Black People Leave, Steve Impersonation, Getting Dumped, Pimpin' and more.

Published Sep 27, 2019, 2:00 PM

Happy Friday and welcome to the ride!  Who likes scary movies?  This show is for you.  Do black people leave situations a certain way or nah?  Comedian Godfrey does an impression of our Fearless Leader that is on point.  These discussions of Trump's impeachment are getting more intense.  Fool #2 has all the signs that you are gonna get dumped.  Pimpin' and Nephew Tommy gives us their picks for week 4 of the NFL.  Find out what new job Samuel L. Jackson has.  Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about not bringing an old attitude into a new situation and more.  Have yourself a great weekend.  

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all back all suit looking back to back down, giving them move like theming buck bus things and cubs, y'all me through good it. Steve listening to the movie Together for Star. Please don't join joining me. You gotta turn you gotta turn to turn out, turn got to turn out to turn the water the water come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me nine one and all its Steve Harvey got a radio show, Man one more time. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I do, man, I thank God for it every day. You know, Um, my message this morning, man's real clear. It's something that's been on me to share, and it's it's amazing. You know, Um, God can do some amazing things for you. But what happens along the way is and I don't know that I mean to say, but but the fact that God can do some amazing things for you, that comes adversity along with it. Every single time. It it just goes without saying. And I've I was having a family. I mean, well not fairly, but a hugely successful week. I had never seen this type of hatred before. I hadn't seen it. And it's it's a great trick that the devil does. You know, when when God is blessing you and giving you some some some great opportunities in your life, as all of you have gone through, and it is. Isn't it amazing how some negative thing crops up and that's what you have to focus on. I found out that I don't have to, but you wind up focusing on it, and your energy goes over to that to try to deal with it, counteract. Wonder why I was happening. You gotta make phone calls? What was this about? Blah blah blah blah blah, and and it and it, and it throws you off the course you are on the beginning of the week, I was so grateful, I was so amazed. I was really thanking God for opportunity. For this brief moment, the enemy slides this little factor in there that causes you to and it requires your attention. You have to pay an attention because you don't know. You're going, Wow, man, let me see what this could really be? How much dirt is this really that they're trying to do, and so it requires your attention. But in that attention, you lose your focus on really all the blessings and the good thing that God does for you. That the enemy has an amazing trick that he does that. And it was and it was in my head. I gotta tell y'all all week long, man, and I was doing some amazing stuff. I was having such a blessed weak man in terms of press and pr and where God was taking me. And then when I got back, I was talking with my wife, and then I was talking to a good friend of ours and they shared something that really helped me out. And they said to me, new level, new devil. You know it's it's it's something really simple, but new level new devil. Every time you go to another level, every time you go a little bit higher, every time God has a blessing in store for you, every time He moves you in position. Do you understand that the enemy's job is to make you not see the blessing, make you not be grateful for it, lose your focus and focus on this that I just threw in your way, this stumbling block, this obstacle, this trickery. And man, I was I was I got you. I just gotta tell you, man, I mean, it was so filled with hatred that I had to I really spend some time addressing it. I you know, I got publicists on the phone. I said, what's what's happening here? Y'all not watching this? Y'all not what what was? What was this attack? You knew that you didn't know these angles? What what was? And you know, Steve Chill, new level, new devil. If you get a promotion on your job, guess what, somebody ain't happy that you got the promotion. So here come to Hey. You don't even you don't even really know these people. You have no idea. Every time you make a decision to make your relationship with your spouse better, man, this is it. You know what I'm gonna start doing. I'm gonna do this, man, so me and my girl can go on and have this on. Me and my man can go on and have this. Watch what happened every single time? Here comes the new level, the new devil, the trick. You don't need to do that, what you're doing that for her? She don't appreciate it. He ain't gonna appreciate it. Look over here, man, look at that right there, ain't he nothing? You know, he missed, he didn't call you, And he said, there's gonna all types of stuff. It just happens all the time. And I was sitting here talking with this friend, really good friend, very spiritual person, and they said on something, Steve, you know, I was talking to Jesus and said, I was having this conversation with Christ. And I said, God, for real, you mean to tell me every time that something good happens to me? You mean every time I try to go to the next level, every time you put me on the next level, you mean to tell me that I got to go through this right here? Are you for real? And then my friend said, Jesus said, they did it to me, and we just fell out laughing. They did it to me. They did it to him. They did it to him for him to go to the next level. And you know, I was just I was just going over the whole story about the crucifixion and everything that had to be amazing man of all the hate he had endured, all the prosecuting he had do it. They thought, ultimately, what we'll do is we'll nail him on a cross and crew. So fine and that'll be the end of him. And we'll put him in his tune, and we'll put this big stone up there, and that'll be the end of him. But what they did not know was all you was doing was setting the tone for the next level. Because eventually the stone got rolled away and he went and got placed with his father where he was headed to. Anyway, he ultimately knew that his ultimate goal was to get to his father. So when you when you when you thought you were doing what you were doing to him, and you put him in a tune and you put the big stone up in there, and the stone got rolled got rolled away, and he went eventually to where he was trying to get to. That story is in place for all of us to remember that when we are going through some things. Could it be because we are going to a place, you know, It could be just a place in life. It could be just a different level in life. That's all it has to be. But there's going to be the adversarial challenges that come with it, and those are the moments we must expect, expect and take them head on and still not lose your focus or appreciation for what God has done for you. So in light of all of that, I'm able to say today that I thank my heavenly Father, I really do for all the blessing Season bestowed upon me and all of the haters and all of the liars, and all of the backstabbers and all those people. When you get through lying, when you get through stabbing, when you get through gossiping and doing what you do, I'm still going to the next level. I'm still going. You cannot stop what God has in store for you. No one can stop that. Ladies and gentlemen, now have your attention. Please today's show. It's not going to be dedicated, but I just changed my mind. Today's show. Yeah, just like that girl, you what are you doing? Different? Typeredos ain't the same over here every day. Today's show is dedicated to people who like scary movies. Okay, people like scary movies. So this show ain't even dedicated to me. They used to be Shirley Hey, Steve Boo, Colin Farrell. Oh no, that's not how it goes. Tom Man, Good morning, Big Doggy Dog Dum Dum, Jael's Baby Brown. I love scary movies. My mama took me to see Dracula when I was four four damn year is old. That's why you're so twisted. That's why you're so twisted. That explain it. That's why you're so dark. You're crazy. Yeah, I'm doing Jason. You remember that that soap off Dark Shadows. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, came on in the daytime. Scared the hell out of everybody. Man scared of that show. Yeah, you know what SHA was scared of? To the Twilight Zone. I liked the Twilight I love that's love love the Twilight Zone. That was brilliant to me. Oh, I love them. Scared the hell out of me, amid real horror, scared day this movie you've ever seen in your life? You have to add, did it for yours? Carlor Oh the scariest. I want to say that Exorcist or either. I was scared of the birds. I forgot about the birds, about the still Yeah no. I ran out of the theater and my little sister laughed at me for your middle white girl, white girl carry ran me out of that theater. That problem with that pig blood y'all talking to somebody about scared of lightning? Yeah? Yeah, right? Should I go on away back? Children of the Corner scary to know. The Exorcist was a movie see I went to see and never went back to see another scary movie after that. But Steve about you, your boys were usually sit at the theater. And how we got to the theater. He's were sixteen boy, but driving his daddy car. We always sit a sea apart. We had to move. We just set a sea apart. We don't went to the bathroom so many times with Ascar. When we come back, we was all up under each other's land. I was tough gil. I was talking the Gil boy. I was up on the gil so so hard he could cut my ass if he wanted. I was curled up in the feet of position. Coming up at thirty two after the hour, we're gonna move along. Jay has something for us. He says, black people leaving. That's coming up inside of something funny. We'll find out what that's all about. Right after this, Black people leave. You're listening show, all right, Actually it's you, nephew, with black people leaving? What is this so Shirley? You know it's about some people leave. They make a scene when they leave, you know what I'm saying, Yeah, yeah, alright, some people leave. Even you just never know, you never know they left, they gone. But us about us as a race, us as a race, we make a saint. You understand, I'm saying, we make a saint like this right here, when you leaving the funeral. Jane, my name ain't even on the program. Go look at your granddad and come on. We're leaving up out of here right now. I'm telling you right now, we out how we ain't on the program. How my baby ain't no pat that's us. Yeah, you know when we leave, when we leave a wedding, whoa I said that, right, don't when we leave a wedd Look here what I said it when I wouldn't didn't know I was saying it. When we leave with what? When? How come I ain't got no place to sit? Just so you know that ain't up, that baby ain't joys. We out of here. I'm just telling you we out of here. Why this is black people? When black people leave a scene, we actually make a scene. When when we leave the movies. Why I can't bring my own food in here. It's my food, it's my food. I leave it. I'm gonna tell all y'all the girl dying in since I got to go we gotta make it about us, don't. This is us, baby. This is when black people we make a scene. Look here, we're leaving the little league game. Okay, my baby ain't playing the whole game. What did I pay? Hain't a five dollar fun? Ain't about dollar for you? Come on, chump, chump, let's go on, let's go, let's go, let's go. Fath don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. That is did you said? Come on, we get you another team. Baby. You ain't got to put up with this. Here where your uniform in school tomorrow? Here, when black people leave the job, we're gonna make a scene. That's how we do it. It's a good thing you fired me because I was trying to quit anyway. Truth be told, Truth be told. Let it be now weather I leave, Hey, hey, I leave a friday coming all I got to say, come this friday though. And just so you know, I've been hit ten years and I'm stealing something every week. How about that? Yeah, country inventory, because I've been stealing how about that? Oh, I'm five grand up? When we leave a restaurant, why do black people sit there in order the highest thing on the bill knowing they ain't got it in their pocket eating fold dollars. You know, I ain't got no tip money now, ain't gonna grab some mints and two picks on the way. But why the waiter waitress gotta s yeah, yeah, when we leave, When we leave a store, were gonna make a scene. Oh, I don't even know that they had expirations on coupon. I didn't even know that. Okay, I don't know why y'all tripping out of dollars now anything way, Why y'all tripping being back in your yard? They don't by Why do y'all the dollars store? Black people leave a scene? They make a scene that one ad one? Come on, yeah, when they get put out the strip club, you know, something like this? All I had with fold dollars. Why can't I stay here just look that you keep picking your fold back up? I had fold dollars. I can't just stay here and look at put money down? That was good money down. We are trip. Yeah, we always have to make it about us, no matter what. Oh that happened yesterday. I was at this taco place and the lady apparently she was there yesterday, so she bought the exact same thing, right, So she gets it's a soon as I walked in, How you doing, I'm like, So she check out. The lady wrung it up so it was nine dollars the day before whenever she was there, but it was eleven yesterday. So she said, well, why is it eleven dollars? And she said, well, ma'am, you got an extra order chips in caso. I got there yesterday and she said, well, let me see the receipt, So that the girl pulled the receipt on and she gave it to it. She said, yeah, but they didn't charge you for the caso for the cheese yesterday. Well, that ain't my problem. I'm not been getting though two extra dollars because they ain't in charge. I want to pay that. I said, here we go. But she on the ball the whole time. She said, I don't want the caso. When the chips just rang up the taco salad many and always standing behind that person to as and it looked like and it looked like you with them. When you stepped back to feet, got back and started looking around, you're trying to let other people in front of you. Gone man, separating, all right, thank you. Nephew coming up another nephew, uh would run that prank back right after this you're listening to coming up at the top of the hour. And Entertainment news viral video trending on social media of comedian Godfrey's impression of the one and only Steve Harvey. Have you seen this? It's funny, Steve. I know, I know you did, and you said you were gonna slapping when you see him and Jennifer Lopez and Shakira. Yes, they will be performing at the super Bowl. Everybody thought it was going to be Jennifer Lopez. Everybody wanted it to be Jennifer Lopez. So there you have at Jennifer. That would be great from a movie. We'll talk about it at the top of the hour. Now that's how you do. I have time. We'll talk about that at the top of the hour, coming up right now. The nephew in the building would run that prank back. What you got now, I got Chubb Rock Shirley nineteen night and that you supposed to take with the drinking the court late. The drinking wasn't crap to be point of Rock. That's my man. Chubb Rock in is let's go kaint seeing what ain't for to haming somebody fin to use my instrumental? Hello and then act like they're gonna just use my Hello. Hello, man, I speak to Chubb Lee. Hey, I need to talk to you. Man. This d Low from our flow Jam Productions out of Jacksonville, Florida. Who my name? D Low from flow Jam Productions out of Jacksonville, Florida. Can you hear me? Brother? Brother, bring your blood pressure down a couple of notches. Be hold on, bro, because me and you already got a problem. Now my understanding of somebody using my instrumental on some kind of record you got called if you was mine and all all of them, all that music is my music, and I got a problem with all of that. Brother, calm your blood pressure down. You know what I'm saying to you, my brother, pressure calmed down. All I'm saying to you will ain't nobody finn release, no CD, no album. I'm using my music out. It ain't fenning out. I understand who you will and all the stuff you'ven't done in the path, but you ain't gonna use my stuff though. Let me tell something. Anything I ever gotten in my life in twenty years of recording. I don't know how you got my number. Who you are, you know who you're supposed to be representing. But anything I do is always straight up. We do our music ourselves, or if a producer I'm using he does his thing, I pay him or do whatever I gotta do. You're calling me, I don't even know who you are, but you need to calm down your blood pressure if you want to continue this conversation where we can get to some kind of figuring out of who you are and what you're talking about. If you want to yell at me and try to do that, I don't. I don't go for yelling and intimidation. I ain't one of these young dudes out there. So if you don't bring your blood pressure down, then I'm gonna have a problem. My blood pressure will go up and then we'll have a real