Good morning and welcome to the ride! He said, "This heffa was doing a one man Soul Train Line............" The CLO is in true form and the crew is too! What is The Ultimate Clash? This round of Would You Rather hits a nerve. O.J. Simpson recently gave his opinion about the SLAP @ The Oscars. The Steve Harvey Nation got a couple questions in Steve's VM. Right here we hear from Will Smith's mom and sister. Carla talks about the latest Verzuz battle. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve has a simple message. Stop trying to figure things out and align.
Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit looking back down giving them like the million bucks things and its stub me true good of the listening to mother. Please, I don't join joining me. You gotta turn you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn out turn. You haven't got to turn them out to turn the water the water got me. Come come on your thing, I show well, good morning everybody y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeo, man boy, God has been good to me. Man, I can't really count at all. You can't either, you know, it's all in perspective. You really can't count all that God has done for you if you look at every little thing. It's unbelievable the things He's done for us. How many times you know, we got through something without even talking to him about it. He just he just blessed us with it. How many you know? It's just it's so much that the fact that you wake up in the morning, the fact that you still have a place to stay, the fact that you know may be struggling out here. But guess what, You're still going to work. You you know, you live in check the check, but but you're making it all. You got all the plates spinning. You know it's hard. You got a lot of plate spinning, but you keep him up there somewhere. Every now, I near one break, but he put two mo back up there to look a little bit better. And you got to get to spending them so it all works. And then you got a lot of people who just can't seem to mentally put it together as to you know, why their life isn't in a position that they wanted to be. We talked about this oftentimes, but I don't want to try another angle with you to day. You know, maybe it's you. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe it's you. Maybe it's no external force that's at fault, like you keep making the excuse to be. You know, so many people I hear, well, if this hadn't have done this, if he hadn't have done that, if she hadn't have done that, I would have been further along. I wasted all my time, my years with this man, and he did this, and I could have been here, and I could have been there, and this woman she did this to meet them. She hadn't have done that. I could have been here, and I could have been there. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's not really that external force that you keep making it out to be. See, I've done this to myself before. Once again, I'm talking to you about something I know about. I've done this to myself before. I've had the reason I wasn't where I wanted to be. I had it figured out as some external force. I had worked it out in my mind. Clearly it wasn't me. Because if so and so, or if this hadn't happened, and if they hadn't have done this, I would have been further along up the road. That's what I was saying. But WOLDO hold on, man. But I learned a valuable lesson. Man. See, if you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. If you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard you to go. I was listening to Bishop td Jake's one day, and I heard him say, you can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. You go outside and try that, try to drive your car. But keep your eye in the rearview mirror. All you looking at is where you're being. All you looking at in that rear view mirror is where you're passed or should have passed, something you should have moved on from. All you're doing is looking in that rearview mirror at what happened back there. If you don't stop looking in the rearview mirror, you're gonna crash your car over and over and over again. All you got to slow it down so bad in order for you to keep looking in that rearview mirror. If you don't learn to let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go forward because you keep reviewing the past. The past is the past, and I know it's hard. Man. I watched a show and this lady said, well, I just can't ever forgive them for that, or guess what. Guess what God may have already forgiven that person. That person may be extremely remorseful, could have gone to God and Godden forgiveness for it years ago. But you you sit here and you keep hanging on to the back. I can't ever forgive that, Mumm. Then I heard Bishop Jakes come on the show one time, and say something that really really struck on you keep drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. He said that. I just shook my head and went, Wow, you drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Revenge is poison to you. You know, if hatred is poison to you. Unforgivingness, when you won't forgive a person, that person could be going on with their life, made the right with God. Don't know how you're feeling. They're skipping through life now. You make adjustments every time you see them. And it takes energy. Man, it takes so much energy to hate. It takes so much energy not to forgive too. If that ain't come in the room, you got to avoid them. Stay over here. Oh here they come. Now, you got to make a situation over here. They come into the house. It's family reunion. Oh here they come. And where they're gonna be in the basement. I'm going to be on the third floor. I want to go ahead and get some barbecue. She out there at the barbecue, staying, Oh lord, I don't want a barbecue. I just eat to take the salary. People man take themselves all out of position, trying to make adjustments when if you it would simplify your life, if you would let just let it go. Maybe you ain't where you need to be because of them external forces altogether. Maybe you're not where you need to be cause of you, because you won't let it go, you won't move forward. Look at this, ladies, Let's say you've been in a situation with him man for years. It didn't work out. For whatever the reason, it just didn't work out. I got, I got what you said he did. I got what he did, I got all of that, YadA, YadA YadA. When you get through, did not God get you through it? Did not he allow you to survive it? I got you, got some cuts on you, I got you been a little bit bruised. But did he not get you through it? So now that he's freed you from it, now he didn't went on. He got a whole an other family over that somewhere. He now he trying to make it right because maybe he learned the mistake he made and now he trying to be a better man. He just trying to get it right now. But you're sitting there holding onto it, You're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy. To die. So now, instead of you enjoying the blessing of finally being free from a situation that was not healthy for you, you create an even more unhealthy situation in your mind by hating, by having revengeful thoughts, by hoping he fall on his face. Maybe you're even doing something to the other situation to make sure they struggle. Oh man, you're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Maybe you ain't where you ought to be in life, not because of your external forces, but maybe it's you. If you don't let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. You can't keep driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Come on, man, Forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for you to show, ladies and gentlemen, and us upon us to Steve Harvey Morning Show is about to begin. A matter of fact, it has already begun. As a matter of fact, it is happening now. But I'm a want to say it's about to pop off. But if I say that, I would be late. All of this will be explained today on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In behind what we're going to call the Red Table will be discussing this today about high Show Today, Good day, right now, ladies and gentleman Steve Harvey, Morning Show, Shirley Strawberry, Colin Farrell, It's sipping Monica. Junior, real name Kill Spaces Nephew jets Si. I know he didn't you what I knew. We're straightened out. At one point today from the HR department of the show, Junior, what's on your mind? You know what? Man? I was talking to one of my potters. Man. We just talked about some old times and how you had to take one for the team, you know, have you take one