Good morning and welcome to the ride! What do women really look for in a man? We bring you the hot headed crew. The comedians give you the things you've never seen. What are the signs that someone lives at their mom's house? Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Donna Summer. Tired of the same old sugar honey iced tea or nah? The Steve Harvey Nation shows holiday cheer in Steve's VM. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve says it straight up. "Don't be anxious for anything."
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all a sun giving them like the million things and its tobins true good. Steve har to other for please, I don't join jo. You gotta use that turn you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out? Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby now. Uh huh. I share will a good morning everybody. You' are listening to the voice Come on dig me now, one and all is Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, today is simple. I want to tell you. I want to just talk to you about effort today. Just about effort. You know, it's it's it's it's a word that people use to describe sometimes trying. But what I found out about trying is trying is just a noble way of saying you didn't get it done. I tried when and then everybody go, well, he tried, that was the best. Well that's that's not exactly true though, that that's that's not exactly true. You are and I want to talk to you about that because I don't want you to be one of the people who just tried. See trying, I mean, I gotta tell you to attempt something. You're gonna have to first try, but I want you to change your mindset from trying to getting it done. See, that's a big difference. I'm really more apt to listen to the person that says to me, I'm gonna get it done. I'm gonna try. What try does is it allows you to fail. It's the person that has the mindset that I'm gonna get it done. Is the person who changes the complexion of things. I'm gonna get it done. It's very different than I'm gonna try. You know. Look, man, I know, I know this sounds a little harsh, but you gotta stop feeding yourself these little old wise sayings that ain't it was a valiant tribe. Hey man, you talk to anybody that took second place in the super Bowl and see how they feel about their valiant try. The only way to gain God's real blessings is you have to try something. Steve your backpedaling, now, listen to me close. You have to put forth an effort to allow God to put his finger on something to bless on your behalf. You must start to attempt now, insane getting it done and I'm gonna try. That's a difference of two different faiths to me that I'm just talking about me. Now, you may be different, so I can't. I can't say this about you, but I can't say this about me. If I say I'm gonna get it done, I have a lot of faith in it. I am going to get it done because I just don't see failure as an option. A lot of times now, if somebody says to me, like the Olympic team invited me out to curl one day, which is throw these stones on the ice. If you're not familiar with it's very simple, and so I said, man, I'd like to give that a try. I went in full well knowing I may not come away from this little curling lesson as a person who could make the Olympic team. I just wanted to try it because I thought it looked cool and I always wanted to get it done. Well. I failed twice. I threw a stone completely into the other lane. I lost that little ice shoe. It shot out under me. But you know what, I kept trying though. I kept trying until I got four of them stones in that circle right where I ain't. But now had I give it up after I failed, after I threw that stone in the other lane, after I shot my shoe down all the way to the bottom side, the little ice shoe they give you, I never would did it. But because I was trying, something got me together a little bit because of my effort, and it caused me not to fall the next time, not to throw it in the other lane, not to shoot my shoe to the back of the wall. All of a sudden, my trying became something. Now had I stayed out there and it wasn't so cold, and I went back week after week after week after week, I promise you I could get it done. I could at least know how to compete in a game of curling. Might not be the best. I might not win the championship, but I could have got it done to the point where I could have competed in the game of curling. So sometimes if you're scared to say I'm gonna get it done, just go out there and get started. You know, learn from every attempt that you make. See, don't quit writing yourself off as a failure every time something don't go right. And when I failed on that ice. I could have said, Man, I can't curl, but hold up, man, I'm watching four other women out here curl, four other dudes out here curling, little kids out here curling. Hold up, Pardner, You know, man, So I learned when I threw that stone on the other ice, when I when I fail, when when my shoe shot off, I learned from every attempt a little bit more about it. And then I said to myself at one point time, man, I'm gonna get this stone in that circle. I'm gonna get this stone in this circle. And guess what I got it done. Now what you're saying to me, Steve, I'm saying to you that you gotta get started, That you gotta put forth an effort. Give God something to bless. Oh God, bless me, Oh God, bless me. Bless you? What? Bless you? Where? Bless you? How? Stop basing your results on what you're thinking. You gotta think higher. You get God in your life, man, He allows you to think higher, bigger, better more. I'm sitting up in my debt. I came up with a plan to get out of debt in five years. I came up with this plan right I was sitting up and I was tripping on it. Now, I said, wait a minute, man, hold up, this is what I came up with. I said, God created heaven and earth, all of it, the mountains, the sky, the valleys, the oceans, trees, the birds, the Indian Ocean, all of it, made all of it in six days, and then he rested on the seventh. So why am I taking to God the five year plan? If he can create heaven and Earth in six days, why am I walking in there talking about helped me in five years? How is it gonna take God five years to getting me out of debt? And he made heaven and Earth in six days. You're the math hill man. I ain't that big. You ain't that big. You ain't in that much trouble. I ain't in that much trouble. See, God got a way of showing you some things, man, but it's gonna take some faith, and faith gonna take some effort on your part. Man, Get out and do something. Man, you God to bless you a little bit and give you a little bit more courage. And then all them attempts you making is gonna and all this so I'll try you know what that turn into. I'm gonna get it done. And at the end of the day, that's what you have to do, because trying to pay your rent and not paying your rent, it's two different things. You can try to play or pay your rent, or you can get it done. Now, how long you think you're gonna stay in that house trying? You got to go with the mindset of getting it done. And if you can put some stuff out there and give God a chance to put his finger on it and bless it for you, the most stuff he can do for you. Quit looking around what everybody else has gotten. Gonna get some of it for yourself. Okay, all right, you're listening to show, ladies and gentlemen, let me have it your undivided attention. Please. