Good morning, today we open the show and shout out all the school workers. Uncle Steve is in Botswana today working with the President of Botswana to bridge the gap between African Americans and Africans. The Rock married his longtime girlfriend. Congrats to The People's Champ! Steve updates us on the biggest and baddest Sand and Soul yet. Our POTUS may have the street outside of Trump Tower named after him. Today is National Radio Day and the crew share their fondest memories in the business. We are The Baddest Radio Show in the Land! Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks about the reality of changing your environment in order to grow and much more!
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back the back down, giving them move like the million buck things in Its good it, Steve ha listen to the movie together for study. I don't join join you doing me? Honey. You gotta turning them you want to, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn them out to turn the water the water. Got me. Come come on your fab uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay. I want to share something with you that I had to come to the realization one time, and even in the reinvention of myself right now, I've had to come to that and I want to share it with you today. Give it to you. I want to tell you about something that a lot of people do in their life and I want you to be aware of it. Here it is, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know I said, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know. The reason I'm saying this is because people have a tendency to once they make a decision about something, or once they decide to go a certain path, they go against all everything, anything anybody says, anything anybody might do, any other ruling they may come across. They shun advice, They don't listen to counsel. They just I made the decision. I'm gonna do it anyway. Don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong, you know. Now here's a surefire way to tell if you're wrong. If you don't see any movement in the direction you've chosen, if you don't see anything going right in that decision, if you feel as though you're interrupt if the wall you're climbing seems so insurmountable that you ain't even moving an inch, and every time you turn around you keep getting knocked by down, knocked back down. Don't get stuck on yourself. You know you could be wrong. You know. See, that's why it's important for people to always be open to the reinvention of yourself. You know, you cannot be afraid to reinvent yourself. In other words, you can't be afraid to change. Change is necessary when it comes to growth. There is no growth without change. The more you know, the older you look. That is no growth without change. If you're heading in a direction, it ain't nothing going right in your life. Could be the wrong direction. If you're climbing and you're making no headway, could it be the wrong direction? Could you have possibly made the wrong choice. Don't get stuck on yourself because you never made the wrong stuff. It's okay to forgive yourself. It's okay to let yourself off the hook. It's even smarter sometimes to admit that you were wrong. You ever met somebody ain't ever wrong. Have you ever met somebody you talk to, They ain't ever wrong about nothing. Man, They just it's their way or the highway. It's this is my way, this is the I know people like that, stuck on them powered trips and all like that. You know what I had to learn how to do. I had to learn how to let them go on them power trips. But listen to this. Though you're not taking me on that trip. Though you're going on that trip by yourself, I'm going in the right direction. I've decided to stop the way. Okay, listen to this person. This person, I decided to stop doing business the way I was doing business. I decided to stop, to allow business being done around me the way business was being done around me. You know what, you know, the best decision I made was to allow for God to have some say so and to offer me his direction. I have found him to be a better driver than anyone else I know. I have found him to know more about the man he made than anybody else who's merely associating with me. I have found it to be a fact that my maker knows more about the vehicle he created than does anybody else. If you if your Chevy break, don't you take it to Chevy. You don't take your Forward when it break down to a Toyota dealership. They not gonna know everything that the Forward dealership would know about the vehicle. You know why, because they're not the main of it. So now, why are you living? You letting your life being led, controlled and guided by somebody other than your maker. I'm just asking you to let's all take a common sense look at this. So if going to your maker's the best way, the best decision I made in my business was take over my brand myself, and to allow the maker of this brand see without God, I'm none of this. I'm none of this. I want you to clearly understand. I ain't none of this without him. I wish I could have the guts to reach back there and pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished in my life. I wish I had the guts. I wish the nerve of me because I know for or fact that there is no way that I could have manufacted the life that I have. I could not even have thought of it. It's no way I could have told you that this was the route I was gonna take and this is the outcome because of it. I had no idea, no clue. The one thing I had, though, was an unshakable faith in God. I had an I just kept believing in him. I kept believing that he had something more for me. And then when I touched base with him and asked him to show me what it is what he had for me, Tada, the magic show began. Because you know what he did. He took all my natural abilities that he had given to me. This gift that he gave me, that he poured into me at birth, that same gift that he poured into you at birth. The moment you go to him and let him show you that gift and then guess what. Once he takes what he naturally put in you and put his super his superpowers on top of that, then you have some supernatural things going on in your life, and you may not be feeling me. I'm cool with that, but I didn't have some supernatural things happen to me. Every day I wake up some supernatural the man, the rewards of my life, the awards of my life, the accomplishments, the how I'm working, the how I manage it all, all that ain't none but God. That ain't nothing but God. You can't even explain this schedule to people. Sometimes when people ask me, Steve, how do you do it? I go, well, it's what I manage my time. Then at the end of when I get through, I say, hey, man, you know what I need to tell y'all for real, it's God. I don't really know, but I'm letting him manage me. So he handling it. He ain't gonna put no more of it than I can bear. Listen to me, y'all, don't be afraid to reinvent yourself and remember this. Don't get stuck on yourself because you could be wrong. You know, you absolutely could be wrong. If you don't tie this to your gift, you will be struggling the rest of your life. You're listening to it's that time. It's that time. Wake up, everybody. This is the one and only the legend the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. This show right here goes out to everybody that works in the school system, the bus drivers, the school teachers, the cafeteria workers, the custodio workers, everybody that works at the school, the coaches, everybody. Big ups to everybody back at school. I'm so glad it has started. So glad my kids leave every morning. I get my day back with my wife. I just love it so much. And they get to go learn something. It's a beautiful thing. Yes it is. Shirley Shawberry, Good morning to you. Good morning, nephew. What's up. What's happening? What's happening, nephew, what's going on? It's all right, all right? And the junior boy in the building. Morning everybody, morning, everybody, everybody, good junior, Let's get to it. Shirley, Tommy, where's your where where's your uncle? I know, damn, my uncle is in Africa. Uh huh. I've been asking when he was gonna get the Wakanda. He don't know where that's at, so it's an imaginary place in the movie. Yeah what there were people in Wakandada forever. Thank you, thank you, Junior. They had a flight to Wakan. You're drinking the crew lights. Okay, that whole thing on the side of the wall that took place. You don't think what kind it's a movie thing fulk Okay, But anyway, my uncle is in. Let me make something sence right by Swanna Africa. That's Rightwa Africa. So we will be in a minute going live talking to the legend, the one on missus Steve Are we live in Botswana, Africa. That's exciting right there. That's exciting, I mean