Bombing Stories, Bakari Sellars, OTR Tour II, Sheryl Underwood, Reality Update, Dating, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Oct 25, 2018, 2:45 PM

The Obamas and Clintons had a scare. Bakari Sellars from CNN stops by the show. The Carters and their $250 million tour revenue. Sheryl Underwood talks about South Carolina and more. Miss Carla's Reality Update has the latest from Married to Medicine. There is a survey that talks about the average cost of dating. Closing Remarks today covers Big Dog's opinion on voting and how we can make America better! Have a great weekend!!!! My bad it's Thursday.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have a suit on looking back to back down, giving the mom just like theming buck bus things and it's coble y'all to me true good to Steve Hardy yet to move to other for ste Barby, why don't you join? Yeah? Well by joining me have said you gotta turn Yeah, I don't know. You gotta turn you to turn out at the turn. My lovey got to turn out to turn turn Want come come on your things at it? Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. I need everybody today, everybody that's listening. I need you to catch fire today. I want you to catch fire today. You want to phrase it another way, I want you to catch on fire today, but I need you to catch fire today. I need today to be today that you stop complaining and you do something. Do you know why a lot of people can't move forward in their life because they're complaining about their past? They always complaining, man about something? Is that explains the reason why they are. Let me help you with this, right here. If you are steady complaining about the reason you are, You know, if I hadn't have met this man, if I hadn't been involved with this woman, if I hadn't had this baby, if I had to never went down there, if I hadn't got arrested, if I hadn't it is, if I hadn't if I had to just finish school, if I hadn't he hey, hey, hey, stop stop all that stuff that you're complaining about, everything that you keep allowing to resonate with you as a reason to justify and explain you're not being successful. Can I share something with you about all of that? Guess what it is. You didn't got past all of it. You didn't have the baby, you got arrested, they didn't kill you, you didn't finish school, But you're still standing. You met that man, he gone, He involved with two other women. Right now, I've got three other kids. Guess what. You still here and the baby's here. You got over all the injustices that were done to you. You got something happened to you when you was a kid. You're an adult now. Somebody did something to you when you was a little boy. Guess what you were and now some thing's happened to you that you haven't found closure on. The person that you're looking for closure from has moved on. Can I tell you that everything that has happened to you, do you know you've gotten past it? So why are you steady complaining about what has happened to you that has caused you to be in this position? But do you understand that it's prohibiting you from moving forward? Stop complaining today, catch fire, Let your pass be your past. I've told us to you a hundred times on this radio, but I'm gonna say it again. Bishop Jake's told me something man that helped me so greatly. You can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rear view mirror. That's why the windshield is huge. The windshield is huge. The rear view mirror is this tiny thing that sits up there. Now all is far. It's so you can see stuff that's coming up on you. All the review mirror for is so you can assure yourself or listen to this. The review mirror is imp there to assure you that you've cleared something. See. That's what the review mirrors for. So when you pass it con you want to switch lanes, you can glance up there and it says, okay, you're clear. Now you passed it. You can switch lanes. That's all the review mirrors for. It ain't for you to stare at and dictate your life with what you're tripping for. Man, catch fire today today, man quick complaining about everything that did happened to you? Life is ten percent what happens to you is what you do about what happens to you? What are you going to do about it? So what I got all this? Look, man, your story ain't no deeper than nobody else's. I can tell you. I was homeless for three years. It's people been homeless for thirty years. How long I'm gonna ride that out? Man? You know I can't do right now. I fell on hard times and I lost my place to stay. What are you staying now? See the majority of people are staying somewhere right now. I was out there. I didn't have nowhere to go. I'm in a shelter now. You was under the bridge a week ago. You're in the shelter now. Why are you still crying about the bridge? You're in the shelter now, man, People man, we trip ourselves out by complaining. I'm asking everybody today to catch fire today. Stop complaining, do something today. Get excited. Now I'm gonna say something that I'm going to have to explain. Get excited about your life. You know, the best way to get excited about your life is to find your purpose in your life. Oh, ste you gotta explain that one, don't you. Yep? I knew. I knew before I said it. As soon as I said it, I said them to explain this right here, because and people always be telling about you say something you don't mean. See what I do is when I say something, I give you an explanation for so you can stop all that. I ain't no, I ain't no. Listen to me. You got to get excited about your life. And the best way to get excited about your life is to find your purpose. Now, okay, Steve, That's what I've been struggling with. I can't find my purpose. Yes you can, Yes you can. You know how you find your purpose You get in touch with who created you, because when God made you, he had a purpose in mind. Now we've ignored it and we haven't tapped into it, but we all had a purpose you don't and it's sometimes it take people longer to discover the purpose. Colonel Sanders was frying chicken with a recipe that he was telling people was the best chicken in the world. Ain't nobody believe him until he turned seventy. Why you think the dude that's on the Kentucky Fried Chicken signs is old. That dude ain't twining up there he oh, he oh, But you know what, he had been frying that chicken for forty some years. They just found out about it when he was seventy. But he didn't give up his purpose in life. This dude was just frying chicken. See, people keep looking for their gifts in all kinds of places when it's right there in you. You ain't gotta go to school to find your gift. You're born with the gift to God, God for you. You'll go to school to tack it on to something else. But your gift was already given to you. You were born with that. You don't have to go to college to know your guilt. Your college allows you to enhance it and to find something to attach it to, and hopefully you get a degree that attaches your gift to to a vehicle where it can work. The problem with college is we go to college and we attached it to what we like or what we might be passionate about, and we ignore the gift we have. You know how many people and graduating from college ain't doing nothing they went to college for. Come on, man, you know why, because you're discovering life, your guilt. You discover what you was born to do. I wasn't born. You know what I mean. You know what my major was in college? It was advertising. I can't be in no death, drawing, no picture for nobody. But now guess what I can wake up every day and guess what I can tell you. I advertised. I've been advertising my career. Come see me live. Come see me live at Madison Square, God, Come see me live at Phillips Arena. Come see me live at Joker's Comedy Club. Come see me live at Percy's. Come see me live at Ellis's Tavern. Come see me live. Come. I've been advertising the whole time, but I had a different purpose in mind because I went and I talked to God. And this is how you do it. You go talk to God and say, hey God, look Okay, this is the deal. I've been struggling here. I'm over forty. I still haven't found my purpose in life. Okay, but so I can quit wasting any more time. Would you help direct me and guide me to my purpose? I know you created me to do something. I just haven't found what it is. And the reason I haven't found what it is because I've been doing things my way. I ain't been checking with you, confirmed with you on anything. I ain't locked in and tried to settle it up with you. I've been just doing my thing. Well, my thing has gotten me as far as it can get me. How about you take over and do your thing now? Can you direct me in my path? I'm an open book. Treat me like a piece of clay. I'm telling you, man, if you go to God, he'll give it to you. But see you have not because you asked not. How many times have you asked God for it? This? This ain't no magic trick, y'all. This is the deal. You got to catch fire today. Catch fire today, I am. I'm excited about today. I've got a lot to do. I got to go out here and see what God God for me today. I'm shaking the bushes. Man, if God passing out blessings, I'm in line. I am in line. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Good morning everybody, man. I hope you listen. I want you to have a wonderful day. I want you to take this day that God has given us all uh, the blessing of life, and I want you to embrace it. Whatever's wrong, Just know that it's gonna be all right. Whatever you're going through. I know this God is working on your behalf in the background to straighten some stuff out where you ain't gonna have it as a problem no more. You just gotta be patient. Sometimes you just got to be patient. I'm in the middle of that right now. I'm just being patient. I know that he's coming. He gonna rescue me. I didn't win the bill, you you know, I really wanted that. I know. I'm still struggling with it, trying to figure out if I'm related to this woman down in South Carolina out to work. I got private eyes on it. Offinned take or DNA ancestry dot com. Hey, good morning, Steve, how you doing. Good morning, Steve, crew, Pip j What is going on? Man? Uh? He's a star, Steve, and he has asked you to call him. Thomas Miles, you're going on, Like you said, Jr. I think this stardom is too much for him, you think for his little body? Yeah, I think I think just explode. But you know, like, do y'all think, man, that I might have to sit with him because I think this startoms it might be too much for well Steve. Yeah, and when you talk to him, he starts crying. So yeah, that's the other thing. Yeah, we gotta it's gotta be some sort of happy medium here. Man. Hey, man, let me tell you something. He gets six shows, he's gonna have to leave radio everything. When you talk to him, he starts crying. And when he works, he doesn't come to to the radio shoulder shaking, whimpering and the Lord he liked to be thanked, but not that many times in a