real problem. Do you feel what I'm saying to you? I understand everything that you're saying to me. All I'm saying to you, I know I know my music when I hear and I think your boy cow that took my music from me. Now, if you the stuff you got on, if you was mine, I don't last mine I ain't abody tripping with y'all on what you do. I'm just trying to tell you all that stuff is mine. We're talking about those are my lyrics on that playboy. You don't write no lyrics from me? Were you crazy? No? I don't right like one of them? Key Black el Cathy, you don't nobody touch my lyrics. Be you're saying all that of its role, I'm not. I ain't talking about the mules the lyrics. I'm talking about the music itself. That's what I'm talking about. The lyrics, I don't know nothing about that might be you, but I'm just trying to let you know about the music that belonged to mate. Convert that mic that you got there might be me. Convert the mic. I ain't no, Mike. The music is mine. Let's get that out there now. The music on that song you got, if you was mine, that's my music. Brother. You ain't Bobby Womack. How can it be your music? The interpretation of the music was from Bobby Woolmack. Hey, brother, Now, I don't know if you're the one that stole my music. I don't know if it was your boy cal who called himself dj rex y out whoever he called on himself. All I'm trying to let you know where this music belonged to me. All right, So what do you want to If you want to meet me on the streets somewhere in and you can handle it the way you want to handle it with me, you want to handle it that way, You ain't saying nothing to me, man, You ain't saying this is what I'm saying me, brother, that's this. I don't want them t blass. You don't say me. Did you just say something about my rectum? Out of me? You don't talk of you, you don't talk about my. We gonna we will me if you keep talking about my you don't bring my on nothing. You know nothing, you ain't nothing. If you want to talk as men, then we sit down and we talk as men, because I don't know what you're talking about. But if you're come in a bed throwing my name in the middle of severy then I got a problem with that being and I'll handle it with you. I'm not new younging. I don't make records. I ain't gonna dish you on the record. I'm gonna come see you so we can sit down eye the eye and we get down to what it is. And all I'm saying is is I got a problem with it and have been a bigger problem I got at this point. Now is for you to tell me. Do I want to meet you on the streets somewhere? And you know what, I ain't got no problem with that. You want to find we don't want me to see you? Now? You know what your problem is, man, Your problem is that you ain't getting a successful, it's heavy date. You didn't do what Biggie what Biggie Smalls did? That's your problem, man, that's have no problem that. Those are incredible artists who have done all kinds of beautiful things in music. I have done my singing music, all of those things that you're trying to get me to go past the line of sensibility that goes to youngans. Now, like I said before, forget about that when I should earlier stand brother, when you wanted to see me, I don't care. Why do you want to meet that? How about I got a better idea for you. I'm doing a club date in Jacksonville, flows brother, that's who you can got my guests and come see me personally and literally Come with this vigor, though, Come with this vigor or you're talking about you're gonna quit using these big words. What is this? Ain't no big word. But you're gonna come there with this attitude. You ain't gonna see no bodyguard there, you feel me. All I'm saying to you is the music belongs to me. That's what I'm saying to you, man, That's all I'm saying to you. And who your boy ever dealing to swipe my music? Laid it under you and you don't put some tracks on top of it. Ain't right? Dog? Brother, Let me say something. The guy is a guy of incredible integrity. You keep saying it the truth, brother, it's the truth. I mean, I'm sorry, man, I mean it's clear that Trump saying I'm sorry that Trump said. Can we bring all of that? Forget all of that, forget everything we're talking about right now? I want you to know this. Can I tell you something else? Going again? Can I say something else to you? Can you say it? Calmly? I can't. You can't. Yes, this is if you time me from the Steve Harvey Mornings. Ya, you just got pranked by Monica. You just got branked by your boy name shy. Oh man, you guys are crazy. This is you're serious. You can't be surch I'm dead serious. Baby. Wow man, wow man, that's clus man shot. Look all right, cool. I got to get everybody back. What y'all think? Love it too much? Bring all that big over here. When I see you, bring all that viggor you got all that, bring that with you. All right. I'm in Saint Petersburg. I'm flying out tonight. I would be in Saint Petersburg hosting one hundred and twenty fifth Church annivers Yes, this is where Will Packer grew up. In church. I would be the hole in the I'm hosting a gala. Jay, I'm hosting a gala. No cuss, no custom, Jay. You don't have to cuss all the time. Okay, it can be done, Jay. And I'm not gonna custom. I'm not gonna get ticked off. I'm gonna make it through. I'm gonna do a good job. You must just gonna be announcing stuff, all right, thank you. You're coming under the top of the hour entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening to Show It's happening, NFL, PEPSI and Rock Nation announced yesterday that Jennifer Lopez and Shakidda Well both performed during halftime at the Super Bowl fifty four. That's going down on Sunday, February second, twenty twenty. Okay, at the hard Rock Stadium in Miami, Fellas, what you think? What you think? Fellas? I think I'm going. Because you said Jay Log gonna be there, I think I'm going. Okay, all right, water, Yes, I'm either watch it though, go Yeah, I gotta see. Think of two reasons I need to be there. Yes, what are these? And mister Harvey, well, uh, you went to the super Bowl last year. So yeah, there'll be a possibility that I'll be there. It's a possibility. No, will the Browns. There is no Browns. No, No, they're not ready for super Bowl yet. They're not readiant. Oh god. But if they go, you ain't you would doc the Brown's not going to the super Bowl. Let's be real now. I'm just trying to get these eight games one that I predicted. I really want them to win ten. But these next folk don't hurt us so bad if we we don't somehow beat Baltimore this week. And I don't know how to hear. We're gonna do that because Lamb Jackson is my favorite player right now. But if we could just beat Baltimore this year, then we have champ But then we got to pay right behind them. Well, we got no offensive line right now. Can't nobody blocked Baker? Just hike and run? Now in his ass, he's a target man, you know, man, they gotta develop shorter routes for him, man to give him a chance because the line ain't doing their job. That dude on the end, that that that that left tackle. I could go over there and at least tackle I bring the man down. We're gonna get a lot of holding called manny. All right, Well, congratulations, that's good. Everybody was thinking, hey, it's in Miami, Jlo's gotta do halftime. Yeah yeah, yeah, so and other what was that, Jake and other trending viral news. Step on your Instagram page and I am Seve Harvey TV. You posted a video of comedian Godfrey doing an impression of you hosting family feud. Here it is tick a listen like yeah, like your ass sake? Yeah yeah, yes, I mean you, I mean she was like she was like she saying she said I say the top. Yeah, she saying, oh, fail no she say oh, She's like, I'm just saying, y'all, let's go to the ball. Yeah hell no, Yeah, what you think? See now, I thought, you know, you know, man, my son showed it to me and I was laughing. I actually know him a long time ago in Chicago. Cool dude. So he DM me. I DMed him back, and then I told him I was going to post it, and you know, he was very respectful to me. Man. I just thought it was funny. I thought he nailed it. Yeah, you know, yeah, he was good, Yeah, very much. So I thought it was funny. That's why I posted him. Yeah, I'm sure he'll love that. All right, Steve, let's get caught up on today's headlines, please, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Trip, thank you very much, everybody. In good morning. The acting Director of the National Intelligence testified before Congress yesterday about the whistleblower complaint that alleges that President Trump misused his political power by engaging in a little financial arm twisting with the Ukrainian president. Turns out, the whistleblower as an employee of the CIA who was assigned to the White House for a wiland