Bootleg Santa, Cardi B. Playboy, Son In Trunk, Maya Angelou and more.

Published Jan 12, 2022, 2:00 PM

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks. Things in the stubs stood listening to mogether for st Please I don't join join me. You gotta turn you go, You gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby, I shall well. I good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. I love it when I run up into people and they say that to me. They say, hey, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Then they wink cap man. I know they're listening. You know. I got a lot off my chest yesterday. I wanted to clear some things up. And I appreciate y'all giving me a minute, because sometimes, you know, you just gotta say some things out loud. Not complaining, but hey, just verbalizing, but realizing that I gotta keep going anyway. And that's for my words this morning to you that I want you to keep pushing no matter what happens. I want to share something with you that's important, that's very, very important. See, you have to give God something too, bless you know, if your prayer is asking for God's blessings, you got to give him something to work with. Now, you know, you gotta show the spirit of appreciation or gratitude. You gotta let him know that you're in it for the long haul. No matter what happens. Don't turn around. You will never ever see what the end could be. If you turn around and go back, You'll never know what the end could have been had you stuck it out. You'll never know how good it could have gotten had you not just weathered the storm. That's the thing that gets most people. They get tough for them, It get hard for them, and then they let doubts set in, and then those doubts became facts and the next thing you know, they give up. Had you not given up, or had you given your best, what the results or outcome could have been. I look back on my life on so many occasions where in college I wasn't giving my best. Now I flunked out. Now it's easy to look at my life nine go yeah, but look at you now. But back then, man, it cost me for so many years that failing to finish that not giving my all. It cost me a number of years. I wish I could say that it didn't mean nothing, that it was just a blimp on the radar skrein screen, but at the time it was major. And so you have a lot of decisions in your life that are happening now. You may be in your twenties, your late teens, you could be in your early thirties, and it's happening. But guess what you'll eventually get through it provided one thing you never give up. You never turn around and go back. Had I written myself off because of one failure, see, and this is where so many people go but go wrong at two. You write yourself off after you failed at something, the one thing you thought you wanted to accomplish, and you failed at it. Now you write yourself as a failure. Now you go settle on end to life and just see what See what hand you get had when I flunked out of college, had I written myself off as a failure, I wouldn't be here today. When I lost my carpet cleaning company, I would have written myself as a failure. And I wouldn't be here today when I didn't become a diamond distributed in Amway, or a direct distributor in am Way, even I would have written myself as a failure and I wouldn't be here to day. When I bought a distribution kit to become a distributor of the Bohemian Diet and I didn't make it, I would have written myself as a failure. When I became an Al William's distributor and I didn't make it, I would have written myself as a failure, and I wouldn't be here today. Oh, I got a list for you. When I got laid off it for a motor company. Had I written myself as a failure, I wouldn't have made it. Do you need some more? Because I have a story filled with mishaps. I have a story filled with failures. A couple of things now, the grace of God and his mercy which is available to us all. See that's the key, y'all, Because of his mercy, because of his willingness to forgive and to even understand why we do the things we do. In all of my shortcomings, failed marriages I'm talking about, man got it all wrong. I can't blame nobody else. It's just me. Steve ain't have it together at that point in life. I've could have ridden myself as a failure the first time I could. I just could have gave up on it after the second one. And please know that this is an admission. This ain't bragging. So before you start in with me, understand what I'm saying. I'm pointing out in my life a series of missteps and failures. But how I still get here today A couple of things. God's grace and mercy is first. But that's the key, that's for everybody see if it's God's willingness to forgive you, and god understanding of why we do what we do because he said we wasn't gonna be perfect. So in all of your imperfections, your creator told you you would not be perfect. He's sad it to you. It's out there. I don't care which one of the books you read it tells you that. So guess what With that in mind, he has a grace that he has. It's like a grace period. It's like when you don't pay your insurance premium on the day that is due. The next day, they don't just cancel your insurance premium. They have a grace period, because they ain't trying to stop this money from coming in. But when it comes to God, there's no money required. He just gives you the grace freely. It don't cost you nothing. So you got tap into that, y'all. You gotta get in touch with that, because that's an important part to making it understanding that His grace is available. So when you make a misstake, so when you fail at it, he has a loophole in the contract with him that allows you to make mistakes, that allows you to get it wrong, that allows you to fail time and time and time again. But if you never give up, if you keep getting up, if you keep trying, if you keep striving, if you keep making the effort to go forward and not go back, God has a blessing for you, and He has it in abundance for you, and God will give it to you at the right time. But you got to be ready. Oh, I want it to be successful. But if He had given it to me back then I wouldn't have handled it correctly because I would have made some more mistakes along the way. So you make the mistakes to learn the lessons. Lord. They ain't God been good to me. I ain't gonna lie to you. Cool you're listening show. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Welcome to the early part of twenty twenty two. It's a good year for those of us that are still here. We are blessed and highly favored. Don't ever forget that part of it. Don't ever forget all that God has done. Don't let that slip your mind. Don't get caught up into what you're not, what you don't have, what you wish you had. Don't get caught up in that without first realizing what God has done. Man oh Man, oh Man. Gratitude is a major principle of success. The more gratitude you practice, the more successful you will become. Let the church say many Man Man Man again. Shirley Strawberry, Colin Pharrell, Mississippi Monica, the ladies on the show, Junior Kill Spates and the legend Nephew Tommy, what you got? Uh? Let me let me ask yourself. And I know you're trying to season five, but you know I recently did something. I just want to just get some background right here. How many how many of what the hell was you thinking? Moments you didn't had it? Sixty five? How many? How many? I just I probably had my eighth one? Hey, you just had your eighth? What the hell am I doing? Moment? Just getting started? I had eight of them when I was nine every year now the way I grew up, I had eight a month. Trying to figure out how you just had your eighth one? Like, I've been married two times, divorce two times. Do you know in between? Now? How many what the hell moments I didn't have? I got seven kids? All that was what to him? Seven? Yeah, but I'm talking about marriage that ended badly for two For two times, I was at Antonio Brown of marriage. It was going end bad. I didn't know how to have a happy end. You took your pants off, man, I took my pants off the way back and get jumping Jackson the end zone. I did everything, man, And then you asked me how many what the hell moments I didn't I'm trying to count the moss that went by that I didn't have one. I might have had eight. It in man to y'all made so many mistakes. Man, I'm a living witness that you can take your life jacket completely up. God Almighty will forgive you and give you a chance to rebuild it, start all over again, and turn you into more than you ever dream though. That's what I'm a living witness, man. I appreciated. Man, the failures I have had have been monumental, Sir, I've had some life changing moments. I'm so stupid. All right, thank you. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll do the nephew and run that prank back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got for is nef This right here goes out to all of members of five Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated. Title of this is you ain't no Sigma. You ain't no Sigma. Let's go cat down. Hello. Oh, I'm trying to reach a greg please. Yeah, this is he? How you doing? My name is Bernard, five Beta Sigma. I'm over pledged relations uhhh giving you a call to day. Man. You attended priv a m University? Am I correct? Yeah? Am I right? You attended Privy and from my understanding, you pledge five Beta Sigma and fall of ninety one. That's correct, all right, that's the the Theta chapter, correct, Yes, all right. Here's where we're having some problems here, going through the records, records, actually looking at the records that we have here at headquarters, you're not actually an official member of five Beta Sigma. I don't know what has taken place. But wait a minute, what what you mean not a member? Looking at our records here at national headquarters, it's indicating that you're not an official member of five Data Sigma. I don't know what could have gone wrong with this? Now, Now that ain't right, man, That ain't right, because see, depth of data is recognized nationally, so why wouldn't I be nationally recognized? I'm not certain, sir. Maybe it's something that took place on that that actual line of Fall ninety one. We're actually going to have to do some research on everything that's going on with your line as well as the chapter. But how is that possible? If they gave if they gave me a certifticate in the in the plaque and I got my pen I mean I'm a Sigma what you mean, sir? I don't know what I'm looking at here? And and and please understand. I want to try to clear this matter up. Yeah, yeah, we need to clear this matter. Who else is there somebody there like a oversee, uh maybe the head president or your branch or something that I can talk to or something. Well, I'm actually I am actually over pledged relations and I wanted to give you a call personally so we can try to rectify the matter. And it's going to take us some time to hiring this thing out. But what I need you to do as at this point. Yeah, And you know what the problem is that I'm noticing is that all of the people that were on your line they are official for some reason. Mister Gregg is an official, So I want to I don't understand that because I was the line president. So how is everybody else able to be a sigma and not me when I did all the paperwork that it takes to for the process to be right. I don't understand, sir. You know what, brother, I can't call you brother for the fact that right now, brother, because I'm a signa. So here's what we're gonna have to do. Greg. We're gonna have to get you to first of all, if you're dealing with anybody alumni wise, we're asking that you don't go to any meetings right now. We're also asking that you don't wear any five beta Sigma peral for now. At this point, we want to make sure and get clarity that you are definitely a brother. Amn, man, I am definitely a brother. Do you know what I had to go through to get where I am today? To be a signal? And y'all took y'all dudes whatever to that. That's the thing. I'm seeing checks that have gone through for other people on that line. I don't play, man, and to this day, I'm like a lifetime member. So what the hell are you talking about? I have no records indicating that your lifetime member. That's what I'm saying, sir. We got bad dog. Somebody needs to tell me something today. We're gonna try to get to the end of this by the end of the week. It's gonna take no, no, but no, but no, you're not understanding what I'm saying, man, because I'm a signal to the heart. Dude. You know what I'm talking about. Y'all playing with my heart right now? Man, Ain't nobody's gonna do that and get away with I don't know what's going on. You know, here's what we can do. We can bring you back in and do another pledging process. Pledge. Did you understand what you just said to me? No? Man, that ain't happen. Dog, I've been through this already. Man, I'm not pledging. I'm not signing my name on nothing else because I have pledged. I'm not doing it. I need to get somebody on the phone that can answer my question. I want to know what's going on, okay right now? And I understand you know, the disbelief of what's going on. I really do you honestly? What year did you grow across? Did you walk the sand? Let me tell me what's going on? Brother. I'm fall eighty nine. Brother. And now what we're gonna have to do right now is, first of all, no pair of phernilia. No, you're trying to tell me that I can't well what's nearest and dearest to my heart, next to my wife and my child. You're telling me that I can't grow around and proclaim what I am. That's like telling me I can't be black. What the hell is you're saying? And another thing we're going to get you to do understand you have a brand, a Sigma brand that's going to have to come off until we get this taken care of. What and then you talk about them medical procedure. What are you saying so we cannot allow you to wear a brand representing five Beta signal when right now you are not only you can't five pain a lot that that brand to me was allowed to put the brand on me. Now I can't be allowed to wear something that I've been wearing for almost fifteen years? Are you crazy? Come on, man, that's some crazy. So we gotta get you to take your brand of me until all of this way? What the hell of out? Man? This is the look here? Brother? But what Bernard? Is that? What your name? You need to get somebody on this h That's all right, I know the president bill, how about that. I will just call in and I'll figured out my bill. Right now, we need you to take the brand off off you come take the brand off of me, and you want it that bad, come get it. That's what you do. You are not a member of five Beta Sick. I'm donna give up you talking about dog I am a member. If you want something over here, high Land, your boy that's what you do. You bad, come do it. So I'm telling you for the final time, do not wear any paraphern Now you keep don't want to hear that talking about no final. Let me tell you what's final. I am a five beta sigma to the hard damn sir. All I'm telling you is no more church and cover that brand up until we're here. Man, I'm gonna wear everything. I got a hat. I'm gonnat. A matter of fact, I'm gonna wearing hey, just to get it on yong ls. You're gonna keep brand covering up until we figured out if you are this nor had coming up, you come get it and tell it. You better get away from me. So I'm talking about put that brand up and don't shots no money. Tell you something I ain't coming. Come get it if you want it. I got one head. This is bruefire. You don't want none. You don't want none. This is the man. I don't know what one more thing I need to say to you. Are you going to say what you got to say? You ain't getting this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy boy. Y'all had me ready to kill my man. Y'all boy, let out one more thing, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, thank you, nephew. Huh yeah, right, coming up next, asked the CLO. With the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building for your love questions. Right after this, your listen Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and some national news for you, but right now it is time for the Chief Love Officer, the CLO, Steve Harvey, to answer your love questions. Here we go from Sandra in Indiana. Sandra writes, my youngest brother is twenty four and he lives with me. He had a long term girlfriend, but she recently broke up with him because I won't allow her new puppy inside my house. My brother said it's their dog together, so he should help care for the dog. I told him it's a firm no, and he said, I'm ruining his life. I think that's a bit dramatic, But do you think I should bend my rules now? I think it's a damn dog that's ruined your life. Don't put this off on your sister. It's that damn dog's your sister's house. She lives that she paid he rist, she bought that. She lets you Leah with Hull. You didn't move this girl in. Now, she won't a puppet when she can't handle. She get a puppet when she get her own place. You can't bring no puppy and number woman's house sault in the carpet. That pupply gotta get poppy trained. Anybody fi to do that. You put your brother out? What