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, alive and where we are in vivid color. We are here full accompaniment, all players present, Ladies and gentlemen. Let us begin with roll call. Shirley Strawberry, Happy Monday, Still, Carla Farrell present here, Good morning here, Junior Spates, morning everybody, Jay Anthony, watch out there now, Brian up, Steve Hardy, my boy, Thomas King of the Prank Miles, I am here, Uncle Steve, I'm in the building. Baby government name Broderick Stephen Harvey slash Wonder Love. Come on wonderlan County for none, come on time. No, no, he got to stay back. Yeah, that's part of the past. He can't come here, nor him out, none of this. None, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no he he cannot make appearances. What no, I think you can man, No, Old Tommy. I want so bad, but I want not brand friendly. He show because he had nothing to lose. Now he had nothing to lose. And as question, Yeah, now, who you want to answer the question? I want you to? Well, I don't, I don't know. Careful, careful, Okay, I'll tell you what. Let me give you a subdued version. Let me give you a filtered version Wonder Love asking the question. Go ahead, Jay Anthony Brown, here, Junior Spades, Thomas Nephew, Tommy my comedy show, you host it? Can we do it? Yeah? The only one belonging that stage with me is Jameson and Brown, not that you. That's why I told you, don't let Wonder Love answer none of these questions, because see that's the non feel to the answer, and I feel to that. That's why I'm telling y'all he can't be He's not brand friend. Now, the idea is a wonderful idea. Go ahead, me and me and Junior gonna hold out on, make no mistakes, were gonna hold out on. All I want you to do is host the show. That's all I want you to do. That's highly possible. But I thought I had presented that idea to you. You did, but I got scared. Can I take no? I don't think you got scared. I don't think there's You've never been scared of anything. I think we can do this. I think you can hold Here's concerns to me about it? If I do it on the date that I propose to you all, Could I be putting something at risk that's so great a value than the return on the investment for that show? That's all questions? Can I say this, Augustine, Yes, sir, yes, you every man and I have brought up and mumbling all right? Coming up next more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the show. Steve. You are the relationship expert on the show, and I have a list of things that what women really want and what we want from our men. Okay, superman. Women love to be protected. Women of course like men who smell good. We like men who surprise us galore. We love surprises. Women love surprises. We don't care if it's chocolates, if it's love notes, if it's gifts or even bouquets of flowers. We love flowers. We love everything. Transparency, that's what we love from our men. We love honesty. All your liars out there, that's still the best policy. Never lie. We like when you dress well, when you look nice. We like when you're okay. We like when you dress well. Nothing turns off a woman. Uh, let me tell you the top three things that women won't Okay, security absolutely, women won't. A future, Yeah, women won't. Loyalty. If you give a woman some security, provide her with a good look at a great future, and you give her your loyalty, she rideed that for you. Less security, future and loy and flowers and chocolates. Don't leave that love, gifts and transparency. We don't want you to lie to us. Where was that is? If you're loyal, loyal to cover hu, but in your the loyalty is honesty. Loyalty is honesty and they want they want honesty. Actually gonna be like honest, everybody's gonna be all over. You can't be all You can't tell everything. Okay, I agree with that, you can't tell everything. But we're saying, don't lie. That's what we're saying. We don't want you to lie to us. Sometimes we have excuse me, Sometimes we happen. What why would you have to detect you from the truth. We don't heed protecting from the truth. We want the truth. No, that is not true. That is not why I'm late. Sometimes will require a lie. No, you're protecting yourself. Were protecting down that procla lie that my car broke? No, no, what was her name? No, the time it can do that. I can't go home till my wife who But here's the deal. I'm home, so I ain't got now. Back in the day, you were the best at it. The lie is for a protection of me. Yeah, it's protection of you, not of the woman's protection of you too. No, it's not. It's not protecting me nor your feeling. No, no, no, no, from the truth. You don't know. We need to hear the truth. We can handle you can't handle our reaction to the truth exactly there. That's why there. So the lie is for you, not for for you, because I don't want you to have to go off. No, it's okay, it's gonna no, no, I won't oh yeah, will no if I don't go off that message, right, that is a lie when they tell you tell me the truth, I'm not gonna be upset. That's not that's okay that I want to look like the bad guy. We have to say that. Yeah, and we have to Yeah, we have to lie to you guys so we can get the truth out of me. And then we know that we like lots of gifts, flowers, you know what about those things? Do? Yeah? We love all in the yard. She's seated when she pulled in, and you cheap Carla, She would go with the words, so cham thing, Jay, what do you have to say? Three times they didn't work out, I'm done, I'm up. Well did you do any of these things and I still ended up in court? Now? What yell? She got a lot of stuff on that list. Did you give her chocolate? Love notes? Yes, give me an example of one of your love notes? Get court? So right, then, what about honesty? Were you honest, very honest. That one. Where were you last? Where were you last night? While you come in so lately? Yeah, I don't like that. I don't like questions. No, I don't like we were you in your relationship? You have to answer to people. Fool's head. I don't like questions. I don't like them either, Jay, Most men don't like questions. They will not. Where you going? Honey? You look all nice? You know you got all dressed up. You're smelling good. Where you going? It's nine o'clock? You know they eat late in Europe. Oh, you're going to where we live in New York and people are meeting with it from bad? Where are you meeting? Perhaps I can join you? It will only take me a few minutes to get ready. No, we've meete that a club? Oh I love clubs. Oh which one the new one? No? It's old when Oh it's just a men's club. No women allowed. There will be no women in the club. What well? I know how you are. You don't like men serving you, So I'm surprised you're going to this club at all. Well, they got a shift. They just stick the stuff out to one man. Now, can I ask you a question? Can you tell can you say this at home? What you just said? I'm going to meet nine o'clock at night? We're just men at a club, but they stick the food at the wind. Yeah I could say that, but the club? She did. Know what's different if I say the club, because you know I don't go. Yeah, but I could. I could say I'm going to a late week Yeah I could, so I got them lives right there after ten o'clock. I could say that. What kind of would you say? But I'm in a different place in my life now, Yes, you settle down. Yeah, I'm going to meeting at nine