really major. And he's got some some good information he's supposed to deliver to us. So I'm excited about it. Okay, all right, well, I can't wait to get to it. We got a big show. I mean you heard it. Uh, Steve live from Botswana, Africa. We're over here in America. President he leave when he leaved by Swanna shirt huh, I'm sending him to Hua Kanda. Such were you start you're just riding at all right, he's gonna check in time and you take to him. He's getting ready call us. I've talked to him. He gonna call us in the next five six minutes. We'll be talking to him X. When we come back, we will be talking to the one and only. All right, Well, we got a great show. Great, Yeah, we got an incredible show. We're going lived. How many people even know go lie to bout Swanna every day? I don't know anyone, nobody. I had to look it up. See Wents's that's the bottom. Yeah, up south after Oh okay, all right, all right, well, so we got a great show planned. As I was saying, we're gonna find out what our crazy president is doing. Hey, the Rock got married over the weekend. Yes, Reverend Al have you seen his viral video? Have you seen the viral video from Reverend Al Sharpton dancing all over the place. We got a great show. Yeah, you gotta see this. Yeah, he can dance, he can dance, he can dance. All right, All that's coming up and really coming up. Steve Harvey live from Botswana at thirty two after the hour when we come back right after this you're listening to show. Good morning everybody, Good morning, Good morning, good morning. What's up man? Now listen to me. I'm calling here from Botany. Yesterday. Yesterday I started on my African journey. I was in Ghana and I was broadcasting from Ghana yesterday. But to day I'm in Bwana by so here we go. So right now it's around news here the le afternoons in Africa. In boswanas okay. So if you're on the east coast, I know at six, if you're on the West coast, it's six. Don't wear about it. It's six something. It's swells. So I've been up and already because I had to get my day started early. I went in and I toured Boswana TV stations, I toured by Twana radio stations. And I'm about to go and meet with the head of Tourism. The reason I'm telling you this and I don't know how this meeting is gonna go. I have some ideas and agenda of what we'll be talking about. But one of the great things is I'm over here and was invited over here by the President to come over here to discuss bridging the gap between African Americans and african Wait a minute, say that again. Hold on, what is major you're doing? What I'm over here as a person that they invited to help bridge the gap between African Americans and Africans because we are the same people. See what they try to get across to everybody. If you're from Jamaica, you're Africans. If you're from Haiti, you're African. If you're from Saint Thomas, you're African. If you're from Cleveland, you African. If you're from Georgia, you African. You was born in La you African. You have to understand the connection. And they don't want any longer to be considered two different people. And just as we fought to be called African Americans, they are over here just Africans. But they love us so much. They want the time to be strong. And it started with the President of Ghana when he started the initiative the four hundred year Return, everybody returning back to Africa after, you know, to celebrate, well not to celebrate, but too you know, so you know, the four hundred years to commemorate when the first slave left the continent and the mission of that whole initiative is to bring about such an awareness so that this never ever ever happens against the atrocities that were perpetrated us. For me to walk into those slave castles and those dungeons and see what they did to us, for what they did to us was unthinkable. I've never fiend evilness perpetrated against the people like that before, not at this level and for this list the time. This went on for four hundred years. Look, there were a lot of atrocities in this world, but I'm telling you the one that was perpetrated against Africas lasted for four hundred years, and so far this can never ever happen again. So what they want it's the connection to be more genuine, more real, more permanent. They want to get people to come back and see where they're from, to feel where you're from, to come back home. This is your land, and they want you to identify with this land. So I'm over here Tourism board. I'll be meeting with I have a meeting with the President. I've already toured the TV and the radio studios, and so now I'm going to this meeting and I'm gonna let you all know what we're doing over here. And how we can start the additiative. But it's just been enlightening. Is powerful. It's incredible to be so many, to see so many people like ourselves in powerful positions. It's it's it's such a great thing, man, It's really emotional. I'm feel excited about being this. Hold On, hold on, hold on, hold on. Do they know anything about me yet? Have you told them about timing all of that? He said, I told who about Tommy? The people in Africa like prank Cole. Do they know anything about me? Huh? Have you been listening to anything? I said, Yeah, you did. I mean you sound like we're friend to move over there, and that's cool, but I want them to know who I am for. I get over that. Hey, dog, just ain't about just you. I'm talking to a whole nation of people. I'm dog, there's a whole continent over you. Yeah right, but dude, a continent. No, your nephew. He hasn't heard anything you said, obviously said, oh your table, Yeah yeah, yeah he did. Yeah. I don't think so. I don't think I heard everything you. I'm listening to you, but you didn't say anything about me and them. But Tommy, Steve is on the move right now. He's going from place to place right now, right, And if you're friend to go into a meeting, then you need to bring me up when you're into meeting. Steven. Right, all right, I gotta ask you something when we come back. Uh, that nephew of yours. Uh, we're coming back. Steve's in Africa. He's in Botswana. Ladies and gentlemen, all right, wow, how exciting is this? All right? Nephew, bring back. You gotta frank for us coming up right after this you're listening to coming up next, the nephew, it's gonna run that prank back. But don't forget. Steve Harvey is standing by All Morning Live from Botswana, Africa. You heard me, Botswana, Africa, the Motherland. We'll talk to Steve Harvey and we'll also do some entertainment news. Dwayne the Rock Johnson is married now. Broke a lot of hearts with that. And the viral video that's taken the nation by storm, Reverend Al Sharpton dancing as he celebrates Harlem Wick. That's gone viral. But the nephew, what do you have for us today? As you run that prank back? I have toe truck driver, Toe truck driver, why do you see bouba? Oh, I can do it? You know what the toe truck dru? All right, let's run a cat dog toe truck drib and toe is tw not t oe, No, it's to ain't it? The toe ain't? Nobody told nobody big toe? What is wrong with you? Poe L t w You know what I'm talking about? When to put that truck right behind it? Though? And nobody said toe foot driver, it's told truck drive, y'all? So problem held truck drove. Come on, kid, Candy, man, they didn't blew out the whole electrical system in the old Hello. Hello, I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying to find Candy. Who is this? It's canny man. Okay you you are you the guy with the toe truck. You're you're the toe truck driver and that trucking. Okay, Hey man, you jump started my girl's car three days ago and blew the old electrical system out. Man, I did hold on, hold on, let me get back to my truck. You said, I did what man? You do jump people's vehicles when they when they got to stall vehicle, don't you wow? That's what I do. I jumped vehicles. Yes, okay, so you actually did my girl's car about three days ago. Man, you just started her car. But now when you you over jumped it, it's what you did. Okay. You didn't blow out the whole electrical system in the old car, the dad board, everything is just completely out. And they tell about this's gonna be my fifteen hundred dollars to get fifty I'm sorry now, who was this name? My name kimnop Man, But you mud ceiler man? You jump thoughted, you over jumped hard car. Well just wait, wait a minute, Cannada, there's no such thing as over jumping a car. You can't over jump a car, man. Man, let me tell you a couch now, whoever told you that? Just now? That's just hey. Let me tell you something. Man. You overjump my girl's car, okay, and you blew out up a car? We do you mean you can? That's what you did. Man. You didn't blow out the entire electrical system, the entire dad's board. It's completely dead. The people at the dealership saying it's gonna