why layman? Why don't they take day twenty four year old grown as somewhere and get their own apartment. And they don't have all the puppies they want. No, you, you ruined in my life. You're stupid boy. Okay, Now she'd broke up with you because waymuhola dog lady. It's not you that has some problems. He that has some problems. A woman then broke up with you because you won't let her bring a puppet in her sister house, in your sister house, so she broke up with you. You got the wrong chick though, Next question, Shirley. All right, Moving on Terra and South Haven, Mississippi says, I gave my husband a Hall pass because I had two surgeries back to back and he was so sweet to me while I was healing. That was a year ago. My best friend found out in the streets about his fling, and without talking to me first, she confronted my husband and tried to fight him. I don't want her in my personal business, but she's in it now, And how should I explain this to her? See? I tell y'all all the time, when you see a man somewhere, you find out something about a man that ain't your business. Now, she'd confronted this man about fooling around on her girlfriend when her girlfriend and gave him a Hall pass because he was so kind to her doing surgery. If you could get a Hall pass for kindness doing surgery, you know many passes I'd had many times I've been kind and been not going ahead. Tell my no damn hall pass. Bet not bring it up ever? And lady, why do you pass? How Hall passes for kindness? What? What is that? Oh? You were kind to me, you get a Hall pass? What? Who are you? You know? How can I be? No? That doesn't make no sense. Now your girlfriend is simple. I don't. I don't know what you should say to her except this is not your business, but she in it. Now, do you want to tell her how stupid you were by awarding him a hall pas that you said it was okay? And I'm gonna tell you something else. She ain't keeping it to herself. She's telling other people. Wow, and your husband didn't have to watch his step because his wife gave him permission. Yep. Facts. Yeah, it's not your business. It's not her business. Anybody it's not her business. But it ain't no woman's business. But y'all always making y'alls cause she my girl. Cause I would want to know, well, now here you go. Now I'll tell you what. Let's let the women tell him what to do, because y'all always tell about I would want to know. I would tell her, well, now she trying to whip her husband's as what would you do, Sherley, It's not my business. I wouldn't do anything. I honest to god, I wouldn't do a thing. Is that business is a bold face? No, it's not in this particular situation. I wouldn't do anything. I don't know what's going on in their house. M Okay, Carla, what would you do? Try to fight the husband? Carla, my best friend, my best friend. Yeah yeah, so shearlte Shirley, you wouldn't tell your girlfriend. I wouldn't. I'm not in this. I'm really not in this one. I'm not in this. So if your husband, if this happened, but your husband, you wouldn't want to know from your girlfriend. No, I would kill him. But I'm asking you if I found out, No, I want your girlfriend to tell you. Okay, that's huntreil to everything you've ever said in every Strawberry people. There's no changing on this ship. No, you don't. You stay that damn same on this Sha, We're not interchanging on this show. We ride it down. Him my best your bestie, your best My best friend just got married. I'm not in their marriage. No, okay, and you see her husband cheating, you ain't gonna say nothing. I ain't mad at the answer. I like Shirley's an answer, but that's not what she's ever said. And I've always said that I would say something just like I just said, I'd probably be all in it. I'm not in this one, would have harp well, but yeah, Shirley, but see Shirley, you don't know about the hall pass all, you know, But I'm just not in anybody relationship on time. I don't have time for nobody else. I don't have done. Yeah, I saw my partner's girl somewhere in a little strange looking position. I'm not going to here tell his man this hill? Yeah, well, you know, in a weird you know, it looked like something was going on, but I couldn't hear. But I already knew. If I want to tell him that he was going to jail, I already knew that. Yeah. If I tell this food anything. Yeah, like I said, it depends on who it is. Best friend though, that's that's like my sister to me. Sorry for me, all right? Moving on, Cathedra in uh Topeka says, my boyfriend has a habit of sending several women a good morning text before he starts his day. He does it freely and doesn't think it's a problem. I think it's the first step in cheating. And I'm jealous. Am I overthinking it? Or? Is this cheating? Man? Mom? How does this word? What are y'all doing nowadays? What? What? What relationships y'all go? What y'all allowing up in here? What? What? What is these new rules that you can text three women in the morning wish them good morning? What? I don't know who can do that. Shirley texts me every single day, Shirley Strawberry. She texts me scriptures every morning. I asked, Shirley. I said, Shirley, do me a favor, text me a scripture every morning. Shirley texts me a scripture every single morning. I was on vacation and didn't quite see the name Shirley. Because Shirley's text comes with a strawberry next to her name and a heart. I deleted it for safety purposes because I was blurried and I didn't know it. Said, Shirley looked like Sheila, and I deleted it. I don't know what a heart and a starberry? All right, explain, thank you, Cello, coming up the script We have some entertainment news right after this. You're listening to say morning show. Cardi B is the newest addition to the Playboy family. All right. The multi platinum music musician, She's an entrepreneur. She's also an activist. Cardi B will be the first ever creative Director in residence for Playboy lifestyle brand. Okay, Cardi will provide artistic direction with co branded fashion, sexual wellness products, digital editorial content and more and merchandise created through the collaboration between Playboy and Cardi B aims to expand the Playboy brand. Cardi B tweeted that she is the founding creative director and a founding member of Centerfold, the new creator led platform from Playboy. So a new job for Cardi B. Okay and uh huh uh huh. You know playbook magazine. Okay, you can't do Why are you looking like that? I'm not allowed to do nothing, allowed to comment because I can't even comment on this tactics book. But why are you looking around? I'm in Los Angeles and I'm scared. She I'm trained. Cardi B is expanding her brand also. Our Girl Rihanna announced recently that she plans to open up stores for her Savage Expansey Lingerie line. NAE huh you mean Rihanna? Yeah, Rihanna, Rihanna na na yeah, Rihanna is somebody else we know Rihanna? It's Rihanna hook. I'm not arguing with you, she said, it's I'm calling her what she calls herself, how about that? Rihanna announced on Instagram that she will expand her brand to include retail stores. She posted a mic image of one of her future boutiques with the caption twenty twenty two We're coming in hot. We're about to bring you a whole new Savage ex fenty experience with the launch of our brick and mortar retail stores. Rihanna reveal that the first boutiques will be in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Houston, Philadelphia, and DC. Carla. We may have to, um, you know, do some shopping. Okay, I might have to come to you, says he. Oh yeah, So congratulations to both these ladies, moving and shaken, expanding her brands, you know, keeping it sexy all of that. Yeah yeah, no comment from you, hunsty. You can't comment on this. What is I'm talking about women's laundry for Congratulations Rihanna or Rihanna as you call her. Congratulations. I can't talk, you can can you get you? Hey, mister smart guy? Go here? Can you go ahead? Start change your house soon? Go ahead? Go ahead, celebration, go ahead. I'm gonna you got scared. I've been a pass also. Um judge, Steve, last night, you did it again, sir. Come on, y'all, you did it again. Okay, okay, So last night three cases, right, surely? Okay. So the first always a bride'smaid, never a bride. I was so mad at the group at the at the forever fiance, Steve, you call them stupid though, at the entire time. Yeah. And then after the commercial break, because he wouldn't marry and he had all these crazy philosophies about why he wouldn't marry this woman. They hable to three children together, they have a business together, home, they being together. First. Yeah, so Steve went down and took a