o'clock because that's the day. Oh that's a rock chicken on your on your head, across your forehead. Rocks. Well you don't cook? Where are you getting? I know he's been hit with one, but it would never have been for me. You're right. He was lying straight bony and chicken. You're right, Jay though, And the fact that hang off got the little tail kind of went in my mouth. So I got take slapped out of my mouth with the potential Simon Ellapo, who was he gonna sue? Who? Through the chicken? All right, we gotta go. We'll be back. You're listening Morning show right now. Stephen and Jay and and Tommy and Junior. Jay explains, well, she Shelly call me up. Steven said she saw us a little boy. Tell it because you saw it, Okay, I actually did see this. Yeah. Next and I were having breakfast one morning outside and we see this little kid, this little white kid, roll up on the skateboard and turn around and he was talking to his dad. And he turned around and he was like, you're lying, dad, You're a liar. Stop lying, dad, you're lying. And he's still a lie. It is still alive. And then the dad was like, son, no, I'm not lying to you. The dad Dad was arguing that I were looking at each other like Daddy would have split the back of my hand. That's when we were staying there is no We couldn't even say the word lie. We could even we had to say telling a story. And the grown person was never lying, never even if they were lying, yeah, even if yeah. So what you got now, Oh, we got a list of things that white kids can say, but you definitely cannot say it as a black child. Right Like, for instance, I'm going to my room and please do not disturb me. Tell me what, man. I slammed the door in my house one day and my daddy came in there and took the dough off the in the garage. You don't have a dough. Don't just things that white kids can say that black kids can't. No, you hush, you hush. Wow. Wow, No, no, you you hush. I got warm white kids to say the black kids can't. Now right now, all black kids get out of Wow. Touched me, touched me, And I'm calling the authority. First of all, who's the authority talking talking? Oh? I got one right here? I got one right here. That's my father left. Oh wait, I like this right here. Wow, it's my party and I didn't have over here whoever I want? Wow, it's really different, so different. You got one. You're not my friend to your parents. I did for you. I hate you every day you happen to you for real? Right? Yeah. I was at the airport j and this little white kid, it was going through security. He was mad at his parents and then moving walk away. The entire time, he screamed to his dad, I hate you every day, Dad, Steve, What you got man? I was trying to think of one, really, just really what one that I thought, but I knew not to say. Uh. Here go one right here? Okay, Hey, I wish I lived with Billy's parents. Okay, well you take your little cup, take your ass on over there. I got one, right? How long do I have to live without my own phone? Freedom? It's ignorant, right, you'll say that. Man, they can say this, get away with mom. I don't mean to say this, but I'm just gonna say it. This spaghetti sucks. Spaghetti that's getting hit on the plate. Spaghetti right there. Ye, these are things white kids can say to their parents. I'm not going over Grandmama's house stinks. What did you just say? What? What did you just say? By my mom? My? Mom? Hey, damn it, Mom, you're getting on my nerves. We can't say that to our parents. We again, it's different. I got one. Okay, Hey, I'm all enough to make up my own mind. But no, no, no, First of all, you ain't got no matter right right? Hey, got girl over? Hey mom, dad, we don't want to have to hear this. Me and Rebecca going to the room. What girl, But now go down that hallway to see you cut your lights on in here? I got one I got one. Oh my god, spinach again. Yes, we're dead. We're dead with every one of these good Blair's mom cooks better than you can. You Astandma, you're listening to show? All right? Here we are the sensitive crew that we are, hot crew that we are. We're all admit to something. What Okay? I am the one on the show that likes to keep the most mess Oh by, I want to volunteer for that because for me it's exciting. Like if I see any two of y'all about to go at it, I'm not show you do oh you are the head. Can let me ask you a question, Steve? Is that healthy? Do you think that's a healthy word? Absolutely? Do? I do? I do that the CEO. I think that's way for us to operate as a company successfully is to get it all out. I love when the the the argument or whatever, the disagreement has died down, and then he'll walked away, thought of something, come back and get it started all over again. He'll throw bomb you. Oh, ain't no doubt, thank you. And that's what I'm here for, guy, to make sure that we have healthy, healthy relationship. You know, nobody's harboring any sentiments and ill will towards one another because we get it all out. You want to get it for exams? Now, come on, let's go. I'm thinking between Junior and and Jay. I think the two of them being the sikest people on. I think the fact that they go at one another. I think that's actually what It makes me feel better knowing he grown that. Junior. Y'all, y'all have what his name? Now? Junior? What if you had to speak at his funeral after? What would you say? Though? First of all, over going and kick the casket over see if his body show, you're not gonna be sad or cried. Wait a minute, hey, he has not been a supporter. It's true, Jay, it is absolutely true. He was gonna have the sticker sell walk right, and remember that they had this is the flood they had the flood. All I said is well, he said, well it's raindy, we can't have the walk. I said, why can't you have to swim? And so he got really upset about that. Yeah, you know, but here's my thing. If I do die, I have left instructions that my funeral be cold as I mean, it's gonna be in an ice box. So he dum it. Wow, guy, but this is all day, This is all all day love. Jay will hit you with a mic stand testing improvement. I have heard that he will hit you. I was with me when he did some things happen laugh at allegedly allegedly, there's no film on that. We're all very very sensitive, very sensitive. Now you want to know who throw the most punch at Tommy thought, oh you're looking at really throws him. Steve just takes the alley oop and dumb, you're throwing the holly hoop. And I don't go up and get it that right there would be Now I'm now I'm a pop power forward now because I just love seeing him snap off. I just pushing. But why but he's gotten so much better but a lot. Because he's gotten better, that means I have to go harder. And I think, you know, he's finally reached the point where he's really doing what he wants to. So he's happy. And now I'm in a good place. You know, you know what, Tommy, you know what Joe Jr. Meant He really is, He's in a much better place and he's this is the happiest he's and he's not home much. That is the main that was gonna say. And he's been in a lot of movies home. That's a side kidney. She just did. Come on, he's been in so many movies. Let's talk about that. It's secure. That was that was his unliography, story of his life. That's too. What was it like? Yes, heart, he was in Media Boo the first one. Yeah, he was in Think like a Man. I think he said that was. What about that karate movie? He was in