for the team, like my boy was talking to this chick man, and then I had to really take one for the team. Clad talked to a friend, but a friend wasn't attractive at all, And I fought this the whole time I've been in there. I've been, I've been, I've been the wing man, yead out on the wing man, word for the team. You know. One time we went out to this club calls Spats. I was twenty two years old. A group of girls over there. My boy walked across the room and say hello to him and ask one of them the dance. He asked one of them to dance and stood up a little fine girl. He out on the floor dancing. My other partner went over there and asked the other girl to dance. And they went out there, and ain't nobody left at the table, but the one ain't nobody wanted dance. Only one left at the table. But the girl was looking all sad and everything. So I said, you know, I went on over and I said, hey, would you like to dance? She said, oh my god, yes, dance. This help out here dancing the hardest, no man like like this helper was doing a one man soul train line. She was pop looking, jumping. I'm standing up doing my little side to side. But now this is the ship. Three folk records in the roash out of here, the robot getting it in. I'm looking at I'm talking about she's sweating, man, Hey, doing good, normal, got a ring and she had an orange dress, got a little under I'm rain start, man, I don't much. Why do I want to do a sweat ring on your orange dress? You gotta stop, man, stop, get it, get it. I'm talking about. No, can I buy you a drink? I don't even drink damn right, I'm wing man, wing man, a nice wing man, all right, all right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, nephew, tell me to run that frank back right after this. You're listening morning show, all right, Time to kick the morning off with the nephew and run that prank back. What you got for us? Now, well, I got stupidied for you this morning every morning. Surprise pee on my house cat dog. Let's get the pin. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a uh mister, I think that's the name. Yeah, this is this? What's this in regard to uh this about the air conditioning unit? You did some workoff force over on uh my household off street. Do you remember coming out there last week? Yeah, yeah, I remember, yeah, right, my uh it was a lady that my wife. She let you in to come out right right there. Problems? Is there a problem that is not cooling? What? No? No, no, no, it's cooling everything. Matter of fact, I want to tell you, uh that you did you did a good job. But I got a question for you. Now. When you was at the house and you was working on the air condition out there in the backyard, did you did you happen to go on the side of my house and pull out and use the bathroom right there on the side. Did you go then and you do number one on the side of my eye? What? Well, what I'm saying is that my wife tells me that when you were there, that you you went on the side. She was looking out the windows. She said that when you was there, that you and went and used the band room on the side whole hole. Wait a minute, I did what not to what right? You? You? You? You say you did number one over on the side of the house. Not is that something that you did? Say? Man, Look, you got to understand something, man, All right now, I apologize if that did happen, but you got to understand something. You know, we're down side, man, and you know we're talking eighty five, ninety and ninety five degree weather. Man. I got to stay high traded. I got to drink a lot of fluids. So you know, with me being the age that I am, I have to drink a lot of fluids and the tend to pass through once a month. Again, I said, I apologize, I understand all that, but you know what, I can't accept no apologies like that. When I got a man. This got on the side of my house. And then, man, I'm apologizing to you and you coming off on me like that. You didn't put you in all the side of my house in front of my wife. I'm not looking at young man now if your ain't shown me it was really she needs to see some paper because you ever really ain't doing something? You do that? Oh you think you're talking to you don't watching me anyway? Do my work? What is she hit hard up that she got to look at the home? Man? Look, look, look, all I know is I don't want no man at my house in the house, side of the house, back yard. Nothing but look, man, let me tell you something. Dog, let me tell you something. I'm the only person at my house. You understand me. You ain't right to see out there looking at me, look at fun. I'm a professional, Okay. I do my job and I take my job with pride. Okay, it's not being professional if there's something that I did, that's that water running through me? Right, Okay, but you don't. You don't at no other man's house, and you sit my house and my wife's sitting there looking at you out to wonder. Now, I got a problem with that or what you need to problem with your wife looking at me? That's what I did. You know what you need to be at home and give with something to look at other than looking at me. You don't tell me what I need to do about my wife. Now, you don't go to another man. Man, you know what, I'm about to lose it, all right, You're gonna you're gonna make You're gonna make me lose acause let me get my book. That's all yeah, right here, you damn right, and let you know that's that's the shoot you. You don't said another man's house. You don't do that. And people my wife looking out the window, and I bet you knew that them blinds was open. Yo. Man, Nah, you didn't be real upfit with these accusations right now. Look, you had you had what it street. Now you are? You know where I'm man, you, I will show you what I want you to bring your back over here feeling. I know exactly that y'alls on that on that that gone on strength. I'm gonna come over and I hold that for you. I got something for you. Will You made me this regard my profsialism. And I'm gonna come show you what being it was about. Look, man, what you don't do is at another man house and that's what you did. And you know it ain't called for now. You could have held that apologize, man, I had to go. I told you I drink a lot of fluids in this heat. Man, what else do you want me to do? I want you to keep your flui until you get to the service station down the street, but not in my backyard side of the house and my wife looking out the window. Man, if what you're talking about, if I did I apologize you to cantcepting in the hell with it? Look at you're gonna me off and make me do something up for him. I'm telling you not, man, I don't told you I apologize you and I will come on kick you, okay you I tell you, dude, what Let me tell you something because you're from the age of your wif your wife is I know you do. You can't deal with no old school I kill you. You're gonna you're gonna get your today. You hit me, You're gonna get Let me take you three to come. Let me tell you that I got one more thing to say to you. What you're listening to me. Freak freak damn it that his nephew Timm If this is nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, you just god prank by your boy name. Now you know what I'm gonna get with his He know, I got a hard computation. I don't need this type my life, man, he said. Man, my boy be out there fixing air conditions that he does all there, he said. Man, let me tell you something, he said, be frustrated to begin with, he say, begin McCall, he man, because I got nine of ten most to do to day. Hey, man, you like, yeah, I'm might not in nephew, I might not new you and that Steve Harbor from down fools in the morning. Honestly, y'all can come morning. Man. I don't know why I sit and how y'all get people y'all and got me with the same. Oh man, I enjoy y'all show Man, y'all keep that good work. I appreciate it. Man, I got one more question to ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Well, you know the show, all right, nephew, Thank you, come about thank you ask the CLO with the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building, ready for your love question. Right after this you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment news. Carla is standing by with the day's music news. It is Grammy week. Don't forget Oh another awards show. Grammy's got smart and kicked Kanye off maybe before it even took place, all right, uh and no one slapped anyone. Okay, we'll talk about these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, yes, it is time to ask the CLO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. This one is from Daria in Maryville. Darius says, five years