take fifteen hundred dollars to get this thing backed up and run it. Well, he may want to take a coupwe there because they're trying to rip you off. There's no such There ain't no such things over jumping a car and blow And if she drove off that day, then she should be fine. I've jumped plenty of cars. I jumped cars all day long. People always need to jump I no one, I've never overjumped it. Look, you overjumped this car, okay, and that's the reason why it's completely shut down. All the fuses have blown out, everything is completely dead. You overjumped the car. And now it's the fifteen hundred dollars. And the reason why I'm calling you is you should be the person paying for this. No, no, hell, no, no, now that's sure ain't gonna happen. I'm not gonna pay for something I didn't do. You did it. You don't one overjumped it, man, You overjumped the car. I don't over jumped cars. Now that and now wait a minute, now, wait, just one it. Man. Man, I'm not gonna argue with you that jumped cars all the time, and you mean to tell me I overjumped your you you're a no. Oh you know what you're gonna get you. Well, if I don't get this fifteen hundred dollars, I'm sorry you said what You're gonna get your whoop? If I don't get this fifteen hundred dollars to take care of this whole car and the whole electrical system. Well, I tell you what. I'm over here on Martin Luther King right now. Name you're talking about whooping somebody? You bring it tone over here Now, I don't owd jumping cars, and I'm gonna hold you know money is you only fifteen hundad dollars? You cut your son of the you owe me pile hold you. So let me tell you something. You'll be in for a long day. I will take this toe truck and ramman straight up your and I'm not playing with you now, I don't. I well, don't talk to people like this, and I should have held don't appreciate it when someone talks to me like that. Whooping. You gotta let it. You know what, You're gonna mess around and get your little cold truck told off something. That's what's gonna want what and you're gonna get you whoop in the mix to all of this. Man, let me tell you something I need this fifteen hundred dollars today offs formorrow so I can get my girl costec. I don't howe you whether that I jumped this car off and because that's exactly where I meet. Yet you you drop my girl call off at her job. She was downtown at her job. What street? Because I'm down there a lot. I don't know one streeted ill, but she see word downtown. See that's your problem. You're such a dumber. She don't even know what you treat its tone and you know I don't want you fifteen hundred dollars. You are crazy, And then let me. I'm fifteen hunter. I'm gonna get this fifteen hundred out you. Now you're gonna make a decision on which one you want to do. If you're gonna bring me the fifteen hundreds today or tomorrow, how you'll whooped? You got your five o'clock tomorrow, son, you ain't gotta wait on tomorrow. I made my decision right now. I ain't gonna happen. I ain't ever gonna happen. I don't owe you. And if you can get it out of my son, you can have it. But I met you this much, you bet it fact lunch. It's gonna be a lone mine for you, buddy. I don't care how long it's gonna be. You're gonna get a fifteen hundred dollars woman, that's what you're gonna get. Candy or candy man. You're gonna play. You're gonna play the fifteen hundred dollars. You call me what you want to call me, son, but I tell you that half who you'll call me something else? You country. Listen, Son, I've gotta go. I got work to do. I've got somebody outside rate waiting on me right now to hook up their car. I ain't got time to be arguing with you, sir, all right now, if you really want to find me, you really want to find candy man, everybody out there knows how to find me, you understand me. So if you really want that fifteen hundred dollars, son, you come and get it. But I ain't got tied to be sitting here arguing with you all today. I got work to do. I gotta get back out of this truck. I got one more thing I need to tell you, and I want you to put this in your mind. Good and strong are you living I'm gonna listening to your son long with you ain't gonna say about me giving you fifteen hundred dollars. I'll tell you what I want to tell you this. This is nephew tom Me from the Steve Harby Morning to show you just got franked by another record driver named you know what, that senile. That's so you know what. You're listening to this because I owe you a fifteen hundred dollars. So come on now, get a prank of Sonet the Franks late king of pranks you carry for you Ranks. Did you just ask your uncle Steve is standing by in Africa? Did you ask him if he could prank? So? What did he say? He's gonna let you know, you know, just you know, act like he don't hear what I'm saying, you know, But that's all he was. I will prank a king in Africa. It will happen. He was embarrassed, slash hating a little bit, wasn't he Never he will get he will? Uh huh. I heard it in his voice. I'm a king too, all right, John, We'll talk more with Steve Live from Botswana, Africa. Also coming up at the top of the hour entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve Harvey is live from Botswana, Africa. We're gonna talk to him in just a few He's doing big things over there, trying to bring people together, which is what he does. Really, we'll talk to him, hang on, Steve. Uh. First we have to tell you that we have a brand new family member. And what a day for this right from Atlantic City. Please welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, this is big two right here, ninety six point one wtth, South Jersey's new home for what the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, that's right. Welcome to the family. Welcome to the family. Atlantic City. Yeah, Atlantic City, I've been there one nice. Yeah, thank you? Yeah yeah, nice. Yes, So we love you. Join the family. We appreciate you and thank you. All right, let's get to it and today's entertainment news. The Rock got married. That's right, Dwayne Johnson, the mega movie star and all of his fineness is now off the market. Ladies, why you just can't say the Rock got married? You ain't got so fine to sit there, because the ladies know what I'm talking about. This this has nothing to do with you, Junior. Nothing. I cannot believe anyway. He finally exchanged vows. The Rock did with his longtime girlfriend, Lauren hashane Uh in Hawaii. The two have been together since two thousand and seven and have two young daughters. The Rock also has an eighteen year old daughter with his ex wife. And Wow, Tommy, I'm gonna ask you this since since you're married on the show, any marital advice for the Rock. I try to do with the straight you know, you know, hey, Hey, I can handle it. You know, I'm ready to love. I'm always ready to love. I like the way right there, you see that transition right What the Rock has to do. The Rock has to make sure that he puts a lot of effort in making sure that his beautiful, lovely wife is happy. You want to come home, you want to do some things for her her, You want to take the load off of her sometimes. But you know, when you're a millionnailo Rock, she shouldn't have a load on her hands. But make sure that you are present in her life and giving her everything, giving her all her flowers. Right now, that's what the Rock needs. Who is who is this? Who is this. Yeah, excuse me, Thomas, I'm shocked. Yeah, sho no, because it made sense. Yeah, you know, come come home sometimes, even though you got the money for a chef and all that time, you don't come home with me. Throw that Throw that apron on rock and cook for your beautiful lady, your bride may sometimes this boy got a feed. Okay, I gotta ask because it's you when you put the apron on what do you have underneath it? I'm nothing? Okay, See it's Tommy. Don't be fooled. Don't let this fool taste fool you. It's Tammy hiding inside of Thomas. But but they just got married, so you know want you want that? Are the kids in the house, Well, they're young daughters. Yes, yes, a whole lot of babies. Their babies, the little babies. I'm trying to figure out how to put the apron on call if we're gonna happen. All right, Well, thanks for that advice. All right. Finally, listen, Reverend Al Sharpton was dancing in the streets of Harlem for Harlem Week. Uh. It was cute, It really was cute. Yeah, moves like that. He ain't always been a deacon of a Cloue. Okay, you always been a man, Cloe. Also, we got to give a huge shout out to our home station up there in New York one or seven point five WBLS celebrating the history, the culture, and the brilliance of all that is Harlem. All right, So, as we've been mentioning all morning, Steve is live from Botswana, Africa. He's calling in to tell us what he's doing over there. It's big. Just