minute, man, he'd be overanking. Yeah, he's gonna hate time and time I'm doing some other things, all right, Thomas Miles crying about this show? What about I woke you up this moment? YEA man, that's good man, You supporting him and everything. I am Man. I'm really supporting him. I'm a little concerned, though, I really really am now about what now, because I think I think the stardom is too much. Shirley, I kid you not. I've seen it before. I've seen people that don't handle start them goes to their head, you mean their head gets really big. Well, that was gonna happen, you know. He started with Thomas Miles. But it's just over. It's overtaking him. He can't handle it. Did you see him? He said what he thought he should weigh on the premier night. You got to be kidding if I was, I was done when he called Oprah last night. Oh and I was talking to Oh and I was and he changed to change the way he's talking now you notice that too, right, But we're happy for your nephew. We're just kidding. We're happy for you, all right, listen, Uh coming up at thirty two after the hour, what a day yesterday Lord bomb threats sent to CNN, the Clintons, the Obama's representative, Maxine Waters, and VP UH Joe Biden and others in an act of terror. We will talk about it right after this at thirty two, after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, President Trump spoke about yesterday's multiple pipe bombs sent to the homes or offices of the Obama's the Clintons, representative Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Attorney General Eric Holder, billionaire George Soros, be Walter Wasserman Schultz, and CNN and Vice President Joe Biden. The President and the First Lady Milania Trump both spoke about the issue at an event about opioid addiction. Take a listen to this. The full weight of our government is being deployed to conduct this investigation and bring those responsible for these despicable acts to justice. We will spare no resources or expense in this effort. And I just want to tell you that in these times, we have to unify. We have to come together and send one very clear, strong, unmistakable message that acts or threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the United States of America. Yeah, you know, you know, I alread him reading it. I mean, it's it's okay. Let me just say this. It's good that he said that. It is good that he said that, you know, uh, really appreciated his daughter Ivanka earlier. Her statement was a lot more concise, quick to judgement. I didn't hear what Melania said, but Ivanka delivered a quick message. And you know, when the President was talking, I did him say the bombs that were sent to current and former political figures, government officials. Yeah, And so you know, I was just yeah, you know, I man, you could have gone and say who it is, partner, but you know, I didn't want to nitpick that. I'll let other people do that. But I'll tell you one thing about this incident. I can't imagine a guy, a group, or anybody getting away with this. There is too much forensic science and capabilities for an atrocious act like this. And they sent it to too many people. That was a mistake made somewhere. And when they want to find you, they can find you. And I got a feeling they're gonna find these people because they sent them to too many people. And with technology and scanning and all of that, and people with cameras of people bringing packages in. Oh no, boy, they're scouring. They we have to say, you know, thank god, thank goodness for the Secret Service and the people that you know scan these packages, because nobody was hurt, thank God. Yeah. Yeah, and you know, you gotta be really concerned about people who work in these offices of these political figures, because they're they're in this too. I mean it's the receptionist, the security guards, the male room people, the cafeteria workers, I mean everybody, and especially at CNN. Steve had a big company. Yeah, man, you know, right, and when you got like a you know, the president has to be concerned about this because she wants you wants a person feel they can get away with this. Then the copycats come and you know, then somebody who's ignorant gonna be talking about, Okay, this was attack on the Democrats, We're gonna do an attack on the Republicans. Hey man, this dangerous to let something like this exists. That's why I think that they are going to throw the full weight behind it and apprehend these people. And let me tell you something, man, you can't get away with this. Oh no, there's too much technology. They're gonna scan these packages, they're gonna take these packages apart. They're gonna be looking at bomb parts. They're gonna trace back uh materials used, They're gonna find stories, they're gonna start asking questions, partner, and they're gonna start rounding up some people. They're they're gonna find I think the first one. They're gonna start that as CNN because the courier dropped it off, right, a courier dropping not a curier could be innocent. Yeah, he could be innocent. Who gave it, partner, Oh, they did already that, junior. You can believe they had have done that. See, right now they know the state that came from. I promise you they're not messing around. Oh no, man, they know the state that comes from. Now they're gonna start looking at and at at male centers, and start looking at post office and they're gonna start looking at stamps that come from a certain boy. Let me tell you something. They're gonna be knocking on some doors by Friday. Yeah, FBI, they little to talk. They talk all day. They ain't got nothing to do but talk. Tell me what you know? Okay, over there, and let me tell you something else about them. They're pretty damn smart, partner, man, tell that to the president. Yeah, yeah, he didn't like him a while back. Right. It's it's some people over there, man, that do their job. And when you commit an act like this, right, it's an act of terrorism. Yes, yes, up, absolutely, a pipe bomb. Absolutely. The mayor of I mean the governor of New York called it American terrorism. He called it political terrorism, and he called it red and blue terrorism. I mean, I don't even want to think about that. You know, this is the political parties going after each other with bomb. You know, that's I don't even want to think about that. The country is so divided though, you know, it's just divided, and it points to one person, our leader who's supposed to be the leader at the top everyone. Yeah. You know, look, I don't blame him for this because you can't. His rhetoric that he's talked about. Throw him out, punch him, beat him up. If you get domina, I'll pay you legal fees. That rhetoric coming from the top gets people to thinking. And I'm not saying this is his fault, but man, and when you look at the people that that were targeted, all these are well he's singled out, yeah, and they're all Democrats. Yeah, and they're all Democrats. And look at what he can do. He can bring the country together, you know, he doesn't have to divide it. Um. Well, anyway, all right, um, Now, the FBI is warning the public to remain vigilant, watchful, alert, and all all that after these bombs and suspicious packages were intercepted. Okay, so just to be on alert everyone the whole country. Yeah, alright, coming up, the nephew is still out, but we're gonna run that prank back right after this. His mouse, you tell us a talk with him. You're listening to the show coming up in twenty minutes after the next hour. But Cary Sellers, CNN Political commentators for Kari Sellers, we love him. He's gonna be a special guest to talk about the in term elections and why this president can't seem to unify the country. We're just talking about this. Plus at the top of the hour and entertainment news, Puffy finds a new funds a new charter school with our good friend Dr Steve Perry. Right now it's time for running that frank back. Junior is in for the nephew. What you got you before you introduced to prank. I just want to say, I want you all to pray for my nephew because I think this stardom. I thought this. I just think it's a lot only really because he's a little show that just aired it. Yeah, but he you know, he crime about it every day, every day, every day, every time you talked to He can't come to work. You can't do a closing remall man. He just fell apart. He spent this the second day he's been out, seriously, man, And I don't know y'all really, I'm serious, man, I think that this is too much weight for him. I think, Steve, because you have so much experience in this, I think you you still need to just keep them close to you and keep talking to him. I can't keep going the way. You can't keep closing. Let's get to the bank, all right. Here it is here, everybody, NBA party run a cat. Hello, Hello, I'm looking for Brandy hey Brand. How you doing this? Poncho? Man? I'm want to Marcus his boys? How you're doing man? Oh? Yeah, he was that y'all talked to markets man. He would tell me about you know, the uh the playoff party man for for for Sunday. Man. So, uh you told me if it was cool, I would come through. Man. I just want to call it and how you see if I can if I need to bring anything, uh food or some drinks or whatever. You know you took in front of Marcus. Yeah yeah, this is Ponto man, I'm friends with market. Okay, yeah, yeah, I think it's cool. Yeah yeah, well now you're either great unless, of course, you know you you drink yourself especial. But yeah, it's just gonna me Marcus and uh you know, because other boys gonna be here and uh, you know, what are you wanta bringing to me? Why? I'll be so yeah, that's cool. Okay, okay, okay, what time y'all starting? Man? He told me like around one. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna be there all day, but you know you're coming through about one, one, two o'clock. You know that before the game he started with us. You know that the flat screen going if it's to be laid out, so uh yeah, just coming through whenever you come through. All right, just remember man, puncho. All right, I'll be there, got it? All right? Cool? All right? Hello, hey hey brand yo, hey punch you again. Man, listen real quick? How much how much food and and and and and look at do you have? Uh? I think we got a love for for something. It was why what you got going on? What's up? Yeah? Yeah yeah, I got I got like three boys gonna ride with me, man, I just want to make sure you got enough over there. Okay, who is this again? This puncho. You know we talked about thirty minutes ago, this punchyo. Manca's friends, right, right, Okay, uh I remember I called you about thirty minutes ago, told Marcas told me was ok yeah, try yeah, I'm sorry for I'm Mary bringing back and forth. Uh yeah, well, I mean I guess it's all right. So you know, we ain't trying to overload the joint, man. Just you know, I know Marcus and if you're a friend of his, then then that's cool. You can come to you. It ain't but three guys, man, It ain't but three guys coming with me. Man. They they they're really cool. Man. We we we we we we were bringing something to put on your pit or whatever. You know, it'll it'll be good. Okay, yeah, yeah that's cool man. But you know, yeah, yeah, come on through. Man. All right, alright, alright, I talked to you. I talked to you, all right, Brett is wait, is one of the Marcus. It's one of the guys Marcus. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, I got it's it's three guys me, I made four you know, three other guys. Yeah. Whatever, man, that's cool. Yeah, bring him through, man, come on, it's like al all right, all right late Hello, hey, Brad, punch you again. Man. Listen, Hey, I'm I'm gonna bring one more Um, I'm I'm I'm gonna bring one more person with me. The hell hold hold pump your brakes player, Wait, hold up, hold up, now, what's up you? Marcus is friend? Yeah, you and I'm poncho. Yeah. Okay, I know you puncho man, but you're bringing everybody, but just go kid, and Marcus is cool with me. That's my fault. We go way back. And if you cool with him too, then okay you can come. You know, I'm trying to have an NBA playoff game. You're bringing the whole NBA with you. No, ain't like that, man, man, I mean, placen't that big. You know, my wife is gonna be coming through here. And you know I got the house laid out. I told I wasn't na destroy the place. I just got up the doghouse like two weeks ago. I tying to that up. So if you're coming through, you come through. You know, bring one or two people with you. But that's it. Okay, but listen to you, it would not decide me. I ain't gonna bring them dude with me. I'm just gonna bring a little lady fri him with me. Man, if there is that cool, I'm just gonna bring a little lady friend no news. Okay, that's cool. Now you're talking, okay, because I know she ain't eat it, but much come on through here with her and you know, be done with that's fine, right right right. I'm gonna call someone nine, tell her and tell her that that she's coming with me. Okay, what's her name? Her name, Simone, that's that's my wife's name. Okay, okay, but maybe they'll hook up while they while we're watching the game. So I send here in her girls, so that the nail's done, okay, okay, So check this out, man, I'm I'm gonna reach out to Simone and let her know that we're gonna we're gonna leave it and get over there like about one. And and you say it's cool, right, yeah, yeah, it's cool man. That that's a whole lot better than being about up in there. Okay, okay, back, yeah, yeah, yeah, yees now, and I check this man mine, uh you know my friend she she she's married, you know, and and she wanted to get away from my husband for man, man, I guess they've been going through so you know, you know, just keep on that. Wait wait, back back up there bringing a married woman named Smane were the eyes of that. My wife's name is saman Okay, we'll do I mean, what's this one? Tom own is our last name? Is that's my last name? Wait? Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on, hold wait wait wait, hold hold on, hold on dog, just this okay, this Simone is is light skinned. Yeah, you keep on describing her light skin, five gone, short hair. That's the alleycause yeah, that's that's that's that's that's how about you doing? My wife? Hey, me and Simone been friends for a minute. Man, It wasn't ntil like a couple of weeks ago she reached out to me and saying she was she was going through some some some he reached up to you to tell you that she's going through some stuff with a dude. Well, I don't that dude, okay, okay, I want you my wife. Hey man, you know about a year but who counting. You know what I'm saying. A year. That's about the time we started having some issues. Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on over this party, a man, I'm sure we can try to do ticket this kind of situation. My wife. I don't give you about her either. You know you are you know they said, you know what, I've always believed this. There are no mistakes of everything happens where it's close to me. So it's funny how you call me. Okay, okay, listen, man, listen, I don't get this number, my boy game. You don't know, no, I get it time. You're probably calling the director from her now. My boy gave me this. Leave leave simone out of this. Man, you said, tell me right now. You know I'm not call with you right now. I'm gonna call her, not to say I ain't gonna call that all. Don't don't tell her my wife. Just bring her to the party. I got a guest this for you. I got a three eight, I gotta smith, I got a queston. I got a size fourteen tiller and go right up your So you just come on over this tarp. Okay, hey man, hey man, listen, listen, my boy, my boy, gave me your number. Man, So I don't know who my boy is. I can said, he don't know you. Marcas don't know me. But guess who else knows me? Though that you don't know, we'll say something. Hey, Brad, this is Nephew time me man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy Marcus got me to prank phone call you. What I don't give this come yet? Yeah, hey Bray, what was you gonna do with the party? Man? Damn man? Uh? Anyway, let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the lane? It's Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hi, Daddy, I ain't here. I can't having this tart, but I got him prank for you. Very hardy lord. Just too much fresh. All right, we gotta go. Thank you. June. You're coming up at the top of the hour. Well, we'll have some entertainment news for you right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes after the hour. Our special guests will be politician political pundon and attorney Bacari Sellers up from CNN. He's gonna talk about the tension for this upcoming mid term elections, all right, so you don't want to miss that. Also in entertainment news, Puffy once said it doesn't matter if he writes rhymes, because he writes checks. And that's just what did he did this week when he made a major investment in a new school. Puffy is gonna launch the third Capital Preparatory School next year. It'll be in the Bronx, New York. Um. He's already successfully launched one prep school in Harlem that was back in two thousand and sixteen. Puffy has one million dollars writing on the charter school effort. He's partnered with our good friend, your good friend to Steve yours, especially Dr Steve Perry, who's a great educator. I just think that's so incredible of did he? Man? Yeah, Man, that's that's so. You know. I've had him on my show with some of the kids from these charter schools, and there's some incredible stories, man, and and and and and Puffy loved him kids, Man and Puffy he didn't put a lot of money into the schools. A lot of money, man. And he's partnered with one of my good friends, Dr Steve Perry, Man who's at the mentoring camp every year. Every year. Always writes me encouragement man, when you see I'm under attack. He's just a solid guy. He's got a curriculum that works at his prep academies. Do you know it's a one hundred graduation rate and one of the kids at ten Corge, Yeah, did you one hundred. He's one of those educators that just go beyond the call of duty. He just really is He really cares about those kids. Yeah. Yeah, we need more educators and leaders like him. Many Man once again to Puffy Man, I mean, you just gotta take your hat off to this dude. Man. He is making a huge difference in these kids live with these schools. Many huge different Alright, other entertainment news talk about relationship ols. Check this out, guys. Going on tour this year paid off big for Jay Z and Beyonce. The Carters earned a whopping two hundred and fifty million dollars in tour revenues. That got some of all of our money this year. I think we all want to see the tour, uh, you know, with the On the Run two tour, Billboard box Score broke down the numbers behind the big pay day, which was earned across forty eight stadium dates. Back to back gigs in London brought in eleven million dollars alone, with a hundred twenty five thousand tickets sold. There you go, carters, the car tars, uh huh, forty a hunting eight, I do forty eight cities. Excuse me? You're you're gonna hit the stage again? Is that what we're hearing? Million? Do we need a drum roll? Here? Is there something you want to got to draw? Nothing? If man, I thought I could see all admitted tickets. Damn about TV, No more promise you because I'm gonna be I ain't gonna be be on TV. No damn with a stuff. I'm gonna say, what you about to tour? This damn tour because they're not gonna put me back on right after about the third day. They're gonna be about had enough money the third out of about the third date, that's when I get took off TV. You know it already know, and it'd probably be in Detroit somewhere. I just wreck it, all right, dude, We gotta get to these headlines. Please, ladies and gentlemen, miss a trip? Do you? Thank you? Everybody? This is a trip. An intense investigation in man hunt underway into who constructed and sent pipe bombs to several prominent Democrats and the CNN television network this week, with only a couple of weeks before the all imp midterm elections. Suspicious devices were mailed first to the home of billionaire and liberal philanthropist George Soros, and then to the homes of Bill and Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, to former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wassonan Schultz in Florida. Two packages were sent to California Congressmen Maxine Waters, a frequent target of President Trump who's ridiculed him right back, and the CNN's New York City headquarters, also to former Vice President Joe Biden, and now early this morning, and explosive devices found outside Robert De Niro's Manhattan restaurant. So now President Trump is promising to spare no and spence in finding all those responsible. In these times, we have to unify, We have to come together and send one very clear, strong, unmistakable message that acts or threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the United States of America. Luckily, nobody has been hurt, but House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer have issued a joint statement pointing fingers squarely at the President for all this ugliness, saying that quote time and time again, the President has condoned physical violence and divided Americans with his words and his actions. And the president of CNN Worldwide, Jeff zucker He accuses the Trump administration of demonizing journalists. He tweets that quote. The President and especially the White House Press Secretary should understand that their words matter. Thus far, they have shown no comprehension of that. By the way, the search again for the culprit or couporates continued. CIA director Gina Haspell has reportedly heard the audio tape of Washington Post reporter Jamaica Shoji his torture and his murder while in Turkey this week. She's to breathe the President on that later on Today, a