ago, I had an affair with the man I met at the gym, and during the pandemic, I started talking to him again. It was a way to pass the time while my husband played his video games. We're really good friends now and I want to kick it with him sometime. Is this a recipe for disaster? Or should I try it? What wouldn't you kick it with him? What do you think his version of kicking it? It ain't gonna be no damn video game while your husband was playing video game, you was you was video vide cheating. Since she's playing them games, I'm gonna go here and play with something else too, Lady. Is it a recipe for disaster? It already is. Yeah, And I just want to let you know to um, I don't know if you've noticed this, but your marriage is over with just such a letter and videos? What is that about video games? Well you better stop, all right? Moving on to T money in Florida in a fort worth t money rights. I know for a fact that my girlfriend and my best friend have had sex, but I want to catch them in the act. It's been ever month since I saw the text messages on her phone and I have all of her text messages coming to my iPad? Now? Am I crazy for wanting proof? Should I go ahead and end things? Now? What is your perk? Ass? Waiting on him? He wants proofs, he got it, got messages? Yeah, I want to catch him in the a m he wants everybody wants everybody. I don't. I don't know how to respond to this. I'm too old for this. I don't type of type writing up? How you got that? Type of Ye? Go ahead and should I just eating things. Stop, man, I don't know what to say. Next letter ship all right mo and the DMB moving on says I'm a single parent. I let I let my son's girlfriend spend the night at our house on weekend sometimes to get off campus and do her laundry. They're both nineteen, but I don't condone them sleeping in the same room. She decided to have a talk with me about sheltering my son. Should I ban her from staying here? Well, you can ban it from standing there, but you ain't been a band nothing now. You don't do what they want to do. I don't know who this young girl is that thinks she's been walking this old black woman's house and had this talk about how to raise their boy once again. You know what these these questions this morning? Uh maybe it's the mood I mean today, but I don't. I don't know, because culturally speaking, I don't know. I don't know why you would write this in and ask me. Y'all know, good in hair well, who I am? I ain't. I ain't made no bones about who I am and high am since we've been on this show. You don't goodn't hear? Well? I wish one of my kids friends wood it coming and ask me why a picture is hanging on that wall. I don't damn, you can't ask me nothing but what's behind this wall? Mind? So I want to talk to you about raising your son and being so sheltered. Well, quick dating this little podcasting, Tommy asked your uncle a question, ask him something to see how he'll react to the laundry. Do you think I mean, don't you think you're just going a little too far with him? I mean we ought to be at at least stay in the same room when we come over here. Don't you think so? You think I'm going a little too far? Well, let me ask you a question. I actually can put this foot even deeper in your book. I'm going too far. I ain't going as far as I can as to me, what, lady? What? All right? We're moving on. We're moving on to Alicia and Foley. Alicia says, I've been married for two and a half years. My husband had a work trip to Chicago, so I asked him to pick up a specific purse I saw online. He said he had the bag ship to me from the store. I received the bag, but it came from New York. The Chicago store has no record of the transaction. Is he lying about where he went? You got the bag, didn't you? Times bags have to come from other places. Okay, now the man say to Chicago, but the bag came from New York. So the bag came from New York. What what you got the bag? How that's cheating? What she was she asking for the bag to see where he was? Was that was that she wanted the bag? No, she definitely wanted that bag. Women, Come on now, tell yeah, yeah, damn if you got to go down and get it at the cracker barrel, that is it. Yeah. So maybe you called the Chicago store, Come on, lady, but maybe they were sold out and they called the New York stuff they probably didn't have. Yeah, they probably happen. Yeah, it happens all the time. Askwee. Yeah, people in Chicago nothing to get the credit. The person's gonna come from New York. That person gonna get the credit. So they could have made They don't have to have a record of the transaction. You got to pay the New York How about back? How about I send it back? Since you're so worried about when it came. How about I sent it back. There was no transaction in Chicago. It was only in New York. Wow, you got lined bag hot? He bought it off the street. It's hot, a bag that very hot. To rock your bag. Don't be worried. Yeah, not yet. That was the last one. Any more advice on the bag. No, I don't really think there's anything left to say about this damn bag. And I don't think why you read about where the damn bag came from. Okay, well, let's go back to MO and the DMV, the with the nineteen year old that UH asked asked him questions thing that her son was sheltered too much. Come on, tell me you gotta don't you don't you think you need to let this boy out and be a little bit more than what he is because you just you kept him sheltered all his life. That's why he don't really know much. I'm just I'm just saying, I'm just I'm just just seemed like he learned an awful lot from dating the biggest trick down there on the case. What else? All right, let them coming up, Thank you, cello, coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and national news for you. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, I want to remind you of this. Please make sure you check out another hilarious episode of Judge Steve coming on tonight, eight seventh Central on ABC and Hulu. We'll be watching brit Is now in session. Steve. Thank you for watching. Yes, Joy Steve, major hit show. Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you, It's fun. You know. I'm going to receive my oscar right now. Thank you all for watching it tuning in, and thank you all for this award. It means a lot to me. I want to thank first of all all of my former managers and associates who taking full credit for my success. And I want to thank you' all for taking ready for it, uh, even though we both know or it was God and I don't know why we have trouble giving credit where credit is due, but I like to take this time to thank the Lord for all He's done for me. Also, I like to thank my co host on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, especially to Shirley Strawberry and Carlin for real uh and Mississippi Monica for always mentioning the jeilg Show, and for watching them, for Junior and Tommy, who are you know blazing trails themselves or you know, things with that nature. That's all my Oscar speech. Thank you to George Steve. Tonight, I solve another taste seventh Central. But and that's the way I see it. Yeah, they were, they were. They was in my ear telling me something else, and I just said, well, you know, because a couple of times I gave some verdicts they didn't really agree with, not just told well, hell, that's the way I see it. That's the tagline. I started saying it on TV, and you have to say that every time. Now. Yeah, Okay, I was just y'all at the production meeting just to get y'all off me again. Dall do it? Yeah? Tonight, eight seventh Central on ABC and Hulu. Yeah, all right, Court is now in session and we're gonna switch it over to Carla here with today's music news. What you got Carla? All right? Well, first of all, we know the Grammy's happening this Sunday, April third, this time in Las Vegas at the m Yeah, hosted by Trevor Noah, and we all know that the Grammys recently dropped Kanye as a performer because he called Trevor a racist slur on Instagram. Trevor responded by saying he wanted to cancel Kanye, not cancel him, and he had nothing to do with Kanye being dropped from the Grammys as a performer. So there you go. So we'll be checking it out the Grammys this Sunday and other music news. Well, last year, the Versus Battle on Easter Sunday was hosted by our barry own Steve Harvey. You remember it was Earthway and fire Right versus the Isley Brothers. It was an iconic moment in music history. Well, this year, soup, Yes, yes, the Versus Battle is set Easter Sunday, BB and CC Winans versus Mary. Mary were going to check. Yes, Yes, it's gonna be really good. Yeah, so we'll be