that weak low ass kicks? There was some kicks kick the to All you was doing was kicking me in my stomach. Oh my god, I forgot about him. No, we have it, I think. But he is much happier now. Guess guess who started that? Folks, Sure, Charlotte, Shirley, you started. I started about the movie, Yes you did. I owned it, So you started. Getting you back out and just do last because because if I started, you were sure to finish it. That's what I appreciate about you, though, Shirley, is you laugh hard? It's about my friend. You're laughing at your friend laughing. Yeah, Oh my god, but you do sound happier man much happy, Yes, sir, thank you, thank you man, you're listening show all right? Time for a comedy break right here? Junior is here with things I've never seen? What is j Yeah? You know U Tommy. This is a lot of things that you have never seen in your life. I mean it's some things like I know you old everybody you probably have. But it's some things I know I ain't never seen. Like, for instance, I've never seen a shade treat mechanic with a car that's running in perfect condition. You ain't never seen you. He gonna tell me everything wrong with my car, but with his back door missing, all is all running out the car from him and his hat. But he gonna tell me I need a new TRANSMITTI well, I've never seen it. I just ain't never seen it. He's another thing I ain't never seen. I ain't never seen people in the South eat a meal without rice. If it's chicken and rice, beans and rice, why is rice over every plate? Ring? Just rice? You know who I've never ever met. I've never met this person. I've never met a well rested African American. I've never met one. I ain't never seen it. Dog, I ain't never seen a well rested African American. Not just like that. How you doing? Man? Oh man? Job getting on my nerve wife, talking crazy to my kids. Won't live man, I'm tired. I'm just tied. You ain't never seen that. I've never seen a big person eat a meal without a died beverage. I ain't never seen. Yeah, ham hock, you know, but then a died coke on the side. As if that's gonna change something. I have never seen it, I hear you, Steve. I don't I know, I ain't. I ain't gonna do it. I ain't gonna getting done. No. Look, I've never seen a black funeral. What it is? No clowning going on? Ye, no, not one, not one. You ain't ever seen that. Somebody gonna get cussed out in front of the casket every time. These just things we've never seen. We ain't never seen anything. I've never seen Christmas, Valentine's and Halloween declarations being put up in the drugs though. You just show up one day and they all hanking who that's true. You ain't never seen who hangs up. We don't know who that is. H I ain't never seen the white person still a bike out of black neighborhood. I ain't never seen you ain't gonna never seen there already? All right, thank you guys, you're listening. All right, Jay, it is time for comedy Roulette. It's just the insults. Every week you test out comedy ability. What you do. Take five subjects, put them on a wheel, spinning wheel. Whit stop, we'll do the damn Then what you've got? All right, here we go. I have the categories. Let's spendel let's get ready. All right? She she hasn't she has an invisible boyfriend. Oh, everybody knows somebody like that. All right, that's number one. Number two? Stop lying you're staying at your mama's house. Number three? When are you gonna get that back? Too? Thick? You know people like right back? Number four? You know they repo that car? And number five. I don't know how to tell you this, but she's singing somebody all of these are good cat. I'm on that too, Come on to come on, I'm a fiend. Letting the number two. Stop lying? You staying at your mama's house. Know how I know you stand at your mama house? Yeah, the club, I hear you on the phone. Say hey, I'll be there in a minute. Mama, lead the key under the door, and your mama's your Mama's out. I know you stand at your mama house. How I know you'd be trying to hide. But all your clothes got creasing. You know I'm that well, you know iron that good. Your clothes gotta even crease back and on both show. Yeah, you stand at your standing at your mama house. When you got a lunch bag with your name on it in the car, Mama made that for you. Boy. When you when when you on your cell phone talking and we can hear the washing machine in the bathroom mama house. You know you know, I know you stand at your mama house. You ain't got your own key an the key you got is around your neck. Fooling, fool you You ain't fooling, no damn bad you keep growing ass man. I know you staying at your mama house. When I come to your mama house, own family functions, you first one now, the first one here right. We know you staying at your mama house when you you only invite us over doing prayer meeting. Mama gonna turn tonight we can come through. Yeah, I know you at your mama. This is how I know you live at your mama's house. You always smell damn smell. You know, I know you're just smell everything. I know you stand at your mama house every day. You coming in talking about a gospel show you watch. When you start watching old Steam for I had like experience in this area. That's I know you finished your mama house when you always into it with her boyfriend. You're like nothing earlse like you know you staying until mama house. You're lotion. You will smell like a yeah. When are you coming to wort? Smelling like white diamond? What is that about? Come on, Steve, close it out. This is how you know you love Joe. Mama house called the car you driving, got a Bible on the daskboard and Jesus all right, we'll be back with did we not do it? Get it? You guys, get it. We'll be back with you tell me as prank phone call. After this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Well about four minutes after the hour, I'm gonna read today's strawberry letter. I got a good subject for you today. Twenty years later, he still wants MGP will explain what that means in the letter. But right now the nephew is in the building with the phone called you got for nap, mister Wiggins, mister Quiggins, Wiggins, that right there, that's the rank mister Higgins. Come on Renny, Hello, Hello, Hi, my name is George. I'm with Green Lawn Services. We came out and cut your yard yesterday, and uh, we're trying to make sure that you liked everything thoroughly. That we cut the front to back. We also did your hedges, put some mulch in the flybeds, the weed eating in the whole nine yards, and we also left an invoice on your doorstep. Want to make sure you got that as well, y man, I'm going around man, look dude, without trying to cut it, sir, Yeah, we cut it as of yesterday. You were actually on our schedule and we did everything thoroughly. We I'm actually just calling as a follow up, all right, sir? Are you mister Malone at fifty Timmerman? He No, man, I'm Wiggins from fifty Man. You cut the wrong house. That's ns do many. I guess you need to put you in wards on there though, so so you you're not mister Malone at fifty Zimmerman say, man, I'll just told you. I'm fifty three and I'm mister Wiggins. You don't cut the wrong do y'all need to go miss listen long how to get you one because you ain't cuse you got the wrong house. No, sir, No y'all coming over here trying to collect no money. Well, sir, hold on just a second. Head. You're saying we didn't. You don't cut the wrong yard, so I don't