jury has found three people, an executive of the sports where company Adidas, a basketball consultant, aspiring sports agent, all guilty of charges and what prosecutors say was a scheme to secretly pay the father of a hot basketball prospect to attend the University of Louisville Union sipals do that stuff. Early voting began in several states this week. Early balloting has now begun in Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Massachusetts, New Jersey, in Texas, it begins today in Maryland, and tomorrow it begins in District of Columbia's that's early voting. And finally today is National Greasy Foods Day. Ribs two fifty. Let me get one one rib, manta, one rib to go, one rib unal as it it's a Steve Harby nation or you need is one rib? Well, yeah, that's because you took a rib we took. But let's like to get biblical. Find out if Uncle Steve is smarter than his nephew. You'll find that up twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Everybody. I told you we're gonna have a special guest this morning. He's one of the youngest state representatives and the youngest black elected official in the United States. He is currently a political correspondent for CNN. I invited him on the show because I love him. He's one of my favorite dudes on TV period. His insight be spot on for us. Man, ladies, Gentleen, please welcome to the show. Mr Boccari sell us. Let's go on. Correct. We love him? Man, Thank God so much to add it's always a blessing when I could see on and uh be a small kid from a small town called Denmark, South Carolina, be on the Thank you so much, Denmark, South Carolina. Yeah, three stoplights in a blinking light. We got a weed bakery with a minute nights cook every morning, come through. Want boy, you gonna get boy, gonna name with street after, You're gonna put a school up and everything. Yeah, hey man, let's go First of all, you know you're at CNN, So what's the climate over there. I know there's a big scale for everybody at Seeing Inn, But what's going on at Seeing then? How does it relate to the White House? What all have you heard? First? And almost is fear? And I think you understand that, Steve. Imagine if you are at work and the people who do your makeup, in your hair, the people who are around you and make sure your suits are fresh when you walk out or do your teleprontit. Just imagine if something comes to the studio and Steve Harvey's name. Um, but takes away all their lives. Um, you would feel some sort of way about that. And and so for us, it's not about Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper or even Jeff Zucker. It's not about the people who make you know, a million dollars and two billion dollars a year or hal condos in New York City. I mean, it's about everybody who makes those shows work. And so you're invoking fear. I mean, my law offices in Columbia, South Carolina, and we had to yesterday put in a new protocol for mail because I'm a commentator. And so you have a receptionist who has nothing to do with politics at all, but now has apprehension and fear. So I mean it's fear. And you look to the president and that it says to reassure you. But you have Donald Trump. You know, it's it's hard for me to expect any level of genuine compassion. You know, we were all listening to the finally the speech he gave after Ivanka had issued her statements, and as he was reading, I just went, Okay, this is nice, but is that him? Well, I mean, first of all, I don't have any level of expectation for him, and I think that, Um, when we want to go in and have some level of expectation, we're fool hearted. Donald Trump has been the same person his entire life and partner. If I get in trouble for saying this, but if you ever expect a white man would send me, you know, to change who they are today, then you are fooling yourself. Um. And so I don't expect Donald Trump to change at all he is. He's shown us who he had been. Hey, hey, guys, hang on, bacar hold on one segment. We'll be back, y'all more with Bacard Sellers right after this. You're listening, all right, everybody, We're back. We're talking with attorney, political analysts, and commentator. He's one of the youngest politicians elected to the Senate. We'll talk with the car sellers today. Um, this is what I wanted everybody understand. People want to play at both sides are that they want to say, well, democrats are harassing people in restaurants. Well, there's a vast difference between expressing your First Amendment right and sending bombs to people's homes. There's a generation of people who have seen Emmett Till and Mecca Evers, they've seen Martin Malcolm and Rosa, but they've also seen r P and JF. Camp. But now we're living through that same thing where we understand how political rhetoric can take away your leaders. And so these bombs aren't going at Devin Noonez's homes. They're going to Maxim Warner's there. It's not going to it's not going to Mitt Romney's home. It's going to Hillary Clinton. It's not going to George Bush. It's going to Barack Obama. There's there's something going on in this country. Uh, and we need to deal with it. Yeah, man, And I think it just gets clear to me when the person that was elected not by all of us, but who one the election to govern, uses the platform to separate the very people that he governed. And these attacks on the very people that you mentioned were the very ones targeted by this act of terrorism. And um, I'm just really go ahead, No, I'm thankful that you called it such like a lot of people don't understand that you called it terrorism. And because you called it terrorism, everybody who's listening to listening to our voice. We'll call it such because that's what it is, because it invokes fear. And so there are people right now who are doing their job every day. Had seen in who are doing their job with Maxine Water's office in Compton, California, who are doing their jobs, just trying to make sure that they can provide for their families. But they're afraid because people are sending pipe bombs to their offices because of their political views. I mean, imagine, just think about where we are as a country. Yeah, this form of hatred is being spewed from the top and manifest itself in pipe bombs when you get down to them people. But to only us, Steve, what about the other Republicans? Nobody's saying anything, you know, just because it was Democrats that got targeted until and again I said this a lot, but until white evangelical Republicans stand up and say enough is enough, then we won't get anywhere. I mean, the owners is on somebody. I mean, we can we can talk about this all day, but but we're just talking about issues amongst us negroes. I mean, until somebody stands up and says, you know, let's let's let's fix this problem. And won't be six. Man, I'm just so messed up what you said about white evangelicals. The Republicans be card and I've been saying this for a week now, a little bit more than a week, really tell you the truth. The Republicans were touted as the moral party, the moral party, and they built this morality on a bortion rights, immigration, immigration laws. Gays. You know, gays can't get married, they can't get the same privileges. We gotta stop these illegal immigrants. This is the hypocrisy of this that's getting on my nerves what I've tried to say because I played golf with old rich Republicans and brother, and let me tell you something, man, this is really how they talk and think. So it's nothing new for them. But they're on perfect course. So here we go. We get these evangelicals to come along, and they're supposed to be the moral party, and we against the boorstion and gay rights and all this hip, and the Republicans tout that, Well, excuse me, but they're trying to say that letting these immigrants in here will cost these jobs. The immigrants have coming over here. They don't do the jobs that we won't and rich people on these farms that hide these undocumented people and want them to work because they get them for a cheaper labor force and they get more money. And then they turned around and act like Republicans don't get abortions. I'm loving the state. But this is, this is what we have. This is this is the point of our discussion today because on November six, all of those people who look like men you, who go to these barbershops too, who go to these ami churches, I mean, we have a chance to change that. Like we for a long period of time has have forgotten that we have these rights to vote and participate. So this is our right to participate in vote and we have to do that. That's important to everyone. So we gotta we gotta play our role. And that's my only point. And then hold on, hold on right that man, We're gonna come right back. We got more with the car sellers right after this. Don't go away. We're gonna get into some more very important issues with this back. Hey, we're back, everybody, We're back. We've got our special guests, Senn correspondence and politician attorney Bacary Sellers, who's whose insight is always has been so spot on, and if we're here today, we're talking about just the condition of our country and politics and the bombing yesterday. So before we left Picard, we were on the subject of the climate that's in this country. Man. Yeah, I mean I think that the climate is dangerous. I mean it's more than dangerous. I mean. So I'm at a different point in my life right now, and so I look at the world different. I'm supposed to have two twins that enter this world in January, rights, you know, congratulations. I hope they come and December, so I can get attached right on. Well, we're talking about this, but I mean, what what what world do I want them to live in where their father, just for speaking truth can get a bomb delivered to their office. I mean, think about that. I mean, we're not talking about the right or left. We're not talking about black or white. We're talking about humanity. And there are a lot of people out here who don't give us the benefit of our humanity. And I remind people of that all the time, because what what Steve Harvey has shown the rest of us is that if you give us the benefit of our humanity, and if you equalize the playing field and give us a dance floor. We can dance better than most, we can run faster than everybody, and so yeah, I just want an opportunity. I don't want to I don't want to hand out. I just want to hand up. But you you can't threaten to kill me because I'm speaking my truth to power and that's the fear that everyone has. And so that's why, like, November six is a big day and I and I lived with that my whole life because of what my my dad went to went through. Our sex is a big day because we all had that, right man, I listened Applies earlier to day on Instagram plies. I want you to know. Applies is one of the most brilliant applies than most people give them credit for. So I Applies was talking today about rooting, and you know, I think that we have to have everyone