watching. April seventeenth is Easter Sunday. Yes, Gospel versus BB and more Mary. I'm gonna tell y'all right now, the older you has been watching the verses. This ain't the verses to cusso watch the comments to be careful. Some of y'all ain't been in church in a while. You're little ignorant with you're little trolling all right, Hell ladies and gentlemen, miss a and trip. Okay, thanks guys and good morning. Well I know you want to know the latest on this story, so let's just get with it. The Motion Picture Academy's Board of Governors held an emergency meeting yesterday. They say they're going to be starting official disciplinary proceedings on the status of Will Smith. The Oscar winning actor, could face suspension, expulsion, or other sanctions. Smith has fifteen days to make his case to the board by means of a written response he doesn't appear in person, and then on April eighteenth, which is when the board meets again, they're going to take a vote and announce what action they've decided to take. Now. Rescinding his oscar, however, would be kind of hard to explain, because serial sex abuser Mary Weinstein's got to keep his oscar, and so the filmmaker Roman Polanski, who you may remember or may not, was convicted of raping a thirteen year old girl and who skipped the country to avoid jail, he kept his oscar. A number of Will Smith's fans take issue with the description of the slap as being the show's most violent episode ever. Some Native Americans, for instance, say they're reminded of John Wayne's behavior at the nineteen seventy three Oscars. Marlon Brando let a Native American girl named Sashen Little Feather accept his award and what she did. She use the time to talk about how moviemakers dehumanize her people and to ask them to please stop doing that. John Wayne stood up, tried to get on stage and had to be restrained. The story goes by six security guards to keep him from jumping on and physically attacking the twenty seven year old Native woman that was in nineteen seventy three Oscars for John Wayne, and he gets to keep his oscars. By the way, there is also Team Will fifty cent and says he sides with Will Smith over the whole slap thing. He issues a warning to Chris Rock, saying, quote, don't you ever play with me? Fitty does say though he does give Chris credit for refusing to press charges, he does give him credit for that. Nickim Naj also Team Will. She says quote, we had a he had a front row seat to his wife's pain and he reacted. Little Kim she says. Interesting. She says, Will Smith has been hated on over twenty years, so somebody had it coming. Meanwhile, sales for Chris Rock's comedy to Our Soaring. He was on stage in Boston last night. I'm still kind of processing what happened. I don't like a bunch of what happened. So if he came here that I'm not I had like a bull. So he didn't really say anything. He plays the boy gather in Atlantic City this weekend. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Morning show? All right, So Will Smith's family, including his sister and his mother, gathered to watch the Oscars. They had an Oscar watch party. During the recent interview with the ABC Philly, both Will's sister and his mother, Miss Caroline, who's eighty five years old, said she was surprised to see him go off on Chris Rock Take a listen. Even Will's mother admits she was surprised. He is a very even people person and that's the first time I've ever seen him go off the first time in his lifetime. It surprised you too, huh, it did. That's a I've never seen him do that. Will Smith's younger sister, Ellen says she's watched her brother constantly excel under pressure and under the spotlight of Hollywood. Everybody like has been bullied, you know, and abused, you know, in some kind of way. And I totally understand. It's like people are like, oh, I wish I was in you know, such a such shoes, and oh those are my goals and everything. It's like, but you really don't know what it takes to get there. And I've had conversations with him and it's like, it really kind of broke my heart listening to the things that he said he had to go through to get to where he is. Wow, this is getting on my nerves, y'all. I mean, I understand his mom saying what she's saying. I just won't say something right here because we're talking about my mother. Now. My mama wouldn't have been surprised by the damn thing. My mama would have said in the interview. He just like his daddy. So as far as what his sister said, it is true it is hard to get here, but it don't excuse nothing. It's hard to climb the corporate ladder in America. Yeah, but don't it don't give you the right to do. Look, I understand the saying pressure buster pipe. That wasn't a pipe busting moment. No, the problem is the problem is internal and their family, and they got to fix that within themselves. That's that's what it is. And you can I don't care about you putting it all the table talk this and that. We ain't even got to see that. Y'all got to fix this by y'allselves. You mean, Will and his wife, Will and his wife, y'all got to fix y'all's issue. That's that's what this is. Yeah. And by that point and got out of that what I'm sorry, did I say? Timy flew it on problem jet My bad. Will. Mom went on to say that she urged Will to get some rest and to go on vacation. Yeah, so that'll do them good. Yeah, M So there you go take yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, M to snap like that. Yeah, all right, coming up with thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna check Steve's voicemail at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Right after this you're listening to show it is time now to check Steve's voicemail. Wonder what some people's minds. If you'd like to leave Steve's voicemail, call him at eight seven seven nine Steve and you can hear your message on the air with us. All right, Steve, you ready? Uh, this one's from Donald and Nashville. He wants to talk about the spot the slap Yo Steve vod Morning Show. This is Donald Man. I didn't have a couple of questions real quick. Everybody's winning Will smithfop for was Ax. I'm not saying the manxs all right, but everybody's descending Chris Rock saying that, well, I don't think he's new. But whose ir position to say? I don't think you You don't know if he knew or not? So what the man did know's making a joke? And who has the right to tell? Will the offended what to be offended by? When it comes to his wife? If the man took a joke personal, does he not have the right I'm not saying he's rights for hitting the man on stage, but does the man have the right to defending his wife if he's offendished by something he proceeds as a joke about medical condition? And everybody's saying they don't think Chris no, but nobody knows if Chris know what If Chris did know it publicly dispected his man wife on national TV in front of the whole world. Please have it that well. I said in my initial response that I was torn because I'm all about defending my wife to what if he did know, I know for a fact he didn't. I'm just gonna leave it at that. I know for a fact he didn't know that. Secondly, that wasn't the way to handle it to me. That's the truth, right, if you go checking facts, I'd have waited to write conversed commercial break right, Yeah, I got about my seat, went around there, hey man, and then and then and then and then and then went at it from there. But I just thought it was not the right way to het. I'm waiting because I don't want no ever dance. I can't let anybody see me whoop your ass on thing. I don't want no everdence. I don't want to wait talk, get you behind this state and don't nobody to see you. That's what I want. But I don't want no ever dance, and they don't. You ain't gonnait to do nothing, say nothing, press no charges me and you want on want we deal with it? By the way, I'll be in Nashville, dog if you want to come by and being I got six shows, go ahead about Sean from Savannah also wants to talk about the slap Steve Hey, Steve This Sean from Savannah, Georgia, and I saw the whole escapade in the oscars, and I honestly can say, no, man don't know what he'll do in that situation until it arrives. True. That's true too, well, no, that's not true. You don't think so. I know me. I know me now, but I wouldn't have went up on that stage at that particular moment over that joke. I wouldn't have probably would have dealt with it backstage, right. I also know when you slap me your ass say if you turn around, it's just gonna happen behind. That's all I got to say. You know that you findn't get your head kicked down them steps. I bet you get down them steps way faster than you