who has now returned to his or her duties at the headquarters. We still't know who this is. Donald Trump says that that makes the person who spoke to him about the phone call to give Hraine some kind of spy. However, the National Intelligence Director Joseph McGuire told the House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adams Shifted he stands behind his employees. I believe that the whistle blower followed the steps every step of the way. However, the statute was one in this situation involving the President of the United States, who is not in the intelligence community or matters underneath my supervision, did not meet the criteria for urgent concern. I'm just asking about the whistle blower right now. I think the whistle blower did the right thing. I think he followed the law every step of the way. Yeah, McGuire was talking about why he didn't release that particular missive before. Meanwhile, Senator Charles Schumer says several questions still remain. What conversations between bar Giuliani and President Zelenski and other Ukrainian officials occurred. Did they actually speak to one another, what did they say, and what promises the requests. By the way, it looks as if the announcement of a congressional impeachment in career has actually swelled, not diminished. Donald Trump's campaign coffers. At a fundraising text, Trump typed witch hunt in bold letters and said I need you on my impeachment defense team. Well, in the twenty four hours that followed the House speaking Nancy Pelosi's announcement of an official investigation, the president has raised thirteen million dollars to support his reelection effort. President Trump, by the way, back in Washington, the Congress now goes on a two week vacation. The Sacramento, California Police Department has cleared the two white cops who shot an unarmed black man to death in his grandmother's backyard. Offices Terrence Murcal and Jared Robinette said they were looking for somebody who'd been breaking into cars. They claimed that Stefan Clark had a gun. He only had a cell phone. By the way, on Monday, by the way, I'm meant to tell you this, President Trump said he should get the Nobel Prize, but he wouldn't because the system doesn't work fairly. Actor Samuel L. Jackson disagrees with that, saying Nobel Peace Prize, he just threatened to start a war, and Jackson calls Trump the huts in chief. Today's nationals think about getting vaccinated. Day. Now, back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. The whistle blower complain about President Trump's actions regarding Ukraine has been released. The complaint paints a damaging picture. In addition to relaying the gist of the July twenty fifth phone call between President Trump and Ukraine President Zelenski, it outlines other moves the White House may to push for an investigation of Joe Biden. Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph McGuire testified the person officially responsible for releasing the report to Congress and said the whistle blower did the right thing. Democrats are now calling for a House leadership Nancy Nancy Pelosi to cancel recess and focus on mister Trump's impeachment. Yeah, yeah, wow, yeah. I just saw he's guilty of all of this, and everyone knows it because he's come out and said it. Julia his attorney Giuliani or Giuliani has said it that they asked the President to look into the Biden sun and he dangled the money in front of him. For all of this was said, it was, it was said, here's the problem. Only two Republicans come out and said, wow, we got something wrong here. They don't care that this man is trampling their beloved constitution. They don't care because for them, this country is so morally corrupt when it comes to politics that they will forego anything to stay in power, to hold their position and to protect their money, and they don't care what they have to do, and they will forego their beloved Constitution, which they try to uphold every chance they get. That damn Second Amendment, which needs to have been changed years ago, will never be changed because of the nr a's contribution to the Republican Party period. This is sickening. What's happening up here that they letting this man who's held no political office ever before, who has never served people ever before. He's a game, he's a reality show star, and he owns some damn buildings. Why is he the president? Facts? But I mean, and if Obama did this or any other person, come on, come on, come on, just come on, yeah, all right, coming up next to thirty four after the hour, j Anthony Brown has written yet another book, another book. This one's called Signs that Tell You're about to get dumped? All right, buyer, beware, we'll be right back right after this in like a week, in like a week. So you got a new books, right, you're listening? All right? So Steve, your boy jans Andy Brown is here and uh, I don't know if you knew this, but he has another new book out, and this one's called Signs That Tell You were about to get dumped? He come on, Steve, how many books? Three? You've already called me? No, I'm I'm up with you and write books and in the days I'm not here, I'm up writing, I'm writing. I'm okay, okay, and I'm not him. I'm right. So this new book it's called Signs You Might be about to get dumb? Okay. Chapter one, this is a great chapter. She says she's going on a girl trip, but she ain't packing number victorious secrets and condoms. You know she ain't. You know you need to look into that. Okay, she told you, She told you she needs to stay late with the kids and work with them, but their homework at Starbucks whatever, signed you about to get dumble. You over to the house, now, y'all chilling. You find a man's jacket at the house. It's eight sizes too big, but she says it's for you. Yeah whatever, that's a big dude. That's a big dude and about to get dumped. You're about to get dumb. She ain't even get you cooking ribs, chicken turking meat for her mama. Now you know, damn well, her mama is a vegetarian couple. What's up with that? I know that. Come on, try to bring me like you see stupid written on my faith. You're about to get dumb. This is she tell you. She said, baby, I'm gonna be going to a baby shower. But it started at eleven o'clock at night, and uh, they asked us all to wear sequence dresses. So but I'll be I'll be back, So all right, it started any letter at night? Do I look like a food to you? Look at me? Take a good dude. I look stupid. And she's been out all day long. It's eleven o'clock and now here should come trapes in and leave them leven thirty round quarter. You're sitting there way traps in in right, and she smelled like old spice man. What yours got some time on your thinking? Right? Chapter nine, I'm writing, I'm right, yea. All of a sudden, y'all getting busy, right, and you see about four or five freak moves you ain't ever seen before. We lay whoa whoa? Were you? You've been doing that? You tell me somewhere when when you doing that? Hanging up to see list hand and stuffing like that? What you're doing that with y'all laying in bed right? It's just chapter this chapter this, chapter thirteen. It's a good chapter. You hear ring Chapter thirteen? Is you hear a ring tone? And he goes, no, no, noon boom boom boom boom boom that the ring come right? No, no, no, she didn't let her ring right kill you. That's that's that's Jake from State Farm. Get out of here. What are you wearing? Jake? Oh, that's Jake from State Farm. It's been four months, right, you're about to get dumb. This book there's a good book. Signs to tell when you're about to get It's been four months and y'all ain't done nothing. She said, you know, been four months. It's for four months. You month that I'm stupid, don't know about it for four damn months. Get out of here. Do I look stupid to you? His mouth noise, No, I get done, all right, Jay, we can't wait to get it and it'll be on the best seller list for sure. Coming up with the nephew with today's frank phone call coming up right after this. You're listening to the string show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after it's the Strawberry letter for today's subject, no more loving, No more loving. Right now though, the nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Newt You spent my credit cards to my credit card, so it's supposed to be spite. That's what ladies say, right there, Yeah, you spent my credit card. Let's go Cado. Hello, I'm trying to read Anthony Anthony Anthony. This is this is Jay Will. I'm the bartender here at the club. And yeah, man, I've been calling y'all all week. Man about my car. Yes, yes, I got the card. You Actually you must have loved here Saturday night, is that right? Yeah? Look I left it up this Saturday. Man. But