from Barack Obama Applies telling us that we need to get out and everybody needs to get off their high horse and make sure that they spend thirty minutes because if y'all purchased a lottery ticket this week, the line, y'all can afford to stand in line to vote. Hey man, let me tell you something. If everybody vote that bought a lottery ticket, we can put anybody in off this we want, man, Man, but I got some names. I got some names. So I want to put Andrew Gilliman office. I want to put yeah, and I mean I want Sean Shows. Like, what people don't even know is there's a there's there's a black guy named Sean Shaw running for attorney general. Why is attorney general important? Because they pushed back on all the laws that come from the Department of Justice and the federal government. They are the people who signed onto those lawsuits. I mean, just Mike Spy in Mississippi and think if we can get a black senator from Mississippi. Wow, you know, man, you're so correct. This this voting mere terms are always traditionally underserved in voting capacities. Nowhere near like the four year election. But it has to be different, Man. We can change things if we don't get a balance in the House and the Senate to stop some of this foolishness, some of this one sided thinking. Man, we are going to suffer for a long long time and unnecessarily because we can change all of this on November six, Man, and then we got to give people a reason too. And so for me personally, my reason is two little people who aren't here yet, and I'm tired of people making decisions for me. And so I want everybody to understand that there are people who do not look like us, who do not think like us, who do not believe the same things that we believe, who do not even give us the benefit of our humanity, who are making decisions for us. And so if you want to make sure that your grandmother gets healthcare, that your children's getting acts as the first class education, that your babies actually get prenatal care, that you have insurance, I mean that you get a minimum way that you can live on. And you're not working for seven fifty or eight fifty or nine fifty, but you can work for fifteen. I mean, then you need to actually show up. I mean that that's what it is about. Yeah, it's so much, man. I just I've appreciated you so much this year. Um, you know, Kanye was in the news and transition when you were talking don't have a se I just went on into it because I watched CNN for the for the news. Then I flip over the Fox. So I because My father always told me pay attention to what the other folks is say, a son, you gotta know what they're saying about, yeah, man, because man, they take every truth. When you watch Fox, Donald Trump can do no wrong. Everything he does is great. And I'm sitting here going you all have got to know this is non presidential. But nothing is more important than people in power, than power position and money. And they will do and say anything to maintain power, position and money. But when I turned you on and Don lemon In and Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo, so I can get, man, what we really got to get focused on him, Well, let me just say that. Let me let me let me say something about Kanye West, because you brought it up. My whole point is that we're at a point in time where we can't run backwards, where we have to make sure that we are articulate enough, educated enough, well read enough. And my only point to this is that I don't want anybody out there, anybody who's thinking about growing up and thinking great dreams, to think that anti intellectualism is cool, because it's not. Because you don't have to have all the degrees in the world, but what you have to do is have this insatiable desire to learn as much as possible. And I want people to understand that that that's a value added and Kanye West don't represent that, and those people right now they want to champion him as being the hero. And it's fun. It's ironic to me because you know, back when George Bush don't like black people, they didn't want West. Oh Man, and I mean gave him a full audience inside the over office. Here. Here's the thing that disturbed me the most of anything. When you put this hat on and you say this make America Again hat, It was like a super cape to you as a black person. I asked him. I want to ask everybody, what period of time are you talking about going back to to make America great? That was cool for us. So I was born in the fifties. I'm telling you it was nothing. I grew up as a child in the sixties. I became a teenage in the seventies. WHOA wait a minute, Matt, I don't want to do none of that again. So where we got to go back to to get America great again? What you want? The farties, the fatties? Where are we going? Where y'all think America was great? You think we want to I tell everybody. I tell all my friends on the right, and these new Black Conservatives, they're coming out, all twelve of all the new twelve Black Republicans, like it's like they aligned. They just crossed, they just crossed the string. But what I tell them all is what I tell them all is that, look, I don't stand on Kanye west shoulders. I've been on the shoulders of Walter Scott, Trayvon Party samyor right Eric Garner, all these Tandrew Bland, all these young black men and women who have been killed unarmed at the hands of police. And Kanye West came articulate how we fixed that problem. So I have no I have no need for that, a use for that. If Kanye wants, Kanye West wants to take a picture with Donald Trump, so be it. But we just need to be honest with ourselves about what it is. Yeah. If if Donald Trump, what's the father I never had? Let me tell you something, how can you do this? Car? November six is our day. We try to get everybody to show up for get him down in Florida for a Georgia Mike stm, Mississippi, Mandela Barnes in Minnesota. We need Kirston sent them money Arizona. I mean, the list goes on and on and on, but I want everybody to know that work is not done on the six because I'm gonna lean on you. And I'm very grateful for you being not just a platform but an example because we don't have a lot of wealth in our communities and we don't know how to get it, but you're working hard and showing us how to how to at least enhance our platforms and grow our platforms give ourselves a voice. Is very valuable. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you to you and your crew man. Thank you card selling you the best man. Tell everybody over there we said we're praying for him. Tell them to be safe and be aware. All right, thank you. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Right, Steve, that's exactly right, Shirley so that was with a little more enthusiasm. I like that one. I could take that one. Yeah, well, superstar here, He's not superstars back here. So I'm gonna introduce my friend Mark Garl Shutty Strawberry, what a strawberry letter, until he returned, thank you, my friend, Steve. I gotta say, you're gonna love this letter. It's for you. Subject from the subject on down, my musty man. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been with my man for three years, and we started living together seven months ago. I'm a nurse and he does construction work. I love his work ethic and his commitment to his job and the long hours he puts in. When he comes home from work, he washes his clothes, takes a shower, we eat, and then we go to bed. But here's the problem. Throughout the night, while he's sleeping, he sweats really bad. His pillow is drenched and the mattress on his side is wet too, And I have to let the bed dry out daily and change our bed linens more often than I should. I can't stand it, so I mentioned to him that he should see a doctor. He said, he doesn't want to take time off from work, and that it's normal for people to get hot while they're asleep. Most mornings, he is up and out before me. I've watched him getting ready for work many mornings, and I can't believe how nasty this grown man is. After being drenched in sweat the night before and having an odor he will brush his teeth, put on clean underwear, and put on clean clothes and head out to work. When I told him how nasty that is, he said that he's a construction worker, so he will get sweaty at work anyway, So it's okay for a grown man to leave the house Musty. I am hoping this relationship lasts, but I can't deal with his hygiene. How can I get through to him? Well, I'm gonna say this. First of all, Musty is not sexy, Okay, I'm just gonna say that. And also, you know, people say that you don't really know a person until you live with them. Okay, but several things here are going on. I do agree with you that it could be something medical. It could. I'll ask you the most obvious questions first, like how's the temperature in the bedroom? Does he wear deodorant to bed? How's the linen, you know, after you take a takes a shower. How's the linen on your bed? Um? What does he sleep in? What? What do you guys eat before you go to bed? Because if this food is if the food is like really spicy and stuff, this could cause sweating um U. If the room is too hot, that could be an issue. The betting might be too heavy, or if he sleeps in hot pjas or does he wear deodorant? I mean, these could all be problematic. He's right, people do get hot sometimes while they're asleep. But if it's like you say, and it does sound excessive, I know you're frustrated, but if you really want this relationship to last, you have to calm down and uh and talk to him in a mature, sensible way about his hygiene. You know, you guys have been together three years and you gotta tell him how this affects you and how it could affect your future together. And I'll say it again, Musty is not sexy, Steve, all right, let me just go and deal with this ladder with the truth. Surely you and this lady trip Oh really, yeah, I'm sick of y'all. Okay, he sweat so they him. What the man been at work all day, he come home, he shower, he cleaned. You ain't tripping. Y'all eat dinner, you left out some stuff, y'all do some things, then y'all go to bed. Now, my man sweat profusely while he's sleeping. His pillows drenched, his side of the mattresses drenched. And it's causing you to change the limits more often than you want. Okay, yo, man sweat so damn what you defending? Oh, you ain't gonna like my answer at all. Dude in here and he working, coming in here, working, trying to make any Now you'd tone him. He needs to go to a damn doctor. Now guess what he told you. He can't take off work, go no doctor about no squam. Let me tell you what you could do. They got golf shirts. That's called dry fit fabrics. You are to get him some golf shirts and some golf pants to sleep in all that absorbed sweat while you playing. Well, when you walk through the club house, you still look dry. That's why they called the fabric dry fit, because it don't be stuck to you like cotton. No, I'm not just to nothing. Shirley