came up. But you know what, you know, we like my man saying you saying that. But but I think Chris was in shock. It was just like what he'll just happened. I don't know if you If you just I don't think he was in shot because he just mentioned what happened and Will Smith just lapped bat him. Chris, Chris handled it the right way. Like Chris, I would have handled it the wrong way, just like I would have handled the joke the other way too, So you know, But everybody, you know, I understand what the brother saying. You don't know what it to happen until it happened to you. But based on my experience at my age level, I do know that when you slap me there will be an instant set of consequences because it always has been up to this post. Now I don't know what didn't happened to me is sixty five that's gonna change that. But every time I've been slapped previously, it has resulted in a full fledghed incident. I haven't slapped several times. I've been slap punched kick every time? What a sit? All right? If you want to leave a message for Steve, call his voicemail at eight seven seven twenty nine Steve, and we just might play your message on the air. Coming up next to to the prank phone call for today from nephew right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today and the subject is loving in all the wrong places. We'll get into that in just a bit. And Nephew tell me we're gonna get to your prank phone call as well. But we had one last caller, one last voicemail for you, Steve. This is a female about the slap. Ah. Yes, Steve Harvey, don't try to take up for a weal smiff. In a round about way, he was wrong for slapping at men, and you let him get away with that. The next time he may slap you anyway with it because he might away you will Will by lady. I, First of all, I don't know what you're talking about. I was defending Will and around about way. I don't know. I don't know who you are. Let's just get to this part right here. He might slap you. He I can be slapped, Ain't no doubt about that. I'm not above it. It has happened to me before. You might slap me, but the aftermath until my heavily father created me. He and all angels, tell you his black ass is coming right after you slap me. I don't know how to be nothing else. So, lady, I don't know what you're talking about. You know, a matter of fact, lose enough, don't die. It's not a little but didn't operate where he might get his ass or I might get mine. But he's gonna be some swooping and going on god light, breaking stage. I'm knocked over TV cameras. I'm just don't know me. What's her name name? Did not leave her name? All right, let's move on to the break. Nephew, what you got for us today? Let me slap this on y'all. This right here? Naked yoga, naked yoga. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh is it Gordon? Right, It's Gordon. How are you doing? Mister Gordon? Listen, my name is Let me let me turn down to TV. You call them about the apartment. Yes, yes, I was trying to see about maybe coming over to take a look at it or and then if it's still available. Man, I got a newspaper, but I didn't know if this is still available or what? No, no, no, still from rent um. Let me be straight with you. Um uh you know, no petch and uh no no smoking of any kind to understand. Okay, if you're understanding the listing here, it's like eight on the fifty dollars a month, right fifty you got a parking spot, Um your private bathroom with a shower and a fifty I'm gonna need first last month and uh really, um well, what's your name? My name is darn, don't know? Okay first? Um so yeah, um first last month and uh so security number. I can do a background chat. Okay, okay, okay, Now let me ask you if you guys got like a back backyard area. I teach classes in the mornings, and I want to know if you have that that that's pretty much what will kind of locked me in if you gotta If you guys got a backyard that I can use? We got a backyard? What do you teach? I teach yoga. I tak yoga in the mornings from from six to eight. Hopefully I won't be a problem. You're making make money doing yoga, yes, sir, I definitely do. I make enough definitely to cover the red that's for sure. Dad shouldn't be a problem. I know, I know a little bit about yoga. That's that. I mean, really, if it's y'all, you know you're not making no noise. That's yoga. That's that's not a problem. A good deal. Well, how quick can I actually get moved in? Man? I'm trying to get something. I just moved in from the from the East coast. I jumped on my yoga pretty quick and it got a quite a bit of clientele built up. And you know, I'm just just ready to get starting get moved in, man. Something something that I can actually call home, you know. Uh yeah, well you know we're looking at rent rented out pretty quick. Um, you know, because we want to try and get it filled as soon as possible. Because you said we are you are you? You got a roommate, you're you're man. It would be me and my wife and uh it's a three bedroom home. You would have the room in the back with the bathroom and uh yeah, like a fifty to do a credit check, you know, we meet, Um, I can do the background check and uh no, no, what what what? What? What? What? What? What do you necessarily need to do that for? Well, you gotta know who you're rent too, and then you want to know what the credit they got, so if they can afford the rent or not. You know, I got I got real good credit. Man, My credit is fine. I'm not I'm a eight hundreds on my credit scores. Oh damn. All right when you get here is how you feel that application? But I don't know if you if you read to get it cracking, I can do. I can do a background checking. You right, not give me a SOB security number, Okay, but let me let me go ahead and just do this. Man on that background check because you know that what I want to say about that is this, it might be something on there about like when I was on the East Coast. You know, I was actually teaching uh, naked yoga. You know what I mean, naked yoga. You know you might see something on there about me being a nip naked yoga yo. See that's what I was kind of yoga I was teaching on the East Coast, was naked yoga, you know what I'm saying. And everybody might teach naked yoga here. What but see it's in the backyard. It's closed in, you know, in the backyard, and you what what what other glitz you got? You said? Just some glitches. Michael, Well, what are the glitz you got? Well you might see that I'm a niffo mania. But see, but see, I took some I took what I took counseling for that thought, what do you need to take some counseling over somewhere else? You ain't taking no counseling and doing no uh naked yoga in my backyard. Not but see, man, all that's behind me now, that's on the east coast. Man, that that's that's all behind me. Now I didn't put that thing down. Man, I don't care if it's behind you, in front of you on the side. You're doing nack yoga in my backyard. That ain't happening, man, a matter of fact. Man, hey man, listen, scratch, got all your listeners that qualified to move in there, and now you're gonna sit here and tell me y'all can't tell about doing some naked yoga in my backyard with no twenty thirty people. Then my wife's being on man, you look well your wife, good man, Just scratch that one off your list and just move on to the next one, because ain't no naked yoga is going down back here. With no ni form maniac. I don't know what else y'all might be doing. I don't know what. I don't know who does neck yoke we all. It's just it's just it's just a serene moment. Man, When you find yourself, that's all this really is about. Were you going to find yourself somewhere else? That's what I know. You ain't doing no nake yoga in my backyard. I'm surprised you even cast somebody with that. Man, I'm gonna come over that to this address and start looking at this place because I want to set up shop right here in my backyard. I don't even know you talking about you got some lynches in your past. You're gonna have a foot in your How do you know that this isn't something that your wife might really want to get into? But my wife, I don't even mention my wife's name. Man, he don't know me. Don't you know my wife? Take my up? You'll listen, you come out there. You're gonna have another glitch. I'm coming out of where darnew you just stand room and you're gonna show it to me. Thinks showing you you come come out of here, I'm gonna show you something else. My fact. I am a damn ana recover nim for maniac. I'm recovered. I have a cover nim for mini. You're about to get your buying maniac. I'm the maniac. Please believe. Darn now, I'm gonna come over that