season home run leader with seventy three. And he's the only player with five hundred home runs and five hundred stolen bases, the only player with that can't even get into the Hall of Fame. And this is like kind of hypocritical to me because when he was hitting all these home runs, how much money was Baseball making them? See see they use him for that, But when it comes time for him to get into the Hall of Fame. Hey, man, you already a Hall of fame in my eyes, man, and you already in there. They're talking, they're doing all of this because they're talking about his steroid us. The majority of this was ever before the notion of steroids are bought up. Absolutely, and these people are the most hypocritical. Pete Rose should be allowed back in baseball. Pete Rose should be in the Hall of Fame. Absolutely. He's banned for base It doesn't make any sense because he bettered on baseball game all the games he betted on. He's betting on this self. Some other people who was on the final ballot, Roger Clemens, that was his final year on the ballot. He didn't get in. He only had sixty five percent of the vote. You need seventy five to get in. Kurt Schilling, he was on his final year of the ballot. He won't be getting in. And Sammy Sosa his final year of the ballot, he really had eighteen point five percent of the vote. He will not be getting in as well. Alex Rodriguez didn't get in either. So I don't know how they're gonna change this something, man, But I feel for your baring well. Sammy Sosa. Sammy Sosa can reapply, he can go in as into white Man. He has mane Man. Thank you Steve for that laugh. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about changing for your significant other. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kanye West and his new girlfriend Julia Fox made their red carpet debut as a couple in fashion week. At Fashion Week in Paris. They were wearing matcham Denham outfits. It just screams Kanye. Uh. They were later spotted wearing matching leather outfits. So here's today's question. Have you ever changed your look for a significant other? Uh? And what else have you changed about yourself because of a partner? And do you like this change or d you regret this change? You're happy with the fact that you changed or what? So? Have you changed your look for someone? Have I ever changed my look for a significant other? I mean dressing wise, you know whatever it might be. Marjorie. Hell, yeah, she changed you. All the damn changes you haven't seen. It's causing hell damn, what the hell you think? I'm sitting around somewhere thinking it is she got me out in big suits and you're happy about that. Do you regret it or are you happy about it? No? Hell no. Sometimes you need somebody to help you see yourself different. Yeah. See, let's let me let me just say this, like like like Sammy Sosa, Sammy Sosa has been denied entry into the Hall of Fame. Somebody talked to Sammy and got him to change his look. So even though this is Sammy Sosa's final year on the ballot, all Sammy got to do is use them same stats and we submit his photos so they can see that he white. Now Sammy can get in and he's that breaking the color barrier, that historical. Yeah all right, so what about quick calling yourself Sammy and call yourself Samuel because they liked beers. Samuel Adams is a very powerble that folks love beers. So if you change your name to Samuel, yeah, go ahead. Sh What about you, Tommy, Tommy, you go first. Have you changed or a significant other or your wife? Yeah yeah, I'll change what you might not be your style or your ward. Yeah, just just slow down, chill line, don't argue, quit tripping. I'll be on chill. I'll be on now, go outside and screamed to the to the to the to the to the to the moon. I screamed loud outside. But you are better, you're on back inside. It ain't that happened because you were such a honey. I mean, Reddy said, I used. I just used to you know, if I just if I felt like I was right, I needed it to be known. Now if I know I'm right, you're right. But going outside. Shut up your theory that you're saying on that you can be right or what you Listen to me, there's rude number one of marriage. You can be happy or you can be right. You want every day fellas, you get to pick which one you wants to be every day and go head on in that trap to be right going in. That's your stupid ass going. Junior. You don't know nothing about this, but it's coming Yeah, it's coming up. But are you learning anything? Junior? Oh, I'm learning a lot with this combo? Yeah? Yeah, what what have you learned today? Well? You know, I'm just damn being right. If the coff it doesn't, it absolutely does nothing, It does nothing. Right, who cares? Right? I mean, you could tell junior, Junior might be going through something because all you gotta do is watch his move swings. Look at him now, eyes hand shut. Very different from the other day in a chair rocket right now? Are you going through something? Not holding yourself folding? See see that's that sharp to Now are you going through something now? Tried to snap itself out of it? Now? All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up to twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, guys, Carla is here with music News. What you got today, Carla, it was never a question that the Super Bowl halftime show was going to be epic when it was announced Doctor dre eminem Snoop Dog, Mary J. Blige, and Kendrick Lamar all performing. Who's gonna be really, really, really off the chain? Have you guys seen the trailer for the tease for it? It looks really really good. And also Pepsi has teamed up with director we all know f Gary Gray. He's going to create this commercial call The Call. Actually it's called The Call, and it shines a light on each of them and their impact to the music industry. So I'll be interested to see that this is gonna be a huge halftime show for the super Bowl going down. Tommy just reminded us February thirteenth Valentine's Day weekend, so we will be watching and more music news quickly. Janet Jackson her documentary airs this weekend on Lifetime, and I think it's yeah, this weekend, two part documentary, and I'm side note. I'm gonna be listening to all Janet all weekends. Jackson. If you're nasty, I got a download. Yes, it's gonna be a Janet weekend, huge Janet Jackson fans. So I'll be watching that as well. And that's your music news right there. We're all a part of Rhythm Nation. Carlos, thank you. Up Coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll play a round of would you rather with the fellas right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey runing show, and it's time now to play around of would you rather? Let's just jump right in, would you rather have the details of your financial life or your love life made public? M show y'all this money? Oh yeah, yeah, we're gonna we're going on these banks. I don't see your thing m hm serve and the quiet one, the rich man. Would you who's very quiet? Would you rather have the details of your financial life or of your love life be made public? Yeah, and we're waiting deep breathing