know that it is big. Okay, you're gonna want to stay, stick around and hear what he has to say live from Botswana, Africa. Before we get to Steve, we're gonna go to Mithan ladies and gentlemen, our very own and shrip. Okay. Wow, that's a nice introduction from far far away. Good morning everybody. This is entered for the news. It took five years talking about far away. But New York City Police Commissioner James O'Neill has fired Daniel Pantaleo. That's the cop involved on the show called Death of Eric Garner. Mister Garner was being arrested by several white officers for merely allegedly selling Lucy's or single cigarettes. Outside of a convenience store. His last words, I can't breathe, he said eleven times, became a rallying cry of the Black Lives movement, and despite a video of the incident and most recently a ruling by the NYPD departmental trial judge that stated that Pantalio was untruthful and should be bounced, the Commissioner made it clear that he still made his decision reluctantly. An officers choices and actions, even made under extreme pressure matter. It's unlikely that mister Garner thought he was in such poor health had a brief struggle with the police would cause his death. He should have decided to resisting arrest. But a man with family lost his life, and that is an irreversible tragedy, and a hard working police officer with the family, a man who took this job to do good, to make a difference in his home community, has now lost his chosen career. The unintended consequence of mister Garner's death must have a consequence of its own. Therefore, I agree with the Deputy Commissioner of Trials legal findings and recommendations. It is clear that Daniel Pantalaio can no longer effectively serve as a New York City Police officer, and he loses his pension. No real surprise. Rank and fal cops not happy. In fact, union president Patrick Lynch accuses the commissioner of putting politics over his officers. The police union vowing to appeal under New York City's civil service laws. The Garner family says they want all the officers involved to face charges. They're demanding to see the minutes from the Staten Island grand jury proceedings in Pantalio's criminal case to see if any of the other cops involved lied under oath. Reverend al Sharpton says that the community plans to lobby Albany lawmaker is also to formally outlaw the chokehole. Said, Pantalaedo shouldn't be fired. Well, if he should have been fired for chokehole, let's make a state law about chokehole. Eric Garner's mother, Gwen car says that Pantalio may have lost his job, but she lost her son. Meanwhile, the white man in Florida is being tried for manslaughter for shooting a young black man to death because the black man's girlfriend parked in a handicap parking space outside of a convenience store with her their kids inside the car. He went in to make a quick purchase and came out and confronted the guy because he was screaming at his girlfriend to get him away. The white man shot him to death and claimed he was standing his ground. He was indicted though, on manslaughter. Today. By the way, is National Rangatang Day. I think that's a chimp. Now back to the Steve Harvey won. That was to Steve over there. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm so excited. This is really exciting. Steve Harvey, our fearless leader, is on the phone with us live from Botswana, Africa. WHOA, that is a major right there. But the reason you're on this trip, Steve, you were telling us earlier, is because you're meeting with the officials there to help bridge the gap between Africans there and African Americans here, correct, right, because you know tourism it's big over here. The gaming lodges are huge over here in Botswana, and it's just it just troubles them that they don't see African Americans coming to partake in this and understand more about their culture and see the land that they're originally from. And so that's one of the initiatives and I was asked to come over here to look at that, along with look at some of the other things that they're doing over here with Botswana Television and with events and with Botwana Ray deal and things like that. If anything I could lend to them or advise them on, but a lot of it's with the Tourism Board. A lot of them is looking at their auditors and facilities. You know, they're just looking for ways to really grow this country and make it, uh, you know, just a known commodity. And they really just want African Americans to understand more about who they are. You know, it's like fifty two countries over here, two fifty four countries over here on it it's fifty two countries on the continent. It's massive, man to really understand what's happening here. You look at America, We're talking about thirty five million African Americans in the United States, thirty five millions in Nigeria. It's two hundred million Africans for us not to know more about ourselves. Yeah right, yeah, So Steve, let me stop you right there. I gotta ask you why you? How did they I mean, I know we joke a lot about you being international, but how did they find you? And why you to do this? This is greatness? But why you? Well? I received an award in uh To Bye earlier this year, like in March or something like that. I received this global awards called the Links Award, and they gave this Links Award out to the most globally recognized person in television and media. And I hold it that person look on the radio on a TV. I got a social media presence. And you know, for a guy my age to have a social media presence that I got, it's like huge. You know. All right, Steve hold that thought. I hate to interrupt you because this is good, but we'll talk about this more at thirty four after I will take a short break and be right back right after this. You're listening Steves in Africa. He's in Botswana. Ladies and gentlemen, what were you saying about that? Over here? Over in Dubai. When I received the award, I met some people from Africa and they started saying, we have been wanting to find a way to reach you, and so we came over here to meet you, and they met. And then the next thing, you know, some things happening. I get introduced through some business associates of mine and I meet the president and I loved him. His name is President mcketzie, and I met him and we talked, and one thing led to another, and next thing I knew, I started getting some more phone calls, and then I got this invite. I told him I was on vacation. It was empty, and they said, well before you go home, could you come here? And then I was invited to go to the to commemorate the four hundred years of us leaving our homeland. And I stopped in Ghanna, UH and went to the slave castles, which I'm gonna talk about this at a later day, but it's one of the most emotional things I've ever done. I'll cover that in another time when I when I get back on the air and Uh, I got invited there and I went there and I met the President of Donna. Last night. When I was going to get on the plane, the President of Gonna said, I heard he's in my country. I want to meet him. Told me and my wife and three of my kids went and met the President, I got on the play, came to Botswana, and I started the morning off this way. So and that's that's really how it started. Your friends, So you've been at meetings and stuff all day, right and doing initiatives and all of this. Excuse me, Steve, we're trying to figure out what in the world is your nephew if you're talking about are you listening? I'm saying, I mean, you're doing a great thing. But if I'd have gave you a case of the prank CD, I could have passed to my all them kings over there, everybody could have been lame. And I mean, we're gonna have this connection and this bridge we're doing. I got to prank somebody over that. You really feel that you have. I feel like I should prank a king at least. Please get your nephew, Steve. I'm in bear. You know what, I'm pretty sure just ain't what they had in mind. You're right, but right now, what are you about to do? Right now? Steve? It's like one o'clock or what what about one thirty over there? Now? Now I'm going in After I did the tour this morning and I started to beat some of the top level people. So now I'm going in to meet with the in bas to of tourism. And when I come out of there, I'll give y'all a call back and I'll let you know what's going on, but i'd probably be in there for hours, sober. Let me get back to y'all and I give you a report what I'm doing. And we got some exciting stuff, and I think it's just gonna be some great stuff for us, because you know, I'm always thinking about my radio audience, man, and what what this could mean to you in terms of awareness and travel and things like that. And then speaking of travel, I'm gonna come back. I gotta mention saying and so because I gotta get you all to know what we've done, how we did it, how it's turned out. I got video footage, I got everything, because you know, we had to leave the dr So when I let me do this, let me go and see what time I got to go back in and I might be able to join you on the next break and let me bring you up to speed. And then I'm gonna come back and I'll tell you what I did with the ambassador. Al Right, Okaying about the King of Pranks. All right, Steve, thank you. This is wonderful live from Botswana. All right, well, we'll talk to you a little bit later this morning. Find out what you need to know and we'll get back. Wow, this is excellent. This is really good, Tummy. You need to be quiet. All right. Well, I mean he's sort of telling the truth. He didn't lie. He is the King of Pranks. We'll be back with the prank phone called King right after this. You're listening to the show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, a special one. We're gonna talk more with Steve live from Botswana, Africa. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nef, there is weed in the church Van. What I'm gonna say that one more time? I said there is weed and the church Vanow, let's not run over that. Let's go back to that one more time to go over just like, yeah, one more time? Hate him? Come on, kay, let me eat in the church. Vante. Hello, I'm trying to reach Dann brother brother Dan Dan Hello, Hello, because I see that I'm trying to read brother dare, Brother Dan oh, okay, yeah, this brother Scott from the church from Belt to Baptist. Hello, brother, yeah, I call you. I'm trying to get a little information about the church. Van. What's what's your schedule? Uh? Uh? Will you drive the church? And what's what's your schedule? I'd love it Wednesday, Fridays and Sundays. Okay? When then Friday, Sunday? Now Sunday? What what is that schedule? O? Sunday. I usually start about eight o'clock in the morning, probably a little earlier, depending on some of the elderly people that I had to go pick up and bring to the church. Make sure they get there okay, and get situated and make sure they're on time for the service and whatnot. Okay, and then you take them back home after service is over. Yes, I try to get all of them back home, unless they got family members or something that come up there and meet them up there and want to take them to Jenna or sun afterwards. But I usually get everybody back home okay. Okay. Now this class Sunday, which is part of the reason why I'm calling me. They saying that some of the church members that was on the band this Sunday. They are complaining saying that, um that the church band was smelling like weed when they got on there. Excuse me, they say the church van was spitting like weed when they got on there. And you are the person that was driving. No, no, no, no, no no no no, not not the van that that I'm driving. So I don't no, I don't. I ain't smoke weed, and no van, do you smoke weed? No, I don't smoke weed. I mean not Carly. I mean I have before, but I don't smoke weed now and I wouldn't smoke weed before picking Some people look to go to now where you carry it from? Who told you this? Well? All I knew is what what's coming down? The pipeline is? They saying that a couple of the members came complaining this just happened last week about this pipeline. I want to know who the pipeline is because just last week they came and me talking about that I was using the van to go places that I wanted to go to on my personal time. Now I don't do that. I don't do stuff like that. And now I have had a pass. I don't had a history. But I don't do stuff like that, and I wouldn't smoke no church fan. So are you seriously talking? What? What? What? What? We're trying to We're trying to get to the bottom of it and see what's going on with you. Sulderly person said, do you know which one? Don't they loved me? Every Sunday? Didn't people tell me they loved me? They say I'm one of the most respectful young gentlemen they've ever met in their life. And so I really find it hard to believe that you you you getting these type of complaints about me. Okay, what I'm saying like, oh, we I don't know what that means or nothing like that. Look, brothers, I don't know you too well, and I know you don't know leave. But I've been driving this vans as a point to try to change my life and where I come from. So this was with something that I wanted to volunteer even though I'm getting paid to give my time to do this for the church. And now this is like the second instance where y'all and came at me on some stuff about like I'm trying to do something with this van. Now, why would I disrespect the church van by smoking weed in it and then letting the weeds stay in there so other people could sell it. Okay, so let me ain't what we're gonna do. We're gonna go out here to the church. They had to say, we're gonna go out here today and open it up. Now, if we see any seeds or anything around the driver's seat, then that then then we're gonna We're gonna definitely uh a point, you gonna open the van up? Man, I was raising that church. Man, My mamma go to that church, my grandma. See you go to that church. See the reason we even all left that church. And you think I'm gonna mess up? They ain't by driving around in the band full of elderly people smoking some ill like we need blood. Dad, I don't know how to st the bad smell like weed, man, now I don't. I don't got the answers to these questions. I'm just trying to tell you that it wasn't me. Did you ask some weed in your pocket? It with your smelling. I ain't had no weed on me. Stop trying to say like I had weed on me and you ain't gonna get me nothing that I ha no, and we ain't had no weed on me. Okay, Now you ain't gonna miss up my name or my family's name in this church and disrespect us like this. Now, We've been helping this church for years, and I'm trying to tell you that I ain't riding around and no fans smoking no weed with no elderly people. Did you ask any of the elderly people if they had any weed on them? Uh? No, we did No. No, I didn't think about no elderly people having no weed. So you just assume it's me what one of them? Guy got coma or something? What? What? What? You know? What? You know? Who? I think? What? Did you know? Who I think the weed belonged to? Oh? Oh, I think I think the weed belonged and a few tim from the Steve Harvey Show. What man, damn, you just got preak. Oh my god, you just got preak to put in his name. His name is brother, Uh brother Lawrence, Lawrence ros Lawrence, Oh Larry Larry, but law Larry here in trouble with me? Van Man, I got one more thing that I got one more thing to ask you man, what is the saddest And I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man Steve Harvey Morning Man, go no rist Man going on the chill out the rest of the day. I tried, Man, I know I ain't gonna smoke no weed. We better not find anymore weed in the church van, all right. It was like you gotta hold to it fastor me for me. Never mean August thirty than thirty first later day weekend. But that's the blues and Jazz Supper Club. The Nephew is there back by popular Man. Two shows Friday, two Saturday. That would be some blues, that would be some jazz, that would be supper and there will will be laughter, all right, all right, but that's the blues and jazz back back by Papa the Man. Everybody said a man, Amen, Amen again and Amen one more time. Amen, Amen, all right, and then we're gonna move on later where we will be visiting Greenville, North Carolina. Hum well, that would be September the seventh in the Greenville Convention Center. Anybody yeah, is that a question? That would be comedy exploding in Greenville on September. That s having that big Greenville Convention Center. I want to thank you so kindly for those few moments. I want to preach today on I'm sorry, I'm sorry, no good. I want to hear this sermon. We want to preach your pastor, let's preach today on is good for the soul? One more time? One more time? Is good for the soul? What school do you go to when you preach it? When you come out sounding like that? Seminary school is that? I don't know what school is that. I want to take the time right now, Yes, come on to talk about me. Steve Harvey Morning Show. We wily be talking to him again from Bethanza. I'm sorry, not Bethanzamawa. That's right, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve uh live from Botswanna. So exciting you're over there in the Motherland. In case you're just joining us, Stevens doing big things, I mean big things, Steve, Why don't you tell us about it? Well, you know, I'm over here as a part of an initiative from the country about Swanna to bring about where en bridge the gap between Africans and African Americans because they as a part of the commemorative of the