right now over here. When that come over that now, man, so we can say the fIF I ain't having that. Do not, man, you come over that place. Can just matter like Matt, look this. You can do whatever you want somewhere else, but this right here, this ain't the place for you. I'm gonna tell you that right now. Darn now, to your wife, man, your wife with fire, you don't want to talk about. This ain't the place for you. Go somewherel take that for your wife. Please let me talk to your wife. Do not even trying me, darn now, dot me talk to your wife. I'm not name that kind of dude. Remember you're about to bring this out of me. Do not bring this over here darknel. So so as far your wife, man, let me white. This right here is over for real. You're gonna come out here and catch your case. Okay? Can I can I say one more thing to you. Man, you can't say darknel because this is this conversation is over. Man, Okay, how about that? Hey? Man? Can I say one more thing? Man? What you got to say? Man, is what this is? Nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobby Morning to Show. You just got pranked by your brother. Oh, get out of here, man, This is nephew Tommy. Who who told you to do this to me? Man? Your brother, my brother. Oh I'm gonna get this. Oh my god, Man, my heart is all beating off fast. Man out of here. Man to man. Oh all right, man, Man, I was gonna whoop your butt naked if you came around here. Man. You just don't know. Man, I'm so glad this is Joe. You have no idea. I'm so glad it's a joke. Man. Okay, Yeah, should Sam was sump? Should we gotta go? Coming up next Strawberry Letter subject loving in all the Wrong Places. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit very letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, pop pop, right now could be yours. You never know, you never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject loving in all the wrong places. You're Stephen Shirley. I'm ashamed to even be writing to you, so don't judge me. I'm a fifty two year old man and my lady friend is fifteen years younger than I am. I met her three months ago and we had sex on the first date. It was a blind date, and my brother's wife set me up on the date as a joke because I'm known as a womanizer. I'm not proud of that nickname. But in the past I would love them and leave them. That's what I used to do, all right, So as a joke, she told me that she had the perfect woman for me. I was overjoyed when I met this woman because she was straight up and said she was ready to go to get to the good part, which was sex. We finished eating and she asked if I had any condoms. I thought she was amazing. I didn't expect it to be anything but a one night stand, but I was so amazed by what she did to me and where she did it that I kept on going back for more. The first night, she took me down by the lake behind the restaurant and we has sex on a picnic table. She sat on the table and it probably looked like we were just hugging and kissing, but I was all up under her dress. After that first night we had we had been in a few times, a few times in her bedroom, on her couch, and on her back patio, but it's usually a spontaneous encounter when we are out in public. I have had sex in front of a hardware store, in the garden department, in the bathroom of a coffee shop while a woman was knocking on the door for us to hurry up in my car, at work during my lunch break, and one time at the movies. Recently, I'm too old to go to jail for this kind of stuff, and the anxiety makes it hard for me to perform. My sister in law was right, this woman is too much for me. How do I get her to have normal sex with me? Well? Well, the fifty two year old player the ex womanizer is caught up and tired after only three months. What happened? You? Simply, you just met your match, that's all. It's okay. You asked us not to judge you in the letter, but it kind of does sound like you're bragging about all the sex you're getting. And I thought one night stands. I thought you guys didn't like one night stands, and I thought they were just that one night. But now you're tripping, You have anxiety making it hard for you to perform. Why don't you just leave her alone? You can't do that, can you? And she's not too young for you just because she's fifteen years younger, she's thirty seven, she's too much for you. She's obviously not the normal sex kind of woman. So unless you can continue to keep up with her sex capades, she's probably gonna be out when she gets bored. But isn't that what you used to do? You said that you used to love them and leave them. M M. Doesn't feel good when the shoe is on the other foot, now, does it, does it? I think you should just, you know, let her go because you can't keep up with her she's way too much for you. Your sister in law knew it, and here we are. You can't perform the way you want to perform. Leave her alone. She's too much, Steve. Yeah, nice trash, Shirley. You know. No, I'm not going on with your answers, but I could tell you are very uncomfortable responding to this letter right here. I, on the other hand, have no problem with this type of letter. I want to thank the brother for writing in loving in all the wrong places here. He said he was ashamed to even be right and then asked me not to judge him. You're not getting here with what offenning do we do? You said, I got a new show. Judge, Steve am I not gonna judge you, boy. That's what this letter is about. Now, you fifty two lady friend um, fifteen years younger than me, younger than you. You went out on a blind date. Now here's what was confusing to me. Uh I met it was a blind date and my brother's wife set it up as a joke. What was the joke? I didn't I didn't get the joke because she knows you could be a womanizer, right, She set this date up as a joke. I don't get the joke. Well, if you're a womanizer, and this is a kind of woman she's setting you up with, you ought to be able to handle it. Womanizers love them and leave them. Okay, Well I would love them and leave them. That's what I used to do. Love, but I wanted what I used to do. You d frick Then, I ain't eyes on you. It was whatever games r oh. I had to lean back. I didn't even see that coming. As soon as I read that line, I would love them and leave them. You can't love boy. I took a drink of water right then I almost to do you. Yes, I ain't eyes on you down all right, hold that note, Hold that note? Oh he think he loving in the wrong places? I have some suggests. Okay, all right, when we'll let part two of Steve's response coming up with twenty three minutes after be our today's strawberry letter subject loving and all the Wrong Places. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Loving and all the Wrong Places is the subject? Well, your voice is tiring from all that hollering. Oh that ain't nothing to me. Should one more time? Hey, chilly o command, you won't even want to stand see now, you you you you mean what Tommy used to do? Notes and stuff? And then he called because that throw him off. I live my life, Holly, See Charlotte. I'm from the hood and I was skinned, and when we moved to West Virginia, they used to jump on us all the time because we used ther kids from the country. I used to run at top speed, holling for my two brothers. Okay, all right, imagine running top head back, knees up by your chain, all stroking Holly somebody. So you know I've had my whole life like that. Anyway, he went on to meet this woman and they had sex on the first night. Uh. She was straight up and saying she was ready to get to the good part. Oh. We finished eating and she asked if I had any condo. I thought she was amazing. I didn't expect to be anything but one night stand. But I was so amazed at what she did to me and where she did it. I kept coming back from more. The first night, she took me down by the lake behind the restaurant. We had sex on picnic table. That ain't nothing. I don't I don't even know what that is. That ain't at the picnic table. You know, didn't he trusting him? She said, on the table, it probably looked like we were just hugging and kiss him. But I was all up under the drip. Oh okay, do you ain't saying nothing right now? You know you you fitted to Jen, Look Jenn, Shirley did say, they're just signding me like you just trying to brag about where you having all this sex that after that first night, we had relations a few times in her bedroom, in her bedroom and outside on her couch and everybody in the hand all that you ain't saying now, You ain't throwing nobody there and on her back patio and ain't a patio chair back there, ain't a lounger back there, Chase lounge back