picture of this man he had ever met, I've never seen him before, and he called him that. Yeah. Yes, yeah, like after the break but wait a minute, came back, but he didn't them. Yeah, you didn't buy the woman you sleeping with to to counters her. Right. But now, y'all, this ain't the break up. Oh, he didn't want to leave her. He loves her. Dim So even if you win this case, you gotta go home. You have to go home high. This win, This win ain't ain't gonna be a win. They got three kids together, by the baby boy and this add on television and now everybody know. Yeah, the pain this food to set himself is immeasurable. Yeah. Yeah. And the second one was about the VIP getaway. The raffle drawn, Yeah, raffle drawn. Yeah. The lady she wanted at a fundraiser and it was rigged. The raffle was rigged and they went to they were supposed to go to Atlantic City on MLK Day weekend the last year. And she told this woman it was a goal and it wasn't And she goes with her girls, She invited her friends and everything had gonna have a girl's weekend, laid all out and it was they were essential workers, so they felt like they were reserved. The girl's shrip and all of that. And Steve, it was just the raffle person. She just nine. Yeah. She said she didn't have the money to They had to fix it some kind of way. She didn't have the money to to uh, to reimburse the woman because she had taken her family on a big Steve said, where'd they called? Oh, we went to Paris, we went to and today. But you didn't have the money to reimburse this woman to go to Atlantic city line, not called the line I went on there. I got these screens on each side of my bitch. Well I can yes, you played it back and I actually showed her where she was lying. Yes, because you don't know when you lying, because I told thousands, so you know thee anyway, it was we love, Oh my God. With yes, you knew that you got around. You don't want to miss Judge Dave Tuesday nights, ABC eight seventh Central. All Right, coming up in seven twenty, A Texas mother locks her thirteen year old son in the trunk of her car. You're not gonna believe this story. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. A Texas mother has been charged with endangering a child after she allegedly placed her thirteen year old son, who had COVID nineteen, into her trunk the trunk of her car to avoid being exposed to the virus. Yeah blu covid. Yeah yeah, got to riding in the backseat. I support her, We'll go here. The Director of Health Services stated she was gathering information from cars in a line for COVID testing when she encountered a female driver. Her name is Sarah Beam, who admitted to putting her son in the trunk of her car to prevent herself from being exposed to COVID. While driving her son to the testing site for additional testing, the thirteen year old boy was found in the trunk. He was lying down. The health official notified the police, and during the investigation, police reviewed the surveyor cameras which show the teenage boy exiting the trunk and getting into the back seat. What I support this. I'm positive he's positive. This is how your mom treats you. Now, yeah, you can't. You can't put your baby the trunks. A way to do this? Come on here. And a lot of her students are supporting her, leaving signs at her home saying she's a great teacher, she's loving. These students. Ain't been in the trunk, bad mom. What's all the surprises you meanybody put you in the trunk? Stop? I ain't never been put in the trunk. Okay, So I've been put out, but I've had my ass beaten to near death. Where was their complaints? Then it was the police? Where where was the video camera of him? As exactly? I took severe ass with the hands of my mama and my daddy. I wish they would have took my ass outside and put me in the trunk. I'd have laid that all evening. I ain't the gong with a little trunk time you know fresh? Hell, you know, stop coming up through the trunk. She didn't lock him in there and didn't feed him. I'm cool with it. I'm cool man. You got COVID, Get your ass in this trunk. Is that what your dad would have said? Get outside on that poach. I'd have had to stand outside on the porch with COVID. My dad would have moved me into the garage. Hell yeah, show ass in that trunk with your sick ass. I'm sitting up in here. I got respiratory problems. I got dive bees and hot blood pressure. I can't catch nothing. I can't catch ohm croon. I can't. I can't kitch stupid. All right? Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we're moving on. We have we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. A man stuck in a chimney in Montgomery County, Maryland, was rescued after two dozen firefighters responded. They had to break through a wall dismantled part of the chimney. They did that brick by brick. They were trying to free him. This according to officials. Now, a resident of the home called police after hearing rustling that he thought was coming from the outside. This was around three thirty in the morning. Initially, officers responded to the home and found no signs of an attempted break in, so left. Now about an hour later, the resident heard moaning moaning from inside the wall of the home and found a burglar stuck in the chimney. Uh. Two dozen fighters responded, light of five. We're gonna warm his ass up. We're gonna kill him, but we're gonna warm him up. Though white crime, there's no mention of race in this story. What do you don't know what it is? Didn't have to it's a white crime. Why how can you say that? Though? I know who does what? Let's just leave it in. I'm a judge, now, oh yeah, that's right, judge, Steve, white crime. Let's go go ahead. Two dozen firefighters responded. When white crime he showed up, they see it. If it's a black crime day since swatty. Oh okay, so the fire gotta get him out of the chimney. We have to get him out of the chimney. Here Squatt is on the scene, quil firefighters, white man and chippy. Yeah, and they got him out stick and they can tell about the moaning. They didn't know right away. I'd have left him in there for about the bear two. I'd remember that saying there. Now, you'd have heard stuff like this, Oh, for pete sake, love his white man glory, Oh, jimminy crickets scaring on here, tight tight black dude, Come on man, Hello leaders sugar. Yeah, hits the chimney talking Hey black people. When they know they're in trouble, they getting helped, you hear me. Yeah. So the man Steve was taken to the trauma center with serious injuries. He is expected to survive and then he'll face charges for the break in. Oh yeah, yeah, please, I don't I'd have cooked him for a day, though, I'd have cooked his ass for a day. I ain't gonna campire. Who is the roisser? Who is the road tisseran white guy? Who is that homy cooked through that? How you thought like, You don't. You didn't think this out that I'm gonna go be able to go down this chimney. You didn't. You don't know how wide the chimney is. You don't know if it's gotta flute on the end of it. You don't know. You don't know nothing. You don't know how la should opening. He is after bottom because of opening at the bottom is always smaller than the one at the top. And obviously this is the person who doesn't have a chimney, right, A great idea, This is a great idea. Yeah, this is a dumb ass criminal. This, this is a dude. He's involved in drugs. Drugs. Make you think like that, do this for me? Just do this. You're the black family with the white guys and chinne and you see these feet hanging out. What you're feel to do, well, it's a lot. I don't really know we're cooking him her We're not, but I'm if your feet are dangling, I'm gonna probably shoot you in both ankles. Shoot you in both ankles to be shot. Do you want to be cooked? Which one you want? Just in case you do slide down. When you slide down, your ass will be kneels. That's for damn. And if we don't shoot you, we're gonna put that misery on you and just break both of us. Wow, right, dumb criminals, did you see that? Dumbas pod? Can't We don't have time? All right? All right? Coming up next the nephew and the prank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening to ring show coming up at about four minutes after the hour. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is polite in the streets and rude in the sheets. That's what I'm talking to that. We'll get it. We will get into it a little later because right now, nephew, you're up with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Well, let me check my stupid temperature and see how far I want to go up, how how high I want it to be? You know, But I got a stupid thermostat and it allows me to go up and down on it. So, Luke, that's right here. Today is my favorite socks, my favorite socks, cat dog, if you would along trying to reach the Charles. Yeah, Charles, okay, are you the do you live an apartment? Who is this? My name? Benny Man, I live in. Let me say this to you. Man, this like the third time this that happened, you know, and I ain't got fed up with it. So I'm been a city. We've been a getting up man. Wait wait wait, who who are you again? My name Benny Man, I live in. Let's listen. Do you use the washroom on the property? Yeah? Man, I used washroom? What's up? Okay? This is the third time this to happened. Last night was the third time right now. The first time I happened to be in the washroom with you and I come up with a shirt missing now. The second time was was was my T shirt? My Chicago Bulls Championship T shirt? I saw your girl with it on now last night? Last night was one of drew to nine. My favorite socks was missing out to dry you when I come back to get my luve. I don't know what you're doing, man, when you're in this washroom. If you decide you're just gonna go shopping in the dry and get what you want out of it from other people's stuff. Man, but this ain't hold up. I'm a grown man. What are you talking about? Shopping forward? Every day I buy my own. Listen, you called me tripping by some clubs, and you called me dripping by some socks. You, I'm right, they' my favorite shocks. So when I got a problem is what what makes you think you can start opening up dryings, getting people? Stop out? Man? Hold on, what make you think I'm opening up? Hold up? You got the wrong one? Why are you getting my number from anyway? I got your number from the least in office, the league. I told them so what they gonna lost mind giving you my numbers, calling me with some buy some socks. Hey man, they're my favorite shock and look at it. I wanted my socks back from you. Man. I'm gonna say this one more time. You're gonna lost your man. Okay, I'm gonna say this one more time. It's I'm gonna get them socks. I'm gonna get that. I'm playing. You say you live in five? What I live in You got live? Stand up? I knock on your dough about ten minutes. If it's okay with you, partner, Hey man, it's whatever. All I know is you better bring them damn socks when you bring your round my favorite flocks. You got my favorite socks, and you crying like a little about some socks. Man with you. You got my man dog on man whipping your party. Man, you better shirt. You better have my Chicago Board championship shirt and you better have my sock. You can't be taking people stuff about the washroom. Fine party, you got three called fox shirt and a T shirt. That's what you want. You got out. You be coming for all of But that's fine with me. Dog, I do I want my socks back. Man black like my little sister who crying? What ain't man? I don't worry about that. I better not catch you are your sister in my stuff? I'm a cat off you hear me. You ain't gonna telling nobody you're gonna lost your man. First of all, why don't use your hand on down to the washroom. It's like a whoop your Now. I'll meet you in the washroom right now, but you better bring my socks with you. You let me, I'm bringing to pap. I'm gonna put you inside that damn trying turn it off till you're stealing stuff out of it. Let me tell you what that harry up. Put your get down to the washroom. Now, I'm tired of my shoe on the fall phone. I'm already walking that way. So now what want to see me? You know me? No? You no, we already know you. Once you get punched in the head, you don't know what's going on. I wish it. You ain't a man enough, But I'm gonna you ain't way. I'll tell you what I long. It's gonna take you to get your over. That's gonna take me about two minutes. Paul, Right, guess what else I'm bringing with? What's my bringing? Now? Is you listening to see what I'm bringing? Man? What this is? Nephew Tommy? Say what? Man? Who is this? Hey? Y'all this nephew tim Me from the steal Harvey morning? Yo, man, Yo, girl, Shandry got me to prank you. Man, Man, wrong, y'all wrong, Man, I got one boot on. I'm on my way down to stair. Sw me. Come on, man, tell me it ain't so man I'm talking about I know ain't no grown man on this phone crying over. Oh and that sounds man, some sick man, some sick well, you know y'all tripping? Hey, man, I got one more question, baby, what is what is the baddest radio show? In the lad man. That's easy to Steve Harvey Martin show. I got right. I'm going to whoop somebody and he's going to enjoy it like one boot on parting. I don't care what it is, crying on some sock like my little sister, like a little ottle punk. What you think, Steve. I love the violence level that people get to on these pro phone calls. Tell me take them there. It's just a cultural thing, man, When you push people who come up a certain way, it just it ain't nowhere else for us to go push. Pushing me what you want me to do. I ain't got nothing else, so you know we all got that. But I don't have your socks. I don't hear your T shirt you bought my girl into this. I don't have none of this stuff you're talking about. I work every day. I don't steal nobody's stuff. And the leasing office that gave you my number, this is this is your unlucky day because you never should have took that number from the leasing office because you got the wrong one. But you, like my little sister, right right, buy some socks. Socks all this week got going on in this world. We got we got we got mama's putting babies in the truck. We got white fus coming down the chimney. You're worried about some sicks. Worried about some sicks. Come get your laugh on with you boy. This weekend. That's m l K. It is m l K Weekend, Ladies and gentlemen is coming up. And if you live in Jackson, Mississippi, anywhere around the way, the Nephew is coming to town. Chuckles Comedy Club. That's the fourteenth through the sixteenth, Friday, Saturday Sunday, two shows each night. Nephew is coming to act a dog, golf food, as my dad is say, a star native fool. You don't understand, So get ready. That's this weekend, baby. I can't wait to get to it. Jackson, Mississippi. Got a couple of favorite restaurants down there. Gonna do my thing, Gonna come shining at a fool, gonna play a little golf, might eat some chitless because I ain't getting an let me stop. It ain't gonna put all that out there, but anyway, Southern cuisine, futhern cuisine laying in the cut, Jackson, Mississippi. You know, Chuckles, that's uh. In Memphis. They have they have they now have another club in Jackson, Mississippi. They have a Chuckles there now and getting ready to put one in New Orleans, I believe. So Chuckle's spread not black owned comedy clubs. Nice, that's what your boy, Prescott, Scott Prescott holding down man, he's funny man. When you go down there on Ferresh Street. I'm on a diet right now, Shirley, surely Johnny ts were, I'm Ferris Street in Jackson, Monica. What is she talking about? All right? Then, let everybody know. It's gonna get real country. It's a black owned restaurant. Johnny teas be strowing blues. They have a bad patty up for you. Ready to smoke cigars whenever you get there at Cajun Creole so Food, Green's corn Bread. How does Shirley know about this place? Don't even show there. You know they have a reality show. They just she knows, so it's in there. It's ain't nobody bullish your miss sitting before stop quick quit this stop Let men yourself. You say it's a reality show. Yeah, that's a reality show based in Mississippi. And Bell Collective is called Yeah, it sounds and it's sound Timmy smithwork. Oh I thought it was Oprah's all this time. Yeah, it's me or Oprah owned it to go. All right, thank you, you just owned it right. There's a difference coming up next. It's a Strawberry letter. Polite in the streets, Rude in the sheets is the subject. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and just click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now, and you never know, it could be yours. It could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it four you here at ease. The Strawberry Letter subject Polite in the streets, Rude in the sheets. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a fifty two year old newly wed and I married a pastor whose wife died five years ago. Long story short. I started attending his church around five years ago, and he was very polite and welcoming, but I had no idea he was interested in me. When his wife died, I attended the memorial service and he gave me a lingering hug in the back of the church. I sent a card to the church and he said a thank you note and said he loved seeing me during the eleven a m. Service. I mostly attended the eight am service, but since he said that, I started going to the eleven am service. He politely greeted me every Sunday and thanked me for coming. I still no idea he was interested in me. Then out of the blue, he asked me to talk to him in his office one Sunday. He was very frank about what he wanted and how he wanted it. I was shocked to hear a very polite man of God talking like that, but I was aroused because I secretly had a crush on him. He told me he was lonely and needed a woman in his bed. He asked if I was interested in dating him, and he made it clear that he wanted to get married so he could have sex as soon as possible. My heart fluttered and I got caught up in the idea of getting married. Close to a year later, we got married, and on our wedding night we were intimate for the first time, and he said the most vile and offensive things to me from the time I started taking my clothes off till the bitter end. His language sounded like a porn video. I thought it was because he hadn't been with a woman in a while, But that's just how he is. He's not the polite old man that his church thinks he is. Is it something that a marriage counseling will fix or should I get the marriage annulled before he gets worse? Well, this is a problem for you because you say you're offended and uncomfortable. Well that shouldn't be and it's never good in any marriage. But many, many people are, of course one way in public, and then they get behind closed doors in the bedroom, and you know, they get wild their wild side shows. People do what turns them on behind closed doors. But what I'm trying to figure out with you is if you're shocked at the fact that your husband is a pastor and he's talking like this, or you just don't like the dirty talk in the bedroom period, Because at first you said, you know you were flattered, or you know you had a crush on him too, you were aroused. You got to remember that pastors are human too. They are men, and that's what he is in the bedroom with his wife. He's not your pastor there. But he's a man. Okay, he's a human. He's imperfect, he's in flawed, he's flawed, he's all that. And you did say, like I said, that he was. You were aroused when he brought you in his office. That was when you should have asked him questions about what he meant by that and what did he expect. But you said you got caught up in the idea of marriage. You still didn't get married for almost a year. You have plenty of time to talk to him between your office visit and the wedding. That was almost a year, like you said, and you still haven't talked to him about it. You still haven't talked to him. You wrote us instead. You asked about counseling, which I always think is a good idea, especially before you decide to end your marriage completely. And you know, maybe pastor nast it can tone it down for you if he knows how it makes you feel you just got to talk to him about it. Steve, yah'na work. Nothing you said gonna work here. Nothing you said it's gonna work. Well, this is a different kind of issue here. This is not for counseling. I disagree with that, but go ahead, No he running. Wait a minute, what are they gonna say in counselor that he's gonna be willing to say out loud because passing nasty? I said that. Now this is troubled, but it's really not troubled though. See it's trouble, but it ain't. You fitted to You din't heard all this before. You just have never heard it directed And but you've heard all this before. No, no new words. There's some new ways to phrase it. And I think I have a way to help to pass the out because so it de passed and got his wife that died five years ago. You just happen to start going to the church five years ago. He was polite and welcoming men, and you didn't know he was interested in you. When his wife died, you went to the Mamal service. He gave me a lingering hug in the back of the church. Acted damn Mamal service. This ain't the time to start pushing up on nobody, pastor. But that's how you took it through. I sent a card to the church and thank and a thank you note, And well, why did you send the card to the church and a thank you though? For what? Where was you thanking him for the lingering hub sympathy card for his wife? His wife's sat I sent a card to the church and he send a thank you though. Okay, so lady, okay, anyway, I ain't got nothing to do with that, don't worry about that. Anyway, you sent the card, and he said he loves seeing me doing eleven o'clock service. I mostly at ten to eight o'clock service. But since he said that, I started going to the eleven o'clock you didn't see the little subliminal gangster move he put in there. I need you to start coming to the eleven o'clock because after that I can help you over to the office and i'll let you. But if you come to the eight o'clock, it's too close to the eleven o'clock and too many people up in there, and I ain't gonna damn ain't you. So I need to subliminently suggest that you come to the eleven o'clock and you fail for it. Oh well, at part two of Steve's response, coming up with twenty three minutes after the hour, today's strawberry letters subject polite in the streets, rude and the sheets. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letters, subject polite in the streets, rude in the sheets. Well, let's just get to what the letters about. It really ain't about how they met. Now, she didn't marry this pass to whose wife died. And now the problem is, well, she went into the past his office one day and he was very frank about what he wanted and high he wanted it. I was shocked to hear a polite man of God talking like that, but I was aroused to see right there. It worked. It worked. You were shocked, but you were aroused. It worked because you had secretly had a crush on it. He told you he was lonely and needed a woman in his bed. He asked me if I was interested in dating him, and he made it clearly he wanted to get married, so he could have sex as soon as possible. My heart flooding. Oh, I got caught up in the idea of getting mad. Close to a year later we got mad, and on our wed night we were intimate for the first time, he said the most vile and offensive things to me, from the time I started taking my clothes off all the way to the bitter end. The language sounded like a Part one video. I thought it's because he hadn't been with a woman in a while, But that's just how he is. He ain't polite old man. He is at the church, thank you. Is this something that marriage counseling will fix? Or should I get the marriage annall before it gets worth? So? What I would suggest to the past you want to talk viole to a woman, you have to start using different turners. You could accomplish this without CUsing and without making actual Vogel remarks. I have a few things that I would suggest the past to start saying, and it'll come across and it will get the pastor where he need to be, but without but with only using regular words and animals animals. What you need to use words and animals and you can get all his not animals sounds. No, you can be you can be vibe. But when you sprank my monkey. So you got to do stuff like that where you can say vile and nasty stuff. But it don't if you just read it and all it says is spank. The next word is my and the word is monkey. But needing those words by itself are nasty. But when you put them all together and you use the right tone, oh, sprank my monkey. When you say it like that, past, you get to accomplish what you want. Get on this gorilla. See right there, you saying stuff that can spake it another way. This gorilla you don't know what is talking about, but it'll accomplished what he wants. You know what. I'm like, you better be my will the beast. You gotta say stuff like that. You gotta just get it out, you know. Let me quack quack on that duck. Yeah, you know, I just got ways that you can give it to another. Let me milk your skittles. You don't throw a candy in every nine. Then they don't always have to be stuff like that. You know what I'm Oh, you you my black monk, and mama you know something, Yeah, you my black fucking man. You know you're being mild, but you're not really You're keeping it as a Christian. You know, I'm gonna crack that cricket. You know, you don't really what you're just saying stuff that dude like that. I'm gonna chase that cheetah. Now, okay, get on downna chase the cheating. Then, don't nobody got to know what you're talking about. You know, you're laid down on my lion right now. Yeah, come out, laid down on my lion. That's the hangar the jump. Yeah. See, you're able to talk vioud to