four hundred years slave trade. They never want this to happen again. That's the main focus. This can never ever happen again. So one of the main things they want to do is bring a closeness between us and them, which is really just us. We want to stop saying us and them. It's us they they They've made me really understand something. If you're Jamaican, you're African. Yeah. If you Hatian, you Africans. I'm telling you. If you Brazil, your Africans when you think that comes from And so all of us in the United States are Africans. That's why we fought so hard to be called African Americans, so we can identify without home. And other people get to go home to Italy and Croatia and they get to go home to Scotland and Ireland and go back home to the UK, and that's a beautiful thing. I should have that same beautiful thing. And so that's what they bought me over here to do. I'm going into some meetings later on today. I'll keep you abreast after what I'm doing, and it's just gonna be really positive for us. I reported them all in and just let you all know that I hate to cut you off, Steve, but in America. We still have to do the Strawberry letter. So up, hold up, hold up, check this out, check this out. Since I'm since I'm back at work. This is why I want y'all do. I want you all to play? And you know what it is. I ain't even got to set it up. Play one of them. I have about three hundred. Play one of my favorites, Strawberry Letters. Jeff for me, We got you, We got you. Yeah, all right, so listen. If you need some advice in relationship, ships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit to Strawberry Letter. Were ready, Steve? Were ready? All right, let's get buggle hold on, Tyke. We got it for you. It's a Strawberry letter subject thanks for having a child for my man, Dear Stephen Shirley. Let's just get right to it. Here's my dilemma. I'm a thirty eight year old woman and I've never wanted to have children. Five years ago, I was in a great relationship and we were talking about getting married. But he wanted children and I did not, So we mutually decided to end our relationship. We could not deny that we were still in love with each other. So two years after we broke up, we reconnected and have been seeing each other off and on since then. While we've been spending time together, he started a relationship with a new woman and they had a child together, and he couldn't be happy. He has told me that he wants to marry the woman so that his child will have the kind of upbringing he had with both parents present. I truly believe now that he has a son he wanted, he and I can get back together and get married. He tells me every day that he loves me, so why wouldn't he want to marry me instead of her? If I were an evil woman, I could end it all between him and this woman by telling her that I've been with him this entire time they've been together. I have lots of damaging proof that would definitely break them up. Even though I did not want to have children, I can help him raise his son. What do you think I should do? Don't I deserve to be happy too? Well, yeah, everyone deserves to be happy, but not this way. Okay, I just got to tell you that it looks like you're done. I mean You're just the side piece in this relationship. He has moved on from you to the woman he wants to marry. And guess what that woman is not you. He said he wanted to marry that woman and not you. You don't want to have children. He only has one child. How do you know he doesn't want to have more children. You didn't mention that in the letter? Did you you think he's one and done? Well, they're smart, she really smart. I didn't see that. Well, he may not. You know, he may want to have another one, and you still don't want children. So there is no future in this relationship with him. What you have with him is as good as it's going to get with again, you being the jump off. That's it. He told you he wanted to marry this new woman. He didn't or hasn't told you that he wanted to marry you lately, has he? So I suggest you ask you know, don't you deserve to be happy? What do you think you should do? Well? You need to get out of this situation because he wants to marry someone else and have you on the side, which is exactly what he's doing. Steve, Well, when we come back and we'll break it down a little bit further. I would really admire the point that you made, though this guy may want to have other children. Oh yeah, she doesn't see this. When I come back, though, I'm gonna tell you what's really bring it. Bring it up, all right, we'll have part two of Steve's response, uh coming, Yeah, I'm gonna let him have it too. Now, don't don't nobody be tight. Okay, okay, because I see you know this, you know, thanks for having a child for my man. Yeah, show your man exactly exactly what you don't see that? All right? Well again, Steve, you're gonna bring it with part two of your response coming up. Today's subject, thanks for having a child from my man. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter, thanks for having a child from my man. Well, I don't have to recap it because I didn't respond to it. But I'm just done. This woman had a relationship with this guy. She's thirty years old. She never wanted to have children. Five years ago. She was in a great relationship, talking about getting married, but he wanted kid She didn't, so y'all decided to end the relationship, but she still loved each other. So two years later, after y'all broke up, y'all reconnected and started seeing each other off and on. Since then, well, while we've been spending time together, he started relationship. See, while we were spending time together, he started relationship with a new woman. That's not true, sees. This is the first big lie in the letter. She thinks that for two years this dude was sitting somewhere sad and upset that they had broke up and wasn't involved with nobody, So she writes in the letter, because this is a self serving woman, while we were spending time together, he started a relationship with a new woman. No, he was in a relationship with the new woman. Then y'all started spending time together. They had a child together, and he couldn't be happier. He told me he wants to marry this woman so this child can have the kind of upbringing he had with both parents. President Now she believes that since you got son, he wanted down to be able to get back together and getting married. He tells me every day he loves me. Why wouldn't want to be with me. If I were even woman, I could end this whole thing. Blah blah blah. Even though I do not want to have children, I can help him raise his sons. What do you think I should do? I deserve to be happy to you will never be happy destroying someone else's Let's just start there. You're the most self serving person I've heard from in a long time. You are what's the word, it's narcissist. Yeah, it's the word. You just like the president. It's all about you. See. So now you didn't want to have children, but you think since he has a child, you can help him raise his son. You don't even want no damn keith right, So what's gonna make you the great mother? All of a sudden you still don't want kids, but now you think you're gonna turn into the super mom over the woman who had the baby? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? You're very self servant. You didn't want children, so you didn't want children, so you broke up. You couldn't say, you know what, we love each other enough, we should share a child. Now it's always about you. I don't want to hand no kids, so we break up. Two years later, y'all reconnect now here in a relationship, you can believe that ain't a man sitting on the sideline two years trying to get over no damn body. We get over women with women. Hello again, say Steve, we get over women with women sitting up in the house sucking the thumb because you're gonna we'll do that for a little while, but we're gonna take this thumbsucking and turn it into someone. Now. He wants the family, she said, he wants to marry this girl who had the baby because he wants the baby to have the same family he had grown up, both parents present. You don't give a damn about that. You want that to split up. Damn the ba again. You show exactly why you don't need children, because you want to take this opportunity for this child to have a family structure that this womanan wants to create with this woman because you want to just be here. So you want to break that up so you can help raise a child that you don't even want. You don't even want kids, but so you could be happy. You want to break it up. Now you say you could break them up because you got some evidence, pictures, text, all this hell, yeah, you could do that, you could break them up. But let me ask you a question. You don't think that