I've been calling you all week man, trying to get my club. Don't normally come back in until Thursday or Thursday morning. We get the looker ready for Thursday night, so nobody's actually here. I just have to be coming, man. But y'all running visage, man, y'all got to get somebody start to answering the phones. Man, I need I being my card, all right, Why I let y'all that right now so I can compete on my cart y'all at the club. No, I'm not. I just left the club. Actually, I'm actually almost home. But I do have I do have your card with me? How you got you got my card with you? Yes, I have your credit card. You took my car to the house. Well, I saw all the messages that you left on the machine, so I was assuming that if I reached out to you, maybe we could meet up and I can actually help you out and get it to you before Thursday. Yeah, but that's cool, man. But I could have just met you at the club and usually he saw my carm. You should have just called me back. I could have came run over to the club, man. I mean, okay, Well, I apologize. I got a lot of running around to do. But if if you don't mind coming out and picking it up from me here at the house. You know, I make sure I get it to you. Okay, cool, cool, we'll little check it up. What's your address, man, so I can just come over to you right now. I'm gonna put it the GPS and run over there. Okay, hold on, hold on right straight, all right, all right, all right, cool little man? Do you want to get there now? Because I can just shoot over there like we man, And I've applied you a little so man for taking care of it, man, because I really need my car. Man. I got some urgent vistes I need to take care of. So I just shot you a little something when I get over there. And I appreciate it again, man, okay, what I appreciate you, you know, wanting to slide me something. And since you said that, you know, maybe you know, maybe you don't have to, because I actually I ran into a little jam, man, and hopefully you you you'll be understandable about it. But I ran into a little jam and I actually had to I actually had to use your car. Oh hold on, hold you said, what, well you know, I got into a little, a little situation and I actually had to use your card my card right, well, well yeah, I mean I mean I'll be here to to to uh bere to give it back, pay it back to you. What hey? Man? What hey? What? What what they got com of operation I got going on over there? Man? Use my car for what? I closed my tab on Saturday night? Man, Yeah, you closed your tab out you know that. And and and like I said, I was going through a little bit of a situation. I needed some gas, so I used it for that. And my little my little girl needed some uniforms for a school. And I my check hadn't come from the from the club yet. But as soon as the club, as soon as you hey hey, ho hold sound bro, you went you you put you put gas and you you buying somebody somebody chats or clothes on my color right, And I had to get my car out of the shop. So I mean, once I your car off the shop, gonna tell you so many put my family, man, well my family money. Man, you want for that, bro, don't I don't plump for it. Man, Imna tell you what I tell you what man, I'm gonna tell you what. I'm gonna front of the find the police report him, and I'm gonna get what man, you need to have. I can, I can, mister Anthony, but just calm down, man, I know what. They don't calm down nothing. But at least at least at least I got the man. I got my whole kids to take care of. But at least I'm telling you what happened, and you're not. You're telling me you should have used my card, my cautions that at the court when I left for that. I can pay you back in payments, man, every every week I am and I want my money and I want my card back. I'm gonna but show that's what That's what it's gonna be sure, if your card was that important, you wouldn't have left for at the club. I believe that card up well, you wouldn't have been so you wouldn't want the girl I had my card the whole time, she was gonna save it for me and give me tell me and I signed my things. She didn't give it to me. If you wouldn't have been so drunk, you wouldn't if you would have left your card at the club when the body man I had two tricks. But don't excuse the fact I had some prisson me this. I't to leave. I thought, I don't excuse you to use my car. Man, I understand that. I'm telling you. I went right now. Man, what are you? Yes, I am. I'm on the way over there. Man, I'm telling you what't man in fight? We don't have my cards and my money. When I get there, I'm gonna blush open. I understand I had him. It took me four hundred dollars to get my card to Shott. I was my card. Well, no, it was actually six hundred on your car because I had to get the other stuff that I told you about. But crazy you claising you even you know you know deft under you don't. You don't really messed up, man, I say, Man, ain't look man, that's my wife. That's me and my wife joint saves account. Man, it's for my keys. I got two keys, take care of man. I don't know what's up a game you're trying to run. Man, but I promise you need I got something for you. I want all my money on my account and if any money. I'm telling you right now, I swore to guard I've already told you that i'd used this money. What do you mean is it if it's not there, it's not there. I've used it, Anthony, But I'm asking you to let me put a play in me. Call you something I swore to guard right now, I promise, wol I swore it. If you, if you, if you, if you don't have my together when I get over there, I'm gonna put my hands on you. Man. I don't know who you think keep playing with man, I don't play the boy games. I don't I know. I hope. I think it's gonna go. I'm ana sue depends. I think I'm a super black off. I want my car and I want my money real jo, get my money in back on my car by the time I get over there, by the cash in my hand. By the time I get over there, we're going for real seas problem. And I'm done talking. Hello, Hey, you ain't got to call me. I'm already on the way. I swear to guard it. Let my money be off my car, let my I'll be there. I hope it's not right there. I'm gonna go up man, I'm I'm I'm telling you right now. I put I put my get right in the guard on my daughter right now. If my money ain't on my car, get the card in in my hand, with my money in my hand when I get over there, don't even worry, aboudy. I want to way over there. I'll be din't lift the kingdoms. I want to be honest about this. Somebody actually gave me your car. What somebody actually he gave me your card. Somebody gave you my card. I don't give a damn who gave you the card. But I'm see him when I get over that. So that's fine. I hope y'all had fun through the game. Y'all played, that's fine, that's just cool. Man, I ain't got time to play. Make him out. The other person has the car, my car man, he told me running around y'all. Okay, do you have something you can take his name down so I can set you. I don't want to know what I'm a car man. Okay. The guy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, he has your card, nephew, tim me from Steve Harvey Morning. So you just gotta pray, man. And I got a d money on that car man. Man on that man. Man, your boyfriend about caring at weekend. Man, he said, you've been calling the club every single ten minutes. And my wife, Man, let me leave him down. Man, she she hat enn, Hey, let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the land? Baby, Let me use your credit card? You did that once? What happened to when he did that? He did it back in LA. I think I kind of remember that. What did he put on there? Do you remember that? I kind of? Yeah? You had a party at his house and all that right? Is that the one? Oh? I had a party. I had several party I got Momma asked with when I asked, but what you're spending? Credit card one? What are you spending on? Did he play a car? I tried to buy a Hummer one? He told the Hummed dealership that time. He told the Hummed dealership I co signed. They called me while I was on the N when Hummer's first came out. Hummers, Okay, it was so high, everybody wonder one's so bad? I told him I should first of all, you too little for the jo. Yeah, that's fine, coming outside, helping you get up into true exactly trifling back, Yeah sounds oh I'm changed a great deal because this boy right here was trifling. All right, all right, nephew, thank you? Coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject no More Loving. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show all right, time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen if you need advice on relationship, sex, dating, work, parenting, and more. Please please, please, baby, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air like we're gonna read this one. You're that right here, right now, Let's go buggle up, Hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, Thank you, nephew, subject no More Loving. Just Stephen Shirley. I am fifty four year old married man and I've been married for thirty six years. My wife and I have twelve kids, so my wife has never worked a day in her life besides raising our family. I've always done my best to keep us on track financially, working two or three jobs at times. I have always been the best dad I could be, and I make sure my family is well taken care of. My only problem is that my wife does not do her part by making sure I'm well taken care of when I come in from work. She doesn't want me to kiss her or touch her lovingly. It's a peck on the cheek, and then she goes into the other room. When we're in bed together, we are just lying side by side, talking or watching TV. Then she glows straight to sleep. I don't get any kind of loving anymore. She used to really enjoy the oral thing, but she hasn't done that in years. If I ask for a little bit of intimacy, excuse me, I'm sorry. Did was there something you wanted to say? All right? Just heard you say? Years? Okay, yeah? Years. If I ask for a little bit of intimacy, she tells me heck no, and that I'm disrespect Hell no, I'm disrespectful and I only think of myself and my needs. We used to have some wild, freaky good times together, but now she won't even rub my back if I've had a long day at work. I have given her a nice six bedroom house and we have four cars for her to choose from in the driveway. I let her control all of the money that's left over after we pay household expenses. She cooks most days because she enjoys cooking for the family. I would say that she has a great life, so she should be a little more excited to take care of me when I need some attention. I am still young and I have needs. How can I get the romance and sex back into our marriage? Please help? Well, I would say that on the surface, based on you know what you've written here, she is a great life too. Thirty six years of marriage to a very hard working man, sometimes two and three jobs, a good dad. You say, you know, you give her the money, you try to take care of them financially and everything. You guys have twelve kids that she loves to cook for. She's never worked outside the house. Sounds like that's a pretty good start. Seems like she would be happy with that, But clearly she's not. Something is wrong here. She's upset about something, she's going through. Something. I heard you talk a lot about what you do for the family and the work and the kids and financially and all of this. You want her to rub your back. And your wife's told you now that you're disrespectful and that you only think of yourself and your needs. Now, this makes me think that you know, in this letter, you said a lot of wonderful things, but I didn't hear anything about you know, date nights or or or I didn't hear that she has any me time for herself, a girl's night out or anything, any place or any time where she can just be alone and just do her Maybe she needs to get away, you know, on a on a trip or something to rejuvenate her. You know, she needs to get out of the house. I mean, you know, it could be something else. It could be that she's going through depression. It could be you know, her libido is low. It could be a lot of things, menopause, it could be a lot of things. I think that, um, what I'm feeling though about this letter is that she she just needs some me time. She just needs to, um, go to the spot something like that. She she what you said about her gave me the clue. You only think of yourself and your needs, So maybe she doesn't feel like you're really catering to her needs. Yes, you've given her all these things, but sometimes you know she just wants you. You're you're away from the house a lot, I'm assuming if you're if you're working two or three jobs, so maybe she's just tired when you come home. Maybe you know, you guys need some counseling, because it sounds like that's what it is. I mean, I think the two of you need to reassess your marriage and do some counseling. It's not just about the intimacy right now. You guys need to work on your marriage. And I think that's where the problem is. Steve, I got it. I see this whole problem. I saw it from the very beginning of the letter, Sherley. See the advantage I have is when a dude writes a letter. I have an advantage because I happen to be a guy. I think you have the advantage, Sherley, when women write letters, because you have a special insight to how women think can feel. Well, I have a specialist when men right how they think and feel. Here's what the whole problem is, and he tells it to us in the beginning this Stephen Sherley, I'm a fifty four year old married man. I've been married for thirty six years. You do the math. They got married at eighteen. My wife and I have twelve kids, twelve so my wife has never worked a day in her life besides raising our family popped their breaks, homie, did you hear what you just said? You said that your wife has never worked a day in her life besides raising our family dog. Y'all got twelve kids. This woman been pregnant since y'all been married. This woman has either been pregnant or about to get pregnant the entire time y'all been married. Y'all got twelve keys. She didn't work every day of her damn life. The problem is you don't recognize right. That's the problem with this damn ladder. Hey gun, Steve all that thought. We'll be back at twenty three after the hour with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter, subject no More Loving right after this. 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All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letters. Subject no more lovin'. Let's go. Like I said, I only got a short way in this letter. It's fifty four year old man married for thirty six years, which means he'd been married since he was eighteen to the same woman. My wife and I have twelve kids. Then, he says, so, my wife has never worked a day in her life besides raising our family, hold up partner. That's all she's ever done is work. Anybody that just stayed home with folk kids three kids, two kids? Hell one kid, she been at the house with twelve, And then you say never worked a day in her life besides raising that's to be getting or what's wrong with this letter? And then all of this stuff you say is good is coming from you. I've always done my best to keep us on track financially, working two three jobs at a time. Well, you was making babystok. You made twelve kids, you got you know there's consequences. Now you got to go work two three jobs. I have always been the best day I could be, and I make sure my family as well to take a care of. I'm pretty sure she's been the best mom she could be, and I guarantee you she's making sure all of y'all have been taken care of. My only problem is that my wife does not do her part in making sure I'm well taking care of Wait a minute, hold of dog? Are you listen? Did you read the letter for you? Send it to it? Everything you're saying of this letter is about you. The only problem is that my wife does not do her part. And what she got twelve kids? She didn't have what else you wanted to do? Though you've been getting sex, you don't get a lot of sex. You gotta have a lot of sex made twelve kids. You have sex a live so that that ain't the problem. So you've been getting taking care of problem. When I come home from work, she don't want me to kiss untouch her. You want all touch her lovingly now because it could lead to another damn baby. Your damn hands off for me. We got twelve, I don't want thirteen. It's to peck on the cheek and this she off to the other room. Now when we are together, we just laying side by side talking to watch the TV. Then she goes straight to sleep. I don't get any kind of loving anymore. That she used to really enjoy the old thing, but she ain't done that in years. Okay, let's let's let's let's talk about this land, right. She used to really enjoy the old thing, but she ain't done that in years now. Anything about you in this latter That's what she told him when the last time you didn't enjoy doing something to huh for huh oh, and it got quiet. She ain't done that in years. No, because you ain't been doing nothing in years. If I ask for a little bit of intimate, she tells me, hell no, and now this is where Shirley nailed you. She tells me hell no, and that I'm disrespectful and I only think of myself and my needs. And I think she's absolutely correct, because to just be honest with you, bro, that's all you've talked about in this letter is you your needs. What she don't do for