know schedule. I can't tell you come over here and cut and you go there and talking Malone get your money. You can't ain't. So there's no way we can charge mister Malone if we haven't cut his yard. Now, let's let's just you need to take the cut, mister Malone. YA put memoirs and here you you didn't cut and saying at this out sir, nothing cut the room yard. You go cut the right yard and get right. You ain't got you ain't getting okay, sir, I say that now I didn't call him out of the cut. You go there, I haven't cut his right and get him real voice. You can't get party. I understand that, sir. Listen, what I want to say is, uh, we'll go over and we'll take care of mister Malone's yard. I understand that we've made a mistake, but I understand. I understood. You say that you didn't like the services. So wouldn't it be even right for you to actually go ahead and send the invoice in along with the check since you did like the services? Wellever didn't listening like, YO just retarded, because then I just tell you you cut the room or want to cut the right yard and get you money. You ain't got nothing but practice here. You're done. I understand that we cut the wrong yard, sir. I understand that, but you got the services, and you like the services. I don't want to. I have to come out there and get the money from you. We'll come on. If determining, come on, if decumbing, I got something, come on over here and get you what you said you like. I wouldn't give a if I said the moon was green. You cut the wrong yard. You go get your money from the right one. You ain't getting charge you. I got something, You come on over here and see what you get. So I cut the room. You're trying to get money. Money you ain't getting big now you you can go get you from the right one. You're either write this dough, go cut that. You leave that paper over there. I'm coming over there. You want me to starts, I'm starts. Some ain't some come around and do and be charging me no money? Now, yeah, I got more heath and hill get if you want to come get it. You got your yard cut, and we deserve to get our money back. Now to get to what you come around here trying to get some blundy. Now I tell you you don't cut, and I'm gonna tell you. Don't make me whoop ya behind this yard. You come you come, I will whoop you'all behind in the front yard that just got cut? You mammy? Ain't you having you come trying to get the money? I'm suing? Hello, you don't you? I check? I got one more thing to tell you. Is you're listening? Are you come standing now? I'm you took the room. I've got one more thing to tell you. Is you listening? Mister Wickens? I'm look. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harding Morning Show. You just got prank? Hello? What I you listen to listen to this morning. Look him, your boy Gary just pranked you many. Let me ask you something, though, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? It's the Steve Harvard Morning. Who what you think he wasn't He wasn't back and down. You don't cut around, y'all. There ain't gonnhing do with me. You didn't go over you. You just cut this, y'all for free podding. You ain't that ain't got nothing to do with me. All right, I'm gonna tell it to you again. Chicago, Illinois. Here we come the United Center, Baby, Washington, d C. Here we come Eagle Bank Arena and Atlanta GA. State Farm Arena, Chicago. You are on the thirty DC. You are on the first, Atlanta GA. You are on the second. It's the New Year's Comedy Live Fast tickets available to all ticket Master outlets. Here is the lineup. Earthquake in the Building, Edy Griffin in the Building, Centric the Entertainer D. L. Hugley, hosted by yours truly nephew Tommy once again shy Town. It is December the thirtieth, watching d C. January first, Atlanta, Georgia, January the second Stay Farm Arena, all ticket Master outlets or you can go to the box office get yourselves from tickets. It's gonna be a hell of a show. Thickets don't sell right, No, Yeah, I hope you come hang out with your boy in atl Man. I hope you back home by then January second slide. Man got a couple of things to judge short jumping off that Tuesday. So I gotta figure out why I gotta. I gotta promote the shoulder. You come to jail what. I don't know what it's from. I don't know what's gonna happen. I just want to go home right now, man, so I could go all right, gotta go to the grandson BJ played basketball, playing basketball? Yay. Up Next is the Strawberry Letter, Guys. The subject twenty years later, he still wants MGP. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, guys, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click Submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you Nephew. Subject. Twenty years later, he still wants MGP. Well, Dear Steve and Shirley. I'm a forty six year old single lady, and I am ready for the next chapter in my life. In nineteen ninety nine, I dated a man off and on for a while, but finally ended things with him when I out he got another woman pregnant. I moved on with my life and moved to another state. Well. In twenty eighteen, he and I reconnected on social media. Since we live far apart, we texted and called each other daily. He told me he was coming to town and wanted to see me. I told him to come by the house since we were old friends and hadn't seen each other in many years. He came over and we had a great time catching up in person. He later told me that he was not just visiting. He had moved back to town and he wanted to see me more. I had no idea that he'd be interested in me now, because I've been paralyzed since two thousand and four, but that didn't matter to him. He asked me quiet, Steve. He asked me, if I could still do it, would you would just let me finish? Please? He asked me if I could still do it? Yeah, yeah, And your name is mentioned at the bottom as well. He asked me if I could yeah, yeah, yes. He asked her if I could still do it like I used to do it. I teased him and asked, do you know what it is? I teased him and asked, wouldn't you like to know? So? About a month ago, I showed him that I could still put it on him. You see, back in the day he called me miss good P or MGP for short, and he said, I still hold that title to this day. I have feelings for him, but everything is moving so fast. We are moving in together soon, and I want to be sure I'm doing things the right way. We dated over twenty years ago, and I already gave him a sample of MGP. So should I put put the ninety day rule on him when we move in together. I don't want to get married. I do want to get married, so I'm trying to do things right. What do you think, Steve, she put your letter in. Okay, so you have permission, all right? All right? Come on, Now, you dated this guy back in nineteen ninety nine. You off and on. It wasn't even a regular real relationship, really, it was off and on, and then you finally ended things when you found out he got another woman pregnant. All right, Then this same guy twenty years later comes into your life and you're ready to move in with him. Why are you going to move in with this man? I mean, why you gotta explain this. Nothing in this letter says you need to do that. Okay, he lied to you about so many things, and uh, you know he actually lives in your town. Now, first he said he was just visiting. Is this really the case? Or was he hoping to move in with you all the time. I just you know, I'm