there, pushions back then. I'm trying to I have not impressed, but as usual a spontaneous encounter when we out in public. I've had sets in front of a hogware store in the garden department and have you, Sharley, just this bar right here, want to impress me. I have some ideas. You want to impress me. Tell me something I don't know nothing about. In the bathroom at a coffee shop, that's the restaurant. And who ain't who ain't been in the restaurantm who ain't been in the restaurant, coffee shop? Don't know the shop? What piece of hall of what? What kitchen at the brown Derby? What? What? What kitchen at the brown Derby? While they were cooking other people food? What worked there? I didn't work now I came in through the back. What are you talking about? No? In the coffee shop, woman knocking on the door, fuss to her up? Everybody wants you to her up. You in the bathroom, in my car, break or ain't been in the car? And one time after movies, but movies in the movie, making a movie, not making this in the movie, watching the movie, making a movie. And he fifted too, like all these like this is shocking to us. Now if you ain't, if you've been a little flower child on the wall and you ain't cute enough, you might have missed all these opportunities. But I was never cute. But I had conversation, Oh, flowing off my tongue like butterscott. I've been in some places sitting up in hill man. How about this right here, go down to basket and Robbins and do it on top of the ice cream. Show me, but go down to basket Robbins. Flavor that one flavor? Here, come third and two? Sitting up being here, you want to impress me, do it on the top of a fire hydrant. Now I'm amazed. Showed me something You ain't good. You ain't did. It's gonna hurt, I think. But what you want to impress somebody? But where you made love it? How about this right here? But you ain't never had love on the ladder while you was cleaning out the leaves of the gutter that you ain't had that wear that satang something on you to hand some sex like you like you just missed the love boy. You ain't missed the live boy. How about having sex on the coffee table with all hot coffee. Try you showed me something. You still go down to crack a barrel and get on top of the barrel. Now you're working. You want to impress me partly go down to the waffle house and standing next to the dude they're calling out the order and cooking it, braping that grease off that thing you have it six. It's a weird place there is. You didn't mean a little bit. Listen to post your comments if you're a womanizing like on top of the five Anti on the Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey. At them on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. I'm coming up with forty things after me Junior and sports Talk right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here's Junior now with Sports Talk. What you got Junior? Okay, Shirley, But tomorrow night, you gotta let the people know Dallas is here. Abra Fool's Comedy Jam at the Texas Trust, THEE and ticketmaster dot Com, earth Quake Bruce Bruce Bill Belling Me myself, Ryan Davis, and Chantey Ways. We're being to build it and it's gonna be a different type of show. No running up, please, you don't want to see us, Please, no running up on this show. Just let y'all know we're not We're not We're not doing that on this show. So see y'all tomorrow night. All right. You know, everybody has had a say in what happened after Oscar tween Will Smith and Chris Rock. The shocking thing is the people that saved it. OLDJ. Simpson even had something to say, Oh, I don't know why Old feel like he had to comment. He don't even know where to sit down. Just take a listen to what he said. But the question I've been getting this Will Smith from Chris Rock. Hey, look it was unfortunate. I think Will was wrong. Look I understood the feeling now in my life, I've been through a lot of the craft. When I was raising two young kids and every comedian in the country had an Old J routine. And don't think I wouldn't wanna be slap couple of those guys, But you got each up. It's it's humor. And I didn't even think that was all that ingresies. I thought it was a semi unfunny joke. But I don't know. I don't get it. I know this after what after me in Las Vegas. If I would have done that in front of a billion people watching around the world, they would have given me lights without I'm just saying it ain't take care. I don't mad at that one. Wait, wait, hold on, wait a minute, he said them out. Yeah, no, he said. The comedians had a routine about old Jay, and I just want to say he is he talked about slapping YouTube. Oh, let me just say so he's in ENGREGI just to none. Let me just say this about one thing about old Ja. Yeah, we all know what happened. If somebody disrespects who he thinks he's a woman, he go, he take her, he go way bash. People come up missing said it best. He'll be killing people and stuff. God if you say so, oh Jay, he thanks you to disrespecting head. We all know what happens. So I really it was actually on point though. Yeah you good right name you got something to say to steal your stuff back? Normal. I wrote a whole routine on him. Yeah he ain't. And I did this routine when I was party. That's not a sleep me then Lord, all right, thank you, Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour. We'll talk about little lies right after this. You're listening morning show. Little lies? All right, check this out, guys. W NBA star Sue Bird admitted that when she was a kid, she lied that NBA star Larry Bird was her uncle. It's like a famous story in my childhood, school and neighborhood that I lied and I would tell people he was my uncle. This is what Sue Bird told Insider. She said all the time. I mean I was like six or seven. So I feel like that that's excusable because she was a kid. She was a little kid when she said it. So here's the question, to you, Steve, to you, Tommy, to you Junior, do you have like a and we already know the answer to this, We just want to know what it is. But do you have an epic lie that you told when you were a kid? And how long did you stick with this lie? And did you ever come clean and tell the truth? Well they found yeah, like some major life. I thought it wasn't true, but it turned into a life. I told kids in the neighborhood that we had money, and they told me, and they told me talking about how y'all got money. Y'all lived next door to us. I see what we got it though, you stuck with it. I stuck with it, stuck with it. We didn't have no money. Yeah, I found out, Mama, we ain't got no damn money. Stopped telling them kids that I love your family. So I found that out. That's how that's the line stuck with we got money. Yea, Let's see mine is probably I dated a girl telling people I dated a particular girl, but really didn't date that girl, but just saying that she went to another school. Yeah, that was my girl right there. That's my girl right there. And then my best friend around the corner, like I just saw this girl the girl show with another dude. That is not your damn girlfriend. Girls telling them about that show. Girl, that ain't your girl. You know we're from technic, that ain't to how Wow, all right, Uncle Steve, it's so many I've been I don't even know what so many? Did you ever tell your parents a lie or your hair? I'll tell you one thing I didn't didn't. I didn't lie, but I just helped held it out. Oh. I was in sixth grade one time and I got misplaced in the school system. I went to school one day and they put me in uh special a kid called class for special special kids you know, you know back then they call them slow back then. And so I went in a special class. And after I got in there, the first day and I ain't seen none of my friends. And then came in the next day and I just knew everything. You know, dude, my hand just stayed up. You know. I was volunteering, you know, because I'm in sixth grade and you know what is three times three nine? And I'm just fine off, you know. So so we took a pop quiz and I ate it. I was through it. I'm looking around, like, why they're still right? Yeah? Man, he baby asked questions. So I stayed in there for about two weeks. All the pop quizes was aces. I sat on the front. I couldn't wait for her to ask any question. My hand was a first. And she took me down to the office and said, come with me, brother, And we went down to the office and she said, I'm not sure he's supposed to be here. And so they checked my records and they had put me in the wrong class. And I went right on back to that regular class and got them thees like I was posted Russian. Listen, I was in that