you, what you've done for the family. She ain't never worked a day in her life besides raising the family. You don't think that's hard job, dog, raising twelve kids. Let me come on, man, Damn, I ain't just jumping on you, bro, but you gotta look at this letter you wrote. Man, this ain't a good look. Now. We used to have some wild, freaky good time together. Yeah, you're twelve kids, dog, I told you had a lot of sex. I've told you that. I didn't I say that, But now she won't even rub my back if I had a long day at work. I have given her a nice six bedroom house hold on, man, don't you stay there right, I've given her a nice six bedroom house and we have four cars for her to choose from in the drayway. Don't you drive off for I mean a six bedroom house and folk cars on versus the twelve kids she gave dog. Y'all, you can you add six bedrooms and folk cars. That's still ain't but ten items. She gave you twelve kids. You're shot, bro, You're shot anywhere you do the bath on this body? I mean dog, I mean really. I let her control all the money. Well you got to you had three jobs. You ain't at the house that's left over after we pay household Oh oh oh. I let her control all the money that's left over after we pay household expenses. She cooks most days because she enjoyed cooking for the family. I would say that she has I would say that she's got a great life, so she should be a little more excited to take care of me when I need some attention. I'm still young and I have needs. How could I get the romance and sex back in that? Man? Why don't you put it back in now? You know? While she cooking and enjoying for the family, maybe she feels like the family appreciator. You've lost appreciation for you girl, to keep making demands on her without fulfilling none of her knees. She's just not a baby, make a dog. She is a woman. Sorry, all right, wrong on this one, Homy, I tell you later. Thank you, Steven. It's always Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter on Instagram and Facebook at Steve Harvey FM, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour. Yes, he is here. I'm talking about pimping in the building with week four NFL Picks right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, so pimping is here with week four of NFL Picks. Hit it, you know it? Yeah? Hell? What that was? What's up? Mind? Jam? What's harmon? And everybody? Ain't? What's up? Comm? What's up? Pimping? How you doing? Ain't none with it? Every man waiting? You know what I'm saying. It was up? It was up? Ja ja I? What's up? Man? You shop again? As you know you likes this right here? Loving it? Amen, my sister mate. Don't touch it dogs last, I want no fingerprints on it. That's coconut. Yeah, this is cabbage collar. Yeah, this made out of cabbage at seeing that. You know what I'm saying. A little light mint green with whining it. You know what I'm saying. That's cabbage collar, right, n you like that's nice, but nobody ain't nobody all the shoulder working top collars is all cabbage. Sister, somebody she feels. Man, she feels. But my sister, oh she feels. Dude, she come with it. You know what cabbage college ship man. You know what? But you don't don't dog. This ain't for eating. This isn't make you won'ta eat. You don't bite U pim Well, I'm here, what's happen? I was eight and seven last week? I talked to Junior and Junior was sick. You know, I ain't even know that my mad it's funny, fun but he said. I was eighteen seven soft last week, trying to see if we can do a little bit better. What you got Tommy on hold on one was up, Shelly. I was wondering, pem Ben hello, you was you know sometimes I'm doing like that. He don't create, I don't say sometimes when they got here, say nothing to me, dud, Shelly. No, it's got this thing for you girl? Who is this gown? And like you're talking about some one minute? You don't rush me, not what you well, I'm just saying no, no, no, no, hold on, hold on, hold what well, I ain't no bad dude or nothing like this, but you know I ain't no punk either. Come on, that's not what you want. Pimp now, Okay, well, you know, let's do these these games. Now? Did she go with her little step any seconds pressing up on the Hey look girl, well let's start pimping. How about this, Tennessee. You went to college. You know that's nice and everything. I'm just letting her know. She's talking to real life over here. Ain't on college students, little girl, and ask about me? All right? Coming up Part two of Week four of the NFL Picks with Pimping and Tommy. Right after this. You're listening to show, all right, guys, come on pimping. Yeah, I'm back, Okay, I gotta for you. Here we go. These are the games for the week. Man, Tennessee Titans will be in Atlanta playing the Falcons. Oh man, I got to go into Atlanta. Atlanta been hurting me. But they're gonna step up this week. You know what I'm saying. Julio. Alright, alright, Washington Redskins will not the I be damn dam They ain't got Saint Kwan barn clear and then they got joined. I don't know what the hell they're gonna do, but I think the red Skins gonna snap. They losing Street would just do ok they ain't got it, ain't got Saint Kwan Bark go ahead. San Diego Chargers will be in Miami playing the Dolphins. Oh the Dogars ain't gonna win a game. And shit, they done the South Beach. They done everything playing football. They know they ain't okay. Oakland Raiders will be playing in Indianapolis playing the coach Man. The Coachman shocking people, ain't they Damn. I'm gonna look for the upset though. Coats over the Raiders, man, Okay, okay, Coats over the Raiders. Carolina Panthers are coming to Houston. H Time to play, man, I'm gonna have to go with Houston man cam playing. You know they aren't here talking about this other dude, but I don't see I don't see it. Houston, all right, Houston, Kansas City Chiefs baby will play. We headed to Detroit to play the Lions. Man. The Detroit's been shocking the world, but the shock is over this week. K all right, New England and New England going to New England. Just move on that, just like that. Yeah, let's just go ahead on. I know they three in old, but so is the Patriots. Fairy tale was New England. Man. Well see Tampa Bay Bucks. Tampa Bay Bucks are headed to Los Angeles to play the Rams. Uh Rams, that was simple, That was real simple. Seattle Seahawks going to Arizona to play the Cardinals. Sea Hawks Sea hows. So I see that Minnesota Bikings going playing Chicago show. I'm sorry, hold up yet, Chicago bas the Bards ain't that good? But I don't. I don't like Minnesota like that the Bars man, Okay, Jacksonville Jaguars going to Denver to play the Broncos. Broncos. Too much confusion, Yeah, it's too much confusion. Yeah. Jalen Rams, I don't know he having the baby or what. I don't know what he do. All right, How about them Cowboys? They are headed to the end old Baby, New Orleans to play the Saints. It's a game. Yeah, Well, Drew Brees is out, so I don't even. I ain't never been a cowboy family. They woven't here. Everybody asked this year, cow boys, what you ain't got no Drew Brees. What you want? The beat Seattle? Last week they did they did see the comboy, all right, pimp and put put the seatbelt on pimping. We got the Cleveland Browns playing the Baltimore Ravens. You know, listen, damn shame what Lamar Jackson and my favorite playing and then my favorite team, and damn, I don't know how the hell we're gonna be ball. I don't see it nowhere under the sun when I'm Cleveland man, down to the wine. Let's go Brown Cincinnati Bengals Monday night football Pitchburgh. Okay without Rossenburger, you dog iuld have made my pick. What's the next time? Ever since you got that cabbage batch collar man, you know you don't hate you ain't lesson yet this jacket? All right? We got more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hours. Right after this you're listening to show. We gotta say congratulations. We love him. Samuel L. Jackson has another job. Okay did you hear it? Though? See he'll be the first celebrity voice that's mimicked by Alexa. Amazon made that announcement during a hardware extravaganza for the low low price of just ninety nine cents a month. Okay, Samuel L will tell you jokes, share info about the weather, set timers for you, and be you're all around digital best friend all that, and he'll be ready to answer your questions too, and yes there will be a clean and uh yeah, he'll curse if you if you want him to. Hell did I just tell you YEA. For the record, Amazon says that the ninety nine cent price is introductory, so um yeah, it's better to get it sooner, get it now rather than later. Yeah, yeah, just be great to hit Jim Jack and said, your ass is lost. I know, right right just in the house. That's really cool though, because his