because you're and this woman got on me and Funking nerves his name. Man, men funk it just like Funking used to be on the radio. Not be cause he had a body older. I love because Funky with Jeff Funky with it now he funk it with it now me and Funky don't like this hill. Now he cleaned for he go to bed. Now he don't want to go to doctor. Now you're mad, but hit, what make you really? Man? This man gets up and you can't believe how nasty he is. He brushes his teeth, puts on clean clothes and draws and go to work after he'd been sweating. Wait a minute, he right here, construction worker? What is he shine for? The god? Dig holes? Can whill barren runner jack hamble you down that nursing, wiping up stuff, giving people medicine, giving people a shot, naves. That's all you doing? That your job? He down here hauling. I don't care what she saved him live here in that saving lives. He building bridges, filling potholes on the street. Here, construction worker, I'm defending him because I was a construction worker. You were in construction worker two yeah. Yeah. My daddy wasn't construction worker. Both my brother would construction work if I hadn't went to college. That's where I was gonna be. Construction work. Yeah, construction worker. Strong man. I work construction my dadd at three summers. Y'all send stink work, she said. She told titled it my musty man. You mustan man been sweating? Did he get him? You want him to shower? So he go to work and stank again? What? What what do that? He? Wait? Wait wait, wait, wait wait wait wait you ent tell me I'm gonna go out here. Run this Jack Hammel Wait, hold on, Steve, hold hold that thought, hold that thought. We'll have holding Steve angry response after the hour, right after this. You're listening, Steve Hardy morning. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap the recap. I did not write the letter. Stop at I'm not mad at him. I just think they need to have a serious conversation because she doesn't like it. Must six You want Musty's not sexy? Okay, that is the subject of the letter my musty Man. A lady wrote in she's been with her man for three years uh and seven months ago they started living together. Everything's fine. He goes to work, he comes home, he's committed. He gets home, he takes the shower, washes his clothes, They eat, go to bed. During bedtime, he sweats like a pig all night. She has to get up in the morning, dry out the bed, the mattress, the pillow, all this stuff. And he has an odor. So what really ticks her off? That he has an odor? Right here, she just said, after being drenched and sweat the night before and having an odor, he's different. That's that's not working out. Different degrees of older. Now if he had been doing active Oh no, active funk is different from relaxing. Okay, what's the odor to her? And she doesn't like it? Yeah, well, she a nurse. Do something. Bring a shot home from the clinic tomorrow. Give your man something, some pedia light or something. What you think of work gives that. I don't know what new faun. He might need to be hydrated, he might need to be during the daytime. But he's sweating. He's doing good. He probably got a lot of salt build up in him and that thing. But what I'm nothing to do is let y'all bother this brother going to work making these ends me. You're gonna make that's be by your damn self, lady, you know, ungrateful to every day, every day bringing that money home. He ain't cheating on you or nothing. You're gonna lead his man because he's stink. He leaves the house musty, he going to get mustak mad. He's gonna take a bad foe. He get home and get in that bad as he should. And there ain't no problem. He does what he's supposed to do. And the man don't want to take off to go down to no damn doctor she a nurse, research him. I find out what's wrong with your man. Get some medicine out that cabinet, put it in his coffee, and get your man back. You're gonna leave hell give him a shot. But damn what Sometimes medicine makes you sweat. Medicine, Yeah, sometimes you can take too much. Medicine that'll make it well, all right, Medicine that make you stop? I think, what is that? Hy Let me explain to you what you do, what you do, say it nicely? What? Because you have an attitude? Right now? Every time he gets through shop, I want you to get a can of Thompson's water seal to get some of the nurse gloves and just pat it on it, pour it in his towel, so when he's drying, he's actually coating himself in Thompson's dick water seal for an outside at your house when patio furniture. Do you want some help on you? That's what I'm timing back. I like your attitude. I like to put some water seal or bad got something too home? Deep ot seal, bad water seal. You get water seal for humans. I don't know nothing about no human. You know this stuff? Stop stop water floating, that's right, yea. Or you can get rock salt. Rock salt. They make that dealer. That whole food that's supposed to be good for you is made out of crisp. You rub it on it. Don't stop no steak, but to keep you from being wet. Rubbed that on it and keep your man and your family. But don't call me no more about no man that's working and bringing the money home. Now you're mad because he's sweating in the bed at night at least heat are Yeah, it's a lot of musty unemployed people around here. Yeah, unemployed setting up that thing how about them mustard means some of y'all got that sleeping with other women? How about that he coming home every night? Now you're a nurse. Now you mad because he won't take a shower in the morning. You ain't fitting to see him. He's going to work being around some other mustards me and you don't know who he worked with. Well, it seems like it seems like the shower doesn't last through the night. Well, it ain't got to shell it. What this is her issue? Hold up, you was on hussle. Well, no, Musty isn't sexy, Steve so, but he ain't gonna be musty. An he come back home. He showered every day. Enjoy that moment right there because he finn't get in his bed and get wet. Yeah. Now my question is are you show him peeing on this That's that A lot of times you say the mattress is so and you gotta make shure to grown as man there just being on this slf, because that could be it. He wakes up every night I mean drenched. Yeah, that's what if you pee on yourself, if you farted. He's he laying over there? Man? She didn't say p Yeah, she said sweat. She she ain't checked it. She tries the mattress out everything. How you tested you know how you spoon at night with your lover. Yeah, I want you to get on the inside of him, so your backside be up against his front side. Come morning, you'll know if it's p or not. Maybe she needs to turn the temperature down. Turn that damn temperature down. Get that room cold. You made that room like Marjorie got our room on ice, meat locker. Marjorie's mama room is a meat locker. Man. I go see Margree's parents and Memphis Pop be sitting up there with a coat on. Damn. I feel I gotta wear a hoodie around my house half the time. Yeah, she in here hot. I don't want to keep saying nothing because then you know, I said something one time that was kind of crazy. So all right, we gotta get out of here. Steve something about some hot flash a hill. Email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M. Coming up in ten minutes from the talk. It's our girl, Cheryl Underwood, big up to tell you funky stop you're listening, Ladies and gentlemen, Sheryl Underwood, Steve Harvey. I don't know what I want to talk about. You know why? You know what? I don't know what I want to talk about because I need to get to South Carolina and find out who got almost two billion dollars because none of us want because we worked to listen to me listening, but listen, Okay. The more the story is for everybody that stood in line to get a lottery ticket, I need you to stand in line to vote. That's where the welds to tell that. See how can put that together? I saw you looking at me like what was for the t Yes? Do you know what I'm doing for the woman down there in South Carolina? But I've already contacted Ancestral dot com and DNA dot com and I'm getting everything checked back make sure we ain't related. So kind of that's right, because what's up? That's aller me. You know, I take mine and coins. You know it can fold or anything. I don't know if I want to be serious, if I want to be fun today. You know why the packages coming through the mail? Yeah, you see they trying to send the package the Maxine Air colder. Obama's Clinton's uh what the boy name? George Sorrows and everything? Yeah, First of all, did nobody mentioned the black poster worker that got to carry the package? Now do we care about them? Do we care about the people that gotta figure it out? Listen, all this rhetoric is gonna cause problems right now. And people need to take responsibility for the stuff. They say. See how I'm humorous, but I'm pulling it at the same time, you gotta take responsibility for this stuff. And if they don't take responsibility for this stuff, FBI gonna find out who did it. If we got to go find from z Listen, Junior from the old school like a bug. Right now, we're gonna find out who did it, who involved make a pipe bomb? Listen to me. We got the un Obama. We will find the person that did this. But y'all ain't scared nobody. We haven't been through this before, my right brothers, we haven't been through this before, So you're not scared us. We're going to vote. We're gonna do what we need to do. We're gonna make America right again, not make it great. We're gonna make it right because all this Shenatiga they gotta fight club of these white racists that's go around and fight people at protest marches. Y'all know about that. You'll heard about that like a fight club. It's a racist fight club. Do you know who they are? Yes? And they got pictures up Steve harming and they got their names to cool. Go ahead, say, I got eight dudes that I know from Cleveland. Listen to me that can show up at every protest that you want to if you want to. I'm telling you right now, you're not gonna believe what's gonna happen to you from St. Clears kids. All I need they eight names and their sizes. I'm gonna take them over to Mr Abbots. I'm gonna get the best suits, the brothers that you get them, some gators at a suit from Albert all this and let me tell you want to do Steve Harvey and then after they handed their business, I'm gonna take them over the Lassos and then we're gonna have a good seat food and then Steve Harvey, we're gonna go to the Togo and we're gonna into Togo still open cry. Listen to me, don't tell me, don't listen to me. I was in the Too Sweet on some Shoes by Pebbles, was hurting my feet, but you were shocked, hell Mark. That's what I'm talking about, Steve. Let me tell you how long I've been pulling men out of Cleveland, Colin Favrels, let me tell you how long it used to be the gun Arena. We would walk them across the parking lot of the Guns Arena