special class. I was one of the greatest, one of my greatest school experiences. I was first time. I knew every damn thing talking. You wanted to stay you for anybody to know one four times four sixteen, I'm killing it was killing dog dog dog dogs. She couldn't get it out for I need funny team. Well, if more of the Steve Harvey Mornings Show coming up in twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this is in really weird news, guys. After a woman's husband of ten years died, she had the unpleasant task to informed the other woman, his mistress. In a TikTok video that wracked up over two million views Bridget Davis, the wife shares snippets of their text message exchange Uh F word. Okay, that's how she started it off. F word. I can't believe this. I can't I'm losing it. I can't do this again, he promised me. But then the mistress asked, can I go where he was buried? And the wife simply responds no. So here's a question. Do you think the wife should let the mistress go to the husband's grave. The wife didn't think. When you guys here, you don't know, y'all don't know. I guess The wife said, well, I'm gonna notified hooker. I ain't gonna be the only one sitting around here crying. I don't want to get down there. It's a it's another whole dude got and we don't. And that's probably for you. Old. Can I go where he's buried? You can't stay in God or no grave. But then if they don't tell you where the plot is that you have a walk through a graveyard looking for before Yeah, that's a sad as the plaque and was crying over the wrong grave one time. See, uh, we gotta move on. Coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll play around I would you rather right after this? You're listening to show? All right, guys, time now for a round of would you rather? Would you rather go back to your ex? Or repeat the entire year of twenty twenty bet covid all of that? I catch cod catch your foe down time. I ain't going back. But you're talking about I contested every single day before all these Q tips on my nose, way up your nose? Yeah, hit my brain. You go back to your back, what Steve, what did you weigh in? I didn't hear you go back to what weighing in? For? What? I want to hear what you have to say. I didn't hear. I picked Be for you said be. You didn't care what no matter what you damn go back to twenty twenty. We can go back to nineteen twenty if you want to. And that was very unpleasant for Black. Before I go back. You believe that right there? Whatever else you got, you you take anything. You put a twenty on anything you will. Will you go back to twenty Yes, when you go back twenty years back, he was just taking twenty thousands. Yes, all right, I think we got it. Now. Would you leave her time? Yes? Would you rather own a cat that barks? Or would you rather own a dark dog that me out? Cat that barks or dog that me out? Yeah? I don't want no poks dogs. And the thing I got this big ass dog. He hurts the people out of this house either way, home scale of both of them. Junior. Yeah, take the cat, because you know we gotta least make the needs make the robber feel intimidated to coming in him, all right? Would you rather only be able to yell? Or would you rather be only only able to whisper what you're saying all the time, all the time, all the time. Whisper all the time, even when summer, even when something that need to be loud got to be said. You have to make it. But you yelling though. If y'all don't get you, if y'all don't go jump, y'allass up and down on that couch right now, Hey man, preach past, I'm probably gonna have to whisper. Coming up, coming, coming up. It's forty nine minutes after the hour. We'll do our last break of the day and have some clothing remarks from the one and at least Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Thursday. Good. I'm saying it's so hard I knocked the Michael boy. I'm thinking that today's the last day and a month of March. This is it? Is it? Yeah, it's time to be a fool boy, It's time to be fool yet nine more months till Christmas. I think we should have like National slap Day. Now, don't you think you just go up and this man? See this is why this, this is the very reason I don't think they'll give you a show because see you don't. You're gonna you're gonna mess mess all your money making statements like that. Why because you know, good in hell welle high it's gonna go if you slap the wrong damn person and the majority of the people are the wrong people to slap. Well, you know, it's kind of like like Saint Patrick's Day. You know, back in the day when you didn't wear green, you get pinched, you know, so national sla But wait a minute, but I didn't care if I want green or not. Don't pinch me. Yeah, though, all all you went to white school. Yeah, I'm gonna shore you that right there. I ain't eve never heard that. You ain't never heard of Tommy in my life, I've never heard of that. We didn't even pay attention to Saint Patty's Day. Let me tell you something, I swear to you. I didn't even understand Saint Patty's dayntil I went to college and the white kids were celebrating Saint Patrick's Day green being all like that. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't know what they was talking about. Grown up in Chicago, it was there was no way you could ignore it. Yeah, they turned the Chicago River green. They would die yet. Yeah, Ferris Bueller's that movie. Fer I was doing St. Patrick's back, Yeah, yeah in Chicago and asked me that I see that movie. Oh god, Bueler's Day Off, Steve, I don't even know what that. What are you talking about? Good Bueller for a year? Come out eighty six six, Hey, just got in eighty five. I was hustle, mold so hard, struggle huh oh girl, girls, And and you know what was creating the most struggle in my life? And I had to finally admit it as I got older. What was I was trying to figure it out? And I know that sounds because everybody at the point in their life is trying to figure it out. When you figure it, when you get this understood that the figuring out part does not belong to you, it can really change your life drastically. It took me a long time to stop trying to figure it out and finally seeing what God had already figured for me and then aligned myself to that. That was the biggest change for me. But I spent so much of my life trying to figure it out on my own and I and boy was I making some mistakes. Oh my god, Oh my goodness, while they were for a reason. Absolutely, you ain't mistakes like we just got to looking at Thank god, you haven't done that. You ain't made mistake. So timing, So tell us about this private jet. You got what happened? Now? I know you got no I know you didn't just do that. Man, I know you love money A long time. Time. Is flew in this morning, I flew in on the private jet. Oh y'all, y'all ain't seen the pictures. We saw it. Okay, y'all saw it. Look at the yall ain't got no questions about it. Look at the two yards. You're handling it. You're answering that ain't handling it. Yeah, you're doing good. Sometime you was on the private jet? What what hell? Keep on? I'm gonna slapp you. Keep on now, you keep You already know how that's gonna So we're just going with this question about this damn private jet. You already know your uncle, You already know how that's gonna go. So come on, let's go. What how about this private jet? That is I flew on a private jet. That's not my private jet. You know I don't have a private jet, but I was, well, you send the pictures I sent you were you made it? I thought that wasn't what hell have I'm own it? I might well ball like his man? What what? Yeah? I mean, I mean what nobody else on it? What we think? Right? I congratulation? But then but then, but then hold up? You hear what the caption say, I'm on my weight like I'm exactly that in just a second. Yeah you know what? No what no baggers claim or nothing? You understand? I just yeah, I just stunting. Okay, I'm gonna ask a classic Tommy questions, Oh, how how much did it cost? Tommy? That's disrespectful to ask somebody how much something called? You don't? You know you don't do that. You do it all the time. The important question the luggage you had di didn't look like it was supposed to be on the pride it was it wasn't it wasn't matching. That's what day I give away. And the name only logging Luga Luga lugging. Oh way, Oh good, hey, listen, y'all, let'sten for the day. Y'all have a great day. Oh and I failed to mention to you. I want you to hear this clearly talk to God everybody he'd love to hear. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void ware prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steven Show