going to ask you don't get played by this man. He's probably telling you anything to get in your house. Remember, now it's been twenty years since you've seen him. Now you close your letter by saying you're trying to do things right. Nothing about this is right because you've already slept with him, and you want to impose the ninety day rule on him. That is so backwards, Steve. Please, we're all okay. I don't know how you strip around all this other information saying I don't know what part you read, but I'm going right to where I'm stuck. Forty six year old single lady, ready to move on day to the man, off and on in nineteen ninety nine, but off and on, but found out he got another woman pregnant. When you moved on with your life, he moved to another state. Well two eighteen, y'all reconnected on social media. Since we live far apart, we text and called each other daily. He told me he was coming to town and won't to see me. I told him, come on by the house, or what else are you gonna do? I mean, I'm through, Okay, Okay, so he comes by to Hell, Okay, see, okay, permission, but don't go crazy. Okay, I'm trying to shoot you. Old friends and they ain't seen each other many years. He came over and we had a great time catching up in person. He later told me he wasn't just visited. He had moved back to town. Oh that convenient, uh huh got over there and found out you staying by yourself. Now, he ain't moved back, he ain't visited. He to move back, and he wanted to see you more. Now, the lady said, I had no idea he'd be interested in me now because I've been paralyzed since two thousand and four, so fourteen years you've been paralyzed. Before I go in it further, is that something I need to know about paralyzation before I assume that means paralyzed came moved that all I'm asking, surety, Well, I mean it depends on you know what kind of that could be, A like a portion of it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, And there's nothing wrong. This is not a good This is just about this lady in this leadder, so please don't nobody. But she wrote me and put in the ladder. Now, you didn't have to put that in the ladder, but you felt it was important. So now, Shirley didn't dance round this hill, but you didn't. I just know you. You didn't mention it paralyzed since still for fourteen years. But that didn't matter to him. He asked me if I could still do it like I used to do it? Well, way you get that question for him? Now, I don't know what she was doing that got you this title that he gave you fourteen years ago, but how he's still asking that question. So now we're gonna have to get into it when we come back. We feel to come back and find out why he called her miss good Peace or We have part two response coming up at twenty three after the hours you're listening to show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject is twenty years later, he still wants MGP. Yeah, he still want MP. Let's just go and get to this letter right quick. What did happened is y'all got back together social media. He says he still wanted you, and that surprised you that he'd be interested in you because you've been paralyzed since two thousand and four. But that didn't matter to him. He asked me if I could still do it like I used to do. I teased him and ask, wouldn't you like to know? So about a month ago I showed him that I could still put it on him. You see, back in the day he called me miss good P or MGP MG is where we need. It's either miss good or most grand P. You know, unless like like if you're in a mate, if you're in an Elks club, you might be the master Grand Poopa, or maybe you had the MVP, you could have had the most valuable Okay, we get it. Or your name is Margaret Gail. I don't know what it is, but you paralyzed now. So his question was can you still do it like you used to do it now? I don't know what she was doing back folded before prior to two thousand and four. I don't know what she was doing back then, but obviously it wasn't what I was thinking. See, I was thinking, to get to Tyler MVP. That that has to be some monkey flipping, got the chandelio, swinging, some doknob, diving, some foot of the bed back, some assaults, some edge of the bed, your knees, a lot of bouncing. It's just a lot of stuff go in there. When if you were to consider someone that, where are anybody? Yeah? But now I don't. I can't go too far because I don't want anybody that has a situation to think I'm making fun of him cause or not. But the lady did right me with the pali paraized things since two thousand folk. But she thinks, Steve, so, I don't know how to heal what y'all doing in that now. I don't man what's going on either he had never had no MGP before, or it was the best MGP he ever had. Maybe didn't require you to do much, Steve, she said in the letter, I showed him that I could still put it on him. Now she said that, Yeah, she said that, Sherley. But now that makes me question, what would you putting on it? The MP? You think? Okay? Now, the only thing I can think is is that inside the MGP, what it's like a It's like once you buy mission to an amusement park. Once you go into park, that's where the rides is at. See that's what I'm thinking. That's why you could So it could be the most grand park. It could be go ahead ship. He's sorry, sorry for interrupting you, but I need him, he said, I still hold that title to this day. That's why I'm saying. There must be something going on inside the mg Yeah. See see, maybe maybe MG stands for Madison Guard. You know, maybe the MG is a short for MGM where a lot of activity going build see the shows I'm assuming that there's a lot of stuff going on once you get inside, the show ain't outside. Maybe they ain't got to be nothing going on. Maybe that you know, a lot of I don't know if his hands, I don't know, if it feels, I don't know what it is. Some yeah, if it needs some helps to let me help her. You go ahead, Jake. What she wanted him to lord, what she would like for him to do is roll up on her. Because she is not a not a fish around person. She is not handicapped in this department. You understand what I'm saying, roll up on me. Not she's not. She's not gonna let him walk all over her. That hey, Jake, but paralyzing shit you waste, Jake. To even it out, you get in the chair and you rolled over here watching, Thank you, thank you. Now you might think this woman don't have no feeling for you, but she do she do? Oh, she gotta leg up on the situation. She gotta let up the situation. She's not gonna be burial waiting on you. Probably probably some dude, dude. I did it with that thing, baby, with that thing, I showed him that I could still put it on ys, you did, lady, and congratulations and so since you hadn't done that and you gave it something and y'all dated over twenty years ago, and I already gave him a sample of the MGP shit. I put the ninety day rude on him when we move in together. Unless you want to ask the roll right out of here. You're probably too late for this hell to walk out your life. You been give it up? Yeah, I feel like twenty years you've already committed. He's moving in and you wanted man, you do want to get mad, So I'm trying to do things right. You've already known it for twenty going to see where it go. Congratulations. I don't know how you did it, but whatever you're doing, to keep up the good work doing it? What? Ye I don't know what. Let this man move