voice is so recognizable. Oh, Steve, I could see you doing something like this too, because your voice. Everybody knows your voice, Steve Harvey GPS. That's what I see Steve Harvey g because he knows the country. Yeah, all over United States America. Damn, you should have turned back there where your exactly? Hey, stupid, stupid Right. We'll have more of the Sea Barbie Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three after the hour that's right after this. Hen is your weekning? I asked Gold you're listening to Stry Morning show. It's happening. NFL, PEPSI and Rock Nation announced yesterday that Jennifer Lopez and Shakida Well both performed during halftime at the Super Bowl fifty four that's going down on Sunday, February second, twenty twenty. Okay, at the hard Rock Stadium in Miami. Fellas, what you think? What you think? Fellas? I think I'm going. Could you say, Jay Lognna be there? I think I'm going. Okay, all right, Water, Yes, I'm either watch it though, though, yeah, young thing. The two reasons I need to be there? Yes? What are those? What are those? Ja lost? And mister Harvey, Well, you think you went to the Bowl last year, Steve? Yeah, Bill, possibility that I'll be there, it's a possibility. No. Well then no, no Browns, no, No, they're not ready for super Bowl yet. If we we don't somehow beat Baltimore this week, and I don't know how to hear we're gonna do that because Lamb Jackson is my favorite player right now. But if we could just beat Baltimore this year, then we have champ, but then we got a paytriots right behind them. Well, we ain't got no offensive line right now, can't nobody blocked Baker? Just hike and run. I'm talking now, and his ass should gets a target, man, you know, man, they got to develop shorter routes for him. Man to give m a chance because the line ain't doing their job. That dude on the end, that that that that left tackle, I could go over there and that lease, I bring the man down. We're gonna get a lot of holding called your man go and other what was that? Jay? And other trending viral news. Steve on your Instagram page and I am Steve Harvey TV. You posted a video of comedian Godfrey doing an impression of you hosting Family Few here it is, take a listen, o peop Like, yeah, like your ass sake, yeah, yeah, yes, I mean you me. She was like, she was like, she saying, she said, I say a tough yea. She said, oh fam no, oh oh, She's like, I'm just saying y'all, let's hell no, yeah what you think man? I just thought it was funny. I thought he nailed it. Yeah you know, yeah, he was good, all right, coming up our last break of the day and of the week on this Friday, and of course we'll have some inspiring closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up right after this at forty nine minutes after the hour you're listening to show all. Right here we are, Steve, our last break of the day, our last break of the week. Has been a good day, been a good week. Crazy stuff going on in our nation's capital, but right here we're good. Quit watching it, Quit watching it. Yeah, you know, I just wish man that they would actually do something about his behavior as president, because it just sends the wrong message to to the rest of the world. It sends the wrong message to young people that this is a behavior that you can exemplify and there is no consequences. And as a matter of fact, he is the reward for your president of the nation. And the people who vote for Trump, who blindly don't care what he does. I'm through listening to the hypocrisy of these people talk about how they love the country and how they love their forefather's constitution when he's doing nothing but making a mockery of the entire constitution. And for them to think that he cares about them, the small man in any way, You've got to be ludicrous. You don't even understand what bill has he passed that he cares about anyone. He doesn't care about the future. He doesn't believe in climate control. He doesn't about clean water because he's rescinded the Clean Water Act that Obama put forth. He's taken back all these mission controls are nationwide, especially in California. He doesn't care. Man. He is the most egotistical person we've ever had in the White House, and he just wants to replace everything Obama did so he could say Trump rescinded this way. He don't even know what after stuff mean. It's still that's different. But that leads me to my closing remarks, because what I want to share with you is regardless as to what goes on in the White House, we still have our lives to all our lives to live. And because of the White House, this whole thing with Ukraine and these letters and transcripts and what's so blowers and we're not privy to the special of serve that they put this kind ticks of these words in and blah blah blah blah. We don't get to vote on foreign policy. You still have your life to live, and regardless as to who's in the White House, you got to live your life. And that's what I'm planning for my life, my family's future. What's gonna happen to my children, my children's children, What's gonna happen to you, What's gonna happen to your kids, your children's children. I'm not the only one that thinks like this. Most people I know that I tend to associate with, they're thinking about their life, their future, there tomorrow, their legacy, their name, their retirement, fun things of that nature. But I was reading something that Bishop Jake's put out one day. I don't know how long it gore was, but I just copied it and it just was a simple passage on his website that says, did not go into a new place with an old attitude. And I wanted to touch on that, do not go into a new place with an old attitude. You know, I've often said on the show, if you want to change your altitude, all you gotta do is change your attitude. Once you change your attitude, you immediately change your altitude. It's really not a magic trick. It's a conscious decision that you have to make every day. Like, if you decide I'm gonna be a better place, I'm gonna be a better person. That's taking yourself to a new place. Well, like he said, you don't go into a new place with an old attitude. So if you want to become a better person, get yourself into a better place, then you got to have a better attitude. I don't care what decision you make, it's going to start and end with your attitude towards the decision. If the Bible says a man is as he thinking, and if you think negative, why would you think anything but negativity is going to happen to you. Now, God does give us grace and mercy, and he forgives us for a lot of our negative thoughts, because there's a lot of people really who should have thought themselves into prison, hospital the grave. But because of His grace and mercy, he said, Okay, I see you tripping, so let me put my ever loving arms around you and hold you anyway. And that's what happens to most of us all the time. I know I've benefited from His grace and mercy. I can't count the times, and I'm grateful for it. But if you want to consciously make a decision, if you want to make a decision to be better or different or go further, you've got to consciously say to yourself, this is what I'm going to do, and you have to make the decision because God allows us the power of decision. So you can't go into a new place where the old attitude. It won't work. You will not be able to sustain this place you're trying to get to, not long sustain it. You probably won't even get there anyway. But let's just say, through God's grace and mercy, he just said, all right, I'm gonna give this to you. How you gonna hold on to it? Because he gives us this power of decision, You're going to make a decision to counter that as soon as you get it. Do you know how many people have made it to the top and falling simply because of decisions they decided to make. And it's not you who can determine whether a person rises or falls. You can stop thinking that you don't have the power what God has for somebody, that's not a single thing you can do about it. You can hope, wish, and pray all you want against somebody. If God gives them grace and favor, there's nothing you can do about it. It's a waste of time, it's a waste of energy. You could take that energy and direct it towards you do. Not go into a new place with an old attitude. There's no way you can sustain yourself when you get there. It is no way you can't go to the suburbs. If you're gonna keep a hood mentality, you're gonna have to go out there and do some suburban night stuff in order to stay. And that's just a simple analogy. Thank y'all very much. Hey, listen, y'all talk to God. He'd loved to hear from you. Y'all. Have a great weekend for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Morning Show