this woman when and then you could throw in like scriptures you are passing, you know, lazare of Dad, but I ain't, you know, yeah, what all a little script just say Lazarus died. You know, that's all the drink, some of this jungle juice, you know, jungle juice they had that you should say that after a seventy eleven jungle juice, you know. And those are the things that he could say to her and still be violent, maybe keep his marriage together. So if I was a counselor, that's what I would recommend, because he likes talking dirty and you just have to use clean words that insinuate dirty thoughts. And I'm very proud of that because I don't think he's gonna be able to go back and calling this woman the names he been calling her because she talking about right now, Because I can tell you right now, pastor talking so crazy to this hell crame pastor talking so crazy to this woman. I just don't want in him. Give me just wanting. Yeah, go ahead, and I'm gonna tell us stripes of physic saying you gotta get it like that. You look animal. That's how it is right there. You know this draft, why don't you get on? Why don't you get on some of this crop? Could do you just take your time and say it passed? Yeah, you know I'm saying, you know, just kind of put it out there like that. Keep it all animal, you know what I'm saying. Like that, Well, listen, nowhere to go from here. I'm fitting to run up on you like a herd. Yeah, you can leave it heard today, you're gonna think it's a lot of strawberry letter on Instagram. Hay at them. Check out the strawberry letter plant man. Coming up next, Sport to Talk Junior you're listening Save Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time now for Junior and sports talk. What you got Junior, Shirley, Let me just say this for your fast Greensboro, North Carolina, the Comedy z One, y'all are two days away from straight ignorance, and just want y'all to know two days away. Go ahead and get your tickets news. Three shows, one Friday, two sad Okay, this just Dot King weekend comedies on. I got some things. I got to talk to y'all about it, and i'ma tell you right now, and Tonio Brown gonna be one of them. I'm just gonna let you know that right you might well get rid of Get your ticket, Junior. Okay, yes, sir, yes sir. One show Friday, yes, sir. Two shows Sadday, Yes, sir. Who're gonna have to start doing most shows? Yes, sir. I understand that that's just how the club wanted to do it. I am at the club. Want to make money, yes, sir, So Junior wants to make money, Yes, sir, we got to do most shows. Got your big don And the next day is marl Luther King National Holiday. We should do a show, on Sunday. Is this a comedy club, Yes, sir, it's comment zone. We got to do more shows. Start putting that in your mind for twenty twenty two. You know what, You're right, were right. You do more shows, you make more money, club make more. Yes, it's a partnership. I want you to start thinking bigger than twenty twenty two. Yes, sir, you got things you got to do in twenty twenty two. Your life is changing. You got to pick up the pace, yes, sir. You got to get more income, yes sir, Yes, sir. Uh can we just get to uh congratulating just to Georgia Bulldogs because right now you're tearing my ass up life? You can do I do it any other way. These lessons you never do no other way. So I've had to learn all my lessons publicly. He didn't you think they didn't add to miss universe fiasco in twenty fifteen. It was I didn't get to make my mistakes privately. I just want, okay, we'll sports. Congratulations to the your bulldog who let the dogs out college. That's a champion. Yeah they did that. Man, proud up Nick Saber. Not this year, not this year, because he didn't want enough anyway. So oh he ain't he mag hein win this shit? Kurt Smart. Congratulations, brother, I appreciate it. I'm glad I live in George problem all right, George? Yeah, George, I'm about that g on their chest for me. Yesterday Georgia Bulldogs got the same logo as my high school had at Glenville. That's the same g yo yo. Yeah, and they got a few frat brothers on the team on the saw him throw their hooks up at a couple of plays. Was you proud of Hell? Yeah, that's why I'm pulling for Jalen Hurt. Here frat brother, I'm pulling for him too. Oh. Here they in the playoffs two the Eagles in the playoffs. Oh they they played first. We're gonna find out. I'm about to find out, man. But then the end though, come, thank you you. I'm sure coming up at the top of the hour, here's a question you guys think about this. How attractive do you think you really are? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So here's a question for you guys. How attractive or handsome are you really a new survey from super drug Online Doctor found on average, men rate themselves a five point nine on an overall attractiveness scale of one to ten. Okay, only forty two percent of men are happy with their looks. Some other interesting findings of the survey are this, men think. The men think the ideal height is six feet and the perfect weight is around one hundred and sixty eight pounds one hundred sixty eight. What you went to wait, Tommy went to Okay, ain't none of this right a minute? Six feet, one hundred and sixty eight pounds, That sin ginny is all get out. That's the perfect one. If I don't want to win on one sixty eight? Okay, And that's that's that's hungry, That's what that is. Do you know if I waited one hundred and sixty eight pounds? What how's all are you to see? Sixty two? One sixty eight? Ain't I actually try to whip your air? One sixty eight? I went to actually try, and you probably could. I have to run, week, I have to run. But but let's get out of this this number out of like I would on a scale of one to ten, I think I'm really a boy like a six or six point two. Okay, you're writing that average? You know, junior? What about you on a scale? I just want to thank the study for the point nine because I was a fast. Oh okay, what's on the scale of one to ten where most men find themselves? The average man says five point nine? Yeah, so six sixteen. I'm six two all the way around six two in hyfe six two in looks on the scale of one to ten. Okay, what about your junior? I'm I thought I'll just bout a five, you know, but they gave me point land, just the average. I'll take they gave you. You don't have to take that point nine. All right, on back to that side where you hear me. All right, let's get to it. Let's get to the nephew scale of one to ten. How do you rate yourself? Nine point eight? Who? Shoo the hell Jesus you got all the lookliness out the way shy, I'm nine point and you've got to be kidding me. I ain't the last I know who I am, and it ain't a nine point you're confident. I'm comfortable with me. I have nine point eight. Yeah, we're time. You probably bout like a two. I ain't no two boy, okay, Sherlett Carl. Where where I'm at? Not nine point eight nine? Yea with the other guys, I think with him, these two people that think they ugly, No they no, no, no, no, we're not thinking. I think really our number is our height. I'm five teen, so five ten five four, I'm not. I'm not four. Be honest, honest, you're looking at right now what you're looking at. And I'm just gonna do this because he's my nephew, we family. I'm getting the curage of him, the whole package. Will he lose something in height because the average man think ideal height is six, so he loses two inches off that. So he gotta be on the five on scale of one to ten. In terms, it looks he about a six six too. I'm talking about I'm talking about a hard six. I'm talking about creeping in. I'm talking about like if somebody said five eight, that would be a debate. Steve of the men say that I'm having great abs makes them attractive, and having a great butt makes them attract Well, most men don't have abs, so let's start there. But I got I got a but Tommy, Tommy got plenty of ass. It's high time is up. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show with twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The US MENT has started shipping quarters featuring the likes of several trailblazing women as a part of the American Women Quarters program, and poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou will be the first black woman to ever grace the coin. The Angelu coin is one of five new quarter designs that will run from twenty twenty two through twenty twenty five. George Washington's likeness will remain on the other side of the quarter, and the US MEANT confirmed that they have already begun shipping the Maya Angelou coins, so be on the lookout for them. That's great news, that's awesome. Like that. I don't want the George Washington quarters. I want the money, so I don't want this. I know why some several of those quarters exactly collect design design him three years to collect them. He got to be on the other side of the quarter. Black people can't have even a quarter. It's crazy. What's you say junior. No, forget that. Why here he got to be on the other side. Black people can have their separate quarters. What's on the backside? No, no, no, it's gonna be Maya Angelou on one side and then flip it over and it's still George Washington on the other side. I'm sorry. Yeah, we can't even have a quarter hair the tales White man, black woman? Which one? You won't have? The tale? Gonna take a beautiful story. You know they're gonna flip the coin, sir, sound crazy. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're gonna play a round of would you rather have? Thirty three minutes after right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time to play another round of would you rather? Would you rather spend a day in the mall with your lady, your wife, your significant other, whoever, or spend a day at the dentist? Give me this dream? Hey, hey, hey, I'm kind of easy that. Would you rather spend a day at the mall with your wife? Or would you rather spend a day at the dentist? I don't know about that. Most people don't like to go to the dentist. That's that's. I know. Most people don't like the most men don't like to go to them. But Steve said, the mall. I'm going to the mall. So happened. I'm going to the mall. The mall has gotten better though, for shells and benches for me and to sit on while they women doing stuff. They got better with that, so it's a more comfortable sitting. Okay, okay, go ahead, I'm going. I'm going to the dentist. Give me the drill because I'm in the mall with her ass. I'm in the store sniffing candles. I don't even care about. I mean, hey, I don't know what is Zara. I ain't never been in here? What am I doing? Oh you ain't. I don't know none but that I'm none of that Zara. So fa know, I'm like, I'm pleading that you just turn your chair around you that over the should ain't gonna work. I'm trying to do so. You was on your radio show this morning and you said, what, all right, would you rather would you rather get male enhancement surgery or would you rather get surgery on your ab? Like light bow on your app I'd rather get the surgery on my abs if I do any more. Whereas I'm I'm on this, I'm I'm, I'm, I'm blessed in highly face already in double extraws. Where where are we going with this? Is no way? But I asked right, I'm putting nothing else down here. Already can't use that little slot that they put on draws. I already can't use that. Really, really gonna give me these alms? I ain't seen it in a while, all right, Tommy Junior, I want alms. I'm blessed, I'm blessed. I'm good. I don't think you guys would say anything else other than that. All right, it's all relative. What do you mean both of them is shorter than me? But what you sa I said, both of them is shorter than me. I don't mean. Ain't nobody more blessed than you? Though, it's all the perspective. Y'all know what I'm talking about. Let's go, people, Let's stop this hill. You know you got I'm standing over here, and you got g I Joe standing over there. I Joe. We'll be back with the last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and Only Judge Steve right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Here we are, guys, our last break of the day on Thursday Day. It's been a good day. Yeah, maybe week my fast huh Yeah, janis January is almost gone. Wow. We got birthdays coming up. Steve birday on Monday, seventeenth, baby seventeen black. Let's go listen. Yep, a big day for us. Ye Judge Steve with your hit show on ABC Tuesday nights. It was fun last night. It was good. It was fun. Almost come out today, y'all pray for me. Get the fucking hold close to the nobody got last week. Oh Jesus, you're gonna be all right? Can we watched last night? You know? Another one of my favorite parts last night was when you hit the gabble and you object it to yourself. You're saying, I got stop putting my personal business show. I said, he object to himself. It's a great show. And Steve, you come off that bench a lot too. Well, you know, I don't. I'm not gonna just sit here, you know, because I'm not really like I did Jimmy Kimmel last night and he says, you're a judge, how come you don't warr a robe? And I'm said, Monday night, Jimmy Kimmel, Yeah, Monday Night, did Jimmy Kimmel. He said, Oh it's up, Steve. You're a judge. How come you don't worry robe? I said, everybody know, I ain't no damn jim like fort here playing this dog? What is this game about? Like hide and seek? But I'm sitting here you already And that was your idea to wear the robe? Yeah, because I mean actually I thought it would be a disservice, disrespect to the other judges who really and then I ain't want to you know. Plus I wanted to wear colored robes. You know, I ain't up that looking like I'll be over there looking like I'm in the car like I'm one of the Gospel travel els or he's gonna work it out. He's gonna work it out. Then I'm gonna want some bars on my robe, you know, like I'm the bishop or either got a pH d ain't gonna be a regular robe. Okay, I got you. But it's a it's a fun show, entertaining to watch, especially at night. I love it. At night right time. It's really really good man. Thank you all for your support. Hey, listen, y'all, keep the faith this year. Um. Faith is a belief in things that you cannot see. Um. Faith this paramount on your road to success. And I don't think you can talk about faith enough because faith has to be at the core essence of everything you do. I was watching Denzel Washington's speech that he was given out a commencement of some college. And you know, you're very rarely hear Denzel talking, but he said something. He said, put God first in everything you do. And this is Denzel Washington talking, not the actor. This is Denzel Washington talking. And he said that, you know, and I never get to hear Dan talk, you know, publicly like that. But it really struck a chord with me because it reminded me of how many people I know that are successful, who are people who have a relationship with God. And if you don't have a relationship with God, you have got to look in to this. You've got to start one, y'all. It's imperative. It look having faith in a relationship with God doesn't make it easy, it just makes it doable. And all you want to do is to have the ability to do the deed, to finish the task, to reach the goal, to accomplish the mission. That's what you want. A relationship with God has to be at the forefront of that, because I don't care what you're practicing. If you don't have a relationship with God, you will surely need him because something one of the tests, one of the challenges, one of the setbacks, is going to require God and only God. That's a fact. That's a fact. And there's something on the inside of you that's beckoning and calling you that says to you, Hey, man, I want a relationship with my creator. You have to develop that. It's not hard. You know, that thing inside of you that keeps nagging at you, that thing you call a conscious that's your soul, the human soul first for a relationship with his creator. It just does. And if you say you don't have it, you simply allow the devil to fool you into thinking that that's not necessary. And you've allowed the devil to rob you of your destiny. That's all it is to it. So if you don't believe what I'm saying, I really don't care. But for those of you who are looking for something. God is the answer. He is the answer. He can get you through every challenge, testing situation you'll ever get it. That's nothing too hard for God. If it was not for my faith, I'm telling you flat out, I'm not where I am today. I just I just wouldn't have made it. I would not have survived everything I'll survived. And I have news for you, either with you or whether you actively are pursuing a relationship with God. Our God is just holding you and protecting you and giving you his unmerited grace and favor simply because he knows you don't know no better. And he got his arms around you, and he's carrying you until you pull it together. He's waiting to have a relationship with you. Get that. In twenty twenty two, those are my clothes on remarks. I hope it reached somebody today. Stop talking to people who say they don't believe in God. Walk away for the best they do it. Thanks have a great thing for all. Steve Ivery contest No purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.