in your house killing me if you won't to a nobody else rolled up over there? All right? Look hit us up on Instagram at Steve Harvey FM with your own thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter, and please check us out on the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay is in the building. Steve time to murder another hit. Please introduce him, give him a good one. I'm scared murder good money. Don't the song right here? Dedicated to all the ladies. We're going through it. I don't know hit it all this hell's got them winds open and it's got the ceiling thing on thirty eight and reread she wakes up sweat and it has the cool all. She's having a hot flash wedding and reading. I want a hot flash, hot night. And in the hot flash wedding and reading, and she has a hot blast. Ain't no man to love the hint I mean a hot flash surring through that hot slash, random, the high hat, hot time, last hot hot hot, hot hot blast hat she had in the hearts that when and read it, I want the heart last son been in the heart lass when and read it, he shall have a hat that so when you live, I mean a heart lass, hearts, random hearts, hot, hot time lass, hot genius boy. No he's not, No, he's Carlo Carlo. Yeah are you are you? Ladies? Did y'all enjoy that? You? H No? I didn't say. And you know what the problem is, Steve, me and Jay. You know we talk on the phone, and did you have a when you was on the phone. Yes, I did, Tommy, but the whole world knows. Now, no, you're not and turned the air. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here's the question for you. What old argument do you or your significant others still bring up to this day? Yeah? Man, now well no, wait a minute. This was the topic on reddit dot com. A man said he complimented a waitress on her short, bald haircut in front of his wife, and over a year later, his wife still makes him feel badly about it. According to the story, his wife offers to go to the bathroom and shave her head if that will make you happy. I love it, Yes, I love it. Right. Well, maybe I need to go to the bathroom and shave my head if that'll make you happy. Maybe that'll make you happy if I got a shave head. Huh, I know just how she said, you know, yes, a little our hair cut. Huh, what a compliment. It's a compliment. Oh you don't like my long hair? Maybe I need to shave my head. Maybe that'll make you happy, yes, and said you compliment. You're handing out compliments and stuff, all right, So Steven, I don't know why this makes me think of you. Do you have any arguments in your relationship that never go away? And you know something that comes up from time to time? Oh? Well, the only thing we really are about over knowing some damn kids. You know, it's the damn kids. Most my arguments is being about some one of them kids. We have a difference of opinion and the way we all to handle it. That's one you know comes up all the time, you know, And I'm too hard. I don't know how to love the kids in spite of their problems and stuff. I know kids have problems and everything, but you know, I don't want him. What do you their parents supposed to listen? I'm tired of parents, do you? Damn it? You thank you know everything? Go ahead, that's this little section of your life up with your little stupid ass. Come in here. I don't know the man. I'm so sick, man in hell, go ahead. Try. Oh she got so mad at me. The other day I took one of the kids. Ask me if I said, try if you know that ain't gonna work. Well, okay, if you tell them don't do it, they're gonna do it anyway. Try it. You just try. Let's see, let's go ahead, do it knowing that. That's not knowing what's gonna happen. Because when I told you not to do something, you do it anyway. Then you come back in here. I should have listened to you. You don't she going out here and do it fall on your face? But did you when you really? Yeah? I did most of the time, oh most most of the most of the time. Well, I just kept most of my stuff from them. I didn't go in there with a pinion. I didn't have some nothing. I just went on and blew it. H I can't believe that. Shut your punk ass up. What did you do now? You didn't want to hear all the parents? Yeah? Yeah, all right, So Junior, I know you have one. Oh god, oh okay. Girl came to the show one time, right uh huh. And after the show, you know, go to the bathroom and she hears some women in there talking about me about how funny I was and how cute I was. She heard, so anytime anybody compliment me, she said, well, let me go in the bathroom and see what the discussion is this time about somebody. Somebody say I like your shirt. She says, let me get up and go to the bathroom. It must be a conversation. She didn't go on the running head like this damn shirt, so he got waiting. I don't like to talk about that every day of time we go out there. I don't care if we go to pulling the drive through. Oh I like your sun glass. Let me run in the bathroom and mcdown. It must be a conversation about this. Don't matter where we go. We was at a cousin funeral. This man I like that suit. Oh suscussion in the bathroom at the church. Let running the bathroom. What I'm saying about the suit? My man? Yeah, she's so fly. Yeah, even doing nothing. I didn't ask the ladies to say nothing. But then I brought it. I flipped it, you know. I said, well, you should have said something first, and we hadn't head this. No, mother, why didn't you say that? Because I'm stupid? What she say? What happened? She turned around on you. There was no more talking for the day. I know that. Yeah, oh yeah, the silent treatment is shun. All right, guys, thank you. Coming up, we'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending stories the twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steven, it's time to check your voicemail. If you want to leave Steve a message, you're just give a holiday greeting to your loved one. Call us right now at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve and leave a message. Okay, good morning, Steve, is Mary Henry is the way out of cars. That's Mississippi. I would like to wish my children the one Agent, Stephanie and Maya are happy no year. Good morning, Steve Harvey Morning Show crew, Happy holiday, see you guys. I just want to give a shout out to my mom Kim, Happy holidays. I love you morning Uncle Fee, Morning crew. This is Tony all around the country. Truck driver. Just wanted to wish my family the Sanders, Johnson, tell Us Boards and Jackson wish y'all my happy New year. I Steve Harvey. I just wanted to tell you on the radio crew how much I really appreciate the radio show. I listened to you every morning. I want to stay happy New Year and to tell you Steve personally, I really love your story. Happy holidays. This is Myra Ware. I live in Los Angeles, California, in December twenty second. This my birthday. Love y'all, Hey, what's going on? Uncle Steve. My name is Delvin. I'm out of the small town about my Texas. I want to give a happy New Year, first to the Steve Harvey Morning Show because I listened to y'all every morning. Y'all make my day. And then also I want to give it also to my lovely wife Fran and all my kids for making my life the way it is, him making it jowful. So that's what I gotta live this for. You're listening all right, Time for a comedy break right here? Junior is here with things I've never seen? What is this, Junior? Yeah, you