jump you tell people jump either way? Yeah you do? Wait what it don't matter, you don't really matter. Or go to prison for four years. It's that option. No, there's no sis you're willing to go to prison deep block anyway. So I probably had to go on do the money. Yeah, yeah, I had to go and show the money. What huh? Why we don't ask y'all. Why we don't ask y'all these questions? Okay, because it's for the comedians on it. Yeah, okay, that's why I wouldn't you know nothing about me? I want to ask what he going over it in? Where to pay his canteen? And look at this on the row. You'll be a shock. See where was y'all have your finances? Yeah? Yeah, next next quarter? Oh, we're getting out of this one. Okay. Would you rather would you? I'd rather know these questions ahead attack? Would you rather eat pizza or ice cream as the only food for eternity? Which one pick? One would rather eat pizza pizzazza. I love ice cream and I'm topping yeahs as soon as I get up in the morning, I got to eat some damn ice cream. Running out of flavor rich or something. All right, thanks guys. That's today's edition of Would You Rather? Coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour. It is our last break of the day, and of course we will have some closing remarks from our fearlessly fearless leader, the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to the show, all right, here we are, guys, last break of the day on this Thursday. Wow time, it's fine, yea, yeah, it was about to be February in a minute, almost right, And of course black history. You know what, Let me ask you a question. I was thinking about this to encourage people. I wanted to say this to you in closing. The right time is now. That's the subject. The right time is now? Are you waiting for Do you know how many people never start the pursuit of their dreams and the pursuit of their happiness because they keep waiting on the right time. Well, I have news for you. The right time is now. If you're waiting on all the ducks to get lined up in the row, if you're waiting all the stars to align themselves, if you're waiting on the tide to come in, if you're waiting on them the right set of circumstances, if you're waiting on everybody to say the right thing, if you're trying to get confirmation from all the people in your circle, you're never gonna start. It's never gonna happen. If you're waiting until the time is perfect, you're not gonna get there. The perfect time is now. See now starts the process. Every time you delay the start of the process, you move back another opportunity. Because the opportunity is in front of you, is today and is now, a big part of people not succeeding, though, is not only do they want the timing to be right and the right time to everything to be lining up, but they also want to know the way all the way to the end. That's not how this works. If you make one step, he'll make two. But you first have to make a step. You gotta do something. Some of these steps are time consuming. You don't just take a step and then another step and they come right back to back to back. You're gonna have challenges and setbacks and delays along the way, but you gotta keep making steps. You're gonna fall along the way, but you gotta get back up and gotta keep making steps. You're gonna get it wrong sometime, but you gotta get back up and keep making steps. You're gonna go off in the wrong direction sometimes, but you gotta turn around, come back, retreat your steps, and get on the right path. But the time to do it is now. As long as you're delaying it, man, all you're doing is blowing it. You're blowing it. Because once, once the devil realizes and sees the way to get you to procrastinate, he gonna present it in all types of angles for you. He gonna he gonna put it in all shapes and forms. If it just takes that to throw you off course, to keep it from starting, he'll keep presenting that opportunity, and he'll repackage it over and over and over and over, because his one job is to make sure that you never accomplish what God created you to be. That's his job is to rob you of your destiny. Y'all, stop doing it to yourselves. It's twenty twenty two. You got to start, You got to go forward. The time is now. Stop waiting on it to line up. It's not going to line up. It doesn't line up like that. That's not how it works. Making the decision to be successful is hard because it's gonna require you to do some things that take you out of your comfort zone. But that's where your success is. Success is outside of the comfort zone. If you stay in your comfort zone, I'm telling you, that's where you're going to fail. Keep being comfortable, you're gonna fail right there. Keep making sure that everything feel good to you. You're gonna fail right there. Keep on making sure you don't stress yourself out, and you don't put yourself in you don't take no chance, and you don't put yourself under no undue pressure. Make sure you don't take no unnecessary risk. Keep on. You're gonna fail right there. Stop doing that to yourself. Stop going back to the thing that you always comfortable with. Most people can't move forward because they keep going back to where they was comfortable. I know people, man that's talking about moving forward with their life, but they can't move forward their life because they keep going backwards. I'm gonna move back over here. I could afford this one over here. I'm gonna move over here. I could afford that over there. Go somewhere that's uncomfortable. Gone over there. Yeah it costs more out there, but go over there. Yeah. Yeah, it's gonna put you on the little bit of stress over there, But gone over there. You might find out you can handle it. You might find out that you got enough to be able to do. Man. See now you're pushing me now, because now I gotta tell you something. God don't take you nowhere. He don't equip you to be. He just don't do that to you. But a lot of great things is calling you. But you thank you not equipped. God don't take you nowhere. He don't equip you to be. Let go, man, let go of your pass so you can go get your future quick. Moving back over here, because I know that people over here, because it's comfortable over there's more affordable over there. Affordable. Okay, keep on because I'm telling you right now, it costs no matter where you go. It cost to move forward, and it costs to move backwards. I'd rather pay the costs to moving forward than to keep paying the costs of moving backwards, because to move backwards, guess where it costs you? Now everything you've turned up until this point, and you can't keep getting it back. Y'all. Stop waiting on the right time. Stop expecting your ducks to line up in the row. The right time is now. What are you waiting for? You can't build the future dabbling in your paths. Stop it, have faith, move forward, Talk to God about it, put it in God's hand, and go see what God got for you in twenty twenty two. Those are my closes remarks. Oh we'll see y'all tomorrow. Y'all have a googling. Okay, hey, look, talk to God. He loves it here for you. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.