he'll remember that. You don't think that when y'all sitting around having a couple of arguments. You don't think that when y'all sitting up trying to make these bills work. You don't think when real life kicking, when the honeymoon section is over. You don't think he gonna remember the fact that you sent some pictures that destroyed what he really wanted to have. Now he over there with you with a baby that you don't want. You do not want children. If you don't want your own children, I to hell, you're supposed to want somebody else's. I'm just asking so one more time. You are the most served, self serving woman. And like Shirley said, suppose this man want to have another child. You ain't it again, You're out. Then you you deserve to be happy too. We'll go find you a man that don't won't know kids. It's a bunch of him. But go back to chapter two, verse eighteen. We get over, We get over women with the women. Man. We don't hey, we don't s we don't go therapy. No, we don't go up in the mountains to find ourselves. Now we get another one of y'all who can do the same thing. Y'all do make me feel like you do, and we go to getting over it just like that. Man, we gotta soaking, no tub, drinking, no wine, getting no good book, going to girls. Trust while we go to Vegas and fixed it. They don't discount the sucking in the tub and all of that. Now that's good stuff right there, discounting for a man. Your man soaking the tub to find himself with somebody crying in our wine and all that. That's all called me. I'm soaking. He just broke up with somebody with candle? Is that your toes come out of baby buffers? Man, I'm trying to get over something. Man, leave me a little man reading, act like a lady, thing like a mag and I'm gonna do something. Leave me alone. No, we're all the way to Vegas. We can help you get over it. Got to Steve Harvey FM, or check out The Strawberry Letter on podcast on the podcast on demand. Okay, coming up at forty six after the hour of Steve's Back. In case you haven't noticed, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we've been talking with Steve Harvey live from Botswana, Africa all morning. He's over there, like we've been saying, all morning, doing big things, trying to bridge the gap between African Americans and Africans over there so we can just be one big family instead of them and us. But Steve, you also have something else going on. Tell us about it, please, sir. I love to deal because why are you always doing that favor for me? I was brought into a conversation with the gentleman over here, and it's just growing, man, It's really really growing. I don't know if I'm at liberty to say it at this point, but I'm just gonna say this. What's transpired over here in Boswana right now. They have some leadership over here man, that's really progressively thinking about really really moving this country forward. And it's a beautiful thing to see. It's not what you think it is. They have five star hotels over here, they have they have neighborhoods, they have gated communities. One of the places they wanted me to see as a golf course. To this golf course gated community and one of several and the whole country is only two and a half million people, the whole country. But boy is fast and it's beautiful and you gotta come see it. And so that leads me up to say this right here now, listen, I'm gonna give you this website, y'all because I got to go. But listen to this real post, Steve Harvey said, and Soul dot com we heard you loud and clear. I know y'all, this thing we was going crazy like we was gonna stick to it. Just go to the dr anyway. Look, we care about your safety, your welfare's people. We pulled out you know, we fit the bullet and we started looking for a great alternative and we found something that's even better. So go to Steve Harvey standardsoul dot com and listen to me to Santa Soul susibull. This ship is gonna be out of sight Sexica. We're going to the all inclusive Boote Palace Resort. We got a new location for it. But I'm telling you right now, it's actually going to be better. Now, want y'all to come and celebrate. I would not take you to nothing that ain't right. It Madreie's birthday on the second day of the event. Her birthday is on the second day of the event. My wife is coming. This got to be faller. I ain't gonna say this nobody. This is her big birthday. My girl turned fifty five. If I take her on fifty two birthday, I take her to something that ain't right. You think I want to hear that? Um So, I sent my daughter Morgan down there and they throwed easy event and they came back and they said, Dad, it's out of sight. You don't have to take my work. Go and look at the video footage of distress. Morton, man, Just go and look at the all inclusive Moon Palace. The zoot in came cool. Go to Steve Harvey Standard sol dot com. It's all on that. This is gonna be the best and it so who yet? All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening String Show and trending political news. There is a petition to rename Dang. I said a little bit like Tommy right there. There is a petition, Yeah, right, there's a petition to rename the street out trunk Trump Tower to President Barack Obama Avenue. All right, that sounds good. Stop right there, stop right there. The online petition posted on move on dot org has over three hundred and ninety nine thousand that's almost four hundred thousand signatures people, and it has become a trending topic on social media. The main goal is to have the stretch of Fifth Avenue between fifty six and fifty seventh Streets be renamed President Barack h Obama Avenue, thus making Trump's Midtown Manhattan office slash home reside at seven twenty five Barack h Obama Avenue. Yes, the irony at all? All your mail got that only, That's what I'm talking about. That would drive him crazy. Every time you walk out of your door, check your man there thing Barack Obama? Donald, where would you like for us to meet you at seven twenty five Baroq h Obama Avenue? We can't hear what you side, sir. What's the address seven twenty five Baroq h Obama Abbot? No, that's the street. The time on the street. It's between what and what what street names? It's between fifty six and fifty seventh. It's seven five Barack h is that. Wow, can we sign this petition? We move on dot org. Yeah, just go to move on dot org and place your name on the dotted line or the straight line, whatever kind of line it is, put your name on it. Okay, Yeah, I wonder how many signatures do they need on the petition to get it past? It will be six short, man, you don't need all Yes, we're signing it two days, all right, yeah, all right? So who's not signed? Another related news, President Trump is sending a warning of an economic crash if he loses reelection. What is th It is arguing that even voters who personally dislike him should base their ballots on the nation's strong growth and low unemployment rate. But privately, Trump is growing increasingly worried the economy won't look so good come election day. A lot of people are threatening a recession, saying that a recession is imminent. Yeah. The financial markets signal the possibility of a US recession. Last week, there are concerns over Trump's plans to impose punishing tariffs on goods from China, and word from the United Kingdom in Germany that their economies are shrinking. Um, you guys, hear too that the president is a little upset with Fox News because they put out a poll that said he's running behind his Democratic opponent. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's upset. Yeah, he says something the truth now, yeah, yeah, the truth. But he said he was mad at everyone. But who's Sean Hannity? Yeah, something's going on over at Fox. They're doing something. Something's funny over there. Yeah. Didn't he say something like we have to get to the bottom? Yeah? We Yeah, when it sounded it kind of sounded like he did when he said that, you know, yeah, yeah, it's like, what's happening, mister president? I never lost in a poll over there? Yeah? What the numbers? Is? The numbers you can't predict? So is he mad at Fox News? Now? The only people that that media outlet that he says supports him, right, yeah, yeah, it's coming to a close, sir, Yeah, wow, nobody can. I mean, we have to do what we have to do. Yeah, all right, coming up, more music, more fun from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What a day? Right, we'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So today we're celebrating a lot of things, guys. Check this out. Today's National Lemonade Day. Had some lemonade just yesterday with some fresh minute. It was delicious. Today's National Bacon Lover's Day. If you love your bacon, it's your day. Yeah. Shout out to Mississippi Monarch. Yes, yeah, yes, she loves her some bacon too. And guess what else, guys, Today's National Radio Day. Come on, come on o, Happy day to us everyone who is in radio who loves radio as much as we do. Uh yeah, Happy National Radio Radio. Yeah so so Tommy and Junior. I gotta ask you guys this, What do you guys love most about radio? Don't you go? Ok? Yeah? No? I love coming in here and acting the food every day, That's what I doesn't seem like a job like a job. And I don't have to dress up. They see me. We can't media. Yes, yes, what about your nephew, what do you love about radio? I like the amount of people that we reach across the country and tune in, and you it's amazing when we go somewhere how many people really are tuned in throughout this entire the United States of America and outside of it. Two people are listening. Obviously your uncle is in Africa. Yes, yes, yeah, because of this greatness. Yeah, that's working out. Yeah, all right, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and more of Steve coming up. We're going to go live to Botswana to talk to our very own Steve Harvey. See what he's got going on over in the Motherland. Coming up in thirty three after the hour. Right after this you're listening Steve Morning Show. I'm so excited. This is really exciting. Steve Harvey, our fearless leader, is on the phone with us live from Botswana, Africa. WHOA, that is major right there. But the reason you're on this trip, Steve, you were telling us earlier, is because you're meeting with the officials there to help bridge the gap between Africans there and African Americans here, correct, right, because you know, tourism it's big over here, the gaming lodges are huge over here in Botswana, and it's just it just troubles them that they don't see African Americans coming to partake in them and understand more about their culture and see the land that they're originally from. And so that's one of the initiatives. And I was asked to come over here to look at that, a look at some of the other things that they're doing over here with Botronta Television and with events and with Botwina Radio and things like that. If anything I could lead to them or advise them on, but a lot of it's with the Tourism Board. A lot of them is looking at their auditors and facilities. You know, they're just looking for ways to really grow this country and make it, uh, you know, just a known commodity. And they really just want African Americans to understand more about who they are. You know, it's like fifty two countries over here, two fifty four countries over here. It's fifty two countries on the continent. It's massive, man, to really understand what's happening here. You look at America, we're talking about thirty five millions African Americans in the United States, thirty five millions in Nigeria. It's two one hundred millions Africa. Who I gotta know us to know about ourselves? Yeah right, yeah, all right, so there you go, Thank you Steve for that update. Wow, big things, big things going on over there in Botswana. Okay, yeah, all right, we'll come back with our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening all right here we are, guys, last break of the day on this Tuesday. Steve, you have some closing remarks for us. I know you do. Yeah, you know. I want to remind everybody of something that God created us all for greatness. All of us were created in his likeness. All of us were created to be an example of what God can do in people's lives. We were all created for this. What happens along the way is we make decisions because God gave us the power of the choice. We make decisions that people ask people that counteract what God really intended for us. And one of the reasons we counteract what God intended for us is because the devil's main job the opposition is to not allow you to reach your potential. See, the devil don't ever want you to reach your potential, because then he'll have another child of God out there spreading the word and showing off and being an example of what light can do and what love can do, and what the power of prayer can do. So his job is to make each and every one of us fall by the wayside. That's his constant mission in life. To make us think we're not worthy, to make us think we can't, to make us think it ain't possible, to make us look at our environment, to make us feel like, well, it's because ourn I can't be that. Ain't none of that truth, None of that is true. I bought a book the other day by Joel Olstein because I was listening to him over the weekend and he sent this. He was talking about his new book called Next Level Thinking, and I bought the book. And because I constantly try to reinforce myself. As successful as you may think I am, I still have a ways to go, and I will always try to improve myself. And people like Joel Olstein, Bishop Jakes, Bishop Almer, Bishop Getty's down there in North Carolina. My boy, you know it's a lot Charles Jenkins up in Chicago. There's a lot of dudes. Man that called me to make sure I'm okay. Check in on me, Tyler, check in on me, Doctor Phil, check in on me. I got a lot a lot of people check in on me. Man, make sure, I'm okay. I was reading his book because it's just I just needed some more information and one of the things I had learned from his book. But in the first chapter, the title of his chapters be a barrier Breaker, Be a barrier breaker, And throughout the book it just talks about your surroundings, your environment. That because you're from a family who ain't nobody never made it out, don't mean that you have to not be one of that you have to be one of those and not make it out. Because you come from a hood that don't have a whole lot of millionaires made from that hood, that don't mean that you can't be a barrier breaker and be one of the millionaires from the hood. Just because nobody on your block ever went to college, don't mean you can't be the first one. Maybe nobody in your family ever went to school, you're the first one. Maybe nobody in your family ever became a supervisor at a post office or the FedEx or UPS or any place else. Don't mean that you can't you can become a barrier breaker. But see what a lot of us do. We get so immersed in our environment that we adapt to our environment, and we must we act like this? Is it whether if God had wanted me to be rich, I'd have been born rich? What what did you say? I heard of guys say that if God had wanted me to be rich, I would have been born rich. So let me ask you something, brother, all these people that have gone from poverty to riches, what was their excuse or what mindset did they use to become a barrier breaker, to break the barrier poverty to become well off? I chose to be a barrier breaker. I knew what my family was. I loved my family dearly and still do. But what my family had I didn't want. As much as I loved my mother and father, what my father was and how hard I saw him work, I didn't want that. I wanted something else. Now. Do I appreciate the work as to keep put in me? Most certainly do that. I appreciate the faith in the fear of God that my Mamma put in me. Oh, I most certainly do. But I didn't want to be any one sitting at the church on the usher board. I didn't want that. I didn't want to work as hard as my father and make the same money as my father. I wanted to something else. I wanted to be a barrier breaker. A barrier breaker. And one of the things he talked about in the book is that so often we led our environment and how we were raised, and other people's expectation of us set limits in our life. He was saying that we adapt to what's around us. So what he said in the book I wanted to share with you all. In the book, he said that if you take an oak tree seed, the seed of an oak tree, and you planned this seed from this oak tree in a two foot pot, that oak tree will never become what it was created to be if you leave it in that pot, not because there's something wrong with the seed, but because of the environment is in. Did you hear what I just said. There is nothing wrong with you, The problem is your environment. If you stay in the environment, you will never grown. But you can choose to become a barrier breaker and get out of any environment that you're in. You can escape poverty, you can escape the hood, you can escape bad thinking people, you can escape the dope game. You can become non addicted to drugs. You can stop being an alcoholic. You can stop with God's help, if you take an oak tree seed and you plant it in a two foot pot. That tree will never become what it was created to be if you leave it in the pot, not cause there's something wrong with the seed, but because the environment is in. You got to change your environment. You fine, you got to see you got everything you need to grow. You did. Those are my clothes for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.