know, Tommy, there's a lot of things that you have never seen in your life. I mean it's some things like I know you old and everybody you probably have, but it's some things I know I ain't never seen, Like, for instance, I've never seen a shade treat mechanic with a car that's running in perfect condition. You ain't never seen it. He gonna tell me everything wrong with my car, but with his back door missing, all is all running out the car from him and his hat. But he gonna tell me I need a new transmitter. Well, I've never seen it. I just ain't never seen it. He's another thing I ain't never seen. I ain't never seen people in the South eat a meal without rice. If it's chicken and rice, beans and rice, why is rice on every plate? Ring? Just rice? You know who I've never met. I've never met this person. I've never met a well rested African America. I've never met one. I ain't never seen it. Dog, I ain't never seen a well rested African American, not just like that. How you doing? Man? Oh man? Job? Getting on my nerves? Wife talking crazy to my kids. Won't live man, I'm tired. I'm just tired. You ain't never seen that. I've never seen a big person eat a meal without a died beverage. I ain't never seen Yeah, hamhock, you know, But then a died coke on the side, As if that's gonna change something. I have never seen it. I hear you Steve, I don't I know, I ain't. I ain't gonna do it. I ain't gonna getting none. No, look, i've never seen a black funeral. What it is? No clowning going on? Yeah, not one, Not when you ain't up seeing that somebody gonna get cussed out in front of the castle every time. Yea, These just things we've never seen. We ain't never seen anything. I've never seen Christmas, Valentine's Halloween declarations being put up in the drug store. You just show up one day and they all hanging who That's true. You ain't never seen who hang this up. We don't know who that he h. I ain't never seen a white person still a bike out of black neighborhood. I ain't never seen. You ain't gonna never see because they already all right, thank you guys. All right, tell us when we come back, last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks. You don't want to miss him. We'll be bat you're listening all right here we are Steve, guys, last break of the day. Steve send us home with some great closing remarks for today. Had a good day to day. Hey, my closing remarks today is something that I want to share with you all that I've been kind of are dealing with a lot lately, and I mean a lot. And the only reason I'm sharing with you because I think there's quite a few people who can relate to this, the thing that I'm trying to correct in my thinking. Uh, you know, the Bible says be anxious for nothing, and there's I'm pretty sure that are people who could explain this a lot better than me. But being anxious for nothing means, you know, in other words, don't worry so much about what is going to happen. Don't don't want something so badly that it consumes you. Don't keep wearing about something that you want to see happen, that you're expecting to receive, that you want to be gifted, that you want to acquire, whatever it is. Be anxious for nothing. Now that's hard to do. It really is because naturally, as people, including myself me personally, I have a tendency to focus on the things that I want. Here's the problem with it. Here's a twofold problem with it. When you focus on what you want. Number one, focusing on it shows a lack of faith because every thing you've ever needed. I mean, really, just ask yourself. Hasn't God always done it? I mean, what you need it. You may not get everything you want. Everything you want ain't good for y'all can tell you that right now. I've wanted a whole lot of stuff turned out not to be good for me. But everything you've needed God has taken care of. So being anxious for his will to be done I mean, I mean being anxious for Him to do something in your life, which is something He's always done. It just exhibits a lack of faith when you become anxious for stuff. The second part of it is is it causes you to lose focus on what you already have. And once you lose focus for what you already have, you are no longer showing the level of gratitude that you need to exhibit in order to move your life forward to the next level. That's a dangerous trap, and I find myself in it oftentimes, and I'm just gonna be I'm just gonna be honest with you. So what I'm trying to learn and teach myself and become comfortable with it, it's how not to be anxious for nothing. Realizing that God has always taken care of me. God has always taken care of you. God has never been late in this world. He ain't ever been late, not now single time. He always comes through with everything you need. He may not come when you want him, but he ain't never laid. So I have to get comfortable in knowing that He has always come through for me. He has always delivered for me. So why am I being anxious? And in my anxiousness for what I don't have, I now cause myself to lose sight and show the proper mind of gratitude for what I do have. And gratitude is one of the major opponents of the principles of success, because the more you are grateful for, the more God will give you to be grateful for. You. See, So sometimes I trick myself out of blessing by overthinking it, over wanting it. I mean, I'm not saying you're not supposed to want anything anymore. You will, but don't be anxious for it. Don't be sitting up fretting about it. He gonna do what he's supposed to do. And then, in another word, God don't really need your help to accomplish nothing. He really don't he can get all this done without you get out of the way. So you know, though, that's something right there. It's been one of the main focuses. And when I get it right, when I'm not anxious for nothing, and I do show the right amount of gratitude for what I've already been given, it releases pressure from me. You know, you've heard old people say, if you're gonna pray about it, don't worry about it, and if you're gonna weary about it, don't pray about it. And you know, sometimes in my anxiousness, I'm praying for stuff over and over and over. But you know, if you're gonna pray about it, you got you got, you gotta not worrying about it. But if you're anxious for something you're worrying about it, you're just worrying about it. And that right there is not the way that it's done. It's just not the way it's done. And I've been learning over the past month or so really how to focus on that a lot better. And that may be something that you might be looking at two or going through, and I just wanted to share that with you because you know, it could be something that you might be dealing with two and I'm just sharing with you that you ain't the only one going through it. You ain't the only one feeling some kind of way about it that in actual a lot of people might be doing it and we and we're doing it injustice to ourselves. So be anxious for nothing, trusting the fact that God has always taken care of you, way better than you've taken care of yourself. Those are my closing moments. Hey man, Steve dropped that. That is the thing that I'm rapidly with a lot lately. Okay, we're all about it, and don't that's right. Well, I have a great week here for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For a complete on test rules. Visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.