and take them into residence because they had free breakfast. We had free breakfast, crazy and if they enjoyed themselves like the Jackson's, we would get up in the morning, half breakface, go to Mr Ibas, get us some suits so we could either go to the top of the flat or Togo. We had to go to one of them too, and then we're in the night at Lass's with a good cocktail. And listen to me. I'm so remotiscent. I love Cleveland, I love all I've been messing with the Browns when Jim Brown was playing for Man. Listen, that's how far back I go, man, Listen, men, let me tell you what happen one night j Rosie grill It with Digan Jones, Rosie, Jim Brown and Fred Williams said something, what was your thoughts to Jim Brown at the White House? Country, Jim Brown was sitting there like, what the is you talking? Jim Brown was sitting at the White House like, don't take my picture. I was not here, Jim Brown. Jim Brown, Jim Brown say, I'm coming to talk about something serious and this negro is insane. I did not come with him. He came with me, Jim Brown with the I American on have no deal the lives that that man has changed in touch in the city of Angeles. It's some games angers, man that will stand up and tell you what this man has done. He also trying to make somebody on a promise that they made him. That man right there has given so much to the cause of people's lives. I got nothing to say about Jim Brown sitting up there and he's still doing this. Steve and see a lot of people don't understand that just because he's the guy in the White House is the guy in the right house, that means the game is still the same. We got to keep protesting, we got to keep manching, we got to keep talking, we gotta keep voting. So when anybody go with why is they talking to him. You got to do this. You got to engage the process that we end. And the next thing we need to talk about, how do we feel about the fact that we've got to come together. And the last thing we need to do. Tell all the Democrats, since you need our vote, why are you not buying advertisement on black radio stations and putting ads in black newspapers. You're taking us for granted. You gonna lose again. You're gonna lose again. You're gonna lose again. Cheryl, thank you so much. We gotta get out of here. That's so chill. That's real talk. Thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour. Get ready, Steve, it's Carla's Reality Update girl. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior, come on, introducers that time. Is everybody ready? Yeah, it's time for Carla's Reality or let's go okay, come on up, all right, So we're gonna talk about married to Medicine. So, Steve, I don't know if you watch this show, but right off the let me get a story. Yeah, yeah, come on, alright, So everyone found out, all the ladies, they found out that quad had filed from divorce for divorce from her husband Dr Greg on the blogs and social media, So some of the women were like, day, she couldn't even tell us, We had to read about out it. So they were kind of upset. So now, if you recall at the end of last season, Dr Greg kind of he admitted to cheating on his wife at the reunion show with another woman in the hotel room. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. So Quad has had it. She filed for divorce with her husband. She you know how it is. She really she called a mama auntie baby. That's when you get your stuff and you move and she got a new place, and uh, Quad okay, or Monica okay, we'll get your picture. Quad. So now the ladies were just really surely trying to get into trying to understand from Quad, why couldn't you tell us? Why do we have to read about it? Especially Toya, because Toya and Choir were cool, and so she was like, we're supposed to be friends. And Toya told her husband that Dr Eugene, we're supposed to be friends. I don't understand why she didn't tell me about the divorce. Well, Dr Jackie, she decided to host a summer party at a hotel and a buckhead and she ain't got enough of the hotel that her husband, especially her husband. But anyway, Dr Jackie, she's cool. She tried to get all the women together. They had the Slummer party so they can support, so Quad can feel supported, and she can talk amongst her girlfriends and just you know, say what's going on. You know, Dr Jackie went through her husband cheating last year, and you know, she forgave her husband and she's rebuilding her marriage. So she's like, girl, I know what you're going through, so come on, let's do the sleepover unless all the ladies talk. Toya and Quaid got into it, and the bottom line was, I just think that Toya was hurt. She was just hurt that her friend did not tell her that she was going through a divorce. They broke down, Quad broke down. She cried, and then she apologized for not telling her friends because you knew what, Carla, when you go through st Yeah, she's beautiful. All of them are beautiful women, beautiful, but yeah, when you go through a divorce, it's hard sometimes to talk about it. It's just hard, you know, even with your closest friend, You're you're still hurting yourself, So you know, I get it. I get it too. I think that Quad, you know, we kind of talked about this before, surely you and I just Quad as a private person anyway, and so she just didn't want to put it out there. But their point was that we had to read about understand that. Yeah, we had to read about it on social media, and we're supposed to be your friends. So the question still because Toya kind of threw this out, well, first of all, she didn't put it on social media, well, you know, didn't beat right and sit down there. Yeah, and they catch anything come through the system. Yeah, and I don't know, you're you're absolutely right, Steve. I don't know if she released the story or they found out about it, So you're absolutely right. It could have been that she did not want it to get out in any way just yet just announcing it that way. I'm not sure of that part, but it kind of the question was when Toya was telling her husband, Dr. Eugene, you know, they were kind of talking about it, and then she's trying to look out for her friend Quad. Toya is trying to look out for her friends, so It's kind of like when you go through a divorce. There's an issue with the friends and what happens with the friendship because the men are still friends with Dr Greg and now these women, some of their wives are like, you know, especially Toya maybe with her husband. Dr Eugene, don't be friends with him because that ain't right to talk to you guys about about with divorce what happens. First of all, if we dudes and were friends, we dudes. You know, if you make a mistake in your marriage, we'll try to help you through it, talk you through to something. But you I do. We can't stop being your dude because he made a mistake with his girl. Are different. If she's mad at you, I'm mad at you too. Right, Let's see, we ain't man at the dude. We disappointed an't he Damn dog, you messed up the circle. Man. Now we can't get together. Damn dog, you trip it. But we still we steal your guy. And that's just the truth of it. Me and not gonna break up like that. We don't do that well. Women. Yeah, and so Steve, have you been through that? Yeah, you've been through that with you know, with a divorce and I had a friend that messed over a really, really good girl, and we all knew each other, and he messed over a good girl. I'm going down, dog, What was you thinking about? I don't know, man, I just tripped Steve. But you're still friends with him, Yeah, we're still friends. Were he made a mistake. You know, if I get rid of all my friends that they made mistakes, I'm not gonna have none. Hell, if all of my friends had got rid of me when I made a mistake, I wouldn't have them. But you know we we now, don't get me wrong. We're sympathetic to her. We wish it had to happen. Look, man, hey man, you want to try to make it work, man, because I'm gonna I'm gonna tell my good Just give me something to tell my girl that she could tell your girls. But I just think initially when it first happens, when it's fresh, it's it's all the more hurtful, you know, for the female, And that's what that's probably where it is. Once it settles out, smooths out, and you know a lot of times they do come back together and be friends. Well, I understand, how y'all, y'all women. You all do it that way because like y'all want to rally round and support to have a jamma party, We're not having a damn not for him at the hotel. I got my foot's one and he's sitting across from me. What happened? What happened? Y'all? You can share your emotions. You got a footie though, Come on, talk to me on well, hit me up on lips of my Carla and tell me going if you've been through a divorce, who gets the friends? Who gets custody of the friends? And we'll be back at twenty after the hour, Steve. You okay, you're listening to the Steven Show, all right, listen, guys. According to a new study performed by gift cards dot Com, dating is making us go broke. Dating is making us go broke. Okay, yeah, that's what the survey said. This is getting married. Well, this was a Paul Steve of over a thousand people. It was revealed that single people are spending an average of a hundred and forty six dollars per month on dating. Way more than that is too low. That's nearly hundred and fifty dollars a year. Admittedly, people in a relationship only spent spent slightly less than that, at a hundred thirty nine dollars a month, and married people get off the cheapest of all. If you can call a hundred and thirty, it's a month cheap. Really, if if you're spending a hundred thirty on a date, that's your girl ain't got no ambition, She ain't even trying to do much that she ain't got no goals for herself. Now, a hundred and forty a month, a month on a date, man, that's just the movies total, Yeah, total for the month. That's one date if you just go to the movies, no dinner. But I'm just gonna have to say this, then, if we're spending one hundred forty six dollars a month on dayton, first of all, you need to make sure you got jet one girl, because did one into something? Yea for thirty days? Yeah, for thirty days. You you're really gonna have to make sure you got one girl. Secondly, man, you got to really be thinking of something else to do for it. Let's think of it. Let's get out of our age groups and think of it. Younger millennials, this is probably and how often do they They may be saying, if you're going two dates and for the millennial and for me, the movie is the same by the popcorn, don't check. So he has to save up a lot for this day, right, that's one move. Yeah, and that's just one day. Yeah. Can I say this though, I mean, look, that is what it is. Yeah. Look, you gotta spend money when you're dating, you do. Yes, you know every date can't be a Netflix and chill. This ain't going with everybody come home, man, very ambitious. You got to set your wine and dine money to the side and get to wining and get to dine. Yeah, you know, it ain't got to be there much sometimes, man, y'all. Just hey, baby, let me pick you up. I'm do a little picnic, get self some chicken and just going somewhere. Spread the tablecloth out, have a picnic. Man, women would love that. Girl. He threw a picnic. We had some chicken, set down at the lake. Man. He spread a blanket out. We listened to the waves that night. Girl, what does the least amount of money you've gone out on a date with? About five five dollars you've gone out on a date date. I met a girl one night in a club and I had like eight dollars. Dennis was crossed the street from Spats. We went to Dennis. The grand slam was dollar ninety nine. I let her eat a dollar ninety nine. I had a grilled cheese sandwich and a whole lot of water. Left that tip down there. Man bought her a drink a cup of coffee. We said that about three hours talking sexy is I want to be about five out there, clean tips and the fast cent. Wow, we'll have party morning show. Yeah, right after this fine Garl wafflehouse. One time. You're listening to morning show, everybody, I told you we're gonna have a special guest this morning. He's one of the youngest state representatives and the youngest black elected official in the United States. He is currently a political correspondent for CNN. I invited him on the show because I love him. One of my favorite dudes on TV period. His insight be spot on for us. Man, ladies, gentlemen, please welcome to the show. Mr Boccari, sell us what's going on? Correct? We love him? Man, Thank God so much for having me. It's always a blessing. When I could be on and uh be a small kid from a small town called Denmark, South Carolina. Be on the Steve Harvey so so thank you so much, Denmark, South Carolina. Yeah, three top lights in a blinking light. We got a weed bakery with a minute night's cook every morning. Come through when you want to. Well, you're gonna what you're gonna get boy, gonna name with street after, you're gonna put the school up everything. I take it. Yeah, hey man, let's go. First of all, you know you're at CNN, So what's the climate over there? I know there's a big scale for everybody at seeing end, But what's going on at CNN? How does it relate to the White House? Would all have you heard? First and foremost is fear? And I think you you understand that, Steve. Imagine if you are at work and the people who do your makeup, in your hair, the people who are around you and make sure your suits are fresh when you walk out or do your teleprompter. Just imagine if something comes to the studio and Steve Harvey's name, um, but takes away all their lives, um, you would feel some sort of way about that. And and so for us it's not about Don Lemon, or Anderson Cooper or even Jeff's ucker. It's not about the people who make you know, a million dollars and two million dollars a year or have condos in New York City. I mean, it's about everybody who makes those shows work. And so you're invoking fear. I mean law officers in Columbia, South Carolina, and we had to yesterday put in a new protocol for mail because I'm a commentator. And so you have a receptionist who has nothing to do with politics at all, but now has apprehension and fear. So I mean it's fear. And you look to the president and that it seems to reassure you. But you have Donald Trump. You know, it's it's hard for me to expect any level of genuine compassion. You know, we were all listening to the finally the speech he gate after Ivanka had issued her statements, and as he was reading, I just went, Okay, this is nice, but is that him? Well, I mean, first of all, I don't have any level of expectation for him, and I think that, um, when we want to go in and have some level of expectation, were foodhearted Donald Trump has been the same person his entire life and partner. If I get in trouble for saying this, but if you ever expect a white man of it seventy years old to change who they are today, then you are fooling yourself. Um. And so I don't expect Donald Trump to change at all he is. He's shown us who he has been. This is what I wanted everybody understand. These bombs aren't going at Devin noon As his home, So they're going to Maxim Warner's there. It's not going to it's not going to Mitt Romney's home. It's going to Hillary Clinton. It's not going to George Bush, it's going to Barack Obama. There's there's something going on in this country, uh, and we need to deal with I want everybody to know that our work is not done on the sick because I'm gonna lean on you. And I'm very grateful for you being not just a platform but an example, because we don't have a lot of wealth in our communities and we don't know how to get it, but you're working hard and showing us how to how to at least enhance our platforms and grow our platforms. Give ourselves a voice is very valuable stuff. From the bottom of our heart. Thank you to you and your crew man. Thank you, card selling you the best man. Tell everybody over there we said we're praying for him. Tell him to be safe and be aware. All right, thank you, thank you. All right. Steve is up next with today's closing remarks. That's coming up at forty nine after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Alright, Steve, here we are last break of the day, and it has been a good day. Maybe your nephew will come back to work tomorrow and we'll see me. We'll see he's taking this superstardom a bit too far now, too soon? Yeah, and I can't wait. Did I get a show? Yeah? Alright, Steve, take us home with some closing remarks for today. You know, we had the car sellers on the show earlier today and I really really enjoyed his young brother because he's he articulates the message spot on. You know, whenever he's on with Don Lemon or Chris Chromo, always tune in man because he's so fearless and spot on and he speaks the truth. Now, a lot of people don't like the truth. It don't if it don't match up with what you think. But the facts are the facts, not because the facts ain't what you wanna hear, that doesn't make it an untruth. It is amazing to me how people put a spin on it. I don't believe that. Wait a minute. You know at my show the other day, you know I always try to say something positive to people when they come on the show. Well, I was on the show the other day and I got to talking about God and this, and this lady gave me the thumbs downside. I said, excuse me, ma'am. Did I say something? She said, I don't believe in God, and I said, okay, cool, and I just kept talking. I finished my message up because I didn't even have time to address her. The fact that you don't believe a fact doesn't make it not true. Because you told me you don't believe in God, and you gave me the thumbdown sign when I started talking about God. What that? What the fact that God on me? You think? Because you give God a thumbdown sign and mean, it ain't no God? Are you kidding me? It's a fact that there is a God. It's a fact and undeniable fact that there is a god. Not because this woman don't want to won't want to believe that. That makes it so. No, and that's what it is on the news because you call it fake news. Don't make it so they're just all fake news. No, they're not. And Baccary Sellers is one of those people that get on there and say stuff that's factual because the factual doesn't match up to your agenda. Now it's fake news, that's not true. Let me explain something of you what Baccari said earlier. He said, we've been telling people to get out and vote. We gotta have a reason to vote. What I thought about it, Let's have a hood moment together. Let's have a moment together. That's from a place where I'm from. I'm from the Bottom area. I stayed down by the lake. I w wasn't up on the hill on mino Cello and Noble Road. I grew up down there by the lake at the bottom. That's what they called the mistake on the lake. That's why I grew up at I could ride my bike to the lake. Let me tell you something about this place I'm from. So it's the hood so I'm gonna tell you something real hood here the reason we need to vote because they're trying to play offs. People Steve Harvey listening audience, are you listening to me? They're trying to playoffs. They're trying to take us out legitimately, they are trying to suppress votes. They are trying to act like we don't matter. They want to make America great again. And I'm trying to ask everybody, when what year you talking about making America great that was so great for us. We need to vote on November six to say no, we need to make America better, not great again, because I can't think of a period of time in the past from this moment that I want to go back to. I want to go forward. I don't want to go back, so you can't. You can't trick me with that. Why would I go back instead of forward? I'm not going back nowhere? To make America great the key word again. You'd have been better off just saying make America great. Hey, a lot have thought better of it then, But you threw me when you said make America great again, which means that was a period somewhere for you where you thought it was better to be in this country. And I promise you I can't think of when that period is. I was homeless through the back end of the eighties and early nineties, so bank America great, a kin, I won't to go back to that, Oh, Steve, how about the seventies. Oh, you're talking about the year that they stripped Muhammad Ali of his title because he refused to kill people that didn't do nothing to him. He said, I ain't got nothing against them people. You're talking about that? Oh? Better, Yet, we're gonna go back to the sixties. Oh, you won't go do that? When when they killed Mark Luther King? Oh you want to do them sixties? Oh? Oh oh no, not to not not to back end of the sixties. TV. Let's go to the early sixties. Oh you mean when Robert Kennedy and and JFK was talking about opening up schools to black people and changing laws and creating civil rights laws. And you kill both of them. How about that? Oh you did? You wouldn't think we want to go back down? I don't. How about the fiftiest, fifties and sixties colored water fountains? Man? You know why we need to vote, y'all because we ain't letting nobody make America what it used to be. We're going to the future, not the past. We're going to vote and put some fresh faces in here and some people who think like we think, so we can get a balance in this thing. It's too much right wing conservative going on, and you need the right wing and the left wing for the eagle to fly. But we got too much right wing and it's just flying in the circle. And you know, the circle is forming around the base that he created. No, I don't want America great again. I want America great, and America could be great when it changes for the better, not when it goes to the past. We need contest. No purchase necessary, void We're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules. Visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.